Peabody Museum of Natural History New Haven, Ct. 06520

Postilla Number 176

3 May 1979

A New Aquatic Eosuchian from the Newark Supergroup (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic) of North Carolina and Virginia

Paul Eric Olsen

Received 13 October 1977 Abstract

Tanytrachelos ahynis (n.gen., n. sp.) is a lepidosaur from the Late Triassic Dan River Group (Newark Supergroup) of North Carolina and Virginia. The new reptile has gracile proportions similar to Tanystropheus (Middle Triassic) and is referred to the family Tanystropheidae of the suborder Prolacer- tiformes. Unlike Tanystropheus, Tanytrach- elos has relatively short cervical vertebrae bearing splintlike ribs anteriorly and plowshare-shaped ribs posteriorly. The species is much smaller than Tanystropheus and has long straight ribs fused to the most distal dorsal vertebrae and proximal caudal vertebrae. The associated fish and nonmarine invertebrate fauna and flora suggest that the age of the Tanytrachelos-bearing horizon is Middle Keuper (Carnian of the Late Triassic).


The Newark Supergroup (Olsen, 1978; Van Houten, 1977) consists of thick continental Sequences preserved in discrete basins ex- posed in the Piedmont province of eastern North America from Nova Scotia to South Carolina. Despite the great geographic area involved and the considerable time repre-

© Copyright 1979 by the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. All rights reserved. No part of this publication, except brief quotations for scholarly purposes, may be reproduced without the written permission of the Director, Peabody Museum of Natural History.

sented by the Newark (at least. Late Triassic through Early Jurassic, Olsen and Galton, 1977), knowledge of this interval’ has been very sketchy, primarily because it was thought to be fossil poor.

This negative concept had to change in 1974, when a locality in the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation of the Dan River Group [Newark Supergroup of North Carolina and Virginia (Thayer, 1970)] was discovered (Fig. 1). This site has yielded many skeletons

ree 100km,

Fig. 1

Map of southeastern United States showing extent of Newark Supergroup Rocks. A, Dan River Group; B, Davie County Basin; C, D, E, Durham, Sanford, and Wadesboro Basins of Chatham Group; F, Farmville Basin and minor basins to the south; G, Scottsville Basin; H, Richmond Basin; /, Taylorsville Group; J, Culpeper Basin; K, Gettysburg Basin; L, M, N, O, P, Q, Newark Supergroup rocks inferred to exist below the Coastal Plain sediments.

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of small reptiles, reptile footprints, five genera of fish, abundant insects, other arthropods, and arich megafossil flora (Olsen, etal., 1978) constituting a reasonable representation ofa large Late Triassic lake. In this lake lived abundanttanystropheid lepidosaurs and their remains form the basis for this report.

Prior to the discovery of the Cow Branch reptile, the family Tanystropheidae was defi- nitely known only from the marine Middle Triassic Tanystropheus (Peyer, 1931). This form is characterized by an extremely long neck and skeleton with a number of lizardlike features: the resemblance has suggested to some (Wild, 1973) that Tanystropheus was, in fact, a true lizard. Recent advances in our understanding of lizard phylogeny (Gow, 1975; Carroll, 1977) suggest that Tany- stropheus is closely allied to the lizardlike family Prolacertidae, and that true lizards have had a completely independent history. It now seems that the prolacertilians (includ- ing Tanystropheus) underwent a radiation of their own culminating in the Middle Triassic, prior to their replacement by aquatic true lizards, plesiosaurs, and archosaurs.

A comparison of the diminutive Cow Branch tanystropheid, certainly lacustrine, with the giant (ca. 6 m) Tanystropheus, found in marine deposits, points up the differing sorts of trophic strategies presentin closely related species living in different environments. In fact, many of the gross morphological differ- ences between the new reptile and Tany- stropheus are such that one could be ~“de- rived” from the other by relatively simple geometric transformations; hence, a number of interesting evolutionary interpretations come to mind (Gould, 1977). These interpre- tations, as well as the functional anatomy and ecological relationships of the new reptile will be dealt with in a separate work. Now, however, it is appropriate to present a brief diagnosis and description of this tany- stropheid to facilitate further work and reference.

