Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2010 witii funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/womanswhoswhoofaOOIeon EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD MRS. MATTHEW T. SCOTT, WaAington. D. C. Former PretideDt-General National Society Daughten o( the American Revolution MRS. SELDOM STUART WRIGHT. San FranciKo President National Society Colonial Dame* of America in the State of CaHfomia MISS MARY GARRETT HAY. New York City Preiident New York Slate Federation of Women's Clubt MISS EUZA GORDON BROWNING. Indianapolis Librarian of the Indianapolis Public Library DR. ZELLA ALLEN DIXSON, Chicago Librarian, Author, Lecturer (Head Univ. of Chicago Library, 1890-1911) MRS. W. W. KING, Kalorama. Staunton, Va. President Virginia State Federation of Women's Clubs MRS. NETTIE K. GRAVETT, Columbus, Ohio Former Stale Librarian of Colorado; now An't State Librarian of Ohio MRS. SAMUEL SEMPLE, Titusville, Pa. President State Federation of Pennsylvania Women MRS. THEODORE C. BATES, Worcester. Mass. Vice-Preddent-General National Society Daughters of the American Revolutioa MRS. WILUAM R. CHIWIS, St. Louis. Mo. President Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs WOMAN'S WHO'S WHO OF AMERICA A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1914-1915 JOHN WILLIAM LEONARD Editor- in - Ch ief NEW YORK THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH COMPANY Republished by Gale Research Company, Book Tower, Detroit, 1976 Copyright, 1914 BT THE AMEEICAN COMMONWEALTH CO. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Woman's who's who of America. 1. Women in the United States-Biography- Dictionaries. 2. Women in Canada-Biography- Dictionaries. I. Leonard, John WUham, 1849-1932, ed. CT3260.W65 1976 920.72'0973 74-6280 ISBN 0-8103-4018-6 PREFACE While the value of prefaces has often been seriously qneetloned, It would seem that the first publication of an original reference book filling a new and heretofor* unoccupied field calls for some kind of an introduction to explain Its reason for being, its aim and scope. The time has long passed since an apology was necessary for the publishing of a Who's Who. The idea originated in England about sixty years ago, but was kept in aristocratic bounds until about fifteen years ago, when Douglas Sladen, an Australian writer, revised the book and extended its scope into the useful British volume we know to-day. Meanwhile, this present writer had Americanized and democratized the idea in making the first Who's Who volume covering United States subjects. It met instant acceptance and recognition, and since that the books of that kind, which be has created, have become the most consulted books of reference in regard to contemporary American people that have ever been issued from the press. After coming to New York and engaging as editor for two editions of a Who's Who book relating to the notables of the Empire State, this writer became convinced that there was a need for a book of that kind which would deal entirely with women, and, with the late L. R. Hamersly, began to gather data for such a book. That venture was, however, soon after abandoned and never taken up again. Two years ago this present enterprise was projected and the writer was asked to undertake its editorial direction. To gather fresh and original data for approximately ten thousand brief biogra- phies involves much hard work and a strenuous campaign of research and inquiry, and the volume now presented represents two years of labor. The reasons for a Woman's Who's Who are many. The general puiblications of the Who's Who class give comparatively little attention to women. The one most consulted has data of a few hundred women mixed in with the biographies of about seventeen thousand men, but even of these women, outside of those engaged in literature and education, the number is almost negligible. Women's activities have increased by leaps and bounds. There is scarcely a single field of professional or intellectual endeavor which baa not been entered by women, and in which they have not made good. There are those living who can remember the first opening of the means of collegiate education to women. Now the higher education is pursued by as many women as men. Outside of the collegiate in- stitutions, there is a vast educative force in the thousands of women's clubs, found in all the cities and most of the villages and hamlets of the country, in which women are studying literature, civics, sociology, current events, or are otherwise attaining greater light and broader culture. With education has come ambition, and thus we find womanhood asserting itself not only in those activities somewhat loosely grouped under the name of "the feminist movement," but also in competition or association with men in those avenues of endeavor formerly regarded as essentially masculine. These activities and these movements, interesting in the mass, are the composite results of individual expression. The personalities behind them become objects of increasing interest, and it is the demand for Information as to the careers of those 21 who are leading in or contributing to woman's larger participation In the good causes and higher endeavors of our time, which this volume is Intended to supply. It gives biographic data and personal statistics about women nationally, sectionally and locally prominent in all parts of the United States and Canada, and is a new publication, freshly made from original data secured for it with much pains and great expense. Not a line of the biographical sketches in the book has been inserted from any financial consideration or because of any subscription past, present or prospective. This statement is made here, because there still seem to be a few people who have some mfsapprehension of the facts in this particular. Great care has been given to the securing of accuracy. Neither inerrancy nor Infallihility is claimed, and doubtless some errors may have crept in, but it is believed that very few will be found. As to inclusion and omission of names, there will no douht be criticism, the editor being quite aware that some have been omitted who should be included, for there are several such from whom or about whom no reliable data could be procured, and who have therefore been regretfully omitted. These cases are, however, very rare, and the publication is presented as one unique in its class, containing valuable reference information of which about ninety per cent, is not to be found in any other publication. It is, in fact, the only valuable and dependable compendium of information about contemporary American and Canadian women of comprehensive scope which has been published. The editor acknowledges, with deep gratitude, the letters of approval and encouragement which have come from ail parts of the country in regard to this book, and is deeply sensible, also, of the helpful suggestions received from the distinguished women who have acted as an Editorial Advisory Board, and from many others in all sections. The recognition of the need for such a volume has been almost unanimous, though a few (perhaps a dozen) women have written in dispraise of the plan of making a book entirely about women. Coming down to particulars, the volume contains brief personal sketches of 9644 women, of whom 6303 are or have been married, and 3341 are maidens. Every State in the United States and every Province in the Dominion of Canada is repre- sented. All the important lines of endeavor in which women engage (and their name is legion) have their exponents in these pages: the arts, sciences and pro- fessions, religion, missionary effort, education, philanthropy, charity, reform work, social service, literature, journalism, business, official life, club life, feminist activi- ties, and all the many ways in which women are working In and influencing the movements for progress, for higher ideals, for better living, for cleaner politics, and for social, educational and religious uplift It is hoped to make Woman's Who's Who of Amebica a reference book of permanent value and the one indispensable volume of reference for those seeking information about the contemporary women of the United States and Canada. It is the present intention to give the book such periodical revision as the demand may justify, and to this end suggestions of names and Improvements are Invited. John W. Leonabd. New Yoek, January 31, 1914. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE- Preface 21 A SUTFBAGE ReFEBENDUM 25 Deaths During Printing 31 Abbbbviations 27 Index of Mabbied Names 917 BlOGBAPHIES 33 Addenda 29 Educational Announcements 963 Business Announcements 965 INDEX TO EDUCATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Berlin School for Girls, Berlin, Germany 963 Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa 965 Carthage College, Carthage, 111 963 College of Saint Teresa, Winona, Minn 964 Conservatory of Saint Cecilia, Winona, Minn 964 Grafton Hall, Fond-du-Lac, Wis 964 Hendrix College, Conway, Ark 965 Home Coi-respondence School, Springfield, Mass 964 Lincoln Memorial University, Cumberland Gap, Tenn 965 Miss Sayward's School, Overbrook, Pa 964 National Cathedral School for Girls, Washington, D.C 963 Oriental University, Washington, D.C. 963 Ovid Musin's Virtuoso School of Violin, N.T. City 964 Saint Clare Seminary, Winona, Minn 964 Sargent Normal School for Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass, .... 963 Southern Female College, Petersburg, Va 965 Western College for Women, The, Oxford, Ohio 963 William South College, Geneva, N.Y. 963 Worcester Domestic Science School, Worcester, Mass 963 Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa 964 INDEX TO BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Booklovers' Library, The, Philadelphia 968 Lossing's History of the United States 966 Mathis Yacht Building Co., Camden, N.J 968 Oliver Typewriter Co., The, New York 967 Tabard Inn Book Company, The, Philadelphia 965 Tabard Inn Press, The, New York 966 A SUFFRAGE REFERENDUM In preparing the data-sheet for Woman's Who's Who of America, the editor realized that a very large proportion of the women interrogated would he interested, one way or tho other, in the suffrage question, which loomed conspicuously above the horizon of pu/blic interest. Since then the question has reached deeper interest. More States have granted the franchise to women, a new National party has put a wotnan-sufErago plank in its platform, and women themselves have become more and more active, somo in the proiKiiganda for, and others in opposition to, the further extension of the franchise to women. So far as it was possible to do so, WoMAjf's Who's Who or America has in this volume given expression to the individual views of the women, represented in It, on the suffrage question. Most of those interrogated made answer to the inquiry in regard to their sinnd on suffrage, but many did not. Somo frankly declared, themselves to be undecided, many ignored the question entirely, and several wrote letters asking that nothing be said about their suffrage views, for personal or business reasons. One said: "I'm in favor of it, but don't put that in, for my husband forbids it." This is the only Woman-Afraid-of-Her-Husband disclosed in the entire editorial correspondence. In a few cases the record on the suffrage question was changed in the proof on submission, two or three striking out favorable reference and noting as their reason for doing so the actions of the English militants, and as many others changing "against" to "for" as a result of change of convictions. Space did not permit the printing of elaboration of views in regard to the suffrage which many expressed, some quite vehemently, on each side of the propo- sition. Some of those opposed evidently expect dire results from woman suffrage, and one is recorded' as opposed to woman suffrage "on Scriptural grounds." Many cf those who favor woman suffrage have at the same time disclaimed any sympathy with militancy, although the attitude of a few is expressed by the Western woman who records herself as favoring woman suffrage and being "militant if necessary." Another, a Wyoming woman, tells the editor: "I've voted every election for thirty years and haven't been corrupted yet" Several of those interrogated express them- selves as in favor of limiting the franchise for men and women alike on educational or property qualifications. It occurred to the editor that an analysis might be made of the data on the subject as printed in the book which might be Informing upon the question as to whether the women of the country really desire tho franchise, and with that object in view he has carefully scanned tho pages to find out how many are for and how many are against woman suffrage. In tabulating the results, nothing has been taken into consideration except the record as printed. Those have been recorded as for suffrage who have either said so in those words, or have mentioned their membership in purely suffrage organiza- tions. In this classification the calculation has not included women who have recorded themselves as members of the Progressive or Prohibition parties without further reference to suffrage views, for though those parties have declared for suffrage for women, there are a few cases in which memibers of those parties have declared themselves as opposed or neutral on tho suffrage question. 26 Socialists have been counted on the suffragist side. Those who have declared them- selves as against woman suffrage, or as members of anti-suffrage organizations, or who propose to confine the franchise to school or municipal questions, or to tax- p&ying women, have been counted in the opposition to suffrage. On the other hand, those who believe in restricted suffrage for men and women alike have been counted in favor. In other words, the record, as made up, is of those for or against equal suffrage, eliminating sex as a discriminating qualification. The editor has compiled these figures from the printed record, even ignoring his i)ersonal knowledge, in those cases where no record has been printed, of the views of several of those who have been left out of the calculation. Those counted for woman suffrage aggregate 4787; those opposed, 773; those who have neglected to record themselves, including a very few who have gone on record as neutral, number 4084. The latter number is not made up of women entirely indifferent to the question. Some are, but among the others are some who would give little Information on any subject not professional, and some others who gave no data for this book, whose sketches have been written from personal memoranda which the editor has been privately collecting for the past four years for another purpose. As to the bearing of the figures disclosed by this analysis, it is not intended to comment here, but perhaps it is pertinent to state that not more than a hundred names, all told, of those used in the book, have been included solely for their prominence as exponents of either side of the suffrage question. ABBREVIATIONS A.A.A.S. . . . American Association for the Advancement of Science. A.B., OP B.A. . Baciielor of Arts. A.B.C.r.M. . . American Board of Commis- sioners for Foreign Mis- sions. Acad Academy. Agr., agr'l. . agriculture, agricultural. Ala Alabama. A.L.A American Library Associa- tion. Alta Alberta. Am American. A.M., or M.A. Master of Arts. Apr April. appt'd appointed. Ariz Arizona. Ark Arkansas. Ass'n Association. Asso Associate. ass't. ..... assistant Aug August. Av Avenue. b born. 8. A., pr A.B. Bachelor of Arts. B.Agr Bachelor of Agriculture. Bapt Baptist. B.Arch. . , . Bachelor of Architecture. B.C British Columbia. B'd Board. B.D Bachelor of Divinity. LL.B Bachelor of Laws. B'd'g Building. B.L., B.LItt or LItt.B. . . . Bachelor of Letters. B.S.L Bachelor of Library Science. Bout Boulevard. B.Pd. or Pd.B. Bachelor of Pedagogy. B. S., Sc.B., or Bachelor of Science. B.Sc. . . . Bull Bulletin. B.Y.P.U. . . . Baptist Young People's Union. Cal California. Can Canada. chm'n chairman. C.L.S.C. . . . Chautauqua Literary ajid Scientific Circle. Co Company, County. Coll College. Colo Colorado. Com Committee. Comm'n. . . . Commission. comm'r. . . . Commissioner. Conf Conference. Conn Connecticut. corr corresponding. C.8.A Confederate States Army. C.S.N Confederate States Navy. C.S.D Doctor of Christian Science. d died. dau daughter. D.Agr Doctor of Agriculture. D.A.R Daughters of the American Revolution. D.Arch. . . . Doctor of Architecture. D.C District of Columbia. D.C.L Doctor of Civil Law. D.D Doctor of Divinity. D.D.S Doctor of Dental Surgery. D.S., 8.D., or Sc.D Doctor of Science. Dec December. Del Delaware. Dem Democratic. Dep't Department. DIst District. Div Division. D.Litt.orL.H.D. Doctor of Literature. D.O Doctor of Osteopathy. E East. ed educated. Ed'n Education. Edn'l Educational. Exec Executive. Exp'n Exposition. Exp't Sta. . . Experiment Station. Feb February. Fed Federation. Fla Florida. Ft Fort. Ga Georgia. G-A.R Grand Army of the Republic. g.d granddaughter. gen general. Geneal Genealogical. Geog Geographic. G.F.S Girls' Friendly Society (of Protestant Episcopal Church.) Gov Governor. Gov't Government. grad graduated from. H.I., or H.T. . Hawaiian Islands or Hawaii Territory. Hist Historical. Homoe Homoeopathic. Hon Honorable. hon. mem.. . . hdiior.ary member. Hosp Hospital. la Iowa. Ida Idaho. Ill Illinois. Ind Indiana. Inst Institute. Inst'n Institution. Internal. . . . International. Instr Instructor. Jan January. J-D Doctor of Jurisprudence. Jour Journal. Kan Kansas. Ky Kentucky. La Louisiana, L.H.D., D.LItt., Doctor of Letters. or LItt.D. . . lieutenant. Ileut., or It. . . LItt.B., B.L., or Bachelor of Letters. B.LItt. . . . LL.B Bachelor of Laws. LL.D Doctor of Laws. LL.M Master of Laws. Luth Lutheran. m married. M.A., or A.M. Master of Arts. Mag Magazine. M.Agp Master of Agriculture. Man Manitoba. Mar March. Mass Massachusetts. Math Mathematical. M.B Bachelor of Medicine. WOMAN'S WHO'S WHO OF AMERICA iMd Maryland. IVI.D Doctor of Medicine. IVIe Maine. M.E Methodist Episcopal. Med Medical. Mem member. Met Metropolitan. Mf'g Manufacturing. mf'r manufacturer. mg'r manager. Mich. . . „ . . Michigan. Minn Minnesota. Miss Mississippi. M.L Master of Laws. Mll'e Mademoiselle. Mme Madame. Mo Missouri. Mont Montana. M.S Master of Science. Mt Mount. Mus. B Bachelor of Musio. Mus.O Doctor of Music N North. Nat National. N.B New Brunswick. N.C North Carolina. N.Dak North Dakota. N.E Northeast. N.E.A National Educational Asso- ciation. Neb. Nebraska. Nev Nevada. N.H New Hampshire. N.J New Jersey. N.Mex New Mexico. Nov November. N.S Nova Scotia, N.W Northwest. N.Y New York. O Ohio. Oct October. O.E.S Order of the Eastern Star. Okia Oklahoma. Ont Ontario. Ore jOregon. Que. or P. Q. . Province of Quebec Pa Pennsylvania. Pd.B Bachelor of Pedagogy. Pd.D Doctor of Pedagogy. P.E Protestant Episcopal. P.E.I Prince Edward Island. Phar.D .. . . Doctor of Pharmacy. Phar.M., or Ph.M. . . . Master of Pharmacy. Ph.B Bachelor of Philosophy. Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy. P.I Philippine Islands. P.O., or Que. . Province of Quebec pres president. Presby'n. . . . Presbyterian. prof professor. prop'r. i , . T proprietor. Ref Reformed, Rep. Republican. R-l Rhode Island. S .• . South. Sask Saskatchewan. S.B., or Sc.B., or B.S. . . . Bachelor of Science. S.C South Carolina. ScD Doctor of Science. S.Dak South Dakota. S.E Southeast. sec secretary. Sect Section. Sem Seminary. Sept September. Soc Society. St Saint, Street. S.T.B Bachelor of Sacred Thelogy. S.T.D Doctor of Sacred Theology. Supt Superintendent. S.W Southwest. Tenn Tennessee. Tex. Texas. Theol Theological. treas. ..... treasurer. U.D.C United Daughters of th« Confederacy. Unlv University. U.S.A United States Army. U.S.N United States Navy. U.S.V United States Volunteers. Va Virginia. Vol Volunteer. v.-p vice-president. Vt. ...... Vermont. W West. Wash State of Washington. W.C.T.U. . . . Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union. W.F.M.S. . . . Women's Foreign Mfssfon- ary Society. W.H.M.S. T . Women's Home Missfonary Society. Wis. . W.R.C. W.Va. Wyo. . Y.M.C.A. Y.P.S.C.E. Y.W.C.A. Wisconsin. Woman's Relief Corps. West Virginia, Wyoming. Young Men's Christian As- sociation. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. Young Women's ChrtBtlan Association. Zoel. . ) • « . KOoloilcaL ADDENDA AND CORRECTIONS The followiag sketches are from data received too late for inclusion in the book in proper alphabetical order. Included with them are some corrections of sketches in the volume: AL,l,EN, Mary Adile, 206 Pine St, Holyoke, Mass. Teacher; b. Amherst, Mass.; grad. Smith CoU., B.A., '86; student Greek archsology, Yale, 1896- 1908. Teacher, Holyoke High School, 1886-91; Minneapolis, Minn., 1891-92; teacher of Green, New Haven (Conn.) High School, 1892-1905, Holyoke High School, head History Dep't, 1905- 06; head Classical Dep't since 1909. Mem. Ass u of Collegiate Alumnae, New England Ass'n of Colleges and Preparatory Schools. (Correcting errors of sketch on page 75.) ALLEN, Nelly Sherman Byers (Mrs. Lauros H. Allen), 101 Norwood Av., Buffalo, N.T. Born Selins Grove, Pa., Oct. 29, 1864; dau. Nel- son and Katherine (Gutelius) Byers; ed. Wlll- iamsport (Pa.) High School, private schools and tutors; m. Williamsport, Pa., Dec. 12, 18S9, Lauros H. Allen; one son. Nelson, b. Sept. 10, 1891 (died June 15, 1895). Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Country Club, T-wentieth Century Club. BARKEK, Frances Crosby Buffingrton (page 75). Name is a misprint for Bartter. Correct sketch follows: BARTTER, Trances Crosby Buffington, (Mrs. George Charles Bartter), Manila, P.I. Educator; b. Michigan; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; m. Manila, P. I., George Charles Bartter. Soon after graduation in 1901 went to the Philip- pine Islands, engaged as teacher, 1901-04; super- visor of primary schools for districts of Ermita and Malate, 1904-05; principal of Normal Insti- tute for Native Teachers, Manila, 1904-05; tutor In Boston, 1907; instructor in Spanish, Smith Coll., January-June, 1908; returned to Philip- pines and since December, 1908, has been engaged American Civic Ass'n. Instructor In the summer nature study. BECK, Ruth Everett (Mrs. Paul W. Beck). Port KcPhorson, Ga. Writer; b. Lyons, Neb.; daughter Bonaiah Wcathem and Elise (Grout) Everett; ed. Unlv, of Neb., Fremont Normal School, grad. '93: m. Captain Paul W. Beck, military aviator, U.S. Array; one son, P^ul Ward Jr. Greatly Inter- ested in the American Indian and literary works are chiefly on that line. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Heart of a Filipino; The Trail, etc. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R., League of Amer- ican Pen Women. Bf:ERS, Ketnrah G. (Mrs. John Hobart Bee^^^, 912 Montrose Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Bom Camden, N.J. ; dau. Jacob W. Sliarp (officer, 12th N.J, Regiment of the Civil War) and Susan (Folwell) Sharp; m. Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12, 1871 (Phillips Brooks formerly pastor), to John Hobart Beers, of Newton, Conn.; two children: Anna Sharp, Kclurah Sherman. Interested In philanthropic, educational and religious work. Favors woman suffrage. Has written occasionally articles fo.- the press on club and philanthropic work. Mem. Independent Central Church. Republican. Mem. Jackson Park Sanitarium, Home for Destitute Crippled Children, Dames of the Loyal Tveglon, National and State Societies, Chicago Woman's Outdoor Art League, Municipal Art League of Chicago, Exhibition Committee (Art Institute). Mem. Woman's City Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Montclare Musical and Literary Club; pres. West End Woman's Club, Chicago. 29 BILLINGS, Anna Hunt, Redlands, Cal. Teacher; b. Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 16, 1861; dau. Frederick D. and Frances A. (Hunt) Billings; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '91, Yale Univ., Ph.D. (English), "98. Teacher, Univ. of Southern Cal., 1S92-94; Riverside, Cal., 1894-95; Redlands, Cal., 1853-99; Long Beach, Cal., 1902-03; State Normal School. San Diego, Cal., 1904-09; in Europe, 1909-12. Author: Guide to Middle English Metrical Romances (Yale studies in English), 1S99. Favors woman suffrage. (Correction of sketch on page 99.) BOCK. Stella Nathan (Mrs. Charles Bock), «6 Chapln Parkway, Buffalo, N.Y. Born Johnstown, Pa., May 19, 1885; dau. Adolf and Fannie S. (Hess) Nathan; ed. Phil- adelphia High School for Girls, Philadelpnla Normal School for Girls, Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Philadelphia, Dec. 11, 1911, Charles Bock. Super- visor of School Gardens of Board of Education of Philadelphia, 1906-11; lecturer on School Gar- dens, Univ. of Pennsylvania and Temple Univ. Mem. Board of Directors, Community House, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Board of Governors of Feder- ated Chambers of Buffalo, N.Y. ; Board of School Garden Ass'n of America. Head of Committee on Home Gardens for Poor. Jewish. Recrea- tions: Hockey, gardening, tramping. Estab- lished the home garden system in connection with the school gardens of Philadelphia, whereby gardens In yards or boxes were made by children under supervision in many thousands of the poor homes of Philadelphia. Introduced t, graded system of lessons for school gardens. BOISSEVAIN, Mrs. Inez Milholland— See Mll- holland, Inez. BK^VNCU, Mary Lillian (Mrs. James R, Branch), Great Northern Hotel, N.T. City, and Branchfleld, W.Va. Born Baltimore, Md., Sept. 21 1864; dau. Eben- Izer and Mary (Talbot) Hubball; grad. Univ. of N.Y., B.L. ; m. Richmond, Va.. Oct. 28, 18S5, Col. James R. Branch; children: James R., Allan Talbot, Mary Cooke. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Confederate Veterans. BRANT. Minnie Clothier (page 123) — Convict addross: The Leamington, Tenth St. juid Third Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. BROBST. Sue E., 522 Security Building, Jjot Angeles, Cal. Secretary; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Samuel V. and Sarah E. (Brown) Brobst; ed. Chicago pub- lic schools and West Division High School. Through practical experience among women wage earners took the leading part In organ- izing the Business Woman's Civic Club, wuo made first president and afterward made Its life president. Favors woman suffrage. Active In ci.lifornia suffrage campaign. 1911; aften\',ara among tho first to become deputy to reg^ster the voters and on the first Election Board open to women; active In Good Government Municipal Campaign, 1911. Christian Scientist. Progres- sive. Mem. Woman's City Club, Evening City Club, Drama League of America (on Educational Com.). BUSH, E>ninia LouUe, Bucknell Univ., Lewls- burg. Pa. Teacher; b. Waverly, Iowa; dau. Austin Davli and Alta (Le-wis) Bush; ed. Vaasar Coll., A.B. '81; Bucknell Univ., A.M., 1913. Teacher, Mt. Carroll, Ul., 1881-82; Oxford, N.C., 18S2-&4; 30 CLEMENT— HAMMOND Ishpeming, Mich., 1885-90; Montour Falls, N.Y., 1839-1901; Stetson Univ., 1902-04; Bucknell Univ. since 1900. Mem. Order Eastern Star, D.A.R., Bucknell Alumnee Club, Lewisburg; Civic Club, Lewisburg, Pa. Baptist. Favors woman suf- frage. (Correcting sketch on page 151). CLEMENT, Josephine Hill (Mrs. Ed. Henry Clement), Bijou Theater, "Washington St., Boston, Mass. Theatrical manager; b. N.Y. City, Sept. 20, 1869; dau. Frederick Mortimer and Ida Louisa (Peters) Hill; ed. Adelphi Acad, and Miss Rounds' Private School, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. (1st) December, 1894, Charles Gilbert Russell, Great Barrington, Mass. (deceased); (2nd) March, 1898, Ed. Henry Clement, of Boston, Mass.; one daughter, Joan Clement. Favors womaii suffrage; mem. Brookline Ekjual Suffrage Ass'n, Maas. Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government. Manager for five years of B. F. Keith's Bijou Theater. Much interested in the production of one-act plays; develops talent for her own thea- ters from the people who come to her for try- outs one day each week. CONKI.ING, Grace Walcott Hazard (Mrs. Roscoe Piatt Conkling), 49 Spring St., Catskill- on-Hudson, N.Y. Born New York; dau. Christopher Grant ana Frances (Post) Hazard; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; student of physical geography in Harvard Summer School, 1899; music and language i:i Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 1902-03, and Paris, 1903-04; tutor South Woodstock, Conn., 1899- 1901; teacher of English, Latin and Greek, Graham School, N.Y. City, 1901-02; mem. Alpha Soc. (Smith Coll.) ; m. San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 18, 1905, Roscoe Piatt Conkling: children: Elsa, b. Feb. 2, 1909; Hilda, b. Oct. 8, 1910. Author of poems published in the Century Magazine, Everybody's Magazine, The Forum, Harper's Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, "Poetry" (a Chicago publication). The Poetry Journal (Bos- ton), the Craftsman and others; also a long poem, "Golden-throated Pastoral Horn," in tU" Lyric Year collection, published November, 1912. Episcopalian. Mem. The Poetry Soc. of America, a branch of the National Arts Club. (Correction of sketch on page 199). CBAWFORD, Georgina Lily Urqiihart (Mrs. Gustavus 'Chambers Crawford), 4 32 Central Av., Orange, N.J. Physician; b. Dunnegan, Canada, 1882; dau. William and Janet (Dickson) Urquhart; ed. schools of Vancouver, B.C.; grad. Toronto Univ., M.D.C.M., '05; post-graduate work in New York Infirmary for Women and Children; m. New York, 1909, Gustavus Chambers Crawford; chil- dren: Robert Stuart, William Chambers. En- gaged in active practice of medicine at Van- couver, B.C., 1907-09; acted as Medical Inspector of Vancouver public schools, 1907-09. DAVIS, Isabella Charles fMrs. Myron J. Davis), 1144 Aoolian Bldg., 35 W. 42d St., N.Y. City. Bom Albany, N.Y., Nov. 25. 1847; dau. George Horn and Charlotte Augusta (Featherly) Charles; ed. Albany Female Acad., Albany, N.Y.; m. Albany, N.Y., December, 1867, Myron J. Davis, M.D.; children: Helen Lamb, Belle Van Heuscn. Active in Foreign Mission service In Asia Minor, 1879-81. One of the founders of the International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons (an Interdenominational religious order); life mem. of its Central Council. Rec. sec. for one term of National Council of Women of the U.S. Gen. nee. of the International Child Welfare League; mem. People's Institute of N.Y. City. Favors •womAn suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. Equal Suffrage League. Mem. St. George's Episcopal Church. Mem. Woman's Press Club. Public speaker on religious, pliil- anthroplc and social service topics. DAVIS, Katharine Bement, 148 East Twentieth St., N.Y. City. Appointed Jan. 1, 1914, by Mayor John Purroy Mitchell, Commissioner of Correction for the City of New York. (See sketch, page 233.) De VORE, Elsa Marion, 4 Maher Av., Greenwich, Conn. Violinist and teacher; b. Merom, Sullivan Co., Ind., Jan. 8, 1893; dau. Rev. Elcharles Artnur de Vore, D.D., and Ida (Gray) de Vore; cJ. Indianapolis public schools, Shortridge High School, Indianapolis; Brooklyn Girls' High School, Greenwich (Conn.) High School, and scholarship at National Conservatory of Music of America, N.Y. City, under Leopold Lichten- berg, in violin; also, Jan Munkacsy, famous Hungarian violinist. Professional violinist and teacher at the age of 16. Mem. of Christ Church choir, Greenwich, Conn. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Greenwich Equal Franchise League. Episcopalian. Democrat. Recreations: Riding, swimming, skating, driving, tennis, dancing, boating, sailing. DOUGLAS, Marian — See Robinson, Annie Douglas Green. DUFFY, Florence Armstrong (Mrs. James O. G. Duffy), Philadelphia, Pa. Born June 5, 1876; dau. Edwin and Miriam (Mayer) Armstrong; ed. Newark Acad., private tutors; m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 5, 1894, Jamos O. G. Duffy; one daughter, Eleanora Aileen; b. June 1, 1896. Distinguished in fencing; junior champion of Pa., 1913; silver medalist in senior competition. Against woman suffrage. Epis- copalian. Mem. Society of Arts and Letters. Recreation: Fencing. Mem. Fencers' Club, Mati- nee Musical Club. ELMER, Rachel Robinson, 189 Lenox Av., N.Y. City. Illustrator, designer; b. Ferrlsburgh, Vt., July 28, 1878; dau. Rowland Evans and Anna (Stevens) Robinson; grad. Goddard Sem., Barre, Vt., '97; studied art under Ernest Knaufft, Rosamond Kelly and Art Students' League; m.. Oct. 17, 1911, Robert France Elmer of N. Y. City. Taught art in Goddard Sem. two years; since then professionally engaged as artists and illus- trator Mem. Pen and Brush Club. FISCHER, Helen Field (Mrs. Frederick Fischer), Shenandoah, Iowa. Author; b. Shenandoah, Iowa, March 13, 1876; dau. S. E. and Lettie (Eastman) Field; ed. Univ. of Nebraska, Art Insl. of Chicago; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. Helena, Mont., 1905, Frederick Fischer; children: Gretchen, Helen Marie. Teach- er and lecturer before marriage. Interested in Children's Garden Clubs and vocational educa- tion. Favors woman suffrage. Has taken active part in all local agitation by speaking and de- bating. Contributed verse to The Outlook; The Pacific Monthly; Christian Register; best known poems: The Mystic Borderland; Tommy Tinker. Unitarian. Recreations: Gardening, motoring. Mem. English Club, Univ. of Neb. FITCII, Louise Norwood (Mrs. Overton Andrew Fitch), Columbia, Mo. Born Madison, Md., May 21, 1839; dau. Joseph G. and Mary Frances (Pugh) Norwood; privately educated because threatened with blindness for many years; m. Columbia, Mo., May 21, 1860, Overton Andrew Fitch; one son: Norwood. Sun- day-school teacher for fifty years. Matron of Univ. of Missouri since 189C. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. Mem. Bronte Club, Fortnightly Club. FOLEY, Ellen S. McCarthy (Mrs. John Warren Foley), 586 Boulevard East, "V\''eehawken, N.J. Born BreesDort, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1882; dau John Henry and Nancy Elzabeith (Taylor) McCarthy; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '07, Ph.D. '09 (Sigma Xi); graduate scholar and fellow in chemistry; mem. Delta Zeta; m. June 9, 1913, John Warren Foley. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Ajn. Chemistry Soc. Has been ass't chemist at the Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D.C. ; later instructor in chemistry In Univ. of Illinois. HAMMOND, Esther Dyer (Mrs. William A. Hammond), 1714 Connecticut Av., Washing- ton, D.C. Born Providence, R.I.; dau. John Farnum and Frances Jones (Vinton) Chapln; ed. Providence, HAY— LUTZ 31 R.I.; m. Providence, R.I., May 1, 1886, Dr. William A. Hammond. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Cblldren's Hospital Soc, Diet Kitchen Soc. Mem. Chevy Chase Club, library schools of Minnesota, lorwa, Wisconsin Maryland; Washington Club, Washington, D.C. HAY, Mary Ridgely (Mrs. Charles E. Hay), 21 So. 2d St., Sprlngfleld, 111. Born Sprlngfleld, 111., Jan. 6, 1844; dau. Nich- olas Henry Rldgely (banker) and Jane Maria (Huntington) Rldgely; descendant of Samuel Huntington, one of the signers of the Declara- tion of Independence; ed. Sprlngfleld (111.) pri- vate schools, 1850-61; later studied in Germany; m. Sprlngfleld, 111., May 10, 1865, Capt. Charles E. Hay, U.S.A., brother of John Hay, sec. to Abraham Lincoln, afterward Sec. of State and Minister Plenipotentiary to England; children: John Leonard, Arthur, Anna Ridgely, William Rldgely, Charles Edward. Pres. Every Wednes- day Literary Club (twenty-six years); mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Episcopal Board of Mis- sions. Sunday-school teacher many years. Teacher of Infant class St. Paul's Church Sun- day-school (twenty years); mem. Associated Charities, Y.W.C.A., Sprlngfleld; Amateur Musi- cal Club and Woman's Club. Against woman suffrage. Author of poems and many papers before clubs. Episcopalian. Recreations: Driv- ing, concerts and plays, society functions, teas, lunches, dinners, receptions and entertaining clubs. Was one of the founders of the Handel and Haydn Soc, a vocal music organization of Boston, Mass. HOUGHTON, Louise Phillips (Mrs. E. Russell Houghton), The Knox School, Tarrytown-on- Hudson, N.T. Principal of private school; b. June 11, 1870; dau. John Francis and Mary Virtue (Cranford) Phillips; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem., Smith Coll., A.B.; Columbia Univ.; mem. Alpha (Smith Coll.); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dr. E. Russell Houghton; children: S. Phillips, A. Sherrlll, Russell Le Rbux. Assistant principal and associate with Miss Lydia Day, Comstock School, N.Y. City, 1906-11; principal of the Knox School, Briar- cliff Manor, 1911. Interested In the History ■Club of N.Y., Woman's Auxiliary of the Univer- sity Club. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of book reviews, art and music criticism for a New York weekly paper. Lecturer on literature. Episcopalian. Mem. The Thursday Musical Club of N.Y., Smith College Club of N.Y., Phllipse Manor Country Club. Has lectured on psychol- ogy and has given drawing-room talks on Con- tinental Writers In N.Y. City and elsewheru. KELLOGG, Lacia Hosmer (Mrs. Stephen W. Kellogg), 83 Prospect St., Waterbury, Conn. Born Buffalo, N.Y., March 11, 1829; dau. Major Andre Andrews and Sarah M. (Hosmer) Andrews; ed. private schools of MIddletown, Conn.; m. New York, Sept. 10, 1851, Stephen W. Kellogg; children: Sarah A., Lucy W., Frank W., John P., Elizabeth H., Stephen W. Jr., Charles P. Congregationallst. Mem. Conn. Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R. Mem. Waterbury Women's Club. KELLY, Adelaide Skeel (Mrs. William Henry Kelly), Newburgh, N.Y. Born Newburgh, N.Y.; dau. Rufus Reed and Sarah Patten (Henry) Skeel; ed. Vassar, B.S., B.A. '73; m. Dec. 27, 1911, William Henry Kelly. Contributor to periodicals of articles illustrated by photographs taken by herself, and lecturer, illustrating lectures with slides of her own pro- duction. Mem. D.A.R. Books: My Three-Legged Story Teller; An After Christmas Thought; King Washington (with William H. Brearley). KENNAKD, Beulah Elfr th, 6201 Walnut St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Music, lecturer and writer; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. J. Spencer Kennard, D.D., and Nancy Reed (Jeffers) Kennard; grad. Chicago schools, 1887; Univ. of Pittsburgh, A.M., 1912 (honorary). Head of Dep't of Play, Univ. of PIttsburgn, School of Education, 1913. Started playgrouna work In Pittsburgh, 1896; pres. Pittsburgh Play- ground Ass'n, 1913. Pres. Western Pa. Ass'n of League of Women Workers (Girls' Clubs) ; mem. Board of Public Education, 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Advisory Board Pa. State Suffrage Ass'n. Contributor to various publi- cations on subject of play, children's reading, etc. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R., Twentieth Ceniury Club, Tuesday Musical Club. LEAYCRATT, Julia Searing (Mrs. Edgar C. Leaycraft), 237 W. Eleventh St., N.Y. City. Editor; b. Saugertles, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1885; dau. John W. and Annie E. (Pidgeon) Searing; grad. Vassar Coll. '06; studied painting at Art Students' League of N.Y. City, 1907-08; m. June 3, 1913, Edgar C. Leaycraft of N.Y. City. Mem. editorial staff Craftsman Magazine and Delinea- tor, 1908-09; studied painting at Woodstock School of Landscape and Art Students' League in N.Y., 1909-10; on editorial staff New Idea Woman's Magazine, 1911; The Delineator, 1911-12. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author of reviews, poems. Interviews, etc. LUTBELL, Estelle, instead of "Luttrell," on page 505; also In fourth line of sketch. LUTZ, Hrien Howland, page 506. In second line, for "Rickmond" read "Richmond." DEATHS DURING PRINTING Following is a list of •women known to have died since their sketches were printed in this volume: BARROWS, Isabel Chapin, at Croton, N.Y., Oct. 25, 1913 (see page 79). BLAKE, Lillie Devereux, at Englewood, N.J., Dec. 30, 1 13 (see page 106). CROWNINSHIELD, Mary Bradford, at Melrose, Mass., Oct. 14, 1913 (see page 219). GRIFFIS, Margaret Clark, at Ithaca, N.Y., Dec. 16, 1913 (see page 345). HACKSTAFF, Priscllla Dudley, at N.Y. City, Jan. 15, 1914 (see page 350). MILLER, Emily Huntington, St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 3, 1913 (see page 563). PAGE, Ellen Frances, at Hyde Park, Vt., Dec. 31, 1913 (see page 617). SEWARD, Janet Watson, Auburn, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1913 (see page 732). WOMAN'S WHO'S WHO OF AMERICA A ABBAXT, A^nee Dean, Westchester, N.T. Artist, painter; b. N.Y. City, June 23, 1847; dau. William D. and Agnes (Dean) Abbatt; ed. city schools, art school of Cooper Union (diploma '73), and afterward in Art School of Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City. Professionally engaged as painter in oils and water colors (landscapes, coast scenes, flowers); makes models of flowers and plants in wax; has won medals in several art competitions; mem. Am. Water Color Soc. ABBE, Adelaide Eaton (Mrs. Alanson J. Abbe), 375 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. Born Andover, Mass., Feb. 20, 1860; dau. James Stewart and Louisa (Howard) Eaton; ed. Punch- ard Free School, Andover; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '83 (Phi Sigma); m. Andover, June 7, 1888, Alan- son J. Abbe, M.D. ; children: Alice Thayer, b. May 7, 1890; Frederic Eaton, b. May 2. 1892. Mem. School Com., Fall River, 1908-10. Against woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnge; charter mem. Fort- nightly Club, and pres; 1900-02; mem. Woman's Club of Fall River, vice-pre^. 1909-10. ABBE, Elisabeth Frances, 26 Hillside Av.. Melrose, Mass. Teacher; b. Abington, Mass., Feb. 22, 1866; dau. Frederic and Mary Thaxter (Thayer) Ran- dolph; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '88, M.A. '96; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '03; mem. A.K.X. Soc. (Wel- lesley). Teacher In Mass. high schools and for two years prof, of Greek at Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1896-98; now head of Ancient Language Dep't, Melrose High School. Favors woman suffrage. Congregatioualist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, Classical Ass'n of New England, Col- lege Settlement Ass'n, Boston Wellesley College Club, College Club (Boston), Teachers' Club, Mel- rose, Appalachian Mountain Club. ABBEY, Mary Gertrude Mead (Mrs. Edwin Aus- tin Abbey), Morgan Park, Falrford, Gloucester- sliire, England. Bom Torquay, Devonshire, Eng. ; dau. Fred- erick Mead, of New York; ed. in private schools ijxi Vassar Coll. A.B. '70, student Berlin, 1881-82, Paris, 1883-84; m. 1890 Edwin Austin Abbey (distinguished American painter and Royal Academician, died Aug. 1, 1911). Since marriage has resided in England. ABBOT, Alice Balch, East Orange, N.J. Magazine writer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1867; dau. Abiel and Alice (Balch) Abbot; prep- ar-atory education at Dana Hall School, Welles- ley, Mass.; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. '89. Since 1893 regular contributor of short stories to St. Nicholas. Author: A Frigate's Namesake. ABBOT, Etheldred, Public Library, Brookline, Mass. Librarian; b. Norwich, Conn.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '03. Librarian In Lenox Library, N.Y. City, 1897-98; Wellesley Coll. Art Library. 1898-1905 and 1906-10; Brooklyn (N.Y.) Public Library, 1905-06; since ISlO ass't librarian Brookline (Mass.) Public Library. ABBOT, Helen Munro, 1210 Maple Ave., Zanes- vllle. Ohio. Born Zanesville, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1877; dau. Charles H. and Ella S. (Brown) Abbot; grad Brooklyn Heights Seminary, Brooklyn, N.Y., '95, Smith CoU. B.L. '99, attended Univ. of 33 Berlin, also took special work in literature at Univ. of Pa. Taught four years at St. Mary's School, Garden City, N.Y. Presbyterian. Mem. Zanesville Authors' Club (for general literary work and discussion), and Shakespeare Club (for study, discussion and occasionally presentation of scenes and plays). Favors woman suffrage. ABBOT, Helene Black (Mrs. Stephen Abbot), care Adjutant General Office, War Dept.. Washington, D. C. Born Danville, III., July 21, 1883; dau. John Charles and Adaline (Griggs) Black; ed. Univer- sity School for Girls, Chicago; Thavenet-Taylor School, Neuilly-on-Selne, Paris, and Vassar Coll., A.B.; m. Washington, D. C, Dec. 27 1906 Captain Stephen Abbot, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S.A.; one daugbter: Helene. Presbyterian. Mem. Associate Alumnas of Vassar College. Recreations.: Golf, tennis, riding. Against woman suffrage. ABBOTT, Aimee (Mrs. Charles Edward Ab- bott), 275 W. Twenty-second St., N.T. City. Singer; b. West Andover, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1876; dau. Elmer Harrison and Lucretla Giddings (Lindsley) Greene; grad. Jefferson Educational Inst., in classical course; N&w England Conser- vatory of Music, Boston, with honors, '94; m Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 30, 1901, Charles Edward Abbott; one adopted daughter: Ruth Thomp- son Abbott. Stage career with Mme. Modjeska. Julia Arthur, Princess Chic Opera Co. Gave re- citals under patronage of Royal Governor of Bermuda, season of 1904. Still singing actively in society, club and concert. Writer of maga- zine stories. Mem. Daughters of Ohio, Profes- sional Woman's League, Dickens Fellowship. Actors' Church Alliance (mem. Nat. Church Alliance), East Side Clinic for Children, Pleiades Club, Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, New England Conservatory Alumni Ass'n, City Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, Knickerbocker Relief Ass'n. Uni- tarian. Recreation: Horseback riding. ABBOTT, Arietta Maria, 249 Elm St., Oberlln, Ohio. Professor of German; b. Watertown, Conn.; grad. Vassar A.B. '81, Univ. of Mich. A.M. '92; grad. student at Univs. of Leipzig, Zurich, Mich., Berlin, Munich and Freiburg-in-Baden. Teacher Vassar, 1881-88; at Oberlin Coll., instructor 1893-96, associate prof. 1896-99, prof. German. ABBOTT, Edith, Hull-House, Chicago, III. Associate director, Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy; b. Grand Island, Neb. Sept 25, 1876; dau. Othman A. and Elizabeth (Griffin) Abbott; ed. Brownell Hall, Omaha (preparatory)- Univ. of Neb., A.B. '01; Univ of Chicago, Ph.D.' '05; graduate student London School of Eco- nomics, 1906-07. Author: Women In Industry, a Study in American Economic History, 1910: joint author, The Delinquent Child and the Home, 1912; also various articles in Journal of Political Economy and Journal of Sociology. Mem. Am. Statistical Ass'n, Am. Economic Ass'n. Women's Trade Union League, Ass'n for the Advancement of the Colored People, Consumers' League, and various social and philanthropic organizations. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of suffrage organ- izations. ABBOTT, Elizabeth M. Griffin (Mrs. Othman A. Abbott), 705 West 1st St., Grand Island, Neb. Dau. James and Emeline (Gardner) Grifan Quaker abolitionists; grad. Rockford Coll., '68; 34 ABBOTT— ABEL m. Othman A. Abbott; children: Othman, Edith, Grace and Arthur. After graduation engaged In teaching and taught In high school until her marriage. Active in charities, in club work, and In the cause of woman suffrage. Mem. State Board of Charities several years. Unitarian; was delegate to Unitarian Nat. Conference, Saratoga, 1885. Member Grand Island City Library Board from foundation, 1880: served six years as mem. VJsifjng and Examining Board of the Nebraska 'Soldiers' Home. Has been pres. of tfie Woman's Club and the Woman's Suffrage Club of Grand Island; pres. Public Library B'd for many years and pres. Ladies' Park Ass'n. ABBOTT, Frances Matilda, Concord, N.H. Writer, genealogist; b. Concord, N.H., Aug. 18, 1857; dau. John and Matilda (Brooks) Abbott; grad. High School, Concord, '75, Vassar A.B. '81. Wrote chapter on Domestic Customs and Social Life m History of Concord, N.H., 1903; author Birds and Flowers About Concord, N.H., 1906; The Simple Single, 1909; one of writers of N.H. Genealogical and Family History, 1908. Con- tributor to North American Review, Forum and many other periodicals; also, editorially and otherwise, to New York, Boston and N.H. news- papers; made journey to Egypt, Palestine and Greece, 1910. Recreations: Nature study and travel, and, in earlier years, rowing and moun- tain climbing. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, Boston Ass'n Vassar Alumnae, N.H. Hist. Soc, Woman's Hosp. Ass'n (life). Concord Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Concord Female Charitable Soc. (life). Woman's Auxiliary to Y.M.C.A. (life), Appalachian Mountain Club of Boston (life), Stratford (Shakespeare) Club (charter, 1883), Wild Flower Club (founder, 1896), College Club. Treas. N.H. College Equal Suffrage League. Congre- gationalist. ABBOTT, Grace, Hull House, Chicago, 111. Social worker; b. Grand Island, Neb., 1878; dau. O. A. and Elizabeth M. (Griffin) Abbott; ed. Grand Island Coll., Ph.B., '98; Univ. of Neb., 1902-03; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '09 (Delta Gamma). Director of Immigrants' Protective League, Chicago, since 1908. Resident of Hull House since 1980. Has written occasional articles on the immigration question in The Survey and American Journal of Sociology. Mem. Con- sumers' League, Woman's Trade Union League, 111. Branch of Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Woman's City Club, Social Service Club, Chicago Progressive Club. Favors woman suffrage. ABBOTT, Helen Griswoid (Mrs. Amos W. Ab- bott), 1710 Third Av., South Minneapolis. Born Delhi, N.Y., July 4, 1859: dau. James H. and Anna Maria (Griswoid) Wright; ed. Chestnut St. Sem., Philadelphia; m. Delhi, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1880, Amos W. Abbott, M.D.; children: Harold Wilson, Griswoid, Helen D., Wilson, Elizabeth. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Club, Lafayette Club. ABBOTT, Inez Louise, Samokov, Bulgaria. Missionary (teacher); b. Fairfield, Mich., July 20, 1869; dau. Oramon B. and Maria (Skinner) Abbott: ed. High School, Lansing, Mich., 1887; Univ. of Mich., A.B. "95; A.M. '98; student in American School for Classical Studies in Rome, Italy, 1902-03. As Latin specialist principal of high school at Constantine, Mich., 1889-91; teacher in high school at Esoanaba, Mich., 1895- 97; Hinsdale, 111.. 1898-1902; Oak Park, 111., 1903- 07; went to Samokov. Bulgaria, 1907; appointed principal of American Girls' Boarding School in Samokov. Was commissioned in June, 1907, by Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions, under appointment by the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior (Chicago). Congre- gationalist. Favors woman suffrage. ABBOTT, Mabel Avery (Mrs. Keene Abbott), .531 S. Twenty-fifth Av., Omaha. Neb. Author; b. Iowa City, Iowa; dau LeRoy and Alice (Avery) Rundell; ed. State Univ. of Iowa; Iowa City High School (Pi Beta Phi); m. Aug. 29, 1905, Keene Abbott. Author: Captain Martha Mary; The Purple Mark; The Governor's Lady; Jim's Woman. ABBOTT, Mabelle Foster, 39 Washington Sq., or Woman's University Club, 99 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Journalist, author; b. Plymouth, O., Mar. 27, 1888; dau. S. L. and Laure (von Aumend) Ab- bott; grad. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '09, with honors in English (pres. English Club, Radcliffe, 1907- 09). Engaged in journalistic work from gradua- tion, writing A Brief History of the Conservation Movement in Conservation News, from Nov., 1909, to July, 1911; editorial writer Collier's Weekly, 1910-11, giving special attention to the Conserva- tion question and writing the articles: The Maine Water Power Situation; The Roosevelt Dam, and The Latest in Alaska (May, 1911). Follow- ing the latter article wrote one. The Alaskan Story, which was published July 7, 1911, by the Scripps-McRae papers, the charges in which were made the subject of an investigation by the Democratic Committee on Expenditures of the Interior Department of the House of Representa- tives (Washington, D.C.). Later wrote Our House in Order (Everybody's). Interested in Child Labor movement (series of articles In preparation). Big Sister movement. Progressive movement (in politics), and the Socialist Party. Active in Woman Suffrage Party (captain of 25th Election Dist. of 25th Assembly Dlst., N.Y. City). Mem. Nat. Board of Censorship of Moving Pic- ture Films. Mem. Nat. Conservation Organiza- tion, Nat. Geographic Soc., Socialist Party (Branch One). Stockholder In Twentieth Cen- tury Magazine; original subscriber and founder of Boston Common (100). Mem. Women's Uni- versity Club and Radcliffe Club (N.Y. City), College Club and Appalachian Mountain Club (Boston). Episcopalian. Recreations: Horse- back riding, mountain climbing. ABBOTT, Winifred Buck (Mrs. Lawrence F. Abbott), Oakstone, Cornwall, N.Y. Born N.Y., Jan. 2, 1872; dau. Albert H. and Laura (Abbott^ Buck; ed. with governesses, at the Art Students' League, Metropolitan College of Music, rhetoric class at Columbia, and private classes in Europe; m. Bayport, L.I., bept. 7, 1905, Lawrence F. Abbott; children: Lyman 2d, b. July 6, 1907; Laura Buck, b. Aug. 22, 1909. Worked for many years in boys' clubs at Uni- versity Settlement in N.Y., and in Public Educa- tion Ass'n; pres of Village Improvement Soc. of Cornwall-on-Hudson. Author: Boys' Self-Gov- erning Clubs; also about a dozen articles on social subjects. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club. Recreations: Music, art, bridge, walking, tennis. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in political sympathies. Mem. Cornwall Equal Suf- frage Society. ABFLi, Annie Heloise, Goucher College, Balti- more, Md. Educator, writer; b. Sussex, England; dau. George Abel (Scotland) and Amelia Anne (Hog- ben) Abel (Kent, Eng.); grad. Kan. State Univ. A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); grad. student Cornell Univ., Yale Univ., Ph.D., 1905, holder Bulkley Fellowship in History at Yale Univ., 1903-04, 1904-05; winner of Justin Wlnsor prize of Am. Hist. Ass'n, 190f; holder of honorary fellowship in Teutonic philology at Johns Hopkins Univ., 1910-11; Instr. in history. College Courses lor Teachers, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1910-11, 1911-12. 1912-13; Instr. in history. Wells Coll., 1905-06; asso. prof, history, Goucher Coll., 1906—. Author: His- tory of the New Jersey Electorate (unpublished) ; The Indians in the Civil War; Proposals for an Indian State in the Union, 1778-1878; Indian Res- ervations in Kansas and the Extinguishment of Their Title; History of Indian Removals; Pes- simism in Modern Thought (Master's thesis). Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Southern Ass'n of College Women, Am. Hist. Ass'n, Hist. Ass'n of Middle States and Maryland, College Equal Suffrage League— Baltimore Branch, Baltimore College Club. Mem. Church of England. ABEL, Mary Hinman (Mrs. John J. Abel). Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Writer editor; b. Montour Falls, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1850; dau. George Theodore and Irene (Benson) Hinman; ed. Elmira Coll., A.B. '72 (mem. Calle- Bophia); m. July 10, 1882, John J. Abel; children: Margaret, George, Robert. Editor of Journal of ABNEY— ACKBRT 36 Home Economics, 1909 — . Author of prize essay for Public Health Ass'n: Scientlflc and Economic Cooking for People of Moderate Means; also Rumford Kitchen Leaflets; four Farmers' Bulle- tins for U.S. Dep't of Agriculture; many articles bearing on home economics for current publica- tions. Co-founder, with Ellen H. Richards, of the New England Kitchen in Boston. Ten years a»em. B'd Charities of the City of Baltimore. Mem. B'd Directors, Charity Organization Ass'n of Baltimore. Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Arundell Club. ABNEY, Mary l,loyd Petidleton (Mrs. John Rut- ledge Abney). 19 E. Eighty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Bom Cincinnati, O. ; dau. George Hunt and Alice (Key) Pendleton; ed. by governesses and tutors In America, France, England, Germany, Italy; and Convent of the Sacred Heart, Paris; m. Washington, D.C.. Nov. 21, 1896, John Rutledge Abney. Mem. Exec. Board of the Diocesan Auxiliary of the Cathedral of St. John the Di- vine, Colonial Dames, Colonial Governors. Episcopalian. Former vlce-pres. for Ohio of the Ladles' Mt. Vernon Ass'n. During her father's service as U.S. Minister to Germany, 1885-89, was with him all the time, and from 1886 to 1889, filled all the social duties of the legation. ARRAHAT.T., Frances Helen (Mrs. Frank A. Abraham, 160 E. Thirty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Boru N.Y. City; dau. Joseph A. and Mary (Evers) Kinney; ed. Villa Maria Convent, Mon- treal, Can.; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 6, 1893, Frank A. Abrahall; children: Aubrey K., b. July 1, 1894; Frances E., b. May 6, 1904. Interested in wo-, men's clubs, particularly when they pertain to the uplift of woman and her advancement. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Mem. Rainy Day Club, Professional Woman's League, Daughters of the Empire State, Woman's Demo- cratic Club, Stage Children's Fund, Mozart Club, N.Y. Theatre Club, Round Table, New Yorkers, Housewives' League. ABRAHAM, Mrs. Frances Smith, 114 S. Grant Av., CrawfordsvUle, Ind. Artist; b. Greencastle, Ind.; dau. Martin Van Buren and Sarah (Gunning) Smith; ed. Craw- fordsvUle (Ind.) public school; studied art under Franc Aulick, Cincinnati, and Mrs. O. C. Wilcox, Indianapolis; m. 1886; widow, one daughter, Mary Frances Abraham. Maintains studio in home, teaching china, water color and oil painting. Among her best paintings are Beeches in the Gen. Wallace Yard, and The Tree Under Which Ben Hur was Written. Takes especial interest in G.A-R., her grandfather serving In the Mex- ican and Civil wars and her father and uncles In the Civil war. Mem. Ladies of the G.A.R. (pres. 1911), Order of Ben Hur, Art League (pres. 1900, 1902, 1912). Mem. Christian Church. Does not favor woman suffrage. ACHELIS, Bertha Franzlska (Mrs. Fritz Achells, 9 E. 57th St., N.Y. City, and (coun- try home) Ruiuson, N.J. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug., 1865; dau. Fritz and Alette (Cramer) Koenig; td. Bonn and Berlin, Germany; m. Bonn, Germany, July, 1873, to Fritz Achelis, of N.Y. City; children: Mar- garet J., Elizabeth A., Fritz George. Formerly actively engaged on Executive Boards of the Brooklyn Hospital and Training School for Nurses, and' of the Brooklyn Woman's Work Exchange, to which still contributes; now mem- ber of and contributor to various German asso- ciations: German Ladies' Ass'n (Brooklyn), Ger- man Ladies' Ass'n (N.Y. City), German House- wives' Soc. (N.Y. City), German Recreation Home (Gravesend, L.I.), German Governesses' Home (N.Y. City), Woman's Auxiliary, German Hospi- tal, Brooklyn Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children; mem. Summer Com. of Babies' Hos- pital, Rumson, N.J. Vlce-pres. Central Branch Y.W.C.A. (N.Y. City); contributor and honorary vlce-pres. N.Y. State Consumers' League; actively Interested in Working Girls' Summer Home of Y.W.C.A. at Rumson, N.J., and the activities of St. George's Parish at Rumson. Mem. St. Thomas's Episcopal Church, N.Y. City. Mem. (Jermanistic Soc., Monmouth County (N.J.) Hist. Soc, Monmouth County Branch, N.J., Charities Aid and Prison Reform Ass'n., (Tolony Club (N.Y. City). A vlce-pres. of N.Y. State Ass'n. Opposed to woman suffrage. ACKEK, Margaret Kate, 50 Woolsey St., As- toria, L.I. Teacher; b. Poughkeepsle, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B., '95. Teacher in Germantown, Pa., 1895-96; Middletown, N.Y., 1896-97; Bryant High School, Long Island City, N.Y., since 1897. ACKFR, Mary Clarke (Mrs. Mllo M. Acker), Center St., Hornell, N.Y. Born BrattJeboro, Vt ; dau. Ranslure W. and Lucy C. (Wilder) Clarke; grad. Vassar, A.B. '78; m. Hornell, N.Y., 1890, Milo M. Acker. Teacher in Miss Dana's School, Morrlstown, N.J.; New Brunswick (N.J.) High School; Dr. C. H. Gardner's School, N.Y. City. Interested in Sunday-school and missionary work of Pres- byterian Church; manager eight years of Wll- lard State Hospital for the Insane; mem. Nat. Com. of Mental Hygiene of N.Y. State; mem. and ofl3cer of State Conference of Charities and Correction. Presbyterian. Interested in social, civic and philanthropic ass'ns ii» Hornell, N.Y. ; vlce-pres. Tuberculosis Com. of Hornell; vlce- pres. Humane Soc. of Steuben Co. Recreation: Travel in Europe each summer (with occasional exceptions). Mem. Monday Reading Club. Speaker before clubs of all sorts, conferences of Charities and Corrections, religious gatherings and all assn's with which connected. ACKERLY, Jennie, 416 W. 118th fet., N.Y. City. Teacher; b. Poughkeepsle, N.Y. ; grad. Vas- .iar, A.B., '89. Teacher, Hawley, Pa., 1889-91; Poughkeepsle, N.Y., 1891-93; Derby, Conn., 1893-97. Teacher of mathematics, Morris High School, N.Y. City, since 1897. ACKERMAN, Ethel SerTlss (Mrs. David D. Ackerman), Closter, N.J. Born Closter, N.J., Nov. 21, 1874; dau. John Henry and Mary Ellen (Balrd) Serviss; grad. Vas- sar, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '98; grad. scholar In mathematics and astronomy, '98-'99; m. Closter, N.J., June 22, 1899, David D. Ackerman; one daughter, Ruth Serviss Ackerman. Active In temperance work; pres. W.C.T.U. of Bergen County, N.J. ; mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumns, Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll.; Nantucket Maria Miichell Ass'n. Congregationallst Favora woman suffrage. ACKERMAN, Irene, 101 W. 75th -St. and (stu- dio) 1947 Broadway, N.Y. City. Actress, playwright, artist; b. N.Y. City, Oct 28, 1869; dau. Andrew J. Ackerman and Katherlne (Carpender) Ackerman (now Mrs. F^y, q.v.) ; ed. Rutgers (Female) Coll., N.Y. City; studied art at N.Y. School of Art, the Art League, Y.W.C.A., private lessons, etc. Began as child actress with the Old Bowery Stock Company, played later with Mary Anderson at Park Thea- ter, and afterward starred In the legitimate drama and in her own plays; for some years engaged in journalism and dramatic writing; author of plays: The Gold Mine; The Choir Girl; Inez; A Comer on Hogs; Ricket; manager of Orpheum Theatre, Mt. Vernon, in 1903. Studied art and engaged professionally in portrait work in oil, crayon, water color and all mediums; also a specialist in dog portraits. Has often appeared as dramatic reader, and has also done much work as a teacher of voice culture and dramatic art; contributor to magazines of short stories, etc. Editor of The Union; author Book of Poems. Has been active in suffrage work. Mem. Woman's Press and Enerl clubs. Actors' Church Alliance, Literary and Dramatic Union (treas.), Rutgers Coll. Alumnae, Professional Woman's League, and other societies. Mem. St. Chrysostom's EJplscopal Church. Democrat. ACKERT, Helena Van VUet (Mrs. Winifred R. Ackert), 416 W. Fifty-fourth St., N.Y. City. Born Tenafly, N.J. ; ed. In schools of Pough- keepsle, N.Y., and grad. Vassar Coll., A.B '93 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Oct. 12, 1903, Rev. Wln- fred R. Ackert. High school teacher, Jamaloa. L.I., 1894-95; Newark, N.J., 1912. 3fi ADAIRE— ADAMS ADAZRE, Nannie, 1227 W. Lehigh Av., Phlla- field) Adams; ed. schools of New Jersey. For delphla. Pa. years engaged in library work as librarian of Educator; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; grad. Girls' the Plainfield (N.J.) Public Library; now actively High School, 1900; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., '04; engaged in organized social settlement work in A. M., '06. Teacher of EJnglish and history in N.Y. City. the Chelten Hills School, Wyncote, Pa., 1905-06; ADAMS, Smma Lily Arabella Parsons (Mrs. principal of Medford (N.J.) High School, 1906-07; Charles Siedler Adams), 168 Lincoln PI., teacher of English in Morristown (Pa.) High Brooklyn; country. Central Valley, N.Y. School since 1907. Born N.Y. City; dau. Hosmer Buckingham and ADAMS, Abby Merrill, 25 Newton St., Marl- Clelia Sara (Howson) Parsons; ed. Adelphi boro, Mass. Acad., Brooklyn; m. Brooklyn, Apr. 12, 1899, Physician; b. Farmington, Me.; dau. Joshua Charles Siedler Adams; children: Franklin Par- and Abigail Frost (Mosher) Adams; grad. Syra- sons, Clelia Emma Adams. Presbyterian. Mem. cuse Univ. Med Coll. Physician in Willard In- Adelphi Alumns Ass'n. Recreations: Music, sane Hospital, Willard, N.Y., for six months; tennis. Mem. Civitas Club. Against woman staff physician Insane Hospital, Indianapolis, suffrage. Ind., two years; physician in Leavenworth (Kan.) ADAMS, Emma Saul (Mrs. Charles True Home and Bethany Home (Minn.) for Unfortu- Adams), 1220 Dearborn Av., Chicago, 111. nate Women. Mem. Board of Charity and Hu- Teacher; b. Canajoharie, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1844; mane Soo. of LaCrosse, Wis. Favors woman dau. Rev. George and Julie Regula (Steiner) suffrage. Universalist; served as treasurer and Saul; ed. private schools, high school, Syracuse, clerk of church. Mem. Natural History Soc, N.Y., and private study; m. Syracuse, July 13, Marlboro, Mass. 1869, Charles T. Adams (Dartmouth '65) (died ADAMS, Alice Dana, 6 Reservoir Court, Brook- E^*'-',^^'^'^U ^^il'^ren: Samuel (Harvard '92), Julie line Mass Regula. Taught m West Newton English and Writer, private secretary; b. Brunswick, Me., Classical School, Friends Acad New Bedford, Aug. 28, 1864; dau. George M. and Louise Lord a°.<^ }^^Sh school, Nashville 'Tenn. Associate (Dana) Adams; ed. public schools, Holliston, Principal, later principal, of Kirkland School, Mass.; private study; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 'S?- Chicago; now retired. One of founders and m:a. '96; Radcliffe Coll. Teacher, 1889-97; study, mem Chicago Woman's Club; director 111. Audu- 1897-99; private sec. to Rev. F. N. Peloubet °°°^°°°-,' .^s*^- ^°<^ treas of Ass'n of Principals D.D., 1899—. Author of Radcliffe Monograph ?^ ^}J^^ Preparatory Schools of Chicago; with No. 14— Neglected Period of American Anti- daughter is leading classes of women in topics Slavery, 1908; also, in connection with Dr. ?J ^'^^ °,^7- favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Peloubet, International Bible Dictionary, 1912. JlJ^m. 111. Audubon Soc, Chicago Political Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Equality League. Recreation: Bird study. Mem. Am. Geographical Soc., Ass'n of Collegiate Woman s City Club. Alumnae. Recreations: Reading, walking. Mem. ADAMS, Eva Argrene, 26 Cumberland St., Bruns- Boston Wellesley College Club. wick, Me. ADAMS. Blanche Spalding Griffin (Mrs. William ,, ^^5'^^'=*^^/, ''• f^'^^'^P^'^^f^A °^A^^*i'., ^^* = A. AdLns), Brookfield, Cook Co. III. dau. Franklin aLdLucmda G (Dennett) Adams ; Bom Thornton Ferry, N.H., Nov. 24, 1874; 1^™ ^"iov^'^''^. P^^^Vl" ^^^nn^^''^M,^^^^7c>n? dau Genrs-P Rvrnn anrt «?ar!ih PT-annc-i /Qrialrl Sem. 97, TUftS Coll. Med. School, M.D., 1902. ing)" Grtffli ^ Mccfw No^mfl Ins^ ^ Reids Engaged since graduation in general practice Ferry NH- Wellesley (5)11 B A '98 m" Thorn °' medicine in native place; real estate owner, fon Fenrv" FC H Hpp ^ii' iS^4 wmi^,^ A P^* matron Order Eastern Star; mem. Madisses iTam^Tl^v^ai^-''98)'^;"chUdrenftvinUmTyrot; I'^l.^f^J^'^'^ ^^ °-?h ^°n^t V""^"'"^ n Mary Griffin (died). Teacher English Dep't at AD.OIS. Evangeline Smith, 1003 Carnegie Hall, St. Margaret's School, Buffalo, N.Y., for two ^'r , ^' v t r^-^ -kt r a years before marriage. Treas. and on various ^^^L°^°^-^^: ^i, •'fl^7,S'-^^i ^-^7 ."^t^' ^^se committees in Ladies' Aid Soc. of Congregational f ""^ „"^"^,*^® \ (SnuUi) Adams (of the Adams Church, Brookfield; second vice-pres. Brookfield {''^^^^ °K^o^T England which gave two Presi- Woman's Club; chairman Library Com., which ^^'^^ }?, ^-^-^i.^^- '° Andover Mass.. and Chi- succeeded in getting 2-mill Public Library tax 1^^°' ^^^-J studied astrology under Dr J. Heber in Brookfield. Favors woman suffrage. Con- ^mith, physician and astrologer, and the symbol- gregationallst. Recreation: Music. Mem. Wo- If™ and esoteric mysteries of the Vedanta under man's Club (Brookfield), Magazine Club. Swami Vivikananda; has also studied occult «T^«iial rrform and Bocial betterment. Member of the managing boards of numerous natlonai philanthropic organizations as well as local societies for municipal and social uplift; has been active in securing factory legislation, civil service laws, the Investigation and amelioration of tuberculosis conditions, and in the campaign against the "white slave" traffic; a leader in the equal suffrage movement and vlce-pres. Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; trustee Rockford College. Con- gregationalist. Vlce-pres. National Executive Committee of the Progressive Party. Has trav- eled extensively, having spent two years at one time, six months at another and made several other trips abroad; while in Russia made a visit to Count Tolstoy. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Fortnightly, Twentieth Century, Woman's City. Lecturer and writer on social reforms, contrib- utor to magazines. Author: Democracy and Social Ethics, 1902; Newer Ideals of Peace, 1907; The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets, 1909; Twenty Years at Hull House, 1910; A New Con- science and an Ancient Evil, 1912. ADDISON, Julia de Wolf (Mrs. Daniel Dulany Addison), All Saints' Rectory, Brookline, Mass. Artlflt, author, composer; b. Boston, Feb. 24, 1866; dau. Franklin and Ann de Wolf (Lovett) Gibbs; ed. In England and Boston, specialized in mnsic and art, also studied art in Italy; m. Feb. 20, 1889, Rev. Daniel Dulany Addison, D.D., rector of All Saints' Church, Brookline Mass. Art specialty is in ecclesiastic and heraldic design and llliunlnation and embroideries; com- poser of music of songs, carols, etc. Active mem. of Soc. of Arts and Crafts, of which was one of the iiicorporators. Author of works on art: Art of the Pitt! Palace, 1903; Classic Myths in Art, 19M; Art of the National Gallery, 1905; Art of the Dresden Gallery, 1906; Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages, 1906; The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1910; The Spell of Eng- land, 1912; also two novels: Florestane the Trou- badour; Mrs. John Vernon; and several plays. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston. ADDISON, Kate B. (Mrs. George W. Addison), 201 Linwood Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. Public school teacher; b. Chickasaw, la., Apr. 29, 1863; dau. John E. and Katherine (McNutt) Rowen; ed. public schools of Iowa; private tu- tors; m. Aug. 20, 1882, George W. Addison; chil- dren: Elizabeth, Beula D. Assisted in establish- ing a working girls' hotel In Kansas City, Mo., and a parental house for Juvenile Court wards in Jackson Co., Mo. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Industrial Home Ass'n, Community Center, So- cial Workers' Conference, W.C.T.U. Clubs: His- tory and Literature of Kansas City, Mo.; pres. of the Council of Clubs, Kansas City, Mo. Rec- reations: Reading, nature. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage: was pres. of the Kansas Equal Suffrage Aas'n four years. ADDISON, Marsraret Eleanor Theodora, Annes- ley Hall, Queen's Park, Toronto, Can. Educationalist; b. Homing's Mills, Can., Oct. 21, 1868; dau. Peter and Mary A. (Campbell) Addison; ed. pmbllc and high schools; grad. Univ. of Toronto (Victoria Coll.), first class honors, sliver medal In modern languages. Teacher in private school, Collegiate Inst ; lec- turer In German, Univ. of Toronto (Victoria Coll.); Dean of Woman's Residence, Victoria Coll. Mem. Of Woman's Missionary Soc., Social Union, executive of Alumni Ass'n of Univ. of Toronto, executive of Victoria Woman's Ass'n; ex-pre»i University Women's Club. Delegate of Alumnsa of the Univ. of Toronto to Imi>erlal Congress of Universities of the Empire, 1912, at London. Mem. National Y.W.C.A. Board of Canada; mem. BViual Franchise League; mem. Methodist Church of Canada. ADENAW, Charlotte Mllnor GlUet (Mrs. Arthur P. Adenaw), 178 Barclay St., Flushing, N.T. Born N.Y. City, Jan. 10, 1880; dau. G.M. and Susan V. (Milnor) GlUet; ed. by governess and Miss Walker's School, N.Y. City; m. Oct. 14, IMS, Artliar P. Adenaw; cMldren: Charlotte L'Estrange, Arthur Paul Jr., Natalie GlUot Recreations: Golf, tennis, dancing, swlmmlns. Protestant Episcopal. Against woman suffrage. ADKINS, Mary Ewart, 6011 Klmbork Av., Chicago, 111. Missionary secretary; b. Iowa City, Iowa; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; grad. student, 18£^ 97; ass't in gymnasium, 1897-99, Vassar Coll.; director Women's Gymnasium, Denison Ufliy. 1899-1900; Y.W.C.A., Elgin, 111., 1903-08; slnca 1909 foreign sec. Woman's Baptist Missionary Soc. of the West, Chicago. ADLEK, Helen O. (Mrs. Felix Adler), 162 W. Seventy-seventh St., N.Y. City. Born Staten Island, N.Y., Sept 4, 1859; dau. Joseph Goldmark and Regina (Wehle) Goldmark; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. May 24, 1880, Felix Adler (lecturer Ethical Cul- ture Soc); children: Waldo, Eleanor H., Law- rence, Margaret, Ruth F. Chairman of Com. on District Nursing of Ethical Soc.; founder of first Laboratory Dep't for Modified Milk for Tene- ment Babies. 1891; mem. Board Manhattan Trade School; mem. Com. of Relief Works, Ethical Society; Woman's Auxiliary to Civil Service Reform Club. Author: Hints for Scientific Study of Children, 1891. Mem. Ethical Culture Soc Favors woman suffrage, but opposed to militant methods. ADY, Dora BeUe, 114 W. Main St., Sparta, Wis. Insurance; b. Viroqua, Wis.. Aug. 6, 1862; dau. I. H. and Caroline (Morgan) Ady; ed. Drake Univ., Chicago School of Music. Teacher at music and drawing in public schools. Assumed Che insurance business of her father at his death in 1908. Mem. Woman's Foreign and Home Mis- sionary Soc. ; lady commander of Spartan Hive, No. 96, of the Ladies of the Maccabees of the World. Pres. Seventh Dist ol Wis. Suffrage Ass'n. Baptist. County pres. Monroe Co. of the W.C.T.U. Recreations: Music, painting. Mem. and for years sec. Alexandrian Club of Sparta. AGEE, Fannie HeasUp Lea (Mrs. Hamilton Pope Agee), 1551 Wilder Av., Honolulu, H.T. Writer; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. James J. and Margaret (Heaslip) Lea; ed. public schools (New Orleans); Newcomb Coll., A.B. post-grad, work In English at Tulane Univ.; m. Mar. U, 1911, Hamilton Pope Agee, of New Orleans. Author: Quicksands, 1911; Jaconetta Stories, 1912; short stories from time to time, in Har- per's, Century, Scribner's, Collier's, Woman's Home Companion, Alnslee's, Smith's, Red Book. Episcopalian. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Recrea- tions: Surfing, tramping, dancing. Mem. Au- thors' League of America, Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Club, College Club (Honolulu). Favors woman suffrage. AHEARN, Margaret Hewitt (Mra. Thomaa Ahearn), "Buena Vista," 684 Laurier Av., Ottawa, Can. Born Montreal; dau. Alexander Fleck; ed. MoGill Normal School and Ottawa Ladies' ColL; m. 1892, Thomas Ahearn, electrical engineer and capitalist Pros. Women's Canadian Historical Soc. ; pres. Alumni Ass'n of Ottawa Ladles' Coll. Pres. Local Council of Women, Ottawa; pres. Local Board of Management or Victorian Order of Nurses; director Women's Art Ass'n of Ot- tawa. AHEBN, Mary EUeen, 37 S. Wabash At., Chi- cago, 111. Librarian, editor; b. Marion Co., Ind.; dau. William and Mary (O'Neill) Ahern; ed. public and private schools of Indiana and IlUnolB Library School. Assistant State Librarian, 1889- 93; SUte librarian, 1893-95, of Indiana. Founded 1896, and ever since editor in chief of the period- ical Public Libraries. Lecturer at all the library schools. Writer of magazine articles. Mem. Am. Library Inst, Am. Library Ass'n, Nat. Educa- tional Ass'n, Am. School Peace League, 111. Library Ass'n. Clubs: Fortnightly (Indianapo- lis), Women's City (Chicago), Chicago Woman's, Chicago Library. Opposed to suffrage tor women. AHLDAY, Josephine Ford (Mrs. F. W. Ahlday), Wharton, Tex. Bom in Oregon, July 2, 1849; dau. Bautwn 40 AHRENS— ALBRIGHT and Mary (Lenox) Ford; ed. in city schools, Austin, Texas; m. Austin City, Texas, Sept. 24, 18S4, F. W. AhWay. Baptist. Democrat. Mem. Woman's Missionary Soc. (Baptist), United Daughters of Confederacy, local chapter J. E. B. Stuart. Recreation: Culture of flowers for per- sonal pleasure. Mem. Mutual Improvement Club, Public Civic Improvement Ass'n. Advo- vates better protection of woman's property rights. AHKENS, Mary A. (Mrs. Louis Ahrens), 5495 Cornell Av., Chicago, 111. Lawyer; b. Saffordshire, England, Dec., 1836; dau. William H. and Ann (Brown) Jones; ed. Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111., LL.B.; m. (1st) Galesburg, 111., 1857, Philip Fellows; (2d) Louis Ahrens; children: Frank B., Fred B., Mary Louise. Settled an estate in Chicago for heirs in Sweden; won many suits where large interests were at stake; obtained favorable construction of statute from Supreme Court conferring the right of women to vote for school trustees. Ac- tive worker in M. E. Church, a singer and a SuBday-school worker; in 1S93-94 fed many thou- sands of starving men and boys, and established a home for destitute women and girls in Chicago, 111. Contributor to magazines. Charter mem. and one of organizers of Protective Agency for Women and Children, one of the five organizers of 111. Women's Press Ass'n, twenty-seven years ago; pres. of Immediate Aid Soc. Mem. Phy- sical Research Soc. and Grand Army Post. Rec- reations: Theatre, gardening, country life. Fa- vors woman suffrage; Puepublican; pres. of Cook Co. Suffrage Ass'n; has lectured all through 111. upon suft'rage question. First lec- ture was entitled Equal Rights and Social Purity Forty Years Ago. AIKEN, Carolyn Jones (Mrs. David Aiken), 710 Amberson Av., Pittsburgh. Pa. Bom Pittsburgh; dau. Rees and Catherine (Humbird) Jones; m. David Aiken Jr.; children: Catherine (Mrs. Reed), Rachel, Clara, Florence CMrs. Smith), Grace. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club. AIKEN, Edith Kenney (Mrs. James P. Aiken), 935 Military St., Port Huron, Mich. Bom Cleveland, O. ; dau. Oscar F. and Melissa (Mcintosh) Kerney; ed. Cleveland public schools; m. Cleveland, June 17, 1896, James P. Aiken, M.D. Mem. Christian Science Church; pres. Ladies' Library Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; active worker on committees. Progressive Re- publican. AINSWOBTH, Sarah Frances Anderson (Mrs. Henry A. Alnsworth), MoUne, III.; winter, Daytona Beach, Fla. Born Bucyrus, O., Nov. 5, 1849; dau. John and Mary (Andrews) Anderson; ed. Rockford Coll., Rockford, 111. ; was graduated from Normal course in 1869, when the school was Rockford Sem. ; m. Uniontown, Pa., June 30, 1S96, Henry A. Alnsworth. Taught at Rockford Sem. and Coll. 25 years; was financial sec. of college, 18^-1890; pres. of college 1890-96. Was pres. ot the Free Kindergarten Ass'n in Moline, 111., for six years until the kindergarten was made a part of the public school system. Mem. As- sociated Charities of Moline, 111., until the Mo- line Women's Club engaged a woman to take charge of all relief work. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationalist. Progressive in poli- tics. Mem. 111. State Audubon Soc, Florida State Audubon Soc. Recreations: Music, drama, cards, motoring, observing birds. Mem. Wo- man's Club of Moline, 111.; Palmetto Club of Daytona, Fla. ; Sans Souci Club, Daytona Beach, Fla.; Chicago College Club. AKINS, Zee (Byrd), 2427- McLaren Av., St. Louis, Mo. Author; b. Humansville, Mo., Oct. 30, 1886, dau. Thomas Jaspard and Elizabeth (Green) Akins; ed. at home; Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, 111., 1900-01; Hosmer Hall, St. Louis. Mo., 1902-03. Private sec. to father, Thomas J. Akins, for period in 1911-12, during his term as postmaster of St. Louis, Mo. Interested in amateur dra- matics, social service, pKjlitical and art move- ments. Author: Interpretations, a Book ot First Poems, 1912. Represented In The Lyric Year. with poem entitled Lethargy, 1912; verse has ap- peared in Harper's, Century, Forum, and va- rious magazines. Mem. St. Louis Artists' Guild. Clubs: The Players, the Dramatic Club, the Town Club, St. Louis. Recreations: Riding, walking, dancing, tennis, amateur dramatics. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. AXBEE, Helen Rickey (Mrs. John Albee), Pequaket, N.H. Writer and craft- worker; b. Dayton, Ohio, 1864; dau. James and Rosaltha (Jones) Rickey; ed. privately at home under governess; grad. Dayton High School, '81; studied designing in New York; m. Minneapolis, 1894, John Albee; lectures occa- sionally: contributor to magazines. Founded Abnakee Rug Industry, first industry ot its kind 1897. Author: Mountain Playmates, 1900 Abnakee Rugs, A Manual on Rug-Making, 1901 Hardy Plants for Cottage Gardens, 1910; The Gleam, 1911. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. Recrea- tions: Gardening, photography. AJLBEE, JIaria Hawes, Bryn Mawr Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Teacher of Latin; b. New Haven, Conn.; ed. Hillhouse High School, New Haven; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04; graduate student, Yale, 1904-06: graduate scholar in Greek, 1909-10, and graduate student, 1910-11; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.M. '10. Instructor in Latin, German and history in high school, New Haven, 1904-06; head of Classical Dep't and ass't principal Tudor Hall, Indianapolis, Ind., 1906-07; teacher at Latin in high school, NeTV Haven, 1907-09; ass't in secretary's office, Yale Univ., 1908-09; teacher ot Latin in Miss Wright School, Bryn Mawr, since 1909. ALBERS, Minnie Martin (Mrs. Homer Albers), 55 Irving St., Brookllne, Mass. Born Gowanda, N.Y., Sept. 18, 1865; dau. Charles Henry and Sarah S. (Goodell) Martin; ed. Fredonia, N.Y.; m. Fredonia, N.Y., June 26, 1889, Homer Albers. Episcopalian. Mem. Salon F^ancais de Boston, MacDowell Club. ALBERT, Grace, The Students' Inn. Bryn Mawr. Pa. Teacher; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; ed. Miss Gror- don's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97: A.M. '03; graduate student, 1901-02 and 1904-08; graduate scholar in history and eco- nomics and politics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-03; fellow In hislory and student Univ. of London; engaged in research work in the Public Record Office. London, and Univ. of Oxford, 1903-04. Teacher of Latin, 1899-1901; of history, 1905-06, and sec, 1901-92, and since 1906 head of Dep't of History in the Misses Shipleys' School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A^BEBTSON, Lucy Durfee Clark (Mrs. William C. Albertson). 55 Lafayette St., Geneva, N.Y. School principal; b. Marion, Wayne Co., N.Y., July 10, 1865; dau. Isaac A. and Sarah (Durfee) Clark; received classical diploma from Geneseo State Normal School, 1886; grad. Univ. of Mich. A.B. 1891 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Lake- vllle, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1892. William C. Albertson; one son: Robert Durfee Albertson. Teacher of Latin and Greek in Baldwlnsville High School. 1886-1888; teacher ot geometry. Girls' High School. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1892; teacher of Teachers' Train- ing Class, Monticello, N.Y., 1906; principal Pros- pect Av. Public School, Geneva, N.Y., 19C6. Presbyterian. Progressive in politics. Mem. Political Equality Club and College Club; favors woman suffrage. ALBRECHT, Jennie Butler (Mrs. J. M. Al- brecht), Tlskllwa. 111. Born Tiskilwa, 111.; grad. Rockford (111) Sem. (now college), 1871; m. Tiskilwa. 111.. J. M. Albrecht. Taught in public schools of Tiskilwa for five years previous to marriage; has since lived on a farm. Mem. Order Eastern Star (was First Worthy Matron for three years of Sharon Chapter). Mem. Woman's Club (has been sec. and pres.). .4LBRIGHT, Evelyn Mary, 5600 Drexel Av., Chicago, 111. Teacher; b. Sidney, O.. May 1, 18S0; dau. Lewli ALlBRIGHT— ALEXANDER 41 Miller and Eliza L. (Downing) Albright; ed. AiDAJCH, Mrs. Arthur, LlTermore, Colo. CWilo Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, O., A.B. '98; Bom Manchester, "Wis.; dau. Asa H. and A.M. 1900; Univ. of Chicago, grad. student since Frances E. (Tlbbetts) Aldrich; ed. public schools 1907; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor and assistant of Wis., Pawnee City Academy, Neb., and Agr'l prof, of English, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1899-11; Coll., Colo.; m. June 4, 1887, Arthur N. Aldrich. resident student of Univ. of Chicago. Favors Active In Intellectual and educational work; pres. woman suffrage. Author: The Short Story, 1907; of Livermore Woman's Club for past seven years, Descriptive Writing, 1911. Mem. Methodist has been a teacher in Wis., Kans., and Colo. Episcopal Church. (ten terms in all) ; had thrilling pioneer eiperi- ALBBIGHT. Sasan Gertrude Fuller (Mrs. John ence in Kans. and Colo., now living on a ranch. Joseph Albright), 730 W. Ferry St., Buffalo, Recreation: Oil painting. Favors woman suf- \! Y ° • frage. Republican. Grad Smith Coll. B.A. '91; m. 1897, John ALDRICH, Mrs. Auretta Boys, 82 Belmont Av., Joseph Albright, merchant, banker and art Springfield, Mass. „, , ^ ,,, ^, patron, and one of the Incorporators of the Author, educator; b. Fletcher, Vt., Nov. 2, American Academy in Rome; children: John 1829; dau. Benedict and Melissa (Dunn) Roys; Joseph, b. 1897; Elizabeth, b. 1898; Fuller, b. early education in Mass. ; took course at Medlco- 1900- Nancy, b. 1905; Susie, b. 1908. Engaged Chirurgical Coll., Philadelphia, two courses at as private teacher in Buffalo, 1891-95. Mem. Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., and one year In Aas'n ol Collegiate Alumnae. Germany; m Woonsocket, R.I 1850, Andrew J. ,-,-^-^-^T ^ ^Zi TL, mr * -o « V, ,.* Aldnch; children: Arthur G., Ida Auretta, Flor- ALDEN Cjnuthla May Westover Bensonhurst j^ ^ p j ^ ^^^ summer schools Brooklyn, N.Y. (office, 96 Fifth Av.. N.Y. City.^ j^^ physiER, Hattie Caroline Beringer (Mrs. joi^ a^d Emily (Tracy) Algoe; ed. Flint High Horace Clement Alexander). 34 Washington School; Wellesley Coll.. B.S. '88; studied abroad St., Chicago, 111. 1892-93; graduate student Chicago Univ., 1899 and Physician; b. Waterford, Pa.; grad. Lapeer 1912; olivet Coil., A.M., 1910. Teacher in Flint (Mich.) High School, '76; Vassar, A.B. '80; Univ. High School, 1893-95, 1897-1905, 1911-13; dean of of Mich., M.D., '83; m. Lapeer, Mich., Feb. 25, women, Olivet Coll., 1905-U; instructor of Ger- 1884. Horace Clement Alexander; one son, one man, Univ. of Colo., 1910. Favors woman suf- daughter. Practised medicine at Lapeer, Mich., frage- vice-pres. Flint Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1883-84; Chicago, 1884-1900. Mem. Internal. Med. 1912-is. Presbyterian. Mem. Modern Language Congress, 1906 and 1908. Author: Degeneracy and Ass'n, Flint (Mich.) Twentieth Century Clu'b. Malthusianism; Correction of Degeneracy; Legal •tt*i>j c„„k n..^^u^u 999 T>„t^^Aa■a a-u- Aspects of Epilepsy. Fellow Chicago Acad, of "^-ch^e'ston.^C. Rutledge Av.. Medicine. Physician;' b.' Charleston, S.C, Dec. 7, 1861; ALEXANDER, Mary Corlinda BatcheUer (Mrs. jau. James and Amey S. (Hobcraft) Allan; ed. Robert Alexander), 5500 Wayne Av., German- Charleston Female Sem.; Woman's Med. Coll., town, Philadelphia,- Pa. N.Y. City, M.D. '94; post-graduate work in Johns Bom Lowville, N.Y. ; dau. Sewel Barney and Hopkins Univ. Resident physician for summer. Mary (Lanpher) BatcheUer; ed. Lowville Acad. ^395 at Thomas Wilson Sanitarium, Baltimore. and Genesee Coll.; m. Lowville, Robert Alex- Appointed, 1895, ass't physician to State Hospital ander, lawyer, of Philadelphia; children: Mary for insane, Columbia, S.C, resigned Nov., 1906. A. Truitt, Charles Robert. Alice (deceased), interested in church work, civic work, Y.W.C.A., Mem. of Founders and Patriots of America, playgrounds and matters relating to health and Colonial Dames of America, New England Soc., sanitation. Presbyterian. Mem. Bible Soc. Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Soc. of Pa- Benevolent Soc, Nat. History Soc. Recreations: trlotic Women; mem. Council of Travelers' Aid Driving, reading. Mem. Civic Club. Resigned Soc. Presbyterian. from active professional lite on account of ill- ALEXANDEB, Orline St. John (Mrs. Lawrence ness of parent; has never engaged in private D. Alexander), New Canaan, Conn., and N.Y. practice. City. ALLEN, Ada Mary Eaton (Mrs. Ralph Allen), Born'iu Virginia; m. June 12, 1866, Lawrence Delanan, 111. D. Alexander (stock broker); children: St. John, Born Philo, Champaign Co., 111.; dau. Lucius Orline, Lucy, Lawrence D. Jr. Presbyterian, and Lucy (Cleveland) Eaton; ed. 111. State Univ.. Mem. D.A.R.. Pocahontas Memorial Ass'n, 1&74-77; m. Philo, 111., Sept. 3, 1879, Ralph Allen; United Daughters of Confederacy, Post Parlia- children: Edith Louise, Pascal, Fred., Jonathan, ment. Colonial Dames of America. Equal Fran- Ralph. Lucy, Hester, Harriet, Theodore, Eloise. chise Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Has been mem. of the ALEXANDER, Virgrinia, 301 W. Green St., M. M. Soc. for 30 years, and P. C. of Green Ithaca, N.Y. Valley societies of a social and improving nature. Teacher; b. Laporte, Ind.; grad. Vassar Coll., Mem. Missionary Baptist Church. Has been A.B. '89; Cornell Univ., A.M. '99. Teacher in pres. for two years of Delaware Woman's Club; Oxford (Ohio) Coll., 1890-04; South Bethlehem, mem. Friends in Council. Pa., 1894-95; N.Y. City, 1895-97; College of St. ALLEN, Alice Ranney (Mrs. Thomas Allen), 12 Blizabcth, N.J., 1899-1903; in Western High Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. School, Washington, D.C., since 1903. Born Boston, Mass., Sept. 30, 1862; dau. Hon. ALFORD, Ora Wads worth (Mrs. T. S. Alford), Ambrose A. and Maria D. (Fletcher) Ranney; ed. 647 Humbolt St., Denver, Colo. Boston public schools, grammar and Girls' High Bom Baldwin, Kan., Mar. 6, 1871; dau. Robert School, private courses; m. Oct. 23, 1884, Boston, Bruce and Harriet (West) Wadsiworth; worked Thomas Allen; children: Thomas, Erie, Robert way through school and taught at age of 17; ed. Fletcher, Dorothy Fletcher. Interested in work Ottawa Coll., '88; grad. Baxter Springs Normal, of Boston Women's Municipal League, also mem. '92; studied drafting under private tutor; m. Mc- Women's Education Ass'n of Boston, Chilton Cune, Kan., May 25, 1898, T. Sherman Alford; Club (Boston), Musical Art Club. Recreations: children: Stanley (adopted), b. 1904; Harriet, b. Out of door occupations. Unitarian. Against 1906. At age of 40 went to Boston and took woman suffrage. ALLEN 43 AtLEN, Annie King Blalr (Mrs. William W. Walbridge, Charles Walbrldge, Charles Klssam, Allen Jr.), 519 Vine St., Camden, N.J. Grace Elisabeth. Episcopalian. Bora In North Carolina; grad Guilford (N.C.) ALLEN, Elizabeth, Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, Coll., A.B. 1900; Guilford graduate student at n y (summer Burlington Vt ) BrynMawT Coll (Latin). 1900-01; m. 1905, Will- Teacher of mathematics; " b. Brooklyn, N.T.; lam W. Allen Jr. Principal of Corinth Acad., j^u. Hon. John J. and Louise A. (Shaler) Allen; P^H'^J' y>-' ^^^^i^i t-eacher in Guilford Coll., gd. Packer Coll. Institute, Brooklyn (certificate), 1902-05. Mem. Society of Friends. Barnard Coll. A.B. (honors in mathemaUcs, Phi ALLEN, Annie Winsor (Mrs. Joseph Allen), 9 BeU Kappa), Bryn Mawr, Columbia A.M.; (mem. Myrtle St., White Plains, N.Y. Kappa Kappa Gamma at Barnard). Mem. Board Teacher, school director; b. Winchester, Mass., of Directors of the Intercollegiate Bureau of May 25, 1S65; dau. Dr. Frederick and Ann Bent Occupations; mem. Women's Political Union, (Ware) Winsor; ed. Radcliffe Coll., 1883-85, N.Y. City; Equal Franchise League of Bur- 188G-89; m. Weston, Mass., June 4, 1900, Joseph lington, Vt. (field sec); mem. Board Direct- Allen, children: Dorothea Teulon, Annie Winsor, ors Associate Alumnae of Barnard Coll. Episco- Joseph Jr., David (died 1906). Teacher in palian. Recreations: Mountain climbing and Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1889-1900; director tennis. Mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. of Roger Asoham School, Scarsdale, N. Y., since City, Caroline Country Club, Green Mountain 1907. Manager of State Training School for Club. Girls, Hudson, N.Y. ; mem. Standing Com. All ALLEN, Emma Pott*r (Mrs. G. J. Allen). 720 Souls' Church, White Plains, N.Y.; mem. and w. College St., Rochester, Minn, former pres. Mothers' Council of Public Schools, Born Clearwater, Minn., June 29, 1870; dau. White Plains. Author: Home, School and Vaca- William B. and Miriam (Stone) Potter; ed. tion, 1908: has written several magazine articles. Linden Hill Acad.; New Carlisle (O.) High Mem. White Plains Nursing Ass'n, National Con- School (valedictorian); won scholarship from sumers' League, Mothers' Council, Radcliffe Adrian Coll., Mich.; m. New Carlisle, June 29, Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: Walking, summer 1896, George J. Allen, lawyer, of Rochester, at Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me. Unitarian. Minn.; children: Samuel P., b. 1900; George B., Democrat; votes only on school matters. b. 1906. Pres. of two clubs, also of First Dlst ALLEN, Cora Williams (Mrs. D. Frederick M'°ii- Fed of Women's Clubs. Mem. Eastern Allen) Wallingford Conn ^^^^ *°*^ Rebecca Lodges and W.C.T.U. Takes Bom Erie County," Pa.; 'dau. John E. and active part In church work holding responsible Chloe (McArthur) Williams; grad. Clarion (Pa.) 2,^5=63 m, Parish Aid and Woman s Auxiliary of State Normal School and Teachers College ^P'^^opal Church. Favors woman suffrage. (Columbia University), '07; m. N.Y. City, g "J'^= ^o^rift. Home Economics, Civic League, June 12, 1907, D. Frederick Allen; one son: ^'^te federation. Frederick Williams Allen, b. May, 1909. Inter- ALLEN, Florence Eliza, 219 Lathrop St., Madl- ested in all educational matters, school gardens son. Wis. and playgrounds, and all child welfare Interests. University instructor; b. Horlcon, Wis , Oct. 4 Mem. Betterment League, N.Y. City, Connecticut 1876; dau. Charles and Eliza (North) Allen; ed. Grange, Sunshine Society. Recreations: Arts, Univ. of Wis., B.L., M.L., Ph.D. (mem. Delta crafts, pottery. Recording sec. Conn. State Fed- Delta Delta). Instructor in mathematics, Univ. eration of Women's Clubs. Baptist. Favors of Wis. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Phi Beta woman suffrage. Kappa Soc. Favors womarr suffrage. ALLEN, Eleanor Whitney, 12 Commonwealth ALLEN, Frances, 210 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. Av., Boston, Mass. Photographer and illustrator; b. Deerfleld, Social worker; b. Ecouen, France, Apr. 18, Mass., Aug. 10, 1854; dau. Joslah A. and Mary 1882; dau. Thomas Allen (artist) and Eleanor (Stebblns) Allen; ed. Deerfleld Acad.; Westfleld Goddard (Whitney) Allen; eid. in private schools Normal Scjiool. In association with sister as in Boston. Corresponding sec. Mass. Ass'n of Frances and Mary Allen, widely known as illus- Women Workers; mem. Vacation Committee, trators and pictorial photographers. Mass. Section, Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. at t inv f^^^^,^^ tic Ts.T„_ti, t „i, o. »» j Civic Federation; mem. Arlington St. Church ^}'^^\2"^'^^'' "^ ^°'^^ ^^^ ^^' ^^'^■ branch of Woman's Nat. Alliance (Unitarian), t:-jh.'„J^ „,!<..„. v r\„„,„, m -d- . .» t u and of Entertainment Committee of Herford , ^'^"/'^' ^'l**^^' ^'^ °^fj?l5f' ^-^Z , ^*"- J". "?T^ Club of Arlington St. Church, which gives con- ^^^ f°°^ ^/"^^'^"♦^^ (Hedden) Allen; privately certs, lectures, etc., at various hospitals and other ?^,^f?,''^,>,"°?fj,,„*,^®p,5!!'=^f'\r,?l ^^\ father's institutions m the city. Mem. Boston Committee !°^.°°i; J.^,! Mount Pleasant Military Academy, of Mass. Soc. Opposed to the Further Extension ^°^. ^^,"*^n"n^H..^^w "^'Jv "^ Vermont. Fiction of Suffrage to Women. Recreation: Golf; bronze "^l^^^"" ''''^ ,^t°"'^^w ^^^F^*V ^^ w. ^'°'7 ^^J^f^ medallist of Women's Nat. Golf Championship, ?o^ associate editor of the Wisconsin State 1911. Clubs: Chilton, Saturday Morning. Mac- Jo^rna"- Favors woman suffrage. Dowell, Thursday Morning Musicales (all Bos- ALLEN, Gretchen Brooks Stervens (Mrs. George ton), and Vincent Club. W. H. Allen), Box 538, Cazenovla, N.T. ^%^"asfn'rs7~Yl?rut^h"^^e"-°'^ "• ""^'^^^ er^r H^^^atd "kl^uJ^'^Ji^rstt^nsr^: Charles G and Cora S (Durgan) Gooding; ed. Paris, 1906-10, and Julian Studio, Paris, 19(»;m public schools and high school of Yarmouth. Buffa o, April 18, 1911, George W. H. Allen, of 5fn;l,-'°nhiiI^°RvH:n ^T.rfnl- h^^Tni v^^9q°°ir«?: Cazeno;ia,N.Y.. 'formerly of St. Louis, Mo "one Allen children Byron Morton b. July 29. 1887; go^. Frederick Stevens Allen, b. July 3. 1912. Life Harold Bernard b July 6 1889: Ruth El^^^^^^^^ ^,„ Barlow Sanatorium. ' Los Angeles, ' Cal.! Trq-- Ho^o^ rV«=lJ h r,!! 9« isQ7 Miin connected with King's Daughters of St. Peter's ^.nf' u VmI TntpZ«fJ^- i,^rf•MJon« fnfl Ihfi Church, Cazenovia; donor Allen Prize for Sept. 14 1897) Interested in religious and phi - German, Morrlstown School, Morristown. N.J.; anthropic work. Against woman suffrage. Unl- ,1,^ ^^'^^ ^^^ tron Children's Hospita m'^^'m Mem. Woman's State Relief Corps of Buffalo, N.Y.; mem. Philharmonic Soc. of N.Y Me. Mem. Fortnightly Club of Yarmouth. Long city; sustaining mem. Erie County Soc. for Pre- mier »n ^„Vt^.7^ffl •oi'^'""^ '"''^'^ ^^ P""^^- ""^ mention of Cruelty to Animals; life mem. Buffalo filled all other offices. p^^ ^^^ j^^^ ^^^ Albright Art Gallery. ALLEN, Elisabeth Walbridge Cleveland (Mrs. Buffalo. N.Y.: mem. The Owahgena Club (Caze- Charles J. Allen), "The Knoll," Victoria Rd., novia, N.Y.). Episcopalian. Against woman Ashevllle, N.C. suffrage. Recreations: Horseback riding, driving. Born Bedford, P.Q., Canada; dau. George W. ^^t, music, and Adella (Walbridge) Cleveland; ed. by gov- ALLEN, Lucy Ellis, West Newton, Mass. emesses, Caatleton Sem., Castleton, Vt. ; m. Principal of private school for girls; b. Bos- Rock Island, 111., Jan. 20, 1869, Gen. Charles J. ton; dau. Nathaniel T. and Caroline (BaaseU) Allen, D.S.A.; children: Philip Cleveland, George Allen; ed. Allen School, West Newton, Mawk. 44 ALLEN Smitli Coll. A.B., and by European travel and study in seven trips abroad. Teacher in Allen School, West Newton, and principal of The Misses Allen School, 1904. Member of a family of edu- cators and professional people, and her father, who founded the Allen School for Boys in West Newton, was an educator, reformer and philan- thropist of Mass. for 80 years. Director Pomeroy Home for Orphan Children, Newton, Mass.; sec. and treas. West Newton Journey Club; vice- regent Lucy Jackson Chapter D.A.R., of New- ton; mem. Twentieth Century Club of Boston; mem. and has been officer in the College Club of Boston, Smith College Club, and Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Director Boston Equal Suffrage Club. Unitarian. Recreations: Tennis, driving, riding, sailing. AXLEN, Iiulu Pearl Jeflfers (Mrs. James A. Allen), 312 W. Eighty-third St., N.T. City. Born in Kentucky; ed. schools of Covington, Ky. ; m. Covington, Oct. 31, 1900, James A. Allen (lawyer). Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Director N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Cen- tury Theatre Club, Dixie Clut, Political Study Club, Minerva Club, Rainy Day Club, Forum, Woman's Press Club. AXLEIN, Lydia Jeannette McMillan (Mrs. George W. Allen), Box 188, Cazenovia, N.T. Born La Porte, Ind., Oct. 8, 1853; dau. Rev. John and Elisabeth Catherine (Walton) McMillan; ed. by private instruction up to 1865, Methodist Epis- copal Coll., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1866-68; prepared for Vassar Coll. by the late Dr. James Newell, of Pittsburgh, 1869; Vassar Coll., 1870-74, A.B. '74; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 21, 1876, George W. Allen, of St. Louis; children: Thomas Allen, 3d, of N.Y. City, b. Sept. 8, 1877; Clare (Mrs. Charles H. Haskins, of Cambridge, Mass.), b. March 6, 1881; Elisabeth Walton (Mrs. James B. Mennell, of London, Eng.), b. Oct. 1, 1882; George Walton Holker Allen, of Cazenovia, N.Y., b. Nov. 19, 1889, and Whitelaw Reid Allen, of Cazenovia, N.Y., b. Feb. 26, 1891. Very deeply interested in the Child Labor Aae'n and its works. Donor of Allen Senior and Junior French prizes, Morristown School, Morristown, N.J. Mem. Circle of Friends of the Medallion, Acad, of Political Science and of the Owahgena Club of Cazenovia, N.Y. Episcopalian. Opposed to woman suffrage. Recreations: Travel, motoring. ALLEN, Mabel .Stanley Calef (Mrs. Charles Rol- Iln Allen Jr.), 172 Spring St., Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Born Providence, R.I. ; dau. George C. and Emma (Sanders) Calef; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '96; student in French of Franco-English Guild, Paris, 1899-1900; m. Nov. 9, 1904, Charles RoUin Allen Jr.; children: Stanley Calef, b. Sept. 28, 1905; Lucy Emma, b. July 11, 1907; Charles Rol- lins, b. Sept. 7, 1910. Teacher, Millis, Mass., 1897-98; Providence (R.I.) Classical High School, 1900-02. Mem. Ass'n' of Collegiate Alumnae. ALLEN, Margaret Pinckney Jackson (Mrs. Ar- thur Moulton Allen), 84 Upton Av., Provi- dence, R.I. Bora Roselle, N.J. ; grad. 'Vassar, A.B. '01; m. June 1, 1904, Arthur Moulton Allen. Teacher Nat. Cathedral School, Washington, D.C., 1901-02; actress in N.Y. City, 1902-03. ALLEN, Martha Elizabeth Moore (Mrs. J. D. Allen), 155 N. Bellevue Boulevard, Memphis, Tean. Born on homestead farm in Jay Co., Ind., Nov. 16, 1849; dau. Samuel and Leah McKay (Phillips) Moore; ed. in public schools; one year in Miss Lou Barton's Girls' School of Indiana; diploma from Chautauqua, N.Y., 188C>-84; m. Grant Co., Ind., June, 1869, J. D. Allen; one son: Junius D. Allen, b. 1870. Interested in temperance and suffrage work. State sup't in narcotics under W.C.T.U. ; State pres. Equal Suffrage League of Tenn., 1906-12; delegate to three W.C.T.U. and two suffrage national con- ventions. Author: Rambles with Christian En- deavors (a pamphlet) ; also numerous articles on temperance and suffrage. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Driving through parks, country rambles. Mem. Nineteenth Century Club, Civic League. ALLEN, Martha Meir (Mrs. James E. Allen), Forest Hills Gardens, Long Island, N.T. Writer, research worker; b. Owen Sound, On- taria. Can.; dau. Jonn H. and Ellen Meir; ed. Owen Sound High School; some college work privately; m. Owen Sound, CJan., June, 1880, Rev. James E. Allen; children: Georgia, Roy, Martha. Came to N.Y. State to live In 1885. Read paper by request before Section on Hygiene of American Med. Ass'n, June, 1906; United States Government delegate to Congress on Al- coholism held in London, July, 1909. Author of book: Alcohol a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, used as a reference book in all the medical libraries of United States and Canada; also many pamphlets on effects of alcohol and drugs, and leaflets showing dangers of drugs in soft drinks. Sup't of Med. Temperance for the World's and Nat. W.C.T.U.; mem. A.A.A.S. ; mem. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of M.E. Church. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. ALLEN, Mary, Deerfleld, Mass. Photographer, illustrator; b. Deerfleld, Mass., May 14, lSo8; dau Josiah A. and Mary (Stebbins) Allen; ed. Deerfield Acad.; Westfleld Normal School. Favors woman suffrage. In association with her sister, Frances, does illustrating and pictorial photographic work. ALLEN, Mary Adgle, 206 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. Teacher, writer; b. in Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86; student Greek archaeology, Yale, 1896-1903. Teacher, Holyoke High School, 1886-91; teacher of Greek, Minneapolis, Minn., 1891-92; Now Haven (Conn.) High School, 1892-1905 ;• Hol- yoke High School, head History Dep't, 1905-06; head Classical Dep't since 1909. Author: The Plain Path, etc. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas. .4LLEN, Mary Dayton, Ramadan, Persia. Physician; b. Oneonta, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1884; dau. Horace Hews and Frances Adelia (Fitch) Allen: ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B.; Johns Hop- Kins Medical School, M.D., Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha (honorary fraternity), Zeta P|ii (medical). After graduation in 1910, resident house officer, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1910-11. Appointed missionary to Persia, 1911; noiw In charge of Whipple Memorial Hospital, Hamadan, Persia, under Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Favors woman suffrage. ALLEN, Mary Findlay (Mrs. Torke Allen), 41 Ridgewood Rd., S. Orange, N.J. Born Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9, 1881; dau. John L. and Mary (Keesey) Findlay; ©d. Southern Home School, Baltimore; m. Towson, Md., Oct. 20, 1906, Yorke Allen; children: John Findlay, Carolyn Yorke Allen. ^VLLEN, Jlary Jane, San Diego, Cal. Born Medina, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1841; dau. Stephen Wilson and Clarissa (Marvin) Hill; ed. in schools of Ohio; m. (1st) Oct. 16, 1864, George W. Pat- terson, who died Feb. 16, 1879; (2d) Oct., 1885, Seymour W. Allen, who died June 11, 1900. Engaged as school teacher for fifteen years fee- fore marriage. Active in church and philan- thropic work;, raises flowers and distributes to sick and infirm. Helped organize the Stockton (Kan.) Congregational Church; was choir leader and sup't of Sunday-school. Extensive traveler. Congregationalist. Lived until recently In Osborne, Kan., whence removed early In 1913 to California. ALLEN, Mary Montague Ferry (iStb. B. C. Allen), Box "A," Park City, Utah (winter, B2B W. Highland Av., Redlands, Cal.) State Regent D.A.R. ; b. Ferrysburg, Mich., Feb. 27, 1853; dau. Charles William Montague and Jeannette (Hollister) Ferry; grad. Ipswich (Mass.) Female Sem., '74 Musical education in Boston and Chicago; m. Grand Haven, Mich.. Oct. 1, 1879, E. C. Allen; children: William Mon- tague Allen, 1883; Kate Harwood Allen-Anderson, 1888. Teacher of music; later organist and chorus conductor; these professional cares grad- ually relinquished save for occasional church service. Lived until marriage at Grand Haven, Mich., for ten years at I,iUdlngton, Mich., fpr H ALLEN— ALLIN 45 years at Park City, Utah; winter residence at Red- landfl, Cal., for 10 years. Interested in home and foreign mission work of church; mem. Woman's Board of Management of Westminster College, Salt L>ake City; was first grand matron of the O.E.S, of Utah. Mem. Spirit of Liberty Chapter, D.A.R. ; SUte Regent, 1903. Presbyterian. Dem- ocrat in National, American in Utah politics. Mem. of Woman's AthenaBum of Park City, Utah, and of The Contemporary Club of Red- lands, California. ALLEN, Mand, Ferozepore, Punjab, India. Medical missionary; b. Owatonna, Minn.; dau. Ethan and Josephine (Blood) Allen; ed. Univ. of Mieh., M.D. '94. Went to India as a medical missionary In 18d4; now in charge of the Frances Newton Hospital at Ferozepore, In the Punjab. Presbyterian. ALLEN, Miranda May, 297 Alexander St., Roch- ester, N.Y. Physlc-an; b. Rochester, July 4, 1870; dau. Anson C. and A. May (Alcott) Allen; ed. Roches- ter public schools, Mgh schools Univ. of Mich., M.D. N.Y. State Sec. Public Health Education Com. of Am. Med. Ass'n, 1909-11. Special lec- turer N.Y. State Health Dep't on Eugenics and Sex-Hygiene, 1912. Director Rochester Public Health Ass'n, 1909-11, engaged in anti-tuberculo- sis work; chairman Hygiene Com. City Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1909-11; chairman of 7th Dlst. N.Y. Fed. Women's Clubs' Public Service Com.; mem. Rochester Political Equality Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. local club and speaker for suffrage. Author of lectures on anti-tuber- culosis work, eugenics and sex-hygiene, also various medical papers. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Monroe Co. Med. Soc, Blackwell (Women's) Med. Soc., N.Y. State Women's Med. Soc. ALLEN, MoUie MacClaughry (Mrs. Harry Bush Allen), Oswego, N.Y., R.F.D. 6. Farmer, Institute lecturer; b. East Greenwich, N.Y. ; dau. Ezra and Louise (Davis) MacClaughry; grad. Washington Acad., Salem, N.Y., Cornell Univ. B.S. '93 (special mention in chemistry); m. Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1906, Harry Bush Allen. Taught sciences In public high schools, Saratoga and Medina, N.Y., also In private school In New Orleans, La. Has done Farmers' Inst, work in N.J., N.Y., Pa. and Canada. Mem. Congregational Church, Ithaca, N.Y. Mem. Huldah Chapter, O.E.S., Hannibal, N.Y.; North Hannibal Grange and N.Y. State Grange. Has written for the poultry papers, principally for the American Poultry World, Buffalo. Favors woman suffrage. ALLEN, Kuth Homer (Mrs. G. F. Allen), 2 Monro Park, Toronto, Can. Born Oct. 27, 1877; dau. Judge W. B. and Louise (Hart) Homer; ed. St. Louis High School and Smith Coll., B.L. ; m. Sept. 20, 1900, George Franklin Allen; children: Louise Hart, Ruth. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Boating, snow-shoeing, dancing, auction. Pres. Culture Club of Toronto; mem. University Woman's Club. ALLEN, Viola (Mrs. Peter Duryea). Actress; b. Alabama; dau. C. Leslie Allen, distinguished character actor, a native New Englander of Revolutionary descent, and Sarah J. (Lyon) 4nen, Englishwoman of family long connected with British navy; spent early years In Boston, where her father was for years In the Boston Theatre Company; from age 10 to 13 was at the Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, then entered private school in N.Y. City, her father then being with the Madison Square Theatre Company, and also studied Shakespeare under his tuition; m. 1906, Peter Duryea, of Lexington, Ky., and New York, well-known horseman. While still a schoolgirl, made debut, quite unex- pectedly, in the ingenue part of Esmeralda dur- ing the temporary absence from the cast of the actress playing that part, doing so well that she soon after was cast for Virginia in the play of Virginlus, and to understudy classical and Shake- spearean rdles in a repertoire company; after that appeared with Lawrence Barrett as Mildred iB Browning's Blot on the 'Scutcheon, and soon after ths* wap olayius Desdemona, Parthenia, Juliet, Cordelia and other classic leading rOlea with Tomasso Salvlnl, the great Italian trage- dian; then for a season leading lady of the Bos- ton Museum Company and supported by Joseph Jefferson and William Florence, playing the parts of Lydia Languish in The Rivals and Cicely Homespun in The Heir-at-Law, in elab- orate revivals of those old comedies. Following that for several seasons, under Charles Froh- man's management, created Tnany new rOles in noted successes at the Empire Theatre, such as Aristocracy, Liberty Hall, Sowing the Wind, The Masqueraders, The Conquerors, etc. Then starred five years with Llebler & Co., creating the r61es of Gloria Quayle in The Christian (Hall Calne), Dofia Dolores In In the Palace of the Kin" (F. Marion Crawford), and Roma in Hall Calne's The Eternal City, also appearing as Julia In a fine revival of The Hunchback (Sheridan Knowles). After that for three seasons ap- peared in Shakespearian productions (with her brother, Charles W. Allen, as manager), playing Viola in Twelfth Night, Hermione and Perdita in The Winter's Tale, and Imogene in Cymbaline, also In special performances of As You Like It, The School for Scandal and Romeo and Juliet, also produced The Toast of the Town, by Clyde Fitch, and an English play, Irene Wycherley, by Anthony Wharton. After that, under Liebler & Co., played The White Sister (Marion Crawford). In October, 1912, created name part of Judith Gautier in Pierre Loti's play. The Daughter of Heaven, at the Century Thea- tre, New York. Great lover of horses; enthusi- astic rider and driver. Mem. of Twelfth Night Club. Keenly interested in the project of inter- national peace. ALLEN, Wellesca Pollock (Mrs. Wilfred P. Allen), 804 B St., S.W., Washington, D.C. Disciple and teacher of Bahaism; b. Weston, Mass., Feb. 12, 1871; dau. George Henry and Louise (Plessner) Pollock; ed. Washington (D.C.) public schools, Washington Normal Kindergarten Inst, and Froebel Inst., Washington; m. Rich- mond, Va., Sept. 5, 1906, Wilfred P. Allen; chil- dren: Wilfred Pollock, b. Dec. 29, 1908; Harrison Dyar, Dec. 24, 1911. Taught kindergarten In the public schools of Washington before marriage, pioneering the kindergarten idea in that city. Before kindergarten could be introduced into the public schools of Washington it was necessary to have a corps of trained colored teachers, and she and her mother trained a class of 22 for that purpose, and they also conducted a correspond- ence kindergarten course. Since 1901 Interested in the Bahai Revelation and has been engaged in disseminating its principles. In 1907 went to Acca, Syria, and visited Abdul Baha Abbas, the leader of this movement, then a prisoner of the Turkish Government because of his religious views. Made compilations of extracts from the teachings of Abdul Baha Abbas, two In English and one in Persian: Selections from the Tablets of Abdul Baha to Aseyeh, also Letters of Abdul Baha to the Children, and in Persian, Pearls of the Kingdom. ALLIN, Eagenla, Decatur, III. Librarian; b. Bloomlngton, 111.; dau. William H. and Harriet E. (Capen) Allin; ed. Blooming- ton (111.) High School, Wesleyan Univ., Univ. of 111., B.L.S. 1903; mem. Phi DelU Psi. Librarian of the Decatur Coll. and Industrial School, 1903-10. Organizer 111. Library Extension Com- mission since 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Univ. of 111. Alumni Ass'n, Univ. of 111. Library School Alumni Ass'n, Am. Library Ass'n, 111. Library Ass'n, D.A.R., De- catur Municipal Art League. Recreations: Golf, walkltg. Mem. Decatur Country Club, Study Class, Drama Club. ALLLN, Ueloise M. Litchfield (Mrs. George Albert Allln), 13th Av. and 66th St., Brook- lyn, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 12, 1854; dau. Electus Bachus and Hannah Maria (Breed) Litchfield; ed. Paris and New York; m. Brook- lyn, June 24, 1874, George Albert Allin; children: (jeorge Litchfield, Lawrence Blanchard, Helolse Marie, Kate Duryea. Baptist; second directress of The Brooklyn Baptist Home; pres. Church 46 ALLIN— ALSTON Aid Soc. of Strong Place Baptist Church. Mem. Colonial Dames of New York, Colonial Daughters of the XVIIth Century. Clubs: Brooklyn Woman's (chairman Board of directors) ; charter, mem. Winter Club of Utrecht; charter mem. and pres. Utrecht Study Club; mem. Ex-Presidents' Club of Brooklyn. AI.LXN, Josephine Turner, 4805 Madison Av., Chicago, 111. Teacher and dramatic director; b. Chicago, 111., June 10, 1877; dau. Benjamin C. and Josephine (Turner) AUin; ed. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '99; Sorbonne, Paris, 1901-02 (The Quadranglers). Interested in the Episcopal Church, Settlement League, University Settlement and vocational counseling. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Alumnse Club, Univ. of Chicago Alumni Ass'n, Settlement League, Drama League of America, Nat. Educa- tional Ass'n, Chicago High School Teachers' Club and various educational or pedagogic as- sociations, and very active in Chicago College Club. Dean of girls in Chicago High School. Recreations: Dramatic coach, French clubs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. AJLLINE, Marj' Clapp (Mrs. W. Henry Alline), 113 Galnsboro St., Boston, Mass. Born Boston; dau. Henry Barnard ajid Mary C. (Beals) Clapp; ed. boarding school and Win- throp School, Boston; m. Boston, May 25, 1886, W. Henry Alline. Active in State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs. Against woman suffrage. Uni- tarian. Mem. Founders and Patriots of Amer- ica, (Colonial Dames. Has held oflSce of regent, also treas. and registrar of Paul Revere Chapter D.A.R., and similar oflBces In Daughters of 1812; first vice-pres. Brighthelmstone Club; vice-pres. of two church organizations for charity and philanthropic work. ALLXNSON, Annie Crosby Emery (Mrs. Francis G. Alllnion), 163 George St., Providence, R.I. Educator; b. Ellsworth, Me., Jan. 1, 1871; dau. LucUius A. and Annie Stetson (Crosby) Emery; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll. A.B. '92, Ph.D. '96, Hon. LittD. from Bowdoin Coll., 1911; m. Hancock Point, Me., Aug. 22, 1903, Francis Greenleaf Allinson. Dean of Women and assist- ant professor, Univ. of Wis., 1897-1900; dean of Women's Coll. in Brown Univ., 1900-05. Joint author, with husband, of Greek Lands and Letters, 1909, revised 1912. ALUS, Fannie Ansnsta, Wilbraham, Mass. Ex-teacher; b. Wilbraham, Mass., 1863; dau. William Penn and Amelia R. (Baker) Allis; ed. preparatory school; five years Smith Acad., Hat- field, Mass.; Smith Coll., 1880-84, A.B. '84; since graduation has traveled abroad; stuaied at Har- vard Summer School and Hartford (Conn.) Pedagogy School. Against woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Recreations: Painting, sketch- ing, tutoring, gardening, reading, writing. ALUS, Lizzie May, 293 N. Euclid Av., Pasa- dena, Cal. Teacher; b. Prattsburgh, Steuben Co., N.Y. ; dau. Elijah and Emily Olivia (Hayes) Allis; ed Frank- lin Acad., Prattsburgh, Regents' diploma; Elmira (College, A.B. (salutatorian), Hall essay prize; Dlven reading prize, also A.M. '96; Cornell Univ., 1895-96; special study 1909-10 in Marburg and Berlin Unlvs., Germany; Zeugnis in German phonetics from Prof. Vietor of Univ. of Mar- burg (mem. Kappa Sigma). Three, years pre- ceptress of Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, Towanda, Pa.; one year teacher in Jacksonville (111.) Female Acad,; five years preceptress of State Normal, Mansfield, Pa.; thirteen years head of dep't of modern languages, Iowa State Coil.; now commencing fourth year as teacher of Ger- man in Polytechnic High School, Pasadena, Cal. Much interested in educational, religious and philanthropic work, Y.W.C.A. and Sunday- school. Active mem. of weekly Bible Study Class. Favors woman suffrage. Has written accounts of foreign travel and German dialogues and essays. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Agonian Soc. of Normal Schools of N.Y. and Pa., Pasadena Teachers Ass'n. Has traveled extensively In U.S. and Europe, visited foreicn countries four times. Mem. Browning Club of Pasadena. ALLIS, Mary Elizabeth, 1604 Spruce St., Phlla. delphla. Pa. Missionary secretary; b. Philadelphia; ed. Miss Irwin's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; graduate student, 1902-05. Director and sec. of Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Prestiyterian Church since 1909. ALLOW AY, Mary Louise Tuttle (Mrs. Henry Alloway), 412 West End Av., N.T. City (sum- mer, The Birches, Goshen, N.Y.). Born New Haven, Conn., Jan. 17, 1858; dau. William and Polly Elizabeth (Beecher) Tuttle; m. Dec. 24, 1885, Henry Alloway of N.Y. City; children: Polly, Elizabeth. Charles R. Collector of Americana, especially Colonial china, fur- nishings and documents. Protestant Episcopal. Mom. D.A.R., Patriotic Women of America, Nat. Soc. of New England Women, Daughters of the Union, Washington Headquarters Ass'n, Minerva Club, Phalo, N.Y. State Women, Post Parliament, Athenla, Pensa and Monday Art Clubs and N.Y. City Fed. of Clubs. ALLSTRCM, Esther, 644 N. Trafton St., T»- coma, Wa^h. City market-master and food Inspector; b. Minnesota; dau. Louis and Eva F. (Henderson) Allstrum; ed. Minneapolis public schools. Learned printing trade in Tacoma, Wash., mas- tering mechanical and business details, became partner in firm; now largest owner and pree. Allstrum Printing Co., one of most complete plants in State. Appointed to office of city mar- ket-master and food inspector, 1910, and went to work vigorously to remedy deplorably unsanitary conditions in Tacoma, strongly opposed by those profiting by these conditions and hampered by defective laws, roused public opinion and secured co-operation of women's organizations of city; resigned In 1911 because of withdrawal of sup- port by administration. In recall election fol- lowing her work was an issue, and the new mayor then elected reappointed her to office. In which, securing better legislation, she has made conditions which have been declared by the State food inspector the best in the State. Mem. Nat. Council of Women Voters; actlye mem. Woman's Club. ALMY, Amy Celesta (Mrs. John E. Almy), 2300 A St., Lincoln, Neb. Born West Point, Neb., Feb. 13, 1875; dau. Uriah and Amelia (Brobst) Bruner; ed. Univ. of Nebraska, A.B. '96; Cornell Univ., A.M. '02; m. West Point, Neb., July 22, 1903, John E. Almy, Ph.D.; one daughter: Constance. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Church or- ganizations for women, missionary and social. Recreations: Walking, reading. Mem. Faculty Woman's Club, Social Service Club. ALMY, Helen Cat>ot (Mrs. Charles Almy), 147 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Bom Boston, Jan. 26, 1856; dau. Samuel and Hannah Lowell (Jackson) Cabot; ed. Boston private schools; holds certificate (preliminary and advanced) from Harvard examination for women, 1874-1875; m. Ponkapoag, Mass., Oct. 5, 1882, Charles Almy, Jr.; children: Mary, Helen Jackson, Anna Cabot, Charles, Elizabeth Mason, Samuel Cabot. Interested in Cambridge Vaca- tion School Com., three years; Cambridge Play- ground Com., 10 years; Cambridge Playground Commission one year; director in two private schools in Cambridge since their Incorporation: The Buckingham School and the Cambridge School for Girls; various Cambridge clubs. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage. ALSTON, Caroline Lamar du Bli^non (Mrs. Rob- ert E. Alston), 878 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Savannah, Ga., July 24, 1876; dau. Flem- ing Grantland and Caroline NicoU (Lam&r) du Bignon; ed. St. Timothy's, CatonsvlUe near Baltimore, Md. (Theta Tau); m. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 1, 1900, Robert E. Alston (lawyer). Inter- ested In all matters for the welfare of people, active In social and religious matters; former pres. Sheltering Arms; interested In CHd Wo- man's Home. Episcopalian. ALTSTAETTER— AMRAM 47 AI.TSTAKTTER, R«b«cca Barnard Raoul (Mrs. losis Ass'n and Avon Home for Children, all of Frederick William Altstaetter), Woodadale, Cambridge. Universallst; mem. Ladles' Benevo- Wheellng, W.Va. lent Soc. and Bible Class, both connected with Born Macon, Ga., Sept. 21, 1878; dau. William her church. Recreation: Playing piano. Mem. Green and Mary Mlllen (Wadleigh) Raoul; ed. by The Cantabrigia Club (pres.). The Wednesday private schools and governess and School of Phil- Club (ex-pres.). The S. S. Club (sec), The anthropy, N.Y. City; m. Atlanta, Ga., Major FYed- Daughters of Massachusetts. Favors woman erlck William Altstaetter, Corps of Engineers, suffrage. US.A.; children: Mary, b 19M; Raoul b. 1911. aJHES, Blanche Ames (Mrs. Oakes Ames). Bor- Dlrector Wheeling Associated Charities; sec. derland N Easton Mass Wheeling Social Workers' Club. Favors woman Artist; 'b. 'Lowell, ' Mass.", Feb. 18, 1878; dAu. suffrage; mem. Wheeling Equal Suffrage Soc. Qen. Adelbert and Blanche (Butler) Ames; ed. Unitarian. Mem. Nat. ChUd Labor Com., Wheel- Rogers Hall School, Lowell; Smith Coll. B.L. Ing Woman s Club. '99; Smith Coll. Art School (Phi Kappa' Psi) ; AXVORD, Lucy Fairbanks (Mrs. James C. m. Lowell, Mass., May 15, 1900, Oakes Ames Alvord), Hopedale, Mass. (scientist); children: Pauline, Oliver, Ainyas, Writer, lecturer; b. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 15, Evelyn. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mass. 1868; dau. Henry Fairbanks (Fairbanks Scale Woman Suffrage Ass'n, College Equal Suffrage Co.) and Annie S. (Noyes) Fairbanks; grad. Ass'n. Made Illustrations of the orchid section Smith Coll. B.L. '91; m. St. Johnsbury, Vt., of Gray's New Manual of Botany; drawings and Jane 8, 1898, Rev. James Church Alvord. Home etchings for Orchldaceae (four volumes). Mem. gee. Worcester County Branch, Woman's Board Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Woman's Bduoa- of Missions; pres. Fortnightly Club of Woon- clonal and Industrial Union, Smith Students' Aid socket. R.I. ; 1st vlce-pres. R.I. Federation of Soc, College Club of Boston. Woman's Clubs; mem. Quinshipaug Club of Mil- aMES, Mary Lesley (Mrs. Charles W'lberforce lord, Mass. Writes short articlM for Ladies Ames), 501 Grand Av., St. Paul, Minn. Home Journal, The Housekeeper The Congrega- ggrn Philadelphia; dau. J. Peter Lesley, tlonaltet. The Wellspring and others; also ^l.D. (distinguished geologist and dean of sclen- mlsslonary leaflets, as Doing What You Can t jjgp faculty, Univ. of Pa.) and Susan (Inches) 5?*^ ".^'^.^K® ^°^* °°'/- ^'''"'^®^. ?®t°'^l I-esley (author); ed. private schools; m. Phila- Women'8 Clubs on tramping, also on art and deiphia. June 26, im. Charles Wilberforce Ames, architecture, especially the works of the old ^^.^ nbrarian of Am. Philosophical Soc. for Ave masters and the cathedrals of Europe C^ongre- g y^yj jnarriage. Pres. St. Paul School of gatlonalist. Recreation: Has tramped 3,000 miles p^^g ^^ts, 1907-08; director Brotherhood House n Europe and America during the sumnoers of ^^.^ ^^^1^^^ of Life and Letters of Peter and the last ten years, making from 18 to 30 miles • gusan Lesley. Unitarian. Mem. Town and "*y- Country Club, New Century Club (St. Paul). ALVORD. Katharine Sprague, Chadbourne Hall, aMIDON. Beulah McHenry (Mrs. Charles F. Madison. Wis Amidon). 379 Seventh Av.. Fargo, N.Dak. r.^°/'', iF*w1^''J'.°,nH'r«rn^fT,» %ni!l,.^ tV' Farmer; b. Point Pleasant. Pa., Nov. 7. 1866; Frederick Wakeman and Caroline Sprague) Al- ^^^^ g^^j^gl ^^^ Elizabeth Thomason (Richard- yord; grad Umv. of Mich .A. B 93 Columbia ^^n) McHenry; ed. district school In Bucks Co., Univ.. A.M '08: mem. Kapp^ Kappa Gamma p^ . valedictorian of first class to grad. from Instructor In history, Oshkosh State Normal pargo (N Dak ) Hieh School 1886- three vearumpkln; Benjamin Stoltz Waxing, and short reading. Unitarian-Congregationalist. Favors stories In Woman's Home Companion, Brooklyn woman suffrage; officer of Votes for Women Eagle, Brown Book, etc. Presbyterian. League of Fargo; active in State organization. AMBUBN, Jessie Eollne Bowlee (Mrs. James AMMON, Edith Darlingrton (Mrs. Samuel A. Buchanan Amburn), Lake Village. Chicot Co.. Ammon). Sharpsburgh. Pa. Ark. Born "Guyasuta," Allegheny Co., Pa.; dau. Born Arkansas City. Ark., Feb. 23. 1875; dau. William M. and Mary Carson (O'Hara) Darling- William Wesley and Elmira (MoMuUin) Bowles; ton; ed. Pittsburgh Female Coll. and School of ed. grammar school, Arkansas City; Tenn. Fe- Design. Pittsburgh (both discontinued); m. male Coll.. Franklin. Tenn.; Galloway Coll., "Guyasuta," Allegheny Co., Oct. 22, 1891, Samuel Searcy, Ark.; m. Arkansas City, Sept. 25, 1895, A. Ammon. Director Playground and Recrea- James Buchanan Amburn. Interested In conser- tion Ass'n of America, 1906-14; Regent Pitts- vatlon of forestry. Mem. United Daughters of burgh Chapter D.A.R.. 1899-1909; Twentieth Cen- Confederacy (Memorial Chapter, Little Rock, tury Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Section, Ark.). Five Hundred Club, Fork Club. Recrea- Archaeological Inst, of America; Historical Soc. tions: Riding, driving, boating. Methodist. Fa- of Western Pa., Pittsburgh Associated Charities, vors woman suffrage; progressive Democrat. Protestant Home for Incurables of Pittsburgh, AMEE, Mrs. John, 172 Hancock St.. Cambridge. ^^■'' P^^^- D.A.R. of Allegheny Co. Against ■Uaea. woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Born Cambridge. Mass., June 22. 1868; dau. AMRAM, Beulah Brylawski (Mr«. David Wer- Samucl Pierce and Eliza (Howe) Teele (mother ner Amram). 624 W. Cliveden Av., GermaJi- waa a sister of Ellas Howe, Inventor of the town. Philadelphia, Pa. sewing machine, and niece of William Howe. Born Cameron, N.C., Mar. 9, 1881; dau. Michael Inventor of the truss bridge, and of Tyler Howe, and Rachel Drachman Brylawski; grad Phlla- Inventor of the spring-bed); grad. Cambridge delphla High School tor Girls (awarded Dodd High School, later studied under private teacher; Gold Medal for highest achievement and scholar- m. Cambridge. Jan. 29, 1831, John Amee; one ship to Bryn Mawr Coll., where she entered 1898, •on, Howe Coolidge Amee. Sustaining mem. class of '02); m, Philadelphia, June 1, 18$9, David Y.W.C.A., VlBltlng Nursing Ass'n, Antl-Tubercu- Werner Amram, lawyer and professor of law in 48 ANDERSON Univ. of Pennsylvania; cshlldren: Philip Werner Amram, b. Mar. K, ISOO; David Werner Amram, Jr., b. April 24, 1901; Elinor Beulah Amram, b. June 15, 1906. Sec. Board of Managers of the Hebrew Sunday School Soc. of Philadelphia, a society that educates about 4,000 iwor children annually. Has written and spoken on matters relating to Jewish history, literature and educa- tion; chief literary interest is in modern Italian literature, especially Italian poetry. Published essays; Ways of Pleasantness, 1910; Darkeners of Counsel, 1910; Life Beyond Life, 1911. Mem. of many charitable associations, Nat. Geog. Soc, Pa. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Recreation: En- thusiastic gardener. -■iNDEBSON, Ada Woodruff (Mrs. Oliver Phelps Anderson), 111 Cherry St., Seattle, Wash. Author; b. San Francisco, Cal. ; dau. Oapt. Samuel C. and Martha R. (Crosby) Woodrufi; ed. public and private schools, Olympia, Wash., and San Francisco; m. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 4, 1882, Oliver Phelps Anderson; children: Alice W., b. Dec. 15, 1882; Maurice P., b. June 9, 1888; Dorothy L., b. May 20, 1893 (died Mar. 5, 1912). Author (novels): The Heart of the Red Firs 1908; The Strain of White, 1909; also short stories in Harper's and Century magazines. Episcopalian. .AJifDEKSON, Alexandra Koesis (Mrs. J. T. An- derson), Alta Vista, Bethesda, Md. Born Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1864; dau. Prof. Alexander and Mahala (Cal core) Koesis; ed. Ward's Sem., Nashville: m. Dec. 26, 1882, John Townsend Anderson; children: Alexander Koesis, Clara Townsend, Edwin Fee, Juanlta, Mary Claibom. Interested in philanthropic and relig- ious activities in Washington City, also educa- tional movements. Against woman suffrage. Has written poems and travel sketches. Episco- palian. Mem. Daughters of the King, St. AlDan's Chapter, Washington, D.C. ; Daughters of the Confederacy, Albert Sidney Johnson Chapter. Recreations: Literature, music, bridge. Husband was for many years British vice consul to Guatemala. AisTJEKSOX, BeUe Bingiey, the Misses Mas- ters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.T. Teacher; b. Maysville, Ky.; grad. Vassar Coll., .\.B. '96; Pd.M., N.Y. Univ., '01. Teacher Lyn- don Hall, Poughkeepsie, X.Y., 1896-98; the Misses Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 1S98-1900, and again since 1901. A:NX>EKS0X, Carlotta Adele (Mrs. J. Scott An- derson), Swarthmore, Pa. Writer, teacher of the deaf, Montessorl teacher, directress Torresdale Home; b. N.Y. City, 1876; dau. NeweU Willard and Emma C. (Jones) Bloss; ed.' abroad and grad. Claverack Coll., '93; post- grad., '94; student Teachers Coll., N.Y. City; Swarthmore (Pa.) Coll. ; student of Montessorl method under Signora Galli-Saccentl, Rome, Italy, 1912,. Trained and taught in Wrlght-Humason School (for deaf), N.Y. City, 1894-97; m. N.Y. City, June 2, 1897, J. Scott Anderson; children: Roy, b. Sept. 12, 1898; Dorothy, b. Feb. 17, 1902. U.S. Government delegate to Third Internal. Congress on Home Education, Brussels, Aug., 1910; also delegate appointed by Gov. Stuart to represent Commonwealth of Pa., Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, and Am. Ass'n to Promote Teach- ing of Speech to the Deaf, etc. ; carried official Invitation to that congress to hold next meeting in Philadelphia, which was accepted for Sept 29 and 30. and Oct. 1 and 2, 1914. Gen. sec. Fourth Internat. Congress on Home Eiducation; directress of Torresdale House, an Episcopal primary school and Montessorl kindergarten: has given addresses at various social meet- ings, such as Baby Saving Show, Philadelphia Home and School League, etc. Chairman Edu- cational Com., Swarthmore (Pa.) Woman's Club, 1910-13. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Swarth- more Woman's Suffrage League three years, ending 1912. Editor dep't Hints to Mothers of Deaf Children, VolU Review, 1910-12. Author: A Practical Method of Developing the Hearing; The Training of Teachers of th« Deaf; Home Training of the Young Deaf Child; The Mon- tessorl Method in the Home (not yet printed). Mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, Political Science Acad., Philadelphia Home School League, Public Education Ass'n. Mem. New Century Club, Civic Club (Philadelphia). Hon. mem. Internat. Com. of Congresses on Home Education; hon. mem. Pure Oral Ass'n of London, E^ngland. ANDEKSON, Mrs. E. Bnth, 4326 Drew Av., S. Minneapolis, Minn. Violinist; b. Creseo, la., 1879; dau. Andrew Edward and Lavina (Nichols) Anderson; ed. two years at Univ. of North Dak.; four years violin study in Brussels, Belgium; m. C. D. Reohr, 1891 (divorced 1898). Successful debut In Brus- sels, Belgium; headed first concert company to go to Panama under guarantee of U.S. (3overn- ment; concertized In Bermuda, Trinidad and Barbadoes, British West Indies, Georgetown and Paramaribo in South America and every city in the U.S. and Canada. Recreations: Shooting, tramping in summer and snow-shoeing in win- ter. Active mem. Thursday Musical, and editor Clarion (16-page magazine), official organ of the Thursday Musical. AA'DERSOX, Eleanor £hidora, Apartment 4, Denney Place, Everett, Wash. Teacher; b. Chandler's Valley, Pa., May 23, 1877; dau. Charles A. and Adolpha E. (Turner) Anderson; grad. high school. Cannon Falls, Minn. ; Normal School, Winona, Minn. Four and a half years of teaching in Primary Dep't of Little Falls (Minn.) public schools; also ten years in Everett (Wash.) public schools in first grade primary. Five years director of choir in First Congregational Church of Everett, Wash., 1907-12; two years pres. Ladies' Musical Club of Everett, Wash., 1908-10. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationallst. Progressiye. Mem. Euterpean Soc., Young Women's Club of Con- gregational Church. ANDERSON, Elizabeth Preston (Mrs. James Anderson), Valley City, N.D. W.C.T.U. worker; b. Decatur, Ind., Apr. 27, 1861; dau. Rev. Blam S. Preston (pioneer minister of M.E. Church in North Indiana Conference) »nd Marie (Shepley) Preston; ed. Fort Wayne (Ind.) Coll., De Pauw Univ. and tlniv. of Minn, (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Town City, N. Dak., Dec. 11, ISOl, Rev. James Anderson (M.E. clergyman of North Dakota Conference). •Taught in public schools of Indiana and North Dakota 8 years, engaged in W.C.T.U. work since 1889, has been pres. North DakoU W.C.T.U. 18 years, rec. sec. Nat. W.C.T.U. 6 years and still holds both offices. In recognition of services rendered in legislative work, life size oil portrait was presented by North Dakota W.C.T.U. to the State of North Dakota and hung, by order of Gov. John Burke, in the State Capitol at Bis- marck. Mem. M.E. Church and its Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary societies. Works for woman suffrage through the suffrage depart- ments of the State and Nat. W.C.T.U. AXDEBSON, Florence Stewart (Mrs. Charles Augustus Anderson), East Orange, N.J. Bom Cincinnati, O. ; dau. Benjamin B. and Florence (Bishop) Stewart; ed. Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Smith Coll., B.L. '96; m. N.Y. City, Apr. 19, 1900, Charles Augustus An- derson; children: C!harles Stewart (died), Alan Stewart, Carolyn (died), Margaret. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Presbyterian Church. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Oriental Soc. of Smith Coll. ANDERSON, Grace Lee (Mrs. W. G. Ander- son), 1151 Chai)€l St., New Haven, Conn. Born Memphis, Tenn.; dau. Charles J. and Ella M. (Coe) Phillips; ed. high school, Cleve- land, O., and State Female Coll., Memphis; m. Pittsburgh, 1882, Prof. William Gilbert Anderson, now director Yale Univ. Gymnasium; one son: William Lawrence. Lecturer Brooklyn Nor- mal School of Physical Education, Anderson Normal School of Gymnastics, New Haven. Co- writer with husband of Physical Training for Women (Nat. W.C.T.U., Physical Culture Dep't), Light Gymnastics, Methods of Teaching Gymnas- tics. Against woman suffrage. Congregatlon- alist. Mem. United Daughters of the Con- federacy. ANDERSON 49 ANDERSON, Helen Ellona, National Park Semi- nary, Forest Glen, Md. Teacher; b. Tecumseh, Mich.; dau. Seaton W. and EHla (Randall) Anderson; ed. Liggett School, Detroit, Vassar Coll., A.B.; post-grad, work in lectures at Mich. Univ. (mem. Kappa Delta Phi). Taught in the Graham School, N.Y. City, five years; since then Nat. Park Sem., Forest Glen, Md., where Is teacher of sociology and history. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Progressive in politics. Interested In Consumers' League and in settlement work. Recreations: Tennis, riding. Mem. College Woman's Club, Washing- ton, D.C. ; Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Vassar Students' Aid (Washington branch). ANDERSON, Henrietta E. (Mrs. Charles P. An- derson), Alta, la. Bom Winterset, la., Aug. 5, 1859; dau. Solo- mon and Sarah J. (Harlaa) Pontions; ed. coun- try schools of Buena Vista Co. Taught a few terms In country; m. Alta, la., Nov. 19, 1879. Charles P. Anderson; children: Merpitt W.. b. July 30, 1883; Edith G., b. Aug. 30, 1887. Mem. Christian Church. Recreations: Traveling, auto trips. Mem. La Coterie Club. ANDERSON, Jessie Isabel Callionn (Mrs. W. H. Anderson), 21 Lakevlew Av., Venice, Cal. Born Calhoun's Valley, (^al. ; dau. Judge Noble Ezeklel Ewlng and Lura Butler (Davis) OaJhoun; ed. in schools of San Jos6 and by pri- vate tutors there and later in London and Paris; voice training under Emil Behnke of London; dramatic training under supervision of her sis- tor, Eleanor Calhoun (now Princess Lazarovlch) ; belles lettres and Greek art under Sir Charles T. Neiwton, and archaeology under Reginald Stewart Pool of the British Museum; m. Mar. 5, 1895, Hon. William Henry Anderson; ass't attorney- general of California; children: Laura Patricia Calhoun, Eleanor Jessie Calhoun, Virginia Isabel Calhoun. Had chair of elocution and oratory, Univ. of the Pacific, Washington Cor- ners, and Llvermore Coll. ; founded dramatic school in San Francisco, gave lectures, dramatic recitals and instruction at Stanford Univ., under private arrangement with Pres. David Starr Jordan; originated and produced pantomime and classic dancing as Illustrated Oratorio at Grand Opera House. San Francisco; lectures, readings, Biblical pantomime and Greek dancing at Chau- tauqua Assembly, Pacific Grove, Cal.; also many other places for church and charity funds. Has presided at mass meetings of clergy, clubs and Ass'n of the Santa Monica Bay District to pre- vent the showing of Jeffries-Johnson prize-flght films on the Bay, to discuss methods for better social conditions and to found the Santa Monica Bay Free Bed Ass'n. Prominent in social life; was presented at the CJourt of St. James, England, by Lady Archibald Campbell. Worked for woman suffrage as treas. Pacific Political Equality League of Santa Mottica Day cities, and made public speeches during campaign that won women the ballot in Cal. Mem Episcopal Church. Pro- gressive voter; first vice-pres. Roosevelt Pro- gresslTe League of Venice, Cal. ; mem. Venice Men's and Women's Civic League, United I>&ughters of the Confederacy, Fine Arts League, Santa Monica Free Bed Ass'n, Southern Oal. Civic League. Recreations: Riding, mountain tramping, rowing, tennis. Pres. Crescent Bay Woman's Club of Venice; founder Pacific Wo- man's City Club of Santa Monica Bay; mem. Santa Monica Bay Woman's Club, and Ruskin Art Olub of Los Angeles. ANDERSON, Lily Strickland (Mrs. Courtenay Anderson), 423 W. 118th St., N.Y. City. Composer; b. Anderson, S.C. ; dau. Charleton Hines and Teresa Hammond (Reed) Strickland; ed. Converse Coll., Spartanburg, S.C; musical courses in N.Y. under private teachers and In- stitute of Musical Art; m. Feb. 18, 1912, Courte- nay Anderson, A.M., in Columbia Univ. Chapel. Her first song was published when she was six- teen year* old; composer of Fate; Since Laddie Went, and Mammy's Prayer, and more than 100 other composition in music. Interested In all questions relating to betterment of humanity; an ardent anti-tobacconist; believes In the nor- mal life; engaged In writing and arranging col- lection of negro folk songs. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Musicians' Club of N.Y., United Daughters of (>>nfederacy (Dixie Chapter of S.C). Recreations: Literature, art. ANDERSON, Lizzie Pershing; (Mrs. William C. Anderson), 400 Blddle Av., Wilkinsburg, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Former teacher and public reader; b. Greens- boro, Pa., Apr. 4, 1852; dau. Rev. I. C. Pershing, D.D., and Charlotte L. (Canan) Pershing; ed. Pittsburgh Female Coll. (Mistress of Liberal Arts); m. Pittsburgh. July 10, 1884, William C. Anderson. Taught In preparatory and collegiate dep'ts Pittsburgh Female Coll., also elocution; prin. of private school of elocution, music and literature, Allegheny City, 1886-92; vice-pres. of the Pittsburgh Female Ck)ll., 10 years. Cor. sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of Presbytery of Pittsburgh, 12 years; sec. Educational Dep't Civic Club of Allegheny Co., 4 years; sec. Public Education Soc. of Pittsburgh, 2 years. Has written letters from California and other places, for city, religious and secular papers, occasional verse, and a few magazine articles. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Club of Wilkinsburg (has held oflices, including the presidency). Presbyterian. ANDERSON, Margraret Pauline, 109 Queen St., E., St. John. New Brunswick. Can. Author; b. St. John, N.B., Dec. 12, 1870; dau. Renwick M. and M. Jane (Hanley) Anderson; ed. St. John public schools and private tuition at home. Interested in religion, temperance and philanthropy. Invalid; confined to bed since 1886 from spinal trouble. Author: Sick Room Thoughts and Gleanings; Leona Chinch, or Lord Kendale's Repentance (novel); also smaller book- lets; The Songs of The Angels; Easter Chimes; The Message of The Bells; writer of short stories. Mem. King's Daughters and Temperance Soc., Sons of Temperance. Congregatlonalist. ANDERSON, Margraret Steele, 1317 First St., Louisville, Ky. Critic and public lecturer; b. Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Dunning McNair and Susan (Hamilton) Anderson; ed. Louisville High School (Girls'), Wellesley Coll. (special student). Has ad- dressed audiences In Louisville and at the Brooklyn (N.Y.) Inst., Philadelphia, Chautauqua Goodwyn Inst., Memphis; Pittsburgli, Mt. Eagle Chautauqua of the South and in other places. Not interested in woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club, Authors' Club, Art Club and Fortnightly (Conversation) Club, Louisville. Subjects of lectures: Art and Literature. For twelve years has been literary editor of Evening Post of Louisville, Ky. ANDERSON, Margrarethe Urdahl (Mrs. Lewis Albert Anderson), Charleston, 111. Educator; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '96; Univ of Berlin, 1898-99; Univ. of Heidelberg and Univ. of Christiana, '99; fellow in Teutonic philology 1900-02; special fellow, 1902-03, Bryn Mawr Coll ' Ph.D. '04; m. 1906, Lewis Albert Anderson! Teacher of German and Latin, Chelten Hills School, Wyncote, Pa., 1903-04; teacher of Ger- man and history. Eastern 111., State Normal School, Charleston, 111., 1905-06. Author- On Certain U-dipthongs in the Heliand (dissertation for doctorate), Gbttingen, 1904. ANDERSON, Mary Josephine, 11 FYellnghampen St.. Battle Creek, Mich. Bom Chicago; dau. John L. and Lucy H. Snyder Anderson; ed. Muncle (Ind.) High Scliool, State Normal, Terre Haute, Ind.; Univ. of Mich. B.L. (Phi Beta Kappa). Taught in Indiana State Normal for twenty years. Interested In the general civic philanthrophles for women and children; pres. Woman's League of Battle Creek Congregatlonalist. Favors woman suffrage. ANDERSON, Mary Slater (Mrs. Frank Ernest Anderson). 184 GIbbs St.. Newton Centre. Mass. Born Salem, Mass., Oct. 21, 1856; dau. Rev. Robert Curtis and Mary Sisson (Tiffany) Mills; ed. private schools, Salem (Mass.) High School; m. Newton Centre, Mass., April 29, 1880, Frank Ernest Anderson, of N.Y. City; children: Ray- mond Mills, Frank Ernest Jr. (deceas«d), 50 ANDERSON— ANDREWS Carol, Donald Slater. For ten years pres. Wo- Athenaeum (pres. one year and first vice-pres. man's Home Missionary Soc. of Baptist Chnrcb, one year). Presbyterian. Prohibitionist. Mem. Newton Centre; for four years of Newton Centre of the Kansas City (Mo.) Suffrage Ass'n for 20 Woman's Club; a director In Newton Hosp. Aid years. Ass'n; also a manager in Boston branch of ANDREWS, Emma Dixon (Mrs. T. HoUinffs- McAll Ass'n. Baptist. Mem. Wednesday Club worth Andrews), 1028 Spruce St., Philadelphia, of Newton Centre 18 years; greatly interested In pa. social and philanthropic movements. Born Philadelphia, April 2-6, 1853; dau. Joseph AKDEKSON, Mrs. William C, Wlnnsboro, Tex. Edward and Martha Archer (Thomas) Dixon; ed. Boru Ft. Worth, July 14, 1S79; dau. John Sacred Heart ConTent, Eden Hall, Sacred Heart Thomaa and Marguerite (Little) Hall; ed. Green- Convent, Manhattanvllle, N.Y., grad. Jan., 1890; ville, Tex.; m. Wlnnsboro, Tex., Nov. 21, 1897, m. Philadelphia, Sept 15, 1875, Dr. T. Hollings- Willlam C. Anderson. Has been pres. Woman's worth Andrews Jr.; children: T. Hollingsworth, Missionary Soc. of Methodist Church three years J. Dixon. Originator of Woman's Whist League; (mem. 15 years). Pres. Standard Club two mem. Colonial Dames Alumni of Manhattanvllle. years (charter mem.); sup't and founder of Interested In protection of little children. Fa- Wiunesboro Flower Show for two years. Meth- vors woman suffrage. Author of memoirs and odist Mem. Carnegie Library Board of Trus- essays and genealogy for familiea. Eoman tees ever since it waa built. Recreations: Swim- Catholic. Recreations: Music, lanj^uages, gard- ming, automobile riding, horseback riding. Pres. ening, painting, embroidering. Winnsboro City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. ANDREWS, Ethel Montsomery, 367 Grand Av., Social Service. Brooklyn, N.T. ANDERSON-GLLMAN, Wilma, concert planlsta Photographer; b. Jersey City, N.J., 1879; dau. (Bee Oilman, Wllma Anderson.) William and Adele Montgomery (Oscanyan) ANDERTON. EUz.beth Palmer (Mrs. William fKappr'kalpf ■Gamma^'Enigil-'in^usiu'L^S Bancroft Anderton). 825 Madison Av., N.Y. if ^Xoto^^^her''*^ Brooklyl?^ N.Y° X^^c^ Born at Ravenswood, N.Y., family country seat ^^^"■„„„ ^ ,. „ ,^ ,., ^x, , on East River- dau. Walter Bowne and Mary E. ANDREWS, ETangeline Walker (Mrs. Charles (Story) Palmer; ed. in private schools in N.Y. McLean Andrews), 424 St. Roman St., New City and Women's Law Classes of N.Y. Univ.; Haven, Conn. m NY City May 7, 1885, Dr. William Bancroft; Born London, Eng., Jan. 1, 1870; dau. John children- Walter Palmer, Alice, Dorothy, Ruth. Crawford and Laura Marlon (Seymour) Walker; Mem Women's Auxiliary of the Orthopaedic ed. Bryn Mawr CoU. A.B. and graduate student; Hospital- Interested In work for the blind and in m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 19, 1895, Charles Mc- educational matters relating to young children. Lean Andrews, now Famham prof, of Am. his- Favors woman suffrage, but believes in an edu- tory at Yale Univ.; children: Ethel Andreiws, b. cational propaganda only. Episcopalian. Mem. 1897, John Wailams Andrews, b. 1899. Mem. of Colony Club and of D.A.R. through Walter Executive Committee of George Junior Republic Palmer who came from England In 1629. and of the Council of Lowell House Settlement Finished French scholar; reads all the latest of New Haven, Conn. Editor-in-chief of the plays and books as they come out. Recreations: Bryn Mawr Alumna Quarterly; originated and Fond of walking In all kinds of weather; loves produced twice (1900 and 1906) the Elizabethan ^^^gj(, May-Day Festival, which has become a regular »Tkrr»^-c-n7a -E-iwo "RVar./— 11 q v TTiT-Rt <^t functiou of Bryn Mawr College, being given ANDREWS, Eliza Frances, 419 E. First St., ^^^^ ^^^^^^ y^^^. ^^^^^ ^^ publish a historical Rome, Lra, ,„,„,. i, woe>,iT,TtnT, Pn document. The Journal of a Lady of Quality. Author, bounist, lecturer; b. Washington Ga -^^ ^^^ Haven, Conn., Bryn ^^^,\.^°: ^I^'- ^^''i ■^l^^f? ^^^ wL^^^rln Mawr College Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: (Ball) Andrews; ed Ladies Sem Washington, ^ g^^.e tramping and climbing. Episco- Ga., LaGrange (Ga.) Coll. A.B 57 Hon A.M • ^^^^^ of suffrage for women baaed I^l^'k^l'^^clloTY^Z'^biS^^^^ - P-P-^^ -^ educational quallflcatlona. Girls' Sem., Washington, Ga., 1874-81; staff corre- ANDREWS, Fannie Fern (n6e Phllllp«), 406 spondent Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, 1883-85; ass't Marlborough St., Boston, Masa. prof natural science (botany, physiology) Wes- Lecturer, social worker; b. Margaretville, N.S., leyan Coll., Macon, Ga., 1885-96. Frequent Sept. 25, 1867; dau. William Wallace and Anna contributor to magazines (Ohautauquan, Cosmo- Maria (Brown) Phillips; grad. Salem (Mass.) politan. Century, Arena. International Socialist Normal School, 1884, A.B., Radcliffe Coll., Review). Author: A Family Secret, 1876; A Mere 1902, attended , Harvard Summer School several Adventure, 1878; Prince Hall, 1882; Botany All terms; m. Lynn, Mass., July 16, 1890, Edwin Q. the Year Round (widely circulated school text- Andrews. Has been active in organizing parents' book of botany), 1903; War-time Journal of a associations in the Boston schools since 1902; lee- Georgia Girl, 1908; A Practical Course In Botany, turer and writer on the International peace 1911- also serials: How He Was Tempted, The movement and on educational topics. Organizer Story of an Ugly Girl, The Mistake of His Life, and sec. Am. School Peace League; sec. Boston as well as humorous sketches, short stories. Home and School Ass'n; mem. Council of Nat. political and scientific papers and A Memorial Education Ass'n; special collaborator U.S. Bureau Day Ode, Haunted and other poems. Socialist, of Education; director Am. Peace Soc; mem. Mem. Ala. State Library Ass'n, United Daugh- Nat. Peace Council, Internat. Peace Bureau ters of the Confederacy, and various clubs, (Berne, Switzerland), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, scientific societies, etc. Favors woman suffrage. New England Women's Press Ass'n, N.Y. Peace ANDREWS, Elizabeth M., 87 Hawthorne Av., Soc, Am Soc. for Judicial Settlement of 'y k s. N T Internat. Disputes; cor. mem. Bureau Interna- Teacher- b' Yonkers, N.Y.; ed. in schools of tional de F6d6rations d'Instituteurs. Mem. com- ^°f^^I^ iKTrn^hot^i 'l'8'94-9l"&il SfrbJe^^t'^f^St?S^iSSdV:^i?siriK Ben^n'eU'"1o^orf 'irVKn^t Hudson. ''^^^^^^ Citizenship Conference, June 29-July 6, 1913 i.„„« 1M7 ir, vnntoi-o fN Y ) Hiph "Sohool (Portland, Ore.); appomted by U.S. Government since 1897 In Yonkers (N.Y.) High t'Chooi. ^^ delegate to Internat Conference on Educa- ANDREWS. Elizabeth Moffett (Mrs. L- B. ^^^^ ^^ ,pjjg Hague, 1913. Mem. Twentieth C^n- Andrews). 3772 Washington St. Kansaa City. ^^^^ (,j^^_ College Club (Boston). Teacher- b. Jo Daviess Co., 111., Nov. 3, 1849; ANDREWS, Georglna I. 8., Pine Lodge, Granite dau James and Isabella (McCall) Moffett; ed. Springs. Westchester Co., N.Y. district school- Galena Normal School; Mt Car- Lecturer, teacher; b. Toronto, Ont, Canada, roll Seminary; teacher; m. in Jo Daviess Co., III., dau. William and Letitla Harriet (Stewart) An- Mar 20 1878 Lewis Benjamin Andrews. Mem. drews; ed. Toronto private schools. Favors of and 'interested In W.C.T.U. 30 years; board woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Progressive. In- m«n. of Y W.C.A., State Board of Charities and terested In cooperative philanthropies; active in Bome local philanthropies. Mem. Kansas City all social reforms along philosophic, spiritual ANDREWS 51 UMi protresslve lines. Promoter of a universal rellilon based upon the fundamental doctrines of ChrlBtlan Healing. ANDREWS, Grace, 4T Brevoort Place, Brook- lyn, N.T. Born Brooklyn. N.Y., 1869; dau. Edward Gayer AndreT»3 (Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church) and Susan M. (Hotchkiss) Andrews; ed. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. ; Wellesley Coll.. B.S. '90; Columbia Univ., A.M. '99, Ph.D. '01; mem. Zeta Alpha. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. N.Y. Wellesley Club, Kosmos Clnb, Brooklyn; Women's University Club of N.Y. City. ANDREWS, Grace, 1331 Chestnut St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Physician; b. Philadelphia; dau. R. H. Andrews, M.D., and Mary M. (Beidler) Andrews; grad. Philadelphia Girls' High School, 1897; holder of Trustees' Philadelphia Girls' High School schol- arship to Bryn Mawr, 1898-1902; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1902; Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '07. Ophthalmologist. ANDREWS, Gwendolen Foulke (Mrs. Ethan Allen Andrews), 881 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Biologist, writer; b. Bala Farm, Chester Co., Pa., June 26, 1863; dau. William Parker and Julia de Veaux (Powell) Foulke; ed. in Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Johnson's School, Philadelphia, with special course in biology at Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1894, Prof. Bthan Allen Andrews, Ph.D., now prof, zoology in Johns Hopkins Univ. Author: The Living Substance; also papers in American Journal of Morphology and other biological publications. Mem. Acorn Club (Philadelphia), Arundell Club (Baltimore). ANDREWS, Helen Frances, Farmlngton, Conn. Artist and Instructor in art; b. Farmlngton, Ck)nn. ; dau. Franklin A. and Jane (Bulkeley) Andrews; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmlngton, Conn., and at the Academie Julian, Paris, under J. P. Lanier and Benjamin Constant. In- structor In drawing and painting in the Westover School, Middlebury, Vt. Mem. Conn. Acad, of Fine Arts. Congregational 1st. ANDREWS, Helen Slade (Mrs. Charles A, An- drews), Moffatt Rd., Waban, Mass. Bom Quincy, Mass., Nov. 28, 1870; dau. James H. and Mary B. (Thayer) Slade; ed. Thayer Acad., Braintree, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '94; m. Quincy, Mass., Jan. 1, 1901, Charles A. Andrews; children: Sidney War- ren, John Thayer, Helen. Taught for six years in Marlboro and Holyoke High School, and at Vassar Coll. (subject, mathematics). Unitarian. Mem. Waban Woman's Club (pres. 1910-12), Bos- ton branch Vassar Alumnee (pres. for year 1913) ; vice-pres. Newton Fed. of Women's Clubs (1912- 13). Favors woman suffrage. ANDREWS, Irene Osrood (Mrs. John B. An- drews), 143 E. Twenty-first St., N.Y. City. Worker for labor legislation; b. Big Rapids, Mich., Jan. 18, 1879; dau. Lucius L. and Mary (Markley) Osgood; ed. Univ. of Minn., Nerw York School of Philanthropy, Univ. of Wis., A.B. '05; Univ. of Wis. fellow at Univ. Settlement, Milwaukee; mem. Alpha Phi (Wis.); m. N.Y. City, Aug. 8, 1910, John B. Andrews. Agent of the Aseocjated Charities, Minneapolis, Minn.; special agent for relief work of the Red Cross, San Francisco, Cal.; head resident of the North- western Univ. Settlement, Chicago; ass't sec. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, etc. Departmental editor Life and Labor (official organ of the Women's Trade Union Leagrue). Favors woman suSra^e. Author: Women Workers in Milwau- kee Tanneries; has contributed to The Survey, Am. Labor Legislation Review, the Am. Year Book, Political Science Quarterly. Mem. Nat. Woman's Trade Union Lea.gue, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation. Recreations: Skating, canoe- ing. Active worker, writer and speaker on sub- jects relating to labor legislation and the better- meat of the working class. ANDREWS, Marilla, Gransvllle, Wis. Editor, postmaster; b. Argyle, Wis., Aug. 12, 1864; dau. John Cain Andrews (b. In Ohio) and Sarah (Wright) Andrews (b. in England); grad. Evansville (Wis.) High School, classical course, Gransvllle (Wis.) Sem. and Univ. of Wis. B.L. '92. Was special correspondent to Washington (D.C.) paper for World's Fair at Chicago, 1893; did magazine work for about two years; founded, owned and published a local weekly paper until appointed postmaster, in which office is now serving. Was for a time editor of Wisconsin Citizen (Blqual Suffrage organ). Founded two leading literary clubs of Gransvllle, Wis.; one of the organizers of public library movement and first sec. of Library Board; mem. Board of Trustees of Gransvllle Sem.; mem. Industrial School Comm'n; mem. Park Comm'n. Active in woman suffrage cause. Episcopalian. Recre- ation: Farming; owns three farms run by managers; very fond of horses, being a breeder and importer of registered Shetland ponies. ANDREWS, Mary Canfield (Mrs. W. W. An- drews), 40S2 Rose Hill Av., Avondale, Cin- cinnati, O. Daughter James W. and Mary Jane (Williams) Canfield; m. W. W. Andrews; children: C. W. Andrews, Mary A. M. McCiall, Alice A. Magenny. Mem. Cincinnati Women's Clnb, D.A.R., the New England Women's Club of N.Y. City, Daughters of N.Y.; trustee for past 20 years of Home for Incurables (was pres. two years). ANDREWS, Jlary EUzabeth, Swope Center, Kansas City, Mo. Minister; head of social settlement; b. Hamil- ton, Ohio; dau. Robert N. and Carolyn (Weh- bring) Andrews; ed. Buchtel Coll., Akron, Ohio; Univ. of Chicago; Columbia Univ., N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian and Unlver- salist. Progressive. Is at present head resident of Swope Center. ANDREWS, Mira McCoy (Mrs. William E. An- drews), 1225 Fairmont St., N.W.. Washington. Born loTva; dau. Laban L. and Alice (Richards) McCoy; ed. Parsons Coll., Fairfield, la. (clas- sical), and music (both voice and piano) In Chicago, making voice a specialty and later learning the pipe organ; m. Fairfield, la., Sept. 1, 1885, William E. Andrews (mem, 54th Congress, now Auditor for U.S. Treasury Dep't. For sev- eral years she held the chair of voice culture In Hastingrs Coll., Neb. Mem. Board of Lady Man- agers of the Louisiana Purchase Eliposition, 1901. Associate dean of Leojean Coll., Washing- ton, D.C, of which her sister. Miss Leota Myrtle McCoy, is dean. Mem. and pres. Chapter B., and one of nat. officers of the P.E.O. Soc. Mem. Presbyterian Church and Interested in religious and philanthropic work. Pres. of State Federation of Women's Clubs in the District of Columbia. Delegate to biennial of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs in San Francisco, 1912, and en route spoke before Colorado club women, and also on politics to mixed meeting. Elected at biennial one of eight directors of Gen. Fed.; also mem. welfare dep't. Nat. Civics Ass'n. Mem. Columbia High Arts Club. ANDREWS, Nellie Greenwood (Mrs. W. W. Andrews), 2213 Cornwall St., Reglna, Sas- katchewan, Canada. Educator, writer, lecturer; b. Farmlngton, Me., Apr. 21, 1864; dau. Cyprian Stevens and Esther (Butterfleld) Greenwood, New England ancestry on both sides; grad. Bath (Me.) High School '80, Victoria Coll., Toronto, B.Sc. '84 (first woman to receive a college degree in course in Ontario); m. Cobourg, Ont, Oct. 18, 1887, Rev. W. W. Andrews, LL.D. ; children: Mabel Greenwood (B.A.), Cyprian Herbert, Elisabeth Ellsworth. Teacher of botany and drawing in Peterboro (Ont.) Ckill. Inst., 1892-94; teacher of math- ematics and astronomy. Mount Allison Ladles' Coll., Sackvllle, N.B. Resided, 1887-90, in To- ronto, where Dr. Andrew was pastor of College Street Methodist Church; at Sackvllle, N.B., where he was dean of the Faculty of Applied Science In Mount Allison Univ.; since 1911 at Reglna, Sask., where Dr. Andrews Is pres. Reglna Coll. Writer of short stories and sketches published In Canadian magazines and 52 ANDREWS— ANGLIN-HULL various local and college periodicals; has delivered several lectures before semi-public gatherings on local history and general literary and educational topics. Former Congrega- tlonalist; now mem. Methodist Church of Can. Former mem. Board of Regents of Mount Allison Univ. and allied educational institutions. Mem. and Provincial officer W.C.T.U. and of the Woman's Missionary Soc. of Can. Methodist Church; mem. Victoria Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Mount Allison Alumnse Ass'n. ANDREWS, Sophia Maxwell Dolson (Mrs. L. F. Andrews), 302 Forty-second St., Des Moines, la. Born Elmira, N.Y., Apr. 27, 1829; dau. John Dolson (Revolutionary soldier, who enlisted under Gen. Washington at Newburgh, 1777) and Eliza- beth (Carr) Dolson; ed. in branch of Univ. of Mich, then located at Kalamazoo (now Kalama- zoo Coil.), 1843-50; m. (1st) 1851, C. L. Critten- den; (2d) Kalamazoo, Mich., 1861, L. F. Andrews; children: Mrs. Lillian C. Bis-hop, b. Nov. 23, 1851; Frank Mill Andrews, b. Jan. 28, 1867 (now architect in N.Y. City). Teacher in schools and seminaries in Mich, during early years of life. First womaji elected to a seat as an accredited correspondent in Iowa Legislature, where repre- sented the Chicago Journal for several sessions. Long identified with church work, charities and literary culture in Des Moines. Baptist. Re- publican. Mem. D.A.R. (was first regent of Abigail Adams Chapter, Des Moines) ; hon. mem. Daughters of the RevoluUon. Charter mem. Des Moines Woman's Club; charter mem. Kala- mazoo Library Club (organized 1855 and still in existence) ; organized Madeline de Scudery Club (literary), 1884 (still its pres. and leader); mem. Press and Authors' Glub of Des Moines; elected hon. vlce-pres. Iowa State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1907. 4NDBUS, Elizabeth M. Alexander (Mrs. Leon- ard Andrus), Portland, Ore. Bom Dixon, 111., Aug. 7, 1860; dau. Philip Mazwell and Eliza (Howell) Alexander; ed. Dixon graded schools; Wells Coll., A.B. '80; m. Dixon, 111., Oct. 4, 1882, Leonard Andrus (died Aug. 30, 1905); one son: Leonard Alexander. In- terested in church and social clubs and many philanthropic societies. Clubs: Portland, Oregon Art Class, Phidean Art Club of Di.xon, 111. Rec- reations: Swimming, rowing, horseback riding, traveling. Presbyterian. Against woman suf- frage. ANDRUSS, Helen J. (Mrs. Robert H. Andruss), B48 West 18Sth St., N.Y. City. W.C.T.U. worker; b. Goshen, N.Y., Oct. 8, 1866; dau. Adam H. and Maria J. (France) Sinsabaugh; ed. private schools and Northfield Sem. ; m. Goshen, N.Y., 1884, Robert H. Andruss; children: Robert H., Gilbert G. and Cora DuBois. Cor. sec. N.Y. State W.C.T.U. and county pres. N.Y. County W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. ANGELL, Fanny Gary Cooley (Mrs. Alexis Casweil Angell), 49 Watson St., Detroit, Mich. Born Adrian, Mich., July 5, 1857; dau. Hon. Thomas Mclntyre Cooley (distinguished jurist. Chief Justice of Mich., author of Cooley's Con- stitutional Limitations, etc.) and Mary E. (Mor- ton) Cooley; ed. Ann Arbor, Mich., and Norwich, Conn ; m. June, 1880, Ale.xis Caswell Angll; children: Sarah C, Thomas C, Alice, James B., Elizabeth, Robert C. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Girls' Protective League, Home and Foreign Missionary Societies. Congregationalist. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Detroit. Against woman suf- frage. ANGELL. Helen Jeffries (Mrs. Joseph Warner Angell), Coleridge, Neb. Born Wooster, O., Mar. 30, 1858; dau. Lemuel and Harriet (Howard) Jeffries; ed. Wooster Univ., A.B., with honors, '89; A.M. '90; Ph.D. '93- graduate work at Bryn Mawr Coll. and Wooster Univ., A.M. '90; Ph.D. '93 (Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Wooster, Oct. 15, 1896, Joseph Warner Angell; children: Mary Strong, b. 1897; John Howard, b. 1901; Joseph Warner, b. 1908. Active in missionary work, home and foreign; interested in Associated Charities work. Recreation: Driv- ing. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. ANGELL, Lisbeth Gertrnde, 52 Dorchester Rd., Buffalo, N.Y. Principal; b. Exeter, N.Y., 1870; dau. Byron and Gertrude (Bonham) Pomeroy; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94. Engaged In teaching, now prin- cipal of the Buffalo Sem. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Ck)llegiate Alumnae, Peace and Arbitration Soc, Buffalo Fine Arts Acad., Buffalo Guild of Allied Arts, Buffalo Charity Organization Soc. ANGELL, Mary Eleanor (Mrs. Arthur F. Angell), 211 South Division St., Du Quoin. III. Born Stanley, County of Durham, England, Feb. 16, 1868; dau. Thomas and Isabella (Harker) Thompson; ed. Du Quoin (111.) public schools; 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111. (Phi Nu Soc); m. Du Quoin, Oct. 24, 1897, Arthur F. Angell; one daughter: Arline Eleanor, b. Feb. 16, 1906. Presbyterian. Mem. Missionary and Mite Societies of church. Mem. Woman's Club of Du Quoin, Clover Circle, Tuesday Evening Club. Against woman suffrage. ANGELL, Pauline Knickerbocker, 40 W. Thirty-second St., N.Y. City. Educator; b. Waverly, Tioga Co., N.Y., Jan. 30, 1886; dau. James Eugene and Ella Pauline Knickerbocker Angell; ed. Waverly High School; Vassar, A.B. '08. Teacher in private school, 1908-11; on staff of Vocational Education Survey, N.Y. City since 1911. Established, 1909, Vassar Alumnae Monthly, of which has since been man- ager and editor. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n. Recreations: Tennis, dancing, skating, etc. ANGIER, Elizabeth (Mrs. Hugh Angler), 100 W. Eighty-eigath St., N.Y. City. Soprano soloist, teacher of voice; b. Fort Erie, Ont., Oct. 17, 1851; dau. Nelson and Archange (Warren) Forsyth; ed. Acad, of the Holy Angels, Buffalo, N.Y. ; studied music in Buffalo and at Milan, Italy, under Signor Antonio Trivulzi; m. London, England, Nov., 1878, Hugh Angier. Be- gan professional career at 17 as soloist in St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo; afterward prepared for opera and made debut in grand opera at Tranl, Italy, 1875; later toured through England and Wales with John Thomas, harpist to Queen Vic- toria; toured with husband through Australia in grand opera, and in 1895 established a college of music in Atlanta, Ga., since 1906 teacher of voice in N.Y. City. Known in opera as M'lle. and Mme. Cellini-Angeri. Episcopalian. Was mem. Board of Lady Managers and chairman Music Com. of Woman's Building in the Cotton States and International Exposition at Atlanta, and sang in oratorio at opening of the building. .4XGLE, Helen Goldthorpe Williams (Mrs. George K. Angle), Silver City, N.Mex. Actress; b. Richmond, Ind. ; dau. Caleb Rob- inson and Mary Ellen (Goldthorpe) Williams; ed. Richmond (Ind.) High School; pupil of Madame Katherine Grey in elocution; m. Richmond, Ind., Sept., 1894, Dr. George K. Angle; children: Katherine, Richard Williams. Actress, leading parts in 1887-92; subsequently prominent for her interpretations of Lew Wallace's Ben Hur, and James Lane Allen's Flute and Violin before the American public. First pres. of Woman's Club, Silver City, N.M. State delegate to Educational Convention at Kansas City, 1912. Regent of the D.A.R. ; first presiding officer of the Federated Clubs of New Mexico; active in all philan- thropic movements throughout New Mexico. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Jingle Songs of Christmastide. Episcopalian. Recreations: Travel, amateur theatricals. Mem. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, Readers' Club of Silver City, N.M. ; Daughters of the Revolution. ANGLIN-HULL, Mary Margraret (Mrs. Howard Hull), 25 W. Forty-second St., N.Y. City. Actress; b. Ottawa, Can., Apr. 3, 1876; dau. Timothy Warren and EJsther (McTavlsh) Anglin; ed. South Abbey, Toronto; Convent of Sacred Heart, Montreal; m. May 8, 1911, Howard Hull. Originated part of Roxane in Cyrano de Berge- rac; Mrs. Dane in Mrs. Dane's Defense; pro duced and played leading parts In Great Divide, Awakening of Helen Richie, and the Antigone ANGSTMAN— APPLEBY 63 of Sophocles. Reereatloas: Motoring, reading, hor8€Mild Armstrong, M.D., and Louisa F. (Prosser) ArmBtrong: ed. country scboolB in Union Parish, La.; Mlnden (La.) Female Coll., Chautauqua Literary Scientific Circle; studied rtiorthand In Oswego, N.Y. Interested In W.CT.U. work, missionary work (home and foreign), Anti- Tu- berculosis Ass'n work, journalist work. Inter- ested in Sunday-school work. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Children of the Bible (Sunday-school book); To the Noon Rest (com- pilation of Mr. Stoddard's works), also stories for magazines and newspapers, and regular columns for 16 years of W.CT.U. Items; some- times writer for Am. Women's League. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Associate press sup't of Texas W.CT.U. Prohibition Demo- crat. Mem. Tex. Woman's Press Ass'n, Antl- Tuberculosls Ass'n, missionary societies. Recrea- tions: Reading, fancy work, jUcture shows; was mem. Chautauqua Circle nine years (graduated in class of '84). ARMSTRONG, Gertrade Virginia Ludden (Mrs. C D. Armstrong), 300 Lexington Av., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Bom OldtovTn, Me. ; dau. Levi and Sara W. (Dudley) Ludden; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll.; m. Nov. 19, 1885, Charles Dickey Armstrong; children: Charles Dudley, Dwight Ludden, Mary Martha. Director of Y.W.C.A., Pittsburgh; director In Pittsburgh Kindergarten Ass'n. Clute: Woman's (Wilklnsburgh); Twentieth Century (Pittsburgh). Presbyterian. ARMSTRONG, Grace Leonard (Mrs. John H, Armstrong), 5905 Hampton St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Pittsburgh; dau. Hugh and Saxah Pat- terson (Canfield) Leonard; ed. Pittsburgh Cen- tral High School (Phi Kappa Pi); m. Pittsburgh, John Henry Armstrong; children: Grace Ethel, Robert Francis, Mary Margaret, Elsie Dorothy. Taught for eight years; wrote for The Critic, a Pittsburgh Sunday newspaper, for several years. Pres. Congress of Clubs of Western Pa. (76 clubs, 6,000 members); worthy matron of Martha Chap- ter, Order of the Eiastern Star of Pa. ; mem. Moral Efficiency Commission of 12 representa- tive women and men of Pittsburgh appointed by the Mayor and is its first vice-pres. ; mem. State Art Com., appointed by State Federation president. Mem. Ass'n for the Blind, Consumers' League of Pa.; past pres. of New Era Club of Western Pa.; past pres. of Wimodausis Club; founder of Ladies' Auxiliary of Oscalon Com- mandery, Knights Templar. United Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Ass'n, Woman's Political EJquallty Club. ARMSTRONG, Marion, 6BS8 Black St., Plttt- burg, Pa- Teacher; b. Elizabeth, Pa., Dec. 16, 1886; dau, James C and Anna (Stauffer) Armstrong; ed. private schools (Pittsburg) with honors, Cornell Univ., A.B. '07 (mem. Delta Gamma). Teacher of French in East Liberty Acad., Pittsburgh, Pa. Recreatlona: Tennis, dancing. Presbyterian. ARMSTRONG, Mary Alice (Mrs. Sam-uel Chap- man Armstrong), Hampton Instrtute, Hamp- ton, Va. Teacher; b. Lyman, N.H., Aug. 16, 1864; dau. Samuel P. and Jane E. (Kelsea) Ford; ed. Nor- mal School, Plymouth, N.H. ; Univ. of Mich.. mem. Gamma Phi Beta; m. Montpeller, Vt., Sept, 10, 1890, Samuel Chapman Armstrong; children: Margaret Marshall, Daniel Williams. Business — summmer camp teacher. Interested in the ad- vancement of the negro race and woman's wel- fsire. Against woman suffrage. Undenomina- tional in religion. ARMSTRONG, Sydney (Mra. W. G. Smyth), 240 W. 49th St., N.y. City. Actress; b. Memphis, Tenn.; dau. A. T. Wells (dry goods merchant) ; ed. N.Y. City and later went West; m, N.Y. City, Apr. 19, 1897, W. Q. Smyth, then manager of the William Collier and other theatrical companies. Had experience as amateur before making debut with a stock com- pany touring III., as Esther Bccles in Caste; later with stock company at the Front St Thea- tre, Baltimore, playing rOles that ranged from Lady Gay Spanker to Imogen; attracted the at- tention of Dion Bouclcault, who engaged her to play Arte O'Neil In The Shaughraun; later ap- 54 APPLEGATE— ARMES (county sec. of Huntingdon Co.), and in all pro- gxesslT* Christian work; cor. sec. Christian En- dftaTor Soo. Teacher in Sunday-school, assisted In erectins Presbyterian Church. FaTors -woman suflrag*. Author: Milnwood, In Peace and in War. Preebyterlaa. Progressive Republican and Prohibitionist. Recreations: Travels, concerts. Mem. Nat Soc D.A.R. Club: New Century Guild (Philadelphia). APPI.EGATE, Mina W., "Wellsburg, "W.Va. Bom Brooke Co., W. Va.; dau. Hon. Louis and Margaret (Dodds) Applegate; grad. at Holli- daysburg (Pa.) Female Seminary, and a year's travel and study abroad with the Boston Univ. (fraternity Delta Tau DelU). Interested in mat- ters of social progress, and has done much work for the Red Cross Society for the presentation of Intercolosic. Presented to the City of Wellsburg a handsome drinking fountain of pink granite and bronze — for both man and beasts; actively interested in Civic Betterment. State pres. of Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbor Congress; mem. D.A.R. (historian of State of W. Va. Chapter). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Recreation: Horseback riding, motoring, dancing and playing tennis. Has traveled extensively at home and abroad. Pres. Woman's Club of Wells- burg; pres. Travelers' Club; mem. Fort Henry Club of the Daughters of the Revolution; vice- pres. Pan Handle State Federation of Woman'i Clubs; mem. Coll. Alumnaa Club of Wheeling, W. Va. ; mem. Order of the Eastern Star. APPLETON, L.. Estelle, Kindergarten Training School, Fountain and Ionia Sta., N.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Teacher; b. Victory, Vt., Nov. 9, 1858; dau. George Ashley and Fanny Reed (Wooster) Ap- pleton; grad. State Normal School, Randolph, Vt., '79; Oberlln Coll., B.U, '86, Ph.B. '90; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '03, M.S. '04, Ph.D. '09; senior fellow Clark Univ., genetic psychology, 1908-09; research student, Columbia Univ., 1910-11, com- pleting 17 years of study. Taught about five years In public schools of Vt., between 1875 and 1881, and over five years in Industrial Training School, Honolulu, H.I., between 1886 and 1895; supplied three months In Indian Training School, Santee Agency, N&b., 1889; thre« years principal city normal training classes, and Instructor in psychology, meithods and history of education, 1901-0.3; ass't School of Education, Chicago Univ., 1904-05; three terms summer Normal training work, 1899, 1905, 1908; director School of EducaUon, Upper Iowa Univ., 1907-08; acting head dep't of education and sup't training school, Marshall Coll., 1909-10; acting head dep't of philosophy, Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis., 1911-12; instructor in psychology and edu- cation in Kindergarten Training School, Grand Rapids, Wis., since 1912. Author: A Comparative aaidy of Play Activities of Adult Savages and ClvUized Children— An Investigation of the Scienttflc Basis of Education, 1910; Play Activi- ties as a Measure of Mental Development of Child and Race (The Child, Vol. 1), 1911; The Twentieth Century Crusades (Pedagogical Semi- nary, Vol. 16); also numerous shorter magazine and newspaper articles. Congregationalist. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Nat Educational Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Aiumnse, Equal Suffrage Ass'n; mem. by invitation of Institut Solvay- Institut de Sociologie, an international organiza- tion for scientific research work in Brussels. AB.CHER, Sarah F. FUUer (Mrs. George Archer), 2323 W. Mission Av., Spokane, Wash. Teacher, writer; b. Illinois; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now college), '86; m. George Archer (died 1889); three children. Engaged in teaching at Hajmfbal, Mo., before marriage and resumed profession after her husband's death, becoming teacher of mathematics in the Spokane (Wash.) High School. Contributor of stories and poems to newspapers and magazines. Congregationalist. ABCBCLBAI-D, Edith Jessie (Mrs. Charles Archi- bald), 82 Inplls St., Halifax, Nova Scotia; country house, "Braeslde," Whycocomagh, Nova Scotia. Born St. John's, Newfoundland; dau. Sir E. M. Archibald, K.M.C.G., C.B. (Attorney-General of Newfoundland and later H.B.M. Consul (Jeneral at N.Y.. 1858-83), and Catherine (Richardson) Archibald; ed. London and N.Y. ; m. 1874, Charles Archibald (mining engineer and capitalist). Ac- tive in various religious, philanthropic and pa- triotic movements; movement for establishing a children's hospital in Halifax, etc. ; prominent as society leader in Halifax. Presbyterian. Past pres. Halifax Local Council of Women; mem. Nat. Council of Women; past pres. Ladies' Mu- sical Club (was also its first pres.). AIC€HIBA1J>, Miss Mabel Erangeiine, Cbica- cole, Madras F*resldency, India. Missionary; b. Bloomingdale, 111., U.S.A.; dau. Rev. E. N. and Annie B. (Bradshaw) Archibald; grad. Acadia Univ. (Nova Scotia) B.A. '95, M.A. '06 (honors in elocution and English). Taught in a Canadian Ladiea' (Doll, for 2 years, went In 1897 to India, where she has since served as missionary. Baptist. Editor of Vlvekavatl, Telugu Monthly for Women. There are 30 million Telugus in South India. This is the only paper for women — it consists of 32 pages — Is superbly printed by Christian Literature Soo. and well illustrated. Comprises such departments as Medical Household, Religious, Children's, etc. It is non-denominational — for Hindus as well as Christians. Believes in woman suffrage, but li opposed to all violent means to obtain it. ABDEX, Agnes Aan Eagleeon (Mrs. Edwin Arden), 60 W. Seventy-fifth St, N.T. City. Educated public schools; m. Edwin Arden, actor and playwright; one daughter: Mildred Hunter. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Dickens Fellowship. Chairman of Com. on Drama, N.Y. City Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Twelfth Night Cluh; mem. Post Parliament, West End Repub- lican Club, Dixie Club, Professional Woman's Club. ABENDS, Katharine, 251 West 97Ui St, N.T. City. Physician; b. Berlin, Germany, Jan. 24, 1871; dau. Ferdinand and Charlotte (Gumprecht) Arends; ed. Breslau, Berlin, Saxony and New York; grad. M.D. from N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hos- pital for Women, 1907; took Post-Graduate Hosp. med. course and special course in ansesthesia. Resident physician of Laura Franklin Free Hos- pital for Children and assistant ansesthetist in same. Mem. N.Y. Society of Anaethetists, Nat. Ass'n for Prevention of 'Tuberculosis, American Inst, of Homoepathy, N.Y. County Med. Soc, Dispensary of N.Y. Med. ColL and Hospital for Women, HomcEopathlc Med. Soc. of State of N.Y., clinical ass't N.Y. Ophthalmic Hospital. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. ABGO, EUa Butler (Mrs. George It Argo). De Soto Apartments, Atlanta, Ga. Journallst; b. Augusta, Ga.; dau. John and Oliver (Tarver) Evans; ed. private schools; Tubman High School of Augusta, Ga.; Mary Baldwin Seminary of Staunton, Va.; m. Augusta, Ga., June 23, 1898, George R. Argo; one son: Haralson Butler Argo. For some years a.ssoclate editor of Augusta (Ga.) Herald; dramatic critic and contributor to magazines of short stories and special articles. Mem. D.A..R., U«tted Daughters of Confederacy. Baptist AEMES, Ethel Marie, 1410 St Charles St, Bir- mingham, Ala, Author, Journalist; b. Washington, D.C.; dau. Col. George Augustus Armes, U.S.A., and Lucy Hamilton (Kerr) Armes; ed. in private schools of Washington, D.C. Began newspaper work, 1899, on reportorial staff of Chicago Chroni- cle, also doing free lance work on other papers; mem. staff Washington Post, 1900-03; Birming- ham (Ala.) Age-Herald, 1905-06; since leaving staff of Washington Post has done much syndi- cated newspaper and magazine work. Edited the Advance Magazine at Birmingham, 1906; studied and reported upon the history and resources of the Alabama mineral belt under the auspices of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 1907-10; also investigated and reported upon the social conditions and problems of the Alabama coal fields for the Ala. Coal Operators' Ass'n. Writer on sociological features, on staff of the BlrmioS' ttiiniK' ■ • Bon 9. ^ , ia. '„«*:' >*« js't- w-;-..,. jgf, SIM •=*;.. .-•SS5» » 3cn H- • Sjtf •'- Silc ' as.; r- iKS '■- sit. •''- ■xi. I--- ■'■■ ISIBIEONO, Aj* H iitoi; t :i:^i=' ^ li, L'S, A.'ii'.^ lia, liW; .. lilW; tsii uv. So., 'iifrt. Vl.J —'■ iipill, %-i. i:-- ■ wmm. ruMf n k:,i .; 5i;!» 'ii,'^ ^Lu l8K-:- :•: icx: . ^••uuvii*, OA E la f^n), T\t Bam Ite Vna;kOiMaL|fe , »^ (dm nHiiZ feWiteriaa. g i-'JiWMliiiiJTJ ARTHUR— ASHLEY 57 Ccrflege Woman's Club, Rochester. Recreations: Tennis, automoblling and horseback riding. ARTHUR, Clara B., 96 Boston Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Social welfare worker; b. St. John, N.B., 1859; dau. Alex. Nevei-s and Martha Hamm (Lewis) Peters; ed. St. John and Sheffield Acad., Frederickton, N.B.; m. St. John, N.B., Sept. 20, 1882, James Arthur, of Montreal; children: Ken- neth Alexander, Nathalie, Muriel. Founder De- troit Playgrounds; chairman Playground and Public Bath Committee of the Detroit Federa- tion of Women's Clubs; active In child labor work, serving on many committees to promote welfare of children. First all-year-round public bathhouse in Detroit named for her, in recogni- tion of efforts to establish such in city, "Tlie Clara." Writes short articles and newspaper contributions on philanthropic subjects; issued a pamphlet entitled "Progress Michigan Women." Mem. Detroit Anti-Tuberculosis Soc. (now sec); mem. Beard Directors, Tuberculosis Sanitorium, Detroit; charter mem. Twentieth Century Club; mem. Equal Suffrage Club. Has worked in suffrage organizations 27 years; pres. Detroit Suffrage Club, seven years; vlce-pres. tor seven years, and several years and now pres. Michigan E^qual Suffrage Ass'n. ARTHUR, Mrs. Daniel V. — see Cahlll, Marie. ARTHUR, Helen, office 220 Broadway, N.T. City. Lawyer; b. Lancaster, Wis., Mar. 29, 1879; dau. Lemuel John and Mary Emma (Ziegler) Arthur; grad. Evanston (111.) Township High School; m. 1897; mem. Northwestern Univ. class of '01, grad. N.Y. Univ. Law School LL.B. '01 (mem. Zeta Beta Pi, high school sorority, and Alpha Omicron Pi, Univ. sorority). Admitted to prac- tice at N.Y. Bar li, im02. Director of the Re- search Dep't of Woman's Municipal League, 1906-07. Mem. Woman's Trade Union League, Twelfth Night Club, Northwestern Univ. Alumnae, N.Y. State Child Labor Committee, Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Dramatic editor National Magazine; editor To Dragma, official publication of Alpha Omicron Pi. .\SH, Josephine Wharton (Mrs. Percy Ash), 1734 Q St., Washington, D.C. Born Philadelphia, Pa. ; dau. Charles and Mar- garetta (Craig) Barrington; ed. private schools in Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, June 1, 1901, Percy Ash. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage. ASHBAUGH, Delphine Dodge (Mrs. R. H. Ash- baugh), 43 Boston Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. . Born Niles, Mich., Feb. 6, 1S68; dau. Daniel Rugg and Maria Louise (Casto) Dodge; ed. high school and classical post-graduate course, Univ. of Mich.; m. Detroit, Feb. 4, 1892, R. Henry Ashbaugh. Active in philanthropic, social and New Thought religious interests. Favors woman suffrage. Editor The Club Woman; writer and publisher of verse and prose. Methodist. Pres. Detroit Federation of Women's Clubs; recording sec. Mich. State Federation of Women's Clubs; pres. Detroit Woman's Press Club; mem. Michi- gan Authors' A.ss'n, Michigan Woman's Press Ass'n, and Twentieth Century and Detroit Re- view Clubs. ASHCRAFT, Mary Cosby Lewis (Mrs. William D. Ashcraft), Brandenburg, Ky. Born Brandenburg ,Ky., .Feb. 24, 1878; dau. James William Lewis (lawyer) and Elizabeth (Falrleigh) Lewis; ed. private schools; Potter Coll. (female coll.). Bowling Green, Ky., 189,5-97; m. Brandenburg, Dec. 4, 1908, William D. Ash- craft. Active in all church work, such as Sun- day-school and local charities. Interested in civic improvement. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Democrat. Mem. and treas. Ladies' Foreign Missionary Soc. and Ladies' Aid Soc. Teacher of literary dept (former pren. two years, now vlce-pres.) Woman's Club of Brandenburg. .•VSHCROFT, Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs. John Innle ABhcroft), Mackay Institute for Protestant Deaf Mutes, Notre Dame-de-Grace, Montreal, Can. Teacher of deaf mutes; b. County Dublin, Ire- land; dau. John Barrett McGann; came from Ire- land to Canada with parents; m. July, 1889, John Innle Ashcroft, then principal of School for the Deaf of British Columbia, which he founded (died 1891). Her father founded the first institu- tion for the deaf and dumb in Ontario, and later founded the Protestant School for the Deaf in Quebec, out of which the present Mackay Inst, for Protestant Deaf Mutes and the Blind (Mon- treal) was developed. She has been a teacher of the deaf from early girlhood, and In 1881 was appointed joint sup't with Mr. Ashcroft of the Mackay Inst., and since his death has been prin. of the Institute, In which she has adopted the system of teaching visible speech invented by Prof. Alexander Melville Bell. ASHENFBXTER, Nettie Bennett (Mrs. Single- ton M. Ashenfelter), Silver City, N.Mex. Born Rock Prairie, Wis., July 21, 1852; dau. Cornelius and Anna Florella (Ross) Bennett; ed. Dubuque (la.) public and high schools; m. Silver City, N.Mex.. Nov. 21, 1872, Singleton Mercer Ashenfelter; children: Lieoline (Mrs. Wal- ton), Vloletta Bertha (Mrs. Wilson), Anna Ben- nett (Mrs. Brayton). State vice-regent of D.A.R., State director of Children of the American Revo- lution; State promoter of Daughters of 1812 of New Mexico. Mem. Woman's Club of Silver City, N.Mex. (federated); mem. nat. committees of D.A.R.. for Prevention of Desecration of Flag, Preservation of Historic Spots, Conserva- tion and others. Christian Scientist. Democrat. ASHFORD, Hallie Quillian (Mrs. W. H. Ash- ford), Walkinsville, Ga. Bern Mossy Creek, Ga., May 24, 1879; dau. Rev. George K. and Ella (Smith) Quillian; grad. with first honor La Grange Female Coll.. A.B. '96; m. Maxerfs, Ga.. Mar. 4, 1897, W. H. Ashford; chil- dren: Moselle Catharine, William H. Jr., George Wordson. Organized local Civic Club, local chapter United Daughters of Confederacy; pres. Mothers' and Teachers' Cooperative Club; active worker In church and Sunday-school; mem. W.C.T.U., Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Home Mission and Parsonage Aid societies. Methodist. Recreations: Walking, driving, read- ing, painting. Mem. Phoenix Club. ASHHURST, Sarah Wayne (The Cathedral School), Paseo 137, Vedado, Havana, Cuba, Missionary teacher; b. Philadelphia, Nov. 29, 1874; dau. John and Sarah Stokes (Wayne) Ash- hurst; ed. the Agnes Irwin School, Philadelphia 1883-92. Appointed by the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church for work In Ouba, Jan.. 1912; taught in AcademJa Inglesa, Santiago, Cuba, until June, then transferrred to Havana, to the Cathedral School. Teacher of primary class in the Cathedral Sunday-school. Havana; mem. of the Cathedral choir. Havana. Protestant Episcopal Church. Mem. the Wo- man's Auxiliary of P.E. Church, the Guild of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia; hon. mem. of the Board of Managers of the Home for the Homeless. Philadelphia. Mem. the College Club, Philadelphia. ASHLEY, Jessie, 60 W. 89th St. (office, 27 Cedar St.), N.Y. City. Lawyer; b. N.Y. City; dau. Ossian D. and Harriet A. (Nash) Ashley; ed. private schools of New York, Berlin. Germany. N.Y. Univ. L,bjW School, LL.M. (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi). Pres. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, 2 years; treas. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Socialist Party, N.Y. County Lawyers' Ass'n, Intercolle- giate Socialist Soc, Industrial Workers of the World. Am. Socialist Soc, Woman's Trade Union League. Am. Soc for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Women Lawyers' Club; lecturer In Woman's Law Class, N.Y. Univ. ASHLEY, Susan RUey (Mrs. Ell M. Ashley), care of F. P. Ashley, 1159 Corona St., Denver. Colo. Born St. Mary's. O.. May 1, 1840; dau. Hon. James W. and Susan (Ellis) Riley; ed. Ohio pub- lic schools; m. Cellna, O.. Oct. 15, ISGl, Ell -M. Ashley, of Toledo, O.; children: Franklin Riley, b. 1868; Ralph Earle, b. 1879. Was a pioneer in Colorado, went to Denver; has taken active part in all her civic interests, and Is especially In- W ASKEW— ATHERTON terested In educational and philanthropic activi- ATMEKTON, Caroline Ober Stone (Mrs.Edward ties. FaTors woman sufirage; mem. Colo. Equal H. Atherton), 82 Ruthven St., Roxbury, Mass. Suffrage Ass'n from its organization; has con- Teacher; b. Lynn, Mass., Sept. 11, 1863; dau. ducted, parliamentary classes. Has written for Charles G. and Eleanor O. (Knowlton) Stone; ed. newspapers and a few magazine articles and club Lynn public schools, Boston Univ., A.B., A.M.; papers. Congregationalist. Republican. Was an commencement speaker (mem. Kappa Kappa active factor in establishing the Orphans' Home Gamma); m. Lynn, July 20, 1892, Edward H. of Denver; also the Colo. Home for Dependent Atherton. Non-resident worker at South End Children; mem. W.C.T.U., D.A.R., Order Eastern House; mem. Board of Trustees of Children's Star. Charter mem. Denver Fortnightly Club, of Institutions Dep't of Boston; mem. Board of Deutsche Damen and of Woman's Club of Den- Roxbury Neighborhood House; official visitor at ver; mem. Sevigne Club and The Larks. Was Boston Univ.; New England vice-pres. of Nat. first pree. of Colo. Fed. Women's Clubs; chair- Alliance of Unitarian Women; sec. of Board of man of correspondence for Gen. Fed. Women's the Tuckerman School for Parish Workers; vice- Clubs; vice-pres. of Lady Managers of World's pres. Social Service Council of Unitarian Wo- Coiumbian Exposition and chief of Woman's men. Author: Beginners' Greek Book (with Dep't of Colorado World's Fair Board. Clarence W. Gleason); chapter on Child of the ASKEW, Elisabeth, 180 Bay Shore Boulevard, ^^5^2^°^, in Amertcans in Fr(^esa (witi Mrs. Tampal Fla. E. Y. Rutan). Unitarian. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Bom Wheeling, W-Va.; dau. Thomas Evans ^,^^> of Collegiate Alumnae, Mass. Soc. for the and Katherine (Bu"ris) 'A^kew; ed. St. Paul, ^°:i-,n^R^h,?^.°^r^^^/°r,,,^ m~t^nT^^t^P Minn., private and high schools, supplemented 2<°^'^'''r}'J^°^^'^^LF}!F.A^J^?^^^^^^^^ by Univ. extension correspondence courses. Sec. f^r ,S?,?'- ?°t L°'i"^*"^\,^?f f^%*n.^?^ ^tIh^ and chairman Publicity Com. of the Tampa l^^ ^^^u°^ ^Z°°- Jaught In Roxbury Latm Civic Aea-n; mem. Hillsborough Co. HunW School till marriage; haa written sundry papers Soc., Am. Woman's Republic, Florida Fed. of and addresses on educational and philanthropic Women's Clubs. Recreations: Country life, golf, suDjects. walking. Favors woman suffrage. ATHERTON, Ella Blaylock (Mrs. Henry B. na^rtxrrr' t -rr ^ ,-,r ^j ^ . , . , Atherton), Falrmount Heights, Nashua, N.H. ASKWIG, Jenny Keogh (Mrs. Ed. J. Askwig), Physician and surgeon; b. Ulverston, Lan- oaKiand. Neb. cashire, England, Jan. 4, 1S60; dau. William and Born Chicago, 1866; dau. John J. and Anna Margaret (Schollick) Blaylock; ed. Georgevllle (Anderson) Keogh; ed. Chicago public schools; ^cad., private tutors and grad. McGiU Univ., ?■ ^^i?^"^' J^^?' ^^f: ^^7^"^^ ^u Ask^,S- Montreal, 1887; Queen's Univ. Med. School, M.D. Sec. Order Eastern Star treM. Rebekah's, .57 (Kingston, Ont); m. Concord, N.H., 1898, Royal Achates. Pres. Oakland Woman's Club. capt. Henry B. Atherton, LL.B.; children: Blay- Favors woman suffrage lock, b. Oct 6, 1900; Ives Atherton, b. Feb. 25, ASPINTVAIX, Alicia Stuart (Mm. Thomas 1903. Demonstrator of anatomy two years at Aspinwall), 14 Hawthorne Road, Brookline, med. school, Kingston; was first woman in the Mass. Province of Quebec to get a Canadian diploma in Bom in Mass.; m. Thomas Aspinwall; children: medicine; first woman admitted to medical society Thomas Gardner, Philip Channlng. Author; in State of Vt. ; first to hold office of pres. of a Short Stories for Short People; Echo Maid and local medical society in N.H. ; first woman to do Other Stories; Marie de Rozel; The Oin You abdominal surgery in N.H. Mem. Am. Med. Believe Me Stories. Unitarian. Ass'n, N.H. Surgical Club, N.H. Med. Soc, aauTTTXTT* T„n= Tk,.^„„« «-„,„„ ^ i\T T> -c- Hlllsboro County Med. Soc.; was mem. of ^^ni^^' 14-. M«^^ If f/nt^TT^ M^f^- Nashua Emergency Hospital Ass'n and of Nashua Rrvrn plinnv™ Mn^ o^t R ^«7.®' ^=\f R.^ Home for Aged Women; charter mem. Woman's r>,F„Jil ^^!f^;f>, "'/rPf-^ ^li ^**^^' £f%^^T- Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A. Favors woman suf- r^n A R ■Q^-'^n/J=VThL?J°Q.°Wnnf- Z^^^l° ^rage; mem. N.H. Woman Suffrage Soeanocrat in pvolltlcs (has voted in West). Mem. Net. Arts Club and Forum C^ub (N.Y. City), Nat. Soc. of Patriotic Women ot America, Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Federation, Woonan's Demo- cratic Club of N.Y. City. ATWOOD, Gertmde Pearson (Mr«, William F. Atwood), 85 Montgomery St., Bangor, Me. Bom Bradford, Me., May 17, 1875; dau. Nathan- iel and Ella Alwilda (Smith) Pearson; direct descendant on paternal side of John Robinson, the Puritan divine, who Incited the Pilgrims to come to America; grandaiece, on maternal side, of Lot M. and Anson Peasley Morrill, both former Governors of Maine; ed. In schools of Bradford and Bangor and by private teachers; m. Bangor, Me., Dec. 24, 1900, William Francli Atwood; one son: William Francis Atwood, Jr., b. Dec. 29, 1910. Pres. Nineteenth Century Club of Bangor, 1906-09; v. -p. Maine Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911-12; v.-p. Maine Peace Soc., 191^—. Director Penobscot (Me.) Chapter Red Cro«s Soc., 1910-12. Mem. Executive Committee of Maine Com. of Department of School Patrons of Nat. Education Ass'n. Sec. Good Samaritan Home Ass'n (State charitable • institution for wayward girls) ; sec. Bangor Antl-Tuberculosls Ass'n, and mem. Board of Directors of Association's Clinic. Mem. Board of Directors of Nineteenth Century Club, Bangor, 1912-13. Congregatlonallst. Favors restricted suffrage. ATWOOD, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Clarence L. Atwood), St. Cloud, Minn. University extension lecturer; b. Owatonna, Minn.; dau. C. S. and Mary Elizabeth Crandall; grad. PiUsbury Acad., 1882; attended Cornell Univ.; m. Owatonna, Minn., 1890, Clarence L. Atwood, of St. Cloud, Minn.; children: Mar- Joria Helen, Crandall Clarence, Allen Albert, Fred- erick Charles. Has been mem. of School Board and Library Board. Auditor State Federation of Women's Clubs, and chairman of its oomaiittees 60 ATWOOD— AVERILL on Education, Program and Civics. Lecturer In Univ. Extension for Univ. of Minn. Pres. and holder of many offices locally in clubs; favors woman suffrage. Unitarian (treas. Unity Church, St. Cloud, Minn.). Mem. St. Cloud Health and Hygiene League, State Anti-Tuberculosis Board, St. Cloud Reading-Room Soc, Drama League of America. Recreation: Motoring, travel. ATWOOD, Maud Smith (Mrs. Harry F. At- wood), 7221 Yale Av., Chicago, 111. Born Fox Lake, Wis., 1879; dau. Dr. J. T. and Catherine (Purdy) Smith (niece of former Gov. William B. Smith of Wis.); ed. Downer Coll., Fox Lake, Wis.; 111. State Normal Univ., Bloom- ington. 111.; m. Fox Lake, Wis., Aug. 23, 1905, Harry F. Atwood; one daughter, b. 1906. Before marriage taught five years in Morgan Park, 111. Served as pres. of Morgan Park Woman's Club, an organization active in philanthropy and civics; three years mean, of Board of Education of Mor- gan Park; vice-pres. Third Congressional Dis't Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Woman's clubs. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of several of Chicago equal suffrage organiza- tions. AUER, Clara Meltzer, 13 W. 121st St., N.Y. City. Physician; b. Russia, Oct. 15, 1874; dau. Samuel James and Olga S. (Levitt) Meltzer; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, Barnard Coll. A.B. '96, John Hopkins Univ. Med. School M.D. 1900; m. Dr. John Auer; children, James and Helen. Research Scholar Rockefeller Inst, for Medical Research, 1901-03; ophthalmologist to the Harlem Hospital Dispensary, 1901-03; clinical ass't and late ass't surgeon at the N.Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1901-10; ophthalmologist to the N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, 1908. Has published several articles on medical topics; mem. Harlem Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State and County Med. Soc., Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State. Recreation: Music. Favors woman suffrage, but not active. AUGSBURY, Mary Ellis (Mrs. WlUard S. Augs- bury), Antwerp, N.Y. State Regent D.A.R. ; b. Antwerp, N.Y.; dau. John D. and Mary J. (Buell) Ellis; ed. Ives Sem., Antwerp, and Vassar Coll.; m. Antwerp, Sept. 12, 1893, Willard S. Augsbury. Active in patriotic organizations; mem. Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America and Nat. Soc. Daughters of Am. Revolution. Mem. Saturday Club, Antwerp, N.Y. Congregationalist. AUSTEN, Ellen Munroe (Mrs. Peter Townsend Austen), 649 East 19th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born N.Y. City, May 13, 1855; dau. Thomas and Ellen (Middleton) Munroe; ed. in Anna C. Brackett's School, N.Y. City; m. Staten Island, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1878, Peter Townsend Austen, distinguished chemist, who died in 1907; children: William Thomas, Oswald Townsend, Elizabeth Patty. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution and Nat. Soc. of New England Women. AUSTIN, Caroline SpragTie, Merriam Park Sta- tion, St, Paul; summer: Mahtomedl, Minn. Teacher, lecturer; b. East Jaffrey, N.H., July 29, 1863; dau. Rev. Franklin D. and Caroline F. (Sprague) Austin; is a descendant of May- flower Pilgrims; ed. at home, at Nashua (N.H.) High School and at Smith Coll., B.A. '88. Has been teaching in St. Paul Central High School from fall of 1888. Has served on many com- mittees for Central High Scbool, High School Teachers' Club. Has lectured at Y.W.C.A. ; read papers before St. Paul Inst. ; spoken at settle- ment meeting of the City Club, etc. Has led Cosmopolitan Club several years, also St. Anthony Park Club (literature division) one year. Has written articles for Primary Educa- tion, etc. Congregationalist. Mem. two church societies; Ass'n Coll. Alumnae (pres. 1910-11), City Club, New Century Club. Recreations: Those incident to life at White Bear Lake five months of the year; in winter, theater, symphony con- certs and various social activities. Believes woman suffrage to be inevitable in course of time. AUSTIN, Laura Osborne (Mrs. Lonla W. Aos- tin), 3136 Newark St., Cleveland Park, Wash- ington, D.C. Born McGregor, la.; dau. Willis L. and Julia (Colman) Osborne; ed. public schools LaCrosse. Wis.; Univ. of Wis. A.B. '97 (Kappa Alpha TheU): m. Aug. 16, 1898, Louis Winslow Austin. Interested in philanthropic work, particularly in the Girls' Friendly Soc. Mem. Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnse. Club&: Washington, College Women's. Protestant EpiscopaL AUSTIN, Mary, National Arts Club, 12 Gramercy Park, N.Y. City. Writer; b. Carlinville, 111.; dau. Capt. George and Saville (Graham) Hunter; grad. Blackburn Univ. A.B.; m. Bakersfield, Cal., Stafford W. Austin; one daughter: Ruth. Connected with educational interests of California, institute lec- turer. State Committee Course of Study. Has made researches on the development of native art; lecturer on Primitive Society; has made many contributions to collected American Indian Folk Lore. Author: The Land of Little Rain; Isidro; The Basket Woman; The Flock; Lost Borders; Santa Lucia; The Arrow Maker (dra- matic—at New Theatre); Christ In Italy; A Woman of Genius. Progressive; active in fem- inist movements. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Twi- light Club, London Lyceum. AUTEN, NelUe Mason, Prlnceville, 111. Born Princeville, 111., Mar. 3, 1S75; dau. Ed- ward and Maria Louisa (Cutter) Auten; ed. Princeville Acad., 1887-89, 1890-94; Wellesley Coll., 1894-98, A.B. '98; Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900, A.M. 1900. Teacher, grade and high school. Piano, 111., 1898-99, teacher of LaUn. Hillside (Wis.) Home School, 1900-01. With a brother had a cluti for little boys, 1902-03; teacher in Sunday-school, 1910-11. Wrote an article in the Ainerlcan Jour- nal of Sociology for March, 1901: Some Phases of the Sweating System in the Garment Trades of Chicago. Presbyterian. Mem. Wellesley Coll. Alumna Association and Association of Clolleglate Alumnas. AVARY, Myrta Lockett, 415 Spring St., Atlanta, Ga. Writer; b. Halifax, Va,; dau. Harwood A. and Augusta (Harper) Lockett; ed. private tutors and governesses; m. Dr. James Corbin Avary. Served on the editorial staffs of four magazines in N.Y. City, where became interested in fresh air work, social settlement work, etc.; more recently engaged in historical writing and re- search in the South. Author: A Virginia Girl in the Civil War; Dixie After the War. Editor: A Diary from Dixie; Recollections of Alexander H. Stevens. Has contributed historical and sociological articles to various magazines, also short stories and poems. AA^RILL, Blanche M. (Mrs. Alfred Perry Averill), 1200 West Boulevard, El Paso, Tex. Clubwoman; b. Bryan, Ohio, Oct. 1872; dau. William H. and Nellie F. (Jones) Moore; ed. Mittleberger School, Cleveland, Ohio, Cornell Univ. A.B., class essayist (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Bryan, Ohio, 1899, Alfred Perry Averill. Pres. El Paso Woman's Club; chairman Art Committee of Texas Federation of Woman's Clubs; mem. Toledo Coll. Women's (jlub. Pres- byterian. Mem. Humane Soc. and Charity Ass'n (El Paso). Recreations: Bridge whist, dancing. AVERILL, Edith Alice Shermaji (MrB, Glenn Mark Averill), 213 S. Twelfth St., Cedar Rapids, la. Born Iowa; ed. Rockford (IlL) Coll., class of '90, B.A. '02; m. Glenn Mark Averill of Cedar Rapids, la. Was director of the gymnasium at Rockford Coll., two years. Interested in Y.W.C.A., Sunshine Mission Work and Children's Home at Cedar Rapids, la. Ex-pres. Ladies' Choral Soc. Mem. Tourist Club (literary). AVERILL, Mary Martin (Mrs. Edward S. Aver- ill), 415 S. Euclid Av.. Oak Park, III.; summer, Plttsfleld, Pa. Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. John T. and Julia Foster Martin; ed. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '84, A.M. '92; special course at Wellesley Coll., 1886-87; m. Plttsfleld, Jan. 2, 1901, Edward S. Averill (died Feb. 14, 1910); children: Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. AVERY— AY Ell 61 18, 1902; Mary Louise, b. Dec. 20 (died Dec. 28), 1907. Mem. Woman's See. of First Presbyterian Church of Oak Park, 111. Favors woman suf- frage. Recreations- Travel, horseback riding, driving, reading, tennis. Mem. Augusta Club, Nakama Club, Sesame Circle. AVERY, Catherine Hitchcock Tllden (Mrs. El- roy McKendree Avery), 2831 Wood-Hill Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Editor, educator; b. Dundee, Mich., Dec. 13, 1844; dau. Junius and Zeruah (Rich) Tllden; grad. Mass. State Normal School (Framingham) '67; m. Battle Creek, Mich., July 2, 1870, Elroy McKendree Avery, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L. (educa- tor, scientist, historian). Engaged in teaching as prin. of Battle Creek (Mich.) High School, and later as teacher in Cleveland High and Normal schools; now editor of the American Monthly Magazine (official organ of the D.A.R.). First woman ever chosen to elective office in Ohio; elected mem. City School Board of Cleveland, 1895; elected mem. City Board of School Exam- iners, becoming its first woman-member, 1900 (pres. since 1911). Mem. Cleveland City Library Board. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames of America, U.S. Daughters of 1812. .•VVEBY, Clara Arlette, 47 Eliot St., Detroit, Mich. Ex-pres. Mich, Federation; b. Bradley, Me., Jan. 12, 1850; dau. Newell and Nancy Clapp (Eddy) Avery; ed. ' Detroit Sem. Organizer of the Twentieth Century Club of Detroit and pres. (now life mem.); organizer of the Mich. State Federation of Women's Clubs and first pres.; mem. of the Memorial Scholarship Com. under Univ. of Mich., formerly an officer and pres. of the Woman's Hospital and Infants' Home. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Mayflower Descendants; hon. mem. Woman's League of Univ. of Mich.; hon. mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; life mem. Am. Archaeological Soc. Favors woman suf- AVEBY, Elisabeth McElroy (Mrs. Henry Brinck- erhoff Avery), Christmas Lake, Excelsior, Minn. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 5, 1873; dau. John Henry and Mary Jane (Wilkinson) McElroy; ed. public schools of Pittsburgh; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 18, 1909, Henry Brinckerhoff Avery. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recrea- tion: Farming; lives on a country place about 18 miles from Minneapolis and is deeply inter- ested in all that pertains to such a place the year around. AVEBY, Bachel Foster, Swarthmore, Pa. Suffrage leader; b. Pittsburgh, Dec. 30, 1858; dau. J. Heron and Julia (Manuel) Foster; ed. Philadelphia schools and special studies in po- litical economy in Univ. of Zurich; one son: Cyrus Miller, b. 1888. Engaged in suffrage work from girlhood; actively associated with late Su- san B. Anthony for years and was long corre- sponding sec. of the Nat. Am. Woman ' Suffrage Ass'n; has taken part as ass't and manager in suffrage campaigns in many States as speaker and writer; first vlce-pres. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1906-10; pres. Pa. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; was active in work of preparing for the Washington meeting of the Internal. Council of Women, 1888, and was cor. sec, 1888- 93. Mem. Society of Friends. AVEBY, Susan Look (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Avery), 847 Fourth Av., Louisville, Ky. Born Conway, Mass., Oct. 27, 1817; dau. Samuel and Polly (Loomls) Look; ed. Utica, N.Y., in private schools; m. April 27, 1844, Benjamin Franklin Avery (manufacturer of plows; died 1885); children: Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, b. Jan. 31, 1845; George C. Avery, b. .Mar. 1, 1852. Pioneer club woman, founder of the Woman's Club of Louisville and of the Susan Look Avery Club of Wyoming, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; long a leader as speaker and writer in favor of equal suffrage. Contributor to various magazines and papers on suffrage, temperance, the single- tax and other reforms. Honorary vlce-pres. Gen. Fed. ot Women's Cluuntry, Homer Woman's; has been B A '98 Taught two years in Kalamazoo pres., sec., treas., and district vice-prea; now (Mich.) Sem. and since then has been teacher of cor. sec. 19th Dlst (111.) Federation. Presby- science and ass't principal of Akeley Hall, Gra;id terlan. Favors woman suffrage. Haven, Mich. Episcopalian. BABB, Deborah Bertha White (Mrs. Benjamin F. Babb), Ivor, Va. AY£BS, Mary Frances, 3709 Portland Av., Mln- Born North Carolina; grad. Guilford (N.C.) neapolls, Minn. Coll., B.S. '97; grad. scholar and student in Librarian; b. Enfleld, N.Y. ; dau. William W. English and mathematics, Bryn Mshwt Coll., and Elizabeth (Glllett) Ayers; grad. Cornell 1897-98; m. 1901, Dr. Benjamin F. Babb. Prtn- Unlv. B.L. Four years a teacher of piano in the cipal Woodland I>epot High School, Woodland, North Western Conservatory of Music (Minneap- N.C, 1898-1900; principal Corinth Acad., Conly, oils); fifteen years as assistant In the public Va., 1900-01. Library of Minneapolis; active in Mission study BABBITT, Juliette M. (Mrs. Charles Henry and work of Woman s Welfare League. Baptist Babbitt), 933 Massachusetts Av., N.W., Wa*h- Progresslve in politics. Mem. College Women s ino-ton DC Club. Recreations: Symphony concerts and | ■ ; Hancock Co., 111.; dau. Joseph and orchestral concerts (quartettes), walking for gusanne Younger; removed to Iowa in child- vacation inps. jjjjjjj ^jjj educated there; m. Magnolia, Iowa, ...r^^o .,< oi 1 rr 1 /Tw = Tjv,inr. -nr Dec. 19, 1863, Charles Henry Babbitt. Washing- AYBE8 A^ce StaiJ^y Taylor (Mrs. Philip W. ^^^ correspondent of many Western papers and Ayres), Waban, Mass. (summer, Franconia, ^^ various Umes representative in Washington of N-H.) publications in N.Y. City and Boston. Has writ- Born Newton. Mass., 1866; dau. Timothy D. ^^^ ^ ^^^^.^ stories, special articles and regu- and Mary M. (Kenrick) Taylor ed Newton j^^. Washington letters for magazlaes, newspapers public schools. Smith Coll. A.B. 89 (mMi. Alpha ^^^ .syndicates. Mem. League of Am. Pen Soc.); m. Newton^ Mass 1899 Philip W. Ayres ^omen (librarian 1898-1900; vlce-pres. 1900-01; children: Ruth W., b. 1901; Dwight T. b. 1907. ^^ 1901-02; historian and chairman Board of Before marriage was teacher in Miss Morgan s directors, 1902-03). School, Portsmouth, N.H.; registrar of the Asso- _, _, ^ ciated Charities of Lynn, Mass., and later gen- BABBITT, Mary Brigliam King (Mrs. Eugene eral manager of the Society for Organizing Howard Babbitt), Dartmouth College. Han- Charity. Providence, R.I. Unitarian. Independent over, N.H. in politics; favors woman suffrage. Lecturer; b. Barnstable, Mass.; grad. Vassaj Coll., A.B. '82; m. Concord, Mass., Sept 16, AYRES, Anna C. Marston (Mrs. D. Ayres). 1891, Prof. Eugene Howard Babbitt; two som. Fort Plain NY o°e daughter. Teacher, Indianapolis, Ind., 1883; Born Gays'vllle,' Vt., Jan. 5, 1862; dau. Moses Minneapolis, Minn 1883-84; Girls' High School and Ellen M. (Adams) Marston; grad. Univ. of Boston, Mass., 1885-91. Since 1S06 engaged as Minn., B.L. '83, followed by a year's graduate lecturer. work at Cornell, 1892-93 (Kappa Kappa Gamma); b.\BBITT, Mary Edltli Tarbox (Mrs. Le Roy m. Minneapolis, Sept 1, 1898, Dr. Douglas Ayres; xathan Babbitt), Dobbs Ferry-on-Hudson, one son: Douglas. Teacher, 1883-98, in Lake ^Y City (Minn.) High School, Minneapolis public gor^ Pomfret N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. schools, Clinton Liberal Inst., Fort Plain, N.Y., .95. graduate scholar, 1896-97; m. June 30, 1905, and the Misses Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, LeRoy Nathan Babbitt Computer astronomical N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Universallst. ^g-.