Material and Methods The material for this work consists of more than 100 skeletons in various states of

completeness from a single locality (see below) in the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation.

All of the skeletons are preserved as black or silvery compressions on black or gray lami- nated dolomitic siltstone; their preparation is hindered by a thin covering of this siltstone. it can be cleaned off by several weeks of soak- ing in dilute acetic acid (ca. 15%) followed by careful removal of the matrix by the “air- brasive” method. Two specimens have been prepared in this manner, three required no preparation. The majority of the findings pre- sented in this paper are principally based on these five specimens.

A Note on the Locality

The owners of the Tanytrachelos locality have been extremely cooperative but do not want the position of the site to become common knowledge; therefore, a code will be used for the locality data, the key to which is recorded in the archives of the Yale Peabody Museum (Olsen, 1978a). The first reptile specimens were found in displaced boulders that were later traced to their origin. Both the area of displaced boulders and the extensive expo- sures that produced them are termed CB1. A number after CB1 indicates the exact strati- graphic position of the fossil or fossiliferous unit, and a letter after that gives the geo- graphic location. The locality designation for the area of displaced boulders is CB1-A (no stratigraphic position) and those of four col- lecting sites along a single horizon are CB1- 2-B, CB1-2-C, CB1-2-D, and CB1-2-E (see Fig. 9). The quarry from which most of the material was recovered 1s at CB1-2-D. Sev- eral specimens have also been recovered from units CB1-3 and CB1-16 from the same large exposure as CB1-2-B through CB1-2-E.

Systematic Paleontology

Class Reptilia

Subclass Lepidosauria

Order Eosuchia

Suborder Prolacertiformes

Family Tanystropheidae Gervais, 1858

3 A New Aquatic Eosuchian Postilla 176

Peers fcres Perk rte A

\ ss

Fig. 2 The type specimen of Tanytrachelos ahynis (YPM 7496) A, line drawing, scale 2 cm; B, photograph, Scale in mm,

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Family Definition: Small (18cm) tovery large (6 m) lepidosaurs, with an elongate body and neck. Skull diapsid with incomplete jugal arch; orbits large and lower jaw slender. 12 cervical, 13 dorsal, 2 sacral, and up to 46 caudal vertebrae, all amphicoelous (in Tany- stropheus) or procoelous (in Tanytrachelos). Cervical and anterior dorsal ribs dicephalous, but capitulum reduced on posterior dorsal rips. Last two or three dorsal vertebrae with straight ribs fused to the centra. Interclavicle quadrangular, clavicles bladelike; coracoids oval: scapular sublunate. Forelimbs consid- erably shorter than hind; manus with short metacarpals anda phalangeal formula of 2, 3, 4, 4, 3. Pelvic girdle of general lepidosaur nature with a large thyroid fenestra. Hind limbs long; pes with a large calcaneum and astragalus; metatarsal V hooked and short; proximal phalanx of V elongate; pes pha- langeal formula 2, 3, 4, 5, 4. Gastralia nu- merous with each element composed of four pieces forming a“V" in shape. Paired, triangu- lar heterotopic bones present alongside the fourth through sixth caudal vertebrae in some specimens.

As defined here the family Tanystropheidae includes Tanystropheus, Tanytrachelos (n.gen.), possibly Cosesaurus (Ellenberger and de Villalta, 1974) and an undescribed reptile from India (Cruickshank, 1972). Distribution: Anisian-Landinian (Middle Triassic), Central Europe; ?Anisian, eastern North America; Middle Triassic, Middle East and India; Late Carnian (Late Triassic), east- ern North America.

Tanytrachelos, new genus

Type Species: Janytrachelos ahynis, new and only known species.

Distribution: Late Triassic (Late Carnian) of south-central Virginia and central North Carolina.

Diagnosis: Same as for species, see below. Etymology: Jany (Greek), Jong; trachelos

(Greek), neck. Name suggested by John H. Ostrom.

Tanytrachelos ahynis, new species

Type: YPM (Yale Peabody Museum).7496, a nearly complete Type A individual, missing both pedes and posterior portion of tail. Local- ity CB1-2-C. Note that “Type A” or “Type B” refer to the presence of a presumably sexually dimorphic character (see Fig. 2).

Hypodigm: YPM 7491, large Type B, missing neck and skull. Anterior portion of trunk dis- articulated. Locality CB1-A.

YPM 7702, complete small Type A. Locality CB1-A.

YPM 7485, Type A, missing tail and most of skull. Locality CB1-A.

YPM 7484, Type B, with good trunk, neck, and proximal portion of tail. Locality CB1-2-B, weathered zone.

YPM 7644, Type B, missing tail, legs, and skull. Locality CB1-2-B, weathered zone. YPM 7490, Type B, missing portion of trunk.

Locality CB1-2-C.

YPM 7492, partially disarticulated specimen. Locality CB1-2-C.

YPM 7498, Type A, missing part of neck. Lo-

cality CB1-2-C.

YPM 7494, large Type A, missing part of neck and skull. Locality CB1-2-C.

YPM 7486, Type B, missing distal parts of hind limbs and tail. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7487, Type B, missing anterior portion of skeleton. Locality CB1-2-D

YPM 7488, excellent neck. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7489, Type A, missing one pes and distal portion of tail. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7495, Type A, missing anterior portion of skeleton. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7497, Type B, missing skull and one leg. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7498, Type B, fragmentary skeleton. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7499, Type A, fragmentary skeleton. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7540, pes and distal part of tibia and fibula. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7541, anterior three-quarters of skeleton preserving outline of soft tissue. Missing tail and both feet. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7542, fragmentary skeleton with good pes. Locality CB1-2-D.

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Table 1.

Some selected measurements of Tanytrachelos ahynis.

Sex refers to whether it is

a Type A or Type B individual.

(See "Discussion" in text.)

Measurements are

averages of left and right limb bones and several dorsal vertebrae.

ok 7496 7485 T7487 ThOL 7493 7621 7622 "Sex" A A B B A A A Length (mm ) Dorsal vertebrae ba0 4.8 v0) Guy Teall 652 Lo Femur 2120 SShHS THES) 35.2 exer 6) 50.5 ESS Tibia 20.5 1569 aA ios OR a5 21.4 1.540 Metatarsal III ion 11.0 oe 18.0 15 iby, 13.4 Humerus elegy) ea ae 29.0 24.6 25.0) ONY. Ulna LOD pile ae 14.0 10.0 12.0 OWS

YPM 7612, fragment of trunk and pectoral gir- dle. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7615, Type B, complete skeleton. Local- ity CB1-2-D.

YPM 7617, parts of several individuals. Local- ity CB1-2-D.

YPM 7618, Type A, missing pectoral girdle, forelimbs, neck, skull, and tip of tail.

YPM 7619, Type B, missing head and end of tail. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7620, articulated humerus, radius, and ulna. Locality CB1-2-D

YPM 7621, Type A, excellent disarticulated skeleton, missing tail tip and skull. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7622, Type A, lacking most of skull, one foot, and end of tail. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7623, Type B, missing tail tip. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7626, Type A, missing skull and tail. Lo-

Cality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7628, Type A, missing skull and tail. Lo-

Cality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7629, Type B, complete skeleton. Local- ily. CBi22-D,

YPM 7680, Type B, complete skeleton. Local- ity CB1-2-D.

YPM 7632, impression of anterior portion of skeleton. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7633, Type A, pelvis and legs. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7649, Type A, missing neck, head, and tail end. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7482, very good skull and anterior por- tion of body. Locality CB1-2-E, weathered zone rubble.

YPM 7501, 7502, poor fragments. Locality CB1-A.

YPM 7614, 7625, 7631, 7611, 7634, 7635, 7637, 7638, 7639, 7640, 7641, 7642, 7643, 7645, 7647, 7648, 7650, 7651, 7652, 7653, 7654, fragments. Locality CB1-2-D.