^ Columbia Univ., 1898-1902; teacher Kemper Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Cornell Alumnae jjall Kenosha, Wis.. 1902-05. Ass'n (Utica branch). BABCOCK, Birnle (Mrs. William F. Babcock), AYRES, Helen (Mrs. Steven Beekwith Ayres), Author^°b^'u^^onville O Apr. 28, 1868; dau. Spuyten Duyvil N.Y. City; during Congres- jj^N and LotUe R Smade:"r^?denfof I^kansas slonal session, 1620 Massachusetts Av., Wash- ^^ce 1878; ed. in Little Rock, Ark.; m. Apr., ington, D-C. .,,.„„ , ,„„ , _,. , 1886 William F. Babcock, now deceased. En- Born Dunkirk NY., May 4, 1869; dau Charles ^^gk Yn newspaper work in Little Rock on staff f-,.*°?«^^^\^'^l^/^xf^±T''?",f^°' ^ «^t^; of the Arkansas Democrat later becoming editor field (Mass.) State Normal School; m Steven ^^ proprietor of the Arkansas Sketch Book, a Beekwith Ayres (mem. of (Jongress from the tgrly publication. Author: The Daughter of Bronx District of N.Y., 1911-13); one daughter. ^ Republican, 1900; The Martyr, 1900; Justice to Janette. Pres. for 1913 of Woman s Nat Demo- ^oman, 1901; At the Mercy of the State, cratlc League organized June 1, 1915, for the ^ Uncrowned Queen-Story of the Life of promoUoE of the principles of Democracy and to prances E. Willard, 1902; With Claw and Fang- assist in the election of the nominees of the " „ . <,. ; ' nhicaffo Setting 19U- con- Democratic Party; the first Permanent national A Fact S^°^y^^°^,^C^_'«'^°^3S«™' ^''euVe in political organization ever established for and s suffrage. by women exclusively; annual meeting, Jan. 8; >™-'^-i-'J- ""»•>•. in each year. The organization makes a BABCOCK, Jesephine, 7350 Union Av., Chicago, special feature of the study course. Second vice- III. pres. Nat (Congressional Section of Woman's Journalist; b. Washington, Iowa, Not. 19, 158^; Welfare Dep't of the Nat Civic Federation, an dau. Nathan Lee and Ophelia Almira (Smith) organization the membership of wh ch is com- Babcock; ed. Washington (Iowa) public schools, posed eiclusively of wives of members of Con- Washington Acad., Iowa Wesleyan Univ.; mem. gn»B. Mem. D.A.R. and Congressional Club. Alpha Xi Delta. AcUve In Woman's Club move- Eplacopalian. ment ParUcularly Interested in Sunday School BABCOCK— BaCHMAN 63 work. In work among children for better citizen- ship and cleaner city and various philanthro- pies. Methodist. Mem. P.E.O. Soc, D.A.R. and church societies, Nineteenth Century Club and loT^a Federation of Women's Clubs. Recreations. Theatre, State conventions. Favors woman suffrage. BABCOCK, Mand May, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Utah. Professor of elocution; b. East Worcester, N.Y., May 2, 1867; dau. William Wayne and Sarah Jane (Butler) Baibcock; ed. public school and high school of BInghamton, N.Y. ; studied under Alfred Ayres and others in N.Y. City. Philadelphia Nat. School of Oratory, Bachelor of Elocution, 18S6; student In Harvard Univ. Sum- mer School, 1890 and 1892; student In Univ. of Chicago, 1901. Instructor In Harvard Univ. Sum- mer School, 1892-93; Chautauqua School of Physi- cal Education, 1896; taught Lady Jane Grey School, BInghamton, N.Y.; Ingleside School for Girls, New Mllford, Conn.; founded Utah School of Elocution and Physical Education. Pres. Young Ladles' Mutual Improvement Aas'n of Eslgn Stake; several terms mem. Exec. Com. of the Utah State Teachers' Ass'n; mem. Nat. Council of Am. Physical Educational Ass'n. Has written several articles on educational subjects. Mem. D.A.R. , honorary mem. of Pa. Women's Press Ass'n. Recreation: The drama. Latter Day Saint. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Appointed trustee of Utah School tor Deaf and Blind by Governor Wells In 1897; reappointed by Governors Cutler and Spry; elected pres. of Board of Trustees In 1907. reelected 1909, 1311 and 1913. BABCOCK, Sarah Perkins Johnson (Mrs. Al- bert Babcock), 126 Waterman St.. Providence, R.I. Born Norwich, Conn. ; dau. Isaac and Sarah (Huntington) Johnson; ed. schools in Norwich, Conn., and by private lessons; m. Norwich, Conn., June 9, 1881, Albert Babcock; children: Frederick Huntington, Harold Pemberton, Donald Sturges. Mem. of corporation of District Nurs- ing Ass'n; interested in philanthropic societies, and In the women's societies of Grace Church; mem. of corporation of School of Design. Mem. Colonial Dames, Alliance Frangaise, BiblicaJ Institute. Clubs: Review, Fortnightly, Agawam Hunt. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. BABCOCK, Wumifred Eaton (Mrs. B. W. Bab- cock), Mamaroneck, N.Y. Author; b. Nagasaki, Japan, 1879; dau. EdTcard and Grace (Trapeels) Eaton; ed. Toronto and Montreal, Can.; school In England and Columbia Univ.; m. N.Y. City, July 16, 1901, B. W. Bab- cock. Author: A Japanese Nightingale; The Wooing of Wistaria; Heart of Hyacinth; A Jap- anese Blossom; The Old Jinriksha; Miss Nume of Japan; Daughters of Kings; "The Love of Azalea; The Diary of Delia; Tama; also short stories In the leading m&gazlnes. Pen-nama, "Onoto Watanna." BABIN, Anna BclUon (Mrs. L. D. Babln), Baton Rouge. La. Born Opelousas, La., Feb. 28, 1878; dan. Oc- tavius A. and Mary EHmire (Babln) Bullion; grad. La. State Normal School. Natchitoches, '97 (class poet); m. Hope Villa, La., Feb. 8, 1899, Louis U. Babln; one son: Louis V/lnboume Babin. Interested In church, school, civic, his- torical, patriotic and charitable work, pres. Baton Rouge Civic Ass'n; pres. the Joanna Waddill Chapter United Daughters of the Con- federacy (State organizer, 1911); vlce-pres. of Charity Ward Ass'n; chairman of civics in the State Fed. of Women's Clubs; Sunday-school teacher. Has written a few rhymes: Mother- Love; Our Heroes; Memories of a Soldier, and some others. Mem. Charity Ward Ass'n, United Daughters of the Confederacy, board controlling sanitarium, St. Joseph's Aid Soc, School Im- provement Leagrue. Baton Rouge Civic Ass'n, Louisiana Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Driving, horseback riding, playing with chil- dren. Roman Catholic. BABSON, Caroline Wbeeler (Mrs. T>. C. Bab- son). 182 Granite St., pigeon Cove. Mass. Born Mar. ai, 1856; dau. Addison Gilbert and Isabella (Gilmore) Wheeler; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1872-76; m. Pigeon Cove. Mass.. Feb. 10, 1880, David C. Babson. Interested In abolition of death penalty and world's peace movements. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Mass. Prison Ass'n, Women's Universalis! Missionary Soc., Am Ass'n for Labor Legisla- tion, Am. Ornithologists' Union, Anti-Death Penalty Soc, Prison Reform League, Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Ass'n. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Leander M. Hasklns Hospital, Vil- lage Improvement Soc, Reading Circle, Boston Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Drama League. BABSON, Helen Corliss. Girls' Collegiate School, Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher; ed. in schools of Gloucester, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '05. Tutor in Pough- keepsle, N.Y., 1905-06; ass't to lady principal of Vassar Coll., 1906-09; ass't to principals of Girls' Collegiate School, Los Angeles, Cal., since 1909. BABTISTTE, Gertrade lifft (Mrs. C A, Bab- tlate), 333 Marlborough Rd., Brooklyn. N.Y. Bom Tltusville, Pi_, Aug. 26, 1875; dau, Sinoon Elijah and Sarah C. (Ayer) Tifft; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Tltusville, Apr., 1903. C!arl Augustus Babtlste; children: Elizabeth, Margaret, Cecile. Congregatlonalist. BACHE, Emily Hinds, 23S S. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Germantown, Pa., Dec. 5, 1S80; dau. Charles Meigs and Henrietta Maria (Elllcott) Bache; ed. Miss Irwin's School, and St. Timothy's, CatonsrvlUe, Md. Catholic. Mem. Sedgeley Boat Clnb. Much interested in St. Vincent's Home ajid Hospital. BACHE, Henrietta Elllcott (Mrs. Charles Meigs Bache), 233 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bom Baltimore, Md., June, 1842; dau. Benja- min and Mary (Carroll) Ellicott; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, McSherrystown, Pa. ; m. Balti- more, Aug., 1884, Charles Meigrs Bache; children: Franklin, Margaret Hartman, Emily Hinds; also Mary Carroll and Aglaft Dabadis (both deceased). Interested in St. Vincent's Home and Hospital. Roman Catholic. BACHE, Marsraret Hartman, 233 S. Thirteenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Bom Jenkintown, Pa., July 4, 1875; dau. Charles Meigs and Henrietta M. (Ellicott) Bache; ed. Eden Hall, Torresdale, Pa. Interested In St. Vincent's Home and Hospital; mem. Ladies of Charity. Catholic. Mem. Sedgeley Boat CUub. B.4.CIIE, Nannie Greenway Trigg (Mrs. FYank- !In Bache), Fort Smith, Ark. Bom Ablngton, Va. ; dau. Daniel and Louisa (Johnston) Trigg; ed. N.Y. City and Va. . m. Ablngton, Va., Dec 15, 1897, Franklin Bache; children: Franklin Jr., Daniel, Charles, I/onisa Johnston, Henrietta Elllcott Catholic BACHMAN, I>ora Sandoe, 1425 Bryden Road. Columbus, Ohio. Lawyer; b. Tiffin, Ohio, Oct 6, 1869; dau. Rev. Henry H. and Eliza M. (Barton) Sandoe; ed. public schools of Ohio and Pennsylvania, Pleas- antville (Ohio) Coll. Inst, Curry Univ., Pittsburg Ohio SUte Univ. Law School, LL.B. ; m. HUls- boro, Ohio, Oct 6, 1894, Jacob L. Bachman; children: Robert Edwin, b. Dec 10, 1905; Richard Sandoe. b. Apr. 25, 1912. In continuous practice of law in Columbus, Ohio, since Dec, 1892; first woman graduate of any law school in Ohio, June, 1893. First woman member of Board of EJducation in city, elected at large. Nov., 1909; member of Public Recreation Commission appointed by City Council, 1910 (only woman); mem. County Board of Visitors; mem. Board of Managers and legal advisor for Florence Crlttenton Home; mem. of City Central Philanthropic Council; mem. since 1907. Vlce-pres. of city Suffrage organization and auditor of State organization; speaks on the sub- ject frequently. Writes short stories and news- paper sketches. Theosophlst. Counselor of the Home and School Ass'n. Mem. Altrurian Clnb, Coll. Women's Club. 64 BACKUS— BACON BACKUS, Annie Amelia (Mrs. A. A. Backus, M.D.), Aylmer, Ontario, Can. Physician; b. Port Rowan, Ont ; dau. Jahn H. and Sarah (Dedrick) Backus; ed. Port Rowan Grammar School, Bishop Strachan School, To- ronto, Ann Arbor, Mich., 18S6-87; Chicago Med. Coll., M.D. '89; degrees ad eundem, Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1890; OnUrio Med. Coll., '08; m. Albert Hamilton Backus, barrister. Practised medicine at Coldwater, Mich., one year, then took position in Maternity Hospital, N.Y. City, after which practised In Adrian, Mich. Took examinations in Ontario Coll.. 1908, and prac- tises in A.ylmer, Ont. Lecturer for Dep't of Agriculture on health topics. Lectures for W.C.T.U. on social purity; interested In care of feeble-minded; has farm and is interested in stock farming and all kinds of agriculture. Fa- vors woman suffrage; chairman of Suffrage Ass'n, Toronto. Writer of editorials for local papers and articles for magazines and Govern- ment reports. Episcopalian. Mem. Women's Inst, of Ontario, W.C.T.U., United Empire Loy- alists. Recreations: All kinds of out-door sports, riding, driving, fishing, skating, gardening, games, chess, bridge and whist, lover of all ani- mal and bird life. Mem. Aylmer Travel Club, Norfolk Historical Society. BACKUS, Carrie Hasklns, 678 Holly Av.. Si. Paul, Minn. Principal Mrs. Backus' School; b. OBwego, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1860; dau. David and Lauren* (Eson) Hawkins; ed. New York schools, Oswego Normal; m. June 18, 1886, Oswego, N.Y., Clinton J. Backus; children: Clinton J. Backus, Jr., David H. Backus, Romaine L. Backus, Rena Backus. Leader adult Bible class; chairman Minn. State Forestry; committee of Federation of Women's CU'bs; mem. of Soc. for Regulation of Child Labor. Presbyterian. Mem. New Eng- land Women's Club, Thursday Club, Forestry Club; Mem. Women's Council of St. Paul Commerce Club. Recreation: Gardening. BACKUS, Emma S. (Mrs. Henry Backus), 273 Krnshaw Av., Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Writer; dau. Louis C. and Henrietta (Kroger) Shermeyer; ed. Cincinnati public schools; m. August, 1902, Henry Backus; children: Carl, Robert, Harry Jr. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: The Career of Dr. Weaver. Mem. the Civic league Press Club. BACKUS, Harriet Ivlns (Mrs. Henry C Backus), The Osborne, 205 W. 67th St., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City; dau. Wilmer and Jennie Hastings (Davis); ed. New York schools and tutors; m. at Hotel Brunswick, N.Y. City, 1891, Henry Clinton Backus; children: Harriet Edna, Clinton Davis. Vice-pres. Woman's Municipal League; member Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage and of Nat. Ass'n for Civic Educa- tion of Women; interested in social service and settlements. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. BACKUS, Susan Emily Foot© (Mrs, Grosvenor Hyde Backiis), Beech Road and Palisade Av., Englewood, N.J. Born N.Y. State; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '96; grad. student in economics, sociology and peda- gogy, Columbia Univ.; m. Port Henry, N.Y., June 3, 1904, Grosvenor Hyde Backus (lawyer). College settlement worker until marriage. BACON, Albion Fellows (Mrs. Hilary E. Bacon), Evansville. Ind. Engaged in housing reform; b. Evansville, Ind.; dau. Albion and Mary (Erskine) Fellows; ed. Evansville, Ind.; m. Evansville, 1888, Hilary E. Bacon; children: Margaret (died 1909), Albion, Hilary and Joy (twins). Began housing reform work actively in 1908; Investigated conditions in State of Indiana and has lectured and written on subject ever since. In 1909 drafted a Housing Reform bill to cover all cities in State; look it to the Legislature and watched its passage. As passed it applies to only the two largest cities of State; took another State-wide bill to the Legislature, 1911; lost it by one vote being changed after it had won; since then has con- tinued to campaign for housing reform. Active in many social and civic matters, helped or- ganize Working Girls' Ass'n (now merged In Y.W.C.A.), organized Flower Mission. Author of book of poems: Songs Ysame (with sister, Annie Fellows Johnson); also housing pamphlets: What Bad Housing Means to the Community, and The Awakening of a State. Mem. Circle of the Visiting Nurse. ; sec. of the Indiana Housing Ass'n; director of the Nat Housing Ass'n; mem. Flower Mission, Friendly Visitors' Circle; helped organize Anti-'Tuberculosis League; helped with Civic Improvement; mem. Ladies' Literary Club, chairman of Housing Com. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Exec. Ck)m. of Children's Bureau of Indiana. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. BACON, Alice Mabel, Deephaven Camp, Ash- land, N.H. Writer, teacher; b. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 22, 1858; dau. Leonard and Catherine (Terry) Bacon; ed. New Haven private schools; certificates Har- vard examinations for women, liSl; advanced philosophical course, 1882. Teacher Hampton Inst., Hampton, Va., 1884-99; Peeresses School, Tokyo. Japan, 1887-1888; Higher Normal School, Tokyo, 1899-1901; since then has lectured on Japan and current topics and employed in Mis.s Capen's School, Northampton, Mass. Founded Dixie Hospital, Hampton, Va., 1889; one of the founders of Women's Civic Club, New Haven, Conn., 1905; Higher English School for Girls (Miss Tsuda's School), 1899, Tokyo, Japan. Au- thor: Japanese Girls and Women; A Japanese Interior; In the Land of the Gods; edited Human Bullets, by H. Sakural (a soldier's story of Port Arthur). Recreation: Running a large summer camp in N.H. Congregationalist. BACON, Caroline Tilden (Mrs. George Wood Bacon), 23 W. Sixty-seventh St., N.Y. City, and St. James, L.I., N.Y. Bom Saint Cloud, Minn., Aug. 31, 1873; dau. WUliam B. and Emily (WhitUesey) Mitchell; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; Columbia Univ., M.A. '99; Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. June 1, 1904, George Wood Bacon; one dau^ter: Elizabeth Mitchell, b. Mar. 30, 1905. Instructor in history in high school and college. Director of the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations; mem. Playgoing Com. for N.Y. Drama League of America; pres. Students' Aid Soc. of Smith Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. American Histor- ical Ass'n. Mem. Smith Coll. Club, Woman's University Club, McDowell Club, N.Y. City. BACON, Corinne, Drexel Inst. Library, Phila- delphia, Pa. Librarian; b. N.Y. City; dau. William Plumb and Emma Parsons (Whittemore) Bacon; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1885; Packer Collegiate Inst., '90; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '03. Assistant New Britain (Conn.) Institute Library, 1894-1901; assistant N.Y. State Library, Albany, N.Y., 1902-03; instructor N.Y. State Library School, 1903-10; chief of catalogue dep't Free Public Library, Newark, N.J., 1910-12; reference assistant for eight months in 1911; director Drexel Inst. Library and Library School, PMla- delpihia, 191i — . Joint author of Course of Study for Normal School Pupils on Literature for CJhil- dren. Magazine articles: New EJngland Sec- tionalism; What Makes a Novel Immoral. Mem. Elqual Franchise Soc. of Philadelphia, Nat. Child Labor Com., Keystone Staie Library Ass'n, Am. Library Ass'n, N.Y. State Library School Ass'n, National Ass'n for the Advancement of Colored People, Pennsylvania Library Club. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of Philadelphia. BACON, Dolores (n6e Mary Schell Hoke), Nor- ton Heights, Conn. (Summer: 3021 Emmon» Av., Sheepshead Bay, L.I.) Author; b. Atchison, Kan., Nov. 20, 1870; dau. Jacob Schell and AmarlUas (Carter) Hoke; ed. at home; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 1. 1898, Charles Bacon; one son: Charles Bacon, 2d. Author: I'll Ne'er Consent; Juggernaut (with George Gary Eggleston); Diary of a Musician; A King's Divinity; Cervantes and His Times; Old New England Churches; Songs Every Cliild Should Know; Hymns Every Child Should Know; Operas Every Child Should Know; Pictures BACON— BAILEY 65 Every Child Should Know. Plays produced: Juggernaut; The End of the Century; Dead Heroes and Live Ones. Contributor to maga- zines; engaged in European journalistic missions, 1889-91. Pen name Dolores Marbourg. BACON, Elizabeth Daken (Mrs. James G. Baconi, 106 Capen St., Itartford, Conn. Born Cranston, R.I., Mar. 19, 1844; dau. Solo- mon W. and Elizabeth W. (Wilbur) Kenyon (■granddaughter of John Wilbur, noted Quaker preacher, wTio traveled and preached twice dvir- ing his life In the British Isles and led a schism in his church, his followers being called the Wil- burites); ed. Providence fR.I.) public schools; grad. with diploma from Providence High School, 1864; m. Providence, R.I., Oct. 6, 1869, James G. Bacon; one daughter: Alice Gary Bacon. Inter- ested in the temperance question; mem. W.C.T.U., the Woman's Alliance (society con- nected with Unitarian Church of Hartford). Ardent advocate of woman suffrage; has ad- dressed various organizations on the subject; vlce-pres. at large Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1892-B06; pres. 1906-10; pres. Hartford Equal Rights Club for past 20 years (club 28 years old; oldest suffrage club in State). Mem. First Unitarian Congregational Church of Hartford. Mem. Woman's Alliance, Conn. Pe«.ce Soc. (di- rector), Consumers' League; was several years mem. »f Hearthstone Club of Hartford (pres. two years — limit of term). Mem. since 1910 of Board of School Visitors of Hartford (only woman on board); served on High School Com., 1896-S7. BACON, Helen Hazard (Mrs. Nathaniel Terry Bacon). Peace Dale, R.I. Born Peace Dale, R.I., Jan. 15, 1862; dau. Rowland and Margaret (Rood) Hazard; ed. pri- vate school in Providence, R.I., till 12 years old, and by governess, classes and foreign travel; m. Peace Dale, Oct. 6, 1885, Nathaniel Terry Bacon; children: Leonard, b. May 26, 1887; Susan, b. Nov. 12, 1889. Leader of Silent Circle of King's Daughters, Peace Dale, since 1895. Chairman for R.I. Soc. of Descendants of Colonial Gov- ernors; vlce-pres. R.I. branch Woman's Board of Missions. Congregationalist. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America in State R.I. and Providence Plantations, Soc. Descendants of Colonial Governors; mem. Colonial Dames Club (Washlneton, D.C.). Against woman suffrage. BACON, JosephiDe Da.skam (Mrs. Selden Bacon), Beech HIU, Brlarcliff, N.Y. Author; b. Stamford, Conn., Feb. 17, 1876; dau. Horace Sawyer and Anne Loring Dasivam; ed. Katherlne Aiken School and Stamford High School, Stamford; Smith Coll., B.A. '98 (editor-in- chief College Magazine; class orator); m. Stam- ford, Cottn., July 25, 1903, Selden Bacon; children: Anne, b. Sept. 28, 1904; DeboraTi, b. Dec. 11, 1906; Selden, Jr.. b. Sept. 10, 1909. Books: Madness of Philip; Smith College Stories; Sister's Vocation; Middle Aged Love Stories; Fables for the Fair; Imp and the Angel; Memoirs of a Baby; Biog- raphy of a Boy; Ten to Seventeen; Margarita's Soul; The Border Country. Poems: Whom the Gods Deatreyed; When Caroline Was Growing; Domestic Adventures; Idyll of All Fool's Day. Episcopalian. Mem. Colony Club and Woman's Cosmopolitan Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: All country sports, farming, stock breeding, amateur dramatics, music. BACON, Rachel Halnee (Mrs. Francis Llewellyn Bacon), 234 Winona Av., Germantown, Phila- delphia, Pa. Born Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., July 29, 1880; dau. William Henry and Mary Bmlen (Howell) Haines; ed. Wellesley College, B.A. '02 (Agora Soc.); m. June 14, 1910, Francis Llewellyn Bacon. Olubs: Philadelphia College, German- town Cricket. BADEAU, Marie, 15 Badeau Av., Summit, N.J. Bom Brooklyn, N.Y., May 30, 1S83; dau. Will- lam E. and Annie (Bishop) Badeau; ed. Kent Place School, Summit, N.J., Vassar, A.B. '05, and by private instruction In Dresden, Germany, 1912. Interested in various religious, social and philanthropic interests. Against woman suf- frage. Contributor of short stories and book reviews to various papers and magazines. Epis- copalian. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Summit, N.J. BAER, Libbie C. (Mrs. John M. Baer), Apple- ton, Wis. Author; b. Bethel, Clermont Co., Ohio; dau. Rev. Gerard P. and Sarah (Riley) Baer; ed. Clermont Acad; m. Oct., 1867, Capt. John M. Baer, a distinguished soldier of the Civil War; children: Antis, b. Sept. 26, 1868; Charles, b. Mar. 22, 1872 (died Aug., 1898); Edward S., b. Oct. 28, 1878; John M., b. Mar. 29, 1886. Teacher, long active in Woman's Relief Corps (as allied with the G.A.R.) as State pres., also as Nat. .senior vice-pres. Identified with club work (federated); pres. Civic Ass'n, Appleton, Wis. Always active in philanthropic work. Interested in the principles of universal suffrage; opposed to aggressive methods of ofbtalnlng it. Con- tributor to magazines; author of short stories and a volume of poems, entitled In the Land of Fancy. Congregationalist. BAGLEY, Florence MacLean Winger (Mrs. William C. Bagley, 611 West Oregon St., Urbana. III. Writer; b. Clayllck, Pa., Jan. 7, 1874; dau. Joseph W. and Margaret (Irwin) Winger; ed. Univ. of Nebraska, A.B. '95, A.M. '98; received honorary Sigma Xi from Cornell (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 14, 1901, William Chandler Bagley; children: Ruth, Joseph, William Chandler Jr. and Florence. Author: Fechner's Colors (in Am. Journal of Psychol(«y, 1902). BAGLEY, Isabelle Tipton (Mrs. Kenton Bag- ley), Tome School for Boys, Port Deposit, Md. Bom Muskingum Co., O. ; dau. William M. and Catherine (Melser) Tipton; ed. Zanesville (O.) High School, and at Washington, D.C. ; m. Zanesville, O., Fenton Bagley; children: Arthur Tipton, Fentcn, Myron Everhart. Teacher in public schools in Ohio and Washington, D.C; now connected with Tome School for Boys. Filled office of State pres. of Woman's Relief Corps of Ohio; served five years as nat. treas. Woman's Relief Corps, auxiliary to the G.A.R. ; 14 years on boards of hospital trustees; a term as national director from Ohio in the Am. Nat. Red Cross organization; appointed by courts in Ohio to serve on visiting boards for charitable and correctional institutions of county and State. Identified with various other religious and phil- anthropic societies. Presbyterian. BAHRENBITRG, Carrie Thomas Alexander (Mrs. William Bahrenburg), Belleville, 111. Born Belleville, 111., 1860; dau. Col. John and Magdelene (von Euw) Thomas; ed. Belleville School, Monticello Sem. (valedictorian of class); m. (1st) H. A. Alexander (deceased); (2d) 1909, Dr. William Bahrenturg. SUte director Illinois Children's Home and Aid Soc. Pres. Civic League of Belleville, auxiliary to Equal Suf- frage Ass'n of 111. Republican. Past State pres. of Woman's Relief Corps, auxiliary to Grand Army of Republic. Organized chapter of Order of Eastern Star In Belleville (matron four years). Recreation: Autoing. General manager and treas. of the Belleville Street Railway for five years; only case on record where a woman was actively engaged in operation of street railway. Pres. Ladies' Aid Soc; evolved plan by which able-bodied men and women were given work instead of alms; elected and served as a trustee of Univ. of Illinois 12 years. BAILEY, Adella Browne (Mrs. Dewey Cross- man Bailey), 1543 York St., r)enver, Colo. Born Aurora, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1860; dau. Warren and Harriet E. (Kerr) Browne; ed. high school, Chicago, 111.; m. Kiowa, Colo., 1880, Dewey Grossman Bailey; one son: Dewey Grossman Bailey Jr. Pres. Woman's Club of Denver; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Ergateau Club (study club); pres. of Sarah Piatt Decker Me- morial Ass'n; mem. of the Plymouth Congrega- tional Church. Congregationalist. Republican. BAILEY, Agmeo McGiffert (Mrs. liYank Gelston Bailey), The Alhambra, Park and Basg Sts.. Detroit, Mich. Lecturer; b. Hillsdale, N.Y.; dau. Rev. J., N. McGiffert (D.D.) and Harriet (Ctishman) McOtf- BAILEY fert; ed. Le Roy, N.Y. ; N.Y. City and Berlin, Germany; student in music, French and Ger- man. Taught English in a French school in N.Y. City; m. Sept. 3, ISM. Rev. Edward H. Pound; lived in California most of married life; after his death became interested in club work, then married, Troy, N.Y., July 8, 1910, Frank Gelston Bailey. Gives stereopticon lectures and organizes Junior Civic Leagues. Mem. Junior Civic League of the American Civic Associa- tion; gives Browning lectures and recitals. .A.uthor of civic articles in magazines: The ■American City; Life and Health; Washing- ton (last named articles were reproduced by the Countess of Aberdeen in her magazine), and Junior Civic Leagiies have been organized in Dublin. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Am. Civic Ass'n (headquarters Washington). Mem. Sorosls, Social Study Club, Woman's Club (Cleveland). Organized Junior Civic League and gives stereopticon lectures on children's work; has organized Junior Civic Leagues in Pitts- burgh, Cleveland, Troy, N.Y.; Chattanooga, Tenn., and many other cities and smaller towns in many States. Was pres. Woman's Out-door Art League of Am. Civic Ass'n, 1907-OS; since then occupies the position of chairman of Junior Civic League of Am. Civic Ass'n. For seven years mem. (three years chairman) of Civics Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; two years chairman of Civics of the Cleveland Fed.; mem. Municipal School League of Cleveland. BAILEY, Alice Tan B. Foos (Mrs. Theodorus Bailey), 122 W. Seventy-eighth St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. Lamar and Mary K. (Fellows) Foos; ed. Peebles and Thompson School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 1, 1902, Dr. Theodorus Bailey: children: Rosalie Fellows, Dorothy Piatt, Gertrude de Peyster, Florence Livingston. Episcopalian. Pres. Peebles and Thompson Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Motor- ing, golf, tennis, bridge. Clubs: Amateur Comedy, Saratoga Golf. BALLET, Alice Ward (Mrs. A. G. Bailey), 525 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Writer, lecturer, editor; b. Amherst, Mass., April 30, 1857; dau. Horace and Mary R. Ward; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 'S3; Coll. of Nature Cure, Chicago, D.N.C. '09; m. 1884, Dr. A. G. Bailey. Author and lecturer, 18S4-1906; ass't editor Na- ture Cure Magazine, 1909; inventor and manu- facturer since 1910. Contributor to leading magazines. Author: Verse Fancies, 1889; TTie Outside of Things, 1899; (novels) Mark Heffron; The Sage-Brush Parson; Roberta and Her Brothers (juvenile). BAILEY, Almeria Adgrate (Mrs. Charles F. Bailey 1, Hampton, Va. Bom Ira^burg, Vt., Nov. 20, 1864; dau. Luther W. and Almeria (Pitkin) Adgate; ed. St. Johns- bury, Vt. Acad., and Wellesley Coll., A.B. '87; m. B. HardTvick, Vt., Aug. 18, 1891, Charles F. Bailey; children: Almeria Pitkin, b. Oct. 4, 1892; Albert Adgate, b. Sept. 3, 1894; Mary Joyce, b. May 15, 1899. BAILEY, Anna Leland (Mrs. Alvin Richards Bailey), Newton, Mass. Born SomervUle, Mass.; dau. John Murray and Sophronia Page (Savage) Leland; grad. from complete classical course of Somerville High School and afterward studied music with private teachers and the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston; m. Somerville, Mass., Feb. 14, 1884, Alvin Richards Bailey. Engaged in teach- ing until marriage and organized several study classes for women which became pioneers of the club movement. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Newton Suffrage League and of the Educational and Industrial Union of Boston. Active in D.A.R., past legent of Paul Revere Chapter and State historian of Mass. D.A.R., in which capacity compiled History of the Massachusetts Daughters of the American Revolution, 1891-1896; founded the Signal Lantern Soc. of the Children of the American Revolution. Mem. West Newton Women's EJducational Club (past pres.), Newton Fed. of Women's Clubs, Appalachian Mountain Club, New England Women, and the Massachu- setts Fed. of Women's Clubs. B.\ILEY, Anna Peabody (Mrs. Ayrault Bailey), North Dana, Mass. Minister; b. Santa Rosa, Cal., Dec. 25, 1866, dau. George A. and Margaret (Tinkham) Pea- body; ed. by private tutors; Mt. Holyoke Coll.; Emerson School of Oratory, 1882-90; m. East- port, Me., 1S91, Rev. Ayrault Bailey. Lecturer on international peace, equal suffrage and child protection. Ordained minister. Interested in missions, home and foreign, and Soc. for Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals. Favors woman suffrage. Author of short stories, especially for children. Tniversalist. Mem. Am. Peace Soc, Nat. Educational Ass'n, W.C.T.U. Mem. Wom- an's Ministerial Club (Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Ute pres.). B.4II.EY, Bertha, Abbot Academy, Andover, Mass. Principal Abbot Acad.; b. Albany, N.Y., Dec. 17, 1866; dau. Rev. William and Mary L. (Stark) Bailey; grad. Albany Girls' Acad., '84; Welles- ley Coll., B.S. '88 (mem. Shakespeare Soc., Wel- lesley). Teacher of science. Science Hill School, Shelby ville, Ky., 1888-60; Miss Mittleberger's School, Cleveland, O., 1890-93; mathematics and history, the Rusl School, N.Y. City, 1893-1900; head of day school, Miss Brown's and Miss Boese's School, N.Y. City, 1900-02; Miss Stuart's School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1902-04; principal Taconlc School, Lakeville. Conn., 1904-12; principal Ab- bot Acad., Andover, Mass., 1913--. Mem. Con- gregational Church. BAILEY, Carolyn Sherwin, 39 E. 31st St.. N.T. City. Writer; b. Hoosick Falls, N.Y., Oct. 25, 1876; dau. Charles H. and Emma Frances (Blanchard) Bailey; ed. private school and Teachers C^oll., Columbia Univ. Associate Editor, Wildman Mag- azine and News Service; Children's E>3itor, Delineator. Lecturer on Story Telling; story teller In settlements and kindergartens. Author: Dally Program of Gifts and Occupation Work; Firelight Stories; For the Children's Hour; Stories and Rhymes for a Child; Songs of Happiness; Girl's Make-at-Home Things; Boy's Make-at-Home Things; Jingle Primer; Psy- chology of Story Telling. Contributor to nearly all the magazines. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. BAILEY, Edith Lawrence Black (Mrs. Pearce Bailey), 52 West 53d St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City, 1870; dau. Charles New- bold and Mary Keese (Lawrence) Black; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. at Ockanlckon Farm, N.J., Pearce Bailey, M.D.; children: New- bold, Pearce, Lawrence, Geraldlne. Acting pres. Equal Franchise Soc. ; general suffrage speaker. Author: Crecy, by "Edith Lawrence"; Portia Pol- itics; verses and short stories in various mag- azines. Episcopalian. Clubs: Cosmopolitan, Pen and Brush. BAILEY, Eliza Kandall Simmons (Mrs, William Whitman Bailey), 6 Gushing St., Providence, R.I. Writer; b. Providence, R.I.; graduated from Providence High School; m. Providence, Mar. 14, 1880, William Whitman Bailey, LL.D., prof. botany in Brown Univ. Writer on educational subjects and author (in collaboration with Pro- fessor John Manly) of The Bailey-Manly Spelling Book. BAILEY, Florence Auffusta Merriam (Mrs. Vernon Bailey), 1834 Kalorama Road, Wash- ington, D.C. Author, ornithologist; b. Locust Grove, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1863; dau. Hon. Clinton L. and Caroline (Hart) Merriam; ed. Mrs. Piatt's Sem., Utica, N.Y., Smith Coll., special student class of '86 (mem. Alpha); m. 1899, Vernon Bailey. Has had bird classes and given lectures on birds; for years on Board of Managers of Working Boys' Home and also associated with the Playground move- ment. Author: Birds Through an Opera Glass, 1889; My Summer in a Mormon Village, 18S5; A Birding on a Bronco, 1896; Birds of Village and Field, 1S98; Handbook of Birds of Western U.S., 1902; also various newspaper and magazine articles, including St. Nichoaas, The Outlook, Forest and Stream, Bird-Lore, The Condor and BAILEY— BAJRD g7 The Auk. Mem. Housekeeper's Alliance, Smith Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo) and Worid's Students' Aid Soc, Smith Alumnae Chapter Pair (St. Louis), also does feature work for C.S.A., Washington Branch Ass'n of Coll. magazines and papers. Mem. Friends Ohurch Alumjise, Ass'n for the Prevention of Tubercu- Mem. Historical Soc. and Athnee and Woman's losls, Nat. Housing Association, Playground and Clubs, (both literary) S^r^r",°n°,1 ^'hlfHrl'./TfJ'''A= ^""^^"f ^l^f' BAIN, Gertrude Benchley (Mrs. Ferdinand Ran- Home and Children s Aid Ass n, Nat. Child dall Bain), 101 E. Ninety-fourth St., N.Y. City Labor Committee (associate member); mem. Ex- Bom San Frnnfi*;^i® A^^ °-,?'Hf ^ F?"^'^, -^^^ °'o ^L^ Assembly Josiah and Marv A. (Dickinson) Andrews; ed. D'st. Ass n, the Brooklyn Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Pawpaw High School; Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '75; ??«. ^0"^'/=.^' Equality Ass n. Women's Political m. Pawpaw, Mich., 1879, George S. Baker; chil- Union, (Dhiropean Club. Hon. pree. of Staff of dren: J.A., R.D., Mary E., Alice L., Roger H., Memorial Hospital for Women and Children. Lewis D., Charl4 P. n^ '""T^^.^Vk '^^'^V ^ ^^l ^°"^^ Unlversallat Church, Flatbush, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. BAKEB, Emma Sophia, Mt. Allison Ladies' „.„„„ ■,,„.„ Coll., Sackville, N.B.. Can. BAKEB, Louise Regrma, Germantown. Md. College principal; b. Milton, Ont ; dau. Charles „^,P*-^}, \- ^^"^, Windsor, Md.; dau. Andirew A. Baker; grad. Victoria Univ., B.A. '99; Toronto ""'j ^P"^ 4^°^ -J- (Boland) Baker; home and Univ., Ph.D. '03 (first woman to take that de- academic education. Contributor of stories and gree at that university); special work In French ^"f? ^° juvenile magazines. Author of books for at Univ. of Paris; graduate work at Newnham children: Cis MarUn; Sunbeams and Moon- ColL, Camhridge, England. Was preceptress at ^^'^.^^J^/^ ^^°^l- Mrs. Pinner's Little Girl; Alexandra Coll., Belleville, Ont.; Dickinson ^he Old Monday Farm; Betty Porter. Sem., Williamsport, Pa.; six years lady princi- BAKEB, Mabel Kimball (Mrs. Walter D. pal Presbyterian Ladies' Ck)ll., Toronto; since Baker), Hyannls, Mass. isol vice-prea. Mt. Allison Ladies' (3oll., Sack- Born Boxford, Mass., Sept. 20, 1871; dau Wm. vlUe, N.B., Canada. H. and Sc.rah E. Kimball; ed. Holten High School BAKER, Helen Bartlett, 140 W. Eighty-seventh y?^°^®J?' Mass ), State Normal School (Salem), St Chicago III btate Normal School (Hyannis), special work; Teacher; b.' Brooklyn, N.Y.; grad. Vassar ™-. Danvers, Sept. U, 1907 Walter Dureil Coll., A.B. '89. Teacher Girls' Collegiate School, 9 33 West 96th St. translated into Japanese by the Japanese and i^ ,^®' i;®^,"4°^'^^w° Health, Centre and magazine into German by publishers in Germany. tVv* ,^^ ots.) N.Y. City. Author: Correct English— A Complete Grammar; .of.r^^'^^^'^-, ^ Ppughkeepsie, N.Y., Nov. 15, The Correct Word— How To Use It;; The Lit- i?^^' dau. 0. D. M. Baker and Jennie Harwood erary Workshop; Art of Conversation; Art of Brown Baker ;_ed. private schools, Poughkeepsle, Social Letter- Writing; Correct Business Letter- i;-X- ,„y°'?*° ^, **!"^- 9**"- °' ^■^- Infirmary. Writing; How Can I Increase My Vocabulary? M.D 98. Appointed medical inspector, N.Y. City Ten Thousand Words— How to Pronounce Them- ^®P ' "^.^'^^A'ii,' }^^K assistant to Commissioner The Correct Preposition— How to Use It; Correct °"^ Health, 1907;-08; director Division of ChUd English in the Home; Gorrect English in the gysiene, organized- the first Division of Child School. Mem. 111. Woman's Press Club. Favors Hygiene und«r municipal control; only woman woman suffrage ^"° holds an executive position in the N.Y. wT, . City Government. Interested in all matters per- BAKEB, Julia Wetherill (Mrs. Marlon Albert talning to civic betterment and child welfare Baker), 1330 Tenth St., New Orleans, La. Author: The Principles of the Reduction of Editor; b. WoodviUe, Miss., 1858; dau. Thomas Infant Mortality; The Value of the iauniclpal and Sarah Eliza (Smith) Wetherill (daughter of Control of Child Hygiene; Schools for Mldwlves- Chief Justice Cotesworth Pinckney Smith); ed. LltUe Mothers' Leagues; and many others Mem Philadelphia, Pa.; m. 1886, Marion Albert Baker, D.A.R., College Women's Club, Med Ass'n NY editor of New Orleans Times-Democrat. Author: County and State Med. Socs., Nat School The Wandering Joy. Episcopalian. Has been Hygiene Ass'n, Ass'n for Study and PrevenUon for many years literary editorial writer on the of Infant Mortality. Unitarian. Favors woman Times- Democrat, In addition to other work on suffrage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, the paper. Equal Franchise Soc,, Woman's Political Union. 70 BAKER— BALDWIN BAKER, Sarah Pfeil (Mrs. Elisha Brown Baker), 221 Prospect St., Herkimer, N.T. Bom Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 15, 1882; dau. Philip M. and Elizabeth (Wagner) Pfeil; ed. Pittsburgh public schools and high school; Pa. Coll. for Women, A.B.; m. Pittsburgh, Nov. 28, 1906, Elisha Brown Baker. Methodist. Mem. College Woman's Club, Schenectady, N.Y. ; Pro- gressive Literary Club, Herkimer, N.Y. Before marriage was actively engaged in settlement work in Pittsburgh. BAKER, Virginia, Warren, R. I. Teacher and author; b. Warren, R.I.; dau. William Loughead and Emmeline (Maxwell) Baker; ed. at home by private teachers. Teacher in the public schools of Warren. R.I. Writer of numerous historical sketches published in various magazines. Especially interested in study of th€ Colonial and Revolutionary periods of R.I. history. Author: History of Warren, R.I., in the War of the Revolution, 1776-17S3; Massasoit's Town, Sowame in Pokanoket. Also writer of poems and of fiction dealing with New England life, past and present; also stories and serials for juveniles as well as contributions to several educational magazines. BAXBACH, Julia Anna (Mrs. Edward Bal- bach), Bernardsville, N.J. Born Newark, N.J., Feb. 23, 1852; dau. Peter F. and Anna B. (Miltz) Nenninger; ed. at home by tutors, at Moravian Sem., Bethlehem, Pa., also Dulon's School in N.Y. (mem. Alumnse, Bethle- hem Sem.); m. Jan. 21, 1869, Edward Balbach; one daughter: Julia Anna Marguerite, b. Apr. 20, 1870. For years society leader in Newark, N.J.; interested in philanthropic societies until re- moved to N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: Cupid Intelligent, 1909 (for club propa- ganda); Woman's Proper Status as Citizen, 1902; wrote a kindergarten paper for the New Century Study Circle (later published in The Club Wo- man), 1904, which did good work in attracting attention to the need of kindergartens, public institutions and playgrounds. Episcopalian. Recreations: Music, landscape gardening. Clubs: N.Y. Woman's Press, Minerva, Rubinstein, Phalo, West End Republican, New Yorkers, Dixie, Rainy Day. BAXCH, Emily Greene, Wellesley College, Wel- lesley, Mass. Economist; b. Jamaica Plain, Mass.; dau. Francis Vergnies and Ellen M. (Noyes) Balch; ed. Miss Ireland's and other private schools, Bryn Mawr Coll., B. A. '89 (European scholar of that year) Connected with opening season of Denison House (college settlement), Boston, Mass., 1892-93; mem. Municipal Board of Trus- tees for Children (in charge of pauper and neglected children, truants and juvenile of- fenders) 1897-98; ass't in economics, 1896-97, instructor, 1897-1903, assoc. prof, of economics and sociology since 1903, Wellesley Coll. Mem. Mass. State Commission on Industrial Educa- tion, 1908-09. Wrote monograph: Public Assist- ants of the Poor in France, 1893; Our Slavic Fellow Citizens, 1910. Interested in social re- form. Favors woman suffrage. Formerly vice- pres. Boston Equal Suffrage League for Good Government. Unitaria,n. Acting pres. Boston Women's Trade Union League. Recreations: Travel, books. Mem. College Club of Boston. BALCH, Engenla Hargous Macfsu-Iane (Mrs. Edwin Swift Balch, 311 S. Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Towanda, Pa.; dau. James and Mary (Overton) Macfarlane; ed. Vassar Coll. (art school diploma) ; m. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 5, 1904, Edwin Swift Balch. Mem. of Associate Com. of Women of Pa. Museum and School of Indus- trial Art; director Morris Refuge Ass'n. Studied painting in Paris at Academle Julian, with Jules Lefebvre and Tony Robert-Fleury; also with Ferdinand Humbert. Exhibited sev- eral times at Paris Salons, viz.: Soci6t§ des Artistes Francais (Champs ^ElysSes) and So- ciete Nationale des Beaux Arts (Champ de Mars), also at Paris Exposition of 1900. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Acorn Club, Plastic Club, Contemporary Club. BALCH, Marfon Casares, Prince St., JamaJca Plain, Mass. Bacteriologist; ed. Miss Folsom's School, Bos- ton, Mass.; Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1902. Teacher of Latin and science, 1904-05, and of science, 1905-07, in St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y. Laboratory worker in bacteriology. Har- vard Med. School, since 1910. BAtDING, Martha Joab (Mrs. Robert Holllster Balding), 2416 N. Tenth St., Kansas City, Kan. Born Pomeroy, 0.; dau. William and Nancy (Crow) Joab; ed. Terre Haute (Ind.) High School; studied art with John Phillips (portrait painter), Chicago; Carl Hecker Art School, N.Y. City, and with Madame LaPrince, Jumel Man- sion, N.Y. City; m. Terre Haute, Ind., Robert Holllster Balding (died Feb. 28, 1910). Society woman. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of State and Nat. Suffrage Ass'n; has been very active in the work, but has declined various offices; managed campaign in Miami Co., Kan., 1892. Progressive. Mem. Board of Trustees of Publi'j Library, Paola, Kan., ten years; pres. Pleasant Hour Club, and founded the Up-to- Date Club, 1897; mem. Federation of Clubs of Topeka and vicinity. State and Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs, Shakespeare Club and promi- nent in founding the Ceraanic Club of Topeka, 1900-01, mem. History Club and Council of Clubs, Kansas City, Kan. (chairman of art dep't three years) ; mem. Athenffium, Kansas City, Mo ; di- rector of art dep't and extension class for study of dramatic art (mem. board of managers). Recreations: Riding and driving. BALDWIN, Adele Clagett (Mrs. Newland Bald- win), Manila, P.I. Born Washington, D.C., Aug. 20, 1885; dau. Howard Clare and Mary (Du Ham el) Clagett; ed. Mount de Sales Acad, of Visitation, Balti- more, Md., and in Paris, France; m. Manila, P.I., May 21, 1910, Newland Baldwin; one son: Barry Baldwin, b. June 4, 1911. Against woman suffrage. Catholic. B.AXDWrN, AUce Mary, "High Croft," Acworth, N.H. Teacher; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. 1900, A.M. '02; graduate student, Sorbonne, Paris, 1902; Columbia Univ., 1902-03; Bryn Mawr, 1908-09. Teacher of languages, Fargo (N.Dak.) CoU., 1903-05; teacher of German, history and English, Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., since 1905. BAXDWLN, Clara Frances, 605 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn. Librarian; b. I-.ake City, Minn., Mar. 9, 1871; dau. Benjamin C. and Ann C. (Atkinson) Bald- win;-grad. St. Paul public schools, '87; Univ. of Minn., B.L. '92 (Delta Gamma). Ass't Min- neapolis Public Library, 1892-99; sec. Minn. Pub- lic Library Commission, 1900—. Mem. Minn. Alumni Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, American Library Ass'n, Minnesota Library Ass'n, State Art Soc., Women's Civic League, Twin City Library Club. Presbyterian. BALDWIN, Mrs. Clara Waters, Lewis Apart- ments, Muskegon, Mich. Bom Portland, Me. ; dau. William H. and Belle Jane (Quindlin) Waters; ed. public schools of Springfield, Mass. ; grad. High and Normal schools of Newark, N.J. ; grad. (gold medal) Chicago Musical Coll.; m. Chicago, 1878, Byron Baldwin. Teacher of music. Has been an or- ganist in Mich. Av. M.E. Church in Chicago, and Grace M.E. Church in Brooklyn, N.Y. Cor. sec of Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911-13; rec. sec. of Y.W.C.A. (charter mem.), Muskegon, Mich.; rec. sec. Visiting Nurse Ass'n of Muskegon, Mich. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Mem. Art Ass'n of Muskegon, Mich.; ex-pres. Muskegon Wo- man's Club; mem. Travelers' Club of Muskegon. BAXDWIN, Helen, 39 E. 31»t St., N.T. City. Physician; b. Canterbury, Conn., Nov. 14, 1865; dau. Dr. E. and Sarah H. (Mathewson) Baldwin; ed Thayer Acad., Bralntree. Mass.; grad. Wel- lesley Coll., A.B. '88; in Med. Dep't Univ. of Mich,, 1889; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y, Inflnnr BALDWIN— BALL 71 ary, M.D. '92. Took graduate study in Johns Hopkins Med. School. Demonstrator of physics, Wellesley Coll., 1888-89; resident physician City Hospital, Philadelphia, 1893; instructor in phy- siology. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, 1897; attending physician, N.Y. Infirmary. Au- thor of medical articles. BALDWIN, Jane North, Vaesar Coll., Pough- keepsie, N.Y. Physician; b. Keesevllle, N.Y., Feb. 10, 1876; dau. Geo. W. and Margaret Jane (Hargraves) Baldwin; ed. Plattsburg High School, Cornell Univ. Med. School; graduate work in Harvard Med. School. Interne N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children; asst physician Vassar Coll. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. N.Y. State, Woman's Med. Soc. N.Y. City, Dutchess Co. Med. Soc, Stanton Co. Med. Soc. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. BALDWIN, Kate M. Shoemaker (Mrs. A. M. Baldwin), Groton, Tompkins Co., N.Y. Born BeJle Center, Blair Co., Pa., 1858; dau. Jasper and Sarah (Dorworth) Shoemaker; ed. private and public schools. Normal and Clas- sical Institute of Muncy, Pa.; National School of Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia; m. Muncy, Pa., Mar. 17, 1880, Alva Morse Baldwin, M.D.; children: Kenneth Morse, b. 1881; Man- ning Dorworth, b. 1885 (died 1893). Sec. and treas. Groton branch of the Woman's Auxiliary (to the Board of Missions of Protestant Episcopal Church); elected to serve on Board of Educa- tion, 1910-13; elected sec. of board, 1911. Mem. Cayuga Chapter D.A.R.; eligible to membership in the National Soc. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Mem. Political Equality Club, Columbian Club (literary and social, founder in 1892). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. of Suffrage Club. BALDWIN, Myra Rush (Mrs. Edgar M. Bald- win), Fairmount, Ind. Newspaper worker; b. Fairmount, Ind., July 4, 1865; dau. Nixon and LI. (Mrs. J. Frank Ball), 1019 Park Place, Wilmington, Del. Born Wilmington, Del., 1858; dau. Benjamin F. and Rachel A. (Strahom) Perkins; ed. Wil- mington High School and Cornell Univ. ; m. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 13, 1881, J. Frank Ball; children: Jean Ross (deceased), Beatrice (de- ceased), Ethel, Dorothy. Mem. Board of Lady Managers World's Columbian Commission, 1892-93; Com. on Awards Board of Lady Man- agers; chairman Com. to Collect and Collate Religious, Philanthropic and Educational De- partments Board of Lady Managers; repre- sentative from Delaware to Atlanta Exposition. Mem. Daughters of 1812, Territorial Com., Del., Md. and Pa. of the Y.W.C.A.; chairman Wilson and Marshall Organization of Del., Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Synod of Bal- timore, Nat. Geographic Soc, Soc. for Preven- tion of Cruelty to (Children; treas. Wilmington Y.W.C.A.; mem. New Century Club. Presby- terian. Against woman suffrage. BALL, Isabel Worrell (Mrs. Henry Martyn Ball), 3932 Illinois Av., N.W., Washington, D.C. Newspaper woman; b. Hennepin, 111.; dau. James Purcell and Elizabeth (McClung) Worrell; ed. public school and college, Henry, 111.; State Normal School, Emporia, Kan.; m. Larned, Kan., 1877, Henry Martyn Ball; one daughter: Hazel Winifred, b. ISSi (died 1887). Newspaper woman, Washington correspondent; only woman ever ad- mitted to press galleries of Congress; was there 10 years. Associate editor of National Tribune, the organ of the patriotic societies of the coun- 72 BALI^-BAMFORD try. Nat. senior vlce-pres. (former pres.) and its camp-meetliig correspondent and writer of mem. Nat. Exec. Board Woman's Relief Corps; Bermuda letters, etc., 1872-79, except two years interested particularly in education, teaching love in Europe. In Ceylon, India, and Burma, 1885- of the flag and of country. Uses in illustrating 94; correspondent of American newspapers and her flag addresses 45 Colonial flags, which she work for English Oriental publications; in 1895 made herself, and 35 of the special flags of the and thereafter Woman's Club lecturer, etc. United States. Has spolien on this subject in Ardent for equal suffrage and for equality in all the large cities of the country and appeared every sort of opportunities, their use to be lim- before Congress many times in interest of bill ited by personal capacity. Author of Fifteen to prevent desecration of the flag. Against Vocalizes for the Singing Student (published woman suffrage. Author of short stories of by Ditson) ; contributor to various publications. Western life, syndicated in the larger Eastern Life mem. Am. Bible Soc. ; life mem. and only Sunday papers. Presbyterian (Scotch-Irish de- woman mem. N.Y. Press Club; hon. mem. 111. scent). Mem. Ladies of the G.A.R., Daughters Woman's Press Ass'n. of Union Veterans. Recreations: Horseback rid- xf%TTAor> t? „,™ *„„„ t2-.,„„ i-»/r-» rr\^^^r.= ^"£>sL""^^^^' Cxli°o'kn'=d'^TH^?a^ '^°"^"^' '"^ ^P.' Balf^d)"^"?": Hetrnd^.TaiSue'^^r'^ Kansas, New Mexico and Arizona. Lawyer before marriage; b. Bridgewater, BALL, Minnie Warner (Mrs. B. B. Ball), Mid- Mass., 1878; dau. Nathaniel Seaver and Anna land, Mich. C. (Hyde) Keay; ed. The Misses Case and Hal- Born Pulaski, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1865; dau. lowell School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., Stephen R. and Marion (Gould) Warner; ed. A.B. '99; Univ. of Pa., LL.B. '02; m. Cambridge, public schools of Saginaw, Mich.; m. Sable, Mass., Aug. 29, 1907, Thomas P. Ballard; one Mich., Jan. 2, 1890, Benjamin B. Ball; one son: Hyde Whitcomb Ballard, b. 1909. Practising daughter: Marian. Interested in Sabbath- lawyer, Philadelphia, 1902-07. Since 1909 chief In- school. Missionary Soc, Mission Sabbath- terest has been in social studies and establishing school and special work with boys in Sunday- a suburban home, near Cleveland, on the shore school for 17 years; sec. Library Ass'n nine of Lake Erie. Attorney Legal Aid Soc. of Phlla- years; pres. two years, now chairman. Favors delphia; attorney Seaman's Branch Legal Aid woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Soc. of Philadelphia; mem. ward com. of City RecreatioH: Reading. Mem. Monday Club, for Party, Philadelphia; mem. Educational School social and mutual improvement; chairman Board, Philadelphia. Has published articles on Waterways Com., Mich. State Fed. Women's Seamen in Charities and The Commons. Mem. Clubs. D.R., 1898-1907. Mem. College Club of Cleveland. Recreation: Gardening. Congregationalist. Fa- BALL, Nellie Boeck (Mrs. David Clifton Ball), vors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suf- 622 W. 113th St., N.Y. City. frage League; mem. Exec. Com. Cleveland Wom- Born St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 4, 1867; dau. Adam an's Suffrage Party, 1911-12. and Mary Elizabeth (Kriechbaum) Boeck; ed. Mary Institute, St. Louis, Mo.; Conservatory of B.4LLOU, Susan Ann (Mrs. Henry L. Ballou). Music, St. Louis School of Fine Arts; m. St. 74 Harris Av., Woonsocket, R.I. Louis Mo., Jan., 1892, David Clifton Ball; one Born Woonsocket, R.I., Dec. 9, 1844; dau. son: David Spencer Ball, b. Oct. 18, 1892. Treas- Willis affd Cyrena (Thayer) Cook; grad. Lowell urer of Sorosis; mem. Drama and Art Committee Sem., Auburndale, Mass., 1864; m. Woonsocket, of Sorosis. Unitarian. Mem. Sorosis, Sorosia R.I., Oct. 6, 1868, Henry L. Ballou; children: Carol Club, Browning Soc. Recreation: Tramp- Marie Louise, Roland Hunnewell. Mem. of Ing and canoeing in Adirondacks (summer home: Woonsocket School Com. for 16 years. Con- Raquette Lake. N.Y.). Favors woman suffrage. nected with Universalist Mission Circle, Woon- socket, R.I. ; director of State branch Univer- BALL, Sylvia Ernestine, 337 Hickory St., War- salist Mission; director State Charities and Cor- ron. Pa. rections; pres. Woonsocket Children's Home; Teacher; b. Warren, Pa., Aug. 8, 1883; dau. director Ballou Home for Aged; ex-State Regent George and Mary Ball; ed. Warren public state D.A.R.; ex-State Pres. of R.I. State Fed. schools, Warren High School, Cornell Univ. Qf Women's Clubs; mem, R.I. Council of Wo- A.B., studied one summer abroad (mem. Delta men, R.I. Women's Club, Woonsocket Women's Gamma). Taught in public school one year, ciub, Fortnightly, Woonsocket Olla Podrida. grammar school one year; high school, English Universalist. Against woman suffrage, and French, four years. Mem. High School Orchestra Conservatory Piano Quartet. Favors BALJVIEB, Helen Pratt (Mrs. Thomas Balmer), woman suffrage. Mem. Natural Science Soc., 1327 Hollywood Av., Chicago, 111. Warren Co. Educational Soc, State Educational Writer; b. St. Louis, Mo.; grad. Vassar Coll., Soc, State Teachers League. Recreations: A.B. '76; Cincinnati Women's Coll., '79; North- Golf, boating, walking. Mem. Warren Shakes- western Univ., A.M. '02; m. Sept. 23, 1880, peare Club. Thomas Balmer. Author: Bellevue Sketches; „.»^.^,, ■• ■ - T 1 /nT T„„ o contributor to various magazines. Directress BALI.AGH Joseplime Jackson (Mrs. James Chicago Ass'n Collegiate Alumnffi. Curtis Ballagh), 415 Hawthorne Road, Roland " Park, Baltimore, Md. BAMTOBD, Mary EUen, 1235 E. 16th St,, Oak- Teacher; b, Maryland; ed. St. Timothy's School, land, Cal. Catonsville, Md. ; student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889- Author; b Healdsburg, Cal., Dec. 10, 1857; dau. 91: m. Baltimore, Md., 1897, James Curtis Bal- Dr. William and Cornelia Elizabeth (Rand) lagh. Teacher of Latin and English, St. Tlmo- Bainford (father was pioneer physician who went thy's School, Catonsville, Md., 1886-89; Wilford across the plains in the early "SOs, and her School, Baltimore, 1893-94; teacher of Latin in mother, a native of New Hampshire, went to Edgeworth School, Baltimore, 1895-98; Misses califorhia, 1854-55, by long voyage around Cape Hall's School, Baltimore, 1903-04; Southern Home Horn); ed. in public and high schools of Oakland, School, Baltimore, 1894-1904. Cal." Wks four years assistant in Oakland Free BALLANCE, Harriet N.. 256 Randolph Av.. rap^ij^, ^^^n mJsLS"°/cS!^f^"weI°'^P^"o- lhysfcian;• b. Peoria, 111.; grad. Vassar A.B. ISs^'m/S^ and^'we" F^^^^^^^^^ '98; med. dep't Northwestern Univ., Chicago. ?^°°f'p,/b Second Year of the Look-About M.D '01. Since medical graduation engaged in ^f^' HeV TwentrHelthen; In Edltha's Days; practice as physician at Peoria, 111. Jessie's Three Resolutions; Three Roman Girls; BALLARD, Anna, 648 Fifty-seventh St., Oak- Miss Millie's Trying; Father Lambert's Family; land Cal. A Piece of Kitty Hunter's Life; Thoughts of My Journalist, lecturer, teacher; b. Athol, Wor- Dumb Neighbors; Out of the Triangle (first pub- cester Co., Mass.. Oct. 12, 1828; dau. Elijah and Ushed serially); Ti; The Denby Children at the Mary (Cutting) Ballard; ed. in collegiate course Fair; Eleanor and I; Marie's Story; Talks by at Mission Inst. Quincy, 111., and by tutors in Queer Folks; Janet and Her Father; Number One Boston. Teacher of singing, Vassar Coll., 1869- or Number Two; pamphlet on Burma: The Work 72; mlsceUaiieous daily reporter of N.Y. Sim; and the Workers, and much writing for the BANCKER— BANKS 73 Youth's Companion, Cook's Sunday School pub- BANCROFT, Margaret Healy (Mrs. Edgar Ad- llcatlons and publications of the different de- dison Bancroft), 77 Cedar St., Chicago, 111. nominational boards. Born Boston, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. „.^.„„.,„ -, ^, , ,,, w e ♦ flf*v, '^0; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 18, 1896, Edgar '^^.^'CKtR Mary Clark, 134 W. Seventy-flfth Addison Bancroft (now general counsel Internat. bt., P».y. City. „,,.-, •,,.,. Harvester Co.). Was engaged In executive work Teacher Brearley School; b. Jackson Mich.; ^^j the Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y., before ^f''-TT?n°'^? ^""n ^J^'^^j y^^'^f i^^'^^Ku^^'^^.lV- marriage. Mem. Woman's Club of Chicago, l>'l-,J^^of^'n^v.'^°"-TF°"'' Pai ^A"}- ?,''-^TT ■^^' Chicago Literary Club. Ph.M. 92; Chicago Univ., '97; Columbia Univ., A.M. '06; attended Oxford Univ. (lectures), Eng- BA>:dY, JIary Albertson (Mrs. George A. land, 1905. Was instructor of History, Oxford Bandy), Hawarden, Iowa. (Ohio) Coll.; head of English dep't, Stanley Club president; b. Cook's Valley, Minn., Mar. Hall, Minneapolis, 1897-1904; head mistress Miss 22, 1874; dau. V/llliam and Eliza (Hancock) Caton's and Miss Wilson's School, N.Y. City, Albertson; ed. Volga, S. Dak.; m. Volga, S. Dak.. 1906-08; instructor Brearley School since 1908. Mar. 28. 1900, George A. Bandy; children: Dorothy Owner and manager Green Gables Inn, Magnolia, Edna, William Arthur and Mary Elizabeth. Was Mass., 1910-12. Mean. Colonial Dames in State of nine years a school teacher prior to marriage. New York, the College Club, Boston; Nat. Presbyterian in name. New Thought in faith; Geogf^phic Soc. Episcopalian. mem. Woman's Missionary Soc. Mem. Twen- „., , , ,„ . . tieth Century Club; pres. Mother's Club. BANCKER, Mary WTiitaker (Mrs. G. Bancker), 339 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City. BANG, Mary Phillips (Mrs. William F. Bang), Writer; b. Waverly, N.Y. ; dau. James and '7K' Russell St., Nashville, Tenn. Luclnda M. (Orser) Whitaker; ed. Waverly Born Mar. 7, 1849; dau. William and Sallie K. Academy; m. June 14, 1900. Gerard Bancker. (Hooper) PhUlips; grad. Packer Collegiate Inst, Eight years on the regular staff of N.Y. "66; one year at Nashville Female Acad.; m. Tribune; two years at Washington for N.Y. Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1869, William F. Wcrld; syndicate writer for ten papers. Di- Bang; children: Nellie, Mary, Frances, Elizabeth, rector N.Y. City Fed. Hotel for Working Girls, Beulah, Lillian, Louise, Laura, William. Haa Patriotic Women of America. Favors woman oeen active in Sunday-school, Woman's For- suffrage; vice-leader of Seventh Assembly Dist. eign Missionary Soc.; active mem. W.C.T.U. 25 Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City. Episco- years. Conducted a W.C.T.U. column (weekly) palian. Mem. Soc. of N.Y. State Women, Am. in Nashville, Tenn., five years. Favors woman Criterion Club, N.Y.; N.Y. Theatre Club, James suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Has Monroe P.elief Corps, Government Club, Current written many articles for press in behalf of va- Events Club, Post Parliament. rious reforms. Methodist. Pres. East Nashville W.C.T.U.; cor. sec. of State W.C.T.U.; mem. BANCROFT, Eleanor Stow, Rockefeller Inst. Exec. Board of Travelers' Aid Soc. Recreations: for Medical Pesearch, N.T. City. Gardening. Interested in reform and philan- Physiclan; b. California, June 2, 1874; dau. thropic work; appointed delegate to Southern James M. and Alice (Glass) Stow; ed. Cal. pub- Sociological Ckjnference at Atlanta', Ga. Directly lie schools. State Normal, San Jose, Medical instrumental in getting the age of consent for Dept. Univ. of California, 1896; mem. Alpha girls in Tennessee raised from 10 to 16 years In EpsUon Iota: m. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 31, 1895. 1900, Frank W. Bancroft; children; Frances S., James S., Martin F. Lecturer In hygiene and BANKS, Charlotte Mooney (Mrs. Charles E. medical examiner to women in Univ. of Calif., Banks), Falls City, Neb. 1904-12. Teacher of voice, choral director; b. New Albany, Ind., 1847; dau. William and Charlotte BANCROFT, Emma Cooper (Mrs. William (Henry) Mooney (mother of the Patrick Henry Poole Bancroft), Wilmington, Del. family); ed. public and private schools Daughter James and -Lucy (Middleton) Cooper; Keokuk, Iowa, and Boston, Maes.; musical ed. Moses Brown School, Providence, R.I.; m. education In Boston; m. Chariton Iowa 1874 Sharon Hill, Pa., Nov. 1, 1876, William Poole Charles Edwin Banks; children: Lilian Carrol! Bancroft; children: Sarah Bancroft Clark (Mrs. also Edwin H. (adopted in 1882). Was soloist Roger Clark, England), Lucy Bancroft Gillett for the old celebrated Mendelsohn Quintette (Mrs. Henry T. Gillett, England). Mem. Soc. Club at Boston, 1869-72. Contributor of short of Friends. stories and poems for various magazines and n < -vT^Dz-vE^ 1 I T7 wi. II cnn -r, I . T.T -o- pspers; has written articles on subjects of the BANCROFT, Jessie Hubbell, BOO Park Av., N.Y. day, such as Rights of the Child, pronunciations . ^■' ^ T%. . -nv • 1 rr. ■ I VI- '° singing; wrote daily descriptive articles of AssisUnt Director Physical Training, public the Worid's Jubilee, 1872, and a series of fo?.,°°l^ "^ ^.i^- 9'^?t' ^ Winona, Minn. Dec 20 mugjc letters in the Peoria Saturday Evening 1867; dau. Edward Hall and Susan M (Hubbell) call, 1879-80. Mem. of Library Board; conducto? Bancroft; ed. State Normal School Winona, Falls City Chorus; pres. Missionary and Aid ^J^^J^-l^^i^^^Po^i^ ^^^^l°{P}^y^l<^^\T^^'°S, Soc; mem. Sorosis Club; brought about the 1889; Harvard Summer School of Physical Tram- organization of the Falls City Fed. of Women's ing;boiiorary diploma, Sargent Normal School clubs Recreations: Recitals, music entertain- of Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass Dl- ments. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; was rector physical training public schools of Brook- active mem. in Montana, lyn, N.Y., 1893-1904; assistant director physical training, public schools of Greater N.Y., 1904. BANTiS, Elizabeth, care of Lyceum Club, 128 Lecturer physical training, summer session, Piccadilly, London, England. Columbia Univ., 1901-06; Univ. of Utah, 1908. Journalist, author; b. Trenton, N.J. ; dau. Chairman Section of Physical Training, Brook- John and Sarah (Brlston) Banks; ed. Milw'aukee- lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1893-98. Au- Downer Coll., Milwaukee. Began Journalism In thor: School Gymnastics, Freehand; School Gym- St. Paul; was sec. to Am. Minister to Peru: nasties with Light Apparatus; Games for the lived mostly in London since 1894; writes under Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium; own name and under nom-de-plume of "Mary Athletics for Girls; The Posture of Children, with Mortimer Maxwell," also "Enid" on London its Home Hygiene and New Efficiency Methods Referee. Works with various societies for pro- for School Training; articles on Games and tection of children and animals. Author: In Cap Physical Training in Encyclopedia Americana, and Apron; Campaigas of Curiosity; The Auto- and many miscellaneous articles. Protestant, biography of a Newspaper Girl; The Mystery of Mem. and ex-secretary Am. Physical Educators' Frances Farrington (novel); The Luck of the Ass'n; mem. A.A.A.S., Nat. Education Ass'n. Black Cat (short stories). Mem. Inst, of Jour- Physical Education Soc. of N.Y. City and nallsts. Incorporated Soc. of Authors Soc ot Vicinity; Public Education Ass'n N.Y. City. Women Journalists. Club: Lyceum. ' Recrert Recreations: Outdoor life; tramping, mountain tions: Playing with children, dogs and kitten*, climbing, horseback rising. Favors woman sut- Favors woman suffrage; mem. Women Writer^' tr%tie. ' Suffrage League, London. 74 BANKS— BARBOUR BAXKS, Florence S. WooUey (Mrs. William Ed- gar Banks), 2S1 Ryerson St.. Brooklyn, N.T. Bom Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 23, 1853; dau. Mil- ton and Hannah (Chivney) Woolley (descendant in tenth generation from Emanuel and Elizabeth Woolley, Quakers, who settled at Providence, R.I., in 1662); ed. in private school and acade- mies; grad. Bryant and Stratton Business Col- lege; Pratt Inst.; m. Brooklyn, Dec. 25, 1878, William Edgar Banks; children; Ursula Woolley (Mrs. Albert Shirls Williston), Augustine, Grace Adelaide, David Harold. In 1893 went into busi- ness of modiste and exhibited at World's Fair in Chicago, 1S93 (not now in business). Repub- lican. UniversaJist. Joined Order of the East- em Star 1895 and in 1900 instituted and organized .Aurora Grata Chapter No. 207. Appointed right worthy grand pres. Hall and Home Ass'n, O.E.S., 1902. Enlisted as Red Cross nurse for late Spanish War under Clara Barton. Charter mem. George Washington Memorial Ass'n; mem. Am. Theosophical Soc, Brooklyn Woman's Animal Aid Ass'n, Utile Court of Royal and Exalted Order of Amaranth, Pratt Inst. Alumni, Bed- ford Political Equality League, Seminole Coun- cil, Daughters of Pocahontas; Red Hook Grange No. 918 of N.Y. State Patrons of Husbandry. Recreations: Travel and charitable work. BAJTNAN, Theresa, 503 Warren St., Syracuse, N.T. Physician; b. Bolivar, N.Y., May 5, 1868; dau. Edward and Anastasia (Nolan.) Bannan; ed. public schools; Syracuse Univ., Med. Coll. and Women's Med. Coll., N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '90. Engaged in medical practice in Syracuse since 1S90. Author: Pioneer Irish of Onondaga, 1911; also of medical papers, newspaper articles and short Doems. Obstetrician House of Good Shepherd ten years; public vaccinator four years. Catholic. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc., Onondaga Co. Med. Soc., City Acad., Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City and N.Y. State Professional Woman's League. Rec- reations: Out-door sports, modern languages, reading. BANNrNG, Carrie B. Carpenter (Mrs. E. P. Banningl, ll'rt Kinnalrd Av., Fort Wayne, Ind. Physician; b. Phelps, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1857; dau. Calvin Hasleton and Jennette K. (DeLano) Car- penter; ed. private schools, Univ. of Wisconsin, B.S. (first honor); M.D. Cleveland Univ. of Medi- cine and Surgery (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Feb. 11, 1879, E. P. Banning; children: Lydia J., Carina C, Florida J., J. Dahlgren. In gen- eral practice ten years; now limited to diseases for women and children and obstetrics. Mem. Baptist Church, Woman's Club League, Duo- decimo Club, D.A.R., and medical societies. Belongs to Woman Suffrage Party and is chair- man of her own ward. BA>'NrNG, Sarah Jane CMrs. Thomas A. Ban- ning), "Longacres," Robertsdale, Ala. Pecan orchard cultivator; b. Bowling Green, Ky., July 23, 1854; dau. Elijah M. and Elizabeth Ann (Shields) Hubbard; ed. Highland (Kan.) Coll., A.B., and studied music several years; m. Highland, Kan., Dec. 21, 1875, Thomas A. Ban- ning (now head of Banning & Banning, patent lawyers, Chicago); children: Samuel Walker, b. Nov. 16, 1878; Edith, b. Jan. 11, 1882; Helen Ruth, b. Dee. 16, 1S83 (died Oct. 15, 1899); Thomas A. Jr., b. April 12, 1886; Sarah Louise, b. June 25, 1888; Dorothea Esther, b. Aug. 11, 1894. Taken by parents in 1856 to Kansas Territory, where they went t'j assist in a Presbyterian mission to the Iowa and Sock Indians, and her father later became member of the Legislature that made Kansas a State. Went to Chicago on marriage in 1875; was there member of a Presbyterian Church, later removing to South Side and joining Congregational Church; active In missionary societies of both; mem. Corporate Board Y.W.C.A. and active in the early work, also in work of the Industrial School for Girls, Evan- ston. 111., and several years member Board of School of Domestic Arts and Sciences and other philanthropic organizations. Since 1905 has con- ducted and had sole active charge of her estate of "Longacres," an orchard of almost 2,(X)0 choice pecan trees, 500 of which are just coming into bearing, carrying on their culture with the mc^st modern methods, also cultivating oranges, roses, etc. Chairman Woman's Com. of Nat. Nut-Growers' Ass'n (vice-pres. from 111.); mem. Alabama State Horticultural Soc. (mem. Exhibi- tion Com.); chairman Alabama Com. on Con- servation, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; mem. Nat. For- estry Ass'n. One of founders and now honorary life mem. the Travel Class, Chicago; active for 20 years and now honorary life mem. ArchS Club, Chicago; mem. Chicago Woman's Club. Con- gregationalist. Strongly opposed to woman suffrage. BARBER, Alice Sherman (Mrs. Joel Barber), Lake Geneva, Wis. Dentist; b. Eagle, Waukesha Co., Wis.; dau. William and Louisa (Parsons) Sherman; ed. State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1878; Univ. of Mich., D.D.S., 1890; m. Lake Geneva, Wis., May 14, 1S92. Joel Barber; one daughter: Caroline Elise Barber. Opened office In Lake Geneva, Aug. 1, 1890, and still practicing. Favors woman suffrage. BARBER, Mary Saxt-on (Mrs. Marshall C. Bar- ber), 333 S. Market St., Canton, Ohio. Born Canton, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1848; dau. James A. and Katherine (Dewalt) Saxton; ed. Canton private school and at Brook Hall, Media, Pa., 1868; m. Canton, August, 1873, Marshall C. Bar- ber; children: James S., b. Aug. 15, 1874 (died May 15, 1900); Mary, b. Feb., 1876; George S., b. Feb., 1878; John D., b. April, 1879; Ida McK., b. Jan., 1881; William McK., b. Dec, 1882; Kath- erine D., b. December, 1884. Identified with va- rious religious, social and philanthropic activi- ties. Presbyterian. Mem. Anti-Tuberculosis League, Consumers' League, Playground Ass'n, Associated Charities, Y.W.C.A.; charter mem. of Canton branch D.A.R. BARBOUR, Amy Louise, Lawrence House, Northampton, Mass. College instructor; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. 'Jl; scholar in classics, 1896-97, 1899-1900; fellow, 1900-01: Yale, Ph.D. '02. Instructor Elizabeth Coll. (Marietta Coll.), Ohio, 1891-96; teacher of Latin, Hartford (Conn.) High School, 1897-98; Beacon School, 1898-99; instructor in Greek, Smith Coll., since 1901. Mem. Am. Philological Ass'n, Am. Archseological Institute. BARBOUR, Anna Maynard (Mrs. William James Barbour), 244 Townsend St., Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Author, deaconess; b. N.Y. City; dau. Fayette and Jane E. (Cutler) Maynard; m. St. Paul, Minn., 1893, William James Barbour. Author: Told in the Rockies, 1897; That Main-waring Af- fair, 1900; The Award of Justice, 1901; At the Time Appointed, 1903; Breakers Ahead, 1906. Episcopalian; deaconess in charge of House of Mercy, Boston, since 1907. B.ARBOUR, Anne Violet, care Mrs. T. O. Bar- bour. Sage College, Ithaca, N.T. Teacher; b. Richmond, Va., 1884; dau. Thomas Osmyn and Elizabeth (Hughes) Barbour; ed. the Girls' Classical School of Indianapolis, Ind. ; Cor- nell Univ., B.A. '06, M.A. '09; Alice Freeman Palmer Traveling Fellowship (Wellesley Col- lege) In 1911-12; President A. D. White Traveling FeUowship (Cornell Univ.), 1912-13 (Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Phi). Has written articles and reviews in American Historical Review. Mem. Sc-rvico Club, Indianapolis; American Art Stu- dents' Club, Paris, France. Favors woman suffrage. BARBOUR, Elizabeth Graeme, 1139 Fourth Av., Louisville, Ky. Teacher; ed. in Kentucky; grad. Central Univ. of Ky., B.S. '88; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99. Principal of private school, Richmond, Ky., 1889- 93; teacher of Latin, English and German in York (Pa.) Collegiate School, 1896-97; English and Latin in Classical School for Girls, N.Y. City, 1S97-1900; Riverside School, N.Y. City, 1900-01; Kentucky Home School, Louisville, 1901- 02; teacher Latin, Girls' High School, Louisville, 1902-04, and since 1904 head of English dep't In same, BARBOUR— BARKER 75 BABBOrB, Louise, Tudor Hall, 129 W. Twelfth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher; b. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 23, 1882; dau. Thomas Osmyn and Elizabeth (Hughes) Barbour; ed. Miss Jennie Ellett's School, Richmond, Va, ; Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis, 1901, with diploma and college certificate; Cornell Univ., A.B. '04 (Alpha Phi). Taught in Indianapolis public schools, 1904-06; head of mathematics and science in Tudor Hall, Indianapolis, 1906. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. Players' Club and Contemporary Club of Indianapolis, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns. BARCLAY, Portia Lomax (Mrs. John Anderson Barclay), Wharton, Tex. Born Haskell, Tex., Aug. 10, 1890; dau. Rich- ard Cooper and Martha (Crites) Lomax; ed. WLltis Preivaratory School, Austin, Tex. (di- PIohml) ; Newcomb Art School, New Orleans, La. ; OnlT. of Texas; mem. Chi Omega, Sigma Phi; m. Austin, Texas, June 7, 1911, John Anderson Barclay. Methodist. Sunday-school teacher; belongs to two clubs, social, one literary, music and art; Mutual Improvement Club of Wharton, Tex., and of the Civic Improvement League. Methodist. Mem. Home Mission Soc. Mem. Young Ladies' Bridge Club, United Daughters of the Confederacy. BABCCS, Betty Be^le (Mrs. J. S. Barcua), 205 W. Eighty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Born Indiana; dau. Jerod and Mary E. (Thomas) Tichenor; ed. Univ. of Mich., N.Y. School of Fine and Applied Arts; m. Terre Haute, Ind., 1884, J. S. Barcus. Writer of Pro- logue in Cosmo Collection and other short poems. Mem. League for Political Education; mem. and third vice-pres. of Woman's Auxiliary to the Rescue Work of the Salvation Army; chairman of one of the permanent committees of the aux- iliary; chairman Big Sister Com. In Daughters of Indiana. Mem. Univ. of Mich. Woman's Club, Home Progressive Club, the Alumnse Progressive Club (woman's), Daughters of Indiana in New York, City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Christian Scientist. National Progressive. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party, League for Equal Suffrage. BABEIS, Grace M., 201 W. 11th Av., Columbus, Ohio. Educator; b. Canal Winchester, Ohio; dau. George F. and Amanda J. (Schoch) Barels; grad. Heidelberg Univ., Tiffin, Ohio, A.B. '97 (first honor); graduate student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-99; fellow in mathematics Ohio State Univ.. 1906-08., Ph.D., 1909. Teacher of mathematics and science, Miss Roney's School. Philadelphia, 1902-06; asst. prof, mathematics Ohio State Univ., 1908—. Mem. Reformed Church. Mem. Mathe- matical Soc. Columbus Coll. Club; Woman's Club of Ohio State Univ. Favors woman suf- frage. BABKER, Eliza Uarrlfl Lawton (Mrs. Richard Jackson Barker), The Outlook, Tiverton, R.I. Bom Tiverton, R.I.; dau. Moses Turner and Elizabeth (Tiliinghast) Lawton; ed. Bridgeport School, Tiverton and Vassar Coll.; m. Oct. 9, 1873, Richard Jackson Barker; one son: Richard J. Barker Jr., b. May 22, 1875. Prominent in social life and in educational, patriotic, benevo- lent and literary work; mem. Board Directors R.I. Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n; mem. Old Colony Historical Soc., Va. Soc. for Preservation of Va. Antiquities. Former vice-pres. Gen. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. (now honorary State Regent R.I. D.A.R.); mem. Colonial Dames; vice-pres. R.I. Inst, of Instruction; chairman Tiverton School Committee; R.I. State Regent Pocahontas Me- morial Ass'n; R.I. State pres. Women's Rivers and Hs'^ors Congress of the U.S.; mem. R.I. Sec. fcr Collegiate Education of Women; mem. I .ion Hospital Board and of Board of Women's College in Brown Univ. Author: Daughters of Liberty, and magazine and newspaper articles. Owner of very valuable collection of book plates. Mem. Civic Club of Fall River, Woman's Club a6d The Fortnightly Club; mem. Board Directors Women's Union, Women's Industrial Exchange Ot Fall River, Mass. Episcopal iiin. BABKEB, EUen Blackmar (Mrs. Albert 8. Bar- ker), 1716 N St., N.W., Washington. D.C. Author; b. West Springfield, Pa.; dau. John and Rebecca M. (Blackmar) Simmons; ed. E!din- bora. Pa.; m. (1st) 1879, Rev. Allen Maxwell (died 1890); (2d) 1894, Rear Admiral Albert S. Barker of the U.S. Navy. Author: The Bishop's Conversion; Three Old Maids in Hawaii; The Way of Fire. Writes under pen-name — "Ellen Blackmar Maxwell." BABKER, EUen Frye, 16 W. 109th St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. Fall River, Mass., Feb. 4, 1873; dau. Abram T. and Ellen Maria (Frye) Barker; ed. Cook's Collegiate Inst., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Granger Place School, Canandaigua, N.Y., Wells Coll., Class of '90. Willard School, Berlin, Ger- many. Has lived two years in Elurope. a year in California, has traveled all over U.S. and CJan- ada, visited Bermuda. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and made a tour of the West Indies. Author: White Heather; also books of travel, biographies In Library of Inspiration and Achievement; short stories and children's stories. Compiler and publisher of Wells Coll. Calendar, writer of booklets and genealogies. Director Ybrad Mf'g Co. Episcopalian. Mem. Wells Coll. Alumnae; branch sec. Girls' Friendly Soc. of Church of the Ascension. N.Y. City; served as pres. Ladles' Board in Institution for Iniproved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding, boating. BABKER, Emma DeLand Dlnsmoor, 201 Maine St., Lawrence, Kan. Teacher.civil worker; b. Forestville, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1851; dau. Benjamin F. and Harriet (Bowen) DeLand; ed. Ohio Wesleyan Univ.. Dela-ware, Ohio; m. 1st. Lawrence, Kan.. 1873. Frank F. Dinsmoor; 2d. Lawrence, Kan., 1897. George J. Barker; children: Paul Addison Dinsmoor, Kate E. Dinsmoor, Edna F. Dinsmoor Marshall, Frances F. Dinsmoor Storm. Mem. Athenaeum (local society of Ohio Wesleyan Univ.); has been member of School Board of Lawrence; organized Junior Civic League In Lawrence schools; sec. Lawrence Playground Ass'n; pres. Kan. 2d Dlst Federation of Women's Clubs; a director of Kan. State Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Laivrence City Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. of a committee of Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; vice-pres. Woman's Kansas Day Club; mem. Douglas Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Republican (municipal). Pres. of Y.M.C. A. .Auxiliary, Social Circle of First Pres'by- terlan Church; mem. Social Service League, Civic League, Zodiac (literary) and Mlercoles (bridge whist) Clubs. BARKER, E. Nellie, Verona, N.Y. Teacher; b. Trenton, N.Y.. Nov. 16, 1879; dau. Byron and Anna L. (Perkins) Barker; grad Oneida High School 1897, Cornell Univ. 1902 Taught In Ithaca High School 1906-09; returned for year 1911-1912; appointed to North High School, Syracuse. N.Y.. in 1912. Especially In- terested In biological work. Baptist. Recrea- tions: Tennis, basket ball. Mem. Sennlghtly Club of Cornell. Favors woman suffrage. BARKER, Frances Crosby Baifin«ton (Mrs. George Charles Barker). Manila, P.I. Educator; b. Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; m. Manila. P. I.. George Charles Barker. Soon after graduation in 1901 went to the Philippine Islands, engaged as teacher, 1901-04; supervisor of primary schools for districts of Ermlta and Melate, 1904-05; principal of Normal Institute for ^ative Teachers. Manila. 1904-05; tutor in Bos- ton, 1907; Instructor In Spanish, Smith Coll., January-June, 1908; returned to Philippines and since December, 1908. has been teacher of settle- ment training school. Manila. BARKER, Nellie Florence (Mrs. George J. Barker), 42 Prospect St., Waltham, Mass. Born Waltham, Mass.. Nov. 26, 1862; dau. Ben- jamin Franklin and Mary Ellen (Wallace) Clough; grad. with highest honors, Waltham High School, classical course (valedictorian) '81; not absent or late during seven years in gram- mar and high schools; m. Waltham, Oct. 38, (0 BARLOW— BARNETT 1885, George Jenison Barker. Sec. of Charity Club since 1898; sec. Musical Club 1890-98, then its pres. 1898-1910. Past Matron of Electa Chap- ter No. 19, O.E.S., and Deputy Grand Matron for 1912-13; chairman entertainment committee. Con- gregational Club 1911-1912-1913; treas. Tuesday Club. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Life mem. Am. Art Society; mem. Boston Brown- ing Soc, Waltham H.S. Alumni Ass'n, Auxiliary of Mass. Civil Service Reform, Leland Kome Ass'n, Hospital Aid Soc. Recreations: Travel- ing, opera. Mem. Waltham Charity Club; Wal- tham Tuesday Club (literary), Waltham Musical Club; Congregational Club (church entertain- ments); pres. Waltham Woman's Club, 1911-13; mem. The Rangers (travel and nature study). One of the Committee of 100 chosen for the 25th anniversary celebration of the city in 1909 (only few women on that committee). BABLOW, Alpha Winifred, 89 Bristol St., New Haven, Conn. Teacher; b. in Connecticut; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '96; student of Biblical literature, Yale. 1907-08, 1909-10. Teacher of English in Williams Memorial Inst., New London, Conn., 1896-98, 1900-02; teacher of botany, Norwich Free Acad., 1900; New Haven High School, 1902-04. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. BABLOW, Charlotte Emily (Mrs. F. J. Bar- low), Williamston, Mich. Born Colborne Harbor, Can., Apr. 19, 1855; dau. Allen Lindsay and Anne (Gallagher) Bris- bin; ed. in high school, Lansing, Mich., special training as teacher; m. Williamston, Mich., 1883, F. J. Barlow. Teacher for ten years in Lansing and Williamston, specializing in kindergarten work. Teacher in Sunday-school, interested in civic Improvement and charity; especially inter- ested in birds animals and art. Mem. Or<5er Eastern Star, Ladies' Aid Soc, Missionsjy Soc.: interested in study of mythology. Mem. Wil- liamston Woman's Club (has been pres., see. and several times delegate to State Federation). Recreation: Study of China, has a large collec- tion of pitchers and jugs. Baptist. Favors wo- man suffrage. BAKLOW, Kate Brown (Mrs. Harry N. Bar- low), 1005 O St., Washington, D.C. Born Howard Co., Md. ; dau. William and Mary A. (White) Hoslup; ed. privately at home, in Howard and Anne Arundell counties, Md. ; descendant in fifth generation from Capt. Charles Griffith, M.D., of Anne Arundell County; m. July 3, 1867, Harry N. BarloTV. Inspector for Board of Children's Guardians and interested in the condition of poor and destitute children. Author of poetry published in Washington Capi- tal and letters of travel in the Republic Maga- zine, 1884-85. Episcopalian; mem. of church societies. Mem. Monday Evening Club and of Conference of Charities and Corrections, Grand Rapids. BARNARD, Marlon Harvie (Mrs. Harry E. Barnard), 5543 University Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Cheshire, England, 1875; dau. Thomas Harvie and Elizabeth (Watt) Harvie; ed. primary school, Cheshire, England; private school in Derbyshire, England; Garnethill School, Glas- gow, Scotland; Brown Univ. Ph.B. '01 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Providence, R.I., 1901, Harry Everett Barnard; children: Harvie, Marion Elizabeth. Teacher, Providence, R.I., 1896-98. Interested In Household Economics Dept. of Indiana State Federation of Clubs; treasurer Indiana Equal Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Indianapolis Woman's Franchise League. Congregationalist. Mem. Irviugton Pareni-Teachers' Ass'n; pres. Irvington Woman's Council (a union of all the clubs of Irvington), and of Irvington Tuesday Club; mem. Irvington Woman's Club. BARNARD, Tb.erina Townsend (Mrs. E. L. Barnard), Rochelle Park, New Rochelle, N.Y. Born N.Y. City, April 14, 1875; dau. Edward and Adelaide L. (Turner) Townsend; ed. N.Y. Collegiate Inst; Smith C;oll., B.L. '97; m. N.Y. City, June 1, 1901, Everett Larkin Barnard; children: Lucy, Louise Townsend, Edward Townsend. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic interests in N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Elpiscopallan. Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City, Smith Club of N.Y. City, Women's Club, New Rochelle. BABNE8, Anna Maria, Summerville, S.C. Author; b. Columbia, S.C, 1857; dau. James Daniel and Henrietta (Jackson) Barnes; ed. in public schools in Atlanta, Ga. Editor of Young Christian Workers, publication of the Women's Board of Foreign Missions of the M.E. Church, South; writer of juvenile books and missionary stories. Author (pen-name "Cousin Annie"): A-chon-ho-ah; Carmio, Mexican Indian Captive; Children of the Kalahari; Chonita; Cousin An- nie's Library; David Livingstone; Ferry Maid of Chattahoochee; House of Grass; Izilda — Story of Brazil; Little Burden Shavers; Marti; Matou- chon; Ninito, Story of the Bible in Mexico; The Outstretched Hand; Scenes in Pioneer Methodism; Singing Will; Some Lovely Lives; Tatong, the Little Slave; An American Girl In Korea; The King's Gift; Lass of Dorchester; Laurel Token; Little Betty Blew; Little Lady of the Fort; Mistress Moppet; Red Mirrok; A Little Lady at the Fall of Quebec. BARNES, Frances Julia (Mrs. Willis A. Barnes), 446 Central Park W., N.Y. City. Born Skaneateles, N.Y., April 14, 1846; dau, C. W. and Letitia (Willets) Allis; ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 21, 1871, Willis A. Barnes. One of the early workers in W.C.T.U. as associate of Miss Frances Wll- lard, becoming the first secretary to Miss Willard and also of Chicago W.C.T.U.; became sup't of Y Dept World's W.C.T.U., 1891; now honorary sec. of same; pres. Loyal Legion Temperance Soc. of N.Y. Founded and edited Y Almanac, Mem. Orthodox Society of Friends (Elder); mem. Women's Foreign Missionary Alliance, Women's Sabbath Alliance. Favors woman suf- frage. BARNES, Gertrude Jameson (Mrs. Henry A. Barnes), 1812 Emerson Av., South Minneapolis, Minn. Painter; b. Tyngsboro, Mass., Oct. 23, 1865; dau. Horatio and Sarah (Jameson) Jenkins; ed. private schools and Duval High School, Jackson- ville, Fla. ; Minneapolis School of Fine Arts; Cowles Art School, Boston; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; also student of W. L. Lathrop and C. H. Woodbury; m. Alexandria, Minn., Oct. 16, 1891, Henry A. Barnes; chil- dren: Philip Jameson, b. Mar. 30, 1894; Henry Lyman, b. Oct. 30, 1901. Prizes at Cowles Art School, Boston, 1886; Minneapolis, 1888; prize State Art Soc. Exhibition, 190-1, 1908, 1910, honor- able mentions. Favors woman suffrage. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Minneapolis Soc. of Fine Arts, Minn. State Art Soc, charter mem. Artists' League of Minneapolis. Recreations: Walking, tennis. Mem. Woman's Club of Minneapolis, Minikahda Club, (athletic and social). BARNES, Margaret Ayer (Mrs. Cecil Barnes), 20 E. Goethe St., Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, April 8, 1886; dau. Benjamin F. and Janet (Hopkins) Ayer; ed. University School for Girls, Chicago, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '07; m. Chicago, May 21, 1910, Cecil Barnes; one son: Cecil Barnes Jr., b. 1912. BARNES, Sarah Short (Mrs. Chauncer Parker Bamea), Louisville, Ky. Born Paris, Ky. ; dau. James McVicker and Sarah Jane (Saunders) Short; ed. Oxford (O.) Coll.; mem. Philulethion sorority; m. 1887, Chauncey Parker Barnes. Principal of private school in Lexington, Ky., 12 years. Club woman. Recording sec and auditor for Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs for 6 years; chairman of Voca- tional Training and Guidance in Gen. Fed. Op- posed to woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Monday Afternoon Club, Woman's Club of Louisville, Ky. BARNETT, Claribel Ruth, U.S. Department of Agriculture Library, Washington, D.C. Librarian; b. Kent, O., Mar. 26, 1872; dau. George and Lucina Deuel Baraett; grad. Unly. BARNETT— BARR 77 of Mich., Ph.B. '93. Engaged in library work from graduation. Librarian U.S. Dep't of Agriculture since 1907. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. BABNETT, Evelyn Scott Snead (Mrs. Ira Sayre Barnett), Louisville, Ky. Author; b. Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Charles Scott Snead, and Martha (Raphael) Snead; ed. in pri- vate school and high school, with special courses in Neiw York and Boston; m. Louisville, Ky., June 8, 1886, Ira Sayre Barnett. Seven years on editorial staft of Courier-Journal, Louisville, as literary editor. Author: Jerry's Reward, 1903; Mrs. Delire's Euchre Party, 1905; The Dragnet (novel), 1909, and numerous short stories in first- class magazines. Mem. Woman's Club, Outdoor Art League, Alumnse Club. Authors' Psychic, and various small associations; worker for women suffrage In connection with suffrage club. Recreations: Making art-Jewelry and other branches of handicraft; autoing, painting. Epis- copalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R. BABNETT, Leila Jefferson Harvie (Mrs. S. J. Barnett), 1634 Hell Av., Columbus, O. Born Amelia Co., Va., Jan. 4, 1873; dau. Wil- liam O. and Ann Maria (Jefferson) Harvie; ed. State Normal School of Va. ; Cornell Univ., A.B. '01 (Sigma Xi); m. Amelia Co., Va., July 30, 1904, S. J. Barnett. Taught in the Va. Normal School; computer in Naval Observatory and Coast Survey; ass't to husband in his scientific research. Interested in Anti-Saloon League. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Women's Faculty Club of Ohio State Univ., Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnae. Recreations: Books, dancing, cards, gardening. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. BARNETT, Leila Sinclair Montague (Mrs. George Barnett), Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. Born In Virginia; dau. Walter Powhatan and Lelia (Sinclair) Montague; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. City (Training School Dep't); m. (1st) Basil Gordon of Virginia (died); (2d) (3olonel George Barnett, U.S.M.C; children: Basil Gor- don, b. Jan. 18, 1906; Lelia Sinclair (Jordon, b. Jan. 18, 1909; Anne Hamilton Gordon and Katha- rine Douglas Gordon (twins), b. June 24, 1911 (Katharine died July 15, 1912). Interested in hos- pital an4 charitable work. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of Va., Army and Navy Relief, Jefferson Hospital, Wo- man's Auxiliary. Recreations: Riding, swim- ming, tennis, books, music, languages. Clubs: Chevy Chase, Roland Park Country. BARNEY, Margaret Higginson (Mrs. J. D. Bar- ney), 384 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. Born Cambridge, Mass., July 25, 1881; dau. Thomas Wentworth and Mary Potter (Thacher) Hlgglnson; ed. private schools; m. Dublin, N.H., 1305, Dr. James Dellinger Barney; children: Wentworth, Margaret Dellinger. Particularly Interested In the negro problem, woman suffrage and civic betterment. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreations: Walking, music, books. BARNEY, Sarah L. W. (Mrs. Walter H. Bar- ney), 250 Washington Av., Providence, R. I. Bom Providence, R.I., Mar. 20, 1857; dau. Ezra Ide and Margaret (Lambert) Walker; grad. Providence High School, with diploma; m. June 21, 1882, Walter H. Barney; one son: Walter H. Jr. Mem. R.I. Women's (ilub; assoc. mem. of Chopin Club of Providence; assoc. mem. Am. Whist League; first vice-pres. Woman's Whist League and been a director on its board of gov- ernment since 1899; one of directors of Homoeo- pathic Hospital of R.I. Aid Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. BARNTJM, Charlotte Cynthia, U.S. Dep't of Agrrlculture, Washington, D.C. Editor; b. PhilUpston, Mass., May 17, 1860; dau. Rev. Samuel Weed and Charlotte (Betts) Bar- num; ed. Vassar Coll. A.B. '81, Johns Hopkins Univ. 1890-92, Yale Univ. 1892-95, Ph.D. '95 in mathematics. Teacher: Stamford, Conn.; New Haven, Conn.; Smith Coll.; Carleton Coll. Com- puter: Yale Observatory; Dana's Mineralogy; Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co.; Fidelity Mutual Life Ins. Co.; U.S. Naval Observatory; and 1901-08 US. Coast and Geodetic Siirvey. Engaged aa editorial worker on Webster's International Dic- tionary, 1886-90 and 1897, and at various times on books by Carnegie Institution of Washington. Since 1908 editor of publications of the Biological Survey, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; contributor to periodicals and books of reference. Volunteer worker in the Associated Charities. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction, fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Mon- day Evening Club. BARNUM, Mary G. (Mrs. O. Shepard Barnum). 1500 S. FIgueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal. High school principal; b. Grinnell, Iowa, 1869; dau. Quincy Adams and Ann (Wilmarth) Gil- more; grad. Los Angeles High School '88 and Univ. of California, B.L. '94; did graduate work in Univ. of Cal., 1895; Radcliffe, 1896 (Phi Beta Kappa, Univ. of Cal.); m. 1897, O. Shepard Bar- num, M.D. In teaching profession since 1898; instructor in English, State Normal School of Los Angeles, 1899-1904; principal Cumnock Acad- emy, 1904-12; pres. Dept. of School Patrons of the Nat. Education Ass'n 1910-12; chairman Dept. ef Education of Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Pacific Coast Terri- torial Committee of the Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A. Mem. D.A.R. , Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Order of the Eastern Star, Friday Morning Club of Los An- geles, Civic Ass'n, Galpin Shakespeare Club and Woman's Progressive League (political). BARR, Amelia Edith, Cherry Croft, Cornwall- on-Hudson, N.Y. Writer; b. Ulverston, Lancashire, Eng. ; dau. Rev. William Henry and Mary (Singleton) Huddleston; ed. In private schools In Penrith, Ripon and elsewhere, and in Normal Coll., Glas- gow, Scotland; m. in Kendal Parish Church, Westmoreland, July 11, 1850, Robert Barr, son of Rev. Dr. Barr; children: Mary, Eliza, Edith, Calvin, Alice, Alexander, ^^.Luel, Andrew and Archibald. Came to America Sept., 1853; lived in Texas, 1856-68 at Austin and Galveston. Husband and three sons died in Galveston, 1867, of yellow fever; came to New York, 1868; began to write 1870. Author: Jan Vedder's Wife; Bow of Orange Ribbon; The House on Cherry Street; The Strawberry Handkerchief; The Maid of Maiden Lane; Trinity Bells; The Lion's Whelp; Friend Olivia Bernicia; Prisoners of Conscience; Souls of Passage; Heart of Jessie Laurie; Shlela Ved- der, and about 50 others. Favors woman suffrage with restrictions as to uneducated women. Episcopalian. Recreation: Music, the organ. B.4RR, Annie Leonora, 39 Church St., Belfast. Me. Librarian; b. Belfast, Me., May 18, 1876; dau. Thomas Dyson and Mary (Speed) Barr; grad. from Belfast High School, 1894, aad Welles- ley Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher of Latin, Belfast High School; ass't librarian Belfast Free Li- brary; librarian Belfast Free Library since 1907. Interested in Art Class, History Club, Traveler's Club. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Maine Librarian Ass'n. Universalist. BARR, Clara L. (Mrs. George T. Barr), Ontario, Cal. Bom Sterling, Mass., Jan. 22, 1851; dau. Caleb Dal ton and Abigail (Newhall) Hersey; ed. State Normal School, Mankato, Minn. ; m. Mankato, Minn., June 24, 1873, George Tlllotson Barr; children: Mary Edna, b. July 20. 1874; Nellie, b. Oct. 1, 1875. Pres. of local charity society in aid of Bethlehem Institutional Church of Los Angeles, wltli special work among Russian and Polish immigrants. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Republican. Mem. Current Events Club, Gen. Woman's Club (ex-pres.); philan- thropy chairman Southern Cal. district; mem. Ramblers Club (ex-pres.). Teacher for several years in high school; for a time worked In Los Angeles College Settlement. BARR, Katharine Louise Kennedy (Mrs. John H. Barr), Euclid Hall, Eighty-sixth St. and Broadway, N.Y. City. Born Milton, Vt., Jan. 31, 1863; dau. Jamea Anthony and Caroline Rachel (Olds) Kennedy; 78 BARRANGON— BARROWS ed. Minn, public schools; Univ. of Minn., A.B. '83; CorneU Univ., graduate sLudent (Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m, Minneapolis, June 4, 1884, John H. Barr; one son: John Henry Barr Jr., b. 1890. Mem. Central N.Y. Ass'n of Ckillegiate Alumnas and Cornell Univ. Alumnae. Unitarian. Favors woman surage. BARBANGON, I.ncy Eloise Lord, 4 Sanderson Av., Northampton, Mass. Teacher; b. Northampton, Mass., Dec. 31, 1876; d*u. Joseph Leander and Lucy Maria (Meech) Lord; ed. public schools of Northampton, Mass., Smith Coll., A.B. 1900; graduate study. Smith Coll., 1900-01 and 1908;. (Greek Club); m. Farm- Ington, Conn., Dec. "V, 1902, Emile Barrangon; children: Maurice Barrangon, b. Nov. 22, 1903; Eloise Barrangon, b. Jan. 16, 1908. Prof. Greek and philosophy, Meredith Coll., Raleigh, N.C., 1901-02; tutor and substitute teacher, Northamp- ton, Mass., 1903—; reader in Dep't of History of Art, Smith Coll., 1908—. Baptist. BASKET, Gladys Hermlone Gitttngrs (Mrs. Cecil Barret), 70 W. 55th St., N.Y. City. Born Baltimore, Md., July 7, 1888; dau. John Sterett and Roealle (May) Gittings; m. Balti- more, April 29, 1911, Cecil Barret of N.Y. City; one daughter: Audrey. Interested in various religious charities. Catholic. Mem. Colonial Dames of America (Chapter 1). Recreations: Swimming, tennis, riding. BABBETT, Daisy Adelaide, Chattanooga, Tenn. Secretary Department of Education; b. Win- chester, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1872; dau. Albert T. Barrett, educator, and Kate C. (Stanton) Barrett; ed. Mary Sharp Coll., Winchester, Tenn., and Wellesley Coll. Sec. of Dep't of Education, Chattanooga, Tenn., since 1893. Interested in his- torical research work, humane work; honorary mem. Tenn. State Historical Soc. Wrote paper: Brainerd Indian Mission, for the State Historical Soc. of Tenn.; has written papers for newspaper publication filed in D.A.R. and State Historical Soc. records. Mem. Chickamauga Chapter D.A.R. , Nat. Geographical Soc., Chattanooga Humane Soc., Mary Sharp College Student Ass'n. BABBETT, Ella Teresa, 44 Caroline St., Albion, N.T. Teacher; b. Albion, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1867; dau. James Edward and Margaret (Lyons) Barrett; ed. Albion High School, Cornell Univ., B.L. '90 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Has taught for 13 years in home town. Mem. Western N.Y. Modem Language Ass'n, Ass'n Coll. Alumnse of Western N.Y., Alumnas High School Ass'n, His- torical Conversation Club of Albion. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Society events, also athletic games, baseball, etc. BABBETT, Kate Waller (Mrs. Robert South Barrett), 408 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. Phy«iclan, sociologist, humanitarian; b. Jan. 24, 1859, at Clifton, Stafford Co., Va., where for more than two hundred years her paternal ancestors lived; grad. from Arlington Inst, (classmate with Mrs. General Fitzhugh Lee); grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of Ga., M.D.; degree of D.Sc. conferred for special Bcientittc work; m. Robert South Barrett, D.D., rector Christ Church, Richmond, Va., afterward dean of St. Luke's Cathedral, Atlanta, Ga. Pres. Nat. Florence Crittenton Mission; pres. Nat. Council of Women of the U.S.; mem. Geog. Soc, Nat. Conference of Charities and Cor- rection, D.A.R. ; pres. Mothers Congress of Vt. ; ex-comm'r Va. Conference Charities and Correc- tion. Writer of magazine articles on sociological and scientific subjects, particularly in regard to women and children. BABBETT, Mary Fran; Jin, 19 Elm St., Bloom- neld, N.J. Teacher; b. Bloomfleld, N.J., Aug. 25, 1879; dau. Halsey M. and Mary Lucy (Coe) Barrett; grad. Miss To-wnsend's School, Newark, N.J., '97, Smith Coll., B.L. '01, Columbia Univ., A.M. '05, took various summer courses. Teacher Verona (N.J.) High School, 1904; Randolph-Pond School, N.T. City, 1905-06; instructor in botany, Welles- ley Coll., 1906-08; associate Instructor in nature stndy. State Normal School, Upper Montclair, N.J., 1908—. Author: Leaf-key to Deciduous Trees of N.J. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Nature Study Soc, Torrey Botanical Club (N.Y. City). Opposed to woman suffrage. BABRINGEB, Emily Dunning, 828 West End Av.. N.T. City. Physician and surgeon; b. Scarsdale, N.Y. ; dau. Edwin J. and Frances (Gore) Dunning; ed. Miss Brackett's private school for girls, Cornell, B.S. '97; Cornell, M.D. '01; took second price, $100, in medical school (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Dr. Benjamin Stockwell Barringer; one son: Benjamin Lang Barringer. Won posi- tion on house staff of Gouverneur Hospital by competition examination, and served a two years' course in the hospital, being the first woman ambulance surgeon in N.T. Protestant. Mem. of N.T. Acad, of Medicine, Eastern Med Soc., Women's Univ. Club, Cornell Women's Club. Interested in suffrage; mem. Woman's Self-Sup- porting League. Attending surgeon to N.T. In- firmary for Women and Children; attending physician to Hebrew Technical School for Girls. BARRON, Jane Carson (Mrs. Amos N. Barron), 1912 E. Seventy-first St., Cleveland, O. Metal work and enamels; b. Cleveland, O., Jan. 26, 1879; dau. James W. and Mary (McMil- lan) Carson; ed. School of Drawing and Paint- ing, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Amy Sacker School of Design (Thayer prize, Boston Museum, 1900); m. Cleveland, 0., Feb. 11, 1908, Amos N. Barron. Awarded silver medal for jewel setting and enameling on metal, St. Louia Exposition; received commendation for exhibits in Jewelry Dep't of Arts and Crafts Exhibition, held in Boston, 1907. Mem. Board of the Still- man Witt Boarding Home. Against woman suf- frage. Mem. Boston Soc. of Arts and Crafts (master). Recreations: Golf, automobiles. BARRON, Mary Butler (Mrs. Frederick Bar- ron i. The Manse, Elkins, W.Va. Bom Augusta, Ga., 1873; dau. Captain Oliver Nathaniel and Mary (Spence) Butler; ed. pri- vate schools at Baltimore and Dobbs Ferry-on- Hudson; m. Baltimore, 1982, Frederick Barron, D.D.; children : Mary Spence and James (died), b. 1903; Frederick Minto, b. 1909; William Wal- lace, b. 1911. Vice-pres. Missionary Soc, sec. Ladies' Aid; mem. T.M.C.A. Auxiliary. Presby- terian. Recreations: Tennis, swimming, horse- back riding, acting. Mem. EJmpty Stocking Club; pres. Sewing Club. BARROW, Elizabeth N., Skaneateles, N.T. Writer; b. Skaneateles, N.T., Oct, 1869; dau. George and Caroline M. (Tyler) Barrow; ed. at home. Interested in Social Service Progress work. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The King Rivals; The Fortune of War; also transla- tions and magazine contributions. Recreations: Tennis, rowing, fishing. BARROW.S, Alice Prentice, 40 W. Thirty-second St., N.Y. City. Social investigator, teacher; b. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 15, 1878; dau. Charles Dana and Marlon (Merrill) Barrows; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. Teacher English, Packer Collegiate Inst., 1901-03; teacher English, Ethical School, N.T. City, 1903- 04; teacher of English, Vassar Coll., 1904-08; grad. fellow English, Columbia Univ. ; social in- vestigator, Russell Sage Foundation, 1909-11; director Vocational EMucation Survey since 1911. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party, N.T. City; Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. Author: How Women Learn the Milli- nery Trade; The Dangers and Possibilities of Vocational Guidance; An Interpretation of Voca- tional Guidance; The Preliminary Report of the Vocational Guidance Survey. B.iBBOWS, Anna, Huntington Chambers, Bos- ton, Mass., or Fryeburg, Me. Teacher of domestic science; b. Fryeburg, Me. ■ dau. George Bradley and Georgiana (Souther) Barrows; ed. Fryeburg Acad.; Boston Cooking School (diploma), '86. Teacher North Bennett St. Industrial School, Boston, 1886-91; School of Domestic Science, Boston T.W.C.A., 1891-95; Lasell Sem., 1891-1900; Robinson Sem., Exeter, N.H., 1895-1905. Lecturer In domestic sclejice. BARROWS— BARRYMORE 79 Extension teaching, Columbia Unir., 1905—; three and one-halt years; woman assistant In instructor, Teachers College, 1907—; lecturer MiddletoT^rn State Homoeopathic Hospital seven- betore schftols, clubs, New England, New York, teen years; now has home for mental invalids Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, at Pelham, N.Y. Author: Nursing the Insane; West Virginia; director of School of Cookery, contributor to various literary and medical pub- Chautauqua, N.Y., 1900—. Mem. Boston School llcatlons. Com., 1900-03; Household Economics Com., Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1904-06, and 1910—. Au- BABBY, EmUy 8. (Mrs. Lyman F. Barry), thor: Eggs, Home Science Cook Book (with Mary Marie Antoinette Hotel. N.Y. City (summer, J. Lincoln); Principles of Cookery (bulletins for South Nyack, N.Y.). U.S. Dep't Agriculture). Mem. New England Bom N.Y. City, Sept 1, 1845; dau. William S. Women's Press Ass'n, Twentieth Ontury Club, and Anna Marie (Onderdonk) Walt; m. N.Y. Boston. RecreaUon: Gardening. Congregation- City, June 23, 1866, Lyman Frank Barry; chil- alist Favors woman suffrage. dren: Robert Alexander, b. 1867; Emma L., b. 1869; Frank Gibbud, b. 1871. Interested In the BABBOW8, Enlalle A. (Mrs. Frank Lyman Women Auxiliary in rescue work. Mem. May- Barrows), 12 Nineteenth Av., Duluth, Minn. flower Soc., D.A.R., Andrew Jackson Chapter Bom Cambridge, Mass. ; dau. Samuel A. and Daughters of 1812, Nat. Soc. New England Wo- Anne (Page) Bent; grad. Cambridge High men, Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America, School; special student Harvard Annex for two Am Criterion Soc., William Lloyd Garrison years; m. Milwaukee Wis., Oct. 16, 1890, Frank Equal Rights Ass'n, Stony Wold Auxiliary No. 1, Lyman Barrows; children: Margaret Fuller, Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, Mozart Musical Soc., Kenneth Campbell, Lyman. Organizer of Neigh- Cily Fed. of Women's Clubs, Minerva. Presby- borhood House (a social centre), and for many terian. Favors woman suffrage, years at Its head In Duluth, Minn. Pres. two years, vlce-pres. five years Twentieth Century bAKBY, Lily Emily P'rances, The Richmond, 86 Club, Duluth; serving second two years' term union Av., Montreal, Can. as treas. Minn. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Uni- Writer, painter; b. Montreal, Canada, fourth tarian. Favors woman suffrage. daughter of James and Catherine M. Barry( un- ^•«^««To . .. > .r,i. • ,-.» c , T mixed Irish descent on both sides); ed. Convent BABROWS, Isabel Chapin (Mrs. Samuel June ^j ^^^^^ j^^^^ ^^ ^^^^.^ Cceur, Ottawa (grad. Barrows) Croton, Hudson N.Y. ^^^ winner of Governor General's silver medal Journalist; b. Irasburg, Vt. ; dau Henry Hay f^j. general proficiency); matriculated at McGill (of Perth, Scotland) and Anna (Gibb) Hay (of ^^^^ followed three years' couFse at Ottawa Banff, Scotland): ed. Adams and Pinkerton ^j.^ school, studied painting and modeling in Academies, Derry, N.H.; Unlvs. of Vienna, Aus- Montreal. Joined editorial staff Collier's Weekly, tria and Leipzig, Germany; medical studies in 1893,95. mem. editorial staff Montreal SUr, 1896- N.Y. and abroad, degree of M.D. ; m. (1st) 1863, ^[,09. ^^^^^^ ^g^^g engaged in antl-tuberculosls A. W. Chapin (died in India, 1867); (2d) Samue campaign conducted by Royal Edward Inst., June Barrows, N.Y. City; one daughter: Mabel Montreal, of which she is a mem. of board of Hay (now Mrs. H. R. Mussey), b. 1873. As management; honorary sec. Publication (3om. stenographer, first woman to be employed in g^^j j;fg governor, also private sec. to the pres., Dep't of State^ Washington; acting private sec Ljgut.-Col. J. H. Buriand. Exhibitor of portraits pro tem for W. H. Seward, Sec. of State; first ^^^ landscapes in oil; went to Paris, 1900, as woman oculist In the country, after completing special staff correspondent of Montreal Star, studies in Vienna. Editor for 25 years of Nat. A.uthor- In Paths of Peace (essays); writes Conference of Charities and Correction, also Nat. djiefly for newspapers, short stories, verses. Prison Ass'n, also Lake Mohonk Conferences for j^em Art Ass'n of Montreal Woman's Cana- mauy years; department editor The Survey; edi- ^^^^ ' Qiyj,_ Recreations: Sketching, skating, torlal contributor to Independent, Outlook, etc. „qjj Roman Catholic Favors woman suffrage. For 16 years editor of Christlin Register of Boston. Author: The bABBY, Maggie WUkins Hill (Mrs. F. G. Shaybacks in Camp; A Sunny Life, the biography Barry), North Texas Coll., Sherman, Tex. of Samuel June Barrows. Editor: Fifty Years of Teacher lecturer and reader; b. Palo Alto, Prison Service; Theodore Parker's West Rox- Q^^y q^^ Mississippi; dau. Dr. S. Van Dyke Hill bury Sermons; has done much work for liberal j^^j Jenny Calvert Hill; ed. Tuscaloosa Female papers, and written various arUcles on prison Q^n., Murfreeboro Institute, A.M., special stu- subjeets lor European magazines. Unitarian, ^gnt of literature, ancient and modern languages Progressive Republican. Mem. Sociological ^n(j dramatic expression under Miss Julia Tut- AB,s'n. Recreations: Rowing, swimming, horse- -y^-eiier, Mile. Marie du Minil, Thfeatre Frangaise, back riding, walking. Paris, and Countess Llda von Krockow, Dresden; BABBOWS, Mary, Huntington Chambers, Bos- m- Macon, Miss., Oct. 1, 1891, Hon F.G. Barry; ton Ma^s daughter: Jenny Hill Barry, b. 1896. Head Dep t Publisher'; b. Fryeburg, Me.; daa. George °! English, North Texas Coll and Kidd-Key Bradley and Georgiana (Souther) Barrows; ed. Conservatory, Sherman Tex Active In educa- Wellesley, B.A. '90 (Zeta Alpha). Church news 'lonal work of the State; chairman Education editor of The Congregationalist, 1892-94; ass't D^P ' of Texas, Federation of Women s Clubs, editor Am. Kitchen Magazine, 1894-1304. Mem. and mem. Educational Commission of Conference firm of Whitcomb & Borrows publishers, 1904. f?^ EducaUon in Texas. A chairman of School Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mass. Woman Health Com. Dep t of School Patrons. N.E. A., Suffrage Ass'n, College Equal Suffrage League, fl^^ investigated and submitted report on instruc- Congregational St. Mim. Ass'n Collegiate Alum- "on m personal and sex hygiene in normal nae Home Economics Ass'n. Cl^s: Boston 5,'=^°°1|; ^>'=f:=^'^':™4° ''^.^%\°^ f^,"'^''°°^ WPiipqiP.v niversitv Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs. Introduced weiiebiey, uiverbit/. ^^^ Social Centre movement into the Southwest. BABBOWS, Mary Livermore Norrls (Mrs. Mai- Author of series of studies in Shakespearian colm Dana Barrows), 1867 Beacon St., Brook- tragedy and comedy. Clubs: Kidd-Key Shake- lino, Mass. speare Club, Civic League, Sherman, Texas. Rec- Bom Melrose, Mass., June 30, 1877; dau. John reations: Music and general educational work. Oscar and Henrietta White (Uvermore) Norris; Favors woman suffrage, ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '98; previously at How- ard Sem., West Bridgewater Mass.; m. Mel- BABBYMOBE, Ethel (Mrs. Russell G. Colt), rose, Mass., July 1, 1901, Malcolm Dana Bar- 46 E. Thirty-fourth St., N.Y. City. rows; one son: Malcolm Dana Jr., b. 1911. Mem. Actress: b. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 15, 1879; Howard Seminary Club, College Club, Boston dau. Maurice and Georglna (Drew) Barrymore; Wellesley Club Unitarian ed. Convent of Notre Dame, Philadelphia; m. Mar. 19, 1909, Russell G. Colt. First appearance BABBUS, Clara, 424 Seventh Av., Pelham, N.Y. on stage was in 1895 at Empire Theatre, N.Y. ; Physician; b. Port Byron, N.Y.; ed. Port Byron played leading parts both in N.Y. City and Lon- Acad. ; grad. '84 Boston Univ. School of Medicine, don; was with her uncle, John Drew, in thla M.D. '88. Engaged In general practice in Utlca country, and Henry Irvlng's Co. in London 80 BARSTOW— BARTLETT BABSTOW, Clara Genrlsh (Mrs. Donald McLean Barstow), 675 Congress St., Portland, Me. Dancing teacher; b. Saco, Me., Feb. 10, 1879; dau. Charles Oliver and Julia Perkins (Jordan) Gerrish; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '02; Gilbert Summer Normal School of Dancing, '09; Faul- haber Summer Normal School of Dancing, '11; m. Portland, Me., July 30, 1904, Donald McLean Barstow, M.D. Mem. the Colonial Dame^ of the SUte of N.Y., Alumnse Ass'n of Smith Coll., College Club, Boston. Favors woman suffrage. BABTELME, Mary M., Cook County Court House, Chicago, III. Lawyer; m. Chicago, 111.; ed. Cook County Normal School; taught school for eight years, then studied law, becoming student in Law School of Northampton Univ., grad LL.B., and admitted to bar of Illinois by the Supreme Court; admitted te practice also in U.S. courts, 1899. Early in legal career was appointed by Probate Judge Christian C. Kohlsaat to investigate mat- ters connected with Juvenile estates; appointed, 1898, by Gov. Tanner, public guardian of Cook County, in which office she made such a record that she has been reappointed by each succeed- ing Governor. Appointed by the Juvenile C»urt of Cook County to hear testimony in cases against girls and report her findings and recom- mendations to the court for action, and in that capacity has heard and practically determined many ca^es. The separation of this division. In which the evidence is heard and disposition of cases Is made by a woman, has been found very effective In securing reformation and improve- ment in delinquent girls. She also has a pri- vate practice; was first woman honored by being Invited to address the Illinois Bar Ass'n at an annual meeting. Favors woman suffrage and was president of Chicago Suffrage Club, 1907. -Mem. Chicago Woman's Club; pres. Chicago Business Women's Club; mem. Civic Club. BAJBTHOLOMEW, Ethel Hague (Mrs. Niles C. Bartholomew), 36 Highland Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Born Albany, N.Y., July 28, 1866; dau. William Wilberforce and Sarah Wilcomb (Crockett) Hague; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '89; m. Niles Cheney' Bartholomew, lawyer; children: Ruth, Donald Hague. Engaged in city missionary work at Ruggles St. Baptist Church, Boston, 1895-96; pres. Board of Managers and chairman House t^mmittee of the College Creche, Buffalo, N.Y. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Ameri- can Peaite and Arbitration Soc. Against woman suffrage until such time as an educational quali- fication lor both men and women shall be possible. BARTLETT, Alice Elinor ("Birch Arnold"), 1796 Vinewood Av., Detroit, Mich. Author; b. Delavan, Wis., Sept. 4, 1849; dau. Joseph Bowne and Sophronia E. (Braley) Bowen; ed. Univ. of Wis.; m. Leavenworth, Kans., Sept. 28, 1876, J. M. D. Bartktt; children: Donald Bowen, Faith Alice (Mrs. Morse). Was six years with Chicago Herald, three years with Chicago Chronicle, four years Detroit Journal and writer of specials for numerous other papers and maga- zines; dramatic reader, often giving own poems in public. Author: Until the Daybreak, 1877; A New Aristocracy, 1888; The Spirit of the Inland Seas, 1901; The Mystery of the Monogram, 1904; Birch Leaves, 1905; The Individual (in prepara- tion); also much verse and prose in newspapers and periodicals. First pres. Detroit Press Club (served five years) ; mem. Mich. Woman's State Press Ass'n, Wolverine Press Club, Nat. Press Ass'n. Recreations: Traveling, painting, sculp- ture. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage. Democrat. BABTLETT, Amanda S. (Mrs. George H. B. Bartlett), Gaithersburg, Md. Born Laytonsvllle, Md. ; dau. Ulysses and Julia (Riggs) Griffiths; ed. at home by tutors and gov- ernesses; m. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 15, 1S72, George H. B. Bartlett; children: Vashtl R., Alice Rlggs, G. Bumap, Harry G. Protestant EJpiscopal. BARTLETT, Dora Tripp (Mrs. Frederic Clay Bartlett), 2901 Prairie Av., Chicago. Bom White Plains, N.Y., Oct 7, 1879; dau. Daniel J. and Lucie (Sutherland) Tripp; ed. by German governess at home; studied at Munich and Paris (Viti School); m. White Plains, Oct. 4, 1898, Frederic Clay Bartlett; one son: Frederic Clay. Mem. Board of Chicago Home for the Friendless. Antiquarian Soc. of the Art Institute, Woman's City Club ol Chicago, Legal Aid Soc, Three Arts Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, North Side Suffrage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Clubs: Woman's City, Scribblers. BARTLETT, Genevieve Kinne (Mrs. Charles J. Bartlett), 183 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn. Club woman; b. Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 14, 1866; dau. Dr. Amasa Farrington and Jennie (Bristol) Kinne; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '90; m. Ypsilanti, Mich., July 6, 1898, Dr. Charles Joseph Bartlett; children: Florence Adelaide, Genevieve Rachel, Marshall Kinne. Mem. Civic Federation of New Haven. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage. BARTLETT, Harrief Tuttle (Mrs. Frank W. Bartlett), 619 Orville Av., Kansas City, Kan. Bom Trenton, 111., July 20, 18S0; dau. James Edwards and Almira (Cary) Tuttle (direct de- scendant of Jonathan Edwards of Princeton, N.J., on father's side); ed. Cheyenne (Wyo.) High School; college course by correspondence; School of Oratory, Kansas City, Mo. ; m. Chey- enne, Wyo., July 21, 1877, Frank W. Bartlett; children: Pearl Bartlett-'Mackenzie, Frank W. Bartlett Jr. Has lectured upon Biblical subjects, sociological and industrial conditions, etc. ; lec- tured at several Chautauquas. Pres. of Council of Clu'bs of Kansas City, Kan. ; vice-pres. of Annie Besant Study Club; teacher of metaphysics and Biblical symbolism; local sec. Order of the Star of the East; sec. Am. Fed. of Human Rights. Has written many times for papers and magazines; now getting out a volume on Biblical Symbolism. Chairman of the ICans. State Fed. of Women's Clubs Com. on Social and Industrial Conditlon.s; mem. Mary Tenny Gray Travelers Club, Gunsaulus Chautauqua Club, Portia Club. Recreation: Philanthropic work of different sorts. Christian Mystic. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican; mem. of Suffrage organization; has always voted, first in Wyo. and later in Kansas (in municipal matters). BARTLETT, Helen, Peoria, 111. Educator; b. Peoria, 111.; dau. Amos P. and Sarah (Rogers) Bartlett; ed. Newnham Coll., Univ. of Camhridge, England; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '92, A.M. '93, Ph.D. '96; student in Berlin, 1882-84, 1896, 1905. Instructor in German and French, Portland (Ore.) Acad., 1896-97; dean of women and head of modern language dep't Brad- ley Polytechnic Inst., Peoria, 111., 1897-1910; also ass't prof. German, 1897-1904, and prof. Germaji since 1904 In same. Auth»r: The Metrical Di- vision of the Paris Psalter, 1896. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse. BARTLETT, Jane WethereU (Mrs. J. Henry Bartlett), Tuckerton, N.J. Born Philadelphia, Pa. ; dau. John M. and Mary (Smith) WethereU; grad. Cornell Univ., B.S. '82; graduate work in Univ. of Pa. and Univ. of Geneva (Switzerland) ; m. Philadelphia, 1893, J. Henry Bartlett. Has held several posi- tions in the Society of Friends in Philadelphia; clerk of Monthly and Quarterly Meeting, etc. Author of translation of Zone Tariffs for Ajneri- can Acad, of Political and Social Science. Fa- voi-s woman suffrage. BARTLETT, Lillle Harral (Mrs. Charle« E. Bartlett), 1220 W. Main St., Durant, Okla. Piano teacher; b. Honey Grove, Tex., Feb. 2, 1875; dau. Leonard H. and Virginia (LaJie) Har- ral; ed. Female Inst, Sherman, Tex.; Cincinnati Coll. of Music, Ohio; m. Dallas, Tex., 1896, Charles B. Bartlett; children: B. Laine, Charles Harral. Piano teacher. Southeastern State Nor- mal, Oklahoma; chairman of music. Fourth Dist Oklahoma; conductor of Music Conference State Federation of Women's Clubs. Interested In various religious and philanthropic actlvitlee. BARTLETT— BASSETT 81 Pavors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Pro- gressive Republican. Clubs: Music, Fortnightly (Shakespeare). BARTLETT, Vashti R., Gaithersburg, Md. Registered nurse; b. Baltimore, Md.; dau. George H. B. and Amanda S. (Griffith) Bartleitt; educated at Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, and Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses (grad- uated). Red Cross nurse. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. Episcopalian. BAKTLETT, Wallace Moorc (Mrs. Morris Whl- ton Bartlett), Lawrenceburg, Ky. Club woman; b. Harrodsburg, Ky., Sept. 25. 1878; dau. Daniel Lawson Moore (banker) and Henrietta (McBrayer) Moore; ed. Sayre Coll., Lexington, Ky., and Mary Baldwin's Sem., Staunton, Va. ; m. Lawrenceburg, Ky., Morris Whiton Bartlett, lawyer; children: Vincent Rochester, Henrietta McBrayer. Deeply inter- ested in woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy. Or- ganized Pierian Literary Club in Lawrenceburg, and was for three years pres. Established sub- scription library in town, which club afterward made a free Carnegie library; one of organizers and active mem. of State Library Ass'n; record- ing sec. Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs three years; first chairman of Library Extension Com. of Ky. Fed., held for three years; delegate to bien- nial at Boston, where spoke on Libraries in Kentucy, Cincinnati and San Francisco; now vlce-pres. of Federation. BARTON, Rose Mayard, 508 W. 112th St., N.Y. City. Teacher; dau. Sidney Lester and Harriet E. {Van Rensselaer) Barton; grad. Cornell Univ. A.B., Columbia Univ., A.M. '06. Teacher of English, Wadlelgh High School, N.Y. City. Editor Goldsmith's Traveler and Deserted Vil- lage; Gray's Elegy in a Country Churchyard. Episcopalian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City); College Women's Club. UARCS, .^nie G. (Mrs. Carl Barus), 30 Elm- grove Av., Providence, R.I. Born South Yarmouth, Cape Cod, 18.55; dau. Osborn and Abbie (Crowell) Howes; ed. In Bos- ton; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '74; m. 1887, Dr. Carl Barus; children: Maxwell, Deborah H. Pres. Vassar Alumnae, 1892-03; pres. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, 1893-95; chairman R.L Child Labor Com. ; chairman Com. of State Federation on Social and Industri&l (Conditions; director R.L Consumers' Leag:ue; sec. Providence Public BMu- cation Ass'n; mean. Advisory Council of Wo- men's College in Brown Univ. Author: Health Statistics of College Women; various papers on Child Labor and Child Study in local papers. Vice-pres. R.I. Mothers' Congress, Girls' Friendly Soc. Mem. R.L Women's Club. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage; director in R.L College Equal Suffrage League; mem. R.L Woman Suffrage Ass'n. BASCOM, Elva Luclle, 228 Langdon St., Madi- son, Wis. Editor; b. Greensburg, O., 1870; dau. Reynolds R. and Lucy F. (Andrews) Bascom; ed. Lake Erie Coll., 1886-89; Allegheny Coll., 1890-94, B.A. '95; N.Y. State Library School Albany, N.Y., B.L.S. (Kappa Alpha Theta). Ass't N.Y. State Library, 1900-08; editor Am. Library Ass'n Booklist, 1908—. Favors woman suffrage; meim. Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League, Madison, Wis. Author: Library Work for College Women, 1910; Nature Study Reading List, 1910 (N.Y. State Education Dep't); editor of the A.L.A. Catalog, 1904-U (A.L.A. Publishing Board, Chicago). Mem. Congregational Church, Madison, Wis. ; Am. Library Ass'n, N.Y. Library Ass'n, Wis- consin Library Ass'n, League of Library Com- missions, N.Y. State Library School Ass'n, Allegheny Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club, Madison, Wis. BASCOM, Florence, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Geologist; b. Williamstown, Mass.; dau. John and Emma (Curtis) Bascom; ed. Univ. of Wis., A.B., B.L., '82; B.S. '84; A.M. '87; Johns Hop- kins Univ., Ph.D. '93. Assistant in geology, Ohio State Univ., 1893-95; prat, geology, Bryn Mawr Coll., since 1895; geologist In the U.S. Greological Survey. Associate editor of American Geologist, 1896-1908. Fellow Geological Soc. of America, A.A.A.S.; mem. Acadeimy of Natural Science. Geogrsphic Soc of Philadelphia, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc., Am. Forestry Ass'n, Seismic Soc. BASH, Bertha Runkle (Mrs. Louis H. Bash). Presidio of San Francisco, Cal. Novelist; b. Berkeley Heights, N.J. ; dau. Cor- nelius and Lucia (Gilbert) Runkle; ed. Miss Brackett's School, N.Y. City; m. San Francisco. Oct. 2G, 1904, Captain Louis H. Bash, U.S.A. Author (pen-name "Bertha Runkle"): The Hel- met of Navarre. 1901; The Truth About Tolna. 1906. Club: Barnard (N.Y. City). BASHFORD, Jane Field (Mrs. James W. Bash- ford), North Episcopal Mission, Pekln, China. Born Fennimore, Wis., Mar. 1, 1853; dau. Will- iam Wells and Mahala J. (Howe) Field; ed. UnlT. of Wis., Ph.B. '74 (valedictorian), M.L. '82; m. Madison, Wis., Sept. 24, 1878, James W. Bashford (now Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church). Interested in church missions, educa- tional reforms. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church and Its missionary societies. BASS, Clare Reynolds, The Western College tor Women, Oxford, Ohio; summer, Wllllmantlc. Conn., R.F.D. 2. Professor of French; b. Scotland, Conn., July 17, 1879; dau. Lucian and Mercy (Reynolds) Bass; grad. Windham High School, '96; Brown Univ., Ph.B. 1900, A.M. '07; grad. work at Univ. of Mo. '08; Oxford Univ., England, '05, and Paris, 1905, with Alliance Francaise. Paris, '10 (collateral first prize awarded by dean of Wo- men's College for examinations for president's premium in preparatory French, Brown Univ., '97: final honors, Romance languages. Brown Univ., 1900). Assistant in English dep't. State Normal School, Willimantic, (3onn., 1900-01: prin. Wheeler School, North Stonlngton, Conn., 1901-06; fellowship at Brown, 1906-07; instructor, 1907-09 and professor Romance languages 1909-12. Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan.; since 1912 prof. French, The Western Coll. Mem. Alliance Fran(,aise, Archaeological Inst, of America (Ox- ford Branch), French Club (Washburn). Con- gregationalist. BASS, Ula Leffentz, 700 W. 178th St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 15, 1868; dau. Hon. Wylie Capers and Emma Lovejoy (Staf- ford) Smith; grad. Atlanta Female Institute '85; m. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 26, 1888, James Madison Bass; children: Mrs. Penrose Neve Milsted, Marcheniel Overton, James Gordon. Associate editor Daily Tribune, Temple, Texas, 1900-05, pres. Texas Woman's Press Ass'n 1902-05. Moved to New York in 1905. Organizer and pres. Club Affairs Co., Publishers of Club Life Magazine, editor and founder Club Editor Social Life, American Playgoers (Nat.); pres. and governor Nat. Federation of Theatre Clubs, Trustee Woman's Municipal League, chairman of Wash- ington Heights Branch. Methodist. Mem. N.Y. Woman's Press, Minerva, N.Y. Shakespeare Clubs. BASSETT, Adelaide Florence (Mrs. Orrllle). Hammonton, N.J. Author; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Emanuel and Abigail (Zanka) Samuels; ed. Milton, Mass.; m. New Bedford, Mass., 1891, Orville Bassett. Au- thor (juveniles): Dick and Daisy Series (8 vols.); The Girls of Hive Hall; Father Gander's Melo- dies. Presbyterian. Mem. Guild and Grange, Civic Club. Recreations: Music, reading. Favors woman suffrage. BASSETT, Helen Chase (Mrs. Edward S. Bas- sett), 2612 Prospect Av., Cleveland, C; sum- mer home, Cayuga, N.Y. Born Cleveland, O., 1873; dau. Charles Whitney and Almira Foote (Cowles) Chase; ed. Miss Mlt- tleberger's School, Cleveland; Rye Sem., '94; Cleveland Kindergarten Training School (one year); m. Dover Bay, O., 1899, Edward S. Bas- sett; children: Charles Chase, b. 1902; Jean Hill Bassett, b. 1906. Mem. Exec. Com. of Consumers' League of Ohio; Lake District Com. of As- sociated Charities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of first ExecuUxe Board of the Cleveland 82 BATCHELDER— BATES Branch of the Woman Suffrage Party. Author: Lap Stories (for children) ; Poems — My Symphony Lullaby. Presbyterian. Mem. Rye Students' Ass'n, Social Study Club, Fortnightly Musical Club. BATCHELDEK, Alice rizzie, 50 John St., Lowell, Mass. General secretary T.W.C.A. ; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 1901. Gen. sec. T.W.C.A., Univ. of Indiana, 1902-03: sec. for Missouri, 1903-05; Univ. of Texa.s, 1905-06; State sec. for Texas, 1906-09; Wilmington, Del., 190S-09; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Lowell, Mass., since 1909. BATE, riorenee E., Director Welfare Depart- ment, American Bank Note Co.. Hunt's Point, Bronx, N.T. City. Librarian for four years. Later associated with the publishing houses of Harper & Bros., McClure, Phillips &. Co., Henry Holt. Organized a welfare dep't for the American Bank Note Co. of N.Y. City in 1911, and director of the work since Its inception. BATES, Blanche (Mrs. Milton F. Davis), care Belasco Theatre, N.Y. City. Actress; b. Portland. Ore., 1873; dau. F. M. Bates; ed. public schools of San Francisco; m. Captain Milton F. Davis of the Tenth Cavalry, U.S.A. First played under the management of F. Daniel Frawley, later under Augustin Daly- Leibler & Co., and David Belasco. First star was that of Mrs. Hillary in The Senator, in 1895; after that played leading comedy parts in various plays, Shakespearian roles with Augus- tin Daly's company; played Miladi, in the Liebler production of The Musketeers; under the Belasco management in many star parts, includ- ing Madame Butterfly; Cigarette in Under T-wo Flags; Princess Yo-San in The Darling of the Gods; more recent as The Girl in The Girl of the Golden West. BATES, Charlotte Fiske (Mrs. Adolphe Rog^), 304 Harvard St.. Cambridge, Mass. Poet, compiler, educator; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 30, 1838; dau. Hervey and Eliza (Endicott) Bates; ed. Cambridge, Mass. ; m. New York, June 4, 1891, Monsieur Adolphe Roge (died 1896). For twenty-five years had private pupils; in 1888 be- came teacher of literature in a New York semi- nary. Interested in the subject of psychical research. Christian Socialism, establishment of peace among the nations, philanthropic work. Author: Risk, and Other Poems, 1879 (long out of print) ; composer of the Longfellow Birthday Book, 1881; The Seven Voices of Sympathy, 1881; The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song, 1882; assisted Mr. Longfellow in preparing his Poems of Places. BATES, Clara Nettie, 413 Washington St., Traverse City, Mich. ii4itor, writer; b. Traverse City, Mich., Dec. 25, 1876; dau. Thomas Tomlinson and Martha E. (Cram) Bates; ed. by private instruction in the home. Editor for six years of Children's Depart- ment in newspaper, the Grand Traverse Herald; stories and articles for children appearing each week. In connection conducts the Children's De- partment called Sunshine, consisting of 500 ac- tive members, representing every State and Canada, and with nearly 10,000 names on the membership list since organization, the largest junior Sunshine Soc. in the world, affiliated with Internat. Sunshine Soc. Also writer of miscel- laneous stories and poems appearing in various publications for children. Vlce-pres. Mich. Wo- man's Press Ass'n; vice-pres. Mich. Audubon Soc; director Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; cor. sec, 1908-10, and chairman of Bureau of Information, 1910-12. Corr. sec. Traverse City (Mich.) Bureau of Associated Charities; active in local church work, espe- cially Home Dep't of Sunday-school; many years chairman Book Com. of Ladies' Library Ass'n; six years cor. sec. Woman's Club; active locally in recent campaign for suffrage in Mich. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Internat. Farm Woman's Press Ass'n, Mich. Woman's Press Ass'n, In- ternat. Sunshine Soc, Traverse City Chapter 147 Order of Eastern Star, Y.W.C.A., Mich. State Humane Ass'n. Recreation*: Nature, rambling in woods and fields. Mem. Traverse City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Traverse City Woman's Club, Traverse City Ladles' Library Ass'n. BATES, Edith Talcott (Mrs. H. Roswell Bates). 71 W. Eleventh St., N.Y. City. Born New York; dau. James and Henrietta E. (Francis) Talcott; grad. Spence School; one year at Barnard Coll.; m. N.Y., June 8, 1909, H. Ros- well Bates; children: Charlotte, Talcott. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. BATES, Emily Rusling (Mrs. Arthur Laban Bates). The Cochran, Washington, D.C. : home, Meadvllle, Pa. Born Trenton, N.J., Oct. 18, 1884; dau. General James Fowler and Emily (Wood) Rusling; ed. State Model School, Trenton, N.J.; traveled abroad extensively; student School of Industrial Arts, Trenton, N.J. ; m. Trenton, N.J., Oct, 20, 1909, Arthur L. Bates of Meadvllle, Pa. (member of Congress from 2Sth Dist of Pa.). Formerly sec. of Flower Com. of Mercer Hospital, Tren- ton, N.J.; sec. of Membership Ck>m., Y.W.C.A. Brought up a Methodist, joined Baptist Church to be mem. of husband's church. Mem. Con- temporary Club, Trenton, N.J.; N.J. Soc. Col- onial Dames of America, Meadvllle Art Soc. Recreations: Golf, boating, sailing, driving, mo- toring, music and art studies, sewing. Mem. Trenton Country Club, Meadvllle Ountry Club. BATES, Emma, 2 39 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. Professor of music; b. Galesburg, 111.; dau. Jacob P. and Jane (Parks) Bates; student Smith Coll., 1879-81; music, 1881-83; post-graduate, 1885- 90, B..M. '83; pupil of Mason, N.Y. City, and Baermann, Boston; student Kulfak Conservatory of Music, Berlin, also studied with Dreyshoch and Earth, 1893-94. Teacher of piano and theory of music, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1892-93; teacher of piano, Smith Coll., 1892-93, 1895-96, 1904-06- as- sociate prof, of music. Smith Coll., since 1906. Baptist; sup't of Primary Dep't in Sunday- school. Mem. Thursday Club and College Club of Springfield, Mass. Against woman suffrage. BATES, Emma Frances Duncan (Mrs. Theodore C. Bates), 29 Harvard St., Worcester, Mass. Bom North Brookfield, Mass., Mar. 11 1845; dau. Charles and Tryphosa (Lakin) Duncan (on father's side descended from William Duncan of Aberdeen, Scotland, who settled first in Oxford and later in Paxton, Mass., and on her mother's side from Revolutionary ancestry in the Lakin line and also from the Shipley family of New York and England) ; ed. North Brookfield High School, and Oread Collegiate Inst, Worcester, Mass.; m. North Brookfield, Dec. 24, 1868 Theo- dore Cornelius Bates; one daughter:' Mrs. Tryphosa Bates Batoheller. Always interested and active in public affairs; mem. State Com of Civil Service Reform Ass'n, State Com. on Con- servation, State Com. on Child Labor, Worcester Art Soc, Worcester Soc. of Antiquity, Soc. of Antiquity of America; was State vice-pres. of Woman's Rivers and Harbors Congress; mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R., and for two terms was vice- pres. general for Mass. (full length of Ume al- lowed by the constitution), at close of which was presented with a silver loving cup from the D.A.R. members of Mass., and solicited by peti- tions from all over the country to be a candidate for president-general, which her wifely duties to her husband, then ill, made her feel it necessary to decline. Prominent in Worcester Woman's Club, but because of her many social duties has several times declined its presidency. Has writ- ten essays, historical and descriptive, of her travels, and has delivered illustrated lectures on similar topics in behalf of the various charities in which she is interested. Favors woman suf- frage, but opposed to militant methods. BATES, Helen Page (Mrs. Walter G. Bates), 519 Franklin St., Detroit, Mich. Librarian; b. Rockford, 111., 1S60; dau. John L. and Eilen H. (Lewis) Page; ed. Wellesley, A.B. '83; Lfniv. of Wis., Ph.D. '96; library training, N.Y. State Library School, Albany (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. 1887, Walter G. Bates, Instructor in Columbia Univ. (died 1893). Entered post-grad- uate at Univ. of Wis., 1893-96. Prof, of eco- nomics and history, Rockford Coll., 1897-98; set- tlement work. 1899-1904, Hull House, Chicago; BATES 88 Goodrich House CleTeland; associate head- BATES, Martha Frances Sntphen (Mrs. F. S. worker, PhlladeliDMa College Settlement; head- Bates), Sixth and Park Sts., Mlddletown, Ohio, worker, Minneapolis Unity House and Ass'n of Born Middletown, O., Feb. 9, 1857; dau. Carl- Collegiate Alumnae Settlement, Albany, N.Y. ton Waldo and Elizabeth Cochran Sutphen; ed. SoclologlcaJ librarian, N.Y. State Library, 1902- Middletown (O.) High School; m. Mlddletown, 06; librarian, Russell Sage Foundation Library, O., Jan. 23, 1878, C. M. Bates; children: Charles N.Y. City, 1906-13; head worker Franklin Street J., Thomas Sutphen, Carlton Waldo Bates. Pres. Settlement, Detroit, Mich., 1913—. Mem. Ass'n Woman's Century Club, The Woman's Club, of CoUeslate AlumnsB, Am. Economic Ass'n. D.A.R. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. BATES. J«alta Br*ckeiu1d»e (Mrs. Frederick ^^^'>'"^ ^'o™^" suffrage. RepubUcan. E. Bates), 810 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, N.Y. BATES. Mary Elizabeth, 144 Wlnthrop Av., Clergyman; b. Hopewell, 111., Dec. 31, 18G0; Wollaston, Mass, dau. Hugh and Mary (Watson) Breckenridge; ed. Born Massachusetts; grad. Boston Normal Rock Island High School, Wheaton Coll. B.S., School of Gymnastics, '93; graduate student in Oberlln Theol. Sem. B.D.; mem. L.L.S. of Ober- same, 1901-02; student in biology and German, lln; m. Hopewell, 111., Sept. 27, 1893, Hon. Fred- Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-96. Ass't in gymnasium, erlck E. Bates; children: Juanlta, Abraham. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-96; director of gymnasium Applied to Cleveland Congregational (Conference in Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, for license to preach in Spring, 1890; her case Pa., 1895-1901; director of physical training of was made the test case to determine the policy the women, Swarthmore Coll., 1902-11. Mem. of the denomination and the license was granted Council of Philadelphia branch of Consumers' at the fall conference, 1890, after six months of League, 1906-10. ^iSS'^^T**?- 9'"^^1^®'1 ti ?i['°^^°', ^rJ- i'^^^' BATES, Mary Elizabeth, Suite 524 Majestic 1892. Interested in Sabbath School, The Social Bid's Denver Col Service League, Y.W.C.A. work and both home pnysirfan and surgeon; b. Manitowoc, Wis.. ^H/.°'^/^f'^^^o,'!„r° P.r,^/Jj/,^^;?r,?- M^r Feb. 25, 1861; dau. Willl^ Wallace and Marie Q,^Ll",,l\L^'o^l».ni^.w.pA=^.^^^^^ (Cole) Bates; grad. Woman's Med. School of ^f?.H^^^i r.^nfiin^« Hospital, Chicago, 1882; first woman admitted P,^h P^m.^li^^^^l ri»h r.fl ^^pr^M^T, of interne (compeUtive) to that institution; after wo^'«,?= n^n.„ hLp «/ Tfhi^ f^^^tr.^- graduation from Cook Co. Hospital studied in M,?»?„*^^.J^^^^nn J„.^ ^^?^ .n^^iwn^- Vienna and Germany one and one-half years. ^^'^' w??i»'.^=^ff;,J» • ^ walking, p^j Anatomy Woman's Med. School, North- Favors woman suffrage. western Univ., Chicago, 1S83-90. Went West for BATES, Katherlae Ii«e, 70 Curve St., Wellesley, health 1889; settled in Denver Jan., 1891. Pres. Mass. Humane Education Soc. ; lectured in behalf of Teacher, writer; b. Falmonth, Mass., Aug. 12, Humane Soc; initiated and assisted in drafting 1859; dau. Rev.' William and Cornelia Frances and lobbied to passage in Colorado Legislature (Lee) Bates; grad. Wellesley High School '74, the law making felony the taking of indecent lib- Newton High School '76, Wellesley Coll., B.A. erties with children, 1905; present Colorado age '80, M.A. '91; grad. student at Oxford, Eng., 1890- of consent law, 1907; present Colorado law for 91 (mem. Phi Sigma). Taught in Natick High Examination and Care of Public Sciiool Children; School, 1880-81; classics, Dana Hall School, 1881- present Colorado White Slave law; secured pass- 85; instructor Wellesley Coll., 1885-88; associate age of amendment to game laws compelling fish prof., 1888-91; prof. English literature, 1891- . and game commissioner to feed starving deer. Director International Institute for Girls in elk and antelope; also school bill and many Spain; m^n. Mass. Audubon Soc., Nat. Ass'n others. Has written various articles, medical of Audubon Socs., Nat. Soc. for Humane Regula- and sociological, tor medical societies and publi- tion of Vivisection, N.Y. Anti-Vivisection Soc, cations. Protestant (no church). Independent Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Consumers' in politics. Mem. Denver Co. Med. Soc, State Left^e of Mass., Malone Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Humane Education Boston Authors' Club, Am. Poetry Soc, Drama Soc; chairman Sciiool Health Com. of School Lea^rue. Author: The Engllsih Religious Drama, Patrons' Dep't of Nat. Educational Ass'n. Rec- 1893; American Literature, 1893; Spanish High- reations: Sociological work, gardening, vacations ways and Byways, 1900; From Gretna Green to (East or West). Mem. Denver Woman's Club. Land's End, 1907; Chaucer's Canterbury Pil- „•,-„£, ■„ „ „ ., r , „ „ grima, 1909; America the Beautiful, and Other BA'TES, Mary Boesell, 31 Loomls St., Burlington, Poems, 1911; Translator (with Cornelia Frances ),: v -vr i. tt. r, . ^ ,.,„„ , Bates) Becquer's Romantic Legends of Spain, Librarian; b Newbury, yt,SepL 9 1872; dau. 1909. Editor of a score of English classics, etc. Samuel Lysander and Marion E (Walker) Bates; Progressive in politics (but not a voter). Recre- ^d. Univ. of Vt. Ph.B. 94 (mem. Phi Beta aUon«: Travel, out of doors, books, friends (in- ?^PP^= ^^PPf. ^'P?^^ ^^®^2,V „?^^°°'P^' °f Shel- cludtng a golden collie). burne(Vt.) High School m5-98; cataloguer and ass't librarian Library of the Univ. of Vt since BATES, Louise (Mrs. Francis E. Bates). Oak 1898. Mem. Klifa Club, U.V.M. Alumnae Club. Lawn, R.I. Am. Library Ass'n. Congregationalist. Genealogist; keeper of gradiiate records Broiwn Univ.; b. Myster, Conn., May 13, 1857; dau. John BATES. Boxle EUen. MJ)., Wauseon, Ohio. Gardner and Maria Louise (Palmer) Prosser; ed. Physician; b. Chesterfield, O., Sept 22, 1856; Boston Univ., A.B. 1881; Brown Univ., A.M. 1893; dau. George W. and Mary G. (Carver) Bates; ed. m. Providence, R.I., May 3, 1882, Francis Eliot public school, Univ. of Mich. Medical Dep't, Bates; children: Wlnthrop Haydon Bates, Marion M.D. '87. Engaged in general pracUce 25 years. Bates, Hope Angell Bates (first two deceased) Mem. Church of Christ Favors woman suf- Prea. Providence Children's FYIend Soc. Congre- frage. gatlonalist. BATES, Sarah Glazier (Mrs. John Mallory BATES, Margraret Holmes (Mrs. Charles Austin Bates). 1730 A St, Lincoln, Neb. Bates), 106 Central Park West. N.Y. City. Bom Hartford, Conn., Mar. 7, 1846; dau. Carlos Writer; b. Freemont Ohio, Oct 6, 1844; dau. and Phoebe (Walker) Glazier; grad. Hartford Christopher and Julia (Ensninger) Ernsperger; High School, '63; Vassar, A.B. '68, A.M. '72 (Phi ed. public schools of Ohio; m. Rochester, Ind., Beta Kappa); later studied under professors at June, 1865, Charles Austin Bates; one son: Univs. of Chicago and Harvard before those Charles Austin. Books: The Chamber Over the universities gave degrees to women; m. Hartford, Gate; Marieton; Jasper Fairfax; In the First De- Conn., Oct 10, 1876, Rev. John Mallory Bates; gree; Silas Kirkendown's Sons; Paying the Piper; children: Luke Manning, George Whitney, Sarah Shylock's Daughter; The Price of the Ring; Louise, Carlos Glazier. First prof, of mathe- HUdegarde and other Lyrics; also short stories, matics and astronomy appointed for Wellesley business articles, book reviews, etc. Eplsco- Coll., 1872, continuing until marriage. Interested pallan. Mem. Daughters of Ohio in N.Y., Daugh- in quustions of sanitation, eugenics, etc. Mem. ters of Indiana In N.Y., BroT?nlng Soc, Play- D.A.R. , Ass'n Collegiate AJumn©, Graduate Koen dnb. Favors woman suffrage. Club of Univ. of Neb. 84 BATES— BEACH BATES, Theodorm, 35 Brewster St., Cambridge, Mass. Teacher; b. Massachusetts; ed. in priyate schcMsl In Cambridge, Mass.; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05; graduate student, 1905-06, A.M. •07; student in Paris, France, 1908-09. Teacher of French and German, Friends' Acad., New Bedford, Mass., 1906-08; teacher of French in Miss Madeira's School, Washington, D.C., and instructor in English, history and gymnastics in Holton Arms School, Washington, 1910-11. BATTBXS, Mary Miller (nSe Mary Howell Miller), Ashtabula, Ohio. Physician; b. Covington, Ky., July 29, 1860; dau. William B. and Emily (Howell) Miller; ed. Miss Armstrong's School, Cincinnati, O.. Grand River Inst, Austinburg, Ohio, Univ. of Mich., M.D. '89; post-graduate work in Dr. Knapp'a Ophthalmologlcal Clinic, N.Y. City; m. Austin- burg, O., Jan. 16, 1895, William P. Battels. Physician and surgeon, specializing on eye, ear, nose and tiroat. Sec. Ashtabula Co. Med. Soc. ; mem. Cleveland Med. Library Ass'n, Ohio State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, National Acad, of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laxyngology. Mem. Woman's Fortnightly Club of Ashtabula. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ashta- bula Suffrage Ass'n. BAUM, M. Louise, 108 Gainsboro St., Boston, Mass. Journalist; b. Tidioute, Pa.; dau. A. Clarke and Josephine (Stone) Baum; ed. private schools and high school, Syracuse, N.Y. ; W. F. Whitney Internat. School of iMusic, Boston and Florence, Italy, private teachers in English and languages. Formerly in churoh and concert singing, writing on music and teaching; special editorial work, Ginn & Co.; manager Whitney Internat. School, Florence; no^ at present in editorial dep't of Christian Science Monitor. Favors woman suffrage. Author of translations of operas, oratorios and songs for music, original poems and verses for children; Adventures of Grille (translated from Canddze), a book for children. Christian Scientist. Progressive. Mem. Cecelia Soc of Boston, New England Woman's Press Ass'n, Good Government Ass'n, Mass. Equal Suffrage League, Twentieth Century Club of Boston, Discussion Club. Recreation: Singing. BAOMANN, Aanie Boee Greene (Mrs. Albert V. Baumann), 613 Croghan St., Fremont, O. Born Fremont, O., May 15, 1869; dau. Judge John Lynde and Emma E. (Shaw) Greene; grad. Fremont High School, '87; m. Fremont, 0., Jan. 16, 1889, Albert V. Baumann; children: Albert V. Jr., Elsie Elizabeth. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Soc. of Nerw England Women, U.S. Daughters of 1812, Ohio. Mem. Cosmopolitan Club. Ex-State pres. Ohio Daughters of 1812; ex-regent Col. (Jeorge Croghan Chapter D.A.R.; past pres. Cosmo- politan Clulb; ex-State chairman of Patriotic EdueatioD, D.A.R. BAUMANN, Frjuices Osgood (Mrs. Edward S. Baumann), 789 Lincoln Av., Wlnnetka, 111. Bom Chicago, 1875; dau. James Stone and Alice (SanndCTS) Ctegood; ed. public schools, Chicago; Smitii Coll., B.A. '98; Radcliffe Post- Graduate, '99; Berlin Univ., '02; m. Chicago, Sept. 2, 1907, Edward S. Baumann; children: Edward Osgood, James Osgood. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Club of Wlnnetka. BAUMGABTNEB, Heien Morgran (Mrs. Otto C. Baumgartner), Rockport, Ind. Teacher; b. Rockport, Ind., Aug. 29, 1877; dau. DarW H. and Clara (Wright) Morgan; ed. Coll. of the Sisters of Bethany, Topeka., Kan., A.B. ; m. Topeica., Kan., June 22, 1904, Otto C. Baum- gartner, M.D. Taught mathematics six years In high school. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. FWday Night Club, Rockport Woman's Club; ehalwnan First District Ind. Fed. of Clubs, 1911-15. BAWDEN, Sarah IHixab^th, Creed Av., Queens, UL, N.Y. Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; student of education and English, Columbia Univ., sum- mer of 1900. Private tutor, 1894-96; teacher in Bayonne (N.J.) High School, 1896-1905; since 19<» teacher of English and music in Manual Trmla- ing High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. BAXTER, Blanche Weber (Mrs. William Bax- ter), 1037 Madison St., Syracuse, N.Y. Retired actress; b. Cicero, Onondaga Co., N.Y. ; dau. Zebulon and Emma R. (Gage) Weber; ed. Syracuse High School, 1879; became mem. of Daly's Stock (3o., 1879; m. Jersey City, 1894, William Baxter; one daughter: Ramona, b. 1895. Has supported nearly all of the prominent stars. Mem. Shakespeare Club, Irving Circle. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Political Equality Club of Syracuse. BAXTER, Martha Wheeler, 58 West B7th St., N.Y. City, and Lenox, Mass. Portrait painter; b. Castleton, Vt. ; dau. Will- iam Wallace and Mary Cornelia (Lillie) Baxter; ed. Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Delecluze and Julian Academies, Paris; also with Mme. De- billemont, Chardon, Mile. Schmitt, of Paris, and Signor F. Sartorelli, Venice; received honorable mention at Universal Exposition, Paris, 1900. Has exhibited at most of the large exhibitions in this country, also many in Ehirope — both inter- national and local. Ass't sec. of Art Workers' Club for Women; rec. sec. of Women's Art Club of N.Y. ; on the Hanging Committee of Kather- ine Lorillard Wolfe Club. Cin'bs: Women's Art Club, American Federation of Arts, Fellowship of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Art Workers' Club for Women, Katherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Stu- dents' Club. Recreations: Music and singing. Episcopalian. BAYARD, Oriena HnnttBg (Mrs. Andrew Her- bert Bayard), 397 Lafayette Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Albany, Oct. 31, 1870; dau. Nelson (M.D.) and Bllaabeth (Tole) Hunting; ed. Albany High School; m. Albany, OcL 15, 1890, Andrew Herbert Bayard; children: Roy Hunting, Helen Margaret. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tion: China decoration. Was pres. Ingleside Lit- erary Club during residence in Corn^wall-on- Hudson, N.Y. BAYLISS, Clara Kern (Mrs. Alfred Bayliss), 226 W. Carroll St., Macomb, 111. Author; b. near Kalamazoo, Mich, 1848; dau. Manasseh and Caroline (Harlan) Kern; ed. Hills- dale Coll., B.S., M.S.; later took special course in composition and rhetoric in Univ. of Chicago; m. Michigan, 1871, Alfred Bayliss, long State sup't of public Instruction of 111., and iatel* Western 111. State Normal School (died 1911)'; children: Clara Kern Bayliss, Jr., Zoe. En- gaged in literary work for several years; has contributed to Chicago daily papers and to sev- eral magazines. Author: In Brook and Bayou; Lolami, the Little Cliff Dweller; Lolaml In a Pueblo City; Evolution of the Boy; The Little Cliff Dweller; Two Little AJgonkin Lads; Old Man Coyote. Mem. Folk- Lore Ass'n; trustee Springfield Boy's Club and Home for the Friend- less; mem. D.A.R., and of one literary and one musical club, though not a musician; Child Circle (Macomb, 111.), 111. Congress of Mothers; was chairman Education Committee of Federated Clubs for two years; chairman of Education Committee of the Mother's Congress and dele- gate to the International Mothers' Congress, Interested in education, eugenics and general progress of mankind; favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Reading, music, cards and out- door rambles. BEACH, Amy Marcy Cheney (Mrs. Henry Har- ris Aubrey Beach), 28 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. Composer and pianist; b. Henniker, N.H., Sept. 5, 1867 (Colonial ancestry); dau. Charles Abbott and Clara Imogen (Marcy) Cheney; first studies were under her mother, from whom she inherited her musical ability; by age of seven could play difficult music, including Beethoven and Bach, and played several times in public in N.H. ; when eight was taken to Boston, where she attended W. L. Whittemore's private school and afterward studied under Ernest Parabo, Junius W. Hill of Wellesley C^oll., and Carl Baer- mann; almost all of her work in harmony, com- BEACH— BEALE 85 position, counterpoint and orchestr&tlon was done alone; m. Boston, Mass., Dec. 2, 1885, Dr. Henry Harris Aubrey Beach, a distinguished surgeon (died June 28, 1910). Made debut In Boston as pianist in 1883; gave several recitals that year, and In 1884 played with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Thomas Orchestra; sfnce then has appeared in all the large American cities, often giving entire programs of her own works. Among her large compositions are her Gaelic Symphony, first given in Boston, 18S6; a mass in E-flat, sung at the Handel and Haydn Soc. of Boston, 1892; Festival Jubilate, for women's voices, composed for the dedication of the Wo- men's Building at the World's Columbian Expo- sition, Chicago, 1893; the cantatas The Rose of Avontown, The Minstrel and the King, Sylvanla, The Sea Fairies, Jeptha's Daughter, and The Chambered Nautilus; many piano works — among which are a Cadenza to Beethoven's C- mlnor Concerto; a Valso Caprice and Danse des Fleurs; six duets called Summer Dreams; a Concerto in C-sharp minor; a Bal Masque Waltz, and Children's Carnival and ChJdren's Album; for violin and piano, a Romance, a Sonata, Bercuese, Mazurka; La Captive, and a Quintet for piano and strings; also many songs sung by leading singers at home and abroad, a motet for mixed voices (a capella), "Hear Us, O God," a Service In A, etc. BEACH, I.aara Jennie, 77 Maple Av., Troy, N.Y. Teacher of modem languages; b. Goshen, Conn., May 9, 1864; dau. Edward Horatio and Laura Elizabeth (Johnson) Beach; ed. Goshen (Conn.) Acad.; Frauleln von Prieser's Pension (boarding school), Germany; Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; Yale Univ., 1898-99; Sorbonne, Paris, 1900-01; Berlin Univ., Germany. Teacher of modern languages in high school, Shamokln, Pa., 1896- 98; Holyoke, Mass., 1899-1900; Laconla, N.H., 1901-02; Troy, N.Y., 1902. Active in movement to drive politics out of public schools, Troy, N.Y., 1906-08. Against woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. State Modern Language Ass'n, E>astern Section; Rensselaer County Teachers' Ass'n, Troy Teachers' Ass'n, Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n, Woman's Church Soc., Robert Cluett Circle of King's Daughters (served as sec, also pres.); charter mem. Girls' Club. BEACH, Lncy Ward (Mrs. Harlan P. Beach), 346 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. Born Chicago, 111., Oct 16, 1855; dau. Samuel Dexter and Mary Augusta (Folsom) Wafd; ed. Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111. (valedictorian of class); m. Lake Forest, 111., June 29, 1883, Rev. Harlan P. Beach. Was missionary under the American Board for seven years in North China; since thea has been twice around the world in special investigation of the social and religlouci condition of non-OhriS'tlan people, the second trip including visits to Burmah and Slam. In- terested in foreign missions and Y.W.C.A. Fa- vors limited suffrage for women. Contributor to various religious papers and magazines. Congre- gationallst. OfiBcer in various auxiliaries of Woihan's Board of Missions. Recreation: Photo- graphy. BEACH, Mabel Cre^low (Mrs. A. W. Beach), 722 Tenth St., Sheldon, Iowa, Club woman; b. Fayette, la., 1874; dau. An- drew and Catherine (Staley) Creglow; m. Rock Rapids, la., Oct. 12, 1897, A. W. Beach. B.S., D.D.S. ; children: Lyman C, Mildred, Catherine, Margaret. For many years mem. of the Equal Suffrage Club In Sheldon, la., and for two years was pres. For seven years mem. Travel Club, Sheldon, la., and three years pres. Mem. ten years of Pythian Sisters Temple, Sheldon, la. (past chief). BEAHAN, Bessie De Witt (Mrs. Willard Bea- han), 2213 Bellfleld Av., Cleveland, O. Teacher; b. Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y., Nov. 28, 1854; dau. JoeeiA and Catherine (Camochan) De Witt; ed. public schools and tilgh school of Owego, N.Y. ; Cornell Univ., B.A. '78; m. Brook- lyn, N.Y., June 29, 1892, WlUard Beahan; one Bon; James De Witt (deceased). Taught In high school, Sparta, Wis., 1878-79; high Bcbool, War- wick, N.Y., 1879-81; high school, BlnglMumton. N.Y., 1881-87; Giris' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1881-92. Mem. College Club, Cleveland, O. ; sec.-treas. Cornell Alumnae Club, Ohio; vlce-pres. Fed. of Cornell Women ; vice-pres. Fed, of Col- lege Women; mem. Municipal School League; church and other philanthropic and charitable organizations. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Congrega- tionalist. BEAI.,, Helen Clark (Mrs. Joseph Be&l), Lenox Av., Oneida, N.Y. Born Stockbridge, Madison Co., N.J., May 6, 1860; dau. Hiram Reynolds and Sophia Olivia (Wilcox) Clark; grad. Hamilton (N.Y.) Female Sem., '80; m. Stockbridge, Madison Co., N.J., Jan. 18, 1884, Joseph Beal; children: Rev. Harry, Helen Marjorie, Blanche Genevieve, Clark Ever- est, Beatrice Elizabeth, Joseph Hamilton. Treas. Oneida Tuberculosis Organization, Park and Playground Commission of Oneida, N.Y. ; chair- man of legislation in N.Y. State Mothers' As- sem'bly. Favors woman suffrage. County sup't of franchise W.C.T.U.; alternate to Progressive State Convention of 1912. Episcopalian. Second vice-regent of Sconondrah Chapter D.A.R., Oneida, N.Y. ; pres. W.C.T.U. of Oneida; pres. Parent Teachers' Ass'n. Recreation: Camping on Oneida Lake. Pres. Oneida Mothers' Club; mem. Shakespeare Club, Twentieth Century Club. BEAL, Mary Louise Barnes (Mrs. Foster E. L. Beal), Branchville, Md, Author; b. Bath, N.Y., July 22, 1844; dau. Washington and Louisa (Blrdsall) Barnes; ed. Elmira (N.Y.) Female Coll.; Lyons (N.Y.) Mu- sical Acad., grad. '66; m. Jan. 9, 1877, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles Beal. Author: Boys of Cloverdale; A Misunderstood Hero. Eplaco- I>alian. BEAL,E, Bertha Fitzgerald, Arden, Buncombe Co., N.C. Artist; b. Arden, N.C, Nov. 1, 1877; dau. Charles Willing and Maria Parker (Taylor) Beale; ed. Acad. Julien, Colorossi's and Henry Mosler's Art School in Paris; York School of Art, Acad, of I^ine Arts (Cincinnati), Pennsyl- vania Acad, of Fine Arts, and Henri School of Art in America. Interested In poultry raising. Author of short stories for children. Episco- palian. Recreations: Tennis, camping, horse- back riding. Mem. Nat. Arts Club and the Three Arts Club (N.Y. City); the Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Acad, of Fine Arts, Current Literature Club of Arden, N.C. BEALE, Carrie Phelan (Mrs. Jesse D. Beale), 250 W. 94th St., N.Y. City. Born Blount Springs, Ala.; dau. Judge John D. Phelan, of the Alabama Supreme Court; m, Jesse D. Beale; children: Caroline Beale Mc- Queen, Phelan Beale. Mean. United Daughters of the Confederacy; associate mem. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Rubensteln, Woman's National Democratic and Dixie Clubs; honorary regent first White House Ass'n of Montgomery, Ala. Against woman suffrage. BEAJLE, Maria Parker Taylor (Mr«, C. W. Beale), Arden, Buncombe Co., N.C, Heraldic artist, author; b. Richmond, Va., Jan. 30, 1849; dau. Thomas and Mary (Whlto- nead) Taylor, Jr.; ed. Columbia Female Coll., Columbia, S. C. (first honor), '64; m. St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1872, C. W. Beale; children: Ella Rebecca (relict ol W. E. Hemphill, M.D.), Bertha Fitzgerald, Mar- garet Albert (Daisy). Received professional education as an artist, but prefers to copy in the great picture galleries, and has accumulated a great number of pictures; especially interested in Virginian family history and the heraldry ot those families; paints coats of arms profeasiou- ally. Cooperated with husband in founding town of Arden, N.C, and In developing it. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Daughters of Colonial Governors. Recreations: Sketching out of doors, in water colors; travel- ing in historic lands, driving, landscape garden- ing, and the study of genealogy. 86 BEALLr— BEARD B£AXIi, Naaale I-ewis (Mrs. Henry D. Beall), 1514 Thirtieth St., Washington, D.C. Bom Lynchburg, Va. ; dau. Henry Harrison and Lucy (Sehoolfield) Lewis; belongs to the Lewis, ■ Sehoolfield and Harrison families of Vir- ginia; ed. in private schools of Lynchburg, Va.; m. Col. Henry D. Beall of the Confederate States Army and later of editorial staff of the Baltimore Sun; one daughter: Louise Harrison Beall (m. Dr. W. C. Gaynor, of Washington, D.C). Mem. D.A.R. (Emily Nelson Chapter), United Daugh- ters of Confederacy. Episcopalian. Recreation: Motoring. Against woman suffrage. BEALS, Anna Maria Bourne (Mrs. Charles Elmer Beals), 107 Fourth St., Bangor, Me. Born Maine; ed. high school, Bangor, Me.; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; m. 1907, Rev. Charles Elmer Beals. Tutor In Latin, algebra and history, 1900-01; student in Teachers' Train- ing Class, Bangor, 1902-07. BEAiS, Jessie Tarbox (Mrs. A. T. Beals), 159 E. 33d St. (business. 71 W. 23d St.), N.Y. City. Photographer; b. Hamilton, Can., Dec. 5S, 1870; dau. John N. and Marie A. (Basset) Tar- box; ed. Hamilton, Can.; m. Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 2, 1897, A. T. Beals; one daughter: Nan- nette Tarbox Beals, b. June 8, 1912. Teacher for several years in Mass. ; special photographer for newspapers in Buffalo, N.Y. ; official press photographer at St. Louis Exposition, 1904 (re- ceived medal for work). Magazine photographer for Vogue, Town and Country, Ladies' Home Journal, Country Life in America, Harper's Bazar; also engaged in expert home portraiture. BEAXS, Katharine McMillan (Mrs. James Bur- ril Beals), Public Library, St. Paul, Minn. Reference librarian; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Samuel J. R. McMillan (chief justice of the State Supreme Court of Minnesota, and U.S. Senator, 1S75-S7) and Harriet E. (Butler) McMil- lan; ed. private schools; m. St. Paul, Minn., Apr. 28, 1875, James Burril Beals (died Dec. 31, 1888); children: Walter Burges, James Burril. Occasional contributor to magazines. Presbyter- ian. Mom. Minnesota State Library Ass'n; char- ter mem. D.A.R. BEAXS, Othilia Gertrude (Mrs. Walter Burges Beals), 1707 Sunset Av., W. Seattle, Wash. Lawyer; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. P. P. and Sarah J. (Talbott) Carroll; ed. Seattle private schools and Wash. State Univ., LL.B. '01; m. Seattle, July 14, 1904, Walter Burges Beals. First woman to engage in active practice of law in Seattle. One of the incorporators of the Seattle Fruit and Flower Mission, charity de- voted to the care of the indigent sick. Pres. of the Univ. of Washington Alumnae. Favors wo- man suffrage. Catholic. Republican. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy. Recrea- tion: Tennis. Mem. Seattle Tennis Club. BEAXS, Kose Falrbank (Mrs. Lester Hayes Beals). Wai, Satara District, India, Medical missionary; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '95; Johns Hopkins School of Med-iclne, M.D. 1900; m. Sept. 27, 1905, Lester Hayes Beals. Since 1900 medical missionary in India. BEAMAN, Jane Witter Stetson (Mrs. David Webster Beam an), 8 Anthony St., New Bed- ford, Mass. Former teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; m. June 25, 1902, David Webster Beaman; two children; both died in Infancy. Teacher of Eng- lish literature in Mattapoisett (Mass.) Grammar and High School, 1899-1901; teacher of literature and French in New Bedford (Mass.) Evening High School, 1899-1900. BEA>', Mary (Mrs. Jordan N. Bean), Brldger, Mont. Born near Richland Center, Wis., Nov. 26, 1869; dau. William S. and Katherine (Akan) Bean; ed. in common schools of Wis.; m. West Lima, Wis., Sept. 9, 1S8S, Jordan N. Bean; chil- dren: William N. and Robley Bean. Has lived In Montana since 1888. Interested in various charities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order Eastern Star; past matron of home chapter and grand representative of State of Montana for State of Oregon. Recreation: Driving. Was pres. Woman's Olnb of Bridger. BEAN, Theodora, 70 W. Forty-sixth St., K.X. City. Writer; b. Anoka, Minn.; dau. Martin Vai» Buren and Louisa Jane (McFarland) Bean; ed. Anoka High School, Carleton Oil. Wflter of sports, Chicago Record; special writer Evening Telegram, N.Y. City; feature work and foreign correspondence for N.Y. Morning Telegraph; mem. Sunday staff Morning Telegraph. First woman in this country to be employed on the daily staff of a sporting department of a metro- politan newspaper. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party. Episcopalian. Recreations: Reading, walking, traveling. BEANE, Mary EUen Smith (Mrs. Samuel C. Beane), 2 Ripley Place, Worcester, Mass. Born Waterbury, Vt., 1870; dau. John Downer and Mary Jane (Camp) Smith; ed. Green Moun- tain Sem.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; m. Water- bury, Vt., 1901, Rev. Samuel C. Beane Jr. Mem. Woman's Aid Soc, League of Unitarian Women. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Wor- cester Woman's Club, Leicester Shakesi)eare Club, Twentieth Century Club, Unitarian Club, Wellesley Club, CoUege Club. BEAK, OliTa May, 1404 N. Water St., Decatur, 111. English teacher; b. Decatur, 111., Mar. 6, 1870; dau. Ephriam and Susanna (Hamsher) Bear; ed. Knox Coll., Galesburg, 111., B.S.; Cornell Univ., and Univ. of Chicago. Engaged in teaching since graduation. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist, BEARD, Amelia Belle, 127 S. Parsons Av., Flush- ing, L.I., N.Y. Artist, author; b. PainesvUle, 0.; d&u. James Henry Beard, N.A. (celebrated artist), and Mary Caroline ((barter) Beard; ed. Mrs. Collins' pri- vate school in Covington, Ky. ; (hooper Union and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; water color from Rhoda Holmes Nichols; oilcolor from Will- iam M. Chase, First picture painted, accepted by N.Y. Acad, of Design, hung on line and sold immediately; title of picture. In the World but Not of the World. Mem. of Authors' League of Com. of One Hundred on National Health; founder of building fund for Good Citizens' League of Flushing, L.I. ; mem. Child Labor Organization. With he'r sister, Lina Beard, wrote and illustrated: American Girls' Handy Book; Recrep.tion for Girls; What a Girl Can Make and Do; Thmgs Worth Doing; Little Folks' Hindy Book; Home Mission Handy Craft (this last book for Sunday-schools) ; contributor to maga- zines and newspapers. Inventor, designer, illus- trator and author of 'The Beard Birds; these birds are life size, look-alive birds, and have been endorsed cordially by William Hornaday, director of the Zoological Gardens of N.Y., also by the Audubon Soc., which, by request, were supplied with a sample of birds for exhibition in office. Mem. Good Citizenship League of Flush- ing, L.I. Congregationallst. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Equal Franchise Soc. of Flush- ing, L.I. With sister, Lina Beard, worked out plans now embodied in the national organization of Girl Pioneers of America, sister organization to the Boy Scouts of America, and is executive secretary of the organization. Recreations: Travel, nature study, out-door life, handicrafts. BEARD, Erederica, 14 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Born Clapham, Elngland; dau. Richard and Anne (Olding) Beard; ed. by private Instruction; Training School of Chicago Free Kindergarten Ass'n; post-grad, special courses in the Univ. of Chicago and Columbia Univ. Kindergartner In Chicago, 1886-90; training teacher In Normal Schools of Norwich and New Haven, Conn.. 1S90-96; institute lecturer, 1896-1900; educationa. writer. Supervisor of training of teachers and associate editor Educational Dep't of Congrega- tional Sunday-scl.ool and Publication Soc, Bos- ton, 1912. Interested In educatlfnal, religious and philanthropic movements. Author: The Kindergarten Si.nday-school; Wonder Stories from the Gospals; Manual for Teachers on Old Testament Stories; Journeys and Aiventurea ot BE3ARD— BEAUCHAMP 87 Mighty Men of Old; also articles In educational magazines and religious periodicals. Congrega- tionallst. Mem. Religious Education Asa'n. Rec- reation: Chesa playing. BEARD, Harriet Elizabeth, 179 East Av., Nor- walk, Conn. College Instructor; b. Syracuse, N.Y. ; ed. in schools oi Brooklyn, N.Y., and Vasaar Coll., A.B. '97. Teacher Cascadilla School, Ithaca, N.Y., 1897-98; Hillside School, Norwalk, Conn., 1898-1901; Vassar Coll. since 1901. BEARD, Una, 127 S. Parsons Av., Flushing, I..I., N.Y. Author, artist; b. Cincinnati, O.; dau. James Henry Beard, N.A. (celebrated painter of jKir- tr»ii6 and animals), and Mary Caroline (Carter) Beard; ed. Miss Collins' private school, Coving- ton, Ky. ; Wesleyan Sem., Cincinnati, O.; Dr. West's Brooklyn Heights Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; studied art at Cooper Union and Art Students' League, N.Y. City, N.Y. Interested in nature, art, handicrafts. Founder and chief pioneer of nat. organization of Girl Pioneers of Ameflca (sister organization of Boy Scouts of America). Greatly interested in equal franchise; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of Flushing, L.I. Author (with sister, Adella Belle Beard) : American Girls' Handy Book; What a Girl Can Make and Do; Things Worth Doing; Little Folks' Handy Book; Recreation for Girls; Home Mission Handy Craft (for Sunday-schools); contributor to magazines and newspapers. Recreations: Out-door life, travel, picture galleries, social functions. Mem. New Church (Swedenborgian). Slngle-taxer. Founder of Good Citizenship League of Flushing, L.I. BEARD, Mary Rltter (Mrs. Charles A.), New Mllford. Conn. Suffrage leader; b. Indianapolis, Aug. 5, 1876; dau. Eli F. and Narcisso (Lookwood) Ritter; ed. De Pauw Univ., class of '97 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Indianapolis, March 8, 1900, Charles A. Beard (now prof, politics in Columbia Univ.). Mem. Woman's Trade Union League (mem. leg- islative committee). Woman's Political Union; former vice-chairman for Manhattan of the Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y., editor of The Woman Voter until June, 1912. Has resigned from Woman's Municipal League and other societies to devote herself to suffrage. BEARD, Vida Fleming (Mrs. William K. Beard), Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Columbia, S.C; dau. Robert G. and AJinie R. (Boatwright) Fleming; ed. Savannah, Ga.; m. Savannah, Dec. 6, 1893, William K. Beard; children: Robert Fleming, John, William K. 3d, David F., Donald Swan, Milton Courtright. Pres. Philadelphia Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy; mem. Kate Barry Chapter D.A.R. Episcopalian. BEARDSLEY, Emily CaU Griffith (Mrs. Arthur M. Beardsley), Greenleaf Farm, Roxbury, Conn. Farmer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1851; dau. Walter Scott and Caroline (Call) Griffith; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '73; m. Utica, N.Y., 1900, Arthur M. Beardsley. Teacher until marriage. Interested in Consumers' League and municipal activities, while living In Utica, especially in clean streets. Mem. Woman's University Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. BEATLEY, Clara Bancroft (Mrs. James A. Beatley, 11 Waban St., Roxbury, Mass. Teacher, lecturer; b. Shirley, Mass., Jan. 12, 1858; dau. Edmund Dana and Mary Park (Morse) Bancroft; ed. Bridge water State Normal School, advanced course (class valedictorian); m. Bos- ton, Dec. 27, 1887, James A. Beatley; children: Margaret, Catherine, Ralph, Bancroft. Teacher In public schools of Newton, Lawrence, Boston and Cambridge; for seventeen years principal of Disciples School, Boston, Mass. Chairman Com. on Education, Church of Disciples, Boston, Mass.; chairman Conference Com. on Normal Education; director Children's Mission; director Tuckerman School; mem. Education Committee Mass. Federation of Women's Clubs; director of Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Apples of Gold (anthology); Forget-Me-Not (dally read- ing); Joys Beyond Joy (prose and verse); Treas- ures New and Old (commemorating one hun- dredth anniversary of the birth of James Free- man Clarke). Unitarian; life mem. Unitarian Ass'n; director Home and School Ass'n; mem. Roxburghe Club. Recreations: Seashore Inter- ests at summer home, Croftsmere, Boothboy Harbor; also books and music. BEATTIE, Eva Townsend (Mrs. John J. Beat- tie, Salem. N.Y. Club president; b. Hebron, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1853; dau. Horace J. and Harriet (Hannibal) Town- send; ed. Salem High School; m. Salem, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1877, John J. Seattle. Mem. First Pres- byterian Church. Pres. Monday Club; mem. Whist Club (Duplicate), Five Hundred Club. BEATTIE, J. Isabella Macklin, Ancon, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, Journalist; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. Gerard Mack- lin and Elizabeth Stevens (Colby) Seattle; ed. at home with tutors and private schools. Went to Panama In 1907, and affiliated with the woman's club movement, which was inaugurated at that time by order of the Sec. of War, Mr. Taft; has been connected with the official organ of the Isthmian Canal Commission, The Canal Record, as editor of the social section, entitled The Social Life of the Zone, since Its establishment In 1907; head of the women's movement in the Zone; organizer and general adviser; pres. of the Canal Zone Fed of Women's Clubs, 1910-13; sec. Canal Zone Chapter, Am. Nat. Red Cross, 1909- 11; director m the Canal Zone Humane Soc, 1908-09; has lived and traveled abroad, being permanently resident of Berlin, 1899-1907; traTded extensively in Europe. Interested in the women movements and industries. Has contributed to Harper's Bazar, the Youth's Companion, and other publications. Recreations: Travel, study of art. Episcopalian.. Favors woman suffrage. BE ATT Y, Anne Meem Peachy (Mrs. Frank E. Beatty), Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. Born Mt. Airy, Shenandoah (>)., Va.; dau. Wilham Dangerfield and Leila Rassell (Meran) Peachy; ed. Acad, of the Visitation, Washington D.C; m. Washington, D.C, April 29, 1891, Lieut, (now Real Admiral) Frank Edmund Beatty, U.S.N. , children: Emily Appleton, Frank Ed- mund Jr. Pres. District of Columbia Auxiliary of the Navy Relief Soc; late treas. Army and Navy League. Episcopalian. BEATTY, Cora B. Hamnett (Mrs. John W. Beatty), Richland Lane, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bom Blairsvllle, Pa., Oct. 26, 1860; dau. John and Elizabeth (Shurick) Hamnett; ed. Blairs- vllle Sem., Pa.; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec 12 1883 John W. Beatty, M.A.; children; Helen M., John W., William H., Katharine E. Presbyterian. BEATTY, Edith Graves (Mrs. William C Beat- ty), Elephant Butte, N.Mex. Born Ithaca, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1878; dau. Howard Taylor and Audera (EUis) Graves; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. ; m. Ithaca, N.Y., Oct. 30 1905, Will- iam C Beatty; one son: William c' Beatty Jr Presbyterian. Mem. College Women's Club of Los Angeles, Cal.; Ass'n of Collegiata Alumn®. BEATTY, NeiUe Grlswold (Mrs. W. H. Beatty), 1345 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan. Librarian; b. Lawrence, Kan., 1862; dau Jerome Francis and Helen Mary (Hewitt) Grls- wold; ed. Kan. Univ. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Lawrence, Kan., 18S5, W. H. Beatty one son: Jerome GrLswold Beatty. Sec Kan' State Library Ass'n, 1907-08; pres. Kan." State Library Ass'n, 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage Congregationalist. Independent Republican Mem. Kan. State Library Ass'n, American Li- brary Ass'n, Order Eastern Star. Mem. FYlends In Counsel. BEACCHAJVIP, Frances E. (Mrs. James H. Beauchamp), Lexington, Ky. Lecturer, writer, editor; b. Madison Co Ky • dau. J. W. Efetill- ed. Science Hill, Shelbyville! Ky. ; m. Jaimes H. Beauchamp, lawyer. State president of the Kentucky Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union; SUte chairman Prohi- bition Party; mem. Nat Committee ProhibiUon Party; has done much in interest ot prison re- 88 BBAUCHAMP— BECK form and Is authority on sociological problems. Favors womaB suffrage. Editor of W.C.T.U. State paper; contributor to many papers and magazines. Presbyterian. BEAUCHAMP, Virginia Carter Halstead (Mrs. William Thomas Beauchamp), 1608 W. Nine- teenth St., Little Rock, Ark. Born Boonville, Cooper Co., Mo., 1841; dau. Jackson and Maria (Mallory) Halstead; grad. the Misses Young School (Memphis, Tenn.), with highest honors, 1857; m. Memphis, Tenn., 1861, William Thomas Beauchamp, of Elkton, Ky.; children: Stonewall Jackson, Gabriella Lee Beau- champ (now Mrs. Claudius Jones), Claude, Cos- tin. Interested in clubs, City Hospital, United Charities, Y.M.C.A., and Y.W.C.A.; mem. Me- morial Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy. Mem. the First Christian Church (teacher of class of young ladies in Bible school work 57 years. Has been newspaper correspondent and society editor; represented Ark. in the Nat. Houehold Economics Ass'n; was chairman of the State Household Economies Dep't 13 years; now chairman of the Little Rock Dist. in the Ark. Fed. Women's Clubs; cor. sec. of several societies. Democrat. Recreations: Painting, em- broidery, visiting sick. Mem. ^Esthetic Club, Current Events Club, State Historical Ass'n, State Museum A^s'n; meim. Woman's (Congress of Waterways. BEAUMONT, Carrie B. (Mrs. John F. Beau- mont), 481 E. Fiftieth St., North, Portland, Oresron. Pianist and teacher of piano, harmony, sight reading; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 21, 1868; dau. Will- lam and Kate (Burdick) Wilder; ed. public schools In Chicago, Douglas School, and South Division High School; studied music under Silas G. Pratt, Neally Stevens, Madame Rounseville and August Hyllested; has teacher's and post- graduate certificates in music from (Jottschalk Lyric School, Chicago, in which she taught for 16 years; has World's Fair medal and gold medals; m. (1st) Chicago, Nov. 12, 1890, Clifford K. Crane (died Feb., 1892); (2d) Aug. 21, 1897, Dr. John F. Beaumont, and, since July, 1908, has resided In Portland, Ore. Has done concert work as piano soloist and accompajiist for years. Taught for years In Chicago, and now in Port- land, Ore.; accompanied Camilla Urso, the great violinist, and many of Chicago's best professional people; in 1894 won a Hallet and Davis piano in a yearly contest; was pres. Hyllested Soc. of Music. In 1899 became mem. Chapter A., P.E.O., Chicago (secret society of women); mem. Chapter C. P.E.O., Portland. In 1904 joined Chicago Chapter D.A.R. ; In 1908 transferred to Multno- mah Chapter, Portland, Ore.; in 1911 demitted to accept regent's office of the new Willamette Chapter, Portland; resigned that office to become State regent D.A.R. of Oregon, which office she now holds. Recreation: Country life; spends summer on her 20-acre ranch in Hood River. BEAUX, Cecilia, Gloucester, Mass. Artist; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. John Adolph and Cecilia Kent (Leavitt) Beaux; pupil in art of William Sartaia of Philadelphia and in Paris of Academic Julien and the Atelier Lazar; received honorary degree of LL.D. from Univ. of Pa., 1908. Frequent exhibitor at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, which has four times awarded her the Mary Smith prize and also Temple gold medal; Nat. Acad, of Design, Dodge prize; Car- negie Inst., Pittsburgh, gold medal; gold medal of Paris Exposition, 1900; exhibited at Salon on Champs de Mars, Paris, 1896. Elected Acade- mician of Nat. Acad, of Design, 1902; mem. Am. Artists' Soc., Paris, and Socletfi Nationals de Beaux Arts, Paris. BEAVEB, Molbe E., Dalngerfleld, Tex. Teacher; b. Henderson, Tenn., Aug. 23, 184ff; dau. Thomas and Eliza (Lott) Beaver; ed. In academy at Gilmer, Tex. (since developed Into Georgetown Coll.), and Mansfield (La.) Coll., A.B. Engaged as teacher for 36 years, also sev- eral years member and part of time president of Board of Examiners; many of the most promi- nent Texans have been her pupils. Took active part in promoting the first high school building at Daingerfleld. Occasional contributor to local press. Honorary mem. Twentieth Century Club of Daingerfleld and of the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian Missionary Societies. Mehi. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Against woman suffrage. BEAVEKS, Genevieve W. Blythebourne, Brook- lyn, N.Y. Civic worker; b. N.Y. City April 25, 1883; dau. George W. and Rosetta Alois (Cullen) Beavers; grad. Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1907 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). In 1907-08 investigator for Y.W.C.A. on Nat. Study of Wage Earning Women (results published In Wage Earning Women, by Dr. Annie M. MacLean); on staff 1908-12 of Bureau of Municipal Research, N.Y. City; sec. Robert L. Stevens Fund for Municipal Research In Hoboken, 1910-12; executive sec. League for Civic Education of Women, N.Y. City, 1912. Active in civic and woman's club work in N.J. Favors woman suffrage. Con- tributor to newspapers and magazines on sub- jects of civic interest. Published Charities Di- rectory for Hoboken. BECK, Clara A., 319 Swede St., Norristown, Pa. Literary work; b. Lapatcong, Warren Co., N.J., Nov. 28, 1860; dau. John P. and Anna (Boyer) Beck; grad. Bucknell Univ., 1877 (hon. degree). Began writing Oriental stories, took up editorial work, reviewed for publishers, did exchange reading, wrote for trade journals; general writer. Chairman of publication committees, mostly re- ligious; engaged in social work, studying condi- tions and writing about them. Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran. Mem. Historical Soc. of Montgomery County, Pa., Pennsylvania Women's Press Ass'n. Especially Interested In history and biography, also in featuring for magazines and journals; has done this work for newspapers, illustraed journals and books. BECK, Irma Wanda, 2021 San Jacinto St., Dal- las, Tex. Teacher; b. (Jeyer, Germany, Dec. 26, 1881; dau. Max and Minna (Frank) Beck; grad. Deni- son (Tex.) High School, Kidd-Key Conservatory of Music, Sherman, Tex., 1903. Studied piano and harmony abroad under Prof. Richard Bur- meister, Berlin, Germany, 1907-09. Teacher, Harthan Conservatory, Dallas, Tex., 1910-11; director of music, Presbyterian CoU,, Durant, Okla., 1912-13. BECK, Jennie Florence (Mrs. Stewart Beck), Atkinson, Neb. Born Marietta, O., Dec. 25, 1848; dau. Eli and Anna (Blockley) Wiggins; ed. In pubUc schools of Jefferson Ck)., Iowa; Lutheran Coll., Fair- field, la.; m. Fairfield, la., Oct. 25, 1869, Stewart Beck; children: Albert Earl David, Charles Steel, A. Elizabeth, George, James, Roy, Lucy, Harold. Teacher at Fairfield, la., five years. Interested in orphans, nurses the sick and needy, and solicits for children's homes. Writes poems and prose for the various societies to which she belongs. Mem. and sec. foreign and home missionary societies, and church aux- iliary, W.C.T.U. and County Sunday-school Ass'n. Clubs: Press, Woman's Country. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffrage. BECK, Rachel Wyatt EUzabeth Tongrate (Mrs. William Henry Beck), The Portner, Washing- ton, D.C. Born Whitehall, IlL; dau. John Thomas and Elizabeth (Wyatt) Tongate; educated in private and public schools, and partial course In Illi Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111.; m. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 21, 1863, WUliam Henry Beck, brig.- gen. U.S.A. (died Nov. 26, 19U) ; children; Will- iam Henry Jr., b. May 19, 1864 (died Oct. 11, 1885); Mary Rachel, b. Nov. 28, 1867 (m. Jan. 14, 1890, Ass't Surgeon P. G. Wales, U.S.A., and died In Philippines, Dec. 19, 1904); John Rogers, b. Nov. 11, 1869 (died Sept., 1899); Paul Ward (now captain U.S.A.), b. Dec. 1, 1876. During hus- band's Indian service lived many years on the frontiers and was deeply interested in the wel- fare of the Indians. Favors woman suffrage, but not actively. Past pres. League of A.m. Pen- Women; vice-pres. Short Story Club of Washing- ton, D.C; mem. Am. Federation of Arts (Wash- BECKINGTON— BEDELL 89 Inston) ; paat regent Army and Navy Chapter, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; mem. International Press Club; honorary mem. Federation of Clubs of D.C. Author: The City Beautiful (an illustrated tribute in verse to Washington, D.C.); Tucsonnle (an Indian story); An liJpisode in the Philippines; On the Lunetta; The Crimson Fire Tree; also many short stories; reporter for newsp>apers In U.S. and Philippines; contributor of verse and prote to magazines. Recreations: Walking, rhHng, gardening. Roman Catholic. Favors Proeressive Party; mam. Teachers and Mothers Soc. (Washington); especially interested in the subject of patriotic education of the young. BECKINGTON, Alice, Carnegie Hall, N.T. summer, Scltuate, Mass.) Miniature painter; b. St. Charles, Mo., July 30, 1868; dau. Charles and Adeline (Cheney) Beckington; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y., and lu AcadSmle Julien and Academic Chas. Lazar. Paris. Awarded honorable mention Buffalo Ex- position, 1901, bronze medal St. Louis Exposi- tion, 1904; Instructor miniature painting at Art Students' League, N.Y. City. One of founders of the Am. Soc. of Miniature Painters; mem. Pennsylvania Soc. of Miniature Painters. In favor of woman suffrage. BECKMA>f, Nellie Sims (Mrs. William Beck- man), 1027 L St., Sacramento, Cal. Author; b. Jacksonville, 111.; dau. Austin and Mary (Aired) Sims; ed. Jacksonville (111.) public school; 111. Female Coll.; m. Sacramento, Cal., Williajn Beckman. Prominent in society, and actively interested in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the people of Sacramento. World- wide traveler. Author: Backsheesh — A Woman's Wanderings; Unclean and Spotted from the World; Beckie'a Book of Bastings; also contribu- tor to newspapers and magazines on sociology, biology and wage-earaing problems in Europe and America. Progressive Democrat. Charter mem. and first pres. of Tuesday Literary Club; mem. Women's Council, Saturday Club (musical). Ladies' Museum Ass'n. BECKNEB, Marie Warren (Mrs. Luclen P. Beckner), 142 W. Hickman St., Winchester. Ky. Journalist, club worker; b. Haxrodsburg, Ky., May 22, 1875; dau. William Warren and Jean Hamilton Daviess; ed. Caldwell College, Dan- ville, Ky. (mem. Kappa Kappa Alpha); m. New Albany, Ind., Aug. 14, 1894, Lucien Pearson Beckner; children: Jean Warren, b. 1896 (died 1898); Elizabeth Taliaferro, b. 1837; Marie War- ren, b. 1905. Engaged in journalism on staff of Winchester Sun. Interested In building hospital, and in all twenty-seven branches of the Ky. Fed. Women's Clubs. Mem. D.A.R. (vice-regent of Hart Chapter) ; worthy matron Order Elastern Star; mem. King's Daughters at Hospital Circle at Winchester, Ky. ; mem. the Descendants of Colonial Governors, through Gov. John West and Governor Claiborne of Va. ; mem. M.C. Club of Winchester (pres.). Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Parents' and Teachers' Clubs. Mem. First Pres- byterian Church. Favors woman suffrage. BECKWITH, Cora Jlpson, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Instnictor at Vassar Coll. ; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar. 24, 1875; dau. William Griswold and Maria (Jipson) Beckwith; ed. Univ. of Mich., B.S. 1900; Columbia Univ., M.A. 1908 in biology; now studying at Columbia Univ. for the degree of Ph.D. in the dep't of zoology. Instructor in biology at Vassar, 1900-12. Has written two arti- cles on science in the Biological Bulletin. Fa- vors woman suffrage. BECKWITH, Emma (Mrs. Edwin Beckwith), 9 Maiden Lane, N.Y. City. Vvnolesale and retail optician; b. Cincinnati, O., Dec. 4, 1849; dau. Mlohael and Laura M. (Sher- man) Knight; ed. Toledo (O.) High School; m. Toledo, O., Jan. 30, 1868, Edwin Beckwith; chil- dren: CarmeliU, b. Sept. 19, 1868; Arthur, b. Aug. 10, 1870; Betsy, b. Sept. 19, 1875. Was ed. under Free Thought religions (Spiritualist and Unitarian) In Toledo, O. ; was pres. Spiritualistic Soc. In Brooklyn five years. Favors woman suf- frage; held office of sec. of Woman Suffrage Soc, Toledo, O., and has always belonged to ac- tive women in suffrage cause; sec. for many years in N.Y. City; was seventh mem. of Soc. for Political Study, 26 years ago (now hon. mem.). First woman in business in Maiden Lane neigh- borhood in spring 1878. Republican. Mem. Daughters of Ohio In N.Y. (was fourth pres.); years ago was active mem. Peace Circle with Clara Barton, Belva Lockwood, Alfred Love and others. Was first pres. Rainy- Day Club; mem. Nat. Arts Club. Hundred Year Club; vice-pres. Shakespeare League, a new study club organized in endeavor to determine authorship as between Bacon and Shakespeare. Free Thinker. Repub- lican. Was candidate of EJqual Rights Party for mayor of Brooklyn in 18*6 (recelTcd over 100 votes). Inventor of Excelsior lens drill for optical work. BECKWITH, Jane Elizabeth Warfldid (Mrs. Frank Edwin Beckwith), 40 Pleasant St., Westfleld, Mass. Bom Boston, Mass., Dec. 24, 1876; dau. Rev. Frank A. Warfield, D.D., and Mary Jane (Reade) Warfleld; ed. Brockton High School, Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97; m. Milford, Mass., Oct. 21, 1908, Frank Edwin Beckwith; one daughter: Jane Elizabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1909. Congregational 1st. BECKWITH, Kate Keynolds (Mrs. Sidney Thomas Beckwith), Greenville, N.C. Teaching; b. Frederickshall, Va., Feb. 24, 1865; dau. William and Barbara A. (Duke) Reynolds; grad. Woman's Coll.. Richmond, Va. (then known as Baptist Female Inst.), M.A. '83; m. Middle- ton N.C, Feb. 22, 1888, Sidney Thomas Beck- witn (lawyer In Washington, N.C); children: Gladys Hamner, b. June 10, 1889; Terry Welborn, b. July 17, 1895. Seven years principal In Louisburg Coll., N.C; one year dean of faculty o^ Columbia Coll., S.C. (re-eleoted, but health failed). Sup't graded school, Swan Quarter, N.C, 1907 and 1907-08; In charge of Am. Coll. of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy, 1908-0»; lady prin- cipal of East Carolina Teachers Training School since Oct., 1909. Has written for school organs and local papers in furtherance of educational enterprises. Methodist. Interested in civic bet- terment work in the towns; charter mem. of Joe David Chapter, United Daughters of Con- federacy, Louisburg, N.C, and Pamlico Chapter U.D.C, Washington, N.C. Recreations: Tennis, music, travel. Pres. Round Table Club, Green- ville, N.C, since 1909. For over 25 yoars ac- tively interested in educational work. BEDDOW, Elizabeth BusseU (Mrs. Charles Pe- ter Beddow), Birmingham, Ala. Born Winchester, Tenn. ; dau. Haron and Mary (McDonald) Russell (old Virginia and Scotch ancestry) ; ed. Chattanooga, Tenn. ; m. 1881, Charles Peter Beddow; children: Helen, Agnes, Noel, Roderick, Williams, Mary BlizabettL Au- thor: Oracle of Moccasin Bend, and a terw South- ern dialect poems. Methodist. Mem. Art and Literary Club. BEDELL, Cornelis Frances, Nyack, N.Y. Author; b. Nyack, N.Y., Jan. 24, 1876; dau. Charles S. and Caroline P. (Hering) Bedell; ed. at a private school at Nyack, N.Y. Associate mem. of the Woman's Board ol Domestic Mis- sions oi the Reformed Church In America; mem. State Charities Aid Ass'n of N.Y., Woman's Auxiliary of the Nyack Hospital, Woman's Auxiliary of Y.M.CA. of Nyack, N.Y. Believes only in municipal suffrage for women taxpayers. Author: Sea Secrets (a book of verses for chil- dren); A Syllabus of French History (987-1600). Mem. Reformed Church in America. Mem. Mon- day Shakespeare Class. Recreations: Reading (history, poetry and detective stories preferred), walking, music. BEDELL, Mary Crehore (Mrs. Frederick Bedell), Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N.Y. Born Cleveland, Ohio, 1870; dau. John D. and Lucy (Williams) (irehore; ed. Cleveland High School, Smith Coll., A.B. '92; Cornell Univ., M.S. '94; m. London, Eng., 1896, Frederick Bedell; children, Eleanor Crehore, b. 1897, Caro- line Cunningham, 1904. Joint author; Studies of the Lime-light, by Edward Nichols and Mary L. Crehore (The Physical Review, Vol. II). 90 BEHDINGER— BEER Mem. Smith Coll. Alpha Soc, Smith Coll. Astro- nomical Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Recrea- tions: Golf, tennis. BEDINGER, Maria Voorhe^s, Anchorage, Ky. Teacher; b. Anchorage, Ky. ; ed. Belle>wood Sem., Anchorage, Ky. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '91; graduate student Bryn Mawr, 1892-93; graduate student Univ. of Pa., 1894-95. Teacher in Bellewood Sem., Anchorage, Ky., 1891-92; teacher mathematics, Mrs. E. L. Head's School, Germantown, Philadelphia, 1892-95; physics and mathematics, Mary Inst., St. Louis, 1895-1902; mathematics in Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, since 1902. BEDLE, Althea Fitz Randolph (Mrs. Joseph Dorsett Bedle), The Fairmount, Fairmount Av. and Hudson Boul., Jersey City, N.J. Born Freehold, N.J., Mar. 30, 1842; dau. Hon. B. F. and Eliza Henderson (Porman) Ptandolph (descendant from Edward Fitz Randolph, the Pilgrim, who came from Nottinghamshire to Plymouth in 1630, and his wife, Betsy Blossom, who came in the Mayflower in 1628) ; ed. Free- hold Young Ladies' Sem., Lawrence, N.J. ; hon- orary mem. Lydia Wadleigh School and Normal Coll.; m. Freehold, N.J., 1861, Hon. Joseph Dor- sett Bedle, LL.D. (justice Supreme Court, and Gov. of N.J.); children: Bennington Randolph, Joseph Dorsett, Thomas F., Althea Fitz-Ran- dolph. Mary H., Randolph. Charter mem. and ex-pres. N.J. Soc. Colonial Dames; vice- directress Daughters of Holland Dames of the ancient and honorable faanilies of New Nether- lands; mem. Council of New York and Nat. Soc. of Founders and Patriots of America; regent Pocahontas Memorial Soc.; ex-vice-pres. N.J. Memorial Revolutionary Soc; vice-pres. Gen. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. (two terms — four years); active speaker and worker for patriotic and philan- thropic objects; mem. of many other patriotic societies. Has written 300 articles on various subjects, chiefly patriotic and historical; also songs set to music. Mem. N.J. Historical Soc, Monmouth County Historical Soc, Biographical- Geographical Soc. of N.Y. Clubs: Sorosis, Jersey City Woman's. Represented N.J. at the Centen- nial Exposition, World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, and the Exposition Universelle at Paris in 1900. BEEBE, Alice Geisslex, 25 Grove St., Wellesley, Born Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 28, 1874; dau. John A. Beebe (whaling captain) and Lydia (Jones) Beel>e; ed. Coflln School, Nantucket, and Wellesley Coll., A.B. Donor of Beebe Hall, Wel- lesley Coll., in memory of father, Capt. Beebe. Interested In church work in Wellesley and Bos- ton, and has visited under the Associated Chari- ties of Boston. Associate of Sisterhood of St. Anne and mem. of various associations in Nan- tucket and Wellesley. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. BEEBE, ETanore Olds, N. Wllbraharo, Mass. Farmer; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., April 12, 1858; dau. William Hubbard and Rebekah (Olds) Beebe; ed. in schools of Fond du Lac, Wis. Taught school 18 years. Chairman Wilbraham School Com. (first woman to aold that office) ; has served on committee eight years. Sec. Union District of Longmeadow, East Long- meadow, Hampden and Wilbraham (first woman to hold that office); mem. Ludlow Historical Com. Sec. Wilbraham Historical Com. ; mem. Conn. Vailey Historical Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Free lance in politics and religion. Recreations: Driving, amateur photographer, col- lector of china. Mem. Wilbraham Study Club. BEEBE, Minnie Mason (Mrs. Theodore OrvlUe Beebe), 131 College Place, Syracuse, N.T. Educator; b. Pavilion, Genesee Co., N.Y. ;- dau. Wallace and Mary Elizabeth (Ward) Mason; grad. Geneseo State Normal School; Syracuse Univ., A.B., A.M.; Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, Ph.D., 1900; m. Aug. 13, 1890, Rev. Theodore Orville Beebe (died Feb. 4, 1891). Preceptress, Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., 1891-98, then went abroad for study. Prof, history and French, College of Fine Arts of Syracuse Univ. since 1901. Methodist Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Clionlan (Normal School Soc), Gamma Phi Beta, German Club and Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. BEECHEB, Battle Foster (Mrs. Herl>ert Foote Beecher), 525' Walker St., Port Townsend, Wash. Artist; b. Mishawaka, Ind., Nov. 12, 1854; dau. Stephen C. and Mary (Weatherby) Foster; ed. St. Mary's Acad., South Bend, Ind.; San Fran- cisco School of Design (gold medal in drawing, gold medal in painting); m. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 30, 1S81, Herbert Foote Beecher; children: Henry Ward, b. 1882; Mary Eunice, b. 1884; Beatrice Bernice, b. 1892. Had the first art studio in Seattle, and gave the first instruction In drawing and painting there in 1881; painted the Modern Priscilla that was reproduced in 1900; most noted in portraiture, though has painted many landscapes both in oil and water colors. Interested in educational, musical and civic work. Mem. Soc of Seattle Artists, Musical Cluh, Tuesday Club. BEECHEB, Isabel GarghiU (Mrs, Leonard T. Beecher), Graymont Heights, Birmingham, Ala. Interpretative reader; b. Trumbull Co., Ohio, Sept. 26, 1872; dau. Philip and Isabel (Daugh- erty) Garghill; ed. Mineral Ridge (O.) High School, and Northwestern Univ., Bvanston, 111.; honorary degree of M.A., Northwestern Univ., June, 19U; m. Chicago, IlL, Aug. 18, 1898, Leon- ard T. Beecdier; one son, John Newman. Well known as interpreter of the masterpieces o£ literature. Favors woman suffrage. Rosnan Catholic. BEECHEB, Martha A., Livonia Centre, N.T. Teacher; b. Livonia, N.Y. ; dau. John S, and Sarah J. (Wilson) Beecher; ed. Genesee Wes- leyan Sem., Lima, N.Y. ; Syracuse Univ., Ph.B.; Columbia Univ., A.M. Has taught in Klnsey Sem.^ N.C., and Livonia High School; now teach- ing mathematics in East High School, Rochester, N.Y. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Chi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, Col- lege Woman's Club of Rochester. B£E:M, Emma B. (Mrs. Louis C. Beem), Rich- wood, Union Co., O. Artist; b. Mechanicsburg, O., Mar. 21, 1860; dau. Benjamin and Amelia J. (Baker) Taylor; ed. Mechanicsburg High School, and course in Columbus (O.) Art School; m. Feb. 14, 1899, Louis C. Beem. Interested -in home civic work. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. Mem. Pythian Sisters; pres. Carpe Diem Club. BEEB, Dorcas Grlzzel, 506 Southern Av., Bucy- rus, O. Teacher Bucyrus High School; b. Bucyrua, O.; dau. Judge Thomas and Tabitha Mary (Dins- more) Beer; after completing course in high school, attended Glendale Female Ck)ll., near Cincinnati, a year, then Look classical course at Penn. Coll. for Women at Pittsburgh, B.A. ; post-grad, course at Wooster Univ., M.A. Taught in public schools and high schools at Bucyrus, 0., and Yonkers (N.Y.) for 20 years; now teacher of Latin, French and English in Bucyrus High SchooL Active In Sunday-school work, 2Lnd various church organizations in Bucyrus, O., and Yonkers, N.Y. In 1911 organ- ized the Hannah Crawford Chapter of the D.A.R. (now regent of chapter) ; mem. American Flag Association. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Nat. Soc Woman Suffrage at Yon- kers, N.Y. ; in 1911 organized Bucyrus Woman Suffrage Ass'n (now sec). BEEB, Katberine J., 506 Southern Av., BucyriLS, Ohio. Born Bucyrus, Ohio; dau. Judge Thomas Beer and Tabitha Mary (Dinsmore) Beer; ed. Bucyrus, Ohio; Pennsylvania Coll. for Women; Univ. of Wooster. Associated with religious and philan- thropic activities. Favors woman suffrage and worked for cause in recent campaign In Ohio. Episcopalian. BEEB, Mary Elizabeth, Bucyrus, O. Grand opera artist; b. Bucyrus, 0.; dau. Judge Thomas and Tabitha Mary (Dinsmore) Beer; ©d. Univ. of Wooster, O.; grad of Conservatory ot BEERS— BELL 91 Music of same Instltutton, B.A., B.M. (mem. cational activities, child welfare, etc. Mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Took up music as a pro- Woman's Suffrage Study Club, N.Y. City. Mem. fession, doing church, oratorio and concert Society for Ethical Culture. Mem. Am. Water work in Ohio and then in Kerw York; studied for Color Society, N.Y. Water Color Club, Woman's grand opera, and appeared first at Rome, Italy. Art Club of N.Y., Unlone Internationale des 1907; sang there for several seasons. Interested Beaux Arts et des Lettres; also mem. Art m the sociological movements relative to the Workers' Club for Women and Catherine Lorll- betterment of the condition and position of lard Wolfe Art Students' Club. Recreation: women and the protection and education of Camping. children. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Keskeskick Chapter bELFIELD, Ada MarshaU, 4841 Madison Av., D.A.R. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; Chicago 111 press and publicity representative for Crawford Teacher; b.' Chicago, 111., July 4, 1872; dau. Co., Ohio, during recent campaign in that State. Henry Holmes and Anne Wallace (Miller) Bel- BEKRS, LUa Eliza, 1746 W. Thirty-flfth St., field; ed. Hyde Park High School, Chicago; Chicago, 111. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96 (mem. Shakespeare Physician; b. Chicago, Nov. 3, 1867; dau. Soc). Teacher of history and Latin in the Samuel and Emily (Gray) Beers; ed. Vassar Stevan School, Chicago, 1896-1902; teacher of Coll., A.B. '94; Hahnemann Med. Coll. and history In the Starrett School for Girls, Chicago, Hospital of Chicago, M.D. '97. Favors woman 1907- . Mem. Board of Directors of Association suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Inst, of House Settlement. Presbyterian. Mem. Chicago Homoeopathy, 111. Homoeopathic Med. Ass'n, En- Woman's Club, Chicago College Club, Chicago glewood HomcEopathic Med. Soc. Recreations: Wellesley Club. Travel, music. Mem. After-dinner Club. BELFIEtD, Anne Wallace MiUer (Mrs. Henry BEFFEX., Olive Baker (Mrs. John Marshal Bef- Holmes Belfleld), 4841 MadlBOn Av., Chicago, fel), 3200 Clybourn St., Milwaukee, Wis. 111. Bom Viroqua, Wis.; dau. George W. and Born Cleveland, O., April 12, 1848; dau. An- Eulalia (Schoults) Baker; ed. Univ. of Wis., drew and Margaret (Wallace) Miller; grad. high B.L. '91; m. 1898, Dr. John Marshal Beffel; chil- school, Chicago, and Athenaeum, Jacksonville, dren: John Marshal, b. 1901; Eulalie, b. 1905. 111.; m. Chicago, 111., July 27, 1869, Henry Chairman and pres. Executive Board Infants' Holmes Belfield; children: Clara Anne, Ada Fresh Air Sanitarium, 1907-11; sec. Milwaukee Marshall, Andrew Miller, Harry William, Mar- Maternity Hospital Ass'n, 1907-09; mem. Central garet Wallace. Interested in Woman's Presby- Council of Philanthropies. Pres. Woman's Fort- terian Board of Missions of the Northwest, nightly Club, 1907-11; mem. Woman's Literary Pres. Hospital Board, the Univ. of Chicago Set- Club. Favors woman suffrage. tlement League, Woman's Com. of Y.M.C.A. BEGG8, Gertrude Harper, University Park, Presbyterian. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club. Colo. BELFTELD, Elizabeth MilU (Mrs. Andrew Mil- Professor of Greek; b. Pleasant Hill, Mo., ler Belfield), B214 Klmbark Av., Chicago, 111. Feb. 27, 1874; dau. Francis S. and Sarah O. Born Salem, Mass., Nov. 12, 1875; dau. Robert (Norman) Beggs; ed. St. Louis (Mo.) public and Elizabeth R. (Upton) Mills; ed. Smith Coll., schools, Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo., preparatory A.B. '97; Newton High School, '93 (mem. Phi and two years college; Univ. of Denver, two Kappa Psl): m. Newton Centre, Mass., June 21, years, A.B. '93; Yale Univ. Graduate School, 1911, Andrew Miller Belfleld; one son: Henry three years, Ph.D. '04; Am. School of Classical Holmes. Presbyterian. Clubs: Chicago College, Studies, at Athens, 1912. Teacher of Latin, Den- Smith College. veh High School, 1894-1898; pdincipal academic -ovt t ao^^ T.:,-k., » a, 1904-05; prof, Latin Univ. of Denver, 1901-03; ,„^°M«.^rT^^.co^V t^?' ^h^^^ ^f ""Piff"? prof, of Greek, Univ. of Denver, since 19051 5°L'^\'n*/Mn?^f. »nL f^'v ^ ^'^- f^^'"'°^ S'^'' Mem. Y.W.C.A. ha^ filled various offices, speaks ^f,^°°L*H ^ ^f.^l^°}\^^lF«f'^°\^.^''^.^^' at convenUons knd Interested in various church ^'i f • ^S^" = "?; fj^I^f^, ^il^WA ]^' J^'^*'!Jf ^'^^ acUvlties. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. fnV'„iPm ,?f Fi^^Rnir/i?f^^,-= iuality Ass'n, of which she is the founder, and for which she has established headquarters in two houses, 13 and 15 Blast Forty-first St., bought by her solely for this purpose. Has been active in movements to se- cure better and more sanitary conditions for working women and the abolition of child labor. Has conducted a special department In the Chi- cago Tribune and otherwise written much upon the reforms in which she is enlisted. BELMONT, Eleanor Elsie Kobson (Mrs. August Belmont), 44 E. Forty-fourth St., N.T. City. Former actress ; b. Wigan, Lancashire, Eng. ; dau. Charles and Madge (Carr) Robson; grad. SL Peter's Acad., S.I., N.Y., '97; m. Feb. 26, 1910, August Belmont (banker and financier). Made professional dfebut at California Theatre, San Francisco, 1897; played in stock companies In San Francisco, Denver and Milwaukee, 1897- 99; as Bonita in Arizona, Chicago and N.Y. City, followed by her creation of Constance in Robert Browning's In a Balcony; Flossie Williams in Unleavened Bread; Mile, de la Vlre in A Gentle- man of Fra'uce; Audrey in Audrey; Juliet in all- star production of Romeo and Juliet. Was starred by Liebler & Co., 1903-05, in a play writ- ten for her by Israel Zangwill, Merely Mary Ann, in U.S. and London; in 1905 an elaborate pro- duction of She Stoops to Conquer; season of 1906-07 in a repertoire at the Liberty Theatre, N.Y. City, and later created title rdle in Salomy Jane. BEL8EB, Susan Mishler (Mrs. Carl W. Belser), Boulder, Colo. Born Pearl City, 111., June 3, 1862; dau. Emanuel and Susan Mishler; ed. country school, Mt. Morris Acad., Mt. Morris, 111.; Carthage Coll.; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '87; m. Pearl City, 111., Aug. 24, 1887, Prof. Carl W. Belser; chil- dren: Louise, Gertrude, Carl, Ernestine. Teacher before college graduation. Interested in the Eng- lish Lutheran Mission work, both at Ann Arbor, Mich., and at Boulder, Colo.; planned and helped organize churches and Sunday-schools in both places; engaged in Y.W.C.A. work. Author: The Win and The Way; also writer of magazine arti- cles at Intervals. Mem. Ladles' Fortnightly, Mothers' Club, the Woman's League, of the Univ. In Boulder; mem. of the ex-board of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. Lutheran. BEAIENT, Ruth Ware (Mrs. Edward Dennlson Bement), 21 Dennlson Av., Framlngham, Mass. Born Roxbury, Oct. 28. 1887; dau. Leonard and Laura D. (Foot) Ware; ed. the Misses May's School, Boston; Miss Hall's School, Plttsfleld; m. Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 15, 1910. Edward Dennl- son Bement; one daughter: Laura. Unitarian. BENEDICT, Alice M. (Mrs. J. D. Benedict). Muskogee, Okla. Born Galesburg, 111., June 24, 1863; dau. Wil- liam \vallace and Isabel (Firth) Hlbbard; ed. Indianapolis, Ind., high school graduate; m. J. D. Benedict; children: Donald, Florence, Bertha. Author ol^ short poems and numerous sketches. Interested In civic work, and Is prominently iden- tified with the library board, of which she has been a mem. for two years. Pres. of the Fed- erated Clubs of Muskogee; for two years vice- regent for the State of Okla. for the D.A.R. : pres. New Century Club, Art Club; mem. Music Club. Recreations: China painting, needlework, water colors. Presbyterian. BENEDICT, Anne Kendrlck (Mrs. Wayland R. Benedict), 724 Oak St., Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Author; b. Rochester, N.Y., April 26, 1851; dau. Asahel Clark and Anne Elizabeth (Hopkins) Kendrick; grad. Elmira Coll., B.A. ; m. Roches- ter, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1873, Prof. Wayland R. Bene- dict; children: Mary, Clarke. Howard. Florence. Stanley. Agnes. Actively interested in educa- tional progress and was an organizer of the Cincinnati Kindergarten Ass'n; has been active in many clubs and organizations in Cincinnati. Author: My Wonder Story; Centa, the Child Violinist; An Island Story; also a volume of poems and various magazine articles. Baptist. BENEDICT, EUzabeth, Granville, O. Teacher; b. lona, Mich., Feb. 14, 1874; dau. Theodore M. Benedict. M.D., and Emma (Tib- bits) Benedict; ed. Chicago, 111.; piano and organ with Harrison Wild; organ In Paris, with Alex- ander Guilmant. Was organist Highland Park, 111., and Evanston, 111.; teacher of piano and organ in Denison University Conservatory of Music, 1903 — . Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R. BENEDICT, Lydia Carrie L« Favor (Mrs. John T. Benedict). 1122 Napoleon Av., New Orleans, La. Born New Orleans; dau. Thomas Henry and Margaret (Rezeau) Le Favor; ed. public high school in New Orleans; m. Mar. 8, 1877, John T. Benedict; children: Lydia Benedict Crawford, Alice Benedict Dickinson, John T. Jr., Grover Cleveland, Margaret Frances. Oflicer in Wo- man's Soc. of Napoleon Av. Presbyterian Church; mem. of board of Travelers' Aid Soc; yice- pres. Grace G. Watts Sunshlners; pres. for seven years of High School Alumnae of New Orleans; on executive board of King's Daugh- ters; mem. Rob. Morris Chapter No. 1. Order of Eastern Star; mem. Y.W.C.A.; five years on exec, board of Public School Alliance; oflScer Motliers' Club of High School; mem. Folsom and Soldiers' Home Circles of King's Daughters, Fine Arts Club, Woman's Club, Louisiana State Federation of Women's Clubs. Presbyterian. BENEDICT, Marie A. Potter (Mrs. R. A. Ben- edict), Cranford, N.J. Civic worker; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. C. W. and Demaris (Harker) Potter; ed. In N.Y. City, Twelfth Street Public School and Normal Coll. ; m. R. A. Benedict. Started the ball rolling for a sane Fourth of July nineteen years ago and lias ever since kept plodding at It until to- day many of the States have framed laws, not only against the sale of fireworks, but forbid- ding their manufacture. Believes fully In suf- frage and has been active in its advocacy. Pres. Woman's Peace Circle for seven years. Mem. Am. Playgoers, City Mothers, Little Mothers, Legislative, New Yorkers, Portia and Forum clubs (all of N.Y. City). BENEDICT, Mary Kendrick. Sweet Briar. Va. Pres. Sweet Briar Coll.; b. Rochester. N.Y., July 14, 1874; dau. Rev. Wayland Richardson Benedict (now emeritus prof, philosophy Univ. of Cincinnati) and Anne Elizabeth (Kendrick) Benedict (author); lived in Cincinnati from early childhood; A.B.. Vassar (Phi Beta Kappa) '97; Ph.D.. Yale '03. Tutor Pittsburgh. 