YPM 7483, fragment. Locality CB1-2-E, weathered zone rubble.

YPM 8172, fragmentary skeleton. Locality CBi-3,

YPM 8178, good partial skeleton missing dis- tal part of tail. Locality CB1-3.

YPM 8075, fragment. Locality CB1-16.

Horizon: Upper member of the Cow Branch Formation, Dan River Group, Newark Super- group. Most specimens from laminite (Divi- sion 2) of cycle number CB1-2, at localities CB1-2-B through CB1-2-E, or from rubble (locality CB1-A) presumably from cycle number CB1-3. Several specimens have been removed from in situ in CB1-3. Position

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of the units is about 540 m above the base of the upper member of the Cow Branch Forma- tion. One possible specimen is from cycle number 16(CB1-16, about 415m above base of the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation).

Etymology: a (Greek), with hynis (Greek), plow, in reference to the plowsnare-shaped cervical ribs

Diagnosis: Small, gracile tanystropheid skull as for family, with large orbits. Teeth closely spaced, sharply pointed, with the- codont or subthecodont emplacement. Neck nearly as long as trunk. Vertebrae procoelous with 12 cervicals, 13 dorsals, 2 sacrals, and at least 25 caudals. Cervical vertebrae 3-6 with closely parallel splintlike ribs, the posterior extension of which is about two vertebrae in length. Cervical vertebrae 7-12 with shorter, plowshare-shaped ribs that become larger on posterior vertebrae. Anterior dorsal ribs di- cephalous, posterior dorsal ribs single- headed. Last two or three dorsal vertebrae bear long but slender, slightly anteriorly di- rected transverse processes, but seemingly no ribs. Anterior caudal vertebrae with long transverse processes that shorten and disap- pear by the sixth or seventh caudal. Total length of tail about twice that of trunk. Pectoral

and pelvic girdle as for family. Forelimbs rela-

tively short: humerus 0.84 length of femur, ulna 0.46 length of humerus. Hind limbs long: femur 5.2 length of single dorsal ver- tebra, tibia 0.68 length of femur. Pes very large with third metatarsal 0.79 length of tibia with structure as for family (proportions based on Table 1). Differs from Tany- stropheus principally in having procoelous vertebrae, shorter cervical vertebrae, plow- shaped posterior cervical ribs, relatively longer hind limb and pes, and amuch smaller maximum size.


The fossil record of lepidosaurs is replete with cases of apparent iterative evolution of characters and trends in characters; for

example, Carroll (1977) and Robinson (1975) have shown that a hooked fifth metatarsal, once thought to be of considerable phylo- genetic importance (Goodrich, 1916), was probably independently derived four times in different phyletic groups. Likewise, Robin- son (1973) and Gow (1975) have demon- strated that the incomplete jugal arch, so characteristic of lizards, evolved (in slightly different ways) ina minimum of two additional, nonlizard lineages. Clearly, differentiating the phylogenetic significance of the charac- ters visible in Tanytrachelos is beyond the scope of this preliminary description; it would require the examination of the rest of the rep- tiles. Due to the nature of the material, fur- thermore, the characters visible on Tany- trachelos are gross morphologic ones, de- tails of bone articular surfaces, braincase morphology, and even skull-bone shape are obscured in the presently prepared material. Therefore, for this work, a cladistic approach (in the sense of Schaeffer, Hecht, and El- dredge, 1972) will be used in which the characters relevant to the relationships of Tanytrachelos are listed at each level of com- parison in the classificatory hierarchy. The distribution of these characters in the relevant sister groups are documented by Goodrich (1916), Robinson (1973, 1975), Gow (1975), and Carroll (1977).

Tanytrachelos can be distinguished from Tanystropheus, its presumed nearest relative, by the following uniquely derived characters (with respect to its suborder): procoelous ver- tebrae, very large plowshare-shaped ribs on the posterior cervical vertebrae (Figs. 2, 4, 5) and long straight ribs fused to the last three posterior dorsal vertebrae and anterior caudal vertebrae (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5). There are three obvious characters that are shared by Tany- trachelos and Tanystropheus (and possibly Cosesaurus) and no other reptiles known to this author: a short metatarsal with an elon- gate (metapodiallike) proximal phalanx on digit V (Figs. 3, 4); crescent-shaped heterotopic bones lateral to the proximal caudal vertebrae [in Type A individuals (Figs. 2, 3, 4)]; and a vertebral count of 12 cervicals and 13 dorsals. These are apparently shared, derived characters which unite Tanystroph-

ih A New Aquatic Eosuchian

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Fig. 3

Tanytrachelos ahynis. A, posterior portion of YPM 7621, Type A; unprepared portions in black—scale 4 om: B, skull of YPM 7402; note shape of jugal— scale 0.5 cm; C, Pes of YPM 7540; note short, hooked metatarsal V and elongate proximal phalanx of V—scale 1 cm. Abbreviations: cv,

eus and Tanytrachelos as sister genera in the family Tanystropheidae Gervais, 1895. The families Prolacertidae (Macrocnemus and Prolacerta) and Tanystropheidae have the same general arrangement of skull bones (Fig. 3), ahooked metatarsal V (Figs. 2 and 4), and an incomplete jugal arch. These shared, derived characters (with respect to other eosuchians) illustrate that these two families are probable sister groups to be included in the suborder Prolacertiformes (Gow, 1975). | feel, however, that the characters that estab- lish the family Tanystropheidae do not justify the formation of the separate and redundant suborder Tanysitrachelia (Peyer, 1931). Ac- cording to Gow (1975) the Prolacertiformes are related to the basal stock of the archo- Saurs and presumably would, therefore, belong in the order Eosuchia, as defined by Carroll (1977).

As noted by Carroll (1977) procoelous ver- tebrae evolved in parallel at least twice in the true lizards. The procoelous condition is also Present in Tanytrachelos and this character

caudal vertebra; dv, dorsal vertebra; f, femur, fi, fibula; hp, heterotopic bones of the Type A ? hemipenes; il, ilium; is, ischium, j, jugal,N, bones of the left manus; mt V, metatarsal of digit V, Pp, pubis; sv, sacral vertebrae; t, tibia; /, digit |, V, digit V.

could be cited as evidence of relationship between Tanytrachelos and the lizards. | feel, however, that the three derived characters (the unique pes, vertebral count, and hetero- topic bones) that Tanytrachelos shares with Tanystropheus effectively demonstrate that this procoelous condition is a convergent de- velopment within the Tanystropheidae. It

is yet another example of the complexity

of iterative character states in diapsids and their derivatives.

The association of Tanytrachelos with numerous fossil fishes, a lacustrine insect as- semblage, abundant branchiopods, and phyl- locarids (Olsen, et al., 1978) suggests It was aquatic as Wild (1973) believes was the case for Tanystropheus. The general proportions and limb morphology of Tanytrachelos are consistent with this interpretation.

Some of the specimens of Tanytrachelos preserve traces of soft tissue and body outline as a thin, silvery film. YPM 7541 shows this best (Fig. 5) and illustrates that the skin of the limbs is smooth, whereas that of the belly (and

8 A New Aquatic Eosuchian Postilla 176

Fig. 4

Tanytrachelos ahynis. A, YPM 7622; Type A; scale 2 cm.; B, YPM 7491; Type B; scale 4 cm. Both speci- mens unprepared.

Fig. 5 Tanytrachelos ahynis, YPM 7541: Shaded area rep- resents preserved traces of soft tissue. Scale 2 cm:

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or back) is granular in texture. No direct evi- dence of webbing of the pes has been found although it seems likely that the feet were webbed in life.

About half of the specimens inall size class- es of Tanytrachelos have a pair of anteriorly Curved, triangular heterotopic bones lateral to Caudal vertebrae 4 through 6 (Figs. 2, 3, 4). Similar structures occur in Tanystropheus, and Wild (1975) believes they might be the analogue of the mammalian baculum for the reptilian hemipenes. But since these struc- tures are not found in other reptiles, it may be they served another function, such as support for an egg (embryo?) pouch in the female. Because of this uncertainty, for the purposes of this paper the individuals with these struc- tures will be termed Type A and those without them Type B (see ‘“Hypodigm’"’).