1897-9; teacher State Normal School., Warrensburg, Mo., 1903-06; pres. Sweet Briar Coll., Va., from 1906. 94 BENEDICT— BENNETT BENEDICT, Sossn Rose, Clark House, North- ampton, Mass. Teacher; b. NoTwalk, O., Nov. 29, 1873; dau. Davit? de Forest and Harriett (Deaver) Benedict; ed. Smiili College, B.S. ; Columbia Univ., M.A. Has been instructor in mathematics at Smith College since 1906. BENJAMIN, Carolyn GUbert (Mrs. Marcus Ben- jamin), 1703 Q St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Bom N.Y. City; dau. Joseph Loring and Caro- line (Etchebery) Gilbert; ed. Mile. Tardival's School, N.Y. City, from which was graduated; m. N.Y. City, June 16, 1892, Marcus Benjamin, author and" encyclopedist. Mem. Jury of Awards at the Omaha Exposition, 1898; Jamestown, 1907. Prominent In social life, church and philan- thropic activities. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Children of the Am. Revolution (researching sec. 1&96-1904), Soc. of Colonial Governors, Mary Washington Monument Ass'n, Nat. Soc. of Col- onial Governors, Mary Washington Monument Ass'n, Nat. Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America of Mass. (chairman of Committee on Relics since 1906; delegate to its Biennial Coun- cils 1906-08-10-12J, Washington Glut of Washing- ton, D.C. (sec. Library Com. seven years), Club Oft Colonial Dames of Washington, D.C. (charter mem., governor, cor. sec. since 1910). BENJAMIN, laimy Nichols (Mrs. S. G. W. Benjamin), Burlington, Vt. Born In Vermont, Sept. 30, 1844; dau. Francis Kidder and Fanny Seymour (Boynton) Nichols; ed. at Rev. John and Mrs. Worcester's School, Burlington, Vt., and Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass.; m. (1st) J. J. Weed (U.S. Solicitor Court of Claims; deceased); (2d) Hon. S. G. W. Benja- min (U.S. Minister to Persia). Author: Sunny Side of Shadow, several editions; also writer for magazines and newspapers. While resident in Washington was for years mem. of Exec. Com. of Ass'n for the Blind of D.C, also of a branch of the Humane Soc., and for a time pres. of Washington branch of the Nat. Soc. of New England Women; also was mem. Nat. Exec. Board of the Daughters of Founders and Pa- triots and historian general of the Nat. Soc. Now and for some years past pres. of Unity, a Burlington (Vt.) organization for promotion of liberal thought and culture; also pres. of le Gercle Frangaise, Burlington branch of I'Alliance Francaise. Hon. mem. Twentieth Century Club, Wastungton (for many years leader of literary section); hon. mem. of Woman's Club of Staten Island; was pres. of World's Fair Com. of Rich- mond Co., N.Y. Believes In restricted sufirage for both sexes when majority of women de- sire it. BENNET, Gertrude Wltschief (Mrs. William Stiles Bennet), 415 Fort Washington Av., N.T. City. Born Port Jervis, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; m. Port Jervis, N.Y., June 24, 1896, William Stiles Bennet (Congressman from 17th N.Y. Dlst., 1905-11); children: Augustus W., Sarah A., Mary Florence, Edna Grace. BENNETT, Belle H., Richmond, Ky. President Woman's Missionary Council; b. Richmond, Ky. ; dau. John Bennett, planter and banker; ed. in Richmond, Ky., including a spe- cial course in the Presbyterian Univ. there. Early identified herself with Sunday-school work, and later with the missionary cause, and becom- ing Impressed with the need of special training for young women who were being sent into foreign fields by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, she brought the matter before the Wo- man's Board of Foreign Missions of that church in 1890, and so impressed her opinions on the board that she was commissioned to appeal to the con- nection for funds to create what is now called the Scarritt Bible and Training School at Kansas City Mo., for which she raised by personal effort $75,000 for tJie building and nearly $60,000 for endowment. In 1894 became pres. Woman's Board of Home Missions of M.E. Church, South, and under her leadership were established twelve large schools for mountaineers, indigent and unfortunate girls and negro, industrial and immi- ptint schools, also a large city mission propa- ganda, which has its established work in about thirty settlements, known as Wesley Houses, covering social, industrial, ethical and religious departments; now pres. Woman's Missionary Council of M.E. Church, South, a combined or- ganization resulting from union of the Woman's Foreign and Women s Home Mission boards of that church. Took a leading part in creating the work and office of deaconess in M.E. Church, South, also In building up a large work among immigrants coming to Gulf and Pacific Coast ports. Active advocate of woman sufirage. BENNETT, Ella CoIUns (Mrs. John Wesley Bennett), Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Marine City Mich.; dau. Franklin B. and Cordelia (Bristol) (Collins; ed. State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Univ. of Mich., 1896-98; m. Detroit, 1883, John Wesley Bennett; one son: Harold Franklin, b. April 7, 1886. Mem. King's Daughters and missionary societies. Episco- palian; directress of George Washington Club. Mem. Children of the Republic, D.A.R., Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, Order of Eastern Star, Study Club, Whist Club. BENNETT, Ellen J. E. — see Marsh, Ellen J. F. Bennett. BENNETT, Ethelwyn Foote (Mrs. Jame« Stark Bennett), 646 St. John Av., Pasadena, Cal. Born Williamstown, Mass., Feb. 17, 1875; dau. Charles RoUin and Sarah C. (Cole) Foote; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '97; Northwestern Univ.; stu- dent in zoology, 1898-1900, A.M. 19O0; student in physiology, Univ. of Cal. summer school, 1901 and 1903-04; m. Pasadena, Cal., Oct. 8, 1907, James Stark Bennett; children: Louise, b. Oct. 19, 1908; Caroline, b. Mar. 30, 1910; Con- stance, b. June 5, 1911. Teacher of science in Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., 1899-1900; Instruc- tor in biology, Pomona Coll., Claremont, Cal., 1901-03. Congregationalist. Republican. BENNETT, Ida Elizabeth Dandridge, 480 Grand St., Coldwater, Mich. Writer; b. Coldwater, Mich.; dau. William and Elizabeth (Davis) Bennett; ed. Rockford Coll., '76; Chicago Art Inst., 1881-85. Author: The Flower Garden; The Vegetable Garden; contribu- tor to American Homes and Gardens, House and Gardens, Country Gentleman, Youtdi's (3om- nanion. Christian Herald, and many others. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- gressive in politics. BENNETT, M. Katharine (Mrs. Franlc Smith Bennett), Englewood, N.J. Missionary pres.; b. Englewood, N.J., Nov. 28, 1864; dau. Henry and Winifred (Davies) Jones; ed. Dwight School, Englewood, N.J., to 1881; El- mira Coll., A.B. '85 (mem. Kappa Sigma); m. at Englewood, N.J., July 20, 1898, Fred Smith Bennett. Pres. Nat. Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church; pres. Nat. Board of the Fireside League; mem. Council of Women for Home Missions; Woman's Club of Englewood, N.J. Has written pamphlets for work in her societies. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. BENNETT, M»rsaret Chesney (Mrs. (Jeorge L. Bennett), 1 Broad St., Adrian, Mich. Former teacher, club pres.; b. Beverly, Ont.; dau. Rev. E. and Hannah E. (Burr) Chesney; grad. Kalamazoo Coll., B.S. '89, later M.S.; m. 1905, George L. Bennett. Prior to marriage taught in public schools of Bay City, Mich.; critic teacher in City Training School, 1889-1900; preceptress and instructor in English, Grand Prairie Seminary, Onarga, 111., 1902-05. Pres. Adrian Woman's Club 1911-13; pres. Woman's Dep't of Lenawee Baptist Ass'n (elected first, 1910); mem. First Baptist Church of Adrian. Favorable to woman sufirage, but not active. BENNETT, Sarah Davis (Mrs. Edward L. Ben- nett), 5S Seminary Av., Binghamton, N.Y. Born Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y., Mar. 17, 1842 dau. Ezra F. and Isabella (Davis) Davis; ed Seminary for Young Ladies, Binghamton, N.Y. m. Binghamton, June, 1869, Edward L. Bennett Active in all different branches of church work mem. board of directors of Y.W.C.A.; mem. and officer of the Madeleine Haynes Indian Ass'n, a BENNETT— BERG 95 bras^ of the Nat Indian Ass'n; charter mem. of Broome Co. Historical Soc. Pres. of Foreign Mlssicnary Auxiliary and tor many years the dis- trict pres. of Foreign Missions; also active in work for Home Missions. Pres. the Civic Club of Binghamton; mem. of .Monday Afternoon Club, also Chautauqua Woman's Club. Recrea- tions: Traveling, sight-seeing; has attended maiiy of the biennial conventions of General Fed. of Women's Clubs as delegate. Represents Broome County in Bureau of Reciprocity and Information of the N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Methodist. BEN>'ET, Edith Neil (Mrs. Albert Barnes Ben- ney), Sewlckley Heights, Sewlckley, Pa. Boru Columbus, Ohio; ed. in schools of Colum- bus, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '93; m. Octo- ber, 1896, Albert Barnes Benney; one son, one daughter. Writer of magazine stories and poems; contributor of special articles to newspapers; author of booklet: How Paderewski Plays. BENOIST, Mary Huat (Mrs. Theodore Benolst), 4632 Berlin Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St Louis, Nov. 12, 1865; dau. Charles L. and Mary C. (Owings) Hunt; ed. at home by tutors and governesses; m. Normany, St. Louis County, Jan. 12, 1887, Theodore Benoist; children: Charles Louis, b. Aug. 14, 1889; Miriam, b. Aug. 3, 1890; Jean B., b. Aug. 29, 1891; Anna Wright, b. May 12, 1893; Theodore, b. Dec. 8, 1896; Wil- son A., b. Oct. 12, is98; Francois Barat, b. Dec. 4, 1900. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Goll, tennis, automoblling, walking. Meim. St. Louis Woman's Club (chairman entertainment com.). BENSON, Clara Cynthia, Univ. of Toronto, To- ronto, Can., and Port Hope, Ontario, Can. Associate professor; b. Port Hope, Can., June 5, 1875; dau. T. M. and Laura A. (Fuller) Ben- .son; ed. Port Hope public and high schools; Univ. of Toronto, 1895-99, B.A. ; post-grad, work Univ. of Toronto until 1903; Ph.D., Toronto, '03. Sec. Faculty of Household Science, Univ. of Toronto, 1906- . Connected with Univ. of Toronto as fellow in chemistry, 1899-1902; assistant In chemistry, 1902-03. Instructor in science, Lillian Massey School of Household Science, Toronto, 1903-05; lecturer in physio- logical chemistry, 1905-06, and associate pro- fessor same, Univ. of Toronto, 1906- . Chair- man Foreign Com. of the Dominion Council of the Y.W.C.A. of Canada; mem. of Student Com. of same. Mem. Am. Chemical Soc, Am. Ass'n of Biological Chemists, Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Ontario Education Ass'n, University Wo- men's Club (Toronto). Recreation: 'Travel. Anglican. BENSON, Rebecca Elizabeth Hamilton (Mrs. James Farelra Benson), "Delmar-Morris," Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Lafayette, Montgomery Co., Pa., July 4, 1875; dau. Charles Lacey and Olivia Garrett (Philli>s) Hamilton; ed. to 1885 Agnes Irwin School, Philadelphia, and to 1890 Comegy Board- ing School, Philadelphia; m. Germantown, Phila- delphia, June 14, 1899, James Fareira Benson; one son: Charles Hamilton Benson. Active in social and philanthropic interests; interested in Babies' Hospital and Playgrounds Ass'n (Philadelphia), Pa. Soc. of Prevention of Tuberculosis, and Pa. Soc. for Prevention of Social Disease. Episco- palian. BENTLEY, Clara Augrusta, Dana Hall, Welles- ley, Mass. Teacher; b. Willimantic, Conn.; grad. Vassar, A.B. '91. Teacher East Orange (N.J.) High School, 1891-1900; Hartford (Ckjnn.) High School, 1900-05; Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass., since 1905. BENTLEY, EUlda Pattison (Mrs. Henry Dins- ley Bentley), 35 Lincoln Av., Freeport, 111. Born Winslow, 111., July 22, 1856; dau. Richard Pattison of Md. and Mary J. (Wadhams) Patti- son of N.Y. ; ed. Freeport and Chicago, 111.; m. Dec. 28, 1875, Henry Dinsley Bentley of London, England; children: Charles Johnson, b. June 3. 1877; Henry Dinsley Bentley, b. July 4, 1883. Prea. Home Missionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church. Teacher in Sunday-school (boys) ; mem. of several social organizations; mem. Associated Obarltlee in Freeport; contributor to Home for Dependent Girls, Park Ridge, 111. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. 111. State Executive Com. of the Progrosslve Party. Author of short stories: A Little Journey to Honolulu Before Cable ComiQunicatlon Between United States and ■Hawaiian Islands; A Woman's View of Oberam- mergau and the Passion Play, etc. Presbyterian. Mem. Euterpean Musical Soc. Recreations: Whist, golf, travel in foreign lands. Pres. sixth year of the Freeport Woman's Club (200 mem.); State vlce-pres. of 13th Congressional Dist. ol 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs four years. Record- ing sec. 111. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; an Illinois State delegate to the biennial In St. Louis, 1904; St Paul, 1906; Boston, 1908; San Francisco, 1912. Interested in art; mem. Art Com. 111. State Fed. Women's Clubs; also inter- ested in music. BENTLEY, Lnette P., Painesvllle, Lake Co., Ohio. Teacher; b. Streetsboro, Ohio, June 2, 1841; dau. Charles and Clarina (Bronson) Bentley; grad. Lake Erie Sem. (now college), Palnesville, Ohio, '65; Mount Holyoke Coll., M.A. '09. Began teaching at Lake Erie Sem., 1865; ass't principal, 1877-98; became dean of college in 1898 and held office till resignation In 1909. BENTLEY, Mabel E. Davison (Mrs. Wray Annin Bentley), Windham, Greene Co., N.Y. Born Rockvills Centre, L.I. ; dau. Robert A. and Emeline (Sealy) Davison; ed. Wesleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass., 1888-91; Wellesley Coll., Mass., B.A. '95 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1899, Wray Annin Bent- ley; one son: Wray Davison. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Eplscopad Church. BENTON, Jeannette Scott (Mrs. Charles E. Benton), Ft. Scott, Kan. Writer; b. Greenville, Mich., 1862; dau. William Dean Scott and Phoebe (Cubim) Scott; ed. in schools of Olivet and Ann Arbor, Mich. ; m. lola, Kan., 18S5, Charles E. Benton; children: Dean, Donald Lee, Charles EkJward. Interested in club work and charities. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of short stories in Munsey's, Mc- Clure's, Ainslie's, Red Book, Smart Set, Youth's (Jompanion, and others. Episcopalian. Republi- can. Mem. federated clubs and church guilds. Recreation: General social theatres. Mem. va- rious literary and social clubs. BENTON, Mary Lathrop, 39 West St, North- ampton, Mass. Teacher; b. B'hamdun, Mt Lebanon, Syria, Feb. 26, 1864; dau. William Austin and Loanza (Gouldlng) Benton; ed. Univ. of Minnesota, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '86. Engaged in secondary teaching until 1894; study abroad 1894-97. In- structor Smith Coll., 1S97; assoc. prof., 1905; study abroad, 1907-08; prof, of Latin, Smith Coll., 1909 — . Interested in social and religious ques- tions. Favors woman suffrage. Congregation- alist Recreations: Travel, out-door life. BENWAY, Mabel Keed, 166 Western Av., Al- bany, N.Y. Teacher; b. Norwich, N.Y.; ed. In schools of Albany, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '98; graduate scholar, 1898-99; student In Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y., 1899-1900. Teacher High School, New Brighton, Pa., 1900-01; North Tonawanda, N.Y., 1901-07; Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1907. BENZIGER, Gertrude Lytton (Mrs. August Ben- ziger), 140 W. Fifty-seventh St, N.Y. City; summer address. Villa Gutenberg, Brunnen, Switzerland. Born Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 25, 1875; dau. Henry C. and Rose E. (Wolfe) Lytton; ed. the Loring School, Chicago; m. N.Y. City, July 5, 1898, August Benziger, the artist; children: Marie Gertrude Rosa, b. 1899 in Brunnen, Switzerland; Helene Henriette; b. 1900 (Brunnen); Marguerite Marie, b. 1901 (Paris, France). Life mem. Chi- cago Chapter D.A.R. Catholic. BERG, Clara de Llssa, 45 Brighton Av., E. Orange, N.J. Born Philadelphia, April 4, 1876; dau. Hart E. and Rega (de Lissa) Berg; ed. Barnard Coll., A.B. '98; Columbia Univ., A.M. '02; Curtis Schol- arship, Oilumbia, 1902-03 (mem. K&ppa Kappa Gamma). Ei-sec. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc., 96 BERG— BERRY 1911-12. Teacher and visitor for N.Y. Unitarian Sunday-school Union. Mem. Intercollegiate So- cialistic Soc, College Settlements Ass'n, Barnard Alumna Ass'n. Mem. Women's University Cluib. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Wo- man's Political Union; formerly mem. of Colle- giatfi Suffrage League. BERG, Helen McGregor Morse (Mrs. Albert W. Berg), 356 W. Twentieth St., N.T. City. Born Piermont, N.H., Feb. 17, 1830; of Puritan ancestry; ed. New England schools; m. N.Y. City, July 7, 1853, Prof. Albert W. Berg, organist. composer and musical critic (now deceased) ; children: Elizabeth Paine, Albert Ellery, L#ouis de Coppet (deceased), Walter Gilman (deceased), Wellman Morse (deceased). Spent several years in Europe, educating her children; while there, was correspondent of American journals and a contributor to the original Scribner's Magazine. Mem. Order of Founders and Patriots of America; Soc. of New England Women, etc. BERGEN, Caroline McPhail (Mrs. Tunis G. Bergen), 101 Willow St., Brooklyn. N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1859; dau. Leon- ard Cassell and Caroline (Spelr) McPhail; ed. by private instruction at home; m. Brooklyn, Jan. 26, 1881, Tunis G. Bergen. Served by appoint- ment of Gov. Higgins mem. State Probation Com.; mem. of com. on school census and Physical Welfare of School Children of N.Y. City. Pros. Brooklyn Free Kindergarten Soc. ; vioe-pres. Brooklyn division of the American Red Cross; mem. State Charities Aid Ass'n, Barnard Club, Tw"ntie*h Century Club, Wo- man's Civitas. Against woman suffrage; mem. of N.Y. State Ass'n Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women. ~ BEBGEN, Fanny Dickerson (Mrs. Joseph Young Bergen), North Cambridge, Mass. Teacher, writer; b. Mansfield, 0., Feb. 4, 1846; dau. Thomas and Rachel E. Dickerson; ed. An- tioch Coll., Yellow Springs, O., A.B. '75; m. June 28, 1876, Joseph Young Bergen, educator. After graduation taught in Antloeh Coll. and later in Chicago. Frequent contributor to Amer- ican Folk Lore and other journals on folk-lore themes; edited Vol. IV of the Annals of the American Folk-Lore Soc.; Current Superstitions, Dramatized Longfellow's Courtship of Miles Standish. Author (with husband): The Develop- ment Theory; Glimpses of the Plant World. BEBGEUGBEN, Anna rarqnhar (Mrs. R. M. Bergengren), 98 Chestnut St., Boston; coun- try. Sea View, Mass. Author; b. in Ind., Dec. 23, 1865; dau. John Hansen and Mary Frances (Turner) Farquhar; ed. Indianapolis, Boston, N.Y. City and London; m, Boston, 1900, R. M. Bergengren. Interested in music and the drama. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Her Boston Experiences; Her Wa.?hing- ton Experiences; The Professor's Daughter; The Devil's Plough; An Evans of Suffolk. Recrea- tions: Rowing, swimming, walking, tennis, gardening. BEBGEXGBEN, LesUe Merrltt (Mrs. Chas. H. Bergengren), 150 Timson St., Lynn, Mass. Born Swampscott, Mass., Aug. 27, 1880; dau. Curtis V. and Isabel C. (Wardwell) Merritt; ed. Pratt Inst, Library School, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Swampscott, Mass., June 24, 1908, Dr. Charles Henry Bergengren; one son: Frederick W. A. Bergengren. Assistant librarian of Public Li- brary, Brookline, Mass., 1902-05; instructor in Wis. Library School, Madison, Wis., 1907-08. Universalist. Favors woman suffrage. BEBGENTHAX, Alice Dacy (Mrs. V. W. Ber- genthal), 15 Thornby PI., St. Louis, Mo. Born Woodstock, 111., April 5, 1876; dau. T. J. and Luciuda (Donnelly) Dacy; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Woodstoijk, 111., Oct 29, 1902, V. W. Bergenthal. CathoUc. Mem. College Club of St. Louis. BERGER. Meta (Mrs. Victor L. Berger), 980 First St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bom Milwaukee. Wis., Feb. 23, 1873; dau. Bernard and Matilda (Kraik) Schllchting; ed. Milwaukee public schools, high school and State Normal School (graduate); m. Dec. 4, 1897, Victor L. Berger; children: Dorothea A., Elsa R. Teacher In Milwaukee public schools before mar- riage; norw mem. Board of Education of Mil- waukee, elected 1909 for term of six years; elected on the Socialist ticket at non-partisan election. Mem. Board of Directors for Milwau- kee Maternity Hospital and Free Dispensary Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Was sec. for the Congressional Woman's Com., Washington, D.C., 1911-12; appeared before State Assembly at Madison, Wis., in favor of suffrage bill and spoke; also mem. of Wis. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Socialist Party. Mem. NNat. Woman's Com. of Socialist Party, 1911-13. Rec- reations: Music, drama, reading. Mem. Wo- man's School Alliance. Wife of the first Socialist ever elected to the Congress of the United States. BERGFELD, J. D. (Mrs. George F. Bergfeld), 5177 Cabaune Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born New Orleans, La., 1873; dau. Christian F. and Katherine (Speyerer) Hufft; ed. New Or- leans; m. St. Louis, June 12, 1889, George F. Bergfeld; one son: Lucas Lee. Has been pres. of the Kings Highway Presbyterian Church Guild; pres. of its Goodsonian Literary Club; pres. West End Charity Circle, also organizer. Presbyterian. Pres. and organizer of the Shakes- peare Club; pres. Twentieth Century Art Club. Interested in the Dickens Fellowship Club, missic-n work, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc, and Mu- nicipal Art League. BERKSTRESSER, Cella Smith (Mrs. Andrew Jackson Berkstresser), 6S1 N. Fifty-second Av., Chicago, 111. Born Boonville, N.Y., April 20, 1854; dau. Rev. Alban Mann and Rockey (Strait) Smith; ed. Upper Iowa Univ. and Cornell C«ll., grad. in art; m. Oct. 13, 1880, Andrew Jackson Berk- stresser; one daughter: Mrs. Jessie Berkstresser Muffly, b. Oct. 18, 1883. Active in all lines of church work (Sunday-school teacher and sup't) and missionary societies, filling various offices. Dist. sec. of Woman's Missionary Soc. four years. Leader of band of thirty young people in missionary work for several years; active in W.C.T.U., filling offices from pres. to deport- ment leader, etc. Sec. local board of Children's Home- Finding Soc; several years treas. the Hygiene Com., Dubuque, la. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of short poems, published in vaiious papers and magazines, one, The Whist- ling Boy, included in collection (Childhood Days), compiled by Mary Gardner Scott. Methodist. Recreations: Walking, reading, writing. Pres. 1908-11 now hon. mem. Hillside Reading Circle of Dubuque, la. BERNAYS, Thekla Marie, The Washington, St. Louis, Mo. Born Highland, III. ; dau. Dr. George J. and Minna (Doering) Bemays; ed. private school and by private instruction,, then at McKendree Coll., 111., and Heidelberg, oermany; passed teacher's examination in Karlsruhe, Baden; re- ceived M.A. from McKendree Coll., honoris causa, in 1902. During Louisiana Purchase Ex- position, 1904, served on the Jury for Interior Decoration, as appointee of the Imperial Com- missioner of Germany, Dr. Theodor Lewald. Favors woman suffrage. Was on board of governors of EJqual Sufi'rage League of St. Louis, Mo., 1911-12. Author of a series of travel- sketchea, interviews with prominent men and women in Europe, and criticisms of literature and art, written for the Globe-Democrat, the ■Times, the Criterion, the Mirror and other publi- cations; also similar articles in German for the Anzeiger des Westens and Westliche Post, St. Louis. Publication in book form: Augustus Charles Bernays, A Memoir, 1912. Mem. Wed- nesday Club, St. Louis; Artists' Guild, St. Louis. BERRY, Mrs. Elizabeth Robblns, S Forest St., North Cambridge, Mass. Editor, writer, proofreader; b. Carlisle, Mass.; dau. John and Sarah H. (Morgan) Robblns; ed. public and private schools of Massachusetts and Vermont academy. Special writer for magazines and newspapers; editor Republic Magazine, Washington, D.C., 1907-08; proofreader for years upon Boston publications. Sec. Nat. Aea'n of BERRY— BESESSEN 97 Patriotic Instructors; past national press corre- spondent o£ Woman's Relief Corps; past regent Lucia Knox Chapter D.R., Boston; historian of Dorchester Heights Chapter D.R., Boston; past pres. Boston Proofreaders' Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Has written short stories, ■)oems, spe'jial articles. Unlversallst. Mem. Nat. First Aid Ass'n of America, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc, League of Am. Pen Women, New England Women's Press Ass'n, Mass. Peace Soc, Daughters of Veterans. Recreations: Travel, motoring, music, theatre. BERRY, Grace Ella, Pomona Coll., Claremont, Cal. Dean of women; b. Worcester, Mass., Dec. 23, 1870; dau. Ellas Burbank and Rebecca (Page) Berry; ed. high school. West Boylston, Mass.; Cornell Univ.; Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.S. '93, A.M. '99. Taught mathematics and physics. Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O., 1833-97, 1899; Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1897-99, 1900-02; dean of women, Colby Coll., 1902-09; dean of women, Pomona Coll., 1909- . Interested in mission work In all countries, Y.W.C.A. Baptist. Progressive in politics. Mem. Science and Mathematics Ass'n of Southern Cal.; former mem. of Me. State Ass'n of Charities and Corrections; chairman of Ad- visory Board Y.W.C.A. of Pomona Coll.; director of Mathematical Soc. of Pomona Coll.; mem. Astronomical Soc. of Pomona Coll. ; mem. of Hath-a-Way Club of Claremont Church. Recrea- tions: Tramping, tennis. Mem. Southern Cal. School Women's Time to Time Club; vice-pres. Cactus Club of Claremont. BERRY, Jennie Iowa Peet (Mrs. John Alexan- der Berry), 612 Third Av., Cedar Rapids, la. Bom Fairview, la., 1866; dau. Wilbur Riley and Ellen S. (GiUilan) Peet; ed. Elpworth (la.) Sem.; m. Troy Mills, la., 1887, John Alexander Berry. Past Nat. pres. Woman's Relief Corps; past sec. Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs; past pres. Cedar Rapids Woman's Club; mem. local Library Art Ass'n, local Y.W.C.A.; chairman Child Labor Com. Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Standing Com. on Rules, Nat. Woman's Relief Corps. .Mem. D.A.R. Recreation: Travel. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Republi- can. Contributor to club and patriotic publica- tions. BEBBY, Josephine Thomdlke, St. Paul, Minn. Teacher; b. Waterville, Kan.; dau. EJdward A. and Flora A. (Lewis) Berry; ed. Univ. of Kan- sas, A.B. ; Columbia Univ. (Teachers Coll.), B.S. '04, A.M. '10; Yale Univ., 1909-10; research fel- low. Teachers Coll., 1909-10 (mem. PI Beta Phi). Sup't of schools, Waterville, Kan., 1900-02; ass't in dep't of household administration, Univ. of Chicago; head of dep't oif home economics North- ern III State Normal School; head dep't of home economics. State Coll. of Wash. ; now head of home economics dep't, Univ. of Minn. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Mem. of Council In Am. Home Economics Ass'n; mem. Am. Chemical Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreation: Driving an automobile. BERRY, Lucy Haldane (Mrs. R. L. Berry), 46 Rodgers Row, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Born May 16, 1887; dau. R. V. and Llllie (Van Saun) Lindabury; ed. Miss Whitmore's, Newark, N.J.; Mrs. Hazen's School, Pelham Manor, N.Y. ; m. Bernardsville, N.J., Sept. 26, 1908, R. L. Berry, lieutenant U.S.N. Episcopalian. BERRY, Martha McChesney, Mount Berry, Ga. Philanthropist; b. near Rome, Ga., (>ct. 7, 1866; dau. Capt. Thomas and Prances (Rhea) Berry; ed. Edgeworth School (Madame Le Febvre), Baltimore, and in European travel. Identified with educational philanthropies; founded 1902 and Is director and trustee of Boys' Ink-ustilal School (now Berry School), Rome, Ga., for poor white boys to earn education through their own efforts; founder Settlement School for Girls, 1908. Lecturer and contributor to maga- zines en Southern mountaineers. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Woonan's Club of N.Y. City and AtlanU Woman's Club, At- lanta, Ga. BERRYHILL, Virginia Joynes (Mrs. James Q. Berryhlll), 305 Equitable Bld'g, Des Moines, la. Born Fairfield, la,; dau. Christian Wolff and Nancy M. (Seward) Slagle; ed. public school; State Univ. of Iowa, A.B. '77, M.A. '79; lecture courses Victoria Lyceum, Berlin, '78 (Phi Beta Kappa, State Univ. of Iowa); m. Fairfield, Jan. 19, 1881, James Quest Berryhill; children: James Quest, Katharine. Taught one year in Pa. Fe- male Sem. Ex-pres. Unity Circle of Unitarian Church, Des Mcines; ex-vice-pres. Associated Charities, Des Moines; social clubs; mem. West End and Five Hundred clubs, also Golf and Country Club. Chairman of Legislative Com. of Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs, which declared for suffrage at last biennial. -uthor of Biological Sketch of Prof. A. N. Currier in the Annals of Iowa. Republican. Mem. State Historical Soc. of Iowa; cor. sec. (Colonial Dames in State of Iowa. First pres. Iowa Fed. Women's Clubs; ex-pres. Des Moines Woman's Club; ex-pres. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; ex-pres. Press and Authors' Club, Des Moines. BERTHELOT DE LA BOILEVERIE, Lily Ken- dall Beers (Mrs. Leon J. Berthelot de la Boileverle), 34 rue Rlbera, Paris, France. Born N.Y. City; ed. in schools of N.Y. City and Vassar CoU., A.B. '69; m. Nov. 8, 1882, Leon J. Berthelot de la Boileverle; two sons. Founder and pres. of the Instltut Berthelot, Paris, France. BERTOLA, Mariana, 1050 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal. Physician and surgeon; b. Cal., May 7, 1868; dau Antonio and Catarina (de Voto) Bertola; ed. Martinez Grammar School, San Jos6 Normal School, Cooper Med. Coll. (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Principal Martinez grammar schools, 1896; interne and assistant resident at Children's Hospital ; assistant physician. Cooper Med. Clinic, 1902; examining physician of Native Daughters of Golden West; attending physician Mills Coll.; director of the Woman's Board of the Panama Pacific Exposition, 1915; director Soc. for Prevention of Tuberculosis. Mem. and past grand pres. Native Daughters ot Golden West; pres. of Vittoria Colonna Club, Mills Club and Forum Club. Favors woman suffrage; instrumental in bringing the suffrage question before several clubs. Protestant. Republican. Mem. several medical societies. Recreations: Theatre, club, sorority. Prominent speaker at many patriotic holidays, and in other interests for the betterment of the race and inculcation of patriotism. BERTRAM, Helen (Mrs. E. J. Morgan). Operatic prima donna; b. (Lulu May Burt) Tuscola, 111., 1869; ed. in Indianapolis, and began musical education there, finishing at Cincinnati Coll. of Music; m. (1st) Signor Tommasl, mu- sical director Duff Opera Co. (divorced); (2d) E. J. Henley, actor (died); (3d) E. J. Morgan, actor (died 1904): one daughter: Rosina Henley, b. 1894. Began stage career in Indianapolis as Yum Yum in The Mikado, and soon after, taking stage n^me of "Helen Bertram," appearing at the old Madison Square Garden Theatre as Josephine in Pinafore for one week, and then joining the E5mma Abbott Opera Company, play- ing Fllena In Mignon, 1888, following which en- gagement became prima donna In the J. C. Duff Opera Company, and later of the McCauU Opera Company; then with the Henry E. Abbey English Opera (Company, and following this was prima donna of the Boatonians for several seasons, then going to London and playing with the Carl Rosa Opera Company at Covent Garden as Santazzi in Cavalleria Rusticanna Arline in the Bohemian Girl and Nedda in I Pagliacci; returnmg to U.S. was in the original casts of Tar and the Tartar, Foxy Quiller, Peggy from Paris, A War Time Wedding, and the first Am. production of La Basotke, and played prima donna roles in The Black Hussar, Amorlta, Miss Heiyett, The Prince of Pilsen, and Jack Horner in the original cast of The Gingerbread Man; more recently has appeared in stock companies and in vaudeville. BESESSEN (Mrs. Henry J. Besessen), Harvey, N.Dak. Bnrn Sycamore, 111., July 23, 1881; dau. Be» 98 BEST— BIDDLE jamin and Betsey (Swanson) Nilson; grad high school. Sycamore, 1900; grad. Normal School, De Kalb, 111., '02; m. Harvey, 111., Dec. 5, 1906, Henry John Besessen; children: Henry John, Robert Benjamin. Chairman State Legislative Com. of Federated Clubs, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Basketball, tennis, dancing, skating. Pres. Fossenden Saturday Club for one year, and pres. Sorosis Clut) at Harvey for three years. Husband mem. of State Senate of N.Dak. B£ST, Marjorie Ayres (Mrs. Albert Starr Best), 1836 Orrington Av., Evanston, 111. Born Truro. Cape Cod, Mass., Aug. 18, 1874; dau. Marshall and Lomse (Sanderson) Ayres; ed. N.y. Collegiate Inst; Smith Coll., L.M. '95 (mem. Alpha Soc, the honor soc. of Smith); m. N.Y. City, April 18, 1896, Albert Starr Best; chUdren: Marshall, b. Nov. 26, 1902; Albert Leonard, b. Oct. 26, 1904; Marjorie Starr, b. April 5. 1908; Barbara, b. Oct. 26, 1910. For 10 years active In Y.W.C.A., carrying the Nat. budget of $63,000 for five years as finance chair- man of nat. com. Active in drama club work and one of the founders and organizers of Drama League of America (now chairman Publicity and Organization Com.). Writer of magazine articles and addresses on league propaganda. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Soc. of Psyc^iCal Research, Col- legiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnse, Y.W.C.A., Nat. Geog. Soc; guarantor Chicago Theatre Soc. Recreations: Horseback riding, golf, tenuis, gar- dening. Mem. Drama Club of Evanston, 111. BBTHEX, Mary Wright Thomas (Mrs. George P. Bethel), Johnstown, Bradford Co., Fla. Physician; b. Joliet, 111.; dau. Granville S. Thomas, M.D., and Sarah J. (Wright) Thomas; ed. Cornell Univ., B.A. ; Northwestern Univ. Woman's Med. School, M.D. (prize for highest scholarship, prize for highest rank in chemistry) ; m. Chicago, 111., Nov. 7, 1911, George P. Bethel. Assistant in cliemistry at Northwestern Univ. Woman's Med. School for six years. Resident assistant surgeon at 111. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago; now practising at Johnstown, Fla. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Specialist In diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. BETHUNE, Louise Blanchard (Mrs. Robert Ar- mour Bethune), 215 Franklin St., Buffalo, N.Y. Architect; b. Waterloo, N.Y., July 21, 1856; dau. DaJson Wallace and Emma M. (Williams) Blanchard; ed. Buffalo Central High School; m. Buffalo, Dec. 10, 1881, Robert Armour Bethune; one son: Dr. Charles W. Bethune, b. 1883. En- gaged In draughtsman work in Buffalo, 1876-81, and became the first woman architect in the U.S. Was for 19 years a fellow of the American Inst, of Architects and is the only woman who was ever a fellow of that society. Mem. Buf- falo Historical Soc., N.Y. Historical Soc, Buf- falo Genealogical Soc, Nat Soc. of New England Women (Colony II), Buffalo Chapter of D.A.R. BETTIS, Mary Alice Smith (Mrs. Lewis David Bettls), 349 Parsells Av., Rochester, N.Y. Born Tyre, N.Y.; ed. in schools of Seneca Falls, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '92; m, Nov. 16, 1900, Lewis David Bettis; three daughters. Teacher Tyre, N.Y., 1892-93; Cook Acad., Mon- tour Falls, N.Y., 1894-1900. BEITS, Anna Whelan, Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Artist; b. Philadelphia; dau. Thomas Betts, M.D., and Frances Alice (Whelan) Betts; ed. Heacock's Select School of Chelton Hills, Pa.; Acad, of Fine Arts, Colorossi Studio in Paris, Howard Pyles Class at the Drexel Inst, in Phila- delphia. Introduced the printing of pictures (by the Century Company) as color inserts in the Century Magazine, fonowed by other N.Y. com- panies and publishers. Interested in work with Octavia H.ll Soc, for improvement of the hous- ing of the poor of Puiladelphia. Against woman suffrage. Recreations: Tramping, canoeing, ten- nis, reading, out-door sports. Mem. Plastic Club of Philadelphia. BETTS, Mary N. (Mrs. Charles H. Betts), 837 Windsor Av., Chicago, 111. Bom Tralee, Ireland, 1860; dau. John and (Mason) MoCarthy; ed. in Buffalo Cen- tral High School, private schools and much tutor- ing; m, Buffalo, Aug. IS, 1885, Charles H. Betts; children: Curtis M., Arthur M., Charles F., Agnes. Mem. Lake View Musical Club, Out-door League and various religious societies. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League. Congregationalist Mem. Cliieago Woman's Club; now pres. League of Womar-.'s Clubs of Cook Co., 111.; has been twice on State Board of Fed. of Women's Cluibs; also pre«. of Ravenswood Club. BEVIER, Isabel, Prof. University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Professor household science; b. Plymouth, O.; grad. Wooster (O.) Univ., Ph.B. "85, Ph. M. '88; student at Summer School, Harvard, 1888? Prof. Atwater's laboratory, 1894; Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, 1898. Principal high school, Shelby, O., 1885-87; Mt Vernon, O., 18b.-88; prof, natural science, Pa. Coll. for Women, 1888-97; prof, chemistry. Lake Erie Coll., 1898-99; prof, house- hold science and head of dep't, Univ. of 111., 1900- . Ass't nutrition investigations, U.S. Dep't Agriculture, 1894-99; mem. jury of awards World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; board of editors. Journal of Home Economics. Fellow A.A.A.S. ; mem. Am. Chem. Soc, Public Health Ass'n; Home Economics Ass'n (pres.). Author of papers and monographs in chemistry of food; The House, Its Plan, Decoration and Care; Selection and Preparation of Food; Food and Nutrition; Home Economics. BEZLAT De BOBDES, Kate MiUs Bradley (Mrs. Andr6 B6ziat de Bordes), 1318 Arabella St., New Orleans, La. Born Spencer, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '92; m. Aug. 28, 1895, Andre Bfiziat de Bordes, Ph.D. (now prof. Romance Languages in Tulane Univ. of La.). Teacher New Castle, Pa., 1892-93; Washington Sem., Atlanta, Ga., 1893-95. Con- tributor of articles to various newspapers. BIANCHI, Martha GUbert Dickinson (Mrs. A. E, Bianchi), Amherst, Mass. Author; b. Amherst, Mass.; dau. William Aus- tin and Susan Huntington (Gilbert) Dickinson; ed. Miss Porter's school at Farmington, Conn.; m. Carlsbad, Bohemia, 1903, Captain Alexander E. Bianchi. Author of poems: Within the Hedge; The Cathedral; Russian Lyrics and Cos- sack Songs (translations). Novels: A Modern Prometheus, 1908; The Cuckoo's Nest 1909; A Cossack Lover, 1911; The Sin of Angels, 1912. Contributor to the Atlantic, Century, Scrlbner's, Harper's and other magazines and literary papers. Lived abroad several years, and trav- eled extensively. Against woman suffrage. BIAS. Clothilde Gaujot (Mrs. Bennett Randolph Bias), Williamson, Mingo Co., W.Va, Born Belleville, Ont, Can., June 28, 1883; dau. Ernest and Susan Ellen (McGuigan) Gaujot; ed. Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va., and Mar- shall Coll.; studied violin for eight years in Staunton and Charlottesville, Va. (mem. Delta Gamma, local, at Mary Baldwin); m. June 19 1901, Bennett Randolph Bias; children: Bennett Randolph Bias II, Marie Marguerite, Ernest Gaujot. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. BIBBINS, Buthelda Bernard Mary (Mrs. Ar- thur Barneveld Blbblns), The Somerset, Bal- timore, Md. Historical writer; b. Baltimore, Md.; grad. Woman's -Coll. of Baltimore, A.B. '97; student In English and history, Univ. of Oxford, England, 1897-98: graduate student in history and the his- tory of art Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; fellow in history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; student London School of Economics, 1900; research work In the Public Record Office, London, and the British Museum, 1900-02; m. 1903, Arthur Barne- veld Bibbins. Writer on historical subjects Author: Mammy 'Mongst the Wild Iook of songs): The Balloon Man and Other Songs for Children (book of 17 songs); Equality (suffrage song), and others (about 200) under pen-name of "Helena Bingham." Recitalist of original songs and stories; gives freely of talents to church societies, social settlements and other philan- thropic movements. Congregationaliat. Mem. 111. State Suffrage Ass'n, Cook County Suffrage Alliance (vice-pres. for Seventh Ward of Chi- cago). BINGHAM, Lucille Butherfurd (Mrs. Theodore A. Bingham), E9 W. 45th St., N.Y. City. Born St. Louis; dau. Thomas Scott and Lucile Tison Rutherfurd; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Va. Female Inst., Staunton, Va. ; m. St. Louis, 1881, Theodore A. Bingham (now Brig.- Gen. U.S.A., retired); one son: Rutherfurd Bingham, b. 1884. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. BINGHAM, Mary Homer, 1125 W. Twenty-first St., Los Angeles, Cal. Settlement worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '92. Has been connected with college settlement work and kindred activities since 1894; ass't probation oflicer of Juvenile Court of IjOS Angeles County since 1910 Pres. Smith Coll. Ass'n of Southern California. .BIRD, Anna ChUd (Mrs. Charles Sumner Bird), "Endean," East Walpole, Mass. Born Worcester, Mass., Jan. 13, 1856; dau. Elisha Norwin and Elizabeth Humphrey (Mar- tin) Child, ed. public schools, Worcester; Oread private school (Miss Williams), Worcester; Miss Putnam's School, Boston; m. Worcester, Oct. 19, 1880, Charles Sumner Bird of East Walpole, Mass.; children: Frances William, b. July 4, ISSl; Charles Sumner Jr., b. Sept. 29, 1884; Edith Harlan, b. May 27, 1887; Joanne, b. August 15, 1889. Mem. Episcopal Church. Pres. of Wednes- day Club of East Walpole for many years (women's club devoted to civic betterment) and active in many committees; interested in social and philanthropic work; pres. Welfare Nurse's Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Mem. Women's Municipal League, Boston; Royal Soc. of Arts, London; North British Soc, England. Mem. Chilton Cluto of Boston. BIRD, Harriet Williams (Mrs. George B. Bird), Yarmouth (P.O. Yarmouthvllle), Me. Born Yarmouth, Me., April 28, 1863; dau. Leonard and Mary (Pratt) Williams; ed. high school, Yarmouth, Me.; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '85; m. Yarmouth, Me., July 8, 1890, George E. Bird (now associate justice Supreme Court of Maine). Taught in Yarmouth High School, and for three years in Portland (Me.) High School (mathe- matics). Organizer and pres. of Yarmouth Vil- lage Improvement Soc. Mem. College Club, Country Club (Portland), Woman's Club (Yar- mjuth). Recreations: Travel, club work, social life. Unitarian. Against woman suffrage. BIRD, Maria Elvy (Mrs. William Bird), Broad- view, Saskatchewan, Can. Born Gloucestershore, August, 1845; dau. Jo- seph and Maria (Smith) Reynolds; ed. private school and by governess; m. Therfield, Herts, England, 1868, William Bird (died 1890); chil- dren: Joseph, Percy, Ethel, Harold, Reynold, Florence, Mabel, Mattie Walter (all deceased). Farmer and author. Went to England by favor of Canadian Pacific Railway to lecture on West- ern Canada. Author: My Start in Canada; Some of My Neighbors; Eveline's Lament; also many other articles, journalistic and otherwise; at one time, wrote regularly for the Elnglish Christian World. Leisure Hour, etc. Congregationalist. Liberal in politics. Recreation: Whist. BIRDSALL, Anna Palmyra, Wallkill, N.Y., General sec. Y.W.C.A.; b. Wallkill, N.Y.; dau. Samuel A. and Marion (Blair) Birdsall; ed. Barlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., Ph.B. 1892-95; one year post-grad, work Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899- 1900; summer term Univ. of Chicago, 1904. Gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Poughkeepsie, 1900-03; Grand Rapids, 1904-07; ass't pastor Mt. Morris Baptist Church, N.Y. City, 1910; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., In- dinapolis, Ind., 1911; San Antonio, Tex., 1912. Interested In settlement and church work of all kinds. Mem. Friends Church. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage Ass'n of San Antonio, Tex. BIRDSALL, Katliarine Newbold, 18 Washington Terrace, E. Orange, N.J. Editor, writer; b. Cornwall, N.Y., April 29, 1877; dau. James and Mariana (Townsend) Bird- sall; ed. N.Y. City schools. Editor Children's Magazine. 1906-09; Over Sea and Land Magazine since 1910. Contributor to magazines. Editor The Young People's Book Shelf (20 volumes). Proprietor of Model Children's Page Newspaper Syndicate. Author: Jacks of All Trades; How to Make Money; editor Volume 1, The Founda- tion Library; part author of The First Seven Years. BIRDSALL, Virginia Field (Mrs. Albert T. Birdsall), 521 Clinton Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Montreal, Canada; ed. in schools of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '99; m. June 15, 1904, Dr. Albert T. Birdsall; one son. ' Teacher in Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1899-1902. BIBDSEYE, Miriam, 31 Liberty St., N.Y. City. Teacher; b. Brooklyn. N.Y., Dec. 18, 1878; dau Clarence F. and Ada (Underwood) Birdseye; BIRKS— BISSELL 101 ed. Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn; Smith Coll., A.B. '01; Pratt Inst, diploma in normal domesstic science '07. Taught household economy at Hebrew Technical School for Girls, N.Y. City, and at Simmons Coll.; served for a year in the dep't of health and economics of the Nat. Electric Lamp Ass'n of Cleveland, 0., Investi- gating working conditions for the women em- ployees In their factories; head of dep't of household economy at Bates Coll., 1911-12. Mem. Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education, Alumnse Ass'n of Smith Coll. Rec- reations: Sailing, swimming, walking. Congre- gationalist. Favors woman suffrage. BIRKS, Julia Miles (Mrs. Frederick M. Birks), 112 Roanoke Av., Peoria, III. Born Peoria, 111., July 31, 1874; dau. Hon. Philo B. and Maria Helen (Wrenn) Miles; ed. Peoria High School and Wells Coll., A.B. '97; m. June 6, 1901, Frederick Massey Birks. De- voted to the study of history, prominent in social life in Peoria. Mem. Visiting Nurse Com. of Associated Charities, Civic Fed. of Peoria; ex-pres. College Club of Peoria; ex-pres. Western Ass'n of Wells Coll.; mem. Friday Club, Amateur Musical Club. Recreations: Golf, flower gardening, motoring. Presbyterian. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Club of Peoria. BISBEE, Genevieve, 38 E. Sixtieth St., N.Y. City. Musician and teacher of piano; b. Rockford, 111.; dau. Horatio and Martha Florida (Flotard) Bisbee: ed. Mrs. Kirk's School, N.Y. City: Ber- lin and Leipzig, Germany, and Leschetizky's School in Vienna, Austria. Teacher of piano by the Leschetizky method; composer. Has written a booklet: Leschetizky and His Method. Episco- palian. Mem. United Daughters of the Con- federacy. BISHOP, Alice Lyman (Mrs. Charles Alvord Bishop), Monrovira, Cal. Born Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 6, 1872; dau. Richard H. and Emma A. (Wiley) Lyman; grad. Wyoming High School, Wyoming, Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1890; attended Mt. Holyoke Coll. (one year), 1890-91; m. Des Moines, Iowa, June 25, 1902, Judge Charles Alvord Bishop; one daughter: Alice Roxana Bishop, b. Sept. 5, 1903. Interested in Parent-Teachers' Ass'n work. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Re- publican. Recreations: Gardening, motoring, out- door life. Mem. and recording sec. Monrovia Woman's Club. BISHOP, Elizabeth Loraine, The Western Col- lege, Oxford, O. Teacher; b. Hannibal, Wis.; dau. William M. and Harriette A. (Warner) Bishop; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '97, A.M. '98; Univ. of Chicago, grad. study. Prof. Latin in thf Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Archaeological Inst, of America, Classical Ass'n of Middle West and South. Congregationalist. BISHOP, Emily Montague (Mrs. Coleman E. Bishop), 600 W. 192d St., N.Y. City. Lecturer, reader, health culturlst; b. Forest- ville, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1858; dau. Asa L. and Ann E. (DeWitt) Mulkin; ed. in Foreatvllle (N.Y.) High School; m. Silver Creek, N.Y., Coleman E. Bishop. Dramatic reader; lecturer and teacher at Chautauqua Assembly, Chautauqua Lake, N.Y., since 1889; joint principal and di- rector of health culture dep't in School of Ex- pression; writer on literary and health topics. Author: Health and Self-Expresslon; Interpreta- tive Foj-ms of Literature; Seventy Years Young; Daily Ways to Health. BISHOP, Harriette Anna (Mrs. William M. Bishop), 74 Pitcher St., Detroit, Mich. Teacher; b. Burlington, Vt., Aug. 7, 1845; dau. William and Harriet B. (Leac-h) Warner; ed. Detroit High School; Vassar Coll., A.B. '67; m. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 13, 1870, William M. Bishop of Hannibal, Mo. (died 1878); children: William Warner, Helen Louise, Elizabeth Loraine. Teacher Detroit High School since 1878. Congre- gatlonallBt. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Pill Beta. Kappa Soc, Ck)llege Club of Detroit. BISHOP, Helen Louise, 74 Pitcher St., Detroit, Mich. Teacher; b. Hannibal, Mo., Nov. 7, 1872; dau. William Melancthon and Harriette Anna (War- ner) Bi.shop; grad. Detroit High School, Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; Univ. of Mich., A.M. '04; Ameri- can School of Classical Studies in Rome, 1900-01. Teacher in high school, Covington, Ind., 1898-99; Rockford Coll., 1902-03; Meredith Coll., Raleigh, N.C., 1905-07; Detroit Central High School since 1908. Author: The Fountain of Juturna in the Roman Forum. Congregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, College Club of Detroit. BISHOP, Nelle Smith (Mrs. Alwood Lawrence Bishop), 52 Idlewood Av., Cleveland, O. Born Des Moines, la.. May 21, 1877; dau. Lewis C. and Ida (Clapp) Smith; ed. West Des Moines High School and Rachel Clark's School for Girls, Des Moines; m. Des Moines, 1902, A. L. Bishop; one son: Alwood Lawrence Bishon Jr., b. 1903. Interested in women's departmental clubs and federation of clubs. Episcopalian. Recreation; Social life. Mem. Cleveland OUa Podvida Cluh, Cleveland Woman's Club (pres. three years, now resigned). Cor. sec. Cleveland Fed. Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. BISHOP, Susan Washbume (Mrs. William D. Bishop), 199 Courtland Hill, Bridgeport, Conn. Born Raynham, Mass.; dau. Hon. Elihu B. Washburne (U.S. Senator, U.S. Minister to France, etc.) and Adele (Gratiot) Washburne; ed. in Europe; m. William D. Bishop; children: Natalie B. Reyhurn, William D. Bishop Jr. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames, Huguenot Soc., Soc. of Mayflower Descendants. BISPHAM, Caroline Russell (Mrs. David S. Bispham), 150 E. Thirty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Daughter of late Gen. Charles S. and Anna Elizabeth (Fletcher) Russell; ed. Washington, D.C., and lived abroad for 23 years; m. St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, April 28, 1885, David S. Bispham; children: Vlda, b. Florence, Italy; Leonie A. F. Carnegie, b. London; David, b. London, Eng. Composer of songs and author of short stories and poems. Roman Catholic. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Gardening, driving. Clubs: York (N.Y. City), West Chester Country (West Chester, Pa.). BISSELL, Bertha Abby Nichols (Mrs. Horace G. Bissell), East Greenwich, R.I. Born East Greenwich, R.I., 1870; dau. John Champlin and Phebe A. (Rice) Nichols; ed. East Greenwich Acad., 1891; Smith Coll., 1891-92; Brown Univ., Ph.B. 1892-95 (Alpha Beta, ciiarter mem.); m. East Greenwich, R.I., Nov. 8, 1905, Horace G. Bissell. . Treas. Bast Greenwich branch of the Woman's Auxiliary (Episcopal Church); mem. District Nurse Ass'n of East Greenwich, Bethesda Circle of King's Daughters of East Greenwich. Mem. R.I. Soc. for the Col- legiate Education of Women, R.I. branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Alumnae Ass'n of Brown Univ. ; pres. Providence Fortnightly Club. Bpls- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. BISSELL, Mary Taylor (Mrs. Willard Parker Bissell), Marlborough-on-Hudson, N.Y. Physician; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. ReV. B. B. L. and Mary J. (Perkins) Taylor; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '75; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '81; m. Willard Parker Bissell (deceased); one son: Philip Bissell (deceased). Practised medicine in N.Y. City; medical direc- tor physical training for 10 years of Berkeley Ladies' Athletic Club, N.Y. City; prof, hygiene, N.Y. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, five years; exec. sec. N.Y. State Consumers' League, 1908-11, Investigating health of working women, etc., in factories and stores. Established a Rest House for Semi-Invalids at Marlborough, N.Y., 1912. Author: Physical Exercise for Women; Manual of Hygiene, and various papers in Popular Science Monthly. Mom. State Med. Soc, Ulster County Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y. and vicinity. Woman's University Club, Vassar Alumnae Ass'n. BISSELL, Marie Truesdale (Mrs. Richard M. Bissell), 351 Farmington Av^ H&rtford, Conn. Born Terre Haute, Ind., SepL U, 1879; dau. 102 BITTINGER— BLACK ■William Haynes and Annie (Topping) Trues- lam Penn and Elizabeth (Sperry) Bogardua; ed. dale; ed. Chicago private schools; Miss Dana's Harcourt Place Sem., Gambler, 0., 1891-92; Wel- School, Morristown, N.J. ; m. Greenwich, Conn., lesley Coll., A.B. '96 (mem. the Agora); m. Mt. June 25, 1901, Richard M. Bissell; children: Vernon, O., June 22, 1904, William Thomas William, Anne Carolyn, Richard Mervin. Ac- Black; children: Mary Elizabeth, William Bo- tively interested in various Hartford charitable gardus. Presbyterial and synodical sec. of organizations. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Young People of Zanesville Presbytery in Ohio, Conn. Anti-Suffrage Organization. Mem. Hart- 1902-04; teacher in Sunday-school; mem. of choir, ford Golf Club, Farmington Country Club. and of Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary BITTINGEB. Lucy Forney, 55 Thorn St., Se- Soc. Mem. D.A.R. Presbyterian, wlckley, Pa. BLACK, Etta Roe (Mrs. Willis Lyman Black), Bom Cleveland, O., Aug. 29, 1859; dau. Joseph 770 Highland Av., Elgin, 111. Baugher and Catharine N. (Forney) Bittinger; Born in La Porte, Ind., May 4, 1862; dau. ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn. George and Marietta (Drummond) Roe; grad. Pres. Union Aid Soc. of Sewickley; was pres. La Porte High School, '80; Univ. of Mich., A.B. Emergency Soc. of Sewickley, to aid the soldiers '83; m. Sept. 4, 1884, Willis Lyman Black of of the Spanish War. Author: Memorials of Rev. Elgin, 111.; children: Lyman Foster, Marerta J. B. Bittinger; Forney Family of Hanover, Pa.; Virginie Black. Gives illustrated talks on Bittinger and Bedinger Families; The Germans foreign travel, viz.: Hawaii and the Paciflfc; in Colonial Times; German Religious Life in Japan-China; Burmah; India; Swea Dagon Pa- Colonial Times; Prayers and Thoughts for the goda; Crossing the Equator; Ceylon and Kandy; Use of the Sick; various magazine articles. Benares and the Ganges; Borneo, etc.; has trav- Vice-regent Pittsburgh Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. eled extensively in Alaska, Mexico and around Twentieth Century Club, Pittsburgh. Presby- the world. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- terian. Against woman suffrage. Has arranged tionalist. Republican. Mem. Efvery Wednesday to give up her home in Sewickley to enter the Literary Club (pres.), Elgin Woman's Club, Presbyterian Order of Deaconesses, afterward Travel Class and Coffee Club, also Chicago going out to India as an "honorary" missionary. Woman's Club; active in educational and civics BrXBY, Maritjc V. P. (Mrs. George Stephenson ^^p't of Woman's Club; for many years leader Bixby): Winter, 154 W. Fifty-seventh St., '° chanty work and active in giving an annual N.Y. City; spring, summer and autumn. The chanty ball ; one of promoters and organizers of Gardenette, Plattsburgh, N.T.; studio. Car- United Charities in Elgin. negle Hall. BLACK, Fannie DeGrasse (Mrs. Ssimuel Ed- Singer and writer; b. Cayuga, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. ward Black), 403 Washington St., EI Dorado, Joseph Jerome and Maritje (Felthousen) Par- Kan. cells; ed. high school; private tutors (languages Musician; b. in Canada, Nov. 21, 1856; dau. and philosophy); Berlin Music (Conservatory; William Henry and Bedelia I. (McGuire) De- mnslc masters in Paris and Milan; N.Y. Univ. Grasse; ed. Milwaukee public schools; grad. (grad. woman's law class) ; tutors in India and from high school, State Normal and Dr. William England; courses of lectures at Columbia Coll., Mlklor's Conservatory of Music, B.M.; m. Mil- N.Y. ; m. Amherst, Mass., July 17, 1900, George waukee, Jan. 14, 1881, Judge Samuel Edward Stephenson Bixrby, lawyer and journalist. Made Black; one daughter: Grace Louise. Has con- debut as concert contralto in Paris at age of ducted Conservatory of Music in El Dorado, 20; gave reci-tals in English colonies in many Kan., for 20 years. Mem. of church societies. Oriental countries, also in England, France and Ladies' Aid and Missionary; was leader of choir America; professional name, "Marie Parcello." and pipe organist for 15 years. Mem. Shakes- For 12 years mem. board of managers Convales- peare Club for 20 years (held various offices), cent Home for Women, N.Y. City; interested in German Club, also several social clubs. Recrea- playgrounds, concerts for working people, muni- tlons: Travel, literature. Presbyterian, cipal art, public education, anti-tuberculosis BLACK, Florence Atwood, 1018 Park Place, movement and landscape gardening. Author: Brooklyn, N.Y. The Persian Caravan (book); also a few songs, Physician; b. Calais, Me.; dau. Howard At- newspaper letters for Am. and European jour- ^^ood and Minerva Emerson (Lowell) Black nals; stories: A Ragged Rose; Turkish Delight; (family dates back ten generations in this coun- In an Algerian Garden; The Song of PoU-na- try to percival Lowell, who came to New Bng- phuca. The Long Irish Lady, and other tales, jand in 1639); ed. Girls' High School, Brooklyn; Mem. State Charities Aid Ass'n, Daughters of awarded Brooklyn and Univ. scholarships to Holland Dames, the Nary League, Am. Scenic Barnard, where she studied one year; grad. New and Historic Preservation Soc, Woman's Muni- York Med. Coll. and Hosp. for Women, M.D.; cipal League (N.Y. City), Peace Soc, Mary took general and special courses at N.Y. Post- Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R., and the Graduate Hospital. Engaged in practice of med- MacDowell Club of N.Y. City. Recreations: jcine in Brooklyn. Unitarian. Mem. Alumnae Gardening, dancing, skating, walking tours, Ass'n of N.Y Med. Ckill., Kings Ckiunty Med. writing music and poetry, traveling by water, soc. Am. Med. Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- „_,. .^^ , . .,^. ,,, „ ,,. ^ frage; mem. Woman's Political Union, N.Y. BLACK, Jennie Prince (Mrs. Henry Van Deven- Qjty ter Black), Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y. BJOBKMA>r, Frances Maule (Mrs. Edwin Bjork- .^^ong composer; b. N Y. City^ °^}l3, ^?™ir^!^^' man BOS Fifth Av NY Citv ^^- Christopher and Gertrude Cornell (Ditmaa) '^"tor "L Fairm^ount N^b? Oct. 24, 1879; dau. P^.f-'^^^- .^^^ ^Tli^^lfrn 2w'S6' ^^ John, P. and Mary (Finnigan) Maule; ed^ St, ^-'•^^evelter^Black; Sllrdre^n":"^)^^^' kI^^^ Satki^^;ncrrm°^^Y.^fe,^°^.^^,'^i9<^! rine- Interested ^^^K'-^, -^^.-^^3%!^- Denver Post and Times, Colorado Springs Tele- byterian. Republican. graph, Chicago American, 1901; N.Y. American, BLACK, Madeline (Mrs. Elmer Black), 512 1903; magazine writer, 1905-11. Editor now of Fifth Av., N.Y. City. literary dep't Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Pacifist, lecturer, publisher; b. Zanesville, Ohio; Socialist and active in feminist movements, dau. Dr. F. M. and Louisa (Newton) Powell; Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Politi- grad. public school, Glenwood, Iowa; grad. 111. cal Union and Woman Suffrage Party. Has Coll. and Athenaum; m. April 26, 1893, Elmer written magazine articles in Collier's, Review of Ellsrworth Black: one daughter: Dorothy Powell. Reviews, World's Work, Woman's Home Com- Founder Church Peace League of America (flrst panlon. Good Housekeeping, Ladies' Home Jour- vice-pres.); founder and donor of prizes tor N.Y. nal, Scrap-Book, the New Idea, and others. State Oratorical Contest; founder and donor BLACK, Belinda Miles Bosrardajs (Mrs. William Nat. Peace Essay Contest Among Women's Col- Thomas Black), Hillcrest, R.B. No. 1, Fair- leges. Author: Civilize the Nations (brochure); mont, W.Vsu Municipal Terminal Market System (treatise). Bozn Mt. VcoMO, Ol, ?■"» 12, ISM; dao. Will- AdTlsoxy mem. N.Y. CSlty Terminal Market Com- BLACK— BLACKMER loa mission. Pounder, director and mem. Exec. CJom. Am. Peace and Arbitration League; honorary vlce-pres. Betterment League; ehairman Ways and Means Com. of Consumers' League of City of N.Y.; exec. mem. Nat. Com. on Prison Labor; life mem. Blde-a-Wee Home for Animals; life mem. Free Industrial School for Crippled Chil- dren; mem. Am. Peace Soc., Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Nat. Municipal League, Acad.""of Political Science (Columbia Univ.), Am. Museum of Natural History, League for Political Education, Woman's Dep't Nat. Civic Federation, N.Y. Women's League for Animals, Advisory Board of Nat. Prult, Flower and Plant Guild, Nat. Soc. of Patriotic Women of America, N.Y. Peace Soc, Advisory Board N.Y. Women's Aux- iliary to Civil Service Reform, Housewives' League, Nat. Inst, of Social Sciences, Am^ Ass'n for Highway Improvement, Soc. of American Women In London (London). Clubs: Eclectic, Woman's Press, Woman's Forum, Twilight, Woman's Republican, Rubinstein (N.Y. City); Chicago Woman's, Woman's Athletic (Chicago), Atlantic Union, Lyceum (London, England). Recreations: Riding, walking, tennis, skating, dancing, writing. BI.ACK, Mary Grace Wltherbee (Mrs. Robert Clifford Black), Pelham Manor, N.Y. Bom Port Henry, N.Y., May 18, 1852; dau. Silas Hemlnway and Sophie Catherine (Goff) Wltherbee; ed. governesses and at Farmington, Conn., and Miss McAuley's School, N.Y. City; m. NY. City, April 20, 1875, Robert Cliffoi^a Black: children: R. Clifford Jr., Wltherbee. In- tereeted in West Side Nursery, Jewell Day Nur- sery and Babies' Ward (N.Y. City), Miriam Os- born Memorial Home, Harrison, N.Y.; Pelham Summer Home for Children and several musical societies. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Recreation: Yachting. Clubs: Manor (Pelham Manor), N.Y. Yacht, Sleepy Hol- low, Larchmont Yacht. BLACK, Mignonette Bird Johnson (Mrs. D. Shuler Black), 1325 Hampton Av., Columbia, Tenn. Bom Memphis, Tenn. ; ed. in schools of Mem- phis, Tenn., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; m. Feb. 5, 1897, Dr. D. Shuler Black; two sons, one daughter. BLACK, Nellie Peters (Mrs. George Roblson Black), 519 Spring St., Atlanta, Ga, Bom Atlanta, C^a., Feb. 9, 1851; dau. Richard and Mary Jane (Thompson) Peters; ed. In At- lanta and at Brooke Hall, Media, Pa. (gr&d. with honors): m. April 17, 1877, George Robison Black of Screven Co., Ga. (mem. of 47th Con- gress U.S.); children: Nita H., Louise K., Ralph Peters. Sec. Peters Land CJo. Has been pres. of the Atlanta Free Kindergarten Ass'n for 16 years; mem. Elxec. Board Ga. Fed. of Women's Clubs; former pres. of the Woman's AuxUiary, Protestant Episcopal Church, for years; now hon. pres. Mem. Colonial Dames of Ga., D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Pioneer Women of Atlanta (vice-pres.), Anti- Tuberculosis Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Manager the Richard Peters Farm; mem. Every Saturday History Class. Recreation : Social gatherings. BLACK, Susan Geiger (Mrs. Francis M. Black), 219 W. Armour Boul., Kansas City, Mo. Bora Dayton, O., April 23, 1843; dau. Albertus Goiger, M.D., and Katherine (Bartges) Gelger; grad. Central High School, Dayton, O., and re- ceived private Instruction in music and lan- guages; m. Dayton, O., May 22, 1867, Francis M. Black (judge ten years on Mo. Supreme bench and chief justice, and previously circuit judge and mem. Constitutional Conventions; died May, 1902); children: Helen M., Albert, Robert (all three deceased), Susan B., Francis M., Arthur G. Was charter mem. and later pres. of the first literary club fcw-med In Kansas City; one of earliest advocates in that section of the country of manual training in the public schools (since realized); mem. and pres. Woman's Chris- tian Ass'n, 1885, later charter mem. of Fine Arts Inst, and also of Historical Soc.; at pres- ent Identifled with philanthropic and church work; Protestant Episcoi>al. Recreations: Home and foreign travel (frequent trips to Europe), study of languages; is conversant with the mod- ern languages (French, Italian, Spanish, Ger- man), theatre, opera. BLACK, Winifred (Mrs. Charles A. Bonflla), 115 3 Ogden St., Denver, Colo. Journalist; b. Chilton, Wis., Oct. 14, 1869; dau. Gen. Benjamin Jeffrey Sweet, U.S.V. (and after Civil War pension agent at Chicago until his death), and Louisa (Denslow) Sweet; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, Chicago; Lake Forest (111.) Sem. ; Miss Burnham's School, Northampton, Mass.; m. (1st) 1892, Orlow Black; (2d) 1901, Charles A. Bonflls. In journalism since 1890, and has filled many repertorial and editorial posi- tions; best known as special writer for metro- politan papers, and as relief agent for several years in charge of large charities conducted bj the Hearst papers, notably after the Galveston flood, where she was in charge ot hospitals and relief work. Has conducted numerous investiga- tions, notably into the leper colony of Molokai, Hawaii; the hospitals at San Francisco, and various other public institutions; had an im- portant part in founding the George Junior Re- public in N.Y. ; has had and published interviews with many notable people; now dn staff of Denver Post. BLACKCNGTON, Ada J. (Mrs. Albert T. Black- ington), 56 Middle St., Rockland, Me. Born Rockland, Me., Jan. 8, 1867; dau. Fred- eric J. and Flora J. (Adams) Simonton; ed. at Mrs. Hayes' School, Boston, diploma '86; m. Rockland, Me., Oct. 24, 1892, Albert T. Black- ington. Deeply Interested in art study, and has class in history of art every season; gives papers on that and literary and musical subjects for clubs. Episcopalian. Mem. Lady Knox Chapter, D.A.R. (has been regent for two years); mem. Methebesce Club, Shakespeare Soc. (literary), Rubinstein Club (musical), and Half Hour Read- ing Club. BLACKLIDGE:, Luella Larmore (Mrs. William T. Blacklldge), 401 W. 10th St., Anderson, Ind. Designer and china decorator; b. Harrison, Ohio, May 9, 1864; dau. James and Catharine (Cann) Larmore; ed. Anderson, Ind.; m. Sept. 17, 1884, William J. Blacklldge; one son: Her- bert Harvey Blacklldge, b. April 6, 1889. Spe- cially intere.ated in architecture and interior decoration. Pres. Anderson Art Club, which has taken active part in beautifying the city of An- derson, notably' in the planting on Arbor Day, 1912, of one hundred and eighty-five trees (elms and Norway maples) on both sides of several main streets. Methodist. Republican. Mem. Anderson Art Ass'n, Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Civic Ass'n, Charity Guild, Anderson Keramic Club. Favors woman suffrage. BLACKMAJJ, Carrie Hbrton (Mrs. George Black- man), 6843 Bartmer Av., St. Louis, Mo. Painter; b. CincinnaU, 0.. April U, 1856; dau. Benjamin and Carrie (Hart) Horton; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; St. Louis School of Fine Arts; art studies continued In Paris; m. George Black- man; children: Barbara Adelaide (Mrs. David O'Neill), Elsa, George Horton, Caroline Horton. Favors woman suffrage; mem. St. Louis Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Society of Western Artists, St. Louis Artists' Guild Club, the Play- ers' Club. BLACKMAN, Olive J. (Mrs.), Harrisburg, 111. Social and religious worker; b. Saline Co., IlL, July 17, 1864; dau. James K. and Sarah (Watson) Odum; ed. public schools and Southern 111. Nor- mal Univ.; m. Nov. 14, 1888, James Bennett Biackman; one son: Champ Odum Blackm^;i. Teacher Bible class; mem. Philanthropic Com. of Harrisburg, 111. Baptist. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Stonetort (111.) Chapter (past wor- thy matron), Rebekah Lodge, El Dorado, 111., and Order of Ben Hur. Harrisburg, 111. Mem. Woman's Culture Club, Bible Class Club. Was president of the 111. Rebekah State Assembly, 1899-1900, I.O.O.F. BI.ACIvMER, Anna Wood, Cortland. N.Y. Teacher; b. Genoa, N.Y., SepL 1, 1872; daushter of Ephraim Newton and Roxianna (£>dmonds) 104 BLACKSTONE— BLAIR Blackmer; ed. State Normal School, Cortland, N.Y., 1891-94; Wellesley Coll., 1897-1901, A.B. '01. Suoervisor seventh grade training dep't State Normal Coll., YpsUantl. Mich., 1901-02; dep't o£ methods State Normal School, Geneseo, N.Y., 1902-05; methods and supervision of training dep't State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., since 1905. Baptist. Mem. Shakespeare Soc., Wellesley College. BLACKSTONE, Harriet, 755 Grove St., Glen- coe, 111. Artist, painter; b. New Hartford, N.Y. ; dau. Mills Case and Mary (Ladd) Blackstone; ed. New Hartford private schools; Mrs. Foster's School for Young Ladies; studied painting In N.Y. City and at Pratt Inst, of Brooklyn; in Paris at Academie Julien, under Laurens; sum- mer school with William Chase. Exhibited in Paris Salon and in all leading galleries in U.S. since 1906. Mem. Am. Women's Art Ass'n, Soc. of Chicago Artists, Internat. Societe des Beaux Arts et Lettres. While studying, compiled books now in use in high schools and colleges. BL.ACKWELDEB, Gertrude Bougrbton (Mrs. I. S. Blackwelder), Morgan Park, 111. Clubwoman; b. Sempronius, Cayuga Co., N.T., Dec. 5, 1853; dau. Alanson and Hannah (Squier) Boughton; ed. Univ. of Kansas, A.B. '75, A.M. '90 (Phi Beta Kappa); (mem. PI Beta Phi); m. Lawrence, Kan., April 5, 1877, I. S. Blackwelder of Chicago; children: Paul, b. April 7, 1878; Eliot, b. June 4, 1880. Active mem. in the early years of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae; for the past fifteen years has been a worker along educa- tional and civic lines in the Chicago Woman's Club. Chairman of Chicago Vacation Schools Com. for three years (active in that work for more than ten years) ; pres. of the Chicago Woman's Club, 1906-08; chairman of Educational Dep't of 111. State Federation, 1909-11; pres. Chicago Political Equality League three years. Author of articles on educational matters, prin- cipally in college magazines, but occasionally in newspapers. Mem. Chicago School Extension Soc, Chicago Public School Art Soc, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Chicago College Club. BLACKWELX, Alice Stone, 3 Monadnock St., Dorchester, Mass. EJditor of The Woman's Journal; b. East Orange, N.J., Sept. 14, 1857; dau. Henry B. Blackwell and Lucy Stone; ed. Chauncy Hall School, Boston (took the Thayer gold medal for English composition and a special prize for knowledge of Shakespeare); Boston Univ., B.A. '81 (Phi Beta Kappa); (mem. Gamma Delta Soc). Has been one of the editors of the Woman's Journal (national suffrage paper) since 1882; sole editor since 1909. Lecturer, speaker and writer on suffrage question. Pres. New England Woman Suffrage Ass'n, hon. pres. Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n and vlce-pres. of Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government. Born Into the Woman's Rights movement; her parents were pioneer workers in that cause; one of her aunts. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, was the first woman physician; another. Rev. Antoinette Brown Blackwell, was first ordained woman minister. Author of three volumes of translated poems: Armenian Poems; Songs of Russia; Songs of Grief and Gladness (from the Yiddish). In col- laboration with Rev. Anna H. Shaw and Lucy E. Anthony compiled the Yellow Ribbon Speaker, a book of suffrage readings and recitations. Unitarian. Mem. Board of Trustees of Boston Univ.; mem. Friends of Russian Freedom, Friends of Armenia, Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, Am. Peace Soc, New England Anti- Vivisection Soc, Nat. Ass'n for the Advance- ment of Colored People, Mass. Total Abstinence Soc, Free Trade League, Woman's Trade Union League, New England Women's Press Ass'n; Phi Beta Kappa Soc, New England Women's Club; Twentieth Century Club of Boston. Rec- reation: Putting foreign poetry into English verse; has made renderings from the Armenian, Russian, Yiddish, Hungarian, Spanish-Mexican, French, Italian. Latin, German and Bohemiaji. BLACKWEIX, Antoinette Lonisa Brown (Mrs. Samuel Charles Blackwell), 348 Bay Way, Elizabeth, N.J. Minister, lecturer; b. Henrietta, N.Y., May 20, 1826; dau. Joesph and Abby (Morse) Brown; ed. Monroe Acad. ; Oberlin Coll., at 75th anniversary of which the degree of D.D. was conferred upon her; m. Henrietta, N.Y., Jan., 1856, Samuel Charles Blackwell; four daughters. Ordained In 1853 as pastor of the Congregational Church of South Brooklyn, N.Y., and was the first wo- man to perform the marriage ceremony. Pastor of All Souls' Unitarian Church of Elizabeth, N.J. Author: Shadows of Our Social System; Studies in General Science; The Market Woman; Sea Drift; One and the Many; The Island Neigh- bor. Mem. A.A.A.S. ; mem. and honorary of numerous societies and clmbs. Prominent in woman suffrage cause. BLAINE, Harriet Gertxnde, 602 Irving Av., Wheaton, 111. Teacher; b. North Ridgeville, Lorain Co., O., March 9, 1861; dau. Thomas and Margery A. (Davis) Blaine; grad. Elyria (O.) High School, '79; Oberlin Coll., A.B. '90; Univ. of Chicago, M.A. '96. Lady principal Frances Sliimer Acad, of the Univ. of Chicago, 1896-1901; dean of women, Wheaton (111.) Coll., 1902-09. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumna and Classical Ass'n of the Middle West and South. Recreations: Walking and gardening. BLAIB, Adeline Cleveland (Mrs. Dorian H. Blair), 439 Walker Av., Greensboro, N.C. Bom N.Y. City, Oct. 14, 1863; dau. Harvey T. and Elizabeth (Wray) Cleveland; ed. Friends Sem., N.Y. City; m. Greensboro, N.C, April 29, 1896, Dorian H. Blair; children: Theodore Gar- land (died), Clarence Dorian. Resident of N.C. since 1888, and of Greensboro since 1896. Mem. W.C.T.U. ; mem. Social Service Com. of State Fed. Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Regent Guilford Battle Chapter D.A.R. of Greensboro; chairman Missionary Golden Jubilee Com.; mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions (local pres. St. Andrew's branch and Diocesan treas.); sec. Board and mem. Social Com. Y.W.C.A.; mem. Boys' Com. of Auxiliary to Y.M.C.A. Sunday-school teacher (boys). Mem. Greensboro Woman's Club (first vlce-pres.), Friday After- noon Book Club (pres. last two years). Dele- gate from N.C. branch of Woman's Auxiliary to Woman's Auxiliary Triennial General Conven- tions at Richmond and Cincinnati and repre- sented N.C. at Golden Jubilee, held at Monteagle, Tenn., 1912. BLATB, ApoIIine Madison (Mrs. James Law- rence Blair), The Dresden, Washington, D.C. Bom Washington, D.C, May 7, 1860; dau. Col. Charles M. Alexander; ed. Washington, D.C, specializing in music; m. Feb. 21, 1883, James Lawrence Blair of St. Louis (died Jan. 16, 1904); children; Percy, Francis Preston. Lived in St. Louis and became distinguished for her promotion of organizations to popularize higher ideals of musical culture; founded and was presi- dent of the Morning Choral Club (75 women members), the People's Music Class (for wo- men), which reached a membership of 800, and the Kirkwood (Mo.) Choral Club, a suburban organization of fifty women; also of the Men's Musical Class of St. Louis; was pres. of the Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition at St. J uis. BLAIB, Edna Slieldon (Mrs. James G. Blair), 141 Oak St., Hillsdale, Mich. Bom Napoleon, O., Dec. 29, 1875; dau. Benja- min E. and Anna S. (Dodd) Sheldon; ed. Hills- dale High School; Hillsdale Coll.; m. Hillsdale, Mich., Dec. 20, 1900, James G. Blair. Active in local and State club work. Pres. Hillsdale Clover Club (sec. three years, pres. two years, director since 1910); mem. Hillsdale Woman's Club; former mem. Household Economies Com. of Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs, now chair- man of its literature dep't, and mem. Civil Service Reform Com. of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; chairman of organization work and mem. State Finance Com. of Mich. Ekiual Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. State BLAIR— BLAKE 105 Speakers' Bureau for suffrage In active cam- paign for passing of amendment Nov. 5, 1912. Author of newspaper articles on civic questions, health, suffrage, immigration, etc. Mem. Order Bafitern Star (worthy matron Wenona Chapter, 162, Mich., 1911-12).' BLAIK, Emily Newell (Mrs. Harry Wallace Blair), 1849 S. Garrison Av., Carthage, Mo. Writer; b. Joplin, Mo., Jan. 9, 1877; dau. Capt. James P. and Anna C. (Gray) Newell; ed. Carth- age High School and Goucher Coll. ; m. Carthage, Dec. 24, 1900, Harry Wallace Blair; children: Harriet Wallace, James Newell. Mem. Cosmos apd Shakespeare Clubs of Carthage; dlst. chair- man of Press Com. of Mo. Fed. ; vice-pres. Mo. Woman's Press Club; mem. D.A.R., Equal Suf- frage League, Free Kindergarten Board, church guilds and social clubs. Author: Heart of a Wallflower; short stories published in Cosmo- politan, Harper's Bazar, Woman's Home Com- panion, Ladies' Home Journal, Lippincott's; ar- ticles in same magazines and the Outlook. Epis- copalian. Recreations: Fishing, bridge, garden- ing. BL.AIB, Margarei Josephine, State Agricultural Coll., University of Minnesota, Minn. Professor; b. Goodhue Center, Minn., May 5, 1863; dau. John V. and Isabelle (Kennedy) Bailey; took work in Red Wing (Minn.) High School, later studied household science at Armour Inst, and Jewish Training School in Chicago, follow- ing this up with work at Pratt Inst, and other Eastern Schools (mem. Phi Upsllon Omicron); m. 1884, John N. Blair; one son: Donald S. For two years Nat. Chairman of Home Econo- jnlcs in the General Federation of Woman's Clubs, for eight years chairman in Minnesota. Mem. of Lady Board of Managers of the U.S. Agricultural and Industrial Exposition Co. Au- thor: Garment Drafting, 1896; Model Sewing. J.900; Sewing Basket Stories, 1907; A New and Practical Course of Sewing Texts, 1909; also PQany articles in periodicals. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Mem. Woman's Federation, Am. Home Economics Ass'n, St. Anthony Park Wom- an's Club. Has been a pioneer in formation and iJevelopment of courses in Domestic Art; has planned courses for all kinds of schools; h'er courses of instruction have formed the basis of work in the subject throughout the country; paany prominent instructors in domestic art In higher institutions have received their training from her. Recreation: Outdoor sports, espe- cially long horse-back rides. BLAIR, Margaretta E. (Mrs. Harrison H. Blair), Elk Point, S.Dak. Born Tecumseh, Mich., Feb. 2, 1844; dau. Ben- jamin and Margaret T. (Sinclair) Dey; ed. Rock- ford (111.) Female Coll.; m. Portage City, Wis., Oct. 25, 1863, Harrison H. Blair; children: Wini- fred, b. 186.5; Frank Howard, b. 1870; Genevieve, b. 1872: Guy E., b. 1874. Club: Woman's Lit- erary. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage. Resident in Wis., 1844-69; since then at Elk Point, S.Dak. BLAIR, Mary Jeeup (Mrs. James Blair), 12 Lafayette Sq., Washington, D.C., and Silver Spring, Md. Born Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 1826; dau. MaJ.-Gen. Thomas S. and Ann Heron (Croghan) Jesup; ed. chiefly at home by governesses; m. Washington, Jan. 12, 1847, Lieut. James Blair, U S. Navy; children: Ann, Jesup, Violet, Lucy, James. Mem. various societies of the Episcopal Church, .^.gainst woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Pres. Soc, of Colonial Dames in the Dist. of Columbia. BLAIR, Salome Annette (Mrs. Albert Houston Blair), Wa-Keeney, Trego Co., Kan. Born Kusaiae, Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean, Aug. 31, 1856; dau. Rev. George and Nancy An- nette (Shaw) Plerson; ed. in common school. East Oakland, Cal; High School, Adel, la.; Rockford Coll., grad. '76; grad. fine arts dep't, Bethany Coll., Llndsborg, Kan. (painting), '06; m. Jan. 1, 1880, Albert Houston Blair; children: Stella Annette, b. Aug. 3, 1881; Lucy Emily, b. Aug. 14, 1882; Julia Maud, b. Jan. 2, 1886. Deputy clerk of the District Ck)urt, 1884-85. Aa- slfited in organization of Osborne Women's Pree- byterlal Missionary Soc, 1890. Active In Pres- byterian Church and Sunday-school, and in oholr work. Has been pres. and sec. County Sunday-school Ass'n; church organist; active in philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive In politics. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Recreations: Needlework, paint- ing, music. Mem. Tourist Club, Soc. Fed. with Kansas Sixth Dlst. Fed. W.C. (treas.). BLAIR, Vivian Beatrice Losse (Mrs. James Clark Blair), Martin Av., Hanchett Park, San J086, Cal. Born in California; grad. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A,B. '02; graduate student in English and German, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-03; m. 1910, Dr. James Clark Blair. Substitute teacher of English and German, San Jose (Cal.) High School, 1903- 04; teacher of English, 1903-06; student in Hanover, Germany, 1906-07; teacher of English and German, San Jos^ High School, 1907-09. BLAISDELL, Daisy Luana, 908 Nevada St., Ur- bana, 111. Teacher; b. Baltimore, Md., April 12, 1866; dau. Samuel and Harriott (Crane) BlaisdeU ; ed. in public schools of Ohicopee, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '88, A.M. '94; Berlin, Germany, Vic- toria Lyceum and Charlottenschule, 1892-93; Berlin Royal Univ., 1899-1900 (mem. Alpha Lit- erary, Smith). Taught in Pulaski Acad., 1889-90; high school, Springfield, Mass., 1890-92-95-98; Oberlin Acad., 1898-99; Instructor in German, State Univ. of III., 1900- . Mem. Equal Suffrage League. Baptist. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n, Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll., Ass'n of Ckillegiate Alumnae. BLAISDELL, Mary Frances, 673 Winthrop St.. Medford, Mass. Author, teacher; b. Manchester, N. H., April 20, 1874; dau. Clark and Clara (Murray) Blais- deU; grad. Cambridge Training School '95. Taught in Brockton, Mass., 1896-1901; In Medford since 1901. Co-author with sister (Etta BlaisdeU McDonald): Child Life, 1899; Child Life in Tale and Fable, 1899; Child Life in Many Lands, 1900; Child Life in Literature, 1900; Child Life Primer, 1901; BlaisdeU Speller, 1901; Child Life Fifth Reader, 1902; Playtime, 1906; The Child at Play, 1907; Story Land, 1908; Story Book Friends, 1908. Author: Polly and Dolly, 1909; Tommy Tinker's Book, 1911; Cherry Tree Children, 1912; Boy Blue and His Friends (under pen-name of Clara Murray), 1907. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. Boston Author's Club. BLAKE, Blanche Morgan (Mrs. George E. Blake), 1304 S. Belmont St., Nashville, Tenn. Born Fayetteviile, Tenn., May 23, 1866; dau. William C. and Nancy (Edwards) Morgan; grad. Fayetteviile Acad., with degree of Mistress of English Literature; m. Fayetteviile, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1886, George E. Blake; children: William Morgan, Gladys Thomas. Chairman of literature in State Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Friday Literary Club; mem. Centennial Club, Magazine Club, Daughters of the King, United I>aughters of the Confederacy. Episcopalian. Favors wo- man suffrage. BLAKE, Eva M., 190 Maplewood Av., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa, Physician; b. Bridgeport, Conn,; dau. Edwin A. and Amanda H. (Tinkham) Blake; ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., Goucher Coll., Balti- more. B.A.; N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women, M.D. ; Philadelphia Coll. of Osteopathy, D.O. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Lecturer on Social Purity and kindred subjects. Mem. Pa. Soc. for Pre- vention of Social Disease, Homeopathic Soc. of the County of Philadelphia, Homeopathic Soc. of State of Pa., Am. Inst, of Homeopathy, Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Woman's Coll. Club (Phila- delphia). Recreation: Vocal music. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Philadelphia County Suffrage Soc. BLAKE, Katharine Aldrlch (Mrs. John Blake), 91 Jefferson Av.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Born Grand Rapids, Mich.; dau. Moses V. and Euphrasia L. (Ledyard) Aldrlch; grad. Grand Rapids High School, '76; Vassar Coll., '80 (mem. Dickens Soc); m. Grand Rapids, 1885, John 106 BLAKE— BLAKESLSJB Blake; children: Aldrich, Ledyard. Favors 'wo- man BufErage. Clubs: Women's University (Grand Rapids), Women's University (N.Y. City). BLAKX:, KatherLne D. Umsted, 100 Lexington Av., N.Y. City. Educator, writer; b. N.Y. City, July 10, 1858; dau. Franls Geoffrey Quay Umsted and Lillie (Devereux) Blake; ed. Miss Walker's School, St. Mary's School; grad. Normal Coll., '76; studied at School of Pedagogy, N.Y. Univ., 1887-88. Principal of Public School No. 6, 1894. Organized the first evening high school for women in N.Y. City, 1897. Chairman com. of teachers and principals that framed and presented to Mayor Grace the monster petition asking for the ap- pointment of women on Board of Education. Called together the committee of women teachers and principals who made the first effort to secure adequate salaries for city teachers. Spoke in reply to ex-President Roosevelt when he ad- dressed the Nat. Educational Ass'n. Compiled the first statistics showing the number of dark and badly lighted rooms in public schools. Con- tributor to periodicals, verse and prose. Vlce- pres. Ass'n Women Principals of N.Y. City; mem. Special N.Y. City Com. of Nat. Educational Ass'n, Exec. Com. Normal College Alumnae; charter mem. Soc. Political Study. Favors woman suffrage. BLAKE, Leslie Appleton (Mrs. Arthur Blake), Dedham, Mass. Daughter Henry Miles and Alice Leslie (Ap- pleton) Knowles; ed. Miss Winsor's School, Bos- ton; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. ; m. "Burntwood," Dedham, Sept, 7, 1910, Arthur Blake of Boston (Harvard '92). Mem. Drama League of Boston, Dedham branch of Woman's Auxiliary Civil Service League; subscribing mem. Boston Art Museum. Clubs: Bryn Mawr (Boston), Bryn Mawr (N.Y. City), Cohasset Golf, Contentment (Dedham), Herford. Unitarian. BLAKE, Lillie Devereux (Mrs. Grenflll Blake), The Roslyn, 101 W. Eighty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Author; b. Raleigh N.C., 1835; dau. George Pollock and Sarah Elizabeth (Johnson) Dev- ereux; ed. Miss Opthorp'a School, New Haven, Conn., and had course of studies in Yale Coll.; m. (1st) 1855, Frank G. Q. Umsted (died 1859); (2d) 1866, Grenflll Blake; children: Elizabeth Johnson Umsied, Katherine Devereux Umsted. In 1869 became interested in movement for en- franchisement of women, to which has been largely devoted. Contributor to Harper's, the Atlantic, Frank Leslie's, North American Re- view, the Forum, and others. Author: South- ward, 1859; Rockford, 1863; Fettered for Life, 1874- A Daring Experiment, 1883; also numerous stories and articles. In 1883 delivered series of lectures (in reply to Lenten Discourses on Wo- men by Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D.), which were printed under title of Woman's Place To-Day, 1894 Founder and pres. N.Y. Legislative League; pres. N.Y. City Mother's Club; hon. pres. Soc. Political Study. Took a leading part in the Constitutional Convention campaign, spoke before Suffrage Com. of convention, and directed much of work in N.Y. City. Was first person to demand that Columbia College be opened to women students. Episcopalian. Has traveled all over France, England and Ireland. Recreations: Music and embroidery, reading and walks. BLAKE, Mabelle B., 24 Greenville St., Roxbury, Mass. Social worker; b. N.Y. City, Oct. 19, 1880; dau. Edwin A. and Amanda H. (Wilson) Blake; ed. In Brooklyn, N.Y., at Packer Inst., Adelphl Acad., Adelphi Coll., A.B. Trained for social work with Associated Charities of Boston; then became dist. sec. of Associated Charities; gen. sec. of Boston Soc. tor the Care of Girls since 1908. Interested in music. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Folk dancing, walking. Mem. Twentieth Century and Monday Evening Clubs (Boston), Woman's Municipal League of Boston. BLAKE, Mary Katharine Etohs (Mrs. William McKendree Blake), The Berkeley, Minneapolis, Minn. Author; b. Rockport, Ind., Aug. 31, 1859; dau. Joseph Smith and Mary Caroline (Cotton) Evans; ed. Rockport (Ind.) Collegiate Inst; m. Rock- port, Ind., Aug. 28, 1876, William McKendree Blake. Author: Heart's Haven; The Stuff of a Man. BLAKE, Sue Avis, Merlon, Fa. Instructor In physics. Smith Coll.; b, Boston, Mass., Oct. 9, 1875; dau. Barton Fisk and Mary Elizabeth (Manning) Blake; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98, A.M. '1900. Fellow In physics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1906-07; graduate student In physics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-1900-04-06; fellow in physics, Univ of Pa., 1907-08. Associate mem. Am. Physical Soc. Congregationalist. BLAKELY, Delora Edith Wilkins (Mrrs. Gould B. Blakely), Suite 3, Kendart Apartments, Salt Lake City, Utah. Club woman; b. Mt. Pleasant, la., June 19, 1864; dau. James Shields and Emm* (Miller) Wilkins; ed. Academic and Normal Teachers' Training School, Mt. Pleasant, la.; m. Fremont, Neb., April 14, 1897, Gould B. Blakely. Taught several years in public schools in Nebraska and later In Salt Lake City. Vice-pres. Utah Fed. of Women's Clubs; gen. chairman of State hospi- tality for entertainment of biennial visitors to 1912 convention; State chairihan Gen. Fed. En- dowment Fund Com. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood. Mem. Monday Night Literary of Salt Lake City, composed of men and women; the Am. Woman's League. Actively Interested in charitable ass'ns of S.L.C., on boards of control, etc. BLAKEMOBE, Lizzie McFarland (Mrs. W. T. Blakemore), Box 16, Hopkinsville, Ky. Born Yazoo City, Miss., July 30, 1851; dau. John McFarland and Virginia (Blanton) Ireland; ed. at home by governesses and tutors; m. July 14, 1874, Maj. W. T. Blakemore; children: Allen Bruce, John McFarland, Virginia Elizabeth, Page Blanton. Active in civil, religious and social matters. Has done newspaper work and acted as correspondent. Mem. Civic League, School Improvement League, ex-pres. of the Ky. Division of United Daughters of the Con- federacy. Presbyterian. Favors qualified suf- frage. Democrat. BLAKEB. .Adelaide Marion Cornell (Mrs. Ern- est Blaker), 402 Oak Av., Ithaca, N.Y. Born Kansas City, Kan., July 23, 1878; dau. Dudley Ehnerson and Annie M. (Speck) Cornell; ed. high school, Kansas City, Kan. ; Miss Bar- stow's School for Girls, Kansas City, Mo.; <3or- nell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.; m. Kansas City, Kan., Sept. 1, 1900, Ernest Blaker; one daughter: Marion Adelaide, b. Nov. 18, 1905. Correspond- ing sec. of Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Child Study Club, Campus Club of Cor- nell Univ., Cornell Equal Suffrage Club, House- wives' League of Ithaca, BLAKESLEE, Adeline Graves (Mrs. Edwin A. Blakeslee), Galien, Mich. Born Grand Rapids, Mich., May 23, 1873; dau. John B. and Frances (Greene) Graves; grad. Grand Rapids High School, '91; grad. in music, Benton Harbor Coll., '94; m. Galien, Mich., May 18, 1898, Edwin A. Blakeslee; children: Marian (deceased), Eleanor, Adeline, Edwin A. Director of music Benton Harbor Coll., 1895-97. Interested In Needlework Guild of America; or- ganized Benton Harbor Branch Needlework Guild, June 11, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. D.A.R., Algonian Chapter (St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, Mich.); charter mem. Daughters of Assoli (Benton Harbor, Mich.), 1897; charter mem. Friday Culture Club (Galien, Mich.), 1903; Monday Musicale (Benton Harbor and St Joseph). With aid of Friday Cul- ture (ilub of Galien, organized Berrian (bounty Fed. Of Women's Qlxiba, Nvv. 23, 1307. BLANCHAilD— BLAUVE3LT lOI B!LANCHART), Amy Ella, Redding Ridge, Conn.; summer, Bailey Island, Me. Author; b. Baltimore, Md., June 28, 1S56; dau. Daniel Harris and Sarah L. (Reynolds) Blaneh- ard; ed. by priva-te instruction at home and In private schools, 18 months in High School Balti- more, and special courses at art schools, rfarvard Summer School and elsewhere. Took first prize in Metropolitan Museum of Art School, 1885 (life class). Taught drawing and painting at Sem., Plainfleld, N.J., two years, afterward moved to Philadelphia, where engaged in literary work. Believes In equal suffrage. Episcopalian. Has traveled in principal countries of Europe. Rec- reations: Music, painting. Author; Two Girls (series); Three Pretty Maids (series); Four Cor- ners (series) ; War of the Revolution (series) ; War of 1812 (series) ; A Gentle Pioneer (series) ; .\ Journey of Joy (series); Wit's End; A Glad Lady; Talbot's Angels. BI.ANCHARD, Elizabeth Miller, Bellefonte, Pa. Worker in Bellefonte basket shop; b. Belle- fonte, Pa., 1865; dau. Evan Miles and Eliza (Thomas) Blanchard; ed. Bellefonte Academy, Bryn Mawr College, B.A. '89; fellow in mathematics, Bryn Mawr, '90. Teacher of mathematics In the Bryn Mawr School, Balti- more; Misses Shipley School; Bryn Mawr; Miss Irwin's School, Philadelphia. Chairman Muni- cipal Com. of Board of Trade, Bellefonte, Pa. Prea. Woman's Club, Bellefonte, Pa. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Socialist; mem. Socialist party. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnse, Bryn Mawr Coll. Alumns, Coll. Club of Philadelphia. Recrea- tions: Camping, walking, cards. Pres. Suffrage League, Bellefonte, Pa.; Coll. Suffrage League. BLA>'CHARD, Ethel We.st (Mrs. Ferdinand Quincy Blanchard), East Orange, N.J. Born Boston, Mar. 13, 1874; dau. Charles Fos- ter and Elizabeth (Buckley) West; ed. Newton (Mass.) grammar and high schools; Smith Coll., B.L. '99; m. Newtonville, Mass., June 19, 1901, Rev. Ferdinand Quincy Blanchard; one son: Ed- ward Richmond. Against woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. BLANCHARD, Dr. Frances S. Carothers (Mrs. Charles A. Blanchard), 623 Howard St., Wheaton, III. Physician; father Scotch-Irish; mother a de- scendant of the Whitneys of Vermant; grad. Wheaton Coll., A.B. '80, A.M. '85; Northwestern Univ. Med. School, M.D. '85; m. Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 19, 1S96, Rev. Charles Albert Blanch- ard, D.D., LL.D., pres. of Wheaton Coll. Prac- tised medicine in Iowa until marriage, since then in Wheaton, 111. Congregationalist. Pro- hibitionist. BLANCHARD, Irene M., WlUard Hall, Evans- ton, 111. Teacher; b. Lower Waterford, Vt., 1876; dau. Enoch and Susan (Bugles) Blanchard; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '98; grad. student, Univ. of Mich., 1911-12 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Teacher Latin and Greek, Battle Creek (Mich.) High School, 1898-99; Latin and English, 111. State Normal Univ., Normal, 111.. 1899-1910; acting dean of women. Northwestern Univ., 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage; sec. Ekjual Suffrage League, Normal, 111., 1910-11. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R. and Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse. BLANCHARD, Mary Miles, Bellefonte, Pa, Born Bellefonte, Pa., July 22, 1867; dau. Evan Miles and Eliza Thomas (Harris) Blanchard; ed. Bellefonte Acad., A.B. '89; Bryn Mawr Coll., Master Craftsman in Basketry conferred by the Arts and Crafts Soc. of Boston. Owner, manager and designer of the Basket Shop at Bellefonte. Mem. Women's Civic Club of Bellefonte, Pa.; secretary of Auxiliary of Bellefonte Hospital; mem. College Club of Philadelphia, Arts and Crafts Soc. of Boston, Detroit, Baltimore; Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen of N.Y. Mem. of Society of Friends. Identified with and teacher of wom- en's Bible class In a mission school. Favors woman suffrage. BLANKENBt'RG, Lucretla L. (Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg), 214 West Logan Sq., Philadel- phia. Pa. Social reformer and suffrage worker; b. New Lisbon, O., May 8, 1845; dau. Thomas E. and Hannah E. (Myers) Longshore (mother was a pioneer woman doctor, grad. from the Woman's Med. Coll., Philadelphia, 1850; practised medicine forty-five years); ed. In Philadelphia Friends' Central School; m. Philadelphia, 1867, Rudolph Blankenburg of Lippe Detmold, Germany (now reform Mayor of Philadelphia) ; three children (all deceased). Mem. Society of Friends. Has been interested In the evolution of the woman movement and the growth of liberal religious views; for sixteen years pres. Pa. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n (now honorary pres.). Author of short articles and leaflets In regard to suffrage or other activities among women. Life mem. Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Recreation: Travel. Mem. New Century Club, Working Woman's Guild, Civic Club of Philadelphia. First vlce- pres. General Federation of Women's Clubs. BLANKENSHIP, Georgiana Mitchell (Mrs. George E. Blankenshlp), 1503 Columbia St., Olympla, Wash. Newspaper correspondent; b. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 17, 1860; dau. George Martin and Elizabeth (Penniman) Mitchell; ed. public schools; m. Olympia, Wash., 1892, George E. Blankenshlp; children: Frank D., Marion Ruth. Newspaper correspondent for State House News, Associated Press, Portland Oregonlan, Seattle Post-Intelli- gencer. Mem. Order EJastem Star, Relief (wo- man's) Soc. Mem. Woman's Club of Olympla, EenatI Clu'b; second vlce-pres. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Out-door sports. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage (voter) ; pres. Thurston C!o. Suffrage Ass'n. BLASAR, Jeanette (Mrs. Joseph Blasar), 100 S. Thirteenth St., Kansas City, Kan. Born Hudson, Mich. ; dau. Lyman L. and Philana (Manning) Wright; ed. Toledo (0.) Nor- mal School; m. (1st) Mattoon, Ohio, 1869, Edwin Dlmlck; (2d) Neosho, Mo., 1895, Joseph Blasar. Has been identified with churches as sup't; pres. of Ladies' Aid at Thompson Falls, Mont., 1892; organized first Sunshine Branch in Springfield, Mo., later in Kansas City home. Organized seven branches of Internat. Sunshine Soc. ; or- ganizer for 10 years of State of Kansas Sunshine Soc. (incorporated), called Kansas Division; was pres. Mo. State Division. Organized three branches In Kansas City. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationalist. Progressive in poll- tics. Mem. Grand Army Circle, Ladies' Circle of Loyal Order of Moose; pres. One Kindness Branch of Internat. Sunshine Society. BLATCH, Harriot Stanton, 315 W. 97th St., N.Y. City. Reformer; b. Seneca Falls, N.T., Jan. 20, 1856; dau. Henry Brewster and Elizabeth (Cady) Stan- ton; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '78; honors in mathematics (Phi Beta Kapjja), A.M. '94; stu- dent Berlin '80, Sorbonne, Paris, '82; m. London, Eng., 1882, William Henry Blatch; children: Nora Stanton, b. 1883; Helen Stanton, b. 1892. After marriage in 1882, lived twenty years In England. Active while there in Women's In- dustrial Union, suffrage organizations. Liberal .\ss'n and on executive of Fabian Soc.; trustee of evening schools; associated with Charles Booth, the statistician. In collecting facts op village life which formed basis of thesis for degree of M.A. Life mem. of the N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n of the Coll. Equal Suffrage League; pres. of the Women's Political Union; mem. Women's Univ. Club; mem. Society dt Ethical Culture. BI^UVELT, Lillian (Mme.), 744 Kenmore Place. Brooklyn, N.Y. Prima donna soprano; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 16, 1873; dau. Peter and Elizabeth Augusta Blau- velt; ed. public schools of Brooklyn; student of violin from age of seven; musical education (voice) at Nat. Conservatory of Music, N.Y. City, and In Paris under Jacques Bonby; m. (Isl) Royal Smith; (2d) N.Y. City, William F. Pen- dleton. Sang in concerts In France and Belgium and afterward with the Philharmonic Soc. in Moscow; d^but In opera at Theatre de la Mon- nale, Brussels, in Mlrelle; returned to U.S., singing In concerts, oratorios, etc., under Seldl, Thomas, Damrosch, and other leading conductora 108 BLAUVELT— BLISS Has since then sung in all quality Club. Speaker for suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Monday Club. BLISS, Eleanora Emma (Mrs. Tasker H. Bliss), Fort Totten, N.Y. Daughter Rev. George W. Anderson, D.D., and Maria Frances (Hill) Anderson; ed. by tutors in U.S. and Germany; m. Rosemont, Pa., May 24, 1882, Tasker H. Bliss (now brlg.-gen. U.S. Army); children: Eleanora Frances, Edward Goring. BLISS, Eleanora Frances, Fort Totten, N.Y. Geologist; b. Rosemont, Pa., July 15, 1883; dau. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, U.S.A., and Eleanora Em- ma (Anderson) Bliss; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. and A.M. '04, Ph.D. '12. Author: Crystal- line Rocks of the Doe Run Region of Pennsyl- vania (thesis). Episcopalian. Recreations: Ten- nis, horseback riding, swimming, basket ball. BLISS, Elizabeth Bancroft, 1621 Twenty-first St., Washington, D.C. Born Berlin, Germany, Nov. 6, 1868; dau. Alex- ander and Eleanor Taylor (Albert) Bliss; ed. Miss Burgess' and Miss Hilton's private schools in Washington, D.C. Interested in parish activi- ties at St. John's Church, Washington, D.C; mem. Civic Federation; Interested in social Im- provement. Joint editor of Letters from Eng- land by Mrs. George Bancroft Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America (Dist. of Oo- lumhia Chapter), Am. Forestry Ass'n, Navy League, Nat. Geographic Soc., Washington Club, York Cluh. BLISS, Laura Adella, Dickinson House, North- ampton, Mass. Professor of music; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of N.Y. City; Vassar Coll., A.B. '77, A.M. '86, Mus.B. '88. Teacher Vassar Coll., 1879-95; Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., 1895- 1904; ass't prof, of music, Smith Coll., since 1904. Elected Associate of Am. ColL of Music, 1894. BLISS, Mary H., Iowa Falls, Iowa. Club woman; b. Iowa Falls, la., 1867; dau. Lewis Oscar and Ruth (Seymour) Bliss; father is of Revolutionary stock; descendant of Berlah Bliss and Captain Stephen Seymour, both of whom served in the war of 1776; ed. loTva Falls High School and Grinnell Coll. Trustee Iowa Falls Public Library; vlce-pres. and mem. Board of Directors of Ladies' Social Gathering; delegate from Third District of Iowa to Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs, San Francisco, June, 1912; chairman Third District Iowa Fed- eration of Women's Clubs. Congregational let. Mem. P.E.O. Soc, D.A.R. and Eastern Star. Mem. Parchment Club. BLISS, Euth Shorkley (Mrs. George R. Bliss), Silver Spring, Md. Bom Lewisburg, Pa., July 4, 1885; 4au. EaiBha BLOCK— BLOW 109 and Saraii (Helxell) Shorkley; grad. Bucknell Inst., '02; Bucknell Univ., A.B. '05 (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Lewlaburg, Pa,, July 29, 1909, George R. Bliss (patent lawyer); one son: Henry Harmon Bliss. Now living, for benefit of hus- band's health, on a jKJultry farm, which they have najned "Novova." Baptist. BLOCK, Anita C. (Mrs. S. John Block), 65 Hamilton Terrace, N.Y. City. Associate editor; b. N.Y. City, Aug. 22, 1882; ed. private school, N.Y. City; Barnard Coll., grad. B.A. '03; m. N.Y. City, June 4. 1907, S. John Block (lawyer and well-known Socialist). Was teacher In a New York private school. Ac- tive mean. Socialist Party. Favors woman suf- frage. Associate editor of Socialist daily paper, the New York Call; edits Sunday page for women, also writes several editorial articles weekly. Mem. Socialist Press Club, Women's Trade Union League, Am. Soc. Med. Sociology, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc. Recreations: Danc- ing, walking, rowing, swimming, music, art, theatre. Has been delegate to city and State conventions of the Socialist Party. Lectures on Socialism and all allied subjects before women's clubs, suffrage societies, dinner clubs, etc. BLOCK, Elizabeth Orme (Mrs. Francis C. Block), 16 Kimball St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Atlanta, Ga. ; dau. Francis Hodgson and Ellen Vail (Woodward) Orme; ed. public schools of Atlanta and Eklgeworth School, Baltimore, Md. ; m. Francis Cockran Block (deceased); one daughter: Margaret Douglas Block. Mem. Col- onial Dames, D.A.R., Every Saturday Club. Episcopalian. BLODGETT, Katharine Frances (Mrs. Kinsley Blodgett). 1016 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Born Boston, Sept. 4, 18S0; dau. George Abner and Emma W. (Bancroft) Littlefield; ed. public schools of Newport and Providence, and Brown Univ., A.B. '02 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Providence, June 27, 1910, Rev. Kinsley Blodgett. Teacher In Sunday-school. Episcopalian. Rec- reation: Music. Mem. Current Topics Club (sec.) Against woman suffrage. BLODGETT. Mabel Fuller (Mrs. Edward B. Blodgett), Redgables, West Newton, Mass. Author; b. Bangor, Me., April 18, 1869; dau. Ransom Burritt and Mary Louise (White) Ful- ler; ed. Acad. Sacr6 Coeur, Elmhurst, Provi- dence, R.I.; m. Boston, Mass., Nov. 17, 1891, Edward Everett Blodgett; children: Robert Ful- ler, Ruth Hartwell, Richard Ashley, Dorothy. Author: The Aspen Shade; At the Queen's Mercy; Fairy Tales; The Giant's Ruby; When Christmas Came Too Early. Roman Catholic. Mem. Mayflower Club and Mayflower Descend- ants. BLODGETT, Minnie Cumnock (Mrs. John Wood Blodgett), 401 Cherry St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Born Lowell, Mass. ; dau. Alexander G. and Frances F. (Ross) Caunnock; ed. public schools, Lowell, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '84; m. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 16, 1895, John Wood Blodgett; chU- dren: Katherlne Cumnock, John Wood. Pres. of the D. A. Blodgett Home for Children ; Inter- ested in the child-welfare work of the city. Mem. Women's University Club, Ladies' Literary Club, Fortnightly Club, Art Ass'n. Congrega- tlonaJist. BLOOM, Bessie Luella Kutcher (Mrs. Jesse Stewart Bloom), 55 N. Park St., E>ast Orange, N.J. Bom East Orange, N.J., 1880; ed. In schools of East Orange; Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; m. East Orange, N.J., Aug. 26, 1908, Jesse Stewart Bloom; children: Roger Langdon, Lois Gilbert, Clifford Stewart. Engaged In teaching and office work in Morrlstown, N.J.; Newark, N.J., and Brooklyn, N.Y., 1901-05- sec. Y.W.C.A. of Brooklyn, 1905-08. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. BLOOMSTEIN, Elizabeth Lee, 521 Fifth Av., South, Nashville, Tenn. Teacher; b. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 8, 1859; dau. Jacob and Esther M. (Radzin) Bloomsteln; ed. private school, normal school, Univ. of Nash- ville, A.M.; grad. student of Unlys. of Wis. and Chicago. Professor of history (European), Pea- body Normal School, for thirty-five years; now librarian of George Peaibody Coll. Library. Has lectured for many years, particularly on history and history of art; has been active In civic work as mem. of South Nashville Fed. of Women, as well as other clubs. Against woman suf- frage. Has written for newspapers. Jewish religion. Pres. Magazine Circle, which has en- dowed a scholarship for the George Peabody Coll. for Teachers, to be known as the Magazine Circle Scholarship; has been a delegate twice to the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs of the U.S. and on the educational program in 1900 at Mil- waukee. VIce-pres. Tennessee Woman's His- torical Ass'n; mem. Tenn. Press Woman and Authors' Club, Am. Historical Ass'n, Ladles' Hermitage Ass'n (which cares for home of An- drew Jackson), United Daughters of the Con- federacy, Nashville Art Ass'n, Peabody Woman's Club, Centennial Club, etc. BLOUNT, Alma, YpsllantI, Mich. Teacher; b. Byron, 111., Nov. 29, 1866; dau. Joseph Blount, M.D., and Mary Putman (Green) Blount; grad. Wheaton (111.) Coll., A.B. '90; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '96; scholar in English philology, 1894-95; fellow In English philology, 1895-9G; student at Radcllffe Coll., 1898-99; held European fellowship of Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnfe, 1904-05. Earlier years of teach- ing were spent in various schools; now ass't prof, of English in the State Normal School at Ypsilauti, Mich. Author: Language Lessons for Intermediate Grades, 1912; An Elementary Gram- mar, Composition for Grammar Grades, 1913. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Na- tional Council of Teachers of English. In- terested in investigations in mediaeval romance, and has partially completed a Complete Onomas- ticon of the Mediaeval Legends of the Arthurian Cycle. Pending its completion and publication the MS. is kept in the fireproof vaults of the Harvard Library, where it may be consulted by scholars Interested. Favors woman suffrage. BLOUNT, Anna Ellsworth (Mrs. Ralph Earle Blount), 124 South Oak Park Av., Oak Park, 111. Physician, lecturer; b. Oregon, Wis., Jan. 18, 1872; dau. H. G. and Amelia (Barnhisel) Ells- worth; grad. Univ. of Wis., class of '92; North- western Univ., Woman's Med. School, M.D. '97; Germany, 1904; Cook Co. Hospital interne, 1897; m. Chicago, 1893, Ralph Barle Blount; children: Walter, Earle, Ruth. Passed competitive exam., 1897, for Cook Co. Hospital; studied abroad, 1902-04. Frequent lecturer on social hygiene, equal suffrage, eugenics and kindred subjects. Formerly vIce-pres. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, now chairman of Literature Com. Author of magazine articles, leaflets and addresses. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Chicago Med. Soc, 111. EJquaJ Suffrage Ass'n, Chicago Political Elquallty I^eague, Am. Eugenics Soc. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Nineteenth Cen- tury Club (Oak Park, 111.), Woman's Med. Club. BLOUNT, Marie Ross (Mrs. Henry F. Blount), 218 Sunset Av., Evansvllle, Ind. Bom Mt. Vernon, Ind., July 10, 1881; dau. Robert Neal and Emily (Lichtenberg) Ross; ed. public schools of Evansvllle. Ind., later private schools and Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; m. Evansvllle, Ind., Nov. 4, 1905, Henry F. Blount Jr.; children: Henry F., b. Sept. 25, 1906; Robert E., b. Nov 20, 1908. After completing musical education did accompanying and solo work on the piano in concert professionally fof several years, later taught music. Leader In social musical circles and mem. of musical so- cieties in Evansvllle and Washington, D.C. Interested in civics and munioipal reforms— especially health and education. Episcopalian. Favors wom.an suffrage. BLOW, Alziere Kennerly (Mrs. William T. Blow^ 6712 Mchlgan Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Dec. 29, 1866; dau. Wm. F. and Abbie (Kennerly) Haines; la a soldier's daughter of Colonial lineage; ed. In High School, Acad, of Sacred Heart and Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis; m. Nov. 19, 1598, Dr. 110 BLUM— BODMAN William T. Blow. Mem. Civic League of St. Louis. Pres. Carondolet Women's Club. Rec- reation: Artistic pursuits. Against suffrage, as non-Scripturai. BLUM, Charlotte, M.D., 29 3 E. 10th St.. N.T. City. Physician; b. Odessa, Russia, May 26, 1882; dau. Harris and Golda (Rablnowitz) Blum; gen- eral education in Russia; grad. Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., M.D. '06. Engaged since graduation in general practice of medicine in N.Y. City. Hebrew. Favors woman suffrage. BLUMENSCHEIN, Mary Sbepard Greene (Mrs. Ernest L. Blumenschein), 50 Orange St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Artist; b. New York; dau. Rufus and Mary I. (Shepard) Greene; ed. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y., and Pratt Institute; studied art under Prof. Whittaker and Herbert Adams, of Brook- lyn, and Raphael Collin, of Paris; m. Paris, June 29, 1905, Ernest L. Blumenschein, artist; children: Ethan Allen (died in infancy), Helen Greene Blumenschein. Studied in Paris 1892-1909^; awarded In Paris Salon, 1900, medal of third class; in 1909, medal of second class; St. Louis Exposition, silver medal. Mem. Woman's Art Club. BLCNDON, Ada C. PoUock (Mrs. Frank C. Blundon), Baton Rouge, La- Teacher; b. Patria, N.Y., April 11, 1863; dau. Jesse W. and Mary (Dagget) Pollock; grad. Al- bany State Normal, '86; m. Baldwin. La., Feb. 9, 1889, Rev. Frank C. Baldwin. With husband organized, 1889, the Live Oak School for Colored People In Baton Rouge, La., which they have conducted ever since; enrollment 485 in 1912, the school being supported chiefly by the freewill offerings of Christian people of the North. Fa- vors woman suffrage. BLUNT, Katharine, Springfield Armory, Spring- field, Mass. Chemist, teacher; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Stanhope English Blunt (now colonel U.S.A.) and Fanny (Smyth) Blunt; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '98; graduate student Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology 1902-03; graduate student Univ. of Chi- cago, i902, 1905-07, Ph.D. '07 (holder of Babbott fellowship, 1905-06). Teacher Pratt Inst., Brook- lyn, N.Y. ; instructor in chemistry, Vassar Coll., 1903-05, and 1908-13; associate prof, chemistry. School of Education, Univ. of Chicago, 1913—. Mem. Am. CJhemical Soc. ; fellow A.A.A.S. BLUNT, Olive M., 508 S. Prairie St., Jackson- ville, 111. Teacher, missionary, lecturer; b. Mason CJo., ni.. Aug. 21, 1859; dau. Robert C. and Mary J. Blunt; ed. Wesleyan Coll., Bloomington, 111., and examinations by correspondence for foreign Beld. Has lectured on Japan and on temper- ance In every State except nine. Routed for eight months for State W.C.T.U. of Kansas, for Texas three months, and five months lor Ne- braska, to give public addresses and to organize. Taught five years in 111., eight in public schools of Kansas City, Mo.; was sent to Japan by Baptist Women's Board of Cbicago to open girls' school and spent seven ^-ears In Japan. A year after retiring entered lecture field for Japan and teanperance. Returned to Japan in 1905 at own expense from lectures. On way spent three months in Honolulu, where served as sec. Y.W.C.A., having had experience as sec. in Kansas City, where she was the first sec. Trav- eled from North to South Japan, addressing 27,000 students, and wsis chaperone for nine stu- dents upon return to this country. Has written much for local papers and a pamphlet: Gone Before (the narration of the life and death of a Japanese pupil). Baptist. Prohibition in poU- tiips. Mem. W.C.T.U., State chairman of 111. Woman's Prohibition Club; mem. Woman's For- eign Missionary Soc. BLYE, Birdice, B424 Washington Av., Chicago, 111. Piano virtuoso; dau. J. M. and Annie Blye; of English ancestry (grandparents came from Eng- land and settled in New York); educated in London, Paris and Berlin; completed her mu- sical studies with Anton Rutinstein. As a child played In London and Continental cities when^ only ten years of age. Has played before the royal families of England and Germany and for two administrations at the White House in Wash- ington, and has given recitals in the principal cities of the United States. Has contributed articles to various magazines on musical subjects and on distinguis'hed people she has met. Mem. of several clubs and societies. Protestant Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. BOAK, Blabel, Valhalla, N.Y. School principal; b. N.Y. City; ed. In schools of N.Y. City; Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; Columbia Univ., A.M. '02. Teacher, Allentown, Pa., 1902- 07; Worcester, Mass., 1907-08; preceptress, 1908- 09, and principal since 1909 Chappaqua Mountain Institute. BOAKDMAN, Anne Calef (Mrs. Francis Board- man), Rlverdale, N.Y. City. Bom Boston, Mass., Aug. 5, 1881; dau. Ben jamin Shreve and Annie (Macdonald) Calef; ed. private schools, Boston, Dresden, Germany, 1899; N.Y. School of Philanthropy, 1908; m. Boston, June 8, 1910, Francis Boardman; children: Eliza- beth, William Hall. Mem. Board of Directors of the N.Y. College Settlement. Episcopalian. BOAKDMAN, Mabel Thorp, 1801 P St., Wash- ington, D.C. (Summer, Wlndcliffe, Manchester- by-the Sea, Mass.) Red Cross oflacial; b. Cleveland, O. ; dau. Wil- liam Jarvls Boardman (grandson of Hon. Elijah Boardman, an early U.S. Senator from Conn.) and Florence Shefield Boardman (dau. Joseph Earl Shefield of New Haven, after wliom the Shefield Scientific School of Yale was named); ed. Cleveland and N.Y. schools and abroad resident of Washington since 1889; received A.M. from Yale Univ. 1910. Was given decorations of the King's Order by King of Sweden, 1909; received gold civic crown from Italian Govern- ment, 1909, and honorary decoration from Jap- anese Red Cross, 1912; U.S. delegate to 'the Eighth International Red Cross Conference, Lon- don; mem. Com. of One Hundred of A.A.A.S. to Promote Public Health, and especially to es- tablish Nat. Dep't of Health. Mem. Exec. Com. and chairman of the Nat. Relief Board of the Am. Red Cross. Mem. Congressional Club of Washington. BOAS, Harriet Betty (Mrs. Emil L. Boas), Bonniecrest, Greenwich, Conn. Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. Adolph and Charlotte (Leviseur) Sternfeld; ed. in N.Y. private schools; m. N.Y. City, March 20, 1888, Emll L. Boas (died May 3, 1912) ; one son : Herbert Allan. Trustee City History Club of N.Y., of which was pres. for several years; Nat. Alliance of Uni- tarian Women of which was vice-pres. five years; N.Y. League of Unitarian Women (pres.); Auxiliary of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Soc; mem. Thursday Musical Club; Mary Washington Memorial Ass'n; Children's Charitable Union; Public Education Ass'n; Sea- man Home (Hoboken) ; also many charitable or- ganizations and philanthropic enterprises. Has translated many songs for well-known compos- ers, also written several articles both in English and German for American and European maga- zines. Especially interested in civic matters, particularly city history; has received from the Sultan of Turkey, Great Star of the Order of the Nishan-i-Shefkat. Recreation: Music. Clubs: MacDowell, Sorosis, Nat. Society New England Women. Favors woman suffrage. Plans much for charity in settlements, etc., and particularly interested In American composers, most of whom she knows personally. BODJIAN, Ida M. (Mrs. Edward Cushman Bod- man), 835 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Daughter of Peter F. and Maria (Waite) Ber- dan; grad. N.Y. Univ., L.H.M.; m. Toledo, O., 1878, Eldward Cushman Bodman; children: Her- bert Luther, George Melnine Bodman. Pres. Advisory Com. of School of Pedagogy of N.Y. Univ. Clubs: Cosmopolitan, Barnard. BODMAN, Rose Maria, Maple Lodge, Rutland, Mass. Sanatorium proprietor; b. Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '87. Private teaciier, 1887-88; BOERICKE— BOLDS 111 teacher Miss Brackett's School for Girls, X.Y. City, 1888-88; Missea Ely's School, Brooklyn, 1889-92; principal of private school for girls, Brooklyn, 1892-1903; Since 1909 matron and pro- prietress of sanatorium at Rutland, Mass. BOERICKE, Edith Gertrude Schoff (Mrs. John James Boerlcke), 112 Beacon Lane, Merlon, Pa. Bom Newtonville, Mass.; dau. Frederic and Hannah (Kent) Schoff; ed. FYIends Central School and Walton School, Philadelphia; Bryn Ma-wr Coll., A.B. '98; graduate student Univ. of Pa., 1899-1900; student of music, 1900-03; demon- strator In geology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903; m. 1906, John James Boericke; children: Ralph, b. June 5, 1907; Frederic Schoff, b. Nov. 7, 1909; Edith Clara, b. July 11, 1911. Sec. West Phila- delphia Com. of the Philadelphia Orchestra, 1904- 06. Mem. Church of the New Jerusalem. Mem. Mothers' Club. BOERICKE, Helene, 6375 Woodbine Av., Phila- delphia, Pa. Musician; b. Philadelphia; dau. Francis E., M.D., and El.sie .M. (Tafel) Boericke; grad. Univ. of Pa., degree Bachelor of Music; studied with Michael H. Cross and W. W. Gilchrist, Philadelphia; in Conservatory of Music, Leipzig, Germany; Madame Falchl, Rome, Italy; Miss McEJvilly and de Reszke, Paris. Teacher of voice, theory and chorus at Music Settlement School, Philadelphia; chorus of children at College Set- tlement, Philadelphia. Mem. New Jerusalem Church. Mem. Manuscript Music Soc. (Philadel- phia), Philadelphia Music Teachers' Ass'n, La- dies' Aid Ass'n of New Jerusalem Church. BOERICKE, Johanna Ma«:daline, 6375 Wood- bine Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Artist and sculptress; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 13, 18C8; dau. Francis Edmund and Eliza (Tafel) Boericke; grad. West Green St. Semi- nary; studied at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia; water colors at Rome, under Enrico Nardi; portraiture in Paris, under R§nard; miniature painting at Jullen's, Paris. Mem. New Jerusalem Church. Mem. fellowship of the Pa. Acad, of Pine Arts, New Church League, Ladles' Aid Soc., Plastic Club. BOGARDUS, Estella M«ie, Thompson Publishing Co., Syracuse, N.T. Publisher; dau. Everadus and Mary Jane (Lit- tle) Bogardus; grad. Keble School. Started busi- ness, April, 1895, with Francis Hendricks & Co., art dealers; in 1898 assumed management of the publishing dep't of Earl Thompson Publishing Co. (pres., sec. and director). Inventor of the blue print system of studying art in American schools and has built up an extensive enterprise In supplying schools with blue prints for the study of art and literature by her method. Mem. Professional Woman's League, Nat. Educational Aas'n, Eastern Art Teachers' Ass'n. Mem. Kanatenah, Round Table and hon. mem. Social Art Club. BOGG8, Christina Marie (Mrs. John Lawrence Boggs), 44 Spruce St., Newark, N.J. Born N.Y. City; dau. Charles Whiting and Jeannie (Wilson) Newton; m. Washington, D.C., 1892. John Lawrence Boggs; children: Cornelia Paterson, Christina Newton. Elpiscopalian. Against woman suffrage. BOGGS, I.ucinda Pearl, 811 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. Educator; b. Tuscola, 111., Nov. 18, 1874; dau. Benjamin Franklin and Mary (Armstrong) Boggs; e<3. Univ. of 111., A.B. '94; Univs. of Jena, Berlin, and Halle, Germany, 1897-1900 (Ph.D.. Halle, 1900); honorary fellow, Cornell, 1902-03. Principal Oakland High School, 1894-95; preceptress and instructor In Greek and Latin, Rue Collegiate Inst., Paxton, III., 1895-97; princi- pal Primary Training Dep't, State Normal, Ellensburg. Wash., 1901-02; also Instructor In psychology and education. Western College for. Women, Oxford, O., 1906-07; director of nor- mal training, Methodist Episcopal Mission schools in Central China. 1910-12. Leader in local option campaigns In Urbana, 1908 and 1910. Secured appointment of probation officer for county; assisted In organizing Child Welfare Conieience, 1909. Pres. Dtet. Woman's Foreign .Missionary Soc., 1909-10; 111. State delegate to World's Congress on Home Education at Brus- sels, 1910; sec. Com, on Eugenics, Nat. Ass'n Collegiate Aluninfp, 1909-10. Lecturer on pro- fessional and popular subjects. Author: Das Interesse u. seine Anwendung in der Pedagoglk, 1900 (Docter's thesis, Halle), and a Series on Interest (Journal of Philosophy), 1904-06; The Physical Accomplishments of Feeling (Psychological Review), 1904; Home Education (Proceedings Child Welfare Conference), 1910; Chinese Womanhood, 1913; also articles on edu- cational and social topics in various Chinese magazines and newspapers. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. A.A.A.S., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Am. Home Economics Ass'n, W.C.T.U.. Public Health Ass'n, Child Welfare Conference (ex. sec), Anti-Tuberculosis League, Woman's For- eign ' Missionary Soc. of Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreations: Music, out-door sports. Favors woman suffrage. BOGCE (Mrs. Arthur Hoyt), (see Bell, Lilian). BOHAN, Elizabeth Baker (Mrs. Michael Bohan), 1844 Santa Cruz St., Los Angeles, Cal. Journalist; b. Birmingham, England, 1849; dau. Joseph and Martha (Boddington) Baker; ed. Mil- waukee (Wis.) public and private schools; m. Milwaukee, 1872, Michael Bohan; children: Ar- thur Baker, Edmonde Russell, Martha Bod- dington, Florence Claire. Lecturer to women's clubs on civic reforms, especially that which in- cludes a reconstruction of penal system; works for the establishment of municipal farms for the down-and-out and petty offenders. Author: The Dragnet (book); and serial stories: The Burro Girl, and The Strength ot the Weak. Has writ- ten for the West Coast Magazine as staff writer for past five years; also occasionally for Chicago Tribune, Simmons' Magazine, Munsey's, Mil- waukee Sentinel, Youth's Companion, Nattional New Thought Monthly, The Club Woman and others. Clubs: Southern Cal. Press, Cal. Badger. Recreations: Work with pencils, brushes, water color, oils and black and white illustrations. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- g;ressive. BOHN, Maud Thompson (Mrs. William E. Bohn), 206 N. Maple Av., East Orange, N.J. Teacher and lecturer; b. Cincinnati, 1870; dau. Charles L. and Mary (Boyd) Thompson; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '01, M.A. '02; Yale, Ph.D. '06; student at Columbia Univ., 1897-99; Durant scholar, Wellesley, 1901 (mem. Agora); m. Will- iam E. Bohn; one daughter: Rhoda Thompson Bohn. Teacher of Greek and Latin at Irving Coll., Mechanicsburg, Pa., 1902-04; teacher of Latin and history at Detroit (Mich.) Sem., 1906- 08. Lecturer on suffrage and socialism, 1908-13. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Women's Political Union of N.J. (mem. Exec. Board, 1912- 13), Mich. State Suffrage Soc. (vice-pres. 1908-09), Socialist Party, Classical Ass'n of Middle West, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc. BOLDS, Augusta W. (Mrs. W. V. Holds), 470 West 7th St., Superior, Wis. Teacher, Prohibition worker; b. New York; dau. Judge H. Van Renssalaer and Beth (Brownson) Wilmot, formerly of New York, later of Kansas; grad. Wesleyan Univ. and after graduation took course in theology under tutor; m. Port Wash- ington, Wis., W. V. Bolds. Since graduaiion active in club, patriotic and philanthropic work; mem. Wisconsin Industrial School (for girls) Board; speaker from pulpit and platform. Nat pres. Woman's Prohibition Club of Am., a fed- eration of clubs working for the legal abolition of the tratilc in women and intoxicants and sex discrimination at the ballot-box. Mem. Wis. Federation of Women's Clubs (organizer and former vice-pres.). Humorous Hour Club, Su- perior, Wis.; vice-pres. Internat. Prohibition Confederation of the World (with headquarters in London) representing the United States. Au- thor of poems and sketches, contributions to periodical press and editor The National Wom- an's Advance Guard. Congregationalist 112 BOLE— BOND BOLE, Anna Sheldon Kitchel (Mrs. John Archi- bald Bole), 39 Elmhurst Av., Long Island, N.T. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '95; student of Ger- man literature at Victoria Lyceum, Berlin; of education at Cornell Univ. (summer), 1900; m. July 6, 1905, John Archibald Bole;' children: John Archibald Jr., b. 1906, James Renwick, b. 1907; Albert Cleaver, b. 1908. Ass't in German, Athol (Mass.) High School, 1895-97; Eastern Dlst. High School, Brooklyn. N.Y., 1899-1905. BOLENT>EB, Daisy Chadwick (Mrs. Fred. J. Bolender), 116 N. Lybrand St.; Monroe, Wis. Born Monroe, Wis., M'ar. 26, 1871; dau. Will- lam W. and May (HO'Ward) Chadwick; ed. pub- lic schools and Univ. of Wis., B.L. '93 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Monroe, Wis., Sept. 4, 1894, Fred. J. Bolender (Univ. of Wis., B.S. '90); children: Joseph Bridge, Howard Hosier, John William, Frederick J. Clubs: Woman's, Emerson. BOLENIUS, Emma Miller, Lancaster, Pa. Magazine writer and teacher; b. Lancaster, Pa-: daughter of Dr. Robert M. and Catherine (Carpenter) Bolenius; ed. Maryland Coll., Luther- ville, Md.; Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pa., B.A. '98; (Columbia Univ., M.A. Instructor In Maryland Coll., Miss Mittleberger's School, Cleve- land; Pittsburgh Acad., Central High School, Newark, N.J. ; prof. Rioanoke Woman's Coll., Salem, Va. Contributor to educational maga- zines, religious juveniles, household magazines and Sunday supplements. Lutheran. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Tennis, basketball and dancing. BOLLES, Jenett« Hubbard, 1459 Ogden St., Denver, Colo. Physician: b. Douglas Co., Kan., Sept 12, 1862; dau. David and M. Jenette (Merrill) Hubbard; ed. public schools of Olathe, Kan. ; Kan. State UnlT., B.S. '85; Am. School of Osteopathy, Kirks- Tille, Mo., D.O. '94; Denver Univ., A.M. '08; mem. Pi Beta Phi; m. 1887, N. A. Bolles; chil- dren: Helen Louise, b. 1898; Esther Hubbard, b. 1900. Was the first woman to take up the study of osteopathy. Has held various State and Nat. offices in the profession. Addressed the Nat. Ass'n at San Francisco, 1910. Declined appoint- ment of Gov. Shafroth upon State Med. Board, as they would not recognize osteopathy. Active mem. and worker in Mothers' Congress (Stale chairman of Child Hygiene Com.); Colorado representative at the last Internat. Congress of Child Welfare held in Washington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Nat., State and local Osteopathic Ass'n, Woman's Club of Denver, Clio Club of Denver, Kansas Club of Colorado. BOLLEY, Frances Sheldon (Mrs. H. L. Bolley), 1002 Seventh St., North, Fargo, N.D. Born Madison, Wis., Jan. 17, 1866; dau. Alfred H. and Lucy A. (Sherwood) Sheldon; grad. Ober- lin Coll., A.B. '87; m. Janesvllle, Wis., 1896, Henry L. Bolley; adopted son: Donald S. Bolley. Mem. School Board, Library Board, Free Kin- dergarten Ass'n, Florence Crittenton Home Board, The Woman's Club of Fargo, N. Dak., Sociologic Section of Fine Arts Club. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. Independent In politics. BOLTON, Ethel Stanwood (Mrs. Charles Knowles Bolton), 48 Allerton St., Brookline, Mass. (Summer, Pound Hill Place, Shirley, Mass.) Genealogist, writer; b. Boston March 2, 1873; dau. Edward and Eliza Maxwell (Topliff) Stan- wood; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Boston, June 23, 1897, Charles Knowles Bolton; children: Stanwood Knowles, b. Nov. 10, 1898, -and Geoffrey, b. Aug. 4, 1901^ Treas. Girls' Sewing Guild of Trinity Chapel, Shirley, Mass; cor. sec. Mount Coffee Ass'n. Author: History of the Stanwood Family in America, 1898; Clement Topliff and His De- scendants in Boston, 1905; (edited) Topliff's Travels, 1906; John Moore and His Descendants, 1904; Farm Life a Hundred Years Ago, 1909. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Soc. of Colonial Dames, Nerw England Historic-Genealogical Soc, Daughters of the Revolution. Recreations: Swim- ming, gardentng, driving. Mem. S.A. Club of Brookline, Altrurian Club of Shirley, Mass. BOLTON, Sarah Knowles (Mrs. Charles E. Bolton), Cleveland, O. Author; b. Farmington, Conn., Sept. 15, 1841; dau. John Siegar and Elizabeth Mary (Miller) Knowles (direct descendant from Henry Knowles, one of the founders of Warwick, R.I., who came from England, 1635; ed. Hartford (Conn.) Sem., established by Catharine Beecher, sister of Henry Ward Beecher; m. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 16, 1866, Charles Edward Bolton (Am- herst, A.M. '65) (died Oct. 23, 1901); one son: Charles Knowles Bolton, b. Nov. 14, 1867 (Har- vard, A.B. '90). Formerly ass't cor. sec. of Nat. W.C.T.U.; local sec. Y.W.C.A.; rlce-pres. Am. Humane Education Soc. ; life mem. of various homes for dumb animals. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Author: Orlean Lamar and Other Poems, 1864; The Present Problem, 1872; How Success is Won, 1884; Poor Boys Who Became F'amous, 1885; Girls Who Became Fa- mous, 1886; Social Studies In England, 1886; Stories from Life (fiction), 1886; Famous Ameri- can Authors, 1887; From Heart and Nature Poems (with her son, Charles K. Bolton), 1887; Some Successful Women, 1888; Famous Men of Science, 1889; Famous English Authors of the Nineteenth Century, 1890; Famous European Artists, 1890; Famous English Statesmen, 1891; Famous Types of Womenhood, 1892; Famous Voyagers and Explorers, 1893; Famous Leaders Among Men, 189i; Famous Leaders Among Wo- men, 1S95; The Inevitable and Other Poems, 1895; Famous Givers and Their Gifts, 1896; A Country Idyl and Other Stories (fiction), 1898; Every Day Living, 1900; Our Devoted Friend, the Dog, 1901; European Artists, 1902; Emerson, 1904; Raphael, 1904; Travels in Europe and America, by C. E. Bolton (half completed at death, 1901), 1903; The Harris-Ingram Ex- periment (fiction), 1905; Famous American Authors, 1905; Memorial Sketch of Charles E. Bolton, 1907. Congregationalist. Was for three years associate editor of the Congregationalist, Boston. Several of her poems have been set to music. BOND, Carrie Ja<'ob8 (Mrs. Frank L. Bond), 820 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Composer, author, publisher; b. Janesville, Wis., Aug. 11, 1863; dau. Hannibal and Emma (Davis) Jacobs; m. Dr. Frank L. Bond (died); one son: Frederic Jacobs. Compositions: I Love You Truly; Just A' Wearing for You; A Perfect Day, and many others. Mem. Am. Penwomen. Women's Press Club of Chicago, and various clubs affiliated with Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; hon. mem. Amateur Musical Club, Kappa Beta Gamma, Marshalltown Woman's Club. Recreation : Motoring. Episcopalian. Not ac- tively interested in suffrage question, but be- lieves women should have the ballot If they desire it. BOND, Elizabeth Powell (Mrs. Henry H. Bond), 6300 Greene St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Educator; b. Clinton Hollow, Dutchess Co., N.Y., Jan. 25, 1841; dau. Townsend and Catha- rine (Macy) Powell; ed. public schools at Ghent, N.Y., Claverack (N.Y.) Institute; grad. N.Y. State Normal School, Albany, 1868 (honorary A.M. from Swarthmore Coll., honorary mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Swarthmore. Teacher in pub- lic and private schools; in charge of the physi- cal culture of the students of Vassar Coll., col- lege years 1865-70; dean of Swarthmore Coll., 1886-1906. Actively interested in the work of the Am. Anti-Slavery Soc; more or less associated with Woman Suffrage workers since 1851: for a time connected with the work of the Free Con- gregational Soc. of Florence, Mass. Author: Words by the Way (series 1); Words by the Way (series 2). (These are papers given to the students of Swarthmore Coll.) Mem. Soc. of Friends. Favors woman suffrage. BOND, Isabella Bacon (Mrs. Charles H. Bond), 128 Commonwealth Av., Boston; summer. Peace Haven, Swampscott, Mass. Born Boston, Mass.; dau. George Allen and BOND— BOOKER 113 Louise J. (Lynde) Bacon; ed. Boston public schools; grrad. from Melrose High School; at- tended WUbraham Acad. ; grad. New England Conservatory (oratory dep't) ; m. Washington, D. C. May 1, 1883, Charles H. Bond; children: Edith L.., Mildred, Kenneth Bacon, Charles Lawrence, Priscilla Isabelle. Before marriage, read two years in public through New England and In Washington, D.C., and vicinity. Sub- scriber to many organizations for civic improve- ment and betterment of the unfortunate; special personal work is assisting in educating Indi- viduals for certain lines of work or profession for which they are adapted. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government. Has served on Saugus School Board. Has published two volumes on travels (private editions): Quick Trip to Europe; Snap- shots of Europe. Mem. First Church of Christ (Scientist). Vlce-pres.gen. from Mass. of the Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; pres. Beneficent Soc. of New England Conservatory; mem. Bostonian Soc, Mayflower Descendants, Professional Women's Club, Charity Club of Boston, Twentieth Century Club. BOND, Mabel Cornish (Mrs. Samuel Hazen Bondl, "Dumblane," Forty-second and Warren Sts., Washington, D.C. Bom Washington, D.C, Aug. 24, 1867; dau. George Gordon and Ann Araminta (Dougherty) Cornish; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '89; Woman's Medical Coll. of the New York Infirmary, M.D. '92; m. Washington, D.C, Nov. 26, 1897, Samuel Hazen Bond. Resident physician Babies' Hos- pital, N.Y. City, 1892-93; mem. staff Woman's Clinic, Washington, D.C, 1893-97. Favors woman suffrage. BOND, Octavia Zollicoffer (Mrs. John Brlen Bond), Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Lecturer, author; b. Gordon's Ferry, Hickman Co., Tenn., April 18, 1846; dau. Gen. Felix Kirk Zollicoffer, C.S.A., and Louisa Pocahontas (Gor- don) Zollicoffer; ed. Nashville Female Acad., and private schools in Nashville, Tenn. ; m. Columbia, Tenn., June 10, 1869, John Brien Bond (at;tomey). Delivered original poem at Atlanta Exposition, 1895, on Tennessee Day, Oct. 5, original poem In the Capitol at Nashville, June 23, 1897, at reunion of Confederates. Lec- tured before Vanderbilt History Class, Nashville; N.Y. Indian Ass'n, N.Y. City, and to audiences In Washington and other cities, winter 1910-11. Mem. Woman's Board of the "Tenn. Centennial Exposition, 1S9C-97. Autlior: Old Tales Retold (history tales, adopted as a supplementary reader in the city public schools of Tenn.); Yester-Nash- Tille Names (appeared serially in Nashville daily; will be published in book form) ; short stories : Voodooism in Tennessee (Atlantic Monthly); The Rule that Worked Both Ways (Black Cat), and other stories. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy. Watauga-Cumber- land Ass'n (vice-pres.), Tenn. Historical Soc. (first woman member admitted). Recreations: Social life. Mem. Browning Club of Nashville. Granddaughter . of Capt. John Gordon of the Spies, noted Tennessee pir aeer and Indian fighter under General. Jackson, and through maternal grandmother descended from Pocahontas of Virginia, BONHAM, Eleanor Milton, 152 E. Market St., York, Pa. Born York, Pa., Dec. 31, 1881; dau. Horace and Rebekah (Lewis) Bonham; grad. York Collegiate Inst., '97; Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Peebles and Thompson School, N.Y. City (grad. 1899). Formerly actively Interested in local Juvenile Court Soc. ; one of the founders of St. John's Club, York, Pa., for boys and young men, and mem. of its permanent advisory board. Club: Woman's (York, Pa,). Recreation: Rid- ing, swimming, dancing. Episcopalian. BONNEK, GencTieve VoUmer (Mrs. John M. Bonner), Lewlston. Ida. Bom Le\erty rights for women and in the child labor question. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Recreation: Horseback riding. Pres. Tscemini- j:um Club, 1911-12. 'bONNEK, Geraldlne, 101 E. Seventy-ninth St., N.Y. City. Author and playwright; b. on Staten Island, N.Y., 1870; dau. John and Mary (Sewell) Bonner; privately educated; went West with parents when 10 years old, living first in Colorado and later in San Francisco. Was for several years on staff. of the San Francisco Argonaut as dra- matic critic and later as foreign corresiKJndent. Since 1900 In literary work. Contributor of short stories to the Harper publications and other magazines. Author (pen-name "Hard Pan"): Hard Pan; To-Morrow's Tangle; The Pioneer; The Castiecourt Diamond Case; Rich Men's Children; collaborated with Elmer B. Harris on the play Sham and with Hutcheson Boyd on play Sauce for the (Joose. BONNEK, Mary Davenport (Mrs. Charles T. Bonner), 524 Houston St., Tyler, Tex. Born Tyler, Tex., July 19, 1866; dau. Dr. J. W. and Isabell (Dial) Davenport; m. (1st) Col. Thomas R. Bonner; (2d) Charles T. Bonner; children: Thomas D., Herndon P., Davenport H. Interested in church, charity and philanthropic work and in all matters for the betterment of citizenship of town and State. Regent of Mary Tvler Chapter D.A.R. ; charter mem. of First Literary Club; pres. Third Dist. Texas Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Horseback riding, walking. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. BONSALI,, Elisabeth F., S430 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa- Artist and illustrator; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Amos and Anna W. (Wagner) Bonsall; ed. PhUadeiphia Acad, of Fine Arts, Drexel Inst, and Paris, France. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Philadelphia Woman Suffrage Ass'h. Pres- byterian. Mem. Fellowship of Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Plastic Club of Philadelphia. Recreation: Walking. BONSAXL, Mary W., 3430 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa, Portrait painter; b. Femwood, Delaware Co., Pa.; dau. Amos and Anna W. (Wagner) Bonsall; ed. Pa. Museum and School of Industrial Art, Pa. Acad, of the Fine Arts (first Toppan prize, 1896). Mem. Presbyterian Church. Mem. Plastic Club, Philadelphia, and Fellowship of Pa. Acad. of Fine Arts. Favors woman suffrage. BONSTELLE, Jessie (Mrs. Alexander HamlltOD Stuart), 119 E. Nineteenth St., Studio 63; oi W. A. Brady's office, W. Forty-eighth St., N.Y. City. Actress, manager; b. Greece, N.Y. ; dau. Joseph and Helen (Norton) Bonstelle; ed. Nazarett Convent, Rochester, N.Y.; m. Philadelphia, Alex- ander Hamilton Stuart. Began as understudj and chorus girl in Augustin Daly's Co., N.Y.; played one season with the famous Madame Janauschek. Went into stock company work and became manager and producer; played in about 700 plays. Succeeded after eight years' trying In securing dramatic rights of Little Women and staged it. One of the directors and promoters of the only municipal theatrical company la America, In the Municipal Theatre at North- ampton, Mass. Favors woman suffrage. Chris- tian Scientist. Mem. National Arts Club. BOOKER, Rev. Edith Hill (Mrs. John Calla- way Booker), Newberg, Ore. Evangelist; b. Somerville, Mass., Oct 15, 1868; dau. S. E. Hill of Lyman, Me., and Anne Marj (Fishburn) Hill; ed. Emporia, Kan.; ordained a minister of the Gospel in regular Baptist de- nomination, 1S94; m. 1S96, John Callaway Booker; one son: Herald Hill Booker, b. 1898. Nat evangelist of W.C.T.U. for 18 consecutive years; Ambassador to Europe under Am. Woman's Re- public. Pastor and builder of Baptist churches, temperance orator. Lectures on Physical Cul- ture, Dress Reform, Child Culture. Active Id securing full suffrage in Oregon. Baptist. Pro- hibitionist Mem. Am. Woman's Republic. Ancestor, Valentine Hill, commissioned undei L14 BOOLE— BORGLUM George m. as lieutenant in Frencli and Indian War; others were selectmen In early history of Boston. BOOLE, Ella Alexander (Mrs. William H. Boole), 1429 Av. H, Brooklyn, N.T. President Woman's Christian Temperance Union State of N.Y. ; b. Van Wert, Ohio, July 26, 1858; dau. Col. Isaac N. and Rebecca (Alban) Alexander; grad. Van Wert High School, Univ. of Wooster (0.), A.B., A.M., Ph.D.; m. Van Wert, 0., July 3, 1883, Rev. William H. Boole, D.D. ; one daughter: Florence Alexander Boole. Taught in High School at Van Wert five years, during which time conducted teachers' institutes and taught modern Greek at Island Park As- sembly, Indiana. State officer in W.C.T.U. of N.Y. State, serving as cor. sec, first vice-pres., sec. of the Young Woman's branch, and State pres. Served as cor. sec. of Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. 1903-09. Now for second time pres. State W.C.T.U. Does suffrage work through W.C.T.U. Franchise Department. Writings are principally in the form of inspiration leaflets and pamphlets on missionary and temperance work. Presby- terian. Mem. Woman's Press Club, N.Y. City, D.A.R. BOOMSLITER, Alice Ella Colgan (Mrs. George Paul Boomsliter), 707 W. Green St., Urbana, III. Former teacher; b. Philadelphia; grad. Girls' High School, Philadelphia, 1902; holder of city scholarship at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902-06, A.B. '06; m. 1910, George Paul Boomsliter. Private tutor -and teacher of English and French in Radnor High School, Wayne, Pa., 1906-07; prin- cipal Colgan School, Phcenixville, Pa., 1907-08; teacher of English in Girls' High School, Phila- delphia, 1908-10. BOOTH, Evangeline Cory, 122 W. 14th St., N.T. City. Commander of Salvation Army in America; b. In England; dau. William Booth, founder and general of Salvation Army (died 1912), and Catharine (Mumford) Booth; ed. in London, Eng. Formerly commanded field operations of the Army in London for five years; was principal International Training Colleges for same period; commenced work in the slums of London, which is now in operation all over the world under flag of the Salvation Army; commanded the Salvation Army in Canada for eight years, dur- ing which time organized and equipped a party of oflicers and nurses for opening tlie Salvation Army work in the Klondike, taking the party personally, 1898, as far as Chilkoot Pass; later visited Dawson City, where she was the guest of the Governor at the Government House, and was escorted by a detachment of the Northwest Mounted Police at all of her public appearances; spoke in the largest halls in Canada and New- foundland; since 1904 in command of the entire Salvation Army work in the U.S. of A. and its possessions. Has traveled extensively, visiting the different centers and inspecting the work, and has spoken in the largest public halls of the country. Has also traveled in the interests of the Salvation Army in France, Switzerland, the Scandinavian countries, Germany, and other countries, conducting services and inspecting the army work in her capacity of traveling com- missioner. Has composed words and music of many of the Salvation Army's choicest melodies; writes for Salvation Army publications and some public prints. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Riding, sfwimming. BOOTH, Mary Ann, 60 Dartmouth St., Spring- field, Mass. Mlcroscopist; b. Longmeadow, Mass., Sept. 8, 1843; dau. Samuel Colton and Rhoda (Colton) Booth. Lecturer in many of the large cities of this country. Favors woman suffrage. Editor and contributor to various scientiflc magazines. Congregationalist. Mem. Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences, N.Y. Microscopical Soc, Am. Mi- croscopical Soc, D.A.R., Nat. Geog. Soc; fel- low A.A.A.S. and Royal Microscopical Soc, London. Recreations: Photography, photomi- crography. Active mem. Women's Club (Spring- field, Mass.); hon. mem. 'Womaai's Club, Long- meadow, Mass. BOOTH, Maud B. (Mrs. Balllngton Booth), 34 West 28th St., N.T. City. Minister of the Gospel; b. Limpsfleld, Surrey, Eng.; dau. Rev. Samuel and Maria (Beddome) Charlesworth; ed. Belstead, Eng.; m. London, Eng., Sept. 16, 1886, Ballington Booth; children: Charles Brandon, Myrtle Theodora. Connected with Ballington Booth as leader and organizer of the Volunteers of America, Independent or- ganization— not connected with Salvation Army. Started Volunteer Prison League for the aid of our country's prisoners 1896. Author of chil- dren's stories: Sleepy Time Stories; Lights of Childland; Twilight Fairy Tales; After Prison— What? Did the Pardon Come Too Late? The Curse of Septic Soul Treatment; Wanted — Anti- Septic Christians. Recreations: Sailing, garden- ing. Mem. Women's Athletic Club of Chicago, Woman's Press Club of N.J. BOOTH, Rejoyce Ballance Collins (Mrs. Charles Maclay Booth), 510 Alameda St., Vallejo, Cal. Born Chicago, 111., July 28, 1876; dau. Hold- ridge Ozro and Mary (Ballance) Collins; ed. Marlborough School, Los Angeles, and high school, Peoria, 111.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '98 (mem. Alpha and Philosophical Socs.) ; post- grad, work in U.S. history, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111.; m. Peoria, 111., April 4, 1910, Charles Maclay Booth. Teacher in Peoria, 111.; San Antonio, Tex., and Los Angeles, Cal. (Jollege settlement worker among Mexicans and Italians in Los Angeles. Mem. Mayflower Soc, D.A.R., Colonial Dames of America, Soc. of Colonial Governors, Smith College Alumna Ass'n; worked for suffrage before the election which gave women the suffrage in California; pres. of Vallejo New Era League, a woman's political study club. Progressive Republican. Mem. New Era League of Cal., Smith College Club of Southern Cal., College Women's and Marlborough Clubs (Los Angeles). Presbyterian. BORDEN, Fanny, 618 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. Librarian; b. Fall River, Mass.; ed. In schools of Fall River; Vassar Coll., A.B. '98; N.Y. State Library School, 1898-1900, B.L.S. '01. Ass't librarian Bryn Mawr Coll. Library, 1901-03; as- sociate librarian. Smith Coll. Library, 1903-05; reference librarian of the Vassar College Library since 1910. BORDEN, Lncie Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur Bor- den), Maplehurst, Concord, N.H., and W. Ninety-third St., N.T. City. Writer; b. Hopkinton, N.H.; dau. Samuel Smith and Ellen Maria (Cutter) Page; ed. Colby Acad, and Wellesley Coll. ; mem. Wellesley Coll. faculty (French dep't), 1881-85; m. Sept. 2, 1885, Arthur Borden; one daughter: Marguerite Bor- den. EMited Chicago daily paper and religious and scientific weekly. Interested worker for socioiagy in the practical colonization of the masses as developed by the Codoperative Unity of Lee Co., Florida. Translator of Renan, de Guerln, de Nerval, etc. Author: The Awakening and other short stories. Mem. D.A.R. (Mary Murray Chapter), N.Y. City. Mem. Woman's Press Club, N.Y. Wellesley Club; founder and pres. Sevignfe Club of Denver (honored by French Govemjnent for advancement in language and literature); mem. Woman's Club of Denver. Favors woman suffrage. Republican; voted in Colorado. BORDEN, Sarah HUdreth Ames (Mrs. Spencer Borden), Interlachen, Fall River, Mass.; sum- mer, Les Abrlas, Gloucester, Majss. Bom Lowell, Mass.; dau. Gren. Adelbert Ames, U.S.A., and Blanche (Butler) Ames; ed. Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa,, and was for two years at Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Spencer Bor- den Jr. of Fall River, Ma.ss.; children: Blanche Butler Jr., b. 1902; Joan, b. 1907; Ames, b. 1909. BORGLUM, Emma Vignal (Mrs. Solon H. Borglum), studio, 367 Lexington Av., N.T.. City; home. Rocky Ranch, Norwalk, Conn. Art Jeweler; b. Paris, France, Mar. 4, 1863^; dau. Jean and Lydie (Letalle) Vignal; ed. Paris, France, degree Brevet sup6rieur; m. Paris, Dec BORGLUM— BOTSFORD 115 10, 1898, Solon H. Borglum; children: Paul A., b. 1901; Maurice Solon, b. 1903. Mem. Gotham Clnb, N.Y.. ; Portfolio Club, Norwalk, Conn.; Sllvermlne Group of Artists (sec). Recreation: FNarmlng. EJpiscopalian. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, New Canaan Equal Franchise League. BORGLCM, Lucie Mothe, 2661 Douglas St.. Omaha, Neb. Planlstp; b. Paris, June 25, 1866; dau. Jean Vlgnal (pastor), one of founders of Baptist Church In Paris, and Lydie CLetalle) Vlgnal; ed. Paris, diploma of Univ. of Paris; m. Paris, Oct. 20, 1900. August Mothe Borglum (prominent mu- sician and brother of the famous sculptors Solon and Gutzon Borglum); one son: Georges Paul Borglum, b. Nov. 24, 1903. Professional ac- companist for world-renowned artists, appearing with Emile Sauret, Corinne Ryder Kelsey, Jane Osborne, Hannah, etc." Active mem. Tuesday Morning Musicals Club of Omaha. Gives mu- sical lectures at Omaha Woman's Club. Episco- palian. Recreations: Frequent trips to Europe Chae spent eight summers in Europe in last eleven years). BORGLCM, Mary Williams Montgomery (Mrs. Gutzon Borglum), Borgland, Stamford, Conn. Born Marash, Turkey, Nov. 21, 1874; dau. Giles and Emily (Redington) Montgomery; ed. Hillhouse High School, New Haven, Conn.; Wellesley Coll.,. B.A. '96; Berlin Univ., Germany, Ph.D. '01; also studied in France (mem. Zeta Alpha, Wellesley); m. Short Beach, Conn., 1909, Gutzon Borglum (distinguished sculptor); one son: James Lincoln. Interested in child labor legislation. Author: Told in the Gardens of Araby (with Izora Chandler). Mem. Deutsche Orient-Gesselschaft, Woman's University Club (N.Y. City). Congregationalist. BORIE, Edith Pettit (Mrs. Adolphe Edward Borle), 4100 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia; ed. Miss Irwin's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll. (George W. Childs prize essayist), A.B. '95, A.M. '98; graduate student Bryn Majwr, 1897-98; reader in English, Bryn Mawr, 1898-1902; m. 1907, Adolphe Edward Borie 3d. BORING, Alice Mlddleton, Univ. of Maine. Orono, Me. Prof, of zoology; b. Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 1883; dau. Edwin M. and Elizabeth G. (Truman) Bor- ing; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04, A.M. '05, Ph.D. '10; grad. scholar in biology, 1904-05; Moore Fellow in zoology, Univ. of Pa., 1905-06; fellow in biology, Bryn Mawr, 1906-07; Mary E. Garrett European fellow from Bryn Mawr, 1908-09. Ass't in Biological Laboratory, Bryn Mawr, 1904-05; Instructor in zoology, Vassar, 1907-08; instructor In zoology, Univ. of Maine, 1909-11; ass't prof, zoology, Univ. of Maine, 1911-12. Author of en- tomological monographs: A Study of Spermato- genesis of Membracidse (Journal Experimental Zoology IV, 4) ; A Small Chromosome in Ascaris Megalocephala (Archiv. fiir Zellforschung IV. 1); On the Effect of Different Temperatures, etc. (Archiv. fur Ent. Org. XXVII, 1). Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. of Naturalists, Soc. of Am. Zoologists, Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage. Clubs: Woman's (Orono, Me.); also Research, Arts and Round Table Clubs of Univ. of Maine. Recreations: Walking, canoeing, birding. Eu- ropean travels. BORING, riorence KJmball (Mrs. William A. Boring), New Canaan, Conn. Born Carlinville, 111., Aug. 31, 1867; dau. Henry Martyn and Frances (Palmer) Kimball; ed. Blackburn Univ., Carlinville, 111.; m. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 23, 1S94, William A. Boring; children: Ruth, Louise, Benson. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Driving, automobillng. BORLAND, Maud Rives, 471 Park Av., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City, April 14, 1886; dau. John and Constance (Rives) Borland. Mem. Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. Civic Federation. Mem. Colony Club. BORRETTE, Olive E. (Mrs. Harry R. Borrette), Napa, Cal. Born Napa Co., Cal., Aug. 8, 1862; dau. Ed- ward H. and Angellne (Woods) Bragg; ed. pub. lie schools of Napa Co., and Napa Young Ladles' Sem. ; m. in Nevada, Jan. 1. 1883, Harry R. Borrette; children: Nellie, b. 1883; Harry, b. 1885; Edith, b. 1887 (died 1906); Eugene, b. 1895 (died 1897). Cooperator and organizer in all movements that will better conditions In the country and In farm homes. Favors woman suf- frage; was chairman of the first public meeting in Napa, held In the interests of equal suffrage. Sept., 1911. Republican. Mem. Ivy Rebekah Lodge, No. 23, Napa Grange No. 307. Recrea- tions: Fruit growers' conventions, State grange meetings; dist., State and nat, club conventions. Mem. Napa Seminary Club; pres. Brown's Valley Social and Improvement Club. BORST, Sara Cone Bryant (Mrs. Theodore Franz Borst), South Framlngham, Mass. Lecturer, teacher, writer; b. Melrose. Mass., June 4, 1873; dau. Dexter and Anne (Hancock) Bryant; grad. Boston Univ., A.B. '95; student of kindergarten methods in Berlin, 1896; m. Mar. 9, 1908, "Theodore Franz Borst. Writer on news- papers .ind magazines, 1897-1900; instructor in English and lecturer on English poetry in Sim- mons Coll., 1904-06; lecturer on story telling in the Lucy Wheelock Kindergarten In Boston, 1907; and since then before clubs and on public platforms in principal American cities. Author: How to Tell Stori&s to Children, 1906; Best Stories to Tell to Children, 1912. BOSHER, Kate Lee Langley (Mrs. Charles Gideon Bosher), 108 N. Sixth St., Richmond. Va. Author; b. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 1, 1865; dau. Charles Henry and Portia (Deming) Langley; grad. Norfolk Coll. for Young Ladles, '82; m. Oct. 12, 18S7, Charles Gideon Bosher, Richmond, Va. Author: Mary Gary, 1910; Miss Gibbie Gault, 1911; Bobble, 1911; The Man in Lonely Land, 1912. Mem. United Daughters of Con- federacy. Mem. Woman's Club of Richmond, and Equal Suffrage League. Baptist. BOSWELL, Helen Varick, 521 W. 111th St., N.Y. City. Sociologist and lecturer; b. Baltimore, Md., July 6, 1S69; dau. Marriott and Emily Johnson (Tuttle) Boswell; grad. Friends Sem., Baltimore; grad. Washington Coll. of Law, Washington, D.C., LL.B. As a sociologist was sent to Panama by U.S. Government in 1907 to investi- gate social conditions. Organized the (3anal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs; helped to organize and is officer in Nat. Prison Labor Com.; chair- man Industrial and Social Conditions Dep't (Jen. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Nat. Woman's Re- publican Ass'n. Chairman Woman's Bureau of Republican Nat. Com., campaign of 1912. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem.' several suffrage or- ganizations. Protestant. Active In D.A.R. (vice-regent of Manhattan Chapter, N.Y. City). Recreations: Music, drama. Pres. Woman's Forum, N.Y. City; mem. Woman's Press Club, Internat. Pure Milk League, West End Repub- lican Club, and many other clubs. BOSTW^CK, Clara Lena, the Elms, Springfield. Mass. Teacher; b. Great Barrington, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '83. Teacher since 1883; now associate principal of the Elms School, Spring- field, Mass. BOTSrORD, Delia Eliza Whiting (Mrs. Charles Ward Botsford). Springvllle, N.Y. Born Rochester, Minn., 18S4; dau. Url Rice and Grace A. (Brooks) Whiting; ed. Rochester (Minn.) High School, Griffith Inst., Springville N.Y.; m. Sioux Falls, S.Dak., May 26, 1909, Charles Ward Botsford, E.M. Interested In the Sunshine Soc. and Home Economics movements. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Horseback riding, travel. BOTSFORD, Mary Rawson, 149 Delaware St.. Woodbury, N.J. Teacher; b. Hughesvllle, N.Y. ; grrad. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), A.M. '94; graduate student Columbia Univ., 1906-07. Teacher Char- lotte, N.C., 1879; Port Jervls, N.Y., 1879-81- Rockford (HI.) High School, 1881-83; Rookford Coll., 1883-«7; Ogontz, Pa., 1887-88; WUaon Coll., 116 BOTSFORD— BOURNE 1883-1903; National Cathedral School, Washington, D.C., 1903-06; Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va. ; Miss Bangs' and Miss Whiton's School, N.Y. City, since 1908. BOTSFORD, Sarah Elizabeth Goodwin (Mrs. Austin Nichols Botsford), Watertown, Conn. Born Providence, R.I., Nov. 21, 1876; dau. Ozias Chapman and Elenora P. (West) Goodwin; grad. Friends School, Providence, R.I., '94 (valedictor- ian of class); Smith Coll., A.B. '99; Brown Univ., 1899-1901, A.M. 1901; Greek, Latin, German; elected to the Greek Club and Chemistry Soc. on scholarship; m. Peace Dale, R.I., April 19, 1910, Austin Nichols Botsford. Before marriage a teacher of languages in the high schools of New- town, Branford and Danbury, Conn., and at Peace Dale, R.l. Against woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. The Grange (Patrons of Husbandry), both local and county, D.A.R. BOUGHNER, Martha, Morgantown, W.Va. Born Mt. Morris, Pa. (resident of Morgantown, then in Va. since six weeks old) ; dau. James Vance Boughner, M.D., and Louisa Jane (Brown) Boughner (both Virginians); grad. Morgan- town (W.Va.) Female Sem. (valedictorian); since graduation has studied Latin, German and French with private teachers. Interested in religious questions, child labor problems and juvenile courts. Favors woman suffrage; has written a great deal for newspapers. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc; pres. Wo- man's Club since organization, 1892. Recrea- tions: Walking, driving, motoring, nature. Mem. Woman's Music Club. BOUGHTON, Alice, Bartholdi Building, Twenty- third St., cor. Broadway, N.Y. Photographer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1866; dau. William H. and Frances A. (Ayres) Boughton; ed. Miss Romer's School, Brooklyn. Long en- gaged in successful professional practice of photography. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club. BOUGHTON, Alice C, 4424 Larchwood Av., West Philadelphia, Pa. Dietarian; b. Philadelphia, 1885; dau. John W. and Cajoline W. (Greenbank) Boughton; ed. Ivy House (Bryn Mawr Prep.); one year in Switzer- land and Drexel Inst., 1907; now taking Univ. of Pa. college courses for teachers. Sup't school luncheon, Starr Centre, 1907-10; sup't school luncheon. Home and School League, 1910 — ; chairman Com. on School Luncheon, Am. Home Economic Ass'n. In summer of 1912 made a study of school feeding in England and the continent of Europe. Deeply interested in social education. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. Mem. Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Am. Home Ek;onomic Ass'n, Philadelphia Home Economic Ass'n, Philadelphia Home and School League, Pa. Soc. for Prevention of Social Dis- ease, Philadelphia Public Education Ass'n, Phila- delphia Social Workers Club, New Century Club, Philadelphia County Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman Suffrage Party of Pa., Equal Franchise Soc., Consumers' League. BOUGHTON, Lethe Hawes (Mrs. William Hart Boughton), 796 Ashland Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Musician; b. Cowlesville, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1872; dau. Warren Lee and Harrietts (Lake) Hawes; ed. Buffalo Central High School; m. Buffalo, N.Y., June 26, 1895; one son: Warren Victor Boughton, b. Mar. 6, 1900. Church and concert singer and teacher of singing, St. Margaret's School, Buffalo, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Chromatic Club, Buffalo, and Buffalo Guild of Allied Arts. BOUGHTON, Martha E. Arnold (Mrs. Willis Boughton), 364 East Twenty-first St., Flat- bush, Brooklyn, N.Y. Author; b. Corunna, Mich.; dau. John M. Arnold, D.D., and Hannah E. (Redway) Arnold; ed. Detroit High School, Evanston, 111., North- western Univ. one year and Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '80; m. Detroit, Mich., July 4, 1884, Willis Boughton; children; Willis Boughton, Paul Ninde Boughton. Engaged in various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Sunday- school work; Deaconess sec. for Brooklyn, etc. Author: Biography of Rer. J. M. Arnold, D.D., 1885; The Quest of a Soul, and Other Verse, 1911; also various contributions to magazines, papers, songs, etc. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church and church societies. Recreation: Music. Clubs: Fortnightly of Flatbush (literary), Esperanto of N.A., Woman's Club of Univ. of Mich. (Alumnae), Music Club. BOULTON, Frances Schroeder (Mrs. Alfred J. Boulton), 5S Quincy St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Shelter Island Heights, L.I., Aug. 21, 1S74; dau. Hon. Frederick A. Schroeder (who was comptroller and afterward mayor of Brook- lyn, and later State Senator) and Mary Jane (Rusher) Schroeder; grad. Adelphi Acad., '93 Teachers Coll., '96; m. Nov. 22, 1905, Alfred J Boulton; children: Schroeder, b. Jan. 31, 1909 Margaret Mary, b. May 16, 1911. Was sup't Bethel Sewing School seyen years; taught class in city history. Boys' (jymnasium Club; mem. City Visiting Com. of Bureau of Charities; or- ganized delegation from women's clubs to Albany in favor of bill for vestibuUng street cars In year bill was passed. In 1911 organized Unity Child Welfare Ass'n and became its pres. For several years mem. Domestic Science Com. of Brooklyn Institute. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Parrty. Unitarian. Mem. Unity Child Welfare Ass'n, Woman's Trade Union League, Intercollegiate Socialist Society. Recreations: Sailing, automobilmg. Mem. Civitas Club. BOURGARD, Caroline B., 1324 Hepburn Av., Louisville, Ky. Supervisor of music in public schools for 21 years; b. Indiana; dau. William August and Emma (Dreier) Bourgard; ed. Girls' High School, Louisville, Ky. ; Coll. of Music of Cincinnati; studied with William L. Tomlins and has a diploma for boy choir training from G. Edward Stubbs. N.Y. City. Organist and choirmaster since 1888; has been leader in the work of training and utilizing the voices of the children of Louisville, not only through the regular musical work of the public school, but also in organizing them into large chorusus for va- rious important occasions, notably the choir of 500 public school pupils which she led on the last day of the Louisville May Music Festival, 1909, in the cantata Into the World, by Benoit, tind The Children's Crusade, by Pierne, in the festival of 1911. by 300 voices, of which 450 were children; and at the Child Welfare Exhibit, held in Louisville, Nov., 1912, conducted a chorus of 1,000 children in the singing of national airs. Mem. Music Com. Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Music Com., Woman's Club of Louisville, and of Alumna Club of Louisville; organized four years ago the Louisville Music Teachers Ass'n; mem. and sec. Ky. Educational Ass'n (organized its music section) ; mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Southern Educational Ass'n, Louisville Educa- tional Ass'n, Highland Civic League. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage. BOURLAND, Caroline Brown, 1301 Knoxville Av., Peoria, III. College professor; b. Peoria, 111.; dau. Benja- min P. and Clara (Parsons) Bourland; ed. in France and Germany; High School, Peoria; Smith Coll., B.A. '93; student Sorbonne and College de France, Pans, 1897-98; fellow in Romance Lan- guages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-99; graduate scholar and fellow by courtesy in Romance Lan- guages, 1899-1900, 1901-02; holder of Mary E. Garrett European fellowship and student in Romance Languages, Madrid, Spain, 1900-01, Ph.D.; Bryn Mawr, '05. Teacher, Pueblo, Colo., 1893-94; teacher French and German in Mrs. Starrett's School, Oak Park, 111., 1895-96, and In high school, Peoria, 111., 1896-97; Instructor, 1902-06. and at'soc^ate prof, of Spanish and French since 1906, Smith Coll. Author: Boccac- cio and the Decameron in Castilian and Catalan Literature, 1905. Mem. Am. Hispanic Soc. BOURNE. Annie Thomson Nettleton (Mrs. Ed- ward Gaylord Bourne), 73 Mansfield St., New Haven, Conn. Writer; b. Annaberg, Germany; ed. In schools of Stockbridge, Mass.; Bridgejwrt, Conn., and BOURNE— BOWDEN 117 Vassar Coll., A.B. '89; attended Harvard Sum- mer School; m. Stockbridge, Mass., July 17, 1895, Edward Gaylord Bourne, prof, of history in Yale Univ. (died 1908); four sons, one daughter. Teacher in English dep't Vassar Coll. and Eng- lish dep't Women's Coll. of Western Univ. before marriage. Author of translation of The Voyages and Explorations of Samuel de Champlain, 1604- 1616; also stories and articles in magazines. BOURNE, Mary Joy, 661 E. 170th St., N.Y. City. Teacher; b. Paterson, N.J. ; ed. in schools of N.Y. City and Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900; Brown Univ., A.M. '03. Teacher, South Orange, N.J., 1903-04; Reading, Mass., 1904-05; Melrose, Mass., 1905-07; N.Y. City High School since 1907. BOUTON, Emily St. John, 2139 Glenwood Av., Toledo. Ohio. Author, journalist; b. New Canaan, Conn.; dau. Daniel Webb and Almina (St. John) Bouton; ed. Binghamton, N.Y., Sandusky High School (vale- dictorian) '57. Taught literature in Central High School of Chicago two years; later in high school at Toledo. Became editorial writer upon Toledo Blade, 1879, .received wide recognition for signed articles upon power of thought in shaping life. Worker in societies advocating religious freedom; one of founders and supporters of Industrial Home for Working Girls, Toledo; lecturer, in recent years, upon literary subjects and their in- fluence upon great movements for humanity's good. Mem. Executive Board of Toledo Suffrage Soc. Author: Health and Beauty; Social Eti- quette; Life's Gateways; The Life Joyful. Mem. 'Toledo Woman's Ass'n; Ohio Newspaper Ass'n; honorary mem. Educational Club of Toledo; Wauseon Woman's Club and Sorosis; Emerson Class and Writers' Club of Toledo. BOCTON, Rosa, Ocean Beach, San Diego, Cal. Professor of home economics; b. Albany, Kan., Dec. 19, 1869; dau. E. F. and Fannie (Waldo) Bouton; ed. State Normal Scheol, Peru. Neb.; Univ. of Ne Place, Philadelphia. Pa. Born St. Louis. Mo. ; dau. Major General Jolin S. Bowen, C.S.A., and Mary Preston (Kennerly) Bowen; grad. Visitation Convent, St. Louis. Mo., 1878. Elected pres. Visitation Convent 'St. Louis) Alumnse, 1910; reelected 1912; sec. Taber- nacle Soc. Notre Dame, Philadelphia, for many years. Catholic BOWEN, Louise de Koren (*Mrs. Joseph Til- ton Boweni, 1430 Aster St., Chicago, 111. Born Chicago. Feb. 26, 1859; dau. John and Helen (Haddock) de Koven; ed Dearborn Semi- nary, Chicago; m. Chicago, June 1, 1886, Joseph Tilton Bowen; children: John de Koven, Joseph Tllton, Jr., Helen Haddock. Louise de Koven. Pres. JuvenUe Protective Ass'n of Chicago. Trustee and treasurer of Hull House, vice-pres United Charities, pres. Hull House Woman's Club, mem. Chicago Visiting Nurse Asso., Play- ground Ass'n. Vice-pres. lilinois Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Cook Co. Ass'n, etc Episcopalian. Mem. Hull House Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Friday Club. Sadden and Cycle Club BOWEN, Margaret Barber (Mr*. Olaytor P.ay mond Bowen), -Meadville. Pa. Born Somcrville, .Mass., Oct. 30, 1874; dau. Henry Harvey Barber (Unitarian clergyman and educator) and Eliza Hapgood (Pratt) Barber: ed. Allegheny Coll. and- Cornell Univ.. Ph.B, '96 (mem. Alpha Chi Omegai; m. Charlestown, X.H.. Se^t. 12, 1905, Prof. Clayton Raymond Bowen. Unitarian theologian. After graduating from college was connected with Boston publishing houses; on staff of Atlantic Monthly, 1899-1900. Mem. Consumers' League, Esperanto Ass'n of North America, etc. Favors equal suffrage. Contributor to various periodicals. Unitarian. BOWEN, Mrs. Mary M., Independent Japanese Mission, 1315 Fifth St., Sacramento, Cal. Writer, philanthropist; b. Morgan town, W.Va., 1S49; dau. Hon. Lot Garrison Bowen (military officer and statesman) and Casandra Vance (Wright) Bowen; ed. Morgantown Coll., Mt. Carroll, 111. (music); Baltimore (art diploma); tutors and governesses; widowed before nineteen; one daughter: Maude Genevieve Feore, lost later; resumed maiden name for iiterarj" rea- sons. At age of 23, through Dr. George V^. Wilding, suocessffully presented anti-divnrce theme before Gen. Conference M.E. Church in N.Y. City fsee chapter in Disciple). Home mis- sionary under M.E. Church in Savannah and Cincinnati, 1890-92. Organizer; only woman ^o establish independent work for Japanese: first missions in Southern California, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento; mission for Koreans. Edits Megupmi No Hikari. Name presented at Emperor's Court, 1903, for services rendered to young students on Pacific Coast. Devoted to children, aged and alms hospitals. Favors wo- man suffrage. Active in civics. Votes. Began literary career at 14, has written under uom -de- plume in Scribner's, St. Nicholas', Arthur's, Demoresfs and Youth's Companion. Protege of Whittier and John G. Holland; has several un- published volumes to appear. Methodist, but ordained in United Brethren Church. Mem. State Board of W.C.T.U., Sacramento Saturday Club (second largest music club in U.S.). Rec- reations: Riding, nature studies, music, art. Known as an authority on Japanese topics. BOWEK, Dr. Emma E., Port Huron, Mich. Physician, secretary; b. Ann Arbor, Mich.; dau. Henry and Margaret Gertrude (Chase) Bower; grad. Univ. of Mich., grad. M.D. Gave up practice of medicine to act as secretary for a fra- ternal beneficiary order composed exclusively of women, the oldest woman's fraternal order: vice- pres. at large of the Nat. Council of Women of the U.S.; sec. Ladies of the Modern Maccabees; treas. Michigan Woman's Press Ass'n (was pres. 2 years). Edited for 8 years a county Dem- ocratic newspaper, selling it when taking up present business. Was mem. Ann Arbor School Board 9 years, serving as pres. and also treas. during that time. Has been pres. of Ass'n ot Secretaries of the Nat. Fraternal Congress, also pres. Nat. Press Ass'n of the Nat. Fraternal Congress. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. D.A.B., Woman's Relief Corps, Rebekahs, Order ot East- ern Star. Favors woman suffrage. BOWER, Olive Stanley (Mrs. George Bower), Albion, 111. Born Edgewood, 111., Oct. 17, 1871, dau. Peaker and Margaret (Edmiston) Stanley; grad. CoU. of Liberal Arts, De Pauw Univ., '93; Music School, 1S94; studied with Godowsky iji Chicago, 1897-9X: m. Aibion, 111., Jan. 25, 1899, George Bower. Treas. of Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of Southern 111. Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Mem. Albion Shakespeare Club. Taught music in Union Chriijtian Coll., Merom, Ind.. l?i94-95, and 1895-96. BOWEK.'VIAN, Helen Cox, Point plea.sant, N.J. Teacher; b. Rochester, N.Y.. July 27. 1878; dau Daniel and Mary (Weeks) Bowerman; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. '01; Univ. of Rochester, A..M. '03; Bryn .Mawr Coll., 1908-10, 1911-12, Ph.D. '12; Univ. of Bonn, Am. School of Classical Studies, Rome, 1910-11. Instructor in Latin, Western Coll.. 1905-08; Wilson Coll., Chambers- burg, Pa., since 1912. Author: Roman Sacrificial Altars, 1913. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnse, Archaeological Inst, of .\jnerica. Recreations: Walking, canoeing, swimming. BOWERS. Lillian JEstella Shepard (Mrs. Her- bert O. Bowersi 54 North Elm St., 'Manches- ter, Conn. Born Conn., grad Smith Coll., B.A. '92; m. May 12, 1897, Herbert 0. Bowers; children: Sher- wood Griswold, b. June 2, 1899; EaymoQd Rldg- BOWERS— BOYCE 119 way, b. Aug. 24, 1903. Pres. Cosmopolitan Club of Manchester, Conn. BOWERS, Rose Alexander (Mrs. Paul E. Bow- ers), 2221A W. Ninth St., Michigan City, Ind. Physician; b. Denver, Colo.; dau. 0. A. and Rose (Kelsey) Alexander; grad. Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1905; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '09; m. Chicago, 111., July 18, 1911, Paul E. Bowers, M.D. Appointed physician to Governmeut Hospital, Washington, D.C. ; re- signed July, 1911. Mera. Social Service Commis- sion of Protestant Episcopal Church. Active suffragist. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. (Eu- genia Washington Chapter, Washington, D.C). Practicing physician at Michigan City, Ind. BOWIE, Virginia Berkley, 811 Hamilton Ter- race, Baltimore, Md. Magazine writer; b. Catonsvllle, Md., July 8, 1880; dau. Dr. Howard Strafford and Laura (Berkley) Bowie; ed. at home and at Southern Home School, Baltimore, Md. Author: Short stories for Cosmopolitan, Smart Set, etc. Mem. Colonial Dames, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. (Washington- Custis Chapter), Navy Leagrue of U.S., Wcnnan's Literary Club of Baltimore. Emphatically for suffrage. BOWKEB, Marion Ksther, 573 Main St., Athol, Mass. Physician; b. Montague, Mass., Nov. 21, 1885; dau. Alphonao V. and E. Louise (Amidon) Bowker; ed. Athol High School (second honor), Tufts Med. Coll., M.D. '07 (youngest member of class, twenty-one and one-half years). Passed Mass. State Board in 1907, Maine Board in 1907; office in Leominster, Mass.; Mar. -Sept., 1900, interne Mass. Homeopathic Hospital, Boston 1907-08; office in Athol since Sept. 1910. Vice-pres. Junior Alliance of Unitarian Church; active in Social Service Dep't of Woman's Club; played flute and piccolo in Navassar Ladies' Band during the summer of 1906 and 1909 in all parts of the U.S. and Canada. Mem. Orpheus Club, Athol Woman's Club, Eastern Star. Unitarian. Favors ■woman suffrage. BOWLBY, flelene Boileau (Mrs. John H. BowibyV ISl E. William St., Bath, N.Y. Born Savona, N.Y., 1866; dau. Thomas and Adelia (Simmins) Boileau; ed. Cornell Univ., B.S. '99 (sipecial mention in chemistry); mem. Kappa Kappa Gaimma; m. Bath, N.Y., 1893, John H. Bowlby; children: Thomas, Margaret. Prot- estant Episcopal. BOWXES, Ada C. (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Bowles), Greyledge, Stage Fort Heights, Glou- cester, Mass. Minister; b. Gloucester, Aug. 2, 1836; dau. David and Eliza (Steele) Burpee; ed. in Glouces- ter schools and by private study; licensed to preach, Boston, '69; ordained in Pa., 1876, while pastor of the Uoiversalist Church of Easton, Pa. ; m. Gloucester, Nov. 5, 1858, Rev. Benja- min Franklin Bowles; children: Louise Isburgh, Frances Ada, Donald; three step children: Charles, Margaret, E>tta. Resident pastorates: Marlboro, Mass.; Easton, Pa.; Kingston, N.H.; East Gloucester, Mass.; assistant to husband, San Francisco ajid Ablngtcm, Mass. ; after his death, pastor Universalist Church in Pomona, Cal. Trea.s. Associated Charities; mem. Wo- man's Relief Corps; agent of Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; served on school board of Abington, Mass. ; chairman Com. on Church Suffrage Work, Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; active in suffrage work since 18S9; pres. first Cambridge Suffrage Ass'n, also of Middlesex Co., ex-committee of Mass. and New England Suf- frage societies, Philadelphia Suffrage Soc. and was pres. Cal. State Suffrage Ass'n; national lecturer. Contributor of prose and verse to various periodicals, local and general, since 15 years of age; has written some booklets. Uni- versalist. Progressive in politics. Mem. Am. Peace Soc., Soc. for Russian Freedom, Anti- Slavery Soc, Moral Reform Soc, Educational and Industrial Union, W.C.T.U. (having held several State superintendences); sec. Woman's Ministerial Union. Recreations: Housekeeping, music, drama. Clubs: Professional Women's, Wintergreen and Pentagon (all of Boston), BOWMAN, Betty Hill, Bonne Terre, Mo. Former educator, club worker; b. Freeburg, 111., June 16, 1876; dau. George W. and Helen (Turner) Hill; ed. St. Louis public schools, Washington Univ., St. Louis, A.B. '97; m. St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1905, J. J. Bowman. Teacher of languages in Liberty Ladies' Coll., Liberty, Mo., 1S93-05. Pres. Ninth District (Mo.) Federation of Women's Clubs. Baptist. Mem. Congrega- tional Missionary Soc. Opposed to woman suf- frage. Treas. Home Culture Club of Bonne Terre. BOWMAN, Eda C, Cormvells, Maud P.O., Bucks Co., Penn. Social worker; b. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 25, 1877; dau. John P. and Ellen T. (Wylie) Bowman; grad. Vassar, A.B. with honors (Phi Beta Kappa) '99, A.M. (mathematics and astronomy) 1900. In- structor in mathematics, Vassar Coll., 1905, Mt Wilson Solar Observatory, Pasadena, Cal., 1912. Identified with social work in connection with Soc. for Organization of Charity, Philadelphia. Pastor's assistant. Central Congregational Church, Philadelphia, 1907-08-09. Mem. Browning Soc, Philadelphia. Associate of Coll. Alumnas, Maria Mitchell Memorial Ass'n. Recreation: Flower gardening. Congregationallst. Favors woman suffrage. BO'WMAN, Elsa, 49 E. Eighty-fourth St., N.Y. 'City. Born N.Y. City; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96. Teacher of science and mathematics, St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Md., 1896-98; Brearley School, N.Y. City, since 1898. Reader in mathematics. College Entrance Examination Board, 1902-04. BO'WMAN, Ida Wright (Mrs. F. Lancelot Bow- man), Larch Av., Bogota, N.J. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., July 9, 1880; dau. Henry Ricnardson and Ida (Kohl) Wright; ed. Swarth- more Coll., B.L. '02; Oxford Univ., England; (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Bogota, N.J., June 30, 1909, F. Lancelot Bowman; one daughter: Edith. Teacher; lecturer on current events; instructor BroTvning Study Club; mem. Bogota Board of Education. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. BOWMAN, Jennie, 401 W. Lima St., Ada, O. Public reader; b. Leipsic, O., Mar. 27, 1877; dau. Martin and Ann (Hull) Bowman; ed. Ohio Northern Univ.; Newcomer's School of Ex- pression (degree of Master of Oratory). Instruc- tor in Lima Coll., 1904-07; Ohio Northern Univ., 1907-12. Has given over three hundred public entertalnment.s as a public reader. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Christian Church (Disci- ples). Democrat. BOWBIAN, Lnella Walt (Mrs. William Law Bowman), 1522 Jessup Av., N.Y. City. Musician; b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 17, 1888; dau. John (Dassan and Ginevra C. fWestlake) Wait; piano pupil of Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. David Mannes; violin pupil of Prof. Buitrago and David Mannes of N.Y. City, and Prof. 0. Sevcik of Prag, Bohemia; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 25, 1908, William Law Bowman; one daughter: Elizabeth. Concert master of N.Y. Symphony Club; accompanist and ass't to Oscar Saenger. Presbyterian. Recreations: Sailing, swimming, dancing, tennis. Mem. Symphony Club of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. BOW>I.AN, Mabel E., Wykeham Rise School, Washington, Conn. Principal private school; b. Somervllle, Mass., Dec. 23, 1872; dau. Seiwyn and .Martha E. (Tufts) Bowman; ed. Somerville School; Welles- ley Coll., B.A. '87; Radcliffe Coll., post-graduate work, 1898. Taught at Walnut Hill, Natlck, Mass.; Lexington, Mass.; Dr. Bellow's School, Boston. Mass.; vice-principal Wykeham Rise School. Washington, Conn. .Mem. Boston College Club. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. BOYCE. Addisone Schlpper, 934 Ogden Av., N.Y. City. Physician; b. Mlddletown. N.Y., Oct 6, 1881, dau. William and Elsie (Schlpper) Boyce; ed. high school, private schools; grad. N.Y. Medical Coll. and Hospital tor Women, 1905. Sec N.Y. 120 BOYD — BOYLE Medical Coll. and Hospital for Women; ass't surgeon, adjunct prof, of gynaecology, staff dis- pensary physician, pres. Woman's Meddcal Cluti. Mem. Medical Soc. of County of N.Y., Alumnse of N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. BOYD. Cora Dunham (Mrs. W. W. Boyd), The Kingsbury, St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1860; dau. John Samuel and Bmily (Peckham) Dunha^m; i?rad. Mary Inst, St. Louis, '79; m. St. Louis, June 2. 1880, Dr. W. W. Boyd; children: Willard W. Jr.. Frank Dunham. Favors woman suffrage; cor. sec., 1912, of Mo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; mem. St. Louis Equal Suffrage League, Mary Inst. Alumnae Ass'n. Wednesday Club. In 1898 was State chairman of correspondence of &en. Fed. of Women's Clubs, and director of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1902-04. BOYD, Elizabeth Clarke (Mrs. Gaston Boyd), Newton, Kans. Professor of voice and physical culture; b. London, England; dau. Robert and Mary (Row- bottom) Clarke; grad. New England Conserva- tory; Frances Shimes School of Chicago Univ.; Am. Inst, of Normal Methods, and pupil of Bassini, of Randegger, of Madame Hall, of Charles R. Adams, of Lyman Wheeler and others; m. June 1, 1887, Gaston Boyd. Pres. of Kansas World's Fair Music Board; made mem. of World's Musical Council; director of large choruses; head of voice dep't Bethany Coll.; State director of music for W.C.T.U. ; educa- tional sec. of Woman's Auxiliary for Diocese of Kansas; mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mathew's parish; mem. board of directors of Newton Free Library; mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n (former vlce- pres.). Has written for the press, notably a series of articles upon music in the public schools in Western School Journal. Has traveled in U.S. and abroad; only woman delegate from Kansas who attended World's W.C.T.U. Conven- tion in Glasgow, Scotland. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Has writ- ten several suffrage songs, which have been adopted by the W.C.T.U.; has written words and music for several songs and hymns, and has as- sisted in the compilation of standard musical works. Mem. Kansas Authors' Club. BOYD, Emina Louise Garrett (Mrs. Warren N. Boyd), 194 Washington St., Atlajita, Ga, Born Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 29, 1876; dau. Will- iam J. and Mary (Wallace) Garrett; grad. Vas- sar, A.B., with honors (Phi Beta Kappa) '99 (pres. Southern Club, '98; pres. Students' Ass'n, '99) ; appointed commencement speaker (re- signed because of ill-health), student of Greek tragedy at Oxford, 1902-03; m. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 3, 1903, Warren Newcomb Boyd (died May 11, 1905); one son: Spencer Wallace. Pres. Southern Ass'n of College Women, 1908-10; formerly first vice-pres. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse; mem. Board of Directors Am. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality; mem. Advisory Com. on Educa- tion Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; worker and writer for the abolition of child labor and for the adoption of compulsory education laws. Has published articles in newspapers and magazines, principally on «iucational and social reforms; mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. City, At- lanta Woman's Club, History Class of Atlanta and others. BOYER, Ida Porter (Mrs. Alvah H. Boyer), Cenlralla, Pa. Artist, lecturer; b. Middleport, Pa., 1859; dau. Capt. John R. and Elizabeth (Kleckner) Porter; ed. chiefly by private tutors; m. Alvah H. Boyer; one son: Richard Porter-Boyer, b. 1S85. Unitar- ian. Mem. League of Am. Pen Women, Pa. Conservation Ass'n, Order of Eastern Star, Women's Relief Corps; pres. Collective Club of Centralia, Pa.; mem. Oklahoma Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Columbia (Pa.) Woman's Club. Field sec. Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; active in woman suffrage campaigns as campaign manager for Oklahoma, in press work in Oregon campaign; engaged at headquarters and as lecturer in Ohio campaign; organizer for Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. BOYEB, Winifred B. (Mrs. Edward A. Boyer), 1428 Twenty-third St., South Omaha, Neb. Born Worden, 111., 1883; dau. Firman N. and Mary (Baumgartner) Coar; ed. 111. State Normal School; m. East St. Louis, 111., 1909, Edward A. Boyer. Principal of East St. Louis public schools, 1906-09. Active in club work. Pres. South Omaha (Neb.) Century Literary Club, 1911-12. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. BOYTOCN, Caroline Morris (Mrs. Richard Man- ning Boykln), 685 Irving St., Portland, Ore. Bom "Fernbank," West Chester, Chester Co., Pa.; dau. J. Cheston Morris, M.D., and Mary B. (Johnson) Morris; ed. by governess and Misses Hayward's School, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Phila- delphia, Jan. 26, 1909, Richard Manning Boykin, of Boykin, S.C; one daughter: Mary Morris. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Acorn Club of Philadelphia, BOYL.'i^', Grace Dnffie (Mrs.), 509 E. Seventy- seventh St., N.Y. City. Born Kalamazoo, Mich. ; dau. Captain Phelix and Juliette (Smith) Duflle (father was one of the Irish officers distinguished for bravery in the Civil War) ; ed. in schools of Kalamazoo, and took special course of study in Radcliffe Coll., and oratory in the New England Ck)nserva- tory of Music, Boston, Mass. Has spent many years as a journalist and a traveler. Author: The Kiss of Glory; Yama Yama Land; Kids of Many Colors; The Steps to Nowhere (the latter a juvenile with the Panama Canal as its sub- ject). BOY'LAN, Rose Marion (Mrs. Robert Jerome Boylan). 717 N. Twenty-fifth St., Eaat St. Louis, 111. Journalist; b. Pittsburg Hill, 111., Aug. 13, 1872; dau. M. R. G. and Marie Ellen (Brushler) Marion; grad. Elast St. Louis High School, '90 (valedictorian); special student Univ. of III., 1889-1900; Cook Co. Normal, 1896; m. East St. Louis, 111., April 18, 1906, Robert Jerome Boylan; children: Josephine, Robert Jerome. Began writing for papers at twelve years; fecial writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1901-08; pen-name "Rose Marion." Has been sec. 111. Free Employment Office at East St. Louis since 1907. Favors woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Votes in school elections. Mem. 111. Historical Soc, Queen's Daughters, Y.W.C.A., East St. Louis High School Ass'n, Univ. of 111. ; Soc. of St. Louis, Altar Soc. St. Elizabeth's Church. Recreations: Walking, children's games, French. Pres. East St. Louis Woman's Club, 1911-12; vice-pres. 22d Dist. 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912-13. Taught school 1890-1902; began in the Pocket School; resigned from East St. Louis High in 1902 as teacher of English; was first woman pres. of St. Clair Co. Teachers' Ass'n; held offices in State and Southern 111. teachers' organizations; was stationed at the St. Louis World's Fair for the Posrt- Dispatch throughout the Exposition, 1904. BOYXE, Margaret E. Cottmaji (Mrs. James W. Boyle). 218 E. Eager St., Baltimore, Md. Born Baltimore, Md. ; dau. James Stuart and Elizabeth McE. (Boogs) (3ottnian; ed. N. H. Morison's Acad., Baltimore, Md. ; m. Mar. 17, 1870, James W. Boyle. Spent 20 years as private sec. to a university professor, and translated many foreign languages; has taught whist (bridge and auction) for many years; does for- eign translations for business offices. Interested in civic matters; mem. of the Women's Wilson League of Md. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy. Club: Country, Arundel Whist. Recreations: Walking, traveling. Epis- copalian. Against woman suffrage. BOYXE, Virginia Frazer (Mrs. Thomaa R. Boyle), 1045 Union Av., Memphis. Tenn. Poet, novelist and short story writer; b. near Chattanooga, Tenn.; dau. Charles Wesley and Letitia S. (Austin) Frazer; ed. Higbee School. Memphis, Tenn. ; studied literature and law with father, who was a prominent lawyer of Memphis; m. Thomas R. Boyle, a young lawyer of Memphis. Organized Junior Confederate Memorial Ass'n. 1904; also J. CM. Drum and Fife Corps same year, of small boys in ass'n, now the leading drum and BOYNTON— BRADFORD 121 flfe corps of the South. Was made poet laureate of the United Confederate Veterans' Ass'n by a change In their constitution to create the office at Mobile, 1910; was made poet laureate for life by the Confederated Southern Memorial Ass'n (women), 1910. Books: The Other Side; Broken- burne; Devil Tales; Serina; Love Songs and Bugle Calls. Wrote official poems for Tenn. Cen- tennial; Jefferson Davis Centennial; Abraham Lincoln Centennial; Admiral Semmes and Gen. Lee Centennials. Contributor to Century, Harper's Mag., Harper's Weekly and Bazar, De- lineator and other magazines. Baptist. Mem. Poetry Soc. of America; Ladles' Confederate Memorial Ass'n; Junior CM. A. Daughters of the Confederacy; mem. Daughters of the Revolution, Colonial Dames, Miss. Historical Soc, Va. His- torical Soc. Recreations: Playing with other people's children, walking, boating and photog- raphy. Clubs: Woman's Nineteenth Century, Tenn. Press and Authors'. BOVNTON, Frances Nichols, 46 York Square, New Haven, Conn. Physician, teacher; b. Lockport, N.Y., April 13, 186S; dau. Thomas Cabot and Martha Whipple (Harwood* Boynton; ed. Lockport (N.Y.) public schools, 1876-87; New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics, 1895-96; Harvard Summer School of Gymnastics, 18S9-90; Chautauqua Summer School of GyTQQastics, 1891-92; Univ. of Mich., dep't of medicine and surgery, M.D. 1899-1903; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Epsilon Iota (mouical) societies. Teacher of physical train- ing, Buffalo Sem., 1891-92; Ogontz School for Girls, 1892-95, 1896-99; In New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics as Instructor in physics, histology and the theory and practice of Swedish gymnastics, 1903- . Associate of Girl's Friendly Soc. Author: A Primer of Histology; also contributions to medical journals. Manag- ing editor of the Alumni News of the New Haven Normal School of Gymnastics. Prot- estant Episcopal. Mem. Am. Physical Educa- tion Soc, also New Haven County and Conn. State Med. societies. BRACKEN, Clio Hinton (Mrs. William Barrie Bracken), 40 Nottingham Road, Brighton, Boston, Mass. Sculptor; b. Rhlnebeck, N.Y. ; dau. Howard and Lucy (Brownson) Hinton; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. City; studied with St. Gaudens and Macmonnies in Paris; m. (1st) N.Y. City, Jan. 20, 1892, James Huneker; (2d) N.Y. City, May 16, 1900, William Barrie Bracken; chiUren: Krik Huneker, b. 1894; Barrie Bracken, b. 1903; Mona Bracken, b. 1907. Favors woman suffrage; First sec. Greenwich Equal Sufrage League; mem. Woman's Political Union, Brookline Equal Suf- frage Ass'n, Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Am. Drama Society, Pen and Brush Club of N.Y. City. BRACBLEN, Opal, Corry, Pa. Born Corry, Pa. ; dau. De Witt Lloyd and Ella (Page) Bracken; ed. Corry High School, thre« years; Rogers Hall School, Lowell, Mass., two years; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '10. Since graduation bookkeeper for Bracken Bros. As- sists in work of struggling Humane Soc, with many homeless children, drunken fathers, beaten and decrepit horses to look after. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Methodist. Coached bas- ketball in high school for two years. Recrea- tions: Tennis, riding horseback, swimming. BRACKENRIDGE, Eleanor, R.F.D. 3, San An- tonio, Tex. Director; b. Warwick Co., Ind. ; dau. John Adams and Isabella Helena (McCullough) Brack- enridge; grad. Anderson Female Sem., New Albany, Ind., '55. Presbyterian. Mem. Philan- thropic societies, Y.W.C.A., Social Hygiene. Educational work has been her chief interest; vice-pres. Board of Regents of the State Coll. of Industrial Arts for Girls; supports a colored kindergarten; has held positions on the State and Nat. Educational Com. of the Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs; chairman Patriotic Educational Com. D.A.it., also of the Com. of Laws affecting women and children; cbairoian the Legislative Com. of the Congress of Mothers; pres. Texas Woman's Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Equal Franchise Soc. of San Antonio; has spent money gener- ously to promote the work. Organizer and pres. for seven years of the Woman's Club of San Antonio (the first dep't club in Texas). Mem. Texas State Historical Soc, Am. Acad, of Social Science, Nat. Geog. Soc, Country Club; director of San Antonio Nat. Bank and the San Antonio Loan and Trust Company. Extensive traveler. BRACKETT, Antoinette Newell (Mrs. Arthur Stone Brackett), 9 Broad View, Bristol, Conn. Born Bristol, Conn., July 27, 1875; dau. Ed- ward Everett and Piera Henderson (Root) Newell; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; m. Bristol, Nov. 20, 1901, Dr. Arthur Stone Brackett; chil- dren: Naomi, Mary, Constance. Favors woman suffrage. BRACKETT, Lavinia Alazwell Prescott (Mrs. I. J^ewis Brackett), 50 Pleasant St., Brookline, Mass. Bom Louisville, Ky., July 19, 1844; dau. Frederick William and Emily (Maxwell) Pres. cott (great-granddaughter of Hon. Oliver Pres- cott, M.D., of Groton, Mass.; grad. Harvard 1750; maj.-gen. in War of Independence, and a judge of probate in Middlesex Co.); grad. Brook- line (Mass.) Hlgn School No. 1, in class for final year; later at Miss Tilden's School; had French lessons from Prof. Bocher, German from Mme. Johanne Wendte; Italian from Prof. Torrl- celli, and music from Messrs. Tufts, J. C. Par- ker and B. J. Lang; m. Brookline, Jan. 29, 1880, I. Lewis Brackett. Interested in the pro- tection of birds and animals and Dr. Grenfell's work in Labrador. Mem. Church of the New Jerusalem. Mem. Alliance Francaise of Cam- bridge, Salon Frangais, New England branch of Audubon Soc, Am. Bison Soc, Wilfred T. Gren- fell Ass'n, Soc. for Prevention and Cure of Tuberculosis, and Mass. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Recreations: Music, sym- phony concerts, reading, etc. BBADBLBY, Margaret Jones (Mrs. William Frothingham Bradbury), 369 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Born Templeton, Mass., Jan. 25, 1835; dau. Abijah and Phebe (Cutting) Jones; ed. West- minster (Mass.) Acad., Mt. Holyoke Sem. (now college); grad. 1856; m. Templeton, Mass., Aug. 27, 1857, William Frothingham Bradbury of Camibridge, Mass.; children: William Howard Bradbury, Marion Bradbury (Hovey), Margaret Seymour Bradbury. Interested in patriotic work in connection with tjie societies to which she belongs, also in Hospital League, Associated Charities of Cambridge and East End Mission. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Cambridge Historical Soc, Mt. Holyoke Alumnas Ass'n, Woman's Branch Civil Service Ass'n, Daughters of the Founders of D.A.R. Recreations: Lectures, concerts, theatres, etc. BRADFORD. Mary Davison (Mrs. William Rol- vln Bradford), 426 Park Av., Kenosha, Wis. Superintendent of schools; b. Paris, Kenosha Co., Wis.; dau. Andrew Jackson and Caroline G. (Wagner) Davison; ed. Kenosha High School; Oshkosh State Normal School; summer study at Univ. of Wis., Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of Nebraska, Clark Univ.; m. Kenosha, Wis., Dec. 8, 1878, William Rolvln Bradford; one son: WUliam Bradford, b. June 24, 1880. Teacher of common schools, city grades and high school; principal training dep't State Normal schools; director primary work, Stout Inst., Menomonle, Wis.; sup't of schools, Kenosha, Wis. Pres. Wis. St^te Teachers Ass'n, 1911-12. Mem. Kenosha Playground Ass'n, Kenosha Anti-Tu- berculosis Ass'n, and of Wis. Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n. Organizer and director of first open-air school in Wis. (Kenosha). Favors woman suf- frage. Pres. Political Equality League of Kenosha Co.; mem. Advisory Board Wis. Wo- man Suffrage Ass'n; speaker in Wis. suffrage campaign. Contributor to educational papers and magazines. Author of several pamphlets on educational subjects. Author of section On 122 BRADFORD— BRAIN Teaching of Reading In Wis. State Manual of Course of Study for Common Schools. Uni- tarian. Mem. Dep't of Education, Nat. Congress of Mothers; vice-pres. Wis. Peace See; mem. Nat. Soc. for Scientific Study of Education. Active mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n; mem. Kenosha Woman's Club, Kenosha Woman's Alliance; chairman Com. on Education of Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs for two terms; mem. Co. Com. on Exhibits, Chicago World's Fair; mem. State Com. on Educational Exhibits, St. Louis World's Fair. BRADFORD, Stella Stevens, 11 Plymouth St., Montclair, N.J. Physician; b. in N.J. ; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; student of sociology, N.Y. Univ., 1893-94; literature, Univ. of Gottingen, 1895; Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, 1898-99; Cor- nell Univ.. 1899-1902, M.D. '02. Teacher, Mont- clair, N.J., 1893-94; Elizabeth, N.J., 1895-96; ass't jn English literature. Smith Coll., 1896-98. Interne Worcester (Mass.) Memorial Hospital, 1902-03; clinical ass't Gouverneur Dispensary, N.Y. City, 1903-06 and 1909-10; examining physi- cian Smith Coll, 1906-09; physician Mountainside Hospital since 1904 and of Ramapo (N.J.) Sana- torium since 19U9. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n and Acad, of Medicine of N.Y. BRADLEE, Edith Gerry Keene (Mrs. Edward Chamberlin Bradlee), 179 School St., Milton, Mass. Born Lynn, Mass., Aug. 9, 1874; dau. William G. S. and Frances Blackler (Gerry) Keene; ed. at a Boston private school; Miss Capen's School, Northampton, and one year at Smith Coll.; m. Swampscott, Mass., Dec. 1, 1906, Ed- ward Chamberlin Bradllee; children: Susan Bartlett Bradlee, b. Jan. 7, 1908; Sarah Goddard Bradlee, b. Feb. 6, 1909. Episcopalian, formerly Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Guild of Episcopal Church. Mem. Lend-a-Hand Club. BBADI>EY, Alice Deeringr (Mrs. Arthur Brad- ley), 20S1 E. Thirty-Sixth St., Cleveland, O. Born Chicago, Jan. 18, 1856; dau. John Par- ker and Susan (Porter) Ilsley; ed. Philadelphia private schools; m. Germantown, 1891, Arthur Bradley; one son: Arthur Ilsley Bradley. Mu- sical editor Cleveland papers and cor. Musical America of N.Y. City. Vice-pres. of Middle Sec- tion Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs; chairman Ex- tension Com. of Fortnightly Musical Club of Cleveland, having charge of concerts given in schools, libraries, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. BRADLEY, Dolly Holland Sipe (Mrs. James Clifford Bradley), 922 Frick Building, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Educated high school, Washington, D.C. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; Columbia (now George Washington) Univ., A.M. '02; graduate student 1901-03; m. 1904, James Clifford Bradley. Teacher of English, German and Latin in York (Pa.) Collegiate Inst., 1890-1900; Latin and Eng- lish in Miss Flint's School, Washington, D.C, 1901-04, Instructor In Latin, Trinity Coll., Wash- ington, D.C, 1903-04. BRADLEY, Emma Louise, 485 Westford St., JiOwell, Mass. Teacher; b. Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86; student of French, English and German, Ajnherst Summer School, 1894; Alliance Fran- gaise, Paris, summers of 1896, 1909; Alliance Francaise, St. Malo, France, summer of 1909. Teacher in Lowell (Mass.) High School since 18S9. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America, Alliance Frangaise. BRADLEY, Jennie E. (Mrs. James Bradley), Twin Falls, Idaho. Born Clinton Co., Ohio, April 3, 1848; dau. Thomas and Caroline (Weir) Mills; ed. Cornell Coll., la., and Adrian Coll., Mich.; m. Jan. 7, 1875, James Bradley; children: Clyde M., James Guy, Marian Eolith. Mem. Order of Eastern Star; was grand matron Order of Eastern Star of S.Dak., 1898. Clubs: Shakespeare, Twen- tieth Century, Emerson. Presbyterian. BRADLEY, Liela Griswold (Mrs. Clarence E. Bradley), Geary, Okla. Born Sandwich Island, Feb. IG, 1862; dau. James and Ann M. (Slye) Griswold; ed. Sand- wich High School; grad. North-western Coll., Naperville, 111., '84, degree L.E.L. ; m. York- ville. 111., Sept. 15, 1887, Clarence B. Bradley; children: Clarence Griswold, b. 1889 (died 1890); Lyle Alwin, b. 1890; Harold Clayton, b. 1892. Teacher before marriage. Active in Sunday- school work; interested In all movements for betterment of mankind. Mem. P.E.O. Sister- hood, Chapter F. (Geary, Okla.); Missionary and Aid Societies of the Presbyterian Church. Mem. Woman's Literary and Study Club of Geary (was the organizer); vice-pres. of the Second Dist. of Federated Clubs of Oklahoma, 1912-14. Presbyterian. BRADLEY, Marian Hawley, Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. Teacher; b. Danbury, Conn.; ed. schools of Danbury, Conn, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '87. Teacher Danbury (Conn.) High School, 1887-92; Alinda Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1892-93; Girls' High School, Brooklyn, since 1893. BBADNER, Edith Mitchel (Mrs. Lester Brad- ner), 144 Benefit St., Providence, R.I. Born Flushing, N.Y., 1870; dau. William King and Annie C (Mitchell) Murray; m. Flushing, N.Y., 1SS5, Rev. Lester Bradner; children: Will- iam, John, Edith. Interested in education, teacher training for Sunday-schools, child wel- fare, ornithology. Episcopalian. Mem. Audo- bon Soc, R.I. Sunday-school Alumns Ass'n, R.I. Clerica, Girls' Friendly Soc, Shakespearian Soc, Providence Mothers' Club. Against woman suffrage. BRADSHAW, Elizabeth Mahan (Mrs. Harmon Bradshaw), Lebanon, Ind. Born Thornton, Ind., Dec. 25, 1874; dau. Oliver Perry and Mary M. (Hoover) Mahan; ed. Lebanon public schools (grad. May, 1894); the Western Coll., Oxford, O. ; De Pauw Univ., '97 Ph.D. (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Lebanon, Ind., Jan. 3. 1901; one daughter: Mary Frances. Mem. Industrial Union of Presbyterian Church, the Missionary Soc; during season of 1912-13 managed an artist's course, giving three con- certs during the winter in Lebanon. Lives on farm and is specially interested in raising chickens ard ducks and raising hogs for the market. Clubs: Bay View Reading, Ladies' Afternoon, Thimble, Good Will. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. BRADY, Susie Frances Brown (Mrs. Adhemar Brady), Titusville, Fla. Born Hamilton, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1856; dau. Philip Perry and Sarah (Jackson) Brown; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo.; Shurtleff Coll., Alton, 111. (Sigma Phi); m. City Point, Pla., May 25, 1898, Adhemar Brady. Taught for 17 years In Brevard and Dade counties, Florida. Interested In civic, village improvement, ceme- tery Improvement and library work. Pres. Pro- gressive Culture Cllub for eight years; started Fortnightly CHub for young women, a civic im- provement club. Mem. Episcopal Guild of St. Gabriel's Church. BRAGDON, OUver Hard (Mrs. Frank Adalbert Bragdon), 19 Upton St., Boston, Mass. Writer; b. Limington, Me., July 13, 1858; dau. Andrew Jackson and Hannah Catherine (Bangs) Hurd; ed. Westbrook (Me.) Sem. ; m. Limington, Me., June 14, 1879, Frank Adelbert Bragdon. Was teacher for three years preceding marriage. Contributor of Juvenile stories to magazines. Author: The Moon Party; Pup, An Autobiog- raphy of a Greyhound. BR.UN, Belle Marvel, College Hill, Schenectady. N.y. Author; b. Springfield, O., Aug. 4, 1859; dau. William Grey and Mary (Dyer) Brain; ed. pub- lic schools, Cincinnati and Springfield; grad. high school, '76. Served as supervisor of draw- ing in public schools in Springfield, 1878-96; then turned to literary work. Author: Fuel for Mis- sionary Fires; Weapons for Temperance War- fare; Quaint Thoughts of an Old-Time Army Chaplain; The Morning Watch; The Transforma- tion of Hawaii; Fifty Missionary Programs, Fifty Missionary Stories; Missionary Reading tor Missionary Programs; Holding the Ropes; Re- BRAINE— BRANSTETTER 123 demption of the Red Man; All About Jai>an; Adventures with Four-Footcd Folk; also con- tributor to maijazines and newspapers, princi- pally religious. Presbyterian. BRAINK, Elizabeth Musgrove, 942 St. Marks Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Assistant principal of schools; b. Piermont, •N.J., Dec. 10, 1S68; dau. Charles Rowland and Felicia (McCobb) Braine; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, '89; won' State scholarship for Cornell, 1889; entered with class of 1SS3. left at close of junior year to begin teaching, 1892, completed course B.A. 1906. Passed examination for principal of elementary schools, 1910. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Inter- borough Ass'n of Women Teachers, Women Principals' Eligible List, Ass'n of Ass't Princi- pals of N.Y. City, College of Settlements Ass'n, Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. BBAINEKD, Eleanor Hoyt, East Hampton, Conn. Writer; b. Iowa City, Iowa, 1869; dau. Walter and Louise (Smith) Hoyt; grad. Wesleyan Coll., Cincinnati, A.B., A..M.; m. Des Moines, Iowa, 1903, Charles Chisholm Brainerd. Taught in Alma -Mater and in N.Y. City private school; reporter on N.Y. Sun for seven years; magazine and book v.Titer since. Author: Misdemeanors of Nancy; Concerning Belinda; Bettina; In Vanity Fair; The Personal Conduct of Belinda. Favors woman suffrage. BR.VISLIN, Mary Raymond, Crosswicks, N.J. Born Burlington, N.J., Jan. 2, 1860; dau. John and Elizabeth (Weber) Braislin; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. Principal of the Priscilla Braislin School, Bordentown, N.J., 1889-99; dean of Kem- per Hall. Kenosha, Wis., 1900-09. Mem. Board of Education of Chesterfield Township, Burling- ton Co., N.J., 1906; dist. clerk, 1908. Mem. Vas- sar Alumnae Ass'n, Vassar Students' Aid Soc, Maria Mitchell Nantucket Ass'n, Priscilla Brais- lin Memorial Ass'n. Mem. Contemporary Club, Trenton, N.J. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. BRALEY, Love A. Webb (Mrs. Alden Braley), Fournet Block, Crookston, Minn. Worthy grand matron Order Eastern Star; b. Otis, Mass., July 29, 1850; dau. Lucius and Sophia (Dunham) Webb; ed. Otis, Mass., finished school at Granville, Vt. ; m. Alden Braley; one daughter: Love Beatrice, b. 1886 (Mrs. P. H. Wood). Mem. Order of Eastern Star, having Tilled various offices until reached the highest office, worthy grand matron of Minn., 1910, and re-elected 1911; represented Minn, at General Grand Chapter of the World, held in Jackson- ville, Fla., 1910; has been pres. of the Library Auxiliary and 'rown Improvement League; has been sec. of the Old Settlers' Ass'n since organ- ization, 1903. Mem. the Woman's Club, Study Club, Bay View and various others. Mem. ■People's Church. HRA3IBLE, Anna Dripps, W. Monastery Av., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher; b. Roxborough, Aug. 20, 1885; dau. James and Clara E. Knowlton Bramble; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls, '02, Swarth- more Coll., B.A. '06; graduate student Univ. of Pa. Engaged as teacher in Philadelphia High School for Girls. Mem. Swarthmore Alumnee; elector on the Electoral Board of College Settle- ment Ass'n, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Favors woman suffrage. BRAMHAXL, Edith Clementine, Rockford Col- lege. Rockford, 111. College professor; b. Indiana; grad. Univ. of Ind., A.B. '95; Univ. of Pa., A.M. '96, Ph.D. '98; fellow in history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1S9S-99. Teacher of history In Manual Training School, Indianapolis, Ind., 1S99-1900; instructor, 1900-02; professor of history and economics since 1902, Rockford (111.) Coll. IJR.VMHALL, Florence Adelaide (Mrs. William Ely Bramhall), Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul, Minn. Born St. Paul, April, 1864; dau. Abram S. and Sue Carroll (Fryer) Elfelt; ed. St. Paul Hieh School; Prof. Fogg's Acad.; m. St. Paul, 1888, William Ely Bramhall. In charge of the for- estry intrests for club women of State seven years: took the initiative In establishing the Nat. Forest Reserve in Northern Minn.; pres. St. Paul Women's Civic League; took the responsi- bility in connection with the Commercial Club In establishing city playgrounds and amending the city charter to provide for their continued maintenance. Favors woman suffrage. Has written a great deal in connection with civic and (-ducational matters for newspapers and Western magazines. Unitarian. Mem. New Cen- tury Club, Women's Civic League, Women's Welfare League. BRANCH, Anna Hempstead, Hempstead House, New London, Conn. Writer; b. New London, Conn.; dau. John Locke Branch (lawyer) and Mary Lydia (Bolles) Branch (author); grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; Am. Acad, of Dramatic Art, N.Y. City. Con- tributor to magazines, author and playwright. Author: The Heart of the Road; The Shoes that Danced; Nimrod and Other Poems; and the play Rose of the Wind (produced at Empire Theatre. N.Y. City, 1908). Director New London Play- grounds Ass'n, 1900-10. BRA>'CH, Mary Lydia Bolles (Mrs. John Locke Branch), Hempstead House, New London, Conn. Author; b. New London, Conn., June 15, 1840; dau. John Rogers and Mary (Hempstead) Bolles; ed. New London, and Lincoln F. Emerson's School, Boston, Mass.; m. New London, Conn., April 20, 1S70, Jonn Locke Branch; children: John Bolles (deceased), Anna Hempstead. Au- thor: The Kanter Girls; Aunt Patty's School- room; The Manner of Life of Nancy Hempstead; A Visit to Newfoundland; also several pamph- lets. Mem. Lucretia Shaw Chapter D.A.R., Soc. of Mayflower Descendants in (5onn., New Lon- don County Historical Soc, Froebel Soc. of Brooklyn, Hempstead Family Ass'n, Saturday Club of New London, Conn. BRANNAN, Sophie Marston, 939 Eighth Av., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Mountain View, Cal. ; dau. John E. and Carrie Augusta Sheldon Brannan; ed. Mark Hopkins Inst, of Art, for black and white, under Arthur F. Mathews, San Francisco, Cal.; also studied in Paris. Concour for life class and por- trait at Mark Hopkins Inst, of Art, San Fran- cisco, Emerson McMillan Landscape Prize of $100, Women's Art Club of N.Y. City. Has studios in N.Y. City and San Francisco; has exhibited In Nat. Academy of Design, N^Y., also many other places. Clubs: Sequoia (San Francisco), Wom- en's Art, Women Painters (N.Y. City). Uni- tarian. BRAXNEB, Susan Dov? Kennedy (Mrs. John Casper Brauner), Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. Born Oneida, N.Y.; ed. In Oneida (N.Y.) schools; Vassar Coll., A.B. '79; m. Oneida, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1SS3, John Casper Branner, Ph.D., LUD. (geologist; vice-pres. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.); two sons, one daughter. Was teacher In Ger- mantown. Pa., 1879-80; in Utica, N.Y., 1880-83. 1JR.4NSON, Ajina Mary, Alpine, Texas. Writer; b. Coatesville, Pa., Nov. 8, 1883; dau. Henry James and Mary Frances (Parke) Bran- som; grad. Coatesville (Pa.) High School, '98; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03, A.M. '04; graduate scholar In Latin, Bryn .Mawr Coll., 1903-05. Teacher of P'rench In the Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1904-05; teacher of Latin, Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., 1905-08. Newspaper correspondent and writer of occasional stories and articles in magazines and newspapers. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffrage. BRANSTETTER, Winnie E. (Mrs. Otto F. Bran- stetter), 205 W. Washington St., Chicago. III. Born in Missouri, 1879; dau. Ambrose and Ger- trude (Prather) Shirley; ed. Okla. Univ., Kansas City schools; m. Liberty, Mo., 1S99, Otto F. Branstetttr; children: Gertrude Lizzetta, Ther- esa Shirley. Lecturer and writer of articles for Socialist and labor press. Socially and pontically active; mem. Nat. Woman's Com., Socialist Party, since 1908; general correspondent of com. 124 BRANT— BREGY since Au^st, 1912. Delegate to Socialist con- ventions, 1910, 1912, representing Oklahoma. Ac- tive mem. since 1904; v. -p. of Oklahoma Suffrage Ass'n tor three years; delegate to Nat. Sufirage Convention in Philadelphia, 1912. Socialist. BRA>'T, Minnie Clothier (Mrs. J. A. Brant), 25 S. Thirteenth St., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Canada; dau. Asa and Catharine (Adams) Clothier; ed. Mexico (X.Y.) Sem. ; m. J. A. Brant. Formerly teacher of art, including por- trait painting, in various seminaries. Since mar- riage resident of Minneapolis, Minn. Organized Reciprocity Day among the clubs of Minneapolis, and in philanthropic work organized the Minn. State Sunshine Soc. (has been pres.) and has also been pres. of the Clothier Circle. Identified with the National Guild and has organized many circles for Guild work in Minneapolis. Favors woman sufirage. Mem. Westminster Presby- terian Church. Mem. Woman's Club, Thurs- day Musical, D.A.R., Puritan Colony of New England Women. Organized the Authors' Study Club of Minneapolis and for 12 years was its president. BK.AY, Ella Williams, Tarmouthport, Mass. Teacher; b. Cambridge, Mass., 1866; dau. Thomas C. and Mary (Mathews) Bray; prepared for college at Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass.; grad. Weilesley Coll., '90; summer courses at Harvard; mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon. Taught in public and private schools, in Maryland Coll., Lutherville, Md. ; private school for girls, Wor- cester, Mass.; in L'eachwood Sem., Norfolk, Va., and in St. Mary's School at Knoxville, 111. Fa- vors woman suffrag-e. Congregationalist. Mem. Animal Rescue League, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Worcester College Club, Worcester Weilesley Club, Norfolk Woman's Club. Traveled a year in Europe and studied French in Paris. BRATTON, Sarah H., 1637 Chicago Av., Evans- ton, 111. Physician; b. Sebergham, Carlisle, England; dau. John and Mary (Fleming) Bray ton; ed. in England and Medical Coll. for Women, N.Y. City, M.D. (mem. Beta Chapter A.E.I. ). Elected to professorship of materia medica, N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women. Has served on medical staff Evanston (111.) Hospital; director and physician of 111. Industrial School for Girls; director Grove Home for Convalescents, Evanston, 111. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Med. Soc., 111. Med. Soc, Chicago Med. Soc. Evanston Med. Soc., A.A.A.S., Lyceum Club (London), the Fortnightly (Chicago). BBAZEE, Carolina A. Potter (Mrs. C. M. Brazee), 314 S. Second St., Rockford, 111. Born in Illinois; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now CoU.), 1855, later received degree of M.A. ; m. Rockford, 111., 18S4, Col. C. M. Brazee, promi- nent lawyer (now deceased). Teacher in dep't of history of Rockford Coll., 1S72-S2. After hus- band's death became active as leader of literary clubs and In preparing programs for literary organizations. Has traveled extensively in U.S. and Europe. Congregationalist. Mem. Alumnse Ass'n of Rockford Coll. Has been chairman of- the art and literary departments of Illinois Fed. of Women's Clubs and Rockford City Fed. of Women's Clubs. BBAZIER, Marion Howard, Trinity Court, Dartmouth St., Boston, Mass. Editor; b. Boston, Sept. 6, 1850; dau. William Henry and Sarah Jane (Sargent) Brazier; ed. public schools of Boston. Society editor of the Boston Post, 1890-98; edited and published the Patriotic Review, 1898-1500; society editor Bos- ton Journal, 1903-11, now conducting a clipping bureau with a specialty in personal clippings about persons prominent in society and In notes and reports relating to women's clubs and pa- triotic societies. Lecturer. Mem. 16 organiza- tions and founder of six, including the Pro- fessional Women's Club and the Bunker Hill and Paul Jones Chapters D.A.R., Ex-Regents CD A.R.) and Boston Parliamentary Law Clubs; mem. of Authors' Soc, Drama League, Charity Club, Cremation Soc, Boston Common Soc; honorary mem. of various organizations. Author: Perpetrations, a Book of Humor, Cheer, Phil- osophy and Comfort. Mem. Boston Political Club, Woman's Charity Club. BRECKEXS, Josephine White (Mrs. Joseph Ah lison Breckens), 1814 G St., Washin^on, D.C. Newspaper correspondent; grad. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '79; m. Joseph Allison Breckens. After graduation engaged in teaching in West; was sup't of schools of Laramie County, Wyo- ming, 1888-90; now engaged as Washington cor- respondent for newspapers. Favors woman sufirage. BRECKINRIDGE, Mary Grace, 717 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher; b. Binghamton, N.Y., June 4, 1867; dau. H. S. and Lucy Ann (Gates) Breckinridge; grad. high school, Binghamton, N.Y., '85; Cor- nell Univ., Ph.B. '92; Albany State Normal Coll., Ph.D. '94; Columbia Univ., A.M. '08. Taught in high schools, Binghamton, N.Y. ; Pittsford, Vt. ; Shelton, Conn.; Summit, N.J. ; Southern Sem., Buena Vista, Va.; Occidental Acad, and Coll., Los Angeles, Cal. Studied a year in France and Germany. Mem. Ass'n (Collegiate Alumnse. Congregationalist. Favors woman sufirage. Progressive in politics. BRECKINRIDGE, Sophonisba Preston, Green Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Ass't dean of women, Univ. of Chicago; b. Apr. 1, 1866; dau. William Campbell Preston and Issa (Desha) Breckinridge; grad. Weilesley, B.S. '88, Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '97, Ph.D. 'OL Mem. teaching stafi of Univ. of Chicago since 1901, as docent in political science and assistant dean of women. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Nat. Conference of Charities, Nat. Am. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n; vice-pres. Coll. Equal Sufirage League. Author: Legal Tender; A Short Story in Monetary History; The Delinquent Child and The Home (with Edith Abbot H., Ph.D.); The Modern Household (with Marion Tabbot, LL.D.). BREED, Prances de Forest Martin (Mrs. Charles Henry Breed), Woodhull House, Law- renceville, X.J. Born Fairchance, Pa., Jan. 19, 1882; dau. Robert L. and Anne Leiper (Smith) Martin; ed. Alinda Prep. School, Pennsylvania Coll. for Wo- men, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1901; m. Pittsburgh, June 10, 1903, Charles Henry Breed; children: Anne Martin, Elizabeth Leiper, Henry Atwood. Interested in education of boys. Mem. N.J. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Trent Chap- ter D.A.R. Clubs: Women's (LawrenceviUe), Present Day (Princeton). Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. BREED, Mary Bidwell, St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Md. Educator; b. Pittsburg, Pa., 1870; dau. Henry Atwood and Cornelia (Bidwell) Breed; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '94, A.M. '95, Ph.D. '01; holder of the Bryn Mawr European Fellowship, 1894-95. Dean of women, Indiana Univ., 1901-06; adviser of women, Univ. of Mo., 1906-12; associate head of St. Timothy's School,, Catonsville, Md., 1912. Initiator of the Conference of Deans of Women in State Universities, which meets every two years in Chicago. Has published magazine artl-" cles on various educational topics. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Coll. Alumns. Favora woman suffrage. BREED, Persia Mary, 1117 First St., Louisville, Ky. Teacher; b. Louisville, Ky. ; ed. In schools of Louisville and Vassar Coll., A.B. '99. Teacher, St. John the Baptist School, N.Y. City, 1903-05; Port Jervis (N.Y.) High School, 1905-07; associate principal Hamilton Coli., Lexington, Ky., since i9'^y. BREGY, Katherlne Marie Cornelia, 2033 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Author; b. Philadelphia; dau. Judge F. Am6d6e and Katherlne (.Maurice) Bregy; ed. private academies; literary and post-grad, courses at Univ. of Pa. Mem. Playgoing Com., Drama League, Women's Press Ass'n, Catholic Guild (a social settlement for the care of working girls). Contributor to Lipplncott's. Forum, Catholic World, etc., of verse and critique. Author: The EREHM— BREWER 125 Poet's Chantry, 1912. Lecturer at Catholic Sum- mer School, Cliff Haven, N.Y. Catholic. Mem. Alliance Frangaise, Am. Catholic Historical Soc. BREHM, Marie Caroline, 74-77 Conestoga Build- ing, Pittsburgh. P-\. Lecturer; b. Sandusky, O. ; dau. William Henry and Elizabeth R. (Rhode) Brehxn: ed. public schools, Sandusky; private instruction In languages and civics. Sup't Franchise Nat. W.C.T.U. seven years; State pres. HI. W.C.T.U. five years; scientific lecturer tor Temperance Com. of General Assembly of Presbyterian Church, six years. Interested in Social Center, Gad's Hill, Chicago; Presbyterian foreign and home missionary work, Christian Endeavor and Sunday-school Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; sup't suffrage dep't Nat. W.C.T.U., 1896-1903; mem. Chicago Political Equality League. Has written leaflets and tracts, newspaper articles and orations for young people's oratorical con- tests. Presbyterian. Mem. Scientific Temper- ance Federation, U.S.A., Irish Bible Temperance Soc., Loyal Temperance Legion. Recreations: Rowing, embroidery, travel. Mem. Chautauqua Woman's Club. Has been on lecture platform 21 years; lectured in Ireland, in Belfast and ether cities, London, Edinburgh, Berlin and The Hague; represented U.S. Government at World's Congress on Alcoholism in London, in 1911; represented Internat. Church Temperance Fed. of U.S. at the World's Congress at The Hague. BBKM, Marion Wolcott Winkler (Mrs. Walter Vernon Brem), Colon Hospital, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama. Registered nurse; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; student Johns Hopkins Hospital School for liuTsea, 1903-05; m. Aug. 3, 1905, Walter Vernon Brp.m; children: Phylis, b. June 29, 1906 (died July 11, 1906): Laura, b. Sept. 3, 1907; Gwendolyn, b. Oct. 18, 1908. Engaged professionally at the Colon Hospital at Cristobal, Canal Zone. BKENDLINGER, Margaret Robinson, Norwalk, Conn Principal private school; b. Port Perry, Pa.; dau. Peter Franklin and Hannah Emily (Brown) Brendllnger; ed. high schools of Pottsville, P»., and Yonkers, N.Y., Vassar, A.B. '95. Taught at Mrs. Mead's School, Hillside, Norwalk, Conn., Poughkeepsie High School, 1895-99, 1899-1901; out of school work, living in Philadelphia, 1901-08; principal Hillside School, Norwalk, Conn., 1908- . Mem. Charity Organization Soc, Philadelphia; Norwalk Day Nursery, Civic League of Norwalk, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. ; pres. College Clu'b of Philadelphia, 1904-09; pres. Woman's Cluh of Norwalk, 1911- , Norwalk Equal Franchise League. Mem. Woman's Univ. Club, (N.Y. City), Vassar Club (Philadelphia), Woman's Club of Norwalk. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. BRETT, Margaret Strong (Mrs. Philip M. Brett), 901 Lexington Av., N.Y. City. Born St. Paul, Minn. ; dau. Freeman Poole and Margaret (Gray) Strong; grad. Burnham School, Northampton, Mass. '94; education fin- ished abroad: m. St. Paul, Feb. 27, 1906, Philip M. Brett; children: Margaret Gray, Philip Mille- doler Jr. Favors woman suffrage. BREITIL, Elizabeth Donner Van der Veer (nom de plume "Beta Breuil"), care Vitagraph Co. of America, E. Fifteenth St. and Locust Av., F'latbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. Author and editor of scensirios; b. N.Y. City, 1876; dau. Prank F. and Ray E. (Moore) Van der Veer; ed. the Misses Graham's School, N.Y. City; the Misses Virgin's School, Dresden, Ger- many; m. (1st) 1893, Frank M. Willard, of Phila- delphia (died 1903); (2d) 1903, Hartmann Breuil (died 1908). Entered business world February, 1910, as ass't editor of Vitagraph Co. of America; in 1911 became editor-in-chief of same. Inter- ested in elevating the standard of motion pic- tures, classical and educational films, helping Fresh Air F^ind through photoplays. Author: The Battle Hymn of the Republic; Lincoln's Gettysburg Address; Rock of Agea; Auld Lang Syne; Mario's Swan Song; White Rose Leaves; By Way of Mrs. Browning; Easter Babies, and 22S others. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Ten- nis, dancing, STvimming. First woman editor in this line of business to hold position. BRKVITT, Jessie, 144 Wilson St., Baltimore, Md. Physician; b. Baltimore; ed. in Baltimore schools. Woman's Med. Coll. of Baltimore, M.D., 1SS9; graduate student in chemistry and phy- siology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889-90. Lecturer on chemistry. Woman's Med. Coll., Baltimore, 1890- 03, and chief of Eye and Ear Clinic, 1893-95; in active practice as physician In Baltimore, 1895- 1900. BREWER, Amy Waller (Mrs. Edward Harris Brewer), 1345 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, Aug. 21, 1884; dau. William and Louise (Hamilton) Waller; ed. Kirkland School in Chicago, Miss Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry; m. Chicago, Jan. 17, 1906, Ekiward Harris Brewer; children: Louise Hamilton, Corinne Harris. Vice- pres. Junior League of Chicago, 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, golf. Mem. Woman's City (31ub, the Scribblers' Club. BREWER, Annette Fitch (Mrs. A. F. Brewer), Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Writer; b. Ashtabula, Ohio; dau. Edward Hub- bard and Alta D. (Winchester) Fitch; ed. Lake Erie Sem., Painesville, Ohio; m. Jefferson, I. C. Brewer, one son: Curtis BreTver 5th, b. Aug. 15, 1S99. Spoke at farmers' institutes and women's clubs during winter of 1912-13 in favor of equal suffrage. Favors woman suffrage; first paid State organizer, 1913, in Ohio. Author: The Story of a Mother Love; Dorothy Violets; short stories, poems and newspaper work. Episco- palian. Mem. Soc. of Mayflowjr Descendants, D.A.R. (Western Reserve Chapter, Cleveland, Ohio), Equal Suffrage League. BREWER, Elizabeth Hale, Stockbrldge, Mass. Teacher, missionary; b. New Haven, Dec. 1, 1847; dau. Rev. Josiah and Emilia Anna Field Brewer; grad. North Granville Sem. (salutatory), '67; Vassar, A.B. '73; Beloit Coll., A.M. '96. Taugiit six years North Adams, Mass.; three years in Vassar Coll., 1884-87; private schools in Providence and 111.; missionary teacher in St. Paul's Inst., Tarsus, Asia Minor. Author of ac- counts of travel, in various papers; Peculiar Caves of Asia Minor (Geographical Magazine). Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. BREWER, EstpUe Hempstead Manning, 1330 Columbia Road, Washington, D.C. Born Frankfort, Ky., 1882; dau. William Thompson and Clarissa (Campbell) Manning; adopted daughter of Willis Brewer of Ala. (Con- gressman, author and planter); ed. in Ky. and Washington. Novels: Haflz; Treason of the Blood; formerly on staff of Washington Post. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Letter writing, golf, tennis. Democrat in political views. BRBiWER, Grace R. (Mrs. George D. Brewer), 209 S. Cherokee St.. Girard, Kan. NeTvspaper writer; b. Livingston, la., June 22, 1881; dau. J. R. and Sarah (Holmes) Babbitt; ed. Des Momes (la.) public schools; Ruskin Coll., Trenton, Mo.; m. Livingston, la., Dec. 30, 1903, George D. Brewer. Has been connected with Appeal to Reason six years. Belongs to the Am. Federation of Labor; mem. of Socialist Party; sec. of branch in Girard, Kan.; mem. Woman's Nat. Com. of Socialist Party. Author of short stories, and of articles dealing with social problems. Recreations: Cribbage, whist, walking. Interested in woman suffrage, help- ing in campaign for suffrage in Kansas. Mem. Crawford County High School Board. BREWER. Mary Grey Morgan (Mrs. Francis Ezra Brewer), 41 Hamilton Av., New Brighton, S.l. Born Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept 21, 1875; dau. William Wilson and Phoebe Jane (Dunbar* Mor- gan; grad. Crawfordsville High School, '92; In- diana Univ. A.B. '95 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 1, 1897. Francis Ezra Brewer; one daughter: Barbara. Taught in Anderson and Indianapolis, Ind., 1896- 126 BREWSTER— BRIDGMAN 97. Pres. Woman's Literary Club, 1908-09; vice- pres. Danghters of Indiana in N.Y., 1911-12; pres. N.Y. Alumnffi Ass'n of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1912-13; mem. Woman's Club of Staten Island, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns (N.Y. Branch), Housewives' League, Civic League of Staten Island, College Equal .Suffrage League, Wo- man Suffrage Party; a Founder of the Pro- gressive Party. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church, and of Woman's Missionary Soc. of Brighton Heights Reformed Church. BKKWSTKB, Anna Richards (Mrs. William T. Brewster), Hartsdale, X.Y. Artist; b. Germantown, Philadelphia, April 3, 1870; dau. William T. and Anna (Matlack) Richards; ed. under father (marine and land- scape painter), at Cowles School, Boston; Met- ropolitan School, N.Y. City; Julien's School, Paris, etc. Received Norman Dodge prize, N.Y City, 18S9; m. London, England, 1905, William T. Brewster, provost of Barnard Coll. Has e.x- hibited at Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City; Royal Acad., London, etc. Illustrated Letter and Spirit, by Mrs. W. T. Richards, and other books. Against woman suffrage. BBEWSTER, Kmille C. (Mrs. Eugene V. Brew- ster), 29 Monroe St., Brooliilyn, X.T. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1877; dau. Ben- jamin W. and Mary A. (Mellroy) Chubbuck, ed. Kisorck's Business School; m. May 10, 1S93, Eugene V. Brewster; children: Ruth Bryan, Eugene Rafael, Marie Theresa. Organizer and founder of the first Woman's Bryan League of America, elected pres. in 189G, still holds the office. Author: How the Department Store Gets Rich Selling Below Cost; Storage Eggs. Mem. Brooklyn Democratic Club, N.Y. Woman's Democratic Club, the Allied Arts Ass'n, the Water Color Club of Brooklyn, Public Good Soc, Early Hour Club, the Smile Club, De Levennes Art League, Public Good Soc. Recrea- tion: Fancy dancing. Christian Scientist. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Democrat. Mem. People's Suffrage Club, 11th Assembly Dist. Suffrage Club. BREWSTEB, Frances S. (Mrs. James H. Brew- ster), 838 Fourteenth St., Boulder, Colo. Born N.Y. City, Mar. 23, 1S60; dau. Alexander Macomb and Caroline B. (Cammann) Stanton; ed. private school of Mrs. Keith and Miss MacCauley, N.Y. City; by tutors and governesses; m. Detroit, Mich., June 28, 1888, James H. Brewster; chil- dren: Susan, Chauncey Bunce, Edith Navarre, Oswald Cammann. She gives readings from the Inca drama OUanaty, which she has translated and dramatized; also a lecture, entitled The Children of the Sun. Interested in the Girls' Friendly Soc. of America and the Audubon Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Author of short stories for children, published in various magazines 10 years or more ago; Song Stories and Songs for Children; When Mother Was a Little Girl; Rhody (a New England story). Episcopalian. Democrat. Recreations: Literature, music, art. Mem. the Clas.s;cs Club of Ann Arbor, Mich., the Classics Club, Boulder, Colo.; the Woman's Club of Boulder, Colo. BREWSTER, Margaret Powell (Mrs. G. O. Brewster), Grantwood, N.J. PhysiciaJi; b. Valparaiso, Ind., Nov. 20, 1872: dau. Enoch and Martha (Malone) Powell; ed. Bethanv ColL, Topeka, Kan.; Cornell Med. Coll., 1901; in. N.Y. City, 1897, Dr. G. 0. Brewster; one' daughter: Margaret Powell Brewster, b. 1908. Ass't in neurology to Dr. M. Schlapp at Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y. City, 1901-07; now on stau" of Englewood (N.J.) Hospital. Bergen County chairman Health Education Com. of Am. Med. Ass'n. Active in local and county wo- men's club work and in suffrage work. Mem. Housing Com. of Organized Charities of Bergen Co. Favors woman suffrage; mem. N.Y. Equal Suffrage League. Author of several magazine articles, including one in Cosmopolitan, about 1907, on out-door sleeping. Unitarian. Mem. Cornell Woman's Alumnae, Bergen Co. Med. Ass'n. N.J. State Med. Ass'n, Am. Med. Ass'n. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. Woman's Club of CliflBide Park. BREWSTER, Slary Jones, Good Shepherd Mis- sion, La Grange, Ga. Physician; b. Mar. 20, 1862; dau. Charles Osmyn and Mary Draper (Lewis) Brewster; ed. public schools, Brookfield, Mass. ; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '83: Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '92. Head teacher Cambridge School for Girls, Cambridge, Mass., 1887-89; resident physi- cian, Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1896- 1906; head worker at Mission of Good Shepherd, 1910- . Dean of Training School for Church Settlement Workers, 1911. Protestant Episcopal. BREWSTER, Mary Southgrate, 14 Weeks Av., Hempstead, N.Y. Born Plymouth, Mass., May 20, 1877; dau. Walter and Anna V. (Wright) Southgate; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 1, 1904, William Brewster; children: William, Jr., Walter Southgate, Mary Baylies Brewster. Lived in Cuba 3 years after marriage. Pres. St. George's Woman's Club and mem. Executive Board; first vice-pres. Hempstead Women's Club; pres. Kindergarten and Primary Mothers' Club. Unitarian. Chairman Progressive Women's Cam- paign Com. for Hempstead. BREYFOGLE, Caroline May, Ohio State Uni- versity, Columbus, Ohio. Professor and dean of women; b. Columbus, Ohio. ; dau. Charles and Matilda (Cloud) Brey- fogle; grad. Univ. of Chicago. A.B. '96, Ph.D. '12; studied in Univ. of Berlin, 1S96-9S. Associate prof, of Biblical history, literature and exegesis, Wellesley, Ohio, since 1912. Favors woman suf- frage; pres. local College Equal Suffrage League. Author: The Social Status of Women in the Old Testament (Biblical World); The Re- ligious Status of Women in the Old Testament (Biblical World); The Hebrew Sense of Sin In the Pre-Exllic Period (Am. Journal of Theology). Methodist. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, School and Home Ass'n, Concordia Ass'n of America, Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis (national). Recreation: Walking. Mem. College Club (Columbus), Women's City Clu-b (Chicago), Social Workers' Club (Columbus). BRIDGER, Virginia Lawrence (Mrs. Roswell C. Bridger), Winton, N.C. Teacher, club pres.; b. Raleigh, N.C, Sept. 20, 1872; dau. Vlrginius D. and Marietta (Corbell) Lawrence; ed. Peace Inst., Raleigh. N.C, 1882-90, Mrs. A. V. Purefoy's Sem. for Young Ladies, Wake Forest, N.C; m. Wake Forest, N.C, Mar. 14, 1900, Roswell Carter Bridger; children: Robert Lawrence, b. Sept. 25, 1901; Marietta Randolph, b. Oct. 26, 1904. Previous to marriage engaged as teacher. Church leader; pres. auxiliary and guilds. Episcopalian. Pres. Woman's Club of Winton, N.C; county pres. United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. Health Com. of Winton. Favors woman suffrage. BRIDGES, Eliza Wadsworth, South Framing- ham. Mass. Lawyer; b. in Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '92; student Boston Univ. Law School, 1897-1900, LL.B. 1900. Teacher Bernardston, Mass., 1893-94. Admitted to Massachusetts bar. September, 1900; since then engaged in practice of law at South Framingham and Boston, Mass. BRIDGES, rideUa, Canaan. Conn. Artist; b. Salem, Mass., May 19, 1834; dau. Henry Gardner and Eliza (Chadwick) Bridges; student in art of William T. Richards, of Phila- delphia; specialized in landscapes in oils and water colors. Has participated in many leading exhibitions and produced many notable land- scapes: earlier work chiefly in oil; later work for most part in water colors. Clubs; N.Y. Water Color Soc, Associate Nat. Acad, of Design from 1868. BRIDGMAN, Ethel Yonng Comstock (Mrs. John Cloves Brldgman). 118 W. River St., Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Graduate Smith Coll., B.L. '01; student Wilkes- Barre (Pa.) City Hospital Training School for Nurses. 1903-05; m. June 7, 1905, John Cloyes Bridgeman; twin sons: John C Jr. and David C, b. May 27, 1906. Pres. Woman's Civic Club of Wilkes-Barre. BRIDGMAN— BRINK 127 BRIDGMAN, Mary Elliott (Mrs. George H. Brldg-Tuan'), 1495 Hewitt Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Brantford, Ontario, Oct. 31, 1854; dau. John and Sarah (Presho) Elliott; ed. Woman's Coll., Hamilton, Ont. ; m. Brantwood, Ont., Can., June 26, 1873, Rev. George H. Brldgman; chil- dren: George Elliott (died), Donald, Elliott, Dorothy Dagmar. Clubs: New Century (St. Paul), Woman's (Minneapolis). Methodist. BRIDGMAN, Statira Preble McDonald (Mrs. T. Francis Brld&man), 661 W. 180th St., N.Y. City. Born Warren, R.I.; ed. in schools of Glou- cester, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; m. Aug. 21, 1909, T. Francis Brldgman, M.D. En- gaged as college settlement scholar and worker, 1902-04; principal of school, 1904-07; sup't of Orthopedfc Hospital, White Plains, N.Y., 1907-09. BRIGGS, Daisy-Marquis (Mrs. James M. Brlggs), 107 W. Elmira St., San Antonio, Tex. Teacher of expression, writer; b. Haverhill, Mass.; dau. Marriuis and Emma (Webster) Hus- ton; ed. Gonzales College, grad. with honors In expression; m. Plourville, Tex., 1881, James M. Briggs; children: Flora, Will Rot), Marquis. Author of one book of verse, regular contributor to Daily Express, San Antonio, Tex., and maga- zines. Clubs: Bohemian Scribblers, San An- tonio Dramatic, Mothers' Congress. Mem. Chris- tian Church. Favors woman suffrage. BRIGGS, Florence Lncy Chase (Mrs. Warren S. Briggsi, 675 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. Born Ripley, Mich., Mar. 30, 1862; dau. Charles Foster and Rosina (Randall) Chase; ed. Potsdam State Normal School and affiliated Pianoforte School, Potsdam, N.Y., grad. '81; m. White Bear Lake, Minn., Dec. 31, 1885, Dr. Warren S. Briggs; one daughter: Florence Mayfred, b. July 3, 1887. Mem. The Schubert (musical) Club (pres. 1902-05 and again from 1908 to present), and New Century Club (literary), both of St. Paul. Unitarian. BRIGGS, Lavina B. (Mrs. Osmand H. Briggs), 16 Kossuth St., Pawtucket, R.I. Born Pawtuckeit, R.I., April 23, 1847; dau. Robert C. and Lucy (Smith) Robley; ed. schools of Pawtucket, R.I.; Dedham, Mass.; m. Dedham, Mass., Jan. 3, 1870, Osmond H. Briggs; chil- dren: Robert Gilmore, Jenny Sherman. Lucie Claflin. Prsjs. Foreign Mission Soc; vice-pres. Needle Work Guild of Pawtucket, 12 years; sec. of Associated Charities; regent of Pawtucket Chapter D.A.R. Mem. Auxiliary Y.M.C.A. Ass'n, Soc. of Associated Charities of Paw- tucket, Providence Soc, Consumers' League, Hospital Club (Pawtucket), Foreign and Home Missionary societies. Clubs: Pawtucket Wo- man's (ores.), R.I. Women's, the Ex. Club. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. BRIGGS, Lida May, 303 St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Tex. Journalist, lecturer; b. Tahlequah, Okla. ; dau. Joseph Junius and Harriet (Bradley) Briggs; ed. in village school, Sylvia, Kan.; special course in Ohio State Univ.; grad. Columbus (Ohio) School of Oratory. Was on stage for a time; later taught elocution, acting and public speaking. Special writer on staff of Sunday dep't N.Y. Tribune, 1910. Since going to Texas, 1912. press representative Texas Welfare Commission, spe- cial writer Texas Commercial Secretaries; in- augurated publicity page features for them in the best Sunday papers of Texas. Only woman meet- ing with Texas Welfare Commission, composed of 15 of the most prominent men of Texas. Con- tributed to various papers and magazines, but principally Sunday magazine sections of papers in New York and Texas. Conducted a depart- ment of health and longevity in Health Culture' under pen-name of "Lida Evandell." Founded in Columbus, Ohio, 1908, the Longevity League to discuss questions of health, philosophy and re- ligion. Believes in New Thought, woman's progress, health culture, etc. Recreations: Out- door sports, nature. BRIGHT, Cora C. (Mrs. Orvllle T. Bright), 6515 Harvard Av., Chicago, III. Born In 111., Nov., I860; dau. Roland and Helen (SchJasser) Christian; ed. Chicago public schools; Chicago private school; Evanston private school; m. Chicago, July, 1883, Orvllle T. Bright; chil- dren: Helen, Alice, Orville. Active In the Nat. and State Congress of Mothers, working tor the welfare of children through the education of parents and in other ways. Mem. Chicago Peace Soc, Nat. Congress of Mothers (vice- pres.), 111. Congress of Mothers (former pres., now chairman of Extension Com.), Englewood High School Parents' Club. Clubs: Englewood Woman's, l^^ortnightly of Englewood. Recrea- tions: Lectures, out-door lite, reading, study- ing, traveling. Universalist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League. BRIGHT, Emily Haskell (Mrs. Alfred H. Brisrht), 1004 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis, Minn. tiorn Sierra Co., Cal.; dau. George W. and Hannah (Cole) Haskell; ed. public and private schools of Cal. and Wis.; specialized in music and languages; m. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 15, 1887, Alfred H. Bright; children: Elizabeth Has- kell, George Noyes, Katharine Cruttenden, Agnes Haskell. Mem. Women's Ass'n of the Church of the Redeemer; Women's Welfare League, The Hostesses (social club); Women's Homoeopathic League. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Political Equality Cluto; mem. State and Nat. Woman's Suffrage Associations. Universalist. Progressive Republican. BRIGHT, Florence Zetilla, 411 W. Collin St., Corsicana, Texas. Teacher; b. Corsicana, Texas, Jan. 31, 1868; dau. John Milford and Martha Jane (Storey) Bright, descendant on father's side from Dranes and Brights of Kentucky, and on mother's side from the Whites and Storeys, two old families of the Spartanburg District, S.C. ; ed. in private schools in Corsicana and in Sam Houston Normal Inst., Huntsville, Texas (Licentiate of Instruction). Has taught in the public schools since their organization in 1882, in primary, grammar and high schools, also Dep'ts of Music, Drawing and English; has held several principalships of ward schools. Southern Presbyterian; active in Church work, teaching in Sunday-school and Mission Study classes and working in Church societies. BRIGHT, Marion M. (Mrs. O. Percy Bright), 5113 Pulaski Av., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Mar. 21, 1873; dau. Edwin D. and Abbie Scull (Reeves) Mullen; ed. private schools of Philadelphia; m. Germantown, June 2, 1903, 0. Percy Bright; children: Edwin M., Rod- man Pratt. Mem. Germantown Cricket Club. Episcopalian. BRINCKERHOFF, Henrietta Collins, Old Briar Cliff Road, R.F.D. No. 2, Os.sining, N.Y. Bom Kingsbridge, N.Y., July 23, 1844; dau. Peter Reman and Abethea (McFarlan) Brincker- hoff; ed. at home ^ith governesses and tutors and always in the near neighborhood of N.Y. City. Has been identified with numerous social, religious and philanthropic activities in the neighborhood of Blair Cliff. Protestant Episco- pal. Against woman suffrage. BRINE, Mary Dow (Mrs), Blllerica, Mass. Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. William Langley and Caroline A. (Dow) Northam; ed. N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, William Brine; one daughter, who died in 1901. Writer of books for children; has written for various magazines. Books: Bessie and Bee; Bessie the Cash Girl; Grandma's Attic l^easures; Grandma's Memories; Jack; Little Lad Jamie; Margaret Arnold's Christmas; Merrie Little Visit with Auntie; Mother and Baby; Mother's Song; Aunt Patience; Sunshine; Sunny Hours; What Robbin Was Good For; Daisy Dearie; Mother's Little Man; Grandmother and Christmas Eve. Fond of music and plays a number of musical instruments; composer of music and writes words for song composers. BRINK, Lonlse, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y. Registered nurse; b. ICatabaan, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar, A.B. '98. Missionary, Amoy, China, 1899-1902; registered nurse, 1905, and since then trained nurse at Kingston and Cornwall-on-Hud- son, N.Y. 128 BRINKER— BRITTON BRINILEB, Jean Beatrice Weber (Mrs. Frank Markley Brlnker), Ivackawanna, Erie Co., N.T. Born Buffalo, N.Y., May 6, 1869; dau. Col. John B. and Elizabeth (Farthing) Weber; ed. public schools, Buffalo; Wells Coll., B.A. (vale- dictorian of class) ; m. Buffalo, 1893, Frank Markley Brinker. Interested in church societies, Children's Aid Soc., Buffalo, a society interested in helping newsboys and homeless boys to help themselves; traveled in European countries, studying in art galleries and attending exposi- tions. Mem. Phoenix Literature Soc, Catalia Soc. of Wells Coll., Collegiate Alumna of N.Y. State, Buffalo; St. Pkul's Aid Soc. of Buffalo, Children's Aid Soc, Collegiate Alumnae of U.S. Episcopalian. Rather opposed to woman suf- frage. BBINSMADE, Ada Gibson Colton (Mrs. William Gold Brlnsmade), The Ridge School, Washing- ton, Conn. Principal of boys' school; b. Washington, Conn., Nov. 5, 1864; dau. Rev. Willis S. and Lucy Par- sons (Gibson) Colton; ed. Washington, Conn., in Gunnery School; m. Warren, Conn., I>ec. 24, 1885, William Gold Brinsmade; one daughter, Dorothy. With husband built and founded the Ridge School for boys in 1894. Since his death in 1908 has carried on the school which is now for boys under 14 only. Pres. of Woman Suffrage League of Washington, Conn. Congregationalist. Holds progressive political Yie, Grace ^\ hitman (Mrs. William Read Bristol), Beaufort, S.C. Born Autum, Me., Sept. 7, 1863; dau. Joshua Adams and Hannah F. (Emmons) Whitman; ed. Auburn, Me., and Beaufort, S.C, and in New England Conservatory of Music; m. Beaufort, S.C, July 14, 1885, William Read Bristol; one son: Harold Whitman. Organist of St. Helena E>piscopal Church for 28 years. Interested in library work. Against woman suffrage. E>pisco- palian. Mem. Benevolent Soc. ; pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. of St. Helena Episcopal Church. Pres. Clover Club since its organization. 1891; charter mem. Civic League. BRISTOL, Helen Augmsta Flack (Mrs. Royal A. Bristol), Claverack, N.Y. Reader; b. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. Alonzo Flack, Ph.D. (pres. Claverack Coll.) and Mary Elizabeth (Johnson) Flack; grad. Claver- ack Coll., A.B. (valedictorian); mem. Addi- sonian Soc; m. Claverack, N.Y., June 23. 1881, Royal A. Bristol (now deceased). Has taught in Claverack Coll.; Hamlin Univ.; State Univ. of Minn.; High School, Yonkers, N.Y.; High School, Hudson, N.Y., and private school— gym- nastics, elocution, expression, singing. Has taken charge, teaching and supervising, as su- perintendent teacher, etc. Sea Side Hospital, St. John's Guild, New Dorp, S.I. ; one year at Hampton Inst., Va. ; teacher and supervisor and superintendent. Domestic Training School, Min- neapolis. Author of a short play: Uncle Sam's Ne*v Scholars, 1898, and short humorous poems. Methodist. Mem. Twenty-Minute Reading Club, BRISTOL, Helen Finlay Waltz, 2 35 N. 8th St., Qulncy, 111. Bom Qulncy, 111., Dec. 29, 1843; dau. Frederick K. and Jane Bell (Finlay) Carrott; grad. Qulncy Coll., 111., A.B. '66, A.M. '68; m. 1st, Sept. 22, 1870, Rev. Henry Clay Waltz (died 1877) ; 2d, to S. E. Bristol, May 22, 1880; children: Frederick Finlay Waltz, Merle Bowman Waltz. Principal public schools in Pueblo, Col., in 70's; taught higher mathematics and Latin in Qulncy Coll.; ex-sec. and treas. of Dep't of 111., Woman's Re- lief Corps; ex-pres. Local Council of Women; ex- treas. Woodland Hemy Orphanage; ex-treas. Atlantis Literary Soc; ex-treas. Woman's Ex- change; treas. Methodist Church. Interested in suffrage movement in Wyoming in 70's; now mem. Executive Board of Qulncy Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Active in Sunday School work and in Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. Repub- lican. Mem. Quincy Board of Education for 4 years. BRITTAIN, Gertrude FuUer, 151 Greenwood Av., East Orange, N.J. Teacher; b. Malvern, Pa.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '97. Teacher, Cloverdise School, Montolair, N.J., 1900-04; Dearborn-Morgan School, Orange, N.J., 1904-05; Bernardsville (N.J.) High School, 1905-09; East Orange (N.J.) High School since 1909. BRITTEN, Flora Phelps Hariey (Mrs. Fred Ernest Britten), 146 Massachusetts Av., Bos- ton, Mass. Lecturer; b. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 2, 1864; dau. David Saur and Jennie (Phelps) Hariey; ed. Manistee (Mich.) High School; Univ. of Mich., B.A. '86; m. Manistee, Mich., April 29, 1886, Frea Ernest Britten; children: Clarence Dewey, b. 1887; Rollo Herbert, b. 1889; Merle DeWitt, b. 1891. Taught in public schools and in the art, Greek and Latin dep't of Central Univ. of Iowa, 18S6-88; preached in mission in Neb. and as pastor of two different churches in Mich., 1888-91; national lecturer of the Prohibi- tion Party, 1892-1901; office manager of Prohibi- tion Party of Mich, about four years, 1898-1901; has been in W.C.T.U. work, chiefly as lecturer, since 1893; pres. B.W.L.T.U., 1904-09. In 1904 went into business; vice-pres. of Boston De- velopment Co., and office manager; also vice- pres. and treas. of Cuba Fruit Co. ; also office manager of Eastern business until 1912. Mem. of various tempera'nce movements; active in va- rious missionary efforts, both ladies and other lines. Published leaflet theses, in line with the teraperance work, both political, and for Christian citizenship. Recreations: Baseball, football, tennis. Baptist. Favors woman suf- frage. BRITTINGHAM, Ellen Brooks Bradbory (Mrs. Russell Brlttingham), 123 Washington St., East Orange, N.J. Former teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; student of Latin, Harvard Summer School, 1897; English and educational methods, Columhla Univ., 1898-99; m. June 18, 1902, Russell Brlt- tingham; children: Russell, b. Dec. 29, 1304; Emily Bradbury, b. April 28, 1908. Teacher, Norfolk, Va., 1893-97; Westfield, N.J., 1897-98; Mary Brigham Inst., Paterson, N.J., 1898-1901. BRITTON, Eliz.ibeth Gertrude (Mrs. Nathaniel Lord Britton), 2965 Decatur Av., Bronx, N.Y. City. Honorary curator of mosses at N.Y. Botanical Garden; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 9, 1858; dau. James and Sophie Anne (Compton) Knight; ed. private schools and Normal Coll.; m. Aug. 27, 1885, Dr. Nathaniel Lord Britton (director N.Y. Botanical Garden). Professional botanist. Editor of the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club; contribu- tor to the bulletins of the Torrey Botanical Club and N.Y. Botanical Garden, and bryolo- glst on mosses. Mem. Torrey Botanical Club, Botanical Soc. of America, Wild Flower Preser- vation Soc, Woman's Municipal League (sec. and treas.), Sullivant Moss Soc, Associate Alumnae Normal Coll. Recreations: Walking, horseback riding, traveling. Against woman suffrage. BRITTON, Ida Freeman (Mrs. Frank Hamilton Brittoni, 3671 Lindell Boul, St. Louis, Mo. Born Ravenna, O., Aug. 19, 1848; dau. Stephen Rice and Lucretia (Seaton) Freeman; ed. BRITTON— BRONK 129 Ravenna (O.) public schools and Falley Sem., Fu)ton, N.Y.; m. Ravenna, O., Mar. 12, 1873, Frank Hamilton Britton; (hildren: Edna L.;llias (Mrs. N. A. Waldron), Robert Freeman, Roy- Frank. Ada. Ida. Congregationallst. Mem. St. Louis Chapter, D.A.R. 8R3TTON, Josrpl^ae. 610 Benson St., Cajnden, N..I. Teacher; b. Beverly, N.J., Nov. 22, 1882; dau. Josiuih H. and Anna (Kales' Britton; ed. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., A.E. '07, A.M. '08, Ph.D. '10 (mrra. Phi Beta Xappa, Alpha Omicron Pi). Rpi-reatlons: Walking, talking. Catholic. Favors woman sirifrage; mesn. of Political Equality L(':tgue ot WiE. BROADDITS, Lucy »«JBcee Ihiiican (Mrs. An- drew Broaddus), 1304 Brook St., Louisville, Ky. Born Nelson County, Ky. ; dau. Charles Young and Mary Ivea (Fox) Duncan; grad. Bloocafleld (Ky.) Coll. Inst,; m. Nashville, Tenn., June 2, 1887, Andrew Broaddvis. Ex-first vlc&-pres. of the Ky. Division United Daughters of Confederacy; ex-pres. Albert Sidney Johastx)n Chapter, U.D.C. (former recording sec.); pres. Crescent Hill Women's Civic League; ha^ been pres. Ladles' Ass'n of the Broadway Baptist Church. Baptist, Against woman suffrage, BKOADHEAD, Stella riorine, 130 S. Main St., Jamestown, N.Y. Bom Jamestown, N.Y.. April 12, 1859; dau. William and Lucy (Cobb) Broadhead; g;rad. Jamestown Union School and Collegiate Inst., '77; Vassar Coll., A.B. '82. Became mem. of School Board of Jamestown in 1902, and has served continuously since; has been a mem. of Finance Com. and chairman of Teachers Com. Interested in hospital work; has been treas. Women's Christian Ass'n Hospital for 12 years. Founded Jameistown Chapter D.A.R., 1900, and has been regent ever since; mem. Nat. Soc. U.S., Daughters of 1812. Mem. Mozart Club, Fortnightly Literary Club, New Century Art Club. Recreations: Travel here and abroad, motoring. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. BROCK, Elizabeth Tyler (Mrs. Charles William Penn Brock), 206 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Born Richmond, Va., June 5, 1839; dau. John Henry and E. S. (Evans) Tyler; ed. Miss Har- riet Hall's Sctiool; m. Oct. 1, 1863, Dr. Charles W. P Brock; children: Mrs. Edwin L. Hewitt, Mrs. Floyd Hughes, Dr. Charles Bolton Brock, A. Tyler Brock. Interested In society and church work. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., Ass'n for Preser^'ation . of Va. Antiqui- ties, Confederate Memorial Literary Soc; mem. and formerly second vice-pres. Daughters of the Confederacy; mem. the Woman's Club. Recrea- tions: Stay-at-Home Whist Club, bridge, driving. Episcopalian. BROCKWAY, Aloinda Beman (Mrs. E. B. Brockway), 3217 N. Twenty-eighth St,, Ta- coma. Wash. Born Iowa, 1872; dau. S. N. and Mary A (ThomiJson) Beman; ed. State Univ. of loTva; grad. in pharmacy; m. Oskaloosa, la., 1899, E. B. Brockway; children: Valeda, Gordon B. Became registered pharmacist in 1896 and practiced pro- fession for three years. Mem. Methodist Episco- pal Church. Progressive in politics. Mem. Illema Club (literary). BRODEL, Ruth Huntinglon (Mrs. Max BrSdel), 707 N. Can-ollton Av., Baltimore, Md. Bom Sandusky, O., Sept. 1, 1877; dau. Henry Clay and Josephine (Warner) Huntington; grad. Sandusky High School. '95; Smith Coll., B.S. '99 'mem. Alpha Soc); m. Sandusky, O. Dec. 31, 1902, Prof. Max Brodel of Johns Hopkins Univ.; children: Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1903; Ruth, b. April 23, 1905 (died June 1, 1908); Carl. b. June 7, 1908; Elsa, b. Feb. 8, 1911. Fellow in zoology. Smith Coll., 1899-1900; was engaged in medical UluatratiOD at Johns Hopkins Univ., 1900-02. Illustrated the anatomical chapter of Dr. How- ard A. Kelly's book on the Appendix. Congre- gationalist Recreation: Music. .Mem. College Club, BaKimore. BRODIE, Ethel Mary (Mrs.), 15 Charles St.. W. Toronto, Can. Bom Toronto. Sept. 27, 1878; dau. John Lowe Brodie (founder of Standard Bank of Canada) and Adeline J. H. (Lowe) Brodie: ed. private school (Mis« Champion's) and at Morvyn House, afterward Havarpal Hall; left school In girl- hood because of ill health; followed study by self; married, but has resumed name of Brodie; one daughter: Jessie Dick Staunton, b. Mar. 11, 190C. Author of two articles In Toronto Saturday Night, and one book: The Rose-Colored World (collection of short stories), 1910. Recreations: Music, reading, traveling. Favors woman suf- frage. BROrWELL, Henrietta Elizabeth, 1803 Guil- ford A v., Baltimore, Md. ; P.O. Box 50, Denver, Colo. Landscape painter, genealogist; b. Charleston, 111.; dau. Hon. H. P. H. Bromwell (Congress- man, jurist, legislator, etc.) and E)mlly (Payne) Bromwell, dau. of Hon. John W. Payne; ed. at home under private instructors; traveled a good deal in U.S., Northern Mexico and Canada. One of founders and active mem. of Artists' Club of Denver, Colo., and its first sec; has ex- hibited in Am. Water Color Soc. of N.Y., In Philadelphia Art Club, In Transmississippi Expo- sition, Greater Am. EJxpoSition and annuals of Kansas City, Omaha, Houston, Denver, etc Favors woman suffrage; has been mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author: The Bromwell Genealogy, 1910 (includes genealogies of Holmes, Payne, Rice and LefSer families). Active mem. Maryland Historical Soc. Mem. Baltimore Chapter D.A.R. Active mem. Artists' Club ot Denver; mem. Territorial Daughters of Colo. Was sec. H. P. H. Bromwell Masonic Publishing (Do., organized under auspices of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, for publication of posthumous works of H. P. H. Bromwell. BRONK. Isabelle, Swarthmore College, Swarth- more. Pa. Teacher; born in Duanesburg, Schenectady County, N.Y.; dau. A-bram and Cynthia (Brew- ster) Bronk; ed. Brockport (N.Y.) State Normal School; Wellesley Coll.; Germany, France and Spain (schools and private study) ; Univ. of Leipzig, Sorbonne and College de France, 1889-91; Univ. of Chicago, summers of 1896 and 1897 and 1897-1900; Bibliothgque Nationale, summers of 1902, 1903, 1904, 1908; Univ. of Grenoble, summer of 1906; studied in Paris and Madrid, 1910-11; 111. Wesleyan Univ., Ph.B. 1893; Univ. of Chi- cago, Ph.D. 1900; fellow in Romance languages, Univ. of Chicago, 1898-1900. Mem. Labor Ass'n and particularly interested in work of Child Labor A&s'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffi-age League of S-warthmore OsU., Woman's Suffrage League of Swarthmore and College Equal Suffrage League of PhilajdelphJa. Editor The Poesies diverses of Antoine Furetlfere (partial reprint from edition of 1664), with intro- duction and notes, 1908; writer of articles In The Nation, Evening Post, Education, and else- where; now engaged in pre5)aring edition of some of works of the Chevalier de M6re. Mem. Episcopal Church. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Ass'n, Collegiate Alumnae, Modern Language Ass'n of America, Nat. Geog. Sew;, and Alliance FVan- gaise (Philadelphia branch). Recreations: Walking, swimming, rowing, skating, reading. Taught French at Univ. of Chicago and noTV head of d^'t of Romance Languages and Susan W. Lippincott professor of FYench at Swarth- more Coll. Has traveled in nearly all the countriee of Europe. BRONK, Margaret Marcellus (Mrs. Edmund F. Bronk). 27 Division St., Amsterdam. N.Y. Bom Amsterdam, N.Y.; dau. Jeremiah Vor- hees and Margaret (Carmichael) Marcellus; ed. Amsterdam Acad, and Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y. ; m. Amsterdam, N.Y., Mar. 9. 1887, Dr. Edmund F. Bronk; children: Marcellus, Clara Louise, James Eklmund. Sec. Woman's Home Mission- ary Soc. of the Second Presbyterian Church from organization 31 years ago to present time; associate mem. Children's Home Ass'n and Hos- pital Aid Soc. Presbyterian. Pres. and charter no BRONSON— BROOKS mem. Ceatmry Clttb; first sec. of club, holding office three years. BRONSON, Amey Talbot Taintor (Mrs. Charles Ell Bronson). 4050 Aspen St., Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate Smith Coll., B.L.. '95; student of Latin, history and philology, Columbia Univ., M.A. '96; m. Nov. 23, 1S9S. Charles Eli Bronson; children: Katharine Taintor, b. Oct. 11, 1899; Margaret Talbot b. June 5, 1901: Charles At- water, b. Sept. 21, 1905; Talbot de Peyster, b. Oct. 23, 1905. Engaged as private teacher, 1896-98. BRONSON, Elaie Marion Straiglii (Mrs. Walter C. Bronson), 140 Morris Av., Providence, R.I. Born Middleborongh, Mass., Oct. 17, 1882; dau. Arthur Franklin and Mary Lovlna (Alden) Straffin; ed. Brown Univ., 1900-07, A.B., A.M. '04 (elected to Phi Beta Kappa 1S03) ; held graduate fellowship In English, 1S04-C6; m. Brockton, Mass., Aug. 17, 1905, Prof. Y/aJter C. Bronson. Assistant in English, Brown Univ., 1904-05. Pres. Brown Univ. AJumnse A»s'n, 1909-11; chieifiy inter- ested in collegiate education of women. Interested in ancient Greek art, literature and archseology and in the progress of modern Greece. Has assisted largely in preparing six volumes of Eng- lish and American literature edited within the last 8 years by her husband, Prof. Bronson; for 1 volume made somewhat extensive transla- tions from Beowulf and other Old English poems; ha^ revised mathematical works for the purpose of making them simpler and more lucid in expression. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse. Recre- ations: Camping, boating, fishing and mountain climbing. Baptist. BROOK, KdJth May, 53 Parker Hill Av., Rox- bury, Mass. Physician, surgeon; b. Rutland, Mass.; dau. William H. and Almanda M. (Stone) Brook; grad. Springfield High School, '97; Tufts Coll. Medical School, '02. Became ass't surgeon on staff of Mass. Women's Hospital; now house physician and sup't of same hospital. BROOKINGS, Marian Kinney (Mrs. Walter DuBois Brookings), Linda Vista Av., Red- lands, Cal. ; also care of Brookings Timber and Lumber Co., St. Clair Building, San Francisco, Cal. Bom Fergus Falls, Minn., May 26, 1883; dau. Henry Nason and Selina (Mcintosh) Kinney; grad. Welleeley Coll., B.A. '04 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Claremont, Cal., Nov. 19, 1909, Wal- ter Du Bois Brookings; one son: Robert Brookings 2d. Interested in home economics; chairman tor i>ast two years of Home Economics Com. of the San Bernardino Valley Branch Ass'n College Alumnae; mem. Associated Chari- ties; interested in politics and in town planning. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican voter. Mem. Am. Home EJoonomics Ass'n, Ass'n (Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Travel, walking. Clubs: College Woman's, Wel- lesley '(Los Angeles). BROOKS, Amy, Hyde Park, Mass. Author, artist; b. Chelsea, Mass.; dau. Alfred Hubbard and Hannah Bell (Stebbins) Brooks; ed. Hyde Park public schools; Museum School of Drawing and Painting, Boston, Mass. First picture exhibited 1898. Illustrated about 70 vol- umes for other authors between 1898 and 1900, when first book was puiblished. Has illustrated all her own 32 books and designed their covers. Takes great pleasure m social life; very fond of dancing, and of theatre when musical drama or opera is on. Author: The Randy Books, The Prue Books, The Jolly Cat Tale, The Dorothy Dainty Books, The Princess Polly Books, The Lady Linda Books. Author and composer of classical songs; accomplished pianist. BROOKS, Anita Comfort (Mrs. Algernon Arthur Alfred Brooks i, St. James Hotel, 109 W. Forty-fifth St., N.T. City. Club president, composer; b. Des Moines, la.; dau. John and Mary (Matthews) O'Hara; ed. Monticello Sem., (Jodlrey, 111.; m. (Ist) Colonel Charles D. Comfort of the St. Louie Nat. Guard; one son: Norman Bacon Comfort (now Capt. St. Louis Nat. Guard). Was a widow for a few years and then married in N.Y. City, Algernon Arthur Alfred Brooks (of a well-known English family; now in stocks and bonds business in N.Y. City). While resident of St. Louis, held a prominent place in the society of that city, and a Red, White and Blue Military Reception, which she gave to Gen. G. T. Beauregard (of the Confederate Army) at her residence (which she still owns in Westminster Place, St. Louis), Oct. 14, 1891, is still remembered as one of the most brilliant events in the social history of that city; 4iX) guests attended, including local celebrities and the officers of the St Louis National Guard in full uniform. In 1906 founded and organized the Gotham Club, for men and women, which has its headquarters in the Hotel Astor, N.Y. City, and is noted for Its unique and interesting monthly programs; also pres. Gridiron Dinner Dance Clut), which she founded and organized, 1610, and which is opposed to tobacco and its poisons. Also mem. City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Am. Playgoers' Club, Rainy Day Club, West ESnd Woman's Republican Club, Internat Pure Milk League, Domestic Science Ass'n., N.Y. Proba- tion Soc, Woman's Auxiliary to Rescue Work of the Salvation Army, Housewives' League, N.Y. Peace Soc., Burlington Country Club; vice- pres. Huntington (L.I.) Week End Club. Favors woman suffrage. Composer: Anita, or Mexico by Moonlight; Monterey (Mexican Dance); Re- member the Maine (battle song) ; Eugenie; Alice, the Bride of the White House (national waltz), a de-luxe copy of which she presented to Mrs. Nicholas Longworth on her wedding day, and others. Her compositions were first intro- duced to puiblic notice by the Sousa and Victor Herbert bands. Presbyterian. BROOKS, Annie Laurie (Mrs. Lawton S. Brooks), 126 Chestnut St., Springfield, Mass. Born West Rox'bury, Mass., Aug. 23, 1857; dau. Rev. Dr. Thomas and Ellen A. (Ellis) Laurie; ed. Mt Holyoke Sem.; m. Providence, R.I., May 22, 1878, Lawton S. Brooks, M.D.; one daugliter: Edith Laurie. Pres. Springfield Women's Club; pres. Woman's Auxiliary for the diocese of Western Mass. (missionary) ; pres. Christ Church branch Woman's Auxiliary; sec. Springfield Home for Aged Women. Has written occasional verses. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Forestry Ass'n, Consumers' League and various social and church orgaaizations. Recreation: Golf. BROOKS, Annie Mabri, 448 School St., Athol, Mass. Teacher; b. Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '98; student in education and Sanskrit, Columbia Univ., M.A. '02, Teacher of Latin, Woodstock (Conn.) Acad,, 1898-1900; Horace Mann School, -N.Y. City, 1902-03; Kent Place School, Summit, N.J., since 1303. BROOKS, Bessie Estelle (Mrs. Henry M. Brooks), Gwynn Oak, FerndaJo Av., Howard Park, Baltimore, Md. Born Baltimore, Md., Sept 2, 1872; dau. John Randolph and Mary C. (Thompson) Wright; ed. public schools of Baltimore City; private pupil of Miss Eliza Adams, Baltinjore; m. Walbrook, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 1, 1905, Henry Murray Brooks. "Teacher of public school until marriage. Had charge of primary dep't work for 10 years In the Fayette Street Methodist Episcopal Church; active in all women societies of church. Pres. of Howard Park branch of Internat Sun- shine Soc. for five years. Methodist. BROOKS, Ethel Frances Fifield (Mrs. Lawrence Ralston Brooks), 18 South Broadway, Yon- kers, N.Y. Born Ma.ssachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '96; student of architecture at Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1896-1900, B.S. 1900; m. Aug. 31, 1904. Lawrence Ralston Brooks; two daughters: Shir- ley, b. July 7, 1906; Caroline Robinson, b. Nov. 11, 1907. Teacher Salem (Mass.) public school, 1895-96. Lecturer on house building and fur- nishing. School of Housekeeping, Boston, 1900-02, and to women's clubs, 1900-04. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnae, Am. Home Economics Ass'n. BROOKS, Frona Marie (Mrs, Morgan Brooks), 2004 Matthews Av., Urbana, 111. Born Boston, Mass.; dau. Benjamin Franklin BROOKS— BROUSSEAU Ul Brooks; srad. Smith Coll., B.A. '83, M.A. '93; student Harvard Annex, 1884-86; m. April 24, 1888, Morgan Brooks, Ph.B., M.E. (now prof, electrical engineering, Univ. of 111.); children: Henry, b. Sept. 2, 1889; Charles Franklin, b. May 2, 1891; Frances, b. Nov. 7, 1893; Frederick Augustus, b. May 1, 1895; Roger, b. Dec. 22, 1896; iCdith, b. Jan. 11, 1899; Frona Marguerite, b. Jan. 18, 1901; Dorothy Prescott, b. Dec. 1, 1905. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. BROOKS, Geraldine, 312 East Seventh St., Plainfleld, N.J. Teacher, author; b. Philadelphia; dau. El- bridge Street and Melissa (de Baun) Brooks; ed. Adelphl Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Somerville (Mass.) High School and Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '08. Teacher of English in Lieomliister (Mass.) High School 1908-12; since Sept. 1912, teacher of Eng- lish in Plainfleld (N.J.) High School. Author: Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days; Dame* and Daughters of Tonng Republic; Dames and Daughters of French Court; Romances of OoIoDial Days. Unitarian. Mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. City. BROOKS, Ida Jo^ephiae, 219 E. Tenth St., Little Rock, Ark. Physician; b. Muscatine, la.; dau. Joseph and EUza (Goodenough) Broolra; ed. St. Louis public schfX)ls; LHtle Rock Univ.; Drury Coll.; Boston Univ., M.D. Resident surgeon Mass. Homoeo- pathic Hospital; ass't sup't Mass. State Insane Hospital; medical director Little Rock public schools; specialist In psychiatry. Formerly teacher for many years; principal Little Rock High School; prof, of mathematics, Little Rock Univ. Interested In associated cliarities, civic improvement; mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Suffrage Soc. Has written magazine arti- cles, social and professional. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. BROOKS, Jcimie, Oxford, O. Author; b. Cincinnati, O., 1853; dau. E. S. Brooks (Harvard '35, teacher of first classical school in Cincinnati) and Mary Jane (Keller) Brooks; ed. Oxford (O.) Coll. Magazine writer on out-door life, bird study, short stories, essays. Contributor to Harper's, Lipplncott's, Outlook, Continent, Educator, Chap Work, also other periodicals and magazines. Author: Under Ox- ford Trees, 1911. EJpiscopaJian. Recreations: Walking on country roads, nature study. BROOKS, Julia M. Clark (Mrs. David Brainard Brooks), 16 Huntington St., Hartford, Conn. Born Hartford, Conn.; grad. Rockford (Dl.) Sem. (now college), '57; m. David Brainard Brooks (no^ deceased); four sons (one deceased), two daughters (one deceased). Has been active In philanthropic interests in Hartford; served many years on Board of Managers of Woman's Aid Soc. Writer of occasional literary pa{>ers. CoDgregatlonalist; active in all departments of church work. BROOKS, Louise Dudley DavlB (Mrs. Henry Harlow Brooks), 44 W. Ninth St., N.Y. City. Educated Dearborn^Morgan School, Orange, N.J. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. "97, specializing in chemistry and biolog;y; student in bacteriology in Carnegie Laboratory, N.Y. City, 1896-97; in Health Dep't Laboratory, N.Y. City, 1897-98; m. 1899, Dr. Henry Harlow Brooks. Ass't to the ass't pathologist and director of the Investigation Laboratory of the Health Dep't of N.Y. City, 1898-99. BROOKS, Luella Jane (Mrs. John Melrille Brooks), 603 S. Weadock Av., Saginaw, Mich. Born Ipswich, Mass., June 30, 1853; dau. Rev. John W. and Martha J. (Rogers) I>admun; grad. Laselle Sem., '74; m. Winthrop, Mass., John Melville Brooks (lawyer); children: Will- iam Campbell, Marion Luella, Melville Dadmun, Harold. Active in church, clubs and music. Director of Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911; pres. of Saginaw Art Club, 12 years (now sec.); pres. May Festival Chorus. Favors wo- man suffrage. Congregatlonallst. Progressive In politics. Mem. Saginaw Country Club, Sagi- naw Art Club, May Feetlval Chorus Clul), Sagi- naw Wbist CIiri>. BROOKS, .'Vlary Naomi Willard (Mrs. Brymt B. Brooks>, Casper, Wyo. Born Washington Court, O., Jan., 1864; dau. Lockart D. and Olive (Clark) Willard; ed. Epis- copal School, Lyons, la.; m. Mar., 1886, Bryant B. Brooks (Governor of Wyoming, 1905-11); five children, four girls and one boy. Taught school, beginning at Alexandria, Neb., when she was 17, until marriage; since then has lived on the V-V Ranch at Casper, Wyo. Pres. Wyo. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Republican voter. Favors woman suffrage. BROOKS, Mary Ten Eyck Oakley (Mrs. John Arthur Brooks), Brookwood. Cazenovla, N.Y. Born N.Y. Cty; dau. E. Benedict and Eliza- beth T. E. (Litchfield) Oakley; ed. private school? in Yonkers and N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 16, 1902, John Arthur Brooks; children: Elizabeth Ten Eyck, b. 1903; Evelyn Reed, b. 1906; Arthur Oakley, b. 1911. Mem. Consumers' League of Mass., Child Labor Com. (Nat), Play- ground Ass'n {titut.), Mass. Oivic League. E)pl»- copalian. BROOKS, Sarah Catherine, Martinsbarg, Mo. Teacher; b. Audrain County, Mo., Feb. 16, 1856; dau. Thompson and Zerelda (Fields) Brooks; ed. 111. (Northern) Normal Univ., 1875-76. Taught in Normal (111.) public schools, 1877-78; in Men- dota. Hi., 1878-79; in DeKalb, 111., 1882-85; pri- mary work. Left DeKalb for St. Paul, Minn., 1885, receiving highest salary given in the town. Ass't principal In St. Paul, 1885-87; taught In training school; promoted to primary supervisor, 1889-1902. Principal Baltimore Teachers' Train- ing School, 1902-10. Author: Myers' and Brooks' Arithmetics; Carroll-Brooks' Readers and Man- ual; biographical sketch of Mrs. Ewing, with educational notes, in The Story of a Short Life; Biographical Sketch and Suggestions to Teachers of Hans Christian Andersen. Episcopalian. Progressive. Mem. Herbart Soc. Recreations: Nature study, literature. Actively engaged in summer schools, 1882-1903, teaching in Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, Chautauqua, N.Y.; Bayview, Mich., etc. Favors woman suffrage. BROOM£LX, Grace Browne (Mrs. Clyde Wash- burn Broomell), San Antonio, Tex.; permanent address, Broomellcroft, Sharon, Me. Choir director, soloist; b. Cleveland, O., I>ec. 12, 1873; dau. Myron Gilbert and Adah I. (Wagar) Browne; ed. Cleveland High School; Women's Coll. of Western Reserve Univ., 1892-93; Smith Coll., B.L. '97; grad. New England Con- servatory of Music, '04 (mem. Alpha Soc, Biological Soc. and Philosophical Soc. of Smith CoU.); m. Boston, Mar. 21, 1905, Rev. Clyde Washburn Broomell; children: Myron Henry, b. Feb. 27, 190* ; Doris, b. Sept. 20, 1910. Active in religious, musical and college club circles. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to various maga- zines and periodicals. Mem. Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian). Mem. Alumnae Aiss'n of Smith Coll., Alumni Ass'n of New EJng- land Conservatory of Music, Southern Ass'n of College Women (and the San Antonio Chapter of same). Was charter mem. of Cleveland Col- lege Club, and mem. Boston College Club. BBOTHEBTON, Alice WiUiam (Mrs. William Ernest Brotherton), 1015 Locust St., Walnut HlllB, Cincinnati, Ohio. Writer of verse and prose; dau. Alfred Bald- win and Rath Hoge (Johnson) Williams; m. 187S, William Ernest Brotherton; children: Frederick WilUama (deceased), Jobn Williams, Isabel Ruth Brotherton. Contributor of poems to many lead- ing magazines and periodicals. Author: Beyond the Veil, 1886; The Sailing of King Olaf, and Other Poems, 1887; What the Wind Told to the Tree-Tops; Prose and Verse for Children, 1887; The Real Hamlet (contributed to Poet Lore), 1906. Unitarian. Republican. Seven years a di- rector of Cincinnati Woman's Club; director and several terms pres. of Woman's Press Club, which is charter mem. of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. BBOL'SSEAU, Kate, Mills College, California. Teacher; b. Ypsllantl, Mich., 1862; dau. Juliui and Caroline (Yakeley) Brousseau; ed. High and Normal schools, Los Angelea, C«l. ; OolUge 4« 132 BROWER— BROWN France, Paris; Kcole d'Anthropologie, Paris; student of morbid psychology, St. Anne Insane Asylum, Paris; Univ. of Paris, degree EkJcteur de rUniversite (Paris). Teacher of French, Los Angeles High School, 1892-94; teacher of peda- gogy and psychology. State Normal School, Los Angeles, 1897-1903; philosophy and social science, Mills Coll., 1907- . Author: L'Education des Negres aux Etats-Unis (published in Paris). Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. One of the directors of the College Elqual Suf- frage League. BROWER, Josephine V., St. Clond, Minn. Author; dau. Jacob Vradenburg and Armena S. Brower. Sec. of Literature Com., Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: Tales From the Alhambra; The Morris Dance; Morris Dance Tunes; Folk Dances. Mem. Am. Folk Lore Soc, Playground and Recreation Ass'n of America; Drama League of America; Merry England Soc. (mem. Advisorv Council). Mem. London Lyceum Club, Soc. of Am. Women in London. BROWIV, Abbie Farwell, 41 W. Cedar St., Bos- ton, Mass. Author; b. Boston; dau. Benjamin F. and Clara M. (Neal) Brown; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston, and Radcliffe Coll. Author (juveniles): Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts; The Lone- somest Doll; A Pocketful of Posies (poems); Fresh Posies (poems); John of the Woods; The Curious Book cf Birds; Brothers and Sisters; Friends and Cousins; The Star Jewels, the Story of St. Christopher; The Flower Princess; The Christmas Angel; Tales of the Red Children; Their City Christmas. Frequent contributor to magazines, chiefly juvenile poems and stories; writer of song texts and the librettos of two comic operas. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Folk- Lore Soc, Am. Drama Soc, Boston Drama League. Recreations: Theatres, private theatri- cals, music, dancing, snowshoelng. Mem. Boston Authors' Club, Saturday Morning Club. Favors equal suffrage. BROWN, Adelaide, 45 Sixteenth Av., cor. Lake St., Ban Francisco, Cal. Physician; b. Napa, Cal., July 19, 1868; dau. Henry Adams and Charlotte Amanda (Blake) Brown; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '88; Cooper Med. Coll., San Francisco, M.D. '92. Obstetrician to Children's Hospital, 1899; sec. Med. Milk Com- mission of San Francisco Co. Med. Soc, 1907-12; pres. Med. Milk Com., 1912. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnse (Cal. branch), San Francisco Civic Centre, Soc. for Prevention of Blindness, Com. for Prevention of Infant Mortality, Baby Hygiene Soc, Milk Improvement Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. College Equal Suf- frage League of Cal. Has written various arti- cles tor medical journals. Congregationalist. Progressive Republican. Recreation: Civics. Clubs: Town and Country, Century. BROWN, Adelaide Spenser (Mrs. Harry Spenser Brown), Cuateau d'Aux, Barthe, France: ad- dress care American Express Co., Paris, France. Born Chicago, Sept. 5, 1860; dau. Francis and Adelaide (Crary) Bostock; ed. Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., 1878; m. Chicago, July 28, 1880, Dr. Harry Spenser Brown; children: Ethel (Countess de Gramedo), Dorothy. Interested in all ques- tions—religious, social and philanthropic. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffrage. BROWN, Agnes Hewlett (Mrs. James Crosby Brown). Mill Creek Road, Ardmore, Pa. Born BrooHyn Heights, Mar. 27, 1875; dau. ."VugusLus and Mary (Sanderson) Hewlett; ed. [-"acktr Inst., Brooklyn; m. Hewlett, L.I., Oct. 13, 1)598, James Crosby Brown; children: James Crosby Jr., b. 190:3; Alexander Crosby, b. 1905. Interested in ch.ld culture, the Polyclinic Hos- fjital and the Consumers' League. Favors woman suflrage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Acorn Club (Philadelphia). Gardeners ("Main Line"). BROWN, Alice, 11 Pinckney St., Boston. Mass. Author; b. Hampton Falls, N.H., Dec. 5, 1887, lived on a farm in girlhood; ed. Robinson Sem., Exeter, N.H. Taught school in country for a tew terms, then went to Boston to teach, but soon took up writing as a profession. Ehigaged as writer for several years on staff of the Youth's Companion. Author: Fools of Nature (novel); Meadow Grass (collection of Ne^? Eng- land stories); By Oak and Thorn^A Record of English Days; Robert Louis Stevenson — A Study (in collaboration with Imogen Guiney) ; Three Heroines of New England Romance (with Harriet Prescott Spofford and Imogen Guiney); Life of Mercy Otis Warren; The Road to Castalay (poems) ; Tiverton Tales (collection of stories) ; The Day of His Youth; The King's End; Mar- garet Warroner; Paradise; High Moon; The Mannerings; The Country Road; The Court of Lfove; Rose McLeod; The Story of Thyrza; Country Neighbors; John Winterbourne's Family; The One- Footed Fairy and Other Stories; Secret of the Clan. BROWN, Alice Barlow (Mrs. James Robert Brown), Wlnnetka, 111. Physician; b. Corry, Pa., May 4, 1869; dau. Moses Harry and Kate Amelia (Holley) Barlow; ed. Corry High School; Hahenmann Med. Coll., M.D. '96; Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (med. dep't Univ. of III.), M.D. '03 (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. Smithton, Ark., 1886, James Robert Brown. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Winnetka Woman's Club (pres.); vice-pres. Tenth Congressional Dist. 111. Fed. Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suflrage. BROWN, Alice Crawford, Summit Av., Hack- ensack, N.J. Physician; b. Allegheny, Pa.; ed. in schools of South Dakota, Vassar Coll., A.B. '93; Univ. of Mich., med. dep't, M.D., '97; medical research work in N.Y. City, 1898-1905. Since 1905 en- gaged in medical practice at Hackensack, N.J. BROWN, Alice Margaret, Greencastle, Pa. Born Richmond, Pa., Feb. 20, 1865; dan. Oliver Stephen and Isabella (Hudson) Brown; ed. Wil- son Coll., Ohamber&burg, Pa. Has been sec. of Literature and Young People's Soc. in Woman's Missionary Presbyterial Soc. ; has also worked In temperance cause, now cor. sec. for Franklin Co., also as librarian in the Greencastle Circulating Library. Believes in woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Mem. Travelers' Club for past 20 years (one of first members). BROWN, Alice Van Vechten, Wellesley Coll., Wellesley, Mass. Painter and teacher of art; b. Hanover, N.H. ; dau. Rev. Samuel Oilman Brown, D.D., LuL.D., and Sarah (Van Vechten) Brown; ed. private schools and tutors; Art Students' League of N.Y. (four years) and with other studios and artists; traveled and studied abroad. Assistant director and director Norwich Art School, Nor- wich, Conn., 1891-97; prof, of art Wellesley Coll. from 1897. Mem. of Archeological Institute of Am. and of other art ass'ns. BROWN, Anna C. (Mrs. William Grant Brown), Bretton Hall, Broadway and Eighty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Born Schenectady, N.Y., 1875; dau. Henry J. and Josephine M. (Southard) Clute; ed. Welles- ley Coll.; m. Schenectady, 1899, William Grant Brown. Mem. Collegiate Reformed Church, 48th Sit. and Fifth Av. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League; mem. N.Y. State Com. of Nat. Progressive Party. Pres. N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Rescue Home for Wo- men; officer in Progressive Ekionomic Club, N.Y. State Fed., Rainy Day Club of America, Nat. Soc. Daughters of Empire State, N.Y. City Fed- eration Hotel for Working Girls. BROWN, Anna Smith (Mrs. John Harvey Brown), Divernon, 111. Teacher, speaker; b. Peoria Co., 111., April 27, 1866: dau. John K. and Hannah (Davis) Smitn; grad. 111. Normal Univ., Normal, 111., class of '38; m. July 31, 1895, John Henry Brown. Was for 14 years sup't of a large Sabbath-school; made numerous addresses on Sabbath-school and mis- sionary work, and in the interests of the farm home at Farmers' Institute; devoting time now to the 111. State Fed. of Women's Clubs and speaking for them; mem. Divernon Household Science Club and Divernon Women's Club. BROWN 133 BROWN, Bertha MBlard, IB Hazleton St. (Mat- tapan), Boston, Mass. Teacher and author; b. Boston, Jan. 15, 1870; dau. Rben F. and Mary (Boothby) Brown; ed. Girls' High School, Boston; Mass. Inst, of Technology, '92; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. Teacher in Brookline High School, Vassar Coll., State Normal School, Hyannis, Mass., and the Garland School of Homemaking. Interested In school gardens and gardening. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Good Health for Girls and Boys; Health in Home and Town; Physiology for the Laboratory; magazine articles on school gardens and the teaching of elementary hygiene. Unitarian. Recreations: Walking, camping, swimming, gardening. 'T8ROWN, Caroline," pen-name — eee Krout, Caroline Virginia, BROWN, Carrie Pfeiffer (Mrs. A. A. Brown), 206 Augusta St., San Antonio, Tex. Born Carrizo S'prings, Tex., Aug. 8, 1886; dau. John and Sophie (Goodman) Pfeifier; grad. San Antonio High School, '02; Univ. of Texas, '06; m. San Antonio, Jan. 10, 1908, Dr. A. A. Brown; one son: Philip Pfeiffer Brown. Interes'ted in club work and educational and philanthropic work. Favors woman STjffrage. Mem. San Antonio CSiapter Southern Ass'n of (College Women, Council of Jewish Women, Kinder- garten Ass'n, Literary Soc., Texas Staite Fed. of Women's Clubs. BROWN, Cluu^otte Hardimc Holmesbure, PUl- adelphla. Pa. Illustrator; b. Newark, N.J., 1873; dau. Joseph and Charlotte Elizabeth (Matthews) Harding; ed. Philadelphia School of Design for Women, Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; m. Philadelphia, 1905, James Adams Brown; one daughter: Charlotte Adams Brown. Silver medal, London, Eng., Woman's Exposition, 1900; silver medal St. Louis Exposi- tion for illustrations. Illustrations for maga- zines and books, Century, Harper's, McClure's, Collier's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, etc. Mem. the Fellowship of the Pa. Acad, of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa.; Plastic Club, Philadelphia; Philadelphia Water Color Club. BROWN, Com^ia B. Officer (Mrs. William Winfleld Brown), Sierra Vista Ranch, Terra Bella, Cal. Bom St. Paul, Minn., Mar. IS, 1876; dau. Har- vey and Henrietta Low (Paterson) Officer; ed. Univ. of Minn. (Kappa Kappa Gamma.) ; m. St, Paul, Minn., Aug. 10, 1898, William Winfleld Brown; children: Winfield Paterson, b. 1899; Mil- ton Goodnow, b. 1902; Harvey Officer, b. 1907. Protestant EJpiscopal. BROWN, ComeUa E., 362 Lexington Av., N.T. City. Physican; b. CWllicothe, O. ; dau. P. T. C. Brown and Elizabeth (Lille) Brown; ed. private Bchools; Ohio State Univ., Columbia Med. Coll., M.D. Engaged in general medical practice in N.Y. City; attending physician to Damiet EUs- pensary since 1887. Mem. Daughters of Ohio, City and State Women's Med. Ass'ns, Pro- fessional Woman's League, Theatre Club. BROWN, Demetra Kenneth (Mrs. Kenneth Brown), 37 Cheatnnt St.. Boston, Mass. Author; b. on Island of Bouyouk-Ada tn Sea of Marmora, 1877 (Byzantine Greek) ; ed. In Greece, came to U.S. 1894, m. N.Y. City, April 21, 1904, Kenneth Brown, journalist and author. Worked on staff of Atlantis, daily Greek news- paper In N.Y. City; afterward teacher of French at Comstock School until her marriage. Author (pen-name "Demetra Vaka"): Haremilk; Flnella in Fairyland; In the Shadow of Islam (in collab- oration with Kenneth Brown) ; The First Secre- tary; The Duke's Price; contributor to maga- zines. BROWN, Elena Rhodes (Mrs. Robert Grenville Brown). 300 Thayer St.. Providence. R.I. Bom Providence, R.I. ; dau. James Aborn and Rosa Merlano (d'Costa) Rhodes; ed. New York, Mrs. S. Reed's School; governesses at home; m. Providence, R.I., 1895, Robert GrenviUe Brown; one son: Grenville P. N., b. 1896 (died 1896). Clate: Aeswaizt Hunt, Bristol Casino. Against woman suffrage; mem. R.I. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. BROWN, Elizabeth Leiper (Mrs. George Brown), The Mill Farm, Brooklandville, Md. Born Summit, N.J., May 11, 1880; dau. Archer Nevins and Mary Thomas (Smith) Martin; ed. at home by governesses and at Kent Place School, Summit, N.J., and Mrs. Comegy's School, Chest- nut Hill, Philadelphia, m. June 5, 1901, George Brown Jr.; children: Harriet de Forest, b. Mar. 24, 1902; Elizabeth Leiper, b. July 20, 1905. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Junior League, Na- tional Junior Republic. Recreations: Gardening, miniature painting. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. BROWN, Elizabeth Stow (Mrs. J. Stuart Brown), 48 Elm St., Montclalr, N.J. Physician; b. Concord, Mass., 1860; dau. Will- iam D. and Martha E. (Swan) Brown; ed. Vas- sar (3oll.; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '85; N.Y. Univ.; m. N.Y. (3ity, 1891, J. Stuart Brown; children: Roger Stuart, John Paulding. Physician at N.Y. Infant Asylum, at N.Y. Infirmary, Out-Patlent Dep't; physician to Messiah Home for Children and to babies' wards of Post-Graduate Hospital. Author: Sterilization (International Encyclopedia); Studies In Infant Psychology; Working Women— Their Health and Their Occupation; History of Nutley, N.J.; Ex- amination of Old Mai>s of New Jersey; several medical papers. Mem. Woman's Medical Ass'n of N.Y. City, N.J. Historical Soc, Woman's Anthropological Soc. of Washington, D.C., also Altruist Soc., Three o'Clock Club and College Woman's Club of Montclalr. BROWN, Ellen W. Babcock (Mrs. William Reynolds Brown), 79 Park Av., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Feb. 1, 1851; dau. Capt. David S. and Charlotte A. (Noyes) Babcock; ed. private school in Stonington, Ojnn., and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa); m. May 7, 1872, William Reynolds Brown; children: Warren Day, (Cleve- land Hall (deceased), Donald Winchester. Pres. White Plains Hospital Board of Managers, 12 years; pres. Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll., also local N.Y. Alumnae Ass'n, six years; pres. Women's University Club of N.Y. City, four years; mem. N.Y. Diet Kitchen Ass'n, Stonywold Orthopaedic Soc. (country branch), Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnse. Against woman suffrage. Has written fugitive newspaper articles. Episcopalian. Bull Moose in political views. Mem. Meridian Club. BROWN, Emilie Ward (Mrs. Ward Brown), The Dupont, Washington, D.C, Bom Washington, D.C., Oct. 16, 1886; dau. Frank B. and Charlotte Metcalf (Brown) Con- ger; ed. Washington and Berlin, Germany; m, Washington, June 7, 1907, Ward Brown, architect Mem. Board of Trustees of Arts and Crafts School, Washington; mem. of the Executive Council of League for the Decoration of Public Schools; mem. of the Playgoing Com. of the Drama League. Favors woman suffrage. Epis- copalian. BROWN, Emma Elizabeth, 1926 Mas8achu*ett« Av., Cambridge, Mass. Author and artist; b. Concord, N.H., Oct. 18, 1847; dau. John Frost and Elizabeth (Evans) Brown; ed. Concord schools. Author: Spare Minute Series (five vols.); Popular Biographies (four vols.); From Night to Light; ChUd Toiler* of Boston Streets, Huldah. Episcopalian. Re- publican. Mem. Castilicin Club of Boston. BROWN, Emma Kate (Mrs. Matt D. Brown) 553 Third Av., Troy-North, N.T. Teacher; b. Lansingburgh, Troy, N.Y., 1865: dau. Frederick and Catharine E. (Pierce) Hicks- ed. Troy High School; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '89 ; mem. Phi Sigma; m. Lansingburgh, N.Y. Nov. 24, 1892, Matt D. Brown; children: Frederic Meade Brown, Matt D. Brown Jr. Taught In Norwich Acad., Norwich, NY.; Wellesley Prep- aratory School, Natick, Mass.; private school, Rochester, N.Y., 1891-92; Lansingburgh High School, as preceptress, 1900-13. Presbyterian. Sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Firsl Presbyterian Church, Lansingburgh, N.Y.; sec Teachers' Pension Board, Troy, N.Y. ; first t1c«^ 134 BROWN pres. Woman's University Club, Troy, N.Y.; mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman BufTrage. BBOWN, T5thel Pennewlll, 1305 Franklin St., Wilmington, Del. Artist, illlustrator; b. Wilmington, Del.; dau. Thomas Armwell Brown, M.D., and Blanche (Virden) Brown; studied at Art Students' Lieague, N.Y. City; pupil of Twachtman and of Howard Pyle, Wilmington. Illustrator for books and magazines. Mem. Plastic Club, Philadelphia, and Fellowship of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts. BBOWN, Eva B. IngereoU (Mrs. Walston Hill Brown), Dobb's Ferry, N.T. Social welfare worker; b. Groveland, 111.; dau. Robert G. (famous orator) and Eva A. Parker IngersoU; ed. by tutors at home; m. N.Y. City, 1889, Walston Hill Brown; children: Eva Inger- soll-Brown, Robert G. IngersoU-Brown. Pres. Child Welfare League; mem. Advisory Board N.Y. Peace See; vice-pres. Hudson River Ekjual Franchise Soc, Westchester Co. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n; mem. Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, State Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party. Ra- tionalist in religion. Progressive in politics. Mem. Consumers' League, Woman's TraBe Union League, Nat. Child Labor Com., N.Y. State Child Labor Com., Audubon Soc, N.Y. Soc. for the Prevention of Crusty to Animals, Ass'n of Practical Housekeeping Centres, Mu- nicipal Needs Com., League for Political Educa- tion, Civic Federation, Public Education Asa'n, Sunshine Soc, Vivisection Investigation League, Soc. for Advancement of Colored People, Manas- sas Ass'n, People's Forum of Dobb's Ferry, Westchester Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, School of Mothercraft (one of found- ers). People's Inst. Bureau of Municipal Re- search, Westchester Bureau of Municipal Re- search, Intemat. Children's Farm League, Ass'n for Labor Legislation, etc. BBOWN, Tanny Burton Hurd (Mrs. Hugh Mac- Dermid Brown), North Water Gap, Pa, Physlciaji; b. in Jackson Sanatorium (con- ducted by her father) at Dansville, Livingston County, N.Y. ; dau. F. Wilson Hurd, M.D., and Hannah (Johnson) Hurd; ed. by tutors at home; Oberlin Coll., Ohio.; medical course Univ. of Mich., M.D. '91; m. Water Gap, Pa., 1S91, Dr. Hugh MaoDermid Brown; children: Donald, b. 1892; Agnes Lyan, b. 1894-. Medical missionary, with husband, nearly three years in Korea, fol- lowed by two years' practice in Colton, CaL, since then in institutional work. Methodist and Presbyterian. Mem. Monroe County Med. Soc, Lehigh Valley Med. Soc, Am. Med. Aas'n.. Rec- reations: Tennis, boating, walking, gardening. BBOWN, Florence M., 529 12th St., N.W., Wash- ington, D.C. General secretary Y.W.C.A. ; b. Wheatland, N.Y. ; dau. Hon. Volney P. and Sarah R. (Avery) Brown; ed. Acad. Institute, Leroy, N.Y. (won gold medal for best impromptu comi>08ltlon). Has been connected with Y.W.C.A. territorial ■work in New England and city wca-k in Pitta- burgrh, both extensive. Identified with philan- thropic, civic and religious activities in Western N.Y.; haa done public speaking on religious topics. Baptist. Mem. Mayflorwer Soc, D.A.R. BBOWN, Floy Clare (Mrs. Paul Brown), 10 Washington Terrace, St. Louis, Mo. Bom Middletown, Mo., 1860; dau. Dr. Fountain Stuart and Hannah C. (Hogue) Clare (of French Huguenot ancestry on maternal and Scotch on paternal sides); ed. Hardin Coll., Mexico, Mo., 1877-81; m. Montgomery City, Mo., 18S2, Paul Brown; one son: Paul Jr., b. 1883. Mem. South- ern Methodist Church, St. Louis Woman's Club, Wednesday Literary Club, St. Louis Free Kin- dergarten; interested in Kingdom House Settle- ment work. Mem. St Louis Zoological Society, Daughters of the Confederacy. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. St. Louie Under-Age Free Kin- dergarten, Civic Clttb, Confederate Memorial. BBOWN, Frances Galon (Mrs. John Franklin Brown), 559 W. lB6th St., N.Y. City. Bom Elmira, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1866; dau. Richard L^nria and Cornelia Joy (P^tch) Gulon (depcendad from one of the Huguenot farQllies that founded New Rochelle, N.Y.); ed. Elmira Free Acad.; Elmira Coll., A.B. ; Cornell Univ., Ph.M. ; m. Elmira, N.Y., May 26, 1904, John Franklin Brown. Before marriage, teacher of English in secondary schools, Elmira CoU. and State Nor- mal School, Oshkosh, Wis. Interested in for- eign missionary work of the HSpiscopal Church, in which holds various minor offices, diocesan and parish. Mem. (Jollcjge Settlement Ass'n, Round Table, Babies' Aid Milk Station Ass'n, Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions. Mem. Elmira College Club and Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. BBOWN, Frank Collins (Mrs. Caleb Candee Brown), 320 Highland Av., Syracuse, N.Y. Born Syracuse, N.Y., April 17, 1875; dau. Frank and Julia E. (Holzer) Collins; ed. Keble School, Syracuse, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll.; Syracuse Univ., B.A., Medical Coll. (two years); mem. Gamma Phi Beta; m. Syracuse, N.Y., April 11, 189S, Caleb Candee Brown; children: Dorothy Collins Brown, b. Aug. 7, 1902; Caleb Candee Brown Jr., b. Dec. 25, 1904. Interested in several women's clubs and philanthropic organizations. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Free Dispensary, Day Nursery, Harmony Circle. Mem. Ka-Na-Te-Nah Club, SedgT?lck Farm Club, Council of Women's Clubs. BKO^VN, Gertrude Foster (Mrs. Raymond Brown), 294 W. Ninety-second St., N.Y. City. Musician; b. Morrison, 111., July 29, 1867; dau. Charles and Anna (Drake) Foster; grad. New England Conservatory of Music; music student in Berlin with Xavier Scharwenka; Paris Con- servatoire with Delaborde; m. Aug. 4, 1893, Ray- mond Brown. Specialist for many years in Wag- ner lecture recitals, and other musical lectures. Active in the woman suffrage movement; pres. Woman Suffrage Study Club; chairman State Com. First Senatorial Dist, Woman's PoJltical Union. BBOWN, Grace Mann (Mrs. Joseph L. Brown), 1545 State St., Denver, Colo. Editor, author; b. Pippin, Wis.; dau. James C. and Mary (Stears) Mann.; ed. Eden Hall, Torres- dale, Pa.; m. Denver, Colo., Joseph Ij. Brown; children: Bemice, James Leslie, Eunice. Inter- ested in woman suffrage, but does not vote. Author: Studies in Spiritual Harmony; Life Les- sons; Food Studies; Seven Steps; Regeneration; The World Made Flesh; To-Day; Vivenda Causa; The Elssene Message. Essene in religion. Founder of the Modern Society of the Essenes. Recrea- tions: Theatre, automobiling, traveling. BBOWN, Harriet Chedie Connor (Mrs. Herbert D. Brown), 3401 Newark St., Washington, D.C. Bom Burlington, Iowa, Sept. 11, 1872; dau. Edward William and Catharine Celia (Darrow) Connor; ed. Burlington (Iowa) High School, Wheaton Female Sem., Norton, Mass.; Cornell Univ., A.B. '94; Willard School, Berlin, Germany (seminar); m. Burlington, Iowa, July 29, 1S97; Herbert D. Brown (pension and efficiency ex- pert; children: Constance Connor, b. 1899; Beatrice Connor, b. 1904 (died 1908). Taught German in Burlington (Iowa) High School, 1895-96; sUff of New York Tribune, 1897; con- tributor of special articles to N.Y. Sun and N.Y. Press, 1898-99; on Washington Bureau of N.Y. Journal, 1900; staff of Buffalo (N.Y.) Enquirer during Pan-American Exposition, 1901; con- tributor to Engineering and Mining Journal, 1901-02; collected mineral statistics for U.S. Geological Survey in Cuba, 1902; in Iowa and Min- nesota, 1903; edited press bulletins of U.S. Geological Survey, 19(B-07. Mem. Consumers' League, D.C. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Stanton Suffrage Club, Washington, D. C. ; edited official program of woman suffrage pageant and procession in Washington, Mar. 3, 1913, and represented the First Iowa Congress- ional Diat In procession to Capitol on April 7 of women asking tor constitutional amendment en- franchising women. Autior: Report on Min- eral Resources of Cuba, 1901 (published with last civil report of Gen. Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba); has collaborated with her BROWN 135 husband, Hert)ert D. Brown, In preparation of following reports: Civil Service Retirement, Great Britain and New Zealand (Senate Docu- ment 290, 61st Congress, second session); Civil Service Retirem'?nt, New South Wales, Australia (Senate Document 420, 61st Congress, second session); Savings and Annuity Plan for Retire- ment of Superannuated Civil Service Employees (Senate Document 745), 61st Congress, third session; Civil Service Retirement, Canada (now in press). Has written many newspaper and maga- zine articles. Unitarian. Mem. Audubon Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreations: Reading, walking, bird study. Mem. Cornell Women's (■Washington), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumn®, Col- lege Women's Club (Washington), Phi Beta Kappa Soc. First woman to win Stewart L. Woodford prize in oratory at Cornell Univ.; after graduation was awarded scholarship by Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, which took her to Germany; reported Republican and Democratic national conventions for Burlington (Iowa.) Gazette, 1896; reported Republican National Convention for N.Y. Journal, 1900. BKOWN. Harriet Johnson (Mrs. Elijah Alexan- der Brown), 720 Piedmont Av., Atlanta, Ga. Born Atlanta, Ga., July 6, 1869; dau. Mark W. and Penelope (Hollinshead) Johnson; ed. Neel's School at Kirkwood; Peabody Normal Coll., Nashville, Tenn., with L.I. degree '88; m. July 26, 1901, Elijah Alexander Brown, son of Georgia's war Governor, children: Marcus John- son, b. Dec. 19, 1904; Joseph Emerson, b. July 28, 1908; Penelope H., b. June 15, 1910. Interested In Needlework Guild, Atlanta Woman's Missionary Union Beard of City Missions. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Atlanta Woman's Club, Inman Park Students' Club, Georgia State Fed. of Clubs. BROWN, Battle (Mrs. Fred Williaru Brown), 4818 Snyder Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Southfields, N.Y. July 25, 18G1; dau. George and Mary E. (Hall) Fitzgerald (direct descendant of Lyman Hall, of Georgia, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence); ed. public school, Monroe, N.Y., and two and one-half years at Cornell Univ.; m. Monroe, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1896, Fred W. Brown; children: Thomas, b. 1898; Robert William, b. 1902; Caro- line Reed, b. 1904. Was teacher in Orange Co., N.Y., and Northern Mich, before marriage. In- terested in the work of the new Rugby Congre- gational Church. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. BBOWN, Helen Dawes, 48 Elm St., Montolalr, N.J. Lecturer and author; b. Concord, Mass., 1857; dau. William Dawes and Martha (Swan) Brown; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; A.M. '90. Author: Two College Girls; The Petrle Estate; Little MlsB Phoebe Gay; Her Sixteenth Year; A ClTlUan Attache; A Book of Little Boys; Mr. Tuckerman's Nieces; Orphans; How Phoebe Found Herself. Mem. College Settlements' Ass'n, Vassar Student's Aid Soc, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse; Vassar Alumnae Ass'n. Mem Onteora Club (Catskills), Women's University Club (N.Y. City), Meridian Ciub (N.Y. City). Recreations: Reading, walking, traveling. BROWN, Helen Gas:er (Mrs. John Qulncy Brown). 105 Bayo Vista Av., Oakland, Cal. Bom Columbus, 0., Sept. 26, 1878; dau. Edwin B. and Julia (Ballantine) Gager; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900, m. Columbus, O., Oct. 7, 1902, John Quincy Brown; children: Ann Ballantine, John Quincy Jr. Chief Interest is in the latest systems of educating children (Montessorl, etc.). Favors woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist. Re- publican voter. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alum- nae. Recreations: Tennis, dancing. Mem. Ebell Club, Claremont Country Club. BROWN, Hulda Holmes Bergen (Mrs. C. El wood Brown), San Francisco, Cal. Bom Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1851; grad. Packer Inst, '69; studied later with private teachers In music and German; studied in Ber- lin, Prusaia, and Lausanne, Switzerland; at- tended the French schools (Geneva) of M'lla Thouron and the M'Ues Borck; m. San Fran- cisco, Oct. 1, 1891 (now widow). For eight years, 1883-91, was recording sec. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of Reformed (Dutch) Church In America. First vice-pres. and charter mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames in California; ex- regent and charter mem. D.A.R., Cal. Chapter (San Francisco); nominated for State Regent of Cal., October, 1911; mem. Daughters of Holland Dames of N.Y., Huguenot of N.Y.; Monmouth Co. (N.J.) Historical Soc, Pocahontas Memorial Ass'n (vice regent); charter mem. Colonial Dames Club (Washington, D.C.), Yorktown Historical Soc of Va., Sorosis Club and Silk Culture Soc. (San Francisco); section pres. Needlework Guild (San Francisco); mem. Packer Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (Brooklyn); honorary mem. Bay Ridge Reading Club (Brooklyn). Has writ- ten many historical papers for the Colonial Dames and D.A.R. In San Francisco. Writer of historical essays. BROWN, Inez, 135 E. Terrace, Chattanooga, Tenn. Born Monmouth, 111.; dau. EMgar A. and Eliza- beth (Whitman) Brown; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '94. Identified with various social and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. King's Daughters of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Y.W.C.A., Humane Soc, Antl-Tuberculosls Ass'n. Recrea- tion: GoU. BROWN, Jeanette Ferris (Mrs. Thomas Edwin Brown Jr.), Cristobal, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Born N.Y. City, Aug. 4, 1867; dau. Frank A. and Mary A. (Cape) Ferris; ed. N.Y. public and private schools; m. Dec 28, 1898, Thomas Edwin BroTvn Jr. Vlce-pres. Jacob Riis Settlement, N.Y. City, 1904-05; has been on the Isthmus 8inc« 1907, husband being Supreme Court Judge there. Pres. Cristobal Woman's Club, 1909-10; leader Girls' Club, Cristobal; pres. Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1909-11; mem. Industrial and Social Conditions Com. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Presbyterian. Mem. Cristobal Woman's Club. BROWN, Jennie R. (Mrs. Morris S. Brown), 218 North Third St., Palatka, Fla. Born N.Y. City, July 12, 1862; dau. Solomon and Rose (Hammel) Morris; ed. New York Nor- mal Coll.; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 23, 1889, Morris S. Brown; children: Rena, b. Feb. 9, 1891; Leroy, b. Aug. 20, 1892; Sidney J., b. April 4, 1S94. Was teacher in grammar school in N.Y. Interested in club work, fraternal societies; past grand chief of Pythian Sisters; mem. of Rebecca Lodge and P.O. A. Jewess; was pres. of Jewish Woman's League of Jacksonville. Mem. Woman's Club of Palatka; was pres. two years, now treas. BROWN, Je«>sica Christian (Mrs. Demarchu» C. Brown), 251 South Audubon Road, Indian- apolis, Ind. Lecturer on literature; b. Madison, Ind., Oct. 2, 1875; dau. Joseph and Llda (Williams) Christian; ed. Butler Coll., B.A. '97, A.M. '99 (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Indianapolis, Sept. 1, 1897, De- marchua C. Brown: one son: Philip C, b. 1901. Interested in Greek archaeology and art, modem languages and educational work among foreign population. Favors woman suffrage. Author of Cheerful Housekeeper articles m McCall's Maga- zine, 1911; book reviewer for Indianapolis News. Mem Disciples Church. Socialist. Mem. Wo- man's Franchise League of Ind. Recreation: Music. Mem. PI Beta Phi Alumnae, Woman's Dep't Club, Fortnightly Club, Irvington Wo- man's Club of Indianapolis. BROWN, Josephine English (Mrs. H. B. Brown). 1720 Sixteenth St., Washington, D.C. Born Jacobstown, N.J., Nov. 14, 1855; dau. Leison E. and Mary Bunting English; ed. Phila- delphia; m. Crosswicks, N.J., June 25, 1904, Jus- tice H. B. Brown of the U.S. Supreime Court. Interested In House of Mercy, Garfield Hospital and Nat. Civic Federation. Episcopalian. Mem. Anti-Suffrage Soc. and Red Cross Ajis'n. BROWN, Josle Mayer (Mr». Phil Brown), Eufaula, Okla. Bom Topeka, Kan., Jutj U, 1S36; daa. luute 136 BROWN and Rosa (Schultz) Mayer; ed. public and high echools at Kansas City, Mo. ; grad. P\Llton and Trueblood's School of Oratory, Kansas City, Mo.; m. St. Lours, Mo., June 10, 1901, Phil Brown; children; Ruth Winifred, b. June 21, 1902; Doris Leona. b. Aug. 29, 1904; Jerome Alexander, b. May 9, 1905. Vice-pres. - Okla. State Fed. Wo- men's Clubs: pres. two years of Charity Union Musical Club, Eufaula, Okla.; past vice-pres. State Conference of Charities and Correction ; past pres. Twentieth Century Club, Eufaula, Okla.; hon. mem. Pioneer Club; mem. Gen. Fed. Child Labor Com. ; past chairman Child Labor Com., which helped to pass the law In Okla.; twice delegate to Nat. Child Labor Conventions from Okla. (appointed by Governor). Favors woman suffrage. Has written many articles in magazines and newspapers on child labor, play- grounds, social welfare, libraries, kindergartens and civic improvem.?nt, and has spoken publicly at clubs on these subjects. Society editor home paper. Mem. Eastern Star; treas. Library Board, Eufaula, Okla.; founder of library, and of the playgrouud m-ovement in EJufaula; organizer of two federated clubs in Eufaula; founder of civic work in Eufaula and laying of sidewalks by efforts of club women. Chairman four years of Oklahoma State Club Extension Com., was in- strumental in getting 100 clubs into the State of Okla. Fed.; delegate from Okla. to Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs at St. Louis, Boston. Cincin- nati and San Francisco oonventioois; delegate to State Charities and Correction Convention at St. Louis from Okla. BROWN, Kate Louise, 163 Massachusetts Av., Boston, Mass. Teacher, writer; b. Adams, Mass., May 9, 1857; dau. Edgar M. and Mary T. (Brown) Brown; ed. in high school at Reading, Mass.; State Normal at Bridgew^er, Mass., and special classic tn kin- dergarten work. Engaged in teaching at Read- ing, Wakefield, and Milton, Mass. ; since 1836 In Boston, where she has been mucii occupied as writer and editor of school readers, kindergarten and other children's songs and music, and i-s contributor to juvenile and other magazines. Composer (in collaboration with Elizabeth Usher Dmerson) of the cantatas: Santa Claus Sure, and The Tables Turned; also (with same) stories in song. Author: Little People; The Plant Baby and Its Friends; Alice and Tom. BROWN, Katharine Holland, Quincy, 111. Author; b. Alton, 111.; dau. Horace Safford and Elizabeth (Holland) Brown; ed. in Washing- ton, D.C., and at Univ. of Mich., A.B. Books: Diane, 1904; Dawn, 1907; Philippa at Halcyon, 1910; The Messenger, 1910; White Roses, 1910; Uncertain Irene, 1911. BROWN, Lanra Amanda, West Acton, Mass. Painter in landscape; b. Littleton, Mass., Feb. 17, 1852; dau. James Madison and Amanda Mel- vina (Pingrey) Brown; ed. in common schools and by private teachers in literature and languages, Lowell School of Design (John J. Enneking's studio) and School of Expression, Boston. Reader for club, church and parlor en- tertainments. Writer of poems and stories in magazines and papers. Baptist. Recreations: Embroideries, lace-making, rafiia and grass baskets. For sixteen years pres. West Acton Woman's Club; mem. Art Com. of the Mass. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Opposed to woman suffrage. BROWN, Margaret Lesley Bash, 1729 G St., Washington, D.C. Artist painter; b. Philadelphia 1857; dau. Peter and Susan I. (Lyman) Lesley; ed. Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Ateliers of Carolus Duran and Julien under Jules Lefebvre and Boulanger, Paris, 1880; m. 188S Henry K. Bush-Brown, sculptor; children: Lydia, Harold, Malcolm, James. Portrait and picture painter; exhibited on the line in Paris Salon of 1882, received hon- orable mention at Pa. Acad. Fine Arts for por- trait of Prof. Lesley, 1887; decorated one panel In Pa. Building at Columbian World's Fair. Received medals for miniature and oil paintings at Columbus, S.C., Knoxville and other places. Favors woman suffrace. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, N.T. aty. BROWN, Marsmerite Manlerre (Mrs. Wnilam Brown Jr.), 1510 Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, III. Born Chicago, HI., Nov. 17, 1879; dau. Will- iam Reid and Julia Orr (Edson) Manierre; ed. Miss Porter's School at Farmington, Conn., 1895-99; mem. Chicago Farmington Soc. ; m. Chicago, 111., Dec. 30, 1903, William Brown Jr.; one daughter: Margery Manierre. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Voice culture and the general study of music. Mem. Onwentsia Golf Club. BROWN, Margnerite Mullin (Mrs. William Johns Brown), Walbrook, Md. Bom Baltimore, 1874; dau. Gregory M. and Re- becca (Donnell) Mullin; ed. private school, pub- lic school; grad. high school; special course In Johns Hopkins Univ. and special course at Bard Avon School in literature, expression and art history; m. July 5, 1905, William Johns Brown. Taught in public schools; delegate to the three Am. Peace Congresses, New York, Chicago and Baltimore. Interested in philanthropy, as repre- sented in playgrounds, public dance halls, and the use of schools for recreation centres. Mem. Board of Directors of the Florence Crlttenton Home, Board of Managers of Univ. of Md. Hos- pital. Pres. Equal Franchise League of Md. Elpls- copalian. Pres. Hospital Ass'n of the Ladies of the Maccabees (represented this organization at the International Congress of Suffragists in Stockholm, Sweden, 1911). Sec. Neighborhood Improvement Ass'n; mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science; pres. Walbrook Fortnightly Club; mem. Arundel Club of Baltimore, Social Service Club: chairman of legislation. State Fed. of Clubs; sup't of press and sec W.C.T.U. BROWN, Marianna, McGregor Hall, Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs, Colo. College registrar; b. Waynesville, C, Sept. 8, 1852; dau. Samuel and Hannah (Evans) Brown; ed. Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., A.B. '76; Cornell Univ., A.M. '94. Registrar of Colorado Coll. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Republican. Mem. Clio Club, Indianapolis; Civic League and Tues- day Club, Colorado Springs, Colo. BROWN, Marlanna Catliarine, 35 W. 130th St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. "93; Columbia Univ., Ph.D., '02. Interested in Sun- day-school work. Writer on Sunday-school sub- jects. Author: Sunday-School Movements in America; How to Plan a Lesson, and Other Talks to Sunday-School Teachers. BROWN, Mary Mitchell (Mrs. Edward T. Brown), 968 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Norwalk, O., July 16, 1866; dau. Henry Sparrow and Delia (Yale) Mitchell; ed. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O., Coll. of Music, Cincinnati; m. Norwalk, O., July 12, 1887, Edward T. Brown; children: Edward Mitchell, 1889; Marjorie, 1892; Henry Warren Brown, 1895; Mem. Atlanta Woman's Club, History Class of Atlanta, Execu- tive Board of State Federation of Women's Clubs, Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R., Atlanta Branch of the Needle Work Guild of America. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. BROWN, Mena DeWitt (Mrs. Edward C. Brown), 11S6 Lake Av., Rochester, N.Y. Born White Hall, 111.; dau. Manning Force and Harriette (Prettyman) De Witt; ed. Illinois Fe- male Coll., Jacksonville, 111., and private in- structors in Washington, D.C; mi. Washington, D.C, Feb. 12, 1890, Edward C. Brown; children: Paul DeWitt, Edward Colin, Alan DeWitt. Active in suffrage work; mem. Political Equality Club; ei-pres. Political Equality Club, Roches- ter, N.Y. Mem. Century Club, Woman's Educa- tional Union, Consumers' League. BROWN, Olive Marie Jlclntosh (Mrs. Edwin Hewitt Brown), Grosse Polnte, Detroit, Mich. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 22, 1883; dau. Henry Payne and Olive Anne (Manfull) Mc- intosh, ed. Miss Mittleberger's School, Cleve- land; Mrs. Somer's School, Washington, D.C; Miss Grace Lee Hess's School, Paris, France; m. Clereland, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1907, Edwin Hewitt Brown; children: Olive Anne, Eleanor. Inter> ested in the District Nursing Soc, Children's BROWN— BROWNE 137 Free Hospital and St. Agnes' Home, all of De- troit; Gros^e Pointe Mutual Aid See. Mem. Garden Club of Mich. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. BROWN, Ophelia S., Tyngsborough, Mass., R.F.D. Born dherborn, Mass., Sept. 20, 1871; dau. Rev. William and Salome Stephens (Williams) Brown; ed. Howard Collegiate Inst., West Bridgewater, Mass., 1S83-90; Smith Coll., B.L. '94. Sec. of School Com. of Tyngsborough and interested in rural social welfare. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n,' Lowell College Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. BROWN, Ray Hyer (Mrs. Robert Houston Brown), McKinney, Texas. Born Georgetown, Tex., Feb. 22, 1SS9; dau. Dr. Robert Stewart and Margaret Lee (Hudgins) Hyer; ed. Dep't of Expression, Southwestern Univ., Georgetown, Tex., Ph.B. '09 (mem. Sigma Sigma Sigma): m. Georgetown, Tex., Oct. 26, 1910, Robert Houston Brown. Nat. sec. Sigma Sigma Sigma Sororiety. Reader and impersona- tor. Favors woman suffrage. BROWN, Ruth Mowry, 17 Riverside Square, Hyde Park, Mass. Author; b. Providence, R.I., June 16, 1867; dau. William Augustus and Caroline Eliza (Aldrich) Mowry; ed. Fielding and Chase School, Provi- dence, R.I., high schools of Providence and Bos- ton, Mass.; m. Dorchester, Mass., Edward Waters Brown; children: Mabel Mowry Brown, b. May 25, 1891; Bancroft Huntington Brown, b. Nov. 11, 1894. Interested in church work and settlement work. Author: The Bible in Lesson and Story; also children's stories in various magazines, particularly Child's Hour, Congrega- tionalist. Outlook, etc. Mem. Hyde Park Cur- rent Events Club. BROWN, Sally Eugenia, 1100 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Canton, Ga. ; dau. Hon. Joseph Emerson Brown (War Governor of Georgia, Chief Justice of Ga. and U.S. Senator) and Elizabeth (Gris- ham) Brown (sister of Gov. Joseph M. Brown, present Governor of Georgia) ; ed. at home (At- lanta, Ga.), Mrs. Archer's School, Washington, D.C., and private lessons. Life mem. Ga. Baptist Orphans' Hcmne; mem. Atlanta Free Kindergar- ten, the Atlanta Martha Berry Circle (working for Martha Berry School, near Rome, Ga.), Nat. Child Labor Com. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of 1812 (John Floyd Chapter) and United Daughters of Con- federacy (Atlanta Chapter). Recreations: Arts and crafts, especially basketry, hammered leather and bookbinding. Mem. Atlanta Woman's Club. BROWN, Sanford Stella De Land (Mrs. Charles David Brown), 95 Westminster Road, Roches- ter, N.T. Former kindergartner; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; student Chicago Kindergarten Inst., 1895; St. Andrew's Kindergarten Training School, Rochester, N.Y., 1896-97; m. Feb. 15, 1902, Charles David Brown; children: Margaret San- ford, b. Jan. 22, 1903; Katharine Sanford, b. Sept. 18, 1905; Priscilla Sanford, b. June 15, 1909. Kindergartener at Akron, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich., 1897-1902. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. BROWN, Sydney E., Mrs. Merrillan, Wis. Born La Crosse, Wis., July 4, 1867; dau. Allen and Frances Peabody Brlggs; ed. La Crosse pub- lic school and private musical education in voice culture; m. St. Paul, 1893, Sydney E. Brown. Engaged in millinery business. Mem. Royal Neighbors. Active club woman; organized the Merrillan Woman's Cluib, Mar. 17, 1910, and It was federated July 23, 1910, and has since been very successful in civic Improvement work. BROWN, Varina Uavis, 517 N. Main St., An- derson, S.C. Born Anderson, S.C; dau. Joseph Newton and Elizabeth L. (Bruce) Brown; ed. Anderson Sem. and Vassar Coll., A.B. Active In philanthropic work among the mill population and in Sunday- school work; Interested in foreign mission work (especially Ln Cbina). Baptist. Mem. Intercolle- giate Club of S.C, and Civic Ass'n of Anderson. Pres. of Federation of City Clubs x>t Anderson, and treas. of S.C. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1904-06; trustee of Anderson Library Ass'n (pub- lic library). BROWN-TURNER, Mae F. (Mrs. J. Willcox Brown), Eloham, Alton, Va, Born Richmond, Va., .\Iar. 22, 1846; dau. Hon. W. H. and Nancy (Beirne) MacFarland; ed. Richmond private schools; m. May 21, 1867, J. Willcox Brown; children: Mary, Nannie Beirne, Fanny, Peachy, Poythress, John Thompson, F. Donaldson, Eleanor Plunkett. Episcopalian. BROWNE, Ellen Van Volltenburg (Mrs. Fred- erick Maurice Browne), 434 Fine Arts Build- ing, Chicago, 111. Actress; b. Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 8, 1882; dau. Frank Hoyt and Juliet (Cooper) Van Vol- kenburg; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B.; mem. Alpha Phi; m. Chicago, June 1, 1912, Frederick Maurice Browne. Since 1905 giving imitative interpreta- tions of modern plays; ass't director and actress in Chicago Little Theatre Co., 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. BROWNE, Ethel Nicholson, Guyot Hall, Prince- ton University, Princeton, N. J. ; permanent, 510 Park Av., Baltimore, Md. Biologist; b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 14, 1885; dau. Dr. B. Bernard and Jennie R. (Nicholson) Browne; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1895- 1902; Woman's Coll. of Baltimore (Goucher Coll.), A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '06, and holder of senior fellowship 1906-07; Columbia Univ., 1906-08, 1911- 12, M.A. '07, Ph.D. '13; holder of fellowship of Baltimore Ass'n for the Promotion of the Uni- versity Education of Women, 1911-12 (mem. Tau Kappa Pi, Goucher Coll.). Instructor of mathe- matics and science at Bennett School, Millbrook, N.Y., 1908-11; research ass't in biology dep't, Princeton Univ., 1912-13; investigator at Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass., sum- mers of 1906-12. Author: The Production of New Hydranths in Hydra by the Insertion of Small Grafts (Journal of Experimental Zoology, 1909); Effects of Pressure on Cumingia Eggs (Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik des Organis- men, 1910; The Relation Between Chromosome- Number and Species in Notonecta (Biological Bulletin, 1910); A Study of the Male Germ Cella in Notonecta (Journal of Experimental Zoolog>', 1913). Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. of Zoologists, Am. Soc. of Naturalists. Recreations: Tennis, swimming, basketball, bicycling, riding, baseball. Mem. Corporation of Marine Biological Labora- tory, Wood's Hole, Mass. Favors woman suf- frage. BROWNE, Grace Greenwood (Mrs. Burton F. Browne), Harbor Beach, Mich. Editor and professional writer; b. Kalamazoo Co., Mich., Aug. 18, 1869; dau. A.J. and Sarah Margaret (Dean) Winches; grad. Spring Arbor Sem. (Mich.), '88; Normal Coll., Ypsilanti, Mich., '93; m. Jackson, Mich., Oct. 23, 1895, Burton Ful- mer Brown; children: Eiladean Alberta, Vivian Odessa, Burton Wayne. Associate editor Harbor Beach Times since 1898; pres. Mich. Woman's Press Ass'n, 1905-06; national editor for Ladies of the Modern Maccabees, 1910 — . Vice-pres. Nat. Fraternal Press Ass'n, 1912; State Chairman of the Press Dep't of Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912. Actively interested in the New .Move- ment Sunday-school work. Mem. Nat. Editorial Ass'n, Mich. Woman's Press Ass'n, the Wolverine Press As«'n, Nat. Fraternal Press Ass'n, Order of the Eastern Star, Daughters of the Veterans, Nat. Council of Women, the Ladies of the Mod- frn Maccabees, Mich. Woman's Fed. of Clubs. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. BROWNE, Hester Singer (Mrs. Jesse D. Browne), The Wyoming. Washington. D.C. Born Pitts^burgh, Pa., Jan. 19, 1887; dau. George Harton and Charlotte C (Smith) Singer; ed. Ogontz School; m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., April 15 1911, Jesse D. Brown; one daughter: Hester Harton Browne BROWNE, Jenn e Nicholson, 510 Park Av., Bal- timore, Md. Physician; b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 20, 1876; dau. Dr. Bennet Bernard and Jennie R. (Nichol- 138 BROWNE— BROWNn«l •on) Brown*; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore; A.B. Bryn Uwwt ColL, Pa., 1898; M.D. Woman's Med. Coll., Baltimore, 1912. City physician, 1903-12. Catholic. Mem. D.A.R., Med. and ChlruryicaJ Faculty of Maryland, Am. Med. Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. Coll. Club, Social Service Club. Favors woman suffrage. BROWNE, Nijui Eliza, 44 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. Librarian; b. Erving, Mass., Oct. 6, 1860; dau. Charles Theodore B. and Nancy Smith Chapman Browne; ed. public schools, Amherst, Mass., Smith Coll., Mass., A.B. '82; A.M. '85; post-grad, course, 1882-83; grad. Columbia Univ. Library School '89; Bachelor of Library Science (B.L.S.) Univ. Bute of N.Y., '91. Assistant Columbia Library, 1888-89, New York State Library 1889- 92; Ifbarlan Library Bureau, Boston, 1893-96; ass't sec. and sec. Publishing Board Am. Library Ass'n, 1896-09; registrar Am. Library Ass'n, 1889-09; ass't Harvard CoU. Library, 19U— . Resident of social settlements, 1893-97; treas. Re- ligious Soc, 1906 — ; sec. various college alumnae organizations. Compiler of Bibliography of Haw- thorne, 1905; editor Catalogue of OflBcers, Grad- uates and Non-graduates of Smith Coll., 1875- 1905-06; joint editor A.L.A. Index to Portraits, 1906. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Mass. Library Club, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Woman's Trade Union League. Clubs: Twentieth Century, College (Boston). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. BROWNE, Mary Catherine, 20 Arden St., N.T. City. Vocalist and teacher; b. North Ad«ms, Mass., April 30, 1886; dau. Isaac S. and Elizabeth A. (Tobin) Browne; ed. Drury Acad., North Adams, Mass. ; private vocal teachers in North Adams, Boston and N.Y. City; Columhla Univ. courses In music. Made concert tour covering 22 States in year 1906; went to Panama for U.S. Govern- ment, summer of 1906, with concert company; director of Euterpe Glee Club, New London, Conn., four years. Teacher of music in high schools of New London, Conn. ; vocal teacher in New London and New York City; director of choral clubs; lecturer on folk-music and pro- fessional singer, contralto. Interested especially In social service and all reform-s tending to higher advancement of women. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise League, Ne^v London, Conn. ; served on the Exec. Board of same and as chairman of Entertainment Com. Congregationalist. Recreations: Swimming, walk- ing. Mem. Saturday Club of New London, Conn. BROWNE, Mary Nicholson, 510 Park Av., Bal- timore, Md. Physician; b. Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1879; dau. B. Bernard Browne, M.D., and Jennie Nicholson Browne; grad. Bryn Mawr School, '95; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '99; Woman's Med. Coll., M.D. '02. Obstetrician and gynecologist. Favors wo- man suffraige. Roman Catholic. Mem. Colonial Dames and College Club. BROWNE, Matilda, Indian Field Road, Green- wich, Conn. Artist; b. Newark, N.J., May 8, 1869; dau. Leonard P. and Matilda (Culver) Browne; studied art in Paris, France, and Holland; has taken Dodge and Halgarten prizes; honorable mention Columbian Exposition. Presbyt«rlan. Against woman suffrage. BROWNE, Orva M., 3536 A St., San Diego, Cal. Deputy county sup't of schools; b. Topeka, Kan., Dec. 23, 1878; dau. Payne and Louise (Downer) Browne; ed. Coronnado (Cal.) High School and Univ. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. Mem. D.A.R. and College Woman's Club. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. BROWNE, Rose Lane (Mrs. George W. Browne), Athens, Tenn. Writer; b. Athens, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1859; dau. Gen. James T. and Qulntlna (Moss) Lane; ed. chiefly in private schools, finishing at Ward's Seim., Nashville, Tenn., receiving degree of Mis- tress of English and French Literature; m. Athens, Tenn., 1890, (Jeorge W. Bro-wne; chil- dren: Blsworth, Vlrstnia Lane, Qolntene Lacy, Vivian Rose. One of the only two advocates of woman suffrage in her home town, where it requires considerable courage to declare in favor of it. Occasional writer of prose and verse. .Mem. Christian Church. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R., Parent-Teacher Ass'n. Recreation: Reading. BROWNE, Sarah Alice, 66 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Teacher; b. Bath, Me., Mar. 9, 1855; dau. Ed- win R. and EMiza A. (Alexander) Browne; ed. public schools of Boston; Smith Coll., A.B. '81 (mem. Alpha Soc.); grad. student aX Mass. Inst. Technology and College de France, Paris. Teacher in public schools of Boston four years before entering college; in private schools since 1881; principal Classical School for Girls at 66 Marlborough St., 1887-1911. Favors woman suf- frage. Unitarian. Charter mem. Aae'n of Col- legiate Alumnae; mem. Coipley Soc. of Boston, Women's Education Ass'n oi Boston, Clrcolo ItaliSmo, Bacon Soc. of London. (Charter mem. College Club of Boston; mem. Twentieth Cen- tury Club. BROWNELL, Eleanor OliTia, Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Assistant principal the Misses Shipley's School; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 25, 1876; dau. Silas B. and Sarah (Sheffield) Brownell; ed. Beverly School, N.Y. CHy; Bryn Marwr Coll.. A.B. '97; grad. student Columbia Univ., 1897-98. State sec. N.Y. and N.J. Com. Y.W.C.A., 1905-07; head New School, Utica, N.Y., 1909-11; ass't principal the Misses Shipley's School, 1911-13. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club and Barnard Club (N.Y. Otty), Col- lege Club (Philadelphia). Presbyteri*a. BROWNELL, Jane L., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Educator; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., May 13, 1860, dau. Franklin Clinton and Mary Ballantine (Mather) Brownell; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93, A.M. '94; fellow in political science, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-94. Teacher of mathemeUcs, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Md., 1894-1902; associate mistress, same school, 1897-1902; as- sociate principal. Miss Florence Bald-win's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1902-06; head of the Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., since 1906. Director of Consumers' League of Eiastern Pa. Author: The Significance of a Decreasing Birth-Rate (pub- lis>hed 1894 la Annals of Acad, of Political and Social Science). Mem. Acad, of Political and So- cial Science, CJollege Club, Philadelphia; Woman's University Club, N.Y. City; Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, Pa. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College E^qual Suffrage League of Philadelphia. BROWNELL, Lncy Pearce, 8 Whitfield Court, Newport, R.L School teacher; b. Boston, Maae., July 27, 1871; dau. John B, and Rebecca EJarl (Brownell) Brownell; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston; Wel- lesley Coll., B.A., '94; student Yale Summer School, 1907. Since 1895 instructor in Rogers High School, Nerwport. Interested along literary, sociological and edncatlonal lines. Mem. and for- mer cor. sec. Newport Civic League. Pres. Cur- rent Topic Club, Newport. Active in Sunday- school work. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, College Settlwnent Ass'a, Consum«^' League, Nerw FjigUnd Ass'n of Teachers of English, Art Ass'n of Newport, College Club of Boston, R.I. WsUesley Club. BROWNING, Eliza Gordon, 1644 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Librarian; b. Fortville, Ind.; dau. Woodrllle and Mary Anne (Brown) Browning; ed. in public and private schools. Librarian Indianapolis Public Library, 1892; twice pres. Indiana Library Ass'n; mem. Council of Am. Library Ass'n; newspaper and magazine writer. Mem. Y.W.C.A., D.A.R. ; State chairman Com. of Welfare of Women and Children. Mem. Indiana Historical Soc, Art Ass'n, Woman's Franchise League. Club: Fortnightly Literary. E)plscopalian. Demo- crat. Favors woman suffrage. BROWNrNG, EUzabeth SophU Bradley (Mrs. Philip Embury Browning), St Bdgelilll Road, Now Havan, Conn. Born New H«Tea, (3oan., May 2$, 1S71; 4aa. BROWNING — BRUNER 131 P. Stimler and Mary Louisa (Hall) Bradley; ed. schools of N?w Hayen and Vassar CoIL, B.A. (PW Beta Kappa) '93; m. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 12, 1899, Philip Embury Browning (ass't prof, chemistry, Yale Univ.). Before marriage engaged as teacher In schools of New Haven, ConBL, 1894-99. Ck)r. sec. New Haven Y.W.C.A. ; cor. sec. New Haven Branch Woman's Board of Missions. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnas, New Haven Lawn Club, Wom- en's University Club of N.Y. BROWNING, Sarah Perry, 29 Otis St., Nor- wich. Conn. Christian Science practitioner; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '85; student of art at Adelphl Acad,, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1885-86. Resident director, Rox- bury House Settlement, Roxbury, Mass., 1900-06; Christian Science practitioner since 1907. BROWNSCOMBE, Jennie Ausmsta, 96 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Honesdale, Pa.; dau. William and Elvira (Kennedy) Brownscombe; ed. high school, Honesdale, Pa. ; studied art at Cooper Union and N.Y. School of Design for Women (received trustees' silver medal); at Net. Acad., N.Y., re- ceived silver medals in antique and life schools; studied in Paris for one year with Henry Mosler. Wh-ile a student of art made drawings for illus- trated periodicals, Harper's and others. Three years later was exhibiting; four years later, went abroad. After return, pictures began to be reproduced in etching, engraving, photograving. Has exhibited in the Salon of Rome, and In the Royal Acad, of London. From time to time has exhibited in the Nat. Acad, and Water Color Soc. exhibitions in N.Y. ; also in Philadelphia, Chicago and Western cities. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Municii)al Art Soc. and Scenic and Historic Presen'ation Soc. BK0WN80N, Mary Wilson, Pennsylvania Col- lege for Women, Pittsburgh; residence, Wash- Ingrton, Pa. College professor; b. Washington, Pa.; dau. Rev. James Irwin (D.D., LL.D.) and Eleanor McCullough (Acheson) Irwin; ed. Washington (Pa.) Sem. ; Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, A.B. '94; Washington and Jefferson Coll., hon. A.M. '05; student in Unlvs. of Chicago, Wiscon- sin and Oxford, England. Mem. faculty of Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, since 1886, holding chair of mathematics until 1899; since 1898 pro- fessor of Biblical literature, and since 1904 also profes.sor modern European history in same col- lege. Lecturer on historical subjects. Author: The Old Testament Story (four vols.); His Sla- ter. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Historical Aas'n, College Club of Pittsburgh. BRUCE, Ada Bromllow (Mrs. J. A. Bruce), £99 Broadway, Everett, Mass. Artist; b. Stayner, Canada, Nov. 28, 1881; dau. Edward and Ada J. (Butler) Lake; ed. Chicago schools; grad. Chicago Art Institute; spent a year In London and Paris; m. Boston, Mass., 1906, Dr. J. A. Bruce; one daughter: Ada Joseph- ine Bruce. Received recognition by honorable mention several times during course. Mem. Friday Club of Everett, Mass., Art Students' League. Mem. Church of England. BKUCE, Grace Adelle, 118 W. Eleventh St., N.Y. City. Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91; student chMnlstry, Smith Coll., 1891-94; pedagogy, Colum- bia Univ., 1902-03; mathematics, Cornell Sum- mer School, 1903. Ass't in chemistry. Smith Coll., 1891-94; teat^her of mathematics, Chelsea (Mass.) High School, 1S94-98; heaxl mathematics dep't of same since 1898. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n (vice-pres.), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. BRUCHON, Gertrude Jones (Mrs. Ernest Charles Bruchon), 18 E. Park St., Newark, N.J. Born Newark. N.J. ; dau. Phlneas Jones (Con- gressman) and Laura (Hamblet) Jones; ed. private schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95, and In Art Students' League, N.Y. City; m. London, Bng., Ernest Charles Bruchon, native of Zurich, Switzerland; one daughter: Ernestine. Interested in clui) work; at one time pres. Fortnightly Club of East Orange, N.J. Mem. Newark Charitable Soc., Woman's UniversRy Club (N.Y. City). Presbyterian. Republican. Against woman suf- frage. BRUENTNG, Bertha M., Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo. Cashier Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co.; b. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 4, 1882; dau. Joseph and Katharine (Jeck) Bruening; ed. private schools in Louisville, Ky., and St. Louis, Mo.; Benton CoU., St. Louis, and St. Louis Univ., LL.B. 'U. Interested In social movements for the better- ment of conditions of women who are employed; now engaged In forming the Catholic Women's Club of St. Louis. Active in temperance move- ment among women; officer In Ladies' Auxiliary to the Knights of Father Mathew. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Athletics, amateur pho- tography, historical reading. Mem. Women's Bar Ass'n of Missouri; first woman to receive a diploma from St. Louis Univ. Studied stenog- raphy at night, later took up the study of law in the evenings and was admitted to practic* in both State courts of Missouri and U.S. courts in 1911. Does not favor woman suffrage. BBUERE, Martha Bensley (Mrs. Robert W. BruSre), 206% West Thirteenth St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. Chicago, III.; dau. John R. and Augusta (Fuller) Bensley; ed. Vassar (3oll., Art Inst, of Chicago, Univ. of Chicago; m. Olean, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1907, Robert W. Bru6re. Mem. Socialist Party; Woman's Trade Union League. Author: Experiences of a Nursery Governess; The Workingman's Wife; Tales of Miranda; Home Efficiency (Co-author with Robert W. Bruere). Favors woman suffrage; mem. 25th Assembly District Woman's Suffrage Party, N.Y. City. Mem. Writers' Club, A Club, Socialist Press Club. BRUMBAUGH, Catherine Elliott (Mrs. Cath- erine Elliott Brumbaugh), 905 Massachusetts Av., N.N., Washington, D.C. Born Mansfield, Pa., June 15, 1868; dau. Dr. Charles W. and Mary Eleanor (Elliott) Brown; ed. Woman's Coll. and St. Ursula at Elmira, N.Y.; m. Elmira, Oct. 1, 1889, D*. Galus Marcus Brumbaugh; children: Charles Andrew, Marcus Morton (deceased), Elliott Frank. Registrar General Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Chaplain General Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Methodist. Mem. Woman's Home Missionary Soc, Daughters of 1812, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of Am., Mayflower Descendants, Livingston Manor Chapter D.A.R. Clubs: Wheel Club (connected with Crittenden rescue work), Woman's League of Nat. Q«orge, Jr., Republic, Abracadabra Club. BRCNCKHORST, Marie (Mrs. Frank Brunck- horst), Kewaunee, Wis. Librarian of free public library; b. Menasha, Wis., July 7, 1853; dau. John and Franziska (Sturn) Metzner; ed. public school, Kewaunee, Wis.; m. Kewaunee, Wis., Oct., 1872. Frank Erunckhorst; children: Esther F., Louis A., Lucy A., Frank 0. Interested in New Thought movement and drugless healing, and Identified in various social and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Recrea- tions: Theatres, concerts and auto trips fre- quently. Pres. Woman'e Shakespeare Club of Kewaunee. BRUNDAGE, OUve 3IanB (Mrs. Frank H. Brun- dage), 310 Elm St., Northampton, Mass, Bom Florence, Mass., Oct. 20, 1876; dau. Thomas S. and Eliza Ann (Martin) Mann; grad. Northampton High School in 1896; Smith Coll., B.A. 1900; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '02; m. Florence, Mass., Aug. 26, 1908, Frank Homer Brundage; children: Laura Ashley Brundage, b. Oct. 8, 1909; Elizabeth Louise Brundage, b. Dec. 7, 1911. Cataloguer in the Library of (IJongress, Washington, D.C, 1902-05; resigned because of poor health; cataloguer In Columbia Univ. Li- brary, Nov. -June, 1908. Unitarian. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Home Progress Soc. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Recreations: Walking, tennis, boating, etc. BRUNER, Elizabeth Cuttiag Cooley (Mrs. Jamei D. Bruner), Murfreesboro, N.C. Teacher; t>. Stevens Point, Wis.; dau. Dr. D. L40 BRYAN— BRYANT H. and Ann Frances (Brcrwn) Cooley; ed. Old Univ. of Chicigo, A.B. '83; Univ. of Chicago, '96; student Univ. of Leipzig, 1891-92; m. 1894, James Dowden Bruner; children: James Willis, Arthur Cutting, Lee Moulton (deceased). Teacher in high school, Chicago; lady principal, Moulton Ladles' Coll., Toronto; ass't prof, of German Univ. of 111.; lady principal of Chowan Coll., Murfreesboro, N.C., and teacher of English and German. Interested in religious and educational irork in N.C. Baptist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa (Univ. of Chicago). BBYA>', Ella Howard, Dillon, Dade Co., Ga. Author; dau. Major Henry and Janett (How- ard) Bryan; ed. at home. Author: The Veil; novelettes, short stories and verse of hers has been published in nearly everj- leading magazine from the Century to the Youth's Companion; those printing her verse rarely took her prose, and vice versa; completed novel in Lippincott (Feb. 1912). Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding horseback, hunting, walking, etc. BRYAX, Irant'es Wickham, Kinloch, P.O. St. Louis Co., Mo. Born St. Loui^, April 7, 1S9Q; dau. Francis T. and Fanny (Wickham) Bryan; grad. Mary Inst., 1908. Interested in religious, social and philan- thropic .ictivities. Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, tennis, dancing. BRYAX, Mary Baird (Mrs. "William Jennings Bryan), Fair\'iew, Lincoln, Xeb. Born Perry, 111., June 17, 1S61; dau. John and Lovina (Dexter) Baird; grad. Presbyterian School for Young Ladies, Jacksonville, 111., with first honor, class of '81; special work in Illinois College and later in the University of Nebraska; m. Perry, 111., October 1, 1884, William Jennings Bryan; children: Ruth Baird, Williajn Jennings Jr., Grace Dexter. Studied law and was admitted to practice in District and Supreme courts, 1887, in order to be more companionable to Mr. Bryan, then engaged in practice of law, but shortly after he entered politics and she did EOt pursue the subject further. Interested in religious and charitable work; contributes to City Mission, Salvation Army, Volunteers of America, Y.W.C.A., etc.; family are educating eight children in different countries of the Orient. Makes three or four addresses each year in the small churches which need help. In early days contributed to magazines, but became too busy to continue the work. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Recreations: Reading, fine plays and the opera. Mem. Sorosis Club of Lincoln (which she founded in 1890), Fortnightly and Woman's Clubs of Lincoln. Father's family (Scotch-Irish) set- tled in Pa., 1628; mother of English descent. Family founded in America by Sir Gregory Dex- ter, who was sent to England to secure a charter for Colony of Rhode Island. BRTA^', Mary Elizabetli (Mrs. Jesse Averitt Bryan), 1619 La Branch St., Houston, Tex. Journalist; b. Bowling Green, Tenn., 1846; dau. William and Susan A. (Bartee) Phillips; ed. Clarksville (Tenn.) Female Acad.; m. June 12, 1866, Jesse Averitt Bryan (son of Henry Hunter and Mary F. Tyler Bryan); children: Jesse Averitt Jr., William Phillips, Henry Hunter, John Duke Tyler. Special correspondent of big daily newspapers of Texas from Colorado, New Mexico, California and various other States and in the Republic of Mexico. Dep't editor of Gal- veston Daily News, the Houston Daily Post and the Houston Daily Chronicle. Treas. Ladies' Parish Ass'n of Christ Church (Houston); served three years as recording sec. of Texas Woman's Press Ass'n. Pres. Houston Pen Women's Club; honorary mem. Current Literature Club, Ladies' Reading Club, Woman's Club; served two years as vlce-pres. City Fed. of Women's Clubs and mem. Exec. Board; vice-pres. Faith Home Ass'n, a benevolent work for children; mem. Directory Board of Social Service Fed. Pres. Robert E. Lee Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy; served two years as vice-pres. of Gen. Ass'n of United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. State Historical Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Author of biographical work and special feature articles for leading newspapers of the State. Episco- palian. Democrat Recreations: Mnsic, trarel. Mem. Houston Civic Club (cliarter mem.), Woman's Protective Ass'n. BRYAN, R. Marion, Ashley Av., Charleston, B.C. Born Charleston, S.C. ; dau. Judge George P. and R. (Dwightj Bryan. Has done literary work for magazines, newspapers, etc. Wrote darkey sketch, entitled: Aunt Caline with White Wom- an's Burden. Episcopalian. Mem. King's Daughters; active in Sunday-school work, settle- ment work, etc. Mem. Century Club of Charles- ton; a literary and social club. Strongly against woman suffrage. BRYANT. Anna Groflf, 523 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, 111. Vocal teacher; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. Michael and Anna (Kirch) Groff; ed. Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis; grad. Northwestern Univ. Acad., Evanston, 111., '88; m. Aurora, 111., 1897, Chauncy Earle Bryant. Founder the Anna Groff Bryant Inst, of the New Am. School of Vocal Art, Chicago, 1903. Publisher and editor of magazine known as The Institute, devoted to advancement and uplift of vocal art, science, education and research work, and contributor to Musical America, Musical Leader, Music News. High School Life, Fine Arts Journal and other educational magazines. Independent. Active mem. of 111. Woman's Press Club and Chicago Amateur Musical Club; permanent asso. mem. Mendelssohn Club. BRYANT, .Vnna M. Dorr (Mrs. W. H. H. Bryant), 425 Lebanon St., Melrose, Mass. Physician; b. Hassa Damstadt, Germany; dau. Valentine and Elizabeth (Lutz) Dorr; ed. public schools, N.Y. State, and private teachers; Wo- men's Med. Coll. of N.Y. ; Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Boston, '83; Tufts Coll. Med. School, '95 (mem. Alpha Delta); m. Jackson, N.H., Aug. 4. 1887, W. H. H. Bryant; one daughter: Frances Dorr Bryant, b. Mar. 8, 1894. Pres. New Eng- land Helping Hand Soc; State Sup't of Purity, Mass. W.C.T.U. Mem. Board of Managers Wo- men's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc; mem. Anti-Imperial League of Mass. Am. Peace So- cieties. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mass. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Methodist. BRYANT, Dorothy Wilberforce Lyon (Mrs. Em- mons Brvant), Castleton-on-the-Hudson, N.Y. Born Erie, Pa., Oct., 1868; dau. William Wil- berforce and Marie Louise (Derickson) Lyon; grad Wells Coll., A.B. '87; Bryn Mawr, Ph.D. '96; m. Elizabeth, N.J., June 21, 1900, Emmons Bryant; children: Katherine Lyon, Emmons Jr. Active in guild work in Episcopal Church, Wo- man's Exchange Work and Library Club. Rec- reations: Out-door sports, reading, auction bridge. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. BRYANT, Lorinda Munson (Mrs. L. M. Bryant), 29 Spencer Av., Somerville, Mass. Born Granville, 0., March 21, 1855;. dau. Mar- vin Morgan and Emma S. (Culbertson) Munson; ed. Granville Female Coll., B.S. '74; Chicago Sch. of Phar., Ph.G., '88; course in science at Cor- nell, 1888-89; m. Granville, 0., 1875, Charles Web- ster Bryant (died 1886); children: Fitch Culbert- son, Miriam Joanna (deceased). Head of Science Dep't at Ogontz School, Pa., 1890-99; principal of her own private school, Montrose School, South Orange, N.J., 1899-1905. Lecturer. Active in advocacy of better pictures in the homes and Sunday schools, also interested in Y.W.C.A., Uriv. Settlement Work and factory girls. Au- thor: Pictures and Their Painters; What Pic- tures to See in Europe in One Summer; Famous Pictures of Real Girls and Boys; The Life of the Bible as a Book. BRYANT, Louise Stevens, College Hall, Room 8 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Bom Paris, France, Sept. 19, 18S5; dau. Edwin and Miriam Collins (Nicholson) Stevens; ed. N.Y. public schools; Normal Coll., N.Y. City; Smith Coll., A.B. '08; candidate for Ph.D. in Univ. ol Pa., dep't of physiology. Assistant in physiology. Am. Museum of Natural History, 190S-09; special agent child hygiene dep't, Russell Sage Founda- tion, N.Y. City, 1909-11; in charge social service dep't of Psychological Clinic, Univ. of Pa., be- BRYANT— BUCK 141 ginnlug work spring 1911; Instructor, Summer School of Psychology. Interested in general so- cial service movement, pu'blic sehools, Socialist Party, Eugenics move>ment. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Woman's Trade Union L.eague, Woman's Political Union, Socialist Party, Inter- collegiate Socialist Soc. (sec. N.Y. Alumni Chap- ter for two years). Has written a book on School Feeding— Its Organization and Practice at Home and Abroad, 1912, and magazine articles on va- rious problems of Child Hygiene, School Feeding and Eugenics. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n o^ Smith Coll., Public Education Ass'n of Philadelphia, Home Economics Ass'n of America, Biological Soc. of Smith Coll. (alumnae); mem. exec. com. of Philadelphia School Lunch Com., and sec. of National School Lunch Com. Recreations: Walk- ing, swimming, tennis, canoeing, camping, read- ing. Mem. Social Workers' Club of Philadelphia. BRYANT, Martha Lymaa (Mrs. William Sohler Bryant), Cohasset, Mass. Born Philadelphia. Pa., May 17, 1860; dau. James Sitgreaves and Mary Fullerton (Hazard) Cox; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '84 (mem. Alpha Soc; m. Sept. 1, 1887, Dr. William Sohier Bryant; children: Mary Cleveland, Elizabeth Sohier, Alice de Vermaadois, Julia Cox, Gladys, William Sohier Jr (died July, 1912). Interested in Sunday-school work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Cohasset Social Service, Colonial Dames of America. Mem. Ardnamurchan Club. BRYANT, Sara Cone — see Borst, Sara, Cone Bryant. BRYANT, Shirley E. M»cManns (Mrs. Frederick S. Bryant), 433 Portland Av., St. Paul, Minn. Born St. Paul, Minn., Dec 17, 1868; dau. Thomas Saville and Ida Amelia (Burgess) Mac- Manus; m. St. Paul, Minn., June 28, 1888, Fred- erick Stewart Bryant; children: Stewart Fred- erick (midshipsman, U.S. Navy), Gordon Spencer, Kathryn Shirley. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. BRYDEN, Lncy Annette, 1114 Madison Av., Baltimore, Md. Graduate nurse; b. Stoughton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1875; dau. Ewen and Lucy A. (Gay) Bryden; ed. Howard Sem., West Bridgewater, Mass. ; Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '98; Johns Hopkins Hospital, graduating as nurse. BUCHANAN, Anna F. (Mrs. Charles J. Bu- chanan), 3017 Talbott Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Bom ill Missouri, April 12, 1858; dau. Henry Beeson and Orpha A. (Tyler) Flanner; ed. in high school ; m. Indianapolis, Sept 3, 1884, Charles J. Buchanan; chUdren: Albert V., Paul H. Pres. Y.W.C.A. Teacher of two neighbor- hood Bible classes; treas. State Congregational Benevolent Soc; pres. of Foreign Missionary Soc of First Congregational Church. Favors woman suffrage. Congregatiouallst. Mem. An Ass'n, Old Ladies' Home. Clubs: Research (fed- erated), Social Service. BUCHANAN, Helen Davis, 2101 W. Adams St., Chicago, III. Child welfare worker; b. Joliet, 111., Nov. 13, 1890; dau. William Penn and Rebecca (Dryer) Buchanan (father second cousin of Pres. James Buchanan; mother descendant of Christopher Greene, who came over in the Mayflower, and was also ancestor of Gen. Nathaniel Greene of Revo- lutionary fame); ed. Lewis Inst, and Chicago Univ. Interested in the child welfare work in the Chicago commons settlement, as pres. of the Matheon Club, which supports the Matheon Day Nursery located there. Baptist. Republican (Progressive). Mem. Matheon Children's Beneiit League, Juvenile Protection League, Drama League. Favors woman suffrage. BUCHANAN. Isabella Reid (Mrs. John C. Bu- chanan), 2218 Fourth Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Bible and parliamentary law teacher; b. Lo- mira, Wis., Oct. 9, 1857; dau. William and Mar- garet (Grant) Reid; grad. Fond du Lac (Wis.) High School, 1873, and self-taught through Eu- ropean travel. Women's Study Clubs and Univ. extension lectures; grad. Intemat. Sunday- School Ass'n, Bible courses; m. Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 9, 1882, John C. Buchanan; one daugh- ter: Margaret Reid (adopted). Teacher of Bible- study courses for Y.W.C.A., and Interdenomina- tional Summer School of Missions, Interdenomi- national Sunday-school classes, Normal Institutes for Sunday-school sup'ts. heads of dep'is and Normal teachers; courses in parliamentary law for women's clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Y.W.C.A.; charter mem. and pres. of Lewis Parliamentary Law Ass'n of Minneapolis; life mem. Congregational .Missionary Soc; hon. mem. Woman's Auxiliary Homoeo- pathic Medical Ass'n of Minn. Charter mem. and honorary pres. Tourist Club, Minneapolis; founder and honorary mem. Travelers' Club: founder and honorary mem. of the Ramblers' Club; charter mem. Pioneers of Minnesota Fed. of Women's Clubs. BUCHWALTER, Mary Knox, 3316 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Principal private school; b. Clinton, N.Y., Nov. 24, 1862; dau. Charles Eugene Knox, D.D., and Sarah (Fake) Knox; ed. Burnham School, North- ampton, Mass., Smith Coll., A.B. '85 (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Cincinnati, July 22, 1909, Morris Lyon Buckwalter. Teacher in N.Y. City, 1888-'96; registrar Smith Coll., 1896-1901, Barnard Coll., N.Y., 1901-04; prln. Knox School for Girls, Lake- wood, N.J., 1904-09. Mem. Board of Cincinnati Kindergarten Training School; mem. Board of Cincinnati Woman's Club. Presbyterian. Mem. MacDowell Club and Women's Univ. Club (N.Y. City), Cincinnati Woman's Club and College Club, Cincinnati. BUCK, riorence, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Minister; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 19, 1860; dau. Samuel Pierce and Lucy (Reasoner) Buck; ed. Baptist Coll., Kalamazoo; Meadville (Pa.) Theological School; one year post-grad, work in Manchester Coll. and Oxford Univ., England, in 1892-93. Minister associate with Rev. Marion Murdoch in Unity Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 1893- 99 (in Europe 1899-1900); minister, Kenosha, Wis.. 1901-10, during which ministry the congregation built a $60,000 church; minister Alameda, Cal., Jan. 1, 1911, to Sept. 8, 1912; now associate sec. of Religious Education Dep't of Am. Unitarian Aes'n, Boston, and editor of the Beacon (paper for children). Specially interested in philan- thropic work as part of professional activity. Helped establish public playgrounds, associated charity work, etc. Favors woman suffrage; was voter in Cal., where helped, as speaker, to secure suffrage; mem. State board and local board of Cal. Civic League. Unitarian. Lecturer for women's clubs in Chicago and Wisconsin. BUCK, Gertrude, Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie. N.Y. Prof. English, Vassar Coll.; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 14, 1871; dau. George Machan and Anna (Bradford) Buck; ed. Univ. of Mich., B.S. '94; M.S. '95; Ph.D. '98 (mem. Alpha Phi). Fel- low in English Univ. of Chicago, 1895; ass't in English, 1896; instructor Vassar Coll., 1897-1901; asso. prof., 1901-07; prof. English Vassar Coll. since 1907. Mem. D.A.R. and Socialist Party of N.Y. State. Author: Organic EducaUon, 1899 (with Miss H. M. Scott); A Course in Exposi- tory Writing (with E. Woodbridge); A Course In Argumentation Writing; The Metaphor— A Study in the Psychology of Rhetoric; A Brief English Grammar (with Prof. F. N. Scott); Ruskin'a Sesame and Lilies (In Longman's English Clas- sics Series); A Course in Narrative Writing (with E. W. Morris). Episcopalian. Mem. the English Ass'n, Modern Language Ass'n of Am., Nat. Council of Teachers of English. BUCK, Llllie West (Mrs. Franklin Howard Buck), The Roost, 265 Crescent Av., Norwood Park, HI. Critic of music, drama, art (pen-name "Amy Leslie"); b. Burlington, la.; dau. Albert and Kate Content (Webb) West; ed. St. Mary's Acad., Notre Dame, Ind., valedictorian class of 1874, gold medal academic course. Gold medal. Con- servatory; vocal music, diploma (special); m. Chicago, 1884, Harry Brown (comedian); 1901, Franklin Howard Buck; one son: Francis 142 BUCKBEE— BUDLONG ASbtart Bro^n (deceased). Went on stage in 1880; Carter, M.D., and Ellen (Newman) Carter; «d. created rOles In Audran, Planchette and Ofien- Mrs. Arthur Howell's School, Philadelphia.; m. bach opera bouffe; success in N.Y. Fifth Av. St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia, June 7, 1883, Theatre as Plametia in Mascot, in Olivette and Edward Swift Buckley Jr.; one eon: EJdward leading soprano r61es. Retired from stage upon Swift Buckley 3d. Mem. of sundry church so- deatb of only son, 1889. Made successful debut cleties. Episcopalian. Against woman sufirage. as dramatic critic of Chicago Daily News, 1889, BUCKI.EY, May, St. Marc's Building, 2 "W. and still holding that position at one of highest Xhirly-nlnth St., N.Y. City, salaries ever paid a critic. Author (under pen- Actress; b. San Francisco; dau. Ernest and name "Amy Leslie): Pamphlet on Sensatianal Marie (Featherston) Uhl; ed. in convents of the Dress in Public; Amy Leslie at the Fair (ex- u.S. during summer months. Made first ap- haustive story of Columbian Exposition In Chi- pearance on stage at the age of six, being placed cago, 1903); Book of European Travels; Some ^q g^agg ^y Dion Boucicault, who gave her name Players (book of personal reminiscences of cele- ^j "Mav Buckley." Has been mem. of com- panies: First Born; John Drew; Annie Russell; James O'Neill; Shepherd King; Raymond Hitch- cock and others. Catholic. Mem. Professional Actor's Soc. Recreation: brated actors). Has traveled all over the world. RecreaUoQs: Hunting, nature. BUCKBE£, Ambm, Lawrencevllle, Pa. Teacher; b. Walton, N.Y., June 1855; dau. Woman's League, John and Hannah (Beers) Buckbee; ed. Walton Reading. (N.Y.) High School. Majisfleld (Pa.) SUte Nor- bCCKSTAFF, Florence Tyn« Griswold (Mrm mal School, grad. 77. Taught In public schools George Angus Buckstaft), Oilikosh, WU. until 188L County sup't schools Potter Co.. Pa., q^j.^ Columbus, Wis.; dau. Eugene Sher- 1881-87. Principal Teachers Training School, yf^oi and Hattie (Tyng) Griswold; grad. UnlT. Harrisburg Pa., 1889-92. Taught in Cuba, 1892- „, ^jg^ j^ g. '86 (first honors); A.M. '02 (mem. 93: SUte Normal School, California, Pa., since Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. May 8, 1888, George 1895 (Dep t of Pedagogy and History). Active xngus Buckstaff; children: Angus Griswold, in civic Improvement work for bettering the con- sherwood. Pres. Oshkosh Consumers' League, dltlon of foreigners in the Pittsburgh district. Regent Univ. of Wis. since 1907; director Asbo. Delegate International Child Study Congress, charities, Visiting Nurse Com.; mem. Wis. Antl- Llege Belgium, 1905. Author: The Fourth Tuberculosis and Audubon Socs. Congregation- School Year, Chicago, 1904; Our Country and Its alist. Recreations: Music, yachting, motoring. People, 1911; Europe and Its People, 1912 (both ^hist. Mem. Oshkosh Twentieth Century Club, In collaboration with Prof. W. S. Monroe). Con- political Equality League. Occasional contribu- tributor to educational journals; lecturer at tor to Annals of American History and to news- teachers' institutes and educational meetings papers on question of the day; addresses before since 1884. Popular lecturer on Cuba and the elubs, churches and university gatherings. Sy^^J?^-_^®*5**^^?i- Mem Am. Historical Ass'n, bUDDENHAGEN, Emerense Walters (Mrs. Washington Co (Pa.) Historical A^s n. Western louIs Buddenhagen), Nelllsvllle, Wis. Pa. Historical Ass'n. Recreation: Taking parties Teacher, writer; b. Neillsville, Wis.. Dec. 8, to Europe to observe life in villages. Mem. Cal- ^g^^. ^^^ jQ^n R. and CatheriAe E. (Gushing) Uomia (Pa.) Century Club. Walters; grad. Neillsville High School, with ad- BUCKBEE, Jennie Palmer (Mrs. Francis A. ditjonal work in Oshkosh Normal and Univ. of Buckbee), Lake Geneva, Wis. Wis.; m. Minneapolis, Minn., June 17, 1908, Louis Bom Dresden (at Crooked Lake), N.Y., April Buddenhagen. Teacher in public schools of 11, 1833; dau. Dr. A.. S. and Jane N. (Sears) Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1895-96; Wausau, Wis., Palmer; ed. schools Dundee, Yatee Co., N.Y.; i9oi-02; Minneapolis, 1903-04; Neillsville, 1904-08; later high school. Lake Geneva, Wis.; Rock- ^xip't of schools for Clark Co., Wis. 1897-1901; ford (111.) Coll., one of seven graduating in the u,,^ director of physical training in Neillsville first class ever graduated from college, 1854; schools; sup't W.C.T.U. physical education dep't, m. Lake Geneva, Wis., 1864, Francis A. Buckbee, 19^^. interested In literature, music and painting; who was native of Chili, N.Y. Husband and j^as taken many prizes at local art exhibitions In father both members of State Legislature; father qu^ -^ater color and pastel. Writer of iteme of once candidate for lieut. governor of Wis. Mem. educational interest and short stories. Beneficial Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n of both 111. and Wis.; niem. of Royal Neighbors of America (dist one of organizers of Lake Geneva Library Ass'n; deputy for that society In counties of Clark, mem. various church societies. Wrote for Frank jackson, Eau Claire, Chippewa, Dunn and Pierce, Leslie's publications. Rural New Yorker, Godey's wis.) Mem. Monday Progress Club of Neillsville, Ladles' Book, Tribune (Chicago), Rockford Col- wis.; has been pres. of same, 1910-11; vlce-pres., lege Magazine, Florida papers, official papers, 1911.12; cor. sec, 1912-13. Recreations: Dancing, Madison, Wis., and always for local papers, basketball, rowing, horses. Methodist Favorm Ooneregationalist. Mem. Public Library Ass'n, woman suffrage; chairman of Organization Com. local Chautauqua Ass'n, Rockford Coll. Ase'n, „{ the Political Equality League of Ciark Co., etc Recreations: Travel, reading, writing and wis. 1912- varlous society functions. Favors woman suf- bCDLONG, Jessie Talentlne, 183 Governor St., fraSfe- Providence, R.1. BUCKINGHAM, Naomi Jenaette Carpenter Born Providence, R.I.; dau. Granville Rhodes (Mrs. Henry Hlne Buckingham), Hysham, ^nd Esther (Duke) Budlong; grad. Smith Coll., Roeebad Co., Montana. B.L^ -gg. Interested in working girls' club In Bom East Lansing, Mich., Jan., 1879; dau. providence, and has been pres. R.I. Ass'n of Rolla Clinton and Marion (Dewey) Carpenter; ed. Working Women's Clubs since Its organization Ithaca (N.Y.) High School; Elmira Coll.; Ctw- i^ 1904. interested In building summer vacation nell Univ. (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Ithaca, house for working girls. Has taught Sunday- N.Y., July, 1907, Henry Hlne Buckingham; chil- school class; Interested In Sunday-school work, dren: Margaret Carpenter, Catherine (deceased), pavors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Alum- Dorothy, Grace Carpenter. Favors woman suf- nae Ass'n of Smith Coll., R.I. branch Ass'n Col- frage. Proteetant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.R. leglate Alumnae, R.I. Soc. for Collegiate Educa- BUCKINGILAM, NeUie B. Hibbard (Mrs. John tlon of Women, College Equal Suffrage League, Buckingham), The Moraine, Highland Park, Nat. League of Women Workers, Wednesday 111. ♦Club (local debating soc). Bom Chicago, 1860; dau. WiUiam (Jold and BUDLONG, Minnie Franklin Clarke (Mrs. Lydla Beekman (Van Shaack) Hubbard; ed. Prof. Charles S. Budlong), Bismarck, N.D. H. H. Babcock's School, Chicago; m. Chicago, Secretary North Dakota Library Commis.sion; John Buckingham; children: Ethel, Lillian, Alice ^, jg^a City, Iowa, April 10, 1863; dau. Charles Morrison, Hannah. Pres. of Chicago Public pranklin and Julia (Brown) Clarke; grad. State School Art Soc. Episcopalian. Mem. FortnighUy univ. Iowa, A.B. '81 (Phi Beta Kappa); Wis. Club, Colonial Dames, CSiicago Woman's Club. Library School, 1909-10, B.L.S.; m. Iowa City, BUCKLEY, Charlotte Carter (Mrs. Edward Iowa, Dec. 27, 1883, Charles Schuyler Budlong Swift Buckley Jr.), 2839 Samson St., Phlla- (died Dec. 13, 1904); children: Lester Goodwin, delphla. Pa. b. Aug. 29, 1893; Julia Nelson, b. July 27, 1896. Born Phil*delj>hla, Dec. 29, 1858; dau. Charles Taught, Clarksville, Iowa; high school. Winter- BUDLONG— BUFORD 143 ■et, la. Ondaeted marcantlle baalnees, Clarks- ville, Iowa, 1900-02; clerk State L.and Office, Bis- marck, N.Dak., 1904-08; B«cr«t&ry and director North Dakota L«ibrary CommlaeJon since 1907. Interested in State Federation of Women's Clubs. Author: Plan of Organization for Small Libraries, 1910; also miacellaneoua magazine articles, his- torical sketches, fugitive verse. North Dakota song. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Fortnightly Chib of Bismarck, N.Dak. Has been chairman of Legislative Com., also chairman of Literature and Library Com. ; now historian of State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Was first woman in N.Dak. to receive appointment on a State commission, being apFWlnted by Gov. Burke on the Library Commission at the time of its estab- lishment, 1907; two years later became Its secretary. BUEHLEB, Amelia B. Keller (Mrs. Sugena Buehler), 418 Pythian Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician; b. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1871; dau. Frederick and Elizabeth (Remele) Keller; ed. Indianapolis High School; Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (Nu Sigma Phi); m. Indianapolis, 1889, Dr. Eugene Buehler; one son: Eugene Otto. Associate prof, diseases of children, Med. Dep't of Indiana Univ. Lecturer on civic matters and eugenics. Mem. Indianapolis Historical Soc. ; pres. Indianapolis Local Council of Women. Favors woman suffrage; prea. Woman's Fran- chise League of Indiana. BUEL, EUz»b«th Cynthia Barney (Mrs. John Laidlaw Buol), East Meadows. LltchHeld, Conn. Bom N.Y. City, Feb. 16, 1868; dau. Newcomb Cushman and EHIzabeth Jackson (Sturgie) Bar- ney; ed. SL John's School (private), N.Y. City; grad. with marked distinction, Columbia Coll., N.Y. City, A.B. (fourth woman to grad. from Columbia In days before Barnard Coll. was founded); m. N.Y. City, May 28, 1896, John Laid- law Buel, M.D.; one daughter: Katharine Barney Buel, b. April 8, 1905. State regent of Conn. D.A.R., having 49 chapters and 4,700 members; activities are mostly patriotic and educational, chief work b«lng education ot immigrants In Am. Ufa and citizenship and of Southern moun- taineers, and all classes of young people, native and foreign, in the Ideals of Am. instrtutlono. Author: Tale of the Spinning Wheels. Editor: The Chronicles of a Pioneer School (compiled by Mrs. EJmily Noyes Vanderpoel); The Ellsworth Homestead, Past and Present, and numerous unpublished historical patriotic and memorial papers and speeches. CongregationallsL Mem. Conn. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Soc. of Mayflower Descendants in State of N.Y. ; rec. sec. Litchfield Historical Soc ; sec. Litchfield Chapter Am. Red Cross since Spantsh-American War; first vlce-prea. (formerly pres.) Litchfield Auxiliary of Woman's Board of Foreign Mis- sions. Mem. Mary Washington Memorial Ass'n. Honorary regent Mary F^oyd Talimadge Chapter D.A.R. (Litchfield), Litchfield Lawn Club; sec. Litchfield Dramatic CUub; mem. Woman's College Club of Litchfield (3o. ; honorary mem. Litchfield Co. University Club, Pocahontas Memorial Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, social duties. BUEIX, Caroline Brown (Mrs. F. W. H. Buell), East Hampton, N.H. Lecturer, writer; b. Marlboro, Mass., Oct. 24, 1843; dau. Rev. Thomas Gibson Brown; ed. pub- lic schools; m. East Hampton, Conn., Aug. 26, 1862, P. W. H. Buell (lieut. C^nn. Volunteers, died In Civil War). Lecturer and writer on temperance and suffrage. Identified since 1875 with Conn. W.C.T.U. (cor. sec. until 1886, pres. 1904); with Nat. W.C.T.U. since 1878 (ass't rec. sec. two years; cor. sec, 1880-93); planned and took active part In organizing the Loyal Tem- perance Legion (children's dep't of W.C.T.U.). Contributor to various papers on temperance subjects. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Nat. Purity Ass'n. Mem. Sorosis and Century Study Clubs. BUELL, Dora Phelps (Mrs. William J. Buell). Capitol, Denver, Colo. Bom Atchison, Kas. ; dan. Sdward E. and Elizabeth (Fryer) Phelps; ed. Atchison High School; Fulton and Tunblord School of Oration, Kansas City; m. Atchison, 1SS4, William J. Buell; children: Phelps, Clinton, William J. Buell, Jr. Dramatic reader and teacher of expression in girlhood; public speaker, suffrage and political. Mem. Denver Woman's Club, Northside Club, Equal Suffrage Ass'n and various Reform politi- cal clubs. Deputy Comm'n ot Immigration of Colorado. Christian Scientist. Active In win- ning suffrage In CJolorado and leader In suffrage movement in State; platform speaker. BUELL, Irene Cleveland Cox (Mrs. E. Eugene Buein, Chresty Building. Duluth, Minn. Lawyer; b. St. Peter, Minn., Nov. 13, 1874; dau. Judge E. St. Julien and Marlah H. (May- hew) Cox; ed. St. Peter's public school; St. Paul Coll. of Law, LL.B. '07; Univ. of Minn., LL.M. '08; m. Iowa City, Iowa., 1894, Dr. E. Eugene Buell. Admitted to United States Supreme Court in 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. State pres. Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of 1812; mem. D.A.R. ; pre>s. Woman's Business Club; mem. Woman's Rotary Club, Civics Study Class, Woman's Council, St. Liouls County Bar Ass'n, Minn. State Bar Ass'n; pres. Junior Bar Ass'n; mem. Writers' Club. BUELL, Jennie, Ann Arbor, Mich. State grange lecturer; b. Cass Co., Mich., Feb. 6, 186.S; dau. B. G. and Harriet (Copley) Buell; ed. Mich. Normal Coll. Sec. State Grange for 16 years; now lecturer of same. Five years ase't editor Grange Visitor; Farmers' Institute speaker. Interested in rural life In all phases. Favors woman suffrage; chairman (1912 campaign) of Mich. State Grange Equal Suffrage Com. Au- thor: One Woman's Work tor Farm Women; The Gold Bank Combination; articles for farm Journals upon rural topics. Swedenborgian. Mem. the Grange and Mich. Woman's I*ress Ass'n. BUELL, Martha Merrj (Mxs. Charles Edwin Buell), 115 Ely Place, Madison, Wis. Born Phoenix. N.Y., Aug. 10, 1864; dau. Ed- mund and Angeline M. (Sweet) Merry; grad. Phoenix Acad., '81; Cornel] Univ., '85, B.S. ; special student Univ. of Wis. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Phoenix, N.Y., June 12, 1890, Charles Edwin Buell; children: Pauline. Mary Van Rensselaer, Helen de Yoe, Martha Merry. Pres. Wis. Fed. of Women's (31ubs, 1906-08; especial interest is in the Home Economics Dep't. Against woman suffrage. CJongregatlonalist. BUERGER, Mary Bowles (Mrs. Franz G. E. Buerger), 811 W. Eighteenth SU, Santa Ana, Cal. Teacher of modem lang^uages; b. Ottawa, Kan., Jan. 19, 1869; dau. Theodore C. and Mary E. (Pettlt) Bowles; ed. high school, Ottawa, Kan.; Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan.; Weilesley Coll., B.S. '94; m. Kansas City, Mo., June 21, 1900, Franz G. E. Buerger; children: Franz B., Max B., WUhelm Kiellng. Mem. ot First Congrega- tional Church of Kansas City, Mo. Treas. Kan- sas City Branch of Collegiate AJumnsa, 1897-1900; mem. various clubs and Am. Woman's Republic, St. Louis, Mo. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. BUFFINGTON, Adallne Allston, 26 Grove St., Madison, NJ. Social worker; b. Alleghany Arsenal, Pitts- burgh, Pa. ; dau. Gen. Adalbert Rlnaldo and Eliza Allston (White) Bufflngton; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; graduate student, 1902-03, A.M. '05. Visitor Newark (N.J.) Bureau of Associated Charities, 1906-07; visitor and social worker, Madison, N.J., 1908-12; sec. Associated CJharitles, Lansing, Mich., since 1912. BUFOKD, Rli7.»brth Burgpsn fMrs. Elbrldpe G. Buford). Buford Coll., Naahvlll«. Tenn. Boru Tenn., 1860; dau. J. J. H. and Elizabeth R. (Chambllss) Burgess; grad. the Athenaeum, Columbia, Tenn., A.B.; special studies in music and language; m. Clarksvllle, Tenn., 1882, El- bridge G. Buford. Taught in various prominent Southern schools. Pounder and now regent of Buford Coll., Nashvlll«. Mem. United Daugfrters ot Confederacy. 144 BUGBEE— BULSON BUGBEi:, Marion 1,., 17 Merrimac St., Con- cord, N.H. Pnysician; b. Hartford, Vt., Sept. 2, 1871; dau. Jonathan and Ellen (Lewis) Bugbee; ed. Tilton (N.H.) Sem. ; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, M.D. '97, followed by post-graduate and clinical study at N y. Post-Graduate School and Hospital, N.Y. City. Began professional practice at White River, Vt., in 189S; since 1907 physician in charge of the New Hampshire Memorial Hospital for Women and Children. Mem. Am. Medical Ass'n, New Hampshire Med. Soc., White River Med. fcoc, etc. BUGG, LeUa Hardin, Wichita, Kan. Author; b. Ironton, Mo.; ed. in the Ursuline Acad, at Arcadia, Mo., followed by special stu- dies under private tutition, a course in Trinity Coll., Washington, D.C., and European travel. Author: Correct English; The Correct Thing for Catholics; The Lady— Manners and Social Usages; Orchids (novel); People of Our Parish; The Prodigal's Daughter; Little Book of Wisdom. BUHREB, Margnierite I'aterson (Mrs. Stephen Buhrer), 4606 Franklin Av., Cleveland, Ohio. Born N.Y. City, May 1, 1868; dau. William and Anna (Marshall) Paterson; ed. Cleveland public schools; m. Cleveland, Mar. 29, 1890, Stephen Buhrer. Chairman Legislative Com. for Congress of Mothers, working for the Mothers' Pension Bill for the SUte of Ohio. Pres. Home Mission- ary Soc; pre«. Cleveland Congress of Mothers; pres. Cleveland Council of Women; State pres. Housewives' League of America. Mem. Cleveland Literary Guild, Cleveland Emerson Class, Health Protective Ass'n; patriotic instructor Woman's Relief Corps G.A.R. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. State Central Com., chairman of ward; chairman Enrollment State Com.; pres. Equal Pi-anchise Soc. Independent (progressive) in iMDlltics. BULKLEY, Mary Ezit, 5906 Clemens Av., St. Louis, Mo. Bookbinder; dau. P. C. and Mary (Moody) Bulkley; ed. St. Louis High School; School of Fine Arts; N.Y. Metropolitan School of Art, Cooper Union, Strikeman's Bindery. Mem. Neighborhood Ass'n (settlement), Civic League; chairman of Com. on Industrial Condition of Central Council of Social Agencies; chairman Propaganda Com. of Mo. Equal Suffrage League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Artists' Guild, Players' Club, Wednesday Club, Town Club. BULL, Cornelia Wilcox (Mrs. Henry Adsit Bull), 80 Rumsey Road, Buffalo, N.Y. Born Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1880; dau. Ansley and Cornelia C. (Rumsey) Wilcox; ed. private school in Buffalo and Rosemary Hall (boarding school); m. Buffalo, 1901, Henry Adsit Bull; children: Katherine, Henry Adsit Jr., Marian. Interested in various philanthropic societies and in all that pertains to primary education; founder of the Park School, an open-air institute, aiming to provide ideal physical, mental and spiritual conditions for the education of children under 14 (now pres. board of trustees). Favors woman suffrage. Author of pamphlet on the new ideals of primary education, entitled As Little Children, and poems publisher in magazines. Mem. Con- sumers' League and of board of managers of Watson House (Settlement). BULL, EUzabeih A., 200 W. Ninety-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born Indianapolis, " Ind. ; dau. George P. and Harriet (Morris) Anderson; ed. Indianapolis, Ind.; m. Indianapolis, June 24, 1873; children: Ethel B., b. April 17, 1879: George S., b. Feb. 17. 1879. Mem. Daughters of Indiana (charter mem.). Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. New Thought Church. BULL, Mary Louisa, Lindon Hills, Rural Route No. 2, Minneapolis, Minn. Instructor in home economies; b. Edina, Minn., April 4, 1863; dau. James A. and Mary E. (Com- stock) Bull; ed. country school; Minneapolis graded School of Agriculture, St. Paul, Minn.; BellevUle Acad., N.Y. (hon. mem. Phi Upsilon Omicron). Taught country school three years; assistant instructor Domestic Science Dep't, School of Agriculture of Minn., 14 years; Farm- ers' Inst, home economics dep't extension di- vision, Minn. Favors woman suffrage. Author of bulletin on Domestic Science in Rural School; articles for papers and home economics bulletins. Mem. Grange, Minn. Branch of Internal. Farm Woman's Press Ass'n. BULL, Sally Franklin Wainwright (Mrs. Henry Tilghman Bull), Fort Riley, Kan. Born Washington, D.C., July 1, 1882; dau. Dallas Bache and Rosa Gertrude (Kendig) Wain- wright; ed. public schools of Washington, D.C.; m. Washington. D.C., April 5, 1904, Henry Tilgh- man Bull, U.S.A.; one daughter: Elizabeth Wain- wright. Favors woman suffrage. BULLABD, Carrie — see Lewis, Carrie Bullard. BULLIS, Jeannette, Cleveland, Ohio. Educator; b. Charleston, N.Y., June 21, 1876; dau. S. Francis and Jennie Woods Bullis; grad. Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., '06. Made in- vestigations of trade conditions in N.Y. and Cleveland, organized trade schools. Pres. Co- operative Employment Bureau. Author of mag- azine articles on Vocational and Trade Training. Mem. Saturday Evening Club (civic). Episco- palian. BULLITT, Margaret Emmons (Mrs. J'ames Fry Bullitt), Ridgeway, 2220 Chestnut St., Harris- burg, Pa. Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. George B. and Mar- tha Jane (Davis) Emmons; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo. ; the Misses Masters' School, EKjbbs Ferry, N.Y., and St. Louis Normal Sahool. Kin- dergarten director; m. Boston, 1897, Rev. James Fry Bullitt; children: Martha Davis, Margaret Emmons, Priscilla Christian, Janet Laughorne. Taught two years in Philadelphia. Had special training as teacher of the primary Sunday-school under Miss Mabel Wilson of St. Louis and has started ten different classes for little children with this system in Pennsylvania and Massa- chusetts during the last seventeen years. Au- thor: The Story of the Christ. Episcopalian. Recreations: Reading, sewing, swimming, auto- mobiling. Mem. Harrisburg Civic Club, Harris- burg Country Club. BULLOCK, Florence Gertrude, 74 HarrU Av., Woonsocket, R.I. Born Woonsocket, R.I., Sept. 22, 1875; dau. Richmond and Gertrude (Cook) Bullock; ed. Woonsocket High School and Woodside Sem., Hartford, Conn. Regent Woonsocket Chapter D.A.R. ; primary sup't Universalist Sunday- school; treas. Woonsocket Day Nursery and Children's Home; State pres. Woman's Univer- salist Missionary Ass'n of R.I.; mem. Board, Woonsocket Fortnightly Club; mem. Woonsocket Mission Circle, D.A.R., Cumberland Gulf Club, Winnesuket Golf Club. BULLOCK, Helena M. C. (Mrs. Charles J. Bul- lock), 183 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Born Middlebury, Vt., Jan. 4, 1872; dau. Clin- ton and Alice M. (White) Smith; ed. Syracuse Univ. (mem. Alpha Phi); m. June 22, 1895, Charles J. Bullock; one daughter: Grace Helena, b. Sept. 4, 1903. Mem. Boston Browning Soc. ; treas. Women's Aid Ass'n of Cambridge Hos- pital; ass't sup't of Primary Dep't of Sunday- school of First Congregational Church. Mem. Exec. Com. of Cambridge Branch of Ass'n Op- posed to Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. Supporting mem. Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, Avon Home for Children, Aged People's Home. Congregational- ist. Mem. Syracuse AlumnEe, Boston Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Phi. Mem. Boston College Club. BULSON, Florence J. (Mrs. A. B. Bulson), 1004 Francis St., Jackson, Mich. Born Paw Paw, Mich., 1858; dau. O. A. and Ermina (Rogers) Breck; ed. Paw Paw High School and Mich. Normal Coll.; m. Dec. 11, 1878, Dr. A. E. Bulson; children: Florence A., Glenn Allen, Agnes Erminie. Taught school two years; editor Mich. Club Bulletin; sup't primary dep't of Sunday-school 12 years. Served as sec. and director of Mich. Federation of Woman's Clubs, two years each; chairman of various standing committees 16 years; designed state badge (pin) BUMPUS— BURBERRY 148 vmtA by same organization. Mem. Tourist Club, Jackson Literary and Art Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, rowing, swimming, dancing and mo- toring. Mem. D.A.R. Baptist. Mem. Jackson Equal Suffrage Ass'n. BUMPUS, Marie Louise (Mrs. Everett C Bum- pus), Quincy, Mass., and 179 GofEe St. and FaJlowfields, Windsor, Mass. Art lecturer; b. Canandaigua, N.Y. ; dau. John Stevens and Anna Maria (Upham) Bates; ed. pri- Tate school in Canandaigua, N.V. ; one year at Packer Collegiate Inst., later grad. Yale School of Fine Arts, then studied in Paris with Bou- guereau; m. N.Y. City, April" 23, 1889, Judge EJverett C. Bumpas, of Boston, Mass.; children: Morris Everett, b. April 10, 1890; Foster Cush- man, b. May 2, 1892. Was resident art teacher at Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1884-88. Translated for the Grolier Co., N.Y. : Jean et Jeanette, by Th6ophile Gautier; Paul Bornflt's Pastels de Femmes, also miscellaneous magazine articlea. Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Mass. Soc. Daughters of Colonial Governors, Copley Soc. (art), Quincy Woman's Club. BUMSTEAD, Anna Holt (Mrs. Horace Bum- stead), 91 St. Paul St., Brookllno. Mass. Born North Conway, N.H., Oct 22, 1848; dau. Albert Gallatin and Susan Ann (Hanson) Hoit: ed. public and private schools in North Conway and Hanover, N.H., and Castleton, Vt. ; m. North Conway, N.H., Jan. 9, 1872, Rev. Horace Bum- stead; children: Arthur, All>ert, Ralph, Richard, Dorothy. Actively interested for many years in the educational advancement of colored people. Favors woman suffrage. CongregationalisL After marriage lived first in Minneapolis, where her husband was pastor of the Second Congregational Church; then for many years in Atlanta, Ga., where he was pres. of Atlanta Univ. ; served as Northern sec. of Atlanta Univ., 1894-1905, with special reference to the financial interests; trav- eled in Europe, 1905-06, and since her husband's retirement, 1907, has lived in Brookllne, Mass. BUNGE, Sarah Emily Wheeler (Mrs. George William Bunge), 417 S. Fourteenth St., La Crosse, Wis. Born Wisconsin; grad. Rockford Coll., B.A. '98; m. George William Bunge (lawyer); three children (one deceased). Congregationalist; ac- tive in miosionary and. social work. Mem. Alumnas Ass'n of Rockford Coll.; treas. local council D.A.R. Mem. Homer Club. BUNKER, Annie Jerina EUers (Mrs. D. A. Bunker), Seoul, Korea. Medical missionary; grad. Rockford (111.) Coll., A.B. '81; Training School for Nurses of Boston (Mass.) City Hospital, '84, and afterward studied medicine; m. Seoul, Korea, 188'?, Rev. D. A. Bunker (of the Royal College). Sent by Presby- terian Board of Missions to work as medical missionary among the women of Korea, 1884. Soon became the "friend and confidant of the Queen and was her medical attendant until the tragic murder of the Queen in 1885. Active in educational, missionary and medical work in Korea; has three times visited the United States since becoming a missionary. " BUNKEB, Daisy Davenport Bryan (Mrs. Charles Bunker), Manila, P.L Born Savannah, Ga., Jan. 4, 1879; dau. John M. and Susannah (Davenport) Bryan; ed. Edeghlll, Va.; Miss Gary's School, BaJtimore, Md. ; m. Savannah, Ga., April 29, 1903, Capt. Charles Bunker, U.S. Army. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R. BUNKEB, Elizabeth Johnson (Mrs. Francis Marlon Bunker), Woodstock, 111. Bom Woodstock, 111., June 28, 1855; dau. Ot-vIs Samuel and Elsther (Powers) Johnson; ed. Wood- stock High School; m. Woodstock, 111., June 28, 1876, Francis Marlon Bunker; children: (Jeorge Tracy, Blanche Caroline, Park Johnson, Alice Martha, Eugene Frances, Donald Columbus. Unlversallst Recreation: Traveling. Pres. Wo- mao'a Olnb; mem. Ohaotaaqsa and other literary BUXKEB, Marl« BewUsd, Orertn-ook, Pbila- delphla. Pa. Literary assistant; b. Philadelphia; dau. Will- iam Benton and Camille Lewees (Rowland) Bunker; ed. Philadelphia High School; received scholarship to Bryn Mawr Coll., grad. A.B. '07; A.M. '08; grad. student, 1907-10. Taught English, French and German in Philadelphia High School, 1910-12. Now private literary ass't to Dr. J. B. Esenweln, editor of Lippincott's Magazine, and author of many books on fiction writing, etc. Episcopalian. BUNTING, Florence M., 5 Stratford Road, Win- chester, Mass. Bom Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 26, 1875; dan. James F. and Carrie M. (Nickles) Bunting; ed. Chelsea High School, '98; Wellesley, B.A. '02. Treae. and mem. board of directors of Junior Charity Club of Boston sinte It foundation in 1904; mem- Winchester Fortnightly Club (served on Art Com., 1910-11); treas. Guild of St. Cross of the Church of the Epiphany, 1903-04; treas. of nearly all the large annual events (bazaars and plays) given by the Junior Charity Club in Boston tor the Woman's Charity Club Hospital in Roibury. Furnished and named a room at the Woman's Charity Ciub Hospital, Roxbury, for the Junior Charity Club; mem. Drama League of Boston. Favors woman suffrage ; mem. Winchester Equal Suffrage League. Episcopalian. BUNTING, Martha, The Newport, Spruce and Sixteenth Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Scientific research; b. Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1861; dau. Samuel and Susan Lloyd (Andrews) Bunting; ed. Swarthmore Coll., B.L. '81; Univ. of Pa., 1888-91; Bryn Mawr, 1891-93, Ph.D. ^93; Wood's Hole, Mass., 1892, 1893, 1899; 0>lumbia, 1898-99. Instructor biology, Goucher Coll., 1893- 97; head teacher biology. Girls' High School, Philadelphia, 1897-98; assistant teacher biology, Wadleigh High School, N.Y. City, 1900-12; Car- negie research assistant to Dr. Edward Tyson Reiehert; professor of physiology, Univ. of P^, 1912- , and associate of Carnegie Institution. Author: Origin o£ Sex Cells In Hydractinia and Podocoryne, with Development of Hydractinia; Significance of the Oboliths for the Geotroplc Functions of Astacus; Structure of the Cork Tissues in Roots of Some Rosaceous Genera. Mem. A.A.A.S., Ass'n Ck>llegiate Alumnse, Somerville Literary Soc. (Swarthmore), Alumnae Socs. of Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr, College Club (Philadelphia), Good Government Club (Philadelphia). Against woman suffrage. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. BUNZL, Carrie Elizabeth Gobl^ 165 West 75th St., N.Y. City. Born Orange Co., N.Y., Nov. 6, 1865; dau. Nathan and Mary Caroline (Duryea) Goble; grad. Normal Coll., N.Y. City, with honorable men- tion, '85 (mem; Graduate Club); m. Nov. 6, 1888, Ernest Bunzl; children: Regina Carolyn Bunzl White, Ernest Everett. Critic teacher. Normal Coll., N.Y. City. Treas. Chapin Home for the Aged and Infirm; vice-pres. Unlversallst Women's Alliance; director City Federation Hotel for Working Girls; treas. Graduate Club of Normal Coll.; representative of Asso. Alumnae of Normal Coll; cor. sec. Woman's Republican Ass'n, N.Y. City; treas. Woman's Republican Ass'n of State of N.Y.; mem. D.A.R., Child Welfare Com., Woman's Titanic Memorial Com. Unlversallst (Church of the Divine Paternity). Recreations: Sailing, motoring. BUBBEBBY, Martha Dashiell (Mrs. F. a Bur- berry, Indlanola, Iowa, Born Hartford, la., Jan. 15, 1865; dau. Mark A. and Louisiana (Noble) Dashiell; ed. Simpson Coll., Indianola, la. (mem. Pi Betl Phi); m. In- dlanola, la., June 28, 1893, F. S. Burberry. Ac- tive in church, Sunday school and choir work. Chairman of social com. of Woman's Club. Sec. local board of Iowa Children's Home. Active in social duties and philanthropies as carried on through the home and State federated clubs. Presbyterian. Mem. P.E.O. Soc. Recreations: Walking, motoring, physical culture exercises, Informal society aCTairs. Clubs: Shakespeare, Woman'*, Thimble, Musical OuUd. 146 BURCHARD— BURKE BURCHAKD, ABee Webb, Wllmette, 111. High Bchool instructor; b. St Ijouis, Mo., 1875; dau. Mortimer N. and Liouise (Webb) Burchard; ed. Chicago public schools; Gushing Acad., Ashburnham, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '37; Northwestern Univ., 1S98-99; mem. Delta Gamma. Taught two years at Chicago Heights High School; teacher of English at New Trier Township High School, Kenilworth, 111., from 1901. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. D.A.R., Audubon Soc, Nat. Edu- cational Ass'n, Chicago Wellesley Club. Recrea- tions: Reading, theatre, leptures, traveling. BUBDKTT, Elizabeth Terry Whit© (Mrs. Owen Longr Burdett), 620 W. 115th St., N.T. City. Born San Francisco, Cal. ; dau. James Terry and Florence C. (Derby) White; ed. in schools ot N.Y. City and Vassar Coll., A.B. '01; m. Dec. 26, 1908, Owen Long Burdett; one daughter. SetUement work in N.Y. City, 1904-05 and 1907- 08, and In Jersey City, N.J., 1905-07. BUBDETTE, Clara Bradley (Mrs. Robert J. Burdett©), 891 Orange Grove Boulevard, Born East Bloomfield, N.Y., July 22, 1855'; dau. Albert Harvey and Laura Orinda (Coville) Brad- ley; ed. public and high schools, Syracuse, N.Y. ; Syracuse Univ., B.S. '76; mem. Alpha Phi; m. (1st) Syracuse, N.Y., July 24, 1878, N. Milman Wheeler (prof. Greek, Lawrence Univ.; died Dec. 6, 1886); m. (2d) Los Angeles, Cal., June 4, 1890, Col. Presley C. Baker (C.S.A. ; died Sept. 5, 1893); m. (3d) Mar. 25, 1899, Robert J. Burdette (well-known humorist and lecturer and pastor, 1303-03, of the Temple Baptist Church of Los Angeles, Cal.; one son: Roy Bradley Wheeler, b. Sept. 27, 1882, and a stepson, Robert J. Bur- dette, Jr. Preceptress in private school for girls, 1876- '78; removed to Wisconsin and later to Cali- fornia. Founded the Woman's Exchange In Los Angeles; one of the organizers of the Chautau- qua movement in Cal. ; trustee Throop Poly- technic Inst., Pasadena, Cal.; mem. Hospital Board of Pasadena Hospital, to which she gave a maternity wing in 1904; one of founders and in- corporators of the Southwest Museum of Los Angeles; mem. Associated Charities. Presby- terian; but was active in duties as wife of the pastor of a large Baptist congregation and was an incorporator and first vice-pres. and chair- man of the Finance Committee of the Auditorium Company, which built, at a cost of $625,000, build- ing in which that congregation worships. Has made frequent addresses; contributor to maga- zines and newspapers. Author: The Rainbow and the Pot of Gold, and other booklets. Mem. D.A.R., organized and was first regent of Pasa- dena Chapter; mem. Am. Social Science Ass'n, Archffiological Inst, of Am., Nat, Geographic Soc. Charter mem. EJbell Club of Los Angeles (pres. 1897-1900) and erected Its clubhouse; organized the women's clubs of California In 1900 into the Cal. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (pres. 1900-02); vlce-pres. (j«n. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1902-04. Mem. Friday Morning Club, Badger Club (Los Angeles) ; Shakespeare Club (Pasadena). BUKGAET, Laverdit Adelia, 1506 Eleventh St., AJtoona, Pa- Born Altoona, Pa., July 9, 1883; dau. Joseph and Mary A. Burgart; grad. Altoona High School (first honors); Bucknell Univ., A.B. and A.M. Sunday-school teacher and ofldcer in va- rious church societies; active in Y.W.C.A. work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Socialist. Recreations: Tennis, walking, gymxiasium work. BUBGESS, Frances Elinor (Mrs. Walter Bur- gess), 68 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. Born Boston, June 21, 1857; dau. David Rice and Sophia Paine (Dunn) Whitney; ed. Miss Hall's private school; m. May 18, 1876, Walter Burgess; one daughter: Mabel Whitney (Mrs. William de Forest Thomson). Interested in study and collection of antique objects of art Against woman suffrage. Clubs: Cavendish whist, mod- ern whist. BUBGESS, Ida J., 77 Irving Place, N.T. City; summer, Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y. Painter, writer; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. William T. and Ophelia (Crosby) Biirgess; ed. Art Stu- dents' League, N.Y. City; pupQ of L. 0. Mersoo, Paris, 1883-85, picture exhibited at Salon, 1885, prize at Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Painted the decoration of woman's reception room. 111. State Building, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, vrith mural paintings, symbolic of Progress and Woman's Occupations; the decoration of Orington Lunt Library, Evanston, 111., 1896, symbolic mural panels and many designs for stained glass. Has exhibited paintings in all the principal exhi- bitions of America; maKes specialty of work in mural decoration and stained glass, but has painted portraits and genre subjects; more recent work is in portraits in stained glass. Author of magazine articles on stained glass, country homes and interior furnishing for American Homes and Gardens, 1912-13; in preparation: The Stained Glass of Italy, with illustrations in color made from the old windows in many cathedrals and churches in Italy. Mem. Woman's Art Club (N.Y. City), Chicago Soc. of Artists, Pen and Brush Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: Gardening, foreign travel. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality Ass'n; takes part in parades. BUKGESS, Rosamond Tudor (Mrs. W. Starling Burgess), Marblehead, Mass. Artist; b. Buzzards Bay, Mass., June 20, 1878; dau. Frederic and Louise (Simes) Tudor; ed. private schools; School Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, under Benson and Tarbell; m. (1st) Bos- ton, Oct 9, 1899, A. H. Higginson; (2d) Marble- head, Mass., Oct 13, 1904, W. Starling Burgess; children: Henry Lee Higginson 2d, Edward, Frederic Tudor. Against woman suffrage. BUBGESS, Buth Payne Jewett (Mrs. John W. Burgess), Athenwood, Newport, R.I. Artist; b. Montpelier, Vt. ; dau. Col. Elisha Payne and Julia K. (Field) Jewett; ed. Bumham School, Northampton, Mass. ; m. Sept. 2, 1885, Prof. John W. Burgess; one son: Elisha Payne Jewett Burgess. Portrait painter; ex-pres. Art Students' League; ex-pres. Woman's Art Club of N.Y. Painted portrait of Prince August William of Prussia, President Butler of Columbia Univ., Hon. A. B. Hepburn, Hon. George A. Plimpton, Prof. March, Admiral Charles E. Clark, etc. Mem. Barnard Club, Art Workers' Club for Wo- men, patron of Metropolitan Museum of Art. BUEGOYNE, Ina Forrest Davis (Mrs. Stephen Hunt Burgoyne), Great Neck, L.I. Born Middletown, 0.; dau. Nelson Austin and Joana (Pendergast) Davis; ed. Northampton (Mass.) High School, Smith Coll. A.B.; m. N.Y. Oct. 26, 1909, Stephen Hunt Burgoyne (great grandson of General Burgoyne of Revolutionary fame). Lives in N.Y. City, Florence, Mass., and Great Neck, L.I. Interested in several charit- able and social activities in Northampton, Great Neck, L.I., and N.Y. City. Against woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Smith Coll. Alumnae, Western Mass. Coll. Club, Hospital Aid Ass'n. Recreation; traveling. BUBKE, Annie J. Ferguson (Mrs. W. R. Burke), 311 Falmerston Boulevard, Toronto, Can. Bom Cookstown, Ont., Can.; dau. late Isaac Ferguson and granddaughter Lieut.-Col. Ogle R. Gowan, M.P. ; ed. Bishop Strachan School, To- ronto; m. 1896, W.R. Burke, a distinguished civil engineer (died 1897), only son of the Rev. Canon Burke of Belleville, Ont Interested In politics and identified with various religious and social philanthropic activities. BUBKE, Asenath Danforth Spalding; (Mrs. Charles Horace Burke), Nashua, South End, N.H. Born Merrimac, N.H., June 26, 1856; dau. Hosea Ballou and Dorcas (Marshall) Spalding; ed. pub- lic schools, Nashua, N.H., 1874; m. Nashua, N.H., Sept 7, 1876, Charles Horace Burke; one daughter: Tena (Mrs. Paul A. Weldon), of Cam- bridge, Mass. Interested in the International Bible Students' organization. Against woman suffrage. Unsectarlan. BURKE, Billle (Ethel Burke), Empire Theatre, N.Y. City. Actress; b. Washington, D.C., Aug. 7, 1886; dau. William E. and Blanch« Burke (boti BURKE— BURNETT 14T actors): ed. In schools In London, and studied BURLEIGH, Gertrude Florenij*, M Brtmont singing and languages in France. First pro- Av., Springfield, Mass. ,„ . ^ _ fesslonal appearance was as a singer In the Teacher, social worlcer: b. Munich, Germany; Pavilion Music Hall, London; later on regular ed. In schools of Springfield, Mass., and Vaasar stage In pantomime Beauty and the Beast at Coll., B.A. '01. Teacher In Greenwich (Conn.) Glasgow, Scotland, followed by a season or two High School, 1901-02; Hosmer Hall. St. Louis, in the English provinces. Then appeared In Mo., 1902-05; district sec. Associated Charities, London as Mamie Rockefeller in The School Boston, 1906-09. Girl, 1902; later at the Lyric Theatre, London, as BURLEIGH, May Halsey Miller (Mr«. Cecil Bur- Llzette In The Duchess of Dantzlc; In The Blue lelgrh). 709 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn, N.T. Moon. 1905; The Belle of Mayfair, 1906; then writer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., July 2, 1865; dau. leading woman to Charles Hawtrey In Mr. pavid H. and Sarah Elizabeth (Halsey) Miller; George, and later as Stella, principal part in ^^ ^t home; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 25. 1900, Mrs. Ponderbury's Past; came to N.Y., opening cecll Burleigh; one son: Richard Cecil. Author: Sept. 7, 1907, with John Drew as Beatrice Dupre, Raoul and Iron Hand, or Winning His Golden leading r61e In My Wife; later starred In Love gpurs; The Maid of Bocasse; also boys' serial Watches, at Lyceum Theatre, N.Y. City, 1908; gtories, short fiction stories, essays on literary In Mrs. Dot, 1910; in The Runaway at the subjects, book reviews, papers on social and Lyceum in 1911, and In season of 1912-13 In The gjyjg economics, etc. Mem. N.Y. Woman's Press Mind the Paint Girl, at the Lyceum Theatre ci^t,. Writer's Club of Brooklyn, Manhattan Sln- N.Y. City. gle Tax Club, Brooklyn Woman's Single Tax »TTi>T7-i^ M ^..i^ino Tf^^^t t Ti/i rt, TTHwnrH P Club. Before marriage lectured on French his- Valley, Ma. Bom Hyde Park, N.Y.; dau. Charles Robert BURLINGAME, Harriet Grace Boyd (Mrs. Will - and Harriet Tisdale (Chandler) Forrest; ed. Miss lam Burllngame), 46 Main St., Exeter, N.H. Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; m. Hart- Bom Providence, R.L, Sept. 4, 1852; dau. Col- ford, Conn., Jan. 9, 1901, Edward F. Burke; chll- vllle Dana and Harriet Maria (Campbell) Boyd dren: Randolph Forrest, Edward Wlnslow, Made- (three of ancestors were founders of R.I.); ed. In lelne Forrest. Providence and in Mass.; m. Providence, Aug. 22, nTmn-ii' iw<>.ri»n 1111 TTmerson «?t Palo Alto ^877, William BurUngame; two sons and two BURKE, Marion, 1111 Emerson St.. Palo Alto, ^^^^^^^^.g Resident of Exeter, N.H., since mar- V.? , , I. TIT .i_ T .^ 4« «»t.n^i<. «/ riage. Has been grand matron of the Order of Physician; b. Waveriy Iowa; ed in schools of jj^/ St^r „f N.H.; prea. N.H. Fed. of Evanston, 111. grad Vassar Coll. A.B (Phi ^^^j^^.g ciube, now pres. Home Missionary BeU Kappa) 81= Woman s Med. Coll. of the Speaker on historical and soclo- N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. 95. Engaged In teaching yy. ouhlectB Pres Current Events Club of after graduation from Vassar until entering upon l^^ai subjects ^- ^p^/^'-^Xr^^fub Vi^st^ medica course, upon completion of which en- ^ charitable organizations; mem. Soc. gaged m practice of medicine in California. ^j Colonial Dames of N.H. Congregatlonaltet. BURKE, Myra Webster (Mrs. Edmund Whit- bUBUNGAME, Lillian M., 79 Hancock St., ney Burke), 2016 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Brooklyn N.Y. Bom in New Jersey, Mar. 11, 1847; dau. Will- Physician; b. Brooklyn; dau. Alvah W. and lam Varnum and Ann Beauglass (Earley) Web- Angelina (Chichester) Burllngame; ed. Packer Bter; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now college), q^jj j^g^^ Brooklyn, N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hos- '66; m. Rocfeford, 111., Dec. 5, 1878, Edmund pj^^j jo^ Women, M.D. (honors, senior prize in Whitney Burke (lawyer, who has served as Judge gurgery); mem. Alumnss Ass'n of N.Y. Med. of the Circuit and Appellate Courts of 111., and q^ij ^^^ Hosp. for Women. Visiting physician as dean of the Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law); ^y. Med. Coll. and Hospital Dispensary; Me- chlldren: Harold Webster, b. May 10, 1881; mortal Dispensary for Women; Eastern District Frank Haney, b. May 22, 1884. Was teacher of Hospital Dispensary; lecturer in gynecology, water-color painting and one year teacher of j^j y. Med. CoU. and Hospital for Women. Mem. German in Rockford Sem. before marriage; since Women's Med. Club of N.Y.; Soc. of New Eng- then resident of Chicago. Has traveled exten- j^jj^ Women. Favors woman suffrage, slvely in U.S. and Europe. Mem. Methodist „.,„.^,^„ ,, ^ . .. /„ ti tj -d .% Episcopal Church; active in Sunday-school; mem. »Fe*?^^7^'.,***'^, Q»>ck ».n Women's Press Clnb. Marchioness, 1901; The Little Unfalry Princea*. L48 BURNETT— BURR 1302; The Shuttle, 1307; The Cosy Lion, 1907; Good Wolf, 1908; The Spring Cl-eaning, 1908; The Se- cret Garden, 1909; The Dawn of To-Morrow, 1909; My Robin, 1912. Dramatized Little Lord Pauntleroy; also wrote other plays, including: The Showman's Daughter; Esmeralda; The First Gentleman of iSurope; Editha's Burglar; also (in collaboration with Stephen Townesend) Nixie; A Lady of Quality. BURNETT, Katharine D., Brooklyn, N.T. Physican; b. Clyde, Wayne Co., N.Y. ; dau. William and Loretta C. (van Tassel) Burnett; ed. Clyde High School, St. Lawrence Univ. A.B., Woman's Med. Coll. (N.Y.) M.D.; Ecole de Medecine, Paris, France (mein. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Clubs: Brooklyn Woman's, Portia, ChLropean. Mem. Kings County Med. Ass'n. Recreation: Travel. Episcopalian. BUBNEY, Minnie Melton {Mrs. W. B. Burney>. 8 University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. Bom YorkvUle, S.C, Mar. 14, 1860; dau. Samuel W. and Mary Helen (Gore) Melton; grad. Columbia (S.C.) Coll., B.A. ; special student two years at Wellesley Coll.; m. Columbia, S.C, Jan. i*, 1883, Dr. W. B. Burney (prof, chemistry, Univ. of S.C); children: Addie M., William M., Dorothy E. Interested in church societies, Free Kindergarten Ass'n, hospital ass'ns, and other charitable institutions. Greatly interested in favor of woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Demo- crat. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of Con- federacy, ex-regent Columbia Chapter D.A.R.. and State registrar of S.C. Pres. City of Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; ex-pres. New Century Club (literary). Civic League, Kindergarten Ass'n, Rural School Improvement Asa'n; ex-pres. S.C. Fed. Women's Clubs. BUBNHAM, Clara Louise (Mrs. Walter Bum- ham), Elms Hotel, E. Fifty-third St., Chicago, III.; summer, The Mooring, Bailey Island, Me. Author; b. Newton, Mass.; dau. Dr. George Frederick and Mary 0. (Woodman) Root; ed. Chicago and Boston; m. Walter Burnham, law- yer. Her father was the well-known composer of the war songs: Battle Cry of Freedom; Tramp, Tramp, etc., also composer of cantatas and operettas for which she wrote the librettos. Au- thor: No Gentlemen; A Sane Lunatic; Dearly Bought; Next Door; Young Maids and Old; The Mistress of Beach Knoll; Miss Bagg's Secretary; Dr. Latimer; Sweet Clover; The Wise Woman; Miss Archer, Archer; A Great Love; A West Point Wooing; Miss Pritchard's Wedding Trip; The Right Princess; Jewel; Jewel's Story Book; The Opened Shutters; The Leaven of Love; Clever Betsy; The Inner Shrine, etc. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. BtRNHAM, Josephine May, 1 Leavltt St., Wel- lesley. Mass. Teacher; b. Lexington, Miss.; dau. Josiah and May E. (Cilley) Burnham; ed. Univ. of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa, 1900, Ph.B. '01; fellow in Eng- lish, Yale Univ., 1907-10, Ph.D. '10. Instructor in English, Wellesley CoU., 1902-07, 1910-12; as- sociate prof, of English, Wellesley Coll., since 1912. Interested in suffrage, socialism. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Concessive Construc- tions in Old English Prose; A Brief Inquiry Into the Province and Laws of Poetry (privately printed). Socialist. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America, Consumers' League, Phi Beta Kappa Society. BL'KNHAM, Laura Hunter (Mrs. P. J. Burn- ham). Mechanlcsburg, O. Bom Mechanicsburg, O., Mar. 25, 1855; dau. ■Vincent and Sabina (Weber) Hunter; ed. high school; Vassar Coll., A.B. '77; m. Mechanicsburg, O., Feb. 10, 18S5. P. J. Burnham; children: Vin- cent H., John P.; two grandchildren. Was mem. of the local school ooard for three years; served as sec. of the board for two years; active in the religious and social life of the vill ge. Charter mem. Order of the Eastern Star (woithy matron two years) Chartpr mem. and first vice-pres. Women Tourist Club (literary); mem. two social clubs. Methodist. BURNHAM, Margaret Sherman (Mrs. Daniel H. Burnham), Evanston, 111. Born Fishklll, N.Y., Nov. 9, 1850; dau. John B. and Ophelia (Graham) Sherman; ed. N.Y. State; m. Chicago, 111., Jan. 20, li76, Daniel H. Burn- ham (distinguished architect; chief architect of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, etc.; died June 1, 1912); children: Ethel B. Wells, b. 1876; John, b. 1878; Herbert, b. 1884; Margaret R. Kelly, Daniel H., b. 1886. BURNS, Louisa, The Pacific College of Osteo- pathy, Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher of physiology; b. Saltillo, Ind. ; dau. W. N. and Mary Lois (Littell) Bums; grad. Borden (Ind.) Inst., B.S. and M.S.; Pacific CoU. of Osteopathy, D.O., D.Sc.O. (mem. Delta Omega). Author: Studies in the Osteopathic Sciences; Basic Principles; The Nerve Centres; The Physiology of Ckinsciousness; various scien- tific reports and essays. Christian. Republican. Mem. Am. Osteopathic Soc, California Osteo- pathic Ass'n, Woman's Faculty Club of Pacific Coll. of Osteopathy; since 1902 prof, of physiolgy in Pacific Coll. of Osteopathy, Los Angeles. Fa- vors woman suffrage. BURNS, Lucy, 904 President St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Organizer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; ed. Packer Inst., Brooklvn, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '02; graduate work in Yale Univ., 1902-03; Univ. of Berlin, 1906-08; Univ. of Bonn., 1908-09. Teacher in Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, 1904-06; resided abroad, 1906-12. Favors woman suffrage. Organizer of Woman's Social and Political Union in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1909-12; residing In Wash- ington, D.C, as mem. of Congressional Com- mittee, Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1913. BURNS, Margaret Broad (Mrs. Berend James Burns), 105 Fargo Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Born Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1873; dau. George and Agnes (Dempster) Broad; ed. Buffalo public and high school; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1896; Teach- ers' Training School, Buffalo, '97; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1901, Berend James Bums; chil- dren: Margaret Agnes, Helen Broad, Berend James Jr. Teacher Masten High School, 1897-01; specialty English. Interested In child study (committee work), also manual training in schools and in household economics movement. Favors woman suffrage. United Presbyterian. Pres. Women's Missionary Soc. of First United Presbyterian Church of Buffalo, Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnse; pres. Managers' College Creche, Buffalo, 1907; mem. Vassar Club, Buffalo. Rec- reations: Walking, swimming, rowing, dancing, skating. BURPEE, Myra Blanche Walker (Mrs. Homer Stanford Burpee), 809 N. Court St., Rockford, 111. Born Rockford, 111.; grad. Rockford (111.) Coll., B.A. '95; m. Rockford, 111., Homer Stanford Burpee (banker) ; one daughter. Episcopalian (active In church and Sunday-school work). Mem. Rockford College Ass'n (has been treas.), Rockford Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (has been sec. and mem. Exec. Com.). Mem. Short Story Club, Rockford Country Club. BURR, Anna Robeson, 246 S. 23d St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Writer; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1873; dau. Henry Armitt and Josephine L. (Baker) BroTvn; ed. private school tutors in Philadelphia; m. May, 1899, Charles H. Burr, of the Philadelphia Bar; children: Dorothy, b. 1900; Pamella, b. 1905. Author (novels): Truth and A Woman; The JessoD Bequest; also The Autobiography, a criti- cal comparative study. Mean. Contemporary Club. Recreations: Walking, climbing, out-door life generally. BURR, Helen Louise, Reynolds Hall., Walla Walla, Wash. Dean of women. Whitman Coll.; b. Dedham, Mass., Dec. 17, 1870; dau. Lafayette and Aoby White (Shepard) Burr; ed. Melrose (Mass.) pub- lic schools; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '93; Domestic Science (Simmons Coll.), '03; Univ. of Chicago, '07. Interested in social activities. Favors wo- man suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Y.W.C.A. Recreation: Camping. Mem. Boston College Cluh. Interested in scleooe and eugenics. BTJRR— BURROWES 149 BUKR, tSmrtotie, Winiamsto'im, Mass. Educator; b. Wlnsted, Conn.; ed. In schools of Wlnated, Conn., and Vassar Coll., B.A. '99. Teacher In the Misses Graham's School, N.Y. City, 1899-1900; since 1900 in Normal Coll.. N.Y. City. BURR, Theodora Dudley (Mrs. Ralph H. Burr), 72 Pearl St., Mlddletown, Conn. Born Madison, Conn., July 28, 1867; dau. Ben- [amln and Zerviah (Clark) Dudley; grad. New Haven High School, '86; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '91; m. Madison, Conn., Oct. 29, 1895, Ralph H. Burr; children: Catharine, Antoinette, Theodora, Ralph Jr. Interested in missionary societies connected with the church and Day Nursery and District Nurse Work. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. A^s'n Colleg^iate AJumnse. BURRAGE, Edith May, 34 Harrison Av., North- ampton, Mass. Librarian; grad. Smith CoU., B.A. '99; student Simmons Coll. Library School, Boston, 1903-04. Apprentice Lancaster (Mass.) Library, 1902-03; library organizer, Bolton (iMass.) Public Library, 1904-05; Wellesley (Mass.) Public Library, 1905- 06; Harvard Med. School, January-September, 1907; ass't librarian Clark Univ. Library, 1907- 08; ass't librarian Smith Coll. since October, 1908. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. BCRRAGE, Harriet Greene Dyer (Mrs. Thomas J. Burrage), 139 Park St., Portland, Me. Born Providence, R.I., Dec. 22, 1879; dau. Will- iam Jones and Lillian Pitman (Greene) Dyer; ed. Miss Abbott's School, Mise Bowen's School; m. Providence, R.I., June 12, 1906, Dr. Thomas J. Burrage; one son: Henry Dyer, b. 1910. On board of managers of Female Orphan Asylum. Mem. Maine Soc, Colonial Dames of America. Protestant Episcopal. Against woman suffrage. BURREI/L, Caroline Benedict, 68 Downing St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Chicago, 111. ; daughter of Amzl and Catharine (Walrath) Benedict; ed. Lake Forest Coll., Univ. ot 111. M.Litt; m. Oct. 18, 1888, Rev. Joseph Dunn Burrell; children: Katharine Benedict, b. Oct. 9, 1889; Monica, b. February 1, 189L Author: A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl; Margaret's Saturday Morning; Living on a Little; Easy Entertaining; Fairs and Fetes, etc. (all under nom-de-plume). Presbyterian. Mem. Meridian Club of N.Y. City. Writer under her own name and others of essays, fiction, Juvenile stories, etc., for magazines and papers. BURRELX, Clara DeForest (Mrs. David James BurreiU. 2 48 W. Seventy-fifth St., N.Y. City. Born New Haven. Conn., Nov. 19, 1849; dau. George F. and Caroline E. (Sergeant) DeForest; ed. public and private schools of Freeport, 111.; m. Freeport, 111., Oct. 18, 1871, Rev. David James Burrell (pastor Marble Collegiate Church, N.Y. City); children: Clara Miriam, Elizabeth Ser- geant, David DeForest, Norman McLeod, Eleanor Loudenois, Katharine DeForest. Pres. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of Reformed Church in America. Against woman suffrage. BITRREIX, Tempe Garfield (Mrs. Harry Clifton Burrell), Lorain, Ohio, R.F.D. No. 1. Born Sheffield, Ohio, 1870; dau. Halsey and Harriet (Root) Garfield; grad. Oberlin, Ph.B. '97; mem. ..Eollan Soc; m. Sheffield, Oct 9, 1894, Harry Clifton Burrell; children: Edward, Dwight, Kenneth, Doris, Virginia, Eleanor. Has helped organize and support a social settlement ass'n In Lorain. Served on school board. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Lorain Sorosis Club, East Side Literary Club. BL'RROUGH, Mary Anna, 544 Penn St., Cam- den, N.J. Teacher; b. Camden Co., N.J. ; dau. James and Elizabeth P. (Pine) Burrough; ed. Clarks- boro and Camden, N.J., and Philadelphia; grad. Philadelphia Normal School (valedictorian), 1870; Nat. School of Elocution and Oratory, Phila- delphia. B.E. '92. Principal of North-Bast School, 1880; supervising principal of North-East and J. S. Read schools, 1901; sup't of Friends First-day School for many years; pree. of Wo- man's Park Ass'n for 10 years; pree. Teachers' Club of Camdea; county Tlce-pres. oX N.J. Teach- ers' Retirement F^ind; mem. and one ot th« or- ganizers of Teachers' Insurance Asa'n; mem. exec. coim. State Teachers' Ass'n. Favors wo- man suffrage. ."viem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. Camden Principals' Ass'n, Parent Teachers' Ass'n of North-East School, N.J. Congress of Mothers. Recreations: Travel, lectures, musicals, etc. BL'RROt'GHS, Edith Woudman (Mrs. Bryson Burroughs), Flushing, L.I., N.Y. Sculptor; b. Riverdale-on-Hudson, N.Y., Oct 20, 1871; dau. Webster and Mary .M. Woodman; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. City; pupil of St. Gaudens; m. Sittingbourn, Kent, England, Sept. 5, 1893, Bryson Burroughs. Engaged as sculptor in marble, statuettes, busts of children, portraits in low relief, etc., participating in exhi- bitions in N.Y. City, receiving the Shaw me- morial prize, and at the Champs de Mars, Paris. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc, etc. BURROUGHS, Edna McCoy (Mrs. George T. Burroughs), Burley, Ida. Bom Portland, Ore., April 12, 1877; dau. John B. and Harriet (Hald) McCoy; ed. high school, Bellevue, Ida., and special studies in private; m. Jan. 10, 1900, George Tyler Burroughs Jr. (min- ing engineer); one son: George Tyler Burroughs, b. 1905. Has been interested in educational and club work for several years; was pres. of Civic Improvement Ass'n, Burley, Ida.; has in co- operation with City School Sup't promoted do- mestic science work in public schools; on His- torical Com. in Idaho Club Work; vice-chairman of CivU Service Com.; taught in public schools for five years. Mem. of leading social organisa- tions in State, Civic Improvement Ass'n. Idaho State and First Dist. Federations. Recreations: Golf, camping, fishing. Christian Scientist. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Republican; vice-prea. of Woman's Republican Club of Burley, Ida. IJURROUGHS, Marie (Mrs. Frarrcls M. Living- ston), 64 W. Eighty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Former actress; b. (Lillie Arrington) San Fran- cisco, 1866; ed. San Francisco schools; m. (1st) 1890, Loula B\ Massen; (2d) Robert Barclay Mac- pherson of N.Y. City (died 1907); (3d) AprU 8, 1908, Francis M. Livingston. At 17 had been suc- cessful in private readings and recitals in native city, at one of which Lawrence Barrett waa present, and was so impressed that he tele- graphed A. M. Palmer and secured for her an engagement in The Rajah, then playing at Madi- son Square Garden, and she made her N.Y. debut in the part of Gladys in that play in 1884, assuming the stage name of "Marie Burroughs"; later played Irma in Alpine Roses, and after- ward took leading parts in Hazel Kirke, Bssmer- alda. After the Ball and Mrs. Winthrop in same company. While in New Orleans played Zieka In Diplomacy with Wallack's company, and after- ward played Pauline March Ln Called Back with Robert Mantell in N.Y. City; then, returning to Palmer's Madison Square Garden company, created part of Queen Gainevere with Alexander Salvini, and later played Lettie In Saints and Sinners. After that, for several seasons, sup- ported E. S. Willard, playing Vashti Dethic in Judah, Mary Blenkam in The Middleman, Edith Ruddock in Wealth, Kate Norbury in John Need- ham's Double, Lucy In The Professor's Love Story and Ophelia in Hamlet; starred In Pinero's The Profligate, and in Romeo and Juliet and Leah, 1894-98, and starred m The BatUe of the Strong. 1901, then retired from the stage. BURROWES, Katharine, 246 Highland Av., H. P., Detroit, Mich. Musician, composer, author, teacher; b. Kings- ton, Can.; dau. EMwin Annesley and Florinda (Radcllff) Burrowes; ed. privately at home and In Europe; studied music under Prof. J. C. Batch- elder in Detroit, Mich., later In Germany under Karl Kllndworth (founder with Zavier Schar- wenka of the Klindworth-Scharwenka Conserva- tory of Music). Taught In Detroit Conservatory of Music, '1887-95; established Burrowes Piano School, 1895. Invented appliances pertaining to the Burrowes course of music study, a method for teaching music to beginners by means of songs, stories, games, blackboard work, chart work, com{>etitlve drills and mechanical de- 150 BURROWES— BURTON vlcea, ae well aa pianoforte music; some of the BURT, Mary- Elizabeth, Coytesville, N.J. appliances are: Miss Keyboard's School, a device Writer, editor, teacher; b. Lake Geneva, Wis.; for teaching notation and sight reading (patented ed. Lake Geneva public school; Anna Moody's 1904); The Broken Globe, a device for teaching Acad.; Oberlin CoU., one year; completed full meter or time; The Twelve Scale Boys, a device college course with private teachers. Taught in for teaching scales and chords (patented 1903); public schools of Chicago, 1868-90, except one year Meter Fractions and Meter Blocks, for teaching when was principal gramanar dep't. River Falls meter, etc. Author: Kindergarten Class Songs, (Wis.) Normal School; teacher of literature in 1901; Modern Music Methods, 1902; Some of the Cook County Normal School with Col. T. W. Knowledge Which a Music Teacher of Children Parker, 1887-90; private school, N.Y. City, 1893- Should Possess, 1906; Teachers' Manual of the 1905. Chairman Com. on Drawing, Chicago Burrowea Course of Music Study, 1910; Tales of Board of Education, 1890-93; stood for Socratic the Great Composers, 1911. Composer: Short and Froebelian methods, manual training, equal Pieces for Small Hands (piano), 1904; Playtime pay for primary teachers and psychological Pieces (piano), 1904; Forty Reading Studies methods on the teaching of reading. Wrote on (piano), 1904; The Girls and the Etovea (vocal), educational subjects for Atlantic Monthly, 1905; The Five Squirrels (vocal), 1905. E>plsco- Chautauquan, 111. School Journal, Lake Geneva palian. Mem. Tuesday Musicale of Detroit. Rec- News, Critic, Inter-Ocean, Unity, etc. Delivered reations: Reading, c<'ncerts, theatre. Favors lectures before Nat. Educational Ass'n, 1889; woman suffrage. Inst, of Pedagogy, St. Louis, 1890; State Teachers BUBROWES, Verlista Sbaol (Mr«. Charles W. Ass'n, 111., 1889; Boston Educational Meeting, Burrowea), Kinderhook, NT 1892; Teachers Ass'n, Indianapolis, 1892; Coll. Bom Sharon Springs, N.Y.'; ed. schools of 'o"" Training of Teachers, Cambridge, E:ngland, Sharon Springs, N.T., and Vassar Coll B A '87- l^^^' ^<-°- Author: Seed Thoughts from Brown- m. July 7, 1896, Charles W. Burrowes.' Teacher 'ng- 1^85; Browning's Women, 1886; Birds and Glade Springs. Va., 1889-90; examiner Regents' Bees (edited from the essays of John Burroughs), Office, Albany. N.Y., 1888-89 and 1890-96 18^5; Literary Landmarks, 1887; Bees, A Study D.n>T>nTi7a »:>__ w> , ,^, ■, ,, ^ ^ from Virgil, 1890; Story of the German Iliad, BURROWS, Frances Peck (Mrs. Julius C. Bur- ^ggj; The World's Uterature, 1890; Stories from J; ^f ^^ ' / ^.^°^'^°''\■^'':\ ^"t'^' Plato and Other Classic Writers, 1894; Little Na- mazoo, Mich, and 1406 Massachusetts Av.. ^^J.^ studies for Uttle People, from the works of waatiington, D.C. j^j^^ Burroughs, who collaborated, 1895; The dSS"^^';, '*'Tr^°Tlr-n-c^'^ ^if'w ^P^"^??^ Child-Life Chart, 1896; The Burt-Markham P^. grad. Forest HiU Sem; Rockford Coll., prjmer, Edward Markham collaborating, 1908. 