The Lockatong Formation of the Newark Basin (Fig. 6) is lithologically similar to and

cote 9 (7p) SUBORDER PROLACERTIFORMES o) = tr ae FAMILY TANYSTROPHEIDAE TANYTRACHELOS = , \ QD \ io) Awe 34 < 3 iva = FAMILY PROLACERTIDAE WwW a MACROCNEMUS Q Me TANYSTROPHE = Tx ( one 9) We H iep) cs c i p iva < Ww Kal ee Fig. 6

Diagram of the hypothetical cladistic relationships within the Prolacertiformes, including Tanytrach- Glos (n.gen.), showing the earliest known occur- rences (dots at ends of lines).

approximately contemporaneous with the Cow Branch Formation (Olsen, et al., 1978). The Lockatong has produced an exception- ally diverse variety of small reptiles, and these were examined to determine their relation- ship, if any, to Tanytrachelos. Icarosaurus, from the lower Lockatong of North Bergen, New Jersey, is a kuehneosaurid lizard with marked adaptations for flight and is so differ- ent from Tanytrachelos that no further con- sideration need be given it. Rhabdopelix (Cope, 1870) is a composite of several indi- viduals (if not several taxa) of small reptiles, some of which may be related to /carosaurus (Colbert, 1966). Gwynnedosaurus (Bock, 1945) is from the same locality as Rhab- dopelix. A redescription of Gwynnedosaurus will be given elsewhere; however, it should be noted that some of the bones of Rhabdopelix figured by Cope (1870) are nearly identical to portions of Gwynnedosaurus. The latter has a partially emarginate scapulocoracoid and could be atrue lizard. These two genera, then, are not closely allied to Tanytrachelos. Colbert (1966) mentions several undescribed small reptiles from the same locality as /Carosaurus. One of these, AMNH 1721, has amphicoe- lous dorsal vertebrae (Colbert, 1966), and ofthe 13 vertebrae visible, at least 9 have very long transverse processes (or fused ribs) and unique-appearing gastralia; so it is not rele- vant. Another, AMNH 7206, consists of a small disarticulated skeleton in association with a large amount of scattered Diplurus newarki (coelacanth) material. The bones present are of a generalized lepidosaurian nature, and no diagnostic elements are obvious; it cannot be completely ruled out that this reptile might be Tanytrachelos. Finally, AMNH 7282 is asmall, very fragmentary reptile with only proximal caudal vertebrae and some elongate hemal arches preserved. The caudal vertebrae bear high, anteriorly directed neural spines and very short transverse processes. This, too, cannot be Tanytrachelos. Thus, despite the presence of at least five taxa of small reptiles in the Lockatong, positive evidence for the presence of Tanytrachelos is lacking. In marked contrast, the fish faunas of the Lockatong and Cow Branch Formations

are nearly identical (Olsen, et al., 1978).

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A possible Tanytrachelos relative is Cose- saurus (Ellenberger and de Villalta, (1974) from the upper Muschelkalk of Spain. It has very gracile proportions, a pointed snout, and large orbits. Ellenberger and de Villalta be- lieve Cosesaurus to be a ‘proto-bird.” From what can be seen of the pes, vertebral count, and pectoral girdle in the published photo- graphs, it is more likely to be a primitive member of the Tanystropheidae as defined here. It differs from Tanytrachelos in the less specialized nature of the cervical ribs, shorter transverse processes on the anterior caudal vertebrae, and a somewhat proportionally longer tibia and fibula. The pes (again from the photographs) seems to have the short metatarsal V and the elongate proximal phalanx typical of tanystropheids.