1864 one of the three distmguished essayists who initiative editor of the Scribner Reading Series, read essays on graduation day (mem. Rockford 1894-1904, collaborating with Z. Ragozin in Coll. Assn); m Richland Mich 1864, Julius C. CKiysseus, the Hero of Ithaca, and Herakles, Burrows (U.S. Senator, 189o-1911). Mem. Congre- Hero of Thebes; with Lucy Cable and G. W. gaUonal Church. First State regent D.A.R.; ca.ble in The Cable Story Book; with Mary ^Jce-prM. gen of Nat. Soc. D.A.R; nat. pres. cable in The Eugene Field Book; with Mildred of Children s Soc. D A R. ; mem. Colonial Dames Howells In The Literary Primer and The Howells of America. Interested m church work and phll- g^ory Book; with Lucy Cable in Don Quixote; anthropy. Favors woman suffrage (with educa- ^jth Julia Elizabeth Langworthy in Fanciful tlonal and property quaimcaUon). Mem. Colonial Tales from Stockton, and with Mrs. Elizabeth Dames Club (Washin^on); Book Review Club custer in The Boy General; Poems Every Child (Kalamazoo). During husband s service as Con- should Know, 1904; Prose Every Child Should gressman and Senator has spent 33 winters In Know, 1908; The Marvellous Adventures of wasnington. Pinocchlo, 1909; Stories and Poems from Kipling BURROWS, Marion Cowan (Mrs. Charles Irv- Every Child Should Know, 1910, etc. Favors ing Burrows), 68 Ocean St., Lynn, Mass. woman suffrage. Mem. 111. Woman's Press Ass'n, Physician; b. Scranton, Pa.; dau. James Cowan Round Table Club (Teachers College). I°K ^^'^l, (CaiT) Cowan; grad Scranton High bURTIS, Mary E. 5 30 Lafayette Av., Buffalo, School; Mass. Coll. Pharmacy, Ph.G. and Ph.L. ; NT grad Tufts Med. Coll., MD.; m Aug 26, 1909. Literature, linguist, genealogist; b. Cherry Val- Charles Irving Burrows Chemist aai bacteriolo- jey, N.Y., Oct. 26, 1836; dau. Arthur and Grace gist for city of Lynn Mass., 1900-05; medical In- gwing (Phillips) Burtis; ed. Cherry Valley Acad.; pector to schools. 1905-10. Favors woman suf- ^iss Hill's School (now St Margaret's). Buffalo, frage. Episcopalian. Republican voter for school ^em. D.A.R. Mem. Westminster Presbyterian com. Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Recreations: church, Buffalo. Against woman suffrage. Automobile, golf, music. Mem. North Shore „,,„_^^ ,,, , * „ , ^ . s Club of Lynn Mass. BURTON, Alice (Mrs. Hazen James Burton), ' ' Deephaven, Minn. BUB'T, Helen Tyler (Mrs. William A. Burt), Born Boylston, Mass., July 21, 1857; dau. Rev. Lock Box 818 Huntington, W.Va. Daniel S. and Hannah Sophia (Cotton) Whitney; ^ State comDQander for Maccabees of the World ed. public schools of Southborough, Mass.; Nor- tor W.Va.; b. Almont, Mich.; dau. Walter P. mal School, Salem, Mass; m. Southborough, and Martha (SUcy) Beaoh; ed. high schools of Mass., July 20, 1871, Hazen James Burton, of Yiwilantl, Mich.; St. Marys Acad., Windsor, Boston, Mass.; children: Hazel, Ralph Walter, Ont.; m. Ann Arbor Mi(di., 1880, William A. ward Cotton, Ariel, Hazen. Hazen James Jr. Burt; chU(^en: Orand Walter, b 1882; Lenden Director of Maternity Hospital, Minneapolis, Beach, b. 1887; Edith A., b. 1889. Worker for the Minn., for past 20 years; mem. (treas.) of School Maccabee order, of which she is head in the Board of Deephaven for 12 years. Favors woman State of W.Va. Against woman suffrage unless suffrage. Unitarian. Progressive; LaFollette an educational test be established for both men Republican. Recreation: Dairy work, mall rid- and women. ,jjg_ sketching. BURT, Laora (Mrs. Henry Stanford), Stanford BURTON, Marian Williams Perrin (Mrs. Henry l.,odge. Great Kills, Staten Island, N.T. F. Burton), 70 Dartmouth St., Rochester, N.T. Actress; b. Ramsey, Isle of Man, England, Born Titusville, Pa., Aug. 23, 1869; dau. An- Sept 16, 1881; dau. Capt. Brown and Anna Lloyd drew Norton and Belinda (Williams) Perrin; (Welsh) Burt; ed. Am. Acad. Dramatic Arts; ed. public schools of Titusville; private tutor for m. N.Y. City, Mar. 2, 1902, Henry Stanford, college preparation; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '91; ROles include June in Blue Jeans; Madge in Old grad. student Univ. of Mich. (mem. Zeta Alpha. Kentucky; Susanne in A Scrap of Paper; Rosa- Wellesley; Phi Sigma, Univ. of Rochester); m. lind in As You Like It; Helen of Swabia In. Rochester, June 14, 1898, Prof. Henry Fairfield Dante; with Sir Henry Irving at Theatre Royal, Burton; children: Andrew Perrin, b. 1899; Sara Drury Lane, London, also on his last tour In Fairfield b. l.WO; Henry Fairfield, b. 1901. Lee- America; starring in Dorothy Vernon, 1906-07; tures on The English Novel, Household Economics. The Walla of Jericho, 1907-08; created r51e of Literature for Children, etc. Writer of mlscel- Nurse In Brieux play of Damaged Goods at the laneoua contributions to papers and magazines. Pulton Theatre. N.Y. City. Life m«n. Pro- Mem. Board of Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to fesfilonal Womaji's League, Twelftai Night Club. Children, BQWd of Wonian's Educational and In- BURWBLL^BUSSBLLE 161 dostiial Union, Children's Aid Soc, City Hos- pital Supply Soc, Civic Art Com., Century Club, Tuesday Reading Club, Wellesley College Club. Recreations: Designing and painting. Baptist. Against woman suffrage; pres. Rochester Soc. Opposed to Woman Suffrage; mem. N.Y. State Organlation Com. Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Lecturer on anti-suffrage. BtTRWELL, Ethel Irene, 48 Race St., Briatol, Conn. Teacher, librarian; b. Mercer, Pa.; ed. in schools of NeTv Brunswick, N.J., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '99. Engaged In teaching. New Bruns- wick, N.J., 1899-1900; Woodbrldge, N.J., 1900-02; Cleveland, Ohio, 1908-09; librarian of Normal School, Cleveland, 1909-11. BrSBEY, Katharine Olive Graves (Mrs. L. White Busbey), 2336 Massachusetts Av., Washington, D.C. Author; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 16, 1872; dau. Horace and Annie A. (Hall) -Graves; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; m. June 10, 1896, Leroy White Busbey, journalist (then Washington cor- respondent of the Chicago Inter-Ocean); children: Jjeroy White Jr., b. 1897; Horace Carleton, b. 1899. Writer on economic subjects; made eco- nomic study of lives and surroundings of women employees of factories in England for U.S. Dep't of Commerce and Labor, 1910. Author: Home Life in America, 1910; also short stories in the Saturday Evening Post, Ladles' Home Journal, Good Housekeeping and other magazines. BCSEY, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. S. T. Busey), Elm St., Urbana, III. Bom Delphi, Ind., June 21, 1854; dau. Abner H. and Catharine J. (Trawln) Bowen; ed. Delphi High School and Vassar Coll.; m. Delphi, Ind., Dec. 25, 1877, Gen. S. T. Busey; children: Marietta, Bertha, Charles Bowen. Mem. Ur- bana Public School Board eight years; mem. Board of Trustees of Univ. of 111. Mem. Board of Trustees of Presbyterian Church. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Dame3 of Loyal Legion, HI. State Suffrage Ass'n. Recreation: Travel. BUSH, Bertha E., Osage, la. Writer; b. Galva, 111., May 30, 1866; dau. Henry Hudson and Minerva (Wright) Bush; ed. Grinnell (la.) Coll., Ph.B. '91, A.M. '94. Teacher, 1891- 1904. Since then a writer, especially children's stories in journals and Sunday-school papers. Author: A Prairie Rose; Special Days with Lit- tle Folks; Old English Hero«s; Stories of Cour- age; Story of Napoleon; Indian Myths; Famous Early Americans; Later English Heroes; Great European Cities; Indian Children Tales; (Children BUSH, Emma Danforth, 1301 Pennsylvania Av., Wilmington, Del. Born Wilmington, Del., Apr. 4, 1881; dau. Lewis Potter and Margaret (Whlteley) Bush; ed. The Misses Hebb's School, Wilmington, Del., and Bryn Mawr Coll. Corresponding sec. New Cen- tury Club of Wilmington. Presbyterian. Clubs: New Century, Wilmington County, Brandywlne Canoe. BUSH, Emma Louise, Bucknell Univ., Lewls- burg. Pa. Teacher; b. Waverly, Iowa; ed. In schools of Arcade, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., B.A. '81. Teacher Mt. Carroll, 111., 1881-82; Oxford, N.C., 1882-84; Ishpeming, Mich., 1885-90; Montour Falls, N.Y., 1890-1901; Stetson Univ., 1902-04; Bucknell Univ. since 1900. BUSH, Florence Lillian, 334 Maple St., Battle Creek, Mich. Writer; b. Battle Creek, Mich., 1865; dau. Mar- tin Luther and Elizabeth Ann (Fellows) Bush; grad. Battle Creek Coll., 1885; Mich State Nor- mal, 1889; Art Inst, of Chicago, 1895. Super- visor of drawing. Little Rock, Ark; Manitowoc, Wis.; teacher in Berea Coll., Ky. Favors woman suffrage. Chairman of City Press Com. In Bat- tle Creek, Mich. Author: Goose Creek Folks, written In collaboration with her sister (1912); Concerning Peter and the Crowd (now ready for the press); special articles, one in Country Life In America (April, 1913); short stories for For- ward, Youth's World, Young People's Weekly, Christian Endeavor World, etc. Serials lor all the above publications. Goose Creek Folks wa« adopted among the 100 best books for missionary purposes to be sold at The World In Chicago. Presbyterian. Mem. Mich. Press Ass'n. BUSH, Katharine Jeannette, 203 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. Zoologist, lexicographer; b. Scranton, Pa., of the Northland, and other flve-cent classics. Dec. 30, 1855; dau. William Henry and Eliza Ann (Clark) Bush, of distinguished New England ancestry; ed. New Haven (Conn.) public, private and high schools; special studies in zoology under Prof. Addison E. Verrill of Yale, received Ph.D. from Yale Univ., 1901. Since 1879 ass't in zoological dep't of Yale Museum; as- sociated for some years with Prof. Verrill in scientific work of U.S. Fish Commission, being the first woman, outside teaching force, to take up scientific work. Was actively Identified with tlie revision work of Webster's Dictionary Into the larger and more comprehensive Webster's International Dictionary, published in 1890. Con- tri'butor to scientific journals on zoological sub- jects, chiefly mollusks and annelids, and author of a monograph on The Tubicolous Annelids of the Tribes Sabellides and Serpulides (published in Vol. 12 of the Reports of the Harriman Alaska Expedition). Mem. Am. Soc. of Zoolo- gists, Am. Soc. of Naturalists, Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnas. BUSH, Loue Pollock (Mrs. George S. Bush), 529 Belmont Av., N., Seattle, Wash. Bom Weston, Mass., Aug. 4, 1865; dau. George Henry and Louise (Plessner) Pollock; grad. Nor- mal School, Washington, D.C, 1885; Kindergarten Norma) Inst., Washington, D.C. (conducted by her mother and elder sister) '86; m. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 4, 1891, George S. Bush; children: George P., b. 1892; Agnes Selene, b. 1895. Teacher In public schools of Washington, D.C, for five years; ass't in Kindergarten Normal Inst. Or-' ganized the Woman's Educational Club of Seattle In 1894, and served as first pres. for three years; mem. Progressive Thought Club of Seattle, which she organized in 1905 (served as first pres. two years); mem. Seattle Lodge Theosophical Soc. since 1896, when organized; mem. Seattle Bahai Assembly when organized, 1906. Mem. the Girls' Triad, or Do for Others Soc., Woman's Educa- tional Club. Favors woman suffrage; served at the polls on the day suffrage carried in the State of Washington. BUSH, Margaret Whlteley (Mrs. Lewis P. Bush), 1301 Pennsylvania Av., Wilmington. Del. Bom Bridgeton, N.J., Sept. 22, 1852; dau. Will- iam G. and Nancy P. (Elmer) Whlteley; ed. Bridgeton Sem. ; m. Wilmington, Del., May 13, 1879, Lewis P. Bush; children: Emma Danforth, Charles Whiteley, William Whlteley. Manager of the Delaware Hospital. Mem. New Century Club of Wilmington, Del. Presbyterian. Against wo- man suffrage. BUSHNEIX, riorence Ellsworth (Mrs. John Edward Bushnell), 1819 Vine Place, Minne- apolis, Minn. Bom Windsor, Ck>nn., June 21, 1866; dau. Ell Phelps and Sarah Morris (Clapp) Ellsworth; ed. Windsor private and high schools; Adelphl Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 14, 1887, Rev. John EJdward Bushnell; children: Ellsworth, b. 1888; John Horace, b. 1892; Paul Palmer, b. 1900. Interested In various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Mem. the Woman's Club of Minneapolis. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. BUSSELLE, Harriet Murray (Mrs. Alfred Bus- selle), Chappaqua, N.Y. Bom Chappaqua, N.Y., May 31, 1880; dau. Rob- ert I. and Phebe Anna (Cock) Murray; ed. Brear- ley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Chappaqua, N.Y., Oct. 1, 1903, Alfred Bus- selle; children: Robert Murray, b. 1904; Alfred, b. 1905; Ann, b. 1910. Interested in District Nursing Ass'n (associate chairman, Chappaqua), Red Cross (associate sec). Plant and Flower Guild, National Progressive Party. Clubs: Fortnightly (PleasantvlUc), Bryn Mawr (N.Y. City). Recrea- 162 BTJSSERT— BYRNE tioos: Biding, driving, bridge, tralniag colts. Mem. Soc. of Friends. BU8SKBT, Anne Elizabeth (Mrs. Carl Gant- voort), ESS W. High St., Lima, Ohio. Singer; b. Allan Co., Ohio; dau. Ambrose and Mary crhomas) Bussert; ed. village srhool; Ada (OMo) UnlT. ; N.Y. City, Paris and Milan for vocal studies; m. March 18, 1913, Carl Gantvoort. Began In church choirs; soloist with Important orchestras, concerts, oratorios in U.S., grand opera In Italy, light opera in U.S. upon return. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant. Recrea- tions: Riding, swimming, camping, out-door sports. BUTCHEE, Ida Jaue, 30 Court St., Utlca, N.Y. Teacher; b. Utica, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Utica, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B '87. Engaged as teacher in Utica, N.Y., since 1888. Chairman Education Com. of N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Cluibs since 1906; mem. Com. on Literary and Library Extension, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. BUTLER, Anne Balfour (Mrs. Henry J. Butler), 610 Manhattan Av., Manhattan, Kan. Lawyer; b. La Prairie, 111.; dau. Nixon and Keziah (Robbins) Balfour; grad. Univ. of Mich. LL.B. ; m. Henry J. Butler (died 1S93) ; one son: Carl Balfour. Largest land owner in State of Kansas for a woman; began with the amount of $15,000 which gave her the start. Favors woman suffrage. Author of short novel; Ad Astra per Aspera. Poems: Will o' the West; Just All for Me; Love the Lord of Life; A Kansas Dug-Out; Friendship; The Butterfly, and other poems. Pres. Themian Club; pres. Treble Clef Club; mem. D.A.R. BUTLER, Cora Waldo (Mrs. Pierce Butler), 2224 Milan St., New Orleans, La. Bom Texas; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '98; stu- dent of history, Univ. of Texas, 1900-01; m. June 25, 1902, Pierce Butler; children: Virginia Waldo, b. Oct. 19, 1903; Pierce Jr., b. Nov. 16, 1905; Mary Frances Harrison, b. Feb. 3, 1909. Teacher in private school, Philadelphia, 1898-1900; in- structor in English, Univ. of Texas, 1900-02. BUTLER, Jessie Storrs EmtU (Mrs, William E. Butler), 102 Hodge Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Writer; b. Black River, Mich., July 28, 1879; dau. WUIiam Barton and Elizabeth (Buell) Fer- ris; ed. St. Margaret's School, Buffalo, 1897; m. Kidder's Point, Lake Cayuga, N.Y., Sept. 3, 1905, William E. Butler; one son: William Storrs. En- gaged in newspaper work for three years previous to marriage. Contributor of both prose and verse to Smart Set, Everybody's, Good House- keeping; jointly with aunt, Minnie Ferris Hauen- stein, has written a volume of poems (private edition); author: The Golden Bough (poem), 1912. Club: The Scribblers (Buffalo). Recreations: Writing, camping, stage, music. Presbyterian. BUTT, Emily, Jackson, Miss. Teacher; b. Kosciusko, Miss., Sept. 2, 1867; dau. John T, and Belinda (Swayze) Butt; ed. private tutors and private schools in Kosciusko; grad. at Hamilton ColL, Lexington, Ky., 1885. Ck)nnected with the public school system of the State 25 years. Actively identified with efforts to secure needed juvenile legislation in Miss., particularly the establishment of a juvenile reformatory and the separation of boy offenders from adults; also much work with boy convicts (established Sunday School for them in State penitentiary). Contrib- utor to Miss., Memphis and New Orleans papers concerning juvenile delinquents, educational ques- tions, etc. Received first honors for a short story awarded by the Miss. Federation of Woman's Clubs. Mem, Christian Church. Chairman Miss. Juvenile Reformatory Ass'n; pres. Old Ladies' Home Ass'n; chairman Civil Service Reform Com., Miss. Federation of Women's Clubs. BUTTENWIESEB, EUen Clnne (Mrs. Moses Buttenwleser), 3208 Fredonla Av., Avondale, Cincinnati, O. Born Wark worth, Ont., Aug. 12, 1870; dau. Bartholomew and Ellen (Kennedy) Clune; ed. Queen's Univ., Kingston, 1888-92; Univs. of Leip- zig and Heidelberg, 1893-97, Ph.D., Heidelberg; m. January 11, 1897, Dr. Moses Buttenwleser (prof. HeA>rew Union CoIL, Cinciniuitl); cUl- dren: Paul, Hilda, Ellen, Laurence. FavOTS woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, N.Y. City; vice-pres. Woman Suffrage Party, Cincinnati. Author: The Obstinate Child (Pedagogical Seminary, 1911); Studien zur Verfas- serchaft des altenglischen Gedichts Andreas (Heidelberg, 1899) ; also contributions to literary magazines. Mem. (Dlvic League, Ass'n Colle- Kiate Alumnae. BUTTERTLELD, Emily Hden, 614 Stevens Building, Detroit, Mich. Architect; b. Algonac, Mich., 1884; dau. Wells Duane and Helen (Hossie) Butterfield; ed. Detroit Central High School; Syracuse Univ., B.Arch. '07; mem. Alpha Gamma Delta. Practises with Wells D. Butterfield. Sec. Ck)llege Woman's Auxiliaries; mem. Woman's Home .Missionary Soc. of Meth- odist Church (reserve field sec). Favors woman suffrage. Occasional magazine contributor as "Cupboards" in Suburban Life. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreations: Swimming, sketching, tramping, pansy culture. Mem. De- troit College Club, Detroit Business Woman's Club. BUXTON, Eva Joanna, Tnimann, Poinsett Co., Ark. Physician; b. Rockport, Ind., Aug. 11, 1863; dau. John X. and Margaretta (Shaw) Buxton; ed, public schools of Ind., Univ. of Mich., North- western Univ., M.D. '97; grad. from LouisvUle Training School for Nurses in 1389. Presbyterian. Progressive Democrat. Mem. Friday Night Club of Rockport, Ind. Practised medicine in Rock- port, Ind., 1897-1911. In 1911 moved to Polnsette Ck)., Ark., to take up homestead. BYINGTON, Jeannette Gregory (Mrs, Homer Morrison Byington), 5 West Av., Norwalk, Conn. Born Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 31, 1880; dau. James G. Gregory, M.D., and Jeannette L. (Pinneo) Gregory; ed. Hillside Preparatorry School, Nor- walk, Conn.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02 (mem. Shakespeare Soc.); m. Norwalk, CJonn., June 2, 1903, Homer Morrison Byington; children: Homer Morrison Jr., Jeannette Lindsley, James Gregory. Favors woman suffrage. As husband is in American (Consular Service (now American Con- sul at Bristol, England), has resided abroad con- tinuously since marriage. BYTNGTON, Margaret trances, 105 E. Twenty- second St., N.Y. City. Born Constantinople, Aug. 3, 1877; dau. Theo- dore Linn and Margaret (Hallock) Byington; ed. Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, 1892-96; Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. 19^)0; Columbia Univ., M.A. '02. District sec. Associated Charities, Boston, 1902- 06; on staff of Pittsburgh Survey, 1907-08; staff Russell Sage Foundation, 1909- . Favors wo- man suffrage. Author: Homestead (Pittsburgh Survey Series). Congregationalist BYBD, Mary Emma, Box 77, Route 9, Lau- rena, Kan., and N.Y. City Normal Coll., Sixty- eighth St. and Park Av., N.Y. City. Astronomer; b. Le Roy, Mich., Nov. 15, 1849; dau. Rev. John Huntington and Elizabeth Ade- laide (Lowe) Byrd (descendant on father's side from Timothy Edwards, father of Jonathan Ed- wards, and on the mother's side from Governor John Endicott) ; ed. high school, Leavenworth, Univ. of Mich,, A.B. '78; Carleton CoU., Ph.D. '04. Principal of Wabash High School, 1879-82; first assistant in Observatory of Carleton (3oll., Northfield, Minn., 1883-87; director Smith Coll. Observatory, Northampton, Mass., 1887-1906; prof, astronomy in Smith Coll., 1898-1906; now in charge of the astronomical dep't of the Normal Coll. of the City of N.Y. Writer of numerous non-mathematical articles, technical articles deal- ing with comet positions by pillar micometers; Laboratory Manual in Astronomy, 1S99. Mem. British Astronomical Ass'n, Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. of America. Recreations: Reading riding. Congregationalist. Favors wo- man suffrage. B^TtNE, Miriam, 4337 Wilcox Av., Chicago, III. Author; b. Chicago, Jan. 13, 1884; dau. James and Hannah (Elliott) Byrne; ed. public schools and high school, Chicago. Appointed librariui and keeper of clinical records in Cook Oooaty BYRNES— CABOT 153 Hospital, Chicago. Author: The Would-Be Witch; House of the Red Fox. BYRNES, Esther Russell, 193 Jefferson Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Biologist, teacher; b. Overbrook, Pa., Nov. 3, 1866; dau. Jacob Russell and Mary (Wilson) Byrnes; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A. '91, M.A. '94, Ph.D. "98; Garrett graduate scholar in biology; fellow in biology, Bryn Mawr Coll. Assistant In Dep't Biology, Vassar, 1891-93; student assistant in Biological Laboratory, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-97. Teacher Biology Girls' High School, Brooklyn. 1898-1912. Fellow N.Y. Acad. Science. Author: Origin of Limb Muscles in Amphibia; Maturation and Fertilization in Limax Campes- tris; Regeneration of Limbs in FVog Tadpoles After the Extirpation of Limb-Rudiments; The Fresh Water Cyclops of Long Island. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. Woods Hall Biological Ass'n, Soc. Am. Naturalists, Intercoll. Socialists, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences, Alumnse Ass'n Bryn Mawr Coll. Recreations: House- keeping, varied by travel, music, literature. Studied at Maine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., and at Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. Traveled in Europe, 1901-06. BYRXES, Josephine Armstrong (Mrs. William J. Byrnes), 1726 Eighth Av., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 22, 1869; dau. Solomon and Angeline (Scribner) Armstrong; grad. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, with honors, '76; m. Feb. 4, 1886, William J. Byrnes, M.D. ; children: Lyle b. Nov. 17, 1886; William A., b. Sept. 19, 1890; Martica, b. Nov. 25, 18»2; Josephine, b. Nov. 17, 1894. Taught in Ann Arbor public schools; was principal of school four years. Mem. Woman's Alliance. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality Club of Minneapolis. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., Wo- man's Auxiliary of Hennepin Co. Med. Soc., Minn. Territorial Pioneers (through husband). Woman's Alliance. Mem. Oak Park Literary Club, Tuesday Study Club, Lewis Parliamentary Ass'n. CABEEN, Sarah Biddle (Mrs. Francis von A. Cabeen), New Britain, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Jan., 1867; dau. Thomas and Sarah T. (White) Biddle; ed. Miss Agnes Irwin's Sohool, Philadelphia; m. May 19, 1904, Francis von A. Cabeen. Interested in literary and social work. Author: The Sister, or A Romance of the United Brethren. House mem. of the College Club of Philadelphia. Episco- palian. On maternal side great-granddaughter of Bishop William Wliite, first bishop of the Episcopal Church In America; on paternal side great-granddaughter of Clement Biddle (quarter- master-general on Washington's staff at Valley Forge) and his wife, Rebecca Cornell. CABEEN, Sarah Clark (Mrs. William C. Cabeen), 807 Comstock Av., Syracuse, N.Y. . Bom Portage, Wis., Aug. 14, 18S1; dau. John Tillotson and Louise (Holley) Clark; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '84; m. PorUge, Wis., July 15, 1885, William Charles Cabeen; children: Daniel Clark, Ruth Holley, Donald Stewart, Charles Kirkland. Teacher Philathea Class, Plymouth Sunday School; mem. Foreign Missionary Com., Woman's Guild, Plymouth Church, Y.W.C.A. C!om., Con- sumers' League, Political Equality Club. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Onondaga Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Board of Management and Educational Com., Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, I*Tes3 Com. (Central N.Y. Branch). Mem. Fortnightly Club, Social Art Club. Recreations: Walking, gardening. CABELL, Anne Branch (Mrs. R. G. Cabell), 1811 Park Av., Richmond, Va. Born Petersburg, Va., Dec. 31, 1860; dau. James Read and Martha Louise (Patteson) Branch; ed. Miss Gordon's School, Richmond, Va. ; Edge Hill Randolph School, Albemarle Co., recetred highest honors and literature scholar- ship; m. Richmond, Va., Not. 14, 1877, R. O. Cabell Jr.; children: Jam«s Branch, Robert Gam- ble, John Lawrence. Episcopalian. Recreations: Out-door Irfe, literature and genealogy. Favors woman suffrage. CABELL, Isa Carfington (Mrs. Edward Car- rington Cabell), 329 Amsterdam Av., N.Y. City. Author; b. Va. ; dau. Isaac and Sarah E. (Read) Carrington; ed. Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va. (Medallist), 1875; m. Richmond, Va., 1876, Edward Carrington Cabell. Has been connected with Richmond Dispatch, New York Herald, New York World, literary editor Hart- ford Courant, held staff position on Baltimore Sun, wrote under the title of "Carlsabel"; essays on humorous topics (8 years); has been an assistant editor of The Bellman for some years; contributor to Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, The Youth's Companion. Author: Seen from the Saddle; Thoughtless Thoughts of Cariaabel. Has spent time in reading, writing and preparing for daily and weekly journals with which she is con- nected; has lived in Europe, and America and divided time between Va., Hartford, Conn., and N.Y. Mem. Barnard Club, Colonial Dames of America. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Favors woman suffrage. CABELL, Margaret (Mrs. Ashley Cabell), Klrk- wood, St. Louis, Mo. Born Nashville, Tenn., July 4, 1862; dau. Aaron and Frances (Gowdey) Stretch; grad. Dr. Ward's Acad., Nashville, Tenn., 18S0; m. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1881, Ashley Cabell; one son: Carrington Cabell. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. CABLE, Ida Tower, Bradford. Pa. Editor and publisher; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 23, 1860; dau. Gad H. and Rebecca (Smith) Tower; ed. Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Pittsburgh, May 1, 1876, Daniel J. Cable; one son: Gustine "Tower, b. May 7, 1878. Newspaper reporter, then editor Erie Messenger-Graphic, purchased Bradford Herald and edits same. Vice-pres. Internat League of Press Clubs; mem. Nat. Women's Press Ass'n, Pa. Women's Press Ass'n, Pittsburgh Women's Press Club. Director McKean County Children's Home; vice-pres. Children's Aid Soc. of McKean Co.; sec. McKean Co. Historical Soc; mem. Gov- erning Board Women's Literary Club. Episco- palian. Mem. Country Club of Bradford, Pa. Speaker on various topics, after dinner speaker. CABOT, CaroUne Sturgis (Mrs. FoUen Cabot), 21 W. Cedar St., Boston, Mass. Author; b. Concord, Mass., April 13, 1846; dau. William Ellen Channlng (poet and essayist) and Ellen K. (Fuller) Channlng, sister of Margaret Fuller; ed. privately; m. Boston, Sept. 20, 1865, Follen Cabot (died 1905). Author: Six Stories In the Child's Hour, 1898; Sketches of Nantucket, Mass., 1899; Football Grandma, 1905. Episco- palian. Mem. Boston Browning Soc., Boston Authors' Club. CABOT, Elinore Blake (Mrs. W. Channlng Ca- bot), Nantucket, Mass. Born Portsmouth, N.H.; ed. high school, Ports- mouth, N.H. ; Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Ma-wr, Pa., and at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894- 96; m. 1901, W. Channing Cabot. Private tutor, Blltmore, N.C., 1897-99; teacher of mathematics and Latin In Miss Roberts' School and In the Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1899-190L Pres. Woman's Auxiliary of the Civic League of Nan- tucket, 1904-05. CABOT, Ella Lyman (Mrs. Richard Clarke Cabot), 1 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Educator; b. Boston,- Mass. ; dau. Arthur T. and Ella (Lowell) Lyman; ed. private schools In Boston, Radcllffe Coll. (special student); grad. courses in philosophy and logic at Harvard Univ. ; m. Waltham, Mass., Oct. 26, 1S94, Dr. Richard Clarke Cabot (professor in Harvard Med. Coll. and author of several medical books). Has taught ethics In private schools in Boston. Appointed on Mass. Board of Education, 1904. Sec. .Mass. Branch of Am. School Peace League, 1911. Pres. Civil Service Reform Auxiliary of Mass. Chair- man Education Dep't of Woman's Municipal League of Boston; mem. Council of Religious Education Ass'n. 'Trustee of Radcllffe Coll. ; pres. Radcllffe Coll. Auxiliary. Mem. Nat. EducaUoQ 154 CABOT— CAIRNS Ass*!!. M«ni. Nat, Montesseri Committee. Life Federated Council for Christian and Patriotlo mem. Unitarian Ass'n. Author: Everyday Ethics; Service (vice-pres.). Newspaper contributor of Ethics for Children; 70th Report Mass. Board of critical articles on art and miscellaneous short Education; Outline of a Course in Good Will for poems. Clubs: Round Table, Sorosls. Congre- the Public Schools; The Value of Literature gationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Teaching (Educational Review); School Social CATFIN, Caroline (Mrs. Charles H. Caffln), 17 Service (American Volume for the 2d Internat. -^7. Eighth St., N.T. City. Conference in Moral Education). Unitarian. writer; b. Whitehall, Hook, Surrey, England, RecreaUons: Piano playing, smging, gardenmg, i^q^. (jau. Robert and Sarah (Iliff) Scurfield; ed. golf, tennis, swimming, camping. Mem. College private school Sunderland, Durham, England; Club, Boston. m. Battersea, 'London, 1SS8, Charles H. Caffln; CABOT, Elsie Fumpelly (Mrs. Thomas children: Dorothy Agnes, Freda Margaret. On Handasyd Cabot), 232 Newbury St., Boston; the stage until 1893 in original company of Ben summer Dublin, N.H. Greet Pastoral Plays. Favors woman suffrage. Artist photographer; b. Newburgh, N.Y., 1875; Mem. 25th Assembly Dist. of the Woman Suf- dau. Raphael and Eliza (Shepard) Pumpelly; m. frage Party (chairman of Drama Com. of 25 Dublin, N.H., Oct 3, 1898, Thomas Handasyd players). Author: Dancing and Dances of To- Cabot; children: Elizabeth, Pauline, Thomas I>ay. Associate mem. of the Educational Play- Handasyd. Professional pqrtrait photographer ers. Mem. MacDowell Club of N.Y. City. since 189G. Favors woman suffrage. Recreation: CAGWIN, Clara Joslyn, Walsenburgr, Colo. Tennis. Teacher: b. Westmoreland, N.Y., Feb. 21, 1884; CABOT, Maria M. (Mrs. Godfrey Lowell Cabot), dau- De Witt Clinton and Frances M. (Joslyn) 16 Highland, St., Cambridge, Mass.; summer, Cagwin; ed. West Denver High School Denver Beverly Farms Mass (salutatorlan) '03 (won prize each year for essay Born Boston, Mass., April 21, 1866; dau. Joseph S^^ting); Cornell Univ., B.A '07 (class poet) S. and Mary B. (Jon4) Moors ed. Miss Sanger's ^^^ °L V^*^i° ^^P%' Huerfano County High School, Miss Foot's School; m. Cohasset, Mass., School, Walsenburg Colo, five years; ass t Pnn- June 23, 1890, Godfrey LoWell Cabot; chUdren: fipal of same institution two y^s Presby- Jamea Jackson, Eleanor, Thomas Dudley, John t^^ian. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Moors. Interested in charities. Unitarian. CAHTLIi, Marie (Mrs. Daniel V. Arthur), care CADBUBY, Anna Mary Moore (Mrs. Benjamin of D. V. Arthur, 1402 Broadway, N.Y. City. Comedienne; b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; ed. in schools Cadbury), 260 East Main St., Morristown, N.J. „,-^— ^^ •^- £— j^v'. Trthur:"' Made fi^sl *?,°"?Q^^°°'"^I'T''' t^^-^'V ^ T^^n^i^H o^r^' appearance to soubrette rSle in Kathleen A.B. '94; graduate student m English and eco- j^^^^^^^^^, ^itu ^ stock company of which ncmics and politics, BrynMawr Col ., 1894-9D ^ ^^. ^^ manager; graduate student Earlham Coll 1900-01; m. 1909, jater filled various parts and entered musical Benjamin Cadbury I^of. English and Gemian, ^ ,^ company as Patsy in A Tin WBitUer (CaU Coll., 189o-1900; teacher invest- g j^j J ^^^ '^^^^^ t^g management of George •^^° ^f^J ?.°"'^'^^ ,v '^°°A' n^^^ionl' no 1^ i, Lederei^, in several productions and in the season prof, of Englisa Earlham Coll., 1908-09. Mem. ^^ ^g^j.-QS began stirring career in the musical bociety of iwry) (3adbury; ed. Friends' other star parts, and in season of 1912 was at Select School, Philadelphia, Pa., Case and Hallo- the Liberty Theatre in N.Y. City In The Opera well School, Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. BalL '98. Treas. Ass'n for the Care of Coloured CAHOON, Grace Willson, 1604 W. Thirty-ninth Orphans; trustee Moorestown Free Library. Mem. g^_ L^g Angeles, Cal. Society of Friends (Orthodox). Physician; b. Lyndon] Vt; dau. George W. and CADE, Clayton Thomas (Mrs. George Lymaji Mary L. (Bellows) Cahoon; grad. Univ. of Minn. Cade), "The Gables," Stonelea Park, New Ro- Med. School, M.D. ; post-graduate studies In chelle, N.Y. Vienna, Austria. Practiced medicine In Montana; Composer and singer; b. Charlestown, Mass., sec. Montana State Med. Soc. ; now at Los Angeles, Nov. 12, 1868; dau. Spencer Churchill and Eunice Cal. Club: College Woman's. Favors woman A. (Clayton) Thomas; ed. Boston public schools suffrage. Progressive. and private tutors; studied for career as singer CATBNS, Anna Sneed (Mrs, John G. Calms), In America, London and Paris; m. Boston, Mass., Forest Park University, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 15, 1902, George Lyman Cade; children: University president; b. New Albany, Ind., Margaret Salome, b. Oct. 28, 1904; Elizabeth Mar. 19, 1841; dau. Rev. Samuel K. and Rachel Eunice, b. June 6, 1906. Appeared in public at (Crosby) Sneed; grad. Montlcello Sem., 1858. As the age of five years as singer; at 18 years made qq colleges for women existed then, studied with d6but In light opera in America, followed by four Bishop Dunlop, Latin and Greek, also French, years of same In England, where first work as (German and Spanish, History, Shakespeare, Ut- composed came out (the Japanese Love Song) in erature. Christian evidences; m. April 7, 1884, 1900. Composer of: Japanese Love Song; Chasing John G. Cairns (died 1895). Founded Forest? Butterfiies; Ave Maria; Toyland; The Duel; Song Park Univ., Sept. 3, 1861, and for 52 years has of an Egyptian Princess (Eugene Field); Inven- been its president. Legislative and legal sup't tlon to the Sun-God, Ra! (also Egyptian); sev- mo. State W.C.T.U., seven years; carried Con- eral children's songs; Japanese Song Cycle, stltutional Amendment, submitting prohibition, Matsurle; Shakespeare Song Cycle; now engaged through the House of Representatives of Mo. writing music for plays for children's company Served four years as Sup't Capital and Labor of at Plymouth Theatre, Boston, Mass. Episcopalian. Nat. W.C.T.U. ; first dist. pres. St. Louis dist. Mem. Dj^.R. Recreations: Motoring, gardening. W.C.T.U.; Invited by Si^an B. Anthony to be Mem. Professional Women's Club of Boston; also pres. St. Louis Suffrage Ass'n. The Mo. Legls- the Shakespeare, Woman's and Mothers' Clubs lature invited her to address it on the subject of of New Rochelle, N.Y. suffrage during its morning business session (an rAT»v rnrn<>lin F^nslim 310 W 105th St. N Y unusual honor). Mem St. Louis Chapter D.A.R. ritv *^*"^^ i!-nsigm, 31U w. loftin bu, rvi.i. ^^^^^^ woman suffrage; addressed Mo. House of A-tiot a„,i ^^^t„TCT■ on ar+- h 1ti <3nriTi£r- Representatives and Senate, each on suffrage. « ■^J"^ ^^ ., ^ « „-£ Qttll'^a o^i %=.?h r Author of pamphlets, addresses, newspaper arti- fleld, Mass.; dau HeniT Stearns and Sarah L. ^^ pFesbyterikn. Republican, then mem. ^df^^Vl^^fl^'e'ldkfss'^FoTV years Ls^^^atf ProhibiUon Party. Mem. ^sslonary socieUes. pr1ncfpal'^o"we1?'End?nst.^Mrs'.\'nd MisTS^^ Recreations: Horseback riding, driving. School for Girls, New Haven, Conn. Vice-pres. of CATRNS, Frances V. Shellabargrer (Mrs. Charles N.Y. Auxiliary of Am. McAU Ass'n (an auxiliary Sumner Calms), 1410 Yale Place, Minneapolis, of the Mission Pobulalre in France), Am. Wal- Minn, densian Aid Soc. (recording sec), Internat. Bom Decatur, 111.; dau. Isaac and Mary Ann CAIRO— CALKINS 155 (Weaver) Shellabarger; grad. Cincinnati Wes- ]eyan Female Coll., B.A. '77 (mem. Lyceum); m. Decatur, 111., 1884, Charles Sumner Cairns; children: Millard Shellat)arger, b. 18S7; Carl Al- bert, b. IS^jO; Donald Cairns, b. 1S96 (deceased). Club woman since college days, also active in church and missionary societies; worked In State Federation on Forestry Bill and Traveling Li- brary; now working on Minnesota Red Light Injunction and Abatement Law. Mem. and con- tributor to many other philanthropic and social service clubs. Presbyterian. Mem. Westminster Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Juvenile Protection League, Woman's Welfare League, Bible League. Recreatioais: Concerts, lectures, Mem. Minneapolis Woman's Club. CAIRO, Frances LUIian Wllmer (Mrs. Vincent Cairo), 354 E. ISth St., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.T. Bom Baltimore, Md. ; dau. Lambert Alexander Wilmer (Judge, author. Journalist) and Sidney Ann Wllmer; ed. private schools; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 6, 1890, Vincent Cairo (merchant). Designer of artistic novelties which have had large sale in America and Europe; contributor to various periodicals. Interested in and connected with W.C.T.U. and several philanthropic organiza- tions. Mem. Professional Woman's League, Woman suffrage Ass'n, Political Equality League and several women's clubs. CALDWELL, E.stella Biley (Mrs. J. S. Cald- well), 410 W. Eighth Av., Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, Sept 11, 1873; dau. John C. and Ellen Lyons (Lynch) Riley; ed. Univ. of Clncinnau, B.L., cum laude (Phi Beta Kappa); Laura Memorial Med. Coll., Cincinnati, M.D. (mom. Delta Delta Delta); m. Jan. 28, 1904, Dr. James Sterrett Caldwell; children: James Ster- rett, Hamilton Allen. Prof, materia medica in Laura Memorial; sec. staff of Presbyterian Hos- pital; first woman dist. physician in Cincinnati, 1898-1304. Interested in church, social activities, mothers' clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Charter mem. and vice-pres. Haw- thorn Club; vice-pres. Federation of Mothers' Clubs; trcas. Sherman School Mothers' Club. CALDWELL, Louise Orton (Mrs. Francis C. Caldwell), 206 Sixteenth Av., Columbus, Ohio. Born Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1877; dau. Ed- ward and Anna Davenport (Torrey) Orton; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '99; m. Columbus, Ohio, July 12, 1900, Francis G. Caldwell; children: Anna Davenport, b. 1903; Edward Orton, b. 1905 (died 1909). Mem. Woman's Guild of the First Congregational Church, Home and School Ass'n (treas. of ass'n and chairman of Mound St. School luncheon), Deshler-Hunter Com. of Columbus Female Benevolent Soc. tcares for crippled children), Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage licague of Columbus. Mem. Congregational Church. Recreations: Reading and out-door excursions. President-elect of the Women's Club of Ohio State University; mem. Present Day Club, College Women's ClUb of Columbus. CALDWELL, WUlle Walker (Mrs. M. M. Cald- well), Virginia Heights, Roanoke, Va. Born Newborn, Pulaski Co., Va., 1860; dau. General James A. and Sarah Ann (Poage) Wal- ker; ed. private school, Mary Caldwell Sem., Staunton, Va. ; m. Wytheville, Va., 1888, Manley M. Caldwell; children: Virginia Graves, Sarah. Poage, James A. Walkes. Edited a civic column' for five years In Roanoke Times. Mem. Presby- terian Church ; sec. church, Roanoke, Va. ; worker In mission societies; pres. four years Roanoke Woman's Civic Betterment Club, also charter mem.; pres. Va. Fed. of Women's Clubs since May, 1912. Newspaper correspondent; writer of short stories for magazines; Novelette: The Tie that Binds. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters Confederacy. Recreations: Reading, gardening, club work, social life. Presbyterian. CALHOUN. Laura A. (Mrs. E. E. Calhoun), 419 W. 119th St., N.Y. City. Author; b. en route to California, Jan. 27, 1847; dau. Abram and Hulda Davis; ed. public schools and high schools of Vlsalia, Cal., and private tutors; m. Judge E. E. Calhoun of Vlsalia; chil- dren: Eleanor Hulda (Princess Lazarovich- Hrcblianovich), Virginia Catherine, Jessie Isabel (Mrs. William H. Anderson), Laura A., Mary Lee (deceased), Susan Patricia (deceased), James Bwing. E.Nperimentalist in natural history. In- structor in physical culture and voice production. Inventor fruit-harvester, nut-lock, non-reflllable bottle (two different kinds). Author of biological works, including The Law of Sex Determina- tion and Its Practical Application. Catholic. Mem. Leagiie of the Sacred Heart, United Daughters of Confederacy, Los Angeles (Cal.) Chapter. Favors woman suffrage and the Am. Progressive Political Party. CALHOUN, Sallie Williams (Mrs. Patrick Cal- houn), Euclid Heights, Cleveland, O. Born Charleston, S.C; -dau. George W. and Martha (Porter) Williams; took diploma from Charleston Female Sem.; m. Nov. 4, 18S5, Pat- rick Calhoun; children: Martha, Margaret Green, Patrick, George Williams, John Caldwell, An- drew Pickens, Mildred Washington, Sallie Will- iams. Interested in Children's Hospital and Free Dispensary, School for Crippled Children, Rain- bow Cottage. Episcopalian. CALHOUN, Vlrgrinia Catherine, 419 W. 119th St., N.Y. City. Actress, reader, lecturer; b. Visalia, Cal.; dau. Judge E. E. and Laura A. Calhoun; ed. San Jose public schools and S-tate Normal School, Cal. ; special tutors, London and Paris, music, French, German, Latin, literature, art. Con- nected with educational work, also civic and so- cial work in San Jose and Santa Clara County, Cal. Mem. Sans Souci International French Alliance, Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clubs (N.Y. City), Ellzabethean Stage Soc. (two years, beginning 1898, connected with their productions of classical drama), London, England; some time mem. Ben Greet Players, English provinces. Is giving pro- fessional dramatic recitals and productions of plays in America, including N.Y. City and Cal., the most notable Ramona,- the California classic. Lecturer on art and political subjects. Writer French translations; author of plays and sketches, magazine and newspaper articles. Au- thor: The World-Fajmous Artist-Model, Antonio Corsi. Favors woman suffrage and Am. Pro- gressive Party. CALKINS, EmUy Blackwell Lathrop (Mrs. Raymond Calkins), Cambridge, Mass. Born Astoria, L-I. ; dau. John P. P. and Anna B. (Noyes) Lathrop; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '92 (mem. Alpha) ; m. Sept. 14, 1899, Raymond Cal- kins. Active In parish work, settlement work, dist. nursing and tuberculosis work. Joint editor (with Raymond Calkins) of Substitutes for the Saloon, one of the series of volumes pub. by the Committee of Fifty. Episcopalian. OAXJCINS, Emor L. (Mrs. Earl H. Calkins), 284 Champion St., Battle Creek, Mich. Lecturer; b. SpringviUe, N.Y. ; dau. Joseph and Mary (Frank) Capron; ed. Griffith Inst., Springville, N.Y. ; m. Dec. 28, 1S76, Earl H. Calkins; children: Glena, Grace, Mildred. State vice-pres. of Ind. W.C.T.U., 1894; State pres. Mich. W.C.T.U. since 1905. Nat. lecturer for Equal Suffrage Ass'n for several years. Meth- odist. CALKINS, Mary Whiton, 22 Bellevue St., New- ton, Mass. Professor philosophy, Wellesley Coll.; b. Hart- ford, Conn., Mar. 30, 1863; dau. Rev. Wolcott and Charlotte Giosvenor (Whiton) Calkins; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '85, M.A. '87; Columbia Univ., LltLD. '09; student Harvard Annex, 1886-87, 1890- 91, and passed Harvard Ph.D. examination, 1895; student of Greek, Univ. of Leipzig, 1886-87, and of psychology and philosophy at Berlin and Ox- ford, 1902. Tutor and Instructor in Greek, Wel- lesley Coll., 1887-90; since then teaching psychology and philosophy as instructor, 1891-94, associate prof., 1894-97, and prof, since 1897, Wel- lesley 0>11. Author: Introduction to Psychology (three editions); Der doppelte Staudpunkt in der Psychologie; Persistent Problems of Philosophy (three editions); First Book In Psychology (two L56 CALL— CAMERON editions). Mem. Asa'n Collegiate Alumii», Am. Psychological Ass'n, Am. Philosophical Ass'n. Congregational ist. CAliIi, Annie Payson, Waltham, Mass. Author; b. Arlington, Mass., May 17, 1853; dau. Henry E. and Emily (Payson) Call; ed. at various schools. Books: Power Through Repose; As a Matter of Course; For Freedom of Life; Every Day Living; Nerves and Common Sense; A Man of the World; The Heart of Good Health. CALVERT, Eleanor Mackubin (Mrs. Charles Baltimore Calvert), 405 Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D.C. ; (country) McAlpine Col- lege Park, Prince George's Co., Md. Bom Summer Hill, Md. ; dau. Richard Creagh Mackubin, of Annapolis and "Strawberry Hill," and Hester Ann (Worthington) Mackubin; ed. Annapolis private schools, St. Mary's Hall, Bal- timore City and Ingleside (Mr. and Mrs. Gibson), CatonsvUle, Md. ; m. St. Paul's Church, Balti- more, June 14, 1866, Charles Baltimore Calvert, of "Riverdale," Prince George's Co., Md. ; chil- dren: Eleanor, Hester Virginia, Charlotte Au- gusta, Charles Benedict (died), Richard Creagh Mackubin, George Henry, Rosalie Eugenia Stier, Charles Baltiaiore, Elizabeth Steuart. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. (Colonial Daanes, D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Order of Colonial Lords of Manors in America. CAiVEBT, Frances Adelia (Mrs. George H. Calvert), 1750 Corcoran St., Washington, D.C. Born Middletown, N.Y., Feb. 20, 1847; dau. Frederick Ira and Susan Adelia ((3ooley) Seybolt; ed. Mrs. Houston's private school at Middletown, N.Y., and Academy of Visitation, Washington, D.C; m. Dec. 26, 1872, George H. Calvert of Riversdale Manor, Md. ; children: Julia Stuart, Charles Benedict, George, Cecilius, John Went- woTth. Favors woman suffrage. EJpiscopalian. Mem. Chevy Chase Club (Md.). CALVERT, Mary Githens (Mrs. Alan Calvert), 327 S. Sixteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Oct. 7, 1876; dau. Benjamin and Mary J. (Prettyman) Githens; ed. Miss Agnes Irwin's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 18, 1906, Alan Calvert; children: Benjamin Githens, Jean, Marian. Active worker in the First Baptist Church. Boardman of Boys' Guild and Philadel- phia College Settlement. Mem. Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnee, Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n, Col- lege Settlements Ass'n, College Club of Phila- delphia. CALVIN, Clementine, Meadvllle, Pa. Teacher; b. Meadvllle, Pa.; dau. John M. and Isabel (Lytle) Calvin; grad. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '82, A.M. '84; post-graduate course in Prof. Curry's School of Expression, 1883. Instructor in German and elocution, Waterford Acad., 1884; teacher Meadvllle (Pa.) High School, 1885; prof. German and oratory, Monmouth (111.) Coll., 1886-1903; instructor same branches, MeadviUe Theological School, 1903-11. Active as public reader and speaker; especially interested in Mis- sion work at home and abroad. Mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of First M.E. Church, Meadvllle, Pa. Club: Woman's Literary Club of Meadvllle, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. CALVTN, Henrietta WiUard (Mrs. John H. Cal- vin), Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. Dean of School of Home Economics; b. Jones- boro. 111., Aug. 11, 1865; dau. Henry Webb and Alice (Condon) Willard; finished junior year at Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan.; grad. Science Course at Kansas State Agricultural Coll. B.S. '86; m. Manhattan, Kan., June 16, 1886, John H. Calvin; children: John Willard, b. Mar. 24, 1887; Paul Henry, b. June 3, 1889; Ruth, b. Nov. 28, 1890; David, b. Oct. 18, 1882; Catherine, b. Jan. 30, 1894 (deceased); Benjamin Willis, b. Feb. 20, 1896; George Fairchild, b. June 3, 1898. In Kan- sas State Agricultural Coll. as librarian, 1901-03; prof, of domestic science, 1903-08; prof, home economics, Purdue Univ., 1908-12; since then Oregon Agricultural Coll. as dean of home eco- nomics and prof, of domestic science. Lecturer to women's cluto, mothers' congresses, extension schools, national meetings, Chautauqua and farmers' institutes in Wis., Kan., 111., Ind., Md., Washington, D.C; Ga., N.C, Ala., Ohio. Rec- reations: Country tramps, study of btrds and flowers, amateur photography. Baptist Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Pres. Civic Im- provement Soc. of West Lafayette, Ind. CAMERON, Agnee Deans, 64 E. Government St., Victoria, British Columbia. Journalist, writer, lecturer; b. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 20, 1863; dau. Duncan and Jessie (Anderson) Cameron; grad. from public high school, Vic- toria, B.C. Taught in public and high schools; 10 years principal South Park School, Victoria, B.C., now school trustee. Associate editor Edu- cational Journal of Western Canada. Made notable journey from Chicago by way of Atha- basca, Great Slave Lake and the Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean, returning by Peace River and the Lesser Slave Lake. Lectures on travel themes in U.S., Canada and England. Author: The New North, 1909; The Outer Trail, 1910. Vice-pres. Canada Woman's Press Club, 1909; mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, B.C. Women's Council, B.C. Agricultural Ass'n, B.C. Historical Soc., Tuesday Club. CAMERON, Beatrice — see Mansfield, Beatrice Cameron. CAMERON, Bettie Gamer (Mrs. Benjamin G. Cameron), 3119 Eighth St., Meridian, Miss. Born TuBCumbia, Ala. ; dau. Argy L. and Sarah (Burton) Garner; ed. St. Mary's Episcopal School, Memphis, Tenn. ; grad. St. Mary's, N.Y. City, 1879; m. Tuscumbia, Ala., Feb. 20, 1884, Benjamin L. Cameron; children: Argy Garner, Alan William, Benjamin Franklin, Elizabeth Garner. Mem. St. Paul's Guild; vlce-pres. Woman's Auxiliary; mem. choir and teacher in Sunday-school. State cor. sec. Internat. Order King's Daughters and Sons; treas. local chapter; vlce-pres. Pushmataha Chapter D.A.R., Winnie Davis Chapter (oldest chapter in the State), United Daughters of Confederacy, Old Ladies' Home Ass'n, Public Library Ass*d, Matinee Mu- sical Club, Euterpean Club. Opposed to woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Democrat. CAMERON, Cora May Kent (Mrs. Wallace Cam- eron Jr.), 101 Willard Av., Bloomfield, N.J. Former teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; m. July 24, 1905, Wallace Cameron Jr.; children: William Wallace 2d, b. Oct. 22, 1907; James Kent, b. Nov. 3, 1309. Teacher South Deerfleld, Mass., 1897-98; Tarry town (N.Y.) High School, 1899-1901; Chestnut St. Grammar School, Spring- field, Mass., 1901-05. CAMERON, Edith Virginia Buzzell (Mrs. Harry Frank Cameron), Cebfl, Cebti, Philippine Islands. Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '99; student North Adams (Mass.) Normal School, spring of 1902; m. Feb. 18, 1905, Harry Frank Cameron; children: Anne, b. Jan. 11, 1906; Vir- ginia, b. Sept. 14, 1907. Teacher, Amherst (Mass.) High School, 1899; Lee (Maine) Normal School, English, 1900; St. Hilda's Industrial School, Morristown, N.J., 1901; principal Charlemont (Mass.) Grammar School, 1902; Byfleld Grammar School, 1903-04; teacher of English at Cetotl, Cebti, Philippine Islands, since 1904. CAMERON, EUzabeth (Mrs. James Donald Cameron), Middletown, Pa., and 6 Square Bois de Boulogne, Paris. Daughter Charles and Elizabeth (WUllams) Sherman; ed. in Boston; m. Clevelsind, Ohio, U.S. Senator James Donald Cameron of Pa.; one daughter: Martha. CAMERON, Margaret — see Lewis, Margaret Cameron. CAMERON, Susan EUzabeth, McGlll University. Montreal, Quebec, Can. Teacher; b. Baddeck, Nova Scotia, Can.; dau. Alexander and Anne (Purves) Cameron; ed. at home, high school, St. John, New Brunswick; MoGlll Univ., Montreal, B.A., honors and gold medal, 1895, M.A. '99. Teacher in the Misses Graham'B School, N.Y. City, 1895-99; tutor in English, MoGill UniT. since 1899; lecturer 1906; CAMP— CAMPBELL 157 ass't professor 1912; vice-warden, Royal Victoria logical Seminary. Favors woman suffrage. Con- CoU., ilnce 1907. Putllc lecturer in Montreal, gregatlonalist. Mem. Annex Tuesday Club, Port Ottawa, etc. On the board of the University Huron, Mich. Chairman of Com. on Charities Settlement. Favors woman suffrage. Has writ- and Corrections, Mich. State Fed. of Women's ten occasional articles in the University Maga- Clubs. Grand Council mem. of Alpha Omicron zlne (ed. Dr. Macphail, Montreal) and Canadian Pi, and was Us delegate to Pan-Hellenic Con- Magazine (Toronto); co-editor with Dr. J. W. gresa. Cunliffe of Poems of the Romantic Revival. CAArPBELL, Dorothy lona, Hamilton, Canada, Presbyterian. Mem. Alumnag (McGUl), Women's Qolf champion; b. in EJdinburgh, Scotland; Canadian Club. British golf champion, 1909-11; U.S. golf cham- CAMP, Con-stance Graham (Mrs. Harry Flnley plon, 1909-10; Scottish golf champion, 1905-06-08; Camp), Cogswell, N.Dak. Canadian golf champion, 1910-11-12. Born Lexington, 111., Mar. 14, 1878; dau. Dr. CAMPBELL, Mrs. Eleanor Goodrich, "Glad- J. C. and Mauvla (Fell) Graham (dau. Dr. Jonas wyn," Pomfret, Conn. Fell); grad. 1a Porte City (la.) High School, '95; Born Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19, 1876; dau. Iowa State Teachers (3oll., Cedar Falls, la., B.S. Caspar Frederick and Eleanor (Milnor) Good- '97; m. La Porte, la., Oct. 30, 1901, Harry Finley rich; m. Annapolis, Md., June 1, 1901, Douglas Oamp. Primary teacher. La Porte City, la., 1898; Campbell, of New York. Against woman suf- seventh grade teacher, Cresco, la., 1899-1901. frage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. York Club Pres. Cogswell Literary Club, 1910-13; chairman q{ n.Y. Educational Com. of Sixth Dlst. N.Dak. Fed. of ^.^^^^^-n- d. i. iw «cr« t, ji t, j /^. Women's Clubs; sec. of Concord Round Table, CAMPBEIX Elizabeth, 3550 Reading Road, Cln- Anamosa, la., 1902. Against woman suffrage. ?jJ?" , .' ?' o. i r, t:. v o ,oco j Presbyterian. Mem. Neotrophian Soc, I.S.T.C, P^y«"='i°' \ ^^^^%^-^°- K^\ ^' ^^F'h ''^"■ hnn mpm W O T IT William Bylngton and Mary D. (Leavill) Camp- ^V\.JrJ:^^ . J , ,^ •,^.. T„ bell; ed. Univ. ot Mich., Univ. of Cincinnati A. B., CAMPBELL. Annabel Thompson, Albion, III. m.D. (Alpha Epsllon Iota). Prof, medicine in Bom Albion, 111., Jan. 31, 1856; dau. Francis Laura Memorial Coll. Mem. Medical staff Christ Burdette and Jane (Bawman) Thompson; ed. Hospital and mem. of Am. Med. Ass'n. Pres Albion public schools, Univ. of Ind.; m. Dec. 17, visiting Nurse Ass'n. Contributor to medical 1878, Albion, 111., Joseph McCown Campbell; journals. Presbyterian. Has frequently lectured children: Bruce A., Winifred, Joseph F., Jane on Social Hygiene. Favors woman suffrage. Bird, Mary Elmabel, Nigel Dobell. Interested In Mem. Acad, of Medicine, Cincinnati, social and musical matters. Favors woman riATurD-ax^i t d- _: * d i />« t ,_ ^ suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Order Eastern ^fffj^^f.^'p^J^f"!* ^^'^^'' ^^"^ ^°^'' ^"^P- SUr, Albion Shakespeare Club. TwenUetH Cen- o^'l^' pl?„^5V^w.^' Jl^T'is?? A t tiirv «?hakPi.. isoston, Mass. north end of the city. Baptist. ,«^o""'T' ^?°^1^ reformer; b. Lockport, N.Y.. 1839; ed. schools of Lockport, N.Y., and in the CAMPBELL, Caroline Portman (Mrs. H. J. Gammeil School at Warren, R,I. Began career Campbell), 37 Prospect Av., N.B., Grand as writer of Juvenile stories, writing among other Rapids, Mich. books the Alnslie Series (four vols.). Girls' Hand- Born Marshall, Mar. 2, 18S7; dau. Rev. James book of Work and Play, etc. Later devoted to Gilson and Caroline (Miner) Portman; ed. In problems of philanthropy and social reform public schools and seminary; m. Marshall, Mich., writing upon these subjects the books- Pris- Jan. 18, 1879, Hon. James H. Campbell; one oners of Poverty; Prisoners of Poverty Abroad- daughter: Enid (died). One of the founders of Some Passages In the Practice of Dr Martha BlBsell House Settlement Interested in State Scarborough; Women Wage EJarners- Problem of historical work. Mem. State and local historical the Poor; I>arkne&3 and Daylight In New York societies. Grand Rapids Art Ass'n, Colonial etc. Has also been special lecturer on soclo- Damee of America, U.S. Daughters of 1812, ML logical themes in Univ. of Wis., and was prof Vernon Soc.; founder Daughters of Mich. Pio- in State Agricultural Coll. of Kansas 1895-99* neers; regent Sophie de Marsac Gampau Chap- Author also of books on domesUc economy In ter D.A.R. (honorary life regent); pree. Mich. Foreign Kitchens; The Easiest Way In House- State Fed. of Art. Mem. ladles' literary club, keeping; Household Economics. Books of flc- The Reviewers; associate mem. St. Cecelia Soc. tion: Six Sinners; His Grandmothers- Roger Episcopalian. Has voted on all permitted propo- Berkeley's Probation; Miss Melinda's' Oppor- Bitions. but does not favor universal suffrage. tunlty; Mrs. Herndon's Income; The What-to-do CAMPBELL, Clara Green (Mrs. William James Club; Under Green Apple Boughs; Unto the Campbell). 715 Court St., Port Huron, Mich. Third and Fourth GeneraUon; Patty Pearson's Born Bangor, Me.; dau. Joslah Weeley and Cox; Balentyne. Also author of biographical Eulalla P. (Luce) Green; ed. Univ. of Maine, work: Ann Bradstreet and Her Times. Orono, Me.; Bangor (Me.) High School (mem. CAMPBELL. Henrietta Foeter Crosman (Mrs. Alpha Omicron PI); m. Bangor, Me., Jan. 18, Maurice Campbell), office 133 W. Forty-second 1906. Rev. William James Campbell; one daugh- St.. N.T. City. ter: Louise. Librarian before marriage; organ- Aotreee; b. Wheeling, W.Va., Sept 2, 1866; teed lUkrarles and was librarian of Bangor Theo- dau. 0«orse Hampden and Mary (Nick) Cro»^ 158 CAMPBELL— CANBY man; ed. private teachers at home; m. 1896, Maurice Campbell; children: George Croaman, Maurice Croaman. Went on the stage at 16 vears of age; was with Bartler Campbell's White Slave Co.; later played leads with Robert Downing; was with the Lyceum Co., Augustin Daly's Co., and with Charles Frohman; in 1900 began as star, under her husband's management, in One of Our Girls, by Bronson Howard. Since then haa continued In various plays, including Mistress Nell, The Sword of the King, Sweet Kitty Bellairs (which ran for two years), Made- line, Nance Oldfield, Mary, Mary, Quite Con- trary, All-of-a-Sudden Peggy, The Christian Pilgrim. Favors woman suffrage. CAMPBELL, Jane, 413 W. School House Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Writer, lecturer; b. Philadelphia; dau. John and Margaret (Hughes) Campbell; grad. Girls' High and Normal School of Philadelphia. Has lectured before many clubs in Pa., N.J. and Del. on woman sufirage, English and German literature, Danish folk songs, songs and ballads of the Am. Revolution, historic songs and bal- lads of Ireland, Philadelphia music. Colonial music, songs of the War of 1812, songs of the Civil War, old minstrel songs, historic trees, historic churches, Philadelphia mansions, Phila- delphia In 1830. Sec. of Am. Catholic HiS'torical Soc. ; historian of Site and Relic See. of German- town; mem. of the Exec. Council of City His- tory Soc. of Philadelphia; librarian of English Library E. de M. ; officer and mem. of Exec. Board of Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Has writ- ten many historical articles published in Phila- delphia Sunday Record, poems, stories, essays in Wide Awalie, Golden Days, The Continent, Pucij and other periodicals; editor of Woman's Progress; contributor to various club magazines. Mem. Auduibon Soc., St. Vincent's Aid Soc., Mercantile Library, New Century Club, Civic Club; hon. mem. of Wednesday Club. Recrea- tions: Music, collecting Philadelphia pictures (has a large and valuable collection). Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. Cor. sec. of Pa. Wo- man Suffrage Ass'n; pres. of Woman Suffrage Soc. of the County of Philadelphia for 20 years; has been for last six years Pa. representative on the Elxec. Com. of the Am. Woman SufErage Ass'n. CAMPBELL, Leona Pelton (Mrs. Jamea MoD. Campbell), Oregon St., Huron, S.D. Born Lowville, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1879; dau. John Northum and Mary Liouise (Boshart) Pelton; ed. Minneapolis schools; Univ. of Minnesota; grad. from Minneapolis Kindergarten Training School, 1902 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Minne- apolis, June 4, 1903, James McD. CampbeU; one daughter: Mary Alice Campbell. Interested in worii of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Mem. Monday Musical Club, Mothers' Cluli. CAMPBELX, Mary Edith, 85 BO Reading Road, Cincinnati, O. Director Schmldlapp Bureau; b. Ripley, O., Dec 27, 1875; dau. William Bylngton and Mary (Leavitt) Campbell; grad. Univ. of Cincinnati, B.A. '01, MJi.. '06. Engaged as instructor in economics, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1906-08, then en- gaged to take charge of the Schmldlapp Fund for Girls, which she developed Into the Schmldlapp Bureau for securing employment for girls and women. Has attained national prominence in vocational work; first woman ever elected to Cincinnati Board of Education, In whidi has served since 1911. Presbyterian. Mean. Cincin- nati College Club. CAMPBELL, Mary Isab^la McPherBon (Mrs. Nathan Warner Campbell), 1836 Calumet Av., Chicago, 111. Born Mumford, N.Y., Dec. 29, 1855; dau. John Finlay and Jennette (Fraser) McPherson; grad. Ingham Univ., A.B. ; m. Dec. 22, 1881, Nathan Warner Campbell; one son: Donald McPherson Campbell (deceased). Life mem. and trustee of Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of Northwest (Chicago); manager of Y.W.C.A. of Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Madagascar; A Brochure on Missions. Presby- terian. Republican. Mem. Woman's Home Mis- sionary Soc, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, the Fortnightly (Chicago). CAMPBELL, Mattie Ormsby (Mrs. William Aulls Campbell), 19 Northwestern Av., Mus- kegon, Mich. Teacher; b. Woodstock, 111., June 1, 1861; dau. William Morgan and Lucia (Bunker) Orm^y; grad. Cook Co. Normal School (Chicago), 1879; Univ. of Mich., B.S. '82 (associate mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota Sorority); m. 1882, Dr. William Aulls Campbell; one daughter: Lois Lucia Camp- bell (now Mrs. Steere). Taught eight years; was sup't of Gladstone (Mich.) public schools. Sunday-school sup't and teacher. Chairman Educational Com. of Woman's Club. Has ad- dressed women's clubs in Mich, at various places. Interested in federation of olirbs. Favors woman suffrage. Author of children's stories and verses, outing stories, educational artides; has assisted in writing text-books and forming school li- braries. Presbyterian. Mem. Collegiate Alunmae Ass'n (m-em. exec, board) ; sec. Univ. of Mich. Alumnas Ass'n (Ann Arbor) ; treas. Univ. of Mich. AlumoEe Ass'n (Muskegon); mem. Audu- bon Soc, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty. Rec- reations: Reading along educational lines, water- color painting, writing children's verses and stories. Mem. Tuesday Club (Ann Arbor); pres. Muskegon Woman's Club. CAMPBELL, Stella BogTue (Mrs. Andrew Thom- son Campbell, Jr.), 271 Midland Av., Mont- clalr, N.J. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '91; N.Y. Univ., LL.B. '98; m. 1898, Andrew Thomson CampbeU Jr. (died Jan. 24, 1908); children: Avis, b. May 7. 1899; Catharine, b. Nov. 16, 1901. CAMPBELL, Viola VaUle Barnes (Mrs. David Allen), 116 S. Michigan Av., Chicago, III. Elditor of Musical Monitor; b. Plattsmouth, Neb.; dau. John W. and Martha D. (Gage) Barnes; ed. Ladies' Sem., Mt. Pleasant; musical education, Chicago, New York and London; m. Plattsmouth, Neb., June 28, 1882, David Allen Campbell; children: James P. Newton, Paul. Teacher of voice, concert singer and editor of Musical Monitor, organ of Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs, of which is charter mem. and hon. vice- pres. Presbyterian. CAMPION, Margrnerite, 179 Summit Av., Upper Montclair, N.J. Teacher, editor; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1X84; dau. John W. and Camilla Farr (Charter) Cam- pion; ed. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '04 (Kappa Alpha Theta). Employed in editorial work with Ladies' Home Journal, 1904-05; teacher in Swarth- more Preparatory School and in public schools of Montclair, N.J. Author of several short stories, general articles. Mem. Etthical Soc. of Philadel- phia. Favors woman suffrage. CANAVAN, Myrtelle May Moore (Mrs. James Francis Canavan), Boston State Hospital, Boston, Mass. Physician; b. St Johns, Mich., June 24, 1879; dau. Richard Avery and Kate Gnlia Bhna (Young) Moore; ed. Mich. Agricultural Coll., Lansing, Mich.; Univ. of Mich.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '05 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Zeta Phi); m. Philadelphia, May 17, 1906, Dr. James Francis Canavan (died July 26, 1907). Ap- pointed pathologist to Boston State Hospital, 1910; appointed med. examiner to Wellesley ColL, 1908. Has written reports of cases of interest in connection with hospital hygiene, pathology, bac- teriology and psychiatry. Mem. Assembly Club of Boston. Favors woman suffrage. CANBV, Marion Cause (Mrs. Henry Seidel Canby), 105 East Rock Road, New Haven, Conn. Bom Wilmington, Del., Aug. 11, 1885; dau. Harry Taylor Cause (Ph.B., Yale, '79) and Vir- ginia (Ingersoll) Gause; ed. privately; m. June IB 1907, Henry Seidel Canby; one son: Edward Tatnall Canby, b. Feb. 28, 1912. Mem. advisory board Leila Day Nursery, and various charitable and social organizations in New Haven and Wilmington, Del. Presbyterian. Mem. Connecti- cut Soc for Social Hygiene, Conn. Soc. for Men- tal Hygiene. Mem. New Haven Lawn dub. CANDA— CAPLES 159 CANBA, Ida Hammond Holmefl (Mrs. Charles A. Canda), 564 Westminster Av., Elizabeth, N.J. Born Rldgefleld, N.J., Jan. 11, 1867; dau. Charles Bassett and Sarah B. (Hammond) Holmes; ed. by private instruction and In schools; private pupil In music of Dr. William Mason, Edward A. McDowell and Edward M. Bowman of N.Y. City; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 5, 1905, Charles A. Canda. Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Automobiling, music, walking. Charter mem. and first pres. of Brooklyn Pianists' Club. CAJfDEE, Annie Chunn (Mrs. Nehemlah Can- dee), 63 Bayvlew Av., South Norwalk, Conn. Born Chaptico, Md. ; dau. Mark B. and Annie (Dent) Chunn; ed. public schools In Maryland and Washington, D.C. ; Md. State Normal School; special course at Yale Univ. ; m. New Haven, Conn., 1901, Nehemiah Candee (lawyer); chil- dren: Mark Chunn, Marjorie Dent, Dorothy Caro- line. Contributor of stories, articles and verse to Youth's Companion, Little Folks, Children's Magazine, Lipplncott's, Cavalier, Every Month, Brown Book, N.Y. Sunday Herald, Ladies' Home Journal. Holland's, etc. Baptist. Mem. Scrib- blers' Club of New Haven, Woman's Municipal League of South Norwalk, Conn. Opposed to woman suffrage. CANDEE, Helen Chnrchill (Mrs. E. C. Candee), 1718 Rhode Island Av., Washington, D.C. Author; b. N.Y. City, Oct. 5, 1863; dau. Henry and Mary (Churchill) Hungerford; ed. New Haven. Conn, (attended the first kindergarten In this country — under Rose Porter); m. Norwalk, Oonn., 1S90, E. C. Candee; children: Harold C, Edith C. Survivor of the wreck of the Titanic, April 15, 1912. Mem. Ladies' Board of Children's Hos- pital, Washington. Author: An Oklahoma Ro- mance, 1902; Styles and Periods in Decoration, 1906; The Tapestry Book, 1912; short stories for magazines. Mem. National Fed. of Arts, Na- tional Civic Fed. Clubs: Riding of Washington, Chevy Chase. Favors woman suffrage. CANDEE, Marion Otis, 45 South Hamilton St., Poughkeepsle, N.Y. Teacher, klndergartner; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; ed. in schools of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '94; Albany Normal Coll., Pd.B., '06. Teacher Bellows Falls, Vt. 1895-97; Morristown, N.J., 1898-99; since 1909 haa conducted a private kindergarten in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. CANIIEI-D, Elizabetli Norton (Mrs. Thomas H. Canfield), Lake Park, Minn. Born Winooski, Vt., Oct. 9, 1874; dau. John Wright and Mary Frances (Pease) Norton; gfad. Univ. of Vt., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa) '96 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Albany, N.Y., Dec. 29, J.898, Thomas H. Canfield; children: Katharine, Thomas 3d, David, Donald, Margaret. Trained as librarian at State Library School at Albany, N.Y., 1896-97. Episcopalian. Recreations: Ten- nis, automobiling. CANFIELD, NeUie Heth, 2031 East 96th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; ed. in schools of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '87. Teacher in Middletown, N.Y., 1887-88; Chi- cago, 111., 1888-90; since 1890 In the Central High School of Cleveland, Ohio. CANNON, Annie Jump, 291 Huron Av., Cam- bridge, Mass. Astronomer; b. Dover, Del., Dec. 11, 1863; dau. Wilson Lee and Mary E. (Jump) Cannon; ed. Wilmington Conference Acad., Dover, Del., '80, Wellesley Coll., B.S. '84, M.A. '07, special work In astronomy at Radcllffe Coll., 1896-97; Harvard Coll. Observatory, 1898-11; curator astronomical photographs. Harvard Coll. Observatory, 1911- . Has discovered 150 variable stars, 3 new stars and other peculiar objects, such as spectroscopic binaries and stars having bright lines In their spectra, and has made the classification of stellar spectra which is accepted as the standard by astronomers throughout the world. Author of various volumes of the Annals of Harvard Coll. Observatory, such as classifications of stars by means of their spectra and discussions of variabla stars; now engaged upon the determination of the clast, of spectrum of all the stars down to tbe eighth magnitude In the entire sky. The results will form a catalogue of more than 100,000 stars. Mem. M.E. Church. Chairman of Observatory and Fellowship Committees of the Nantucket Maria Mitchell Ass'n. Mem. Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. of America, Boston College Club, Boston Wellesley College Club, Wellesley Shakespeare Soc, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Rec- reations: Walking, music. CAPEN, Anne, 61 Highland Av.. Haverhill. Mass. Born Boston; dau. Edward Capen (librarian philanthropist, first librarian of Boston Public Library, later started Haverhill Public Library on invitation of E. J. M. Howe, who endowed it), and Anne (Saville) Capen; mem. of original Dorchester (Colonial) Capen family; ed. Everett Grammar School, Haverhill High School, Smith Coll. B.A., post-graduate course, Cornell Univ., later studied abroad. Has been college prep, tutor, editor, essayist critic. Unitarian. Vice- pres. Woman's Alliance. Mem. Woman's Club of Haverhill; sec.-treas. Hosford Club; mem. (former pres.) College Club. CAPEN, Cbanie A. (Mrs. Charles A- Capen), 727 Main St., WUllmantlc, Conn. President State Federation; b. Hartford, Conn., 1843; dau. Samuel B. and Lemira (Little) Fuller; ed. in private acad., lilast Hartford, and High School, Hampton, Conn.; self-educated aside from this; m. WilUmantic, Conn., Charles A. Capen. Pres. for years of Willimantic Woman's Club, also of Needlework Guild; pres. of Conn. State Fed. of Women's Clut)s; has given literary talks at different times. Fond of amateur ttieat- ricals; still acts as coach occasionally; has dra- matized, in a simple way. Lady Baltimore, and Lady Rose's Daughter, for local use. Congre- gationalist. Against woman suffrage. CAPEN, Mary Warren, 38 Greenough Av., Ja- ^maica Plain, Mass. 'Born Boston, Mass., April 18, 1874: dau. Samuel Billings and Helen M. (Warren) Capen; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '98; mem. Agora (a society local to Wellesley). Officially connected with Suffolk Branch of Woman's Board of Missions, Woman's Home Missionary Ass'n, Wellesley Chapter of College Settlements Ass'n. Congre- gationalist. Mem. College Club (Bostoh), Boston Branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Mass. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, Jamaica Plain Tuesday Club. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alum- nae; sec. and treas. Boston branch 1902-04; di- rector Boston branch, 1904-06; chairman of Mem- bership Com. of Nat. Ass'n, 1904-06: pres. Bos- ton Wellesley College Club, 1910-12. CAPERTON, Helena Trench Lefroy (Mrs. Clif- ford Randolph Caperton), Kilmorony, R.F.D. No. 2, Westhampton, Richmond, Va. Born Richmond, Va., Aug. 18, 1878; dau. Jeffry Arthur and Sallie Watson (Montague) Lefroy; grad. from Miss Augusta T. Daniel's private school. 1890; awarded two gold medals for essays and English literature; m. Richmond, Va., Nov. 17, 1897, Clifford Randolph Caperton; children: Arthur Lefroy, Rose Gaston, Helena Minna, Sarah Montague, Mary Clifford, Harriette Alex- ander, Melinda Montague. .Mem. of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church; interested in charity work. Mem. Colonial Dames of America in State of a.. Daughters of Confederacy, Country Club of Va. Mem. Richmond Educational Soc. Recrea- tions: Gardening, farming, poultry raising, golf- ing, dancing, visiting in England, Ireland, Lon- don season, Dublin Horse Show, yachting on Irish Coast, shooting pheasants at camp in au- tumn in W.Va. Episcopalian. CAPLES, Grace Stelle (Mrs. Byron M. Caples), Waukesha, Wis. Journalist; b. Beloit, Wis.; dau. Oliver Benja- min and Lucy Page (Woods) Stelle; ed. Baltimore, also Wooster Univ., O. ; m. Milwaukee, Mar. 23, 1901, Byron McBride Caples, M.D.; one daughter: Lucy Margaret. Washington (D.C.) journalist; correspondent for N.Y. Herald, Philadelphia In- quirer, Baltimore Sun; on staff, Washington Post, editing woman's page. Chairman Public Health Committee; Wis. Federation of Women's Clubs. 160 CAPPLEMAN— CARLETON Reads papers upon health and other subjects for clubs and other Wis. organizations. Chairman Book Com., Waukesha FYee Public Library, selecting all books. Has attended several con- servation congresses as delegate; assisted in organizing Waukesha Hospital. Mem of Suffrage Ass'n Has written magazines and newspaper stories. Episcopalian. Mem Library Board, appointed by Mayor, Nat. Red Cross Ass'n. Chairman Civic Com., Waukesha Welfare League. Mem. Woman's Club of Wis., Ideal Club, Wau- kesha. CAPPLEMAJN, Josie Frazee (Mrs. G. T. Capple- man), 307 E. Ninth St., Little Rook, Ark. Writer, reader; b. in Kentucky, June 28, 1861; dau. Joseph S. and Ann (Stone) FYazee; ed. Franklin Coll., Lancaster, Ky., with honors, receiving gold medal; student of expression; m. 1880, G. T. Cappleman of Louisville, Ky. ; chil- dren: Frazee, George, Loulie Lee. Wrote for Courier-Journal; contributed eight years to De- troit Free Press, and many years to Commercial Appeal (Memphis), and Woman's Magazine, N.Y. City; also public reader and entertainer in many cities. Author- Heart Songs, The Judith Letters; Heart Songs (second vol.), and several historical pamphlets and booklets of poems. Methodist Episcopal. Mem. and active worker of Daughters of the Confederacy, Order of Eastern Star, Dames of 1846 (Mexican War), D.A.R. Recrea- tions: Walking, surf bathing, traveling. Mem. Bay View Reading Club, Book Club; hon. mem. Beethoven Club (Memphis). Was guest of the Nation, camping next to President McKinley at the Reunion of the Blue and the Gray at Evans- ville, Ind., Oct., 1899, where she read her poem: Blue and the Gray. Against woman suffrage. CAPrS, Minnie Taliaferro Jossey (Mrs. William Allsle Capps), 181 Barber St., Athens, Ga. Born Macon, Ga., Aug. 1, 1878; dau. John Thomas and Clara (Johnson) Jossey; ed. Elam Alexander Normal School, Macon, Ga. ; Mt. de Sales Acad., Macon, Ga. ; m. Athens, Ga., Jan. 7, 1913, William Allsie Capps. Taught in Bibb Co. public schools at Macon, Ga., for eleven years. Interested in church activities of FYotestant EpisoopaJ Church and in musical and literary work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Pres. Hyechka Club, Macon, Ga. ; SUte vice- pres. for Georgia of Nat. Federation of Musical Clubs; mem. United Daughters of the Con- federacy. CAPBON, Fanny Littlefield (Mrs. C. Kemper Capron). 502 W. 149th St., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City, Get. 19, 1858; dau. John and Elizabeth (Stevens) Littlefield; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; m. June 18, 1882, C. Kemper Capron; children: Florence E., Edith L., Charles Alexander. Chairman and director of mothers' meetings. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Reading, lectures, con- certs, camping. CAPWELL, Irene Stoddard (Mrs. Charles Al- bert Capwell), 1415 Owen Av., Racine, Wis. Bora Mllford, Mass., Mar. 8, 1854; dau. James A. and Marion (Parkhurst) Stoddard; ed. Chicago public and high schools; m. Chicago, Mar. 4, 1874, Charles Albert Capwell (business, later Episcopal clergyman); one dau.: Marion. Inter- ested in Sunday-school and women's organiza- tions of Episcopal Church; vice-pres. Central Ass'n (philanthropic), Racine, Wis. Amateur musician, artist and dramatic reader. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mrs. Alderman Casey; also short stories and articles in various magazines. Mem. D.A.R. ; charter mem. Engle- wood Woman's Club (Chicago); ex-pres. Racine Woman's Club. During five years' residence in Philadelphia was mem. Browning Soc. and Civic Club, and in Chicago was mem. of Apollo Musical Club. CAKEY, Margaret Cheston Tboraas (Mrs. An- thony Morris Carey), 1004 Cathedral St., Bal- timore, Md. Born Baltimore, Md. ; ed. Miss Pindell's School Baltimore; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; m. 1893, Anthony Morris Carey; children: M. Milicent, James, G. Cheston. Chairman of Educational Com. of Y.W.C.A., 1904-M; honorary cor. sec. for Baltimore of Bryn Mawr Coll. Mem. Society of Friends. CARET, Miriam Eliza, Minn. State Library Com- mission, The Capitol, St. Paul, Minn. Librarian; dau. Isaac Eddy and Eliza A. (Wright) Carey; ed. Rockford Sem., Rockford, 111.; Oberlin Coll.; Library School, Univ. of 111. Librarian Burlington (la.) Public Library, 1899- 1906; supervising librarian State institutions of loTva, 190G-09; organizer Minn. State Library Commission since 1909. Author of various papers on library work in charitable and correctional institutions. Congregationallst. First librarian to take up work of systematizing libraries for the insane and other inmates of charitable and correctional Institutions. CABHART, Anna Georgine, 211 W. Fifty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Parish visitor; dau. Lyman Beecher and Ophelia Merle (d'Aubigne) Carhart; grad. Smith Coll., '97, B.A. ; a year at Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland. (Congregational Church. Mem. Smith Student's Aid Soc., Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Smith Coll. Club of N.Y., Congregational Club of N.Y. CAKHABT, Edith Noble, Apartado 1291, Mex- ico City, Mexico. Missionary; b. Lincoln Co., S Dak., 1879; dau. Nathan and Allda (Pruyn) Noble, ed. Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1898-01, A.B. '02, A.M. '11, De- Pauw Univ., '02, Ph.B., Bryn Mawr Coll. Grad. School, 1909-10, Chicago, Univ., Summer, 1905; m. CenterviUe, S. Dak., 1911, Raymond A. Carhart; one son: Raymond Theodore Carhart. Prof. Latin, Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1907-11; now Methodist missionary in Mexico. Mem. S. Dak. State Com. Y.W.C.A., 1899-1910 (chairman— 1908-09). Favors woman suffrage. Clubs: Round Table (Mitchell, S.Dak.), College Women's Cluh, Recreation Reading Club (Mexico City). CABHABT, Margaret Sprague, 211 S. El MoUno Av., Pasadena, Cal. Teacher; b. Evanston, 111., June 28, 1877; dau. Henry S. and Ellen M. (Soul§) Carhart; grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '99, A.M. '01; studied in Germany and Univ. of Colo. (mem. Delta Gamma). Instructor In English, Univ. Colo., 1908-12; teacher of Ehiglish In Pasadena High School. Episcopalian. CARL,, Katharine Augrosta, 51 Washington Sq., N.Y. City. Painter; b. Louisiana, U.S.A.; dau. Francis A. and Mary (Breadin) Carl; ed. State Coll., Mem- phis, Tenn., M.A. ; went to Paris to study painting in 18S2, exhibited in Salon des Artists Frangais in 1883 and continuously up to 1893, when first exhl- ited in Societe National.e des Beaux Arts. Went to Algiers in 1892; painted portraits of El Had and others there. Visited China in 190^^ painted portraits of H.I.M. the Empress l3owafe*r of China, of which one was sent by her Majesty to the U.S. Gov't (now in Nat. Museum, Washing- ton). Decorated by Empress Dowager with Order of the Double Dragon, second degree, and the private order of the Flaming Pearl. Author: With the Empress Dowager of China. Episco- palian. Mem. Societe Nationale Des Beaux Arte, Paris, Women's Soc. of Internat. Artists (Lon- don). Lyceum Club, London, Paris, Berlin. Recreation: Walking. CARLETON, Emma Shields Nunemacher (Mrs. Philip Jones Carleton), 913 Upper High St., New Albany, Ind. Writer; b. New Albany, Ind., Aug 4, 1850; dau. John Robert and Avesta (Shields) Nune- macher; ed. New Albany public schools, Tous- ley's Acad, and DePauw Coll., New Albany; m. Indianapolis, 1874, Philip Jones Carleton; one son: Philip Nunemacher Carleton, b. 1876 (died 1883). Within 20 years has collected and sold by mail many old- books, generally heading her business letters, "'The Un-Beknownst Book- Shop," or "The Un-Beknownst Literary Shop," but has no shop (father had bookstore in New Albany for 40 years). Free-lance newspaper and magazine writer, contributing to leading N.Y. City papers. Youth's Companion and the maga- zines. Writer of: Chronicle of Old Bottles; Old- Time Bandtboxes, etc (Century); various artioles CARLETON— CARPENTER 161 In The House Beautiful; contributor to Life, and treas. Cemetery Com.; prea. Niagara Hls- Puck, Brooklyn Life, for 15 years; writer on In- torical Soc. for 16 years, and hon. mem. Ontario, dlanapolls .Journal, 25 years, later Indianapolis Lundy's Lane and Woman's Toronto Historical News and Star; six years with Chicago Record Societies. Was chosen as one of 20 representa- and Detroit Free Press, as humor contributor; tive Canadian women at Chicago gathering, writer of much serious verse. Recreation: Walk- Believes in woman suffrage. Author: Centennial ing. Favors woman suffrage. of St. Mark's: Centennial of St. Andrew's CARLETON, Grace Haines, 302 E. Ann St., Ann Church, and various historical pamphlets— as Arbor, Mich. Gen. Brock; Count de Puisaye; Robert Gourley; Lawyer; b. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; dau. Guy InscripUons and Graven; Niagara a Hundred Haines and ChrisUne (Kemp) Carleton; grad. Years Ago; Niagara Library, 1800-1820; FronUer Univ. of Mich., LL.B. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Fed- Churches; Fort Niagara; also articles in maga- erated Charities Home Missionary Soc., Foreign zlnes, poems, etc. Presbyterian. Liberal in Missionary Soc.; pres. Circle of King's Daugh- politics. Mem. of historical societies in different ters. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Board of Places. Recreations: Walking, reading, golf, Directors Ann Arbor Equal Suffrage Ass'n. chess, botanizing. Mem. Monday Club, Literary Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Order Eiastera Club, etc. Star, Ann Arbor Art Ass'n, Woman's Club of CABON, Nettle Clark (Mrs. George Gabriel Ann Arbor. Caron), 52 Davenport St., Detroit, Mich. CARLETON, LUllan Stewart (Mrs. John Jay Born Detroit, Mich., June 1, 1864; dau. David Carleton), 522 Fremont St., Iowa Falls, Iowa. Charles and Marcella (Shaw) Clark; ed. Detroit Bom North Branch, Mich., May 15, 1873; dau. Fenxale Bern, and public schools; m. Detroit, Robert James and Rhoda (Orr) Stewart; ed. Iowa 'luly 9, 1889, Dr. George Gabriel Caron; children: Falls public schools and stenographic course in George Clark, b. Sept. 3, 1892; Margaret Ellaa- snmmer school of Ellsworth Coll. (never used It beth, b. Mar. 10, 1902. Interested in Cass Ave- profeaeionally) ; m. Iowa Falls, Iowa, May 23, ""« Methodist Episcopal Church; sup't Junior 1904 John Jay Carleton; children: Wendell dep't; vice-pres. Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. Stewart, b. June 19 1906; John Robert, b. Oct. 17, Chamber Music Soc.; vIce-pres. Drama League; 1908. Taught district school one year; waa sal- vice-pres. Soc. for Study of Social Hygiene; arled church singer for a few years in home mem. Twentieth Century, Diversity and Parlla- town and later sang soprano solos in M.E. memtary Law Clutis; vice-pres. Mich. Children's Church at Vancouver, B.C. Interested in the Home Soc. (Detroit board), Detroit Fed. of Wo- work of all the seven church denominations of men's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; vice- home town, though mem. of none; assists all chairman Wayne Co. Organization; mem. College church and philanthropic societies. Mem. City ^lual ?^^^^t ^^^?- . Methodist. Mem. P.K.O. Federation of Women's Clubs and was delegate Soc, AnU-TuberculosIs Soc, Girls Pro-tecUve to district biennial convention of Iowa Federa- League. tlon at Cedar Falls. Mem. Progress Club CARPENTER, AJice, 71 E. Fifty-fourth St., (literary). N.Y. City. CAKMICHAEL, Annie Darling Cole (Mrs. ^ National organizer National Progressive Party; Henry Carmlchael), Maiden, Mass. ^- 9^}""^°' r^^,\.^^- }^^^' ^^"; George Nathaniel Composer; b. PoxUand, Me.; dau. Charies !!;nd Agnes (Williams) Carpenter; entered Smith, Octavius and Mary B. (Smith) Cole; ed. PorUand ^}^ °^„^' °^^ year at Barnard, and one year public and private schools, academy, Gorham, at RadoUffe (Gamma Phi Beta). Worked with Me., and Gorham Sem.; studied pianoforte under Associated Charities and three years in settle- S B Mills N Y City m. N Y City 1877 ment work at Elizabeth Peabody House, Boston. Prof.' Henry Carilchaei. Musical' work^ con- ^.T' xF^^^If. ^^"i^' ^^^°'^' Nat. Progressive sist of compositions for various Instruments for Club, N.Y. City Favors woman suffrage; chalr- iarge and small orchestras; songs: Remembrance; ™an Finance Oom^nd organizer and now tem- Gondellied; Mother's Old Song; O'er Loss of the P»^y ^^c. of Suffrage Com. of Nat. Progressive Gains; With Scent of Roses; Dreams of Venice, "»rty. etc Mem. Woman's Auxiliary of the Maiden CARPENTER, Clara Cornell (Mrs. R. Reld Car- Boys' rhdustrlal Club, Maiden; Woman's Guild penter), 125 Marion Av., Mansfield, O. of Workers for the Peabody Home for Crippled Born Youngstown, 0., June 21, 1860; dau. A. B. Children, Hyde Park, Maes. and Rosella M. (Prentiss) Cornell; grad. Wel- CABNELL, Laura Horner, 2136 N. Camac St.. le«ley Coll., B.A. '82; m Oct. 22 18S9, R. Reld Philadelphia, Pa Carpenter; children: Helen C, Jeannette Reld, Dean Temple Univ.; b. Philadelphia, Sept. 7, Clara Prentiss Amy EIizaft)eth. Taught In high 1867; dau. Lafayette and Rebecca W. (Ayars) schools several years before marriage. Served Caniell; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girfs, as sec. of the Hospital Board for several yeaj^; Normal School, Teinple Univ., A.B. Utt. D. ?as been sec of the Board ot -Trustees of the Teacher in public schools; lady Prin. Temple Memorial Library of Mansfield for five years. Univ., Dean of the Univ. Corporation Temple Mem. Daughters of the RevoIuUon; served as Univ.; lecturer on the History of Art in Coll. of j;efe°t two years; pres. Travelers' Club. Pres- Llberal Arts, Temple Univ. Mem. B'd ot Man- ^yterlan. Favors woman suffrage. R«putllcan. agers. The Samaritan Hospital. Favors woman CARPENTER, Cora, 1014 Rockton Av., Rock- suffrage. Author: Art and Intellect; How to be ford. III. EfBclent as a Social Manager; Home Ownership; Teacher; b. Rockford, 111., Not. 20, 1858; dau. The Domestic Manager as a Social Manager; Monroe and Mary Louise (Cleveland) Carpenter; Competency In Women; Religion In Its Influence ed. public and private schools, Rockford, 111.; Upon the Higher Life of Woman, etc. Baptist, grad. Rockford Sem. (now college), '78. Teacher Mem^. Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, In public and private schools. Recreations: Nat. Education Ass'n, Am. Historical Soc, In- Riding and rowing. Greater part of teaching dustrial Education Ass'n. Recreations: Rowing, was in private school conducted, 1882-99, by her driving, walking. mother, who w£ls county sup't of schools of CARNOCHAN, Janet, Niagara - on - the - LAke, Winnebago Co., 111., 1873-82. Ont. CARPENTER, Fanny Hallock (Mrs. Philip Car- Retired high school teacher; b. Stamford, Ont., penter), 85 Berkeley Av., Yonkers, N.Y. Nov. 14, 1839; dau. James and Mary (Mllroy) Lawyer; b. Rainbow, Conn.; dau. Thomas H. Camochan, of Scottish ancestry ; ed. public school, and Eliza (Hallock) Rouse; ed. Mills Sem., Cal., private school. Normal School, Toronto, private and N.Y. Univ. Law School, LL.B. '96; m. West lessons; awarded certificate by Provincial Normal Winsted, Coun. Sept. 3, 1880, Philip Carpenter. School, first B. Taught public school at 16 years Admitted to N.Y. State Bar 1897; practiced law of age in Niagara, after attending Normal School; about eight years; first woman to win a case In taught In Brantford, Kingston and high school, the Court of Appeals of the State of N.Y.. Ei- Niagara, literature, history, French, etc. Sec. pres. N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, of Missionary Soc; teacher of Sunday-school for 40 Sorosls (N.Y. City), of Nat. Soc. of Netw E^Qgland years; Bible Soc collector 40 years; sec, treaa. Women, and of Wom«n Lawyers' Club (N.Y. and mem. Book Com. of PU'bllc Library; sec. City); mem. Woman's Frees Club, D.A.R., Nat. 162 CARPENTER— CARR Arts Club, Woman's Bar Ass'n, Browning Club. Congregationalist. Recreation: Gardening. Fa- vors woman suffrage. CABPENTER, Elorence Welles (Mrs. Elbert Lawrence Carpenter), 314 Clifton Av., Min- neapolis. Minn. Bom Fulton, 111., Sept. 6, 1867; dau. Edwin PillSbury and Isabella (Griswold) Welles; pre- pared for college at home; grad. Wells Coll., A.B. '87; m. June 4, 1890, Elbert Lawrence Car- penter; children: Lawrence, b. May 16, 1891; Leonard, b. July 28, 1902. Trustee of Wells Coll.; mem. exec. com. Minneapolis Associated Charities, the Pension Com., The Friendly Vis- itors' Conference, and various religious and philanthropic committees of Board of Directors' Children's Symphony Concert Soc. Presbyterian. Mem. Minneapolis Soc. of Fine Arts, Soc. of Colonial Dames, etc. Recreations: Golf, horse- back riding. Mem. The Minikahda Country Club, the Layfayette Country Club, Woman's Club of Minneapolis. Against woman suffrage. CAKPENTEB, Grace Eleanor White (Mrs. Frank F. Carpenter), 424 Arroyo Terrace, Pasadena, Cal. Born Providence, R.I. ; dau. Albert Charles and Anna M. (Cooke) White; ed. Lincoln School, Providence, R.I. ; m. June 26, 1912, Frank Faron Carpenter. Club: Agawam Hunt, Providence, R.I. Episcopalian. CARPENTER, Hannah Thayer, 276 Angell St., Providence, R.I. Teacher of music; b. Providence, R.I.; ed. Miss Wheeler's School, Providence; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. "98; student of music, 1899-1909. Teacher of music since 1909. Sec. R.I. Ass'n for Collegiate Education of Women, 1905-06; vice-pres. Social Service League since 1907; treas. 1904-07; pres. North End Junior Working Girls' Club, Provi- dence, 1907-09. CARPENTER, Imogrene Hand, 1324 Main St., Racine, Wis. Born Racine, Wis., Apr. 30, 1867; dau. Elbert O. and Margaret S. (Budd) Hand; ed. Racine High School; grad. McMynn's Acad., Univ. of Wis. B.A. (first honors, also special honors in French) (mem. and ex-pres. Delta Gamma Sorority); m. Oct. 3, 1889, Charles R. Carpenter, Racine, Wis.; children: Russell, Elbert, Charles, Scofield, Pres., 1911, Alumni Ase'n Univ. of Wis. (first woman to be pres. of Alumni Ass'n of a co-ed. university). Mem. Presbyterian Church. Trustee for life of Taylor Orphan Asylum. Head administration Dep't of y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Vice-pres. Racine Woman's Club. CARPENTER, Julia Wiltberger, 263G Park Av., Cincinnati, Ohio. Physician; b. Cincinnati; dau. Dr. Isaac Bates and Susan (Ellmaker) Carpenter; grad. Woman's Med. Coll., Philadelphia; interne 1 year in Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia; 2 years at McMicken Univ. of Cincinnati, studying practical chemistry; 2 years in hospitals of Vienna and Paris. Began practice in Cincinnati Nov., 1878. Mem. Cincinnati Acad, of Medicine (twice its vice- pres.), Cincinnati Obstetrical Soc. (pres. 1902), Ohio State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n. Writer for medical societies and medical journals. CARPENTER, Lucy A. Boone (Mrs. George Benedict Carpenter), 1018 N. State St., Chi- cago, 111. Born Chicago. 111., Jan. 30, 1852; dau. Levi Day Boone (early settler (1836) of Chicago, and mayor 1851) and Louise Matilda (Smith) Boone; ed. Dearborn Se-m., 1869; m. Chicago, May 25, 1871, George Benedict Carpenter; children: Marian Louise, Susie Tappen, George B. Her husband, who founded Central Music Hall, died in 1882, and she became sec. and agent Central Music Hall Co., and lessee of hall, 1882-92; then re- tired. Interested in religious, social, philan- thropic and club activities. Author of essays and poems. Club: Chicago Woman's (pres. 1904-06), Amateur Musical (pres. 1893-95), City (Chicago Woman's); pres. Chicago Woman's Out- Door Art League, two years; incorporator and first pres. Civic Music Ass'n of Chicago, 1913. Favors woman suffrage. CARPENTER, Mary Frances, 21 E. WUaon St.. Madison, Wis. Librarian;' grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '90; student of Hebrew, Univ. of Wis., 1895-97; honorary fellow (Heibrew), 1898. LlTirarian of Superior (Wis.) Normal School, 1898-1903; reviser In Li- brary School, Madison, Wis., since 1907. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. CARPENTER, Mary Noel (Mrs. James M. Car- penter), 4330 Berlin Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo., May 3, 1874; dau. Henry Martyn and Julia Edward (Graves) Noel; ed. St. Louis, Mo. (Mary Institute), and in Boston, Mass; m. St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1896, James M. Carpenter Jr.; children: James M., Noel, Henry Clarkson. Interested in religious activities. Mem. Wednesday Club. Recreations: Tennis, out- door life. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. CARPENTER, iMinnie Chamberlain (Mrs. Gil- bert Congdon Carpenter), 233 Medway St., Providence, R.I. Formerly church and concert singer; b. Nor- wich, Conn., Feb. 21, 1869; dau. William Tyler and (Russell) Chamberlain; ed. Norwich Acad.; m. Norwich, Conn., Nov. 29, 1893, Gilbert Cong- don Carpenter; children: Mary Elizabeth, Gilbert Jr., Harriet, Francis, Victoria. Mem. and for- merly vice-pres. Chaminade Club; mem. Meta- comet Golf Club. Recreations: Golt, tennis. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. CARR, Henrietta A. (Mrs. E. W. Carr), 22 Spruce St., Ashtabula, O. Physician; b. Newport, Mich., Dec. 13, 1868; dau. Joseph and Clara (Colburn) Carr; ed. Al- bion Ck)ll., Mich.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. '92 (mem. A.E.I.); m. May 11, 1905, E. Whitney Carr. E'or thirteen years after graduation practiced medicine at Eaton Rapids, Mich., later at Ashta- bula, O. ; not now in active practice. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Order Eastern Star. CARR, Imograi Msthevvson (Mrs. George W. Carr), 29 Waterman St., Providence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I. ; dau. Bradford Nelson and Harriet Rogers (Hart) Mathewson; ed. Providence, R.I. ; m. Providence, April 17, 1871, Dr. George W. (jarr. Episcopalian. CARR, Laura Whipple (Mrs. Alvah Lemuel Carr), 3727 Burke Av., Seattle, Wash. Lecturer; b. Saegerstown, Pa., Nov. 9, 1870; dau. A. J. and Hannah Jane (Carr) Whipple; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93; m. Lynn, Mass., 1907, Alvah Lemuel Carr. Before marriage taught literature and German in Central High School, Kansas City, Mo. ; since marriage has been lecturing upon literary subjects, especially modern drama and fiction. Much interested in work of the Drama League of America, acting on its Publicity Com.; also on educational mat- ters. On Nat. Educational Legislation Com. of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas; represents A.C.A. of State on School Patrons Com. of Nat. Educa- tional Ass'n; represents Northwest on Graduate Council of Wellesley. Mem. A.C.A. (director of Seattle branch), D.A.R., Wellesley Club of Western Washington, Woman's Century Club (federated), leader of drama dep't. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. Independent. CARR, Sarah Pratt (Mrs. Byron O. Carr), 1«78 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal. Writer; b. in Maine, 1850; dau. Robert Henry and Louisa (Merrill) Pratt; ed. common schools of California; m. CarUn, Nev., 1872, Byron O. Carr; children: Mary Louise Carr, George Pratt Carr (deceased). Wray Torrey Carr (deceased). For six years actively engaged as a Unitarian minister in missionary work in California and for a short time in Washington. Interested in civic and social uplift work In California and Washington for better education, purer life, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Iron Way (a historic novel of the building of the first Trans-Continental Railway); The Cost of Em- pire, which is the "book" for Narclssa (a grand opera having its successful premiere In Seattle in 1912); The Billy To-morrow Series (four vols.), boys' books; also short stories, essays and short librettos. Unitarian. Formerly Republican, now Democrat of Woodrow Wilson type. CARRELLr-CARSON 163 CABB£IxL, Theodora M., 4 N. Ashland Av., BuffaJo, N.Y. Teaching; b. Leroy, N.Y., May, 1869; dau. New- ton A. T. and Martha Elizabeth (Hallock) Car- rell; ed. Buffalo State Normal School; Vassar Coll., A.B. ; grad. work in history at Iowa Univ. Taught In Buffalo State Normal School, Buffalo Som., etc. Farors woman suffrage. Presbyter- Ian. Mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Associate alumnae of Vassar College. Recreations: Walking, bird study, out-door ac- tivitiea. Mem. Women's Club of Westminster Church, Vassar Club of Buffalo. CASBIEX, Mary Turner, 1152 Turner Place, Jacksonyille, 111. Bom Jacksonrille, 111., Oct. 30, 1865; dau. Jonathan Baldwin and Rodolphia (Kibbe) Turner (descendant of Le Sire De Tonrneur, Norman knight, who went to England with William the Conqueror, 1067, and of John Turner, who came to America In The Speedwell, 1635); grand- daughter Edward Turner, lieutenant in Col. Put- nam's Reg't during Am. Revolution; ed. in public schools, Jacksonville (111.) Acad, (diploma); m. Jacksonville, May 6, 1875, Dr. Henry Frost Car- rie! (sup't State Hosp. for Insane), who had three little boys; has four children of her own; chil- dren: Dr. H. B. Carriel (succeeded father as sup't), Horace A., Frank B., Mrs. William D. Roberts, Dr. Howan Turner Carriel, Fred C, Charles Arthur. Taught in Athenaeum, Jackson- ville, 111., 1873-74; first woman to have her name placed on 111. State ticket; elected trustee Univ. of 111., 1896. Author: Life of Jonathan Baldwin Turner. Former pres. Ramabai Circle, Woman's Club and Jacksonville Acad. Alumnse Ass'n; now pres. Sorosis, Jacksonville Art Aas'n; rec. sec. 24 years of Springfield Presbyterian Home Mission Soc. and one of three women on Pres- byterial Ass'n tor the FVeedmen. CARBINGTON, Aime Seddon (Mrs. Isaac Howell Carrington), 1420 Grove Av., Rich- mond, Va. Born Glen Roy, Gloucester C!o., Va., April 5, 1842; dau. William Patterson and Marian An- drew Morson (Seddon) Smith; ed. Mr. Lefebvre's French School at Richmond, Va. ; m. Nov. 7, 1865, Major Isaac Howell Carrington (deceased) ; children: Malcolm, Mary Coles, Seddon, Mar- garet Cabell. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. CARROLL, Caroline Moncure Benedict (Mrs. Mitchell Carroll), Belair, Thirty-fourth Place, Cleveland Park, Washlngpton, D.C. Born Belair Plantation, Parish ot Placquemine, lia. ; dau. E. D. and Caroline (Doyal) Benedict; grad. Lisle (N.Y.) Acad., '86; Wells Coll., A.B., and private teacher in Dresden, Germany; m. Lisle, N.Y., 1897, Dr. Mitchell Carroll (Ph.D.); children: Mitchell B., Randolph, Charles. In- terested In lectures on current events, studies in archasology, hospital board and promotion of school buildings as social centres. Mem. Fine Arte Soc, School and Community Ase'n of Cleveland Park (organizer), Misstonary Soc., Washington Soc. of the Archaeological Inst, ot America, the Columbian Women (ex-pres.), Washington Clulb, Washington Classical Club, Seymour Club. Baptist. CARROLL, Elizabeth Delia Dixon (Mrs. Nor- wood G. Carroll), 112 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N.C. Physician; b. Shelby, N.C, Feb. 4, 1872; dau. Thomas and Amanda (McAfer) Dixon; ed. Shelby Ck)ll., N.C; Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City; Woman's Med. Coll. ot N.Y. Infirmary, N.Y. City; m. Raleigh, N.C, Sept. 26, 1900, Norwood G. Carroll. Resident physician Phila- delphia Hoepital, 1896-97; physician in charge N.Y. Infant Asylum, 1895-96; highest average at State Board examination; chairman of Physio- logical Section State Med. Soc. Was one of founders of Woman's Club of Raleigh (400 mem- bers); especially active In health and civic work; has lectured In several clubs In State and or- gpanized civic leagues. Active in child labor worik and health league work. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. State and county med. soclertles, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc. ; hon. mem. State Dental Soc., State Ltt>r»ry and His- torical Soc. Recreations: Golf, horseback rid- ing, motoring, Mem. Raleigh Woman's Club, Fortnightly Club (Raleigh). CARROLL, Elizabeth M., 212 B. Eager SU, Bal- timore, Md. Head of private school, teacher; b. Baltimore, Md., 1868; dau. Samuel S. and Rebecca S- (Thompson) CarroU; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Bryn Mawr Coll. B.A. Teacher of Latin and Greek; head mistress of The Arundell School, Baltimore, Cor. sec. Consumers' League ot Maryland. Favors woman suffrage. Clubs: College, Arundell. CARROLL, Lydia FritclUe (Mrs. Robert S. Car- roll), AshevlUe, N.C. Born Brighton. 111., Mar. 21, 1870; dau. John C. and Margaret (Hertrich) Fritchie; ed. public school, Brighton, 111.; grad. Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, 111., '89; m. Brighton, 111., Feb. 18, 1892, Dr. Robert S. Carroll; children: Helolse, Donald F. Mem. Y.W.C.A. and Civic Better- ment League. Favors woman suffrage. I*resby- terlan. Recreation: Tennis. President Woman's Club. CARROLL, Mary Dutcher (Mrs. Otis Swan Car- roll), 129 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. Church and settlement work; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1882; dau. George G. and Mary Helvetia (Burchard) Dutcher; grad, 1904 Smith CJoll. B.A.; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1910, Otis Swan Carroll. Sup't ot Sunday Kindergarten in Strong Place Baptist Church; director of Little Italy Settlement House; mem. ot the Brooklyn Junior League and chairman of its Settlement Com- mittee; mem. Woman's Trade Union League (N.Y.). Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Woman's University Club (N.Y. City). CARSE, Matilda Bradley (Mrs. Thomas Carse), 117 The Temple, Chicago, 111. Temperance leader; b. near Belfast, Ireland.; dau. John and Catherine (Cleland) Bradley; ed. Chicago; m. Thomas Carse (died 1870); children: David, John Bradley. Resident of Chicago since 1858; always active in educational, philanthropic and temperance work. Pres. Chicago Central W.CT.U. from 1878. Founded the Day Nursery dep't of the W.CT.U., with its Bethesda and Talcott Day Nurseries, and founded the Wo- man's Temple of Chicago. Founded the Woman's Temperance Publishing Ass'n and was its presi- dent for 18 years. First woman to be appointed member ot the Board of Education of (Jook Co. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. CARSON, Anna Lea (Mrs. Hampton L. Carson), 1033 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa., and "Shan- garry," Rydal, Pa, Bom Philadelphia, Apr. 29, 1854; dau. John R. and Anna Robeson (Lea) Baker; ed. Philadelphia private schools; m. Philadelphia, Apr. 14, 1880, Hampton L. Carson; children: Joseph, Hope, John B., M.D., Anna Hampton. Manager of Midnight Mission; mem. Comm'n for Restoration of Congress Hall; many years a manager of Ladies' Depository Ass'n. Mem. Colonial Dames ot America, Sedgeley Club, Arts and Crafts Guild; life mem. Pa. Acad. Fine Arts and Pa. Museum School of Art. Was present at two court balls in Berlin, Feb., 1904, upon which occasion was presented to the German Empteror and Em- press and others of the court. CARSON, Luella Clay, Mills College, Cal. Pres, Mills Coll.; b. Portland, Ore.; parents, who were pioneers in the Northwest, were Hon. John Crosthwaite Carson, ot Scotch-Irish par- entage, from Ashland, O., and EUsiabeth (Tal- bot) Carson, daughter of George Washington Talbot, of Lexington, Ky.; graduate St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Ore,, '77; from Univ. of Oregon, A.M. '94; LL.D. '09; Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., Litt.D. Boston School ot Elx- pression (summers) 1889, 1891; Harvard Univ., 1891; Univ. of Chicago, 1896; Univ. of California, 1901; Cambridge Univ., England. Teaching since Cambridge Univ., England, Teaching since graduation in 1877; preceptress Taulatln Acad. and Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., 1880-85; vice-principal Couch School, Portland, Ore., 1886-88; prof, rhetoric and elocution, 1888-96; 164 CARSON— TAUTER prof, rh^orlc and English literature, 18S5-1903; prof, rhetoric and American literature, 1903-09, and dean of women, 1895-1909, Univ. of Oregon; since 1309 pres. Mills Coll., Cal. Hon. mem. Alumnae of Mills Coll., 1902. Author: Public School Libraries: Reference Library for Teach- ers of English; Handbook of English Composi- tion (adopted by several States and cities); also magazine articles. Oongregationalist; many years organist of First Congregational Church of Portland; teacher of Bible classes and pres. and leader of literary societies. Mem. Modern Language Ase'n, Pacific Coast Historical Ass'n, Oregon Historical Ass'n. Republican. Favors woman suffrage CARSON, Norma Bright (Mrs. Robert Carson), 262 S. Fifty-fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Editor, writer; b Philadelphia, Jan. 7, 1883; dau. Joseph C. and Emma (Moore) Brigtit; ed. Girls' High School of Philadelphia; m. June 20, 190e, Robert Carson. Editor the Book News Monthly since 1906. Author- The Dream Child and Other Poems; From Irish Castles to French Chateaux; Nature Furies (in Hours of Happi- ness Series); F^om the Land of the Unborn. CAKSON, Stella Blanche Marbury (Mrs. Edwin Carson), 1925 Gough St., San Francisco, Cal. Born Jeffersonvllle, 111.; removed In girlhood to Pacific Coast; ed.' in schools of San Jose, Cal., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '83; m. April 10, 1894, Dr. Edwin Carson. Has traveled exten- sively in U.S. and abroad. Writer of letters of travel contri-buted to California papers. Author: From Cairo to the Cataract. CABSTENSEN, Mary Rutherford Thomas (Mrs. Gustav A. Carstensen), Christ Church Rec- tory, Riverdale-on-Hudson, N.Y. City. Born Montevue Manor, Frederick Co., Md.; dau. Col. Francis John and Martha (Raymond) Thomas; ed. in private schools and by tutors; m. Rutherford, N.J., B,ev. Gustav Arnold Cars- tensen; children: one surviving, Grace. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary Board of Missions. Has con- - tributed verses and sketches in various papers and magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R-, Daughters of the Confederacy. Her father, Ool. F'rancis J. Thomas of Maryland and Virginia, who was educated at West Point, served with dis- tinction In Mexico, was chief of ordnance on staff of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, C.S.A., and fell at Bull Run while leading the rally of the Louis- iana Tigers. CARTER, Alice Crosby (Mrs. Milton J. Carter), 220 River Boulevard, St. Paul, Minn. Born St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 6, 1887; dau. Simon Percy and Victoria (Robie) Crosby; ed. The Castle, Tarrytown-on-Hudson; m. Braiam, Minn., June 1, 19CQ, Milton J. Carter; one daugh- ter; Mary Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1911. Episco- palian. Mem. Castle Alumni Ass'n and St. Paul Chapter D.A.R, CARTER, Anna Alice Chapin (Mrs. Robert Peyton Carter), 375 W. Fifty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Author; b. N.Y. City, Dec. 16, 1880: dau. Dr. F. W. and Anna J. (Hoppin) Chapin; ed. pri- vately; music in N.T. City under Harry R. Shelly; m. ■ N.Y. City, 1906, Robert Peyton Carter. Short story writer in the magazines. Author: The Story of the Rhinegold; Wonder Tales frosn Wagner; Wotan, Siegfried and Brunnhilde; Masters of Music; Discords; The Heart of Music; Makers of Song; Konigskinder; The Nowadays Fairy Book; Kitty Love; Under Trail. Joint author (with George C. Jenks) of The Deserter (novelized from play), and with Robert Peyton Carter of the play of same title. CABTEB, Arabella, 1701 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Journalism; b. Byberry, Pa., July 12, 1S67; dau. Elmer and Rebecca I. (Kirk) Carter; ed. Byberry Friends School; Swarthmore Coll.; the Haven Coll. ; grad. in journalism at latter in 1899. For over twelve years business manager of Universal Peace Union; now connected with Philadelphia North American; has been for five years in charge of special dep't. Lecturer for some years under Dep't of Agriculture of Pa. ; has spoken for W.C.T.U. meetings and various philanthropic interests; served as mem. of local school board. Sec. of Pa. Peace Soc; mem. Soc. of Friends; sec. of Philadelphia Yearly Meet- ing's Peace Com.; sec. of Old Pupils' Ass'n of Byberry Friends School; sec. of Exec. Com. Gen. Conference of Friends Ass'n; sup't of Peace Dep't of Fnends Gen. Conference. Managing editor of three monthly publications. Mem. W.C.T.U. of Bucks Co., Pa.; sup't for years of Its Dep't of Tobacco and Narcotics. Recrea- tion: Walking. Favors woman suffrage; mean. Philadelphia Woman Suffrage Soc., has publicly spoken on the subject. CARTER, Edna, 108 High St., Oshkosh, Wis. Teacher: b. High Cliff, Wis.; ed. in schools of Oshkosh, Wis.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '94; Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; Univ. of Wiirzburg, Germany, 1904-06, Ph.D. '06. Ass't principal, De Pere (Wis.) High School, 1895-96; ass't Vassar, 1896- 9S; teacher State Normal School, Oshtosh, Wis., 1899-1904; teacher Vassar Coll. since 1906. Au- thor: Uber das Verhaltniss der Energie der Rontgenstrahlen zur Energie der Erzengenden Kathodenstrahlen (dissertation in Die Annalen der Physik). Associate mem. Am. Physlcial Soc; mem. A.A.A.S. CARTER, Frances Henderson (Mrs. Augustine Peck Carter), 140 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.T. City. Dramatic reader, teacher of acting; b. Oquawka, 111. ; dau. William D. and Ellen (Mac- Neil) Henderson; ed. Monmouth Coll., Monmouth, 111., B.A. ; grad. from dramatic dep't of Chicago Musical Coll.; m. Monmouth, 111., Augustine Peck Carter; one daughter: Marcia Peck. When senior at Monmouth represented her college in an interstate oratorical contest, held at Evan- stou. 111. (only lady representing a college) and received highest grades where nine colleges were in contest. After finishing dramatic course was in charge of oral EJnglish classes in the Episcopal School at Helena, Mont., where was also direc- tor of the Helena Dramatic Club and gave pri- vate instructions and filled recital engagements In adjacent cities. Later came to N.Y. City, where has for ten years been a lecturer on Shakespeare for the Board of Education, a teacher in Am. Acad, of Dramatic Arts and a public reader and teacher of acting. New Thought in religion. Recreations: Golf, walking. Mem. New York Browning Soc., N.Y. Theatre Clul), MacDowell Club, N.Y. Teachers of Oratory. Favors woman suffragre. CARTER, Grace Arvilla Banks, 39 Rowley St., Rochester, N.Y. Physician; b. Onondago Valley, N.Y. ; dau. Delano Marcy and Helen Phoebe (Banks) Carter; ed. Greene (N.Y.) High School; N.Y. Med. Coll.. N.Y. City; Univ. of Mich. Homoec^)arthlc Med. Coll., M.D., and Memorial Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y. Mem. staff of Rochester HomoBopa^ic Hospital. Mem. Board of Managers Y.W.C.A. and Methodist Episcopal Churoh. CARTER, Harriet Wilson, 31 Bartlet St., An- dover, Mass. Tutor; b. Lawrence, Mass., April 3, 1873; dau. Clark and Emma H. (Pease) Carter; ed. public schools, Lawrence. Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97 (Alpha Kappa Chi). Taught in public schools of Andover, Mass., 1898-04; Y.W.C.A. sec, N.Y. City, 1904-05; Sunday-school sec. in Andover, Mass., 1906-08; private tutor since 1909. Mem. November Club, Andover, Mass. Recreations: Tennis, gardening, skating. Oongregationalist. Against woman suffrage. CARTER, Louise C. (Mrs. George E. Carter), 1265 Beacon St., Brookllne, Mass. Born Charlestown, Mass. ; dau. Samuel and Liouise H. (Trowbridge) Carr; ed. in Boston; m. (1st) Boston, May 29, 1889, Frederick Bradley; (2d) George E. Carter; one daughter: EUeanor Bradley, b. Brookllne, Mass. CARTEai, Marlon Law (Mrs. Raymond D. Car- ter), 1158 Broad St., Newark, N.J. Writer; b. N.Y. City, June 29, 1880; dau. James A. and (ilatherine (Barr) Law; ed. Newark pub- lic high school; m. Newark, N.J., Dec. 6, 1906, Raymond D. Carter. Began newspaper work in 1900; editor Children's Page (Newark) Sunday CARTER— C ART 166 Oall, olnce 1905. Mem. PuWlc Welfare Com. of NeTrark. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Wo- man's Political Union. Presbyterian. Mem. Alumnas Ast'n of Newark High School. Mem. Contemporary Club of Nerwark, Irving Club (pros.), N.J. Woman's Press dub (second vice- prea.). CABTEB, Majry EUjc»beth, 619 W. IJlst St., N.T. City. Writer; b. Albany, N.T.. Jan. 13, 1836; dau. Charles and Elizabeth Van A. (Anderson) Carter; ed. private schools; grad. N.Y. Univ. Woman's Law Class, 1895. Mem. Soc. for Political Educa- tion, Woman's Municipal League, Woman's Law Class Alumnse, Circle of Divine Ministry. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Millionaire Households; House and Home. CABTEB, Mary Liipton (Mrs. Thomas M. Car- ter), 5 Portland Place, St. Louis, Mo. Bom Warrenton, Va., Aug. 15, 1864; dau. Joseph and Margaret (Rlcketts) Lupton; ed. Hardin Coll., Mexico, Mo.; Bourbon InS't., Paris, Ky. ; m. Mciioo, Mo., Oct 8, 1872, Thomas Wliitman Carter; children: Lemuel Ray, Claytoai Le Roy, Clara Louise, Thomas W. Jr. Inter- ested In all charitable organizations such as Methodist Orphans' Hoane, Provident Ass'n ; director of Kingdom Houee. Claba: Woman's, Country. Recreations: Writing, music. Mem. Methodist EpLscopaJ Clinrch, South. AeaJnst woman suffrage. CABTE3K, Orra Le« (Mrs. N. P. Carter), FayettevlUe, Tenn. Bom Petersburg, Tftnn., Oot. 21, 1856; alian. Vice-pres. Middle Tenn Division of Tean. Fed. of Women's CXube; mem. D.A.R. ; pres. Round Dozeo Club (organized 1900) ; pres. Lincoln Co. Library Ass'n. CARTEB, Sara Xciaon (Mrs. H. Eugene Carter), Live Oak, Fla. Born Bedford Co., Va., 1880; dau. Cleland Kinloch and Ella (Scott) Nelson; ed. publio schools of LyncSiburg, Va., and at Randolph Macon Woman's Coll., Lynchburg, Va., M.A. ; m. Lynchburg, Va., July 2. 1907, H. Eugene Car- ter; children: Cleland Nrtson, b. April 2, 1908; H. E. Carter Jr., h. Jan, 22, 1912. IdenUfied with various religious, social and philanthropic aotivltles. M»m, United Daughters of the Con- federacy, Live Oak Woman's Club. Baptist. Favors wocnan suffrage. CAJCTE&, Zoe Uamiltoa (Mrs. Frank Carter, Jr.), Anita, Iowa. T«ac]ier of china painting and librarian; b. Dayton, la., Sept. 17, 1889; dau. Jed Blls- -worth and Victoria Ella (Scott) Hamilton; ed. West View High School, Lake City (honor stu- dent); grad. Drake Univ., D«6 Molnee; m. Des Motaes, June 15, 1910, Frank Garter, Jr. Teacher of Normal school music, Drake Univ. ; anpervieor of music and drawing in public school, Anita, la.; china painter; librarian, Anita Public Li- brary. Interested in local civic improvement, established public lihrary, Anita, la. Mem. Li- brary Ass'n. Pres. of Anita Literary Club and Chautauqua Club. CAJBTWBIGHT, JIabel, St. HUda'» College, Toronto. Can. Teacher; b. Kingston, Ont, Can.; dau. John R. ana Emily (Bouton) Cartrwrlght; ed. Chel- tenham Ladies' Coll., England; St. Andrew's, LL.A. ; Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, honors In final school of modem history, B.A., ad eundem; Toronto Univ. Assistant mistress, Oxford High School, England; sixth form mistresB, Bishop Straohan School, Toronto; prin. St. Hilda's, Toronto, Con. Toronto Diocesan pres. of Wo- man's Auxiliary to Missions; mem. Cheltenham Ladles' College Ou-lld; senior mem. of Lady Mar garet Hall, Oxford; Social Science Club, Univer- sity Women's Club, Toronto. Recreation: Music. AncUcan. F&vora woman suffrage. CABUS, Emma (Mrs. Harry James Everall) Mt. Vernon, N.T. Actress; b. Berlin, Germany, Mar. 18, 1879 dau. Carl Cams (theatrical manager) and Hen r.etta (Rolland) Carus (operatic prima donna) came to U.S. in 1883; ed. in Germany and in prl vate schools In Brooklyn; m. (1st) N. S. Matt- son: (2d) 1904, Harry James EveraJI. First sang In pu'blic in Berlin when 16 years old; made first profeaeional appearance in U.S. at age of 15, appearing in minor parts in light opera and musical comedy until 1900, when played as Lady Muriel in The Giddy Throng at the New York Theatre, N.Y. City, continuing as mem. of the Musical Stock Co. of ttiat theatre for three years, and during (hat time creating Hhe parts of Nancy in The King's Carnival, and Jane Borwlingbrook in The Hall of Fame; later at other N.Y. thea- tres as Mrs. Jack Orchard In The Defender, Countess vou Lahn in The Wild Rose, Princess Yo San in The Darling of tie Gods, Jane Habl- oomb in The Medal and the Maid, Lady Peacock in Woodland, and Mary in Forty-flve Minutes from Broadway; returned to the New York Theatre in The Follies of 1907. and the foDowing season went into vaudeville. CABUS, Mary Hegeler, Open Court PubUshlng Co., 623 S. Wabash Av., Chicago, ni. Bora La Salle, 111., Jan. 10, 1861; dau. Edward C. and Camilla (Weisbach) Hegeler; studied en- gineering at Univ. of Mich., and held B.Sc. (1882); also admitted by special permission ol the Royal Government of Saxony to the School of Mines, at FYeiburg, Saxony, to study mathe- matics and chemistry; m. March 29, 1888, Chi- cago, Dr. Paul Carus, editor of the Open Court and the Moniat. Children: Edward C, Gustav, Paula, Elizabeth, Herman Dietrich, and Alwln Hegeler. Pres. of the Mathlessen-Hegeler Zlno Smelter Co., of La Salle, III.; tmstee of the E. C. Hegeler Fund, and pres. of the Open Court Publishing Co. Recreation: Home life in the family circle. CABCTHEBS, Daisy MUler, Fort Smith, Ark. Bom Arkansas, 1875; dau. John Q. and Mary Jane (Tresler) Miller; ed. Fort Smith (Ark.) schools. Northwestern Acad, and Univ., and Univ. of Ark.; finished In mathematics, Chi Omega- m Pueblo, Col., 1903, Elmo Caru tiers; ehUdren: Elmo Caruthers, Jr., Frances Caruthers, Inter- ested in child welfare and edocation. Mem. Methodist Church South. Rep«blicaa. Charter mem. and chapter registrar of local DJi..R. Mem. Wednesday Club (literary), Mueleal Coterie, Li- brary Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, driving. CABVEB, Clara BoUe Fiimey (Mrs. W. B. Car- ver), IBl Front St., Blnehamton, N.T. Born Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1872- dau Erastus and Eleanor (Kipp) Finney; ed 'Bing- hamton High School, 1891; Smith Coll. 1«S5 B.L. ; m. Feb. 4, 1908, William Burgett 6u-ver' Taught for ten years, 1896-1906, in Binghamton High School. Interested in iBduatrial school for teaching sewing to poor children. Mem. South- ern N.Y. Branch of the Ass'n of CoU. Alumnae Y.W.C.A. Club: Monday Afternoon of Bingham- ton. Presbyterian. CABVEB, PriscUla, Highland Park, 111. Concert pianist; b. Highland Park, IlL, May 25, 1885; dau. Henry C. and Mary (Winchester) Carver; ed. Chicago, Berlin, Paris. Soloist Ave times with Chicago Symphony Orchestra and three times with N.Y. Syrnphony Orchestra; appeared in recitals in Chicago, Washington, St Lonle New York, San Francisco. Protestant Episco- pal. Mem. Amateur Musical Club of (Chicago Ossoli Cluib of Highland Park. 111. GABY, Anna May Gogley, 95S Church St, In- diana, Pa. Missionary worker; b. Independence, Pa.. June 24, 1869; dau. Rev. John G. and Hannah P. (Dayj Gogley; ed. common schools, Pittsburgh Female Coll., and Beaver Coll. and Musical Inst; m April 19, 1S8S, Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev. Jesse W. Cary, D.D. Active in the work of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary iocs, of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, being cor. sec of the Home Soc in the BlalrsrlUe District, Pittsburgh Conference. Represented, as delegata, tiu Pitti- 166 GARY— CAS SARD burgh Conference In the sat. meeting of the soc. at Wichita, Kaa., in 1911. Mem. D.A.R. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. New Century Club, Indiana, Pa., pres. 1911-12 and 1912-13, The Ingle- side, Indiana, Pa. CAKY, Annie Louise (Mrs. Charles M. Ray- mond), 20 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Singer; b. Wayne, Me., Oct. 22, 1842; grad. Female Sem., Gorham, Me., '62; studied music in Milan, Italy, under Giovanni Corsl; Baden- Baden, with Madame Vlardot-Garcla; Paris, under Signer Bcttisini; m. 1882, Charles Monson Raymond. Made first appearance at Copenhagen and Christiania; Italian Opera at Stockholm; later in Royal Swedish Opera, Italian Opera, Brussels; Drury L^ne Theatre, Lon-don; Septem- ber, 1870, In America, singing at Steln'way Hall, N.Y. City, with Nilsson, Vieuxtemps and Brig- noli; following 12 years in opera and concerts with Carlotta Patti, Mario, Albani and others. Went to Moscow and St Petersburg; after that in America singing in opera with Clara Louise Kellogg and Marie Roze each winter until mar- riage in 1882, when retired from stage. CAKY, Elisabeth Lutber, 264 a Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Writer on art: b. Brooklyn, May 18, 1867; dau. Edward and Elisabeth (Luther) Cary; ed. pri- vately. Became owner and editor of The Scrip in 1905; art critic of N.Y. Times since 1908. Translator: Recollections of Middle Life (by Francisque Saroey), 1893; Russian Portraits (by Vte. Melcshior E. Vagu6), 1895; The Land of the Tawny Beasts, 1895. Author: Alfred Tennyson— His Homes, His Friends and His Work, 1899; Rot>ert Browtting, F^oet and Man, 1899; Tbe Rosettes, Dante, Gabriel and Christina, 1900; William Morris, 1902; Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1904; Artists, Past and Present, 1905. Mem. American-^SoindanaTian Soc. Cluie: Barnard, Twentieth Century (Brooklyn), Womeo's Cosmo- politan. Elpisoopallan. CAKY, Hwtbji Bryant (Mri. James H. C»ry), Schaller, Iowa. Grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '81; m. Oct. 8, 1883, James Hussey Gary; children: Alice (Mrs. James Andrew Newlands), b. Aug. 16, 1884 (A. B. Smitb. 1906). Since 1908 actively engaged in the effort to secure for Eisperanto due recognition by presa and leaders of public opinion in the U.S.; sec. U.S. Esperanto Ass'n. CASK, Abbs Hubbell Lathrop (Mrs. Almon G. Case), 408 Rockton Av., Rockford, 111. Former teacher; b. BLockford, 111.; ed. in schools of Rockford and Vassar Coll., A.B. '83; m. Rockford, 111., May o, 1897, Almon G. Case. Teacher Rockford High School two years and 11 Rockford (III.) College for two years. CASE, rra»c<« Powell, Walnscott, L.I., N.Y. Autlior; b. Newburgh, on the Hudson; dau. Robert Ludlow and Marian (Gibson) Case; ed. at home. AgAinst womaji suffrage unless could have restricted vote. Author (pen-name "Frances Powell"): The House on the Hudson; The By Ways of Braithe; The Prisoner of Orrinth Farm; Old Mr. Davenant'e Money; An Old Maid's Ven- geance. Bpiacopalias. CASE, BLathei'iiie E. Le Mar (Mrs. Alonzo Case) Route 2, Box 145, RedlandB, Cal. Teacher; b. Lancaster, O., May ffi, 1844; dau. John and Barbara A, (Swayne) Le Mar- ed. Spring Vallty (O.) High School, and Normal Schocl. Lebanon, O. ; m. Warren^urg, Mo., Dec. 30, 18S9, Alonzo Case. Taught in public schools of Ohio and Miasourl 18 years. Favors woman suffrage. Has written for newspaper puWi'^ation. Methodist. Democrat. Mem. W.C.T.U., Chautauqua; prea, Crafton Woman's CASE, Marian Ward iBgrenoU (Mra. William Warren Case), Hubbard Woods, 111. Born St. Paul, Minn., N»v. 26 1868; dau. Daniel Wesley and Marian Melge (Ward) Inger- 9oll; ed. Burnham Clase^cai School, Northamp- toa, Mass.; Miss Ely's. Brooklyn, N.Y.; m. St. Paul, Minn., June 15, 18S2, William Warren Case: children: Marian Bllzabetb, Isabel Burr, WlBwrop Warren, Emily IngersoH. Flavore woman suffrage. CJongregationalist. Mem. Chi- cago WomaH's Chib, Winnetka Woman's Club. CASE, Mary Emily, Wells College, Aurora, N.Y. College professor; b. N.Y. City, Sept 23, 1857; dau. Albert Spencer and Jane (Huntington) Case; ed. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '79, A.M. '90. Prof. Latin, Wells Coll., since 1883. Author: The Love of the World, 1892; contributor to reviews and magazines. CASEY, Ellenor Fairfax (Mrs. Lewis 15. Casey), Covington, Ky. Bom Carlinville, 111.; dau. Isaac and Mary (Dashiell) Greathouse (lineal descendant of Lady Fairfax and the Dashlells of Maryland; maternal grandfather was Rev. George Dashiell, who or- ganized St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Balti- more over 100 years ago); m. Covington, Ky., Col. Lewis E. Casey. Presbyterian. Vice-regent of Soc. of Colonial Daughters. Against woman suffrage. CASEY, Mary Catherine Martin (Mrs. Joseph J. Casey), 13 E. 130th St., N.Y. City. Born Salem, Tenn. ; dau. Dr. Charles Kennou Venable and Fanny Holder (Williaias) Martin; ed. private tuition at home; Nashville Female Acad.; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 15, 1873, Joseph J. Casey; children: Fanny Callaway Holder and Kellogg Kennon Venable. For 19 consecutive terms since the founding of the soc, register- general of the Daughters of the Revolution, re- fusing a continuance in office. She verified by personal researches the eligibility of every ap- plicant for membership and her reports were never disputed. Episcopalian. Charter member D.A.R., one of the five founders of Daughters of Revolution (a distinct soc.), Knickerbocker Chapter; mem. Daughters of 1S12, Daughters of Confederacy, Huguenot Soc, Colonial Dames of Virginia, Order of the Crown, Dixie Club. On her mother's side, great granddaughter of Fanny Callaway, who, with her sister, Elizabeth (both daughters of (3ol. Richard Callaway), and Jemima Boone, were captured by the Indians, outside of Boonesborough, 1776. On father's side are noted Richard Kennon, the Hillsborough delegate; Charles Lewis of the Byrd; Charles Venable, grandson of the emigrant; Augustine Warner; Col. George Reade, sec. of the Colony and Governor (Va,); Robert Smith, founder of Port Royal. Recreations: Oil painting, china painting and care of flowers. CASGKAIN, Marie Emma (Mrs. B. Casgraln,, 51 St. John St., Quebec, P.Q., Can. Surgeon dentist; b. Montmagny, P.Q. ; dau. J. B. and Caroline (L'Etoumeau) Gaudreau; ed. Montmagny Convent Sisters of Congregation (mem. College of Province of Quebec); m, Montmagny, 1879, Dr. E. Casgrain. Grad. as surgeon dentist at the Provincial Board of Ex- aminers in Montreal and since then In practic« in city of Quebec. Against woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. CASL.ER, Anaa Delia, 301 Law Bid's, Charlotte, N.C. Sec. Y.W.C.A.; b. Little Falls, N.Y.. May 4. 1874; dau. Alonzo O. and Helen A. (DeWitt) easier; ed. High School, LitUe Falls, N.Y.: Smith Coll., B.L. 1897. Teacher English Dep't UtUe Falls High School, 1898-1901. Principal Normal School, Asheville, N.C, 1901-05. Gen. sec Y.W.C.A., Washington, D.C., 1905; SUte sec. North and South Carolina Com., 1906- 08; executive sec. Virginia-Carolina Territorial Com., Y.W.C.A., 1908-12; exec. sec. Atlantic Field Com. of Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A. (head- quarters 600 Lexington Av., N.Y. City) since 1912. Interested in general civic affairs and In educational and industrial problems in the South. Presbyterian. Mem. Blue Ridge Ass'n (execu- tive com.). Recreations: Tennis, horseback rid- ing, walking, reading and good friends. CASSAKD, Irauees Wallace ^Mrs. Herbert Cas- sard). The Belgravia, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Chicago, 111., June 1, 1859; dau. John Soeley and Sarah Minerva (Rich) Wallace; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Hellmuth Coll., Lon- don, Can.; m. Chicago, Oct. 5, 1882, Herbert Cas- sard of Baltimore, Md. Interested in social and philanthropic activities. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Horseback riding, walking, automoblUnj. CASSAT— GATTERALL 187 CASSATT, Mktt, 10 Rue de Marlgnan, Paxls, GATE, Carrie Qulncy, 18 Holten St., D«aT«ra. France. Mass. Artlflt; b. Plttaburgh; studied art In Europe, Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '90. Teacher 1875; In Spain several years and later returned of Latin, English and German, St. Mary's School, to Paris. Paintings were exhibited in the Im- Concord, N.H., 1892 and 1894-96; head of French presslonlstfl' Expositions, Paris. Returned to and German dep't, Dan vers (Mass.) High School, America In 1908; exhibited portraits and paint- since 1896. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of ings at Durand-Ruel's. Sister of the late Alex- America. ander Johnston Cassatt, pres. Pennsylvania p^,jj,_ j Maude, Wolfeboro, N.H. *^*"''°*<^- Teacher; b. Wolfeboro, N.H., July 26, 18§; CASSELS, Amy, 46 Clafiricarde Gardens, Lon- dau. John G. and Anne A. (Clarke) Gate; grad. don, England. Wolfeboro High School, with honor, 1883; re- Photographer; b. Toronto, Canada, Apr. 8, ceived Nevfell prize for scholarship. Principal 1864; dau. Robert and Mary (Macnab) Cassels; Oak Hill School, Newton, Mass., 1895-1904; ed. In Montreal. Went to London, Ehig., In 1899, teacher Pickering School, Wolfeboro, N.H., 13 to study photography; took studio (at present years; chairman 5 years of the Congregational occupied) at 67 New Bond St., London, W., in Church Com. on Charities; 3 years treas. Con- 1903. Was appointed mem. of the advisory board gregatlonal Church; 4 years mem. Standing of photog;raphy for the London County Council, Com., Congregational Church, Wolfeboro, N.H. 1907. Presbyterian. Recreations: Golf, motoring. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of articles on -,,£,„-.„-. T> II T» o. /,^ T r^ Nature Study and other professional subjects CASSipy, Pw-Iina Barnam Slzer (Mrs. Ira D. (published unsigned). Congregationallst. Mem. Gerald Caasldy). 602 Galisteo St., Santa F6, (^p^jer Eastern Star, Warren Chapter No. 10 N-fjex. ^ , ,, . ('Worthy matron, 1894), Wolfeboro and Tufton- ■,J^^^f' ^^'i^^^^'-J^- ^ Animas Colo., Mar. 4, ^j^ro Teachers' Ass'n (pres. 1908-09-10), D.A.R., 1S69; dau. Bl)er R. and Mary (Savage) Sizer; Boston Tea Party Chapter, Boston, Mass. Prei. ed. at honjc by tutors, and Centennial School, wolfeboro High School Alumnae, 1899-1900; mem. I^ieblo, Colo.; m. (1st) Meeker, Colo., Nov 29, j^ jj_ „£ Sta,te Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: 1890, John Boyd Davis (die^ at Detroit Mich., BoaUng, fishing, walking, cycling, painting. i*°-^'' ^^^^A-^^9. ^^.t?^^' ^?-'.^"^^;xT^' ^?^' ^^ Sec. of Ellacoya Club, 1889-95; pres. Wolfeboro D. Gerald Caasidy (N.Y. artist). Was in real woman's Club, 1900, 1911-12; mem. of New Hamp- estate buslne^ In Denver Colo., ten years. ^^^^.^ Daughters (Boston). Has lectured at Vlce-pres. Rocky Mountain Section of Nat. Alll- somen's clubs and teachers' Institutes. ance of Unitarian Women; cor. sec. Rocky Moun- _,_,,,__. ,^.,, „., i c t, i o. -kt ^ ^,t. tain Associate Alliance; cor. sec. Santa Fe CA'THER, waia Sibcrt 5 Bank St N.Y City Scribblers' Club; prea., 1898-99, Detroit Equal ,„^'t°r, author; b. Winchester Va., Dec. 7 Suffrage Soc. and vice-pres. Mich. State Equal l^^p: <^au. Charles F. and Mary Virginia (Boak) Suffrage Soc; took active part In organizing Gather; grad. Unly of Neb. A.B 95. On staff and work In Colo, during suffrage campaign in of the Leader, Pittsburgh 1897-1901; smce then 1893; active in pollUcaJ organization In Denver, magazine contributor and 1906-12 associate editor 1900-01; pres. Woman's Republican South Side ?*J?^'ir^ ^ ,^^?;S^^'°|- ^^£^°l\ April Twilight, Club, and delegate to county and State cenven- WOS; The Troll Garden, 1305; Alexander s Bridge, tlons. Favors woman suffrage. Author of 1912; The Bohemian Giri, 1912; Six Pioneers, 1913. magazine articles and short stories of the early CATHEBON, Alice Mlllett (Mrs. Allison Graham lifo of the West; first book: Los Conqulsta- Catheron), 24 Abbott St., Beverly, Mass. dores. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Denver Born Beverly, Mass., Sept. 10, 1878; dau. Chapter D.A.R. ; Territorial Daughters of Colo- George and Alice Louisa (Porter) Mlllett; ed. rado. Recreations: Horseback riding, tennis, Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900; m. Beverly, Mass., mountain climbing, out-door life generally. Sept. 24, 1906, Allison Graham Catheron; chil- Mem. Mothers' Congress. Now engaged In dren: Lorraine, Miriam. Unitarian. Against ethnological study of Indians of the Southwest woman suffrage. and Mexico, with headquarters In Santa Fe, but cATLIN, Iconise Ensign (Mrs. Frederick Ward living among the Indians, writing about tihem Catlln), 286 Henry St., Brooklyn, N.T. and lecturing on them before women's clubs Author; b. Lockport, N.Y., May 9, 1861; dau. while her husband Is making a specialty of jj ^ ^nd R. H. (Oakley) Ensign; ed. varioui painUng the Indian. fitting schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '81; A.M. '86; CASTLEMAN. Virginia Carter, Herndon Sem., post-graduate couhses Jena and Paris; m. Os- Herndon, Va. wego, N.Y., Oct. 23, 1882, Frederick W. Catlln; Author, educator; b. Gaston, N.C., Aug. 26, son: Randolph Catlln, b. Dec. 6, 1887 (Princeton 1864; dau. Rev. Robert A. and Mary (Lee) Cas- '08). Manager of her apartment house property tleman; ed. Herndon (Va.) Sem. (founded by her In N.Y. City. Author: Marjorie and Her Neigh- mother) until 1882, then for 2 years at Edgeworth bor; My Little Lady in Waiting; also short School In Baltimore. Several years later took stories and travel articles for various news- course In library science at Dreiel Inst., Phila- papers and magazines. Mem. D.A.R. , Smith delphla. Organized the Herndon Library at Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Presbyterian. Herndon, Va., and since 1900 has been associate CATT, Canrle Cliapnisn (Mrs. Geo. W. Catt), 8 principal of High School, Herndon Sem. Author: West 86th St., N.Y. City. A Child of the Covenant; Roger of Fairfield; Lecturer; b. Rlpon, Wis.; dau. LucloB and Pocahontas (dramatic poean) ; also writer of Maria (Clinton) Lane; ed. Iowa State Coll., verses and short stories. Ames, Iowa; m. George W. CatL For 4 years CASWELL, Winafred Lyndla Sheldon (Mrs. Pres. National Woman Suffrage Ass'n; 9 years Harlow Orton Caswell), 201 S. Third St., W., Pf.f?- International Woman Suffrage Alliance and Fort Atkinson, Wis. ftill pres reel«:ted at meeting at Budapest, Born Fort Atkinson, Wis., Oct 1, 1875; dau. 1913- Clubs: Brooklyn Woman s, Brooklyn Edward Everett and Olive Bmllie (De Meritt) Woman Suffrage Ass n New York Equal Suf- Sheldon; grad. Fort Atkinson High School, '93; ^^^se League College League, Woman Suffrage student Rockford Coll.. 1894-95; m. Fort Atkln- Pa^y. Written many pamphlets on woman son. Wis., Jan. 5, 1898, Dr. Harlow Orton Cas- suffrage. well; children: Elizabeth Olive, b. Jan. 16, 1899;, CATTEBAXL, Helen Honor TunnlcUfr (Mrs. Mary Winafred, b. July 8, 1903. Mem. First Ralph C. H. Catterall), 5 Central Av., Cornell Congregational Church of Port Atkinson, Fort University, Ithaca, N.Y. Atkinson Chapter D.A.R., ex-pres. Century Bom Macomb, 111., Mar. 3, 1870; dau. Damon Club of Fort Atkinson, Music Study Club, Old G. and Sarah A. (Bacon) Tunnicliff; ed. Vassar Folke' Whist Club, Bridge Club of Fort Atkin- Coll., A.B. (Phi BeU Kappa), '89; honorary son; mem. and chairman of Ways and Means fellow in Political Science, Univ. of Chicago, Committee of the Fort Atkinson Town Improve- 1893-94; m. Macomb, 111., June 24, 1896, Ralph ment Ass'n; active In all church societies, school C. H. Catterali; one son: Ralph Tunnlellff Cat- and literary matters and work. Against woman terall. Admitted to 111. Bar in 1896; has never suffrage. Recreations; TraveUn^, iiu1^>Tnescendant of the Fuller who came to America in 1620, settling in Mass., and of the branch of the family which removed to Canada with the other United Empire Loyalists. CAVEBNO, Julia Harwood, 8 West St., North- ampton, Mass. Professor; b. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 19, 1862; dau. Charles and Abble H. (Smith) Caverno; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '90. Taught Latin and Greek, Grant Collegiate Inst., Chi- cago, 1887-93; instructor and associate prof. Greek, Smith Coll., 1893-1905; prof. Greek, Smith Coll., 1905- . Head of Greek dep't 1S12- . In- terested in church, civic and philanthropic work. Congregationalist. Reput>llcan. Mem. Archso- logical Inst, of America, Am. Philological Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, housekeeping. Clubs: Fortnightly of Northampton, Medieval of Smith College. Does not favor woman suffrage. CA'S, Blorence Genovar (Mrs. Charles A. Cay), Tallahassee, Fla. Bom Matanzas, Cuba; dau. F. B. and Mary Francis (Baya) Genovar; ed. St Augustine, Fla., In private school; m. Tallahassee, Fla., 1900, Charles A. Cay. Business manager of the King's Daughters, who own a small hospital in which she is much interested; Is now working for a large and well equipped buUdlng; has also been much interested in tSie public school and helped secure a 3-mill sub-district tax, which has built a magnificent, thoroughly equipped building. The kindergarten in this school was secured by the efforts of the Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. King's Daughters. Recreations: Farming, nature. Mem. Woman's Club of Tallahassee; first vice- pres. Fla. Fed. of Women's Clubs. CEBr, Katharine Agnew Martin (Mrs. Marcel E. Cerf), 2446 Vallejo St., San Francisco, Gal. Bom San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 25, 1886; dau. Henry MacLean and (Caroline (Oolton) Martin; ed. private schools in San Francisco, Washing- ton, D.C., and Paris, France; m. San Francisco, May 5, 1909, Marcel Ernest Cerf; children: Char- lotte Crosby, Elizabeth Agnew. Mem. of Drama League of America; director San Francisco Cen- ter of California Civic League; director and first sec. Woman's Board of the Panama- Pacific In- ternational Exposition; active in com. work of As- sociated Charities of San Francisco. Mem. San Francisco Browning Soc., Town and Country Olub. Recreations: Swimining, horseback riding. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Mem. Col- lege Eq\ial SuSrace he&sue. CHACE, Eliza Greene (Mrs. Arnold Buffum Chace), 324 Angell St., Providence, R.I. Born Milton, Mass., Mar. 2, 1851; dau. Chris- topher A. and Sarah A. (Chace) Greene; ed. by private teachers; m. Providence, R.I., 1871, Arnold Buffum Chace; cbildren: Arnold B. Jr., Malcolm Greene, Margaret L. (Mrs. Russell S. Rowland), Edward Gould. Mem. R.I. Soc. for the Advancement of Collegiate Education of Women; interested in artists and much inter- ested in Brown University, of which her husband Is chancellor. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- tarian. Recreation: Painting. Mem. the Review Club of Providence. CHADBOURNE, Adeline M., Magnolia Hotel, Born North Bridgton, Me., Mar. 11, 1862; dau. George E. and Louisa B. (Libby) Chadboume; ed. Brighton Acad., class of '81, and special short courses. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Progressive Republican. Teacher of Latin and mathematics in Bridgton Acad., 1883- 07, inclusive. CHAUBOUBNE, Henrietta Topliff (Mrs. C^ H. Chadbourne), 2628 Humboldt Av., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Born Wisconsin; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now college), 1856; m. C. H. Chadbourne (banker; died IDOO). Has been active In W.C.T.U. and missionary work of the Congregational Church. Has traveled extensively in United States, Europe and South America. Former pres. Minnesota Rockford Ass'n. CHADWICK, Cornelia Jones (Mrs. F. B. Chad- wick), Twin Oaks, Newport, R.I. Born Utlca, ' N.Y., Nov. 20, 1S56; dau. John Bleecker and Cornelia (Jones) Miller; ed. pri- vately and at Fraulein Edllnger's in Dresden and at the Kaiserin Augusta Stift in Chariot- ten burg, Berlin; has received Palmes de I'Acadfi- mie from the French Government; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 20, 1878, Rear Admiral F. E. Chadwick. Mem. of two committees for the Wastiingrton (Cathedral, the Woman's Auxiliary to Naval Y.M.C.A., Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Woman's Welfare Com. of Nat. Civic Fed. Flavors woman suffrage. Author of numerous papers read before clubs and literary societies. Protestant Episcopal. Hon. pres. of Newport Branch of Alliance Frangaise; mem. Colonial Dames of N.Y., Red Cross, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of R.I. (life mem.), Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities, Newport Historical Soc., the Papetrie and Current Topics Club in Newport. Mem. Washington Ladies' Club. Worked with the SUte ChariUes Aid in N.Y. City, and helped to Introduce spray baths, and work for the epUeptlcs in N.Y. City; Invented "first aid to the Injured" carrier for disabled. CHAFFEE, TT.iKima Hard, Moodus, Conn. Home-maker; b. Clinton, Conn., Aug. 31, 1855; dau. Andrew J. and Mary W. (Bacon) Hurd; lineal descendant of Gov. William Leete, Col- onial Gov. of Conn., lateral descendant of (Jov. Griswold, both on father's side; grad. Morgan High School, Clinton, Conn, (salutatorian) '77; m. Clinton, Conn., June 7, 1888, Arthur W. Chaf- fee. Mem. Conn. School Com. 4 years (school visitor, examiner, com. on supplies, etc.); mem. Conn. Humane Soc, Children's Aid Soc. Con- nected with Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, as vice-pres., for county work many years. Con- gregationalist. Regent Nathan Hale Memorial Chapter D.A.R., 1908-10 (now historian). Pres. Woman's Education Club Moodus. rwAT.TJ-AXT, Minnie List (Mrs. Frederick Bernard Chalfant), 734 N. Beatty St., Pltts- burgb, Pa. Bom Philadelphia, July 19, 18S4; dau. WiUlam N. and Ella (Murdoch) List; ed. Friends School, Philadelphia; public school and Philadelphia Girls' High School; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 'OS; m. Oct. 19, 1910, Frederick Bernard Chalfant; one daughter: Eleanor Murdoch Chalfant. Be- fore marriage was first assistant In Greek and Latin at Girls' High School. Mem. Third Pres- byterian Church. Clubs: Tuesday Musical, Bryn Mawr. Favors woman suffrage. CHALMERS— CHANDLER 169 ruAT.ItrBTTta, Hattie Elizabeth, 32 West Main St., Marlborough, Mass. Physician; b. Boston; dau. Edward and Mary A. (Beecher) Chalmers; ed. Arlington High School, Gleason Private School, Boston Univ. (School of Liberal Arts), New England Con- Bervatory of Music, Boston; Tufts Coll. Med. School (Alpha Delta). Research work on the use of Scopolamine in Obstetrics (Spinal Anaesthe- sia), studied in Europe, Royal Infirmary, Edin- burgh; Royal Free Hospital, London, Vienna, Germany. Was resident physician at N.Y. In- firmary for Women and Children, N.Y. City; resident physician at Philadelphia (Pa.) Lylng-ln Hospital. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Boston (Mass.); Tuesday Club, Marlboro; Woman's Club, Marl- boro. Club: Woman's Professional, Boston, Mass. Recreations: Violin and art. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. CHAMBETRLAIN, Anna Mary Irwtn (Mrs. Jacob Chester Chamberlain), 1 West Elghty-flrst St.. N.Y. City. Bom Greenbush Heights, Albany, N.Y. ; dau. William Patten and Anna M. (TeUer) Irwin; ed. St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y.; m. Greenbush Heights, Albany, 1895, Jacob Chester Chamber- lain (died July 28, 1905); one daughter: Anita Irwin. Mem. Dutch Reformed Ohurch and D.A.R. CHAMBERLAIN, Anna V. (Mrs. Charles S. Chamberlain), 4501 San Pablo At., Oakland, Cal. Born Virgil, Cortland Co., N.Y., 1842; dau. Samusl and Elizabeth (Shevaller) Seager; ed. Virgil public school and Miss Rachel Ann Height's private school; m. Virgil, N.Y., 1S59, Charles S. Chamberlain; children: EWa Ange- Ilne, John V., Anna Elisabeth, Harriet Vinette, Ida W. (John V. deceased). Active In philan- thropy, child welfare work, hospital prison work In olty, county. State lustitutloBS. Written arti- clee for the papers. Mam. and sec. of Alameda Co. Probation Com.; director of Alameda Co. Tu- berculosis Soc. ; life mam. and ofBcer of Fabiola Hospital Soc. ; life mem. and past ofiBcer in the Y.W.C.A. ; life mem. Eastern Star, Oakleaf No. 8; chairman for two summer vacations of the first playgrounds In Oakland; mem. Advisory Council, Juvenile Protective Ass'n of San liYan- clsco; me«m. Child'a Welfare League (Oakland), and bwo legislative boards. Pres. Oakland Club; mem. Ebell Club, Home Book Club. Methodist. Republican. Favors woman suffrage; hae be- longed to the suffrage clubs for many years; twice delegate to Cal. State Suffrage Convention. CHAMBERLAIN, Grace WUmarth Caldwell (Mrs. George Ray Chamberlala), 11 Central Av., Ithaca, N.Y. Bom Ithaca, N.Y., 1870; dau. George OhaD- man and Rebecca StanJey (Wilmarth) Caldwell; grad. Cornell Univ.. A.B. '92 (Phi Beta Kappa); mem. Kappa Alpha Tbeta; m. Ithaca, N.Y., 1893, George Ray Ohanrijerlaln. Favors woman suffrage. CHAMBERLATN, Jean Hosier (Mrs. James Ir- vln Chamberlain), 323 N. Front St., Harrls- burg. Pa. Born Carlisle, Pa.; dau. J. Herman and Mary Jane (Kirk) Bosler; grad. Metzger Coll., Car- lisle, A.B. '85; Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. ; m. Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 5, 1895, James Irvln Chamberlain, of Harrlsburg, Pa.; one daughter: Jean Bosler Chamberlain. Interested In civic, municipal and State Child Welfare work, con- servation work. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Advisory Board of Central Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Presrbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Harrlsturg Hospital Aid Soc, Wednesday Musical Club. Children's Aid Soc. of Dauphin Co., Modified Milk Soc. of Harrlsburg, Pa. Conservation Ass'n, Am. Civic Ass'n, Pa. Public Charities Ass'n, Associated Charities of Harrlsburg, Y.W.C.A., Harrlsburg Civic Club (treas. and director), Carlisle Civic Club, Country Club of Harrlsburg. Vice-chairman of civics for Central Pa. In State Fed. of Pa. Women. CHAMBERLAIN, Mary Crowlnshield Endicott (Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain), Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham, England. Bom Salem, Mass., Mar. 15, 1864; dau. Hon. William Crowninshleld Endicott (judge Supreme Court of Mass., 1873-82 and Sec. of War of U.S., 1885-8S) and Ellen (Peabody) Endicott; ed. In Salem; m. Nov. 15, 1888, the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. for West Birmingham, Eng- land (Sec. of State for Colonies, 1S95-1S03). Eplsoc^allan. Against woman suffrage. CHAMBERLAIN, Mary E. Bowman (Mrs. J. C. Chamberlain), Everett, Pa, Bom Johnstown, Pa., Mar. 16, 1864; dau. Col. Juhn McLaughlin and Ellen (Cratty) Bowman; ed. public schools of Johnstown and Everett, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 17, 1883, John C. Ohamherlain; children: Mary McDonald, B. Frank, Percy Bowman, Edward A. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Mem. Cihurch Aid Soc., Women's Literary Club, Civic Club. CHAMBERS, Georgrle Mar, Church's Ferry, N.Dak. Bom Luana, Iowa, April 14, 1886; dau. George C. and Geneva (Burgess) Chambers; ed. State Normal, Albany, N.Y. Appointed State sec. for N.I>ak. Loyal Teimperance Legion, 1911. State lecturer and organizer for W.C.T.U. Methodist. Mem. Order Eastern Star of Church's Ferry, N.Dak. CHAMBERS, Mary (Mrs. H. Kellett Chambers), 142 E. Eighteenth St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. San Francisco, June 27, 1870; dau. Robert Neil and Virginia (Gluyas) WUliams; ed. Convent of Notre Dame, San Jos6, Cal.; Mark Hopkins Inst, of Art, Univ. of Cal.; awarded gold medal for painting, 1831; studied at the Atelier Colarossl, Paris, and the N.Y. School of Art; m. (1st) San Francisco, 1891, Seymour Chapin Davison (died 1896); (2d) N.Y. City, 1901, H. Kellett Chambers. Painter and illustrator in California. Came to N.Y. City, 1900, and became caricaturist, dramatic critic and interriewer under the pseudonym "Kate Carew." Recently has devoted herself to portrait and landscape painting. CHAMPNEY, EUzabeth (Mrs. J. Wells Champ- ney). The Perry, MadlBon St. and Borln Av., Seattle, Wash. Summer home, Williams Homestead, Deerflsld, Mass. Author; b. Springfield, O. ; dau. Samuel B. (Judge) and Caroline Johnson; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '69; m. May 15, '73, J. Wells Champney; children: E. Frere Champney (architect, Seattle), Marie Champney (married John Sanford Hum- phrey, died New Rochelle, N.Y., 1906, leaving two children). Mem. the Messiah Home, N.Y. City; Orthopedic Hospital, Seattle, Wash.; Y.W.C.A., Am. Historical Soc, Colonial Dames. Author: "Three Vassar Girls Abroad; Witch Win- nie series; Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days; Renaissance and Bourbon Chateaux; Ro- mance of French Abbeys; Romance of Italian Villas; Romance of Imperial Rome; many short magazine stories. Club: Sorosis. Recreation: travel. Congregationallst. Favors woman suf- frage. CHANCE, Julie Grinnell (Mrs. Wade Chance), 20 W. Tenth St., N.Y. City. Author; b. Paris, France; maiden name was Storrow; parents A-merlcan; ed. privately; m. (1st) Col. S. Van Rensselaer Cruger (died); (2d) Wade Chance. Author (pen-name "Julien Gordon"): A Diplomatic Diary; Poppsea; A Suc- cessful Man; A Wedding and Otier Stories; Mademoiselle Rfe^da; A Puritan Pagan; Eat Not Thy Heart; The Wage of Character; Mrs. Clyde; World's People; Poems. CHANDLER, Ada May, Amherst, Mass. Librarian; b. Williamsburg, Mass., Nov. 8, 1879; dau. Edgar .M. and Fannie A. (Bardwell) Chandler; grad. Northampton High School; Smith Coll., A.B. 1900. Librarian Meeklns Li- brary, Williamsburg, Mass., 1903-06; head cata- loguer Forbes Library, Northampton, 1907-09; cataloguer City Library, Springfield, 1909-10; cataloguer Mass. Agricultural Coll. Library, Amherst, since 1910. Unitarian. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Amherst Woman's Club, Western Mass. Library Cluh. 170 CHANDLER— CHANNON CMASIH.ER, Alice Greene, Lancaster, Maas. LilHurUn; b. Rosbury, Mass., July 18, 1851; dau. John Greene and Sarah A. (Guild) Chand- ler; ed. public schools, Rosbury, Mass. Li- brarian, Lancaster, Mass., town library, 1873-89. President Library Art Club; mem. Woman's Ed- oeation Ass'n, Boston, and sec. of its Com. on Ubraries. Club: Mayflower, Boston. Unitarian. FsTors woman suffrage. CHANDLER, Anna Souther Pond (Mrs. WllUam E. Chandler), P.O. Box 814, New Haven, Conn. Bora Belfast, Me., April 9, 1848; dau. Rev. Samuel Souther and Mary F. Towle; ed. Frye- bnrs (Me.) Acad. (where Daniel Webster taugrht), Worcester (Mass.) High School; grad. FramlxLgham Normal School, the first and oldest in U.S. (freshman prize in reading) ; m. Worces- ter, Mass., Nov. 30, 1870, David W. Pond, well- known manufacturer (died 1897); m. 1904, Prof. William E. Chandler of New Haven fdied Not. 20, 1912); children: William Souther Pond, David Stirling Pond. One of the first women in real estate business in U.S., and the first one in New Jersey (1897). One of the founders of Unitarian Soc. of Plainfield, N.J., and called the mother of other churches of that denomination In N.J., wiich were founded after the first one in Plain- field. N.J. State director of Alliance of Uni- tarian and other Liberal Christian Women; a founder of Boys' Club of Plainfield, N.J.; of Town Improvement Ass'n, Children's branch of Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Nerw^oys' Evening Luncheon, R.R. Flower Mission. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. N.J. Suffrage Ass'n in 1890; State chairman of Com. of Printing and Publishing; mem. of Oom. which went before Legislature in Trenton and secured Tote for women on school questions. Delegate to Conn. State Suffrage Ass'n, 1912; mem. Equal Franchise League in New Haven. Has written for newspapers on philanthropic subjects. Unitarian. Progressive in politics. Mem. of Columbine Association of Boston; charter mem. of the Woman's Forum, N.Y. CKy; mem. D.A.R., Soc. for Prevention of Use- less Giving, N.J. Forestry Ass'n, Silent Unity Ass'n; one of organizers and first sec. of Woman's Exchange, Plainfield, N.J. Recreations: Walking, bicycle riiing, horseback riding, swimming. Mem. Mcmday Afternoon Club of Plainfield, N.J. ; pros, of Ladies' Bicycle Club, Plainfield; mem. Plato Club, Plainfield; delegate to First Nat. Convention of Health Protective and Town Im- prorement Ass'n, meeting in N.Y. City; delegate to Unitarian Convention in Saratoga, '91, and Washington, D.C., '95; delegate to Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs in Louisville, Ky., 18S6; delegate to Nat D.A.R. Convention, Washington, 1908 and 1910. CHANDL.EB, £va., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Professor of mathematics; b. Pontlac, Mich., 1855; dau. Jtmathan and Vashtl (Lamdon) Chand- ler; ed. Mioh. Univ., B.A. '78; grad. student Univ. of Ziirich '95; grad. student Univ. of Paris, 1908-09. Teacher in Fenton (Mich.) High School, 1874-75; instructor in mathematics in Wellesley Coll., 1879-88; associate prof., 1888-1912; prof., 1912- . Favors woman suffrage. Baptist, Mem. Aes'n of Mathematical Teachers of New England, A.A.A.S., Nat. Geographic Soc. CHANDL.EB, Grace Webster (Mrs. Horace Parker Chandler), 93 Forest Hills St., Jamaica Plains Mass. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 24, 1843; dau. Jaanes Henry and Harriet Lavinla (Angler) Mitchell; ed. Frank B. Sanborn's School, Con- cord, Mass.; m. East Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 15, 1865, Horace Parker Chandler; children: Cleaveland Angler, Grace, Whitman Mitchell, ESUen, James Mitchell, Peleg Whitman. Against woman suffrage. Swedenborglan. CHANDLER, Jessie Wallace (Mrs. Robert A. Chandler), Mayesville. S.C. Bora- Sumter Co., April 5, 1S86; dau. Thomas B. and Jessie (Wallace) Beck; ed. first honor grad. 1907, Coll. for Women, Colu.mbla, S.C, A.B.;' grad. In oratory, class 1907, Coll. for Wo- n»en, Colunxbla, S,C.; m. Society Hill. S.C, Aug. 5, 1908, Robert Alexander (Chandler; chil- dren: Anna Louise, b. 1909; Robert Al«xander, b. 1912. Presbyterian. CHANDLER, Katherine, 113 Duncan St., San Francisco, Cal. Author and resort proprietor and manager; b. San Francisco: dau. William Sylvester and Catherine (Comerford) Chandler; ed. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B. 1900 (Phi Beta Kappa). Bought in 1908 Deer Park Springs, Lake Tahoe, Cal., as an ideal vacation place for tired people. Worker in Visiting Nurses' Home of San Fran- cisco; interested In Prevention Tuberculosis Ass'n. Author: Habits of California Plants, 1903; In the Reign of Coyote-Folk-Lore from the Pacific, 1905; The Bird-Woman of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1905; contributor of magazine and Sunday-sheet articles. Democrat. Recrea- tions: Fly-flshing, mountain climbing, gardening. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna. Against woman suffrage. CHANDLER, Louise Prescott (Mrs. Cleaveland A. Chandler), East Bridgewater, Mass. Bom East Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 21, 1878; dau. Granville Gushing and Abbie Louise (Ballou) Allen; ed. Bridgewater High School and Howard Sem., West Bridgewater, Mass.; m. Eaat Bridge- water, Oct. 12, 1897, Cleaveland A. Chandler; children: Elizabeth Allen, Whitman Mitchell, Louise Gushing, Parker Cleaveland. Unitarian. Mem. Women's PuhUcity Club, Boston. CHANDLER, Mary Saxe (Mrs. Fremont E. Chandler), 1042 Barry Av.. Chicago, 111. Bom Lima, Wis., 1863; dau. St^hen Saxe and Fanny (Woodruff) Saxe; grad. State Normal School, Whitewater. Wis., '83; Univ. of Wis., B.L. '86; m. Whitewater, 1889, Fremont E. Chandler, M.D. ; children: Louise, FVemont, William, Ruth, Edwin, .Arthur. Teacher for three years from graduation in high school, and State Normal School at Whitewater, Wis. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Recreation: Living in summer in wild woods of Northern Wisconsin. Mem. Lake View Woman's Club (mem. board of directors). CHANDOR, Valentine L., Women's University Club, N.Y. City. Teacher, vice-principal; b. London, England; dau. John A. and Adeline (Dickinson) Chandor; grad. Columbia Univ., A.B. 1900, A.M. '02. Vice- principal of Charlton School, N.Y. City. Episco- palian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns, Women's University Club, New York. CHANEY, Gussie Scott (Mrs. Houston W. Cha- ney), 201 Bois de Arc St., San Antonio, Tex. Editor, author; b. April 28, 1865; dau. Alfred Lewis and Fannie Herbert (Taylor) Scott (par- ents of old Virginia and Alabama families); ed. at home by tutors; m. Bandera, Tex., 1883, Houston W. Chaney; children: Mary Stephens, Ellis, Houston Scott. Received steady promotion from small positions on papers and magazines up to managing editorships and positions on staff of biggest daily paper in Texas. Went to Cen- tennial in Mexico, interviewed Diaz and published only authenticated interview given by him Just before the revolution. Interested in many phil- anthropies, free clinic, etc. Favors woman suf- frage; charter mem. Equal FVanchise Soc. of San Antonio, Tex. (largest in State); has worked, spoken and written for it. Author of series of historical and tourists' articles on Mexico; also short stories and poems in magazines and book of poems: Her Garden, dedicated to daughter Mary. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Press Ass'n. Recreations: Dancing, music, art, auto- moblling. drama, socials. Pres. Bohemian Scribblers; eec. Authors' Club; associate mem. Dramatic Club; recording sec. Texas Woman's Pr«ss Aas'n. CHANLER, Amelie Rives — ••• Troubetskoy. Princess Amelie Rives. CHANNON, Testa M. W««tover (Mrs. Harry Channon), 1434 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Born Oconomwoc, Wis.; dau. George P. and Elizabeth Q. (Miller) Westover; ed. Chicago and N.Y. City; m. St. George's Church, London, England, Aug. 1, 1893. Harry Channon; one soq: CHANY— CHAPMAN 171 Henry Channon, b. Mar. 7, 1897. Founded the French Library of the Alliance Francalse of Chicago in 1904. Elected chairman of com. and director of li'brary In 1904 and continues to act In that capacity. In 1907 received order of Palmes academlques from the French Govern- ment. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of the Chicago Equal Suffrage Association. Has writ- ten numerous club papers and translations from French literature. Mem. Oolonlal Daugh- ters of Seventeenth Century (N.Y. City), Am. Library Asa'n, Chicago Woman's Club, Wo- man's City Club, che Twentieth Century Club, the Little Theatre, Chicago Library Club, the Lyceum Club (Paris) and other French societies. CHANY, Jane Douglas Butler (Mrs. Wm. H. Chany), The Cordova, Washington, D.C. Born Waltham, Mass., Mar. 24, 1857; dau. Daniel and Jane (Douglas) Butler; ed. Lawrence Acad., Maplewood Inst., Ipswich Acad.; m. Wav- erley, Mass., June 20, 1882, William Henry Chany; children: Daniel Butler, Katherine Hins- dale, Rebecca Jordan Chany. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Washington, D.C; Washington Auxiliary Nat. Indian Ass'n (pres.); Ass'n for the Blind, Washington, D.C; Congregational Club, Washington, D.C. ; Mayflower Soc, Wash- ington, D.C; D.A.R., Concord, Mass. Congre- gatlonallst. CHAPIN, Alice Delafleld (Mrs. Henry Dwlght Chapin), 51 W. Fifty-flrst St., N.Y. City. Bom Ballston Spa, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1879; dau. Walter and Louise (Bston) Delafleld; ed. St. Mary's School, Knoxrille, 111., B.A.; m. June 1, 1907, Henry Dwlght GhapLn, M.D. Mem. Com. on Placing Out Children of the N.Y. State Charities Aid Ass'n and of Junior Auxiliary of N.Y. Post-Graduate Hospital. Favors wo«nan suffrage. Eplscopwillan. Mem, Delafleld Family Ase'n. CHAFtN, Ansle Clara, Wellesley College, Wel- lealey, Maes. Professor; b. Adrian, Mich., April 7, lffi5; dau. George P. and Sarah T. (Brown) Chapin; ed. Unlr. of Mich., B.A. '75, M.A. '95. Instructor In Greek, Wellesley Coll., 1879-87; prof., 1887; ax;t- Ing dean, 1911-13. Lecturer at the American Classical School in Athens, 1898- Congrega- tionallst. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Archaeological Inst, of America, Atn. Philological Ass'n, New England Classical Ass'n, New England Ass'n of Colleges and Preparatory Schools, Nctv England College Entrance Certificate Board, Managing Cam. of the American Classical School In Athens, Am. Ornithologists Union. Favors wo- man suffrage. CHAPIN, Anna Alice — see Carter, Anna Alice Chapin. CHAPIN, Delia Lncretia, 313 Stat© St., Spring- field, Mass. Physicljui; b. Graaby, Mass., June 18, 1854; dau. Dolphin Dormer and Miriam Achsah (Ferry) Chapin; ed. Granby High School, Mt. Holyoke Coll., Univ. of Mich., M.D. '90. Mem. Mass. Medical Soc, Am. Medical Ass'n, Wo- man's Med. Soc. of Springfield. Med. examiner A.O.F.H. (Untty Lodge); obstetrician for the Union Relief Ass'n of Springrfleld; mem. of the Springfield Acad, of Medicine, Mt. Holyoke Alumnaa Ass'n of Hampden Co., Mercy Warren Chapter D.A.R, Congregationalist. Favors wo- man suffrage. Independent. CHAPIN, Emily CooUdge (Mrs. Charles A. Chapin), 61 E. Goethe St., Chicago, III. Bom BJdwardsburgh, Mich., Mar. 16, 1849; dau. Judge Henry A. and Sarah A. (Mead) Coolidge; ed. at preparatory school at Kalamazoo, Mich. ; m. Nlles Mich., June 4, 1874, Charles A. Chapin; cnlldren: Homer (Joolidge, Sarah Ludle, Helen E., Henry Kent, Ruby H., Lowell Mead, Irene, Charles Douglas. Director Juvenile Pro- tective Ass'n, Chicago; Gienwood Industrial School for Boys. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R. (Chicago Chapter), Antiquarian Soc. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Wo- man's Club of Chicago, Three Arts Club, Alli- ance Francalse, North Side branch of 111. Wo- man'« Suffrage League, Drama League of Am., Woman's Athle>t1c CIb^. CHAPIN, Flora Amorette Shnmons (Mrs. Edwin Thaddeus Chapin), 7 Jaques Av., Worcester, Mass. Former teacher; b. Southwick, Mass.; ed. In schools of Worcester, Mass., and Vassar CJoll., A.B. '95; honorary A.B. Unlr. of Cape of Good Hope, '99; m. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 21, 1895, Edwin Thaddeus Chapin; one daughter. Teacher In Huguenot Coll., Wellington, Cape Colony, South Africa, 1895-1900; High School, Worcester, Mass., 1900-05. While in Cape Colony con- tributed articles to several South African publi- cations. CHAPIN, Winorene GrabUl (Mrs. Robert Colt Chapin), 709 College Av., Belolt, Wis. Born In Missouri; grad. Drury Coll., Spring- field, Mo., S.B. '92, M.S. '95; graduate student Univ. of Oifora, England, '95; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-97; Univ. of Chicago (summer), 1902; Univ. of Wis. (summer), 1905; m. 1907, RCbert Coit Chapin. First ass't and teacher of Latin and English in Rogers (Ark.) Acad., 1398-1900; In- structor in Latin and German, Acad, of Drury Coll., 1900-06; Instructor in comparative literature and history of art, Carleton Coll., 1506-07. CHAPMAN, Alice T. HaU (Mrs. C. H. Chap- man), Woodland, Wash. Physician; b. N.Y. City; dau. John Mortimer and Mary Elizabeth (Lee) Hall; grad. Wellesley, B.A. 81; Woman's Med. Coll. of Philadelfrfila, M.D. '86; certlficaies from Vienna and Berlin, '88 (mem. Zeta Alpha, Wellesley) ; m. Amherst, Mass., June 4, 1891, C. H. Chapnuui, Ph.D.; three children (all deceased). Studied in Europe, 1887-89. Prof, physiology and hygiene. Woman's Coll. of Baltimore, 1889-92; in active practice to 1909. Founded Fortnightly Club of Eugene, Ore., 1S93; mem. Woodland Civic Club; chairman Woodland School Board; called the first Civic Conference for W©men in State of Washington, 1912. Favors woman suffrage; first woman nomi- nee for representation from Cowlitz C!o.. Wash. (1912). Author of various papers: Our Hindu Student; From Apostoli's Clinic; The Psychology of Service; Woman's Place in Town and State; Typhoid Fever in the Sm^all Town; Moral Suasion in Medicine; W'hat the Practice of Medicine Involros; Why W(«nen Should Take Part in Legislation. Progressive Democrat. Mem. Cowlitz Co. Med. Soc., Washington State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Ass'n, Cowlitz Co. Humane Soc. Recreations: Traveling, riding, motoring. CHAPMAN, Aur^lie Reynand (Mrs. Carlton T. Chapman), 58 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Born Mt. Vernon, N.Y. ; dau. Gustave and Nancy (Bouny) Reynaud; ed. Convent of Sacr6 Coeur, Elmhurst; Barnard Coll.; Columbia Univ., B.A. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. N.Y. City, Nov. 8, 1911, Carlton Chapman. Interested in all activities of Barnard Coll. AJumnae Ass'n, of which was pres., 1909-11; mem. Board of Direc- tors, 1907-09 and 1911-13. Against woman suf- frage; mem. N.Y. Anti-Suffrage League. Chris- tian, but non-sectarian. Mem. Women's Uni- versity Club. CHAPM.AN, Kleanor Stickney (Mrs. John Adams Chapman), Rldgelea, Lake Forest, HL, and 1315 Ritchie Place, Chicago, HI. Born LewistoTm, Pa.; dau. Franklin Edirards and Mary Reed (Thompson) Stickney; ed. Mlaa Hayward's School, Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr Pre- paratory School, Baltimore, Md., and in Europe; m. Baltimore, Oct. 24, 1908 John Adams Chap- man; two daughters: Eleanor Stickney, Margaret Dudley. F*resbyterlan. CHAPMAN, Elizabeth Kimball, New Rockford, N. Dak. Teacher; b. Bethel, Me., Sept. 28, 1869; daa. Timothy HlUlard and Martha B. (Newell) Chap- man; ed. Clifton Springs Sem., Clifton Springs, 1890; Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1894. Prin. Pekln (111.) High School, 1897-1901; prin. high school, St. Peter, Minn., 1901-03; preceptress New Rockford (N.Dak.) Coll. Inst., 1905-12. Specially Interested In Sunday-school and Bible training work, also in Y.W.C.A. and missions. Mem. Phllomathean Literary Soc, and churdi societies. Recreations: Reading, traveling. Con- fregationallst. Against woman suffrage. 172 CHAPMAN— CHASE CHAPaiAN, Katharine Hopkins (Mrs. John T. Chapman \ 818 Lapsley St., Selma, Ala, Wrtter; b. Selma, Ala., Mar. 4, 1872; dau. Thomas Holmes and Mary Elizabeth (Glasst Hopkins; grad. Shorter Coll. (Rome, Ga.), '89; m. Oct. 8, 1S91. John T. Chapman, M.D. Con- tributor of short stories to the current maga- zines. Author: Ixjve'a Way in Dixie; The Fus- ing Force — An Idaho Idyll. CHAPMAN, Millie Jane. Springfield, Pa. Physician; b. Beaver, Crawford County, Pa., July 23, 1S45; dau. Lewis Keeler and Robey Ormsbee (Thompson) Chapman; ed. public schools; State Normal School at Edinboro, Pa.; grad. Homoeopathic Hospital Coll., Cleveland, Ohio, M.D. Began practice In Pittsburgh, Feb- ruary, 1874. Mem. staff of the Homoeopathic Hospital. Taught school 12 years prior to enter- ing medical college. Mem. city, county, State and national medical societies. Director of Pa. Memorial Home, Brookville, Pa, Mem. D.A.R,, Nat. Soc, U.S. Daughters of War of 1812, Woman's Relief Corps. Has traveled through the principal cities of the United States and Europe; enthusiastic worlser in the home and foreign missionary societies. Methodist. Mem. Neiw Era Cluib, Woman's Club. CHAPMAN, Nellie Stanley (Mrs. John B, Chap- man), Northfield, Ohio. Born Northfield, Ohio, Mar. 6, 1863; dau. Morris Wesley and Phebe Ralney (Clifford) Stanley; ed. Villa Angala (convent), Nottingham, Ohio; m. Oct 20, 1880, John B. Chapman (lawyer); children: Hazel Marie, b. Aug. 17, 1883; Henry Stanley, b. Feb. 23, 1885. Interested in social settlement work, the temperance question and all economic moral questions. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. Recrea- tions: Golf, whist. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (Pittaburgh), Woman's Cluto (Bradford, Pa.). CHAPMAN, Rosamond Low (Mrs. John H. Chapman), The Rectory, Ridgefield, Conn. Born Fair Haven, Mass., Aug. 18, 1882; dau. William G. and Lois R. (Curtis) Lorw; m. Brook- lyn, N.Y., June 1, 1905, Rev. John H. Chapman; children: Eustace BlackrweU, Robert Low. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. CHAPMAN-, Mrs. WoodaUen, 651 West 179th St., N.Y. City. Writer, lecturer; b. Lakeside, Ohio; daughter of Chilion B. Allen and Dr. Mary Wood- Allen; ed. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, O., and Univ. of Mich.; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 19, 1902, William Brewster Chapman; one son: Bruce Woodallen Chapman. Began writing 1895; ass't editor American Motherhood, 1905-08; had charge of dep't in Ladies' Home Journal, entitled How Shall I Tell My Child, 1910-11. Nat sup't Purity Dep't of the W.C.T.U., 1907-10. Author: The Moral Problem of the Children, 1908; How Shall I Tell Mv Child?, 1912. Mem. Woman's Press CJlub of N.Y. City, 1905-10. Clubs: Pen and Brush, Theatre, Am. Playgoers, The Caiifornlans in N.Y. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. CHAPPELl,, Sara Lyon (Mrs. Hugh Bond Chappel), 204 W. 108th St, N.Y. Caty. Bom Cincinnati, O., 1875; dau. Theophllus and Anna (Hagan) Lyx>n; ed. public and private schools of Cincinnati; m. Cincinnati, 1899, Hugh Bond Chappell. Active in church and club work. Mem. Christian Science Church. On Governing Board of Daughters of Ohio in N.Y. ; mem. Woman's P>ress Club, Century ITieatre Club and N.Y. City Federation. Favors woman suffrage. CHARD, Marie Louise, 616 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Physician: b. N.Y. City, 1868; dau. Richard John and Evelyn (Chamberlain) Chard; grad. Packer Collegiate Inst., '88; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '95. Attending gyne- cologist N.Y. Infirmary. Interested in rescue work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Political Union and EJqual Franchise Soc. Bap- tist. Mem. Acad, of Medicine, Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y., County Med. Soc., N.Y., State Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y. City, Pa<*er Alumnae Ass'n. Mem- N.Y. City Fed. of Clubs. CHAKL£S, Carrie Lane Blssa (Mra. Arthur M. Charles), Richmond, Ind. Born In Indiana; grad. Earlham Coll., Ph.B. '94; graduate scholar In German and Teutonic philology, Bryn Mawr, 1898-99; student Univ. of Jena, Germany, summer term, 1898; Univ. of Miinich, 1902-04; Univ. Besangon, summer term, 1903: m. 1899, Arthur M. Charles. Teacher in Madison Inst, Richmond, Ky., 1894-97. Mem. Society of Friends. CHARLES, Christina HoweU (Mrs. Frederick Lyon Charles), Cuba, N.Y. Bom Alfred, N.Y., July 19, 1864; educated at Alfred (N.Y.) Univ. and New England Conserva- tory of Music; pres. Alfredian Lyceum while in Univ.; m. Dec. 15, 1885, Frederic Lyon Charles. One of tho three organizers of the Shakespeare Club of Cuba, N.Y., and was its. president eleven years; organized and was counsellor of the Sec- ond Shakespeare Club of Cuba, N.Y., the Shakes- peare Amateurs, which met in her drawing room every Wednesday night for 14 years. Mem. Sribblers Club (Buffalo); life mem. Women's Educational and Industrial Union of Buffalo; mem. Twentieth Century (31ub of Buffalo. Was first pres. Western N.Y. Literary and Educa- tional Organization (which covered a territory of 34 counties), elected 1896 and re-elected at three annual meetings; was a vlce-pres. of N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs, and has served on nominations com. of General Federation of V/omen's Clubs. Author of numerous papers re- lating to orgranized efforts; Federation in Its Principle; The Nature and Value of the Local Federation to the Larger Body, Either State or National; Working Together; Types; Balance. Known as skillful parliamentarian. CHARLES, Fn^ices, 370 Twenty-sixth Av., San Francisco, CaJ. Author; b. San Francisco, Apr. 10, 1872; dau. Harry Asa and Martha Geno (Robinson) Charles; ed. San Francisco public schools. Author; In the (Country God Forgot; The Siege of Youth; The Awakening of the Duchess; Pardner of Blos- som Range. Episcopalian. CHAKLTON, WilheUnlna HoweU (Mrs. Thomas Jackson Charlton), 220 Oglethorpe Av., Bast, Savannah, Ga. Born Marlette, Ga.; dau. Archittald and Emily (Cleland) Howell; ed. at home by governesses and tutors and in high school; Marietta Female Coll.; m. Marietta, Ga., Dr. Thomas Jackson Charlton (distinguished physician and surgeon) ; children; Catharine, Thomas Jackson Jr. Prom- inent in religious, axial and philanthropic work and societies of Protestant Episcoi>al CSiureh. Mem. Huntingdon Club. CHASE, Adriaide Cole (Mrs. William Chaster Chase), 8 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Portrait paintw; b. Boston; dau. J. Foxeroift and Irma (de Pelgroan) Cole; ed. Boston schools and Art Museum School, and in Paris as pupil of Carohis Duran; m. Boston, June 27, lffl2, WUliam CJhester Chase. Has exhibited portraits in Paris and U.S.; silver medalist of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; associate Nat Acad, of Design. CHASE, Elizabeth Hosmw Kellocsr (Mra. Irvlns Hall Chase), Rose Hill, Waterbury, Conn.; Miramax, Narragansett Pier, R.I. Born Waterhury, Conn.; dau. Stephen Wright and Lucia Hosmer (Andrews) Kellogg; ed. Saint Margaret's School, Watefbury; Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School, N.Y. City; m. Feb. 28, 1889, Irving Hall Chase; children: Marjorle Starkweather, Eleanor Kellogg, Lucia Hosmer, Elizabeth Ir\ing, Dorothy Mather. Interested in the Waterbury Hospital, Boys' Club, Day Nursery, Industrial School. Mem. Soc. of Mental Hy- giene, Anti-Tuberculosis Ass'n, St. Margaret's Graduate Ass'n, Army and Navy Y.M.C.A. Mem. Country Club of Waterhury, Joint Judith (Coun- try Club. Recreations: Golf, tennis, swimming, horseback riding, driving, dancing, motoring. Con£res>tlonalist. Against woman suflra^. RepuWlcan. CHASE — CHATFIELD-TAYLOR 173 CHASE, Fannie Scott Hnblmrd (Mrs. Walter Greenough ChajB«), 279 Marlborough St., Bos- ton, Mass. Born Llverptool, England, Feb. 10, 1875; dau. Josepli Tucfeer and Fannie Tharter (Scott) Hub- bard; ed. CTharleston, S.C. ; grad. Miss Smith's School, '93: m. Wiscasset, Me., Oct. 20, 1906, Dr. Walter Greenough Chase; chlldrem: Charles Greenough, b. Jtine 3, 1908; Judith Thaxter, b. July 7, 1910. Mem. Huguenot Chundi of Oharleaton, S.C,; New England Historic-Genea- logical Soc; sec, Mayflower Descendants; for- mer mem. (Country Club of Charleston. Against woman suffrage. CHASE. Grace Amelia Slaft^r (Mrs. George W, Chase), East Thetford, Vt, Bom Eiast Thetford, Vt, Jan. SI, 1878; dau. Carlos and LydJa R. (Hagan) Slafter; ed. Thet- ford Acad., class of '96; m, Thetford, Vt, Aug. 4. 1902, George W. Chase. Mem. Grange, Ladles' Bemevolent Soc. of Thetford, Thetford Kitchen, Thetford Acad. Alumni Ass'n, Thursday Club of E}aat Thetford, Vt. Recreations: Reading, nature study. Congregatlonallst. Favors woman suf- frage, CHASE, Jessie Anderson, "Hundrldge," West Newbury, Mass. Author; b. Cincinnati, May 6, 1865; dau. Rev. James M. Anderson, D.D., and Elizabeth (Rob- bins) Anderson; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '86; m. Duluth, Minn., 1897, Robert Savage Chase; chil- dren; Elizabeth LeBaron, Charles Chauncey, Josephine Leverett. Author: Three Freshmen (first published serially in St Nicholas); May- ken; A Study of English Words; A Daughter of the Revolution; also stories In St. Nicholas, Life, American Magazine, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Club of Newburyport CHASE, Jessie Clara, 31 Edmund Place, Detroit, Mich. Chief of branch libraries, Detroit Public Li- brary; b. Jan. 15, 1860; dau. Theodore Russell and EUlen Augusta (Smith) Chase; ed. in city schools of Cleveland. O., and Wells Coll., B.S. Has been conaected with charitable and religious acttritles; s«c. Soc. of Mayflo-wer Descendants in Mich.; mem. D.A.R., Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Eastern Ass'n of Wells Coll., Y.W.C.A., College Club of Detroit. Episcopalian. CHASE, Lauretta Adelaide Hanford (Mrs. George Thomdlke CThase), 62 W. 130th St., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City; dau. George Fordham and Emma L. (Whltlock) Hanford; ed. private and public schools and Normal (3oll. of N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, June 12, 1895, Dr. George Thorn- dike Chase (Harvard '80; visiting surgeon Knick- erbocker Hospital, formerly J. Hood Wright Hos- pital, N.Y. City); children: George Abbot, b. Sept 15, 1898 (died Mar. 25, 1899); George Thorn- dike Jr., b. Jan. 17, 1903. Sec. Knickerbocker Chapter Daughters of Revolution; mem. N.Y. Peace Soc. Nat Soc. New England Women, and various social clubs (cards and literary). Protes- tant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. CHASE, Mabel A., Ml. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass. (College professor; b. Lyndonville, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1865; dau. Frederic Augustus and Julia AugU3ta (Spence) Chajse; grad. Oberlin (3oll., A_B. '88; Cornell Univ., M.A. '90; Univ. of Chi- cago, 1897-99, 1900-01; Imperial Coll. of Science, London, 1912 (mem. Oberlin Coll. Ladies' Lit- erary Soc.). Instructor Wellesley (Doll., 1893-97; Mt Holyoko Coll., 1902-07; associate prof, physics, Mt. Holyoke, 1907- . (Congregational 1st. Democrat Associate mem. Physical Soc. Fa- vors woman suffrage. CHASE, Mary Ayer (Mrs. Samuel Thompson Chase), Lake Forest, 111. Bom Chicago, Jan. 18, 1872; dau. Benjamin F. and Janet (Hopkins) Ayer; ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. ; m. Chlcagn, 1897, Samuel Thompson Chase; children: Polly Elizabeth, Janette. Pres. Scrtbblera' Club; chairman of Woman's Golf Conamittee; mem. Friday Club of Chicago. Strongly opposed to woaian suffrage. Bpisoo- palian. Recreatkms : GoU. rtdlnc, tennis. CHASE, Mary Wood, Mary Wood Chase School of Musical Arts, 630 Fine Arts Building, Chicago, III. Concert pianiste and director and pres. of the Mary Wood Chase School of Musical Arts, Chi- cago; b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. Aionzo and Cor- delia M. (Wood) Chase: grad. Ithaca (N.Y.) High School, '84; New England CJonservatory, Boston, '87; In Berlin, Germany, artist pupil, 1893-96, of Oscar Raif. Director music, Logan Coll., Russell- vllle, Ky., 1889-93; associate director of music, Columbia School of Music, Chicago, 1902-06; di- rector of music, Iowa State Univ. School of Music, 1906-08; director Mary Wood Chase School of Artistic Piano Playing, 1906-11; Mary Wood CJhase School of Musical Arts, 1911- . Played with the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, and va- rious other prominent orchestras; the Kneisel and other string quartets; in recitals and other concert engagements before the principal clubs, societies and colleges of the country. Author: Natural Laws in Piano Teohnlc: also articles and contributions to Music (magazine). Mem. Lakeview Musical Soc. Congregatlonallst Fa- vors woman suffrage. CHASE, Nellie Gertrude, 16 Prescott St, New- tonville, Mass. College instructor in English; b. Salem, Mass., June 16. 1875; dau. Stephen Freeman and Ellen Maria (Doe) C^hase; ed. Allen School, West New- ton, Mass., 1838-91; New (Mass.) High School, 1891-94; Smith Coll., B.L. '98 (mem. Phi Kappa Psi); Cornell Univ.; M.A. '05. At Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass., sec. to pres., 1901-02; teacher, Engiish and history, 9th grade, V/ilson School, Natick, Mass., 1902-03; teacher, English and history, etc., E. Bridgewater, Mass., 1903-04; teacher, college preparatory, English, Wheaton Sem., 1905-09; instructor in English, Wells Coll., 1909- . CongregationaJist. Meim. Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Aurora Country Club. Recreations: Golf, tennis. CHASE, Susan Frances, 11 Ketcham Place. Euf- talo, N.Y. Educator; b. in China; father an American merchant; mother an Indo-Eurasian; both par- ents of marked culture. Sent to America when three years of age; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. ; Milton Coll. M.A. ; Buffalo Univ.; Teachers' Coll., Pd.D. Has taught In country schools and public schools; now teacher of psycholog;y In the Buffalo State Normal, instructor In State Institutes and lecturer on educational topics; also a contributor to educational journals and to general and educational literature. CHASSELL. Mary Calkins (Mrs. E. D. Chas- sell), Le Mars, la. Born Wyoming, la., Dec. 13, 1865; dau. Dr. M. H. and Lucinda (Louden) Calkins; ed. Mt Car- roll (111.) Sem.; Chicago and Boston; pupil of Mme. Hall, George C. Osgood, Frank L. Robert- shaw; m. Dec. 19, 1P06, E. D. Chassell. Once had charge of vocal music dep't In Cedar Valley Sem.. Osage, la.: Drake Univ., Des Moines, la.; Bethany Coll., Topeka, Kan. Was cor. sec. Iowa State Federation of Women's Clubs; now chairman of its music com. Mean. D.A.R. and P.E.O., Des Moines, la. Clubs: Des Molnee Women's, Review. CHATFTELD, Helen Huntinirton (Mrs. Albert Hayden Chatfleld), Madison Road, East Wal- nut Hills, Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, O., 1864; dau. Frederick Gil- bert and Mary L. (Fletcher) Huntington; ed. in this country and abroad; m. Albert Hayden Chatfleld; children: Frederick Huntington, Will- iam Hayden, Albert Hayden Jr. Mem. Board of Directors of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Ass'n. Mem. Colonial Dames in States of Conn. and Ohio, Soc. of .Mayflower Descendants, His- torical and Philosophical Soc. of Ohio, Alliance Francaise. Chilton Club (Boston), Mepenticook Golf Club (Camden, Me.). CH.4lTFIEI.D-TAYXOR, Rose Farwell (Mrs. H. C. Chaifleld-Taylor), Falrlawn, Lake Forest III. Born Chicago. Mar. 7. 1870; dau. Hon. Charies B. (ODngressman, U.S. Senator) and Mary E. (Smith) Farwell; ed. Ferry Hall (girls' school), 174 CHEATHAM— oy Daily Republican for seven years; business manager the Housekeeping Experiment Station, Stamford, Conn. CHILD, Katherine B., 102 Fenway, Boston, Mass. Instructor in design; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Linus M. and Helen A. (Barnes) Child; ed. Dana Hall School; grad. the School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., Mr. C Howard Walker, instructor; pupil of Lewis F. Day, London, and student at South Kensington School of Art, Lon- don, England. Instructor for one year in design at Wellesley Coll.; also Instructor in Normal Art School, In Mass. School of Design and in School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mase. Prea. 176 CHILD— CHRISTENSON Stuart Clttb, Boston, Mass.; mem. House Com. CHIPMAN, Edna £arle Manners (Mr*. James of the Business Woman's Club, Boston, Mase. Henry Chipman), Georgetown, Del. Interested in the housing question for students Born Westville, N.J., Nov. 29, 1878; dau. Jacob and professional women and is on various com- Hartwell and Madeline (Calhoun) Manners; par- mlttees. Clongregationalist. ents removed in her childhood first to Sprlng- ^.^ field. Mo., and later to Rome, Ga., where most CHIXD, Mary Lucy, Thetford, Vt. of her girlhood life was spent; ed. Shorter Coll., Born Thetford, Vt., Jan. 27, 1866; dau. WllUam Rome, Ga.; m. Georgetown, Del., Feb. 5, 1902, Heaton and Sarah Jane (Howard) Child; grad. James Henry Chipman, M.D.; children: James from Vamum Grammar School, Liowell, Mass., Manners, b. Nov. 13, 1902; Virginia Bess, b. '81; high school, Lowell, Mass., '85; WeUesley Sept. 24, 1904. Pres. Georgetown Parent-Teacher Coll., B.A. '89. Congregatlonalist. Favors wo- Ass'n (branch of Mothers' Congress); pres. man suffrage. Republican. Owns farm prop- Georgeto>wn New Century Club; one of executive erty; engaged in special line of research work. members Del. State Federation of Women's ^rrrma ^ ■> r^ i j jii. ,-., t ^ t i Clubs. Episcopaliau (though brought up a C^^S'CmxoUneO^UiBmU.HmTB.John'Lewla Baptist); ass't sec. Church Guild ; mem. St. ChlldsK Floral Park, L.I NT. p^^.g Auxiliary. Recreation: Automoblling. Born Washingtonville, N Y May 2 1867; dau. ^nd, in season, life at summer home at Oak ?'^^^x^V^°xT"^^**/a°i'^^? Qold^ith; ed. Cort- orchard on the Indian River, Delaware, land (N.Y.) Normal School; m. Washingtonville, N.Y., April 15, 1886, John LewU Childs; children: CHIKCBG, Martha Mabelle Ames (Mrs. Michael Vernon E., Norma D., Jay Lionel, Carlton Chlrurg), Newton Center Mass ^ . , Hathaway. Mem. and several years on House ^<''"?^i? ^'i''^"'^'. ^P^^^ ^*^' ..^^^i; ,f^V- -R^,, Com. of Nassau Hosp. Ass'n. Much interested ^"^^ Abbie (Scates) Ames; ed. Wellesley ColL, in educating and instructing young musicians. ^■^- ^^^'- Radclifte Coll., A.M. '02; m. Oct. 16, Speaker on club subjects, especially musical in- ^^^' Or. Michael Chirurg (physician); one son: terests and activities. Mem. Equal Franchise James Thomas. Life mem. Collegiate Alumnae Soc. Methodist. Mem. Theosophical Soc., Ass'n; mem. Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Brooklyn Inst of Arts and Sciences (on music Radcliffe Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Favors woman com.). Recreations: Traveling, automobiling. suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League Mem. Sorosis (chairman exec, com.), N.Y. of Mass. Unitariaji. Mem. Bostoner Deutsche Browning Soc, D.A.R., Floral Park Woman's Gessllschaft. Recreations: Literature, op«ra. Club, Sorosis Carol Club (champion of philan- drama. Mem. Newton Club, thropy). Pioneers of the Gen. Federation of CHITTENDKN, Ida Lunette, Lansing, Mich. Women's Clubs. Founder and former pres. Violet grower; b. Yorkshire, N.Y. ; dau. Will- Floral Park Woman's Club (ten years); ex-pres. iam F. and Mary Jane (Wheeler) Chittenden; ed. Hempstead Woman's Club, chairman of Philan- TMiBroeck Free Aoad., Frankville, N.Y. ; thropy Sorosis Carol Club, former chairman Geneseo (N.Y.) State Normal School. Active in Program, Com. for N.Y. State Federation, also Y.W.CA., Women's Civic League and the Gen. Fed. Sec. for N.Y. State Federation. Michigan Grange. Favors woman suffrage; ^^rrKT^a »ni oi _i /nr xi 4 t. w^. manager of campaign for equal suffrage by '^SS?®^' ??^'"''. ,?fJ'^o/ xfv^IT R°*>''ln" Michigan State Grange during summer and fall Childs), 1*9 East 78th St., N.T. City. ^^ lgl2. Occasional contributor to press. Con- Writer; b East Orange N.J., June 2. 1876; gregationalist. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Grange Civic dau. Edward and Isabel Liddon(Coxe) Patter- i^^gue. Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. E.M.B. Club, son; ed. Miss Irwin s School, Philadelphia, and Lansing Mich. Engaged as violet grower since previously by governess; m. N.Y. City, Dec. 15, 1097 -= = 1903, Harris Robbins Childs; one son: Edward „„' .^„ „ -^ -,, .„,„ ™- t,. -c , _, Patterson, b. in Zanzibar. East Africa, Oct 12, CHIVVIS, Mrs. W, B., 4232 W. Pine Boulevard, 1904. Writer for magazines at 16. Pres. of first °t- l-ouls. Mo. auxiliary of the N.Y. Symphpny Orchestra; has ^^o'"'^ ,^''*P''lP'„ N. Y. ; dau. Andrew J. and sung much in churches and concerts; was of- Mary (Condon) Chaphe; ed. St. Louis public fered position in Vienna opera, but declined in schools, St Louis High School (valedictorian); view of parental opinion. Favors woman suf- ?^ Oc> 26, 1886, William R. Chlv vis; children: frage. Novels: Stompastures; Averages; The Leland, b. 1887; Norman b. 1891; Ruth, b. 1894. Postscript; best known for shoVt stories; Charm Pres. Mo. Congregational Board of Foreign Mis- He Never So Wisely (Scribner); The Lieutenant's slons; vice-pres. Mo. Federation of Women • Messenger; Three Blind Mice; Bibi Stelnfeld's Clubs; vice-pres. of Mo. Consumers League. Hunting (wtiich the German Emperor praised Recently appointed member of the com. on mem- publicly and which is translated into French and bership of the Gen Federation of Women a Italian). Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, Clubs; director in St. Louis Anti-Tuberculosis music. Oriental travel. Clubs: Women's Cosmo- Soc. Favors woman suffrage. C^ngregational- politan, Eurc^ean. Lived three years in BriUsh Jst. Advisory member of Mo. CongregaiUonal East Africa. Married the great topographical Conference. Recreations: Reading, writing, iravel. authority on Africa, H. R. Childs (exporter and CHOATE, Aoxnsta, Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn importer, head of firm of Childs, Parr & Joseph). Mawr, Pa. Speaks Arabic, Hindostan and Swahili, French, Teacher; b. Cochran, Ga. ; ed. in schools of German and ElngUsh. Speaks Swahlll and writes Atlanta, Ga., and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta It better than any European woman on the Kappa), "99, A.M. 1900. Teacher, Atlanta, Ga., coast. 1893-96; Mt Hope School, Fall River, Mass., ^ .^ .,, wr.„. -r^ ^ 190(W»1; high school, Washington, D.C., 1902; the CHIU>S. Mary Fairfax (Mrs. WllUam Ward Baldwin School, Bryn Marwr, Pa., since 1902. Childs), Hotel St. George, Brooklyn Heights, Author (with Gertrude Hartman): Exercises for Brooklyn, N.Y. Parsing and Analysis. Born Lexington, Ky.; dau. Edward Fairfax _„„._,„ „.. ^„„*„_ ^a ^3^^..,..^„,^r,* <=* Berkley, D.D.? and Sarah (Maury) Berkley (of CHOATE, Miriam Foster, 18 Pierrepont St., Virginia): ed Bonha^'s^ Sem^^ %m^^^' w^i ?e^herS' Smith Coll., B.A. '99; student Sxll^(gr'^rg^ea^i?^dS,n of Bett™aS.lnSS \^,^'l^'^^i''''T'.?fT''i^ K-^if.°h°-'?r„*^-.^i ai«ti.r n« Gpn Georee Washlneton) • children- "2. Teacher of history in Greenwich (Conn.) U^ BertTey, J^e^, stffy ^au^y.^'^Fariey Acad., 1903-09; Brooklyn Heights Sem. since Carter. Author: De Namin' oh de Twins, and '■^'• Other Sketches from the Cotton Land; The Boys CHRISTENSON, Nrflle Grant (Mrs. C, R. Chrls- Who Wore the Grey; The Little Nazarene. etc. tenson), 1660 W. Minnehaha Av., St. Paul, EJpIscopallan. Mem. and historian Mary Mildred Minn. Sullivan Chapter United Daughters of the Con- Bom Centerville, Iowa, April 8, 1874; dau. federacy, N.Y. City; historian of Soc. of Ky. Prof. H.L. and Hattie (Reynolds) Grant; grad. Women of N.Y.; poet of Stonewall Jackson Peoria (111.) High School, '92; Univ. of Minile- Chapter, Children of the Confederacy; mem. sota, B.S. '97, cum laude; m. June 30, 1897, Dr. N.Y. Auxiliary of the Southern Industrial Edu- C. R. Christenson; children: Franklin Grant, catlonal Aas'n (headquartars In Washington, Grant Reynolds, Helen Louise. Has taught D.C.). Mem. Minerva Oub, N.Y. City. science and mathematics In Minn. Coll., MInne- CHRISTIAN— CHURCHILi. 177 apolis- taught In Minn. Summer Teachers' Train- Turkey Mission. Recreation: Horseback ridhi«. ing School; mem. Minn. Teachers' Examining Favors ffufirage for unmarried women. Board. Interested in church work (Sunday-school CHBISTIE, Isabella Munro Lindsay (Mrs, Alex- teacher), also in temperance and foreign mis- ander Christie). 802 Avenue C, Bayonnti. N.J. sionary work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. g^^jj Glasgow Scotland, 1841; dau. John and Exec. Com. of Woman's Welfare L,eague of St. Elizabeth (Hunter) Lindsay; ed. public school; Paul. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. ^^ ^ y. City, June 27, 1860, Alexander Christie; Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary So- children: Marion McAdam, Elizabeth Hunter, cietles, W.C.T.U., Woman's Welfare League, j^^^^ Hunter Isabella Lindsay, George, Alex- Alumnl Ass'n of the Univ. of Minn., Ass n of andra Bertha,' Lindsay Robert; has 16 grand- Collegiate AlumnaB, College Club of St. Paul, children and one great-grandchild. Favors wo- Mothers' Club of Hamline, Moccasin Club. ^^ suffrage. Joined the first woman's suffrage CHRISTIAN, Elizabeth, 10 Kemble St., Utlca. club that ever was organized In N.Y C4ty (it j^ y ' met in home of Miss Hannah Allen In University Educator; b. Utica, N.Y.; dau' Col. William H. Plax:e); about one year later organized the first and Mary H. (Timerman) Christian; ed. Utica suffrage club m Bayonne. and remained pres. 20 public schools, Cornell Univ., B.S. '95 (special years. Articles read at suffrage club meeUngs mention in chemistry), Albany Normal, Pd.B. '98. Was mem. several years of Felix Adler s Ethical Teacher of science, Glens Falls (N.Y.) High Culture Soc. (N.Y. City). Interested In move- School, 1899-1901; an examiner in science, N.Y. ment for humane treatment of animals; strongly State Education Dep't, being connected with opposed to vivisection, vaccination or Inoculation this dep't during vacations, 1898-1904, and giving of any kind; believer in hydropathic treatment whole time to work, 1904-09. Interested In the of disease, which she has followed with best promotion of health, especially by physical cul- results in her own family. Mem. Woman s Po- ture or natural means, and through right think- Htical Study Club, Bayonne, N.J. Ing and auto-suggestion; also much interested cHKISTY, Grace, Ford City, Pa. In the preservation of the forests and birds; Teacher; b. Ford City, Pa.. July 12, 1883; dau. Interested in the study of psychology as applied Jefferson Reynolds and Emily (McCormick) to healing. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christy; prepared for college at Pittsburgh Dutch Reformed Church, King's Daughters, Soc. Acad.; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '07 (mem. of Christ Church. Utlca, N.Y., Utlca Branch of Delta Gamma). Young People's sec. for Home the Stevens-Swan Humane Soc; mem. Nat. Missions of Klttannlng Presbytery, Synod of Pa. Ass'n of Audubon Socs., D.A.R. Vacations usu- Presbyterian. ally spent In Adirondacks or at Thousand Is- t^ari^tn-a trn^^v,^tv, rt^-^ en x>,.i-r,^t^ a-, Trir,; Mass Inst, of Technology, 1889-90; Hariford Theo- logical Sem., 1898-99; ,Libiary Summer School, 1906. Substitute teactuw Northampton and Had- ley. Mass., 1884-87; pMaMe teacher, Northamp- ton, Mass., 1888-89, 1890-93; library ass't Forbes Library, 1895-98; settlement worker, Christodora House, N.Y. City, 1899-01; church mission worker, 1901-04; librarian Bible Teachers' Training Schooli Northampton, Mass., since 1904. 180 CLARK CLABK, £Icanor Phelps (Mrs. Frederick H. Clark), care Charles Henry Phelps, 30 Broad St., N.T. City. Bom. Oakland, Cal., 1881; dau. Charles Henry and Mary (Booth) Phelps; grad. Annie Brown School. N.Y. City, '98; Barnard Coll., '02; Paris (mem. Kappa Kappa, Barnard); m. N.Y. City, Dec. 20, 1908, Frederick Huntington Clark: one daughter: Eunice, b. 1911. Interested in college settlements and in activities of the Church of the Ascension. N.Y. City. Recreations: Riding, swimming, shooting. Episcopalian. Favors wo- man suffrage. CLAKK, Elizabeth Conway Bent (Mrs. Herbert L. Clark), School House Lane, Germantown, Pa- Born Philadelphia, Pa. ; ed. Mile, de Bonne- ville's School, Philadelphia, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95; m. 1907, Herbert L. Clark. Private tutor (Greek, Latin and mathematics) at Harris- burg, Pa., 1896-99; teacher in the Misses Sear- gent's and Bent's School, Harrisburg, Pa., 1897- 1906; in Miss Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1906-07. CLARK, Elizabeth Morris, 532 Clinton Av., Brooklyn, N.T. Teacher, religious worker; ed. Wells Coll., 1889-90; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1890-91; Univ. of Zurich, 1892-93; Univ. of Leipzig, 1892-94; Geneva, Switzerland, 1909-11. Salvation Army worker, 1894-98; teacher of English and German, y.W.CA., Harlem, N.Y. City, 1898-99; educa- tional director of same, 1899-1900; prof. English literature. Huguenot Coll., Wellington, South Africa, 1900-06; traveling sec. Y.W.C.A., 1908-09; sec. for S-witzerland of World's Christian Stu- dent Federation, 1909-11. CLABK, EHii Cleveland, 400 South Los Robles Av., Pasadena, Cal. Bom Northampton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1860; dau. William Clark Jr. and Annie B. (Miller) Clark; grad. Northampton High School, '80; Smith Ck)ll., A.B. '84. Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Church Aid Soc, Woman's Missionary Soc. of First Congregational Church; life mem. Woman's Board of Missions; life mem. Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Co'll. ; charter mem. Betty Allen Chapter D A.R. in Northampton; mem. Pasadena Y.W.C.A., and Bay State Colony (Pasadena), Shakespeare Club (Pasadena), Smith College Club of Southern Cal. From 1886 to 1910 teacher in two 'private schools, two high schools and private tutor at home, including 10 years as official tutor in mathematics for Smith <3oll. Removed from Northampton, Mass., to Pasadena in 1902. CLARK, Emily Anna, Wushishl, Northern Nigeria, West Africa; home address, care Mrs. Hattie M. Clark, Hamilton, N.Y. Missionary; b. East Hardwick, Vt., July 30, 1878- dau. Rev. Albert Vinton and Harriet (Baker) Clark; ed. Hamilton public and high schools; Columbian Univ., D.C., while doing census work, 1901-02; grad. Cornell Univ., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa) '05; Toronto Bible (College for Foreign Mission Work, 1910-11. Taught public school before entering college; after graduation taught in Chesbro Sem., North Chili, N.Y., 1905- 10- missionary to Africa since 1911. Contributor to' Light and Life Evangel, Chicago, and The Evangelical Christian and Missionary Witness, Toronto, Can., organ of the Soudan Interior Mission, of which society she is one of the staff. Baptist. CLARK, Emma Kirkland, 248A Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.Y. . Born Hinsdale, Mass.; ed. in schools of Spring- field Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '75; Univ. of Chicago A.M. '90. Teacher In Springfield (Mass.) High School, 1875-84; prof. Latin, Elmira (N.Y.) Coll., 1886-99; teacher, Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., since 1900. CLARK Evelyn (Mrs. James F. A. Clark), 960 Park Av., N.Y. City. Born London, England, Feb. 9, 1885; dau. Poultney and EMith E. (Jaffray) Bigelow (both well-known authors); granddaughter of John Bigelow (1817-19U), diplomat, publicist and his- torian; ed. private Kovemeeses in Ehirope and won th« mezzo-soprano open scholarship for singing at the Hampstead Conservatoire, Lon- don, in competition with all comers; m. London, Dec. 12, 1906, James Francis Aloysius Clark; children: Evelyn Bigelow, John Bigelow. Mem. Church of England. Actively interested in church and humanitarian work, Gerry Soc, Nat. Child Labor Com. and kindergarten work. Prot- estant Episcopal. Recreations: Writing poetry and prose, reading, needlework, music, study of theology. Mem. Colony Club. CLARK, Grace Miller (Mrs. Stephen Cutter Clark), 49 S. Euclid Av., Pasadena, Cal. Educator; b. Newton, Mass., Oct. 18, 1860; dau. William Lyman and Sarah (3veleth) Greene; ed. Smith Coll., A.B., '32; A.M. '85 (mem. Al- pha); m. Maiden, Mass., Aug. 22, 1885, Stephen Cutter Clark; children: Grace Eveletta, Julia Adeline, Stephen Cutter, Jr. Teacher Greek and Latin in Classical School for Boys, Pasadena, Cal., 1889-1910; since then tutor in Greek and Latin. Interested In soc. of Daughters of the King. Episcopalian. Mem. Smith Coll. Club of Southern Cal., College Woman's Club of South- ern Cal., Ass'n Collegiate Alumna. CLARK, Harriet MerreU (Mrs. John Holley Clark >, 231 Sanford Av., Flushing, L.I. Born Rochester, N.Y., Mar. 10, 1858; dau. Henry Palmer and Frances (Hoadley) Merrell; ed. Rochester, N.Y. ; m. Rochester, 1882, John Holley Clark; children: William, John Holley Jr., Merrell, Rosamond, Arthur, Winifred. In- terested in the day nursery, hospital, playground and church societies, etc. Mem. Good Citizen- ship League of Flushing (recently pres.), Ne-v York Browning Soc. (chairman of LiteratUi'e Com.). Episcopalian. CLARK, Imogen, 302 W. 88th St., N.T. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. George Homes and Phillie (Beatty) Clark; ed. Mme. da Silva's French and English School, N.Y. City, and pri- vate tutors. Writer of novels and contributor to magazines. Books: Will Shakespeare's Little Lad; God's Puppets; Victory of Ezry Gardner; Heresy of Parson Medllcott; Santa Claus' Sweet- heart; A Charming Humbug; We Four and Two More. Recreations: Driving, amateur photog- raphy. Clubs: Barnard, Wednesday Afternoon. Against woman suffrage. CLARK, Josephine Adelaide, 6 West St., North- ampton, Mass. Librarian; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '80; student N.Y. State Library School, 1888-89. Teacher, Greenfield, Mass., and Rutland, Vt., 1889-90; library ass't, (Jray Herbarium, Harvard, 1890-91; botanical bibliographer and ass't librarian, U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, 1891-1900; chief librarian of same, 1901-07; librarian Smith Coll. since 1907. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. CLARK, Julia Oilman (Mrs. Walter H. Clark), 146 Washington St., Hartford, Conn. Born Hartford, Conn., Nov. 22, 1873; dau. George Shepard and Ellen Maria (Hills) Gilman; grad. Hartford Public High School, '92; Smith Coll., B.L. '96 (mem. Phi Kappa Psi) ; m. Hart- ford, Conn., June 26, 1902, Walter Haven Clark; children: Eleanor Mary, b. 1904; Dorothy Gil- man, b. 1911. Mem. Conn. Humane Soc, Hart- ford Smith College Club, College Club of Hart- ford, Hartford Golf Club. Congregationalist. ' CLAltK, Kate Upson (Mrs. E. P. Clark). 248A Monroe St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Writer, lecturer; b. Camden Ala., Feb. 22, 1851; dau. Edwin and Priscilla (Maxwell) Upson; grad. Wheaton Sem., Norton, Mass., '69; West- field' (Mass.) Normal School, '72; m. Jan. 1, 1874, Edward P. Clark; children: Charles Upson, John Kirkland, George Maxwell. Trustee Wheaton Coll. since 1907: mem. Exec. Board Philological Section, Brooklyn Inst. Author: Can Personality Be Acquired? Browning as a Masquer; Brown- ing's Two Theories of Art; BroTvning as a Prophet; Up the Witch Brook Road; White But- terflies; Art and Citizenship; Bringing Up Boys; The Girl That Wasn't Wanted; Move Upward; The Dole Twins; How Dexter I>ald His Way. Contributor to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar; Atlantic Monthly, St. Niclurias, the CLaRK 181 Youth's Companion, Little Folks, the Independ- ent, the Outlook, the Congregational ist, Leslie's Weekly and other periodicals. Lecturer on cur- rent topics and popular reforms. I*resbyterlan. Pres. Wheaton Club, N.Y. ; mem. Meridian (literary) Club, Cosmopolitan Club, Browning Club, Society of N.E. Women, W.C.T.U., Wo- man Suffrage Party (lectures on suffrage). CLARK, Mable Peters (Mrs. Hiram P. Clark), Hawkeye, la. Boru Hawkeye, la., Feb. 10, 1885; dau. Arthur B. and Addie (Chapman) Peters; grad. Hawkeye High School, with class poem, 1901, m. West Union, Sept. 4, 1906, Hiram P. Clark. Teacher and clerk previous to marriage. Pres. Junior Ladies' Aid Soc, M.E. Ohurch. Mem. of Order of Eastern Star; pres. the History and Travel Club of Hawkeye for two years. CLAKK, Margaret Vaupel (Mrs. G. Hardy Clark), E. Fourth St., Waterloo. la- Physlcian; b. Pleasant Ridge, Iowa; dau. John Christian and Clara (Sandganger) Vaui>el; ed. public and private schools. University of Wis., Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, Hahne- mann Med. Coll. of Chicago, M.D. post-graduate courses In London, Berlin, Vienna; m. Hum- boldt, Iowa, June 28, 1886, G. Hardy Clark, M.D. ; mem. Public Health Education Committee of Am. Medical Ass'n, Social Hygiene Com. of General Federation of Women's Clubs, Public Health Com. of Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs; med. director Baby Health Contests. Mem. Public Library Board (chairman of its Book Com.), Board of Church Trustees, Iowa State Ass'n Charities and Correction; W. C. T. U. Mem. Executive Com. Waterloo Political Equal- ity Club. Unitarian. State Suffrage Soc, State Audubon Soc, Am. Med. Soc, Iowa State Med. Soc, Women's Profession?.! League, Waterloo Civic Soc. (chairman), Waterloo Women's Club, Chicago Woman's Club. Recreations: Travel, nature study. CLARK, Mary D. (Mrs. J. R. Clark), 508 N. Weber St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Born Penn Yan, N.Y.; dau. Nicholas D. and Roxanna (Legge) Suydam; ed. private schools; m. Penn Yan, N.Y., June 29, 1901, John R. Clark. Mem. of church and missionary societies. Woman's Club, Open Progress Club (pres. two years). Music Club. Presbyterian. Favors wo- man suffrage. Republican. CLARK, Mary Kimber (Mrs. Frank B. Clark). Fulton, N.Y. Teacher; b. Fulton, N.Y., May 10, 1872; dau. Frederick Ambrose and Margaret Anna (Prigg) Kimber; ed. Fulton High School, Cornell Univ., A.B. '96, and summer schools In London, Paris, and various smaller towns in France; m. Ful- ton N.Y., Oct. 30, 1896, Frank B. Clark; chil- dren: Margaret Kimber, Frances Hilda. In- terested in local charities, public library, hos- pitals; likes sefwing, embroidery, makes lace baskets, metal work and carpentry. Mem. smaJl local clubs. Recreations: Theatres, carrts, motor- ing, bicycling, walking, sewing. CLARK, Mary Sheaf er AVhitcomb (Mr». Alden Hyde Clark), Ahmednagar, India. Missionary; b. Boston, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; student Boston Dispensary course, 1902; Biblical courses in Union Theologi- cal Sem., N.Y. City, 1902-03; m. May 14, 1904. Alden Hyde Clark; children: Mary ■ Lawrence, b. Nov. 27, 1905; John Alden, b. Aug. 27, 1907. Resident worker Union Settlement, N.Y. City, 1902-03; since 1904 missionary of the Am. Board of Commissionera for Foreign Missions at Vadela and Ahmednagar, India. Congregation- al ist. CLARK, Mary \'ida, 169 E. 62d St. (office, 3 06 E. 22d St.), N.Y. City. Ass't sec. State Charities Aid Ass'n of N.Y. since Oct., 1895; b. Springfield, Mass., July 6, 1872; dau. David Clark, M.D., and Ellen M. (Cowles) Clark; ed. Miss Porter's School tor Girls, Springfield, Mass., 1882-89, Vassar Coll., 1889-93, Radcllffo Coll., 1893-95. Manager Wom- an's University Club; director Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations; mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Aas'n Alumnae Vassar Coll., Radclitte Club, Monday Club, Caroline Country Club. Favors woman suffrage. CLABK, Minna Minton Dyke (Mrs. Wilfred Ad- ams Clark), "Red Gables," Magnolia Av., Gar- den City, L.I., N.Y. (office, Rooms 6027-8, 1 Madison Av., N.Y. Cityj. Clerk civil service; b. North Adams, Mass., daughter of Elijah A. and Margaret (Stewart) Dyke; ed. Drury Acad., North Adams. Mass., N.Y. Univ.; also private tutor. ng at home; m. North Adams, Mass., A-pril 17, 1895, Wilfred Adams Clark (lawyer, Yale Law School '90; died June, 1904). Sec. Dep't of Buildings, N.Y. City, 1S92-1902; sec Board of Examiners, 1 Mad- ison Av., N.Y., from organization lo date. Asso- ciate Girls' Friendly Soc, St. Michael's Branch; has served on the social service com. of the Girls' Friendly Soc. for diocese of N.Y. tor several years. Prepared (for Girls' Friendly Soc.) report on "vacation houses" in England and France, 1907. Writer of prose and verse, used anony- mously; compiler of reports and statistics for government records. Mom. Nat. Soc. New Eng- land Women, Portia Club, Post Parliament, .Mo- zart Soc, Alumnae Ass'n N.Y. Univ., Woman's Press Club. Recreations: Music, reading, needle- work, cooking. Protestant Episcopalian. CL.ARK, Myra Almeda Smith (Mrs. John Bates Clark), 625 W. 115th St., N.Y. City. Born Stafford, Conn. ; dau. Jotham Graves and Almira P. (Converse) Smith; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '73 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 28, 1895, John Bates Clark, Ph.D., LL.D. (now prof, political economy, (jolumbia Univ.); children; Frederick Huntington, b. 1877; Alden Hyde, b. 1878; Helen Converse, b. 1893. Congregationalist. Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Vassar Aid Soc, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Phi Beta Kappa Soc, Barnard Club. CLARK, Natalie Lord Rice (Mrs. Frank Lowry Clark), 111 North University St., Oxford, O. Born Danvers, Mass., Dec. 20, 1867; dau. Charles Baker and Claire Austin (Lord) Rice; ed. Danvers (Mass.) putrllc and high school, 1885; Mass. Normal Art School, 1890; m. Danvers, Mass., Aug. 15, 1900, Prof. FYank Lowry Clark; adopted son: Ransom Butler Clark. Between 1891 and 1897 had editorial charge of The Well- spring at different times in the absence of the editor; did editorial work for Our Sunday After- noon for several years; was assistant editor The Living Age, 1897-1900; did book reviewing for the Boston Journal and other papers. In- terested in the student life of Miami Univ.; mem. of Classical Club and patDoness of girls' fraternity and other student societies. Author: The Green Garnet, 1896; Blake Redding, 1903; editor: Beacon Light Series, 1894; short stories in Youth's Companion, Independent, WeU^ring, Forward, etc. ; much of work under pen-najne of "Hobart Clear." Mem. Mass. Normal Art School Alumni Ass'n, Woman's Club of Oxford, O., Liberal Arts Club (Miami Univ.). Rec- reations: Walking, sketctiing, gardening, col- lecting old embroideries, china and beads. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- gressive. CLARK, Nora Graves (Mrs. Henry J. Clark). Route 1, Polk, Neb. Voice teacher; b. Marengo, III., Jan. ^2, 1877; dau. Daniel and Martha (Loomer) Graves; ed. Kearney Episcopal Coll., Neb. ; student State Univ., Lincoln, Neb.; m. Arborville, Neb., Sept. 6, 1899, Henry J. Clark; children: Gladys Lenore. Henry Daniel, Merle Russell, LucUe Marie. Active worker along religious lines, also socially. Mem. Royal Neighbors and several local church and social societies. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Arborville Township, York Co., Neb.: vice-pros, of the Fourth Dist. of Neb. Fed. of Women's Clubs. (Congregationalist. CLARK, Rose M. (permanent address), Green- ville, Ohio; (present address) Belcourt Sem. Washington, D,C. Born Tontogany, Ohio; dau. Silas and Maria (Williams) Clark; ed. Ohio Normal Univ., B.S. '88; post-grad, work in Boston Univ. and Unlv. of Chicago; Columbia Univ., M.A. 'U_ Principal of Winona Park School for Young Wom.en, 182 CLARK— CLARKE Winona Lake, Ind., 1906-10; preceptress Caze- novla (N.Y.) Seminary, 1911-12, and Belcourt Sem., Washington, D.C., 1912-13. Mem. State Board of the Ind. Y.W.C.A., 1907-10; Board of Directors of Ind. SUte Fed. of Clubs, 1909-10; State delegate from Ind. to the Biennial at Cin- cinnati, 1910. Pres. Winona Woman's Club, 1907-09; mem. the Symposium, -Findlay, Ohio, 1890-96. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. CLARK, Susan Kliza, West Brattleboro, Vt. Bom West Brattleboro, Vt., Nov. 24, 1844, dau. Stanford R. and Eliza L. (Adkins) Clark; ed. Brattleboro Acad, and Glenwood Ladies' Sem. in West Brattleboro, second degree grad- uate. County officer in the Vermont Branch of Woman's Board of Missions, 1883-1903; identified with various social, religious and philanthropic activities. Congregationallst. Republican. Re- gent of Brattleboro Chapter D.A.R., 1901-02 and 1913-14. Pres. Brattleboro Woman's Club, 1898- 1901, 1902-05; pres. Vt. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. 