Distribution of the Tanystropheidae

As defined above, the family Tanystropheidae comprises at least Tanystropheus and Tany- trachelos. Tanystropheus is known from the upper Buntsandstein (Middle Triassic, Anisian) of Germany (Ortlam, 1967), the Muschelkalk of Central Europe, the Grenz- bitumenzone (Anisian-Ladinian) of Southern Europe, and the Middle Triassic of Israel. Re- cently, Donald Baird (personal communica- tion) identified Tanystropheus sp. (Princeton University Number 22000) in a small assem- blage of reptiles and amphibians from the lower Wolfville Formation (Fundy Group of Newark Supergroup) of Lower Economy, Nova Scotia, Canada. Other elements of the fauna suggest an Early to Middle Triassic age for this locality. In contrast, Tanytrachelos is, of course, known only from the one Late Trias- sic locality in the southeastern United States described here. Cosesaurus—a possible tanystropheid—comes from the Spanish Mid- dle Triassic. One more tanystropheid may be the specimen mentioned by Cruickshank (1972) from the Yerrapalli Formation (Mid- dle Triassic—Kutty, 1969). If this is a tany- stropheid, it represents the only Gondwana example of the family. Thus, the distribution of the Tanystropheidae may be cosmopolitan

and members lived from early Middle Triassic through early Late Triassic.

Geology of the Tanytrachelos Locality

The Early Mesozoic Newark Supegroup (Olsen, 1978) consists of thick sections of nonmarine red, gray, and black sedimentary rocks and associated volcanics preserved in a number of elongate tectonic basins which are aligned with the regional trend of the Ap- palachian Mountains. Thirteen major basins containing Newark Supergroup rocks are ex- posed in the Piedmont Province of eastern North America; others are known to exist be- neath Atlantic Coastal Plain sediments and on the Continental Shelf (Olsen, in press; Jansa and Wade, 1975). The Dan River Group (Fig. 7) of the Newark Supergroup is exposed in cen- tral North Carolina and Virginia in the contig- uous Danville and Dan River Basins. Thayer (1970) has divided the Dan River Group into three interdigitating formations: the Cow Branch Formation, consisting of several large lenses of black and gray siltstone and sandstone; the Pine Hall Formation, composed of pink and buff sandstone, red, buff, and gray siltstone, and buff conglomerate; and the Stoneville Formation, made up of red and gray siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. Near Eden, North Carolina, 560 m of Pine Hall For- mation rests on the Pre-Newark metamorphic rocks, and is overlain by 600 m of the lower member of the Cow Branch Formation. This is succeeded by a 740 m tongue of Pine Hall Formation which is overlain by 710 m of the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation. Finally, 1130 m of Stoneville Formation overlie this.

To the north of Eden, the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation thickens considerably and consists of repetitive, coarsening-upwards cycles (Thayer, Kir- stein, and Ingram, 1970) similar to those in the Lockatong Formation of the Novacaes- area Group (Newark Supergroup of the Newark Basin). The modal cycle (one which best represents the observed section—Duff, Hallam, and Walton, 1967) is composed of three divisions (Fig. 8): 1) a basal platy, dark

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gray, often calcareous siltstone; 2) a middle finely laminated calcareous siltstone (lami- nite); and 3) an upper massive siltstone and sandstone. The source of most of the material of Tanytrachelos is Division 2 of a single cycle about 540 m above the base of the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation (CB1- 2). This is exposed for about 135 m along strike as part of a single continuous section in which 17 other cycles are exposed (Figs. 7, 8, 9). Two partial Tanytrachelos specimens have been found in unit CB1-3 near locality CB1-2-E (Fig. 9), and it seems likely that most of the material from rubble in CB1-A is from this unit. In addition, a small fragment

“| Stoneville Fm.

Cow Branch Fm. (upper mb.) é Stoneville Fm, - Pine Hall Fm. Cow Branch Fm. (lower mb.)

“1 Pine Hall Fm.



Fig. 7

A, Idealized section through the Dan River Group Near Eden, North Carolina; approximate position of the Tanytrachelos locality at a. B, Modal cycle for the upper Member of the Cow Branch Formation. C, Divisions of the modal cycle. D, Stratigraphic sec- tion at the Tanytrachelos locality showing position of reptile-bearing horizons (CB1-2, CB1-3, CB1-16). Division 2 of each cycle shown in black: cycles Numbered from top down, contrary to normal prac- tice, because of the uncertain number of cycles Near the base of the section.

which could be Tanytrachelos (YPM 8075) has been found in cycle CB1-16. Unfortu- nately, the specimen is too fragmentary for positive identification. It is clear, however, that the distribution of specimens of Tany- trachelos through several cycles shows that its density is not an isolated fluke of preser- vation but, rather, is characteristic of the

facies. =

cycle division




Fig. 8

Stratigraphic section at CB1-2-D. a, Black and dark gray micaceous siltstone and calcareous fine siltstone, showing some graded bedding and common conifer fragments. 6, Black, microlami- nated, calcareous siltstone containing Tanytrach- elos material along with well-preserved insects and crustaceans, numerous fossil fish and plants, and also a graded coarse siltstone bed near top of unit. C, Black siltstone, intensely slickensided and disturbed. d, Black pyritic, well-bedded siltstone with common slickensided bedding planes. e, Mi- crolaminated siltstone with numerous crumpled casts of a salt and with conifer stems. f, Gray, well- bedded siltstone with scour marks on bedding planes and large plant stems in growth position.

V2 A New Aquatic Eosuchian

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A x CBt2-D


Transgressions and regressions of a large lake in a slowly subsiding depositional basin could have resulted in the Cow Branchcycles (Olsen, et al., 1978). In particular, the Tany- trachelos layers (Division 2 of cycles CB1-

2, CB1-3, and CB1-16) were probably de- posited in the anoxic waters beneath the chemocline of a perennially stratified lake dur- ing its maximum transgression. Existing faunal and floral data (Olsen, et al., 1978 and Olsen, MS, 1978b) suggest that the upper member of the Cow Branch Formation corre- lates with the Lockatong Formation of the Newark Basin (lower part of Zone 1

of Olsen and Galton, 1977) and that these correlate with the German middle Middle Keuper (Late Carnian).


The scientific community is indebted to the owners of the Tanytrachelos locality for per- mission to collect specimens and carry out excavations on their property. Indeed, throughout the field work, they assisted in numerous ways, and it is largely due to their generosity that Tanytrachelos has been discovered

| thank Drs. Donald Baird, W. Bruce Cornet, Jr., Jean-Claude Gall, John H. Ostrom, John Rodgers, Hans-Dieter Sues, Keith S. Thom- son, and Karl M. Waage for many hours of discussion about the fauna, flora, and geol- ogy of CB1. Dr. Edwin H. Colbert kindly pro- vided photographs of two of the undescribed North Bergen reptiles (Lockatong Formation). Dr. Eugene S. Gaffney gave access to the third, and Dr. Earl Shapiro of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia loaned Gwynnedosaurus. The manuscript was read by Dr. Baird, Amy J. Litt, Dr. Ostrom, and Kevin Padian.

Fig. 9

The Tanytrachelos locality showing the positions of localities CB1-2-B through CB1-2-E and the posi- tions of the reptile-bearing portions of cycles CB1-2 (A) and CB1-3 (B). Distance from CB1-2-B to CB1-2-E is about 135 m. Note the flaggy nature of the beds. View is to the west

Is A New Aquatic Eosuchian Postilla 176

Stan P. Rachootin, and Dr. Thomson. Intro- Note Added While In Press duction to the owners was through Dr. PaulH. a aditional examination of AMNH 7206 Knappenberger, Jr. of the Virginia Museum of Science. Special thanks must go to Robert F Salvia and Robert Brombaugh who worked with me during the field work, often under extremely difficult conditions

Work was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation to Dr. Thom- son (BMS 74-07759) and grants from the Peabody Museum.

demonstrates the presence of the type of procoelous vertebrae and cervical ribs char- acteristic of Tanytrachelos. |In addition, ex- tremely well-preserved specimens of Tany- trachelos have been discovered in the lower Lockatong Formation of the Newark Basin at Weehawken, New Jersey. This points up the similarity between the the Cow Branch and Lockatong faunas and their sedimentary cycles (Olsen et al. 1978).

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The Author Paul Eric Olsen. Department of Biology,

Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520.