1903-06. Mem. National Geographic Soc. Has traveled extensively in the United States and Europe. CLARK. Susie Champney, 15 Centre St., Cam- bridge. Mass. Writer, lecturer; b. Brighton (now in Boston), Mass.; lived in childhood in Quincy, 111., where began her education, later returned to Cam- bridge, Mass., where completed her studies. Was for some time reporter on various papers, and has later done work for the spiritual and metaphysical press. For several years past a lecturer in Boston, California and elsewhere on occult, metaphysical, psychic or spiritual themes, and on the science of life as illustrated through color sym'bolisim. Often supplied pulpits for Sunday services; specially well known as an exponent of spiritual healing, which she has pr-acticed for more than 25 years; not allied with any of the healing cults known as Christian, Mental or Divine Science. Spiritualist; for sev- eral years a vice-pres. of Mass. State Ass'n of Spiritualists. Auttior (bocks) : All That Man Should Be Unto Woman ; The Open Door ol the Soul; John McCullough as Man, Actor and Spirit; A Look Upward; To Bear Witness; Pilate's Query; Lorita, an Alaskan Maiden; The Melody of Life; The Round Trip, and others. Also psychic plays: His To-Morrow; The Power of the Unseen. CLARK, Virginia Keep (Mrs. Marshall Clark), Virginia Hotel, Chicago; studio, 19 K. Pearson St., Chicago, 111. Artist, illustrator; b. New Orleans, Feb. 17, 1878; dau. Charles Borden and Catharine V. (Hynson) Keep; ed. in Indianapolis and at Miss Gibson's School, N.Y. City, and Miss Gordon's School, Philadelphia; m. Oct. 31, 1906, Marshall Clark. Studied four years at Art Students' League, N.Y. City; one year with Howard Pyle in Philadelphia, and criticisms from Sorolla in Spain in 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Illus- trator of Two Little Prisoners (by Thomas Nel- son Page); all the Live Doll series, and Little Girl Blue (by Josephine S. Gates); decorations for An Old Sweetheart of Mine, by James Whit- comb Riley; makes a specialty of portrait sketches of children. Presbyterian. Recreation: Walking. Mem. of the Art Institute of Chicago, Artists' Guild of Chicago, the Western Artists' Association, Evanston Golf Club, and Saddle and Cycle Club. CLARKE, Edith EmUy, 518 Ostrom Av., Syra- cuse. N.Y. Librarian; b. Syracuse, N.Y., 1859; dau. Rev. Joseph M. (D.D.) and Emily (Balis) Clarke; grad. Keble School, Syracuse, 1878, Syra- cuse Univ. Ph.B., '81 (Phi Beta Kappa), N.Y. State Library School, 1889. Head of catalog dep't Columbia Univ. Library, 1889-90; New- berry Library, Chicago, 1890-94; compiler of cat- alogs of U.S. Government publication office of Sup't. of Documents, 1895-98; Librarian Univ. of Vermont, 1898-1909; instructor in Government publications, Syracuse Univ. Library School, 1910 — Associate mem. Girls' Friendly Soc. Com- piler of catalogue of U.S. Public Documents, 1893-95, and '95-96. Contributor to periodicals. mostly professional. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Am. Library Ass'n, Biblio- graphical Soc. of America, N.Y. State Library School Ass'n, N.Y. State Library Ass'n, sec. Syracuse Library Club. Recreations: Camping, literature. CLARKE, Elizabeth Crocker Lawrence (Mrs. Samuel Fessenden Clarke), Wllllamstown, Mass. Secretary; b. Lancaster, Mass., Nov. 11, 1861; dau. Amos E. and Ann Maria (Crocker) Law- rence; grad. Newton High School, 1879; Smith Coll., B.A. '83, M.A. '89; Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, '91; post-grad, studies Radcliffe Coll. 1883-84, 1886-88; m. Newton Centre, Mass., April 5, 1892, Samuel Fessenden Clarke; one dau.: Elizabeth Lawrence. Sec. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae since Oct., 1901. Chairman Smith Coll. Alumnas Ass'n and raised money for gymna- sium, 1887-92. Chairman com. to raise $100,000, and equal sum given conditionally by Mr. Rock- efeller, 1899 — ; representative of Smith Coll. and treas. since 1899 in Naples Table Ass'n (for pro- moting laboratory research by women), 1899- . Mem. Anti-Suffrage Ass'n. Contributor to coll. periodicals and articles on gymnastics for girls' gymnasium at Smith College, etc. Congrega- tionallst. Mem. Mass. Branch Civil Service Re- form Ass'n and Mass. Branch Red Cross, Boston College Club, School Gardens Ass'n of America, Mass. Branch of Nat. Civic Federation. Rec- reation: Tennis. Alumnae trustee Smith Coll., 1894-1900; vice-pres. 1889-91, pres. 1909-11 Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll. CLARKE, Georgiana B. (Mrs. C. E. Clarke), 1130 Summit Av., Victoria, B.C. Born Belleville, Ont. ; ed. Ontario high schools and Trinity Univ., B.A. '93, M.A. '04. Was head of mathematical dep't of St. Mary's Coll., Dallas, Tex., 1897-99; assistant in high school, Victoria, B.C., 1902-06; m. Aug., 1906, Capt. C. E. Clarke, harbor master of Victoria; children: Stewart, George, Mary. Mem. of the University Woman's Club of Victoria, B.C. Mem. of the Church of England. CLARKE, Grace Julian, 115 S. Audubon Rd., Irvington. Indianapolis, Ind. Writer; b. Centerville, Ind., Sept. 11, 1S65; dau. George W. and Laura (Giddings) Julian; ed. Butler Coll., Indianapolis, 1879-89, Ph.B. '84, Ph.M. '85; m. Irvington, Indianapolis, 1887, Charles B. Clarke, lawyer. Edits Club Notes and Woman's page in Indianapolis Star. Mem. Board of Directors, General Federation of Wo- men's Clubs; County Board of Charity, Board of Children's Aid Ass'n, Citizens' Advisory Board, Indianapolis Public Library; Director In- dianapolis Local Council of Women. Pres. In- diana Federation of Clubs, 1909-10 and 1910-11. Director Woman's Franchise League of Indiana; speaker on suffraga in Indiana and Ohio. Author: Some Impression (a sketch of George W. Julian), 1902. Unitarian. Mem. Peace Soc, Am. Historical Ass'n, Indianapolis Woman's Club, Irvington Woman's Club. 'CLARE3;, Helen Archibald, winter, Riverbank Court, Cambridge, Mass. ; summer, Ardensea. Isle au Haut. Me. Author, editor, lecturer; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Dr. Hugh A. and Jane M. (Searle) Clarke; ed. by governesses, private schools, tutors and Univ. of Pa. (two years' course in music and physics). Interested in peace movement; one of the founders of the American Music Soc, de- voted to the encouragement of American compo- sition; one of the founders of the American Drama Soc, devoted to progressive movements in the American drama. Has composed many songs and piano music (some published, some unpublished), which frequently have been per- formed at public concerts and private muslcales; the operetta May Queen (words by A. F. Brown), performed in Boston and Philadelphia; play with incidental music, S^tarrylocks in Butterfly Land, performed in Boston. Author: Browning and His Century; Gethsemane, symbolic rhapsody In verse (set to music by Gustav Strube); Poet's New England; Hawthorne's Country; Longfel- low's Country; Browning's EJngland; Browning's CLAUKE— CLAY 183 Italy; Guide to Mythology for Young People; Ancient Myths In Modern Poets; editor, with Charlotte Porter, of Robert Browning's Complete Works; Elizabeth Browning's Complete Works and of Poet-lore. Honorary mem. N.Y. Brown- ing Soc. ; honorary mem. and on the Council of B.^'i?'^f™® Cou'^S.o^ ,NY-). A.B. -98 late? Ph.D. (Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Ki"Tfif„°rf*''^Y^ ^Anthnr^' Th7 ni°^^ Xi ; Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Lincoln, Neb., Kington, N.Y. Author: The Old Senate House ^ 30 ^ggg prederic E. Clements. Teaching ?^»^i°fh^?nTn'ifprJnfwT,?^vrrhi?»°r"n"A°R ^^1=°^ i° German 1898-1900, and asslst^t iS One of the founders of Wlltwyck Chapter D.A.R. botany, 1904-07, u'niv. of Neb.; Instructor in CLEAVES, Marsaret Abigail, Hotel Bucking- botany, Univ. of Minnesota, 1909- . Instructor, ham, 6th Av. and BOth St. (office, 616 Madison Graduate School of Ecology, Minnehaha, Colo. Av.), N. Y. City. (summers). Author: Relation of Leaf Structure Physician; b. in S. E. la.; dau. John T. (M.D.) to Physical Factors; Herbaria Formationum and Elizabeth (Strqnach) Cleaves; ed. Iowa Coll., Coloradenium; Cryptogamae Formationum Colo- Iowa State Univ. Med. Dep't; M.D., '73; licensed radensium; Flora of the Rocky Mountains. to practice medicine in Iowa, 1873; 111., 1876; Mem. Am. Microscopical Soc, Minn. Mycological F'a., 1880; N. Y., 1890; lectures and clinical ex- Soc, Equal Suffrage League, Humane Soc, perience in London, Paris, Leipzig, Berlin and Woman's Welfare League. Recreations: Walk- New York; ass't physician Siate Hosp. for In- ing, mountain climbing, dancing. Favors woman sane, Mt. Pleasant, la., 1873-76; first woman to suffrage. serve (continuous service) as physician to in- CLEMENTS, Gabrielle D*Veaui, 241 Blddle St.. sane women; subsequently mem. B'd Trustees BaStimore Md D^t SUtrHos^p' f^r^'fnian^^^Ha^sbiJ^rPa' ^^"^t; b. ' Philadelphia. Pa.; dau. Richard and SloL- sec% Countv and Natlonaf^ld Oreani: Gabrielle (DeVeau) Clements; grad. Cornell zftions fimer Electro^theraneut^c Ass'n Ifc- ^niv., B.S.; studied at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, nres Alum^rAss'n M^ Den^riowa S^^ Uniy ^"^^ Acad6mle Julian, Paris. Chief work has pres. Aiumni ass n Mea. uep t lowa btate univ. ^ mural paintings in Baltimore and Waah- Former instructor in Electro-therapeutics, N.Y. Jn^n ya^.-^'.^e'' >" jjoauuiiuic ooiu «>acu Post-Graduate Med. School and Hosp.; founder- '"B")ii. and chief N.Y. Electro-therapeutic Clinic Lab- CLEMENTS, Sabrella James (Mrs. James R. oratory and Dispensary; pres. Woman's Med. Clements), Pelham, Ga, Soc. of N.Y. ; mem. N.Y. Acad, of Medicine, Born Magnolia, N.C., Dec. 30, 1875; dau. Rob- Med. Soc. County and State of N.Y., Am. Med. inson and Martha (McArthur) James; ed. State Ass'n. Am. Electro-Chem. Soc, A.A.A.S., Am. Normal and Industrial Coll., Greensboro, N.C., Electro-Therapeutic Ass'n, Society Frangalse d- 1893-97; m. Pelham, Ga., Dec. 24, 1903, Jamei Electrotherapie, Am. Soc Sanitary and Moral R. Clements, M.D. Taufht six yeans 1q the CLENDENING— CLJNE 185 public schools of N.C. and Ga. before marriage. Unlversalist. Mem. Woman's Missionary Soc. ; pres. Woman's Club; mem. Civic League and Pelham Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy. CLENDENrXG, Lura Kelsey (Mrs. Byron M. Clendening), iM Race St., Cincinnati, O. Born St. Mary's. 0., July 8, 1S59; dau. Jared Hubbard and Rose Lindsley (Burnett) Kelsey; fed. St. Mary's and Celina, O. ; m. Ft. Recovery, O., Dec. 31, 1885, Byron M. Clendening (attor- ney). Has contributed articles and verse to various newspapers and magazines. Author: Ropes of Sand, 1908. Favors woman suffrage. CLEOPHAS, Kirstl Nerby (Mrs. Edwin Cleo- phas), Kensett, la. Teacher of voice and piano; b. in Norway, July 26, 185,3: dau. Brynjulf and Gertrude (Levorsen) Nerby: ed. in Kensett, Iowa public school, St. Olaf's Coll., Northfield, Minn., 1880-81, where began study of music (Chicago Musical Coll.); grad. in voice and piano, 1903, having previously studied privately at St. Paul, Minn.; Christiania, Norway; Houston. Texas, and at Salt Lake City (under a Leschetizky pupil); m. Kensett, Iowa, May 31, 1882, Edwin Cleophas; children: Gertrude Christene, b. June 23, 1883; Cornelia Beatrice, b. Apr. 29, 1885. Made suc- cessful concert tour through Iowa, Minn., and N.Dak. during summer of 1906, assisted by two daughters. Gertrude (pianist), and Cornelia (violinist). Organist in Norwegian Lutheran Church, Kensett, la., over six years. First pres. Lutheran Church Aid Soc., organized 18S4; first pres. Kensett Woman's Club, organized 1909. Daughter Gertrude has studied piano from child- hood, won honors at Chicago Musical Coll. (gold medal on graduation, 1903), student six years with Mme. Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, 1904-09; since then studying with Theodore Leschetizky at Vienna, Austria. CLEKGUE, Helen, 5 97 Sherbrook St., Montreal, Can., and Lyceum Club, 12* PicadlUy, W., London, Eng. Author; b. Bangor, Me.; dau. Joseph H. and Frances (Lombard) Clergue; ed. in schools of Bangor, Me., and in Paris and London. Joint editor (with E. S. Roscoe) : George Selwyn. Let- ters and Lite, 1899. Author: The Salon, 1907. Contributor to Edinburgh Review and other periodicals. Clubs: Lyecum, Albemarle (London, England). CLEVELAND, Cynthia E., 6th Auditor's Office, Washington, D.C. Lawyer, government clerk; b. Canton, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1845; dau. Erin and Laura (Marsh) Cleveland; ed. public schools and Medina Acad., Howard Univ. Law School, LL.B., LL.M. En- gaged in practice of law; one of her notable cases was that which she took (while serving as pres. S.Dak. W.C.T.U.) defending a woman accused of selling liquor. Now clerk in civil service. Favors woman suffrage. Books: See- Saw; His Honor. CLEVELAND, Elizabeth^ 220 Klrby Av., East Detroit, Mich. Teacher; b. Adrian, Mich.; dau. William H. and Agnes (Holley) Cleveland; ed. Univ. of Mich. Has taught in grade school and all grades In high school; has been principal of three large grade schools and hM originated the Girls' Con- tinuation School, a part-time public school for girls employed in stores and factories. Interested in welfare work for girls. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Detroit Equal Suf- frage Club, Detroit College Club, Detroit Women Principals' Club. CLEVELAND, ElU L. Edwards (Mrs. Edmund F. Cleveland), Dundee, 111. Born in Illinois; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (now Coll.) in the Normal class of 1868; m. Dr. Edmund F. Cleveland, physician of Dundee, 111.; three children (two living). Epsicopalian; active In church work. Mem. D.A.R. Former pres. Woman's Club of Dundee, 111.; former historian Woman's Club of EJlgin, 111. CLEVEL.\ND, Mrs. Grover — see Preston, Fran- ces FolBom Cleveland. CLEVELAND, Mary B., 21 W. Forty-fourth St., N.y. City. Born Belvidere, 111., Feb. 9, 1873; dau. Albert H. and Lida M. (Eldredge) Cleveland: ed. pub- lic school, Belvidere, 111. One of the founders, 1892, and prc-s. since 1904 of the Business Wo- man's Exchange of Chicago, which is a coopera- tive protective organization for women and girls in the business world. Pres. N'at. Ass'n of Business Women, 1900-03; exec. sec. the Civic Forum (N.Y. City) and the League for Political Education (N.Y. City) since 1907. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Woman's Suffrage Party. Recreations: Tramping, out-door sports. CLEVELAND, Rose Elizabeth, Dark Harbor, Me. Author; b. Fayetteville, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. Rich- ard F. and Ann (Neel) Cleveland; ed. Houghton Sem. Taught for some time, then took charge of a school In Lafayette, Ind., and then in Pa. Returned to Houghton Sem. to lecture on his- torical subjects. Sister of the late ex-President Grover Cleveland and was mistress of the White House until her brother's marriage In 1886. Author: George Eliot's Poetry; Other Studies; The Long Run (novel); numerous magazine ar- ticles. Taught in N.Y. several years. CLEVENGER. Antoinette Brown Harlan (Mrs. Almon Edgar Clevenger), 1865 East Seventy- fifth St.', Cleveland, Ohio. Temperance worker; b. Wilmington, Ohio; ed. in schools of Wilmington, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; m. Dec. 3, 1879, Almon Edgar Clev- enger; one son, one daughter. Engaged in teaching three years. Active In W.C.T.U. work; was editor for six years of the Ohio W.C.T.U. Messenger and for eleven years corresponding sec. of the Ohio W.C.T.U. Favors woman suf- frage. CLEWS, Jessie Bradley (Mrs. John Henry Clews), Buckingham Hotel, N.Y. City. Born Dunkirk. N.Y. ; dau. Ezra C. and Amelia (Groot) Bradley, ed. Mrs. Pratt's School, Utiofc.. N.Y. ; m. John Henry Clews; one daughter: Mrs. George Russell Peabody. Episcopalian. CLEFEORD, Harriet Briggs Rogers (Mrs. H. E. Clifford), 942 Beacon St., Newton .Centre, Mass. Born Boston, April 14, 1867; dau. William A. and Helen M. (Whitman) Rogers; ed. in private schools of Boston; m. Newton Centre, June 24, 1896, Prof. H. E. Clifford; one daughter: Gretchen, b. July 14, 1889. CLXFTON, Harriet Merrill (Mrs. Charles Edward Clifton), 681 Ingleside Park, Evanston, 111. Born St. Paul, Minn., 1874; dau D. D. Merrill and Alice King Merrill; ed. Univ. of Minn., Wel- lesley, B.A. '98; grad. work at Yale and Chicago Univ. (mem. Delta Gamma); m. St. Paul, Minn., 1902, Charles E. Clifton; children: Charles E., Jr., Alice Teresa, Malcolm Merrill. Interested in church and club work. Pres. Woman's Club of Evanston, 111., 1911-13; mem. of Univ. Guild, Drama Club, Drama League. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Wellesley Alumnae Soc. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Mem. Woman's Club of Evanston. CLINE (Mrs. Henry A. Cllne), Wharton, Tex. Born Woodville, Tex., Dec. 15, 1879; dau. Joseph Howell and Elizabeth (Barclay) Wooten (of distinguished Revolutionary ancestry) ; ed. Huntington Inst, Tex.; m. Woodville, Tex., May 13, 1894, Henry A. Cline; children: Henry A. Cline Jr., b. Oct. 13, 1899; William Aldrldge Cline, b. July 21, 1910. Has been actively as- sociated with the philanthropic work of her town; helped establish civic interest In public schools, instrumental la having copies of fine pictures in schools and a medal for every grade for excellency; prominently identified with the social life of South Texas. Author: Southern Poems: Biographical Sketches of Southern Statesmen; contributor of historical sketches to newspapers and magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Texas Woman's Press Ass'n, Order of Eastern Star, Dames of 1812, D.A.R. United Daughters of the Confederacy. Recreations: Motoring, horseback riding, flower culture, social Inter- course. Mem. Mutual Improvement Club. Has Berved as past worthy matron of Eastern Star; 186 CLINTON— CLUM Slate historian Daughters of Confederacy of N.Y. Theatre Club. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, Texas, two vears; past pres. Mutual Improve- Knickerbocker, Story-Tellers' League, House- ment Club; vice-pres. Fourth Dlst. Texas Fed. wives' league, Gotham Club. Women's Clubs; delegate at large for Texas CLOUD, Virgrinia Woodward, 520 Park Av.. Fed. of Women's Clubs; twice officially identified Baltimore, Md. with local chapter; has frequently served on Author, Journalist; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. programs at State conventions for Fed. Clubs. Daniel and Martha Louise (Wood-ward) Cloud; CLINTON, Jane Heard (Mrs. Fred. S. Clinton), ed. private schools. Journalist, literary critic Tulsa, Okla. and poet; literary editor of Baltimore -News; Boru Elberton, Ga., April 16, 1875; dau. James also contributor to current magazines. Author: Lawrence and Mary Melissa (Harper) Heard; ed. Down Durley Lane; A Reed by a River; A Elberton Female Coll., A.B., first honor, '93; Woman, a Spaniel and a Walnut Tree; The m. Elberton, April 15, 1897, Dr. Fred. S. Clinton. Other Thing; Birthright; Concerning Mr. Dick Pres. Foreign Mission Soc. ; pres. Hyeshka Daggart; also numerous short sketches and (Creek Indian for music) Club, eight years; fttories in leading magazines. Mem. Woman's Oiem. Ruskin Art Club, Tuesday Book Club, Literary Club of Baltimore. Council of Women. Interested in playgrounds, CLOUGH, Edna Coulter (Mrs. Kar! Benton civic improvement. Against woman suffrage. Clough), Franklin Hotel, Woodlawn, Pa. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. South. Mem. Born Danville, Boyle County, Ky., Nov. 4, P.E.O. 1878; dau. Judge George William and Sarah Ann CLINTON, Susan Merrill (Mrs. Lee Clinton), (Harbison) Coulter; ed. Caldwell primary dep't, 422 Houston Av., Tulsa, Okla. Caldwell Coll., Danville, Ky., 1893-97, A.B.; spe- Born Ottumwa, la., 1877; dau, Sherman Mor- cial course Potter Coll., Bowling Green, Ky., ton and Susan B. (Walton) Merrill; ed. private 1898-99; mem. class of 1906, Columbia Univ., schools; Young L. G. Harris Coll., Young Har- N.Y. City, for special diploma; m. Beaver Falls, ris, Ga., A.E. '57; m. Jasper, Ga. Dec. 30. 1896, Pa., April 3, 1912, Karl Benton Clough (champion Lee Clinton; children: Walton S., b. 1897; Celia Uve stock man and steel man). Owner and Louise b. 1899 (died 1904); Ruth Lyon, b. 1907. breeder of fancy saddle horses; grower of won- Interested in various religious, socidl, artistic derful plants, especially ferns. Sunday-school and philanthropic work. Mem. D.A.R. Clubs: teacher; sup't of Sunday-school. Settlement Art and Music, Council of Women. Mem. Meth- worker. Favors woman suffrage. Author of odist Church, South. articles for garden or country life magazines, ^-, .fv.,m«%-».T iv • • V. ■: aiiQes, Soc. Mayflower Descendants. Mem. Contemporary Club, New Century Club (Philadelphia>, Lyceum Club (London) and Woman's Literary Club (Baltimore). COATES, Mildred Aspinwall (Mrs. George Mor- rison Coates). 2531 South Clevaltmd Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia. Mar. 24, 1881; dau. Rev. George Wooisey Hodge (rector of Church of Ascension) and Mary De Veaux (Powell) Hodge; ed. Miss Hills' School, Philadelphia; m. Phila- delphia, Nov. 17, 1910, in Church of the Ascen- sion, Dr. George Morriaon Coates. liiterested in church work of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Recreations: Motoring, tennis. Mem. Philadelphia Indoor Tennis Club. COATES, Sara Elizabeth, 13 Bradford Av., New- port, R.I. Teacher, charitologist; b. Portsmouth, Ohio; ed. In schools of Portsmouth, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '90. Teacher Portsmouth, Ohio, 1891- 92; ZanesvlUe, Ohio, 1892-93; Mt. Sterling, Ky., 1893-94; Memphi'S, Tenn., 1894-95; Ekirchester, Mass.. 1895-97; sup't of clubs and classes and ass't sup't Frances Willard Settlement, Boston, Mass., 1897-1902; principal Saco (Me.) Industrial School. 1902-03; investigator and ass't agent Charity Organization Soc. N.Y. City, 1903-04; teacher high school, Portsmouth, Ohio, 1904-06; acting agent Washington (D.C.) Associated Charities, 1906; sec. Ass'n for Relief and Pre- vention of Tuberculosis. Newport, R.I., since 1906. Mem. of several philanthropic societies. COBB, Alice C. (Mrs. John B. Cobb); home, Macon, Ga. ; address, 810 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn. Missionary secretary; b. Perry, Ga, ; dau. Dr. P. B. D. H. Culler and Mary S. (Cobb) Culler; ed. Wesleyan Coll., Macon, Ga. (first chartered college for women in U.S.); grad., took post- grad, in another Georgia college; mem. Adelphean Soc, organized 1851; m. Perry. Ga., 1870, Major John B. Cobb; children: Mrs. Mary Cobb Pilcher, of Nashville. Tenn.; Mrs. Eugenia Cobb Lowe. Began teaching in Wesleyan Coll., Macon, Ga.. and was prof, of E^nglish literature until appointed in 1904 to her present position as sec. of the Foreign Department of the Board of Missions of M.E. Church, South, with head- quarters at Nashville. Was sent by her church to visit mission fields of Cuba. Mexico, Japan, Korea and China. Engaged in club work in Macon; was vice-pres. of State Fed. of Clubs; pres. of City Fed.; regent D.A.R. ; pres. Current Topics Club. College Alumnae Ass'n and of Mis- sionary Soc; was pres. of W.C.T.U. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Man. Daughters of Confederacy, Nat. Geographic Soc COBB, Cora Crosby (Mrs. P. L. Cobb), care G. E. Crosby. West Medford. Mass. Born Cambridge, Mass.. Oct. 11. 1873; dau. George E. and Augusta (HiU) Crosby; ed. Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '97; m. West Medford, Mass., June 27, 1900, Rev. P. L. Cobb, of Tenn.; chil- dren: William Crosby, Catherine Lee, Margaret Augusta", P. L. Jr. College sec. Y.W.C.A. in Southern States, 1898-1900; later missionary to Mexico five years and in conference missionary work for women. Has written several articles on missionary and Sunday-school work. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Wom- an's Missionary Soc. Recreations: Walking, ten- nis. Mem. Woman's College Club in Mexico City COBB, Eliza Polhemns, 28 East Twenty-second St.. N.Y. City. Educator, missionary secretary; b. Hopewell, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '93. Teacher Hal- sted School, Yonkers. N.Y., 1895-1902; dean of women and ass't prof. English, Whitman Coll., 1902-04; ass't to lady principal, Vassar Coll., 1904-06; since 1906 sec. Foreign Missionary Soc. N.Y. City. COBB, Fl.-)rence Brooks (Mrs. Edward Scribner Cobb), Karasunaru Dori. Kyoto, Japan. Missionary; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 1900; stu- dent of domestic science in Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., 1903-04; m. Sept. 21, 1904. Ed- ward Scribner Cobb; children: William Brooks, b. Jan. 13, 1906; Edward Scribner Jr., b. Dec. 27. 1907. Teacher of science, 1900-01; sec, N.Y. City, 1901-04; since 1904 missionary of the Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Japan at Niigata, 1904-05, 1906-08; Tokyo, 1905-06; Kyoto since 1908. Congregationallst. COBB, Harriet Redfleld, 115 Elm St., Northamp- ton. Mass. Associate prof, mathematics; b. Peekskill, N.Y.. Sept. 10, 1866; dau. Rev. E. G. and Meroa (Red- field) Cobb (descendant of John Alden, and had ancestors in War of 1812 and in the Revolution- ary War); ed. Smith Coll.. A.B. '89, A.M. '91. Taught In Bartholomew EngUsh and Classical 188 COBB— COCHRAN School, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1891-95; in Smith Coll. 1895- . Has taught Young Men's Bible Class for 15 years, now teaching such a class In Edwards Church, Northampton, Mass. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa (Chapter Zeta of Mass.), Alpha See. of Smith Coll. Congregationalist. Interested In woman suffrage but does not desire suffrage yet. COBB, Helen Adele, 221 North Broadway, Yon- kers, N.Y. Teacher; b. Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; ed. in schools of N.Y. City and Vassar Coll., A.B. '98. Teacher in St. Katharine's Hall, Davenport, Iowa, 1898-1900; Keble School, Syracuse, N.Y., 1900-01; the Halsted School, Yonkers, N.Y., since 1901. COBB, Lura Stone (Mrs. E. Schuyler Cobb), 15 Oak St., Winchendon, Mass. Born Seekonk, Mass., Dec. 29, 1877; dau. Solo- mon and Ella (Case) Stone; ed. Attleboro High School; Brown Univ., A.B. 1900; m. Seekonk, Mass., Sept. 1, 1903, B. Schuyler Cobb; one daughter: Dorothy Chase Ccrbb. Mem. Woman's Club. Baptist. COBB, Mariedna SneU (Mrs. Charles Welling- ton Cobb), 10 Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C. Born Benicia, Cal. ; dau. Richard Bayley and Julia (Ritchie) Snell; ed. SneU Sem., Berkeley. Cal. ; special courses at Univ. of Cal. and Oregon Agricultural Coll.; m. June 30, 1910, Charles Wellington Cobb, ass't attorney-general of the State Dep't. Interested in interior decora- tion; In 1909 taught English at Snell Sem., Berke- ley, Cal. Prominent in society in San FYancIsco and Washington, D.C. Mem. Claremont Country Club, Cal. Episcopalian. Republican. Favors woman suffrage. COBLENTZ, Claj-a Rankin (Mrs. George W. Coblentz), Clarion, Pa. Temperance reformer; b. Madison Furnace, Clarion Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1863; dau. Calvin A. and Elmma (Burnside) Rankin; ed. High School, Clarion, Pa., Carrier Seminary; m. Clarion, Pa., Jan. 19, 1886, George Weber Coblentz; children: Charles Rankin, Howard Burnside. Pres. Non- partisan Nat. W.C.T.U. ; pres. Clarion Presbyte- rian Foreign Missionary Soc. ; rec. sec. State Federation of Pa. Women; rec. sec. Woman's Club of Chautauqua, N.Y. In favor of limited suffrage, but thinks women are not ready for it yet. When chairman of Juvenile Court Com. of State Federation 1909-11, prepared a leaflet on juvenile court laws of Pa. for the use of club- women, which was favorably received. Presby- terian. Pres. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Clarion. First vlce-pres. Chautauqua (N.Y.) D.A.R. Circle; first vlce-pres. and trustee class 1907 Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Mem. Clarion Woman's Christian Temperance Al- liance; also a Sabbath School teacher. Clubs: Chautauqua Woman's, Clarion Woman's, Chau- tauqua Press. Has taught parliamentary law In home town; has been a newspaper correspond- ent, and has given addresses on temperance and religious subjects. COBCBN, Abby M. (Mrs. J. Milton Cobum), South Norwalk, Conn. Born Shrewsbury, Mass., Oct. 27, 1854; dau. Aaron G. and Lucy F. (Nourse) Cutler; ed. Oread Collegiate Inst., Worcester, Mass., 1870- 1874; m. Shrewsbury, Mass., Aug. 4, 1879, Dr. J. Milton Coburn; children: Harrle Cutler, Aaron Cutler. Patron Day Nursery, Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary; vice-pres. Woman's Ass'n of the Congregational Church; sec. Relief Com. for Betterment of City's Poor; interested in church and missionary work. Has contributed many articles to the public press on municipal and philanthropic subjects. Mem. Municipal League; pres. County Christian Endeavor Soc; ex- chaplain Windham County Jail; regent D.A.R. Pres. Friday Afternoon Club. Recreations: Traveling, study of social problems. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Equal Franchise League. Republican. Mother's people were descendants from the celebrated Rebecca Nours, who was accused of witchcraft and hanged In Salem, Mass. COBURN, Adelaide March (Mrs. Albert E. Co- burn), Stanford Univ., Cal. Teacher; b. Windham, Me., April IS, 1863; dau. Sumner C. and Melinda (Richardson) March; grad. Gorham (Me.) Normal School, July 7, 1882; m. Mechanic Falls, Me., April 16, 1884, Albert E. Coburn; children: Albert Charles, b. June 28, 1885 (died Mar. 8, 1912). Interested in Woman's Club movement; was sec. two years, vice-pres. one year, pres. two years of Waltham (Mass.) Women's Club, an organization of 400 members. Pres. Boston Branch of Normal AlumnfE; now pres. of Mayfield (Cal.) Woman's Club; mem. School Board of Mayfield. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Republican. COBURN, Eleanor Hallo well Abbott (Mrs. Fordyce Coburn), 229 Stevens St., Lowell, Mass. Writer; b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 22, 1872; dau. Rev. Edward Abbott, D.D. (well-known author) and Clara (Davis) Ablxitt (niece of Rev. Lyman Abbott, D.D.); ed. private schools and Radollffe Coll.; m. 1908, Dr. Fordyce Coburn. Contributor of short stories to the leading magazines, including two $1,000 prize stories in Collier's Weekly: The Sick-a-Bed Lady, 1905, and The Very Tired Girl, 1907. Author: Molly Make Believe; The Siok-a-Bed Lady, and other stories. Episcopalian. COBURN, Ivah WiUs (Mrs. Charles Douville Coburn), 1402 Broadway, N.Y. City. Actress; b. Appleton City, Mo., Aug. 19, 1881; dau. George Browning and Anna (Kuns) Wills; grad. Brookston (Ind.) High School; Chicago Musical Coll. ; special course In English, Chicago Univ.; m. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 15, 1906, Charles IDouville Coburn. Debut on the stage. Garden Theatre, N.Y. City, with E. H. Sothern in Ham- let, autumn of 1900, following year with Amelia Bingham; afterward In several well-known stock companies; Proctor's Fifth Av., 1904-05, playing leading parts. In 1907, with husband, formed company, playing a repertoire of classic plays at all the principal universities in the U.S., and conducted as an exponent of the educational force of the drama. In Its repertoire she has played the leading female characters in Shakespearian drama, including Lady Macbeth, Juliet, Beatrice, Rosalind, Viola, Desdemona, Portia and Katha- rine; also the parts of Electra in Electra and of Iphlgenia m Iphigenia In Tauris (both by Euripides) and The Wife of Bath in Percy Mackaye's The Canterbury Pilgrims. The Co- burn Players appeared on the White House grounds on invitation of Mrs. Taft. Favors wo- man suffrage. Author of short stories and arti- cles pertaining to the stage and woman's Inter- ests for magazines. Recreations: Dancing and horseback riding. Mem. MacDowell Club, Three Arts Club. COBURN, Louise Helen, Skowhegan, Me. Born Skowhegan, Maine, Sept. 1, 1856; dau. Stephen and Helen Sophia (Miller) Coburn; ed. Skowhegan High School, Coburn Classical Inst., grad. 1873, Colby ColL, A.B. '77, Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard Summer School, 1880-81, Chi- cago Univ. 1893; studied languages In France, Germany and Italy; mem. Sigma Kappa Sorority (a founder). State Regent D.A.R. 1909-11; chairman Forestry Com., Maine Federation of Women's Clubs, 1901-03, mem. Arts and Crafts Com., same, 1906-08, State Director Woman's Am Baptist Home Mission Soc, 1911—. Pres. Josselyn Botanical Soc, 1912; pres. Advisory Board, Publit Library, 1894- . Park Com- missioner Skowhegan, 1906—. Mem. Board of Trustees, Bloomfield Acad. Active in church and Sunllay school work, and in various forms of philanthETopy. Interested in library work and in studies in literature, language and botany. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Republican. Mem. W.G.T.U., D.A.R., Maine Soc. of May- flower DaEBendants, Josselyn Botanical Soc. of Maine, Ate. Forestry Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc, Skowhegan Woman's Club, Skowhegan Town Improvement Soc, Coll. Women's Club of Washinjjton, D.C. Recreation: Gardening. COCHRAN, Fanny Travis, 131 S. Twenty-second St., Philatdelphia, Pa. Bora Philadelphia; ed. Miss Florence Baldwin's COCHRAN— COFFIN 189 School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04; graduate student, 1904-05. Mem. Exec. Com. of Philadelphia College Settlement; direc- tor Philadelphia Branch Consumers' League of PeEfhsylvania, 1905-07; chairman of Industrial Betterment Bureau of the Consumers' League since 1910. Favors woman suffrage. COCHRAN, Katharine More, 157 O.xford St.. Hartford, Conn. Teacher; b. Durhamville, N.Y., 1869; dau. An- drew and Catherine (More) Cochran; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; graduate student Cornell Univ., A.M. 1912; student at Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1902-03. Teacher in secondary school, 1890-94; teacher Greek and Latin, Horace Mann School, N.Y. City, 1894-1907; teacher of Greek, Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, Ohio, 1907-10. Mem. Am. Inst, of Technology (Oxford, Ohio, Branch), Woman's University Club, N.Y. City. COCHRAN, Sarah Marshall (Mrs. Carlos Bing- ham Cochran), 514 S. High St., West Chester, Pa. Bom Northbrook, Chester County, Pa.; dau. Abratham and Phebe Jane (Baldwin) Marshall; ed. West Chester State Normal School; m. North- brook, Pa., July 16, 1885, Dr. Carlos Bingham Cochran (science dep't West Chester State Nor- mal School); children: Grace, Carlos Marshall. Mem. instruction Com. of George School, Bucks County, Pa.; pres. of Home and School League of West Chester; sole director of Needlework Guild of America. Quaker. Mem. New Century Cluh of West Chester; chairman of Civics Club. COCHRAN, Sophia Lee, Newton, Kan. Physician; b. Lancaster, Garrard County, Ky., Feb. 15, 1868; dau. Richard Lewis and Mary Jane (Huffman) Cochran; ed. High School, Pea- body, Marion County, Kan.; Hahnemann Med. College of Kansas City (Mo.) Univ., graduated with class honors (valedictorian), 1912; mem. Dunham Soc. Elected to chair of embryology in Hahnemann Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo. Mem. Board of Physical Examiners, Y.W.C.A., Kansas City. Presbyterian. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Favors woman suffrage. R&signed from Hahnemann Med. Coll. on account of mother's health; now practising in XewtOn, Kansas; practice limited to women and children. COCKG, Sarah Cobb Johnson (Mrs. Lucian H. Cocke), 818 Nelson St., Roanoke, Va, Born Selma, Ala.; dau. Dr. John M. Johnson, of Kentucky, and Mary Willis (Cobb) Johnson; grad. at Lucy Ccvbh Inst.; mem. Iridian; m. (1st) Oct. 26, 1887, Dr. Hugh Hagan (died 1898);- (2d) Oct. 28, 1903, Lucian H. Cocke; children: Hugh Johnson Hagan, b. Dec. U, 1SS8; Willis Cobb Hagan, b. Dec. 3, 1894. Interested in all philan- thropic and public spirited enterprises. Favors woman suffrage (with educational and property qualification). Author: Bypaths in Dixie; con- tributed to magazines, newspapers, etc., mostly under name of Mammy Phyllis' Sketches. Epis- copalian. Name on original charter of D.A.R. ; mem. Colonial Dames, Daughters of Confederacy, Order of the Crown, Soc. of Southern Writers. Rfrcreatlous: Writing, gardening, traveling. COCKE, Zit^lla, 100 Charles St., Boston. Mass. Author; u. In Peiry Co., Ala.; dau. Woodson St. George and Mary Elizabeth (Binyon) Cocke; the Cocke family was represented in army and tavy for centuries in England and Virginia; first American ancestor being Sir Richard Cocke, who settled in Virginia in the seventeenth century; mother of Huguenot descent; privately educated at home. Musician, vocal and piano; has had charge of music departments in colleges for women. Author of books of poems: A Doric Reed; Cherokee Roses and Other Poems; also of Juvenile verses: Grasshopper Hop and Other Verses. Episcopalian. COCKRAN, Anne Ide (Mrs. William Bourke Cockran), The Cedars, Port Washington, L.I.. N.Y. Born St. Johnsbury, Vt., Dec. 26, 1878; dau. Henry Clay and Mary M. (Melcher) Ide; ed. privately in Samoan Islands and Philippines, when was ofliclal; m. N.Y., Nov.^ 15, 1906, Hon. W. Bourke Cockran. Founded and pres. of Sou. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals In the Philippines. Favors wcrnian suffrage; mem. Board of Directors of N.Y. Efiual Franchise Soc. smce foundation. Congregationalist. Mem. Colony Club (N.Y. City). COCROFT, Susanna, 624 Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Physical culturist; b. Burlington, Wis.; dau. J. E. and Ann (Woodhead) Cocroit; ed. Rochester Sem., Rochester, Wis.; Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis.; m. July 26, 1907. Taught in Rochester Sem.; lectured on history of civilization; lectured on physical development; originated the Physical Culture Extension Society, and taught women how to regain and retain health. Mem. of Philanthropic Boys' Shelter Club. Author: The Vital Organs; The Nervous System; Self Suf- ficiency; Ideals and Privileges of Woman; Char- acter as Expressed in the Body; The Circulatory System; The Body Mannikin; Growth in Silence; Motherhood; The Generative Organs; Beauty; Foods; Poise, Obesity and Leanness. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. Recreation. Automobiling. CODY, Grace Ethelwyn, 1554 E. Sixty-first St., Chicago, HI. Writer; b. Naperville, 111., Dec. 4, 1867; dau. Judge Hiram H. and Philomela E. (Sedgwick) Cody; ed. Northwestern Coll. and Univ. of Chi- cago. Author of books for girls: Jacquette, A Sorority Girl; Elinor's Junior Hop; writer of short fiction and articles. Regular contributor (in dep'ts "Just About Girls," and "Stories of the Streets and Town"), to former Chicago Record, now consolidated with Times-Herald un- der name of Record-Herald. Frequent contrib- utor, during past ten years, to editorial page of Chicago Daily News. Staff contributor to Youth's Companion for same period; formerly for three years associate editor of 'The Little Chronicle, a text book of current events foi school use. Congregationalist. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club and Monday Afternoon Club of Pasadena, Cal. Favors woman suffrage. COE, Ethel Louise, Fortuny 5. Madrid, Spain. Painter; b. Chicago, 111., Nov. 11, 1878; dau. Wilbur Ellwood and Martha (Janes) Coe; ed. Chicago Art Inst., with Mr. Charles Hawthorne (grad. with honors and scholarship), and in Madrid, Spain, with Seiior Don Joaquin SoroUa y Bastida. Has exhibited many times in Chi- cago Artists' Soc. exhibitions and in Water Color Soc. COES, Mary, 10 Garden St., Cambridge, Mass. Dean of Radcliffe Coll.; b. Worc&ster, Mass., March 24, 1861; dau. A. Gates and Lucy Gibson (Wyman) Goes; grad. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '97. Sec. of Radcliffe Coll. 1894-1910, dean Radclifi'e Coll. since 1910. By virtue of office as dean, is a mem. of the Council and Board of Ass'n of Radcliffe Coll. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse, Woman's Education Ass'n, Harvard Teachers Ass'n, Am. Historical Ass'n, Board of Government, Women's Education and Industrial Union, Boston, Mass. Clubs: Coll. Club (Bos- ton), Women's Univ. (N.Y. City). Congregation- alist. COPTIN, Charlotte Rebecca (Mrs. John P. Coffin), Johnstown, Fla. Former music teacher; now vlce-pres. Ideal America Corporation (real estate), and mem. and director of the World Welfare Union; b. Whit- ney's Point. N.Y., Aug. 16, 1S55; dau. Rev. John Levis and Ruth Ann (Locke) Jones; ed. public schools of Mattoon, 111.; Salina, Kan.; Acad, o' Springfield, Vt. ; m. Parsons, Kan., Dec. 31, 1877, John Pingry Coffin; children: Joseph, John Levis (died), Francis Pingry, David Painter. Richard (died), Donald L.ocke (died), Ruth. Mary (died), George Williams, Warren Clement. Has been associate editor of several papers, in- cluding the Florence (S.C.) Daily and Weekly Tuiie--., and tut Southern ludustriaj Journal (published in Fla.); mem. of the Press Ass'n of S.C. and Fla., while In the newspaper work. Interested in church work, Sunday-school teacher and sup't home dep't work; has been for seven years State sup't of temperance Sunday-school work of the W.C.T.U. of Fla,; was vice-prea. of 190 (30FFIN— COIT the South Carolina W.C.T.U., 1890-91. Mem. Eustis Club, Eustls, Fla. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; was pres. of the Florence (S.C.) Suffrage Ass'n during residence there. Prohibi- tionist, delegate 1908 and 1912 to the na- While practising medicine In Minne- Miss Agnes Irwin's School, Philadelphia, and by apolis, was sec. of Women's Med. Ass'n of Mln- later special instruction. Teacher St. Louis, nesota; later assisted In editing Journal of 1894-97, Cambridge, Mass., as ass't to Arthur Gil- Psycho-Asthenics. At present gup't of Rest- man 1902-07, and since then head mistress. The haven, the first Psychopathic Tarole Society Gilman School. Home In the United States. COKENOWEB Katharine Eleanor Stalford cOLBURN. Hattle Leonard (Mrs. Edgar Grey (Mrs. James W. Cokenower), 1002 Porest Av., Colburn), 1418 Union St., Schenectady N.T. Des Moines, Iowa. Pianist and teacher; b. Detroit, Mich., Jan. Born RocheUe. 111., April 2 1866; dau George go, 1858; dau. Charles Egbert and Cynthia (Van Horton and Minerva J. (Hollenback) Stalford; ^ame) Leonard; ed. Chicago public and high ed Simpson Coll., Indiano a, Ind.; Chautauqua school, Sacred Heart Convent, Karl Klind- Literary and Scientific Circle 1896; mem. Kappa ^^rth School of Music In Berlin, Germany; m. Kappa Gamma; m. Mar 4 1891, Dr. James W. g^ston, Mass.. Sept. 25, 1895. Edgar Grey CoU Cokenower Mem Board of Directors Home for ^^j^_ Had charge of Cornell Coll. Conserva- the Aged Boys' Club Board Board of Salvation ^ ^f Music at Mount Vernon, la., for four Rescue Home, Board of Directors of Garden gt^^Ig^ ^j^U j^arl Klindworth, Hans von Club. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Votes for Bm^^ ^nd Eugene D'Albert in Berlin, Germany. Women League Presbyterian Democrat. Mem. Founded the music dep't of the woman's club Order Eastern Star No. 89 Abigail Adams Chap- „, Schenectady (now pres. for second time of ter D.A.R Mem. Hyperion Club Des Moines clul^-350 members). Organized the Schenectady Women's Club; cor. sec. of City Federation, chapter D.A.R. (regent for the second year) Chauncey Depew Club; pres of the Soc. of the Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Desend- Hall in the Grove; mem of Progressive Circle, ^nts; Soc. of John Howland Family; Soc. of Chautauqua Union. Active in all Chautauqua Andrew Warde Family. Taught piano in Chlca- affalrs and clubs for betterment of living. g^, N.Y. City and Boston, and has been at the COLBRON, Grace Isabel, 250 W. 78th St., N.Y. head of music in Schenectady for past sixteen City. years. Writer, lecturer, playwright; b. N.T. City; dau. W. J. and Isabel (de Forest) Colbron; ed. COLBY, Clara Bewick, Portland Greg In private schools, N.Y. City, Summit, N.J., Lecturer, interpreter of Whitman writer- b and Berlin, Germany. Author (with Clayton Gloucester, Eng. ; dau. Thomas and Clara Wll- Hamilton) of play: The Love that Blinds (pro- llngham (Chilton) Bewick; ed. Univ. of Wis duced 1906). Translator of plays: The Reckon- Ph.B. Taught in Univ. of Wis. department of ing ("Llebelei"), from the German of Arthur Latin and History, edited and published the Wo- Schnltzler (produced 1907); Comtesse (3oquette man's Tribune, in Nebraska, 1883-88, Washlng- ("Infldele"), from the Italian of R. Bracco (pro- ton, D.C., 1888-1904, PorUand, Ore. 1904-09 Del- duced 1907); Happiness in a Corner, from the egate to International Congress of Women in German of Sudermann, 1910; A Marriage (from London, Eng., 1899,* delegated by Governor to Bjornsterne BJornsen (produced 1904-10), pub- represent Oregon in the First Intemat'onal llshed as book, 1910. Translator of books: Joe Moral Education Congress, London 1908 to MUller, Detective; The Man with the Black First International Races' Congress In London Rod, and Mene Tekel (all from the German of 1911. Vice-pres. Neb. Woman Suffrage Ass'n' A. Groner); A Lesson In Marriage (from the from its formation 1881-83, pres. 1883-99. Slnoe Norwegian of Bjornsterne Bjorsen). Editor formation cor. sec. Federal Woman's Equality and chief translator of German and Scandina- Ass'n. Writes magazine articles for Arena vlan edition of Mystery and Detective Stories Harper's Bazar, Overland, Englishwoman, etc.,' (12 vols.); also many stories In German and and newspaper correspondence. Mem. The Fel- Scandlnavlan Section of Masterpieces of Foreign lowship. International Peace Union, Nat. Wo- Llterature; leading contributor for German and man's Press Ass'n, Oregon Women's Presa Scandinavian stories to Transatlantic Tales. Ass'n, Higher Thought Center (London) Wo- Llterary critic in The Bookman, North Am. Re- men's Freedom League, Nat. Political Reform view. The Forum, etc. Contributor to The Pub- League. Mem. the International Women's Fran- 11c (Chicago) and Single Tax Review (N.Y. City), chlse Club, London. Has often appeared before AcUve in single-tax propaganda, wriUng and State legislatures and Congressional coms on lecturing. Progressive Democrat In political behalf of Woman Suffrage. Aided woman suf- Tlews; favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's frage in England in 1908, recently for more than Henry George League of N.Y.; Brooklyn Wo- a year, speaking in halls, garden parUes, parks man's Single-tax Club, German Land Reform and generally throughout the country. League, Woman's Trade Union League, Am. Playgoers. COLBY, Eleanor, 130 Claremont Av., N.Y. City. COLBURN, Anna Coder (Mrs. Thomas A. Col- Illustrator, writer, art lecturer; b. Dowagiac, burn), 2725 A St., Lincoln, Neb. Mich.; dau. Horace Farnham and Lucy Tracy Born Meadville, Pel, June 17, 1869; dau. Major (Perkins) Colby; ed. high school, Oberlin; Chi- Danlel R. Coder (Pa. Reserve Vol. Corps, three cago Art Inst. ; Art Students' League of New years in Civil War; twice wounded; three months York; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn. Ass't supervisor In Llbby Prison) and Ellen J. (Ingersoll) Coder; of drawing in St. Louis schools; left this to give ed. higli school, Meadville, and Allegheny Coll., lectures chiefly on art topics. Wrote book: A.B. '92, A.M. '95; graduate work at Univ. of Talks to Teachers on Drawing and Painting. Neb. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Meadville, Regular contributor of fiction and prose to many July 30, 1896, 'Thomas A. Colburn; children: women's magazines and editor of girls' pagea Dorothy E.. b. Jan. 24, 1898; Reed Coder, b. in the Pictorial Review. Lectures before Wom- Dec. 27, 1899 (died Sept. 15, 1900); Beatrice Adell, en's Club; mem. Broadway Tabernacle (Congre- b. April 27, 1901. Teacher In Meadville High gational) ; pres. of class of 1912 in the Taber- School; for three years head of the Latin and nacle. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Talks French dep'ts of Missouri Wesleyan Coll., to Teachers on Drawing and Painting; Stories Cameron, Mo. Interested In Sunday-school, of the Sextette; The Gregory Twins (Pictorial home and foreign missions and social settlement Review, 1913); has drawn many color pages In work. Life mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary the Delineator, Ladies' Home Journal, etc. Con- 192 COLBY— COLE gregatlonalist. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Pedestrian Club, Bowling Club, Pen and Brush Club, and The Playgoers. COLBY, Jime Rose, 302 "W. Mulberry St., Nor- -mal, 111. Prof, literature; b. Cherry Valley, 0., June 4, 1856; dau. Lewis and Celestia (Rice) Colby; ed. Ann Arbor, (Mich.), high school, Univ. of Mich., A.B., '78, A.M., '85, Ph.D. '86 (Phi Beta Kappa), Radcliffe Coll., 1883-84. Taught algebra, Ann Arbor High School 1878-79, preceptress and teacher Latin and Greek, Flint (Mich.) High School, 1879-83, English and Literature, Peoria (111.) High School, 1886-92; preceptress and prof, literature 111. State Normal Univ. Jan. 1892-09, prof, literature, same, 1909- . Author: Some Ethical Aspects of Later Elizabethan Drama, 1886; Literature and Life in School, 190€. Editor of Silas Marner, 1900, and of Quentin Durward, 1912; contributor to Elementary School Teacher; Bi-monthly Education; Year Book of the Nat. Soc. for the Scientific Study of Education, Nat. Educational Ass'n, The Illinois School-mistresses Club, Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Associate mem. Amateur Musical Club, Bloomington, 111. Recre- ations: Reading, walking, driving, travel or rest by water, theater, music (as listener). CQLCLEUGH, Emma Shaw, Gano St., Provl- aence, R.I. Journalist, lecturer; b. Thompson, Conn.; dau. George W. and Abbey (Carpenter) Shaw; ed. in private school, Thompson, Conn. ; m. Providence, R.I., May 17, 1893, Frederick William Colcleugh. Mem. Provincial Parliament of Manitoba (de- ceased). Author: World Wide Wisdom Words (a year-book of proverbs gleaned in Central Africa, the South Seas, South America, Europe, etc); Alaskan Gleanings. Went to South America win- ter of 1910-11, the second time at request of Ham- burg-American Co. to give a series of talks on South America on shipboard. Has edited a dep't in Providence Journal since 1895. For the past six years has reviewed for the Journal many books along lines of travel and ethnology. Letters from Cuba at the time of the Spanish-American War appeared in the Journal, Boston Transcript, N.Y. Evening Post, etc. Mem. New England Women's Press Ass'n; honorary mem. R.I. Wo- man's Club, Providence Fortnightly Club, Provi- dence Mothers' Club, Sarah -E. Doyle Club, Unity Club. Congregationalist. Against woman suf- frage. COrCORD, Stella Gladys, Carson City, Nev. Born West Medway, Mass.; dau. Roswell K. and Mary F. (Hopkins) Colcord; grad. Snell Sem., Oakland, Cal., '92; student Stanford Univ., 1893-94. Admitted to practice before the U.S. Land Office and has done much legal work; Interested in civic improvement and playground work through the activities of the Leisure Hour Club along these lines; mem. Leisure Hour Club (literary), being one of the founders (pres. 1911-12). Recreations: Traveling, tennis, dancing, cards, horseback riding, automobiling. Episco- palian. Republican. COLE, Ada Augrusta, 136 Perkins St., SomervlUe, Artist; b. Somerville, Mass., Feb. 2, 1876; dau. John F. and Anna F. (Pulsifer) Cole; ed. Somer- ville High School (preparatory); Boston Univ., Ph.B. '99 (elected to Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Delta, Delta, Delta). Sec. Woman's Alliance of First Unitarian Church of Somerville; sec. Alass. Epsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Unitarian. Mem. Marblehead Hist. Soc, Woman's Alliance of Unitarian Denomination, College Club, Bos- ton; Coenonia Club, Somerville. COLE, Angle Dresser (Mrs. John Silas Cole Jr.), 144 Philadelphia Av., West., Detroit, Mich. Bom Hinsdale, Mass., Feb. 26. 1876; dau. Simeon Parker and Mary Elizabeth (Cobb) Dresser; ed. Pittsfleld (Mass.) High School; Smith Coll., A.B. '98; m. Springfield, Mass., June 1, 1904, John Silas Cole Jr.; children: Kenneth Winston, b. April 20, 1906; Margaret Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1911. Against woman suf- frage. Congregationalist. COLE, Anna B. Taylor (Mrs. Herbert A. Cole), 34 Pearl St., Somerville, Mass. Physician; b. Sugar Hill, N.H., Nov. 14, 1852; dau. Joseph L. and Laura (Gove) Taylor; ed. in country school until 16 years old; Salem, Mass., Normal School; Boston Univ. Med. Scnool, M.D. '84: m. Mar. 31, 1894, Herbert A. Cole; step-son: Herbert A. Cole Jr. Engaged in general practice and gynecology (very large practice in women's diseases). Unlversalist. Mem. Mass. Homceopathic Med. Soc, Boston Med. Soc, Surgical and Gynecological Soc, Am. Inst, of HomcEopathy. Recreation: Traveling. Mem. Professional Women's Club (Boston), New Hampshire Club, Powder House Club and Skin- ner Club (Somerville), College Club, Boston. COLE, Bertha Woolsey Dwight (Mrs. Charles Buckingham Cole), 371 Upper Mountain Av., Upper Montclair, N.J. Born Clinton, N.Y.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '91; student in French at the Sorbonne, Paris, 1893-94: m. Clinton, N.Y., June 30, 1896, Charles Buckingham Cole (lawyer and lecturer in N.Y. Law School); children: Lois Dwight, b. Oct. 17, 1902; Charles Woolsey, b. Feb. 8, 1906. Taught in Miss Nurse's School, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1891-92. COLE, Birdie Halle (Mrs. Edwin W. Cole), Fredericktown, Mo. Born St. Genevieve Co., Mo., Nov. 23, 1866; dau. William C. and Mary A. (Gaines) Haile; ed. in the district schools, two years; in Baptist Coll. at Farmington, Mo., 1886-88; grad. in Chautauqua Reading Course, 1904; m. St. Gene- vieve Co., Mo., Mar. 18, 1890, Ed-wln W. Cole; children: John Thomas, Byrdeen Haile, Lois Elba. Has been 20 years teacher in Sunday- school. Six years pres. of literary club, and leading factor in all philanthropic movements. Sec. Providence Ass'n; third vice-pres. Mis- sionary Soc. ; editor for missionary conference. Author of a great many newspaper articles, in- cluding: Southeast Missouri — A Picture Coun- try, and Mine La Motte, the Oldest Lead Mine in America (St. Louis Republic) ; also articles in Illustrated Methodist Magazine; Why Longfellow is Our Most Popular Poet; The Home Library; Chautauqua, and The Canal Zone. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Mis- sionary Soc, Order Eastern Star, Modern Brotherhood of America. Favors woman suffrage. COLE, Jennie S. (Mrs. David J. Cole), 122 S. Oneida Av., Rhinelander, Wis. Bom Plover, Wis., April 27, 1852; dau. Judge Miner and Ursula (Wilmot) Strope; ed. In com- mon school and self-educated; grad. Chautauqua Course, '92; m. June 20. 1871, David J. Cole; one daughter: Nellie Cole (Mrs. B. L. Horr, Rhinelander). Favors woman suffrage and sec. Suffrage Soc. Methodist. Mem. Rhinelander Wo- man's Club. Ancestors came over in the May- flower, fought in the Revolutionary War and War of 1812, and participated in the Boston Tea Party; great-great-grandmother and five chil- dren were captured by Indians and were In cus- tody several months after the "Massacre of Wy- oming"; other relations fought in Civil and Spanish wars. COLE, Mary Cross (Mrs. Redmond S. Cole), Pawnee, Okla. Born Audrain Co., Mo., Oct. 22, 1884; dau. John Newtou and Olivia McOlure (Harris) Cross; ed. Mexico (Mo.) High School (valedictorian), '02; Univ. of Mo., B.S. in education (mem. Alpha Phi Sigma, local); m. Columbia, Mo., June 11, 1910, Redmond S. Cole, A.M. (county attorney of Pawnee Co., Okla., 1910-15). Active worker in Methodist Episcopal Church and Its organiza- tions; active in Y.W.C.A. while In university. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Recreation: Tennis. Pres. Up-to-Date Club, Pawnee, Okla. (literary); pres. Nevin Music Club; mem. Art Circle and Civic Improvement Club. COLE, Mary WaUace (Mrs. John Gully Cole), 4022 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Feb. 23, 1878; dau. James W. and Anna Plintham (Noble) Wallace; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Washington Univ., St. Louis; Columbia Coll. and Teachers Coll., N.Y. City, B.S. ; m. St. Louts, July 14, 1904, John Gully COLE— OOLIN 19t Cola; cMIdren: Elizabeth, Wrightoa, John Flint- ham. Grad. as teacher of domestic science and art; taught two years In Long Branch (N.J.) public schools. Mem. Neighborhood Ass'n, Social Service Conference, D.A.R. Mem. Wednesday Glut). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; sus- taining mem. of local organization. COLE, Mary Watkinson Rockwell (Mrs. Edward Smith Cole), 133 Bollevue Av., Upper Mont- clalr, N.J. Born Jewett City, Conn., Sept. 15, 1873; dau. John Arnold and Mareta Denny (Ayres) Rock- well; ed. in puibllc schools, Norwich, Conn., Norwich Free Acad., two years in schools in Gottingen, Germany, one year in Tours, France, four years In Smith Coll., B.L. '97, two terms Chicago Univ. (mem. Alpha and Coloqulum) ; m. Norwich, Conn., June 26, 1901, Edward Smith Cole; children: John Rockwell, b. May 16, 1902; Elizabeth Shaw, b. Feb. 9 (died Nov.), 1905; Ed- ward Shaw, b. June 7, 1908. Taught three years French, L.atln, English, and acted as dean of women at Rhode Island Agricultural CJoll., Kings- ton, R.I. Active in all sorts of church work. Mem. Woman's Club, Upper Montclair, N.J.; »«c. Antl-Tubercnlosls Soc. of Montclair, N.J. Ciongr egati o n aJ ist. COLEGROVE, Emma Ridley (Mrs. Chauncey P. Cole^ove), Cedar Falls, la. Born Grlnnell, la., Dec. 28, 1866; dau. Charles A. and Maria Anna (Brown) Ridley; father de- scended from ancient family of Rldloys of Northumberland, Eng. (to which Bishop Ridley, the martyr, belonged), through Capt. Marke Rid- ley, who came to Mass. about 1660, and whose descendants, settling in Bowdoln and Searsport, Me., took part In the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and the Civil War; ed. la. State Teach- ers Coll., B.Di. '88, Univ. of Mich., B.A. 92, Radcliffe Coll., M.A., '96; m. Grinnell, la., Aug. 29, 1899, Prof. Chauncey P. Colegrove, Sc.D. (now vice-pres. la. State Teachers' Coll.); children: Marian Emma, Donald Ridley and Catherine Anna. Prin. high school. Perry, la., 1888-89; ass't la. State Teachers Coll., 1889-90; prof, his- tory la. SUte Teachers CoU., 1892-99. Pres. Mothers' Council; cor. sec. Upper la. Confer- ence for Women's Home Missionary Soc; also district pres. of same; mem. W.C.T.U. Fre- quently makes addresses on social and religious topics. Against woman suffrage. Author: Out- lines and Studies in U. S. History; Introduction in Hart's Source Book for U.S. History. Meth- odist. Mem. Soc. D.A.R., Cedar Falls Tuesday Club; recording sec. Iowa Congress of Mothers. COLEGROVE, Mabel Elolse (Mrs. Frederick Welton Colegrove), Coxsackle, N.Y. Librarian; b. Hamilton, N.Y. ; dau. Albert and Mary Electa (Marble) Dart; ed. Vassar Coll. B.A., N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S.; m. Frederick Welton Colegrove. Preceptress for seven years of Acad, at Norwich (N.Y.) and Marion Coll. Inst.; now librarian Heermance Memorial Library. At various times OSes, of literary societies and missionary societie^ mem- Exec. Com., Kansas State Y.W.C.A., Exec. Com. of Library Board; various educational coma., etc. Has traveled extensively in America and Europe. Mem. D.A.R. Baptist. COLEMAN, Anna William Edwards (Mrs, George Edwin Coleman), Jl Aspinwall Road, Dorchester Centre, Mass. Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '88; m. June 28, 1898, George Edwin Coleman; children: Catherine Edwards, b. April U, 1900; Dorothea Edwards, b. Jan. 6, 1902; Priscllla Ed- wards, b. Sept. 18, 1903 (died April 23, 1904). Teacher, Erie, Pa., 18SS; Ipewich, Mass., 1888-90; Hyde Park, Mass., 1890-06; Brockton, Mass., 1896-98; private teacher, Dorchester, Mass., 1899- 1908. COLEMAN, Alice Blanchard (Mrs. George W. Coleman), 177 W. Brookline St., Boston, Mass. Bom May 7, 1858; dau. James W. and EUlen M. (Blanchard) Merriam; ed. Everett School, Bos- ton, and Bradford Acad., Bradford, Mass. Pres. Oxincll of Women for Home Missions; vice- pres. International Ckjuncll for Patriotic Service; 4PBt Tlce-pre«. Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Soc; pres. Mass, CouncO lor PBtrtotlc Service; trustee Spelmaa Stim^ Atlanta, Ga.; trustee Hartshorn Memorial Coll., Richmond, Va. ; Woman's Baptist Social Union. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. COLEMAN, Coriime Hoyt (Mrs. Valentine Mathes Coleman), Newlngton, Portsmouth, R.F.D., N.H. Former teacher; b. Portsmouth, N.H.; dau. .lames aud Lydia (Smith) Hoyt; ed. Portsmouth and Atkinson, N.H. ; m. Newlngton, N.H., June 18, 1870, Valentine Mathes Coleman; children: Dorothy Mathes, Lydia Smith, Nathaniel Piper, James Hoyt, Florence Hoyt (.^..B.). Taught until marriage; has served In local school board; mem. Exec. Board of Unitarian Soc. Weekly contributor of specimens for the naiure table at the public library. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreation: Nature study. Mem. Shakespeare Club (pres. since 1S98). COLE3IAN, Hannah HemphlU (Mrs. M. T. Cole- man), Abbeville, S.C. Federation president; b. A4>beville, S.C, April 17, 1872; dau. Robert R. and Eugenia (Brewton) Hemphill; ed. Abbeville High School; m. Jan. 27, 1892, M. T. Coleman; children: Robert, Lavenia Teague, Eugenia Cornelia, James Finlay. Ass't editor Abbeville Medium, 1889-92. Mem. (with D. B. Johnson and Miss Mary L. Yeargin) of commission appointed by Governor Benjamin R. Tillman to investigate and report advisability of establishing industrial school for girls, as result of whose report Winthrop (College was estab- lished. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Pres. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Abbe- ville Civic Club and of Abbeville Music Club. COLEMAN, Helena, 776 Huron St., Toronto, Ont. Poet; b. in Province of Ontario; dau. Rev. Francis C. (Methodist clergyman) and EJmmeline Maria (Adams) Coleman, descendant of John Quincy Adams; sister of Professor A. P. Cole- man of Univ. of Toronto; ed. in Canadian schools. (Contributor of poems to various publi- cations. Author: Songs and Sonnets. COLEMAN, Mary Willson (Mrs. John Coleman), New Concord, O. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., July 24, 1885; dau. Rev. David Burt and Mary Rebecca (Galbralth) Will- son; grad. Pa. Coll. for Women, A.B. '03; Univ. of Pa., A.M. '04; held university scholarship, 1903-04; Pepper fellowship in English, 1306-06; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 23, 1909, Rev. John Coleman. Instructor In English, (Voucher Coll., 1&O6-08; Instructor in English, Pa. Coll. tor Wo- men, 1908-09; instructor in philosophy, Mus- kingum Coll., 1909-10. Reformed Presbyterian. COLESBERRY, Jean Walker, St. Martha's House, 2029 S. Eiprhth St., Philadelphia, Pa, Deaconess; b. Philadelphia, April 26, 1867; dau. Alexander and Mary A. (Bailie) Purves; ed. private school; two years at Church Training and Deaconess House. Head of St. Martha's Settlement sinc3 1901. Mem. Neighborhood Workers' Soc, Public Education Soc, Univer- sity Extension Soc, Home and School League, Civic Club. COLGATE, Adele S., 26 W. Thirty-ninth St-. N.Y. City. Born Ballston Spa, N.T., Aug. 28, 1883; dau. Samuel J. and Cora E. (Simlth) (jolgate; ed, mostly abroad and by governesses. Episcopalian, Mem. Ladies' Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland. Favors woman suffrage. COLIN, Mme. Therese F., Wellealey Colleee, Wellesley, Mass. Born in France; m. Alfred (Jolin; diplom^e at agrfegree. College de Neuchatel, 1875; Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.M. '93; Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. '97; officler de I'lnstruction Publique, Paris, 1906; Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 1883- 85; Univ. of the City of N.Y., 1887-88: fellow la Romance Languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-94. Reader in Romance Languages and graduate stu- dent, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-96; student in Ro- mance philology and literature, Sorbonne, Col- lege de France, Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Ecol* des Chartes, Paris, 1895. Head of French dept in Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, 194 COLLI BR— CXDLLINS Pa., 1896-1904; associate prof, of French, Welles- ley Coll., 1904-06; professor-elect, 1906-07, and professor of French language and literature since 1907, and head of French dep't since 1905, Vv'el- lesley; prof. French language and literature, Univ. Extension Dep't of Harvard Univ., since 1910. COLLIER, Hannah C. Shackleford (Mrs. Cowles M. Collier), Street Railway Advertising Co., Flatlron Bldg., N.T. City. Born Cave Spring, Floyd Co., Ga. ; dau. James and Harriet (Cowdrey) Shackelford; ed. by gov- Bi-nesses till 14th year, Wesleyan Female Coll., Macon, Ga., Miss Bates' Sem., Charleston, S.C. (Philomathean Soc); m. Early Co., Ga., C. Myles Collier; children: Georgia Shackelford, Charles Myle«, Euphan Marshall, Barron Gift. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., United Daugh- ters of Confederacy, Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America, The Governors, The Women's Aux- iliary to the Am. Scenic and Historical Preser- vation Soc; also mem. Dixie Club (social club commemorating customs and traditions of the South). Episcopalian. rOLLIEK, Laura Brownell (Mrs. John Austin Collier), 282 DeKalb Av., Brooklyn, N.T. Teacher; b. Williston, Vt., Jan. 27, 1851; dau. Chauncey Well.s and Laura Chapin (Higbee) Brownell; ed. Mrs. Worcester's Boarding School, Burlington, Vt., Vassar Coll, A.B., '74 (com- mencement speaker, spade orator), Victoria Ly- ceum, Berlin, Germany. 1877-78; m. Williston, Vt., June 28, 1882, John Austin Collier; chil- dren; Elizabeth Brownell, Katherine Brownell. Teacher in Burlington High School, Vt., 1874-77, German and philosophy in Abbott Acad., An- aover, Mass., 1879-82; Latin m Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, 1893-1912. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, Vassar Students' Aid Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. Alumna. Writes magazine articles in (lutlook, Atlantic Monthly, and educational periodicals. Clubs: Meridian, University. Congregationalist. COLLIER, Mary Vail (Mrs. Allen Collier), 108 E. Auburn Av., Cincinnati, O. Born Blairstown, N.J., 1879; dau. John Davis and Melissa (Gregory) Vail; ed. Blair Acad., 1897; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '02 (mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon) ; m. Blairstown, N.J., Jan. 12, 1910, Allen Collier; one daughter: Caroline How Col- lier. Presbyterian. Mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club, College Club of Cincinnati. COLLIN, Grace Lathrop, 600 W. 113th St., N.T. City. Writer; b. Elmlra, N.Y. , dau. Charles A. and Emily L. (Ripley) Collin; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '96, (Columbia Univ., M.A. '99. Mem. Phi Kappa Psi (Smith). Sec. Smith Club. N.Y. City, N.Y. Branch Ass'n Coll. Alumnse. Author: Putnam Place; also magazine and newspaper writer. Favors woman suffrage. COLLINS, Alice Derfla Howes (Mrs. William FYench Collins i, 89 Norwood Av., Upper Mont- clalr, N.J. Bom Utica, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1872; dau. Alfred Pettis and Alice (Hollingworth) Howes; ed. Utica public schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '95; N.Y. State Normal Coll., Ph.B. '96; m. Utica, N.Y., May 22, 1900, WUliam French Collins; one son: Wiiliam Howes, b. 1908. (Contributor to magazines and papers. Mem. Smith College Club of N.Y., the Woman's Club of Upper Montclair. Episco- palian. COLLINS, Alice Roger (Mrs. Alexander J. H. Collins), Mount Forest, Ont., Can. Pianist, piano teacher and composer; dau. Rev. W. M. and Helen S. (Wallis) Roger; ed. Coll. Insts. of London, Ont., St. Catharines and Peter- boro, Miss Veal's school and Ha"vergal Coll., Toronto, Ont. ; in music, Toronto Coll. and Con- servatory of Music, and in Leipzig, Germany; m. 1906, Alexander James Hay Collins of Bank of Montreal; children: Helen, Walter, Robert Dur- ham. Author of short poems published from time to timo in Canadian papers. Composer of Indian Cradle Song; Du Bist Wie Eine Blume; Requital; You and I; Hepaticas; The Sandman; Good Shepherd; songs are published under the Ik&me of Alice H. Roger, poems under name of Alice Roger CoIHns. Presbyterian. Has trav- eled extensively; was for several years a teach- er of piano and musical theory in Peterboro Conservatory of Music; also had a studio in Toronto. In Germany studied with Prof. Mar- tin Krause and Mr. Harry Field. COLLINS, Emllie Moiilton (Mrs. Charles Noble Collins), Seneca, Nemaha Co., Kan. Primary teacher; b. Rochester, Racine Co., Wis., Jan. 27, 1845; dau. Nathaniel and Emeline M. (Hoyt) Moulton; ed. public school and semi- nary at Rochester; public school in Mazomanie, Dane Co., Wis., and a year in Chicago; most of the time in the City Normal; m. Cedar Falls, la., June 11, 1869, Charles Noble CJollins; children: Ruth M. Collins and two deceased. Taught three terms in Dane Co., Wis., and for more than four years in Black Hawk Co., la. Re- moving to Seneca, Kan., resumed teaching in 1878, and has taught continuously (35 years) In the first primary of Seneca public school. Favors woman suffrage: mem. Suffrage Club. Univer- salist. Democrat (progressive). Mem. Knights and Ladies of Security since its establishment in Seneca (sec. 18 years). Mem. Good Templars in Wis., W.C.T.U., Life and Annuity Ass'n of Hiawatha, Kan. Recreations: Reading, lectures, concerts, drama. COLLINS, Emma Govvdy (Mrs. William Leslie Collins), Frankfort, Ky. Writer; b. Campbellsville, Taylor Co., Ky. ; dau. Hon. Alfred FYanklin and Sarah Lola fHotchkiss) Gowdy; ed. Campbellsville schools; Nazareth Acad. ; Lebanon Baptist Female Coll. ; Eminence Coll., A.B. ; m. Campbellsville, Sept. 9, 189-1, William Leslie Collins; children: Ethel Lynn, Cora Edmonson. Author: Sea Waifs and Other Poems; also short stories and sketches. Composer of music, principally songs, including: Eleven O'clock Thoughts; A Waltz; The Song That She Sang. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star, D.A.R., King's Daughters. COLLINS, Jennie Kendrick (Mrs. James E. Collins), Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Tex. Poet, novelist, writer; b: on a Mississippi plantation; dau. John W. and Martha C. (Glenn) Kendrick; grad. Ripley Female Coll., Mis- sissippi; m. on Mississippi plantation, Oakwood. Lucas Haines Bym (died 1885); children: Harriet Russell, Lillian Kendrick, Clifford; m. (2d) 1887, James E. Collins. Promoter of education; was elected first vice-pres. of Southern Woman's Educational Ass'n for Betterment of Public Schools; appointed pres. for Texas of same. Mem. and historian of D.A.R. Episcopalian. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of Con- federacy, Soc. for Preservation of Va. Antiqui- ties; mem. Equal Suffrage Soc. Was on staff of Taylor Trotwood Magazine (Nashville), three years. Author: The Isle of Storm; Christmas One Hundred Years Ago; Blue Bonnets (book of verse). Mem. San Antonio Woman's Club; pres. ^'enwoman's Club of San Antonio; ex- pres. Bohemian Scribblers; charter mem. South- ern Wo'man Writers' League, organized April 14, 1912, at Nashville, Tenn. Descendant of Col. William Ball, great-grandfather of George Wash- ington, and of Lord de la Warr (Thomas West). COLLINS, Julia Cope (Mrs. William H. Collins), Haverford, Pa. Missionary secretary; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; ed. Miss Burnham's School, Northampton, Mass. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; graduate student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-97, 1905-06; m. 1894, Will- iam H. Collins. Sec. of Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889- 94, school director Haverford Township, Pa., 1899-1903; since 1905 general sec. of the Foreign Missionary Ass'n of Friends of Philadelphia. Mem. Society of Friends. COLLINS, Mary Clementine, 612 N. 13th St., Keokuk, la. Clergyman, missionary; b. Alton, 111., Apr. 18, 1846; dau. Ephriam and Margaret (Lewis) Col- lins; ed. Keokuk (la.) public and prirate schools, M.A. Ripon Coll., Ripon, Wis. An or- dained minister, ordained at Keokuk, 1898; mis- sionary to Sioux Indians since 1875. Has helped in all the reformations In the Government't COLLINS— COLTON 195 dealing with Indians for more than three de- cades; has lectured in almost erery State In the Union on the Indian, his possibilities and his needs, and religion. Author of many leaflets and magazine articles: Children of the Prairie; Thirty Years With the Indians; What the Indian Child is Taught in the Old Life; etc. Congre- gationalist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Genea- logical Soc. of Mass., Alumni of Rlpon Coll. Recreations: Horseback riding, driving, croquet and boating. Has lived since 1875 on an Indian Reservation, speaks the Sioux language; made collections of Indian cooking utensils, arms and dress. Studied their customs and religions. Has been a regular attendant at the Mohonk Con- ference and Is recognized by the Indians as a Medicine Woman. COLLtNS, Xellie K. (Mrs. Lorln C. Collins), Santa Fe, N.Mex. Born Chicago, Feb. 10, 1855; dau. George A. Robb and Martha (Temple) Robb; ed Evanston, 111.; attended Northwestern Univ.; m. Evanston, Sept. 17, 1873, Lcrin C. Collins; children: Carrie Mary (deceased), Lorln C. Collins 3d, Helen (deceased), Grace, George Robb ColMns. Mem. Cnlcago Woman's Clu'b; honorary pres. of Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs; organizer and pres. of Santa Fe Woman's Club, organized Oct. 30, 1912; was pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. of Am. Reformed Church, Norwood Park, Chicago, 1882; chairman of com. to visit county institutions and secure reform in their management of Chicago Women's Club, 1894; chairman of auxil- iary com. to State Board of Charities in 111., 1896; chairman of social com. of Chicago Wo- man's Club, 1898; first vlce-pres. of Chicago Woman's Club, 1900; pres. Cristobal Woman's Club, Canal Zone, 1907; vlce-pres. 1907 and pres. 1908, Canal Zone Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Guild of Christ Church, Colon, Panama, 1909; directress of Altar Guild of Church of the Holy Faith, Santa F6. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Her husband was appointed, in 1905, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone and she went with him. COLLITZ, Klara Hechtenberg (Mrs. Hermann ColUtz), 135 W. Mt. Royal Av., Baltimore, Md. Authoress; b. Rheydt, Germany; dau. Wilhelm and Maria (Friederichs) Hechtenberg; grad. Hd- here Lichrerinnen Bildungsanstalt, Neuwied on Rhein, studied in Lausanne, S"witzerlajid, and Univ. of London, Latin and French philology, 1889-92, obtained a first class in Oxford Univ. and final honors on exam.; student Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 1889-1901 (Ph.D., 1901); m. Surbiton, Eng., Aug. 14, 1904, Hermann Collitz, prof. Germanic philology in Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. Lecturer In French philology in Victoria Coll., Belfast, Ireland, 1895-96; in charge of Germanic philology in Smith Coll., Northampton, Mass., 1897-99; lecturer In Ger- manic philology for women students in Oxford, Eng., 1901-04. Author: Das Fremdwort bei Grimmelshausen, Heidelberg, 1901; Der Brlefstll iZD 17. Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1903; Fremdworter- buch des 17. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1904; Selec- tions from Early German Literature, New York, 1910; also has in preparation Selections from Classical German Literature; contributor to philological journals. FYotestant. Mem. Ger- manic Soc. and Philological Ass'n (Johns Hop- kins Univ.); Bibliographische Gesellschaft, Ber- lin, (Jermany. Mem. Coll. Club, Baltimore. Recreations: Music, sport, hockey, lawn tennis, golf, bicycling, rowing, walking, monntain climbing, horseback riding. COLLOM, Eugenie Read (Mrs. Spencer Allen Collom), 621 State St., Texarkana, Ark. -Tex. Born Boston, Texas, Feb. 15, 1874; dau. Rhesa Walker Read, M.D. (surgeon of 29th Texas Cav., C.S.A.), and Elizabeth (Kimbell) Read; ed. Texarkana (Tex.) High School and Sam Houston Normal Inst., Huntsvllle, Tex.; m. Texarkana, Dec. 23, 1896, Dr. Spencer Allen Collom; children: Linnie Elizabeth, b. 1897; Prances Martha, b. 1S99; Allen Read (deceased); 3. A. Collom, b. 1904. Presbyterian. Mem. PWlathean and Order of Eastern Star; ac- tiva In church work. Pres. United Mothers' DIuIms; cor. sec. Central High Sobool Motihers' Club; registrar Lone Star (Thaptcr D.A.R.; reg- istrar Texarkana Chapter of United Daughters of Confederacy; vlce-pres. Wednesday Music Club; mem. Civic League; dist. chairman of Fire Prevention Com. of Texas Fed. Women's Clubs; county chairman of Home and School Com. of Third Dlst. of Tex. Fed. Women's Clubs. On maternal side descendant in fourth generation from David McCullough, commander of the Rat- tlesnake in the American Revolution, and grand- daughter of John Kimbell, an early settler and Indian fighter of DeKalb, Tex. On paternal side descendant of George Read, the signer, John Warburton and Robert Higginson of Va., and Dr. Martin Read of N.C. COLSON, Jessie Llppincott, Elmer, N.J., R.D. No. 3, Box 61. Farmer; b. Daretown, N.J., April 27, 1866- dau. Edwin C. and Hannaih (Robin) Colson; grad. Swarthmore Coll., B.S. '88; Univ. of Pa., biology. '89. Mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma Gamma and Farmers' Exchange. Interested in work of W.C.T.U. and Delarware Valley Naturalist Union Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends. COLSON, Venila Spauldingr Burringrton, Grovo Hall, 95 Geneva Av., Dorchester. Mass. Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; student of English, French and Latin Fram- ingham (Mass.) Normal School, 1901-02; scholar College Settlements Ass'n; m. June 18, 1908. Teacher and settlement worker, 1903; sec Inter- municipal Ass'n for Household Research, Bos- ton, 1905-07; ass't manager Eastern Teachers' Agency, Boston, 1907-08. Mem. Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnae. COLTON, A. Marguerite, 1636 Connecticut Av. Washington, D.C. Dau. Francis and Annie Culbertson (Snively) Colton; ed. in private schools in Washington D.C, and Paris and Convent of Assumption in Nice, France. Pres. Porto Rico Branch of Anti- Tuberculosis League; pres. Porto Rico Branch of Am. Red Cross. Episcopalian. Chatelaine of Government House in Porto Rico, her brother bemg the Governor (George R. Colton) from Nov., 1909. When in Washington presides over father's house (Francis Colton). Opposed to woman suffrage. COLTON, Elizabeth Avery, Meredith College Raleigh, N.C. Teacher of English; b. Choctaw, Ind Ter Dec. 30, 1872; dau. Rev. James Hooper and Eloise (Avery) Colton; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll 1891-93 and Ck)lumbia Univ. B.S. '03 AM '05 Instructor in English, Wellesley Coll., 1905-08- prof, of English, Meredith Coll, 1908 . Sec. of Southern Ass'n of Cell. Women (also chairman Com. on Standards of colleges). Author- Changes in English Usage (Modern Language Notes); Standards of Southern Colleges for Women (School Review). Presbyterian. Most notable work has been her classification of Southern Colleges, a task which no one else ever attempted. COLTON, Elizabeth Sweetsw, 23 Park St., Easthanipton, Mass. Orientalist, lecturer; b Amherst, Mass.- dau Aaron Merrick and Elizabeth (Gould) Colton- early educaUon in private schools, specializing in muf!lc and later preparing for concert stage at Munich and Paris; gave up career as singer and became head of vocal music dep't at Miss Por- ter's School, Farmington, Conn. Devoted much time to study of language?, of which has studied more than 50 (20 critically). Took complete courses in Arabic, Assyrian and Hebrew in Am. Inst, of Sacred Literature, with supplementary work in classic Inscriptions in Assyrian and Arabic under Prof. Saunders of Yale pursuing farther studies in Radcliffe Coll.. 1904-05; Univ of Berlin, 1905-06, and India, 1906-08, in Arabic, Syriac, Assyrian, Sanscrit, Avestan and Per- sian, lyectures on Oriental subjects. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Royal Asiatic Soc, Soc. of Biblical Archaaology (London), Am. Oriental Society. COLTON, Julia M., Mansion Houae. Brooktm. N.Y. ^ Bom N.Y. City; dau. Fraacii and San^ a. 196 COMAN— COMMANDER (Saminlfi) C<^ton; erad. Packer Coll. Inst. Au- thos: Annals of Switzerland; Ajinals of Old Manhattan. CongregationaJlst. Against woman salfrage. COMAN, Chariotte BneU, The Vandyke, 939 Eighth Av., N.T. City. Artist; b. Waterville, N.Y. ; dau. Chauncey and Sarah (Wlnchell) Buell; studied in Paris with Harry Thompson and Bmille . Vernier, and painted in France and Holland; widow. Artist in landscape; won Shaw memorial prize, Wash- ington Soc. of Artists' prize. Represented in permanent collection of William T. Evans in Nat. Art Gallery of Washington, in the Metro- politan Museum, N.Y. City, and in permanent collection of Denver, Colo. ; in San Antonio, Tex., and in exhibits in various cities. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. Has been awarded general art prizes in Woman's Art Club. Clubs: Water Color, Ass'n of Women Painters and Sculptors (formerly Woman's Art Club), Pen and Brush, Art Workers'. COMAN, Katharbie, Wellesley College, Welles- ley, Mass. College professor, author; b. Newark, C, Nov. 23, 1857; dau. Levi P. and Martha (Seymour) Coman: grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B., '80. Prof, history and economics, Wellesley Coll., 18S3-1900; prof, political economy and of political and social science, Wellesley, since 19O0. Author: The Growth of the English Nation, 1895; History of England, 1899; History of England for Be- ginners, 1901; Industrial History of the United States, 1905; Economic Beginnings of the Far West— HoTT We Won the Land Beyond the Mis- sissippi (two vols.), 1912; also (in collaboration with Prof. Katharine Lee Bates) English History as Told by English Poets, 1902. COMAN, Mary (Mrs. Charles Wynkoop Coman), Covlna, Cal. Bom Philippopolis, Bulgaria, Aug. 27, 1861; dau. William Ward and Susan (EWmond) Heriam; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '84; m. NeT?ark, O., Nov. 27, 1884, Charles Wynkoop Coman; chil- dren: William, Mary Caroline, Harriet Mosher, BUis Seymour, Edward Charles. Interested in general writing, ne-wspaper and magazine work; State editor of Southern Cal. W.C.T.U. White Ribbon since 1906; long identified with club work; pres. of Shakespeare Club, Pasadena, 1307-08; active in establishment of kindergartens and manual training work in Pasadena schools; on press com. of Nat. and State Mothers' Con- gress; many years pres. Southern Cal. Wellesley Club. Lecturer on domes.tlc economy. Officer for years in Humane Soc. of Pasadena. Rec- reations: Camping, mountain climbing, studying, investigating public amusements. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. Prohibition; progressive. Mem. of board College Woman's Suffrage Club of Southern Cal. COMER, Cornelia Atwood Pratt (Mrs. William D. Comer), Box 575, Seattle, Wash. Journalist, author; b. Bryan, O. ; dau. Albert Mansfield and Elizabeth C. (Atwood) Pratt; grad. Vassar, A.B. '87; m. April 26, 1905, William D. Comer. Magazine and newspaper writer; was on staff of N.Y. Critic; later editorial writer St. Paul Globe and Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Author: A Book of Martyrs; The Daughters of a Stoic; A Letter to the Rising Generation; Preliminaries, and Other Stories. COMFORT, Anna Manning (Mrs. George Fisk Comfort), 160 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Physician; b. Trenton, N.J., Jan. 19, 1845; dau. Alfred Curling and Elizabeth (Price) Manning; general education in Boston; grad. N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women, M.D. '65; traveled extensively in Europe, visiting hospitals and other medical Institutions in :S8T and again in 1891; m. Jan. 19, 1871, Prof. George Fisk Comfort, L.H.D., LL.D (educator and art critic; died May 5, 1910); children: born — Ralph, Frederick, Arthur; by adoption — Silas, Grace. Was first woman medical graduate to practise medicine in State of Con- necticut; afterward became lecturer in gynecology in N.Y Med. Coll. for Women and practised medicine as specialist in gynecology in N.Y. City and la Syracuse. N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. One of the pioneer leaders in the cause of \ramaa suffrage. Author: Woman's Education and Wom- an's Health, and contributions on medical suto- jocts to the professional Journals, also In prose and verse to various publications. Pioneer club woman; mem. Sorosis since 1878. COMFORT, Bessie Marchsnt (Mrs. J. A. Com- fort)— see Marchant, Bessie. COMFORT, Marian Coleman, la Bruselas, No. 5, Mexico City, D.F., Mex. Teacher; b. Juarez, Mex., April 19, 1884; dau. Roy Edward and Amelia (Coleman) C!omfort; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '06. Teacher of sciences in Spanish in Methodist Mission School for Girls. Works in the English Methodist Church in Mexico City; has composed plays to make money for the society. Studies singing, and has sung in amateur productions of operas; sings in church choir; interested in housework and sewing; attends many receptions, dinners, parties, etc. Mem. Ladies' Aid of church. Rec- reations: Golf, dancing, bridge, traveling. Mem. College Club, Country Clut), Current Topics Club. COMINGS, Lydia J. Newcomb, Fairhope, Ala. Born Spring Lake, Mich., July 25, 1850; dau. John H. and Frances (Sinclair) Newcomb; ed. Chicago grammar and high school and Mrs. L. H. Stone's Sem., Kalamazoo, Mich.; m. Chi- cago, 1902, S. Huntingtoo Comings (died 1907). Teacher Ravenswood (Chicago) public school, 1876-85, Moravian Sem., Bethlehem, Pa., 1895-98 (elocution and physical culture). Lecturer on physical culture, flress, voice and kindred sub- jects from 1898. Now lecturing on Organic Ed- ucation. Founder and incorporator (with 5 other women) of the School of Organic Education, Fairhope, Ala., 1907; pres. Board of Trustees from its inception (this is an experimental school for both day and boarding pupils where there are no requirements for the younger pupils and but few for the older ones, where no books are used until pupils are 9 or 10 years of age and health and Individuality are preserved, and culti- vated alK>ve all else). Author: Muscular E^xer- cises for Health and Grace. Pres. Fifth Thurs- day Club of Fairhope, Ala., since its beginning in 1904. This club Is a Federation of the varioua clubs in Fairhope. Recreations: An eighteen months' stay in Europe, Italy, Vienna and Ger- many, with a series of lectures In Naples and Rome. Pres. Library Ass'n of Fairhope. Fa- vors woman suffrage. COMMANDER, Lydia KlngsmUl (Mrs. Herbert N. Casson), winter, St. George Hotel, Brook- lyn Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; summer. Pine Hill-in-the-Catskills, N.Y. ; office, Room 2307 Woolworth BIdg., N.Y. City. Author, editor, minister, lecturer; b. Clinton, Ontario, Can.; dau. Charles Richard and Lydla (Kingsmill) Commander; ed. Collegiate Inst, Stratford, Ont. ; Western Univ., London, Ont. ; took course of Meadville (Pa.) ']?heoiogical Coll. under tutors, privately; m. Ruakin, Tenn., Mar. 5, 1899, Herbert Newton Casson. Ordained pas- tor B'ree Congregational Church (Unitarian), 1897; in 1898 went to Ruskin, Tenn., a co-opera- tive colony based on the ideas of Bellamy's Looking Backward; with her husband edited the colony paper. The Coming Natiop; in 1899 went to Toledo, O., assisted in the election of the "Golden Rule Mayor," Samuel M. Jones. Waa one of the speakers at the International Con- gress of Women at Berlin, 1904; Germany and "Toronto, Can., 1909; organized a committee to help the women thrown out of employment as a result of the panic of 1907, and secured positions for 2,000; has lectured on this subject at the Staie Fair at Syracuse, N.Y. ; delegate to Nat. Peace Conference, N.Y. City, 1907; Chicago, 1909. Author: Marred in the Making, 1902; The American Idea, a Study of Race Suicide, 1907; has written many pamphlets and articles in magazines on social problems. Mem. Am. Sociological Soc, National Peace Soc., Woman's Trade Union League, League for Political Edu- cation ; life mem. of the N»1_ Council of Women of America, Lyceum Club of Lcmdon, England. Recreailons: Architecture, farming; Is building COMPTON— €ONANT 197 np a summer colony and operating a farm In Catfikill Mountains. Leader In Introducing In this country the active or "suffragette" propa- ganda for woman suffrage, 190S-09; mem. In- ternational Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Equality League; was pres. Nat. Progressive Suffrage Union, 1908-09; in 1909 lectured on Universal Peace and on woman suffrage through several States and at Univ. of Wis. COMPTON, Irene Lathrop Smith (Mrs. Paul Compton), 5484 Kensington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo.; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; m. St. Louis, Jan. 4, 1906, Paul Compton; children: Pauline and Josephine Lathrop (twins), b. Dec. 13, 1905. Kindergartner In Normal course of St Louis public school, 1901-03. Was secre- tary and hostess of the Temple of Fraternity at the Louisiana Purchase Erposltlon, St. Louis, 1903-04. COMSTOCK, Ada Louise, Smith College, North- ampton, Mass. Teacher; b. Moorhead, Minn., Dec. 11, 1876; dau. S. Q. and Sarah (Ball) Comstock; grad. High School and State Normal School, Moor- head, Minn.; Univ. at Minn., Smith Coll., Ck)- lumbla Univ., B.L., Smith, '97, M.A., Columbia, '99 (Delta Gamma); honorary Litt.D., Mount Hol- yoke Coll., 1912. Appointed ass't in Dep't of Rhetoric at the Univ. of Minn., 1899, promoted to positions of instructor, ass't professor, pro- fessor, and made dean of women in 1907; made dean of Smith Coll., 1912. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n Smith Coll., Alumnae Ass'n Univ. of Minn., ▲ae'n of CkiU. Alumnes. Mem. Women's Club of Minneaix>lls. COMSTOCK, Anna Botsford (Mrs. John Henry Comstock), 43 East Av., Ithaca, N.T. Natural history artist, teacher; b. Otto, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1854; dau. Marvin S. and Phoebe (Irish) Botsford; prepared for college at Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N.Y.; grad. Cornell, '85 (Sigma XI, Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Otto, N.Y., Oct, 7, 1878, John Henry Comstock. Wood-engraver; elected to membership of Soc. of American Wood-EIngravers; received a medal at the Pan- American Exposition for engravings exhibited; for 15 years a teacher In Cornell Univ. ; exten- sion writer of Home-Nature Study pamphlets, published at Cornell, 1903-11; lecturer in Nature Study in Cornell Univ. since 1903; lecturer in Nature Study in Stanford Univ., and in summer school term of Cal. State Univ. Author: Ways of th« Six-Footed; How to Keep Bees; Con- fessions to a Heathen Idol; Handbook of Nature Study; Illustrator and engraver of Manual for the Saidy of Insects and Insect Life. Mem. Audubon Soc., Soc. for Preservation of Wild Flowers, Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals, Am. Breeders' Ass'n, A.A.A.S., Woman's Alliance (Unitarian). Recreation: Walking. Unitarian. Favors Intelligent woman suffrage; against unrestrlctetl suffrage. COMSTOCK, Clara Elizabeth, 660 Broad St., Providence, R.I. Bom Providence, R.I., Nov. 6, 1866; dau. An- drew and Juliette (Paine) Comstock; ed. Brown UnlT., Ph.B., 1895, A.M., 1897. Liberal contrib- utor to philanthropy and education: influential promoter of social welfare work and the higher education of women. Mem. R.I. Soc. for the Collegiate Education of Women, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Alumnae Ass'n of Brown Univ. Mem. R.I. Women's Club. Recreations: Travel, read- ing and music. COMSTOCK, Elizabeth, 607 Madison Av., N.T. City. Physician; b. Sept. 2, 1875; dau. Noah Durham and Ellen Comstock; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.S., '97, Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. Interne Maternity Hosp. of Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1901-02. Elxteme N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children 1902-03. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. COMSTOCK, Harriet Theresa (Mrs. Philip Comstock), 416 E. Eighteenth St., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.T. Author; b. Nichols, N.Y. ; dau. Samuel Alpheus and Jean (Downey) Smith; ed. Plalnfleld, N.J. ; m. Breoklya, N.Y.. Philip Comstock; cfalldrea: Philip Sidney, Albert. Author ot: Molly, the Drummer Buy; Cediic, the Saxon; A Boy of a Thousand Years Ago; A Little Dusky Hero; When the British Came; Then Marched the Brave, and other books for children; also novels: Janet of the Dunes; Joyce of the North Woods; The Queen's Hostage; 'Tower or Throne. Mem. Am. Unitarian Soc, N.Y. League of Unitarian Women, Pen and Brush Club. Recreation: Out- door exercises. Unitarian. Favors woman suf- frage; belongs to nearly all the suffrage associa- tions; pres. of the first club of 18th Assembly Dist. of Brooklyn. COMSTOCK, Sarah, 45 W. Eleventh St., N.T. City. Author; b. Athens, Pa.; dau. Walter and Louise (Saltmarsh) Comstock; ed. private school in Kansas City, Mo., and Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B. Staff writer on San Francisco Call, 1899-1903; free lance magazine writer in N.Y. City since 1903. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party; captain In 25th Assem- bly Dist. Author of many short stories and special articles in various magazines. EJditor woman's news page In Collier's, 1909-11; sent by Collier's to the Rocky Mountain States to write two series of articles: The Mormon Woman, and The Woman Who Votes, 1908; articles on The Kansas Farmer's Wife, 1908; also The Soddy, a novel. New York, 1912. Recreations: Walking, photography, cooking. Mem. Pen and Bnish Club, N.Y. City. Winner whUe at Stanford Univ. in short story contest, also while at col- lege author of junior farce (chosen by compe- Ution). CON ABLE, Mopence Easton (Mrs. Morris R. Conable), 415 N. Primrose Av., Monrovia, Cal. Born Detroit, Mich., Oct 19, 1858; dau. Thomas Marshall and Elizabeth Coffin (Swain) Easton; ed. CofBn School, Nantucket, Mass.; Vassar Coll., B.A., Latin honors and saiutatorian (mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Philalethea, Delta); m. Jan. 18, 1888, Morris Robinson Conable; one son: Morris Easton, b. 1889. Teacher, 1882-87. Active in church, treas. V.N. A. since its founding in 1908; prominent In all social affairs. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'ji Collegiate Alumnae, Maria Mitchell Memorial Ass'n, Woman's Club of Monrovia, University Club of Los Angeles, Friday Morning Club, Los Angeles. Episco^ialian. Progressive in politics. Favors woman suffrage. First vice- pres. Woman's Progressire League of Monrovia, Cal., 19U-12, CONANT, Charlotte Howard, Walnut Hill School. Natlck, Mass, Prinripal Walnut Hill School; b. Greenfield, Mass., 1S62; dau. Chester C. and Sarah B. (How- ard) Conant; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '84. Mem. D.A.R,, Boston College Club, Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnae, Boston Wellesley Club. Episco- palian. CONANT, Edith M. (Mrs. Charles B. Conant), Wells, Minn. Lawyer; b. Wayne, Me.; dau. Woodbury and Frances (Fuller) Stanchfleld; ed. High School, Portland, Me., Normal School, Farmington, Me., State Univ. Law Dep't, Minn., LL.B. ; m. Port- land, Me., Aug. 28, 1880, Charles E. Conant Ad- mitted to bar in 1894; practiced in Minneapolis and in Wells, Minn. Interested in church and civic matters. Mem. Current Events Club and School and Mothers' Club of Wells; non-resident mem. Woman's Club of Minneapolis. Recrea- tions: Painting, out of door sketching, readins. traveling. Episcopalian. CONANT. Eleanore Glasgow (Mrs. George Kim- ball Conant), 412 North Union St, St Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Aug., 1887; dau. William Carr and Fannie (Engiesing) Glasgow; ed. Mary Inst, St. Louis, Mo.; Gilman School for Girls, Cam- bridge, Mass.; m. St Louis, April 18, 1911, George Kimljall Conant; one daughter: Eleanore Glasgow. Episcopalian. CONANT, Gra<-e Patten, James Mllllkln Uni- versity, Decatur, 111. Head department of Elnglish; b. Littleton, Mass., June 16. 1873; dau. Albert FYancis and Sarah Jane (Patten) Conant; ed. Bates Coll., A. B. '93, and honors including the Warner 198 CONANT— CONGDON prize, $75.00, and graduate fellowship appoint- ment two years at Cornell Univ. and at Univ. of Chicago with reappointment); Cornell Univ., M.A. '97; fellow Cornell Univ., '98; Univ. of Ch'cago fellow, '99; travel and foreign study, 1900 and 1906; student Curry School of Express- ion, '96; special at Emerson Coll. of Oratory. Prof, of English, Goucher Coll., Baltimore, Md. ; prof, of English. Western Coll., Oxford, O. ; prof. En^h.-sh, James Mlllikin Univ., Decatur, 111.; head of dep't of English, Colorado Chautauqua Summer School, Boulder, Colo., 1911-13. Lec- turer before clubs, churches and Chautauquas on literary and Biblical subjects (especially in- terested in modern drama). Several years in Associated Charities of Baltimore. Congregation- allst. Mem. Boston Browning Soc., Modern Language Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R., Nat. Council of Teachers of English, Drama League of America, Am. Peace Soc. Recreations: Tramping, mountain climibing. Mem. Decatur Art Olub, Decatur Woman's Club, Rocky Mountain Climbers' Club. CONANT, Grace WUbur, The Ilkley, Cumber- land St., Boston, Mass. Composer, musical editor; b. Boston, Mass; dau. Farley Franklin and Emily (Wilbur) Co- nant; ed. Boston private schools; studied piano under Ernst Perabo, Boston, Mass., and Ch. Ren6, Paris; harmony and composition, under George W. Chadwick. Has contributed to mag- azines and periodicals; specialty of part-songs, school and kindergarten songs; editor Songs for Little People; editor musical Dep't of Kinder- garten Review since 1908; has in preparation a book entitled. Worship and Song for Young People. Interested in Associated Charities Work; mem. Bostoner Deutsche Gesellschaft. Recrea- tions: Travel, tramping. Cougregationalist. CONANT, Isabella Fiske, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Daughter Joseph E. Fiske (captain Second Massachusetts Artillery, Civil War) and Abby (Hastings) Fiske; ed. Wellesley, A.B., M.A. ; m. Walter A. Conant; one son (died in infancy). Has had summer charge of a settlement. Fre- quent foreign and home travel. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Gaibriel; Songs Before Birth; and contributions, chiefly verse and drama, to general and children's magazines; some of the plays have been read and staged. CONANT, Mary Ellen Jones (Mrs. David Sloan Conant), Bradford, Vt. Born Bradford, Vt., May 30, 1867; dau. Charles and CaliiSta (Robinson) Jones; ed. Bradford (Vt.) Acad.; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '89; m. Bradford, Vt, July 6, 1899, David Sloan Conant; children: Dorothy Stewart, b. Aug. 11, 1900; Barbara Aller- ton, b. Nov. 7, 1902; Katherine Robinson, b. June 1, 1904. Interested in patriotic work in and out of schools. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Order Eastern Star, D.A.R., Oxbox Chapter, Newbury, Vt; past nat sec. of Woman's Relief Corps. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Woman's Union, Village Improvement Society. CONABD, Laetitia Moon (Mrs. H. S. Conard). Grlnnell, Iowa, Born Pallslngton, Pa., 1871; dau. James H. and Elizabeth (Balderston) Moon; ed. Westtown Boarding School (Pa.); Smith Coll., 4.B. '94; A.M. '97; \Jniv. of Chicago, Ph.D. '99; Ecole des Hautes T^tudes, Sorbonne, Paris, 1897-98; m. Philadelphia, Pa., 1900, Henry S. Conard; chil- dren: Elizabeth Moon, Rebecca, Alfred Fletcher. Non-resident instructor in comparative religion in Univ. of Chicago, correspondence study dep't, 1905: in philanthropic work in social and educational lines in Grlnnell, la., 1907-12; in Philadelphia with the Soc. for Organizing Charity and in the Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae in educational, charitable and social movements, 1900-04; interested in the religion of uncivilized people. Author: Les Idees des Indlens Algon- quins relatives a la vie d'outre-tombe, Revue de I'Hlstoire des Religions; The Idea of God Held by North American Indians; A Visit to Quinault Indian Graves; various articles in local papers and magazines on Indian religion and on practi- cal social and religious questions. Mem. Grln- nell Mothers' Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. Alunmas (Nat), Smith Coll. Alumns Ass'n, Ass'n of Doctors of Philosophy of Chicago, Westtown Alumni Ass'n (Westtown School, Pa.), Dep't of School Patrons of the Nat. Education Ass'n. Recreation: Camping. Mem. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage. COND^, Bertha, 600 Lexington Av., N.Y. City. Senior student sec. of Nat Board of Young Women's Christian Ass'n; b. Autoum, N.Y. ; dau. Samuel Lee and Elizabeth L. (Collier) Conde (direct descendant of French Huguenot family of De Condfi, conspicuous in French his- tor;); ed. Smith Coll., B.A., '95; theological study in Fiee Church Coll., Glasgow, Scotland. Two years on Faculty of Elmira Coll. in Dep't of Biology, 14 years in Y.W.C.A. work as Nat. student sec., now senior student sec; has repre- sented Student Christian Ass'ns of U.S. on the Exec. Com. of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions; representative for North America on the Gen. Executive of the World's Student Christian Federation; has been delegate to World's Christian Student Conference at Con- stantinople, and has visited leading universities and colleges in interests of Christian work in America, Europe, the Orient and the Balkan States. Has given addresses in almost every college in the U.S. on subjects relating to Chris- tian faith and service, and has enlisted many students for Christian social service at home and abroad. Organized Central Club for Nurses in N.Y. City. Mem. Woman's Univ. Club. Presbyterian. CONE, Helen Gray, 61 E. Ninetieth St, N.Y. City. Educator, author; b. N.Y. City, Mar. 8, 1859; dau. John C. and Julia D. (Gray) Cone; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, and grad. N.Y. City Normal Coll., '76. Prof. English, N.Y. City Nor- mal Coll. since 1899. Writer of verse. Author (poems) : Oberon and Puck, Verses Grave and Gay; The Ride to the Lady and Other Poems; Baby Sweethearts; Soldiers of the Light. CONE, Kate Morris (Mrs. Charles M. Cone), Hartford. Vt Born South Dennis, Mass., Sept. 19, 1857; dau. Ephraim and Almira (Nickerson) Morris; ed. Kimball Union Acad., N.H. ; Smith Coll., B.A. and Ph.D.; Radcliffe Coll.; m. Hartford, Vt, Feb. 16, 1884, Charles M. Cone; children: Mar- garet Morris, Morris Huntington, Alice Weston. Trustee of Smith Coll. five years; trustee of church; leader for 25 years of literary club; mem. exec. com. of Town Forward Movement; mem. exec. com. for Town Pageant, 1911; pres. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, two years. Author: Sketch of Life of Sylvester Morris; editor Ver- mont Antiquarian; contributor of articles on historical and educational subjects to Outlook, Atlantic Monthly, historical magazines, etc. Cou- gregationalist Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, New England Historic-Genealogical Soc., Vt His- torical Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R. Recreations: Gardening, weaving. CONEY, Harriot K. (Mrs. John H. Coney), Washington Rd., Princeton, N.J. Born, Meadvllle, Pa., 1870; dau. John and Christina (Fautzman) Reltze; ed. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '90; grad. student Bryn Mwr Coll. 1890-93; (Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Beta Kappa); m. Meadville, Pa., 1902, John H. Coney (prof. Princeton Univ.); children: Chris- tina, b. 1903; John H., Jr., 1906; Barbara, 1908. Teacher in Miss Stearns' School, Germantown, Philadelphia, 1893-95; principal Pelham School, Germantown, Philadelphia, 1895-98; associate principal Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, 1898-1902. Pres. Princeton Village Improvement Soc. 1907-09 (vlce-pres. 1909-10, sec. 1910-12); pres. Princeton Present Day Club, 1904-05. Uni- tarian. CONGDON, Anne W., 455 Cranston St, Provi- dence, R.I. Dau. John E. and Kate G. Whipple; ed. public schools; m. William M. Congdon; one son: Mark Whipple Congdon. Library visitor and Director of Traveling Libraries for the State of Rhode Island. Actively interested in women's clubs (carried on the Traveling Library work for tlja CONGDON— CONNOLLY 199 R.I. Federation of Clubs for ten years) ; also In Sunshine work for Providence Branch, Internat. Sunshine Soc. Clubs: R.I. Women's, Four-Leaf Clover. Unlversalist. CONGDON, Laura D. (Mrs. Winsor D. Cong- doni, 209 Harrison St., Newton, Kan. Born Howard, N.Y., Oct 6, 1850; dau. Benja- min and Lucinda (Emerson) Jacobs; ed. common schools in 111.; m. Sedgwick, Kan., Dec. 14, 1875, Winsor D. Congdon; children: Morris Headly, b. Oct. 20, 1877: Orville Garfield, b. Sept. 4, 1881. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Aid Soc, Aux- iliary Soc. of Bethel Hospital, Harvey Co. His- torical Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of short stories: Ad Astra per Aspera; A Christmas Cupid; Thanksgiving Day on Salem Hill; A Knight of Gideon. Methodist. Republican. Mem. ThemJan Club (literary), Dist. and State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Has acted as special and regular correspondent of Western news- papers. CONGER, Charlotte Mettalf (Mrs. Conger), The Cordova, Washington, D.C. Writer; b. Orland, Me., June 25, 1860; dau. Samuel P. and Harriet E. (Grendle) Brown; ed. in private schools in Washington, by gov- ernesses and two years at Vassar Coll.; m. Washington, D.C, Jan. 14, 1S79. Frank B. Conger (divorced); children: Charlotte West, b. Jan. 5, 1881 (died Jan. 8, 1882); Omar D., b. Jan. 10, 1883 (Pay Corps, U.S.N.) ; Emilie W., b. Oct 16, 1886 (m. Ward Brown, architect); Franklin B., b. Nov. 28, 1889 (midshipman, U.S.N.) ; Gwyneth H., b. May 17, 1S91 (m, A. W. Pitch, lieutenant, U.S.N.) ; Harriet Grendle, b. Feb. 17, 189.3. Mem. Vassar Students' Aid Soc, Consumers' League. Has written for leading papers and magazines. CONGER, Emily Bronson (Mrs. A. L. Conger), Akron, Ohio. Doctor of Osteopathy; b. Peninsula, O., May 7, 1843; dau. Hiram Volney and Ruth Lenora (Ran- ney) Bronson; ed. Rev. Emerson's private coll., Am. School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo.; started coll. at Des Moines Sept., 1898; m. Pen- insula, 0., Nov. 1, 1804, Ck)l. A. L. Conger; chil- dren: Kenyon E. Irving (deceased), Arthur L., Latham H. Practiced osteopathy in Philippine Islands and in ten or twelve other States. En- listed in many activities of Protestant Episco- pal (St Paul's) Church for 44 years; very active in Relief Corps, Eastern Star and Bethany Shrine. Author: An Ohio Woman in the Phil- ippines. Pres. Nat. Axle Club (Osteopath) ; vice- pres. Am. Osteopath Ass'n, 1906-07. Recreations: Music, organ, harp, piano, chimes. Favors woman suffrage; holds meetings at home and at- tends public meetings. CONGER, Sarah Pike, 105 S. El Mollno Av., Pasadena, Gal. , Born Painesville, 0., July 24, 1842; dau. Ed- ward William and Laura (Burridge) Pike; grad. Lombard Coll. '63, Bryant and Stratton Business Coll. Chicago, '64; grad. Mass. Metaphysical Coll., Boston, 1901 A devoted student of Chau- tauqua Circle and an advocate of progressive education for young and older people (mem. Zetecalian Soc, Lombard Coll.); m. Galesburg, lU., June 21, 1866, Major E. H. Conger (died 190"?); children: Laura, Lorentus. Accompajiied her husband on his public services as minister to Brazil and China and ambassador to Mexico. Decorated by Empress Dowager of China with special Order of the Double Dragon, on depar- ture from China, 1905. Worker In Associated Charities; mem. Boards of Charity Institutions, Homes for Children and Aged, and Fallen Wo- men, Des Moines, la., and for Aged Destitute Women in Peking, China. Sunday-school teach- er and advocate of Individual thinking and in- vestigation. Worker in the W.C.T.U. organiza- tion. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Letters from China (with particular reference to the Empress Dowager and women of China), 1909. Christian Scientist. Republican (a voter). CONKLIN, Lena D. Wells (Mrs. George L. Conklln), Oinard, Cal. Journalist; b. Waupun, Wis., Feb. 17, 1858; dau. Cornelius and Julia (Buttles) Wells; ed. Waupun; m. Waupun, 1880, George L. Conklin; children: Marie, Cornelius, Shirley, Dorothy. Taught in public schools of Waupun before mar- riage; now engaged In editorial work. Pres. vari- ous church societies. Fraternal Aid (insurance), Tuesday Club of Ventura, Cal., Monday Club of Oxnard. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Recreations: French, music, out-door sports. CONKLtN, Viola Percy, 266 Henry St. N.T. City. Settlement worker; b. N.Y. City; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97, and N.Y. School of Philanthropy summer course, 1905. Was ass't agent of the N.Y. Charity Organization Soc, 1905-07, and since 1907 has been sec. and treas. of the Henry St. Settle- ment, N.Y. City. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; Smith Coll. Club of N.Y.; Alumnas Ass'n of N.Y. School of Philanthropy. CONKLING, Grace Walcott Hazard (Mrs. Ros- coe Piatt Conkllng), Apartado 253, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Graduate Smith Coll., B.L. '99; student of phy- sical geography In Harvard Summer School, 1899; music and language In Univ. of Heidel- berg, Germany, 1902-03, and Paris, 1903-04; m. Sept. 18, 1905, Roscoe Piatt Conkllng; one daugh- ter: Elsa, b. Feb. 2, 1909. Tutor South Wood- stock, Conn., 1S9&-1901; teacher of English, Latin and Greek, Graham School, N.Y. City, 1901-02. CONKLING, Mabel Viola Harris (Mrs. D. Paul B. Conkllng), Burleigh Hill, Boothbay, Me. Sculptor; b. Boothbay, Me., Nov. 17, 1871; dau. Charles Thomas and Orissa Edna (Prebel) Har- ris; ed. Boothbay Plarbor High School, Rudy Inst, and Julian, Vittl, Whistler and Colorossi Academies, Paris; m. Boothbay, Me., Dec. 26, 1901, David Paul Burleigh Conkllng; children: Pauline Burleigh, Natalie Burleigh. Work ex- hibited in Paris Salon, Paris Exposition, 1900; St. Louis Exposition, International Exposition at Rome, Nat Acad, of Design, Pa. Acad, of the Fine Arts. Mem. Am. Numismatic Soc. Rec- reations: Riding, driving, swimming, golf, for- estry. Favors woman suffrage. CONNELLY, Emma M., 41 E. 29th St, N.T. City. Writer; b. nr. Louisville, Ky.; dau. John Douthett and Mary (Thacher) Connelly; ed. pri- vate seminaries at Georgetown, Ky., and Louis- ville. On staff of Louisville (3ourier-Jourhal prior to 1880, when went to N.Y., since then en- gaged in magazine and newspaper work, as con- tributor of serials and short stories. Favors woman suffrage. Interested In the Labor and Capital Contest. Mem. Baptist Church. Recrea- tions: Music and painting. Author: Tilting at Windmills; Story of Kentucky (In "Story of the States" Series); In China Land, etc. CONNELY, Bertha LiUian, Fifty-third and Berks Sts., Wynnefield, Philadelphia, Pa. Doctor of medicine; b. PleasantviUe, Pa., Jan. 31, 1863; dau. Judge James Lowrey sind Sarah J. (Mitchell) Connely; ed. Foster School, Clifton Springs, N.Y. ; the Burnham School, Northamp- ton, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '84; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '97; Univ. of Zurich, Switzer- land, 1892-93. Has two nieces, who axe her wards; Amy Connely EUeanor Connely. Has certificate from Zurich Univ. Med. School for two semesters' work in anatomy, physiology, embryology, histology; practiced medicine two years in Denver, Colo.; was on the obstetric staff of the Arapahoe Co. Hospital, being the second woman ever appointed to its service. Favors woman suffrage: during residence In Colorado voted for McKlnley and Roosevelt. Methodislv Episcopal. Republican. Mem. Alum- me Ass'n of the Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa. Recreations; Out-do'or exercise, traveling. Mem. the College Club, Philadelprhia. Worked In the medical clinics at the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Woman's Med. Ck)ll. Hos- pital of Philadelphia until 1905. CONNOLLY, Louise, Hobart Av., Summit, N.J. Teacher, editor, lecturer; b. Washington, D.C, 1862; dau. Thomas C and Margaret (Williams) Connolly; ed. Washington Normal School, (>eorge Washington Univ. (Columbian Coll.), B.S. and M.S. Served as supervisor of schools, Newark, N.J.; sup't of schools. Summit N.J. ; editor. University Publishing Ck). ; editor with D. C. Heath & Co. EducationsU expert, Nerwurk Free Public Library. Favors voman BtUCra«^; mem. 200 CONNOLiiY— CONWAY L«gislatiTe Com. N.J. State Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Rational Grammar; also newspaper and magazine articles, and State Supplement to Maury's Geography. Presbyterian. CONNOLLY, Susan Cornelia, Memphis, tenn. Journalist; b. Paris, Tex., Feb. 8, 1885; dau. Micha,el W. and Lulu (Parham) Connolly; ed. public schools; Sacred Heart Convent, Memphis, Tenn. ; Holy Angels, Boerne, Tex. ; Higher School, and Higbie School, Memphis, Tenn. Be- gan work at the age of nine; contributor to vari- ous newspapers and magazines; former owner and ass't editor Elkdom, Memphis, Tenn.; editor children's pages, Commercial Appeal. Mem. Studio Club of N.Y., Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, Girls' Protective League, Nineteenth Century Club. Recreations: Theatres, lectures, out-door amusements, dancing. Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. CONNOR, Margaret, The New Bloomfleld^ 3149 Mt. Pleasant St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Scientific assistant in pomology, Dep't of Agri- culture; b. Burlington, la., Oct. 21, 1890; dau. Edward William and Catharine Celia (Darrow) Connor; ed. Ithaca (N.Y.) High School; Cornell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa, 1911), A.B. '12; State scholarship at Cornell from Tompkins Co. (mem. Kaopa Alpha Theta). First woman pomologist in Dep't of Agriculture at Washing- ton, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist. Recreations: Horseback riding, ten- nis, dancing. Mem. Cornell Women of Washing- ton, College Women's Club, Washington. CONOVER, Charlotte Reeve (Mrs. Frank Con- over), Third and Wilkinson Sts., Dayton, O. Lecturer, writer; b. Dayton, O.; dau. John Charles and Emma (Barlow) Reeve; ed. Dayton High School; Geneva (Switzerland), 1875; studied at Universite de Genfive, 1904; m, Dayton, O., Oct. 14, 1879, Frank Conover; children: Eliza- beth Diokson, John Charles Reeve, Wilbur, Char- lotte Mary. Lecturer on Molifire, director of classes in current history, French; economics, etc. Newspaper correspondent, writer of maga- zine articles. Pres. Woman's Literary Club, 1892-93; leader Bible class; worker for suffrage; formerly ciiairman Educational Com. Ohio Fed. Women's Clubs. Author: Concermng the Fore- fathers; Some Dayton Saints and Prophets (character sketches of Dayton people); A Plea for the Prayer Book; My Thought Cure; The Beck Family. Episcopalian. Mem. Young Wo- man's League of Dayton. CONOVEB, Grace Clark (Mrs. F. K. Conover), 435 Patterson St., Madison, Wis. Born Madison, Wis.; dau. Darwin and Frances (Adams) Clstrk; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L., summa cum laude, '85; m. June 6, 1891, Frederic Kmg Conover; children: Frederic Le Roy, Marion Clarke, Julian Darst, Daphne. Teacher of French in Univ. of Wis. for six years until marriage. Vice-pres. and charter mem. Wom- an's Club of Madison; sec. Woman's Building Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. CON"RAD, Margaret May Dickson (Mrs. War- ren B. Conrad), North Yakima, Wash. Trained nurse; b. Montgomery, N.Y.; dau. James M. Dickson, D.D., and Helen A. (West) Dickson; ed. the Misses Graham's French and English School, N.Y. City; Providence (R.I.) High School; one year In Brown Univ.; Packer Collegiate Inst, Brooklyn, and New York State Training Sc'hool for Nurses; m. North Yakima, Wash., Dec. 25, 1907, Warren B. Conrad; chil- dren: Robert Jay, Martin. After graduation en- gaged as trained nurse, filling important posi- tions in hospital and private practice. CONBADE, Mary Spencer, 127 Woodlawn Av., Zanesville, Ohio. Teacher of piano; b. Zanesville, 0., Feb. 17, 1863; dau John W. and Eliza A. Ross Con- rade; ed. public schools, Putnam Sem., New Eng- land' Conservatory of Music, and pupil of Dr. Louis Maas; later pupil of Xavler Scharwenka. Engaged In general teaching, and some concert- izlng. Composed book of children's songs en- titled Songs in Season, used in public schools in laaay St^As; also piajto compositloiis. Inter- estsd c^ilUrea'e Fixyffoaaia movemeDt asd in Mental Science. CJomposer: When Maltndj Sings; Songs In Season; Iranlioe; At the Cir- cus, etc. Recreations: Nature, walking, brldg»- whist. Mem. All Around Club of Zanesville, O. CONROW, Georglanna, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N.Y. Teacher; b. Moorestown, N.J., Jan. 26, 1878; dau. George N. and Amy (Roberts) Conrow; ed. Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, '95, Cor- nell Univ., A.B. '99; studied in Germany, 1899- 1900, Sorbonne, Paris, 1900-01; A.M. Cornell, '02 (mem. Alpha Phi). Taught in Olean High School, 1902-03, Summer Inst., Thousand Islands Park, summers of 1903-04, South Orange High School, 1903-05. Instructor in French, Vassar Coll., since Sept., 1905. Favors woman suffrage (mem. of Poughkeepsle branch). Mem. of Soc. of Friends. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n, N.Y. State Modern Language Ass'n, Women's Uni- versity Club, N.Y. City. CONVERSE, Clara Adra, Soshinjo Gakko, Kama- gawa, Japan. Educator; grad. Smith Coll. B.A. '93. Teachef of Greek, Latin and rhetoric, Vermont Acad., 188i-90; principal of Soshinjo Gakko, Kamagawa, Japan, since 1890. CONVERSE, Emma Tudor (Mrs. Frederick Shepherd Converse), Westwood, Mass. Born Nahant, Mass., Mar. 25, 1872; dau. Fred- eric Tudor and Louise (Simes) Tudor; ed. Mrs. Shaw's private school; m. June 6, 1894, Frederick Shepherd Converse; children: Louise, Augusta, Marie, Virginia, F. S. Converse Jr. (deceased), Elizabeth. Mem. Ladies' Board of Free Hospital for Women. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., Women's Municipal League of Boston, Chilton Club of Boston. CONVERSE, Florence, 1 Curve St., Wellesley, Mass. Author; b. New Orleans, La., April 30, 1871; dau. George T. and Carc^ine (Edwards) Con- verse; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S., M.A. (mem. Wellesley Shakespeare Soc). On editorial staff New York Churchman, 1900-08; on editorial staff The Atlantic Monthly, 1908—. Interested in Set- tlement work; mem. The Coll. Settlements Ass'n, and spent five years in residence at Deni- son House, the Boston college settlement. So- cialist (mem. Socialist Party) ; favors woman suffrage. Books: Diana Victrix; The Burden of Christopher; Long Will; The House of Prayer; A Masque of Sibyls: The Children of Light Episcopalian. CONVERSE, Mary Eleanor, Rosomont, Pa. Born in Pennsylvania; ed. Miss Baldwin's Peuool, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. yi, graduate student Univ. of Pa., 1899-1900; student In government and politics of the Civic and Legal Education Soc. of Philadelphia, 1901- 02; student of music, 1906-07. Mem. Exec. Com. PubUc Education Ass'n of Philadelphia, 19J1-03; vice-chairman Social Science Dep't of Civic Club of Philadelphia, 1904-05; mem. Ass'n erf CoUegiat* Alumnae's Com. to cooperate with Charity Org;an- ization Soc, 1305-06. Mom. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. CONWAY, Emellne Hoffman (Mrs. John Gil- bert Conway), 501 Washington St, Water- town, Wis. Born Watertorwn, Wis., July 25, 1S68; dau. Frederick and Amalia (Henze) Hoffman; ©d. Watertown (Wis.) public and high schools, UniT. of Wis., B.S. '89, B.L. '90; m. Watertown, Wis., Nov. 28, 1S95, John GiH>ert Conway; chil- dren: Paul H., b. 1897; Justin F., b. 1901; Mary E., b. 1903; John E., b. 1910. Assistant in the Waiertown High School for four years, and in the Milwaukee EJast Side High School for two years, before marriage. Interested In various local activities, religious, sociai and philan- thropic Roman Catholic. Against woman suffrage. CONWAY, Louise Shoenberger (Mrs. Barret Conway), 387 Linden St., Wlnnetka, III. Bom Chicago, 111., July 4, 1886; dau. G«orge K. and Louise (Reynolds) Shoenberger; ed. Klrk- land School, Chicago; m. Chicago, June 1, 1909, Barrert; Conway; one daogliter: Louise B^ynolds. Episcopalian. COOCH— CXX)K 201 COOCH, Mm7 Evarts (Mr«. J. Wllklns Cooch). Newark, Del. Bom Passumall, Madras Presidency, Southern India, June 18, 1849; dau. Rev. Edward and Nancy Allyn (Foote) Webb; ed. Protestant Semi- nary, Montreal, Canada, conducted by Mrs. Eleanor H. Lay (valedictorian) ; m. Glasgow, Del., Apr. 12, 1871, J. Wilkins Cooch; children: Caroline (Mrs. W. S. Schooineld), Francis Allyn, Edward Webb, Levi Holllngsworth. Interested actively in missionary matters (home and for- eign) of the Presbyterian Church. Mem. D.A.R. (State Vloe-Regent); sec.-treas. and historian of Cooch's Bridge Chapter. Presbyterian. COOK, Alice Carter (Mrs. O. F. Ceok), Lanham, Md. Born N.Y. City, April 8, 1868; dau. Samuel F. and Alantha P. (Pratt) Carter; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., Syracuse Univ. Ph.D., Cornell Univ. M.S.; m. Huntington. N.Y., Oct. 11, 1892, O. F. Cook; children: Samuel Carter, Robert Carter, Eliza- beth, Helen Moore. Taught botany in Holyoke Col., 1880-92. Author of articles in Popular Sci- ence Monthly, Botanical Gazette, American Anthropologist, Ladies' Home Journal. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse. Recreations: Horse- back riding, music, swimming, croquet. COOK, Alice Helena, Catawba College, Newton, N.C. ; home, Forestvllle, Chautauqua Co., N.T. Teacher; b. Forestvllle, N.Y., 1877; dau. Al- bert C. and Augusta A. (Chadsey) (Jook; grad. Forestvllle High School, '95; Univ. of Mich., A.B. 19(». Taught at North East, Pa., In eighth grade for two years; high school one year; For- estvllle High School, one year as preceptress; Woman's Coll., Frederick, Md., five years. Head of Latin and Greek, Catamba Coll., Newton, N.C. (now in third year as lady principal). Mem. Y.W.C.A., also pres. of North Baptist Missionary Soc. while teaching at Frederick. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. COOK, Ellizabetb Christine, 88 Pomeroy Terrace, Northampton, Mass. College teaching; b. Northampton, Mass., July 29, 1876; dau. Benjamin Ely and Anna Elizabeth (Smith) Cook; grad. Northampton High School, '94, Smith Ck)ll., A.B., '99, Columbia Univ., A.Kl., '02, Ph.D., '12. Head English Dep't Asbury Park High School, 1903-08; ass't in English Dep't Barnard Coll., 1909-12; Instructor in Eng- lish, Teachers ColL, 1912. Editor of Dramati- zation of Silas Marner, made by the Class of '07, Asbury Park High School. Her Doctor's Dissertation, published in the Columbia Liter- ary Studies, was Literary Influences in Colonial Newspapers (1704-50). F^es. of Woman's Eng- lish Club of Columbia Univ., 19U-12. Recrea- tions: Swimming, walking, gardening, reading, opera, theater. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. COOK, £Uzabeth EUsworth, 160 Waverly Place (office, care Harris, Forbes & Co., 56 William St.), N.Y. City. Business woman; b. Winona, Minn., Sept. 4, 1884; dau. Chas. Button and Lucy Hawley (Ells- worth) Cook; ed. in public schools and high school of Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell Univ., A.B., '08. Sec. to Edward T. Perine, ex-head of the Audit Co. of N.Y., 1905-07; entered employ of Harris, Forbes &. Co., bonds, Sept, 1908, work- ing in sales dep't. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. of the Women's Political Union. COOK, EUe^ Farmelee, Smith Coll., Northamp- ton, Mass. College professor; b. Ripon, Wis., June 21, 1865; dau. Ellsba W. and Martha M. (Smith) Cook; ed. Ripon Coll., Wis., Smith Coll., B.S., '93, Columbia Univ., A.M., '06, Univ. of Berlin, 1897-98. Assistant and instructor in chemistry. Smith Coll., 1890-1906; associate prof, chemistr^. Smith Coll., 1906. Congregationalist. COOK, Georgiana Hemingway (Mrs. Joseph Cook), Woodland Road, Auburndale, Mass.; (summer) CUff Seat, Tlconderoga, N.Y. Born New Haven, Conn.; dau. Willis and Teresa (Fries) Hemingway; ed. New Haven prl- Tat« schools; m. New Haven, Conn., June 30, 187T, Jqual Suffrage League; mem. of Board of Directors of College Equal Suffrage League. EJdltorial - writer on topics of the day, as suffrage, educational and social problems Presbyterian. Mem. Ladies' Relief Soc, Old People's Home, Women's Union. COOK, May Estdle, 806 N. Kenllworth Av., Oak Park, III. Teacher; b. Chicago, May 26, 1865; dau. Ed- ward and Josephine (Halbert) Cook; ed. Wel- lesley Coll., A.B. ; Chicago Univ., A.M. Mem. Wellesley Shakespeare Soc. Book reviewer for Chicago Dial. Congregationalist. Recreations: Music, tennis. Clubs: Nineteenth Century, Oak Park, Suburban, Civics (Oak Park), Chicago Coll., Chicago Woman's City, Wellesley Club. COOK, Minnie Gathright (Mrs. Henry Lowell Cook), "The Wayland," Milwaukee, Wis. Born Louisville, Ky.; dau. Owen and Eliza (Austin) Gathright; ed. In Louisville and Univ. of Wis.; m. Louisville, Ky., June 23, 1890, Henry Lowell Cook. Interested In historical research, especially the early history of the Middle West. Has spent yearr In the study of the manuscript documents In he archives of Great Britain, Washington, D. 1; Richmond, Va., the manu- script collecUoni In the historical libraries of the Univ. of Wis and the Univ. of Cal., beside* numerous private collections. Has In prepara- COOKE— COOLBRITH tion a history of the Middle "West during the American Revolution. Author: History of George Rogers Clark's Memoir; George Roger Clark's Campaigns of 1780; Virginia Currency m the Illinois Country. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem. Am. Armorial Ass'n, Pounder and governor-general of Order of F.F.V. (First Families of Va.) ; mem. Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century Colonial Dames; treas. of Benjamin Tallmadge Chapter D.A.R. ; regis- trar Nat. -Soc. United States Daughters of 1812 of Wisconsin. Recreation: Travel. Vice-pres. Milwaukee Out-door Art and Improvement Ass'n; was delegate from th« Milwaukee Col- lege Endowment Ass'n to the Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, San Francisco, June, 1912. Order of the F.F.V. was founded to encourage research for data relating to Virginia during the time she was the only one of the original thirteen col- onies (1607-1620, inclusive), and to keep a record of the descendants of those who were literally, as well as socially, the first families of Virginia. COOKE, Abigrall \*Tiipple, 42 Benefit St.; studio, in the Fleur-de-Lys, Thomaa St., Providence, R-1. Artist, journalist; b. Smithfleld, R.I. ; dau. Edward and Mary (Kelly) Cooke; ed. Providence private schools (diplomas Miss Abbott's School and R.I. School of Design). Studied painting under Sydney Richmond Burleigh and George W. Whitaker. Mem. of Ladies' Advisory Board, Providence Art Club, 1894-97 and 1901-06, inclu- sive; sec. Providence Water Color Club, 1900-09; vice-pres. R.I. School of Design Alumni Ass'n, 1908-11. Society editor of Providence Journal (daily and Sunday) since 1906. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Providence Art Club, Providence Water Ck)lor Club, R.I. Short Story Club. COOKE, Clara Dwight Sprajrue (Mrs. Harte Cooke), 10 Jefferson St., Auburn, N.Y. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '01; Albany Nor- mal Coll., Pr.B. '02; m. Sept. 12, 1907, Harte Cooke; children: Warren, b. May 31, 1908; Cath- erine, b. Nov. 17, 1909. Teacher in Auburn (N.Y.) Central Grammar School, 1902-04; teacher of English, Granger Place School, Canandalgua, N.Y., 1904-06; Roland Park School, Baltimore, 1906-07. COOKE, Dorothy Soden (Mrs. A. Bennett Cooke), 1809 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn. Federation president; b. Covington, Ky., Oct. 24, 1868; dau. Charles T. and Henrietta (McGraw) Soden; ed. Louisville Girls' High School and private teachers, also Louisville Normal School; m. Louisville, Ky., July 10, 1894, Dr. A. Bennett Cooke, one daughter: Dorothy, b. May 30, 1901. Pres. Tenn. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice-pres. Nash\'ille Anti-Tuberculosis League; mem. Exec. Board State Anti-Tuberculosis League; chair- man of art. Centennial Club, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Magazine writer (occasionally); wrote: Eugene Field's Message to the Child Lover; Phosphate Mining in Tennessee; Muni- cipal Housekeeping; Municipal Art In Florence; Legends of the Holy Grail and Abbey's Concep- tion of Them. Baptist. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. Centennial Club (dep't club). Browning Club, Review Club, Nashville. COOKE, riora Juliette, 330 Webster Av., Chicago, 111. „ , , ^, . Principal Francis W. Parker School, Chicago, lU ; b. Bainbridge, O., Dec. 25, 1864; dau. Sum- ner and Rosetta (Ellis) Hannum; adopted par- ents from 1870, Charles E. and Luella (MUier) Cooke- attended elementary school; grad. Rayon High School, Youngstown, O., 1S84; special courses in Cook Co. Normal; Chicago Univ.; Armour Inst. Principal Hillman School, Youngs- town, 0., 1887-89; critic teacher Cook Co. Nor- mal, Chicago, 1891-97; primary supervisor, Chi- cago Inst., 1S99-1900; prin. Francis W. Parker School, 1901- . Instructor in dep't of education in teachers' institutes in 24 States and in Hono- lulu, H.I. Written nature myths for children, articles for educational periodicals. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Political Elquallty League, Chicago. COOKE, Grace Maceowan (Mrs. William Coofee), Carmel, Cal. Novelist; b. Gilead, O. ; dau. John EncU and Marie (Johnson) MacGowan; ed. at home; ni. Chattanooga, Tenn., 1887, William Cooke; chil- dren: Helen, Katharine MacGowan. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mistress Joy, Return, The Grapple, Huldah, A Gourd Fiddle, Son Riley, Rabbit and Little Girl, The Power and the Glory, etc. COOKE, Helen Temple, Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass. School principal; b. Rutland, Vt., Apr. 13, 1865; dau. Edmund Foster and Mary Ann (Bard- well) Cooke; ed. Rutland (Vt.) High School, Wellesley Coll., 1894-99. Conducted a private school In Rutland before entering Wellesley; since 1899 principal of Dana Hall School; now also principal of Tenacr© School and Pine Manor School, aU three schools being located at Welles- ley, Mass. CongregationaJlst. Favors woman suffrage. COOKE, Jane Grosvenor, 114 K. Nineteenth St., N.Y. City. Author, editor; ed. N.Y, City; student in American and European universities. Has done much editorial work and literary criticism. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. City. Author: An Interrupted Honey- moon, 1907. COOKE, Marjorie Benton, The Elms, Chicago, 111. Author, monologist; b. Richmond, Ind. ; dau. Joseph Henry and Jessie (Benton) Cooke; ed. Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. (Sigma Club). Inter- ested in social and philanthrcH)ic work, doing monologue recitals before working girls' clubs, reform schools, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Has given recitals of original suffrage mono- logues before at least a hundred suffrage meet- ings, also before Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n Convention in Louisville, Ky., 1912. Author: Modern Monologues; More Modern Monologues; Dramatic Episodes; Plays for Children. Novels: The Girl Who Lived in the Woods; Dr. David; To Mother; The Twelfth Christmas. Recrea- tions: Tennis, golf, theatre. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City), The Uttle Room, City Club (Chicago). COOKE, Mary Jenckes (Mrs. George Phelpa Cooke), 10 Church St., Mllford, Mass. Born Woonsocket, R.I., Nov. 22, 1859; dau. William Augustus and Adelia E. (Crooks) Jenckes; ed. Medway public schools; preparatory dep't Wellesley Coll.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '81; m. Medway, Mass., Dec. 27, 1883, Dr. George Phelps Cooke; children: Allan Jenckes, b. 1884; Guenn, b. 1887; Mildred, b. 1890; Mary Janet, b. 1894. Registrar, Wellesley Coll., 1881-83. In- terested in present day educational methods. Congregationalist. Mem. Boston Wellesley Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumni, College Clu'b of Boston. COOKE, May Perry (Mrs. Walter P. Cooke), 69 Ashland Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Born Buffalo, May 13, 1869; dau. Leonard B. and Hattie L. (Keeney) Perry; ed. State Normal School, Buffalo, N.Y.; m. Buffalo, June 28, 1894, Walter P. Cooke; children: Katharine, Carlton P. Mem. Board of Trustees of Buffalo State Hospital. Interested in Homoeopathic Hospital. Presbyterian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club. COOKMAN, Emma Cornelius (Mrs. William Holmes Cookman), 420 W. Price St., German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, May 8, 1872; dau. John C. and Emily Weaver (Fitler) Cornelius; ed. Wal- nut Lane School, Germantown; m. Oct. 28, 1898, William Holmes Cookman; one daughter: Emily Cornelius Cookman, b. Mar. 12, 1906. Musician and singer, a great deal publicly, but not pro- fessionally. Favors woman suffrage. COOLBRITH, Ina (Donna), 1067 Broadway, San Francisco, Cal. Born in 111., of New England parentage; went to Cal. In early '50's; ed. Cal. public schools. Teacher several years. Librarian public library of Oakland, Cal., for twenty years, of Mercan- tile Library of San Francisco for two ye*r«, ot COOLEY— COOLIDGE 203 Bohemian Club Library for six years. Author: Congress, Nat. Com. on Prison Labor. Mem. Perfect Day and Other Poems, The Singer of the Intercollegiate Club of South Carolina. Sea, Songs from the Golden Gate; contributor coOLEY, Winnifred Harper (Mrs. George Eliot to leading magazines and Journals East and Cooley), 609 W. 127th St., N.Y. City. West. Associated with the early literary circle Writer and lecturer; b. Terra Haute, Ind. ; of Cal., comprised of Bret Harte, Mark Twain, jau. of Mrs. Ida Husted Harper; grad. Girls' Charles Warren, Stoddard, Joaquin Miller, Pren- classical School, Indianapolis, and Leland Stan- tice Mulford, etc., more especially with the once foj-j Univ., Cal.. A.B. (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. famous Overland Monthly, when edited by Bret Washington, D.C., 1899. George Eliot Cooley. Harte. Woman suffragist. Republican. Mem. Wrote Prize Story at Stanford Univ., and was Soc. of Women Journalists, London, England; made an editor of all three coll. publications- honorary mem. Athenian Club and Ebell Soc, daily, weekly, and annual. Lecturer before Oakland Cal., Bohemian Club, Century, Floral women's clubs and on public lecture course of Soc, Pacific Coast Women's Press Ass'n, and Greater N. Y., giving travel stereopticon lec- Sequoia Club, San Francisco, and Short Story tures. Traveled in Europe; for two years had Club, San Jose, Cal. aduU European Travel Classes. Connected with COOLEY, Anna Maria, Teachers' College, Colum- Boston Lyceum lecture course. Taught English bla University, N.Y. City. in a Brooklyn High School. For four years has Assistant professor of household arts; b. N.Y. edited a dep't in Nat. Food Magazine, and has City, Sept. 16, 1874; dau. Charles Wallace and written and lectured on pure food. Nat. pres. Emma (Davies) Cooley; grad. N.Y. Normal Coll., of Associated Clubs of Domestic Science. Con- '93; Jenny Hunter Kindergarten Training School, tributing editor (Housekeepers' Page), Philadel- '95; student Barnard Coll., 1896-97; Teachers' phia North American; contributing editor Fore- Coil., Columbia Univ., B.S. '03. Principal do- cast Magazine; regular Sunday writer Minne- mestic economy in Hackley Manual Training apolis Tribune. Recreation: Theater. Honorary School, Muskegon, Mich., 1904; Instructor Univ. vice-pres. of International Pure Milk League; of Tenn., summer sessions, 1905-07; Teachers' vice-pres. College Women's Club, N.Y. City; Coll., Columbia Univ., since 1904; ass't prof. mem. Daughters of Indiana. of household arts since 1910. Favors woman COOLIDGE, Asenath Carver, 299 Sark Av., suffrage. Author: Occupations for Little Fin- Arlington Heights, Mass. gers; Domestic Art in Woman's Education; Text Author; b. Philadelphia, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1830; Book of the Household Arts (two volumes), dau. Alfred and Mary (Townsend) Coolidge; Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Home Economics' grad. with honors at the Emma Willard Semi- Ass'n, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Household Arts nary, Troy, N.Y. Author: Independence Day Club. Horror at Kilsbury, Prophet of Peace, Between COOLEY, Clara Aldrich (Mrs. D. N. Ck)oley), Two Rebellions, Human Beings vs. Things, 1394 Locust St., Dubuque, la. Reciprocity, Christmas vs. Fourth of July, Born in Vermont, 1830 (of Colonial ancestry) ; Cherry Feasts for Barbarous Fourths, Our Na- ed. in Chester, Vt. and Newbury Acad, at Mont- tion's Altar, The Scoundrel of Militarism, On pelier, Vt ; m. Judge D. N. Cooley (now de- the Watchto-wer. Booklets. Presbyterian In ceased); children: Mrs. F. W. Becker (Ohicago), name and "Friend" at heart Pioneer advocate Mrs. J. F. Douglas (N.Y. City), Mrs. C. W. of a "safe and sane" Fourth of July, which has Bassett CBaltimore), H. W. Cooley (Ohicago). now become an accomplished fact in many cities Has been active as leader In literary, church and sections with much saving of life and limbs; and philantbropic societies; organizer and origi- opposed to things military, especially for chil- aator of clubs, including the Monday Afternoon dren. Firm believer in woman suffrage and hopes Club, which she founded 22 years ago and over it will be won without further strife, which she still presides at the age of 83, and COOLIDGE, Cora Helen, Pennsylvania College also founder of the Dubuque Woman's Club, for Women, Pittsburgh. established 1876. In recognition of her work as a Teacher; b. Westminster, Mass., 1866; dau. pioneer club woman of the Middle West she has Frederic Spaulding and Ellen DnisiUe (Allen) been elected an honorary member of Sorosls Cooiidge; ed. Gushing Acad., Smith Coll. B.L.; (N.Y. City), and the Gen. Fed. of Women's studied at Chicago Univ. and Gottingen, Ger- Clubs, at its biennial meeting at St Paul, elected many. Was teacher in Fitchburg High School, tier an honorary vice-pres. of the Federation. Mass., in Hartford (Conn.) Public High School, Honorary State Regent of Iowa D.A.R. Mem. jady principal of Gushing Acad., dean of Pa. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Political Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, 1906. Gives and Social Science, Nat. Geographical Soc; life all time possible, by committee work, lectures, mem. Mary Washington Ass'n, and was one of etc., to furthering social and philanthropic work the first officers of the Ass'n for the Advance- of community; in the college gives attention to ment of Women, of which the late Julia Ward interests of Y.W.C.A. and to development of a Howe was president. social service course to train paid and volunteer COOLEY. Elsie Jones (Mrs. Charles H. Cooley), workers. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Ass'n of Col- 703 Forest Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. legiate Alumnae, Ass'n of Secondary Schools of Born Englewood, N.J., 1864; dau. S. A. and Western Pa., Social Centre Ass'n of Am., Coll. Maria (Van Brunt) Jones; grad. Univ. of Mich., Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Colony of New B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa), '88; m. Ann Arbor, England Women, Fitchburg (Mass.) Woman's 1890, Charles H. Cooley; children: Rutger Hot- Club. Chief public work Is lecturing on literary ton, Margaret, Mary Elizabeth. Favors woman and educational subjects. suffrage. Congregatlonalist. COOLIDGE, Einelyn Lincoln, 850 West End COOLEY, Nellie Wooster (Mrs. Harlan Ward Av., N.Y. City. Cooley), 5318 Greenwood Av., Chicago, 111. Physician (pediatrics); b. Boston, Mass., Aug. Writer; b. Torrington, Conn.; ed. In schools of 9, 1873; dau. George Austin and Harriet (Lin- Seymour, Conn., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '86; stu- coin) Coolidge; ed. Boston, Washington, D.C. ; dent in Germany, 1888; Paris, 1889; m. Seymour, New York; Cornell Med. Coll., M.D. Has always Conn., Sept 22, 1892, Harlan Ward Cooley (Yale practiced as children's specialist; was house '88; lawyer); children: Julia, Harlan Wooster. physician. Babies' Hospital of N.Y. City; now Writer of original poems, and translations In the attending pediatrist to Soc. of Lying-in Hospital, magazines. Pres. Vassar Alumnse Ass'n. N.Y. City. Author; The Mother's Manual; First COOLEY, Bossa B.. Frogmore Post Office, St. ^'^t'^a v=''HL:n''Vnn°rn\'l '''nn°n'",,°h ^'"'''f ' '^m"'' i-r^i„na ToMnri GE, Mary Elizabeth Burroughs Roberts Wayland Improvement Soc., Wayland Soc. of (Mrs. Dane Coolldge), Berkeley, Cal. Arts and Crafts, Wayland Woman's Club. Rec- Writer, lecturer; b. Kingsbury, Ind. ; dau. reations: Symphony and other concerts, opera. Prof. I. P. Roberts (M. Agr.) and Margaret J. theatre, walking, nature observation. '^s^.^tL^^^'^i,^''^?a<,9oJ:?^i''.^^^- '80: M.S. COOPER, Anne Thomlilll, 540 W. 123d St.. i?nho -S^^ff^ ^-^D ^l ^,^^' ?f *;* ^T^?P*!,n^^?£? N.Y.; home address, Edgewood, Rutherford, Alpha Theta); m. Berkeley, Cal., July 30, 1906, nj ?f*ht<.t^"f^^t',.KH^°'"/°'^- ^f "'^"st '?f?„'=^f Foraeriy a librarian; b. Rutherford. N.J., °n ^i?S«^ ,?niV ^fJJ^QnP"^^'^ schools, 1880-86; Aug. 20, 1873; dau. Joseph Phlpps and Alice iftn^nr^ TT^f^ isQR^Qnf ' ¥^°- ^''Z^' ^'>^'°^°^T^ Elizabeth (Haines) Cooper; ed. ^nclpally at r^Z^lt V^i7"' IB^'^^-^ Research work with home and In private schoois. Interest^ in all S^^^nrw «.,,th*"T?^'u^§^«,^°''°.'^^4^°'''^.^^°^- ethical and progressive movements, especially in Sf^o Tqf^^- nro? ^fl Settlement, San Fran- Feminism. Favors woman suffrage; iein. Wo- clsco 1905-06; pres. of SetUement CouncU, 1910- man Suffrage Party. Mem. N.Y. Peace Soc., }^- n ,?I-,^, woman suffrage; campaign speaker Equal Franchise Soc., West London EJthlcal Soc. ni„- I ' ^'^^ '^^^^^L'i "^^ ^'^"'^^^°°.!'"' ^.^^- (of England). Recreations: Reading, cycling. Civic League, a non-partisan organization for walking political service. Author: Chinese Immigration, 1909; Reviser of Warner's American Charities; COOPER, Bessie Dean, Normal College of N.Y. Almshouse Women (Public Statistical Ass'n); City. Why Women Are So; also numerous magazine Teacher; b. Oakaloosa, I*., Dec. 27, 1874; dau. articles on sociological subjects. Unitarian. Cary and Susan (Thurston) Cooper; ed. Cornell Progressive Independent in politics. Mem Am Univ., Ph.B. '97; student of the Univ. of Paris Econ. Ass'n; Am. Acad., Political and Social (Sorbonne), 1907-08, 1910-11; Yale Univ., Ph.D., Science, Nat. Conference of Charities, etc , 19il: fellowship at Yale, 1909-10. Instructor In Cal. Civic League, Nat. Coll. Alumna, Soc. for historj, Rhode Island Oil., 1906-07; Normal Social Hygiene. Recreations: Music, chiefly Coll., of City of N.Y.. 1911-13. Interested in study and singing folk and ballad music; theatre, historical research in European archives. Travels tvith husband In wild and out-of-the Against universal snflrage for men or women, way localities. Contributor to various periodicals. Mem. Liberal COOMBS, Susan Bird (Mrs. Robert H. Coombs). ^^^^ °' ^'■^• Banning, Riverside Co.. Cal. COOPER, Benlah Keller (Mrs. J. C. Coop«r), Bom Chicago, Jan. 14, 1880; dau. James Fran- Cameron, W.Va. da and Ida (Taft) Bird; ed. Banning (Cal.) pub- Born Cameron, W.Va.; grad Washington (Pa.) lie and high schools; Stanford Univ., A.B. '03 Sem. '05; Lutherville Coll., Md. ; Spanish School (mem., treas. and later pres. Stanford Glrle' of Languages, Washington, D.C. ; m. Aug. 7, Glee Cltrb, Sophomore Cotillon Com., Plug Ugly 1507, Dr. J. E. Ckx^er. Interested and active in C!om. ; vice-pres. English Club; mem. Roble civic improvement work, tuberculosis campaign Gymnasium Club; chairman Senior Farce Com.; and educational work as a club woman. Mem. mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Banning, Cal., Feb. and past pres. of Woman's Club of Cameron; 15, 190S, Robert H. Coombs; children: Robert sec. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. and Bird, b. May 24, 1909; Richard James, b. Feb. 26, present worthy matron of Order of E5astern Star 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Re- (Loraine Chapter No. 9); teacher of young publican. Mem. Southern Cal. branch of Ass'n men's Sunday-school class. Baptist, of Collegiate Alumnae. Stanford Univ. Alumni cnctwn cn.ttt.. Aih-io-iit cut... r'y.«■^^^. -n Ass'n, Ocean-to-Ocean Highway Ass'n (vice- ^^^^^f;' iro^porf N Y ^ pres.), Saturday Afternoon Club (pres.) IXlliu^^l^L. i^. 11, 1885; dau. David COON, CaUie Prichard (Mrs. Andrew P. Coon). C. and Amanda (Swengel) Aftrigtit; ed. Buckn«U 2103 S. Sawyer Av.. Chicago, 111. Sem., '02; Bucknell School of Music, '06; Buck- Bom Forreston, 111.; dau. Miles Norton and nell Univ., Ph.B. '05, summa cum laude, pupil Mary (Jackson) Prichajd; ed. Park Inst, Ohl- of Mary Derr and Elsee Aviragnet; m. Wll- cago, and Dean Coll. of Music; m. Aug.. 1S85, mlngton, Nov. 28, 1906, Prof. Charles D. Andrew P. Coon. Musician; organist 15 years of C!ooper; ohildren: Ora Louise, Helen Bordner. Elnglish Lutheran Church, Forreston, 111. So- Interested in music, historical research, anthro- loist In Douglas Park (Congregational Church, pologj', civic betterment and pedagogy. Mem. five years; interested in settlement work. Fa- History Club, Civic Club, Music Club. Recrea- Tors woman suffrage. English Lutheran. Mem. tions: Dancing, tennis. Lutheran. Against CUcago Culture Club. Chicago Woman's Club; woman suffrage. T^^T^- J°^ w° ^^" /?,^ ^'^^^ Congressional COOPEB. Dora Hanck (Mrs. James M. Cooper). S^J^r^u^r^^h^^ ^^""^^ ^'■^'- ^° ^^'^ "05 S. 'center St.. Terre Haute, Ind. "^ Chicago Culture Club. ^^ Harmony. Ind., April 19, 1870; dau. Gott- fOONEX, Dotla Trigg (Mrs. James Cooney), 621 lieb and Mary (Harsch) Hauek; ed. schools in Eastwood St., Marsliall, Mo. Terre Haute, Ind.: grad. and gold medalist of Author; dau. John Anthony and Amanda H. Conservatory of Music, Chicago; m. Terre (Harvey) Trigg; ed. by governess in family and Haute, Ind., Nov. 7, 1905. James M. CJooper. at Central Female Coll., Lexington, Mo. ; How- Traveled four seasons In the Ladies' Imperial ard Coll., Fayette. Mo., and Boston. Mass.; at- Quartette of Chicago In most of the States. taaded New England Conservatory; m. Dec. 21, Mem. Round Table Study dxtt). Methodist. Fa- U82, James Cooney. An eclectic in religion; vors woman softras^. COOPER— CORCILIUS 205 COOPRK, Emms Lampert (Mrs. Colin Campbell Cooper), 222 W. B9th St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Numla, N.Y. ; dau. Henry and Janette (Smith) Lampert; grad. Wells Coll.; studied at Art Students' League, Cooper Union, and with Miss Agnes D. Abatt In water colors; with Harry Thompson, and at Delacleuse Acad., Paris. Has charge of Art Dep't Foster School, Clifton Springs, two years, and of painting classes at Mechanics' Inst., Rochester, 1893-97; m. Roches- ter, N.Y., June 9, 1897, Colin Campbell Cooper, artist, of Philadelphia. Has been abroad many times since 1886, painting interiors and street scenes In oil and water colors in France, Hol- land, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland. Mem. N.Y. Water Color Club; Am. Water Color Soc. ; Woman's Art Club, N.Y. City; Philadelphia Water Color Club; Woman's Art Ass'n, Canada; one of founders of Eastern Ass'n of Wells Coll., N.Y. ; pres. Soc. of Women Painters. Awarded medal World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; bronze medals awarded at the Atlanta Exposition, 1895, St. Louis Exposition, 1904 (for oil and water colors) ; water color prize Woman's Art Club, N.Y. City, 1907. Represen- tative pictures: Morning Near Rlverdale; High Noon, Cape Ann; Mother Claudius Fireside, 1889; The Bread Winner (medal Chicago, and ex- hibited Paris Exposition, 1900); NeTvs of the Day; Weaving Homespun; Swiss Fireplace; Canal at Llsleux, 1909. COOPER, Jane Barnes (Mrs. Job A. Cooper), 1600 Grant Av., Denver, Colo. Born Downer's Grove, 111., Nov. 28, 1843, dau. Rev. Romulus and Olivia (Denham) Barnes; grad. Rockford Sem., 111., 1863; m. Galesburg, HI., Sept. 17, 1867, Job A. Cooper, afterward Governor of Colorado; children: Olivia, Mary Louise, Charles J., Genevieve Pearl. Pres. Board of Brotherly Relief Colony for destitute con- sumptives. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tlonalist. Republican. Mem. Descendants of the Mayflower (descending from Gov. William Brad- ford). Was second treas. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Denver Fortnightly Club. COOPEB, Ola Beth Capron, 134 Beaver St., Beaver, Pa. Teacher; b. Ava, N.Y. ; dau. Smith M. and Sarah Jane (JlUson) Capron; grad. Boonvllle High School, N.Y., '87; Cornell Univ., B.L. '91; N.Y. Univ., M.L. '06 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Roche Harbor, Wash., Aug. 16, 1905, David K. Cooper; children: David K., Jr., b. Feb. 1, 1907; Ola, b. Sept 4, 1908. Teacher of German In Richmond Hill High School, N.Y. City, 1898- 1905. United Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Club of Beaver. Favors woman suf- frage. COP ASS, Alice Reynolds (Mrs. James H. Copass), 310 E. Broadway St., Altus, Jackson Co., Okla. Bom Van Alstyne, Tex., Aue. 15, 1882; dau. Frank M. and Texle (Cantrell) Aycock; ed. high school and nomal course; m. Dec. 23. 1901, James H. Copass; children: Jack Malcolm, Emma Leah. Pres. of local chapter, 1910-12, and second vice- pres. Oklahoma Division of United Daug'hters of Confederacy; charter mem. of chaprt-er of D.A.R., organization now being perfected. Mem. Erolethian Club (pres. 1910-11). Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. COPP, Evelyn Fletcber (Mrs, Alfred E. Copp), 31 York Terrace, Brookllne, Mass. Musician and orig;inator of Fletcher music method; b. Woodstock, Can., 1872; dau. Ashton Fletcher, Q. C, and Annie (Stidston) Fletcher; ed. in Canada, England, Belgium and Germany; m. N.Y. City, May 8, 1901, Alfred E. Copp; chil- dren: Theodore, Colin, Margaret, Eric. Made mem. of Incorporated Soc. of Musicians of Great Britain after lecture before this Soc, 1899; lectured be- fore International Council of Women's Clubs twice in 1910, under presidency of Countess of Aberdeen. Mem. Lyceum Club, London, Eng., Twentieth Century (31ub, Boston, and many mu- sic clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Brook- line branch, also mem. of Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Author: A Manual on Music Teaching. Eklltor of the only magazine for the discussion of masio ftB a means of education for children; has published several articles on music and the child creative ability. Episcopalian. CORBETT, Gail Sherman (Mrs. Harvey W. Cor- bett), 443 W. 21st St., N.Y. City. Sculptor: b. Syracuse, N.Y. ; dau. Frederick Coe and Emma Jane (Ostrander) Sherman; ed. Syracuse High School, Anne Brown School, N.Y. City, Art Student's League of N.Y. and in Paris, pupil of Augustus Saint Gaudens; m. Syracuse, N.Y., June 28. 1905, Harvey Wiley Corbett, archi- tect; one daughter: Jean Corbett, b. 1906. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Monuments: Hamilton S. White Memorial, Syracuse, N.Y.; Kirkpatrlck Memorial Fountain, Syracuse; bronze doors, Springfield Municipal group, Maes., etc. Mem. Nat. Sculp- ture Soc, Am. Numismatic Soc. CORBETT, Mary Scbofield White (Mrs. Walter Provost Corbett), 230 Gllmore St., Jackson- ville, Fla. Born Derbyshire, England, Sept. 7, 1865; dau. Rev. Edward and Elizabeth (Bowden) White; ed. Wesleyau Female Coll., Macon, Ga., A.B. '82 (Phi Mu) ; m. Americus, Ga., Jan. 1, 1886, Walter Provost Corbett; children: Roy Wallace, Alice, Elizabeth, Martha. Mem. Board ol Directors of Associated Charities of Jackson- ville, Pla.; treas. of the Recreation Ass'n. Jacksonville; ex-pres. Woman's Club of Jack- sonville; vice-regent Florida State Chapter Im- perial Order Daughters of the Empire In U.S. of America. Episcopalian. CORBIN, Alberta Linton, 1108 Ohio St., Law- rence, Kan. College professor; b. Mound City, Kan., April 24, 1870; dau. Myron M. and Lizzie (Linton) Corbin; ed. Univ. of Kan. (Phi Beta Kappa) '93; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '01; studied at Univ. of Ber- lin, 1910-11. Assistant prof, of German, Univ. of Kan., 1901-10; associate prof., Univ. of Kan., 1911—. Mem. College Equal Franchise League, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnee, Modern Language Ass'n. Recreation: Country walking. Unitarian. Progressive in politics. Active In campaign for Equal Suffrage amendment in Kansas, 1911-12. CORBIN, Caroline Fairfield (Mrs. Calvin Rich- ard Corbett), 1523 Dearborn Av., Chicago, HI. Author; b. Pomfret, Conn., Nov. 9, 1835; dau. Jason Williams and Hanna Dana (Chandler) Williams; ed. Brooklyn Female Acad.; m. Chi- cago, 1861, Calvin Richard Corbin. Author: Our Bible Class and the Good that Came of It; Re- becca, or Woman's Secret; His Marriage Vow; Letters from a Chimney Comer; A Woman's Philosophy of Love. Pres. 111. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage; one of founders of Ass'n for Advancement of Women. CORBrN, Hetty M. (Mrs. John Corbin), Del Rio, Tex. Bom Germany, 1883; dau. Simon and Julia (Freyer) Fromholz; ed. in Germany, N.Y. pub- lic schools, special courses at home, then spent two and one-half years in Germany and Eng- land; m. N.Y. City, Oct 23, 1907, John Corbin. Sec. Women's Auxiliary of Y.W.C.A. ; mem. Episcopal Church Guild; pres. second year of Women's Club; helped organize Woman's Aux- iliary of Y.M.C.A. ; meim. New Century Club. Recreations: Driving, riding, out-door exercises. EJplscopalian. Favors woman suffrage. COBBUS, FloreBce Josephine (Mrs. Frederick Godfrey Corbus), 208 Glenn Road, Ardmore, Pa, Born Madison, Wla., June 29, 1878; dau. Isaac Pope and Josephine Adelaide (Miller) Ketcham; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '01, M.L. '03; John C. Freeman fellowship In English, 1902-03 (junior year, 1899-1900, at Bryn xMawr Coll); m. Jun,' 11, 1907, Frederick Godfrey Corbus; one son: Frt-d- trlck Godfrey Corbus Jr., b. Jan. 15, 1911. Mem. Consumers' League of Philadelphia, Nat. Child Labor Cknnmlttee, Main Line Housing Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Nat. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumni, C!oUege Club of Philadelphia. COBCrLTDS, Inez, 872 Spring St, Jamestown, N.Y. Teacher; b. Jamestown, N.T., Mar. 6, 1873; ,t) CORE— CORNISH dau. Max P. and Melusine (Neuhaus) Corcilms; Soc, Horticultural Soc., Woman's Auxiliary to ed. Jamestown public schools, finishing in high the Board of Missions, Art Club, Water Color school in 1S96, then entering Cornell, grad. A.B. Club, Arion Club (associate). Recreations: Vocal 1900 (mem. Phi Beta Kappa). Has taught in music, sketching. Episcopalian, high schools of Richmond Borough, since 19O0-- CORN, Haimah (Mrs. J. M. Corn), Norman, first in Tottenville High School, then Port Rich- Okla mond High School,, then Curtis High School Missionary work; b. Tenn., Feb. 25, 1854; dau. New Brighton. Mem Students Aid Soc. of james and Evylin (Gains) Taylor; ed. Oak Hill Richmond Borough Interested in Single Tax gem. in Middle Tenn. ; m. 1882, J. M. Corn of movement and Socialist moyement, in the New Tenn.; children: James, Ennis, Minnie, Alvah, Tnought Philosophy and Christian Science Mem. Lena, Flora, Emmet. Active in church and charity Woman s Suffrage Club of N.Y City. Recrea- ^^^rk and in the Aid and Missionary socs. of the tlons: Tennis, water sports, skating, walking. Baptist Church; vice-pres. Civic Club of Nor- reading, music, theatre. inan_ Okla. Favors woman suffrage. *'^?v^'.-"^*"**^-^''5^'"f ^'if®^*^J^''^ ^f""^ CORNELIUS, Mary Ann (Mrs. Samuel Cor- Albert Agassiz Core), 108 Le Moyne Av., nelius), 6500 Monroe Av., Chicago, 111. Washington Pa ^ icxt. ., Author; b. Pontiac, Mich., Sept. 25, 1829; dau. T ^^ Philadelphia, Pa., Jaa 5 1874; dau. Lewis Whiting and Elvira (Bagley) Mann; ed. Joseph Hamlin and Mary (Parker) McKeehan; Pontiac Acad.; m. Pontiac, Mich., 1850, Samuel ed Metzger Coll., Carlisle Pa and Bryn Mawr Cornelius (died 1SS6) ; one son: William Louis, Coll., Bryn Mawr, Pa., also degree from Alli- b. 1852. Former pres. W.C.T.U. of Arkansas; ^ce Francaise of Pans France; m. Carlisle, always identified with philanthropic work; lived Pa-, Sept. 12, 19U, Paul Albert Agassiz Core, several years at Tacoma, Wash., where she es- Interested m playgrounds ^d all work for chll- tablished a free reading room and circulating dren. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian; library for the yoiTng. Former director of hu- mem. of a mission circle, also a literary and mane societies at Topeka, Kan., and Tacoma, social society. Recreations: Reading, walking, Wash. Author: Little Wolf; Uncle Nathan's tennis, hunting, out-door sports, cards, dancing. Farm; The White Flame; Why? or A Kansas COREY, Caroline Heberd (Mrs. Fred BraJnard Girl's Query. Baptist. Favors woman' suffrage. Corey), 245 Maple Av., Edgewood Park, Pa. Democrat. Born Homer, N.Y. April 5, 1868; dau. Lyman CORNELIUS, Olivia Smith (Mrs. Harry A. Cor- H. and Clara (Hobart) Heberd; ed. Homer nellus), 225 Roup St., E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. .^n^-"^-^ Acad., Homer and CJornell Univ., B.L Author; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 23, 1882; dau. 93; m. Homer, N.\ ., May 23, 1894 Fred Brainard George Carson Smith, railway official and flnan- Corey; children: Robert Bramard, Edward Ly- cier, and Jennie (Prosser) Smith; ed. private man. Mem. Woman's Club of Edgewood. Pres- schools and Adrian Coll., Mich.; m. Adrian, bytenan. Favors woman, suffrage. Mich., Oct. 9, 1901, Harry A. Cornelius. Author: CORET, Bella Brigbam (Mrs. Edwin S. Corey), The Eyes at the Window; The Persian Tassel, Northboro, Mass. 1913. Born Boylston, Mass., 1858; dau. John and CORNELL, Clara Garfield, 909 Lafayette St., Mary S. (Bemis) Brigham; ed. Northborough Bridgeport, Conn. High School; Framingham State Normal School, Normal supervisor; b. Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. Mass.; m. Baltimore, Dec., 1884, Emma, Ethel, Margaret. Bap- David's Protestant Episcopal Ohurch of Roland tlst. Mem. White Shrine, Chicago, 111. Recrea- Park. Mem. Eastern High School Alumnse tion: Golf. Pres. Kane Co. Fed. of Clubs (600 Ass'n, Consumers' League of Md., Woman's mem), 1908-10; chairman of Literature and Reel- Auxiliary of the Md. Civil Service Reform Ass'n, procity of 111. State Fed., 1910-12. Against wo- State Child Labor Com., State School Attendance man suffrage. Com., Civic League of Roland Park and various CORNELL, Luclnda Vail (Mrs. William T. Cor- organlzations for philanthropic and social bet- nell), 495 West End Av., N.Y. City, terment. Mem. Arundell Club, Woman's Club ggj-n Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. Thomas L. and of Roland Park when the club house was built. ^Uza Vail (Moser) Rushmore; ed. Mile. Rostan's Baltimort, Neighborhood Improvement Club of school, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '70; m. Govans, State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Balti- Mamaroneck, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1874, William T. more Country Club. Was pres. Woman's Club Cornell; children: Mrs. E. T. CMld (Ulian R.), of Roland Park when the clut) house was built, j^^g j ^ j^gnt (Florence S.). Episcopalian. Has Just finished three years' term as pres. Md. Mem. Vassar Alumnse Ass'n (pres. N.Y. branch). State Fed. of Women's Clubs; also active in or- vassar Students' Aid Soc. (twice pres.), Soc. for ganization of Consumers' League of Md. Pres. Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Nat. Geo- Women's Civic League of Baltimore, an organiza- graphic Soc, Mamaroneck Kindergarten Ass'n, tion of over 1,000 women. Favors woman suffrage, ^.y.; Philharmonic Soc, Woman's Guild (All CORLISS Maria Louisa, 45 Prospect St., Angels' Church); patron of Metropolitan Museum Providence R.I. of Art; mem. Women's University Club and Born Greenwich, N.Y., Dec 13, 1839; dau. Rubinstein Club. George H and Phoebe F. (Frost) Corliss. Inter- CORNISH, Ida Galpin SkUton (Mrs. Robert ested in religious education, child welfare, Harrison Cornish), 38 St. Luke's Place, Mont- botany, omitiiologT and St. Elizabeth Home for clair, N.J. laeurablee and Conimleecents. Mem. Audubon Graduated from Smith Coll., BJL 'M; m. Axig. CORNWELI^COSTIGAN 207 16, USi, Robert Harrison Ck)mi8h; chUdren: Margaret Beach, b. Sept. 4, 1889; Ruth Harrison, b. Nov. 7, 1891; Robert Sanford, b. May 9, 1894. Teacher Norfolk (Conn.) Classical School, 1884- 86; Wallineford (Conn.) High School, 1886-88. CORNWKLL, Martha Jackson, Virginia A v., West Chester. Pa. Sculptor; b. West Chester, Pa., Jan. 29, 1S69; dau. Robert Thompson and Lydla (Jackson) Cornwell; ed. high school and at West Chester (Pa.), Normal School, West Chester; School of Design, Philadelphia; Art Students' Lreague, N.Y. City; pupil of Augustus Saint Gaudens. For ten years had studio at 152 W. Fifty- seventh St., N.Y., and works chiefly in por- traiture; now at West Chester, Pa. Has made a water trough at West Chester, Pa_, several portraits in low relief, and portrait medallions; also several small bronze statuettes, principally of children. Mem. Board ot Directors of West Chester Putilic Library. Favors woman suffrage. Pre^yterian. Mem. Fellowship of Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Art Students' League, N.Y. City. Recreation: Golf. Mem. West Chester Golf and Country Club. CORRICK, Jeannette K. Trowbridge (Mrs. John H. Corrlck), Culbertson, Neb. Editor, former teacher; b. Hajnilton, O., Nov. 26. 1861; dau. Rev. William A. and Mary A. (Pease) Trowbridge; ed. Cincinnati High School and Cal. Normal School; m. Ottumwa, la., Sept. 26, 1885, John H. Corrick of Burlington Hawkeye. Teacher until marriage; lived in San Jose, Cal., 10 years; for past 10 years in Western Nebraska. Now associate editor of Culbertson Banner and Palisade Times (both owned by husband). Mem. Nob. State Press Ass'ii. Active in church work; mem. W.C.T.U. ; much interested in conserva- tion, civics and civil sei^ice reform. Favors woman suffrage. Christian. Past State pres. Rebekab Assembly I.O.O.F. of Neb.; mem. Wo- man's Relief Corps, Home Culture Club, Golden Rod Club, Woman's Club; State officer in Neb. Fed. of Women's Clubs (vice-pres. Fifth Dist.). COBSON- WHITE, EUen Pawling (Mrs. Eben Wesley White), 216 S. Fifteenth St.. Philadel- phia, Pa. Physician; b. Norristown, 1874; dau. John J. and Rebecca Pawling (Freedley) Corson; grad. Wellesley OolL, '97; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., '02; mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota; m. Norristown, Sept. 9, 1904, Dr. Kben Wesley White; children: John J. Corson White, b. Dec. 8, 1905; Henry Freedley Corson White, b. June 5, 1907. Instruc- tor nervous diseases. Polyclinic Hospital and College for Graduates In Medicine, 1906-09; ass't pathologist. Orthopedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, Philadelphia, 1910-11; pathologi.it, bacteriologist and serologlst. Ortho- pedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Dis- eases, Philadelphia, 191ii-13. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Studies with Wassermann Reac- tion; Review of Serum Reactions, etc. (in col- laboration with Dr. S. D. W. Ludlum) ; also in collaboration with Dr. Leo Loeb, various papers on experimental cancer research; monograph: Manual Therapy in Some Minor Disorders, a study of the venom of the Heloderma for pres- ence of antibodies. Episcopalian. Mem. Phila- delphia Pathological Soc, Philadelphia Neuro- logical Soc., Philadelphia County Med. Soc. COBT, Lottie Ambler, 89 Division Av., Brook- lyn, N.Y. Physician; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 25, 1860; dau. William King and Charlotte A. (Conklln) Cort; ed. Brooklyn gramnaar and academic schools, with private teachers, and in the N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women, M.D. '83. Elected sec. of Memorial Hospital Staff, 1886, continuing till 1912; treas. of Memorial Hospital staff; pres. Memorial Dis- pensary staff 25 years. Mem. St. John's M.E. Ohurch, Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League of N.Y., N.Y. State Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, King's Co. Wo- man Suffrage Ass'n, Elizaljeth Cady Stanton I^eague of Brooklyn. Mem. Kings Co. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Homoeopathic Soc., Am. In- stitute of Homceopathy. Mem. Chlropean Club of Brooklyn, Woman's Club of Chautauqua, CORTI8SOZ, Ellen Mackay Hutchinson (Mrs. Royal Cortissoz), 31 W. Tenth St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City; ed. N.Y. City schools; m. Royal Cortlssoz, literary editor and art critic of N.Y. Tribune. Editor: Edmund Clar- ence Stedman Library of American Literature (11 vols.). Author: Songs and Lyrics. CORWIN, Mary Beatrice (Mrs. Edwin M. Cor- wln), 49 Bodman Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Publisher; b. Eddyville, Ky. ; dau. David StrauBS and Anna Maria (Herr) Holman; grad. Xenla (Ohio) High School; student of Teachers' course and special studies in Lebanon (Ohio) Normal School; student at Antloch Coll.; course in elocution. Cooper Inst., Dayton, Ohio; m. Xenia, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1884, Edwin M. Corwin; one daughter: Louie Estelle, wife of Dr. Darwin B. Pond, Chicago. Former teacher Ohio public schools; journalist and publisher in Cincinnati, Ohio, for 15 years; editor and publisher Club Woman's Magazine five years. Editor "Woman's Clubs" Dep't Dally Cincinnatian-American. Mem. Civic and Suffrage Clubs; actively engaged in W.C.T.U.; mem. Am. Branch of Folk-Lore Soc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Susan B. Anthony Club and Harriet Taylor Upton Study Club, Cincinnati. Author: How the Promise Was Kept and Other Stories; poems: A New Year's Retro- spect; The Old Cathedral; A Birthday Roundelay; The Amulet and the Pearl; When Amaryllis Calls Her Family; A Rose Leaf; Tiny Lou; Ode to the Old Bell, etc. Non-sectarian. COBY, Sarah Morris (Mrs. Frank Cory), 123 W. Forty-fourth St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 21, 1852; dau. Alfred and Elizabeth Morris (Van Bokkelen) Roe; ed. Miss Ballou's private school (took five prizes on graduation) ; Art Schools of Nat. Acad, of De- sign (honorable mention); studio of Walter Sat- terlee (money prize) ; School of Applied Design for Women (medal) ; m. (1st) Nov. 29, 1869, New- ton Hoff; (2d) Dec. 2, 1873, Frank Cory. Has exhibited paintings in Paris and other cities. E)xpert lantern slide colorist. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Equal Suffrage League of N.Y., Soc. for Political Study. Episcopalian. Demo- crat. Mem. D.A.R., U.S. Daughters of 1812, Order of Eastern Star, Professional Woman's League, Daughters of Rebecca. Mem. Union Literary Club, Woman's Democratic Club, Fort- nightly Club, Shakespeare Club. COSBY, Charlotte Malvina (Mrs. Frank Carrill Cosby), Washington, D.C. Born CUestertowD, Md. ; dau. Samuel Wright and Harriet M. (Chapman) Spencer; ed. Mount Holly, Philadelphia; m. Frank Carvill Cosby (Pay Director, U.S. Navy); chUdren: Spencer Frank Clark, Arthur Fortunatus. Mem. Army and Navy League, Washington Club, Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. Civic Fed. Episcopalian. COSGKOVE, Henrietta C. (Mrs. Aruaa Phelps Cosgrove), Joplin, Mo. Writer, philanthropist, political worker; b. Eckford, Mich., Feb. 9, 1849; dau. William Jack- son and Clarissa C. (Dresser) Jackson; ed. com- mon schools and Prof. Olney'a School, Fairbury, lU. ; m. South Bend, Ind., Aruna Phelps Cos- grove; children: Chester Colfax, Helen Mar Cos- grove (Strohm) Originator of the movement for Mother Pension Laws in U.S., which have been adopted in several States; vice-pres. for Mo. of the Southern Conference on Woman and Child Labor; inclined to socialism. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Suffrage League. Author of Amateur Art, a general book of Instruction for beginners in art, especially in oil, water color and China painting. Progressiva In politics. COSTIGAN, Mabel Cory (Mrs. Edward P. Cos- tigan), 1642 Detroit St., Denver, Colo. Born Patchgrove, Wis., Aug. 28, 1873; dau. Dr. J. B. and Amanda (.McLean) Cory; ed. Denvei grade schools. East Denver High School, Denvei Normal and Preparatory School; m. Denver, Colo., June 12, 1903, Edward P. Costigan. First vice-pres. of the Woman's Club of Denver; his- torian of Colo, branch of Nat. (Congress ot Mothers; mem. Board ot Directors of the Wo- man's Public Service League of Denver; pres. 208 COTHREN— <30UCH Denver Graded Union of Sunday-school Teach- ers; third vice-pres. of the Jane Addams Pro- gressive Club of Denver. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Soc., Children's Hospital Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Woman's Club of Denver, Women's Educational Club. Recreation: Story-telling. Methodist. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. COTHKEN, Marion Benedict (Mrs. Frank How- ard Cothren), 173 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Lawyer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900; Colum- bia Univ., A.M. 1901; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 29, 1904, Frank Howard Cothren. Teacher in N.Y. City and Topeka, Kan., 1901-03; admitted to N.Y. Bar 1909. Mem. Teachers' Salary Com'n of Board of Estimate and Apportionment, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. ; vice-chairmaji Brooklyn Woman Suffrage Party. Mem. Women's Trade Union League; chairman Brooklyn Juvenile Court Com. Pres. the Civitas Club; vice-pres. Liberal Club; mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. City), Portia, Daughters of the Seventeenth Century. GOTTEN, Edythe Johns (Mrs. Bruce Gotten), Cylburn, Station L, Baltimore Co., Md. Born Baltimore, Md. ; dau. Henry Van Dyke and Annie (Davis) Johns; m. (1st) John Tyson of Baltimore; (2d) Bruce Cotten of N.C. Episco- palian Mem. (^lony Club of N.Y. City, Balti- more Ck>untry Club. COTTEN, SaUie Soutball (Mrs. Robert R. Cot- ten), Bruce, N.C, President North Carolina Federation of Wo- men's Clubs; b. Lawrenceville, Va.; dau. Thomas James and Susanna (Sims) Southall; grad. Greensboro (N.C.) Female Coll., 1864 (chartered 1844); m. Murfreesboro, N.C, 1866, Robert R. Cotten; children: Agnes Le Roy, Bruce, Lyman AtklnEon, Sallle Dromgoole, Preston Sims, Elba Brown. Was lady manager for N.C. at Chicago World's Fair, on both National and State boards, also for Atlanta and Charleston Expositions. Believer in organized womanhood; served many years In Nat. Congress of Mothers (hon. vice- pres. of that organization). Author: The White Doe, a poem relating the legend in regard to Virginia Dare, first white child of English par- ents born in America, and has written many other minor things, short stories, essays, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of the (Confed- eracy, King's Daughters, Nat. Congress of Mothers, N.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs (pres. 1911-13), and many local ass'ns and societies. Recreation: Reading. For 12 years was pres. End-of -Century Club in Greenville, N.C. ; hon- orary mem. N.C. Sorosls of Wilmington, N.C, also of Woman's Club of Raleigh, N.C; Wo- man's Club of (joldsboro, N.C, and Woman's Club of Atlanta, Ga. COTTUB, Marion Weston, 220 Broadway, N.Y. City. Lawyer; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Octavius O. and Fannie (Petrle) Cottle; grad. St. Margaret's School, Buffalo, N.Y. ; special student Wellesley Coll.; N.Y. Univ., LL.B. '04. Admitted to N.Y. Bar, 1906; N.H.. 1906; Mass., 1908; Me., 1910; has practiced law since 1905. Pres. Oct. 1909 to Oct. 1912, Woman Lawyers' Club of N.Y., mem. Com. on Library and Publications of N.Y. County Law- yers' Ass'n; mem. N.H. Bar Ass'n; has law offices In N.Y. and In North Conway, N.H. Ad- mitted to practice in U.S. Supreme Court, 1911. Registered patent attorney; specializes in surro- gate's court and bankruptcy practice, also real estate law and management of incompetents' estates; court lawyer and rarely loses a case. Has received various appointments from judges. Lecturer on suffrage, mem. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Coll. Equal Suffrage League, North Conway, N.H., Suffrage Club, etc. Asso. editor Woman Lawyers' Journal. Engaged as special lecturer in Law of Domestic Relations at Washington Coll. of Law, Washington, D.C., for seasons 1912-13. Mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon Soc, Wellesley Coll., Woman's Political Union. Rec- reations: Horseback riding, golf, mountain climb- ing. Owns country home at Intervale, N.H., with Miss Cedelia M. Cox, of Boston. COTTMAN, Cary Chubb (Mrs. J. Hough Cott- man), 1015 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. Bom Washington City; dau. C. St. John and Eliza (Warrington) Chubb; ed. Miss Hawley's and Madame Buer's Schools, Washington, D.C. ; m. Washington, James Hough Cottman; children: G. Warrington, Elizabeth Stewart, Mrs. Richard Hatton, Thomas E. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Thomas Johnston Chapter. Clubs: Arundell (Baltimore), Colonial (Washington, D.C). Episcopalian. COTTMAN, Susan Powell (Mrs. Clarence Cott- man), winter, 5 W. Biddle St., Baltimore; summer, Caves-Wood, Garrison P.O., Md. Born Loudoun Co., Va. ; dau. Edivard Burr and Cordelia Sothoron (Armstrong) Powell; ed. private schools and tutors; m. Nov. 25, 1885, Clarence Cottman; children: James Stewart, b. 1896; Eleanor Brooks, b. 1898; Clarence, b. 1900; Llewellyn Powell, b. 1902. Author of short stories of Southern life, Shade o'My Ancestors; contributor to Comic Sketch Club. Mem. Col- onial Dames of America, D.A.R., Green Spring Valley Hunt Club, Baltimore Country Club. EJpiscopalian. COTTON, Elizabeth Jane, 2S18 Ashland Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher, author; b. Shelturne Falls, Mass., Oct. 11, 1857; dau. Charles Ward and ESlen M. Cotton; grad. high school, Portsmouth, Ohio; Teachers' Training School, Cambridge, Mass. Teacher In public schools of Indianapolis since 1885. Author: Young Folks' History of Greece and Rome; Young Folks' History of the Mid- dle Ages. Pres. Fortnightly Study Club. COTTON, Hattie Elizabeth (Mrs. Aylett Rains Cotton), 2514A Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Bom WiUiamsport, Pa., Oct. 7, 1854; dau. Joseph Thompson and Anna Mary (Steuart) Wal- ker; ed. public schools, Davenport, la.; m. Clin- ton, la., Nov. 20, 1873, Aylett Rains Cotton; children: Aylett Rains Jr., Steuart Walker, Mrs. Claudme Cotton Warren. Mem. ajid one of the founders and pres. (1905-06) of California Club (a civic club); mem, and one of the founders of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Soc. of Cali- fornia Pioneers (pres. 1911). Presbyterian. Fa- vors woman suffrage; organized the second suf- frage club at her house about 18 years ago (Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Anna Shaw being present) ; acted as chairman all through the cam- paign for the Sixth Amendment, Which was lost; was one of the Board of Directors in the Wo- man's Franchise League, one of the large or- ganizations working in the winning campaign for woman suffrage in California. Republican. COTTON, Mary Hannah, 165 W. Ninety-seventh St., N.Y. City. Physician; b. Portsmouth, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1866; dau. David Barnes and Mary Cone (Slocum) Cotton; grad. Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '88. Examiner for N.Y. Life Insurance Co. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Med. Soc, State of N.Y. ; Women's Med. Soc, State of N.Y. ; Med. Soc, County of N.Y. ; Women's Med. Ass'n, N.Y. City. Mem. D.A.R., Toy Spaniel Club. COTTON, Mary Slocomb, 303 Court St., Ports- mouth, Ohio. Born Marietta, O., 1863; dau. Silas and Deb- orah Parkard (Cone) Slocomb; ed. Marietta, 0., High School and Rossiter Sem. ; m. Dr. David Barnes Cotton; children: Grace, Mary, Katha- rine (Mrs. E. E. Spark, wife of pres. of Pa. State Coll.), Ethel. Has been pres. Children's Home Soc from the beginning until the county took charge of it as provided by Ohio laws. First Regent D.A.R. in Portsmouth; ei-pres. Woman's Club, ex-pres. City Federation of Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Active in church and society. Mem. Reading Club, Magazine Club (of which has been sec. for 40 years), Woman's Club, Joseph Spencer Chapter D.A.R., named for her ancestor. Gen. Spencer, one of Washington's aids in the Revolution (five Revolutionary oflBcers In family). COUCH, Nancy Henrietta (Mrs. M. H. Couch), Senoia, Coweta Co., Ga. Born Lee Co., Ga., Jan. 14, 1845; dau. Benja- min Franklin and Marguerite (Cameroa) Couch; CX)UDBRT— COWEN 20d ed. high acihools In Lee and Terrell counties, COUNTBYMAN, Grstfai Alta, 4721 Girard Av.. Ga.; m. Coweta Co., Ga., Mar. 2, 1871, Hon. M. South; office. Public Library, Minneapolis. H. Couch; children: Jessie Pearl, Madge Minn. Cameron, Mai Belle, Franltlin Dudley. Inter- Librarian; h. Hastings, Minn., Nov. 29, 1866; ested in religious, social and philanthropic dau. L. N. and Alta (Chamberlain) Countryman; worli. Pres. Woman's Missionary Soc. ; pres. grad. Univ. of Minn., B.S. (Phi Beta Kappa) '89 Coweta Chapter United Daughters of Conted- (mem. Delta Gamma Sorority). Assistant li- eracy; assisted in organizing Civic League, brarian, Minneapolis Public Library, 1891-1904; Senola, Ga., and elected as its president. Bap- librarian in chief, 1904—. Instrumental in creat- tist. Against woman suffrage. ing Minnesota Traveling LIhrary Law, 1899; COUDERT, Amalia Ktissner, Tunbridge Wells, ™em. State Library Commission, 1899—. Pres Women s Welfare League; mem. Civic Improve- ment League; mem. Minn. Acad, of Science, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Board of Directors' Gen. Alumnae Ass'n Univ. of Minn., Am. Archaeo- England. Miniature painter; b. Greencastle, Ind.; dau. Lorenz and Emella (Wemhardt) Kiissner; ed. St. Mary's of the Woods Convent, Ind. ; m. 1900, Capt. Charles DuPont Coudert. Began as artist logical Soc, Woman's Club (ctarter mem.). In N.T. City, 1892; later went abroad, painting Peripatetics Club, Thursday Musical. Congre- the Czar and Czarina of Russia, King Edward sationalist. Progressive Reipubllcan. Favors VI, Cecil Rhodes and other notables and great woman suffrage. society beauties. COVEL, Abbie Walker, 617 Commonwealth Av.. COULTER, Elva Carter, 22 Pond St., Natlck, Boston, Mass. Mass. Bom Fall River, Mass., Feb. 9, 1873; dau. Al- Teacher of history; b. Boston, Mass., May 26, phonso Smith and Sarah Walker (Borden) Covel: 1872; dau. James M. and Susan (MeMullen) ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '94. Active in church and Coulter; ed. Boston Girls' High School; Berkeley mission work; Y.W.C.A. work. Congregation- School (private), Boston; Wellesley Coll., B.A. alist. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Smith '94. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Hist. Ass'n, New Alumni Ass'n (sec. 1896-1900, treas. 1905-07), Col- Bngland History Teachers' Ass'n, College Club lege Club (Boston). M H°S'°^ Woman's Club and Shakespeare Club, cOVELL, Mand Evelyn Clarke, Barrington, R.I. rxaucK, Mass. Librarian; b. Newport, R.I., Sept. 29, 1880; COULTER, Mary Geigus (Mrs. Chester Emory dau. R. Howard and Ella Cole (Handy) Clarke; Coulter), 1257 Twenty-fourth St., Ogden, ed. public schools of Newport, R.I., 1885-98; Utah. Brown Univ., 1898-1902, A.B. (mem. Delta Lawyer, ex-legislator; b. Savanna, Carroll Co., Epsiion, later merged Into Alpha Omega PI); m. 111., Sopt. 7. 1859; dau. John Nicholas and Caro- Newport, R.I., June 14, 1905, Louis Everett line C. (Waamund) Geigus; grad. Mt. Carroll Covell; children: Louis Clarke, Evelyn Hope. High School, '78; Northwestern Coll., Naper- James Everett. Cataloguer at Brown Univ. Ll- ville. III., '80; studied three years in literary and brary, 1902-03; cataloguer of R.I. State Library, law dep'ts, Univ. of Mich., LL.B. (class honors) 1903-04; ass't librarian at John Carter Brown '85 (active in college literary clubs) ; m. Chicago, Library, 1904-08, all in Providence, R.I. Mem. Oct. 7, 1885, Dr. Chester Emory Coulter of and leader of church choir in Newport, R.I. Freeport, 111.; one son: Halvor Geigus, b. April and Providence, R.I.; mem. Junior Auxiliary of 17, 1887 (now Lieut. H. G. Coulter, U.S.A. Coast Emanuel Church, Newport, R.I., and Girls' Artillery Corps, Instructor in mathematics, U.S. Friendy Soc, Church of Our Saviour branch. Military Acad.). Did not engage In active prac- Providence, R.I. Assisted at various missions, tice, although admitted to the Supreme Courts vocally. In Providence, 1900-06. Author of artl- of both 111. and Mich. Interested In education, cle on The John Carter Brown Library, The women's clubs, politics and ameliorative move- Library Journal, Feb., 1905. Episcopalian. Not ments generally; deeply interested in the prob- a voter, but a stanch Democrat. Opposed to lems centering ahout the ui>growth of Oriental woman suffrage, countries. Favors woman suffrage Effected cOWAN, Isabel EHot. Rodney, la. o'l^v^lrn^'"".,"^ ^®^®v ^"^^ ^aT"""^ Republican Physician; b. Cabin Hill, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1871; H 5'^or^o*'° ?^^^^ mem^bers), 1904, served as pres. ^au. Andrew and Sarah (Campbell) Cow<^; ed till 1908; twice a delegate to Republican State coe Coll., Cedar Rapide, la.; Woman's Med. Conventions; delegate, to Progressive State Con- coll. of Pa., M.D. Chief Nurse, U.S.. Army, sU- ventlon, Sept. 13, 1912; nominated for presi- tioned at Presidio, Cal., two years, 1899-1901- dentlal elector on Progressive ticket and served resident physician. Converse Coll., Spartenburg on Organization and Finance Committees for the s.C, three years, 1892-95; now practicing at Rod- Progressives in Utah. Speaker In two national n^y^ la. Congregationalist. Sabbath-school campaigns within the State; successful as an worker. Favors woman suffrage organizer and public speaker. Unitarian. ' Founder of Aglala Club (the most distinctively COWELL, Maria I. (Mrs. C. W. Cowell), 704 literary club in Ogden) and its pres. for two years; pres. Utah Fed. of Women's Cluhs, 1900- 04. Elected to Utah State Legislature in 1902, Fox St.,' Denver, Colo. Born Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1846; dau. Lieut. Thomas and Libbie (McGuire) Branch; ed. Flint the only woman In the Fifth Assembly; served as (Mich.) public schools; m. Otisvllle, Mich., Feb. chairman of the Judiciary Com. of the House 25, 1865, C. W. Cowell; children: Charles B., F. during the fifth session (the only Instance in Howard, J. Herbert, Lulu Nina, Don, Grace, history of a woman in that capacity). Advocated I^adies" Relief Soc. of Denver. Favors woman and instituted measures for the betterment of suffrage. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. social coaditlons, particularly the condition of Woman's Missionary Auxiliary, W.B.M.L, neglected and abandoned children. Ladies' Aid (in church), W.C.T.U., Order of COUNCILMAN, Isabella Coolldge (Mrs. William f^i^f ° . ^^^p^, J^IST. S,^„t?'^^Lf^^" °^™' Thomas Coukcllman), 78 Bay State Road, ^^"-t^rl,?^"^^ ^^^' ™^™- ^"^^ ^^^^^'^ ^O" Bo«ton, Maae. ™^ ^ '"'"'^• Born Boston, Mar. 20, 1861; dau. David Hill COWEN, Alma D. (Mrs. Israel Cowen), 433 and Isabella (Shurtleff) Coolidge; ed. private E. Forty-eighth St., Chicago, III. schools, Boston; m. Boston, Dec. 19, 1895, Dr. Born Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 12, 1872- dau. WUUam Tliomas Councilman; children: Isabella Bernhard L. and Bertha (Schuster) Desenberg; C, Christiana D., Elizabeth L. Director of Old ed. Kalamazoo public and high schools, Univ. of Ladlee' Home; former pres. of Working Girls' Mich., Kalamazoo Coll., and by private tutoring; Cltrb; former mem. Carney Hospital Ladies' Aid m. Mar. 15, 1897, Israel Cowen; children: Bayard Ass'n; mem. Ladies' Visiting Com. of Mass. D., Elizabeth. Interested in social, charitable Gen. Hospital; former chairman Waste Disposal and educational clubs and societies. Jewish. Com. of Women's Municipal Club League. Ex- Pres. Chicago Ass'n of Jewish Women (formerly pres. Saturday Morning Cluh (literary). Favors Chicago Section of Council of Jerwlsh Women); woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., mem. Board of Directors Jochannah Lodge Colonial Dames, Women's Municipal League, Y.O.T.S. and K.A.M. Auxiliary. Favors woman church societies and Copley Soc. of Boston. suffrage. 210 COWING— COX COWING, Marie Antoinette (Mrs. Rufus Billings Cowing), 333 W. 87th St., N.Y. City (country hiome, Villa Antoinette, Cowing Place, Glen- brooli;. Conn.). Pres. N.Y. City Fresh Air Fund; b. Ontario, Can., Feb. 6, 1875; dau. George Dudley and Jennette (Harrison) Ling; ed. Loretta Convent, Niagara Falls, Ont. ; m. Judge Rufus B. Cowing; children: Brooks L. H., Albert Rufus Billings, Marie Antoinette. Mem. First Baptist Church, N.Y. City. Mem. Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, New Yorkers, Minerva Club, Rainy Day Club, Woman's Republican Club, International Pure Milk League, N.Y. Milk Com., Rubinstein Club. Republican. COWI.es, Emma Milton, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Private school principal; b. Dixon, 111., April 11, 1861; dau. Orlando Rockwell and Mary Eliza- beth (Milton) Cowles; ed. Blmira Coll., A.B. '83; Hanover, Germany, one year; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B. 1901. Prof, of mathematics in Milwaukee- Downer Coll. thirteen years; opened Miss Cowles' School for Girls 19 Hollidaysburg, Pa., Sept. 26, 1911. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnae. COWLES, Genevieve Almeda, 15 State St., Wethersfield, Conn. Artist, illustrator; b. Farmington, Conn., Feb. 23, 1891; dau. James Lewis and Martha L. (Gwaltney) Cowles; general education private; studied art in Europe and at Yale Art School, New Haven, Conn., and Cowles Art School, Boston. Began as illustrator with MoClure's Magazine; later much work in stained glass win- dows and art frescoes for mural decoration, a notajble example being the Charge to St. Peter in the chapel of the Conn. State Prison. COWLES, Mabel Birdsall, 29 William St., Glens Falls, N.Y. Born in New York City, July 5, 1872; daughter of Stephen Taber and Sarah Josephine (Hav- iland) Birdsall; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., '94; m. Glens Falls, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1896, William Turner Cowles. Sec. of the Home and Foreign Missionary Auxiliary of the Soc, of Friends; sec. of the Aid Soc; mem. Hospital Guild and several social clubs. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. Coll. Club of Glens Falls, Glens Falls Country Club and other social clubs. COWLEY, Elizabeth Buchanan, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Teacher; b. Allegheny, Pa.; dau. John and Mary J. Cowley; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B., A.M.; Columbia Univ., Ph. D.; studied also at Chicago Univ. and at the universities of Gottingen and Miinich. Teacher In public schools; instructor in mathematics at Vassar Coll. since 1902. Mem. D.A.R., Nat. Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Has written mathematical and astronomical articles in mathematical and astronomical journals; ass't editor of the Revue Semestrielle des Publications Mathematiques (Amsterdam, Holland). Recreation: Out-door sports. Sec. Vassar Coll. Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. Circolo Matematico di Palermo; mem. Intemat. Congress of Mathe- maticians held at Cambridge (England), 1912. COWLEY, Mary Junkin Buchanan (Mrs. John Cowley), 913 Arch St., North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Supervisor of playground and vacation schools; b. Wellsville, O., May 9, 1863; dau. James G. and Amanda F. (Jenkins) Buchanan; ed. Alle- gheny public schools and Pittsburgh Female Coll., M.E.L. '70; m. Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 27, 1873, John Cowley (now deceased). After super- vising city playgrounds as volunteer for 10 years was in Feb., 1911, elected supervisor of 27 play- grounds and vacation schools and 10 social cen- ters of North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. In Oct., 1912, was appointed a mem. Board of Public EMucation of Pittstiurgh under new school codes. This Iward consists of 12 men and 3 women named by the judges of the Court of Common Pleas. Pres. Playground and Vacation School Ass'n of Allegheny, Inc. ; pres. Business Wo- men's Olub of Alleg'heny (.Inc.); director Western Pa. Branch Consumers' League; musical di- rector Tourist Club. Has published various articles on playground activities and social cen- ter work. United Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R. (Pittsburgh chapter), Acad, of Science and Art, College Club of Pittsburgh. Recreations: Pho- tography, fishing. COWXING, Lydia Hampton (Mrs, John Talad«n Cowling). Millville, N.J. Retired teacher; b. Millville, N.J., Dec, 1848; dau. Henry D. and Elizabeth (Davis) Hampton; ed. private schools and N.J. State Normal School at Trenton; m. 1893, John Taladon Cowling. Was for 20 years pres. of Hampton Coll., Louisville, Ky. (school for women); previous to that teacher in N.J. State Normal School at Trenton. Auditor of N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs and chairman of dep't in same; Patron of Education for State of N.J. in Dep't of School Patrons in Nat. Educational Ass'n by ap- pointment of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage League of Vineland, N.J. Episcopalian. Bx-pres. and now chairman of dep't of education in Woman's Club of Millsville, N.J. ; charter mem. Woman's Club of Louisville, Ky. Recreations: Driving, flori- culture. COX, Ann Caroline (Mrs. Oscar Francis Cox), Hunt's Hill, North Weymouth, Mass.; office, 75 Huntington Av., Boston, Mass. Physician; b. Birmingham, England, Feb. 27,. 1859; dau. Dr. John and Lucy (Goodman) Per- rins; ed. private schools in England; Tufts Coll. Med. School, Boston, M.D. '06; m. Brookline, Mass., Sent. 15, 1881, Oscar Francis Cox; chil- dren: Carrie May, b. Sept. 29, 1882; Oscar Fran- cis Jr., b. Aug. 17, 1887. Since graduation en- gaged in practice of medicine. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Tufts Med. Alumni Ass'n and Ass'n of Tufts Alumnae. Baptist. COX, Catharine Elizabeth Bean (Mrs. Isaac Milton Cox), 919 Twelfth Av., Kaimuki, Honolulu. Born in Iowa, Aug. 11, 1865; dau. Joel and Hannah Elliott (Shipley) Bean; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. -99; m. 1891, San Jose, Cal., Isaac Milton Cox; children: Joel Bean, Mary Morris. Sec. Kilohaua Art League; treas. Women's Auxiliap' of the Outrigger Canoe Club of Hono- lulu; director of the College Club. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Friends Church. Mem. Ephinany Guild. Recreations: Arts and crafts, tramping. COX, Cedelia May, 319 Huntingdon Av., Boston; country home. Intervale, N.H. Teacher of voice-culture; b. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 20, 1875; dau. Robert S. and Francis (Strain) Cox; ed. Monticello Sem., Godfrey, 111.; Home School, Everett, Mass.; Wellesley Coll. Studied singing with Herr Oberleher Richter in Dresden, also with Luisa Cappiani, N.Y. City, and F. W. Wodell of Boston. Has been teach- ing with success since 1900. Episcopalian. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suf- frage League. Recreation: Mountain climbing. COX, Clara lone, High Point, N.C. Editor, social service worker; b. Guilford Coll., N.C, Dec. 18, 1879; dau. J. Elwood and Bertha E. (Snow) Cox; grad. Guilford Coll., A.B. 1902, and was awarded Bryn Mawr scholarship. Since 1905 has been editor of the Friends Messenger (monthly), organ of the Friends Church in North (Carolina. Chairman Social Service Dep't of N.C. Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. Conference of Charities and Children, chairman Social Service Dep't of High Point Woman's Club (department conducts successful _ social set- tlement center). Sec. Foreign Mlssio'nary Com. of Friends Church in N.C. Mem. of Friends Church; American Friends Board of Foreign Missions, chairman Book and Tract Com. of PYiends Church in N.C; formerly opposed to woman suffrage, now pro-suffragist, but believes in elimination of illiterate pauper vote. COX, Katherine Hamilton Cabell (Mrs. William Ruffln Cox), 609 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. ; Penelo Plantation, Penelo, N.C. Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. Henry Coalter Cabell (colonel of artillery. Army of Northern cox— CRAFT 211 Virginia; lafwyer) and Jane C. (Alston) Cabell; ed. prlrate schools In Richmond, Va., and in N.Y. City; m. Richmond, Va., Feh. 1, 1S62, Major Herbert Augustine Claiborne (Major Con- federate States Army, lawyer, pres. Mutual As- surance Soc. of Va.); children: Jeanle Alston, Herbert Augustine, and Hamilton Cabell Clai- borne; m. Richmond, Va., June 21, 1905, William Ruffln Cox (general in Army of Northern Vir- ginia; mem. 47th, 4Sth and 49th Congresses; sec. U.S. Senate; Judge Circuit Court of North Caro- lina). Sec. Female Humane Ass'n of the City of Richmond; mem. Woman's Christian Ass'n, Woman's Auxiliary. Episcopalian. Pres. Nat, Soc. Colonial Dames of America; pres. Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia; vice- pres. Ass'n for Preservation Virginia Antiqui- ties; regent for South Carolina Confederate Me- morial Literary Soc; chairman for Virginia Or- der of Descendants of Colonial Governors; mem. Order of the Crown, First Families of Virginia, 1607-20; George Washington Memorial Ass'n, D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mem. Woman's Club, Country Club (Richmond, Va.), Club of Colonial Dames (Washington, D.C.), COX, Lenore Hanna (Mrs. Lewis J. Cox), The Roost, Terre Haute, Ind. Born Wooster, O. ; dau. John and Mary (Huff- man) Hanna; grad. Univ. of Wooster, A.B. '85, A.M. '87 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Woos- ter, O., Aug. 20, 1889, Lewis Joseph Cox; chil- dren: Robert Sayre, Dorothy H., Lenore Hanna, Jr., Elizabeth H. Teacher Latin and Greek one year Central Normal School, Danville, O. ; three years at Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, 111. Pres. and sec. of Terre Haute Civic League; first vlce-pres. Ind. Federation of Clubs, active in Art Ass'n. Pres. Terre Haute branch Women's Equal Franchise League. Mem. Country Club, Terre Haute Woman's Club, Art Section, and Ind. Alumnae of Kappa Alpha Theta. Recrea- tions: Golf, bridge whist. COX, Louise Howland King: (Mrs. Kenyon Cox), 130 E. 67th St., N.Y. City. Painter; b. San Francisco June 23, 1865; dau. James and Anna (Stott) King; ed. Nat. Acad, of Design and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; m. Belm,ont, Mass., June 30, 1892, Kenyon Cox; children: Leonard, Allyn and Caroline. Asso- ciate of Nat. Acad, of Design (elected 1902). Awarded third Hallgarten prize Nat. Academy Design 1896; bronze medal, Paris Universal Ex- position, 1900; silver medal, Pan-Am. Exposi- tion, Buffalo, 1902; Julia Shaw memorial prize, Soc. Am. Artists, 1903; Sliver medal, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. Represented in Nat. Gal- lery of Art, Washington. Recreation: Garden- ing. Against woman suffrage. COX, Ltiella Alice Carr (Mrs. Frank Henry Cox), Farmer City, 111. Born Whliehall, Greene Co., 111., Sept. 27, 1862; dau. William and Theresa Octavia (Smith) Carr; ed. Whitehall public school; m. White- hall, June 6, 1880, Frank Henry Cox; children: Melissa, Theresa, Clay W., Lafayette, Honora Harriet. UnlversaJlsft. Mem. Order of Eastern Star (worthy matron), Shakespeare Club, Easy Chair ClTib, O.E.S. Club of Farmer City. COX, Mary Brannon (Mrs. George Harvey Cox), S14 E. Fourth St., Owensboro, Ky. Born Owensboro, Ky., March 31, 1868; dau. John H. (of Va.) and Elizabeth (Walden) Bran- non; ed. private schools, three finishing years In Vaughaln Sem. (now extinct), Owensboro; m. Owensboro, Nov. 29, 1876, George Harvey Cox; one Bon: E. Petti t. Organized Current Events Club. Elected pres. every year since its or- ganization in 1907; one of four to organize Wo- man's Club, In 1908; served two years as sec; has been and Is on several State Federation corns. Baptist. Democrat. Is Interested in all church matters; worker and teacher In Sunday- school; mem. all church societies, and espe- cially active in its philanthropic work. COX, Mary Nichols (Mrs. John Cox Jr.), Chap- paqua, N.Y. Teacher; b. Marshall Co., la., 1869; dau. Ben- jamin F. and Lauretta (Hessin) Nichols; ed. la. State Coll., B.L. '91, M.Sc '93 (Junior orator. editor Coll. magazine, graduate fellow), Cornell Univ., D.Sc. '96 (mem. Sigma XI fraternity); m. N.Y. City, June 30, 1900, John Cox, Jr., ar- chitect; children: Hope, Martha. Nat. Science teacher in high schools of Des Moines and N.Y. City, la. State Coll., Cornell Univ. Summer School, and N.Y. State Insts. Principal Friends private prep, school, and Dame's School for small children, now conducted in own home. Mem. Friends Educational Com. Dist. Nursing Ass'n; school trustee, mem. Village Improve- ment Soc, Nat. Purity Alliance. Has published ecientiflc researches: Archenial Hairs; Fruiting of Vaucherla; Symplocarpus foetidus; Nuclear Development in Pyrenomycetous Fungi. Mem. Hickaite Friends. Progressive Republican. Mem. Crescent Literary Soc, Cornell Natural History Soc. (pres. 1896), Associate mem. A.A.A.S. and Nat. Microscopical Soc. Recreations: Skating, tennis, swimming, experimental farming, dancing, bridge. Clubs: Chappaqua (Woman's, Shakes- peare, Musical and Literary (Chappaqua). One of the two first women taking the degree of D.Sc. in America; studied, by special permission, In botanical laboratory of Columbia Univ., 1896. COX, Rose Marion, 659 Mulberry St., Terra Haute, Ind. Assistant professor of German; b. Terre Haute, Ind.; dau. James and Mary (Engle) Cox; ed. Terre Haute High School; Ind. State Normal; Ind. Univ., A.B.; Cornell Univ., A.M.; Berlin Univ.; Chicago Univ. General assistant in Ind. State Normal, 1900-08; assistant prof, of German in same, 1908- Pres. Terre Haute Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equ.al Franchise League in Normal School. COYLE, Susan Edmond, 1326 Nineteenth St., Washington, D.C. Teacher of history and English; b. Princeton, N.J., 1871; dau. Leonldas Edmond and Georgiana (Dunn) CoyJe; ed. Ivy Hall, Bridgeton, N.J.; Central High School, Washington, D.C; Smith Coll., B.A. ; Yale Univ.; Bryn Mawr Coll. In- terested in social work In general. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com., Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Organiza- tion for Public Health Nursing, Am. Historical Asa'n, Am. Political Science Ass'n. Recreation: Walking. COYNE, Grace Margaret, Tiverton, R.I. Teacher; b. Woonsocket, R.L, Sept. U, 1887; dau. John Francis and Jane Elizabeth (King) Coyne, ed. Punchard High School, Andover, Mass. (winner of Goldsmith prize, 1906); R.I. Coll., Kingston, R.I. Prin. Osborn Gram.mar School, Tiverton, R.I. Lecturer of Nanaquaket Grange Patrons of Husbandry No. 49; director in several Civic Guards; mem. Ladles' Improve- ment Soc. for Social Good. Recreations: Tennis, basketball. Catholic Favors woman suffrage; mem. Newport Co. (R.I.) Equal Suffrage League. CBABTREE, Lotta M., 50 W. Flfty-flrst St., N.Y. City. Actress; b. N.Y. City, 1849; dau. John Ash- worth and Mary Ann (Livesey) Crabtree; ed. by private tuition. Went to California in 1852. First appearance on stage In amateur theatricals, be- tween 1857-58; played Gertrude in Loan of a Lover at Petaluma, Cal. Traveled through Cali- fornia playing English farces in own company, managed by her mother. At fourteen returned to N.Y. City and for many seasons appeared in all the cities of the U.S. in Little Nell and the Marchioness, Pet of the Petticoats, Zip, Bob, Musette, Firefly, etc, until retirement. Recrea- tions: Painting, automobillng, out-door life. C^BAFT, Marthanna (Mrs. F. G. Craft), Liberty, Ind., R.D. No. 4. Born Liberty, Ind., Jan. 7, 1868; dau. Corydon Richmond and Mary (Tappan) Brattaire; ed. Lib- erty High School; m. April 6, 18S7, F. G. Craft; children: Leo Corydon, Harry William. Assists husband, who is manager of the Liberty Cream- ery (Do. (an extensive enterprise), in the clerical work, and In conducting the well-equipped dairy farm on which they live. Reared in Quaker faith, but now Presbyterian. Mem. Pythian Sisters, Order of Eastern Star, Woman's Mis- sionary Soc, Mothers' Club and other organlza- 212 CRAFTS— CRAIG tlons of Presbyterian Church. Mem. and ex- pres. Criterion Literary Club; mem. Parent- Teachers' Club of the Liberty High School. Favors woman suffrage. CEAIT8, tettle May, Wayzata, Lake Mlnne- tonka, Minn. Librarian; b. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 27, 1860; dau. Major Amasa an* Mary Jane (Henry) Crafts; ed. public schools in Minneapolis, Univ. of Minn., B.Litt. 1881. Ass't librarian Univ. of Minn., 1883-1910, ranking as ass't prof, and mem. of Faculty. Mem. Minn. Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa (vlce-pres. 1893-94, sec. 1910-11); Am Li- brary Ass'n 1886-1908; charter mem. Minn. Li- brary Ass'n (pres. 1907). Elected 1900, reelected 1806, mem. Library Board of City of Minneapolis (sec. 1903-U); term expires 1913. Mem. State Exec. Boards Women's Home and Foreign Mis- Blonary societies (Cong.) in Minn., 1911—. Mem. and sec. board of directors Florence Crittenton Mission, Minneapolis, 1895-1911. Favors woman suffrage. Author of papers for ass'ns and clubs, some of which have been published in profes- sional periodicals. Congregationalist. Roosevelt Progressive. Recreations: Travel, life out-of- doors in woods in summer. Charter mem. Wom- an's Club of Minneapolis; mem. Woman's Wel- fare League of Minneapolis. CEATTS, Sara Jane (Mrs. William F. Crafts), 206 Pennsylvania Av., S.E., Washing-ton, D.C. Author, lecturer; b. Cincinnati; dau. Jesse and Jane (Means) Timanus; ed. Wesleyan Female Coll., Cincinnati, and la. Coll., Davenport la • m. May, 1874, Plalnfield, N.J., Rev. Wilbur F. Crafts. Lecturer and teacher at Chautauquas, lecturer at State and International Sunday- school conventions; organizer Intematioaal Pri- mary Union of Sunday-school teachers. Favors woman suffrage. Associate author: Plain Uses of tho Blackboard; Childhood, The Tpxt Book of the Age; Intoxicants and Opium; World Book of Temperance; staff contributor to Christian Her- ald, N.Y. City. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat. Geog. So«., British Esperanto Ass'n, Archaeological Inst. of Am., Sup't Sunday School Dep't of World's W.C.T.U. In 1910 organized Sunday-schools in Iceland. OR AGIN. Marj- Handle Willard (Mrs. E. B. Cragln), 10 W. Fiftieth St., N.Y. City. Born Wlllimantlc, Conn., Feb. 22, 1864; dau. Rev. Samuel G. and Cynthia (Barrows) Willard; ed. Bacon Acad., Colchester, Conn.; Smith Coll (class '88); m. Colchester, May 23, 1889, Edwin Bradford Cragin, M.D.; children; Miriam Wil- lard, b. Sept. 30, 1890; Alice Gregory, b. Nov. 18 1893; E. Bradford Jr., b. April 23, 1900. Interested in church activities. Mem. Nat. Soc. New England Women, Consumers' League, City History Club. Presbyterian. Clubs: Barnard, Smith College. CBAIG, Agrnen Houston, Maiden Lane, Pullman, Wash. Educator; b. OtisvUle, N.Y.; dau. Rev. Robert Houston and Rachel (McFetridge) Craig; grad. Columbia Univ., B.S. '05 (mem. Zeta Theta PI, local sorority). Director of domestic art, Texas State Coll., Denton, Tex., 1907-12; prof, of textiles and director of textile work in the Dep't of Home Economics, Washington State Coll., Pullman, Wash^ 1912—. Chairman Nat. Textile Com., 1912-13. Speaker at Nat. Home Economics Ass'n, St. Louis, 1910; leader of Household Art Section, Nat. Home Economics Ass'n, Washing- ton, D.C, 1911; speaker Southern Educational Ass'n, Houston, Tex., 1911. Has done various kinds of settlement work and investigation of economic and social conditions among working girls; also in church work In New York City; spent a year investigating workroom condi- tions In N.Y. City; interested in music school settlement work, and all progressive movements for social betterment. Favors woman suffrage. Has written various articles on household arts education, such as Textile Experimentation, June, 1911 (Home Economics Journal) ; Domestic Art Round Table, Discussion of National Home Economics Meeting at Washington, D.C. Pres- byterian. Mem. Progressive Party. Recreations: Gold, tennis, music. Club woman. Mem. Seattle Golf and Country Club, 1805—, and Seattle Tennis Club, 1905-07. CBAIG, Anna, Kings Park, L.I., N.T. Physician; b. ChurchvlUe, Monroe Co., N.Y. ; dau. Dr. James W. and Sarah (Butterfield) Craig; grad. Geneseo (N.Y.) Normal School, '80, Chau- tauqua Course, Class of '87, Univ. of Mich., M.D. 1893. Practised medicine about Ave years in Rochester, N.Y., woman physician in Kings Park State Hospital, Kings Park, Long Island, N.Y. Presbyterian. Mem. Med. Society of the State of N.Y., Women's Med. Soc. of N.Y. State, Women's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City, Am. Medico- Psychological Ass'n, Women's Univ. Club (N.Y. City), Coll. Women's Club (Rochester). CBAIG, Eatherine L., 4044 E. 18th Av., Denver, Colo. Educator; dau. Hugh Harvey and Hester F. (Peters) Craig; ed. in Colo., and Mo. Valley Coll. State sup't of Public Instruction of Colo. for four years; now instructor In literature. Favors woman suffrage. Ckintributor to The New Student's Reference Work; Craig's Primary Geography; Judge Greybum and Kathlene Lee (romance); Sociology and Economics. Republi- can. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n, State Teach- ers Ass'n. Woman's Club of Denver. CRAIG, Katherine Taylor (Mrs. William B. Craig), 65 W. Forty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. in Alabama, Feb. 16, 1877; dau. Murray Forbes and Butler Brayne (Thornton) Taylor; ed. Miss Lake's School, San Francisco; m. (1st) California, Carl H. Schultz Jr.; (2d) California, William B. Craig; one son: Carl H. Schultz. Writer of stories and miscellaneous articles. Interested in astrology, astronomy, genealogy, literature (French), art, comparative religions and Christian mysticism. Favors wo- man suffrage. Episcopalian. Treas. Woman's Missionary Soc. of Church of the Heavenly Rest. Recreations: Swimming, golf, horseback riding. Sec. Pen and Brush Club; mem. Colonial Dames of the State of N.Y., D.A.R., Twilight Club, Woman's Political Equality Ass'n, Poetry Society. CBAIG, Margaret, Nurses' Residence, Bellevue Hospital, 440 E. Twenty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Nurse; b. Fort Plain, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1880; dau. Neville B. and Margaret E. (Sullivan) Craig; ed. Philadelphia public schools, Philadelphia High School, Swarthmore Preparatory School, Swarth- more Coll.; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Trained and grad. from training school of the Hospital of the University of Pa., class '08; head nurse at Hospital of Univ. of Pa., 1908-11; head nurse Mercy Hospital, Johnstown, Pa., 1911-13; now at Bellevue Hospital, N.Y. City, post-grad, course. > Interested in social service work. Favors woman' suffrage. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Graduate Nurses Ass'n of the State of Pa., Alumnae Ass'n of the Univ. of Pa. Hospital. CBAIG, Margaret BeU, 7 Cabrlllo Place, Pasa- dena, Cal. Artist, photographer; b. St. Paul, Minn., May 29, 1876; dau. Robert and Margaret (Bell) Craig; ed. St. Paul and Minneapolis; two years at Univ. of Minn., and course in Clarence H. White's School of Photography (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Univ. of Minn.). Photographs exhibited twice in Nat. Photo Exhibitions, Phila- delphia; also exhibitions of work in Friday Morning Club and in Ebell Club, Los Angeles, Cal. Writer of illustrated articles published in Harper's Bazar, American Homes and Gardens, Keith's Magazine, Beautiful Homes. Socialist. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. CBAIG, Mary Marsden Youns; (Mrs. John Craig), 1614 Beacon St., Brookllne, Mass.; summer. Beach BlufE, Mas*. Actress, b. Fort Washington, N.Y., 1879; dau. Richard and Emmaline (Bushnell) Young; ed. by tutors both in England and America; m. London, England, John Craig, at the age of fourteen; children: Harmon Bushnell, John Jr. Went on stage at 11 with Augustln Daly's Co., remained with him seven years; has played over 400 lead- ing parts, Shakespeare, musical comedy, drama, farce; seven years leading woman for Mr. Craig; seven years leading woman for the John Craig Players, Boston; now leading woman Castle Square Theatre, Boston. Mem. Episcopal Church, the Professional Woman's Club, Paul CRAIG— CRANE 213 Rerere Chapter D.A.R., Annual Mary Young Christmas Tree, making provision for from 200 to 300 children at Christmas time. Recreations: Swimming, dancing, reading, automobiling. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. CKAIG, Netta, 3125 O St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Artist, musician; b. Washington, D.C; dau. Henry Clay and Mary (Ege) Craig; ed. Washing- ton High School, Irving Coll. and Musical Con- eervatory, Mechanicaburg, Pa.; Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D.C. (winner of Corcoran gold medal, 1903; Corcoran silver medal, 1905; honorable mention); Pa. Acad of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Pupil of Clara Drew, dramatic contralto, Berlin and Boston; Otto Simon, Balti- more and Washington; Sebastiano Breda, Milan, Italy. Exhibitor in annual exhibitions of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. ; bien- nial exhibition of contemiwrary art of Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D.C; the Baltimore exhibition of Am. contemporary art, the rotary exhibitions sent en tour by the Am. Fed. of Arts and annual exhibitions of Washington Soc. of Artiste, Washington, D.C. Church and concert singer and composer of songs. Mem. Associated Charities, Washington, D.C, Y.W.C.A., Motel Choir (singing soc), Sketch Club of Washington, D.C; sustaining mem. Washington Symphony Orchestra, Washington, D.C. Methodist. Mem. Soc. of Washington Artists, Am. Fed. of Arts, Columbia Historical Soc, Washington, D.C. Rec- reations: Tennis, boating, walking, basketball. CBAIG, Virginia Jadlth, 858 E. Elm St., Spring- field, Mo. Head of English Dep't, State Normal School; b. MaryvUle, Mo.. Jan. 14, 1878; dau. S. L. Craig and Annie M. (Collins) Craig; ed. Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo., A.B., Washington Univ., St. Louis, A.M., Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. Engaged in teaching from graduation. Author: Martlal'a Wit and Humor. Favors woman suffrage. CRAIGHEAD, Ethel, 2209 Pacific Av., Spokane, Wash. Teacher; b. Mamaroneck, N.Y., Feb. 14, 1878; dau. Horace and Frances (Rose) Craighead; ed. Rye (N.Y.) Sem. ; Smith Coll., B.A.; Columbia Univ., M.A. ; Koninglelch Technlsehen Hx>ch- sohule, Dresden, Germany. Teacher of history at FYlends School, Washington, D.C, 1906-09; vice-principal Brunot Hall, Spokane, Wash., 1910- . Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith College AJumnae Ass'n, Woman's Auxil- iary. Recreation: Athletics. CBAIOIE, Mary E. AVhitbeck (Mrs. Charles CHara Cralgle), 526 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.Y. ; country homo, Craigie Manor, Baldwin, L..L Author, lecturer; b. Arcadia, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. John S. and Margaret (Strong) Whitbeck; ed. Detroit (Mich.) High School and Ithaca (N.Y.) Acad.; m. Ithaca, Charles O'Hara Craigie. Taught In Ithaca High School, in a girls' school and In Old Erasmus Coll., Flatbush, N.Y.; lec- turer oa literature and biography before Brook- lyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences, and in prominent schools in N.Y. City and Washington, D.C. In- terested In church and philanthropic work; char- ter mem. Pt. Greene Chapter D.A.R. of Brook- lyn; pres. of the Brooklyn Public Library Ass'n and founder of the Brooklyn Public Library system, flret pres. and founder of the King Manor Ass'n of L.I., which preserved the old Gov. Rufus King home as a historic museum at Jamaica, L.I. Nat. chairman of church work of the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, working up a new field for suffrage by carrying it Into the churches and before church organizations. Author: John Anderson 'and I; Once Upon a Time (stories for children); also writer of chil- dren's stories In various magazines. Mem. Lafayette Av. Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn. Pres. Am. Librarians' Home Ass'n, chartered under the Regents and the laws of tie State of N.Y. to found and maintain a Vacation House and Home for Librarians; was active In getting through the Legislature bill to compel Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. to equip their can with vesti- bules to protect the motormen; one of the speakers for Parcels Post bill before Congresa In 1911. Residing temporarily in Buffalo. Mom. Twentieth Century Club of Buffalo; third vlce- pres. Housekeepers League; mem. Opera Reading Club and the Guild of Allied Arts; mem. Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial and Vocational Education, always interested in welfare of boys; organized in N.Y. City a Boys' Munlcii>al Club House Com. and got a bill through the State Legislature to establish a Municipal Club House for boys, which was vetoed by Mayor McClellan. CRA3I, Elizabeth Carrington Read (Mrs. Ralph Adams Cram), 52 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. Born Tremont, Cumberland Co., Va. ; dau. Clement Carrington and Mary Carrington (John- son) Read; ed. Farmvllle, Va., and New Bedford, Mass.; m. New Bedford, Mass., Sept 20, 1900, Ralph Adams Cram; children: Mary Carrington, b. Nov. 9, 1901; Ralph Wentworth, b. Sept. 18, 1904. Mem. Colonial Dames, Women's Municipal League of Boston. E)piscopaUan. Favors woman suffrage. CRAMER, Ida Howell (Mrs. R. B. Cramer), 7 W. Eighth St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Atlanta, Ga., July 11, 1873; dau. EJvan P. and Julia (Erwin) Howell; ed. private schools and Edgeworth School for Girls In Baltimore, and Lucy Cobb Inst., Athens, Ga. ; m. Atlanta, June 26, 1895, R. B. Cramer; one daughter: Louise, b. Dec. 14, 1896. Interested in associated charities, social and reading clubs and psycho- logical societies. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christian Church. Recreation: Social life. Mem. Players" Club. CRAJTDALL, Ada AUen (Mrs. Edgar A. Cran- dall), Webster St., Ridgefleld Park, N.J. Teaching in kindergarten; b. Princeton, N.J., June 22, 1879; daughter Edward M. and Adellza (MacGregor) Allen; ed. F^rinceton Model School, N.J. State Model School, N.J. State Normal School, Trenton; special kindergarten work in Ethical Culture School, N.Y. City; m. Ridge- field Park, N.J., Sept. 27, 1905, E>dgar A. Cran- dall. Has conducted, with husband, a boys' club for three years. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club of Ridgefleld Park, N.J. CBANDALL, Catharine Louise Patterson (Mrs. Frank William Crandall), Westfield, N.Y. Born Corning, N.Y., July 23, 1862; dau. George Washington and Frances DeEtta (Todd) Patter- son; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '84; m. Westfield, N.Y., June 29, 1887, Frank William Crandall; children: Francis William (Yale, A.B. '11), George Patterson (Yale, '15). Vlce-pres. and trustee Patterson Library; mem. Board of Edu- cation; regent Patterson Chapter D.A.R. ; officer St. Peter's GuUd; mem. College Settlement Ass'n, Consumers' League; officer Vassar Student Aid Soc. Against woman suffrage. Protestant E5pl3- copal. Mem. Ass'n Alumnae Vassar Coll., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Union Relief Ass'n, Church Guild. Recreations: Travel, social life, theatre. CRANDALL, Reglna Katharine, Low Buildings, Bryn Mawr, Pa- College instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '90; student Chicago Univ., 1893-96 and 1899-1900; fel- low In history, 1894-96; Chicago Univ., Ph.D. '02. Ass't Id. history. Smith Coll., 1896-99; instructor in history, Wellesley Coll., 1900-01; reader in English, Bryn Mawr, since 1903. CRANE, Caroline Bartlett (Mrs. Augustua War- ren Crane), Kalamazoo, Mich. Minister; b. Hudson, Wis., Aug. 17, 1858; dau. Lorenzo Dow and Julia A. (Brown) Bartlett; ed. Carthage Coll., A.M.; post-grad, work at Univ. of Chicago; m. Kalamazoo, Dec. 31, 1896, Dr. Augustus Warren Crane. Engaged In teaching, 1879-82; newspaper work, 18S3-86; pastor All Souls' Unlversalist Church, Sioux Falls, S.I>&k., 1886-89; called to pastorate of First Unitarian Churc±, Kalamazoo, and ordained minister of liberal religion, 1889; out of this was evolved the Institutional People's Church of Kalamazoo, of which was pastor, 1S93-99; resigned, and since then engaged In literary and social service work, lecturing and occasionally preaching. Favors 214 CRANE— CRAWFORD wxjman suffrage. Mem. Exec. Com. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass*!!. Unitarian. CRANE, Ellie Stickel (Mrs. Frank Crane), 305 W. Flfty-flfth St., N.T. City. Born Hillsbflro, III., 1864; dau. Joseph and Sarah (Scott) Stickel; ed. 111. Woman's Coll., A.B. (mem. Phi Nu); m. Hlllsboro, 111., 1883, Rev. Frank Crane, D.D. (Congregational clergy- man; author); children: Daphne Crane Drake (Mrs. Alfred Drake), Mae Crane (deceased), James L. Crane. CKANE, Emily Hutchinson (Mrs. Richard Teller Crane), 2541 Michigan Av., Chicago, 111.; summer, Jerseyherst, Lake Geneva, "Wis. Born N.Y. City, Sept. 12, 1869; dau. Dillon Beebe and Emily (Stewart) Hutchinson; ed. in Europe; m. Oct. 14, 1903, Richard Teller Crane (deceased). Interested in music; studied piano for years with Theodore Leschetizsy in Vienna and plays frequently in concerts for charity and club musicals, etc. P>res. Chicago Homes for Boys. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. Friends of Am. Art; life mem. Art Inst. Recreations: Golf, motoring. Mem. Fortnightly Club, the Young Fortnigh+ly Club, the Woman's Athletic Club, Saddle and Cycle Club, South Shore Coun- try Club, Lake Geneva Country Club. Favors woimau suffrage. CBAJNE, Julia Patterson (Mrs. Joseph Halsey Crane), Oakwood Village, Dayton, O. Born Dayton, 0.; dau. Jefferson and Julia (Johnston) Patterson; sister of John Henry Pat- terson, pres. Nat. Cash Register Co. . grand- daughter of late Col. Robert Patterson, one of the Kentucky pioneers, on father's side, and of late Col. John Johnston, Indian Agent of U.S., on mother's side; ed. Sacred Heart School, N'.Y. City; m. Dayton, 0., April 24, 1885, Joseph Halsey Crane, grandson of Admiral Finley Schenck, and nephew of Gen. Robert C. Schenck, U.S. Minister to Court of St. James; children; Joseph Graham Crane, Jefferson Patterson Crane. Interested in the welfare work of Dayton. CBAXE, Katharine Priest, U.S. Legation, Pe- king, China. Graduate Smith Coll., B.L.. '97; student Bible Teachers' Training School, N.Y. City, 1903-05; Gtudent of history and Semitics, Columbia Univ., 1904-07, M.A. '07; history and French (Columbia), 1909. Student sec. Y.W.C.A., N.Y. and New England School and Coll., 1899-1903. Mem. Am. Historical Soc. CBANGLE, Leona Estelle Tarbell (Mrs. Benja- min Carroll Crangle), 1S17 Fremont Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Bom Victor, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1875; dau. Eli K. and Cecelia (Dryer) Tarbell; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '98; student in kindergarten work in School of Pedagogy, Chicago (summer), 1900; m. Glen- coe. 111., Nov. 11, 1908, Benjamin Carroll Crangle; one son: John Carroll, b. Aug. 10, 1912. Ass't kindergarten director, Winona (Minn.) public school, 1900-05; director 1905-06; instructor (inter- mediate dep't) Lady Jane Grey School, Bingham- ton, N.Y., 1906-07. CRAPSEY, Adelaide, 678 Peveril Av., Roches- ter, N.Y. Teacher; b. N.Y. City; dau. Rev. Algernon Sid- ney and Adelaide (Trowbridge) Crapsey; ed. in schools of Rochester, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '01, student in Rome, Italy, 1905, and 1908-10. Teacher in Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., 1903-05; Stamford, Conn., 1906-08. CRATTY, Mabel, 600 Lexington Av., N.Y. City. General Sec. Nat. Board Y.W.C.A. ; b. Bellaire, 0.; dau. Charles Campbell and Mary (Thoburn) Cratty; ed. public high school, Bellaire, O., Lake Erie Sem., Painesville, 0., Ohio 'Wesleyan Univ. A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '90. Taught in Wheel- ing (W. Va.) Female Seminary; high school, Kent, 0. ; high school, Delaware, O. ; principal of high school, Delaware, O., four years. Be- came as.sociate gen. sec. Am. Com. Y.W.C-A. (headquarters Chicago) ; promoted gen. sec. Am. Com. Nat. Board Y.W.C.A. of U.S.A. (head- quarters N.Y. City); exec. sec. Home Dep't Btnce 1903. now gen. sec. of same. Interested in Camp Fire Girls of America (mem. Organizing Com). Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Fa- vors woman suffrage. CRAVATH, Agmes Huntington (Mrs. Paul D. Cravath), 105 E. Thirty-ninth St., N.Y. City; country estate. Locust Valley, L.I., N.Y. Singer, retired to private life; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., 1862; dau. Charles E. and Fannie E. (Munsell) Huntington; ed. Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School and for several years private tutoring abroad for music and for the languages and drawing; m. St. Thomas' Church, N.Y. City. Nov. 15, 1892, Paul D. Cravath (distinguished lawyer); one daughter: Vera Agnes Huntington Cravath, b. Aug. 28, 1895. Had a notable career in concert and opera as prima donna contralto; voice was not trained until she was taken abroad by her mother in 1880 to Dresden, where she studied three and one-half years with the famous maestro G. B. Lamperti. Made first public appearance in concert in Dresden, January, 1884, and a few weeks later sang at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig with the regular orchestra under direction of Carl Reinecke. Later appearances were in Stuttgart with Josepb Joaquim (renowned violinist), then with Pablo Sarasate (famous Spanish violinist), and Klint- worth and his orchestra at the Sing-Akademie in Berlin; next appeared in a concert given b\ Alexandre Guilmant and M. Ed. Colonne and his orchestra at the Trocadero in Paris; later concerts in London in association with great musicians and conductors, including Sir Julius Benedict, Wilhelm Ganz, Alberto Rendegger, Sir George Grove and others, brought her much social attention, and at this time she received from the then Princess of Wales (now the Dowager Queen Alexandra) a beautiful brooch o' precious stones. American debut was with th > N.Y. Philharmonic Orchestra, under direction of Theodore Thomas, who engaged her for the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra and other con- certs, of which he was the conductor; also sang with the Boston Symphony Orchestra with Gericke, the N.Y. Oratorio Soc. with Walter Damrosch, and in many of the most important festivals under the greatest conductors In America and Canada; sang one season with the Bostonians to gain experience in acting, singing in Martha, Giralda, Fra Diavolo, Les Mousque- taires de la Reine, Bohemian Girl, Mignon and others; then accepted an offer from Carl Rosa for an engagement in London to sing the role of Paul Jones, which she did with remarkable suc- cess for a long run, then came to America, sing- ing the same role with her own company in the principal cities from N.Y. City to San Francisco. Retired to private life at the end of this tour, upon her marriage. Director in several and contributor to rpany charitable societies and set- tlement work; also for relief of and prevention of cruelty to animals. Director N.Y. Symphony Soc., Inst, of Musical Arts and others; mem. Colony Club. Elpiscopalian. Recreation: Music, singing, riding, painting, sewing. Against woman suffrage. CRAWFORD, Emma Walke, Conshohocken, Pa, Born Conshohocken, Pa., Nov., 1881; dau. Joseph Currie and Sarah P. (Wilson) Crawford; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03. Sec. of Guild of Wash- ington Memorial Chapel, Valley Forge; co- manager of Candidate Class of the Girls' Friendly Soc. of Calvary Church, Conshohocken. Editor Washington Chapel Chronicle, Valley Forge. Recreations: Riding, walking, music. Episcopalian. CRAWFORD, Genevieve Buckland (Mrs. Fran- cis Lindsay Crawford), 24 Ridge Rd., Sum- mit, N.J. Bom Sing Sing, N.Y., Mar. 11, 1861: dau. Rev. R. Joseph Wales Buckland, D.D., and Emily (Wilson) Buckland; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '82; also diploma in Vassar School of Art, '82; m. N. Y. City, Dec. 17, 1885, Francis Lindsay Craw- ford, lawyer; children: Lesley Buckland, Con- stance, Dorothy, Lindsay. Interested Ln church and civic affairs in Summit, N.J. Episcopalian, Mem. Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City. Recrea« tlon: Travel. Against woman suffrage. CRAWFORD— CRITCHER 215 CBAWFORD, Julia Townsend Hill (Mrs. Fred- erick Markley Crawford), 139 E. Market St., York, Pa. Physician and surgeon; b. Dayton, 0., Dec. 2, 3860; dau. MIcajah Townsend and Flora Eldred (Blerce) Hill; ed. Oberlin, O.; Chicago Homoeo- pathic Coll.; Hahnemann Coll., Chicago., M.D. '84; Woman Med. Coll., Baltimore, M.D. '86; m. Chambersburg, Pa., April 30, 1893, Frederick Markley Crawford. Interested In Y.W.C.A. clubs. Girls' Friendly Soc, Soc. of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Social Service, Juvenile Court. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy, D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc, Civic Ass'n of America, A.A.A.S., Woman's Coll. Alumnae. Mem. Woman's Club. Recreations: Golf, camping, hunting, fishing (devotee of base- ball, football, basketball). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. CRAWFORD, Kate Staples (Mrs. Andrew James Crawford), Somerset, Ky. Born near Louisville, Ky. ; dau. Samuel Here- ford Staples, M.D., and Susan A. (Cannon) Sta- ples; ed. Nazareth Convent, near Liouisville, Ky. (head of Sisters of Charity in U.S.); grad. with honors; m. Louisville, Ky., January, 1889, An- drew James Crawford (merchant). Pres. of Wom- an's Club; long active in club work as pres. of Literary Club until organization of Woman's Club in 1010; pres. of Presbyterian Soc; inter- ested in all things educational — schools, civic improvement, etc. — as well as social affairs and literary work. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. CRAWFORD, Mary Caroline, 22 Princeton Av., Allston Dlst., Boston. Author, social worker; b. Boston; dau. James and Mary (Coburn) Crawford; ed. Radcliffe Coll., and Simmons Ck)ll. School for Social Workers. Entered upon Journalism immediately after leaving coll. and became literary critic of Bos- ton Budget until 1902. Then took course in so- cial work and became sec. Women's Trade Union League. Sec. Ford Hall meetings, Bos- ton, since 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Books: Romance of Old New England Roof trees, 1902; Romance of Old New England Churches, 1903; College Girl of America, 19C4; Among Old New England Inns, 1907; St. Botolph's Town, 1908; Old Boston Days and Ways, 1909; Romantic Days in Old Boston, 1910; Goethe and His Woman Friends, 1911; Romantic Days in the Early Republic, 1912. Episcopalian. Mem. of Boston Authors Club, Monday Evening Club for Social Workers, Women's lYade Union League. Recreation: Canoeing. CRAWFORD, Mary Merrltt, 296 N.Y. Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Physician; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 18, 1884; dau. Gilbert Holmes and Sarah E. (Merritt) Craw- ford; ed. Nyack High School, '99, Cornell Univ., A.B., '04, Cornell Med. Coll., M.D., '07 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Served as interne at Williams- burg Hosp., Brooklyn, Jan., 1908-July, 1909. First woman to ride ambulance in Brooklyn; ass't surgeon in Dep't of Gynecology, Williams- burg Hosp., only woman on the staff. Author (with Dr. T. S. Welton) : Before the Doctor Comes. Mem. Women's University Club. Epis- copalian. Mem. Woman's Political Union, Wo- man Suffrage Party, 18th Assembly District, Po- litical Equality League. CRAWFORD, Mary Rowan McCrackin (Mrs. J. Stewart Crawford), Beirut, Syria, Turkey. Missionary; b. St. Louis, Mo., July 7, 1860; ed. Geneva Coll. and Yysilanti (Mich.) Coll., B.S. '81; m. (1st) Birmingham, Mich., Sept. 3, 1885, T. Clyde McCarroll (died 1890); (2d) Jerusalem, Palestine, July 27, 1892, Rev. J. Stewart Craw- ford, D.D. Teacher at Three Rivers, Mich., 1881-84; missionary of Reformed Presbyterian Church at Latakia, Syria, 1890-92; at Beirut, Syria, since 1892. Reformed Presbyterian. CREED, Georgie Ellis (Mrs. William Henry Creed), 468 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Born Tyler Co., Tex., June 3, 1855; dau. Dr. Thom.as Oliver Ellis of Va. and Elizabeth (Long) Bills of Tenn. ; ed. by private instruction and normal school training; m. Fresno, Cal., 1876, William Hei.ry Creed (lawyer); children: Wlg- glnton Ellis, Clarence La Vallan, William H., Georgle Devereux. Interested in various re- ligious, social and philanthropic activities. Opposed to woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Democrat. Mem. United Daughter of Confeder- acy, Colonial Dames of America, Southern In- dustrial Education Ass'n, Claremont Country Club, Ebell Club. CRER.\K, Marie GIrvIn (Mrs. John Crerar), 1901 Prairie Av., Chicago, III. Born Chicago, Nov. 29, 1871; dau. Dr. John E. Owens and Alithea S. (Jamar) Owens; grad. Miss Kirkland's School; m. In Grace Episcopal Church, Chicago. John Crerar; children: Marie Owens Crerar, Catherine Hatton Crerar. In- terested in philanthropic work in connection with St. Luke's Hospital for 15 or 20 years (has been pres. of board and of committees). Episcopalian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Scribblers' Club. CRESSLER, Isabel Bonbrake, Elmhurst Country School, R.D. 6, Connersvllle, Ind. Co-principal of private school; b. Chambers- burg, Pa., April 10, 1872; dau. Charles H. and Elizabeth Sager (Jones) Cressler; ed. Chamhers- burg public schools; Wilson Coll., B.A., Cham- bersburg, Pa.; Cornell Univ.; Chicago Art Inst. and Rome, Italy. Principal Latin School, Cham- bersburg; Wilson Coll. faculty (mathematical dep't; co-principal Roman School, Rome, Italy; co-principal Elmhurst School, Connersvllle, Ind.; vice-pres. and sec. Elmhurst School Corporation. Interested in education of girls. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Farming, driving, art. CREW, Helen Coale (Mrs. Henry Crew), 113 Davis St., Evanston, III. Writer; b. Baltimore, Md., 1866; dau. Thomas E. and Cecilia (Harvey) Coale; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A., '89; m. Baltimore. Md., 1890, Henry Crew; children: Alice, Mildred, William H. Author: .■Egean Echoes, 1911; stories, verses, essays in magazines. Mem. Drama Club of Evanston. Quaker. Favors woman suffrage. CREW, Miriam Donalson (Mrs. Ben Lee Crew), 615 West Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Bainbridge, Ga., Jan. 1, 1886; dau. John Ernest and Amelia (Pohlenan) Donalson; ed. Agnes Scott Coll. (mem. Prophylean Soc), Wash- ington Sem., Atlanta, and in Bremen, Germany; m. Bainbridge, Ga., April 3, 1907, Ben Lee Crew; one son: Benjamin Lee Jr. Recreations: Music, out-door sports. CRIPPEN, Caroline Winslow (Mrs. G. B. Crip- pen), Worcester, Otsego Co., N.Y. Born Oneonta, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1871; dau. Russel Brownell and Martha (Gile) Winslow; ed. Oneonta State Normal School (mem. Agonlan Sorority); m. Mllford, N.Y., Aug. 3, 1896, George Blgelow Crlppen. Active in choir and Sunday- school. Sec Worcester Free Library Ass'n (chairman of Book Com.). Congregatlonallst. .Mem. Schenevus Chapter Order of Easter^i Star, Fortnightly Club of Worcester. CRISPIN, Emma Fowler Weeks (Mrs. Franklin Mitchell Crispin), 1012 Spruce St., Phila- delphia, Pa- Born Pittsburgh, Pa. ; dau. Joseph Dame and Martha Jane (Fowler) Weeks; ed. Rye (N.Y.) Sem.; Goucher Coll., Baltimore, B.A.; Kinder- garten Coll., Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Pittsburgh, April 26, 1905, Franklin Mitchell Crispin. En- gaged as kindergartner until marriage. Mem. Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Gen Robert Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Gen. Robert delphia Chapter of Goucher Alumnae Ass'n, Theta Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. Recreations: Golf, bridge whist, tennis. Mem. Overbrook Golf Club, College Club, Charlotte Cushman Club, Treble Clef Club. Has a notable collection of matter relating to actors and singers, which she has been collecting for 15 years. CRirClIER, Catharine Carter, The Woodley, Washington, D.C. Artist; b. In Westmoreland Co., Va. ; dau. Judge John and Elizabeth (Whiting) Critcher; ed. Arlington Inst., Va. Received bronze medal 216 CRITCHLEY— CROMPTON from Cooper Union, N.Y. ; gold medal from Cor- ished and made dfebut In MontBomery, Ala.; coran School of Art; honorable mention, Julian's m. June 24, 1885, J. Shlles Crockett of Princeaa School In Paris; pres. Am. Woman's Art Ass'n Anne, Md. ; one daughter: Margaret, b. 1892, at of Paris; founder and originator of Cours Cumberland, Md. Organized and Is pres. Civic Crltcher (a school of painting in Paris). Now Club of Pocomoke: State pres. Woman's Nat. instructor of painting In Corcoran School of Art, Rivers and Harbors Congress; organized Sun- Washington, D.C. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. of shine Soc. in Pocomoke; chairman Edgar Allen Washington Artists, , Am. Woman's Club, N.Y. ; Poe Ass'n of Worcester Co.; chairman Francis the Federation of Fine Arts Soc, Nat. Geo- Scott Key Ass'n for Worcester Co.; mem. Con- graphic Soc. sumers' League, Am. Forestry Ass'n; chairman CRITCHLEY, Bertha May, 235 Forest St., Cleve- ?J Home and School League of Pocomoke. land Ohio Honorary director Woman's Hospital of Mary- Teac'her; b. Cleveland, Ohio; grad. Cleveland land, Baltimore. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. (Ohio) High School, '83; Vassar Coll., A.B. '87; Home and Foreign Mssionary Societies King's graduate work In Cornell Univ., 1897-99; Univ. of Daughters; mem. Shakespeare Club of Princess Wis., 1899-1900. Teacher In St. Louis, Mo., 1887- ^^^^- Recreation: Reading, music, fancy work. 89; High School, Cleveland, 1889-97, and again CROCKETT, Esther M., 164 Parkside Av.. since 1900. Brooklyn, N.Y. CRITTENDEN, Wsla Allen-name, "Mrs. Schuyler Crownln- shleld): All Among the Lighthouses; The Ignoramuses; Where the Trade Wind Blows; Plucky SmallB; Latitude Nineteen Degrees; The Archbisho'p and the Lady; Valencia's oirden; San Isidro. CROXALL, Agrnes Brown (Mrs. Morris Le Grand Croxall), Box 51, Rockville, Md., or care Dis- bursing Clerk, U.S. Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. Born Washington, D.C; dau. John Sullivan and Bmellne (Brown) Croxall; ed. in mu.sic and languages by private instructors and holds Nor- mal School diploma; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 17, 1903, Morris Le Grand Croxall. Interested in all re- ligious, social and philanthropic matters; mem. Y.W.C.A., Washington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Mont- gomery Co., Maryland. Co-editor (with Miss Kate Mason Rowland) in bringing out The Journal of Julia LeGrand, New Orleans, 1861-63 (published 1911) ; contributor to Press. Epieco- palian. Regent Janet Montgomery Chapter, D.A.R.; mem. United Daughters of the Confeii- eracy. League of Am. Pen Women, Nat. Genea- logical Soc. (chairman Membership Com.), Colo- nial Dames. Recreations: Music, reading, mo- toring, gardening, civics, etc. Second vlce-pres. of the Woman's Club of Bethesda, Md. State chairman D.A.R. for marking Braddock Trail through Maryland, chairman Md. Soc. for Pres- ervation of Historic Spots, Nat. Soc. D.A.R. and State chairman for Ocean to Ocean Highway over the Old Trails. CRUIKSHANK, Katharine Adams (Mrs. Robert J. Cruikshank), 21 Hackfeld Road, Worcester. Mass. Teacher; b. Loiwell, Mass., April 21, 1.^62; dau. Charles A. and Annette (Sawyer) Adams; ed. Lowell and Worcester schools; Worcester High School, '81; State Normal School at Worcester '85, Cornell Univ., special student, 1894-95; m. (1st) Dec. 25, 1886. Lester T. Crook (divorced 1892); (2d) April 16, 1901, Robert J. Cruikshank; children: Stuart Adams Crook, David Gordon Cruikshank, Rosamond Cruikshank. Taught in Mass. schools for eight years. Mem. First Uni- versalist Church for 32 years. Recreations: Dancing, cards, reading, walking, music. Mem. Woman's Club of Worcester, Mothers' Child Study Circle. CRUMB, Geneva, 5463 Maple Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born Bloomfleld, Mo., 1872; dau. D. Starks and Ellen (Peck) Crurttb; ed. Kirkwood Sem., Hos- mer Hall and Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97 (mem. Shakespeare Soc). Assistant to father in real estate business. Has held office and done active work In Neighborhood House (settlement); has managed local lectures by Admiral Peary and Admiral Evans. Has written a few newspaper articles, chiefly championing the cause of Ad- 220 CRUNDEN— CULVER miral Peary In the polar controversy. Mem. Club, ZanesviUe. Writer and interpreter of ra- Grad. Council of Wellesley Coll., Eliot Branch rious dialects, including that of the Middle West, Nat. Alliance of Unitarian and Other Liberal negro dialect, and the speech of the mountain Christian Women, Civic League of St. Louis, whites of the South. Soc. for Prevention of Tuberculosis, Wellesley „,._ uit-dtu/^-vt d ■■ ^~ij„„ii /•«■_ r„^^ -Ma™ Con. Alumnae Ass'n, Hosmer Hail Alumnse ^VJ^^^Y™•nP^ <,.5po i^^ 4?^^ w w,1.h' Ass'n, Consumers' League, Wellesley Club of *°LS^"'^^'^^^°°^' ^*^* '^"'"'^^ ^^' ^•^- ^'^^' St. Louis, College Club of St. Louis, Wednesday iV5j° '™!l'„^'i„™ -nr it.. i?,j, oo lec-?. a^„ £'al ^S^lt\Ii^r """^^ ^""""^^^ "^"- Ja^n?e?Yrr^l!l'L^d ^^ar^y^Tra^vt" (N^e'wilfJ) <^l iiquai bunrage i^eague. ^^jj (gcotch-Irish and English Quaker descent; CBUNDEX, Elizabeth Chittenden (Mrs. Frank direct descendant from Hon. Francis Yarnall of Payne Crunden), 4426 Westminster Place, St. the Provincial Legislature of Pa., 1744-48); ed. Louis, Mo. Hollldaysburg (Pa.) Female Sem.; grad. State Bom Keokuk, la., June 21, 1865; dau. A. B. Normal School, Fairmont, W.Va., '76; Wheeling and Elizabeth Talcott (Bates) Chittenden; ed. Female Coll. (valedictorian), '77; m. Bangkok, Keokuk High School; m. Keokuk, la.. Aug. 25, Indo-China, Jan. 9, 1880, Rev. John Newton 1886, Frank Payne Crunden; children: Walter Culbertson, Presbyterian minister; children: Morgan, b. June, 1887; Mary, b. June, 1890; Agnes Breckenridge, Keren Whlttier, John Travis Elizabeth Bates, b. Sept., 1892; Arthur Chitten- M., Helen Wilson, Robert C, Gladys Isabel, den, b. Nov., 1894; George Fauchon, b. 1898; Taught in Wheeling Female Coll., one year; in Catherine, b. 1903. Mem. Ethical Soc., Wednes- 1878 went as missionary, under Presbyterian day Club, Social Service Conference, Artists' Board of Missions, to Indo-<;hina, and was for Guild, Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Civic League, two years principal of the Girls' Boarding School Colonial Daughters, Daughters of Governors, at Bangkok, Siam; owing to her ill health the pres. St. Louis Equal Suffrage League. family returned to America, 1881; located in S.Dak., where a hoine mission church was estab- CUDEBACH, Edith E. (Mrs. G. L. Cudebach), ngiied in charge of her husband and herself; 112 Colorado Av., Lorain, Ohio. resident of Washington, D.C., since 1887, where Club woman; b. Lake Breeze, O., Jan. 31. 1874; jg active in religious and philanthropic work, dau. Arthur and Fannie (Smith) Austin; grad. pj.gg woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of Pres- Lorain High School 1893; m. Lorain County, bytery of Washington City; pres. Woman's Jan. 6, 1897, Capt. G. L. Cudebach. Teacher of loter-Denomlnational Missionary Union of Dist. a Sunday-school class of high school girls for gf Columbia since 1906; mem. Exec. Boards of past 10 years. Favors woman suffrage. Con- Anti- Saloon League, W.C.T.U., and for several gregationalist. Mem. Woman's Ass'n of the years past has been vice-pres. Mothers' Con- Congregational Church, Social Settlement Or- g^^gg ^^ j^ q Especially active in efforts to pro- gant^ation, the Public Library Board. Recrea- „o(.g interdenominational Christi^ unity, tion: Trips up the Lak^. Clubs: The Lorain Writer for religious press; translator of German Sorosis (pres. 1911-12), The Round Table (con- Action, notably: Sunnyheart's Trial; A Christmas ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Cudebach). Story for Children, translated from the German CCINET, r. Adele, 152 Henry St., Brooklyn. N.T. of Emily von Rhoden, which ran as a serial in Dental surgeon; b. Hoboken, N.J., 1860; dau. the Lutheran Observer, 1910. Recreation: L. Constant and Zenobia (Humbert) Cuinet; Music. grad. Model School, Trenton, N.J., '81, Pa Coll. CULBEBTSON, Eliza Mary. Post Bldg., Apple- of Dental Surgery, D.D.S. '85; delegate to Dental ^^^ -^ig Convention, World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. Lee- Physician; b. Grenville, Wis., Feb. 11, 1866; tured for several years to Nurses of Memorial ^^u. John and Rachel Esther (Prentice) Cul- Hospital for Women and Children; lecturer on bertson; ed. Oshkosh Normal School, Am. hygiene of mouth and care of teeth. Author school of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo. (mem. of various articles for newspapers and maga- j^^^ Club). Treas. of Wis. State Osteopath zines. EpiscopaUan. Mem. 2d District Dental ^^.^ g^^g^ years; mem. Nat. Ass'n, State Ass'n Soc. of N.Y. City; vice-pres. Memorial Dis- ^^^^ „j tljg p^,^ ^iiveT Valley Ass'n. Leader Ftnsary for Women and Children. Mem. Phy- Health Culture Club of Appleton. Mem. sicians and Surgeons branch of the Woman s Deborah Rebekah Lodge, No. 13. Favors wo- Political Equality League, Women's Suffrage j^^n suffrage. Party, Woman's Political Union, People's Equal- ity League of Brooklyn. Recreations: Travel- CCLBEBT80N, Emma V. P. B., 33 Newbury St., Ing and week-ends in country home at Valley Boston, Mass. Stream, L.I. Physician; b. New Albany, Ind., Dec. 2, 1854; rr-T Kw-Rsri^' Mrs «;horwnec. 16, 1868; dau. Writer author reader; b. ZanesvUle, Ohio; Morton and Eugenia Marcey (Taylor) Culver; daughter of Surgeon Howard Culbertson, U.S.A., ed. Glencoe public school; Northwestern Prepara- and Marie Louise (Safford) Culbertson; grad. tory, Evanston, 111., also Evanston School; HI. Putnam Sem., Zanesville. Made d^but as author Med. Coll., Chicago; lU. School of Llectro- and reader at house of Postmaster General Therapeutics. Chicago; Mary Thompson Hospital Wanamaker, and since then has appeared in School for Nurses. Upon receiving M^. took all the principal cities, at many Chautauquas, the interneship in Mary 'Thompson Hospital, before prominent clubs, and in private salons, after which became mem. of the staff. Health reading her own productions In prose and verse, commissioner of Glencoe. Pres. of Altar truua Favors woman suffrage. Books: Lays of a of St. Elizabeth, Glencoe; pres. of Woman s Wandering Minstrel; At the Big House; Banjo Auxiliary of St. Elizabeth, Glencoe. Favors wo- Talks; contributor to various magazines and man suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman s periodicals. Episcopalian. Mem. The All Around Library Club of Glencoe, IlL CULVER— CUNNINGHAM 221 CULVER, Helen, Lake Forest, 111. 1871, Willoughby Cummlnga. Sec. Nat. Coun- PhilantJiroplst; b. UtUe Valley, N.Y.; dau. cil of Women of Canada; convener of Internat. Lyman and Ehneliza (Hull) Culver; ^ad. Ran- Council at Toronto In June, 1909. Writer for ten dolph Acad., N.T., 1853; established private years on editorial staff of Toronto Globe, also school at Sycamore, 111., 1853; principal primary Canadian Magazine. Managing editor of omciai school and teacher in grammar and high schools, organ of the Women's Missionary Soc. oi tne Chicago, 1854-61; matron Military Hospital at Church of England in Canada. Recreations: Murfreesboro, Tenn., under the Sanitary Com- Photography, bookbinding. First Canadian wo- mlsalon, 1863; entered reaJ estate business with man to receive an honorary degree from a cana- her relative, Charles J. Hull, of Chicago, 1868. dian Univ., King's Univ. (Nova Scotia) and after his death. In 1895, built and endowed having given her the degree of D.C.L. in sept., the Hull Biological Laboratories of the Univer- 1911, at the same time that honorary degrees slty of Chicago; also founded the Helen Culver were conferred uPon , t^^e Bishop of London Fund for Race Psychology, 1910. Trustee of Hull (England), Judge Macdonald, Hubert Castleton House Ass'n from Us organization In 1898. and others. Favor.? woman suffrage. CUMMINGS, Lucretia Stow Cummlngs, Plants- CUMTNGS, Mrs. Henry HarrUon, Tldloute, War- vlUe, Conn. >, ,„ ^, ren Co Pa, Born Southlngton, Conn.; ed. In schools or Born Rome, N.Y., April 25, 1846; dau. Andrew Plantsvllle, Conn ; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Jackson and Sarah (Rue) Sink; ed. public Kappa), '74; m. PlantsviUe, Conn Oct 18, 187fa. schools of Rome and Chicago, 111.; m. Brooklyn, WUliam H. Cummings; two daughters, two sons. N.Y., Apr. 17, 1857, Henry Harrison Cumings; Editor of weekly paper 1875-76; sup t of schools, children: Sadie C, Ralph H., Laura F., Ben- Southington, Conn., 1906-07. Jamln Rue, Abigail L. Communicant of Eplsco- CCMMTNGS, Mabel Homer, 71 Beacon St,, Bos- pal Church. Much Interested and active In ton, Mass. D.A.R., of which Is now State Regent of Pa. Principal of private school; b. Cambridge, Mem. Com. of Nat. Highway from Coast to Mass., March 28, 1872; dau. Charles H. and Har- Ooast. Mem. and past dep't pres. Woman's Re- riet Eliza;beth (Whiting) Cummings; grad. Brook- llef Corps (has held some Nat. offices). Ex. nne High School, 1891, Smith Coll., B.A. '95. mem. Andersonville Prison Board. EJplscopallan. Teacher Chestnut Hill School, Brookline, Mass., Mem. Shakespeare Literary Club, Tidioute, (Pa.) 1895-1901, and 1902-08; principal preparatory dep't Nat Council of Women, Killomel Club (musi- Vollman School, Boston, 1908-09; associate prln- cal), Warren, Pa., Mendelssohn Club (music) dpai Classical School for Girls, Boston, Mass., of Tldloute, Pa. 1909-11; principal Classical School for Girls, CtTMMIN, £llen Pearson (Mrs. Robert Irvin 1911-12; principal Miss Cummings' School, since Cummin), 902 Summers St., Dayton, O. 1912. Author: Asgard Stories. Mem. Collegiate Born MeadviUe, Pa., Dec. 10, 1849; dau. Gay- Alumnae, Nat. Geographic Soc. lord and Anna (Pearson) Churcti; ed. private CUMMTNGS, M»ry Angrnsta (Marston) (Mrs. schools, Meadvllle, Pa., and Riverdale, N.Y. ; m. Robert Fowler Cummings), 5135 Madison Av., Meadvllle, Pa., June 15, 1881, Robert Irvln Chicago, 111. Cummin; children: Oaylord Church, Edith Born New London, Conn., July 8, 1855; dau. Pearson, Hart, Pearson Church. Has been as- Sanford Kingsbury and Sarah (Field) Marston; Bociated with various religious, social and phil- ed. Grand Prairie Sem., Onarga, 111.; m. July anthroplc activities, and six years treas. and g, 1874, Robert Fowler Cummings; children: Le- inem. Board of Managers of Dayton (O.) nore, Marion Marston, Austin Benjamin, Flor- Y.W.C.A. Episcopalian. Mem. Dayton Country gnce, Irene, Marston. Active in civic and phil- Club, Dayton City Club. Against woman anthroplc departments In church and clubs. Fa- suffrage, vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republi- CUMMING, EUen King, Fredonla, N.Y. can. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Arch4 Club, Teacher; b. Fredodia, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Travel Class (pres. 4 years), D.A.R., Daughters Fredonia N.Y.. and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi of Founders and Patriots of America, Chicago Beta Kappa), '96. Teacher Schuylerville, N.Y., Colony of New England Women (1st pres. and 1897-98; Saratoga, N.Y., 1898-99; Plalnfleld, N.J., now officer), Friendly Aid Soc. Served 2 years 1900-09 ■ as chairman of a com. on State Board of 111. CUMMTNG. Mary Gairdner (Mrs. Bryan Cum- Federation of Women's Clubs, ming), The Hill, AugTjsta, Ga. CCNNTNG, Edith May Klett (Mrs. George Albert Bom Elberton, Ga., 1866; dau. Charles Shaler Cunning), Las Ammas, Colo. ^ ^ , ^ and Mary Gordon (GaLrdner) Smith; ed. Mary Superintendent of schools; b. Colorado; ed. Inst.. St Louis, Mo.; m. The Hill, Augusta, Ga., Univ. of Colorado, 1904-06; Northwestern Univ., 1889 Bryan Cummlng; children: Mary Shaler, Evanston, 111., 1906-07; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-08: Joseph Bryan Jr. Interested in social and phil- m. 1909, George Albert Cunning. Sup't of public anthroplc work and in sociological questions, instruction of Bent County, Colorado, 1908-11. concentrates energies on Children's Hospital CUNNING, Kate Disher (Mrs. C. E. Cunning), (pres.), also a library and tea room, conducted 334 m. sixth St., New Philadelphia, O. for the benefit of the hospital and known as Former teacher; b. New PhUadelphia, 0., Aug. Crantord Club (pres.). Episcopalian. Democrat. 7, igsj; dau. John and Martha (Parrish) Disher; Recreations: Golf, general society, music Mem. grad. Philadelphia Union School, '76; taught In Country Club. same for seven years; m. Uhrichsville, O., June CUMMTNGS, Aima 8., Marshall College, Hunt- 21, 1883, C. B. Cunning; children: Helen L. Ington, W.Va, (wife of Rev. J. E. Welnland), Benjamin W. Teacher; b. Fairfax, Vt, 1860; dau. Mark A. (actor). Vice-pre«. Woman's Foreign Missionary and Jane A. (Park) Cummings; ed. Ck>lby Univ., Soc. of M.E. Church, New Philadelphia, O. A.B., A.M.; grad. study Leland SUnford Jr. Pres. New Philadelphia Auxiliary to Union Hos- Univ., Univ. of Grenoble. Sorbonne Univ. of pital. Mem. Public Library Trustee Board (six- Paris (Sigma Kappa). Private and high school year term). Union Missionary Charity Board, teacher until 1893; six years as lady principal at Y.W.C.A. Exec. Com. Moravian. Recreation: Vt. Acad., Saxton's River, Vt. ; nine years as Reading. Pres. Buckeye Club. Favors woman head of training dep't, Marshall Coll., Hunting- suffrage. ton, W.Va.; State Institute Instructor for W.Va.; CUNNINGHAM, Anna, Smyrna, Del. public speaker on educational questions. Mem. Born In Delaware; dau. Dr. John H. and D.A.R., Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, State sarah Elizabeth (Catts) Cunningham, grand- Labor Ass'n, State Educational Ass'n, Nat daughter of Gen. John W. Cunningham (general Educational Ass'n. Mem. Huntington Woman's in war of 1812) and great-granddaughter of Capt Club. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. Allan Cunningham of the Revolutionary Army, CUMMINGS, Emily (Mrs. WUloughby Cum- who was a graduate of Trinity Coll., Dublin, mlngs). 44 Dewson St., Toronto. and came to America in 1765; ed. in Delaware. Born Port Hope, Canada; dau. Rev. Dr. Jona- Has written short history of Delaware. Mem. than and Isabel (Harper) Shortt; ed. Port Hope United SUtes Daughters of 1812 (registrar, 1902-11, and Montreal private schools; m. Port Hope, for the State of Delaware), Bridge Club, VfhleA 222 CUNNINGHAM— CURTIS Club. Recreations: Music, theatre. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. CUKNTNGHAJVI, Georgia Lee (Mrs. A. D. Cun- ning-ham), 5865 Von Versen St., St. Louis, Mo. Professional singer and teacher; b. Palmyra, Mo.; dau. Woodruff Lee and wife (nee Alls- man); ed. St. Paul's Coll., Palmyra, Mo.; studied singing under Mme. Mathilde Marchesi In Paris, France, 1894; m. St. Louis, Mo., A. D. Cunning- ham; one son: Albert Lee (actor, N.Y. City). Sung in grand opera. Concerts Ovatione; sung at the symphony concerts at St. Louis World's Fair, 1904; has appeared in many concerts for charities. Teacher of the art of singing. Episco- palian Recreation: Golf. CUNNINGHAM, Helen M. Benedict (Mrs. John S. Cunningham), 1919 St. Albans, W.Va. Bom in Pennsylvania; ed. Mrs. Phelps' School, Baltimore; children: Evelyn, Helen, John, Har- old. Identified with religious, social and philan- thropic activities. Episcopalian. Pres. Thursday Literary Club of Federation. Aided her late brother, Franli Lee Benedict, the novelist, with suggestions and criticism. At present exerts the leading influence in the Prohlbtion Dep't of "1919," a journal edited by her son, John Bene- dict Cunningham, whose chief public benefit design is the political coalition of prohibition, labor unions, socialism and woman suffrage. CUNNTNGHAIH, Ida Cary (Mrs. Charles Greely Cunningham), Heath Hill, Brookline, Mass. Born Boston, Mass., Sept. 14, 1853; dau. Will- iam Aylwin and Cynthia (Johnson) Cary; ed. in Boston private schools; m. (1st) 1876, Sydney Heath of Brookline, MaSiS. ; one son: Reginald Cary Heath; (2d) Charles Greely Cun- ningham. Mem. of many humanitarian societies, Anti-Vivisection, Animal Rescue League, Mil- lennium Guild and others. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. of Eixec. Board Brookline Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Progressive. Descendant of John Cotton of the First Church of Boston (1612) and Robert Treat Paine, signer of Declara- tion of Independence, and of James Cary (came to America 1639). CUNNINGHAM, Mary Ann (Mrs. James Cun- ningham), 727 Third Av., New Westminster, B.C. Born St. Thomas, Ont., July 19, 1841; dau. William and Mary Ann (Pugh) Woodman; ed. St. Thomas Central and Grammar Schools; m. New Westminster, B.C., James Cunningham; children: Herbert: Fred, Maud, Alice and Frances. Was teacher in St. Thomas Central School two years. Mem. Queen's Av. Methodist Church, New Westminster, since June, 1862, and ever since teacher in its Sunday-school, which gave her a jubilee June, 1913; since 1883 officer in provincial and local W.C.T.U. (pres., cor. sec, treas., rec. sec. and first vice-pres.); also pres. and sec. of other societies; Ladies Aid, Woman's Mission Soc, Woman's Council, Woman's Hos- pital Board; Methodist Church class leader, mis- sion worker; director and hon. pres. Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of newspaper articles and personal sketches for publication in pamphlet form. Mem. Canadian Methodist Church; municipal voter for over 20 years. Mem. Political EJquality League; sup't Franchise Dep't New Westminster local W.C.T.U. Recreations: Reading, writing, walking, riding, visiting. Mem. Educational Club. Founder and eight years pres. Managing Board of Women's Hospital (under auspices of local W.C.T.U.), now amal- gamated with the Columbian Hospital. For IG years with another lady visited and preached to the prisoners in the New Westminster jail, hold- ing regular Sunday afternoon services in the jail chapel. CUNNINGHAM, Zella May (Mrs. Edgar Wright Cunningham), Larlmore, N. Dak. Club pres.; b. Fairbury, 111., Aug. 9, 1875; dau. Samuel Lazzell and Alice (Vergin) Ram- sey; ed. Jacksonville (111.) Female Coll., '93; m. Jacksonville, 111., Dec. 30, 1896, Edgar Wright Cunningham; one son: Emory Lazzell. Identi- fied with Presbyterian church work. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Pres. Tuesday Club, Larimore, N.D. ; chairman Conservation Com., N.D. Feder- ation of Women's Clubs. Mem. Civic League of Larimore. Resident of N.D. from 1905. CURRIE, Emma Augrusta (Mrs. James George Currie), 9S King St., St. Catharines, Ontario, Can. Born Niagara-on-the-Lake, Nov. 19, 1829; dau. Ursen and Caroline (Hamlin) Harvey; ed. David's public school; Miss Sibbald's private school eight months; East Bloomfield (N.Y.) Acad., two years; Canandaigua (N.Y.) Sem., one year; m. Brockport, N.Y., Oct. 25, 1865, James George Currie. Author of Laura Ingersoll Secord and Canadian Reminiscences, first edition, 1901; second, 1913. Presbyterian. Mem. Wo- man's Literary and Historical Club; one of the founders of the St. Catherines (Ont.) Orphans' Home. Favors woman suffrage. Liberal in politics. CURRY, Adeline Jones Spencer (Mrs. Charles Henry Curry), 5 Von Lent Place, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Pittsburgh, Pa. ; dau. Charles Hart and Mary (Acheson) Spencer; ed. Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ; Bryn Mawr Coll. ; m. Pitts- burgh, June 3, 1905, Charles Henry Curry; chil- dren: Henry Milo, Charles Henry, Spencer Curry. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Allegheny C'Ountry Club, Pittsburgh Golf Club. CURRY, Mrs. Edwin Rue, 1107 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. Born near Danville, 111. ; dau. George Levi ana Matilda A. (Rue) Caldwell; ed. Cameron, Mo.; m. Kansas City, Mo., Dr. E. R. Curry. Founder and pres. Community Center, organized Nov., 1911; pres. Kansas City Chapter Internat. Sun- shine , Soc. ; board mem. Council of Clubs for Civic and Social Betterment; mem. com. religious dep't Y.W.C.A. ; life mem. Nat. Good Roads Ass'n. Led first campaign for suffrage in Mo., 1912. Author of tracts for social centers, suf- frage and children's summer vocational school work. Presbyterian. Progressive in politics. Mem. High Cost of Living Convalescing Com. (charter mem.), Women's Loan Co. (scholar- ships for girls and hoys as a loan). Recreation: Bowling. CURTIS, Alice Turner • (Mrs. I. CurUs), 66 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Author; b. Sullivan, Me.; dau. J. Vinal and Susan A. (Spear) Turner; ed. in public schools of Maine and Massachusetts; m. Boston, May 20, 1895, Irving Curtis. Salaried cor^^ributor to Youth's * Companion. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Grandpa's Little Girl; Anne Nelson; The Little Runaways; Marjorie's Way, and short stories in Century Magazine. Mem. D.A.R. (Tea Party Chapter, Boston). Recreations: Reading, walking, housekeeping. Mem. New England Women's Club, Boston. CURTIS, Anna Louise, Swarthmore, Pa,; homo, 512 E. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. City. Assistant to registrar, Swarthmore Coll. ; b. Willoughby, O., Aug. 15, 1882; dau. Grove D. and Lillian (Tryon) Curtis; grad. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '04; won two oratorical contests. In addi- tion to work as registrar's assistant, does the proofreading and some of the editorial work on The Speaker (a quarterly) and The Public Speaking Review (monthly), published from Swarthmore. Favors woman suffrage. Author of a brief history of the Lyceum, published as part of Who's Who in the Lyceum. Mem. Society of Friends. Recreations: Tennis, read- ing. CURTIS, Anna liOniee Anderson (Mrs. Chauncey Warren Curtis), Newcastle, Wyo. Born Kincardin, Ont., Not. 14, 1877; dau. Alexander and Eliza A. (Atchison) Anderson; grad. Ft. Morgan (Colo.) High School, '97; m. Deadwood, S.Dak., Mar. 25, 1899, Chauncey War- ren Curtis. Presbyterian. Republican. Recrea- tions: Out-door sports, horseback riding, skating, autoing, basket-making. Mem. Twentieth Cen- tury Club, Weston County Library Club. Favors woman suffrage. CURTIS 223 CUBTIS, Constance, 331 W. Seventy-sixth St., CURTIS, Isabel Gordon (Mrs. Francis Curtis) N.T. City. The Woodley, Washington, D.C. Artist; b. Washington, D. C; dau. Edward Author; b. Huntly, Aberdeenshire Scotland and Augusta L. (Stacey) Curtis; ed. in N.Y. April 24, 1803; dau. Peiter and Elizabeth (Ragg) City, Art Students' League. Exhibited at Gordon; ed. Gordon School Huntly Milne's Paris Exposition, St. Louis World's Fair, at Acad., Fochabers, Scotland'; m. Springfield London and In principal art exhibitions in U.S. Mass., Aug. 6, 1896, Frances Curtis Came to Pres. Art Workers* Club for Women. Episco- America, 1886, entered newspaper work in palian. Mem. Art Students' League of N.Y., Springfield, Mass., continuing the profession Women's Municipal League, Women's Political until marriage. Did editorial work on husband's Union. Favors woman suffrage. paper In Binghamtcn, N.Y., four years; became CURTIS, Elizabeth, 27 W. 47th St., N.Y. City associate e<3itor on Good Housekeeping" In 1900. (summer, York Harbor, Me.). Seven years later went on the editorial staff of Artist; b. N.Y. City; dau. William Edmond Success Magazine. Has done much work upon (chief justice of the Superior Court in N.Y. City) magazines— short stories, interviewing and spe- and Mary Ann (Scovill) Curtis. Studied under ("ial articles; has now relinquished editorial con- William M. Chase, John Twatchman and Claude nections to devote time to fiction and short- MoneL Exhibited at Am. Artists in N."i. City story writing. Author: The Making of a House- and Pennsylvania Acad, of Pine Arts, Philadel- wife; The Woman from Wolverton; Old Luce; phia. The Lapse of Enoch Wentworth. Against CURTIS, Elnora Whitman, Elgelow Hill, Wor- ^oman suffrage, cester, Mass. CUBTIS, I.aara Elizabeth (Mrs. E. L. Curtis) Bom in Worcester, Mass., daughter of Ed- 91 Linden St., New Haven, Conn, win Prentice and Harriet Augusta (Bigelow) Born St. Helena, Cal., Nov. 27, 1859- dau Ben Curtis; ed. Worcester public schools and Burn- E. S. and Elizabeth E. (McEIroy) Ely grad ham School, Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., Roekford ColL, '81; m. April 27 1882 Edward B.A. '92; Clark Univ., M.A. '08, Ph.D. '10. Au- Lewis Curtis, Ph.D. (prof, of Hebrew' and Old thor: The Dramatic Instinct in Education, Sept., Testament Theology in Yale Univ)- children- 1908 (Pedagogical Seminary) ; Out-Door Schools Elizabeth Eudora, Margaret, Edward Ely Laura (Pedagogical Seminary, June, 1909); The Ameri- Dorothea. Interested in fo'reign mission's hav- can City, Dec., 1909, and Jan., 1910. ing been vice-pres. New Haven Branch of CUBTIS, Emma Ghent (Mrs. James Curtis), f^® Woman's Board of Foreign Missions, also Cyanide Av., Cafion City, Colo. Interested in philanthropic work, and in the Bom Frankfort, Ind., May 18, 1860; dau. Ira ^°°°- J^^f' °* Women's Clubs (former mem. K. and Mary (Palmer) Ghent; grad. of Frank- ^^ec. B d). Against woman suffrage. Ckingre- fort (Ind.) High School, class of '77; m. Canon sationallst. Mem. Study Club of New Haven. City, Jan. 2, 1882, James Curtis (ranchman); CURTIS, Mabel Gaip, 49 A Trowbrldee St Cam children: Benjamin K., Mary M. For three bridge, Mass. ^roworiage bt.. uam years was commissioner of Colo. State Industrial Teacher of Latin; b. Boston 1866- dau Nelson School for Boys. Favors woman suffrage; was and Jane E. (Gilbert) Curtis- ed Ne-wton Mass • active in campaign that brought woman suffrage Wellesley Coll., B.A. '90 '(mem Phi 'sigma)' to Colorado. Author (novels): The Fate of a Sec. of Boston Wellesley College Club- chair Fool; The Administratrix; also many poems and man of Program Com. of Somerville '(Mass) short stories in different periodicals. Progressive. Teachers' Club; chairman of directors of Deni Interested In raising flowers. Mem. of one neigh- son House; pres. of class of 1890 Welleslev borhood historical and literary club, all members Doing research work for Women's Appointment being ranch women. Bureau of Educational and Industrial" Union CUBTIS, Frances (Mrs. Thomas Pelham CXir- Boston; mem. College Settlement Ass'n, Classical tis), 447 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Ass'n of New England, Boston Wellesley College Born San Francisco, CaL, 1871; dau. Gen. M. Club, CJollege Club of Boston, Somerville P. Small, U.S.A., and Mary (PraU) Small; Teachers' Clu*. Recreations: Skating snow- m. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 4, 1892, Thomas Pel- shoemg, tramping, theatre, concerts ' opera ham Curtis; children: Clarissa, T. J., H. Pel- Oongregationaliet. Against WMnan suffrage' ham. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Boston Progressive In politics. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Exec. Board Mass. Suf- CURTIS. Mrs. Nannie Webb Waco Ta^ frage Ass'n, Ways and Means Com. of Woman Lecturer; b. Hardin Co Texas ISfii- rtai, t?c^- Suflrage Party; leader of Ward U, Boston. d. J. and ' Julia Ann (CouchHui?^ ' ed publ c CUBTIS, Georgrina Pell, 5000 N. Ashland Av., schools of Mississippi and North Texas 'Female Chicago, HI. Coll., Sherman, Tex.; m. (1st) 1881, W J Webb- Author; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 19, 1859; dau. Alfred <2'il 1S93, I. S. Curtis; children- W Earl Webb Leonard and Maria Elizabeth (Hill) Curtis; ed. Roy Orson Webb, Clyde Lee Webb Entered thp St Mary's (P.E.) School, N.Y., grad. with hon- service of the W.C.T.U., 1900 as s'tate organizer ors. Author: Trammelings; The Romance of a for Texas W.C.T.U. ; was made national Chap- Book. Editor: Some Roads to Rome in ganlzer and lecturer, 1907; was elected 1909 and Amea-ica; The American Catholic Who's Who. still is pres. of Texas W.C.T.U Made a inem Catholic (convert). Contributed to The Catholic of the Sociological Conference', Nas-hville Tenn World, Ave Maria, The Messenger, Magnificat, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Mem 'Lincoln The Rosary, Harper's Bazar, and Harper's Young Lyceum, lecturing in Chatauqua on "Woman People. Recreation: Travel (coaching In Eu- Her Progress and Future" and "The Country's rope). Of Colonial Dutch and Mayflower de- Greatest Need"; mem. Internat Lyceum Ass'n scent; direct descendant of Peregrine White, Editor Texas White Ribbon, Austin- collaborator first white child bom after parents landed from Red Back medical journal, Austin Tex .Meiho the Mayflower. Also descended in direct line dist (South). Mem. Child Welfare Conference" from Jacobus Van De Water, mayor of New State sup't of temperance in IntemaHnnQi Amsterdam In 1673. Sunday-School Ass'n for Texas; Nat v^t-pres CURTIS, Ida Maynard, 26 Kinross Rd., Boston, W.C.T.U. ^^^ ^ K T ■ v o . ^ CUBTIS, NataUe. 33 W. 69th St., N Y Cltv Art teacher; b. Lewlsburg, Pa.; dau. Thomas Musician, author- b NY Cltv- fla,V nJ i:-^ Turner and Anne (Turner) Custer; ed. Boston ward Cnrtis a^d A.L (s'tlcef) Curtfs ' 5'- N^" schools and Cornell Univ. B.L. Commenced as City; studied music in VrAra I^a' n' '^- teacher of science, devoting much time to chem- and"' travel^ eX'slv ?y "^n'The Unlt^'T^?^ Istry, working gradually in art lines with 2 studying and collecting the -inn?., 7>f tho « r^^iJ^L±J'^!- r.^' ,ei^^.^^..-l£^'?!: India./^__I^ctured^^l?Ve'n^U.rrfor°/ ^fentlS^c of ex- 224 CURTISS— CUTLER ecutlre com. Dep't of Ethnology of the Brook- lyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Favors woman Suffrage. Author of The Indians' Book; con- tributor to magazines and periodicals. Mem. Am. Folk- Lore Soc. ; Am. Indian Ass'n, The MacDowell Club of N.Y. City. CURTISS, Alice Bond (Mrs. Walter L. Curtlss), Woodfast, Fort Erie, Ontario. Born Utica, N.Y. ; dau. James W. and Mary (Marshall) Bond; ed. Utica Sem., Wells Coll.; m. Utica, 1877, Walter L. Curtlss; children: James Bond, Emily Marshall, Margaret. Ac- tively interested in Canadian Woman's Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Cultivating flcwers and nature study. Mem. Buffalo Tues- day Study Club. CUKTISS. Tflmma Frances Pnrington (Mrs. Charles E. Curtiss), Rockford, S.Dak. Teacher; b. Embden, Me., 1854; dau. Elisha and Sarah C. (Williamson) Purington; ed. Hebron (Me.) Acad., '74; Wellesley Coll., B.A.; student of Staley School, Chicago, 1903; now stu- dent Landon Corr School of Art, Cleveland, O., and People's University., St. Louts, Mo.; m. Fairfield, Me., 1S88, Charles E. Curtiss. Taught six years in rural and high schools of Maine; five years instructor of Greek and Latin in both Hebron and Bridgton Academies, Maine; five years preceptress and instructor of Latin and mathematics in both the State Normal Sohool at Madison, S.Dak., and the State Normal at Weston, Ore.; instructor of Univ. Extension Courses in Clinton, Wis., and in Chicago; in- structor of private classes in history and litera- ture, Chicago. As club pres. and district vice- pres. became interested in various movements in Chicago for social betterment; was a mem. of com. working for compulsory education, vaca- tion schools, Juvenile court and other reforms. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; charter mem. Woman's National League. Active and hon. mem. of the Millard Av. Woman's Club of Chi- cago. Recreations: Nature sketches with brush and pencil, hoj-seback riding, long walks. Favors woman suffrage. CURTISS. liOta Norton (Mrs. C. L. Curtiss), 470 Lake Av., Manchester, N.H. Born East Hartford, Conn., Dec. 18, 1879; dau. Rev. William P. and Alice E. (Williams) Clancy; grad. Kim.ball Union Acad., '95; Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.A. '99; m. Northampton, Mass., June 23, 1905, Dr. Charles Lester Curtiss. Taught for five years in high school and business sohool. Mem. N.H. Mt. Hclyoke Alumnae Ass'n, New Century Club; sec. N.H. Settlement Ass'n; pres. Man- chester Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Progressive Party and College Equal Suffrage League of N.H. Congregation- aJlst Recreations: Golf, tennis, driving an auto, skating, playing piano. CCSHTNG, Eleanor Philbrook, 76 Elm St., North- ampton, Mass. College processor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '79, M.A. '82. Teacher Bath (Me.) High School, 1879-80; Miss Bangs' School, New Haven, Conn., 1880-81; prof, mathematics, Smith Coll., 1881-83; head mathematics dep't Smith Coll. since 1883. Pres. Smith Alumnae Ass'n, 1881-83. CUSHING, Mary Gertrude, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Teacher; b. Montreal, Canada, April 7, 1870; dau. Charles Breck and Mary Elizabeth (Chick) Gushing; ed. in private schools, Boston, Mass., Wellesley Coll., B.S. '92; M.A. '95; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '08; research work in Bibliothfeque Nationale, Paris. Teacher French and Latin, Walnut High School. Natlck, Mass., 1898-1900; instructor Hadley, Mass., 1905-08; asso. prof. 1908. Author (Ph.D. thesis): Pierre Le Tourneur, Con- gregationalist. Mem. New England Modern Lan- guage Ass'n; Alumnse Ass'n of Wellesley Coll., Phi Sigma Soc. of Welesley Coll., Intercollegiate Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Walking, boating, swimming, travel, housekeeping, gar- dening. Traveled extensively in Europe. CUSIIING, Nellie I. Ferrell (Mrs. Matthew Marble Cushlng), Cuehlng Ranch, Saratoga, Wyo. BocB. Columbus, O. ; dau. Charles B. and Mary E. (Brown) Ferrell; grad. Central Hlsh School, Columbus, O.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; m. Colum- bus, 0., June 5, 1906, Matthew Marble Gushing. While in Columbus actively interested in Fruit and Flower Guild and church work. After marriage home was in Brookline and in Fitch- burg, Mass. ; while there was a mem. of the Fitchburg Woman's Club, Alpine Golf Club; one of the directors and sec. of B'd of Direction of the Fitchburg Union Aid Home for Children; sup't Cradle Roll of Congregational Church. Mem. D.A.R. Congregationalist. Mem. Wash- ington Gladden Church in Columbus; mem. College Club ot Boston. Lives on ranch in Wyoming, wliere she is spending the greater part of her time. CUSITMAN, Ella B. Wylie (Mrs. William F. Cushman), 535 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Ophthalmic surgeon; b. Waterbury, Vt. ; dau. Julius Harrison and Emeline (Gilman) Joslyn; ed. Waterbury (Vt.) graded school; Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. '94; m., first, Northfield, Vt., April 29, 1874, A. T. Wylie; m., second, 1910, William F. Cushman, of Boston. Clinician at Trinity Dispensary four years; ass't clinician at Pope Dispensary, Boston, t"wo years. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Women's New England Hosp. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n., Nat. Geog. Soc, Nat. Automobile Ass'n, Women's Suffrage Ass'n, Women's Municipal League. Recreations: Travel, motoring, golf. Clubs: Professional Women's, Daughters of Vt. In 1896, while in London studying, was instrumeqtal in gaining for women medical graduates admit- tance and registration as students on an equal footing with men at the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hosp. CUSHMAIf, Jessie Bathbim Manley (Mrs. Blin Sill Cushman), 306 Elm St., Ithaca, N.Y. Farming; b. Jersey City, Nov. 12, 1870; dau. Adoniram Judson and Dorliska (Rathbun) Man- ley; ed. State Normal, Fredonia, N.Y., Cornell Univ., B.S. '96 (Alpha Phi); m. Dunkirk, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1897, Blin Sill Cushman; children: Rob- ert Alden, Margaret Alberton, Blin Sill. Has been instrumental in founding a cooperative home for Cornell women, known as the Cornell Alumnae Home Ass'n, also forming a Federation of Cornell Women's Clubs. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. of Progressive Party and delegate to Progressive State Convention at Syracuse. Mem. Ithaca Federation of Woman's Clubs, Child Study Club, Cornell Woman's Club, Alpha Phi Alumna Club, Cornell Campus Club. CUSHMAN, Lrncy D. C. (Mrs. Henry Irving Cush- man), 26 Pitman St., Providence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., Dec. 14, 1861; dau. Charles Earl and Adeline F. (Greene) Carpenter; ed. Providence public schools, English High School, Berlitz School of Languages; m. Provi- dence, July 27, 1S04, Henry Irving Cushman, D.D. Director and alto soloist of church choir; sup't of First Universallst Sunday-school, 1898- 1910; pres. ot Women's City Missionary Soc, 1905 — ; res. East Providence Branch of Needle- work Guild, 1911-13; mem., R.I. Women's Club since 1893, Arion Club; pres. R.I. State Fed. of Women's Clubs for term 1912-14. Recreations: Music, amateur dramatics. Universalist. CUTLER, Anna Alice, Tyler House, Smith Col- lege, Northampton, Mass. Prof, philosophy; b. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 24, 1864; dau. Evarts and Ellen (Knight) Cutler; ed. private schools, New Haven High School, Smith Coll.; Smith Coll., B.A. '85; M.A. '89; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '96. Held chair of philosophy Rockford Coll., 1892-93; Smith Coll. instructor, 1893-95, 1897-1902; assb. prof. 1902-05; full prof. 1905- Interested in activities of First Church, Northampton; Center Church, New Haven; Women's Board of Foreign Missions, also Y.W.C.A., S.P.C.C, Smith Students' Aid Soc, etc Has published only her Ph.D. thesis: "The Esthetic Factors in Kant's Theory of Knowl- edge, in Kantstudien, a German review, and has had one or two brief book reviews in the Philo- sophical Review. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Am. Philosophical Ass'n, Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Smith Coll. Alumns CtTTLER— DAFFAN 226 Ass'n. Mem Fortnightly Club of Northampton, Coll. Club, Boston; Women's Univ. Club, N,Y. CUTLER, Mary Goodnow (Mrs. Roland Rogers Cutler), South Sudbury, Mass. Born South Sudbury, Mass., Aug. 1, 1874; dau. Nahum and Isadore F. (Thompson) Goodnow; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; m. South Sudbury, Mass., Tune 24, 1908, Roland Rogers Cutler; children, Isadore Goodnow Cutler, b. Apr. 21, 1909; Roland Rogers Cutler, b. Sept. 19, 1910; Richard Thomp- son Cutler, b. Feb. 22, 1912. Interested in Congre- gational Church charities, missions, home and foreign. Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Club, College Club of Boston, Smith College AlumnsB Ass'n. CUTLER, Mary Helen, Mills College, Cal. Teacher; b. New Ipswich, N.H., Sept. 29, 1865; dau. Calvin and Sarah Daniels (Santord) Cutler; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '88; Radcliffe, M.A. '09 (mem. Shakespeare Soc, Wellesley). Head Greek dep't, Mt. Harmon Boys' School; teacher of classics and history, Manchester, N.H.; Arlington, Mass., and Newton, Mass., high schools; history and economics, St. Agnes School, Albany, N.Y. ; Wheaton Sem., Newton, Mass.; head of history dep't. Mills Coll., Cal. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Political Science Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Wel- lesley Alumnoe Ass'n, Radcliffe Alumnae Ass'n. CUTTER, Anna WTieeler Alberger (Mrs. Chester Guild Cutter), S5 Mill St., Nyack, N.Y. Born Buffalo, N.Y., July 16, 1864; dau. Col. William C. and Frances A. (Tryon) Alberger; ed. Acad, of Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, Mo.; m. Oak- land, Cal., Feb. 4, 1885, Chester Guild Cutter of Boston, Mass.; one daughter: Nina Redding Cut- ter. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. California Club in New York, City Federation of Women's Clubs (N. Y. City), and Congress of State Societies. CUTTING, Elizabeth Brown, 247 President St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 1, 1871; dau. Churchill Hunter and Mary (Dunton) Cutting; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem.; Vassar Coll., A.Bt '93; Columbia Univ., A.M. '97. Pres. N.Y. branch Vassar Alumnas Ass'n; third vice-pres. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Mem. Exec. Com. Brooklyn Armstrong Ass'n, Vassar Hist. Ass'n. Mem. Women's Univ., Board of Managers Twentieth Century, Brooklyn; Brooklyn Barnard, Brooklyn Heights Sem., City History Club. Since 1907 on editorial staff of Harper's Bazar, N.Y. City. Author: Old Taverns and Posting Inns. CUTTLNG, Mary Stewart Doubleday (Mrs. Charles Weed Cutting), 17 Evergreen Place, Orange, N.J. Author; b. N.Y. City, June 27, 1851; dau. Gen. Ulysses and Mary (Stewart) Doubleday; ed. Hobart Hall, N.Y. City; Moravian Sem., Bethle- hem, Pa.; m. N.Y. City, Dec. 29, 1875, Charles Weed Cutting (died 1893). Author: Little Stories of Courtship; Little Stories of Married Life; More Stories of Married Life; The Suburban Whirl and Other Stories of Married Life; Heart of Lynn; The Wayfayers; Just for Two; Lovers of Sanna. EJpiscopalian. Mem. Pen and Brush Club. CUTTING, May Van Home (Mrs. Leonard M. Cutting), JerseyvlUe, 111. Born Jersey ville. 111., May 1, 1867; dau. Augus- tus Knapp and Elizabeth Sloan (Bacon) Van Home; ed. JerseyvlUe public schools, Univ. of Michigan (Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Jersey- ville. 111., Oct. 28, 1896, Leonard M. Cutting. Has given household science talks at women's clubs and has told children's stories. Mem. King's Daughters, Provident Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage, but not active. Author: For- eign Flashlights. Episcopalian. Recreations: Travel, reading. Clubs: Musical, Domestic Science. CZARNOMSKA, Marie Elizabeth Josephine, 88 Hilton Av., Hempstead, L.I. Educator; b. N.Y. City; dau. Isydor Czar- nomski and Letitia (Coakley) Czamomska; grad. Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; later education by tutors; A.M. Smith College, 19(M. Principal girls' dep't. Classical Inst., Schenec- tady, N.Y., 1875-77: teacher St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N.C., 1877-80; Packer Inst., Brooklyn, 1880-81; lady principal, St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N.C., 1881-88; prof. English literature. Smith Coll., 1888-1904; dean of women and lec- turer on English and Biblical literature, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1904-09; lecturer on art and archaeology, 1909. Favors woman suffrage. Char- ter mem. Univ. of Cincinnati branch of the Col- lege League for Equal Suffrage. Writer for magazines. Episcopalian. Independent In poli- tics. Mem, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Southern Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Geographic Soc, Soc. Biblical Exegesis and Literature, Egypt Exploration Fund (hon. sec). Recreations: Chess, golf, trav- eling, etc. Member of Women's University Club, N.Y. City. DABNET, Edith, 1530 Fifteenth Av., Seattle, Wash. Teacher; b. Minnesota; ed. Central High School, St. Paul, Minn.; Brearley School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. "03. Teacher of history, English and French in Milton (Mass.) Acad., 1903-06; history, English and mathematics in Washington Preparatory School, Seattle, Wash., 1906-08, and 1908-10, and in the St Nicholas School, Seattle, since 1910. DABNEY, Julia Parker, Brookllne, Mass. Artist and author; b. Fayal, Azores, Sept. 2, 1850; dau. William Henry and Mary A. D. ;iELSCoral.im Morrison, Franklin, Mass^ Play Land, 1911; Little Animal Stories. 1911; Author; b. Lowell, Mass., Mar. 17, 185.2, aau. ^^ ' TpHinP' Timp iqi2 Abraham B. and Mary Elizabeth (Pond) Morri- Story Telling lime, 191^ son; ed. Pondville, Maiden, Mass.; Milford, Del.; DANNBEUTHEB, NelUe Morton fMrs. Gustav Beverly, N.J.; Dean Acad, Franklin, Mass.; m. Dannreuther), 315 W. Ninety-ninth St., N.Y. Oneontai, N.Y., July 10, 1871, Joseph H. Daniels City. (died 1908) Began literary career with The Pianist; b. Buffalo, N.Y., May 25, 1858; dau. Golden Rule (Adirondack Murray's paper). Bos- Martin and Martha (Gooding) Taylor; ed. In ton; with Hartford Times ten years, general schools of Buffalo, N.Y. ; musical education at press thirty years. Author: Sardia, a novel; Leipzig Couservatorium, 1875-76; m. Niagara The Bronze Buddha; As It Is To Be; Psychic Falls, N.Y.. July 12, 1882, Gustav Dannreuther; Philosophy; The Nurse, Mrs. Roberts' Conversion, children: Walter Taylor, b. May 27, 1885; Martin story; Encyclopaedia of Superstitions and Occult Taylor, b. May 21, 1889; Gustav Jr., b. April 25, Sciences, 3 vols, (editor); Orriston, a novel; The iggi. Teacher of piano at Wells Coll., 1877-81; Windharp and Other Poems; The Philosophy of since then concert pianist and teacher in N.Y. Omar Khayyam. Mem. Am. Folk-Lore Soc.; city; in professional work has made a specialty Royal Asiatic Soc, London, Eng. ; Soc. of of ensemhle playing with the Dannreuther Science, Literature and Art, London; Theo- Quartette. Mem. Wells Coll. Eastern Ass'n. sophical Soc, N.Y. Universalist. Mem. Alden Episcopalian. Club, Franklin, Mass. Recreation: Travel. dAKBY, Ada Leonard (Mrs. C. H. Darby), DANIELS, Harriet McDougal, Clinton, N.Y. Twenty-flrst and Mulberry Sts., St. Joseph, Teacher, settlement worker; b. Clinton, N.Y. ; jiq. prepared for college by private study; student at Born Fayette, Mo.; dau. Judge Abiel and Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-01. Instructor in mathe- jeanette (Reeves) Leonard; ed. Howard Coll. matics, Charlton School, N.Y. City, 1903-05; ^j^j g(-_ Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J.; m. (1st) teacher .in George Junior Republic, Freeville, Bishop HawKS of Missouri; (2d) St. Joseph, Mo., N.Y., summer 1905; teacher of mathematics, j)^ q jj. Darby; children: Mary E. Hawks, University School for Boys, Detroit, Mich., 1905- jeanette Dunbar, Ada Claire Darby. Interested 06; Charlton School, N.Y. City, 1906-10. Resident j^ church work, club work and Y.W.C.A. Fa- at Union Settlement, N.Y. City, 1908-10; organ- .^,oJ.s woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. izer and director of social centre, Princeton, Recreation: Bridge playing. N.J., since 1910. D'AKCV, Julia Barclay (Mrs. John D'Arcy), DANIELS, Mabel Wbeeler, 198 Babcock St., ^333 ^giniar Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Brookline, Mass. Born St. Louis, Mo., June 16, 1886; dau. George Composer and author; b. Swampscott, Mass.; j^ ^^^ Lillie (Swain) Barclay; ed. Hosmer Hall, dau. George F. and Maria (Wheeler) Daniels; ed g^ Louis, and two years at Vassar Coll.; m. Boston Latin School; Radcliffe Coll., A.B. 1900 ^^^. 20, 1911, John D'Arcy. Sec. Junior Aux- (magna cum laude). Studied In Germany; m j^gry (Episcopal); interested in various church 1911 received two prizes offered by Nat. Federa- activities. Mem. St. Louis College Club and tion of Musical Clubs for musical compositions; consumers' League. Episcopalian. Against now director of music at Simmons Coll., Boston. ^Qman suffrage. Vice-pres. Radcliffe Musical Ass'n. Author: An . „ .„ ^,. T.-,,forri care Charles Scribner's American Girl in Munich-Impressions of a DAEGAN Olive Tilford care Charles Scribner s Music Student; composer of many songs, part Sons, 157 Fifth Av. N.Y. Cty TrTt.'% V^'^^ltyT^ AuthSr^''^6oE'"vinYent ReSa Vay7 Ard'^^ed. ^li.^' J ^S^iUel Mul il ^Art" MacDowen Chromatif '(Boston"; Radcliffe Coll., Camhridge; m. Blue Ridge, Ga., , ^L^T^rr, nfl^ft Fprt nf Mu^^ Pegram Dargan, of South Carolina. Author: R.^rP^tfnn^T^e seating Unt^ln Favo^^^ Semirami^ and Other Plays; Lords and Lovers Recreation Ice skating. unitarian. j ^^^ charlotte Upton mf-ll" Sd -in^iJ'V.'city m2-96!' ^PrlbySn'. (twins), b 1911. Author of numerous book Mem. b^.R. (N.Y. City Chapter), Nat. Histori- reviews. Unitarian. cal Soc, Vassar Students' Aid Soc, the Nan- dAELING, Grace, 7418 Coles Av., Chicago, 111. tucket Maria Mitchell Ass'n, Ass'n Coll. Alumnae. Teacher; b. Hudson, O., July 23, 1867; dau. Recreations: The study of French and German. Rgv. George and Catharine C. (Crosby) Darling; Has traveled extensively in U.S. and Europe g^ pox Lake; Downer Sem. ; Univ. of Chicago, and made a seven-months' trip around the ph.B. '97, Pb.M. '01 (Phi Beta Kappa). Taught world. Mem. Women's University Club (N.Y. jq small towns for ten years; since 1895 has City), College Club (N.Y. City). taught English In Bowen High School, Chicago; I)\NIELSON, Frances Weld, Danielson, Conn. also taught three years in a University Exten- Sunday-school editor; b. Saugerties, N.Y. ; dau. slon course held in Chicago for teachers. In Joseph and Frances (Weld) Danielson; ed. Hart- 1907 organized, with help of her aunt, Mrs. ford (Conn ) High School; Dana Hall, Wellesley, Clara C. Patch, the South End Centre as a Mass • Miss Wheelock's Kindergarten Training settlement home for the region in which she Schooi Editor of The Mayflower. Author: taught (South Chicago), and was head resident Graded Sunday-School Lessons for Beginners for five years, until her health failed. Favors (Interdenominational); mem. editorial staff of woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Clubs: Chicago Congregational Sunday-School and Publication Woman's, Chicago City, South End Centre Wo- DARLING— DAVENPORT 229 man'g. Interested in the Chicago English Club; was for two years chairman English section of the high and normal schools. When the New English National Council was formed, was one of the board of directors, and having been chosen a mem. of the exec. com. became one of the staff of the New English Journal. DARLING, Harriet L. B. (Mrs. Herbert Henry Darling), 22 Kelfer St., Brookllne, Mass. Born Napa, Cal., Jan. 12, 1872; dau. Henry A. and Charlotte A. (Blake) Brown; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '91; Simmons Coll., 1911-13; m. San Fran- cisco, Sept. 5, 1894, Herbert Henry Darling; children: Blake, Adelaide B., Herbert Henry, interested In Sunday-school Alliance and Settle- ment. Student at Simmons Coll. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Boston. Unitarian. Mem. Boston Branch of Smith Coll. Alumnas Ass'n. Clubs: College (Bos- ton), College Graduates (Simmons Coll.). DARLING, Mae Sherman (Mrs. George W. Dar- ling), 309 W. Main St., Marshalltown, la. Born Marshalltown, la., Dec. 1871; dau. Charles Winslow and Laura (Taylor) Sherman; ed. Grinnell Coll., Ph.B.; m. Marshalltown, Sept. 30, 1903, George W. Darling. Mem. Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Marshall Co. Hist. Soc. Mem. Country Club, Marshalltown Woman's and Entre Nous clubs. Chairman Fifth Dist. Iowa Federation Women's Clubs. DARLING, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Lorenzo Franklin Darling), 222 E. Arlington Av., Riverside, Cal. Born Berwick, Nova Scotia; dau. Edward Clark and Harriet L. (Tupper) Foster; ed. private schools, music, drawing and languages by special teachers; m. Halifax, N.S., 1876, Lorenzo Frank- lin Darling; removed to Riverside, Cal., 18S7. Served as pres. of Southern Dist. (Cal.) of Wo- men's Clubs; one year pres. of Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs, including four other official po- sitions on the State executive; served one year as pres. Down and Out Club (an organization of past officers of Cal. State Fed. of Women's Clubs); still, a member. Active in social life, special philanthropies, such as the late San Francisco earthquake and fire disaster, and for ihe soldier boys in late Spanish-American War (vice-pres. Riverside Relief and Emergency Ass'n). Has contributed articles to the dally press on social and civic questions. Clubs: Vic- toria Golf, Casa Blanca Tennis, Tuesday Musical, Wednesday Morning. Recreations: Golf, whist. Kpiscopalian. Republican. Interested in legisla- tive matters regarding women and children; mem. of one of the local legislative committees. DARLINGTON, Ella Louise Bearns (Mrs. James Henry Darlington). 321 N. Front St., Harris- burg. Pa. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., June 3, 1859; dau. James Sterling and Elizabeth T. (CJosgrove) Bearns; ed. by tutors at home; grad. Nassau Inst., 1877; m. Cathedral of Incarnation, Garden City, L.I., July 26, 1888, Rev. James Henry Darlington, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, now Bishop of Harrisburg, Pa.; children: Henry V. B., Alfred W. B. (died), Gilbert S. B., Eleanor Townsend, Elliott C. B., Kate Brampton. Founder of Working Women's Vacation Soc. of Brooklyn, 1885 (pres. 10 years). Author: Mission Study Classes of the American Church. Mem. Wo- naan's Auxiliary to Board of Missions of Epis- copal Church, Church Temperance Soc, Civic Club, Wednesday Music Club of Harrisburg, Chiropean of Brooklyn. Recreations: Music, walking, automobiling. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Exec. Com. of State Capitol Ass'n of Pa. DARLINGTON, Isabel, Faunbrook, West Ches- ter, Pa. Attorney at law; b. Philadelphia, June 22, 1865; dau. Smedley and Mary Edwards (Baker) Darl- mgton; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '86; Univ. of Pa., LL.B., cum laude, '97 ^mem. Shakespeare Soc., Wellesley). Admitted to practice law In the several courts of Chester County, Oct. 6, 1S97; Superior Court of Pa., Nov. 17, 1902; Su- preme Court of Pa., Feb. 6, 1S05: actively en- gaged in practice of law since 1897; since 1899 associated in practice with her brother-in-law, Hon. Thomas S. Butler, Congreesman from Seventh Pa. Dist. Was first reader for three years in First Church of Christ, Scientist, In West Cheater, Pa., and has been pres. of same church 15 years. Vice-pres. and one of managers of the Wentworth Home for Women, West Ches- ter, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Mem. Alumnas societies of Wellesley and Univ. of Pa. Recrations: Golf, gymnasium in winter, amateur flower gardening. Mem. West Chester Golf and Country Club. DART, Maria Elizabeth Bond, 61 Main St., Nl- antlc. Conn. Born Plymouth, N.H., June 1, 1865; dau. Nor- man James and Jane (Moody) Bond; ed. East Lyme public schools, Norwich (Conn.) public school. Miss Benton's Select School, Niantic, governess and private Instructors; m. Feb. 11, 1886, Frederick Howard Dart, M.D.; one son: Frederick Bond Dart. Sec. and treas. St. John's Mission; pres. Niantic Public Library Ass'n, mem. Com. Botanical Club, Com. Library Ass'n, Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Protestant Episco- palian. Mem. Conn. State Fed. Women's Clubs, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, Saturday Club of New London, Walking Club. Recreations: Read- ing, music, gardening, walking, automobiling. DASCHBACH, EsteUe MacCloskey (Mrs. Albert C. Daschbach), Thornburg, Pa. Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; graduate student Oxford, England, 1899- 1900; Vassar, A.M. '02; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 22, 1903, Albert C. Daschbach; two sons, two daughters. Teacher Thurston Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, 1896-99; tutor three years. Occasional writer of magazine articles. DASHIELL, Landon Randolph (Mrs. William Sparrow Dashiell), 920 W. Grace St., Rich- mond, Va. State director of school and civic leagues; b. Fauquier Co., Va. ; dau. Robert Dabney and Landonia (Randolph) Minor; ed. private school In Richmond, Va. ; m. Dec., 1883, William Spar- row Dashiell; children: Robert Minor, b. June, 1887; Randolph Grayson, b. Oct., 1888. Organizer and director of leagues In Va. for school and community improvement; vice-pres. Protestant Episcopal Church Home. Author of circulars and pamphlets on community improvement in rural Virginia. Mem. Nat. Municipal League, Colonial Dames of Va., Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities, Confederate Museum, United Daughters of Confederacy, Richmond Educational Ass'n, Cooperative Education Ass'n of Va. ; mem. Woman's Club and Country Club (Richmond). DAULTON, Agnee McClelland, 3S6 Richmond Terrace, New Brighton, S.I., N.Y. Author, lecturer; b. New Philadelphia, O. ; dau. Lewis Robert and Lucy (Warner) McClelland; ed. Oberlin Coll.; m. Cleveland, O., 1900, George Daulton, also a writer, of Chicago. Resided for a time in Chicago, removed with her husband to N.Y. City; began lecturing in 1911 on children and literature. Author: From Sioux to Susan; Fritzi; The Gentle Interference of Bab; 3 St. Nicholas Serials and 6 serials for Little Folks; Philamaclique Stories; Wings and Stings; Au- tobiography of a Butterfly; Dusk Flyers, aad many articles and stories in various periodicals. Hon. mem. Chicago Woman's Club of N.Y.; Staten Island Woman's Club, and Fortnightly Club of Staten Island. Favors woman suffrage. DAVENPORT, Esther C. (Mrs. Loren C. Daven- port). 292 Fifteenth St., Buffalo, N.Y. Journalist; b. in Erie Co., Pa.; dau. Calvin and Esther Louisa (Baker) Chaddock; ed. Albion Acad., Pa.; m. Loren C. Davenport; children: Ada Louise (now Mrs. F. W. Kendall), Loren Calvin Jr. Editor of social and art dep't of Buftalo Evening News for 20 years; chairman of Women's Com. of Perry Victory Centennial, 1913- . Prominent In affairs of N.Y. State Federation. DAVENPORT, Francee Gardiner, Dept of His- torical Research, Carnegie Institution, Wash- ington, D.C. Teacher, research worker in history; b. Stam- 230 DAVENPORT— DAVIESS ford, Conn.; dau. Amal Benedict and Jane Jo- Colonial institutions and politics In Univs. of ralemon (Dimon) Davenport; ed. Radcllffe Coll., Oal. and Chicago; instructor m history, civics A.B. '94, A.M. '96- Univ. of Chicago, 1903-04; and history for six years in Belmont School, Ph.D. London School of Elconomies, 1896-97; fel- Belmont, Cal. ; special studies in fiction, drama low Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, 1902-03; fellow and literary art, 1896-1905; m. Aug. 21, 1878, in history, Univ. of Chicago, 1903-04. Teacher of Charles Davidson; one daughter: Enid Amelia, history, Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, b. July 28, 1884 (died Sept. 20, 1884). Author of 1898-1901; instructor in history, Vassar Coll., The Study Guide Series for the critical study 1904-05; ass't in Dep't of Historical Research of of literature; The Creative Art of Fiction; Ref- the Carnegie Inst., Washington, D.C., 1905— erence History of the United States; The Gift Favors woman suffrage. Sec. D.C. Branch Coll. of Genius; Literary Study for Busy People; Equal Suffrage Club, 1908-09. Author: Classi- 1902-06, Summer Classes for the Study of Eng- fled list of Printed Original Materials for the lish; The Study of Shakespeare's Plays (four Manorial and Agrarian History of E^ngland in books), prepared by request of State Library the Middle Ages, Radcliffe Coll. Monograph (No. Commission of Wis. Editor, with criticisms and 6); The Economic History of a Norfolk Manor; historical illustrations of Hawthorne's House of Guide to the MS. Materials for Am. History in Seven Gables, Lowell's \ision of Sir Launfal, London Archives; contributor to Am. Histroical Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, George Eliot's Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Trans- Silas Marner, in Riverside Literature Series, and, actions of the Royal Historical Soc., etc. Life 1906-12, Irving's Sketch Book and Franklin's mem. Ass'n of c5oll. Alumns; mem. Lyceum Autobiography, in D. C. Heath's Series; also Club. Instruction and Criticism in the Art of Writing DAVENPOBT, Gertmde Crotty (Mrs. Charles Short Stories; Essential Conditions of Success in B. Davenport), Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.T. Study Clubs; Franklm's Services m the Cause of S«ientiflc InvesUgator; b. Denver, Colo.; dau. American Independence; also numerous essays, WlHlam and MiUia (Armstrong) Crotty; ed. Kan- notes, lecturer, etc. Mem. Phi Beat Kappa Soc. saa &t*te Univ.; Radcliffe Coll.; m. Burlington, (Founder's Chapter m Grmnell Coll., Iowa). KaJi., June 23, 1894, Charles B. Davenport; chil- DAVIDSON, Mary Brewin (Mrs. Horatio Foster dren: Two daughters, one son. Instructor in bio- Davidson), Hood River, Ore. logicaa laboratory, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Born Canton, HI., July 16, 1869; dau. William Scieaces. Joint author (with husband): Introdiic- and Julia (Winiger) Brewin; grad. Canton (111.) tion to Zoology; Heredity of Bye Color in Man; High School, 1889 (valedictorian— highest honors); Heredity of Hair Form in Man; Heredity of Hair Canton Business Coll., 1890; m. Canton, 111., CoioT in Man, and other biological monographs. Sent. 14, 1893, Horatio Foster Davidson; children: Mem. Am. Soc. of Zoologists, Sigma Xi Soc. Helen, Charles Harry, Merrill Rice (last two DAVENPOBT, Jennie Woolston Bambo (Mrs. deceased). After graduation in 1890 engaged as Theodore Davenport), Darien, Conn. stenographer. Recording sec. Hood River Born Red Bank N.J.; dau. Samuel Stockton Woman's Club; recording sec. Oregon State Fed. and Sarah Elizabeth (Bostwick) Rambo; ed. of Women's Clubs, and mem. of board. Christian N.T. City and Garden City, L.I.; m. June 14, Scientist. Recreation: Motoring. Favors woman 1903, Theodore Davenport; one daughter, Eliza- suffrage. beth, b. Dec. 14, 1907. Protestant Eipiscopallan. dA\T;ES, Caroline Stodder (Mrs. Owen John Mem. Stamford Historical Soc., D.A.R., Civic Davies), 72 Professors' Row, Tufts College, League of Stamford, Civic League of Darien, Mass. Foreign Missionary Soo. of Darien, Associated Teacher; b. Methuen, Mass., Dec. 3, 1864; dau. Charities of Stamiord, Mem. Stamford Woman's samuel Roland and Jane Breck (Davis) Crocker; Club, Friday Afternoon Club of Darien, Whist ga_ Methuen High School, 1878-82; Wellesley Club. Coll., 1SS2-87; Newnham Coll., Cambridge, Eng- DAVTDSON, Adaline White Alien (Mrs. Frank land, 1890-91; m. Methuen, Mass., 1895, Rev. Forest Davidson), 41 Hancock St., Auburn- Owen John Davies; children: Roland Crocker, dale, Mass. Jane Stodder. Teacher of Greek and English, Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '90; m. Auburndale, Harcourt Place, Gambler, 0., 1887-90, 1892-95, of Mass Oct. 6, 1897, Frank Forest Davidson; English, Chicago Latin School (girls' dep't), children: Frank Forest Jr., b. Oct. 21, 1899; 1907-09; now dean of Jackson Coll., Tufts Coll., Allen b. Aug. 4, 1901; also step-children: Mary Mass. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Richmond b. Dec. 20, 1885; Louise Allen, b. Mem. New England Ass'n of Colleges and June 19 1888- Myrtls Forest, b. Dec. 17, 1891. Preparatory Schools, Drama League of Boston, Teacher' Baltimore, Md., 1890-92; Bridgeport, College Equal Suffrage League, Boston; Shakes- Conn. i892-93; La.sell Sem., Auburndale, Mass., peare Soc. of Wellesley Coll., Wellesley Coll. 1893-96. Mem. N»wton School Board since 1907. Alumna Ass'n, College Club of Boston. Mem. Ass'n_ Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. u^VIES, Hyla Clara Armstrong (Mrs. William Alumnse Ass'n. Davies), 1270 East Vernon Av., Los Angeles, DAVIDSON, Gratia E. Andrews (Mrs. Milon Cal. Davidson), Newfane, Vt. Born New Haven, Conn.; ed. in New Haven Teacher; b. Mar. 11, 1846; dau. Samuel A. schools and Vassar Coll., A.B. '80; m. Aug. 6, and Rachel (Woodworth) Andrews; ed. New 1S91, Rev. William Davies; two sons and one Hampton Inst, Fairfax, Vt. ; m. Richmond, Va., daughter. After graduation engaged in teaching Nov. 28, 1864, MUon Davidson; one daughter: ten years in New Haven High School until her Lula E.' Temperance worker; editor of Health marriage. Calendar, Vermont Home Guards, W.C.T.U. i>avieSS, Marie Thompson, 1S04 Arklen Av.. Year Book and newspaper contributor. Inter- Na.shville Tenn. ested in prison and jail work; mem. of School Painter of miniatures, author; b. Harrods- Board and active In work of supervisor; Sunday- jjy„ j^„_. ^^y^ jqj^^ B_ Thompson and Leonora school teacher. Favors woman suffrage; mem. (Haruilton) Daviess; ed. Science Hill School, of local committee to promote the cause; voter shelbyville, Ky.; Wellesley Coll. and Viti, Dela- since school suffrage was given to women m ^j^^g g_^^ Julian Schools of Art, Paris, France. Vermont Editor of historical and biographical Exhibitor of portraits in Paris Salon, 1904-05; sketcl^es in Davidson Genealogy. Baptist. Pro- engaged in writing and publicaUon of successful hibltlonist Pres. of Vermont W.C.T.U. Recrea- ^Qveis since 1909. Lecturer on art, literature and tions: Music, painting. domestic science. Favors woman suffrage; vice- DAVTDSON, Hannah Amelia Noyes (Mrs. pres. and organizer of Nashville Equal Suffrage Charles Davidson), H. A. Davidson, Study League. Author: Miss Selina Sue; The Road to Guide Series, Cambridge, Masa. ; residence, Providence; Rose of Old Harpeth; The Treasure Clar-Mnont, Cal. Babies; The Elected Mother; The Melting of Author editor (pen-name "H. A. Davidson"); Molly; Sue Jane. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, b Campello Mass., Oct. 29, 1852; dau. Spencer Round Table Centennial Club, Tenn. Press and WlUiams and Mary (Packard) Noyes; grad. Iowa Authors' Club. Recreations: Social pleasure, (now Grinnell) CoU., A.B., A.M.; grad. student garden, tramping, travel. Descended from some flnaAce and econMnics, Univ. of Minn.; Am. of the most prominent founders of Nashville DAVIS 231 and de^ly Interested In the civic developments of the city. DAVIS, Aloysia Mary Hoye (Mrs. Gilbert Franklin Davis), Windsor, Vt, Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. 1900; student In zoology, chemistry and botany, Radcliffe Coll., 1900-01; m. Sept. 7, 1904, Gilbert Franklin Davis. Teacher of English history In Dover (N.H.) High School, 1901-04. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. DAVIS, Anna Beatrice Carter (Mrs. L. L. Davis), cor. Forbes and Wightmaa StB., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bern Erie Co., Pa., Aug. 15, 1859; dau. Isaiah and Catherine (Sullivan) Carter; ed. Allegheny Coll., 1S76-S0, A.B. and M.A.; m. North Bast, Pa., Dec. 30, 1880, L. L. Davis; children: Ralph Carter, Lawrence Llewellyn. Interested In church, society and athletics. Has written for magazines. Recreations: Music, literature, gar- dening. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. DAVIS, Annie Elizabeth Paret (Mrs. Bradley Moore Davis), 4411 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelp-hia, Feb. 1, 1869; dau. William Green and Anna Augusta (French) Paret; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '95; m. Germantown, Pa., Sept. 22, 1908, Bradley Moore Davis; one daugh- ter: Margery French. Unitarian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns. Favors woman suffrage. DAVIS, Bessie Blanch Scribner (Mrs. Olln S. Davis), 79 Gale Av., Laconia, N.H. Born Hartsville, Ind., Aug. 20, 1869; dau. Rev. John Woodbury and Mary Ermina (Wray) Scrib- ner; ed. Welleslev, B.A. '91; m. Melvin Village, N.H., July 19, 1905, Olin Sylvester Davis. Teacher; best work done under Congregational Home Missionary Soc. at Rogers Acad., Rogers, Ark., five years; four years in Missouri, chiefly as English teacher in academy connected with Drury Coll., Springfield, Mo. Leader of literature dep't of Laconia Woman's Club, 1907 — . Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Walking, nature study. Hon. mem. Laconia Woman's Club. DAVIS, Clara Marie, 514-516 Tussing BIdg., Lan- sing, Mich, (office); res., 332 Townsend St., Lansing, Mich. Physician; b. Lansing, Mich., June 4, 1878; dau. Arthur T. and Lucy A. (Corbett) Davis; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., Univ. of Mich. A.B. 1901, M.B. 1904 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Held in- terneship at Woman's Hospital and Infants' Home, Mar. to Sept, 1905; voluntary ass't Kin- derasylum, Berlin, summer of 1911. Director Visiting Nurse Ass'n; mem. of Ingham Co. Med- ical Milk Comm'n. CJongregationallst. Mem, Am. Med. Ass'n, Mich. State Med. Soc., Ingham Co. Med. Soc., Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Lansing; Lansing Playground Ass'n, Lainsing Hospital Ass'n, Lansing Aid Soc. Mem. Lansing Wo- man's Club, Lansing (Jolf Club. Recreation: Motor-boating. DAVIS, Edith Smith (Mrs. J. S. Davis), 191 Church St., Hartford, Wis. Superintendent of scientific temperance instruc- tion; b. Milton, Wis., Jan. 20, 1869; dau. Richard and Elizabeth (Clayton) Smith; ed. Milton Coll.; Lawrence Univ., A.B., A.M., Litt.D.; post-grad, work in Wellesley Coll. (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Mason City, la.. Rev. J. S. Davis, D.D. ; chil- dren: Mary Alice, Ruth Frances, Richard, Eliza- beth Clayton. Editor-in-chief of the Temperance Educational Quarterly; writer of science lessons tor the Young Crusader; lecturer on scientific temperance. Author: Tyfo; Christmas Thoughts; A Battle for a Soul; Whether White or Black; A Man. Methodist. Connected with W.C.T.U. from girlhood; was assistant of Miss FVances E. Willard in the White Cross and White Shield Dep't of Purity Work; was pres. Milwaukee W.C.T.U. when the unions of that city were all in one; now sup't of Scientific Temperance In- vestigations and Scientific Instruction for World's and Nat. W.C.T.U.; delegate to the meetings of the Ck)ngress Against Alcoholism at Stockholm, 1908; London, 1910, and at The Hague, 1912, and at latter was one of the U.S. Govern- ment delegates. Aided in raising endowrment for "•awrence Univ. Favors woman suffrage. DAVIS, F/dna Holmes (Mrs. James Homor Davis), 422 W. Pike St., Clarksburg, W.Va. Bom Unlontown, Pa., Mar. 3, 1870; dau. Mathew Gay (consul to Cheefoo, China, 1871) and Elizabeth (McCleary) Holmes; ed. in high school, Clarksburg, W.Va., 1888, and New Eng- land Conservatory of Music, Boston; m. Clarks- burg, W.Va., Oct. 19, 1892, James Homor Davis; children: Elizabeth, b. Aug. 17, 1894 (died at birth) ; Louise and Ewing (twins), b. Sept. 22, 1894; Virginia, b. Sept. 26, 1896; James Edward, b. June 4, 1901; John Holmes, b. Dec. 26, 1902. Past pres. of Tuesday Club; cor. sec. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs; actively engaged in re- ligious, social and philanthropic work. Presby- terian. Mem. Clarksburg Tuesday Club. DAVIS, Elizabeth Brown (Mrs. Arthur Powell Davis), 2212 First St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Bom Front Royal, Va. ; dau. Major Victor M. and Mary (Jacobs) Brown; grad. Columbian (now George Washington) Univ., B.S.; post-grad, work in mathematics at Johns Hopkins Univ. by spe- cial permisision of the faculty through Prof. Simon Newcomb; m. Washington, D.C, June 20, 1888, Arthur Powell Davis (chief engineer of U.S. Reclamation Service); children: Rena (Mrs. Paul N. Peck), Florence, Dorothy, Elizabeth. Computer in the Nautical Almanac Oflace; has computed the ephemeris of the sun for 25 years; also other portions of Nautical Almanac; as- sisted largely in every stage of the preparation of Prof. Simon Newcomb's Tables of the Sun and Planets; also in other research work. Has written magazine articles on mathematical sub- jects. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, Circolo Matematieo di Palermo, Auxiliary Board of Regents of Trinity College. DAVIS, Elizabeth R., Woman's Home and Hos- pital, 105 West Ross Av., Tampa, Fla. Deaconess; b. Areola, N.C. ; dau. George W. and Re-becca J. (Johnson) Davis; under graduate Littleton Female Coll. ; grad. Scarritt Bible and Training School, Kansas City, class of 1902; consecrated deaconess in Trinity Church, Atlanta, Ga., April, 1903; deaconess in Southern Meth- odist Church; sup't Woman's Home and Hos- pital; sup't of rescue work In Tampa; active worker in Humane Soc. Favors woman suf- frage. Southern Methodist. Mem. Home and Foreign Mission Societies of Tampa Height Methodist Church, W.C.T.U. of Tampa. Ap- pointed by Board of Home Missions to the Res- cue Home, Dallas, Tex., 1902; was employed by International Board of Rescue Workers of Tampa, 1908. DAVLS, Ella Marion Briggs (Mra. Nelson Flthlan Davis), Lewlsburg, Pa, Born New Haven, Conn., Nov. 10, 1S72; dau. George W. and Ellen (Tyler) Briggs; ed. Mt. Holyoke (Doll., B.S.; Bucknell Univ., S.M.; Woods Hole, Mass., and Cold Spring Harbor, L.I. (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Shelton, Conn., Dec. 20, 1905, Nelson Fithian Davis (prof, biology in Bucknell Univ.). Head of biology In New Rochelle (N.Y.) High School previous to marriage. Interested In art; studied china painting under- A. B. Cobden of Phila- delphia; water color under John Wesley Little, noted landscape painter. Does pastellee, works in leather and brass, colors lantern slides, gives public lectures on travel and popular biological subjects. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Chlamys Plicata, Life Histories of Case Bearers; Poke'y Ikey. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A,R., Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Teachers- Parents' Ass'n; organized Woman's Bible Class. Mem, Bucknell Alumnae Club. DAVIS, Ethel, 77 Congress St., Bradford, Pa. Teacher of Latin; b. (Xtercllff, Ont, Jan. 13, 1886; dau. John and Maria (Meadows) Davis; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '09 (mem. Alpha Omlcron Pi). Episcopalian. Mem. Classical Ass'n of the AUantic States. Club: Bradford Country Club. DAVIS, lannie Steams, 66 William St., Pitts- fleld, Mass. Writer; b. Cleveland, O., Mar. 6, 1884; dau. William V. W. and Rebecca Prances (Steams) Davis; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '04 (mem Alpha Soc). Interested in chorch work and local phil- 232 DAVIS anthropies. Contrfbutor of poems to magazines, principally The Atlantic Monthly, The Century Magazine, Harper's Monthly, etc., also occasional contributor of prose. Congregationallst. Mem. Poetry Society of America, Wednesday Morning Club, Pittsfield, Mass., and other local clubs. Recreations: Anything out-of-doors, mostly walk- ing. Taught English one year at Kemper Hall, .Kenosha, Wis., but has not done any regular teaching since. DAVIS, Florence Harriet (Mrs. Albert A. Davis), Larlmore, N.Dak. Stenograp-her and librarian; b. Merrlckville, Ont., Oct. 26, 1868; dau. Edward and Joanna (Brennick) Brennan; ed. public schools, N.Dak.; Univ. of N.Dak.; m. (1st) Bathgate, N.Dak., April 12, 1893, Allen Baldwin (died July 1, 1895); (2d) at Governor's residence, Bismarck, N.Dak., Oct. 12, 1908, Albert Davis (mem. State Legisla- ture); children: Elaine Baldwin, b. Feb. 22, 1894; Brennan Briggs Davis, b. July 8, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. For past 10 years editor of Special Day Manuals (Washington and Lin- coln's Birthday, Arbor and Bird Day, Me- morial Day) for Department of Education, Bis- marck, N.Dak.; contributor of articles and poems to same. Library clerk in same dep't for Educational Reference Library; compiler of Library List for public schools of N.Dak. Roman Catholic. Progressive Pvepubllcan. Rec- reations: Tennis, skating. Mem. Monday Night Club (Grafton), Fortnightly Club (Bismarck), Tuesday Club of Larlmore (pres. for two years) ; vlce-pres. First Dist State Fed. of Women's Clubs, N.Dak; rec. sec. State Fed., 1909-10. DAVIS, Frances Lewis, "Kreag-Knoll," North- port, L.I., N.Y. Housewife; b. New Albany, Ind. ; dau. Marcus Watson and Mary Danforth (Butz) Lewis; ed. Bennett Sem., Minneapolis, Minn., B.A. ; m. 1st, A. B. Hush, banker, Minneapolis, Minn.; 2d, Frank Fillmore Davis, N.Y. City, Nov. 2, 1900; children: Elsie Stewart Hush, Donald Stuart Hush. Interested In the study and demonstra- tion of psychology in human affairs to harmon- ize many existing perplexities (scientific uplift); student of the Arts and Crafts and music (vo- cal). All her life a suffragist, her grandmother, Frances Danforth, and mother, co-workers with Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, and others prominent in their time; now giving her time to the Progressive Party. Mem. Ethical Culture Soc. Mem. Manhattan Chapter D.A.R., Civic Forum, Harmony Club. DAVIS, Gertrude Kahn, 93 Pitt St., Portland, Me. Writer, teacher; b. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 10, 1881; dau. Gustave and Anna (Ensor) Kahn; ed. Goucher Coll., A.B. '02, Cornell Univ. A.M. '04 (mem. Epsilon Sigma, Sennightly) ; m. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 5, 1907, Charles Henry Davis (Will- lams, '98), Congregational minister. Taught in Baltimore High School, 1903-07, English and Am. literature, rhetoric. Work has been mostly in connection with her husband's parish, a large down- town church. Author: The Principle of Love In Browning's Poetry; received Hiram Cor- son Browning prize at Cornell, 1903, for paper on Browning's Treatment of Sexual Love; has written many papers on English and Am. literature. Congregationallst. Recreations: Ten- nis, rowing. DAVIS, Grace Spencer (Mrs. Robert J. Davis), 2630 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal. Bom San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 4, 1867; dau. John Campbell and Alice (Day) Spencer; ed. Van Norman's Inst.; Rutger's Female Coll., N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 1, 1888, Robert J. Davis; children: Louis Spencer, Constance. Di- rector in Century Club of Cal.; chairman of Phi Gamma Delta Auxiliary. Mem. the Oakland Civic League. Clubs: Century, Town and Coun- try, San Francisco; Musical, Sketfh. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. DAVIS, Harriet Winton (Mrs. Charles W. Davis), 1199 Raymond Av., St. Paul, Minn. Writer; b. Montour Falls, N.Y.; dau. Dr. Nelson and Lucy P. (Goodrich) Winton; ed. private and public schools and academy in N.Y. State; m. MPQtour Falls, Charles W. Davis (lawyer) ; children: Helen Amelia Davis (norw Mrs. W. A. Orton), Bertha Gerneaux Davis (now Mrs. Al- bert F. Woods). Writer of short stories and miscellany for various publications, among them The Congregationallst, Country Gentle- man, Interior, Zion's Herald, Young People's Weekly, Chicago Advance, Youth's Companion, etc. DAVIS, Harriett Lobdell, 194 Lenox Av., N.Y. City. Born Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 1, 1863; dau. Rev. FYancis Lobdell, D.D., LL.D., and Julia Alvira (Danforth) Lobdell; ed. The Misses Edwards School, New Haven, Conn.; Misses Notts; St. Margaret's, Waterbury, Conn. ; m. St. Andrew's Church, N.Y. City, June 17, 1885, Vernon Mans- field Davis, now Supreme Court judge. Interested in the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Mis- sions; pres. St. Agnes' Chapel, branch of Trinity Parish, N.Y. City; mem. Board of Management Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, Executive Board of Diocesan Auxiliary to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Cathedral League. Episco- palian. Mem. Soc. Colonial Dames, 2d vice-pres. N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Geog. Soc, Soc. for Preservation of Virginia Antiquities. Recrea- tion: Golf. DAVIS, Helen Lee, Moultonboro, N.H. Univ. prof.; b. Moultonboro, N. H., Sept. 22, 1876; dau. Eleazer A. and Mary A. (Rolfe) Davis; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '99; Columhia Univ. B.Sc. 1908-10. Mathematical computer. Astronomical dep't, Columbia Univ., 1899-1908; instructor in Home Economics, Univ. of Neb., 1910-12; adjunct prof, in E>conomlcs, Univ. of Neb., 1912. Congregationallst. DAVIS, Helen Lock wood (Mrs. Charles Gay Davis). Madison, N.J. Born Madison, N.J., Sept. 17, 1865; dau. Jacob S. and Laura (Clark) Paulmier; ed. Packer Col- legiate Inst.; m. Madison, N.J., June 1, 1S92, Charles Gay Davis; children: Roger A., Katha- rine P., Elizabeth, Charles Gay Davis Jr. In- terested in work of local auxiliary of Y.M.C.A. (.chairman of Boys' Work) ; active in work of N.J. State Federation of Women's Clubs (mem. of several committees). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League of Madison. Pres- byterian. Trustee and sec. George Junior Re- public Ass'n of N.J.; rec. . sec. Consumers' League of N.J.; rec. sec. of Presbyterial Soc. of Norris and Orange, N.J. ; mem. Fortnightly Jaunts Club and Thursday Morning Club (Madison). DAVIS, Jennie Eliza, Hampton Institute, Hamp- ton, Va. Editor, author, teacher; b. Troy, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78. Teacher Middleburgh, N.Y., 1878-79; Hampton (Va.) Inst., 1879-85, and 1887-99; Vassar, 1885-87. Editor Southern Work- man, Hampton Inst., since 1899. Author: Round About Jamestown; also many articles on socio- logical and race questions. DAVIS, Kate, The Cumberland, WUkes-Barre, Pa. Writer; b. Bloomsburg, Pa., May 2, 1877; dau. Reuben Miller and Albina Baker (Stewart) Davis; ed. osteopathic course; several hygienic health courses. Practised as osteopathic physician ten years; on staff Natchez (Miss.) State Hospital, 1904. Engaged for years at newspaper and magazine work; associate editor Mothers' Maga- zine; haa made sociological investigations in Italy, Switzerland, France, England and Scot- land, as well as U.S. and Canada. For some time past has been on the platform pleading for better conditions in moving picture shows; has lectured in most of the large cities east of the Mississippi River and in six months organized the U.S. in a fight for legal regulation of all moving picture shows, with an advisory board made up of juvenile court judges all over the country (with Judge Ben Lindsay of Denver as chairman) and a publicity com. of newspaper men in all sections of the country. Has lec- tured before State federations and the great national organizations, which not only endorsed the work, but carried on the campaign In many sections. Succeeded in getting legal regulation DAVIS 233 of moving picture shows of Pennsylvania by State legislation; has brought similar measures before the State legislatures of eight other States Organized Nat. Legal Regulation League (of which is pres.), one of the strongest organizations in the U.S. for the purpose of legal regulation of moving picture shoTVs; ap- peared before Pa. Board of Pardons In behalf of 18-year-old moving picture murderer, Bishie, by special permission of Governor Tener and invita- tion of the board; succeeded in getting commu- tation of sentence. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Suffrage Club. Author: Good Health for Women and Children. Methodist. Mem. Flor- ence Crittenden Mission, Civic Club and Nat. Council of Women (chairman amusement dep't). DA\^S, Kate Embry Dowdle (Mrs. Samuel Preston Davis), 523 East Capitol Av., Little Rock, Ark. Bom Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 2, 1871; dau. Robert Allen and Rebecca Aylette (Taylor) Dowdie; ed. Russellville, Ky., and Searey, Ark., .\.B. at Galloway Coll., Searey, Ark.; m. Mor- rilton. Ark., Nov. 16, 1893, Samuel Preston I>avis; children: Samuel Preston Davis Jr., Allen l>owdle, Rebecca Dowdle Davis. Active In church work, patriotic societies and social life. Regent of the Nicholas Headington Chapter U.S. Daughters of 1812 that presented a library to the battleship Arkansas. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of several club papers, which have been published; one on Albert Pike, the Poet-Soldier, was published complimentary' by the Albert Pike Consistory (Masonic). Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Va. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R., United States Daughters of 1812, United Daueh- ters of the Ckinfederacy and Y.W.C.A. M'Tn. .(Esthetic Club (oldest club in Arkansas). DAVIS, Katharine Benient, Bedford, N.Y. Superintendent N.Y. State Reformatory for Women; b. Buffalo, N.Y.; dau. Oscar B. and Frances (Bement) Davis; ed. Rochester Free Acad.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '92 (Phi Beta Kappa); graduate work in Barnard Coll., 1892-93; fellow in political economy and sociology, 1897-98, Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. 1900; European fellow of New England Women's EMucational Ass'n at Lfnivs. of Berlin and Vienna, 1898-99. Former teacher Montague Heights, Brooklyn; taught science in Dunkirk (N.Y.) High School, and head worker in College Settlement, Philadelphia, 1893-97; since ISOlsup't N.Y. State Reformatory for Women at Bedford, N.Y., which cares for more than 400 girls. Writer of articles on college settlement work and practical sociology. DAVIS, Luela, 2617 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Social worker; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 7, 1880; dau. Caleb Sheldon and Mary Elizabeth (Blackman) Davis; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Balti- more; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '02. Tutored at Bryn Mawr School; taught in private school, Albany, N.Y.; worker in Lawrence House Social Settlement, Baltimore, Md. ; field sec. Md. Soc. of Social Hygiene; Independent worker later. Mem. College Club, Baltimore; Social Service Club. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. DAVIS, Lucy, 1822 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '86. Interested In educational and philanthropic enterprises; trustee of the Penn School, Frogmore, S.C. ; sec. of Visiting Nurse Society of Philadelphia. Mem. Society of Friends. DAVIS, Lucy Belle Slzer (Mrs. F. M. Davis), Muskogee, Okla. Parliamentarian; b. Rosendale, Wis.; ed. State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis.; specialized in parliamentary law and usage there, and later in private study; m. Beatrice, Neb., 1893, Francis Marion Davis (lawyer) ; one daughter, Dorothea DeZosier. Removed with family to Muskogee, Okla., in 1901. In political campaign of 1896 was an ardent supporter of Bryan, and sec. of a Silver League composed of 700 women; since settling In Muskogee has been active in church, club and W.C.T.U. work. Has served as terri- torial vice-pres. and parliamentarian of Fed. of Women's Clubs of Indian Territory; city attor- ney for Club Women's City Council; now State parliamentarian of W.C.T.U.; chairman 3rd Dist. Legislative Com. State Fed.; pres. City Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Art Club (dep't club, which does and exhibits actual work); pres. the- New Century Club (literary), the Parliamentary Club and W.C.T.U.; graduate of Chautauqua Circle and ardent student in the Shakespeare Club and Ladies' Saturday Music Club. First promoter of Camp Fire Girls of America In Muskogee and as guardian organized first camp. Contributor to press. Recreations: Painting, oil, water color and ceramic. Mem. M.E. Church, South; many years in Sunday-school and choir work. Favors woman suffrage. DAVIS, Lucy Pry or Mcllwaiiie (Mrs. Arthur Kyle Davis), Southern Female College, Col- lege Place, Petersburg, Va, Born Petersburg, Va., July 4, 1867; dau. Robert Dunn and Lucy (Atkinson) Mcllwaine; ed. St. Paul's School; m. Nov. 12, 1&90, Arthur Kyle Davis (pres. of Southern Female Coll.); children: Lucy Mcllwaine, Caroline Robinson, Arthur Kyle Jr. Charter mem. and historian of Frances Bland Randolph Chapter D.A.R. ; chairman Va. State Historical Com. D.A.R. ; mem. Historical Research Com. and Historic Sites Com. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Author of sketch of Frances Bland Randolph and of annual historical reports of the Va. D.A.R. Mem. Woman's Club of Peters- burg; vice-pres. Petersburg Hospital; mem. Colonial Dames of America Ln the State of Va. DAVIS, Lydia Martin (Mrs. Nathaniel French Davis), 159 Brown St., Providence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., May 18, 1849; m. Dec. 23, 1878, Nathaniel French Davis, A.M., LL.D.; chil- dren: Harvey N., b. June 6, 1881; Grace L., b. June 21, 1886 (died Nov. 7, 1886). Coagregation- allst. Vice-pres. R.I. State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1901-03; mem. R.I. Women's Club, Ex-Club of R.I., Providence Art Club. DAVIS, Mrs. M. Louisa Robblns, 73 Common- wealth Av., Boston. Daughter Rev. Chandler Robblns, D.D., and Mary Eliza (Frothingham) Robbins; m. Boston, 1869, Edward Livingston Davis (now deceased). Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, Soc. of Descendants of Colonial Governors, Soc. of Colonial Dames. DAVIS, Mrs. Mary K. Gale, 2003 Columbia Road, Washington, D.C. Principal the Lucia Gale Barber School of Rhythm and Correlated Arts; b. Whiting, Vt. ; dau. Daniel Amory and Rosetta Cynthia (Austin) Gale; post-grad. N.Y. Univ., Pd.M. '04; numer- ous summer schools and colleges— a year Lowell course, Mass. Inst. Technology, Boston; a year Teachers Coll. (mem. of Pi Alpha, N.Y. Univ. School of Pedagogy); m. Geo. Davis (lawyer, deceased); two daughters: Ella May (deceased). Celestial (deceased). Model and normal training teacher and supervisor. Now teacher, writer and lecturer, promoting the Lucia Gale Baroer system of rhythm and physical training and other advanced educational Ideas and methods in private school. Author: Elementary Induc- tive Geography, and numerous articles in edu- cational papers and magazmes. Congregation- alist and New Thought. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Washington Soc. of the Fine Arts, Twentieth Century Club, District Mothers' Congress, Mothers' Club, First Congregational Church, Indian Ass'n, Soc. for Study of Sex Hygiene, Monday Evening Club. DAVIS, Maud Shepherd (Mrs. Claude Bernard Davis), 9137 South Robey St., Beverly Hills. Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, III., Aug. 6, 1873; dau. Abram Llddon and M. Annie (Ryan) Shepherd; ed. Chicago public schools; Rock Coll., Dallas, Tex., and private schools; m. Chicago, 111., Nov. i, 1893, Claude Bernard Davis. Pres. Chicago Cul- ture Club; past matron Order of Eastern Star, past pres. Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Chicago; mem. III. Colony Club, D.A.R. Favors woman suffraga Episco- palian. Recreations: Motoring, golf. Aclira In philanthropic and church work. 234 DAVIS— DAY DAVIS, Minnie 8., 192 High St., Hartford, Conn. Writer, lecturer; b. Baltimore, Md., Mar. 25, 183.5; dau. Rev. Samuel A. and Mary (Partridge) Davis; ed. Green Mountain Liberal Inst., South Woodstock, Vt. Author: Marion Lester; Clin- ton Forest; Rosalie; Ideal Motherhood; Living Counterparts; A Study of Vibration. Lecturer for years on mental science. D.4.V1S. Nellie E. CMrs. Frank E. Davis), 427 N. Eighth St., La Crosse, Wis. Born Berlin. Wis., July 17, 1862; dau. Joshua David and Emily M. (Freeman) Crowther; ed. Mankato (Minn.) High School and Normal; m. Fairmont, Minn., Oct, 7, 1885, Frank E. Davis, inventor; children: Homer Allan, b. July 4, 1890; Harold Marvin, b. Aug. 27, 1892. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Woman's League of Congrega- tional Church, Mission Study Class, La Crosse Country Club. Mem. (pres., 1911-12) Twentieth Century Club, Drama League of La Crosse, Wis., and several committees of Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs. DAVIS, Nellie Verrill (Mrs. Samuel P. Davis), Carson City, Nev. Writer; b. Greenwood, Me.; dau. George Wash- ington and Lucy (Hillborn) Verrill; ed. Norway (Me.) High School; m. (1st) San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 20, 1866, Henry R. Mighels; (2d) Carson City, Nev., July, 1880, Samuel P. Davis; chil- dren: Henry R. Mighels, Philip Verrill Mighels (distinguished novelist, died Oct. 13, 1911), Bessie and Roy R. Mighels, and Lucy Sylvia and Ethel H. Davis. Long identified with newspaper work, chiefly correspondence and short stories. Inter- ested in general charities. Mem. Pythian Sis- ters, Woman's Relief Corps, King's Daughters; State pres. of Am. Red Cross Soc. Mem. Leisure Hour Club. Favors woman suffrage. DAVIS, Norah, Huntsville, Ala. Novelist: b. Huntsville, Ala., 1873; dau. Zebu- Ion Pike and Williametta (Eason) Davis; ed. Huntsville. Ala. Clerk U.S. Court, Northern Dist. of Ala. Author: The Northerner; The World's Warrant; Wallace Rhodes. DAVIS, Susan Topliff (Mrs. Archibald Hunt Davis), 1220 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Elyrla, 0., Dec. 14, 1862; dau. John Adams and Caroline (Beers) Topliff; ed. Elyrla High School, class of '82; Oberlin Conservatory of Music; Smith Coll., class of '86; m. Blyria, 0., Sept. 3, 1889, Archibald Hunt Davis; children: Archibald Hunt Jr., John Topliff, Noah Knowles. Pres. Atlanta Presbyterial Union; second vice- pres. Georgia Synodical Union; vice-pres. Ladies' Aid Soc; pres. Presbyterian Hospital As.s'n; on board directors Y.W.C.A. Author of articles and addresses in magazines and periodicals. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames; charter mem. of Atlanta Woman's Club; charter mem. Atlanta Free Kindergarten and several other social clubs. DAVIS, Susie Burdick, Green Bay, Wis. Instructor; b. Milton, Wis., June 30, 1881; dau. M. Eugene and Euphenia (Vincent) Davis; ed. Milton Coll., A.B. 1900, A.M. '05; grad. North- western tfniv. School of Oratory, '05. Public reader, producer of Shakespearian plays. Favors woman suffrage". Author: Plays for Boy Scouts of America; Real Scout Life; The Friendless Freshman. Baptist. Recreation: Out-door sports, interested in photography. DAVISON, Sarali M. (Mrs. George Millard Davison), The Principia, St. Louis, Mo. Born Washington, D.C.; dau. M. and Amy (Kibbey) McNutty; ed. Washington (D.C.) High School; Cornell Univ., A.B. ; m. Washington, D.C, 1894, George Millard Davison (educator);- one daughter: Amy Dorothea Davison. Inter- ested in education of young people and in the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations of N.Y. City. Mem. Cornell Women's Club (N.Y. City). DAWES, Anna Laurens, Pittsfleld, Mass. Author; b. North Adams, Mass., May 14, 1851; dau. Henry Laurens and Electa (Sanderson) Dawes; ed. Maplewood Inst., Pittsfleld, Mass., Abbott Acad., Andover, Mass. Interested in va- rious Indian, Church, missionary, philanthropic, and literary organizations. Opposed to woman suffrage; vlce-pres. Mass. Soc. Opposed to Fur- ther Extension of Suffrage. Author: Modem Jew; How We Are Governed; Life of Charles Sumner; contributor to various Journals, maga- zines, etc. Congregationallst. Republican. Mem. Wednesday Morning Club of Pittsfleld, Country Club of Pittsfleld, Abbott Acad. Club. DAWSON, Agnes Wakefield Learned (Mrs. Percy Millard Dawson), 902 Baldwin Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Boston; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; stu- dent Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., 1896; Mass. Gen. Hospital (nursing), 1879- 99; m. April 8, 1901, Percy Millard Dawson; chil- dren: Emily, b. July 18, 1902; Helen, b. May 13, 1904; Margaret, b. Oct. 1, 1906; Ruth, b. Sept. 1, 1909. Teacher in private school, St. Louis, Mo., 1894-97; Phillips School, 1899-1900. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnse Aas'n. DAWSON, Mary, 549 W. 129th St., N.T. City. Editor, writer; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Will- iam and Margaret (Sweeney) Dawson; ed. Con- vent Sacred Heart, Philadelphia; Georgetown Convent, Georgetown, D.C, and private courses in Philadelphia, Pa., and Paris, France. Five years ass't woman editor on The Press, Phil- adelphia; two years editor Woman's Section, North American, Philadelphia. Has strong interest in all matters relating to prevention of cruelty to animals. In favor of woman suffragei but op- posed to extreme militant methods. Author (in collaboration): The Book of Frolics; The Book of Parties and Pastimes; also many short stories in Lippincott's, Munsey, Black Cat, Red Book, and other magazines; now on the editorial stafi of the Butterick publications. Recreations: Country walks, botany, Persian cats, reading (particularly the sources of medieval history, antiquities, biography and the poets). Speaks French fluently, reads German, Italian and Latin; has traveled in France and Italy. DAWSON, Susie Starke (Mrs. Luther Dawson), 9 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. Patrick Henry and Arabella G. (Clarke) Starke; ed. Richmond Fe- male Inst. ; m. Richmond, June, 1896, Luther Dawson; one son: P. H. Starke Dawson. Mem. D.A.R. (Commonwealth Chapter), Daughters of the Confederacy (Lee Chapter), Woman's Club, Country Club. Baptist. DAY, Anne Marjorie, 216 Midway St., Provi- dence, R.I. Teacher; b. Seekonk, Mass., July 18, 1875; dau. James William and Anne Reid (Allen) Day; ed. Classical High School and Grammar School, Providence, R.I.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '98. Taught in Lowell (Mass.) High School, 1890-1905; Classical High School, Providence, R.I., 1905-13; now head of English dep't. Engaged in mission work among ex-prisoners. Was sec. of College Club in Lowell. Favors woman suffrage. Has had several poems printed in newspapers and small periodicals. Congregationallst. Mem. of various educational ass'ns. Recreations: Golf, tennis, walking, dancing, music, writing. Mem. College Club of R.I. DAV, Cornelia M. (Mrs. LaMott Day), Sidney, Delaware Co., N.Y. Born Genoa, Cayuga Co., N.Y., May 10, 1859; dau. William and Rachel G. (Weeks) Jenkins; ed. Albany State Normal Coll.; m. King Ferry, N.Y., Aug. 29, 1888, La Mott Day; one son: Frank Halbert. Teacher before marriage. Only woman mem. Board of Trustees Congregational Church, Sidney, N.Y., for past six years; re- elected at last meeting. Has been clerk of board during this time; mem. of Board of Trus- tees, Sidney Public Library; treas. of same. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Monday Club of Sidney (pres. for 2 years). Re- ceived nomination for rec. sec. N.Y. State Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, 1912. Mem. D.A.R. (Col. Israel Angell Chapter, New Berlin, N.Y.). DAY, Elizabeth Dike Lewis (Mrs. Cllve Day), 44 Highland St., New Haven, Conn. Writer; b. Bethel, Me., Aug. 5, 1873; dau. Charlton T. and Nancy (McKeen) Lewis; ed. Brearley School; Smith Coll., A.B. '95, M.A. '98; Sorbonne College de France (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Morristown, N.J., June 30, 1904. Clive Day, DAY— DEAN 235 prof, of Economic History at Yale; children: Margaret, Ellen. Ass't In English at Smith, 1898-99; teacher of French and French history In various schools at different periods. Against woman suffrage. Contributor to magazines, chiefly fiction. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnse. Rec- reations: Swimming, boating, tennis, dramatics. Club: New Haren Lawn. DAY, Leigh Gross (Mrs. George Edward Day), 845 S. Fourth St., Springfield, III. Writer; b. Springfield, 111.; dau. Eugene and Susan (Zimmerman) Gross; ed. in the public schools of Springfield, 111.-, also special studies In art; m. Springfield, III., 18S6 George Edward Day. Has written stories and sketches and furnished Illustrations to several leading publi- cations, Including The Ladies' Home Journal and Woman's Home Companion. Author: In Shadow Town, 1907; Borderland and the Blue Beyond, 1908. DAY, Lillian Fanchal (Mrs. Giles W. Day), Hotel Breslln, N.T. City. Writer; b. Wlnfleld, la.; dau. James and Mary J. (Hale) Paschal; ed. High School, Creston, la., Iowa Wesleyan Univ., Mt. Pleasant, la.; studied vocal music In N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, May 2, 1908, Giles Warren Day (died May 10, 1911). Formerly with Chicago Tribune, N.Y. Journal and Herald, now connected with W^oman's Mag- azine (Butterick Pub. Co.) editorial dep't. Helped organize Three Arts Club (charter mem.). Church singer in N.Y. City 8 years. Has done settlement work on lower East Side. Started Journal Christmas fund for poor children. So- cial worker for protection of young girls. Has written several hundred short stories, articles, poems, serials, novelettes, etc., for magazines and syndicates. Has written for Ainslee's, Pear- son's, Smith's, Metropolitan, All-Story, Success, Life, Delineator, Designer, McClure's Syndicate and other magazines. Clubs: Woman's Press, Three Arts, Iowa New Yorkers (twice vlce-pres.). Recreations: Athletics, skating, horseback riding, dancing, music, gardening, motoring. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Independent in politics. DAY, Mary Anna, 43 Langdon St., Cambridge, Mass. Librarian; b. Nelson, N.H., Oct. 12, 1852; dau. Sewell and Hannah (Wilson) Day; ed. in public schools and Lancaster Acad.; special studies in botany. Formerly a teacher, now librarian. Writer on botanical subjects, notably series on Local Floras of New England (Rhodora, Vols. I, II, 1899-1900); Herbaria of New England (Rho- dora, Vol. Ill, 1901). Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage. DAY, Mary Gagre, Kingston, N.T. Physician; b. Worcester, N.Y., June 20, 1857; dau. Henry Van Tassel and Lucy (Grove) Gage; after completing school courses In Worcester and at Charlottesville Sem. studied one year in scien- tific laboratories of Cornell Univ.; grad. dep't medicine and surgery, Univ. of Mioh., M.D. '88; post-grad, work In N.Y. Post-Grad. School and Hospital. Resident physician in State public School for Dependent Children, Coldwater, Mich., 10 months; practiced medicine six years in Widhlta, Kan.; since 1897 at Kingston, N.Y. Sec. of staff and attending gynecologist to Bene- dictine Sanitarium and Hospital; gynecologist, Kingston City Hospital and Ulster County Tu- berculosis Hospital; chairman and instructor of Benedictine Training Sohool for Nurses. Mem. St. John's Episcopal Church, Kingston. Lec- turer, State Dep't of Health. Author of several papers on Loco-Weed and contributions on other scientific an-d medical topics to medical journals. Also Some Useful Points In Eugenics, and cir- cular letter in collaboration with the Com. on Moral Sanitation of N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman of com., 1912-13). Mem. Nat. Ass'n for Prevention of Tuberculosis, Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Ulster Co. Med. Soc. ; sec. Ulster Co. Com. on Prevention of Tuberculosis; permanent mem. Alumni Ass'n of Univ. of Mich.; mem. N.Y. State Woman's Med. Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc, A.A.A.S., Kingston City Hospital Ass'n; chairman Public Health Com., Kingston Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. TwaaUsklU Country Club. I).\Y, Sarah Louise, 280 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Chemist; b. Roxbury, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78, A.M. '87; Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, B.S. '87. Engaged in water analysis for the State Board of Health, Boston, 1888-96. Treas. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of the Congregational Church since 1896. Congrega- tionalist. DEACH, Inez Rodgers (Mrs. Andrew Deach), 216 Honore St.. Chicago, 111. Born Rexville, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1853; dau. Andrew and Lydia Ann (Rexford) Rodgers; ed. Ashtabula (O.) public schools (graded and high); m. Ashta- bula, O., Sept. 29, 1896, Andrew Deach (died Dec. 22, 1902). Pres. Ashtabula Ladies' Aid Soc, ]S95-96: honorary matron Emergency Charity Hospital, Ashta;bula, 1894-96; first vice-pres. Francis Juvenile Home Ass'n, 1910-12 (Chicago); treas. Children's Day Ass'n, 1911-12; pres. West Side Union W.C.T.U., 1912; pres. Ladles' Church Ass'n of St. Paul's Reformed I<>piscopaI Church, 1910-12. Officer Lady Washington Chapter, East- ern Star (Chicago). Mem. Woman's City Club, City Gardens Ass'n, Citizens' Health Alliance, Emigrant Protective League, Civics Com., League of Cook Co. Clubs; has served as pres. and first vlce-pres. Hull House Woman's Club; pies. Frances Juvenile Aid Club, 1909-10. Past sup't of suffrage legislation and petition. Cook Co. (III.-) W.C.T.U., several times delegate to Springfield, 111., when suffrage bill was before the Senate and House; delegate to Cook Co. Suffrage Alliance from Cook Co. Exec. Board W.C.T.U. DEAN, Elizabeth Whett«n, 916 Olivia Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 6, 1S68; dau. Henry Stewart and Delia Brown (Cook) Dean; grad. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 'S7; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '91. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Soc. Collegiate Alumnse, Internal. Soc. jdI King's Daughters, D.A.R., Daimes of the Loyal Legion Mem. Washtenaw Country Club, Ann Arbor Classics Club, Ann Arbor Bridge Club. DEAN, Emily Washburn (Mrs. George Robin- son Dean), Montgomery Road, Highland Park, 111. Born Alton, III., May 25, 1870; dau. Elmer and Elizabeth (Knight) Washburn; ed. Chicago pub- lic schools; Miss Rice's High School for Girls; m. Chicago, 111., Oct. 22, 1903, George Robinson Dean (architect). Mem. Protestant Episcopal Church. Chairman Reform Dep't and director of Chicago Woman's Club; sec. Juvenile Pro- tective Ass'n. Active in affairs of Juvenile Court from creation of same; sec. Juvenile Psycho- pathic Inst, of Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Juvenile Protective Ass'n of North Shore, Immigrants' Protective League. Mem. Woman's City Club. DEAN, S. EUa Wood (Mrs. John E. Dean), 5000 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Born Corona, O., 1871; dau. Dr. S. B. and Mary (Stough) Wood; grad. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Md'lle Devina's, Paris, France; m. Chicago, 1900, John E. Dean. Interested in the principal clulss in Chicago, D.A.R., Loyal Le- gion, Colonial Dames, Art Inst.; life naem. Amateur Musical Club, the Antiquarians, etc., Y.W.C.A., the New Future Associate, the Refuge. Interested for woman suffrage. Au- thor: Shibboleth; Loves Purple; Story a Sofa Told, and many short stories of romance and travel. Presbyterian; Republican. Mem. D.A.R., the Antiquarians, Alliance Francaase, Colonial Dames, the Drama League of America, 111. Pre&s Ass'n Recreations: Riding, driving, horses, golf, swimming, motoring. For many years traveler and student; sings a large reper- toire, but makes a specialty of Carmen; has devoted time and talents to charity. Has been presented at the English and German courts. DEAN, Sara, Lyceum Club, Piccadilly, London, England. Author; b. Boise City, Idaho; dau. Peter and Isabella (Armstrong) Dean; privately educated. E.xtenslve traveler In Europe, the Orient and the islands of the South Pacific. Autlkor: Travers, 236 DEANB — DEDERER 1907; A Disciple of Chance, 1910. Mem. and one of founders of Spinners' Club, San Francisco; mem. Lyceum Club, London. DEANE, Bertha Louise, 22 Clinton St., Taunton, Mass. Social service; b. Taunton, Mass.; dau. Phil- ander Evarts and Louise Elvira (Colburn) Dean; grad. Wellesley, '87; certificates as grad. student, Columbia Univ. (also Barnard and Teachers Col- leges), 1S93-94; N.Y. Univ., '92; Harvard (Ser- geant Summer School); N.Y. Infirmary; Alliance Frangaise and Sorbonne, Paris, 1904-05; Chicago Univ., 1909. Instructor in languages, Washing- ton, N.Y. City, Boston, Paris. In social service as parish visitor, Boston; college settlements, etc., N.Y. and Chicago. Lecturer church ^clubs; mem. glee clubs and choirs in Boston, N.Y'. City and Paris; mem. Atelier, Paris. Favors woman suffrage. Author of magaznie and newspaper articles on philanthropy, municipal affairs, edu- cation and genealogy, also of songs. Episco- palian. Mem. D.A.R., Oratorio Soc, N.Y. ; Ass'n Collegiate Alumns, Historical Soc. Recreations: Walking, rowing, swimming, tennis. Mem. Wel- lesley Club (N.Y. City), Taunton Woman's Club, College Club; mem. Acad, of Sciences. DEANE, Edith Douglass, Park Hill, Tonkers, N.Y. Designer of jewelry; b. Morristown, N.J., 1875; dau. John Hall and Bertha A. (Fanning) Deane; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B., and School of Applied Design for Women. Artist and designer, par- ticularly artistic jewelry. Ideutified with many religious, social and philanthropic enterprises in N.Y. City and Yonkers. Favors woman suf- frage. Baptist. Director Vassar Aid Soc; manager Ladies' Christian Union; vice-pres. AlumucE of Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ., Soc. of the Civic Education of Women; life mem. Baptist Publication Soc. Recreations: Tennis, golf. Mem. Woman's University Club, N.Y.; Park Hill Country Club, History Club of N.Y. DEANE, Mary Gray (Mis. John M. Deane), Fall River, Mass. Born Norwich, Conn., Nov. 16, 1846; dau. Abner T. and Sarah Reid (Briggs) Pearce; ed. in the schools of Providence, R.I.; m. Freetown, .Mass., Nov. 20, 1S66, Major John M. Deane, Civil War veteran. One of the earliest members of Woman's Relief Corps, in which was inspector, Dep't of Mass., 1891; Dep't pres., 1892; Nat. in- spector, 1898. For 23 years mem. B'd of Mana- gers, Children's Home, Fall River. Congrega- tionalist. DEANE, Kachel Shevelson (Mrs. Joseph Gris- wold Deane), 200 W. Seventy-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born Syracuse, N.Y.; dau. Isaac and Judith (Garfinkle) Shevelson; ed. Smith Coll., A.B.; m. July 5, 1S94, Joseph Griswold Deane. DEANS, Clara Barr (Mrs. John S. Deans), Phoenixville, Pa. Born Cincinnati, 0.; dau. Llewellyn S. and Mary E. (Bringhirst) Barr; ed. private school, Cincinnati; m. John Sterling Deans; children: John Sterling, Mary Elizabeth, Eleanor Ward, Robert Barr. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Acorn Club (Philadelphia). DEARBORN, Ella Kyes (Mrs. E. W. Dearborn), 800 Union Av., North Portland, Ore. Physician; b. Bowling Green, O., 1S5S; dau. Justice Preston and Malvira (Smith) Kyes; ed. Univ. of Mich., M.D., '88; m. Sagmaw, Mich., 1883, E. W. Dearborn (died 1S99). Author: Sor- rows of Cupid; Eugenics; No Danger of Race Suicide; Euthanasia for Criminals and Incura- bles. Newspaper and magazine writer. Clubs: Apollo (musical, Mazamas (mountain climbers), Ohio Club, Michigan Club. Recreations: Pen,, metal work, mountain climbing, notable collec- tor of spoons. Favors woman suffrage. Repub- lican. DE ASHFORD, Maria Asuncion Lopez (Mrs. B. K. de Ashford), 2 San Cristobal, San Juan, Porto Rico. Born Mayagiiez, Porto Rico; dau. Ramon and Micaela (Nussa) Lopez; m. San Juan, Porto Rico, June, 1899, Dr. B. K. de Ashford; chil- dren: Mahlon, Gloria, Margarita. DE BAZUS, Baroness — see Leslie, Mrs. Frank. DE BLOIS, Khoda Farquharson (Mrs. "William M. de Blois), 609 Fine Arts Building, Detroit. Mich. Physician; b. Whitby, Ont., April 22, 1882; dau. John and Sarah E. (Brown) Farquharson; ed. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '05: Univ. of Mich. Homoeo- pathic Med. Coll., M.D. '07; m. Detroit, Sept. 29, 1910, William M. de Blois. Attending physician (girls) Wayne Co. Juvenile Detention Home. Favors woman suffrage; mem. (treas., 1909-10) Detroit Branch College Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Detroit Practitioners Soc, Mich. State Homceopathic Soc, Am. Inst, of Homceopathy, Detroit Soc. for Sex Hygiene. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. College Club of Detroit, Business Women's Club of Detroit, Alliance Frangaise. DE BOER, Auffusta Featherly (Mrs. Joseph A. De Boer), 1 Western Av., Montpelier, Vt. State regent D.A.R. ; b. Albany, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1863; dau. John H. and Emma E. (Graves) Fatherly; grad. Albany High School, 1881; m. Albany, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1885, Joseph A. De Boer (then principal of schools in Montpelier, Vt., now pres. National Life Ins. Co. of Vt.); children: Ethel A., b. 1886; Minnie A., b. 1888; Bertha A., b. 1892; Paul K., b. 1897; Elizabeth A., b. 1902. Became State regent Vt. D.A.R. in 1912. Mem. Episcopal Church. DECKER, Estelle Bemsen (Mrs. Smith N. Deck- er), Central Av., Far Rockaway, N.Y. Born Jamaica, L.I.; dau. Isaac B. and Jane (Creed) Remsen; ed. Jamaica public school, Northfield (Mass.) Sem., '85; m. Jamaica, Nov. 26, 1SS4, Smith N. Decker; children: Smith Irv- ing, Remsen Bennett, Marion Estelle. Mem. l^t Presbyterian (Sage memorial) Church, Far Rockaway. Pres. Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. Pres. Far Rockaway Woman's Club; director L. I. Council of Women's Clubs, and of N.Y. City Federation of Women's (3lubs; mem. Associated Clubs of Domestic Science. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. DE COU, Anna May Pemberton (Mrs. Clayton L. De Cou), Haddonfield, N.J. Friend minister; b. West Milton, 0., May 25, 18G7; dau. Joseph and Sydnia (Pearson) Pember- ton; ed, in public schools of Union Township, Miami Co., 0., and Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind.; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., B.L. '93; Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '94; Earlham Coll. graduate work (historic study), A.M. '04; m. Nov. 14, 1907, Clay- ton L. De Cou. Engaged in teaching in common schools of Union Township, Miauia Co., 0., 1884-86; principal of Friends' Acad., Washington, Kan., 1895-96; sup't of schools, Greensboro, Ind., 1897-98. Mem. of Society of Friends; began preaching at age of 17 years; was associated with father, who was for over 40 years a Friend minister; also traveled widely in religious work. Active in temperance work, has spoken many times in different places for the W.C.T.U.; helped organize W.C.T.U. at West Milton, 0., and set to work to secure local prohibition in the town which, with the county, is now dry; later engaged in temperance work in Camden Co., N.J. Has written numerous articles that have been published. Lecturer on historic sub- jects. Has traveled widely in the Eastern, Central and Southern States, preaching and gathering historic materials on (Quakerism and Slavery and the life of Benjamin Lundy, the father of Abolitionism in America. Recreations: Walking, driving, bathing, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Paternal grandmother, Elizabeth (Elle- man) Pemberton, was a minister of the Gospel among Friends, and 14 of her descendants have also been ministers of the Friends religious denomination. DEDEREK, Tauline Hamilton, 549 W. llStli St., N.Y. City. Teacher and investigator in zoology; b. Ho- boken. N.J., 1878; dau. Charles Hamilton and Martha (Paul) Dederer; grad. Long Branch (N.J.) High School; Barnard Coll., A.B. '01; Columbia Univ., A.M. '07; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta. Assista,ut in zoology, Barnard Coll. ; Colunabia Univ., 1904-05; lecturer and tutor. DEERING — DE KAY 237 1905--10; Instructor in zoology, 1910- . Mem. College Settlements Ass'n, Public Education Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Author of sev- eral papers on zoological research published in various biological journals. Unitarian. Mem. Associate Alumnse of Barnard College. Recrea- tions: Tennis, swimming, dancing. DEERIXG, Mabel Craft (Mrs. Frank Prentiss Deering), 2709 I-,arlcin St., San Francisco, Cal. Bom Rochelle, 111.; dau. Richard C. and Eleanor Eugenie (Coolbaugh) Craft; ed. Univ. of Cal., B.Ph., LL.B.; m. Oakland, Calif, Nov. 22, 1902, Frank Prentiss Deering; daughter: Francesca Craft Deering. Mem. of Com. which furnishes certified milk to foundling babies of San Fran- cisco. Author: Hawal Nei, 1899 (book of travels in Hawaii); short stories in Atlantic, St. Nich- olas, Collier's, Leslie's Weekly, Munsey's. Mem. FYanclsca Club, Collegiate Alumnse. Recrea- tions: Bridge, riding, swimming. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; director In Coll. Equal Buff. League (Northern Cal. Branch) ; director S.F. Center, Cal. Civic League; State Press chairman for Cal. of Cal. State Suff. Ass'n. Democrat. DE FOREST, Charlotte Burgis, Kobe College. Kobe, Japan. Missionary educator; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '01, M.A. '07; student of zoology. Cold Spring (L.L) Laboratory, summer 1902. Ass't sup't Walker Missionary Homme, Auburndale, Mass., 1902-03. Since 1003 missionary of the American B'd m Japan; located in Sendai for Japanese language study, 1903-04; since 1904 teacher at Kobe College; acting principal, 1910-12; head of Bible and Evangelistic Dep't. Mem. Smith Col- lege Alumnae Ass'n. OK FOREST, Marian, 26 Irving Place, Buffalo, N.Y. Newspaper writer and dramatist; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Cyrus H. and Sarah Germain (Suth- erland) de Forest: ed. Buffalo Sem. Engaged in newspaper work; now dramatic editor Buffalo Express; dramatized Louise M. Alcott's Little Women, running in N.Y. (season of 1912-13) with second company in town. Mem. the Scribblers of Buffalo, Graduates' Ass'n of the Buffalo Sem. Episcopalian. DE FOREST, Mrs. Nora Blatch, 15 West Ninety- first St., N.Y. City. Civil engineer, editor; b. Sept. 30, 1883; dau. William Henry and Harriot (Stanton) Blatch; grad. Cornell Univ., 1905, civil engineer; elected to Sigma XI (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. N.Y. City, February, 1908, Lee DeForest (di- vorced February, 1912, Ne^ Rochelle, N.Y.); one daughter: Harriot Stanton DeForest, b. June 19, 1909. Draftsman Am. Bridge Co., 1905-06; ass't engineer with Board of Water Supply, 1907-09; chief draftsman with Radley Steel Con- nection Co., 1910-12. In December, 1912, went altogether into suffrage work, speaking, organ- izing, etc. Gen. sec. of Women's Political Union and editor of Woman's Political World. Agnostic. Junior mem. Am. Soc. of Civil Engi- neers; mem. Cornell Soc. of Civil Engineers, Sigma Xi Alpha Chapter, Cornell Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Swimming, tennis. Mem. Women's University Club. DE GARMO, Mrs. Frank, 6186 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Lecturer, educator, organizer; b. in Kentucky; dau. D. and Sarah Jane (Wlngler) Odonnell; grad. high and normal schools, with graduate university work; m. Warrensburg, Mo., 1890, Frank De Garmo; two daughters: Mary Cora and Margaret Frances. Taught in high school and State normal school before marriage; founded Girls' Training School for Neglected Children at Shreveport, La. ; promoted the first juvenile court law for Louisiana; secured the teaching of domestic science in Shreveport and Monroe public schools of Louisiana; with a few friends founded the Model Farm Propaganda at the State Fair of La., consisting of a model five- room cottage, completely decorated and fur- nished by children of tbe public schools of Shreveport, La., also model one-room school- house, where two systems of kindergarten train- ing were demonstrated, together with window gardens, school gardens and playgrounds all con- nected by a model road. Organized Louisiana Congress of Mothers and Missouri Congress of Mothers at the time it became a branch 1911-12. Originator "Baby Show" or Baby Con- test idea and system of report cards for registra- tion of births simultaneously in schools and Boards of Health. Author: World's Baby Eugenic Almanac for Parents; The Home Credit, or Parent-Teacher Partnership Report Card; Road Cadet Patrol and Junior Home Builders, or Pick and Shovel Club for Girls; Road Log or Ques- tionaire; Plan for Developing Country Child Welfare by Publicity, Education, Demonstration, Legislation; joint author (with Dr. Caroline Skina) of Eugenic Text-Book for Parents, Phy- sicians and Teachers; writer of numerous bulle- tins for teaching use of the fireless cooker in preparing hot school luncheons; leaflets on im- proving public wagon roads, etc. Presbyterian. Mem. U.S. Daughters of 1812 (Missouri Chapter), Nat. Education Ass'n, Nat. Country Life chair- man Nat. Congress of Mothers. Recreations: Music, art, travel. Mem. Authors' Club, Shreveport, La.; mem. State Fed. of Louisiana, Tuesday Club of St. Louis, Mo. DE GOZZALDI, Mary Isabella — see Gozzaldi, Mary Isabella de. DeGRATF, Enima Christine (Mrs. Arey J. DeGraff), Pattersonville, N.Y. Born Fonda, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1870; dau. Archibald A. and Laura J. (Mann) MacLauchlin; ed. Schenectady Classical Inst., '89; Cornell Univ., special course, 1890-bl (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Fort Hunter, N.Y., Jan. 26, 1897, Arey J. DeGraff; children: William Raymond, b. Sept. 4, 1898; Archibald Clifford, b. Feb. 4, 1902 (died Feb. 15, 1903). Teacher in public schools, 1892-97. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Pres. Pattersonville Book Club. DeGROFF, Minnie Emily (Mrs. Edward E. DeGroff), Watertown, S.Dak. Born Austin, Minn., Dec. 25, 1875; dau. Luman and May (Burges.s) Carter; ed. high school and summer normal; m. Austin. Minn., Oct. 1, 1895, Edward E. DeGroff: children: Marguerite, Ken- neth Carter, Mark Edison, Elbert Nordeau. Pres. First Dist. Minn. Fed. Women's Clubs (resigned). Teacher of oratory and elocution; connected with Watertown Business Coll. as teacher of oratory. Favors woman suffrage. Public speaker and often talks to clubs and club women on suffrage que&tion. Methodist. Mem. Eastern Star and Rebekah lodges. Teacher of scientific temperance instruction in W.C.T.U. Recreations: Occasional trips to larger cities, picnics with children, motoring and out-door sports. Mem. Round Table (Watertown) ; has organized study clubs for the country women in her district. DeHAAS, Alice Preble Tucker (Mrs. Maurlts F. H. de Haasn 939 Eighth Av., N.Y. City. Marine portrait and miniature painter; b. Boston, Mass. ; dau. Edgar and Mary A. (Preble) Tucker (great granddaughter Com- modore Edward Preble, U.S.N.) ; studied with M. F. H. de Haas, N.A., and William Chase, N.A., also others, and at Julien's, Paris; second wife and widow of the distinguished marine painter, Maurits F. H. de Haas, N.A. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames of N.Y., Ass'n of Women Painters and Sculptors (formerly Woman's Art Club of N.Y.). Won marine prize in Woman's Art Club of N.Y., 1912. Exhibited at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904 (miniatures). Art Inst, of Chicago, N.Y. Water Color Soc, N.Y. Water Color Club, Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City, Soc. of Miniature Painters, Philadel- phia Art Club and Philadelphia Acad, of Fine Arts, St. Louis Museum, Boston Art Club. Port- land (Me.) Art Museum, Am. Fed. of Arts, Cor- coran Art Gallery (Washington), Art Club of Erie, Pa. DE KAY, Minna Craven (Mrs. Sidney Brooks de Kay). 50 W. Ninth St.. N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, 1844; dau. Alfred Wingate and Maria (Schermerhorn) Craven; ed. Miss Gibson's School of N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1871. Sidney Brooks de Kay; children: Eckford Craven, Janet 238 DE KERMEN— DELANO Craven, Sidney Gilder. Interested in domestic missions and various philanthropies, and when a young girl at U.S. Sanitary Commission. Episco- palian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Women's Municipal League. Mem. Ass'n Op- posed to Woman Suffrage. DE KERMEN, Madame Valerie liOnise, 31 W. Ninety-third St., N.Y. City. Professor, lecturer; b. Paris, 1857; dau. Louis and Bazin de la (Chesnays) Chantrelle; ed. Paris, privately; obtained the superior diploma at Sor- bonne, Paris; m. Paris, 1878, Count Henry Tan- crede de Kermen (no-w deceased); children: Alta Gracla, b. 1886, and one deceased. Has had success In lecturing in French and English; has been In relation with some great men, among others Eldmund Rostand. Professor of French and lecturer in French and English. Favors woman suffrage; second vlce-pres. Joan of Arc Woman Suffrage League. Author: The Meaning of Chanticler; Maeterlinck, or the High Road (noiw in press), and several articles in different Socialist papers. Socialist. Mem. Branch No. 14 Socialist Party, Riverside Hall. Resident in America about 20 years; naturalized as American citizen, 1915. DeKOVEN, Anna Farwell (Mrs. Reginald De- Koven), 1025 Parli Av., N.Y. City. Writer; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Hon. Charles B. (U.iS. Senator) and Mary B. (Smith) Farwell; ed. Lake Forest Univ. (valedictorian) A.B.; m. Lake Forest, lU., May 1, 1884. Reginald DeKoven (dis- tinguished composer); one daughter: Ethel LeRoy DeKoven (married N.Y., 1911, H. Kierstede Hud- eon). Author: By the Waters of Babylon; Life of John Paul Jones; A Sawdust Doll. Translator of Pierre Loti's Iceland Fisherman (Pfecheur d'Islande) In Laurel Crowned Series. Had a mu- sical salon in N.Y. City, where the artists of the Metropolitan and Manhattan Opera cormpanies sang. Mem. Colony Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suHrage. DE KBAFTT, Frances Blatchford, 1834 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Clerk; b. Qulncy, lU., Mar. 23, 1855; dau. Rear Admiral J. C. P. de Kraflt, U.S. Navy, and Elizabeth Sellers (Pearson) de Krafft; ed. in private schools and with masters in languages and music. Has been 22 years in Navy Dep't in resiKjnsible positions; now in Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Republican. DE KBOYIT, Sosan Helen Aldrich (Mrs. Will- iam De Kroyft), Dansville, N.Y. ATithoress; b. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 29, 1818; dau. Obed and Melintha Hart (Potter) Aldrich; ed. Westfleld (N.Y.) Acad, and Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y. (valedictorian); m. Rochester, N.Y., July 25, 1845, William De Kroyft, M.D. Widowed on wedding day by a carriage accident, and awoke blind one month later. Studied music until first book was published. With an aman- uensis traveled all over the U.S. and Canada. Author: A Place In Thy Memory; The Story of Little Jakey; Mortara; The Soul of Eve; The foreshadowed Way. Honorary mem. Shakespeare Club of America and Elngland (Stratford). Rec- reation: Reading. EJpisoopalian. DKLAFTEXD, EUzabeth Bay, 5 W. Fiftieth St., N.Y. City. Bom N.Y. City, Sept. 15, 1872,; dau. Dr. Francis and Katherine (Van Rensselaer) Delafleld; ed. at home. Pres. of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Ml&sione, diocese of N.Y.; sec. of the Bryson Day Nursery. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. DE L,AGI7NA, Grace Andms de Leo (Mrs. Theodore de Leo de Laguna), Bryn Mawr, Pa. Teacher of phlloB<^y; b. East Berlin, Conn., Beat 28, 1878; dau. Wallace R. and Annls (Mead) Andrus; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '03, Ph.D. '06; tn. Tacoma, Wash., 1905, Theodore de Leo de Lagtina; children: Frederlca, Annis, Wallace. Associate In philosophy, Bryn Mawr Coll. Joint author (with hu^>and) of Dogmatism and Brrtutlon. DE LAMATEB, Jacqueline Montagrne Newton (Mrs. Van Ness De Lamater), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Former teacher; b. Oberlin, O., Jan. 15, 1875; dau. James King and Frances (Bstabrook) Newton; ed. Univ. of Cal., Ph.B. '98 (Phoebe Hearst scholar) ; grad. student Univ. of Cal., 1898-99; grad. student Cornell Univ., 1900-01; m. Washington, D.C, Oct. 20^^ 1904, Van Ness De Lamater, M.E.; children: Frances Anna. b. Dec. V, 1905; Van Ness, b. Dec. 23, 1907; Edward Bsta- brook and James Newton (twins), b. Jan. 24, 1912. Former teacher at Benecia, Cal.; Berea Coll., Ky., 1899-1900; Philippine Islands (ap- pointed by Cornell Univ.), 1901-02; Campbell High School, Cal., 1902-04. Unitarian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, (College Club of Plalnfleld, N.J. DE LA MOTTE, Anna Clxristesen (Mrs. Johannes de la Motte), 70 S. Tenth St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Physician; b. Denmark, April 1, 1862; dau. Martin A. and Johanna (Cramer) Chrlstesen; ed. Hohere Tochterschule In Souderburg, Schleswig- Holsteln, Germany, and Cornell Univ., M.D. 1900; m. 1883, Johannes de la Motte; adopted son: Charles E. de la Motte. Attached to Williams- burg Hospital Dispensary (Brooklyn), pediatrics and gynecology, 1903-09. Engaged in general medical practice in Brooklyn, N.Y. Mem. Y.W.C.A., CJhild's Welfare Soc. Favors woman suffrage (occasional speaker for cause). Uni- tarian. DELAND, EUen Douglas, Dedham, Mass. Author; b. Lake Mahopac, N.Y., Sept. 3, 1860; dau. Thorndike and Elizabeth (Rawle) Deland; ed. In private school, N.Y. City. Interested In literary, philanthropic and social life. Trustee Dedham Public Library. Vice-pres. Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Parish, Dedham, Mass. Mem. Dedham Discussion Club, Boston Authors' Club. Author: Oakleigh; In the Old Herrick House; Alan Ransford; Josephine; A Little Son of Sunshine; Miss Betty of New York; Malvern; A Successful Venture; Kathrlne; Three Girls of Hazlemere; The Friendship of Anne; The Girls of Dudley School; The Fortunes of Phoebe. Also several monologues which she gives in public and short stories in magazines. Recreations: Garden- ing, walking, bicycling, reading. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Boston Equal Suf- frage Ass'n of (jood Government. DE LAND, Helen Parce, Falrport, N.Y. Born Fairp ro Txr -r-,. ,. x .r. o^ Kindergarten, Christian Citizenship, Fran- ^^^v oi'f ^^'°"'»' 58 ^- Eighty-seventh ^jigg^ ^^3 kindred subjects; has spoken and ^■' ir '-.r I;?!' ..oon J T^,. . J, T-, ^ , written about art. Mem. the Century Club, the Born N.Y. (^Ity 1889; dau Elias A and E«.tela Mystery Club, the Woman's Literary Club (first ^- ^*H'Sf7= ^^d.^'"- -'■ ^^*^H? S'$°°J' ^■^•Qn?^^y• pres., 1898). Recreations: Traveling, sight-seeing, grad 1907: Simmons Coll Boston 1907^10; autoiobillng, boating, music, plays games. Mem Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1910-12 B.S. g yig^ Reading Circle (was Houlnd pres. for liini'^i"."^^,. lnff.iZ"^o'llLH^v T°'l^'f "'°- t^" y^^rs). Favors woman suffrage. Superin- Against woman suffrage. Orthodox Jewess. tendent of Franchise for the Bth Dist. of Mich. DELLENBAUGH, Harriet Otis (Mrs. Frederick W.C.T.U.; mem. and chairman press com. Hol- S. Dellenbaugh), 226 W. 78th St., N.Y. City. land Suffrage Ass'n. Actress: b. in Brooklyn, N.Y.; daughter of Will- iam H. and Elizabeth (Allen) Otis; ed. Brooklyn ^^ MTLLE, Anna Ang:ela George (Mrs. WIlHam and N.Y. private schools; m. EUenvllle, N.Y., C. de Mille), 230 W. 107th St., N.Y. City. Oct 29, 1885, Frederick S. Dellenbaugh; one son: Born San Francisco; dau. Henry George Frederick S. Dellenbaugh, Jr. Clubs: Women's (philosopher, political economist) and Annie C. Cosmopolitan, MacDowell, Barnard, Wednesday (Fox) George; ed. Friends Sem. and Horace Afternoon. Favors woman suffrage. Mann High School; m. Ft. Hamilton, Mar. 30, Tx-Bix i.c«i> -w:- T> 1 TT ,1, c. J. 1903, William C. de Mille (dramatist); children: fs^ ^Fiftv^e" e'n'th lt"'"N Y Cltv"' ' ^^^ ^^^^«' Margaret George. Interested In A n V" K w i^f r 't^A X ^' Ai ., single tax, sinking, drama. Jeffersonian Demo- Artist; b. Washington, D.C.; dau. Alexander ^at; single taxer. Favors woman suffrage. ^Ln^'^^L ^^iJtZ- l-pJ[nrn,'°i°± }. Recreation: Music. Clubs: Manhattan Sinile France and England, spending n3 years in rp„„ Tw<»ifth Nip^ht Europe in the study of art. Has exhibited pic- ' -^^eiitu iMgat. tures in principal exhibitions in Paris, London DeMILLE, Beatrice M. (Mrs. Henry Churchill and N.Y. ; at present occupied on mural decora- DeMiUe), 145 W. 45th St., N.Y. City, tions, recently a large one being put in place at Authors' representative; b. Brooklyn N.Y. ; the Caroline Rest, Hartsdale, N.Y. Mem. Bar- daughter S.L. and Cecelia (Wolfe) Sannel; ed. nard Club. Recreation: Fencing. Favors woman public school, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Portsdown Coll., suffrage. London, Eng. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1878, Henry DEIiPIT, Louise, 75 West St., Northampton, Churchill DeMille; children: William Churchill, Mass. Cecil Blount, Agnes Beatrice. Taught in Lock- Associate prof, of French; b. Beaumont-du- wood's, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; later had a school her- Perigord, France; dau. Edouard (a novelist) and self at Pamlico, Pompton, N.J. Engaged In rep- Zephine (Charrier) Delplt; ed. College S6vlgn6, resenting the dramatic work of new authors In Paris; degrees: Brevet simple, brevet supferieur, N.Y. City. Placed successfully and made fortunes licence &s-lettres. Taught in the Brearley School, for the authors of the Lion and the Mouse; N.Y. City, 1900-04; Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Strongheart; The Road to Yesterday; The 1904-08; called to Smith Coll. as asso. prof, of Woman; The Return of Peter Grimm; Seven French In Feb., 1908. Author: L'Age d'Or de la Days; The Warrens of Virginia; Beverley of Litterateur Frangaise. Catholic. Father anJ Graustark. Interested in Christian Science, Sin- uncle, both writers, were both born in New gle Tax, education of girls, advancement of Orleans, where their father had an extensive women in every direction. Mem. Actors' Soc, estate until the breaking out of the Civil War. Literary and Dramatic Union. Clubs: Pen and DEMABEST, Beglna (Mrs. William G. Demar- ^^ush, 'Twelfth Night. Professional Woman's est), 788 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City. League, Lyceum Club of London, the Nat. Fed. Born N.Y. City, Aug. 27, 1855; dau. William and 2^ .'^^®^^'"f^ '^^",^.!- v Recreations: Automobiling, Eugenie (Kellinger) Shannon; ed. Van Norman Ashmg, bridge, kitchen, gardenmg Episcopalian. Inst, (graduate), Vaesar Coll., two years; m. June ^^Z?^ woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suffrage 16, 1879, William Goddard Demarest; children: ^a^y- William (3ustayus, Eugenie Aroon. Dep't pres. DEMING, Adelaide. Litchfield, Conn. Woman s Relief Corps (auxiliary G-A.RO, Ladies' Artist; b. Litchfield, Conn., Dec. 12, 1864; dau. Auxiliary to Harlem Ear, Eye and Throat In- William and Mary A. (Benton) Demlng; ed. Hart- flrmary. Mem. Soc. for Political Study, Post- ford High School ; Art Students' League. Parliament West-End Republican Club, Good- studied painting with William M. Chase, Arthur Government Club. Unitarian. Favors woman dow, W. L. Lathrop, Henry B. Snell. Took suffrage. prize for finest work at exhibition of Woman's DEMABEST, S. Emma, Room 404, 156 Fifth Ajt Club, 1907, and prize for best water-color at Av., N.Y. City. exhibition of N.Y. Water Color Club, 1908. Mem. Office sec. Grenfell Ass'n of America; b. N.Y. Woman's Art Club, N.Y. City; N.Y. Water Color City, Nov. 9, 1856; dau. David Stephen and Club, Conn. Soc. of Fine Arts. Regular exhibitor Nancy A. (Baldwin) Demareet; ed. private 'n t^e principal art exhibitions of N.Y. City, schools. N.Y. City public schools, Mt. Holyoke Philadelphia and Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Coll. For many years editorial assistant in T^nicTT>j^ ^, cc, ttt- . -c^ j . /w • Century Magazine. ITeas. Mt. Holyoke Coll. »EM^G. Eleanor 853 West End Av. (business. Alumnae Ass'n of N.Y., Young Women's Club of 108 Fulton St.). NY. City v r, , , Broadway Tabernacle. Congregatlonalist. Favors mv^!,°" ff^ ™^^" °^ jewe ry; b Brooklyn woman suffrage N.Y. ; dau. Horace E. and Caroline (Springsteed) ^ ,^ Demlng; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '03. Student In DeMEBElX, lantba Aldrlcli (Mrs. Richard N. Packard's Commercial School, N.Y. City. 1903-04; DeMerell), Holland, Ottawa Co., Mich. student of hand-made metal work and jewelry. Bom Rollln, Mich., Dec. 19, 1855; dau. Welcome 1904-05; student In art and metal work In the and Eliza A. (Wllllts) Aldrlch; grad. East Hud- VelUn Studio, N.Y. City, 1905-07. Engaged in the son High School, 1872; entered Adrian Coll., Sept. designing and making of Jewelry since 1907. 3, 1873; Bay View Reading Circle, June, 1889; m. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club, Barnard Club. 240 DEMING — DENNETT DEMTNG, Katherine Burritt (Mrs. Harold S. reporter at Wellesley for Boston, Chicago, N.Y. Demlng), 128 E. Nineteenth St., N.Y. City. City and Brooklyn papers, 1895-98; teacher of Singer; b. Chicago, 111., May 6, 1S91; dau. Will- English in Friends Acad., New Bedford, Mass., iam Nelson and Anne Grace (Castle) Burritt; ed. 1898-1900; traveled abroad one year; teacher of Kenwood School, Chicago, 111., 1901-04; Cours English in Poughkeepsie High School, 1901-04, and Patin, Paris, France, 1904-05 (honors); Horace in Yonkers High School, 1905—. Mem. Yonkers Mann High School, N.Y. City, 1905-08 (honors); Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Figures of Smith Coll., one year, class of '12; m. N.Y. City, Speech; History of the Novel; Development of April 23, 1913, Harold S. Deming. Debut at the English Drama, all in outline form; Essen- Belasco Theatre, Dec. 5, 1912, In American Indian tials of Versification; The Sonnet (in prepara- songs. Sang in East and Middle West during tion) ; also magazine and newspaper articles, the winter; previously in Scotland during sum- Episcopalian. Mem. Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull mer. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. of Women's Chapter of the D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc., Political Union, N.Y. City; has worked in the Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Nat. Child office; also marshaled parades, etc. Sang in Labor Com. League for Political Education, suffrage benefit at Belasco Theatre. Recrea- Y.W.C.A., Nat. Council of Teachers of English, tions: Srwimming, sailing, dancing^ walking, Mem. Yonkers Progressive Club, canoeing, etc. DENISON, Flora MacD. (Mrs. Howard Denl- DEMTVG, Winifred Conwell Murray (Mrs. Rich- son). 22 Carlton St., Toronto, Can. ard Deming), 928 Lincoln Av., St. Paul, Minn. Author and journalist; b. Ontario, Can., 1867; Born St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 13, 1861; dau. Will- dau. George and Elizabeth (MacTavish) Merrill; iam Pitt and Caroline (Conwell) Murray; ed. ed. Pickie Collegiate Inst., Belleville and To- St. Paul and Oxford Female Coll., Oxford, Ohio; ronto; m. 1892, Howard Denison; one son: Merrill m. Si. Paul, Minn., April 25, 1888, Richard Denison. Interested in social betterment prob- Deming; children: Elizabeth Goodman, b. April 6, lems. Pres. of the Nat. Canadian Suffrage Ass'n, 1889; Caroline Conwell, b. Aug. 20, 1890. Mem. Toronto. Author: Mary Melville the Psychic; and has served as regent of the D.A.R. and Idealistic Essays; Patwuka Indian Stories; also other minor offices. Particularly interested in social betterment articles; dep't editor and spe- educational matters. Has written historical cial correspondent to Toronto Sunday-school, sketches for newspapers and study clubs. Pres- Recreations: Horseback riding, swimming, canoe- byterian. Mem. Town and Country Club, La- ing, walking. Pres. Progressive Thought Club, fayette Club. Woman's Canadian Club. Taught school, busl- DEMOREST, Alice Gilbert (Mrs. William Curtis ness woman, real estate operator, author and Demorest), 68 E. Sixty-sixth St., N.Y. City newspaper woman. Delegate to Internat. Woman Born Camden, Me., May 22, 1863; dau. Charles Suffrage Alliance, Copenhagen, 1906, and Buda- Powles and Alice Emory (Ogier) Gilbert; ed. pest, 1903. Twelfth St. Public School; Wadleigh High DENISON, Florence Howland (Mrs. William School; Normal Coll., N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Kendall Denison), 126 Packard Av., Tufts Feb. 6, 1884, William Curtis Demorest; children: College, Mass. Alice Louise Demorest Davenport, Gilbert Cur- Born Buffalo, N.Y., June 29, 1875; dau. Henry tis Demorest, Charlotte Katharine Demorest. R. and Rebecca (Letchworth) Howland; ed. Buf- First vice-pres. N.Y. Diet Kitchen; mem. Board falo Sem. (diploma); Pratt Inst., Normal Art of Trustees of City History Club of St. Luke's (diploma). Brooklyn; m. Alpine, N.J., June 29, Home, Girls' Athletic League and Pen and 1904, William Kendall Denison; children: Rich- Brush Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. ard Howland (died 1909), Rebecca Letchworth, Equal Franchise Soc., Women's Municipal Robert Howland. Teacher of art at Martin Park League, Nat. Women's Suffrage Party and Wo- High School, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897-1904 Episco- men's Political Union. Composer of waltzes, palian. President West Somerville Mothers' songs, etc., and Chicana. Mem. St. Thomas' Club. Church (Episcopal). Mem. NY. State Com. dENNEN, Grace Atherton, Hoover and Adams Nat. Progressive Party. M&m. Sorosis (ex-chair- gj-g lqs Angeles Cal man of exec, com eight years; cor. sec. Teacher, writer;' b. Woburn, Mass., Sept. 28, chairman Musical (3om.); charter mem. New 1874. ^au. Stephen Rollins and Clara Whitney England faoc. (elected pres. but did not serve). (Ludwig) Dennen; ed. high school. Concord, Pres. Sorosis Carol Club, MacDowell Club St. Mass., ^Smith Coll., A.B. '92; A.M. '94. Author: Cecilia Club, Amateur Comedy Club, Chess Club, (novel) The Dawn Meadow; writer of short DE NAVABKO — see Navarro, Mary Anderson de. stories and articles for magazines and news- DENISE, Edith, 718 Columbia St., Burlington, papers. A poem: Gold of Ophir Roses, in Sted- jo^.g^ man's American Anthology. Democrat (since CoUe'ge professor; b. Ohio; grad. Lake Forest yH=?'i„'T,a5 nominated). Mem. Alpha Soc., (111.) Univ., '85; graduate student in German Smith Coll. RecreaUons: Out-door life, tennis, and French, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889-90; student automobiling and long walks. in France and Germany, 1890-92 and summers of DENNETT, Elisabeth Goodwin Redfem (Mrs. 1894-97; Univ. of Chicago, summer 1899. Instruc- Daniel Clement Dennett), 7 Washington St., tor in modern languages, Iowa Coll., 1892-1905; Winchester, Mass. instructor in German, Univ. of Ind., 1905-06; Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. dean of women and ass't prof, of German, Lake '97; student of biology, Mass. Inst, of Technology, Forest Coll., since 1906. '99; philosophy, Radcliffe Coll., 1902-03; chemistry, DENISON, Elsa, 730 Emerson St., Denver, Colo. Simmons Coll., 1904-05; m. Dec- 15, 1906, Daniel Born Denver, Colo., May 17, 1889; dau. Dr. Clement Dennett; one son: Daniel Clement Jr., Charles and Ella (Strong) Denison; ed. Bryn b. Jan. 16, 1910. Teacher of zoology, botany Mawr Coll., A.B. '10. Volunteer worker with and Latin, Am. Coll. for Girls, Constantinople, N.Y. Bureau for Municipal Research and Train- 1899-02. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. ing School for Public Service, 1910-12; volunteer DENNETT, Mary Ware (Mrs. Hartley Dennett), worker with City Board of Charities and City 505 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Federation, 1913, in Denver. Favors woman ggc. Nat. Suffrage Ass'n; b. Worcester, Mass.; suffrage. Author: Outside Co-operation with the ^au. George Whitfield and Livonia (Ames) Ware; Public Schools of Greater New York (Bureau of ^^ Boston public schools. Miss Capen's School Municipal Research), 1912; Helping School Chil- foj. girls Northampton, Mass.; Boston Art Mu- dren, 1912. Mem. Women's University Club, geum. School of Art; m. Jan. 20, 1900, Hartley N.Y. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Bryn Mawr pennett, architect; children: Carleton, Devon. Alumnae Ass'n. Head of School of Design and Decoration at DENISON, Evelyn Mattocks, 29 Livingston Av., Drexel Inst., Philadelphia; director of the Handi- Yonkers, N.Y. craft Shop, Boston, Mass. ; director of Boston Teacher in high school, author; b. Lyndonville, Arts and Crafts Soc; professional house dec- Vt, Apr. 21, 1872; dau. Adelbert Stoddard and orator and furnisher. Mem. several single tax Esteile (Mattocks) Denison; ed. Newton (Mass.) ass'ns. Favors woman suffrage. Former field High School; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95, M.A. '98; sec. of Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; now sec. Columbia Univ. (registered for Ph.D.). College Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. of DENNETT — DEHIICK 241 Nat. Postal Progress League. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (Boston), Manhattan Single Tax Club and Woman's Henry George League (N.Y. City), Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc. (N.Y. City). DENNETT, Maybelle Raymond (Mrs. Tyler Den- nett), 1307 W. Forty-seventh St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born Philadelphia; dau. Prof. George L. and Mary E. (Blake) Raymond; ed. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C ; m. Pasadena, Cal., Mar., 1911, Rev. Tyler Dennett. Interested in church work. Congregatlonalist. Republican. Mem. Nat. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Soc. of Colonial Governors, Soc. Mayflower Descendants of Washington, D.C; life mem. Archaeological Soc. Recreation: Electric motoring. Mem. Friday Morning Club and Woman's City Club of Los Angeles, Cal. DENNEY, Jane Franklin (Mrs. George W. Den- ney), 504 Randolph St., Knoxvllle, Tenn. Born Knoxville, Tenn., May 12, 1878; dau. Daniel C. and Sarah (Havely) Hommel; ed. Pub- lic schools and East Tenn. Inst., Knoxville; m. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1899, George W. Denney; one son: Joseph F. Mem. Suffrage Club of Knox- ville, Tenn. Methodist. Elected and served as chairman of Women's Congresses (opened by Speaker Champ Clark) of the Appalachian Ex- position, Sept. 12-CK;t. 1, 1911. Prominent in civic Improvement and school improvement work through Mothers' Ass'n. Pres. of Ossoll Circle, 1912-13, the oldest federated club in the South. Treas. of Bonny Kate Chapter D.A.R. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy (two terms pres. Knoxville chapter, one term State sec); delegate to Nat. conventions; served one term as Gen. Fed. Sec. for Tennessee, and dele- gate from that State to Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, and delegate to Gen. Fed. from Tenn. DENNIS, Ag-nes Miller (Mrs. William Dennis), Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born Halifax, Nova Scotia; m. William Dennis, now proprietor of the Halifax Herald; two sons, five daughters. Mem. and was five years pres. Halifax Local Council of Women. Has been active in work for the Children's Hospital in Halifax, In home gardens for school children, and the supervision of playgrounds and the in- dustrial education of girls; also interested in measures for the welfare of the feeble-minded. Took part in the organization of the Victorian Order of Nurses, and was for six years pres. of its local council in Halifax. Presbyterian; active mem. of Women's B'd of Foreign Missionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church. DENNIS, Clara Ellen (Mrs. Joseph Glfford Dennis), Portsmouth. R.I. Teacher 50 years, newspaper correspondent 17 years; b. Jamestown, R.I., Mar. 6, 1844; dau. Edmund Dexter and Catherine Dart (Burdick) Barker; ed. Mystic River Sem., 1861; completed at Conn. Literary Inst. Suffleld, Conn.; m. Mystic Bridge, Conn., Dec. 6, 1868, Joseph Glf- ford Dennis of Portsmouth, R.I. Interested in activities of Christian Church, Friends Church and Episcopal Church, Ladles' Aid and Ladies' Ass'n, Benevolent Soc. of Portsmouth; mem. Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary of Newport, D.A,R., Mis- sionary Soc, Portsmouth. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Newport County Woman Suffrage loems) : Liberty Found; The Awakening Word; The Soul's Re- lease; The Invisible Sail; The After Story; Misunderstood; The Seeing Eye, and many other poems. Interested in the cause of national bird protection, which she has been active in pre- senting to the Governors and other officials £ind leaders in seventeen States, many of whom have through her efforts become interested in the preservation and restoration of our national birds, both from a humanitarian and an economic standpoint. DEUEL, Diana Constable (Mrs. Ray E. Deuel), "The Warelands," Norfolk, Mass. Assistant director; b. Dorchester, Mass., Oct 11, 18S8; dau. John Medcalf and Abble L. (Allen) Constable; ed. public schools of Dorchester, Warelands Dairy School (School of Domestic Science), Boston, Mass.; special agricultural and dairy course at Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.; m. DEVELIN— DEWEY 243 Norfolk. Maes., Dec. 24, 1912, Ray Eugene Deuel DE VOE, I.ucy DiUon (Mrs. W. H. Do Voe). (Instructor In animal husbandry, Cornell Univ.). 130S Union St., Brunswick, Ga. In social settle™^„^'?,^**™3<=3 ^f^ ?' ?^®°l- Com. of 100 on m. Washington, 111.. Jan. 28, 1880, John H. De Nat. Health, Am. Ass n for Labor LeglslaUon. Voe. Favors woman suffrage; elected State lee- ■^V>^«r °^ occasional articles on home and In- lurer In S.Dak. campaign and organizer 1889; fUtution economics. CongregaUonaliet Ui early made national lecturer in 1890; traveled and lee- U^e, now Episcopalian. Progressive In pollUcs. tured In many States for several years under Recreations: Reading, driving ^^^}l^: ^.?"«- ausplces of Nat. Am. Suffrage Ass'n; elected back riding Vice-pres. Lake Placid Club, Essex pres. Wash. Suffrage Ass'n, 1906; took part In bounty N.Y. Specially Interested In sociology, Oregon campaign 1905-06; reelected pres. Wash, better living conditions, euthen cs and eugenics; Equal Suffrage Ass'n annually Ull 1910, when ameliorlst, believes in progressive evoluUon. woman suffrage won by majority; had full charge DEWEY, Hattie <\ilce Cliipman (Mr*. John of suffrage bill In Legislature which carried In Dewey), 2S80 Broadway, N.Y. City, both houses by large majorities; organized the Born Fenton, Mich., Sept. 7, ISSS; dau. Oortlon Nat. Council of Women Voters and was elected Orlen and Lucy (Riggs) Chipman; ed. Mich. Its president. public schools, also School of Music In Fentaa 244 DEWEY— DEY and Univ. of Mich. (mem. Gollegiate Sorosis) ; m. Fenton, Micli., July 28, 1886, Jolin Dewey (now prof, philosophy in Columbia Univ.) ; chil- dren: Fred A., Evelyn Riggs, Morris, Gordon Chipman, Lucy Alice Chipman, Jane Mary; adopted Sabino Piro Lewis of Venice, Italy. Teacher before marriage; prin. of Laboratory School of the Univ. of Chicago, 1901-04. Mem. Board of N.Y. State HospiUl for Crippled Chil- dren; mem. Japan Soc, MacDowell Club, Univ. of Mich. Club of N.Y. Recreations: Camping, theatre, opera, keeping bees and other farming activities. Favors woman suffrage; organized the 21st Assmbly Dist. of N.Y. City as dist. leader for Woman Suffrage Party, 1910-11; mem. of all suffrage societies in N.Y. City. DEWEY, Jnlia (Mrs. Charles Melville Dewey), 222 W. 23d St., N.Y. City. Painter; b. Batavia, N.Y. ; dau. Charles and Susan (Norton) Henshaw; ed. Bryan Sem., Ba- tavia, N.Y.; m.^ N.Y. City, May, 1887, Charles Melville Dewey, artist (Nat. Academician). First exhibited in Nat. Acad, of Design, 1SS6; since then has exhibited in Soc. of Am. Artists, Nat. Acad, of Design, Water Color Club, Water O)lor Soc, portrait exhibitions, etc. Makes a specialty of portraits. Clubs: Fencers, Women's (Cosmo- politan, Women's Art (was pres. four years). DEWEY, Sara Konsseaa (Mrs. A. R. Dewey), 202 N. Second SL, Washington, la. Born Washington, la., Nov. 5, 1850; dau. Dr. W. H. and Electa (Atwood) Rousseau; ed. Wash- ington graded schools and Washington Acad. ; m. Washington, la., May 20, 1873, A. R. Dewey (lawyer, holding office of district judge the last 12 years of his life); children: Mabel R. (Mrs. J. C. Brooking of Colorado), Charles A. (lawyer practicing in Washington, la.). Interested in all societies of church, in which has held various offices; also philanthropic and local work. Fa- vors woman suSrage. Methodist. Republican. Pres. Supreme Grand Cliaptec P.E.O. ; mem. Eastern Star (was first worthy matron), also since 1886 of Wednesday Afternoon Reading Class (composed of Chautauqua graduates) and Nineteenth Century Club of Washington, la. DEWING, Maria Oakey (Mrs. T. W. Dewing), 82 E. 55tli St., N.Y. City. Painter; b. N.Y. City, 1845; dau. William Francis and Sally W. (Sullivan) Oakey; educated at home with tutors and afterward studied anatomy and drawing the figure for three years with Dr. Rimmer; cast and life drawing at Acad, of Design; one of the founders of Art Stu- dents' League; studied painting with John La Farge; painting with Thomas Couture, In France; abroad in 1876; m. 1881, T. W. Dewing, painter; one daughter: Elizabeth Bartol. Favors woman suffrage, but anti-militant. Radical In religious convictions. Recreations: Literature, art, music, gardening. DEWIBE, Carrie B. (Mrs. Milton V. Dewire), Sharon, Walworth Co., Wis. Born Sharon, Wis., Dec. 8, 1871; dau. Wheeler H. and Juniettc (Prindle) Stevens; ed. Sharon High School and Univ. of Wis., B.L. ; m. Sharon, Wis., Sept. 28, 1897, Milton V. Dewire, M.D.; one son: Donald Stevens. Taught three years as first assistant in Sharon High School; served eight years as treasurer of Board of Education. Sunday-school worker and teacher of Young Men's Bible Class. Sup't of suffrage dep't of W.C.T.U. ; county sup't of Loyal Temperance Legion. Methodist. Pres. Sharon Woman's Club. DE WITT, Grace Hallam Learned (Mrs. Abra- ham Van Dyck De Witt), 255 Hempstead St., New London, Conn. Born Canterbury, Conn. ; ed. in schools of New London, Conn., and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '76; m. New London, Conn., Jan. &i 1896, Abraham Van Dyck De Witt; one daughter. Teacher in Vassar Coll., 1876-78; Cincinnati, Ohio, 1878-81; New London, 1881-95. DeWITT, Johnnie SneU (Mrs. Edgar L. DeWitt), Hugo, Okla. Bom Lewisburg, Tenn., May 22, 1869; dau. Spencer and Callie (Bills) Smith; ed. Lewisburg, Tenn.; m. Paris, Tex., Edgar L. DeWitt; chil- dren: Lewis, Irene, Mabel, Helen. Teacher be- fore marriage seven years in Tenn., two years in Hugo, Okla. Interested and active in Ladies' Aid Soc. and church work. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church, Maccabees, Woodman Circle, Mothers' Club. De WOLF, Margaret Harding Krum (Mrs. E. A. De Wolf), 5459 Bartmer Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo.; dau. John Marshall and Mary Ophelia (Harding) Krum; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; m. St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1877, Edwin Allis De Wolf; children: Ophelia, b. May 21, 1881 (died May 7, 1888); Herbert, b. Nov. 14, 1883 (died Feb. 17, 1903). Interested in Open Air School, Mission Free School, Needlework Guild, Woman's Pure Food Ass'n, Consumers' League. Mem. Social Service Conference and Wednesday Club. Unitarian. DeWOLFE, Elsie Anderson, 4 W. Fortieth St., N.Y. City. Actress, artist; b. N.Y. City, Dec. 20, 1865; dau. Dr. Stephen and Virginia (Copeland) De- Wolfe; ed. in N.Y. City and London, England. Began her stage experience as an amateur and scored a success at the Criterion Theatre, Lon- don, m a benefit for a church charity, playing in The White Milliner in the presence of the Prince and Princess of Wales (afterward King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra). After that she played Gertrude in The Loan of a Lover and other leading parts (including Lady Teazle in The School for Scandal) in various amateur per- formances In N.Y. City. Her father's death in 1890 making it necessary to earn her livelihood she made her professional debut under engage- ment with Charles Frohman at Proctor's Theatre, N.Y. City, as Fabienne Lecoulteur in Sardou's Thermidor, which part she had studied in Paris under the author's direction. Two seasons on the road followed, in which she played in Joseph, Judge and Four-in-Hand, and later in N.Y. City as Rose Reade in Sister Mary. She then was a member for some years of the Empire Stock Company, and later at the head of her own com- pany, one of her greatest successes being the part of Helene in Catherine. Meanwhile she had been following as a recreation the study of decorative art, and since 1906 has been pro- fessionally engaged in it as a vocation, decorat- ing the interior of the Colony Club, N.Y. City, as well as some of the finest homes in N.Y. City, Chicago and other cities. DEWSON, Mary Williams, South Berlin, Mass. Social worker: b. Quincy, Mass., Feb. 18, 1874; dau. Edward H. and Elizabeth Weld (Williams) Dewson; ed. Misj Ireland's School, Boston; Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. Sup't of girls' dep't of Mass. training schools, 1900-12; sec. of Mass. Commission on Minimum Wage Boards. Agitator for the custodial care of the high grade feeble-minded. Interested in dairy farming. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Mass. Woman Suffrage Aiss'n and College Equal Suffrage Ass'n. DEY, Clarrissa Worcester Smith (Mrs. John Dey), Summit, N.J. Born Smithville, Mass., 1867; dau. J. Edwin and Eliza (Lees) Smith; ed. Granger Place School, C!anandaigua, N.Y. ; Miss Heloise E. Hersey's School, Boston, Mass.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96; grad. student Clark Univ., 1896-97; m. Boston, Mass., June 24, 1901, John Dey; children: Alexan- der, Louise, Clarissa. Mem. Syracuse (N.Y.) Aid to George Jr. Republic; director Summit (N.J.) Town Improvement Ass'n, Coll. Bureau of Em- ployment. Episcopalian. Mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y. ; hon. mem. Portfolio Club of Syracuse, N.Y. ; mem. Fortnightly Club of Summit, N.J. DEY, Mary Evelyn Duguid (Mrs. Donald Dey), 201 i)e Witt Road, Syracuse, N.Y. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '84; m. Jan. 18, 1894, Donald Dey; one daughter: Harriet Duguid, b. Oct. 30, 1894. From graduation prominent in the affairs of the Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, of which was pres. 1891-95; served as alumnae trus- tee of Smith Coll., 1S96-1902; delegate from Smith Coll. 10 the celebration of the 45uth anniversary of Glasgow Univ., 1901. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. DEY— DICKEY 245 DEY, Sophie Schuyler (Mrs. Henry E. Dey). Pelham Manor, N.T. Artist; b. St. Louis. 1872; dau. Rev. Mont- gomery and Sophie (Norton) Scbuyler; ed. St. Louis Art School; studied in Paris one year wili Raphael Colin; mem. Art Students' League of N.Y. ; m. Sept. 4, 1907, Henry E. Dey, artist. EJxhibited pictures in N.Y. Water Color Soc, N.Y. Soc of Am. Artists, Western Artists; painted decoration in Spanish Church, N.Y. City. Has worked in girls' clubs in N.Y. City. As- sociate mem. Girls' Friendly Soc. and active in the Ptlham branch. Mem. New Rochelle Equal Franchise League and has marched in all N.Y. City parades. DIBBLE, Wealthy, Saginaw, Mich. Physician; b. Flint, Mich., Jan. 23, 1854; dau. Samuel and Juliza (Hill) Dibble; grad. Univ. of Mich., M.D., 1886. Has since been engaged in general practice as physician and surgeon at Saginaw, Mich. Mem. Woman's Hospital Staff, Saginaw. Mem. Saginaw Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Alpha Epsilon Iota (Beta Chapter), Saginaw Valley Alumni Am'u of Univ. of Mich. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Travel, reading. DIBERT, Florence M., 601 Franklin St., Johns- town, Pa. Born Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 1, 1865; dau. David and Lydia (Griffith) Dibert; ed. public schools, private school and English Classical School of Johnstown (grad ). Interested in Parent-Teachers' Ass'n, and all forms of ethics meaning humane interests. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Pa. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Methodist. Republican (Progressive). Mem. D.A.R., Memorial Hos- pital Ass'n, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Home Missionary Soc. W.C.T.U., Child Labor Ass'n, Humane Soc, Y.M.C.A. Au.xiliary, As- sociated Charities, Playground Ass'n. Pres. Civic Club, Art League. Board mem. of State Fed. of Pa. Women. DICK, Allie Luse (Mrs. Samuel Medary Dick), 302 Oak Grove, Minneapolis, Minn. Musician, artist; b. Clyde, 0.; dau. John W. Luse, M.U., and Elizabeth (Patterson) Luse; ed. Oberlin Coll.; Howard Female Coll., A.B. ; pupil in music of Madame Emma Seller, William B. Chamberlain and William H. Sherwood; m. Clyde, O., June 28, 1SS8, Rev. Samuel Medary Dick, Methodist Episcopal clergyman. Identified with various religious, social, philanthropic and educational activities. Methodist. State vice regent D.A.R. ; vice-pres. Thursday Musical; vice-pres. Minneapolis branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc; mem. Minn. State Art Soc, Shakespeare Clnb. Favors woman suffrage. DICK, Mary Henrietta (Mrs. Albert Blake Dick), Lake Forest, III. Born Schenectady, N.Y. ; dau. Charles H. and Eliza (Sheldon) Mathews; ed. Miss CJomstock's School, N.Y. City; m. Geneva, Switzerland, June 1, 1892, Albert Blake Dick; children: Albert Blake Jr., Charles Mathews, Edison, Sheldon. Mem. Friday Club of Chicago, York Club of N.Y. City. Presbyterian. DICKERMA^', Elizabeth Street, 140 Cottage St., New Haven, Conn. Teacher; b. West Haven, Conn., Nov. 13, 1872; dau. Rev. G. S. and Elizabeth M. (Street) Dicker- man; ed. high school, Amherst, Mass.; Smith Coll., B.A. '94; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '96. Taught In dep't of mathematics, College for Women of Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, O., 1906-07; Ingleside School, New MUford, Conn.; since 1907, mathematics and psychology. Congregationalist. Does not favor woman suffrage. DICKERMAN, Mabel Stone (Mrs. Charles Kent Dlckerman), 530 E. Twenty-fourth Av., Duluth, Minn. Born Minneapolis, Minn., 1878; dau. Jacob and Kate (Perrln) Stone; ed. Univ. of Minn., B.A. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Minneapolis, 1902, Charles Kent Dickerman; children: Gilbert Kent, Kate Perrin, Elizabeth Greene. Episco- palian. .Mem. Collegiate Alumnae Society. DICKERSON, Emeline Fletcher (Mrs. Charles E. Dlckerson), East Northfleld, Mass. Born Waterville, Me.; dau. Col. Stephen and Vesta (Marble) Fletcher; ed. Colby Univ., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa); M.A. class '91 (Sigma Kappa); m. MoQSon, Me., Aug. 14, 1896, prof. Charles E. Dlckerson; one son: Charles E. Interested in Baptist missions and life mem. Am. Baptist For- eign Missionary Soc. Baptist. Instructor in Greek in the Northfleld schools for four years. DICKERSON, Mary Cynthia, care Museum of Xatinal History, N.Y. City. Zoologist, lecturer, author; b. Hastings, Mich.; dau. Wilbur F. and Melissa R. Dlckerson; ed. University of Michigan and University of Chicago, B.S. '97; also student at several periods at U.S. Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass. Taught biology in high schools at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1891-94, and La Grange, 111., 1894-95; head of dep't of zoology and bot- any in R.I. Normal School, Providence, 1897- 1905; instructor in zoology, Lcland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1907-08; since 1908 on the scientific staff of Am. Museum of Natural History, N.Y. City, in which is curator of the dep't of woods and forestry, and asso. curator of herpetology. Mem. staff of lecturers under Board of Education of City of N.Y. since 1908. Editor of the American Museum Journal. Author: .Moths and Butter- flies, 1901; Frog Book — North American Frogs and Toads, 1905; Trees and Forestry, an Elemen- tary Treatise Based on the Jesup Collection of North American Woods in the American Museum of Natural History, 1911; also contributions on nature subjects to Country Life in America and other periodicals. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Forestry Ass'n, Am. Ornithologists' Union, N.Y. Acad, of Sciences. DICKEY, .Jane Mnrdock (Mrs. Alfred Clare Dickey), S02 Aiken Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 25, 1875; dau. Alex- ander and Lydia (McMaster) Murdock; ed. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '98; mem. Phi Beta Kappa (Mu Chapter); m. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 14, 1906, Alfred Clare Dickey. Sec. Home Mission Soc. In Shadyside Church; mem. local Vassar organiza- tion and much interested in its work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Pitts- burgh. DICKEY, Louise Atherton (Mrs. Samuel Dickey). 4 Chalmers PI., Chicago, 111. Born Wiikes-Barre, Pa., Sept. 28, ISSl; dau. Thomas Henry and Melanie (Parke) Atherton; ed. Wilkes-Barre Inst., Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '03; m. Feb. 26, 1908, Samuel Dickey, prof. McCormick Theological Sem.; children: Parke Atherton, John Miller. Teacher for eighteen months in a mission school of India; now connected with Olivet Inst., a settlement in Chicago. Mem. Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of the Northwest; belongs to the Sagamore Sociological (inference. Favors woman suffrage, but not actively. Published: Himalayan Sketches (Atlan- tic Monthly, April, 1908). Presbyterian. Recrea- tions: Walking, driving. Mem. Young Fort- nightly, Chicago. DICKEY, Sarah Ida Phillips (Mrs. John Jay Dickey), Stanford, Ky. School teacher, milliner, deaconess; b. Weston, Nicholas Co., Ky., Jan. 25, 1S61; dau. Martin Penn and Nancy D. (Lawson) Phillips; ed. Fleming Co., Ky., and Vermont (111.) High School, and Chicago Training School for Home and Foreign Missionaries; m. Flemijjgsburg, Ky., Jan. 24, 1901, Rev. John Jay Dickey. Teacher 10 years in Ky., Iowa and 111.; 10 years milliner in Vermont and Table Grove, 111.; 10 years sup't Sunday- school; pres. Epworth League flve years; rebuilt church, supervising the finances and construction at Vermont, 111. Established Deaconess Home and Hospital at Peoria, 111., in 1S98 (acting financial agent). Pres. Ky. Conference Home Mission Soc, 1902-07; conference cor. sec. of same, 1907-12; chairman of Com. on State Schools of Reform at Lexington, Ky. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles in church papers and local newspapers. Has written several ])ooms. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Progressive Prohibitionist. Mem. Wo- man's Missionary Soc, W.C.T.U., Southern Sociological Congress, State Sunday-school Ass'n. Recreations: Music, reading, driving. Mem. Wo- 246 DICKINSON— DIEBITSCH man's Improvement Club of Stanford, Ky., fed- erated with Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs. DICKINSON, Anna M. Juliand (Mrs. Hiram Walter Dickinson), Bainbridge, N.Y. Born Bainbridge, N.Y. ; daughter of Joseph Juliand and Emma (Chamberlin) Juliand; ed. Bainbridge High School; m. Oct. 16, 1889, Hiram Walter Dickinson (died July 6, 1907); children: Margaret Huldah, b. May 19, 1891 (died Dec. 18, 1910); Dorothy, b. Dec. 9, 1892. Taught Whitehall High School, 1880-88; Oil City High School, 1888- 89. Pres. Adams County Bank, West Union, O., July 22, 1907, to Nov. 1, 1912. Resided in Bain- bridge. N.Y., 1860-80; Whitehall, N.Y., 1880-88; Oil City, Pa., 1888-89; Ingalls, Kan., 1889-90; West Union, O., 1890-1907; since then at Bainbridge, N.Y. First vice-president of the Chenango Co. Com. of State Charities Aid Ass'n; dist. sup't of junior work, Episcoi>al Church, third dlst. of N.Y. ; mem. King's Daughters Circle. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Brief Views of United States History; also short articles for Federation Bulletin. Episcopalian. Chairman Sixth Dist. N.Y. State Fed. Women's Clubs; chairman philanthropic and civic com. Woman's Club of Bainbridge. DICKINSON, Helena Atlell Snyder (Mrs. Clar- ence Dickinson), 509 Cathedral Parkway, N.Y. City. Born Port Elmsley, Ontario, Can. ; dau. Benson S. and Harriet (Millar) Snyder; ed. Queen's Univ., Can., M.A. (honors); Heidelberg Univ., Germany, Ph.D. '01 (honors, summa cum laude); m. Clarence Dickinson. Former dean of women. State College, Pa. ; lecturer on history of art. Northwestern Univ. Author: Henry D. Thoreau; also articlers in the Outlook and other magazines; History of German Art (not yet published). Recreations: Walking, canoeing. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. DICKINSON, Hester Benedict (Mrs. P. T. Dickinson), 1523 Willow St., Alameda, Cal. Writer; b. Streetsboro, O., Oct. 2, 1838; dau. Harvey and Lucinda (Brown) Baldwin; ed. West- em Reserve Sem. and by private tutors; m. (1st) Streetsboro, O., Dec. 31, 1856, Harmon Benedict; (2d) Sacramento, Cal., May 30, 1877, P. T. Dick- inson; one daughter: Nelly Benedict, b. 1860. Wrote first poem at the age of seven; contributed to leading magazines in N.Y. City and Philadel- phia and in other cities. Author: Vesta, 1872; P^gots, 1895; Songs En Route, 1911; also booklets, Christinas cards, etc. ; was for a year corre- spondent from Japan to the N.Y. Mail and Ex- nreas and the St. Paul Globe. Mem. Pacific Coast Women's Press Ass'n (pres. 1906-1907; vice- prea. 1911-12); officially connected with Cal. Writers' Club. Favors woman suffrage. Demo- crat, Mem. Alameda Civic League. DICKINSON, Katharine V., The Studio School of Music, Alton, 111. Director school of music; b. Penn Yan, N.Y.; dau. Charles Frederick and Martha E. (Cole) Dickinson; ed. in high school of Athol, Mass., and Lowville Acad. ; special studies with special teach- ers and the New England Conservatory of Music; pupil of Mme. Lena Devine. Director of Voice School of Shurtleff Coll. ; director of voice dep't, Alton Conservatory; established Studio School of Music, Alton, 111., 1899. Was one of founders of Upper Alton Woman's Club; mem. and one of 12 founders of the Browning Club of Alton; has organized children's choirs and organized and conducted choirs in various churches; organized and has directed for 14 years the Camerata Wo- men's Chorus, which, besides its notable work, has carried on for 11 years a Christmas tree for the children of the poor, and established and maintained a choral club for boys and girls in the Neighborhood House (social settlement cen- ter). Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Nat. Progressive Party, Mem. W.C.T.U., Wo- man's Council of Alton. DICKINSON, Martha Gilbert — see Blanchl, Martha Gilbert Dickinson. DICKINSON, Mary Low (Mrs. John B. Dickin- son), 230 W. Fifty-ninth St., N.Y. City; office, 1B6 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Author; b. Fitchburg, Mass., 1839; ed. in pub- lic schools and by private instruction and con- tinued studies three years in Europe; m. John B. Dickinson (now deceased). Taught in Chap- man School, Boston; Hartford Female Sem., and was principal of the Van Norman Inst, in N.Y. City until marriage. Later in life became pro- fessor of Belles lettres, and afterward emeritus prof, and lecturer in Univ. of Denver; gen. sec. and treas. of Internal. Order of King's Daugh- ters and Sons; former pres. Nat. Council of Women of U.S. (now honorary pres.); former pres. Woman's Nat. Indian Ass'n; former sec. Female Bible Soo. Was associated with Dr. Ed- ward Everett Hale in founding the Lend-a-Hand Magazine and was its editor, afterward editor-in- chief of the Silver Cross Magazine for 20 years, and afterward of the Open Window, a magazine for invalids. Autiior: Amber Star; The Fair Half Dozen; From Girlhood to Motherhood: From Hollow to Hilltop; Home from the War; One Little Life; Over the Gate; Spring Blos- soms; The Temptation of Katharine Gray; Three Times and Out. Methodist. Mem. New England Women of N.Y. Mem. Barnard Club, City Mothers' Club. DICKINSON, Nellie Burnett (Mrs. William Day Dickinson), Cleveland Av., Glasgow, Ky. Born Auburn, Ky., Apr. 23, 1877; dau. Joseph Herndon and Laura A. (Duff) Burnett; ed. Au- burn (Ky.) Sem., Ky. ; Boscobel Coll., Nashville, Tenn.; Hollins (Va.) Inst., A.B.; m. Glasgow, Ky., Dec. 30, 1902, P. E. Lowe (deceased): m. Springfield, Tenn., June 24, 1908, William Day Dickinson. Taught one year in public school in Warren Co., Ky. ; eight years in Liberty Coll., Glasgow, Ky; one year in Tenn. Coll., Murfrees- boro, Tenn. Teacher of Sunday-school class and treas. Woman's .Missionary Union of Glasgow Baptist Church; pres. Glasgow Improvement Club. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. DICKINSON, Sarah Truslow (Mrs. Robert Latou Dickinson), 168 Clinton St., Brooklyn. N.Y. Born Brooklyn, Jan. 26, 1863; dau. John and Elizabeth (Kidler) Truslow; ed. Packer Colle- giate Inst., '82; m. Brooklyn, May 7, 1890, Dr. Robert Latou Dickinson; children: Dorothy, Jean. Mem. Y.W.C.A. DICKSON, iVgnes Lillian, 52 Summit Av., Jer- sey City, N.J. Born Jersey City; dau. Charles H. and Lueina (MeBurney) Dickson; ed. Barnard Coll., A.B.; Columbia Univ., '99; Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher St. John's Episcopal Church School, Jersey City, since 1905. Chairman Com. on Employment of Barnard Alumnae Ass'n, 1912 — . Sec. Monday Afternoon Club; Fed. sec. Coll. Club of Jersey City. Episcopalian. DICKSON, Edith, 172 Elm St., Oberlin, Ohio. Writer, librarian; b. Elyria, Ohio, May 14. 1856; dau. Joseph Homer Dickson (lawyer) and Mary (Manloy) Dickson; ed. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '85. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Woman SufTrage Party in Lorain County, Ohio. Author of numerous magazine articles, mainly literary. Mem. several social clubs. DICKSON, Katharine Griswold Pratt (Mrs. David Dickson), 2174 Grandin Road, Cincin- nati, O. Born N.Y. City, Feb. 16, 1882; dau. Dallas B. and Mary G. (Landon) Pratt; ed. Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City; m. (1st) April 30, 1904, Lycurgus Winchester; (2d) May 20, 1909, David Dickson, M.D.; children: Hope Gordon Win- chester, b. 1905; Katharine Lycurgus Winchester, b. 1906. Mem. Colonial Dames, Daughters of the Cincinnati, Mayflower Descendants, D.A.R. Episcopalian. DIEBITSCH, Roberta Franc Watterson (Mrs. Emil Diebitsch), 38 Bennet Place, Nutley, N.J. Born in New Jersey; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '93; student English literature, N.Y. Univ., 1894- 95 Ph.M. '95; m. April 21, 1906, Emil Diebitsch; one son: John Norton, b. Nov. 20 (died Nov. 21), 1909. Librarian, South Orange, N.J., 1887-1904; branch librarian, Brooklyn Public Library, 1904- 00. Mem. Smith Coll, Alumnae Ass'n. DIEFENBACH— DILLAYE 247 niKl'ENBACH, Ruth Sinclair (Mrs. Arthur Charles Diefenbach), 133 Washington St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Born Tllsonburg, Ontario, Can., April 4, 1878; dau. George and Margaret Jane (Brown) Sinclair; ed. Toronto public school and Collegiate InsL; grad. Port Huron High School, 1896; Olivet (Doll., Mich.; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '02 (mem. Sororian, Olivet Coll.); m. Port Huron, Mich., June 30, 1903, Hev. Arthur Charles Diefenbach. Principal Charlevoix High School, 1902-03; pres. Ossoll Club, Benton Harbor, 1911-12; sec. Young Peo- ple's Work of W.B.M.I., 1912-13. DIEFENI>OBF. Mary Blrss. 667 DeKalb Av., Brooklyn, N.T. Bora town of Mlnden, Montgomery (3o., N.Y., Feb. 17, 1862; dau. John Jacob and Mary (Rlgga) Dlefendorf; ed. district school, Leonia, N.J. ; EJn- glewood Inst., N.J.; Adelphl AcaJ., Brooklyn, 1S79; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. "83; class poet. Interested In Sunday-school work, home dep't work. Author: The Historic Mohawk, 1910; contributor to various periodicals. Mem. D.A.R. (Fort Greene Chap.), Colonial Daughters of the 17th Century, Nat. Geog. Soc., Cornell Women's Clu.b of N.Y. Congregationalist. DFETKICH, Margrretta Straw (Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich), Hastings, Neb. Born Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1881; dau. Dr. William Shaw and Delia (AUman) Stewart; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. ; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1909, Charles H. Dietrich (CJovernor of Nebraska and U.S. Senator). Active In society for or- ganizing charities in Philadelphia before mar- riage. Sec. of Hastings Civic Board of Charity. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tions: Motoring, gardening. Mem. Woman's Club of Hastings, Sedgely and (Jollege Clubs of Philadelphia. Editor: Over the Sea and Land (missionary magazine for children) for one year, 1908. DI£TRtCHSON, Marthine Hacrdalena, 630 Cen- ter St., Pasadena, Cal. Concert singer, vocal teacher; b. CHiristiania, Norway, Nov. 24, 1872; dau. Wilhelm and (Jott- frleda (Bockmann) Dletrichson; ed. Christianla, Norway, and Rome, Italy. Concert singer in European and American cities. Has served as prof, of voice culture in Armour Inst., Chicago; De Pauw Univ., Greencastle, Ind. ; Iowa Wes- leyan Univ. and several schools in California. Favors woman suffrage. Associate editor of the Woman's Bulletin, Los Angeles, Cal. Has con- tributed articles and stories to European and American magazines and newspapers. Lutheran. Reereatlons: Reading, corresponding. Mem. Southern Cal. Women's Press Club. DIGGS, Annie Le Porte (Mrs. A. S. Diggs), 138 Forest Av., West, Detroit, Mich. Writer; b. London, Can.; dau. Corneliua and Anne ('Thomas) Le Porte; m. Lawrence, Kan., A. S. IDlggs; one son and two daughters. Served four years as State librarian of Kansas. Chair- man Dist. of Columbia del^ation to Nat. Peo- ple's Party Oonventlon, Oim.ha. Made speech placing U.S. Senator Kyle in nomination for U.S. President. Lecturer and organizer for wo- man suffrage; served as pres. of Kansas State Suffrage Ase'n; mem. official board of Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Bedrock, the Story of Jerry Simpson. Contributor to Ameri- can and English periodicals. Co-editor of the Advocate, official organ of the People's Party in Kansas; editorial and syndicate writer for Reform Press for several years at Washington, D.C. Unitarian. Former pres. Kansas Women's Press Club; U.S. delegate to Internat Coopera- tive Congress, Manchester, £2ngland, 1902; dele- gate to Internat. Peace Congress, Rouen, France; industrial investigator in Great Britain and on European Continent. Mem. Liberal Club of N.Y. Writer and speaker for temperance, peace, cooi)eratlon, garden cities. Farmers' AUlance, Populist Party and on sociology, vocational training and school employment bureaus. DIGNAM, Hary £Ua (Mrs. John S. Dlgnam). 284 St. George St., Toronto, Can. Painter; b. Ontario, Canada, 1859; dau. Byron and Margaret Elinor (Ferguson) WlUiams; ed. in Art Students' League, N.Y.; In Paris with H. Thompson, 4.. VoUon, Atelier of Raphael-CoUin, Olivier Mergon, also in Holland and Venice; m. London, Ontario, John Slfton Dlgnam; children: Lady Frances van Hoogenhouck Tulieken (The Hague, Holland), William Stanley Trevelyan Dlgnam, Hugh Molyneux Dignam. Exhibited at Nat. Acad. N.Y. (Royal Canadian Acad., Canada), also in London, Eng. ; Paris, France, and other foreign exhibitions. Pres. and founder of the Women's Art Ass'n of Canada. Has worked in the interests of women to create more knowledge and activity in art matters. Arranged the Art and Music Congress for International Cong;ress of Women in Toronto, 1909; delegate to congressea in London, Berlin, I%rls and Copenhagen. In- terested in social, patriotic and artistic work. Has written various essays on art matters for Am. and Canadian publications, art critlcLsma for Canadian press covering 25 years. Mem. Women's Inst., London, Eng.; Women's Art Club, N.Y. City; Internat Art Club, London; vice-pres. Nat. Council of Women of Canada; mem. of Ex. The Imperial Order of the Daugh- ters of the Empire; vice-pres. United Empire Loyalist Ass'n of Canada; pres. and founder of the Women's Art Ass'n of Canada for 26 years; asso. mem. Canadian Soc. of Authors. Clubs: Ly»eum, London; Toronto Ladies' Club, Ehiglien Musical, Toronto. Anglican. Favors woman suf- frage. DrK£, Alice Norton. Teacher of household economics; grad. Smith (3oll., B.L. '96; student of physics. Harvard Sum- mer School, '96; Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1900- 01, and domestic science in School of Housekeep- ing, 1900-01; Simmons Coll., 1901-02. Teacher Exeter (N.H.) schools, 1896-1900; School of House- keeping, Boston (household economics), Simmons Coll., since 1902. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. DIKE, Cornelia Anthony, 648 W. 168th St., N.Y. City. High school teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '79, later student in Columbia Univ. Teacher, Ossining, N.Y., 1879-80; Boston, Mass., 1883-96; Cranford, N.J., 1896-98, 1899-1901; Tarrytown, N.Y., 1898-99; N.Y. City High Schools since 1901. Mem. Muni- cipal Art Soc. of N.Y. DILL, Bessie WUIiamB (Mrs. Samuel L. Dill, Jr.), 33 S. Front St., New Bern, N.C. Born New Bern, N.C, Mar. 9, 1880; dau. Rich- ard P. and Pauline (Carrington) Williams; ed. New Bern High School, Normal Coll., Greens- boro, N.C; m. New Bern, N.C, 1900 Samuel L. DLll; children: Richard S., Jane M., Samuel Lef- ferts. Pres. Woman's Club, New Bern, N.C. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. miAJi., Harrlette May, Lake Erie ColL, Palnes- vllle. Ohio. College professor; b. Jackson, Mich., Juno 12, 1886; dau. Frank B. and May (Shoemaker) Dilla; ed. Waterloo schools, Ind. ; Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, Univ. of Mich., A.B. '08, A.M. '09; Columbia Univ., Ph. D., '12; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Professor of history, economics and sociology In Wheaton Coll., Norton, Mass., 1911- 12; since 1912 prof, of economics and sociology in Lake Erie Coll. Lectures on social questions of the day; engaged in practical work in Juvenile delinquency. Favors woman suftrage. Author: The History of the Politics of Michigan, 1866-78. Mem. C!ollegiate Alumnae, Am. Hist. Ass'n, Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Ohio Branch of Nat. Consumers' League, Women's Research Club, Mich., 1908-09. DILLAYE, Blanche, 4706 WasblnKtoa At., Philadelphia, Pa. Artist; b. Syracuse, N.Y.; dau. Stephen D. and Charlotte (Malcolm) Dillaye; ed. Misses Bonney and Dillaye's School, Philadelphia; artistic edu- cation at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts and in Europe. One of founders and first pres. of the Plastic Club. Received sliver medal at Atlanta Ehcposi- tton and at the Internat. Exposition at Lorlent. France, for works of art. Mem. Fellowwhip of the Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia Water Color Club, N.Y. Water Color dub, Chicago 248 DILLER— DIXON Water Color Club, Woman's Art Club of N.Y., Plastic Club of Philadelphia. Gave early atten- tion to etching and was one of a group of etchers that made Philadelphia known as a cen- ter of activity in that medium. DXILER, Elizabeth Ann (Mrs. William Edward Diller), Grand Boulevard and Concourse and 162d St., N.T. City. Daughter Francis and Margaret (Coalter) Crawford; ed. private tutors; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 16, 1884, William Edward Diller; children: Mary Elizabeth, Virginia Crawford Diller, M.D. Mem. Board of Managers of the Methodist Episcopal Old People's Home, and mem. Board of Managers of the N.Y. Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Home; mem. Women's Hoiffe and Foreign Mis- sionary Societies of M.E. Church. Silver Cross Day Nursery. Mem. Haarlem Philharmonic Soc, Tuesday Salon, Nat. Soc. of Patriotic Women of America. Recreations: Automobiling, traveling. Mem. Post Parliament Club, New York State Women, and other clubs. DII.LIN, Margaret Sidner, Radnor, Pa. Teacher; ed. Radnor High School, Wynne, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '09, A.M. '10; graduate scholar in Latin, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1909-10. Teacher of English and French in Radnor High School since 1910. DJXLINGHAM, Frances Bent, 81 Woodland Road, Auburndale, Ma.ss. Writer; b. Chelsea, Mass.; dau. Issac S. and Frances (Bent) Dillingham; grad. Boston Univ., A.B. '91. Author: A Christmas Tree Scholar and Other Stories; Proud Little Baxter. Contributor to Youth's Companion and several of the leading monthly magazines of verse and short stories. DnxrNGHAM, Louise Olga Gaylord (Mrs. Wal- ter F. Dillingham), Honolulu, H.I. Born Chicago, 111., 1884; dau. Henry George and Elizabeth M. (Mitchell) Gaylord; ed. Dobbs Ferry: grad. Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City, 1904; m. Florence, Italy, 1910, Walter F. Dilling- ham; one son: Lowell Smith, b. in Honolulu, 1911. Interested in Paloma Settlement, Honolulu; Allendale Farm. Mem. Scribbler Club, Chicago. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. DILLON, Mary, 5041 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo. Author; b. Carlisle, Pa.; dau. Rev. Dr. Her- man Johnson (pres. Dickinson Coll.) and Eliza- beth (Clark) Johnson. Author: The Rose of Old St. Louis; In Old Bellaire: The Leader; Miss Livingston's Companion; The Patience of John Morland. Methodist. DIMAN, Louise, 300 Angell St., Providence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., Dec. 23, 1869; dau. Rev. J. Lewis and Emily G. (Stimson) Diman; ed. in private schools- special course Harvard Annex (now Radcliffe Coll.). Taught for three years in Lincoln School, Providence. Author: Stories from Greek History; also short biographical articles in Outlook, Springfield Republican and Providence Journal. Episcopalian. Mem. Rad- cliffe Club. Favors woman suffrage. DIMON, Abigail Camp, 367 Genesee St., XJtica, N.Y. Teacher; b. XJtica, N.Y., Oct. 2, 1874; dau. George Dolbeare and Harriette Annie (Camp) Dimon; ed. Utica Acad., Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96 A.M. '99; graduate student, Bryn Mawr, 1898-99 and 1901-04. Vice-principal of high school Clinton, N.Y., 1896-97; assistant teacher of E)n'gllsh in Utica Acad., 1897-98; warden of Radnor Hall, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1901-04; teacher In Balliol School, Utica, 1904-08; teacher in New School Utica, 1908-10; demonstrator of zoology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1911; lecturer, 1911-12, sec. since 1312. DLNGLEY, Anna Ladd, 291 Court St., Auburn, Me. Newspaper editor; b. Auburn, Me., Mar. 20, 1868; dau. Frank L. and Lucinda (Greeley) Dlneley; grad. Wellesley Coll., '89, followed by two years' study in Europe. Taught in public gohool one year in Lyons, N.Y. ; one year In private scTiool in Philadelphia; then joined staff of Lewiston (Mc.) Journal, of which is now Maine news editor. Favors woman suffrage. DING WELL, Laura Hale Stlckney (Mrs. James Dingwell), Leicester, Mass. Born Marshall, Mich., Oct. 28, 1845; dau. John Newton and Mary Sophia (Hale) Stlckney; ed. high school, Rockville, Conn.; Wheaton Female Sem. (now coll.), Norton, Mass.; m. (1st) Rock- ville, Conn., 1868, Rev. Henry L. Hall; m. (2d) Denver, Colo., Dec. 1896, Rev. James Dingwell; one daughter: Bessie Hale Hall. Mem. W.C.T.U . Church, Home and Foreign Missionary Socs., Woman's Relief Corps, D.A.R., Leicester Topic Club (federated), Worcester Wheaton Club. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. DINSMOOR, Alice, Westwood, N.J. Writer; b. Lowell, Mass.; dau. James and A. Amanda (Carpenter) Dinsmoor; ed. in Lake For- est, 111., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '72. Teacher of natural science and English in Miss Rounds' School for Girls in Brooklyn, N.Y., for more than 25 years. Since 1907 engaged in raising vegetables and fruit and keeping bees on a farm in N.J., selling products to private con- sumers. Mem. French Committee of Foreign Sunday-school A&s'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alum- nae, Vassar Alumnaj Ass'n. Favors woman suf- frage. Has written for newspapers and maga- zines, including N.Y. Evening Post, Observer, Sunday-school Times, Scientific American, Craftsman, Country Gentleman. Congregation- allst. Mem. Sunshine Soc. DINWIDDIE, Emily Wayland, 413 W. 46th St. (business, 187 Fulton St.), N.Y. City. Supervisor of dwelling houses of Trinity Church Corp'n; b. Greenwood, Va., Aug. 14, 1879'; dau. William and Emily (Bledsoe) Dinwiddie; ed. B.A. Peace Inst., Raleigh, N.C. ; grad. N.Y. School of Philanthropy, 1901; grad. work in eco- nomics and sociology, Univ. of Pa., 1903-04. In- vestigator, ass't district sec, acting district sec, and editor Charities Directory in N.Y. Charity Organization Soc. ; inspector and ass't in deputy comm'rs office N.Y. Tenement House Dep't; spe- cial investigator of housing conditions in Phila- delphia for Octavia Hill Ass'n; sec. Tenement House Com., N.Y. Charity Organization Soc; also a volunteer worker Greenwich House and Hartley House Social Settlements. Author: Housing Conditions in Philadelphia, 1904; Trinity's Tenements, 1910; The Truth About Trinity's Tenements; The Tenants' Manual, 1903; Good Houses for a Million People, 1910; also numerous articles in various periodicals. Mem. Central Council N.Y. Charity Organization Soc; mem. and sec. of Greenwich District Com. N.Y. Charity Organization Soc; chairman Tenement House Com. N.Y. Ass'n of Neighborhood Work- ers; Am. Home Economics Ass'n. Mem. Little Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: Traveling, tramp- ing, mountain climbing, dancing, tennis, driving, horseback riding, botanical work, handicraft work. Presbyterian. DISBBOW, Marie AngeUna WUliams (Mrs. Will- lam J. Disbrow), 35 Cambridge PI., Brook- lyn, N.T. Bom Havana, Cuba; dau. Ramon O. (ex-consul general of the U.S. at Havana, Cuba) and An- gela (Garcia) Williams; ed. Adelphl Coll., Brook- lyn, N.Y. ; m. William J. Disbrow (deceased). Interested in private work. Mem. N.Y. City Federation, Woman's Dem. Club, New Yorkers, Harmony Theatre, Playgoers of America, Rainy Day Club of America, International Pure Milk Ass'n, Helpless Crippled Children. Episcopalian. DIX, Beulah Marie — see Flebbe, Beulah Marie Dix. DIXON, Lilian, Taconic School, Lakeville, Cona. Principal Taconic School; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Franklin Morris and Elizabeth (Alter) Dixon; ed. Chegarey Inst., Philadelphia; Welles- ley Preparatory School, Philadelphia, Wellesley Coll., 1886-88; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888-89; Welles- ley Coll., A.B. 1900. Junior principal Ashby Hall, Springfield, Mass., 1891-94; Instructor Allegheny Coll. Prep. School, 1894-95; preceptress Drew DIXON— DOCK 249 9em., Carmel, N.Y., 1895-99; principal Taconic School, Lakevllle, Conn., 1900-12. Sec. Spring- field (Mass.) Council of Soc. tor Extension of Univ. Teaching, 1891-93. Mem. Social Service League of Salisbury, Consunaers' League, Conn. Soc. of Social Hygiene, Headmistresses' Aes'n, Wellesley Club of N.Y. City, Women's Univ. Club of N.Y. City.- Episcopalian. DIXON, Mnrlon E. Martin (Mrs. George W. Dixon), 2706 Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Born Chicago, 111.; dau. S. K. and Hattle (Babcock) Martin; ed. Dearborn Sem. and abroad; m. Chicago, 1903, George W. Dixon; children: Marlon Martin, George W. Jr. Pro's. Dearborn Sem. Ass'n; pres. Ladles' Aid Ass'n of Wesley Hospital; first vlce-pres. of the Chil- dren's Benefit League and its former pres.; sec- ond vice-pres. Northwestern Branch of Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc; mem. Board of Wo- man's Athletic Club, and mem. Board of French Library; mem. Antiquarian Soc. and of Woman's Athletic, Wednesday, Chicago Woman's and Amateur Musical Clubs. Recreation: Golfing. Methodist. DIXON, Sarah Ann, Rev., Tewksbury, Mass. Clergyman; b. Barnstaljle, Mass.; dau. Will- iam and Joyce (Gascoyne) Dixon; ed. Bridge- water Normal School, '85; Boston Univ., Coll. of Liberal Arts, Ph.B. '93; Theological School, S.T.B. '97; School of All Sciences, Ph. D. '07. Congregational minister; ordained by Andover Ass'n of Churches in 1897 as pastor over Congre- gational Church at Tyngsboro, Mass., till 1905; ass't pastor Trinity Congregational Church, Lowell, Mass., 1905-OS, pastor Congregational Church, Tewksbury, Mass., 1909- . The only Congregational woman minister over a church in New England. Lecturer on social and literary subjects — Browning a specialty. Mem. Middlesex Woman's Club, Lowell, Mass. Favors woman suffrage. DIXSON, Zella Allen (Mrs. Joseph E. Dixson), 1620 E. Fifty-fifth St., Chicago, III.; summer home, Granville, Licking Co., O. Author, lecturer, librarian, publisher; b. Zanes- vllle, O. ; dau. Josiah Butfett and Mary Caroline (Blandy) Allen (on father's side descendant of increase Allen, of Devonshire, England, who emigrated to New England, 1661; paternal great- grandmother was Rachel Buffett of Paris, France, daughter of famous French author; maternal grandfather was Benjamin Blandy of Bristol Eng., whose wife, Jane, was daughter of Leonard Addi- son, of the family of the distinguished essayist, Joseph Addison); ed. public schools of Zanesville, Putnam Sem., and Mt. Holyoke Coll., grad' '80, with additional four years of graduate Greek; m. 1881, Joseph Ehrman Dixson of Elyria, O. (died 1885). At Columbia Coll. as special student of library science, 1885-86, followed by two periods in the British Museum Library as an accredited scholar; Shepardson Coll., A.M. '92; Denison Univ., A.M. '02; Shurtleff Coll., L.H.D. '06. Ass't librarian Columbia Coll., 18S5-S6; library expert, 1887-88; librarian Denison Univ., 1888-90; Baptist Union Theological Sem., 1890-92; organizer and administrative head Univ. of Chicago Library, 1S92-1911; lecturer and prof, library science, Univ. of Chicago, 1896-1911. Lit- erary editor Bulletins of Northwestern Library Ass'n, 1889-90; literary review editor. First Aid Magazine; contributor to literary and educa- tional magazines. Author: Subject Index to Prose Fiction; Children's Book-Plates; Concern- ing Book-Plates; Charles Kingsley as a Social Reformer. Founder and proprietor of the Wis- ler.a Cottage Press, located in the back yard of her residence in a specially built fire proof building, electrically lighted and heated, one of the private presses noted for beautiful work. Lectures to clubs, educational institutions and learned societies. Mem. Ex Libris Soc. (London), Exlibris Verein zu Berlin; Oesterreichische Ex- Libris-Oesellschaft, Vienna; Socl6t6 Francaise lies CoUectiouneurs d'Ex-LIbrls, Paris; Ex-LIbris I lub, Basle, Switzerland; A. A. A. AS.; mem. and has held many oflices In Chicago Woman's Club iiid Mt. Holyoke Alumn» Ass'n; mem. Chicago CJo.lege Club. Am. Library Ass'n, III. Library /\s5'n (charter mem.), Chicago Library Club, Travelers' Club (Granville, C), Authors' League of America. DOAN, Jessie R!ug:en (Mrs. George P. Doan), 42 Portland Place, St. Louis, Mo. Musician; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. John and Louise (Heinzelman) Rlngen; ed. Mary Inst. (St. Louis) and Germany and Paris; m. St. Louis, April 18, 1906, George P. Doan. Sang successfully in Europe and United States, though not a pro- fessional singer. Mem. Wednesday Club. Pres- byterian. Favors woman suffrage. DOBBIN, Elizabeth Calder, 69 West Av., Fair- port, N.Y. Born Falrport, N.Y., Mar. 25, 1878; dau. Will- lam H. and Margaret (Calder) Dobbin; ed. Fair- port public schools, Cornell Univ. (Kappa Alpha Theta). Congregatlonallst. DOBBS, Amy Mary (Mrs. C. E. Dobbs), Oak Bank, Manitoba, Can. Born Montreal, Can.; dau. William and Lucy Catherine Burrows (father, William Burrows, Esq., of Liverpool, Eng., who inherited from hla grandfather the freedom of the City of Liverpool as a reward for conspicuous service at the Battle of Trafalgar); ed. Sacred Heart Convent, McGIll and Queen's Unlvs. ; m. Kingston, Ont., 1889, Rev. Conway Edward Dobbs (first cousin of Sir Richard Cartwright, Privy Councillor); children: Amy Maria, Marguerite Lucia Douglas, Conway Edward d« Burgh Dobbs. Has taken high rank In special subject as a student, has been coll. prof., school principal, lecturer, evangelist, re- porter, settlement worker, literary contributor, public speaker, worker in the white slave crusade and in prisons. Contributions to English and Canadian publications, including actuarial work, articles on Immigration, insurance, fiction, etc. Mem. temperance and religious societies. Mem. Women's Canadian Press Club. Recreation: Reading. Mem. Church of England. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. DOBSON, Fanita Duncan (Mrs. R. Calvin Dob- son), Highland Park, 111. Born St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 10, 1884; dau. Will- iam and Fannie (Pickering) Duncan; ed. Mary Inst, of Washington; Univ. of St. Louis, class of '04 (mem. Delta Kappa); m. St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1905, Rev. Roy Calvin Dobson; one eon: Duncan Calvin. Mem. Presbyterian Church. Mem. Exmoor Country Club, Ossoli Club. DOBYNTi:, Margaret B., 6119 Greenwood Av., Chicago, 111. Music publisher; b. Litchfield, 111., Oct. 2, 1870; dau. James B. and Calista J. (Evans) Dobyne; ed. Chicago public schools, 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111.; mem. Phi Nu Soc. Suffrage and musical editorial writer. Press chairman of 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; chairman Seventh Ward Suffrage Alliance, Chicago. Recreations: Theatre and concerts. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League, Woman's City Club. Active propagandist in all suffrage or woman's move- ments. DOCK, Lavinia L., 265 Henry St., N.Y. City. Registered nurse; b. Harrisburg, Pa.; dau. Gilliard and LIvinia (Bombaugh) Dock; ed. In pr.vate school in Harrisburg; grad. as registered nurse from Bellevue Hospital Training School, 18S6; received university regents' diploma as registered nurse, N.Y. State, 1903. After grad- uation served at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti- more, three years; in the County Hospital, Chi- cago, three years; through yellow fever epi- demic in Florida; flood relief work as nurse, Johnstown, Pa.; resident mem. Nurses' Settle- ment, Henry St., N.Y. City, since 1898. Author: Materia Medica for Nurses (text-book), has passed through several editions; Short Papers on NursiQg (subjects. Hygiene and .Morality); also (with Mary Adelaide Nutting) History of Nursing — The Evolution of Nursing Systems from the Earliest Times to the Foundation of the First English and American Training Schools for Nurses. Edited the proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of the American Society of Training Schools for Nurses. Sec. Am. Federa- tion of Nurses; mem. loternat. Council of Nurses. 250 DOCK— DODGE DOCK, Mlra I,loyd, Fayettevllle, R.D. No. 2, articles to forward rural betterment and thi» Franklin Co., Pa, opportunities of farm life. Botanist and forestry expert; b. Harrlsburg, jjodGE, Arta Snyder (Mrs. Charles Dane Pa., Deo. 25, 1853: dau. GUliar-d and Lavlnla podge), 832 E. Shidwasse St., Lansing. Mich. Lloyd (Bombaugh) Dock; ed at home by Parents Teacher; b. Lawrence County, Pa., 1852; dau. and governesses^ private schools in Harrlsburg j^^^^, ^^^ g^^^,^ (Matthews) Snyder; grad. from wid Lanoaster. Pa. j^ Brooke HaJl, Media, Pa and ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ q^. ^^ ^g^g j^ S^j^^ Unlv of Mich.. 1890-96, for biology; Prepared for ^^^ j ^g„9 charles Dane Dodge; children: teaoWng botany and for giving addresses on Arthur Charles, Frederick Wyllis, Frank Hervey, E}*?1. ",^®V Occasional writer on plant and j^^^^j^ (deceased In infancy), Helen Elizabeth, historical topics for Garden and Forest 1892- taught seven years In public schools of Salem, ^l' r.^^'.f J°\-,^^^}^^^^^^\^ ^/™f'A.,^ ^;u,fr» A O^io, and two years in high school at Wellsville, of Bulletin No 62 Pa. Dep t of Agriculture A q^,^; Believes in suffragi. but not active In Its Summer's Work Abroad Met success in work on g^pport. Pres. of Lansing Women's Civic forestry and civics. Delegate from State Fed. of League; pres. of City Fed. of Clubs (fourth Pa. Women to Internal. Congress of Women ^ formerly pres. of Unity Glut (three London, 1899; also delegated at same time to (.„j.jj^g\ make observations and report to Pa. State De- partment of Agriculture on rural school grounds, DODGE, Caroline Louise, 244 Fifth Av., Coun- home grounds, forests, parks and playgrounds in oil Bluffs, la- England and part of Continental Europe. Ap- Lawyer; b. Council Bluffs, la., Mar. 25, 1866; pointed by Gov. William A. Stone, 1901, and re- dau. Nathan Phillips and Susan C. (Lockwood) appointed by Governors Pennypacker, Stuart Dodge; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. '90; N.Y. Univ. and Tener; mem. Pa. State Forestry Reservation Law School, LL.B. (mem. Alpha Soc, Smith Commission, in which Is still serving. Mem. Coll.). Has practiced in Council Bluffs, la., Board of Directors Pa. School of Horticulture since graduation from N.Y. Univ. Law School, for Women, Ambler, Pa.; specially interested in Pres. of Associated Charities of Council Bluffs, horticultural training for women; chairman la. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Central Pa. Suffrage Ass'n, 1910. Protestant Republican. Mem. Omaha Soc. of Fine Arts, Episcopal. Mem. Pa. Botanical Soc, Pa. For- French History Study Club, Council Bluffs estry Ass'n, Am. Civic Ass'n, Women's Agricul- Woman's Club. tural and Horticultural Internat. Union, Lon- dodgE, Estelle Riddle (Mrs. Clyde C. Dodge), don; Brooke Hall Alumnae Soc., Pa. Conservation Ontario, Ore. Ass'n. Served as vice-chairman of conservation -g^^^ Glrard, Kan., Dec. 28, 1880; dau. A. P. in Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911-12. Rec- ^^^ ^^g. (Fuller) Riddle; grad. Coll. of Sisters of reatlons: Reading and out-door work. Mem. Bethany, Topeka, Kan., A.B. ; Univ. of Kan., Wednesday Club of Harrlsburg (musical) and ^.m.; special work at Columbia Unlv, N.Y. City Harrlsburg Civic Club. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Ontario, Ore., DOCHTEKMAN, Fraiices May (Mrs. L. B. Doch- Mar. 31, 1909, Clyde C. Dodge. Reported tor terman), Wllllston, N.Dak. Lawrence, Kans^as City and N.Y. City news- Abstracter of titles, real estate law; b. Monti- papers; edited Ontario (Ore.) Optimist for three cello N.Y., Dec. 9, 1881; dau. B. D. and Hor- years, until Mar., 1912; contributor to magazines, tense (Borland) McMillan; high school graduate; Mem. Library Board of City Library, Ontario, m Bottineau, N. Dak., Mar. 9, 1905, Dr. L. B. Episcopalian; pres. Episcopal Guild; chairman Dochterman. Mem. Episcopal Guild; director Women's School Visiting Board of Ontario, Ore. Associated Charities of Wllllston (organized it); Favors woman suffrage; mem. Oregon State Suf- Eastern Star (-worthy matron). Interested In frage Ass'n. Progressive In politics. Mem. Phi boys' club work public health work. Mem. B. Beta Kappa. Recreations: Piano, tennis, books, and T. Club (pres. 3 years), treas. of N. Dak. ,Mem. Junior Atlantean Club (Minneapolis) and Federation of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Au- Ontario (Ore.) Woman's Club. tolng, horseback riding, Ice skating, canoeing, uqdge^ Etta Purinton (Mrs. Fred Budreau bowling, dancing, tennis. Episcopalian. Dodge), Minneapolis, Minn, (winter); Minne- DOCKEBY, Eva Hunt (Mrs. Edward Jay tonka Beach, Minn, (summer). Dockery), 417 Jefferson St., Boise, Ida, Born Freeport, 111.; dau. George and Margaret Journalist; b. De Pere, Wis., June 4, 1870; Savilla (Bogar) Purinton; ed. Brooke Hall, dau. Morris Russell and Mary Ella (Emmons) Media, Pa.; m. Freeport, 111., 1885, Fred Budreau Hunt; ed. Chicago public schools; m. Ashland, Dodge; children: George Purinton, Whelan Wis., Feb. 17, 1891, Edward Jay Dockery. First Hempstead. Episcopalian. Mem. Arts and Crafts sec 'of Idaho Free Traveling Library. Mem. Soc, Minneapolis, Minn. Mem. Lafayette Club, Idaho Statesman editorial force for eight years; Minnetonka Beach; Woman's Club, Minneapolis. Ill ^^ ^S"tenid°ln"rmen%' c'l^u'b^s ^anl DODGE, Grace Hoadley. 262 Madison Av.. N.Y. social Bervlce. Favors woman suffrage; has ^'/J^-.^^^^ ^^^t^^^^l goard Y.W.C. A. of U.S.; Ty.'ho°fn? Fastern plne^s Asl't cLunty clialr^ b. N.Y. City; dau. William Earl Dodge (dis- "^^°A^o r^ Womi^'R n^mocrltic^^ub for two tingulshed merchant and philanthropist) and man Ada Co. Woman s Democratic Club ^^ Sarah (Hoadley) Dodge. Identified for many years. ,Pres. Good Citizenship Club pr^. Idaho charitable and educational work; Wonmn's Nat Rivers and Harbors Cong^^^^^^^ appointed mem. Board of School Commissioners oongregatlonalist Democrat. Chairman ^ress J^^^ ^^ 15^6; former pres. Working Girls' g°°^- n'l^'^T^Hrt^? whfst Mem ffl Cit^^^^ Soc; treas. of Teachers' College and has held fhTp^Qub ''Ffr?n^gS ClS AS:°'woman% other offices in educational and philanthropic Republic, Woman's Democratic Club. Was one of societies. the three organizers of fed. work In Idaho, and doDGE, Josephine Marshall Jewell (Mrs. Ar- has attended biennials of the fed. for the past thur M. Dodge), 563 Park Av., N.Y. City. 20 years. Constant contributor to several wo- Born Hartford, Conn., Feb. 11, 1855; dau. Mar- men's club magazines. Engaged In constant shall and Esther (Dickinson) Jewell; ed. three and active newspaper work. years at Vassar Coll.; m. Hartford, Conn., Oct. DODD, Helen Chamberlin (Mrs. Walter Sedg- 6, 1875, Arthur M. Dodge; children: Marshall J.. wick Dodd), East Corinth, Vt. Murray W., Arthur Doug as, Geoffrey Percival. Rnrn Phlraeo 111 Nov 11 1874; dau. Joseph Pres. Federation of Day Nurseries, 1st vice-pres. Edgar and ?da' E li^be?h (Atwood Chamberlin; Ass'n of Day Nurseries of N.Y. City; director grad Mass. Inst, of Technology, B.S. '96, In- Public Education Ass'n; vice-pres. Legal Ad fchnol of architecture- m. June 17. 1S99. Walter Soc; pres. Jewell Day Nursery; chairman Anti- Ifdgwick Dodd; cMMrenTnavldHaseltlne, Philip Suffrage Com. N.Y. State Federation of Clubs; Wellington, Nancy. Taught in Boston one year honorary pres N.Y. City Branch of the ^eedle- and worked for two years as architectural de- work Guild of Am. Mem. Colony Club of N.Y trgne7 for libraries; studious life on a hill farm City. Presbyterian. Pres. Nat. Ass'n Opposed eiSce 1900. Interested In social reforms. Au- to Woman Suffrage, 1st yice-pres and chamnan thor- Th° Healthful Farm House; has written of Exec. Com. N.Y. State Ass n Opposed to DODGE— DOLE J61 Woman Suffrage, editor Woman's Protest (antl- copal Church taught classes of various ageo suffrage). from Infant :o Bible class; held office of trustee, DODGE, Martha Miller, 203 W. Washington steward and Sabbath-school sup't Has worked Av., Madison, Wis. for equal suffrage for nearly 30 years; elected Born Monroe, Wis., Jan. 26, 1859; dau. Joseph P^es- Mich. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1884; chairman Thompson and Melissa Jane (Marble) Dodge; Legislative Com. for many years; chairman of grad. Univ. of Wis., B.L. '83; spent several Com. on Labor Organizations; In charge of Mich. months in Paris, 1882, studying French (mem. Woman Suffrage headquarters at Detroit during Kappa Kappa Gamma); has adopted two Infant suffrage amendment campaign of 1912. Recrea- girls: Virginia, b. Feb. 6, 1906; Elizabeth Jane, tions: Trips on the water and reading. Author b. Mar. 18, 1910. Active In religious and philan- of book on parliamentary law; has conducted thropic wxsrk. Favors woman suffrage. Unl- departments on various papers on various ta: ian. Formerly mem. of the Maple Bluff Golf subjects — temperance, labor, woman suffrage. 9}^^- . DOKBLER, Adeline Madeira (Mrs. John Hep- DODGE, Regina I-imt (Mrs. Clarence Phelps burn Doebler), 255 Hoffman St., West Baltl- Dodge), Colorado Springs, Colo. more, Md. Born Evanston, 111., Oct. 1, 1879; dau. Horace Bom Philadelphia, 1858; dau. Louis C. and Gray and Caroline (Isaacs) Lunt; ed. private Adeline L. (Powell) Madeira; ed. in Philadelphia; schools in Colorado Springs; finished at Ing'le- m. Philadelphia, John Hepburn Dortiler. Inter- side School, New MUford, Conn.; m. Jan. 1, ested In the Nat League of Women Workers. 1900, Clarence Phelps Dodge (pres. and owner Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Colorado Springs Gazette and Fremont County Mem. Travelers' Aid of Philadelphia Working Leader); children: Regina Phelps, b. Nov. 20, Girls' Cluba, lunch rooms and vacation houses 1903; Clarence Phelps Jr., b. May 10, 1906. Mem. for working women. Mem. Philadelphia Cricket St. Stephen's (IDpiscopal) parish; director and Cluib chairman of Finance Com. of Y.W.C.A.; mem DOEBNEB, CeUa, Grants Pa;!s, Ore. first Governing Board of Civic League; sec. and Teacher; b. Pomeroy, O.; dau. Henry and treas. Colorado Springs Art Soc. Favors woman Margaret (Boehmer) Doerner; ed. Woodward suffrag*^ Episcopalian Progressive In politics. High School, Cincinnati, O. (gold medal for gen- ^rZ^'^^^^..^''^^l7j'^^Xr^'''^l^^^^^n^,^''l'f ^""^l scholarship). While teaching, took various Ing summer months. Mem. Lyceum Club of courses at the Univ. of Cincinnati. Taught In i^t^'"«;>i'^'^u' T> -* T,.,.:. />, T V, Cincinnati public schools and later taught Latin DODGE, Ruby Porter Bridgman (Mrs. Joseph and German and mathematics in high schools Hampton Dodge), 33 Pinnacle Road, Roch- (resigned 1904). Since then engaged in private ester, N.Y. tutoring. For past two years has been espe- Born Springfield Mass Jan 3 1872; dau. cially interested in Esperanto. Favors woman Joseph Clark and Anna Elizabeth (Bliss) Bridg- suffrage. Author of articles in English and man; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94 (mem. Tau German, chiefly on educational subjects pub- Zeta Bpsiion); m. Hyde Park, Mass., April 17, UsheA in educational journals, and numerous 1906, Joseph Hampton Dodge; one daughter: poems In English, German and lately in Es- Patricia, b. Aug. 25, 1909. Presbyterian. peranto, published in various magazines and DODSON, Loni&e M. (Mrs. Frank W. Dodson), newspapers; also book reviews. Unitarian. Pro- 1071 Twenty-second St., Des Moines, la, gresslve in politics. Mem. Esperanto Ass'n of County recorder; b. Kingston, Pa., Oct. 8, North America, Universala ESsperanto Assoclo 1865; dau. T. and Eilzatteth (Bettrldge) Mc- (Universal Eisperanto Ass'n). Formerly active in Donough; ed. Kingston High School, 1881, second Cincinnati Woman's Club and the Woman's class honor; attended Wyoming Sem.; Blooms- Press Club of Cincinnati (of latter still corre- hurg Normal Coll., 1884 (mem. Philologean) ; m. spending mem.). Hon. mem. Ladies' Auxiliary Shickshinny, P«., Dec. 23, 1S87, Frank W. Dod- of Grants Pass. Her lecture. The Poetry of son; children: Lenore, b. Nov. 28, 1888; Lincoln, Mathematics, has been delivered 14 times before b. Feb. 22, 1894; Wesley, b. Jan. 23, 1900. Elected various audiences, and an Esperanto poem of by the people to office of County Recorder of hers received honorable mention in the world's Polk Co., loiwa; made a record as a reform contest held In connection with the BMghth public officer and as a result was continued in Internat Esperanto Congress at Cracow, August, same office 10 years. Instead of usual four; chief 1912. reform was In improving and enforcing jury DOLAN, Rosalie Brown (Mrs. Clarence W laws of the county. Mem. Eastern Star, Pythean Dolan), Rosemont, Pa. Sisters, Des Moines Women's Club, Woman's Born Paris, France, Aug. 2, 1869; dau. Neilson Cooperative League (pres.). Methodist Favors and Elizabeth L. (Carson) Brown; ed Sacred woman suffrage; mem. Political Equality League, Heart Acad., TorresdaJe, Pa.; Miss Porter's Votes for Women League, Business Woman's Schooi, Farmlngton, Conn., and Madame Tes- Suffrage Ass'n. sier's School, Paris; m. Paris, Nov. 8, 1894, DODSON, Martha Ethel, Berwick, Pa., and Clarence W. Dolan; children: Rosalie, Alexandra! 99 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Uita. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Editor; b. Fairmont Springs, Pa., April 13, Mem. Colony Club. 1881; dau. Boyd Headley and Sarah (Hess) Dod- DOLE, Caroline Fletcher (Mrs. Nathan Dole) son; ed. Bloomsburg State Normal School, B.E. Norrldgewock, Me. •99; ComeU Univ., A.B. '07 (mem. Kappa Kappa Born Norrldgewock, Me., July 22 1817- dau Gamma). Had charge of U.S. Immigration Com- Amos and Sally (Ware) Fletcher- ed. private mission's investigation of Immigrant Aid So- schools in Skowhegan and Hallowell Me • m cieties, 1907-09; special agent of Census Bureau, Norridgewock, June 16, 1842, Rev. Nathan' Dole 1910; Action editor of Housekeeper Magazine, (died 1855); children: Charles F. b May 17 1845- 1911-12. Interested In ail movements for the Sarah Ware Dole, b. Sept 22, 1847 (died Sept 24* advancement of women and in welfare work. 1849) ; Nathan Haskell Dole b. Aug 31 1862* Writer of magazine articles. Mem. Woman's Specially interested In missionary work ' home University Club (N.Y. City), Century Club (Ber- and foreign, and work for the colored 'neonle wick. Pa.). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage, etc. CongregationaJlst Was an abolitionist' Progressive Republican. Mem. Woman's Political latter affinities with tbe Republican Party from Union, College Equal Suffrage League. the first except in the campaign of 1912, when DOE, Mary Lydia, 923 N. Monroe St., Bay City, she preferred Wilson. Favors restricted suffrage Mich. men and women alike. Haa written numeroua Teacher; b. Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, hymns and poems, published in various papers July 27, 1836; dau. Rev. Volney and Lovlna ^^^ magazines. (Singer) Thompson ; ed. by tutors and in State DOLE, Grace Weld Soper CMra. William A- Normal School, Edinboro, Pa. Mem. Good Tem- Dole), 24 W. Emerson St., Melrose. Maaa. plars; has been grand vice-templar of Mich. Journalist before marriage; b. Boston 1K9- Grand Lodge two terms; ass't sec. eight years; dau. John E. and Otavia V. (Butman) 'soper f^t^^^f ^m^ P wKn^^ ^^^- °i'°At?a while hold- ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. (mem. Kappa Alphj^ ing that office. While a mem. of Methodist Epls- Theta): m. Waltham, Mass., 1893, William A 252 DOLE— DONNELL Dole; children: John S., William A. Jr., Mal- colm, Kenneth, Alice, Virginia. Formerly on editorial staff Boston Journal; former Boston correspondent N.Y. Tribune and Magazine of Art; contributor to Harper's Bazar. Trustee Waltham Public Library for ten years; Inter- ested in church work. Vlce-pres. Woman's Alliance; mem. Melrose Woman's Club, Boston Cornell University Club. Recreations: Tennis, automoblling. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. DOLE, Helen Bennett (Mrs. Nathan Haskell Dole), 91 Glen Rd., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass., and The Jloorings, Ogunqult, Me. Translator, short story writer; b. Worcester, Mass. ; dau. William Montgomery and Frances (Fletcher) Bennett; ed. private schools; made music specialty; m. Jamaica Plain, Boston, Ma-ss., June 28, 1S82, Nathan Haskell Dole; chil- dren: Robert Montgomery, Arthur Alexander, Margaret Aliona, Harold Sanford. Translator: Rudolf Baumbach's Sommer Marchen; Victor Hugo's Quatre-Vingt-Treize; Theuriet's Abbe Daniel and Vie rustique; Paul Margueritte's Avril, Pierre Loti's Pecheur d'Islande, Champ- fleury's Violon de Faience, Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac, Spyri's Heidi, Clemens Brentano's G-ockel. Hinkel und Gackeleia. Has written sev- eral short stories. Recreation: Music. Episco- palian. Favors woman suffrage. DOLLIVEK, Louise Pearsons (Mrs. Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver), 915 Second Av., Fort Dodge, la- Born Hartford, Vt. ; dau. George Read and Wealthea (Porter) Pearsons; grad. Dana Hall, •S3; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '89; m. Nov. 20, 1895, Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver, U.S. Senator (died Oct. 15, 1910); children: Margaret Eliza, b. 1900; Frances Pearsons, b. 1901; Jonathan Prentiss, b. 1905. Taught in Presbyterian Coll., Fort Dodge, la., 1890-91; Northwestern Acad., Evan- ston, 1893-95. Historian general D.A.R., 1903-06; organized Fort Dodge Chapter D.A.R.; organized Webster Co. Historical Ass'n and Pioneers' Day, also Y.W.C.A. ; charter mem and assisted in organizing Woman's Congressional Club, Washington, D.C. ; mem. board of Rust Training School, Washington, D.C. Favors woman suf- frage. As hlSFtorlan general of the D.A.R. com- piled volumes 18 to 26, inclusive, of the Lineage Books of the D.A.R. Methodist. Republican. Mem. Collegiate Alumnee Ass'n, Rust Training School for Nurses, Washington; pres. Y.W.C.A. board at Fort Dodge, la.; mem. Woman's College Club, Woman's Congressional Club, Fort Dodge Country Club. DOLLIVER, Margaret Gay, Mornlngside. Sioux City, la. Dean of women; b. Kingwood, W.Va. ; dau. James J. and Eliza Jane (Brown) Dolliver; ed. Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll., A.B. 'Sfi; grad. stu- dent Northwestern Univ., 1905-06. Teacher in Fort Dodge (la.) public school, 1SS6-90; now dean of women, Morningside Coll. Interested in the founding of small denominational colleges and in work among the young women of America of a social and religious nature. Against woman suf- frage. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R., P.E.O. Soc. of America; and various societies of the M.E. Church; active in the Woman's Home Missionary Soc. and Y.W.C.A. for college girls. Recrea- tions: Out-door sports. Pres. Sioux City Wom- an's Club; mem. Sorosis Club of Morningside, la.; State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Sister of the late U.S. Senator Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver. DOLSEN, Torrey Lewis (Mrs. William O. Dol- sen), Snohomish, Wash. Born Monticello, Minn. ; dau. Josiah F. and Martha (Steele) Lewis; ed. High School, Monti- cello, Minn.; Business Coll., Minneapolis, Minn.; m. William O. Dolsen; children: Mae, Raymond. Pres. Cosmopolitan Club, Daughters of Isis Club. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. DONALDSON, Welyn Hunter (Mrs. Keith Don- aldson), Buckingham Hotel, N.T., and Carlton Hotel, London. Bom Nashville, Tenn., June 19, 1SS6; dau. Edward Willis and Minnie (Payne) Hunter; ed. Anne Bro-wn's School and Coll., 715 Fifth At., N.Y. ; m. St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, N.Y. City, April 25, 1906, Keith Donaldson; one daugh- ter: Dorothy, b. Feb. 7, 1907. DON CARLOS, Louisa Cooke (Mrs. H. E. Don Carlos), 1605 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan. Author; b. Louisville, Ky., 1874; ed. in Nash- ville, Tenn.; m. H. E. Don Carlos of Lawrence, Kan. After leaving school did special work on Nashville (Tenn.) Banner. Author: A Battle in the Smoke; contributor of verse to Pall Mall Magazine, Munsey's, Youth's Companion, etc. Vlce-pres. Women's Press Club of Kansas. DONLE\'Y, Alice Heighes, 130 W. Ninety- seventh St., N.Y. City. Artist, designer, lecturer; b. Manchester, Eng- land; dau. John Intaglio and Alice (Heighes) Donlevy; ed. in schools of Pleasantville, N.Y. : School of Design for Women and Cooper Inst., N.Y. City (diploma, prize); also prize from Phila- delphia Sketch Club for illumination; award for tapestry painting at Chicago World's Fair. One of eight women artist founders of the Ladies' Art Ass'n; was engaged for six months in exhi- bition of women's work at the Centennial Expo- sition, 1876. Interested in the higher education cor women in Japan, and particularly in the movement started in 1912 of training women to be kindergartners, training girls to be nurses for children, begun by an elementary school In Tokio, Japan, of which Dr. Nishiyama is princi- pal and founder. Author: Practical Hints on Illumination; also contributor to magazines, art reviews in Demorest Magazine, St. Nicholas, The Period, etc., on art, industrial or educa- tional subjects. Sec. Japanese Education Soc. Recreations: Reading, painting. Mem. Art Workers' Club. Has lectured on art industrial subjects in the evening lectures under the auspices of the N.Y. Board of Education. DONLEY, Anseline Scott (Mrs. Alfred J. Don- ley), N.Y. City. Librarian; b. Syracuse, N.Y. ; dau. John and Angeline (Raymond) Scott; ed. public and pri- vate schools of South Norwalk, Conn. ; m. S. Norwalk, Conn., 1905, Alfred J. Donley. Li- brarian S. Norwalk Public Library, 1S92-1905; sec. Conn. Library Ass'n, connected with school work, N.Y. Public Library, 1908-09. Organized societies for young people in connection with literary work, sec. of Norwalk Historical Ass'n for several years. Historian of Norwalk Chap- ter D.A.R., 13 years; field sec. of Conn. D.A.R. Committee on Patriotic Education, 6 years. Pro- moted educational work among adult foreigners. Has conducted special investigation among the foreign colonies in N.Y. City, has lectured in many Conn, towns on the problems of immi- gration. Specially interested in social questions connected with children, foreigners and women. Author: Colonial Homes of Norwalk, Conn.; contributor to Patron Saints of Conn., Patriots* Daughters of Conn. Ass't editor: Norwalk After 250 Years. Sec. Children's Festival Com. to demonstrate the activities of societies devoted to child welfare. Associate editor Travel Topics and recording sec. Travel Club. Recreations: Coun- try walking trips, wild flowers, birds, fishing, gardening. Favors woman suffrage. DONLEY, Nellie Wells, Waynesburg, Greene Co., Pa. Born Waynesburg, Pa.; dau. Joseph Benton and Ellen (Wells) Donley; grad. Waynesburg (Pa.' Coll., A.B. '92 (Alpha Gamma Theta). Taught school for a number of years both in grammar grades and In High School, Waynesburg, Pa.; one year in the Prep. High School at McKees- port. Pa. Pres. Waynesburg Woman's Club, and of the Wesleyan organization; was pres. Ep- worth League and Francis Wlllard W.C.T.U. (still a mem.); vlce-pres. Alumnae Ass'n of Waynesburg Col!. Has written for newspapers and made a number of public addresses. Methodist. DONNELL, Annie Hamilton (Mrs. Webb Don- nell), 745 E. University Av., Ann Arbor. Mich. Writer; b. Kents Hill, Me., Sept. 11, 1862; dau. Albert 11. and Mary C. (Robinson) Hamilton; ed. Woman's Coll., Kents Hill, Me., A.B. '81; m. Kents Hill, July 8, 1SS6, Webb Donnell; children: Dorothy, Rachel, Lloyd, Kenneth. Author: Re- becca Marv: The Very Small Person; Camp Fi- DONNELLY— DORR 253 delity Girls. Contributor to Harper's Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, McClure'a, American, Every- body's, etc. Favors woman suffrage. DONNKLI.Y, Alice Moore, 4 307 Hamilton Av., Cincinnati, O. Teaoiier of Latin; b. Cincinnati, C; dau. John Marshall and Anne (Moore) Donnelly; ed. Wood- ward High School, Cincinnati; Univ. of Cincin- nati. A.B., A.M. (Phi Beta Kappa); mem. V.C.P. (local iorority). F.avors woman suffrage. li)pis- copalian. Mem. Classical Asa'n of the Middle West and South, Cincinnati Woman's Club, Cin- cinnati Woman Teachers' Club. I)ONXKLI.Y, Elizabeth McAlUster (Mrs. Wlll- iiun Charles Donnelly), 5230 Columbia Av., Philadelphia. Pa. Born McAlistervllle, Pa., Sept. 6, 1878; dau. Isaac Thompson and I^aura Jane (Bell) McAl- lister; ed. West Newton (Pa.) Acad., 1S94-96; Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa.. A.B. 1900 (mem. Alpha Chi Omega); m. West Newton, Pa., 1905, William Charles Donnelly; children: James Mar- shall, b. 1907; Mary Elizabeth, b. 1910. Originally Methodist, but since marriage Presbyterian; ac- tive in church societies; vice-pres. Woman's Organized Bible Class. Against woman suffrage. DONNELLY, June Richardson, Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Librarian; b. College Hill, 0.; dau. John Mar- shall and Anne (Moore) Donnelly; ed. Cincin- nati public schools; Hughes High School; Univ. of Cincinnati, B.S. in biology (Phi Beta Kappa); N.Y. State Library School, Albany, 1901-03, B.L.S. ; mem. V.C.P. (local sorority). Cata- loguer Public Library, Cincinnati, 1903-05; teacher in library science, Simmons Coll., Boston, 1905- 09; director Dreiel Inst. Library School, Phila- delphia, 1909-12; teacher of library economy in Washington Irving High School, N.Y. City, 1912-13; since July, 1913, associate prof, library science, Simmons Coll.. Boston. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Li'brary Ass'n. College Club of Phlladelptiia. DONNELLY, Lncy Martin, Bryn Mawr. Pa- Born Brooklyn. N.Y. ; ed. Adelphl Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Bryn Mawr Coll.. A.B. '93; stu- dent in Univ. of Oxford, England, and Univ. of Leipzig, 1893-94; Sorbonne Coll., Prance, and Univ. of Leipzig, 1904-05; graduate student, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-97. Reader in English, 1896- 1904; lecturer in English, 1904-08; associate prof, of English, Bryn Mawr Coll., since 1910. DONOHOO, Harriet Grace Nichola (Mrs. Rome P. Donohoo, Tucumcari, N.Mex. Born Allerton, la., Dec. 22, 1878; dau. Herman Vedder and Alice (Townley) Nichols; ed. Kansas State Agricultural Coll., B.S. (honors In psychology); mem. Ionian Literary Soc; m. Manhattan, Kan., Nov. 11, 1903. Rome P. Donohoo; children: Roldo Wilgann, b. Aug. 21, 1904 (died); Roscoe Nichols, b. Sept. 11. 1910 (died); Harriet, b. Feb. 18, 1912. Teacher of mathematics and chemistry; deputy probate clerk and ei-officio recorder for Quay Co., N.Mex. (husband's deputy, 1907-12). State organizer of mothers' club and parent-teacher ass'ns for NeOW Elinor .ones (Mrs. Charles Mason Dow). Tnl has'ap;?fed"an\'r%i're °and Tnt° ifigence'l'o B^n Vit^^i^uS Pa.; dau. E. Livingstone and hercMdre'n^'rnd1^r''roufeh1,Id°ind'has^a"^^^^ f2'^'lr7P^'S,i°M.',i„ „„„„!, ,o.:„r,=. o= r. T-ooiiit r.f I'J. lS(o, Charles Mason Dow cnilaren: Alberta at some remarkable conclusions as a result or n^nni-iJ tiiir^„ t:^i„*„i,^ A ^„„n\ ni i„« !:'lf.l^.^^^"^"=" "'^^"^^ "°"^" ^"''^^^" ^'"- M^-oTHo'w'i^d Jonlf'rres.^Sl^^iss'n'^Sl copaiian. j^j, gmgn wage Earning Girls; pres. Warner DOUGI.AS, Judith Hyams (Mrs. Roydan Doug- Home for the Aged. Author: Legends of Chau- las), 7825 Elm St., New Orleans, La. tauqua Lake. Presbyterian. Ex-pres. of the Born Rapides Parish, La., Feb. 13, 1875; dau. N.Y. State Federation of Woman's Clubs. Mem. Henry M. and Augusta (Montgomery) Hyams; New Century Art Club (Jamestown), Mozart, granddaughter of Lieut.-Gov. Henry M. Hyams; Fortnightly and Sorosis clubs (N.Y. City), ed. Girls' High School, New Orleans, La.; State Sribblers' (Buffalo). Has traveled extensively Normal School, Nachitoches, La.; m. Baton in this country and abroad, visiting Palestine, Rouge, June 15, 1896, Roydan Douglas of Scot- Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Spain and all of Europe land. Has been sec. Era Club, also pres. for frequently. iwo years, and now first vice-pres. ; sec. Stone- _.^,„ „ . . ■„ ,^, ^ , ^ , wall Jackson Chapter United Daughters of Con- ^^^ \ ^J?!""** ,®''"^*^„ ^^"v ^''.^"^ Fowler iederacy; supervisor. for La. for Peace and Arbi- P°w). 421 Park Av.. Rochester, N.Y. tration since 1909; chairman Legislative Com. for „.Born Wheatland^ NY.; dau. Hon Volney La. State Federation, 1911-12; pres. La. State Fed. Pierce and Sarah R. (Avery) Brown; ed. ^istrict Women's Clubs, 1912-14 (hon. pres.); has served .schools and Le Roy Academic Inst. ; m Wheat- on Nat. Church Work Com. for Nat. Suffrage land, NY Sept 19, 1877, Frank Fowler Dow, Ass'n since Oct., 1908. Favors woman suffrage; M.D.; children: Leland Brown, Fayette Brown as officer of Era Club for seven years has spoken Amont Brown. Pres. R^mabai Assn; sec. of at each se.ssiou of Legislature in favor of full the Woman s Educational and Industrial Union suffrage, school suffrage, amendment of Article of Rochester since 1893. Mem Mayflower Soc., 210, which would permit of women serving on Colonial Dames; officer for 10 years of the boards, etc. Has written short papers on Suf- Inndequoit Chapter D-A R (now regent); State frage, Civil Service, Mystery and Miracle Plays, director of NY. State Fed of Women s Clubs; Child Labor, Religion and the Cause of Peace, mem. two literary and study clubs. Presby- Ohristian Stewardship (delivered before Nat. terian. Sunday-school teacher. Against woman Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Buffalo, N.Y., in conven- sufirage. tion, also before State of Mississippi Suffrage dqw, Martha Cora, Elmhurst Place, Cincin- Ass'n), Revelations, Mammy Milly. Has outlined ^jg^jj ohio. two plays— one, A Modern Interpretation of Druggist; b. Paterson, N.J., Mar. 11, 1868; dau. Esther. Baptist; served on State Central Board; ^dwin Burleigh and Catherine (Hook) Dow; ed. also pres. two years of Missionary Soc. Mem. Cincinnati public schools and dep't of pharmacy. Sunshine Soc. Was one of a committee of three Cincinnati Univ., Ph.G. '88. Conducts and owns that called mass meeting to organize Travelers ^q Teta.n drug stores and wholesale drug houses Aid Soc; sec. Juvenile Court Com. of Era Club j^ Cincinnati. Vice-pres. Am. Humane Soc, that initiated the Juvenile Court work in New director Ohio Humane Soc; asso. editor Nat. Orleans; mem. Jefferson Davis Monument Ass n; Humane Review. Mem. Cincinnati Ass'n for pres. Alpha Zeta Bible Class, 1909-11; charter -^glfare of the Blind Cincinnati Arts and mem. B'd of Directors Woman's Building Ass n. crafts Co. Recreations: Motoring, music. Mem. Mem. New Orleans Woman s Club, New Orleans Hamilton Co. Golf Club, Three Arts Club, Mati- Woman's League. Appointed by Governor to j,gg Musical Club. Makes a specialty of work In represent La. at first Southern Conference on behalf of horses; originated vacations for horses; Child Labor Laws; also Conference on Uniform j^as put in circulation, during past five years. State Laws at Washington, D-C; Southern go^ooo.OOO pleas for the horse; now working on a Sociological Congress, Nashville, Tenn.; has ^-^^^ ^^ make every child in public schools in the been appointed by mayors of New Orleans on united States a humane worker. Against woman the Public Playgrounds Commission m New suffrage Orleans (sec); elected first vice-pres. of La. State Good Roads Ass'n; conducted one session DOWD, Alice M., 533 Warren St., Hudson, N.Y. at last Congress on Good Roads, held in New Teacher, writer; b. Frankford, W.Va., Dec. 16, Orleans. 1855; dau. Almeron and Emily (Curtis) Dowd i^r»i-r-T i« TTo+h^rinA Rftss ThrvstiP fMrs ^'^°^ parents teachers, and of New England DOliGLAS, Katharine B<»s Chrystie (Mrs. . . y ^ ^^^ school, Westfield, Mass., grad. Henry Percy Douglas), 124 Cedar Av., Mon- ^^^ courses (first rank). State Normal School v^fl' M v'' Pitv FAh 7 1874- dau Thomas M *°'^^s P°^^>' ^auveur Coll. of Languages, foreign Born N.Y City, Feb. 7, 1874, dau 1 nomas M. ^^^^ ^^^ travel. Two years principal high school, Ludlow Chryslie, M.D., and Julm (Ross Montague, Mass.; 23 years teacher in high school, n.^'Tv^'cftv Mav 3 1899 Henrv Pefcf Doug is: Stamford,' Conn.'; 1 year teacher modern lan- ni. N.Y. City, May 3, 1899 Henry Percy Douglas Pomona Coll., Cal. Many years children: Chrystie b April 6, 1900 Hortense s s j/ Sunday-school; assoc mem. W.C.T.U. Pauline, b. May 31^ mi. ^<;'^^^y' ^'i',:^^^'^- ^- ^^"^^ Author: Vacation Verses, 1891; Our Common Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. ^^j^ Flowers, 1906; occasional contributor to DOVEIl, Mary Violette, Mt. Holyoke College, papers, at one time regular contributor to maga- South Hadley, Mass. zine edition of Pasadena News. Universallst. Chemist; b. Peterborough, Can.; dau. Frederick Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Bicycle riding, pho- and Annette (Wood) Dover; grad. B.A. and tography. Began to teach at 17, has taught more M.Pc. ; McGill Univ., Montreal, Can.; Univ. In than 30 years; still teaching. Has had experience Breslau, Germany, Ph.D. Instructor in chem- in almost all phases of the work, district school jstry Mt. Holyoke Coll. Episcopalian. substitute, evening school, private school, high DOW, Caroline B., 135 E. Fifty-second St. ^^^°°^- college. Suffragist. N Y City DOWD, Emma C, Merlden, Conn. Dean of Nat. Training School of Y.W.C.A. ; Author; dau. R. S. and Caroline (Merriman) b Fowlerville NY.; dau. Benjamin Franklin Dowd; ed. priTate schools and under private and Caroline 'm. (Capron) Dow; grad. Vassar, teachers at New Haven, Conn. Author: Polly AB '80 (Phi Beta Kappa); grad. work in Paris of the Hospital Staff, 1912; Playtime Games for and Columbia Univ. Interested in Intercolle- Boys and Girls, 1912; stories, verses humor- giate Bureau of Occupations. Mem. Ass'n of ous work, etc. In St. Nicholas. Youths Com- Coilegiate Alumns, N.Y. Peace Soc, Acad, of panion. Life, Ladies' Home Journal, Century, Political Science, Grenfell Ass'n, Religious Edu- Harper's Magazine. Woman's Home Companion, cation Ass'n Nat. Educational Ass'n. Mem. Sunday School Times, Congregationalist, Subur- Woman's University Club of N.Y., Boston Col- ban Life. Short Stories. Good Housekeeping, etc DOWNES— DOZIER 257 DOWNES, France* W. (Mrs. Charles T. Downes), 755 Westminster Rd., Brooklyn, N.T. Born Ansonia, Conn.; dau. David F. and Sarah F. (Church) Brown; ed. Ansonia, Conn.; m. An- sonia, Conn., Nov. 17, 1870, Charles T. Downes; children: Frederick A. Downes, Charles D. Downes. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R. (N.Y. City Chapter), New England Women Colony No. 8 (Brooklyn). Mem. Mayflower Soc. (ninth in descent from Myles Standish). DOWNEY, Juno E., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. Professor psychology, Univ. of Wyoming; b. Laramie, Wyo., July, 1875; dau. Stephen W. and Eva V. (Owen) Downey; ed. Univ. of Wyoming, B.A. '95; Univ. of Chicago, M.A. '98, Ph.D. '07; fellow Univ. of Chicago (Sigma Xi). Author: The Heavenly Dykes (book of poems); Control Processes in Modified Handwriting (Monograph Supplement of Psychological Review); Prelimi- nary Study of Family Resemblance in Hand- writing; The Imaginal Reaction to Poetry; The Variational Factor in Handwriting; also articles in Psychological Review, Am. Journal of Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, etc. Pro- gressive Republican. Mem. Am. Psychological Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Music, walking, reading of poetry. Favors woman suffrage. DOWNEY, Margaret Elsie (Mrs. John F. Downey), 1115 Fifth St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Rockford. 111., Jan. 10, 1873; dau. Reuben and Isabella J. (Ward) Downey; ed. Mound City High School; Univ. of Minnesota (Gamma Phi Beta); m. Mound City, Mo., Jan. 2, 1896, John F. Downey. Methodist. Recreations: Golf, horse- bark riding, tennis, tramping. Mem. Woman's Club, Minneapolis. DOWNEY, Mary Elizabeth, Columbus, O. Librarian; b. Sarahsville, 0.; dau. Dr. Hiram James and Martha (Ball) Downey; ed. public schools of Noble Co., O. (taught In them three years); Shepardson Coll., '95; Denlson Univ., A.B. '99; Univ. of Chicago Library School, '01. Ass't librarian, Field Museum, Chicago, 1901-02; librarian, Otlumwa (la.) Public Library, 1902-08; library organizer of Ohio, 1908- ; resident di- rector, Chautauqua (N.Y.) Library School, 1906- ; sec. Iowa Uinrary Ass'n, 1904-05; pres. Ohio Library Ass'n, 1912-13; mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Ohio Library Ass'n, Columbus Library Club, Am. Bookplate Soc, Ottum-wa (la.) Wom- an's, Shakespeare and Fortnightly Clubs; Colum- bus (Ohio) College Woman's, 011a Podrida and Library Clubs; Columbus Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Philomathean Soc. Pres. Shepardson Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, 1912 — . Chairman Library Exten- sion Com., Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1910—. Collect book-plates. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. Author of pamphlets and articles on library work: Library E.xtension in Ohio; De- veloping a Public Library; Reading In Rural Communities. Lecturer on Library Organization and Administration; generally interested in re- ligious, social and philanthropic work. DOWNING, Bertha Carol, 4 Downing St., Worcester, Mass. Physician and educator; b. Kennebunk, Me.; dau. Justin Streeter and Jane Alcock (Stiles) Downing; ed. public and private schools of Boston, Mass., and Harvard Annex (now Rad- cliffe Coll.); Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '96; Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., M.A. First resident physician, Boston Baptist Hospital, 1895-96; fellow Alumnae Ass'n of Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1905-07; Clark Univ., 1905-11, an- thropology, biology, psychology (child study), pedagogy; teacher, Vineland (N.J.) Training School, 18S9-92. Lecturer in orthogenics at Sar- gent School of Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass. Club lecturer. Interested in seeing Dr. Seguln's physiological method of education used by the public school system. Favors woman suffrage. Author of numerous medical articles published In medical and educational jouruals: Preventive Medicine in a Neglected Direction; Needs of the Feeble-Minded, 1904; The Speech of the Feeble-Minded; and other papers calling attention to the child called feeble-minded. Unitarian. Fellow Am. Acad, of Medicine; mem. New England Hospital Med. Soc, Am. Ass'n for the Study of the Feeble-Minded, Lex- ington (Mass.) Historical Soc, 1901-05, Radcliffe Union, London Branch Child Study Soc, Twen- tieth Century Club of Worcester, Unitarian Club. One of pioneers in work for feeble-minded. Trained at Elwyn, Pa., 1887-89; was sent by the sup't of Elwyn to Vineland (N.J.) Training School to aid in organizing that school. Sup't of school dep't, 1898-1900 (Vineland Training School). DOWNING, Emma Hicks (Mrs. Hamilton F. Downing), 220 W. Seventy-second St., N.Y. City. Born Tolland, Conn.; dau. Charles R. Hicks (reUred merchant) and Maria (Stearns) Hicks; ed. in private schools and Mt. Holyoke Coll.; m. Merlden, Conn., Mar. 31, 1880, Hamilton F. Downing of Springfield, Mass. Interested in hospital and mission work; established and sup- ports free public library in Tolland, Conn.; interested In establishing hospital at Indian Wells, Ariz. Pres. N.Y. City Indian Ass'n; interested in church activities of Protestant Episcopal Church. Mem. Nat. Soc. New Eng- land Women, Navy League, Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women, Peace Soc. of N.Y., Art League, Patria Club, Federation of Women's Clubs. Recrea- tion: Travel. Against woman suffrage. DOWNS, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. George Sheldon Downs), Newton Centre, Mass. Novelist; b. Wrentham, Mass., 1843; dau. Edwin A. and Malvina F. (Was) Forbush; ed. private school in Worcester, Mass.; m. 1868, George Sheldon Downs. Writer of serial stories for many years; earlier work under pen-name of "Mrs. Georgie Sheldon," later work under that of "Mrs. George Sheldon Downs." Author: Harry Mailland; Nettle Loring; Katherine's Sheaves; Step by Step, a Story of High Ideals; Earle Wayne's Nobility; Helen's Victory, or Halhurton Lancaster's Temptation; Redeemed; Gertrude Elliot's Crucible and many other novels. DOZIEB, Tennie Pinkerton (Mrs. Nathaniel Bell Dozier), Franklin, Tenn. Educational and patriotic worker; b. Franklin, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1861; dau. James and Sarah Caroline (Anderson) Pinkerton; grad. Tenn. Fe- male Coll., Franklin, A.M. '83; has studied under professors of Cumberland Univ., Lebanon, Tenn., and in summer school of Monteagle Chautauqua, Tenn., and Chautauqua, N.Y.; m. Franklin, Tenn., June 20, 1895, Nathaniel Bell Doiier; chil- dren: Marguerite, Thaniel Pinkerton. Taught, 1883-95, In Howard Coll., Gallatin, Tenn.; Col- lege for Young Ladles, Lebanon, Tenn., and in Tenn. Female College, Franklin. Mem. Presby- terian Church and its missionary and aid so- cieties; rec. sec. Monteagle Woman's Foreign Mission Ass'n, five years; life mem. Monteagle Ladies' Ass'n; mem. W.C.T.U. ; chairman for Williamson Co. of Health Dep't Tenn. Fed. of Women's Clubs since 1908; mem. Ass'n for Pre- servation of Antiquities of Va., Southern Socio- logical Congress, D.A.R., Daughters of the Con- federacy, State historian United Daughters of Confederacy, 1906-08; pres. Tenn. Woman's Histor- ical Ass'n; originator movement to erect on cam- pus of George Peabody Coll. for Teachers (Nash- ville) the Confederate Girls' Home, which shall be a memorial to the women of the Confederacy and to Confederate soldiers of Tenn. and a home for their women descendants during their term in school. Mem. Ass'n of Southern Writers; com- piled volume of war records of Tennessee Con- federate soldiers and filed same in Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va. ; also three volumes war reminiscences of the women of the Con- federacy, and other Important historical data. Preparing volume on Southern statesmen and writers, and through her articles is arousing an interest in a great memorial arch, which will be erected on the battlefield of Franklin, as a memorial to the Am. soldiers of 1861-65— both the Blue and the Gray. 258 DRABBLE— DREW DBABBLE, Martha Tenney Vance (Mrs. Robert Fife Drabble), Mountain St., Haydenvllle, Teaciier of the deaf; b. Corinth, Vt., July 26, 1874; dau. Martin Van Buren and Clymene Jane (Hosmer) Vance; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '99 (Oriental Club); Clarke School for the Deaf, teachers' training class, 1900; m. Northampton, class, 1900 (Oriental Club); m. Northampton, Mass., June 11, 1902, Robert Fife .-Drabble; one jon: George Vance, b. 1906. Taught two years (1900-02) at Deaf Mute Inst., Little Rock, Ark.; engaged in library work at Clarke Library, Northampton, 1902-06. Methodist. Favors wo- man suffrage. Mem. Young Wives' Club (phil- anthropic), Williamsburg, Mass. DKACASS, Carrie E. Tucker (Mrs. Frederick Dracass), 320 W. Sixty-first St., Englewood, Chicago, 111. Teacher; b. Ottawa, 111., April 29, 1859; dau. Daniel E. and Ann (DeHaven) Tucker; ed. high school, Ottawa; partial course in 111. State Nor- mal; Chautauqua Univ.; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B., summa cum laude, 1908; m. Frederick Dracass, M.D. Became teacher in Englewood High School, Chicago, 1891; now teaching library economics and Spanish; in charge of library; after two years' teaching in the county schools of La Salle Co., 111., taught in the Ottawa Township High School until 1889; taught in high school, Rockford, 111., 1890. Has written many short articles on educational subjects; edited several English classics for high school use, including Ivanhoe, Sir Roger de Coverley Papers, Carlyle's Essay on Bums, Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum. Now especially interested In the forward move- ment for the high school libraries in Chicago; was instrumental in 1911 in securing the intro- duction of a course in library economics in the Chicago high schools;- as chairman of the Li- braries Committee of the Chicago High School Teachers' Club has written a series of articles on library conditions in high schools. Baptist. Clubs: Englewood Woman's, Chicago High School Teachers'. DRAKE, Emma Frances Angell (Mrs. Ellis Richmond Drake), New Plymouth, Idaho. Physician and lecturer; b. Angellville, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1849; dau. Silas Tanner and Deborah (Piper) Angell; ed. Olivet Coll., Mich.; Boston Univ., School of Medicine; mem. Soronians (Olivet); m. Northflold, Mass., July 3, 1883, Rev. Ellis Richmond Drake; children: Ruth Angell (Mrs. Drysdale), Philip Brastow (deceased), Paul McCheyne. Writes along medical and semi-medi- cal lines. Pres. of State Foreign and Home Mis- sionary Societies (Congregational); cor. sec. of World's Purity Federation; national lecturer W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Author: What a Young Wife Ought to Know; What a Woman of Forty-five Ought to Know; Maternity; Preparation for Parenthood; The Daughter's Danger, and other booklets. Congregationallst. Prohibitionist. Mem. Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Soc. Recreation: Travel. DRAKE, Jeanie, Charleston, S.C. Author; b. Charleston, S.C; dau. Miles and Anna (Mclvor) Drake; ed. Convent of Our Lady of Mercy, Charleston, S.C. Author of novels: In Old St. Stephen's; The Metropolitans; also two or three novelettes, and many short stories and essays. CJatholic. DRAPER, Alice Ames (Mrs. J. Sumner Draper), "Over Lea," Milton, Mass. Born West Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 22, 1873; dau. Charles White and Jennet Orr (Mitchell) Copeland; ed. Howard Sem., West Bridgewater, Mass.; m. Jamaica Plain, Mass., April 17, 1894, James Sumner Draper; children: Ruth Sumner, Copeland Mitchell, Olivia Ames. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Recreations: Riding, driv- ing. Mem. Mayflower Club. DRAPER, Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G. Draper), Kendall Green, Washington, D.C. Genealogist; b. Haverhill, N.H., April 17, 1857; dau. Daniel Ford and Luella (Bell) Merrill; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., '77; m. Washington, D.C, June 16, 1879, Dr. Amos G. Draper; chil- dren: Constance B. (Mrs. J. C. Howard), Ernest Gallaudet. Registrar Descendants of Signers; Nat. treas. Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America; formerly registrar general D.A.R. ; former treas. D.A.R. Hospital Corps; former ireas. Cuban Provisional Red Cross; former treas. Foreign Missionary Soc. (Washington Presbytery). Author: Merrill Genealogy; Wo- man's Work in Spanish- American War; Massa- chusetts Men Who Loaned Money to Government During Revolution; Draper Miscellany (five vols.); Abstracts of Pension Applications (seven vols.). Genealogical editor Am. Monthly Magazine. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters, Founders and Pa- triots of America, Daughters of 1812, College Women's Club. Presbyterian. Against woman suffrage. DRATH, Clara Lonise F., Temporarily at Dans- ville, N.Y.: home, 971 E. Clinton St., Elmlra, N.Y. Teacher; b. Elmlra. N.Y., July 1, 1890; dau. F. Albert and Wilhelmina (Itrich) Drath; ed. public schools; Acad, at Elmlra, N.Y.; re- ceived a State scholarship to Cornell Univ.; at- tended Cornell, 1907-11 (Alpha Tau Alpha). Worked her way through college. Recreations: Tennis, tramping, golf. German Evangelical. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. DRATT, Agnes Inez Lenore (Mrs.), Ithaca, N.Y. Teacher, nurse; b. Elmira, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1880; father's name Wood and mother's de Castellaine; ed. Ithaca High School; Cornell Med. Coll.; m. twice: Keefer, Dratt. Engaged in personal phil- anthropic work. Religion: Golden Rule. Written .«!everal poems In various papers. Recreations: Out-door siports. Theosophist. DRAYTON, Grace Gebbie (Mrs. W. Heyward Drayton), 830 Park Av., N.Y. City. Illustrator; b. Philadelphia; dau. George and Mary (Fitzgerald) Gebbie; ed. Convent of Notre Dame, Philadelphia; Eden Hall, Torresdale; m. June 23, 1911, W. Heyward Drayton. Author of children's books: Fido; Ducky Daddies; Piggy- Wiggie; Dolly Drake; Booby Blake; Baby's Day; originator of the Campbell Kid and The Gee Gee Doll. Episcopalian. Mem. fellowship of Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. DRESSER, Alice Reed (Mrs. Horatio W. Dresser), Collegeville, Pa- Teacher; b. Chicago, Mar. 7, 1870; dau. Elliot and Betsy H. (Gregory) Reed; ed. public schools, Chicago; Northfleld (Mass.) Sem., Northfield; Wellesley Coll.; m. Mar. 17, 1898, HoraUo W. Dresser; children: Dorothea, Horatio Malcolm. Supervisor of domestic dep't in a camp and two educational institutions. Treas. Boston College EJqual Suffrage League, one year; mem. of Mar- ket Com., Woman's Municipal League of Boston, one yaar. Recreations: Tennis, skating, rowing, walking, especially on trips abroad. Oongrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Mass. Suffrage Soc. DRESSER, Prudence Simpson (Mrs. Harry Knight Dresser), 1505 McGavock St., Nash- ville, Tenn. Pianist and teacher; b. Springfield, Tenn.; dau. Samuel Robert and Catherine (Creesman) Simp- son; grad. New England Conservatory of Music, Boston; later pupil of Carl Faelten, Boston, and Rafael Joseffy, N.Y.; m. Aug. 19, 1896, Harry Knight Dresser (deceased); one daughter: Cather- ine Sijnpson Dresser (deceased). Successful con- cert pianist and teacher; conducts piano school in Nashville, Tenn. Chairman Tuberculosis Sec- tion Health Dep't, Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1910-12; health chairman 4tli (Congress- ional District, Tenn. Federation Women's Clubs, 1909-10; owner and director of a tuberculosis ex- hibit which has been shown in various towns in Middle Tenn. Mem. Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis; life mem. New Eng- land Conservatory Alumni Ass'n; mem. Southern Sociological Congress, Nashville Smoke Preven- tion League, Centennial Club, Nashville; chair- man of music, Tenn. Federation of Wemen's Clubs, 1912-13. DREW, Maria Alice Kneen (Mrs. Wilbert S. Drew), 425 W. 124th St., N.Y. City. Born Woodstock, Vt., Nov. 15, 1869; dau. John James and Alice Jane (Capron) Kneen; grad. DREXEL— DU BOIS 259 Wellesley Coll., B.A. '93, M.A. '96 (Alpha Kappa Chi); m. Woodstock, Vt., June 15, 1904, WUbert Shepard Drew; children: Arthur Wellesley, Alice Alden, Richard Thornton. High school and col- lege teacher for seven years; editorial work and proofreading, three years. Mem. Wellesley Alumnae Aes'n, Nat. Geographic Soc., Columbia Dames, N. If. Hecreatlone: Reading, theatre, lectures, concerts. Congregatlonalist. DBEXEL,, Alice Gordon Troth (Mrs. John Rozet Drexel), 1 E. 62d St., N.Y. City and Newport, R.I. Born Philadelphia, dau. William Penn and Clara Gordon (Townsend) Troth; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia; m. St. James Epis- copal Church, Philadelphia, 1886, John Rozet Drexel; children: Lillian Mae, John R., Jr., Alice Gordon, Gordon Preston. Actively Interested In many hospitals, nurseries, kindergartens, play- grounds ass'n, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., SalvaUon Army, Bowery Mission, Volunteers of America, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Acorn Club of Philadelphia, Colony Club of N.Y. City, Citizen of Newport, R.I. DBEYER, Elsa (Mrs. F. A. Dreyer), Willow- brook Road, Port Richmond, S.I., N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1877; dau. Alfred and Anna (Muldener) Hoffmann; ed. Prof. Deghuee's private school in Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, Jan. 22, 1902, Frederick A. Dreyer; one daughter: Anna. Vice-pres. Westerlelgh Mothers' Club. German Lutheran. DREYER, Henrietta Louise (Mrs. August Dreyer), 175 Congress St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Brooklyn. N.Y., Aug. 3, 1863; dau. (Jeorge and Sarah (Neill) Bramm; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn; private tuition in French and music; special course in German, art and litera- ture at Packer Collegiate Institute; m. Nov. 28, 1882, August Dreyer, of Hanover, Germany; chil- dren: Edith Dorothea, Hilda Louise. For 17 years manager and co-worker of the Brooklyn Orphan Asylum; pres. for five years of Woman's Aid Soc. of St. Matthew's English Lutheran Church; mem. Urban Club (was pres. two years); now pres. Century Theatre Club, the largest club for the study of the drama in the U.S.; mem. Ex-Presldents' Club, and Heights Branch of Woman's Municipal League of N.Y. Recrea- tions: Drama, music. Favors woman suffrage. DRIGGS, Mary Ogrden (Mrs. Lawrence La- Tourette Drlggs), 3 W. Eighth St., N.Y. City. Born Brooklyn, Oct. 14, 1876; dau. Alfred and Kate (Trecarton) Ogden; ed. N.Y. City and abroad; m. Yonl-ers, N.Y., June 29, 1904, Laurence LaTourette Driggs; children: Ogden. b. 1905; Laurence LaTourette, b. 1906. Interested in sculpture, social welfare. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. DRIGGS, Sarah Boardman Clark (Mrs. Fred- erick M. Driggs), 136 York St.. Buffalo, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Walter and Mary (Boardman) Clark; ed. Dunkirk Acad.; m. Dun- kirk, N.Y., Oct. 4, 1873, Frederick M. Driggs; one daughter: Ruth. Taught physical culture and recited; interested in different philanthropic organizations. In ohurch work and in musical and literary activities. Has written children's siories and done some newspaper work. Unl- versalist. Mem. D.A.R., Housekeepers' League, Peace and Arbitration Soc. Recreations: Music, reading, boating, walking. Pres. since 1906 of the Literary Club of the Church of the Messiah. DRINKER, Katherlne Rotan (Mrs. Cecil Kent Drinker), 126 S. Forty-sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Medical student; b. Waco, Tex., Jan. 12, 1889; dau. Edward and Kate Sturm (McCall) Rotan; ed. Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn., 1904-06; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '10; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1910-13; m. Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 7, 1910, Cecil Kent Drinker. Favors woman suffrage. DROMGOOLE, Will Allen, Nashville, Tenn. Author, journalist; b. Murfreesboro, Tenn.; dau. John Easter and Rebecca (Blanch) Drom- goole. For ten years on staff of Nashville Ban- ner (Tenn.); also contributes dep't called Song and Story (original matter) to the Banner regu- larly, Saturdays. Mem. M.E. Church, South, Murfreesboro; mem. King's Daughters. Deeply interested in woman suffrage. Author: Heart of Old Hickory; The Valley Path; Cinoh and Other Stories; A Boys' Battle; Hero Chums; Rare Old Chums; Harum Scarum Joe; The Fairies' Dog and His Fallow; Adventures of a Fellow; The Best of Friends; The Island of Beautiful Things; Down in Dixie; The Moonshiner's Son. Demo- crat. Mem. Tenn. Historical Soc., Social Science and Keats-Shelly Soc, N.Y. City. Recreations: Fishing, outings. Hon. mem. Woman's Club of Memphis. Tenn. : Cal. Woman's Press Club. League of Am. Pen Women, Washington; Drom- goole Literary Circle (named for her by students of State NoiTnal College). DROMMOND, Amy McNally (Mrs. Benton S. H. Drummond), R.F.D. 40, Waterville, Me. Bom Clinton, Me., Dec. 3, 1864; dau. Hazen and Louisa (Houston) McNally; ed. in Benton and Waterville, Me., unUl 1882; m. Waterville, Me., Feb. 12, 1888, Benton Scott Hedge Drummond: children: Ruth H.. b. Oct. 30, 1891; Martha M., b. Jan. 12. 1893. Pres. Waterville Women's Club; mem. of Ladies' June Meeting for the Support of the Gosi)el, which la the oldest ladies' society in Maine. Charter mem. Winslow Congrega- tional Church. DRUMMOND, Lady (Grace Julia), widow of the late Sir George Drummond, K.C.M.G., 448 W. Sherbrook St., Montreal, P.Q., and Gadshill, Caconni, P.Q. Bom Montreal; dau. Alexander Davidson and Grace (Gibson) Parker; ed. in Montreal; m, (1st) 1879, Rev. George Hamilton, M.A. (died May, 1880); (2d) 1884, Hon. G. A. Drummond, Senator of Montreal, who became pres. of Bank of Montreal and was later created Knight Com- mander of the Order of Sts. Michael and George (died Feb., 1910); one son: G. N. Drummond. Interested in literature and philanthropy, notably the Home for Incurables, Aberdeen Ass'n of the Anti-Tuberculosis League, Parks and Play- grounds Ass'n of Montreal; treas. House Com. of Victorian Order of Nurses. Was mem. of Quebec Tercentenary Celebration Com., 1908. First woman to spe^ at a public banquet in Montreal, 1908. Wrote Purity of Speech and Accent (essay) and other papers. Prea. Local Branch Nat. Council of Women; honorary pres. Needlework Guild; mem. Women's Canadian Club (pres. 1907-08), Women's Historical Soc. Presbyterian. DBYDEN, Mary Lonlse Clark (Mrs. Charles Bacon Dryden), Chicago, 111. Born Copenhagen, N.Y., Aug. 3, 1876; dau. Addison L. and Mary K. (Paris) Clark; ed. Copenhagen High School, Riverside School, Au- burndale. Mass.; Wellesley Coll., Mass., B.A. (mem. Agora); m. Copenhagen, January, 1912, Charles Bacon Dryden; twin sons. Was active In Sunday-school work in N.Y. State previous to marriage. Congregatlonalist Mem. Chicago Wellesley Club. Dubois, Gussle Packard (Mrs. Louis Stanley DuBoIs), 40 Worcester Av., Pasadena, Cal. Journalist: b. Panama, Chautauqua County, N.Y. ; dau. Matthew Halo and Emily Ann (Hoyt) Packard; ed. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomlngton, 111.; courses of study under special teachers; m. Bloomlngton, 111., Loula Stanley DuBola (de- ceased); one son: Louis Herbert DuBols (de- ceased). Writer of stories and jwems foi; chil- dren and interested in preserving a high standard of Journalism. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Recreation: Reading. Honorary mem. of Southern California Women's Press Club, Shakes- peare and Browning Clubs (Pasadena), Portia Club, Chicago. Dubois, Mary Constance, 611 Cathedral Park- way, N.Y. City. Author; b. Philadelphia, Mar. 28, 1879; dau. Rev. Henry Ogden and Emily S. Meier-Smith DuBois; ed. Rye Sem., Rye, N.Y., 1891-97; Columbia Summer School and extension courses, 1903-04. Author: Elinor Arden, Royalist; The Lass of the Silver Sword; The League of the Signet Ring. 260 DU BOIS— DUMONT Du BOIS, Phebo L., 184 Joralemon St., Brook- lyn, N.Y. Physician; b. Holmdel, N.J., Feb. 8, 1883; dau. John R. and Anna (Spader) Du Bols; ed. Free- hold High School, 1899; N.J. Normal School, 1902; Cornell Univ. Medical Schcrol, M.D. '08 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha E^silon Iota). Interne City Hospital, Watertown. N.Y.; interne resident N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, N.Y. City; in meningitis dep't of Health Dep't since Oct., 1910. Favors woman .suffrage. Mem. Women's Political Union, Col- legiate Equal Suffrage League of N.Y. State. Author of occasional articles for medical jour- uals. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church; mem. Kings Co. Med. Soc., N.Y. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Cornell Women's Club. DuBOSE, Angmsta Hines Wood (Mrs. Charles S. Du Bose), care Athens Dally Herald, Athens, Ga. Editor; b. Savannah, Ga. ; dau. James S. and Mary S. (Irwin) Wood; ed. private schools; later attended Lucy Cobb Inst, at Athens, Ga., grad. 1905; also attended Merrill School; m. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 21, 1907, Charles S. Du Bose; one son: Charles S. Du Bose IV. Pres. Woman's Bible Class of Sunday-school of First Baptist Church DUCKKKING, rioienct) West, 483 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Physician; b. England; grad. Tufts Coll. Medi- cal College (cum laude), M.D. 1900. Sup't and resident surgeon till 1903 at Woman's Charity Club Hospital; a^s't surgeon at New England Hospital. Mem. Professional Women's Club of Boston. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. DUCKWORTH, Mary Walker Haines (Mrs. Hubert Battersby Duckworth), Cherokee Heights, Macon, Ga. Born Savannah, Ga., April 8, 1878; dau. John Schley and Allah (Brooks) Haines; ed. Miss Hartridge's School for Girls; m. Aug. 1, 1900, Hubert Battersby Duckworth; children: Joseph Battersby, b. Sept. 8, 1902; Hubert Battersby Duckworth, b. Nov. 19, 1906. Interested in music. Episcopalian. Recreations: Music, horseback. DUDLEY, Helena Stuart, 93 Tyler St., Boston, Mass. Social worker; b. Aug. 31, 1858; dau. J. H. and Caroline (Bates) Dudley; ed. Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1884-85, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89. Teacher of biology at Packer Inst, and Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 18S9-92; headworker Denison House (Coll. Settlement), Boston, 1892-1912. In- terested in all efforts for social and industrial betterment. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Boston. Favors woman suffrage. DUDLEY, Jessie Duncan (Mrs. Joseph Francis Dudley), Fargo, N.Dak. Born Leith Lumsden, Scotland; dau. George and Elizabeth (Field) Grassie; grad. Mount Holyoke '60, receiving diploma; m. Bolton, Mass., April 22, 1864, Joseph Francis Dudley, D.D.; children: Joseph Grassie, b. 1869; Sarah Elizabeth, b. 1871; William Alvin, b. 1872. Has been active In religious, temperance and philanthropic work. Congregatlonalist. Has been a vice-pres. of the Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior since its organization, 1868. Joined the Woman's Club of Fargo, 1895, a literary and study club, but active In civic betterment; previous to that was for 15 years mem. of a woman's club in Eau- claire. Wis. Favors woman suffrage. DUDLEY, Katharine, 1545 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Artist painter; b. Chicago; dau. Dr. Emilius C. and Anna M. (Tltcomb) Dudley; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900 and 190:^-03, Ph.B. '03; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-02; Chi- cago Acad, of Fine Arts, 1904-06. Professionally engaged as artist from 1906. DUDLEY, Mary Henton (Mrs. R. M. Dudley), Georgetown, Ky. Born Woodford Co., Ky., Dec. 26, 1846; dau. Thomas and Nancy (Darnaby) Henton; m. April 3, 1877, R. M. Dudley (pres. Georgetown Coll.); children: Anne (Mrs. W. O. Shewmaker). Mary. June (Mrs. R. E. Harvey), Louise, Rose. Promi- nent in religious and philanthropic activities of community. One of organizers of Woman's Ass'n of Georgetown Coll., pres. Georgetown Civic League since its organization. Baptist. DUDLEY, Mary Virginia Crawford (Mrs. Charles Benjamin Dudley), Gulph Rd., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Born Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 24, 1868; dau. John Yocum and V. Virginia (Wright) Crawford; ed. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96; m. Bryn Mawr, April 17, 1906, Charles Benjamin Dudley. Taught his- tory and political economy at Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, 1897-1909. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club (N.Y. City), College Club (Philadelphia), Altoona Cricket Club. Recreation: Gardening. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Pa. United Suffrage Soc. DUEB, Caroline King:, 53 E. Fifty-sixth St.. N,Y. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 27, 1865; dau. James Gore and Elizaibeth Meads (King) Duer; ed. pri- vate schools of N.Y. City. Author: Poems (with sister, Alice King Duer), 1896, three editions (poem "International Episode," from this volume is in all school collections) ; Unconscious Come- dians (collection of stories), 1902; also many poems and stories in magazines. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Franchise Ass'n. DUFFIELD, Anna Vinacke (Mrs. Charles Will- lam DufHeld), Public Library, Loveland, Colo Librarian; b. Wellsville, O., 1865; dau. John W and Avis (Hale) Vinacke; ed. public school Amity Coll., la.; Library Training Dep't Agri- cultural Coll., and Public Library, Fort Collins Colo.; m. Blanchard, la., 1884, Charles William DuflBeld; children: Horace Charles, John, Law- rence. Chairman Industrial Com., Colo. Federa- tion of Women's Clubs; interested in legislative work. State and Nat., for women and children. Methodist. Republican. Mem. Chapter L., P.E.O. Sisterhood (twice pres.); charter mem. Woman's Club of Loveland (twice pres.); mem. Duplicate Whist Club. Favors woman suffrage. Librarian of Loveland Public Library, assisted in its establishment and organization. DUKE, Alexandra Gamble (Mrs. Thomas T. Duke;, 16 Gifford Av., Jersey City, N.J. Born Plattsburg, N.Y., May 9, 1881; dau. Jo.seph and Mary A. (McGill) Gamble; ed. Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '02; m. Oct. 24, 1906, Lieut. Thomas T. Duke, U.S. Army. Presbyterian. DUKE, Edltli Bidseway (Mrs. R. T. W. Duke Jr.), 546 Park St., Charlottesville, Va. Born Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 1, 1863; dau. John F. and Mary Haines (Harker) Slaughter; ed. private school, Lynchburg, Va. ; Edge Hill School, Albemarle County, Va. ; m. Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 1, 1884, R. T. W. Duke Jr.; children: Mary, R. T. W., J. F. S., William Eskridge, Helen R., Edwin EUicott (deceased). Against woman suffrage, unless with educational and property qualifications. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Driving, traveling, books. DULANEY, Alice Hardeman (Mrs. Malcolm E. Dulaney), 1333 Grace Av., Cincinnati, O. Musician; b. Morning View, Ky., Nov. 7, 1877; dau. Captain Thomas White and Elizabeth (Taney) Hardeman; Springer gold medalist. Coll. of Music of Cincinnati; honor graduate, High School of Covington, Ky. ; special distinctions In Latin and French, Capital Coll. of Atlanta, Ga. ; mem. Covington High School Alumnee; m. Sept. 14, 1901, Malcolm E. Dulaney; children: Malcolm Hardeman, Nana Fish. Played and lectured with success in Boston, Bar Harbor, Mt. Kineo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Jacksonville, etc. ; soloist on Kentucky Day at the Cotton States and International Exposition. Favors woman suffrage. Wrote Musical Kindergarten Lectures; Studies of Great Musical Composers. Mem. Am. Music Soc, N.Y. City; Audubon Soc, Colonial Daughters, Chaminade Musical Soc, Mary and Martha Soc Recreations: Horseback riding, walking, tennis, croquet, swimming. Clubs: Inverness Country, Music Lovers', Mothers'. DUMONT, Elizabeth (Mrs. Spencer S. Dumont), 1010 W. Main St., Enid, Okla. Born Kahoka, Mo., May 4, 1876; dau. John and DUNBAR— DUNHAM 261 Sofa (Albright) Baumgartner; ed. Kahoka public schools, Klrksville, Mo.; Normal Gem City Busi- nesa Coll., Quincy, 111.; m. Waukomls, Okla., May 26, 1901, Spencer S. Dumont. Teacher, eighth grade work. Enid public schools and Wyaconda, Mo. Interested in philanthropic and social work. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Independent. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Knid Shakespeare Club, Chautauqua Club; pres. First Dist. Qkla. Fed. of Women's Clubs. DUNBAR, Alice Ruth Moore (Mrs. Paul Lau- rence Dunbar), 916 French St., Wilmington, Del. Teacher; b. New Orleans, La., July 19, 1875; dau. J. T. and Patricia (Wright) Moore; ed. Straight Univ., New Orleans (La.), Normal course; special student Univ. of Pa., Cornell Univ., Univ. of Chicago, School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia; m. Mar. 12, 189S, the poet, Paul Laurence Dunbar (deceased). Teacher of Eng- lish In HoTvard High Schf>ol and in social settlement work among colored people in Wil- mington, D«l. Before marriage interested In set- tlement work In N.Y. City, teaching there at time of marriage; Sunday-school work in Wilmington, also work In church. Author: The Goodness of St. Rocque (short stories), 1899; magazine arti- cles on profession of teaching, on Wordsworth and Milton. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n for Ad- vancement of Colored People, Nat. Federation of Colored Women, Wilmington Federation of Christian Workers. Recreations: Tennis, whist. Favors woman suffrage. DUNBAR, Janet (Nettle Gallagher), Belasco Theatre, N.Y. City. Actress; b. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 6, 1888; dau. James and Zula (Sharp) Gallagher; ed. Manual Training High School, Kansas City; Dil- lenbeck School of Oratory, Kansas City; Am. Acad, of Dramatic Arts, New York. Was first in The Witching Hour, since then has been leading woman for David Warfleld in The Music Master and The Return of Peter Grimm. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. DUNBAR, Margaret Irene, State Normal School, Kent, Ohio. Librarian; b. Monmouth, 111., 1872; dau. John C. and Mary F. (Smith) Dunbar; ed. Monmouth Coll., B.L. '96; 111. State Library School; Univ. of 111., B.L.S. '02. United Presbyterian. Li- brarian. Westerh 111. State Normal School Li- brary, Macomb, 111., until 1913; since June 1, 1913, librarian Kent State Normal School, Kent, Ohio. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. DUNBAR, Mary Helena (Mrs. Erroll Dunbar), 66 W. 97th St., N.y. City. Writer; b. Paris, France; dau. Clark Laurence and Mary H. (Abbott) Sharpsteen; ed. Miss Huger's School, N.Y. City; Mrs. Erving Wine- low's Dramatic School, Boston; m. N.Y. City, 1905, Erroll Dunbar, actor; children: Erroll Jr., Laurence Dunbar. Appeared before marriage as a reader and dancer; gave professional matinee of Richelieu at 16 in Park Theatre, Boston, 1901. Active mem. of Socialist Party since 1908. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Mem. of Equal Suffrage Ass'n in Boston, until removal to N.Y. City. Unitarian. Socialist. Mem. Lexin^on Chapter D.A.R. Club: Pen and Brush. DUNBAR. Olivia Howard, 53 Washington Square, South, N.Y. City. Journalist, magazine writer; b. West Bridge- water, Mass., 1873; dau. Nathaniel William and Olive (Howard) Dunbar; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '94. After graduation engaged in newspaper work on the N.Y. World until 1902; since then writer of fiction for the magazines and special articles for various publications. DUNBAR, Saidie Orr (Mrs. J. A. Dunbar), 7118 Fifty-third Av., S.E., Portland, Ore. Teacher, private tutor; b. Granger, Mo., June 23, 1880; dau. Robert Perry and Isora Kathryn (Lindsay) Orr; ed. high school and Portland Univ.; m. Sept. 7, 1905, Jesse Austin Dunbar; one daughter: Kathryn. First pres. Teachers' Progress Club of Oregon. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. W.C.T.U., Oregon Equal Suffrage Soc, Grange (Evening Star Lodge). Recreation: Walking. Mem. Portland Woman's Club; chairman Public Health Committee of Oregon; General Fed. State (sec); cor. sec. Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman Civic Com. of Portland Woman's Club. 1910-U. Mem. P.E.O., Chapter F. DUNCAN, Florence, 100 Corsicana St., Hills- boro, Tex. Born Hillsboro, Tex.; dau. James M. and Nar- cissa A. (Warren) Duncan; ed. Hillsboro private schools, two years, 1889-91; Winchester (Tenn.) Normal. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Meth- odist Episeopal Church, South. Mem. Daughters of Confederacy. Recreations: Dancing, skating, riding, walking, bridge. Pres. Sesame Club (literary); hon. mem. Wednesday Club; pres. Silk Stocking Club; mem. Corsicana St, Bridge Club. DUNCAN, Frances, Windsor, Vt. Writer, horticulturist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1877; dau. Capt. Charles C. and Hannah (Leech) Dun- can. Editor Country Calendar; editor Garden Dep't Ladies' Home Journal, 1907-09. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mary's Garden and How it Grew; When Mother Lets Us Garden; also various articles, chiefly horticultural, for Century, Atlantic, Ladies' Home Journal, Coun- try Life and others. Mem. N.Y. Probation Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc, Forestry Ass'n, Cornish Equal Franchise Club, Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City, and Woman's Political Union, N.Y. City. DUNCAJV, Lena Elizabeth Hill (Mrs. John D. E. Duncan), 368 William St., E. Orange, N.J. Born Lyons, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1871; dau. Edmund and Augusta (Relnhardt) Hill; grad. Lyons High School '91; Cornell Univ., B.S. '97; Columbia Univ. 1911-12; m. Lyons, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1902, John D. E. Duncan, mechanical 'engineer (died July, 1910). Before marriage was preceptress in Newark (N.Y.) High School. During residence in Ports- mouth, N.H., 1902-03, was active In the woman's clubs. Interested in charitable work of the church and in guild meetings of the local church. Presbyterian. One of the first members of the King's Daughters Soc; mem. Cornell Univ. Women's Club of N.Y., charter mem. Sennightly Club of Cornell, charter mem. Jugatae Club of Cornell, Federation of Cornell Univ. Women's Clubs; mem. Entomological Soc. of America. Favors woman suffrage. DUNGAN, Su!4an Bray, Chepstow Apartments, 101st St. and Broadway, N.Y. City. Concert pianist, lecturer on musical topics, certificated teacher of Fletcher music method, exponent of Carreno style of piano playing; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. Abel Stevenson and Eliza- beth Lefebre (Von der Schmidt) Dungan; ed. Western High School, holder of diploma and Peabody meJal. Has given many concerts and lectures In Baltimore, Philadelphia and else- where; has lived, traveled, studied and taught in Germany; recently returned to Ajnerlca; has studios in N.Y. City, Trenton, N.J., and Spring Lake, N.J. Identified with Sunday-school work in Md. and Pa. Mem. King's Daughters. Epis- copalian. Opposed to woman suffrage. DUNHAM, Adeline Frances, 881 Massachusetts Av., Cambridge, Mass. Physician; b. Montgomery, Vt., June 4, 1879; dau. Norman and Mary Mae (Arthur) Dunham; ed. Brigham Acad., Bakersfield, Vt. ; Tufts Coll.. medical school, M.D. Mem. Alpha Delta. Rec- reations: Walking, swimming, snowshoeing. DUNHAM, Amelia Hickenlooper (Mrs. Henry Kennon Dunham), 25 03 Auburn Av., Ml. Auburn, Cincinnati, O. Born Cincinnati, O., Dec. 30, 1874; dau. General Andrew and Maria Lloyd (Smith) Hickenlooper; ed. Misses Huntsman's Private School; Bar- tholomew English and Classical School, Cincin- nati; Wellesley Coll.; Univ. of Cincinnati, B.S. '02; m. Cincinnati, Mar. 14, 1905, Dr. Henry Kennon Dunham; children: Amelia, b. 1906; Harry Hickenlooper, b. 1910. Boird mem. (Cin- cinnati Fresh Air Soc. and Three Arts Club; mem. Mothers' Club of Public Schools, Advisory Com. of Hospital Social Service Ass'n, Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Crafters' Ass'n, Cincinnati Mu- seum Ass'n, Associated Charities, Consumers' League, Child Labor Com., Univ. of Cincinnati 262 DUNIWAY— DUNN Alnmnae Ass'n, Bartholomew Alumnae Ass'n, The Quills, Cincinnati Woman's Glut, College Club, Riding Club. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Sufirage League. DTj'NIWAY, Abigail Scott (Mrs. Benjamin Charles Duniway), ' 292 Clay St., Portland, Ore. , Sufirage leader, lecturer, writer; b. Groveland, 111., Oct. 22, 1S34; dau. John Tucker and Ann (Roelofson) Scott; privately educated, chiefly self-taught; crossed the plains in ox-team in 1852; m. Lafayette, Ore., Aug. 2, 1853, Benjamin Charles Duniway (died 1896); one son: Clyde Augustus Duniway, b. Nov. 2, 1866 (now pres. Univ. of Mont.). Lived on ranch for several years; later in business in Portland; writer; nroprietor of the New Northwest, 15 years, until i886. A pioneer worker for equal suffrage In the Pacific Coast States for 40 years; has addressed legislatures and conventions and given popular lectures on the subject. President and director for over 30 years of Oregon Equal Sufirage Ass'n. Author: Captain Gray's Company (story); David aud Ann Matson and Other Poems; From the West to the West— Across the Plains to Oregon; also author of the Centennial Ode read at the Lewis & Clark ExhibiUon at Portland, Ore., In 1905. Mem. Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs (hon. pres.). Women's Club (Portland). DUNK, Edith Watkins (Mrs. Alfred Owen Dunk), 99 ChlcaRO Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Born Cleveland, O., 1876; dau. Gilbert A. and Phoebe Richmond (Crooks) Watkins; ed. Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass.; Wells Coll., Aurora, NY A.B. '98; m. Detroit, Mich., 1901, Alfred Owen Dunk; one daughter: Dorothy Watkins Dunk. Chairman of Housewives Welfare, organ- ized by the Detroit Federation of Women's Clubs (aim to reduce cost of living and to legislate and enforce laws affecting food supplies). Has made a study of interior decorating and the collection of fine mahogany furniture. Vice-pres. Political Equality and Civic League; cor. sec. and press chairman Wayne Co. Organization for Equal Suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., Wells Alumna Ass'n, Political Equality and Civic League, Coll. Equal Suffrage Soc., Wayne Co. Organization for Equal Suffrage, Twentieth Century Club, Coll. Club. Recreations; Bridge whist, gardening, automo- biling and cooking. DUXKLIX, Hallie MUbnrn (Mrs. W. W. Dunk- lin;, Galveston, Tex. Journalist; b. Columbia, Tex., June 28, 1860; dau Benjamin F. and Mary Elizabeth (Milburn) Atkins educated by tutors and governesses and at Salem Acad., N.C.; m. Jan. 22, 1ST5, Dr. Will- iam Watkin Dunklin (distinguished physician and second sergeant Company E, Fourth Texas Regiment in Hood's Texas Brigade, C.S.A.), who died Jan 25, 1888; children: William Alanson, b Nov. 14, 1875 (died July 14, 1880); Marlon B., July 31, 1877; Richard, b. July 21, 1879; William Watkin Jr., b. Nov. 19, 1884; Jack Rust, b. Aug. 9 1877. First woman proprietor and editor of a daily "newspaper in Texas (Waco Daily Tele- phone)- associate editor The Southland (monthly); editress of Confederate Soldier and Daughter, published at Dallas, Tex.; contributor to many Texas papers. First woman nominated in politi- cal convention (as county sup't) in Texaa. Chair- man and one of organizers of the first public library In Galveston, Tex.; one of principal or- ganizers of the Girls' Industrial School, Denton, Texas- pres. Texas Woman's Press Ase'n of Waco; pres. Woman's Press Club; pres. Sorosis of Texas- sec. Gov. Sul Ross Memorial Ass'n (Waco)- sec. Sterling Robertson Chapter Daugh- ters of the Republic of Texas; sec. Dietrich Mu- sical Club (Waco, Tex., and Chicago); prea. Demorest County, Waco. Founder and honorary life pres. of Dixie Club, N.T. City; historian. Texaa Club, N.Y. City; mem. Woman's Press Club and Theatre Club, N.Y. City, D.A.R.-, Colonial Damee, United Daughters of Confed- eracy Democratic Club, Travelers' Club, W C "T.U., College Women's Club; chairman Membership Com. in Congress of State Societies. DUNXAP, Florm, Roadside Settlement, Des Moines, la. ^ ^ t. ■,. Settlement worker; b, Pickaway Co., O., Feb. 27, 1874; dau. Samuel W. and Mary (Hyde) Dun- lap; ed. Miss Phelps' Private School, Columbus, O. Head resident Roadside Settlement, Des Moines, la., since Oct, 1904. Mem. Des. Moines School Boar'l, first woman elected. Vice-pres. Votes for Women League of Des Moines; mem. State Executive Com., lo-wa Ass'n for Equal Sufirage; Iowa representative Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Nat. Conference Chaxitlee and Corrections, Nat. Child Labor Ass'n, Wo- man's Trade Union League. Mem. Des. Moines Woman's Club. DUNLAP, Mary Stewart, 110 S. Sierra Bonita Av., Pasadena, Cal. Artist; b. Zanesville, O. ; dau. Robert Nesmlth and Martha (Gillespie) Dunlap; ed. Putnam Sem., Zanesville, O., and in four years' residence and study in Europe; medals have been awarded for both oil and water colors; has traveled 25,000 miles in the interests of art in the past 17 years. Greatly Interested In religious and temperance work. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Robin's Kisses; Christmas Cards (all verses). Clubs: Sorosis (N.Y. City); Monday Afternoon (Spring- field, O.). Progressive Republican. DUNLAP, Nora Burt (Mrs. Henry M. Dunlap), Savoy, 111. Lecturer; b. Coshocton, O., 1856; dau. Thomas and Mary L. (Chapln) Burt; ed. public and high schools of 111.; Univ. of 111.; grad of Chautauqua; m. Urbana, 111., July 5, 1877, Henry M. Dunlap; children: Mabel Grace, Clarence, Daisy (all de- ceased). Lecturer on domestic science before schoolij, women's clubs, farmers' institutes, since 1895; pres. 111. State Domestic Science Ass'n of State Farmers' Institute, 1910-13; pres. district school 12 years. Writer on domestic science for agricultural and educational journals and maga- zines. Mem. Champaign and Urbana Women's Club, Champaign Co. Domestic Science Club, D.A.R. Unitarian. Progressive Republican. Pres. 1912 Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Champaign Co., 111., and has delivered addresses favoring suffrage. DUNL,EVY, Kita Ehrmann, 328 W. 57th St., N.T. City. Physician; b. Cincinnati, O., Sept., 1863; dau. David Blake and Suzette (Ehrmann) Dunlevy; ed. public school of Lawrenceburg, Ind. ; Miss Rounds' School for Girls, Brooklyn; N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women, M.D. '88. De- scended from a family of physicians on mother's side, extending In an unbroken line for over 300 years; grandfather and his three brothers were the pioneer homeopathic physicians of the Mid- dle West and Louisville; mother was the first woman physician in the family; brothers practic- ing physicians. Was house physician in N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women; dispensary physician; later staff physician In same hospital; prof, in the coll. and visiting physician to Bap- tist Home for Aged. Mem. County Med. Soc. of N.Y., Am. Inst, of Homeopathy, Internal. Hahnemann Soc. DUNN, Angnsta Blun (Mrs. Matthew F. Dunn), 201 York St., East, Savannah, Ga, Born Savannah, Qa., Aug. 31, 1866; dau. Capt. Henry and Catherine (Savage) Blun; ed. St. Vincent's Acad., Savannah; Mt. St. Vincent-on- Hudson, N.Y. (grad. '85); m. Savannah, Aug. 9, 1893, Dr. Matthew F. Dunn; children: Henry Mitchell, b. April 30, 1895; Matthew Francis Jr., b. Oct. 31, 1896 (died Nov. 16, 1903); Lawrence Blun, b. Sept. 24, 1898; Catharine Savage, b. Mar. 1, 1901; Helen Augusta, b. Dec. 27, 1905; Mary Francis, b. April 15, 1910. Interested in various religious, social and philanthropic ac- tivities. Mem. Daughters of Isabella, Alunmae Ass'n of Mt. St. Vincent, Parents' -Teachers' Ass'n, Savannah Kindergarten Club. Catholic. DUNN, Lillian Cecilia, 16 Bedford Rd., Schenec- tady, N.Y. Teaching; b. Troy, N.Y., Not. 20, 1881; dau. John and Mary (Gaffney) Dunn; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '03. Critic teacher, Plattsburg Nor- mal School, 1906-09; teacher of mathematics, Trenton High School, 1909. Favors woman suf- frage. Roman Catholic. Mem. Y.W.C.A. Mem, DUNN— DURFEE 263 Cornell Alumnee Club of N.Y., Trenton Coll. Women's Club and Trenton Teachers Club. DUNN, Martha Baker (Mrs. Reuben Wesley Dunn), Waterville, Me. Writer; b. Hallowell, Me., Jan. 21, 1846; dau. Henry Knox and Sarah M. (Ijord) Baker; ed. Hallowell Acad, and Maine Wesleyan Sem. ; received degree of LIttD. from Colby Coll., 1906; m. Hallowell, Me., Sept. 2, 1873, Reuben Wesley Dunn. Contributor to magazines. Au- thor: The Sleeping Beauty; Memory Street; 'Lla's Wife; Clcers In Maine and Other Essays. DUNN, Sara Warner (Mrs. William Dunn), Syracuse, Neb. Born Clay. Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1846; dau. Seth Orrln and Sarah Warner; ed. district school and Oswego (N.Y.) public school, with barely an entrance into the Oswego Normal; m. Ne- braska City, Neb. Territory, 1866, William Dunn; children: Adelaide, b. 1866; Georgia, b. 1869; Mabel, b. 1873; Sara, b. 1875; Iva Maud, b. 1884. Interested in educational matters and always votes at school elections. Has been mem. Public Library Board in Syracuse for several years (chairman of Book Com.). Favors woman suf- frage. Has written some articles for local papers on such subjects as horse racing at fairs, high license for saloons, etc. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R. Has been mem. 14 years local club (served as pres. about nine years and again In ^912; has been delegate to State conventions). DUNNtNG, Elizabeth Boe, School for Blind, Overbrook, Pa. Teacher; b. Newton, Sussex County, N.J., Aug. 22, 1864; dau. Edgar A. and Phebe (Meddaugh) Dunning; ed. high school. Orange, N.J.; Vassar Coll., A.B. Teacher mathematics, Pittsburgh Female Coll., 1885-86; teacher in a private school, OssinlDg, N.Y., 1886-88; principal-teacher, School for Blind, Philadelphia, Pa., since 1889. Manager Industrial Home for Blind Women, Philadelphia, Pa. Manager and chairman Admission Com., Chapin Memorial Home for Aged Blind, Phila- delphia, Pa.; mem. Am, Aas'n Workers for Blind. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Congregationallst. Mem. Vassar Club, Philadelphia; Branch Ass'n Colle- giate Alumnae, College Club of Philadelphia. DUNNING, Mary Parker (Mrs. Harry West- brook Dunning), 188 Rawson Road, Brookllne, Mass. Born Everett, Mass., Nov. 17, 1879; dau. John Davis and Mary Annie (Bates) Parker; ed. Everett (Mass.) Grammar and High Schools, Tufts Coll., A.B. '02 (odist of her class); mem. Delta Kappa Phi; m. E^verett, Mass., Sept. 23, 1908. Harry Westbrook Dunning; children: John Westbrook Dunning, b. Feb. 6, 1910; Eleanor Parker, b. Feb. 1, 1913. Lectures on Japan, China, India and the Holy Land before women's clubs, college sororities and In mission work. Congregationallst. Mem. local sorority of Delta Kappa Phi, Tufts Coll. and College Club of Boston. Recreation: Traveling. Has traveled extensively In Japan, China, India, Ceylon, Egypt, Palestine, Norway, Denmark and on European Continent. DUNNING, Sarah B. Potter (Mrs. James G. Dunning), 211 Belmont Av., Springfield, Mass. Born Bath, Me., Sept 5, 1856; dau. William and Pamella (Gilmore) Potter; ed. public and private schools; m. Springfield, Mass., June 5, 1884, James Gardner Dunning (lawyer); chil- dren: Harold Gardner, Ray Potter. Interested in church work, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. work; mem. Corporation of Am. Internal. Coll. for Forelgn-Bom Young Men and Women; espe- cially interested In education of the Southern mountaineers and patriotic education of the im- migrant. Very much Interested In historical and genealogical research and now working upon sev- eral family records. Congregationallst. Mem. Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Patriotic Women of Aanerlca, D.A.R., Old Puritan Fami- lies, New England Historic-Genealogical Soc, Conn. Valley Historical Soc, Ramapogue His- torical Soc, Woman's Political Club. Has been State regent of the Mass. D.A.R., four years: previously State vice-regent, two years. DUNTON, Kdith Kellogrg ("Margaret Warde"). 15 Washington St., Rutland, Vt. Author, literary critic; b. Rutland, Vt, Dec. 28, 1873; dau. Walter C. and Miriam (Barrett) Dun- ton; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; graduate stu- dent, 1899-1900. Teacher of English In Rutland, Vt, 1897-99. Writer of Action under pen-name "Margaret Warde." Author: Betty Wales, Fresh- man, a Story for Girls, 1904; Betty Wales, Sophomore, 1905; Betty Wales, Junior, 1906; Betty Wales, Senior, 1907; Betty Wales, B.A. 1908; Betty Wales & Co., 1909; Betty Wales on the Campus, 1910; Betty Wales Decides, 19U; Betty Wales' Girls and Mr. Kidd, 1912; Nancy Lee, 1912. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. DURAND, Grace G. (Mrs. Scott Durand), Crab Tree Farm, Lake Forest, 111. Born Burlington, la.; dau. William Garrett (of an old Md. family) and Martha (Rorer) Garrett (native of Arkansas of Virginian family) ; ed. Burlington, la.; at 15 was sec. and treas. of the Home Finding Ass'n of Iowa; m. Scott Durand; two adopted children. Resident of Lake Forest, 111., since 1894; became interested in local poli- tics and was the first woman placed on the local Board of Education. In 1904 became inter- ested In the production of clean milk and through her example many men and women have taken up dairy farming; frequent lecturer; contributor to various publications, and novelist under a nom de plume of note; greatly In- terested in the stage and has frequently acted. Interested In politics and was one of the earliest advocates of the candidacy of Colonel RooseveK In 1912; believes In restricted siiffrage for both men and women, and Is opposed to the methods of militant suffragists. Has farm of 270 acres, 30 miles north of Chicago, with a group of dairy buildings— by many regarded as the finest In the country — and a large herd of Guernsey and Alderney cattle. Interested In the Grange, farm- ers' Institutes and all that pertains to agricul- tural progress. Christian Scientist. Progressive in politics. DURAND, Laura Bradshaw, The Alonquin, Oriole Gardens, Oriole Road, Toronto, Ont., Can. Journalist; b. Toronto, 1869; dau. Charles and Mary A. (Bradshaw) Durand; ed. in Toronto by private tuition. Entered local journalism In 1892; joined the Toronto Globe'i editorial staff Feb., 1894, as literary editor, editorial writer and specialist. Founder and editor of The Circle of Young Canada, under pen name "Pharos." Re- signed from Globe, 1910, to enter independent work. Deeply Interested since youth in woman's advancement; in humane work among animals; in single tax, theosophy, natural history, folk-lore and the occult sciences. Was mem. of executive of Dominion Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, organizer of the Toronto Suffrage Ass'n and long chairman of Its press com. Contributor to various maga- zines; la specializing in the drama. Liberal In politics. Mem. Canadian Folk-Lore Soc; To- ronto Humane Soc. ; Royal Astronomical Soc. ; I.O.D.E.; Royal Canadian Cat Club. Recreations: Gardening and field work In natural history. Clubs: Heliconian, Woman's Canadian. DURELL, Laura Jackson (Mrs. Fletcher Durell), LawrencevlUe, N.J. Born Freehold, N.J. ; dau. Thomas and De- borah (Brower) Jackson; ed. Asbury Park (N.J.) private schools and high school; Pennington Sem., N.J. ; m. Ocean Grove, N.J., July 1, 1885. Fletcher Durell; jchildren: Thomas, b. May 16, 1886; Marian, b. Sept 6, 1887. Interested in mis- sionary societies, home and foreign; Sunday- school teacher, Y.W.C.A. (mem.). Favors wo- man suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Swimming, tennis, walking. Mem. the Contem- porary Club, Trenton, N.J.; the Woman's Club, LawrencevlUe, N.J. (has been pres. of both clubs). DURFEE, Abby 81ad« Brayton (Mrs. Randall Nelson Durfee), 19 Highland Av., Fall River, Mass. ' Bom N.Y. City, Nov. 10, 1870; dau. Hezekiah A. and Caroline E. (Slade) Brayton; grai Bryn Mawr CoU., A.B. 1894; m. June 12, 18^, Fall 264 DURFEE— DVVIGHT River, Mass., Randall Nelson Durfee; children: Randall N., Jr., Bradford C, Caroline, Mary Brayton. Pres. Fall River Branch of Ass'n of Coll. Alumns; pres. Ninth St. Day Nursery. Congregationalist. Mem. Woman's Club. DURFEE, Margaret Pyle (Mrs. Edgar Greene Durfee), 116 French St., Fall River, Mass. Born Wilmington, Del., Nov. 3, 1883; dau. Clif- ford and Mary (Watson) Pyle; ed. Friends' school, public school in Wilmington up to 1899, South Broad in Philadelphia to 1901, Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, 1904-09; m. Wilming- ton, June 14, 1910, Edgar Greene Durfee; chil- dren: Virginia Churchman, Edgar Greene Jr. Violinist and much concert work through South- ern and Middle States. Interested in music, child development, home economics. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Progressive. Pres. Wom- en's Progressive League of Fall River. Recrea- tions: Golf, horseback riding. DURHAM, Eleanor Hibbard Gregory (Mrs. Ray- mond E. Durham), S49 Lincoln Av., Wlnnetka, 111. Born Chicago, June 7, 1882; dau. Robert Bow- man and Addie Vanderpoel (Hibbard) Gregory; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago; Mary C. Wheeler School, Providence, R.I. ; m. Ledgemere, High- land Park, 111., Sept. 26, 1908, Raymond Ewing Durham; children: Elizabeth Champlain and Robert Gregory, b. Nov. 24, 1912. Former pres. of Montclalr branch of the Consumers' League; mem. of Junior League, Chicago; mem. Anti- quarian Soc, Chicago. Protestant Episcopal. DURHAM, Jannie M., 37 E. Seventy-first St., N.Y. City. Trained nurse; b. Assiniboine, Mont.; dau. Cass and Elizabeth M. (Ohamplin) Durham; ed. private school; St. Paul High School; Presby- terian Hospital, N.Y. (not yet graduated). Episcopalian. DURKEE, Henrietta Noble (Mrs. Frank Will- iams Durkee), Tufts College, Mass. Born Tufts Coll., Mass., July 4, 1871; dau. Ben- jamin Graves and Rosalia (Glenton) Brown; ed. 3 years at Boston Univ., 4th year at Tufts, A.B. '93; A.M. '95 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Tufts Coll., Feb. 21, 1895, Frank Williams Durfee; chil- dren: Margaret, Robert B., Benjamin Graves Brown, Frank Whitney (died Feb. 27, 1912). Taught in Chemical Laboratory at Tufts Coll., 1894-95. Interested in the Second Unitarian Parish at West Scmerville and in all activities of Tufts Coll. Unitarian. Recreations: Driving, rowing, fishing. DURLEY, Ella Hamilton (Mrs. Preston B. Dur- ley), Los Angeles, Cal. Author and editor; b. Harrisville, Pa.; dau. William and Catharine (Logan) Hamilton; ed. State Univ. of Iowa, B.A. '78; M.A. '82; student in Berlin, Germany, 1880-81; m. 1886, Preston B. Durley. Editor Northwestern Journal of Educa- tion; Chicago Daily Review; Des Moines Daily News. Took the initiative in organizing Home for the Aged, Des Moines, 1896; served as special commissioner, appointed by the (jovernor of lo'wa, to raise funds at time of Russian famine, 1891-92; served on State Board of Educational Examiners, Iowa, 1884-88. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: My Soldier Lady; The Stand- patters. Congregationalist. Progressive. Clubs: Des Moines, Iowa Press, Authors' (Des Moines) ; League American Pen Women; Friday Morning Club (Los Angeles, Cal.). DURRANT, Frances Miller (Mrs. Horace W. Durrant), Coffeevllle, Miss. Born Holly Springs, Miss., Feb. 15, 1857; dau. William E. and Elizabeth (Hughes) Durrant; grad. Franklin Female Coll. (Holly Springs), M.A. '74 (mem. Philasmonic Soc); m. Holly Springs, Miss., Dec. 22, 1875, Horace W. Durrant, of London, England; children: Lilyan, Albert, Ethyllne. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Woanan's Culture Club (pres.), Martha Weahlngton Chapter D.A.R. (Washington, D.C.), Dauebters of the Confederacy, King's Daughters and Sons. Favors woman suffrage. State treas. of Miss. Woman's Ass'n. Sec. D.C.V. Cluh; treas. Thursday Card Club; chairman (Coffee- vllle, MI.SS.) for Memphis Symphony Orchestra Ass'n for Yalobusha Co. Episcopalian. DURSTINE, Florence Sarles, 67 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City. Born Conneaut. O., April 6, 1881; dau. Lee Brenton and Kate (Sarles) Durstine; ed. Wooster Univ. (prep, dep't) and Columbus Central High School, grad. '97; Ohio State Univ., 1897-99; Wel- lesley two years, grad. '01. Has teen active at various times in religious, social and philan- thropic undertakings. Presbyterian. President Gamma Alumnse of Kappa Alpha Theta. Mem. Women's University Club. Recreation: Riding. DUTCHER, Eva Olive, 675 St. Mark's Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 15, 1880; dau. Silas Belden and Rebecca (Alwaise) Dutcher; ed. Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ. B.A., Bryn Mawr Coll., Union Theological Sem., N.Y. City (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Instructor Idaho Industrial Inst., Weiser, Idaho; instructor dep't Biblical literature and history. Mount Holyoke Coll., 1904-07; assoc. prof, same 1907 — . Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. Soc. of Biblical Litera- ture and Exegesis. Fav'ors woman suffrage. DUTTON, Alice Dunbar (Mrs. Edward Everett Dutton), 8 Wells Av., Amesbury, Mass. Club pres.; b. Pittsfield, Mass., Mar. 25, 1874; dau. George S. and Anna (Hoffey) Dunbar; ed. Bradford Acad., Mass.; m. Nov. 14, 1899, Edward Everett Dutton, of Lowell; one son: Edward Dunbar. Congregationalist. Pres. Elizabeth H. Whittier Club of Amesbury. DUTTON. I.aura Ann Chapin (Mrs. Henry Wallbridge Dutton), Royalton, Vt. Born Jericho Centre, Vt., April 24, 1860; dau. ■Milo Hoyt and Emily Susan (Smith) Chapin; ed. Jericho Centre Acad.; Keene, N.H., high school; Essex Classical Inst., Essex, Vt. ; m. Jericho Centre, Vt., Mar. 17, 1880, Henry Wallbridge Dutton; children: Altha Luella, b. Sept. 14, 1884; Laura Ann, b. Aug. 2, 1885. Congregationalist. Recreation: Conventions. Mem. Royalton Wo- man's Club, Telephone Club. DUVAL, Addie Hansbrough (Mrs. L. W. Duval), Ocala. Fla. Born Hansbrough, Ky., Dec. 8, 1878; dau. Elijah and Hannah (McDougal) Hansbrough; ed. Lynn- land Coll., Ky., A.B., and New England Con- servatory, Boston, . Mass. ; m. Long Grove, Ky., Nov. 2, 1906, Louis Weyman Duval. Teaches a class of boys in Sunday-school. Mem. of Or- phanage Aid Soc and pres. of Missionary Soc; mem. Woman's Club; W.C.T.U.; also State chair- man of Home Economics In Fla. Federation of Women's Clubs. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Club of Ocala. DUVALL,, Lulu Mellck (Mrs. John S. Duvall), 104 4th St., Monessen, Pa. Reader and entertainer; b. Rosevllle, O., Jan. 1, 1880; dau. John C. and Mary E. (Davis) Melick; grad. from high school, Malta, O. ; student of Wooster Univ., O.; grad. King's School of Ora- tory, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1903; m. June 26, 1907, John S. Duvall; one daughter: Beatrice Josephine. Traveled on lecture platform for two years after graduation from King's Oratory School; taugfit in same school for two years. Mem. M.E. Church. Pres. Woman's Club of Monessen (lit- erary club). Much of public reading and lectures were given for teachers institutes. DUVALL, Nannie W. Goldborough (Mrs. Rich- ard Marion Duvall), 2009 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Born Frederick, Md., July 19, 1868; dau. Dr. John S. and Fannie W. (Stoider) Goldsborough; ed. private instruction until 12 years of age; Wo- man's Coll. until 17 years; m. Frederick, Md., Oct. 30, 1895, Richard M. Duvall. Interested in church benevolences and education. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Md. Original Re- search Soc. Recreations: Reading, traveling. DWIGHT, Julia Strong Lyman, 1651 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; grad. in art, '93; grad. Museum of Fine Arts' School. Boston, 1904; student Art Students' League, N.Y. City, 1894-95, and in Europe, 1906- 12. Teacher in Providence, R.I., 1893-94. Mem. Smith Coll. AlumnsB Ass'n. DWIGHT— EARL 265 DWIGHT, Minnie Ryau (Mrs. William G. Dwlght), 166 Elm St., Holyoke, Mass. Journalist; b. Hadley, Mass., June 22, 1873; dau. Patrick and Katherine (Reilly) Ryan; ed. Hop- kins Acad., Hadley; grad. 18S9; studied much since in English and German; special work in these branches at Mt. Holyoke, 1S95-96; m. Nov. 5, 1896, William G. Dwight; children: Helen M., Laura S. and William. Actively engaged in all phases of newspaper work with Holyoke Daily Transcript since 1891. One of the founders and since 190G director of Holyoke Tuberculosis Ass'n; one of founders of Playgrounds Ass'n in Holyoke and since 1910 mem. of Holyoke Play- grounds Comm'n; one of founders and since 1911 director of Holyoke Infant Hygiene Ass'n; di- rector of Holyoke Y.W.C.A. Mem. board of man- agers of Holyoke Home for A?ed People; one of founders and two years vice,-pres. Holyoke Civic Improvement Ass'n; in 1912 elected mem. of Day .Vursery Com. of Holyoke Ass'n of Charities. .'.'era. Shakespeare Club (literary). DWVER, Ada — see Russell, Ada Dwyer. DWi'EK, Margaret Adelaide, Philips Av., I'igeon Cove, Mass. Journalist; b. Pigeon Cove, Mass., Aug. 18, 1857; dau. William and Joanna (Fitzgibbon) Dwyer; ed. Rockport; grad. Chautauqua Coll., N.Y., '92. Engaged for 27 years on home paper (weekly); 23 years on Gloucester (Mass.) Daily Times; also writer of poetry. Sec. and treas. of Reading Circle Woman's Club, 12 years; offi- ciated with State and Nat. Fed. of Women's Clubs; sec. of Improvement Soc. 23 years; af- filiated with Mass. Civic League; sec. of Auxiliary to Hospital Ass'n; mem. New Efngland Woman's Press Club Ass'n. Catholic. DYE, Eva Emery (Mrs. Charles H. Dye), Ore- gon City, Oreg. Author; b. Prophetstown, 111.; dau. Cyrus and Caroline (Trafton) Emery; ed. Oberlln Coll., A.M.; m. July, 1882, Charles H. Dye, attorney; children: Emery C, Trafton M., Everett W., Evangeline. Favors woman suffrage. Author: McLoughlin and Old Oregon; The Conquest; Mc- Donald of Oregon. Congregationalist. DVEK, Malvina Adeline, Prairie Grove, Ark. Teacher; b. Prairie Grove, Ark.; dau. Joel Safer and Laura Caroline (Townsley) Dyer; grad. Univ. of Ark.. A.B. '94; Cornell Univ., M.A. '01; held grad. scholarship in English philology at Cornell Univ., 1900-01. Prof. Eng- lish and German, West Florida Sem., Talla- hassee, Fla., 1895-1900; instructor in English Nat. Female Sem., Tahlequah, Okla., 1906-07; instructor in Latin, French and German, 1908- 09; Ala. Synodical Coll., Talladega, Ala.; in- structor in Latin and German, Business and Normal Coll., Chillicothe, Mo., 1909-10; instruc- tor in English and German, Presbyterian Coll. for Women, Charlotte, N.C., 1910-lL Active in church work; teacher in Sabbath-school; inter- ested in Missionary Soc. Mem. Southern Pres- byterian Church. Mem. Rebekah Order. Was charter mem. of Tallahassee (Fla.) Literary Club, 1898. BACKER, Helen N., Mlllo Building, Lawrence, Kan. Born Sheridan, N.T., Oct 11, 1851; dau. John and Lydia (Keach) Eacker; grad. Mt. Carroll Sem., with collegiate diploma, '77. Has taught in Iowa. 111., Colo., Kan. and Okla. For 12 years had charge of the public schools of Del- phos, Kan., and four years county sup't. Sun- day-school teacher; has occupied pulpit many times. Mem. for years of Woman's Relief Corps, Rebekah Lodge of I.O.O.F., Social Service League and church organizations. Favors woman suf- frage; recording and exec. sec. at headquarters during campaign in 1912, which gave political equality in Kansas. Mem. M.E. Church. State sec. Progressive Party. EAGAN, Katherine Livingston (Mrs. Denis Eagan), Jacksonville, Fla. Born Fond du Lac, Wis.; dau. EMward Bayard and Phnebe A. (Curtis) Livingston; ed. Packer Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y.; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Denis Eagan; children: May (Mrs. Louis H. Mattair), Elizabeth Livingston (Mrs. Eugene Cowles Pomeroy). Interested in the St. Luke's Hospital, Jacksonville, Fla., and one of its first directors; founded the Home for the Aged; State pres. Woman's River and Harbor Congress; State pres. George Washington Memorial Building. Contributor of short articles to local papers, principally on existing evils in regard to the poor unfortunates in jails, and other articles on humanitarian lines. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Order of Descendants of Colonial Gov- ernors, National Welfare Dep't of Needlework Guild, Southern Sociological Congress; was only lady manager from Fla. to Jamestown Exposi- tion; eligible- to ail patriotic societies through ancestors. Was founder and organizer, and now mem.. Woman's Club of Jacksonville; mem. EJmpiro State Soc, N.Y. City. Recreations: Bridge, motoring, theatre, music. Favors wo- man suffrage; pres. Equal Franchise League of Florida. EAGAN, Mary Helen, 104 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Editorial assistant; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 22, 1885; dau. William and Mary Eagan; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. 'OS (Phi BeU Kappa). Worked for Immigration Commission, 1B08-10; special agent. Bureau of the Census, 1910-11; Alexander Inst., 1912 — . Favors woman suffrage. Author: Im- migration Situation in Australia (report of the Immigration Commission). EAGLESFIELD, Carina B. Campbell (Mrs. James T. Eaglesfleld), 3319 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Author; b. in Ohio, 1857; dau. Edward Porter and Margaret Davy (Murphy) Campbell; studied five years in Germany; two years in France; two years' tour of the world; studied at Univs. of Leipzig and Berlin; diplomas from five schools; grad. Univ. of Mich., B.A. '79; m. James T. Eaglesfleld; children: Robert Davy, Margaret, Carina, Dorothea, Virginia. Inter- ested in music; ,s.tudied piano to enter pro- fessional field; founder and director of the Peo- ple's Concert Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Books Triumphant and Books Militant; has written much for the magazines, ethical, educational and musical essays. Presbyterian. Recreations: Fishing, rowing, walking, golf. Mem. Woman's Club, German Literary, French Conversation, French Alliance, Matinee Musicale and one small private club. EAMES, Emma, Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y. City. Prima donna; b. Shanghai, Aug. 13, 1867. Made debut in Paris, Grand Opera, 1889; Convent Gar- den, London, in role of Marguerite in Faust, 1891. Has sung regularly in London and N.Y. City since 1893. Officer d'Academie (French); jubilee medal. EARL, Clara (Mrs. Robert Earl), 745 York St St. Paul, Minn. Born St. Paul, Minn., 1879; ed. St. Paul and Vienna in piano, voice and general public school education; m. St. Paul, Minn., June, 1900, Dr. Robert Earl; children: May Lillian, John Robert Pres. of Class of Young Women with 100 mems. ; pres. Ladies' Auxiliary, East Side Comrnercial Club; mem. Board of Directors, Y.W.C.A., St Paul, Minn.; Sunshine Soc; Philathea Soc. Com- piling and publishing a cook book for her church. Recreations: Traveling, automobiling. Baptist. EARL, EIi7.abetli Claypooi (Mrs. Morell J. Earl), 1S12 Western .\v., Connersville. Ind. Bom Germantown, Ind., June 25, 1856; dau. Austin B. and Hannah Ann (Petty) Claypooi; ed. by governess in private school and at Glen- dale Coll.; m. Connersville, Ind., Oct 9, 1878, -Morell J. Earl. Especially interested in library organization and management; was chairman of the legislative com. that secured for Indiana a Public Library Commission in 1899; appointed by Gov. Mount the woman mem. of the com- mission, and has been reappointed by each suc- ceeding governor (vlce-pxes. of commission since organization); vlce-pres. Connersville Library 266 EARLE— EASTMAN Board, 1309; urged and helped organization of State Library Trustee Asa'n (first of Its kind in U.S.); pres. Library Site Ass'n, which secured money to purchase lot, and made Carnegie Li- brary possible for Connersville. Pres. Union of Literary Clubs, 1903, first State organization of women's clubs in U.S.; chairman of com. which prepared and Installed the Ind. Literary Club's exhibit at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; now chairman legislative dep't Ind. Fed. of Clubs; Ind. mem. of Field Com. on Endowment of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, League of Library Commissions, Ind. Library Ass'n (pres. 1909), State Board of Charities; identified with all progressive movements of community. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Fayette Co. Franchise League. Presbyterian; mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc., standard bearer; Sunday- school teacher of 'teen-age boys. Recreation: Country driving. Mem. A Dozen of Us Club, Clio Club (local). EAKLE, Augusta Gertrude, 308 Broadway, Methuen, Mass. Unlversalist minister; b. South Boston, Sept. 7, 1864; dau. Orville and Eliza M. (Chandler) Earle; ed. public schools of Somervllle, Mass. ; Bridge- water State Normal School; Tufts Coll., S.T.B. (mem. Tau Epsilon). Minister at Gorham, N.H., 1897-1903; Dover, Me., 1903-10; Methuen, Mass., since 1910. Against woman suffrage. Unlversal- ist. Mem. D.A.R., Mass. Peace Soc, Woman's Nat. Missionary Ass'n of Unlversalist Church. EARL.E, Ethel Deodata (Mrs. Mortimer Lam- son Earle), Second National Bank, cor. Fifth Av. and Twenty-eighth St., N.Y. City. Born Rutherford, N.J. ; dau. George Evertson and E. B. Deodata (Mortimer) Woodward; ed. In France, (Germany, Italy during 13 years; took Brevet Superieur, Universite de France, Paris, 1886; m. N.Y. City, June 4, 1892, Mortimer Lam- son Earle, prof, of classical philology in Colum- bia Univ. (died 1905)). Interested in various religious, social, philanthropic activities abroad, 1908-12. Wrote husband's biography for Na- tional Cyclopedia of American Biography (Vol. XIV), 1910. Recreations: Study of history, litera- ture, history of art, languages, letter writing, genealogical research, traveling; has been twice to Greece. EJplscopalian. EARLE, Millie May (Mrs. John Williams Earle), Albion, Ind. Born Wawaka, Ind., Feb. 14, 1868; dau. Fred- erick and Mary A. (Louer) Schwab; ed. Wawaka public schools; m. Wawaka, Ind., 1894, John Williams Earle; daughter: Margaret Schwab Earle. Mem. Eastern Star, Pythian Sisters, La- dies' Aid (M.E. Church), Woman's Home Mis- sionary Soc. Clubs: Literary, and Historical (pres.). Thimble. HASLET, THmma Rowley (Mrs. Millard F. Earley), 539 N. Eleventh St., Muskogee, Okla, Bom Sparta, Wis.; dau. Myron and Mary (Poiwell) Rowley; grad. Sparta High School; Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Chautauqua, N.Y. (Ruskin year); Angelus Univ. of Los Angeles; m. Minneapolis, Minn., 1892, Millard F. Earley. Recording sec. Ind. Territory Fed. of Women's Clubs; cor. sec. Okla. State Fed. Women's Clubs. Okla. editor Gen. Fed. Bulletin; assists In editing Oklahoma Club Wo- men; an Interested student of parliamentary law and assists In g;ivlng drills and instructions to the cluba throughout the State. Past matron Order of Eastern Star; most-excellent-chief Pythian Sisters; mem. Improved Order of For- esters. Organizer and hon. pres. Longen Par- liamentary Club; hon. pres. Ladles' Saturday Music Club. EARLL, Louise Harding (Mrs. Robert Edward Earll), Percy St., Chevy Chase, Md. Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 24, 1856; dau. Henry Holland and Sarah (Buckmaster) Harding; ed. Clinton (la.) High School (grad.); Wellesley Coll. (special); m. Feb. 27, 1883, Robert Edward Earll (b. Aug. 24, 1863; died Mar. 19, 1896); chil- dren: Ernest Harding, b. Feb. 13, 1886 (died Nov. 12, 1892); Donald Montgomery, b. June 17, 1889. clerk U.S. Dep't of Agriculture. Has been ac- tive in securing local and Federal legislation. Served as mem. Board of Directors for Baptist Home for Aged (D.C.); served five months as voluntary helper in Nat. Junior Republic for purpose of studying the work; was pioneer or- ganizer of Parent-Teachers' Ass'n in low& (Clinton) ; now serving second year as pres. of local Citizens' Ass'n ; former official in Nat. Congress of Mothers; now mem. Legislative Com. of Dist. of Columbia Congress of Mothers. Favors woman suffrage. (Contributor to maga- zines and current periodicals on temperance, kindergartens, agriculture, training of mothers, current events in social reforms; has given ad- dresses at Illinois Congress of Mothers (con- vention), Holyoke (Mass.) Mothers' Club, Dist. of Columbia Sunday-school Convention, and others of like character. Baptist. Progressive Prohibitionist. State Sup't Dist. of Columbia W.C.T.U. ; mem. Congress of Mothers, Parent- Teacher Ass'n, Fed. of Civic Ass'ns, Washington Weilesley Club, Fed. of Women's Clubs, Mothers' Clubs. EARLY, Miriam Lee, Swarthmore Coll., Swarth- more. Pa.; 729 Mickle St., Camden, N.J. Professional reader and instructor in dramatics, Swarthmore Coll.; b. Hightstown, N.J., Mar. 10, 1878; dau. Robert Morrison and Harriet W. (Ogborn) Early; ed. Pennington (N.J.) Sem. and Northwestern Univ., Kvanston, 111. Has been a professional reader and interpreter of literature since 1900; recitals include Browning's Pippa Passes and In a Balcony, Shakespearian plays and modern drama. Taught in Pennington Sem., 1900-04; instructor in dramatics in Swarthmore Coll., 1907-1913. Author: Oral English. Episco- palian. Mem. Browning Soc, Philadelphia; Soc. of Arts and Letters, Philadelphia; Dickens Fellowship. Recreations: Tennis, walking, auto- mobiling. B^vors woman suffrage. EAST, Berta Williams (Mrs. Bristol M. East), 19 Wyoming St., Newark, O. Bom Granville, O., July 11, 1866; dau. S. Stacker and Elizabeth (Cockburn) Williams; grad. Newark High School, '85; m. Oct. 17, 1894, Bristol M. E^t; children: John David, b. Nov. 4, 1896; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 8, 1902. Mem. Re- view Club, the King's Daughters, Newark Library Ass'n, Y.W.C.A. Presbyterian. EASTLAND, Florence Martin (Mrs. T. E. East- land), 5012 11th Av., N.E., Seattle, Wash. Writer; b. June 5, 1866; dau. Daniel and Jane (Smith) Martin; ed. public schools; m. Oct. 26, 1890, William Irwin Barklie (died May 26, 1891); m. Aspen, Colo., June 14, 1894, Thomas Everett Eastland; children: Anna, and Thomas and Wal- ton (twins). Books: Matt of the Water-Pront; His Tribute; short stories, articles, novelettes, serials in many popular magazines; winner of Black Cat prize in 1908. Mem. Writer's Club of Seattle. Unitarian. EASTMAN, Agnes Scott (Mrs. William 0. East- man), Nona, Tex. Born Pleasantview, Kan., 1868; dau. Edwin and Mary Ann (Clayson) Scott; ed. public schools In Par., Cook Acad., Havana, N.Y. ; Cory Conserva- tory of Music and by private tutors; m. Clymer, N.Y., Oct. 5, 1888, William C. Eastman; children: J. Clinton, Ellen M. E., Mildred O., W. Donald, Ruth W., Louis S. Active club woman and has held offices as vice-pres. Mothers' Club, Colum- bus, Pa.; treas. Mothers' Club, TltusvlUe, Pa.; vice-pres. Prohibition Club, Neodesha, Kan.; conductor Knights and Ladles of Security, Neo- desha, Kan. ; also pres. Knights and Ladies of Honor, lady commander Maccabees, worthy ma- tron Order Eastern Star, pres. Carnation Club, and sup't Sunday-school (West), all of Port Ar- thur, Tex. Mem. M.E. Church (North). Mem. Grand Army Auxiliary; vice-pres. and treas. Mothers' Club; vice-pres. Prohibition Club; mem. Irving and Longfellow Clubs. EASTMAN, Catherine Crystal, 118 E. Chemung Place, Elmlra, N.T. Writer; b. Marlborough, Mass.; grrad. Vaasar Coll., A.B. '03, A.M. '04; Columbia Univ., LL.B. '07. Teacher, Elmlra, N.Y., 1904-05; investigator and writer. 1907-09. Mem. State Com. on Em- EASTMAN— EATON 267 ployers' Liability, 1910. Writer of articles on industrial and economic topics. EASTMAN, Elaine Goodalc (Mrs. Charles A. Eastmans, Amherst, Mass. Author; b. Mount Washington, Mass., Oct. 9, 1863; dau. Henry S. and Dora H. (Read) Goodale; ed. at home by parents and tutors, at Miss Nor- ris' School, N.Y. City; m. June 18, 1891, Dr. Charles A. Eastman; children: Dora Winona, Irene, Virginia, Ohlyesa, Eleanor Read, Florence Bascom. Teacher and supervisor In Indian Schools, 1883-91; since 1891 has taken a more or less active interest in Indian education; also since 1908 In local civic work. Author: Apple Blossoms; Wild Flowers; Little Brother o" Dreams, 1910; Yellow Star, 1911. Mem. Nat. Woman's Indian Ass'n; Amherst School Alliance. Recreations: Walking, reading. Protestant Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. EASTMAN, Eva Louise Hills (Mrs. Lucius Root Eastman Jr.). 359 Upper Mountain Av., Upper Montclalr, N.J. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '96; student of philosophy and history, Radcliffe Coll., 1898-1900, M.A. 1900; m. June 14, 1905, Lucius Root East- man Jr.; children: Margaret Hills, b. Mar. 30, 1907; John Hills, b. Jan. 30, 1910. Tutor In Brooklyn, N.Y., 1896-98; teacher Riverdale School, N.Y. City, 1900-01; tutor Boston, 1901-02. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. EASTMAN, Helen, Wells River, Vt. Artist; b. South Newbury, Vt., Mar. 22, 1863; dau. Charles W. and Elizabeth C. (Abbott) East- man (great-grandfather was one of Washington's body-guards at Valley Forge; had four great- grandfathers in the Revolution); ed. public schools, Wells River, Vt. Author: New England Ferns. Recreations: Painting and nature study. Belongs to Evangelical Church, but attends Meth- odist Church. Favors woman suffrage. Prohi- bitionist. EASTMAN, Linda Anne, 2126 Fairmont Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Librarian; b. Oberlin, O., July 17, 1867; dau. William Harvey and Sarah (Redrup) Eastman; ed. in Cleveland schools and by private study. Taught in public schools of West Cleveland and Cleveland. 1885-92; ass't in Cleveland Public Li- brary, 1892-95; ass't librarian and cataloguer Dayton Public Library, 1895-96; vice-librariaii Cleveland Public Library, 1896; instructor Li- brary School of Western Reserve Univ., 1904; first woman pres. Ohio Library Ass'n, 1905; mem. Council of Am. Library Ass'n; mem. exec, board of same, 1911; Interested in all civic and social welfare. Contributes to library periodicals. Mem. Ohio Library Ass'n, Am Library Ass'n, Am. Library Inst., Cleveland Consumers' League, Soc. for Promoting the Interests of the Blind. Favors woman suffrage. EASTMAN, Mary, Smith College, Northampton, Masa. Registrar of Smith Coll.; b. Somersworth, N.H., Oct. 11, 1862; dau. Royal and Harriet S. (Rus- sell) Eastman; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '86. Teacher In High School, Washington, D.C., 1886-91; in Europe, 1891-93; instructor in Wellesley Coll., 1894-96; registrar of Smith Coll., 1901. Mem. Soc. for Psychical Research, Nat. Geog. Soc. Can- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. EASTMAN, Rebecca Lane Hooper (Mrs. William Franklin Eastman), 72 St. James PI., Brook- lyn, N.Y. Author; b. Walpole, N.H. ; dau. Franklin Will- iam and Martha H. (Holden) Hooper; ed. Rad- cliffe Coll., A.B. ; m. July 27, 1912, William Franklin Eastman. Produced a play at New Theatre. Pres. Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City, 1911-12; pres. N.Y. Radcliffe Club, 1909-11. Writer of stories in McClure's, Century, Munsey; arti- cles in newspapers, eight plays, three operettas written with Miss Mabel Daniels of Brookline, Mass. Clubs: Meridian (N.Y. City), Vincent (Boston), Civitas (Brooklyn). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, N.Y. City. EASTON, Jean Baker Martin (Mrs. M. W. Eaa- ton), 119 Moran St., Oil City, Pa, Born Philadelphia, Pa., Juae 20, 1883; dau. Thomas and Mary E. (Cherry) Martin; ed. Girls' High School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll.; Drexel Inst. Library School; m. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14. 1910, Dr. Melroy Weed Easton. Before marriage librarian 1907-08, Juniata Coll. Library, Pa.; 1909-10 librarian Carnegie Public Library, Oil City, Pa. Sec. Belles Lettres Club, Oil City, Pa. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. EASTWICK, Beatrice Hlnkle (Mrs. Philip Gar- rett Eastwick), 115 E. Slst St., N.Y. City. Physician; b. San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Benja- min Fred and Elizabeth (Beachley) Moses; ed. In San Francisco schools and in Stanford Univ. Med. School (formerly Cooper Med. Coll.); m. 1892, Walter Hinkle, district attorney of San Francisco (died 1898); two children: Walter and Consuelo Hlnkle; m. (2d) 1909, Philip Q. East- wick. Appointed city physician San Francisco, 1899 (first woman in country to hold such a po- sition); resigned 1905 and removed to N.Y. City, becoming associated with Dr. Charles L. Dana in neurological work; later in Europe three years; now connected with Post-Graduate Med. School and Cornell Univ. Med. Coll. Mem. N.Y. Acad, of Medicine, Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. Med. Soc., N.Y. Neurological Soc, Women's Med. Soc. of State of N.Y., Psycho-Analytical Soc. of N.Y., Internat. Soc. for Psychical Research. Recreations: Farming, country life, opera, thea- tre. Mem. California Club. Known as "Dr. Hinkle" medically. EASTWICK, Martlis McHvain (Mrs. A. M. East- wick), 5901 Elmwood Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 14, 1855; dau. Hugh and Martha (Gibson) Mcllvain; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia, Pa.; Swarthmore Coll. A.B. ; m. Philadelphia, April 15, 1880, An- drew M. Eastwick; children: Helen Mcllvain, b. 1880; Andrew Maurice, b. 1885. Birthright mem. Soc. of Friends. Mem. New Century Club, Phila- delphia; Somerville Literary Soc. of Swarthmore Coll.; treas. Board of Management of Home for Destitute Colored Children; Board of Phila iclphia Mothers' Club; Travelers' Aid of Philadelphia. Recreation: Soical life. EASTWOOD, Alice, 1S45 LagunsT St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Curator of botany; b. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 19, 1859; dau. Colin Skinner and Eliza Jane (Gowdy) Eastwood; ed. East Denver (Colo.) High School, grad. '79; special studies and research in botany. Teacher in East Denver (Colo.) High School, 1879-89; since 1S92 curator of the herbarium of the Cal. Acad, of Sciences. Author: Popular Flora of Denver, Colo., 1893; also Popular Flora of Pacific Coast, 1897, and Popular Flora of the Rocky Mountain Region, 1900, for the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain editions of Bergen's Elements of Botany; Handbook of the Trees of California (Cal. Acad, of Sciences), 1906; also many papers in systematic botany contributed to the scientific journals. Mem. Cal. Acad, of Sciences, A.A.A.S. EATON, Emily Lovett (Mrs. Horace Alnsworth Eaton), 609 Comstock Av., Syracuse, N.Y. Teacher, b. Boston, 1874; dau. Augustus S. and Elizabeth (Russell) Lovett; grad. Radcliffe Coll., 1899; m. Brookline, Mass., Sept. 3, 1902, Horace Ains worth Eaton; children: Rebecca, Sidney Lovett, Robert Endicott, Elizabeth Russell. Mem. of Managing Board of Syracuse Aid to George Junior Republic; Syracuse Univ. English Club; Syracuse Boys' Club Auxiliary; interested In Hospital of the Good Shepherd and Syracuse Day Nursery. Chief Interest Is the Consumers' League work and social service in general. President of the Consumers' League of Syra- cuse. iMem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (Central N.Y. Branch); N.Y. State Child Labor Com. Clubs: Fortnightly, Radcliffe Union. Recrea- tions: Walking, mountain climbing. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of the Syracuse Political Equality Club; mem. Syracuse Branch of Women's Political Union. E.^TON, Emma Florance, 3218 Main St., Wake- field, Mass. Writer; b. Wakefield, Mass.; dau. Cheeter W. and Emma G. Eaton; ed. Wakefield High School; Smith Coll., B.A. '96; post-grad, work at Oxford, England, holding certificate from Ass'n 268 EATON— EDGERTON of Women at Oxford. Edited Wakefield Citizen Banner three years; engaged in legal work three years; taught English two years in State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H. Interested in social service. Author: Dramatic Studies from the Bible. Mem. Women's Club of Wakefield. Con- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. EATON, Isabella Graham, 28 Ohio St., Bangor, Me. Artist, author; b. Bangor, Me., April 6, 1845; dau. Rev. Joshua Eaton and Isabella (Dutton) Eat in; ed. public schools, studied art in Boston. Engaeed as portrait painter in Boston and New- ton, Mass., for several years, later as newspaper artist and writer. Author: The Royal Way, 1890; Annals of Pollock's Cove— Some Idyls of the Maine Sea Cost (with Charlotte Carr Batch- elder), 1902; By the Shores of Arcady, 1908. EATON, Marlon Durant Dow (Mrs. William Colby Eaton), 15 Dow St., Portland, Me. Born Portland. Me., Aug. 24, 1870; dau. Fred- erick Neal and Julia Dana (Hammond) Dow; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '93 (mem. Alpha Soc); m. Port- land, Me., May 16, 1895, William Colby Eaton; one daughter: Annette Hammond Eaton. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Maine Soc. of the Colonial Dames of America, Dramatic Ass'n of Portland. Recreations: Golf, auction bridge. Clubs: Cur- rent Events, Portland Country, The Club (lit- erary), Portland College. EAVES, I^ucile, University of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb. University professor; b. Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 9, 1869; dau. David William and Anna C.i (Weir) Eaves; td. high school, Peoria, 111.; Stan- ford Univ., A.B. '94; Chicago Univ.; Univ. of Cal., M.Sc; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. (Phi Beta Kappa). Head of history dep't in high school, San Diego, Cal.; extension lecturer, Chicago Univ.; instructor in history, Stanford Univ.; head worker San Francisco Settlement Ass'n (South Park Settlement); director Industrial Bureau of San Francisco relief work; fellow in economics, Univ. of Cal.; associate prof, of prac- tical sociology, Univ. of Nebraska. Mem. va- rious philanthropic societies. Am. Ass'n for La- bor Legislation, Nat. Child Labor Com., Am. Prison Ass'n, etc.; officer of the State Confer- ence of Charities, Neb. Child Labor Com., Lin- coln Social Service Club; active in promoting labor legislation in Cal. and Neb.; mem. Vice Commission, promoting safe and sane Fourth. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Neb. Suffrage Soc; has lectured and debated on the topic. Has written various newspaper articles on labor ques- tions: A History of California Labor Legislation, with an introductory sketch of the San Fran- cisco labor movement (published by the Univ. of Cal.). Mem. Am. Sociological Soc, Am. Eco- nomic Ass'n. Recreations: Athletic sports, as swimming, rowing, aesthetic dancing; dramatic and operatic productions. Clubs: Lincoln Wo- man's, Univ. of Nebraska Faculty Women's, Social Service. Teaches classes in European and Am. labor legislation, modern social betterment movements, poverty, dependence, criminology; ethical instruction and training in schools; social movement in public schools. EBERLE, Mary Abastenia St. Leger, 206% W. Thirteenth St., N.Y. City. Sculptor; b. Webster City, Iowa, April 6, 1878; dau. Harry Adoniram Eberle, M.D., and Clara Vaughan (McGinn) Eberle; ed. Art Students' League of N.Y., under George Grey; Barnard scholarship prizes. Awarded bronze medal, St. Louis Exposition, 1904, Girl on Roller Skates and Thorough (purchased by Metropolitan Museum, 1907), Helen Foster Barnett prize at Academy, 1910. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Favors woman suffrage. Sculpturist: Ragtime, owned by Toledo Museum; Little Mother, owned by Art Inst, of Chicago; Windy Doorstep, owned by Worcester Art Museum; The Dancer, owned by Italian Soc. in Venice, Italy. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc, Art Students' League, N.Y. City. L'Union International des Beaux Arts et des Lettree. ECHOLS, Ethel Umphress (Mrs. Walter Hen- dricks Echols), Durant, Okla. Bom Jan. 3, 1883, Van Alstyne, Tex.; dau. Ed- mund Marion and Annie Laurin (Evans) Umphress; ed. public school; Mary Nash Coll., Sherman, Tex.; m. Sept. 15, 1902, Madill, Okla., Walter Hendricks Echols; one son: James Wal- ter. Interested in civic and domestic problems. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Church Soc, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Fort- nightly (literary) Club, Domestic Science Club. ECKSTOR3I, Fannie Pearson Hardy (Mrs. Jacob A. Eckstorm), 173 Wilson St., Brewer, Me. Author; b. Brewer, Me., June 18, 1865; dau. Manly and Emeline Freemen (Wheeler) Hardy; ed. Bangor High School; Abbot Acad. (Andover, Mass.), 1883-84; Smith Coll., A.B. '88; m. Port- land, Ore., Oct. 24, 1893, Rev. Jacob A. Eckstorm; children: Katherine Hardy, b. Sept. 9, 1894; Paul Frederick, b. May 18, 1896. Especially inter- ested in ornithology. Earlier writings, short stories, etc., under maiden name of Fannie Pearson Hardy. Author: The Bird Book; The Libbey, Maine Woodsman and River Driver; also Woodpeckers; The Penobscot Man; Life of David Milk Campaign Com. Was lobbyist at Sacra- articles in The Atlantic, Forest and Stream, The Auk, etc. Episcopalian. EDDY, Mary Roberts Lawther (Mrs. Melville Elsworth Eddy), 1450 Allison Av., Los An- geles, Cal. Trained nurse; b. in Iowa; efi. Dubuque (Iowa) High School; Miss Mary E. Stevens' School, Germantown, Philadelphia; special student in history and political science, Bryn Mawr, 1891- 93; 111. Training School for Nurses, Chicago, grad. '97; post-grad., 1898-99 and 1902-04; m. 1910, Melville Elsworth Eddy. Engaged as trained nurse at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-98 and 1899-1900; trained nur-se, 1904-09. EDDY, Ruth Story Devereux (Mrs. William Holden Eddy), 666 Angell St., Providence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., Aug. 29, 1875; dau. Rob- ert W. and Melissa C. (Colwell) Devereux; ed. Providence High School, Brown Univ., A.B. '97; A.M. 1900; honors in German, mathematics, his- tory and English (mem. Alpha Beta) ; m. John- ston, R.I., July 19, 1905, William Holden Eddy; children: Fanny Wing Eddy, William Eddy, Ruth Barden Eddy. Was a teacher in Johnston High School, 1897-98; high school at Winchester, Mass., and Providence high schools until 19U5. Free Baptist. Mem. French and German Social Soc, R.I Coll. Alumnae, Brown Alumnae Ass'n, Neighborhood Club. Recreations: Music, travel. EDEBURN, Edith Lindsay, "Bay Brook," Sor- rento, Fla. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 20, 1877; dau. Will- lam Alford and Rachael Lindsay (Boisol) Ede- burn; ed. public school (Highland Dist.), Pitts- burgh, later preparatory dep't and College Pa. Coll. for Women (Pittsburgh), A.B. '96; also studied art at the same institution, taking medal for painting and honorable mention for drawing. For a few years did designing for art goods and embroideries. Interested in bee-keeping as a study and a diversion, writing local notes for the country newspapers published in neighboring towns; china and water-color painting. Pres- byterian. Recreations: Chiefly horseback riding, driving. Moved from Pittsburgh to Florida in Nov., 1909, for father's health (he died following Spring). In Pittsburgh was mem. Colloquium, a literary club (.federated); sec. West. Pa. Hospital C-ot Club (philanthropic) ; Pittsburgh Esperanto Soc. ; active in alumnae activities of Pa. Coll. for Women. EDGAR, Margaret Belle, Latakla, Syria, Tur- key.- Missionary; b. Belfast, Ireland, June 25, 1861; reared at Cincinnati and Rushsylvania, Ohio; ed. Geneva Coll., class of '81. Teacher at Cedarville, Ohio, 1881-83; Bellefontaine, Ohio, 1883-86. Mis- sionary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church at Latakla, Syria, since 1886. EDGERTON, Fannie Ida (Mrs. Wright Prescott Edgerton), 302 Central Park West, N.Y. City. Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. William Tod and Fannie Ida (Pritchard) Helmuth; ed. Helmuth Coll., LondOii, Ont; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 7, 1882, (3ol. Wright Prescott Edgerton; one daughter: EDGERTON— EDSON 269 Gladys Edgerton. Favors woman suffrage, ward Bertie and Emma (Snyder) Codwlse; ed. Mem. Army Relief See., Sorosls Club. private school, later Kingston public school and EDGERTON, Sara Townsend (Mrs. Francis M. P'^ad. Kingston Acad., 1891; m. Oct. 27, 1897, Edgerton), 4630 Central Av., Richmond Hill, Richard Henry Edmondson; children: Helen N.Y. Louise, b. Oct. 23, 1S98; Gladys Chasaln, b. May Born Troy, N.T.; dau. Edwin R. and Isabella 22, 1900; Harrietts Codwise, b. July 16, 1905; (Stuart) Townsend; ed. Troy High School; Emma Kichard Edward, b. April 20, 1910. Was regent Willard School; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 16, Elizabeth Ludington Hagans Chapter D.A.R. for 1874, Francis M. Edgerton; children: Chauncey three years; State regent for W.Va., four years, T., Myra T., Francis W. T., Walter T., Stuart T. ^'^^ vice-pres. general two years; tr«as. House- For 20 years gee. and vlce-pres. of the Brooklyn wives' League; vice-pres. Hospital Auxiliary. Home for Aged Colored People; for 10 years on Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian, the exec, board and now sec. of the Woman's ED3IONSTON, Laura (Mrs. William Jesse Ed- Home Missionary Union of N.Y. State; for three monston), 207 Hutchinson St., San Marcos, years a manager of the Congregational Home Tex. for the Aged in Brooklyn. Contributor of secre- Born Louisville, Ky., May 6, 1860; dau. William tarlal articles and papers for the press in the H. and Julia Franklin (Thrift) Isgrigg; ed. pub- interest of the various organizations to which lie and private schools, Jeffersonville and Madison, she belongs. Interested in settlement work, Ind., and De Pauw cioll.. New Albany, Ind. ; m. Red Cross, Needlework Guild, Sunshine Soc, Indianapolis, Ind., June 6, 1883, William Jesse Charity Organization. Founder of the Twentieth Edmonston, of Union City, Tenn. ; children: Mrs. Century Club of Richmond Hill and mem. King Jennie Edmonston Wren, Mary Ella, Elizabeth Manor Ass'n of Long Island. Recreations: Claire, William Jesse, Jr. Since marriage has Walking, china painting. Congregationalist. lived at Indianapolis, 'jashvllle and Union City, Favors woman suffrage. Tenn.; Dallas, Tex.; Lake Charles, La., and EDGETT, Grace I-awrence, 329 Cabot St., Bev- since 1900 at San Marcos, Tex. Active in chari- erly, Mass. table and civic improvement work; chairman for Teacher, b. Beverly, Mass., May 12, 1874; dau. San Marcos in Christmas Red Cross Seal Cam- Isaac H. and Elizabeth (Fiske) Edgett; ed. paign against tuberculosis; work for improvement Beverly public schools; Dean Acad., Franklin, of school grounds and equipment, and local char- Mass.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '97. Instructor in ities. Has contributed a few short stories to small private school in N.Y. City, 1897-98; In- Sunday-school Times. Mem. Christian (Disci- structor Beverly (Mass.) High School, 1898-1902; ples) Church. Democratic in political views, mathematical instructor in private school In Active worker in Christian Woman's Board of Kansas City, Mo., 1902-07; head of mathematical Missions 21 years; first State pres. and first sup't dep't Kent Place School, Summit, N.J., since of Young People's Work In La., also first pres. 1908. Author: Exercises in Plane Geometry, and sup't of local organization at Lake Charles, 1909. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate La.; former sec. local C.W.B.M. at Dallas, Tex.; Alumnae, New York Wellesley Club, Boston Col- former sec. local Aid Soc. at San Marcos, Tex. lege Club, College Settlements Ass'n, Ass'n of Past matron San Marcos Chapter, Dist. Deputy Teachers of Mathematics of Middle States and Grand Matron for the State, chairman im- Maryland. Recreation: Tennis. Was active mem. portant com. of Grand Chapter and representative of Woman's Club and City History Club of N.Y. of State of N.Y. to Tex. Grand Chapter, Order of City, 1897-98, and spoke in public meetings on Eastern Star. Charter mem. and pres. Woman's the club's work. Has also taken part in debates Club; treas. Sorosis Club; mem. and former eec. on suffrage (anti) and on the immigration prob- East End Mothers' Club (all San Marcos). lem. Against woman suffrage. EDSALL, Anne Comfort (Mrs. James M. Ed- EDISON, Mina Miller (Mrs. Thomas A. Edison), sail), 8418 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, N.Y. Llewellyn Park, Orange, N.J. Born Princess Anne, Md., Feb. 2, 1863; -dau. Born Akron, Ohio; dau. Lewis and Mary V. Littleton and Mary Hambleton (Jenkins) Long; (Alexander) Miller; ed. privately; Akron High ed. Cercle Francjaise, Friends School, N.Y. City, School; Miss Johnson's School, Boston; m. Feb. and Normal Coll.; m. Kent Island, Md., July 15, 24, 1886, Thomas A. Edison, the distinguished 1894, James M. Edsall. Pres. Ladies' Guild of inventor; children: Madeleine, Charles, Theodore P.B. Church of the Holy Spirit, Brooklyn; Sun- MUler Edison. Trustee Pennington School; day-school worker; mem. of Friendly Com., pres. of West Range Improveiment League; one which supports a free kindergarten; mem. Drama of managers of Woman's Exchange and mem. of League of America; interested In all work for other charitable organizations. Favors limited uplift of women and children. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist; pres. Woman's Guild of suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Orange Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Walking, golf, canoeing, fishing, camping, out- D.A.R. (Essex Chapter). Recreation: Music, door life. Pres. Brooklyn Woman's Club Mem. Woman's Club of Orange (chairman Hos- (founded 1869); ex-pres. of Winter Club; director pitality Com.), Cosmopolitan Club, MacDowell N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. of Club. Ex-President's Club of Brooklyn. EDMONDS, Mary Derby (Mrs. Harry Weston EDSON, Katherine Philips (Mrs. Charles Far- Edmonds), Box 64, San Luis Obispo, Cal. well Edson), 950 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Born San Francisco, Cal., May 26, 1862; dau. cal. Henry Homes and Mary Derby (Smith) Bigelow; Born Kenton, O., Jan. 12, 1870; dau. Dr Will- ed, in San Francisco by tutors and in private iam H. and Harriet J. (Carliu) Philips; ed. corn- schools; m. San Francisco, June 1, 1889, Harry mon schools of Kenton until 14; Convent of Sa- Weston EJdmonds; children: Marc Weston, cred Heart, Clifton, Cincinnati, 1 year, and 6 Dorothy, Katherine. Interested especially in months at Glendale Female Sem. ; m. Kenton, O., work for children. Before marriage wrote for Oct. 8, 1890, Charles Farwell Edson; children- several San Francisco papers. Chronicle chiefly. Katherine Edson Gray, b. 1892; Philips Josiah, b. Formerly resident of Sitka, Alaska, for eight 1S96; Charles Farwell, Jr., b. 1905. Interested in years, during which period her husband was Constructive Philanthropy, public health meas- chlef of Uie Magnetic Observatory there, and ures and prevention of diseases and death by while there was three years a mem. and some- scientific legislation and education; sec. Pure time pres. of the Alaska Reading Club. Hus- mento in securing the amendment for woman band now (1913) engaged as magnetic observer suffrage, and chairman of organization of Po- on the yacht Carnegie in South Seas for Car- lltical League, which led to ballot for women In negie Institution of Washington, and she is in Southern Cal. Writes newspaper articles on San Luis Obispo, educating her children. Mem. suffrage, sex hygiene, direct legislation and Pure W. C. T. U. Recreations: Books, music, theatre, Milk Commission. Unitarian. Mem. California cards, walking. Presbyterian. Favors woman Progressive Party State Central Com Mem. Cer- suffrage. Progressive Republican. tlfled Soc. of Prevention of Social Diseases. EDMONDSON, Ilarriette Codwise (Mrs. Richard Mem. Friday Morning Club (vice-pres. 3 years; Henry Edmondson), 293 Grand St., Morgan- chairman Com. on Public Affairs 4 years), 'own. W.Va. Woman's City Club, Evening City Club, chalr- Dorn Rosendale, N.Y., Jan. 24. 1874; dau. Ed- man Public Health State Federation, mem. State 270 EDWARDS— EGBERT Exec. Com. of Roosevelt Progressive League, also mem. Los Angeles Ck). Roosevelt Executive Com..; has been mem. Charter Revision Comm'n of the City of Los Angeles. Read paper before Nat. Municipal League Convention on Woman Suffrage. EDWABDS, Abbie L. M. (Mrs. Clarence J. Ed- wards), Newberg, Ore. Bom Marshal town, la.. May 13, 1872; dau. Isaac N. and Abble (Header) Miles; ed. Whittier Coll., la.; Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore.; grad. Bay View Reading Organization; special work in Bible study at Am. Inst, of Sacred Literature, Hyde Park, Chicago; m. Scotts Mills, Ore., Oct. 17, 1893, Clarence J. Edwards; chUdren: Lloyd, Lowell. Director of Public Library; mem. Book Com., also sec. of Public Library Board; mem. Ladies' Auxiliary to Pacific Coll., and intensely interested in its success. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Friends Church. Republican. Mem. Wednesday Club of Newberg since or- ganization, 12 years ago; has been on its Exec. Board (was pres. three years); director of Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, two terms. KDWAKDS, Caro Fries Buxton (Mrs. Henry Lee Edwards), Dallas, Tex. Bom Winston-Salem, N.C.; dau. John Cam- eron and Agnes (Belo) Buxton; ed. Salem Female Acad., Salem, N.C. ; Miss Florence Baldwin's school, Bryn Mawr, Pa,, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. 1910, Henry Lee Ed- wards; one daughter, Elizabeth Stuart. Inter- ested in the work of the Y.W.C.A. and was treas. of the Board, 1898-09. EDWABDS, Edith, Woonsocket, R.I. Bom Woonsocket, R.I., July 20, 1873; dau. Dr. Daniel Mann and Laura (Ballou) Edwards; ed. private schools in Providence, R.I., and Boston, Mass., Lycfee Racine, Paris, France, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01. Actively interested in lineal and patriotic societies; now State Sec. for R.L D.A.R., State Director for R.I. Children of Am. Revolution, and pres. Joseph Bucklin Soc. Children of Am. Revolution. Interested in wel- fare work; for some years chairman of Com. on Awards in Mill Village Prize Garden Competition; connected with large industrial plant. Mem. R.I. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, and helped to found It. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. R.I. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants, R.I. Historical Soc., R.I. Branch of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Olube: College (Boston), Bryn Mawr (N.Y. City). EDWABDS, Elizabeth Drake Morrill (Mrs. John Couper Edwards), 96 Warren St., Brookllne, Born' (Cincinnati, Dec. 11, 1868; dau. Prof. Henry A. and Anna (McGufEey) Morrill; ed. Barthol Dr. S. H. Mapes (surgeon Sixtieth Reg't N.Y. Vol. Infantry) and Prunetta N. Mapes; ed. In Butler Univ., Indianapolis; m. Mar., 1886, Horace Ellis, pres. of Vincennes Univ.; two sons: Max (associate prof, of biology in Colorado State Univ.), Howell (a student in Univ. of Vincennes. Author of many verses and a contributor of verse and short stories to maga- zines and other publications. Has written many sacred songs, which have been published. Li- brarian of Vincennes Univ. Methodist. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Favors woman suffrage. £L.LIS, Jennie Agues Wilhite (Mrs. Overton Gentry Ellis), Olympia and Tacoma, Wash. Born Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 27, 1867; dau. Presley Gray and Marie Louise (Price) Wilhite; ed. public schools of Kansa.s City, Mo., in pri- mary grades and grad. from Kansas City High School, '86; m. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 29, 1894, Overton Gentry Ellis (now judge State Supreme Court of Washington); children: Overton (Sentry Jr., b. Oct. 9, 1900; Presley White (daughter), b. Oct. 22, 1903. Taught 1S8S-94 in public schools of Kansas City, Mo. (Lathrop School). Regent (two terms) Virginia Dare Chapter D.A.R., ■Tacoma, Wash. ; State historian, Washington D.A.R.; mem. Board of Directors of Tacoma Public Library since 1908; special interest In children's dep't of library and aggressive policy of library to create and encourage love of read- ing among children of all the people. Favors woman suffrage. Has written many magazine and newspaper articles on foods, food sanitation, municipal health regulations and kindred subjects for club use and outlines for club study; has also spoken on above subjects in cities of the State of Washington; one of the speakers on same subjects at biennial of Gen. Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, San Francisco, 1912; also articles of local historical interest as historian of D.A.R. Baptist. Democrat. Admitted to the D.A.R. in 1896 by ancestors of both father and mother; of Scotch-Irish-Bavarian and French Huguenot an- cestry, all of whom came to Va. before the Revolution and were patriots. Mem. United Daughters of (Ilonfederacy. Mem. (pres. two years) Aloha Club (Tacoma); chairman Food Sanitation Com. Wash. State Fed. of Clubs, seven years; pres. Pure Food Council of Tacoma. Drafted Market Sanitation Ordinance of Tacoma, which was passed by City Council, Mar., 1909, at instance of Pure Food Council, which also secured appointment of woman food inspector; chairman Food Sanitation Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs since 1910; Vice-Chairman Health Dep't Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1913 — ; director Washington State Soc. for Prevention of Tu- berculosis. CLX.IS, Julia Ada, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. Teacher; b. Harwich, Mass., Sept. 11, 1863; dau. Amron and Pamella (Small) Ellis; ed. Natick High School, Natick, Mass. ; Wellesley Cioll., B.A. '84. Teacher in Preparatory School, Everett, Mass., 1884-87; High School, Natick, Mass., 1887-89; Atlanta Univ. (for colored stu- dents), since 1890. Interested in church work, missions and temperance; mem. the Y.W.C.A.; peculiarly interested in the advancement of the colored people. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. EIXIS, Katharine Bath, Charles City, Iowa, Author: b. Charles City, Iowa; ed. in schools of Charles City, Iowa, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '01. Volunteer librarian of Charles City Library, 1904. Author: The Wide- Awake Girls; The Wide- Awake Girls in Wlnsted; also magazine contribu- tions. ELLIS, Leonora Beck (Mrs. Richard A. Ellis), Hyde Park, Tampa, Fla. Writer; b. in Georgia, about 1872; dau. James W. and Margaret (Wells) Beck; ed. Oxford, Ala., and N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1896, Richard A. Ellis. Editor the Illustrator Magazine, 1896-97; since then, general writing. Has done much church work, as teaching Bible class in Sunday- school; has worked In philanthropic organiza- tions; has worked unceasingly to have both Government and State recognize the rights of the neglected remnant of Seminole Indians in Fla. ; has devoted herself for years to fighting child labor in Georgia and the Carolinas. Contribu- tions on literary, sociological, industrial sub- jects published in the Forum, Review of Re- views, Independent, American Journal of Sociology, Gunton's, Leslie's, Christian Herald, etc. ; stories, verse and general articles in Mun- sey's. New England Magazine, National Maga- zine, Book News Monthly, Lippincott's, Collier's, American Magazine of History, Criterion, Wo- man's Home Companion. Baptist. Mem. Con- sumers' League, Educational Conference Soc., Sociological Congress, Charitable Ass'n, both of Tampa and Atlanta; Child Labor Com. of Ga. Recreations: Boating, cruising, camping. Clubs: Tampa Woman's, Woman's Press of Ga., Civic Ass'n of Florida. ELLIS, Louise Alverda Spencer (Mrs. Pearls B'jckner Ellis), 711 Spear St., Carson City, Nev. Born Bangor, Me., Mar. 20, 1860; dau. Albert Jewett and Sara (Warren) Spencer; ed. at home by governesses; grad. Bangor High School; m. Dec. 23, 1886, Pearls Buckner Ellis; one daughter: Annie Louise, b. 1890. Interested in social and philanthropic duties. Contributor in verse and prose to Pacific Coast publications. Author: Sunbeams and Reflections. Episcopalian. Char- ter mem. and pres. Leisure Hour Club. ELLIS, Lucy Morris (Mrs. John V. Ellis), Box 402, R.F.D. No. 2, North Yakima, Wash. Newspaper woman; b. Blnghamton, N.Y., Jan. 15, 1878; dau. Robert and Sara A. (Ogden) Mor- ris; ed grammar schools, Binghamton, N.Y. ; high school, Buffalo, N.Y.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900; m. North Yakima, Wash., Feb. 18, 1905, John V. Ellis Jr. Engaged in newspaper work in Buffalo, Milwaukee and North Yakima; spe- cial correspondence for Portland, Seattle and Spokane papers. Mem. Yakima Valley Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Mem. Portia Club. Recreations: Gardening, fancier pure bred poul- try, studying native-bred birds. Favors woman suffrage. ELLIS, Lucy Terrill, 429 W. Munroe St., Phoenix, Ariz. Kindergartner; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. Edwin and Jane (Hunae) Ellis; ed. St Louis and Bos- ton. A pioneer kindgartner in the Territory of Arizona. Favors woman suffrage; active mem. Civic League of Phoenix, Ariz. Author of maga- zine articles on garden kindergartens, open-air schools, garden schools, Kindepcroft, The (Jarden, th« Gateway to Character Building. EHJiscopallan. Democratic voter. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Am. School Peace League. Charter mem. Phoenix Woraan'a Club; organizer and pres. Conservation Club; chairman Oonserration Dep't Ariz. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Ariz. State pre*, of Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress. ELLIS, Margaret Dye (Mrs. Jonathan T. Ellis), 522 Sixth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Born N.Y. City; dau. Clarkson and Margaret (McLean) Dye; ed. N.Y. City; m. New York, 1863, Jonathan T. Ellis of Maine; children: Mary Margaret, Jessie Russell (deceased). Sup't legis- lation for Nat. W.C.T.U. for 17 years In Wash- ington, D.C, looking after reform measures in Congress. Was cor. sec. of N.J. W.C.T.U. 15 years. Favors woman suffrage. Writes Wash- ington weekly letter for the W.C.T.U. official organ, the Union Signal. Mem. D.A.R., Wom- an's Welfare Dep't of Civic League, Consumers' League, Woman's Suffrage League. ELLIS, Marion Durbtn (Mrs. Max Mapes Ellis), 1109 Thirteenth St., Boulder, Colo. Biologist; b. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 26, 1887; ELLIS— EMERSON 275 dau. Etevld Henry and Cornelia (Fltdi) Durbln; nal and the Chautauqua on library topics. Mem. ed. In Anderson (Ind.) High School; Earlham Am. Library Ass'n (was its first woman presl- CoU., 1905-06; Indiana Univ., A.B. '09, A.M. '10 dent, 1911-12; vlce-pres. 1895-96); N.Y. Library (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Sept., 1909, Max Ass'n (press. 1903-04). Mapes Ellis. Ph.D. Engaged in biological re- search work in the biology of fishes, upon which ELTLNGE, ionise, 607 Fifth Av., N.T. City, has written several monographs. Author: Teacher; b. New Paltz, N.Y.; dau. Magdaline Analysis of Rate of Regeneration Throughout D. B. and Edmund (Eltinge) Deyo; ed. New the Regenerative Process (Journal Experimental Paltz Acad, and Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., Zoology, Vil.), 1909; A Genus and Twelve New 1901-05. Teacher at Mme. Da Silva's School, Species Tetragonopterid Characins (Annals Car- N.Y. City, 1893; teacher In the Gardner School negie Museum VI.) 1909; on the Species of Has- for Girls on Fifth Av. ; vlce-pres. same school, mania Hyphessobrycon and Hemigrammus Col- 1908-09; principal since 1910. Mem. Reformed lected by J. D. Haseman, etc. (Annals Carnegie Dutch Church. Museum, VIII.), 1911; Genera Hemigrammus Hyphessobrycon, Dermatochier and Family ELWELI,, Abbie Miner (Mrs. L. H. Elwell), 6 Sciaenidse in Elgenmann's Fresh Water Fishes of Lincoln Av., Amherst, Mass. British Guiana (Memoirs Carnegie Museum, V.), Born Provlncetown, Mass., Nov. 3, 1858; dau. 1912; also monograph on the green KLallctus of James H. and Mary A. (Cowing) Nlckerson; ed. North America (in preparation). Mem. Soc. of West Newton English and Classical School. New- the Sigma Xi, Ind. Acad, of Sciences. Mem. ton High School, class of 1877; Vassar Coll., A.B. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage. '82; m. West Newton, Mass., Dec. 20, 18^, LeTi ELLIS. Olyette (Mrs. Brazier R. Ellis). Wind- }^^Y^y,^^Vn'n^-^>:;^^-^-^^T- ^J""^' °^ 9^!? sor Wis In Amherst Coll; children: Marlon Freeman (A.B. Teacher;' b. Ellington. N.Y.. April 9, 1844; dau. Z^^'^J.'^V' ^''^'"'^ Ross (A.B. Vassar '11). Hiram and Lydia (McGowan Smith; ed. public g.^'^" NlckCTSon (deceased) James Henry. Pres. schools of Chautauqua Co., N.Y.; one tefm in I^T^'^.^w^^^'^^^r., k^ ^°^''ono9^!""*'T''T= .."^f™" high school, Madison, Wis.; one term In Wla. Amherst Woman s (:iub (pres. 1908-10). Unitarian. State Univ.; m. Lodi, Wis., June 27. 1867. Brazier Y^^ mem yasear Students' Aid Soc; life mem. R. Ellis; children: Claude Smith, b. May 4. Associate Alumna of Vassar Coll. 1868; Lydia, b. May 5. 1870; Addle, b. June 3. ■n>T v t>„/i i„i,- c i, «• ,»/r tj v _* tt. t^i ^ 1872'(dl'ed Oct. 4. 1878). Ne'wspaper correspond- ^^g^' ^"'^liP^^^teth if N Y 6ifv '^^^ ent and writer. Author of book of poems: Au- i^^rL it!f ! k d .^ t t i iq tumn Leaves. 1908. Mem. W.C.T.U., Ladies' Aid lo^^'^^^^'J^^'^yiL^ l' ^"'i®''^°'"^' ^^7^- Iff ^\ Soc., Missionary Soc. Windsor Neighborhood ^l^i-i^"^, ^"^"l^^. i^'l K^^"^„ (Michiel^n) Club. CongregaUonalist. Favors woman suf- f^i'^.^^^^L^^/J^fAl^ "„V^''nl'^°i'H^^ 2°^ fraee Prohibitionist ^^°' Cocservatotre of Dramatic Art, Amster- irage. i-ronioiuonist. ^^^^^ Holland; m. Binghamton, N.Y.. June 7. ELLYSON, Lora llotchliii^s (Mrs. J. Taylor 1905. Robert E. Ely; children: Robert Scheffer, Ellyson). 10 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Mia Roseboom, Rudolph Scheffer. For three Daughter Nelson Hill and Harriet (Russell) years mem. of the Royal Soc. The Netherlands Hotchkiss; ed. Loch Willow. Augusta Co.. Va., Stage. Author of play: De Man van Mademoi- and by a governess; m. Howardsville, Va.. Dec. selle. produced by the Royal Society. The Nether- 2, 1869. J. Taylor Ellyson; children: Nannie lands Stage. Mem. Woman's Trade Union (Mrs. Prank T. Crump); one grandson: J. Taylor League. Woman Suffrage Party. N.Y. ; Wo- Ellyson Crump. Mem. D.A.R.. Daughters of man's Social and Political Union, Woman's Mu- the Confederacy, Colonial Dames in State of Va., nicipal League. Consumers' League, N.Y. Peace Dep't of Woman's Welfare Work. Y.W.C.A., Soc, McDoweh Club. Favors woman suffrage. missionary and other societies of the Second Baptist Church. Opposed to woman suffrage; EMEKSON, Adaltne Elizabeth Talcott (Mrs. mem. Va. Ass'n OpFKDsed to Woman's Suffrage. Ralph Emerson), 427 N. Church St.. Rockford, Mem. Confederale Memorial Literary Soc, which 111. owns the Jefferson Davis mansion and main- Bom Vernon, Oneida Co., N.Y. ; dau. Hon. tains it as a Confederate museum; vice-regent Wait and Elizabeth Annie (Norton) Talcott; of the Va. room in the museum. Pres. Ass'n for resident of Illinois since one year of age; ed. at Preservation of Va. Antiquities, which owns and Rockton, Winnebago Co., 111., under the Misses has its headquarters in the home of Chief Justice Teed, graduates of LeRoy (N.Y.) Sem., and pre- John Mars'hall; mem. the Country Club of Va., pared for college by Mr. Seely Perry; grad. Woman's Club. from Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City, In class ELLYSON, Selma Daum (Mrs. C. W. Ellyson). gj 1856; m. Rockford, 111., Sept. 7 1858. Ralph Alta Iowa Emerson (manufacturer and philanthropist); Born Sumner, Iowa. 1876; dau. J. C. and C. C. children: Adaline (m A F Thompson). Harriet (Koehler) Daum; ed. West Liberty (Iowa) High i™:», ^\'''^™ f^V. ^^^""n ''9' ^^"^r^^'^i ^- X' School, '93; State Univ. of Iowa, Ph.B. 1900; m. ^J:?'^?]'^^^^/'""^ ^^^^1, ^^^ ^^'rP- ^- ^i'^^/ Albert Lea, Minn., 1907, Dr. C. W. Ellyson; one M..D., M.R C.S.. England), Dora Bay (m. Prof. son: Craig Daum, b. 1908. Principal of high William Morton Wheeler). Taught summer school at Manning, Iowa, 1900-03; held chair of '=?"°''"5' ^«;'^°o'/ , ^3 Hf'°''S go'ng^ to college; mathematics in high school at Albert Lea, Minn., afterward Uught in high school In Rockford for 1903-07. Mem. of State Health Com. In Fed. of ^^°'■^»"™^; /'■°'?'°^^^ .'° 1^'^^ -^'^®, ^'V^.i'' Women's Clubs; mem. Alta Library Board, activities of church and city; has served on City Favors woman suffrage Presbyterian (pres. Hospital Board and local school boards; served Ladles' Aid Soc). Mem. Library Ass'n, Ceme- as associate commissioner to Paris ExposiUon tery Ass'n. Recreations: Automoblllng, card- ^ntf ^^^r^^^.Tu.^l ^^^1^^^^^°^ ^^h r^nw°r,; playing, tennis, reading, walking. Mem. Worn- J;°y« ^°H?tln^ ^tril,^ RL.I,itJn« ^f an'i riiih of Alta Town- qtjite FArtpratinn nt third edition); Personal Recollections of w„rr,»n'a ri?vh, ' 1' ederatiou or _^i,raham Lincoln (In collaboraUon with hus- women s 1.1UDS. band); Reminiscences of the Early Fifties; ELMENIWRF, Tfaere«a West (Mrs. Henry Liv- also leaflet of Letters to Hon. Walt Talcott, Ingston Elmendorf), 541 Massachusetts Av., which she wrote to her father from Paris when Buffalo, N.Y. serving as associate commissioner to the exposi- Librarian; b. Pardeevllle, Wis., Nov. 1, 1855; tion; now preparing Recollections of Later Years, dau. Hubbell and Helen (Roberts) West; grad. Mem. Congregational Church and of its Home Milwaukee public schools and Miss Wheelock's and Foreign Missionary and other church so- School for Glrle (Milwaukee), 1874; m. Mil- cleties; also mem. Woman's Union Missionary waukee .Wis., Oct. 6, 1896, Henry Livingston Soc, having Its headquarters in Bible House, Elmendorf (died July 8, 1906). Deputy librarian, N.Y. City. Mem. Chicago Art Institute, th« 1880-92; librarian, 1892-96, Milwaukee Public Li- Fortnightly of Chicago, Monday Club of Rock- brary; vice-Ubrarlan Buffalo Public Library since ford and the Argonauts, a young people's club, August, 1906. Authority on bibliography; editor of Rockford, which she organized. Charter mem. for selection of Am. Library Ass'n catalogue; and Honorary Regent of Rockford Chapter, contributor to I*ubllc Libraries, the Library Jour- D.A.R- 276 EMERSON— ENDICOTT EMERSON, Clara Beardsley Count (Mrs. Will- iam Henry Emerson), 12 Carl Place, Brockton, Born" Ellenville, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1869; dau. Thomas Henry and Polly Ann (Downs) Count; grad. Northfleld Sem., '87; Wellesley Coll., '93; mem. Phi Sigma (local, Wellesley); m. New- burgh, N.Y., June 25, 1908, William Henry Emer- son. Private sec. to principal of Northfleld Sam., 1890-91; principal, Somerset (Mass.) High School, 1894-97; teacher English and mathematics, Wey- mouth (Mass.) High School, 1897-98; teacher English, Brockton (Mass.) High School, 1898- 1904; teacher mathem.atles. Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., 1904-07; teacher English and regent, Senior House, Nat. Park Sem., 1907-08. Uni- tarian. Mem. Ten Times One, Cercle Frangals, both of Brockton; first vice-pres. Y.W.C.A., 1912-13, Brockton; recording sec. of Board of Managers Brockton Day Nursery since 1908. Pres. College Club of Brockton, 1908-10; first vice-pres. Woman's Club of Brockton, 1913—; mem. of College Club of Boston and various other clubs (local), such as Brockton Country Club, etc. EMEKSON, Ellen Tucker, Lowell Road, Con- cord, Mass. Social worker; b. in Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; student in botany, Rad- clifte, 1901-03; fellow in zoology. Smith Coll., 1903-04, M.A. '04. Teacher in private school, 1901-03; social worker, Mass. General Hospital, Boston, since 1906. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumna Ass'n (sec. 1906-10), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse. EMERSON, Maria Furman (Mrs. W. K. B. Emerson), Rye, N.Y. Born N.Y. City, June 23, 1869; dau. John McKnight and Virginia Dimond (Holmes) Fur- man; ed. Miss Ballow's School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 28, 1892, W. K. B. Emerson; children: W. K. B. Emerson Jr., b. April 9, 1894; Rupert Emerson, b. Aug. 20, 1899. Clubs: Colony, Apawamis Golf. EMERSON, Sarah H. (Mrs. William Emerson Jr.), 425 West End Av., N.T. City. Born N.Y. City, Sept. 19, 1835; dau. James Sloan and Abby (Hopper) Gibbons; ed. N.Y. City in Mrs. Charles Sedgwick's private school; m. N.Y. City, 1S63, William Emerson. First di- rector of Women's Prison Ass'n and Isaac T. Hopper Home. Mem. Diet Kitchen Ass'n of N.Y. Author: Life and Letters of Abby Hopper Gib- bons. Mem. Society of Friends. EMERSON, Susan ftlabel Hood (Mrs. George Waldo Emerson), 431 Maple St., Danvers, Mass. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '01; m. Oct. 5, 1904, George Waldo Emerson; children: Edward Ever- ett, b. Sept. 2, 1905; Elizabeth Capen, b. Nov. 22, 1906; Miriam, b. June 30, 1909. Private governess. Great Falls, Mont., 1901-02; teacher of Latin and Greek, Amesbury High School, 1902-03. EMERSON, Teckla Hilbert (Mrs. Frederick Lincoln Emerson), 50 Hancock St., Dorchester, Mass. Bom Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 28, 1879; dau. Hellodore J. and Josephine (Grenllch) Hilbert; ed. Milwaukee Downer Coll., B.A. ; m. Mil- waukee, Oct. 23, 1894, Dr. Frederick Lincoln Emerson; children: twin boys (died five months after birth), 1896. Interested in church activities of First Parish Meeting House Hill-Church; also in sociological questions. Club: Dorchester Wo- man's. Unitarian. EMERSON, WUimena Hannah EUot (Mrs. Jus- tin E. Emersoa), 128 Henry St., Detroit, Mich. Born New Haven, Conn., Jan. 30, 1853; dau. William Horace Eliot, Jr., and Sally Frances (Sawyier) Eliot; ed. Vassar College; A.B. '72 (Phi Beta Kappa); grad. M.D. from Women's College of N.Y. Infirmary '77; m. Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 26, 1877, Justin Edwards Emerson, M.D.; children: Paul Eliot, Philip Law, Ralph de Pomeroy. Spent three months as interne in Woman's Med. Coll., N.Y. Infirmary, and took tenement house practice during that time, 1876-77. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary, St. Paul's Church (pres. five years); Woman's Guild, St. Paul's Church; Young Woman's Home (pres. seven years). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League of Detroit. Au- thor: Genealogy of the Descendants of John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians, 1905; class poet Vassar, 1872 (published in class book) ; delivered poem at first gathering of Eliot family, Guilford, 1875; delivered poem at second meeting Eliot family at Natick, Mass., 1901. Protestant Epis- copalian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Daugh- ters of Colonial Governors; New England Soc, Soc. for the Prevention of Tuberculosis; Ass'n Ck)ll. Alumnae. Recreations: Writing rhymes, breeding blooded Persian cats, water sports of all kinds. Mem. College Club of Detroit. Was the first Am. woman to attend a clinic of Dr. Ru- dolph Virchow (Berlin, 1879) — a great honor. EMERY, Susan L,., 6 Percival St., Dorchester, Mass. Writer; b. Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 26, 1846; dau. Charles and Susan Hilton (Kelly) Emery; ed. Mather School and high school, Dorchester, Mass. (valedictorian of class). Miss Stone's Boarding School, Greenfield, Mass., and at home. Editor Young Christian Soldier, 1871-74; on the editorial staff of Sacred Heart Review since 1891. Essayist; critic; author of short stories; poet. Books: Maxims for Every Day in the Year from St. John of the Cross, 1891; Inner Life of the Soul, 1903; The Petals of a Little Flower, 1306; A Catholic Stronghold and Its Makings (a his- tory of St. Peter's parish, Dorchester, Mass.), 1910. Translator from Latin, French and Ger- man poetry into English. Roman Catholic since 1875 (Protestant Episcopalian until 1875). EMMET, Lydia Field, 535 Park Av., N.T. City (summer. Strawberry Hill, Stockbridg'e, Mass.). Artist; b. New Rochelle, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1866; dau. William Jenkins and Julia Colt (Pierson) Emmet; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Julian's and others, Paris, Professors William M. Chase, Robert Reid, Kenyon Cox, Siddons New- bury, William MacMonnies, Collin, Henry Gia- commotti, Paris. Medals: Bronze, World's Columbian Exposition; bronze, Atlanta, Ga. ; sil- ver, St. Louis; Pan-American, Buffalo; honorable mention, Shaw prize, 1906; Proctor prize, 1907; Clarke prize, 1909; honorable mention, Pittsburgh, 1912. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Firm be- liever in woman suffrage. Protestant. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Art Students' League, Municipal Art Soc, Metropolitan (N.Y. City), Nat. Ass'n of Portrait Painters, Conn. Acad, of Fine Arts, N.Y. Zoological Soc, Nat. Hist. Mu- seum, N.Y. Botanical Soc, Nat. Acad, of Design. Began career as an illustrator for books and magazines, but soon devoted energies to portrait painting. Best known for pictures of children. EIMMONS, Elizabeth Wales, 1378 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Welfare worker; ed. Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; St. Timothy's School, Catons- ville, Md., and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01. Ass't sec. and ass't out-of-door sports, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1901-03; director of out-of-door sports and ass't in the gymnasium, 1903-04. Pri- vate sec. and sup't Household Aid Co., Boston, 1904-05: ass't sup't Domestic Reform League, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, 1905- 06, and sup't of the Business Agency, 1906-07. EMORY, Reba Cornett (Mrs. Percy Franklin Emory), Cazenovla, N.Y. Born Reading, Pa.; dau. Charles A. and Lillian (Sohrack) Cornett; m. N.Y., April 25, 1896, Percy Frankiin Emory. Soprano soloist, Broadway Tabernacle, N.Y. City, 1904-09, and 1912-13; in Europe 1910. Mem. Tonkiinstler Society, N.Y. City. ENDICOTT, Katharine Sears (Mrs. Henry Endl- cott Jr.), 250 Commonwealth Av., Boston; also Weston, Mass. Bom Weston, Mass., July 22, 1876; dau. Fran- cis Bacon and Mary Elizabeth (Sparhawk) Sears; cd. Miss Winsor's School, Boston; m. Boston, Oct. 15, 1907, Henry Endlcott Jr. ; children: Ellen Bacon, b. Aug. 9, 1908; William 3d, b. Nov. 17, 1909. Interested in various local inter- ests, children's charities, etc. Recreations: Piano, singing, drawing. Episcopalian. AgiUnst woman suffrage. ENDLICH— ENMAN 277 ENDI.ICH, Elmma A., Reading, Pa. Born Reading, Pa.; dau. John and Emma N. (Miller) Endlich; ed. Germany and Switzerland. For 36 years sec. of Women's E>mployment Bu- reau of Reading; sec. of Reading Home for Friendless Children; treas. Reading Conference Women's Missionary Soc. ; te.acher in Sunday- school; organist. Editor for 11 years of the Dea- coness Messenger and 11 years editor of The Mis- sion Worker; translated from the German: Christian Devotion; The Deaconess Calling, Katharine Von Bora; Luther and Count Erbach Karin. Recreations: Music, reading. Lutheran. ENGEL, Wilhelmlna Lammert (Mrs. Oscar W. Engel), Sun Prairie, Wis. Born Mlddleton, Wis., July 1, 1871; dau. Chris- tian and Sophie (Klelgast) Lammert; ed. Middle- ton High School; m. Mlddleton, Wis., June 24, 1896, Oscar W. Engel; children: Martha Sophie, Doris Wilhelmlna. "Taught school before mar- riage; teaches china painting and water color. Mem. Missionary Soc. and Ladies' Aid, Woman's Twentieth Century Club, Social Art Club. Con- gregational ist. Favors woman suffrage. ENGELKE, Ida Darling (Mrs. Bernard L. Engelke), 5231 Cornell Av., Chicago, 111. Born Auburn, Mass., Sept. 16, 1873; dau. Jas- per Tucker and Sarah (Winchester) Darling; ed. Worcester public schools. Smith Coll., B.L. '97; m. Chicago, 1905, Bernard L. Engelke; one daughter: Elizabeth. Taught in Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago, 1897-1905. Mem. Chicago Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Chicago Smith Coll. Club. Active mem. Chicago Political Equality League and of the Cook County Suffrage Alliance; is doing practical work for cause of woman's suffrage. Universalist. ENGLAND, Octavia Grace Ritchie (Mrs. Frank Richardson England), 126 Bishop St., Mon- treal, Can. Physician; b. Montreal, 1868; dau. Thomas Weston and Jessie Torrance (Fisher) Ritchie; fed. Girls' High School, Montreal; Faculty of Arts, McGill Univ., B.A. '88; honors in natural science. Queen's Coll., Kingston; Bishop's Coll., Montreal; m. Montreal, 1897, Frank Richardson England, M.D.; one daughter: Esther Ritchie. Took medical course for two years at Queen's Coll., Kingston, Ont. ; completed course in Mon- treal, Bishop's Coll., CM., M.D. '91; post-grad, work in Glasgow and Vienna. Thirteen years on the staff of the Western General Hospital, first as assistant physician and then as assistant gynecologist. Pres. Montreal Local Council of Women; interested in the activities of the local national council, especially in the suffrage ques- tion, sanitation, education, child-welfare, muni- cipal reform. Mem. Royal Edward Inst., Vic- torian Order of Nurses, Nat. Council of Women of Canada, Alumnse Soc. of McGill Univ., Wo- men's Canadian Club, Montreal. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage (Montreal Local Council of Women have just begun to organize a suffrage society). ENGUSH, Jennie Wright (Mrs. J. E. English), 326 Fourth Av., Baraboo, Wis. Born Prairie du Sac, Wis., Dec. 3, 1859; dau. John E. and Elizabeth A. (Steele) Wright; ed. Prairie du Sac and Sauk City High Schools, Golden Hill Sem., Bridgeport, Conn.; m. Prairie du Sac, Wis., Sept. 22, 1880, Dr. J. E. English, M.D.; children: Phoebe, b. May 2, 1887 (died March, 1888); John E., b. April 7, 1891. Has specialized on fungi and an authority on that subject. Wrote an article on Common Edible Mushrooms, which appeared in State horticul- tural publication in volume of 1907; often writes for local paper on various subjects. Presby- terian. Mem. Library Board for last ten years. Recreations: Travel, camping, study of natural sciences. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Woman's Club, Child's Welfare Club. ENGLISH, Kate Vincent (Mrs. William F. Eng- lish), 1401 Genesee Av., Saginaw, Mich. Social worker; b. Marlette, Mich., July 1, 1872; dau. A. B. and Phoebe L. (Goetchies) Hager; ed. Marlette High School, Ferris Inst., Mich.; North- western Univ.; m. Marlette, Mich., Oct. 31, 1904, William F. English, M.D. Engaged until mar- riage as teacher in public and county normal schools. Sup't Primary Dep't Sunday-school; pres. Saginaw City Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Legislative Com. Mich. State Federa- tion of Women's Clubs; mem. Visiting Com. Mich. State Public Schools; School Patrons Com. Nat. Education Ass'n; mem. Nat. Labor Legisla- tion Ass'n; hon. mem. Detroit Children's Bureau. Favors woman suffrage, doing suffrage work In Mich. Legislature and as State speaker. Con- tributor to various magazines (subjects Include articles on travel In U.S. and Mexico and women In public affairs). Congregatlonallst. Mem. Sagi- new Civic League, Woman's Hospital Ass'n. Ass't In work of corrections and charities and juvenile courts. Mem. Antl-Tuberculosis Soc. Recreation: Travel. Clubs: Saginaw Reading, Saginaw Art, Saginaw Woman's, Winter. Di- rector Parliamentary Study Class. Organized school garden work In Saginaw and developed plan for beautifying yards and parks through wholesale purchase of trees and shrubs and building of bird houses. ENGLISH, Lucy K. (Mrs. Edwin H. English). 39 0 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. Born Waterbury, Conn., Jan. 14, 1855; dau. Stephen W. and Lucia Hosmer (Andrews) Kel- logg; ed. Vassar, A.B. '75 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1SS2, Edwin H. English (died Oct. 6, 1899); children: Lucia Hosmer, b. Apr. 16, 1884 (died May 22, 1892); Marguerite Griswold, b. Feb. 11, 1886 (Vassar, A.B. '08); Stephanie Kellogg, b. Aug. 27, 1887 (Vaissar, A.B. 10); Charles Leverett, b. Oct 20, 1888 (Yale, A.B. '10); Harriet Holt, b. Oct 21, 1890 (Vassar, A.B. '12); Edwin Holt b. Jan. 16, 1893; Katharine Prescott b. Dec. 27, 1894; Frank Kellogg, b. Feb. 28, 1898. Interested In Home Missionary Soc. of Center Church. Congregatlonallst Mem. D.A.R. (first vice-regent), Ass'n of Ck)llegiate Alumnae, Vassar Studentg' Aid Soc, Vassar Alumnaa Ass'n, Nat Geographic Soc. Recrea- tion: Golf. Mem. New Haven Lawn Club, Bethlehem (N.H.) Country Club. ENGLISH, Stella M»« Williams (Mrs. William C. English), Chadron, Neb. Teacher; b. Wilton, la.. Mar. 17, 1875; dau. Alexander Lee and Mary Anna (Gorsuch) Will- iams; ed. by governess and in public schools of S.Dak. and State Normal at Madison, S.Dak. ; m. Aberdeen, S.Dak., Dec. 20, 1899, W. C. English; children: Margaret, James Alexander. Taught under the Civil Service in Indian Dep't of Gov- ernment about 4 years; was located at Cherokee, N.C., and Rosebud, S.Dak. Interested in and aids all movements of social uplift and practical philanthropy; active in church and Sunday-school and missionary work among foreigners of America. Baptist Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Active worker in Missionary Soc. of the Baptist Church. Recreations: Out-door exercise, driving, hunting. Mem. Federated Woman's Club of Chadron, Neb. (now pres.). ENG8TAD, Mathilda Charlotte (Mrs. John Even Engstad), 1790 Irving Av., South, Min- neapolis, Minn. Bom Manistee, Mioh., July 27, 1868; dau. Samuel Chelln and Maren (Bruun) Johnson; ed. high school. Black River Falls, Wis.; high school, Minneapolis, Minn.; Minneapolis Acad.; m. Blair, Wis., Sept 28, 1887, John Even Eng- stad, M.D.; children: Valborg, b. Mar. 7, 1889 (died July 26, 1907); Dagna Elsie, b. Dec. 24, 1894. Pres. Falrvlew Hospital Auxiliary; sec. Dovre Aid Soc. (supports poor), Bethlehem Aid Soc, Our Saviour's Aid Soc. Has written a series of articles on travel for local newspapers. Clubs: Tourist, Current Events and Literary Soc, Thursday Musical (associate delegate of latter). Recreations: Motoring, camping and fishing. Lutheran. ENMAN, I'lorejice Mabelle Holden (Mrs. Fred- erick F. Enman), 25 Beverly Road, Worcester, Mass. Born Worcester, Mass., Jan. 6, 1875; dau. Will- iam Holden and M. Rosilla Putnam Holden; ed. Worcester grammar and high school, '93, and Middlebury Coll., grad. B.S. '97, In first third of r]a.ss, becoming Phi Beta Kappa (mem. Alpha 278 ENNIS— ESTEP Chi); m. Worcester, Mass., April 26, 1905, Fred- erick F. Enman; children: Florence Jessie, Edith Rosilla, Norman Holden. Baptist. Be- lieves in limited suffrage tor both sexes. ENNIS, Edith MitcheU (Mrs. Robert Berry Ennis), 1817 Chicago Av., Evanston, III. Bom Jersey City, N.J. ; dau. Henry Mitchell, M.D., and Elizabeth (Roberts) Mitchell; ed. Vas- sar Coll.; Teachers Coll.; Columbia Univ., B.S. '02; m. St. Augustine, Fla., Mar. 22, 1904, Robert Berry Ennis. Mem. Evanston School Board, Dist. 75, 1911—; pres. Evanston Small Park and Playground Ass'n, 1912; director in CJentral Ass'n of Evanston Charities. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Evanston Woman's Club, Woman's City Club of Chicago, University Guild of Evanston. ENO, Clara Bertha, Van Buren, Ark. Born Van Buren, Ark., Feb. 14, 1854; dau. Jonathan A. and Ellen E. (Ward) Eno; ed. Mld- dletown and New Britain, Conn., and Morris Fe- male Inst., Morristown, N.J. Mem. Guild of Trinity Parish; mem. of the Order Daughters of the King; active in both. Episcopalian. Mem. Mary Fuller Percival Chapter D.A.R., Mary Liee Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. of Arkansas History Commission (only lady In it). Clubs: Woman's Literary (Van Buren); Village Improvement (pres.); chairman Civic (Ark.) Federation Women's Clubs. ERB, Nellie Kilsey (Mrs. William G. Erb), 80 Main St., Silver Cresk, N.T. Born Silver Creek, N.Y., April 13, 1870; dau. Henry Clin and Laura M. (Cook) Kilsey; ed. high school; m. Silver Creek, N.Y., 1890, William Gleason Erb; children: Gleason Goodrich, Arthur Kilsey. Has written for newspapers, also a few poems and miscellaneous articles. Mem. W.C.T.U., Y.W.C.A., Parent-Teachers' Ass'n, Sec. D.A.R. ; pres. Silver Creek Shakespeare Club. Recreations: Reading, theatre, music, walking, boating. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. local Political Equality Club. ERICKSON, Martina Cecelia, Montlcello Semi- nary, Godfrey, 111. Teacher; b. Norway; dau. Martin and Pauline Huse (Levind) Erickson; ed. La Crosse (Wis.) High School; State Normal School, Winona, Minn. ; Univ. of Chicago. Teacher and principal of high schools in Wis., Minn., Iowa; dean of women, Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind., 1905-10. Principal Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, III., since 1910. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of educational articles in educa- tional magazines. Episcopalian. ERLANDSEN, Clarita Knight (Mrs. Oscar Erlandsen), 49 Union Av., Jamaica, L.I., N.T. Bom N.Y. City, Mar. 9, 1872; dau. James and Sophie (Compton) Knight; ed. N.Y. City public schools; private preparation for college; Barnard CoU., B.A. '93 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Feb., 1900, Oscar Erlandsen (well-known engineer; children: Amy Louise, Winifred, Oscar. Interested in various social and philanthropic subjects, in public school affairs, public play- grounds, big sister movement in connection with the children's courts, etc. Favors woman suf- frage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Golf, boating, walking. Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City, Jamaica Women's Club, Housewives' League, Mahopac Golf Club. ERSKINE, Emma Payne (Mrs. Charles Edwin Erskine), Tryon, N.C. Bom Racine, Wis.; dau. Alfred and Olive (Child) Payne; ed. at home by parents; m. Racine, Wis., 1874, Charles Edwin Erskine; chil- dren: Alfred Masena, Harold Perry, Ralph Child, Violet Leland, Malcolm Edwin, Susan Mildred. Novelist, writer of poems; teacher of men's Bible class; Interested in social work generally. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author (books) : lona — A Lay of Ancient Greece (poem) ; When the Gates Lift Up Their Heads (a story of the seventies); The Harper and the King's Horse (poem); Joyful Heatherby; The Mountain Girl (a story of the Blue Ridge). Protestant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.X., National Congress of Mothers. Recrea- tions: Walking, driving, out-door sketching, golfing. Was charter mem. (now honorary mem.) Racine Woman's Club; mem. Lanier Woman's Club of Tryon, N.C. Mem. of Board of the Mountain Industries, an association for the pro- motion at industrial activity among the moun- tain people and to preserve among them their native arts and handicraft, ERSKINE, Mary Lonise, Wilson College, Cham- bersburg, Pa- Librarian; b. Newville, Pa., June 10, 1880; dau. Rev. E. Erskine, D.D., and Helen M. (McKeehan) Erskine; ed. Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., A.B. '02; Drexel Inst. Library School, Philadel- phia, 1903-04. Librarian William McCann Li- brary, Norristown, Pa., 1904-06; Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., 1906 — . Favors limited suf- frage for men and women. Pre^yterian. Mem. Keystone State Library Ass'n; Wilson Coll. Alum n 39 Ass'n. Recreation: Horseback riding. Clubs: Afternoon (literary), Wilson Club of Chambersburg. EBVING, Emma Lootz (Mrs. William Gage Erving), 922 Farragut Square, Washington, D.C. Physician; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student of physics and chejnistry, Mass. Inst of Teob- nology, 1897-98; Johns Hopkins Med. School, 1898-1902, M.D. '02; m. Sept. 19, 1903, William Gage Erving; children: Selma, b. Septemtier, 1906; Henry W., b. August, 1909. Practised as physician in Boston, 1902-04; in Washington, D.C, since 1904. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumni Ass'n. ESKRIDGE, Belle Constant (Mrs. Joseph Hoff- man Eskridge), St. Clair City Park, Houston, Tex. Physician and surgeon; b. Nov. 9, 1859; dau. Jacob and Elizabeth (Boulger) King; ed. public schools, Parkersburg, W.Va. ; Morgantown (W.Va.) Sem,; Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1891; Woman's Med. Coll., '95; m. 1890, Dr, Joseph Hoffman Eekrldge; one son: Henry. In- terne in Woman's Hospital, Chicago. Taught obstetrics in Provident Hospital, Chicago, seven years, and was ass't surgeon Railroad Switching Ass'n; ass't surgeon Armour & Co. and Swift & Co., 1891-1904; nQ, 20 Higiiland Av., Glouces- ter, Mass. Born Gloucester, Mass.; ed. in schools of Glou- cester, Mass,; Vassar Coll., A.B. '68, A.M. '69; m. Oct. 17, 1878, Edward S. Bveleth. Teacher, New Haven, Conn., 1865-66; Charlestown, Mass., 1871-73; Providence, R.I., 1873-78. EVEBAI.L, Amy Ford (Mrs. George L. Everall), Lancaster, Mass. Superintendent State Industrial School; b. Chicago, 111., April 5, 1879; dau. James M. and .Mary (Foy) Ford; ed. Lake View High School, Chicago; Wellesiey Coll., B.A. '02; m. Evanston, 111., Sept. 12, 1905, Dr. George L. Everall; one daughter: Eleanor Elizabeth Everall, b. 1909. Mem. Boston College Club. Presbyterian. EVERETT, Clara Winter (Mrs. Arthur Ever- ett), 182 East Irving St., Oshkosh, Wis. Teacher; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (no-w col- lege), 1859; m. Arthur Everett (a teacher; died 1873): two children (one deceased). Taught in Oshkosh High School, 1865-70, and again since 1873, serving for some time as principal but more recently as teacher of Latin. Episcopalian (ac- tive in parish guild work). Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Oshkosh (has been vice-pres. and director). EVERETT, Elizabeth Hawley (Mrs. Francia Denison Everett), Highland Park, III. Born Pekin, 111., Aug. 23, 1857; dau. William C. and Mary S. (Nason) Hawley; ed. public schools of Mt. Pleasant, la. ; Mt. Pleasant Ladies' Sem. and Univ. of Neb.; twice married; 1st, Sept. 13, 1881, to James A. Bowen; 2d, Mar. 2, 1899, to Francis D. Everett; one son: George Hawley Bowen. Principal Everett and Prescott Schools of Lincoln, Neb., 1887-94; sup't of schools of Highland Park, 111., 1894-98. Active in Bible school work. Mem. Am. Com. Y.W.C.A., 1901-06; vice-pres. Highland P.ark Public Library Board, and a mem. board since 1904. For 15 years has stood for equal suffrage and has spoken for it frequently. Has been rec. sec. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Founded Illinois Club Bulletin, 1909, and edited it three years. Presbyterian. Pres. Ossoli Club of Highland Park, 1900-02; vice- pres. 111. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1906-08; pres. 111. Federation, 1908-10; General Federati6n of Women's Clubs (sec. for 111), 1910-12. EVERETT, Ida Josephine, Wheaton College, Norton, Mass. College professor; b. Walp/»le, Mass.; dau. Charles Francis and Hannah Maria (Pierce) Everett; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.L. '93; Bow- doin Coll., A.M. '11; grad. student Yale Univ., 1902-05. Instructor In Mills Coll., 1893-01; in- structor in Wheaton Sem., 1905-12; since 1912 dean of Wheaton Coll. and prof, of English literature. Congregationalist. Mem. Boston Browning Soc. EVERETT, Leolyn Louise, Willoughby, O. Writer; b. Cleveland, 0., Aug. 5, 1888; dau. Henry A. and Josephine (Pettengill) Everett; grad. Hathaway-Brown School, Cl^eland, 1907. Mem. Stonywood Sanitarium and of Bide-a-Wee Home for Friendless Animals. Author of verses for magazines. Sleep-book, anthology of the poetry of slumber. Recreations: Singing, the stage, swimming, baseball. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. EVERHARD, Eleanora S., The Calvert, Day- ton, O. Physician; b. Ripon, Wis., Sept. 3, 1867; dau. Aaron and Ann V. (Marsh) Everhard; grad. Ripoo (Wis.) Coll., B.S., A.M.; School of Medi- cine and Surgery, Univ. of Mich.. M.D. (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Resident physician Coll. for Women, Columbia, S.C, four years; chair- man Com. on Public Health Education Among Women, Am. Med. Ass'n, 1911-13. Mem. Dayton Ass'n of Coll. Women, Humane Soc, Fruit and Flower Mission, Needlework Guild, Young Wo- men's League, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc, Mont- gomery Co. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Gym- nasium Com. of Y.W.C.A. Mem. Book Club of Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Civic Hygiene Ooim. Montgomery Co. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. EVERITT— FAHNESTOCK 281 EVEKITT, Ella B., 1807 Spruce St., Philadel- phia. Pa, Physician and surgeon; b. Danville, Pa.; dau. John and Eliza (Girton) Everitt; grad. Wilson Coll., A.B. '88, A.M. '91; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., '91. Resident physician, Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1891-92; sup't Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn., 1892-93. Ass't physician, St. Peter State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn., 1893-96; chief resident physician. Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1897-1902. Professor of gynecology. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1902-1. Consulting gynecologist to Bryn Mawr Coll.; attending gynecologist to the Woman's Coll. Hospital, Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia General Hospital. Interested in Christian edu- cation of women, advanced Bible study and teaching, mission work. Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. County Med. Soc, State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, fellow of Am. Acad, of Medicine. Recreations: Camping, read- ing, music. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia. EVERS, Helen Margaret, 11507 Mayfleld Road, Cleveland, Ohio. College instructor; grad. Washington Univ., St. Louis, A.B. '99; Univ. of Missouri, A.M. '02; fellow in Romance Languages, Univ. of Mo., 1902-03; fellow In Romance Languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-05, Ph.D. '05. Teacher of French in Gleim School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905-07; acting instructor 1905-06 and instructor in Romance Languages 1907-09, Univ. of Mo. ; instructor in Internat. Inst, for Girls, Madrid, Spain, 1909-10; instructor in Romance Languages, Coll. for Women of Western Reserve Univ., since 1910. Author: Critical Edition of the Disoours de la Vis de Pierre de Ronsard, par Claude Binet, 1905. EVVALD, Martha Robinson (Mrs. D. E. Ewald), 1211 Av. N, Brooklyn, N.T. Dentist; b. Cleveland, O.; dau. Jere Em«rson and Mary Josephine (Carpenter) Robinson; grad. Univ. of Mich., D.D.S. '88; m. Cleveland, O., Sept., 1892, D. E. Ewald; one daughter: Harriot Robinson Ewald. Engaged in practice of den- tistry from graduation. EWART. Mary Kirkpatrick (Mrs. Frederick C. Ewart), 403 Quaker Road, Edgeworth, Pa. Born Allegheny, Pa., June 10, 1865; dau. John and Elizabeth (Jackson) Kirkpatrick; ed. public school. Allegheny; Allegheny Collegiate Inst.; m. Pittsburgh, Mar. 8, 1894, Frederick C. Ewart. Mem. Sewickley Valley Hospital Ass'n, Woman's Work Soc. of the First Presbyterian Church. Clubs: Allegheny Country (Edgeworth), Wo- man's of Sewickley Valley. Recreation: Golf. Presbyterian. EWING. Addle B. (Mrs. S. M. Ewlng), Bankel- man, i"eb. Born Xenia, 111., April 8, 1869; dau. Johnston and Louisa J. (Parks) Hamilton; ed. public schools; m. Mar. 8, 1888, S. M. Ewlng of Parks, Neb.; children: May B., Levine L., Henry J., Ida L., Hattie C, Annie Marie, Sammy, Merle, Florence, Gladys. Taught school two years in Neb. Interested in religious work. Mem. of the Order of the Eastern Star, Benkelman, Neb. Was pres. of Woman's Club at Parks, Neb. United Pre.sbyterian. Against woman suffrage. EWING, Amanda Woods (Mrs. G. C. Ewlng), Enfield, Mass. Born Enfield, Mass., Aug. 2, 1850; dau. Rufus D. and Isabella (Smith) Woods; grad Vassar Coll., A.B. '70; m. Enfield, Mass., April 20, 1882, George Clinton Ewlng; children: Katherlne, Rufus Dodd Woods, Marjorie. Organist and trustee of church, branch officer Hampshire Co. Missionary Soc. Mem. Mercy Warren Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. Quabbln Club, Springfield College Club. Congregation- alist. Against woman suffrage. EWING, Margaret Wylie (Mrs. Edwin C. Ewlng), Leatherwood, Wheeling, W.Va. Writer; b. Wheeling, W.Va.; ed. in schools of Wheeling, W.Va., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '75; m. 1885, Edwin C. E>wing; three sons. Editor of church paper for six years; contributor of ar- ticles to various newspapers. Chairman of Press Com., W.Va. Fed. of Women's Clubs. EXALL, May Dickson (Mrs. Henry Exall), 1916 Ross Av., Dallas, Tex. Born McKlnney, Tex., Aug. 14, 1859; dau. Joseph J. and Sarah (Epperson) Dickson; ed. Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; m. Dallas, Tex., Nov. 9, 1887, Henry Exall; one son: Henry, Was active in organizing and establishing the Dallas Public Library (pres. Board of Trustees for nine years, now mem.); active In organizing and establishing a free public art gallery in Dallas. Interested In Y.W.C.A., Old Ladles' Home and other charities. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Auto riding. Pre«. Dallas Shakespeare Club since its organiza- tion in 1886; also interested In Drama League moveonent. ETSTEB, Penelope Anna Blessing (Mrs. David A. S. Eyster), 2618 Hlllegass Av.. Berkeley, Cal. Author, journalist; b. Frederick, Me.; dau. Abraham and Mary M. (Ent) Blessing; ed. Bar- ley wood Sem., Md., and by private tutors; m. David A. S. Eyster of Harrisburg, Pa. ; children : Mary A. (now Mrs. Scott Elder), and Charles. Teacher of music, rhetoric and belles lettres. In various seminaries for several years. State lec- turer upon scientific temperance in colleges and public schools of Cal. Works among the Chinese. European traveler. Mem. various philanthropic societies. Former treas. Political Equality Club of Berkeley, Cal. Author: Sunny Hours; Chin- capin Charlie; On the Wing; Tom Harding and His Friends; A Colonial Boy; A Chinese Quaker; A Noted Mother and Daughter; Biography of Eliza Fryor; contributor to Harper's Magazine and others. Editor the Pacific Ensign. Lutheran (Evangelical). Republican. Mem. Cal. Club, hon. pres. Pacific Coast Woman's Press Ass'n, Twen- tieth Century Club, Berkeley W.C.T.U. Assisted in the purchase of Mt. Vernon (Washington's home) for the U.S.; was an officer of Great Sani- tary Commission during Civil War. Removed from Harrisburg, Pa., to San Francisco in 1876, and became prominent in its social and literary life. Pen name, "Nellie Blessing Eyster." Fa- vors woman suffrage. FABYAN, Eleanor McCormick (Mrs. Marshall Fabyan), 381 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Bom Chicago, 111., Nov. 7, 1882; dau. William G. and Eleanor (Brooks) McCormick; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore; Bryn Mawr Coll., '04; m. Baltimore, June 3, 1908, Dr. Marshall Fabyan; one son: Marshall Jr., b. Nov. 15, I&IL. FAELTEN, Marie Dewlngr (Mrs. Relnhold Fael- ten), 30 Huntington Av., Boston, Mass. Musician; b. San Francisco, Cal., April 26, 1870; dau. Charles Shumway Dewing, D.D., and Louisiana (Collins) Dewing; ed. public schools of Union, N.Y.; Tuscarora Acad. In Pa.; New Eng- land Conservatory of Music, grad. 1890; m. Bos- ton, Mass., 1896, Relnhold Faelten. Teacher of piano in Nerw England Conservatory, 1890-1897; sup't of Normal Dep't in New England Conserva- tory; associate founder with Mr. Carl and Mr. Relnhold Faelten Pianoforte School in Boston in 1897; still In active work In the school. Inter- ested In all matters of art and treasures of an- tiquity. Mem. Second Soc. of Unlversallsts of Boston. Clubs: Professional Woman's, Mac- Dowell. Recreations: Collecting antiques, Egyp- tian and Colonial antique furniture. Univer- sallst. Against woman suffrage. FAHNESTOCK, Edith, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N.Y. College instructor; grad. Western Reserve Univ., B.L. '94; student Univ. of Zilrich and Sorbonne, Paris, 1894-96; Mistress of Modern Languages, Miss. Industrial Inst, and- Coll., Co- lumbus, Miss., 1898-1901 and 1902-05; graduate scholar and fellow by courtesy In Romance languages, Bryn Mawr, 1901-02, and graduate scholar, 1906-07. Instructor In Romance lan- guages, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1907-08; Vassar Coll., since 1908. 2S2 FAIRBANKS— FALLOWS FAIRBANKS, Charlotte, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Physician; b. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '96; fellow in chemistry, Bryn Mawr, 1896-97; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '02. Instructor in chemistry, Wellesley Coll., 1897-99; physician, Philadelphia, 1902-08; St. Johnsbury, Vt., since 1908. FAIRBANKS, Cornelia Cole (Mrs. Charles War- ren Fairbanks), Indianapolis, Ind. Born Marysvllle, Ohio; dau. Judge P. B. Cole; grad. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., A.B. '72; m. Marys- vllle, Ohio, 1874, Charles Warren Fairbanks (U.S. Senator from Ind., 1897-1905; Vice-Pres. of the United States, 1905-09). Methodist. Mem. Nat Soc. D.A.R., of which was president-general, 1901-05: has been active in federated club move- ment and Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; also in the promotion of the Junior Republic movement. FAIRBANKS, Rebecca Pike (Mrs. William P. Fairbanks), St. Johnsbury, Vt. Born Waterford, Vt., Nov. 8, 1841; dau. Dennl- son and Huldah (Johnson) Pike; ed. St. Johns- bury (Vt.) Aoad., with honors; m. St. Johns- bury Vt, Apr. 18, 1861, William P. Fairbanks; (died Dec. 15, 1895); children: Almira Taylor, b. 1865 (died July 26, 1903), Mabel, b. 1871; Joseph, b. 1881. Treas. eleven years and pres. nine years Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vt. ; pres. Brightlook Hospital Aid Ass'n. Mem, and former pres. St. Johnsbury Woman's Club and officer Woman's Interdenominational Home Mis- sionary Council. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R. ; actively interested in Vt State Fed. of Women's Clubs and also in General Fed. of Women's Clubs. FAJRBBOOK, Iva Valeria Smith (Mrs. Joseph Henry Fairbrook), 1859 Chautauqua Boule- vard, University Park, Portland, Ore. Born Massachusetts; grad. 'Smith Coll., B.A. '95; m. May 2, 1908, Joseph Henry Fairbrook; one son: Warren Seelye, b. Dec. 19, 1909. Teacher, Marblehead (Mass.) High School, 1896; Milhury (Mass.) High School, 1896-98; private teacher (piano), Worcester, Mass., 1899-1908. FAIRBROTHER, Mary Lamkin Hatchett (Mrs. Al Fairbrother), Davis St., Greensboro, N.C. Newspaper writer; b. Lunenberg, Va. ; dau. Dr. R. J. H. and Sarah (Wilson) Hatchett; ed. Mechlenburg (Va.) Female Coll.; m. Henderson, N.C, Nov. 5, 1889, Al Fairbrother. Edited and pu'blishid the Southern Woman in Henderson, N.C, in 1S86. Interested in civic and social serv- ice. Episcopalian. Pres. Woman's Club of Greensboro, N.C. (departmental club). FAIRCHILD, Alice Bidwell (Mrs. George Har- vey Fairchild). 400 Duboce Av., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Born Greenville, Cal.; dau. Henry Codman Bidwell (prominent mining man and pioneer of San Francisco and N.Y.) and Julia Shaw (Poole) Bidwell; ed. Field's Sem. and Snell's Sem., Oakland, Cal.; m. San Francisco, Aug. 19, i890, George Harvey Fairchild; children: HoUis Bid- well, George Harvey Jr. Mem. Recreation League, interested in City Beautiful movement, public playgrounds, juvenile courts. Congrega- tionalist. Non-partisan voter. Associate mem. State of Maine Soc. in Cal. Pres. San Francisco Colony of New England Women; mem. Corona Club (San Francisco). Favors woman suffrage. FAIRCHILD, (Mary) Salome Cutler (Mrs. Mil- ton Fairchild), 507 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Library lecturer; b. Dalton, Mass., June 21, 1855; dau. Artemas Hubbard and Lydia (Wake- field) Cutler; ed. Mt Holyoke Sem. '75, Univ. SUte of N.Y., B.L.S. '91; m. Troy, N.Y., July 1, 1897, Milton Fairchild, lecturer and author. Cata- loguer Columbia Coll. Library, and instructor in Columbia Coll. Library School, 1884-89; vice-direc- tor N.Y. State Library School, 1889-1905. Lecturer on Selection of Books and American Libraries since 1905. Was chairman of the com. in charge of the library exhibit of the World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), and identified with the issuance of the A.L.A. Library catalogue. Au- thor: Children's Home Libraries, 1894; Scientific Study of Philanthropy, 1894; Function of the Library, 1901. Contributor to library journals. Am. Library Ass'n (vice-pres. 1894-95 and 1900-01; mem. Council 1892-98 and 1909 — ; Bibliographical Soc. of America, N.Y. State Library Ass'n. FAIRCHILD, NelUe Rebecca, 175 Governor St., Providence, R.I. Born South Hadley Falls, Mass., Jan. 8, 1875; dau. Arthur Whittlesey and Ella M. (Hone) Fairchild; ed. Miss Wheeler's School, Provi- dence; Smith Coll., B.L. '98; graduate at Brown Univ. Interested in work for working girls; pres. of a Providence club; director in Nat. League of Women Workers; treas. R.I. Ass'n of Working Woman's Club. Congregationalist Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, and Smith Alum- nse Ass'n. FAIRFIELD, Fanny Thompson Wagmer (Mrs. Prank M. Fairfield), 10422 Lcmgwood Av., Chicago, 111. Born Illinois; grad. Rockford Coll., B.A. 1900; m. Frank M. Fairfield (lawyer) ; one son. Mem. Bethany Union Church (Sunday-school teacher). Mem. Rockford Coll. Ass'n of Chicago (has been sec.). Mem. Morgan Park Woman's Club, Round Table Club (for child study). FAISSLER, Jane Byers (Mrs. John Faissler), 608 Somonauk St., Sycamore, 111. Born South Grove, DeKalb County, 111., 1871; dau. William M. and Jane (Adee) Byers; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96; children: Margareta Agata, Jane Frances, John Jacob, William Byers. Mem. Congregational Church. Mem. Athena Library Ass'n, Sycamore Woman's Club. FALCONBRIDGE, Elizabeth Porter (Mrs. John Delatre Falconbridge), 22 Chestnut Park, To- ronto, Can. Born N.Y. City, Mar. 8, 1879; dau. Rev. Samuel Munce and Eimily Augnista (Porter) Hamilton; ed. Mrs. Semple's Collegiate School, Louisville, Ky. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-98; m. Englewood, N.J., Apr. 27, 1905, John Delatre Falconbridge, M.A., LL.B.; one daughter: Emily Porter (deceased). Mem. Board of Y.W.C.A., mem. Y.W.C.A. Cafa- teria Com.; asso. of Georgina House (boarding home for business women) and representative of Georgina House on the Woman's Council; Inter- ested in work for women prisoners; mem. Pierian Literary Club. Presbyterian. Recreations: Canoeing, reading. FALCONBRIDGE, Lady, Mary Phoebe, SO Isa- bella St., Toronto, Can. Born Canada, May 2, 1850; dau. Hon. Robert Baldwin and Emily Louisa (Delatre) Sullivan; ed. Villa Maria, Montreal; m. April 15, 1873, Hon. Sir Glenholme Falconbridge (chief justice of the King's Bench); children: Madeleine St. George (m. Arthur Whyte Anglin), John Delatre, E^v•elyn M. (m. Vincejit J. Hughes, died 1909), Emilia (m. Robert Cassels), AdSle (m. Cawthra Mulock), Aimee (m. Major D. D. Young). In- terested In general philanthropic and charitable work. Against woman suffrage. Catholic. Hon. pres. St. Elizabeth Nursing Soc. Recreation: Music. Hon. pres. Toronto Ladies' Club, 1911. FALK, Elisabeth Vogrel (Mrs. Otto Herbert Falk), 426 Terrace Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Born Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 7, 1878; dau. Frederick Vogel, Jr., and Louise (Pfister) Vog^; ed. German-English Acad., Milwaukee; Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 10, 1901, Otto Herbert Falk; children: Elisabeth Louise, Otto Herbert Jr. Board mem. of Mil- waukee Mission Kindergarten and Neighborhood Ass'n; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. FALLOWS, Alice Katharine, care Edward H. Fallows, 30 Church St, N.Y. City. Author; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, D.D. (bishop Reformed Epis- copal Church), and Lucy Bithia (Huntington) Fallows; ed. (jhicago public and private schools; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97 (mem. Alpha). Ass't to father in psycho-therapeutic church work, 1908; investigated psycho-therapeutic work in London and on the Continent, 1909-10. Author: The Point of View; Hygiene in Every Day Living; A Talk in Relaxation; contributor of prose and verse to Scribner's, Century, Harper's Bazar, Good Housekeeping, The Outlook, St FANE— FARRABEE 288 Nicholas, Youth's Companion, et<. Reformed Eptocopallan. Mem. Women's Univ. Club, Pen and Brush Club (N.Y. City). P'ANE, Fnusces Gordon — see Hanley, Frances Gordon Fane). FAJTNrNG, Clara Elizabeth, 1107 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, Minn. Editor; b. Manchester, N.H., Oct. 11, 1878; dau. John Thomas and Louise (Bensley) Fan- ning; ed. Central High School, Minneapolis, and Univ. of Minn., B.S. '01, M.A. '03 (mem. Kappa Alpha Thet»). Editor of Book Review Digest, 1905- . Editor of Kappa Alpha Theta, 1905-07. Editor and compiler: S€lected Articles on the Enlargement of the United States Navy; Selected Articles on Direct Primaries; Selected Articles on the Election of United States Senators; Se- lected Articles on Capital Punishment; Selected Articles on Conservation of Natural Resources. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, College Wo- man's Club, Minneapolis. FANTON, Mary Annable, 142 E. Eighteenth St.; office, 6 E. Thirty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Editor; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1871; dau. W. H. and Isabel Agnes (Annable) Fanton; ed. Albany Female Acad. Special writer for the Sun, Her- ald, Tribune, Journal and on editorial staff of the Demorest Magazine, New Idea Woman's Maga- zine, Twentieth Century Home. Editor of the Woman's Home Companion; now managing editor of The Craftsman. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, MacDowell Club. FARLEY, Grace Colvin (Mrs. Robert Emmet Farley), Hickory Hall, White Plains, N.Y. Born Elizabeth, N.J., Aug. 24, 1873; dau. Will- iam S. and Mary E. (Sentell) Colvin; ed. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, Dec. 1, 1897; Robert Emmet Farley; children: Colvin, b. 1S99; Theodore Sherman, b. 1902; Helen Eliza- beth, b. 1903. Mem. White Plains Presbyterian Church and Woman's Soc. Mem. White Plains Nursing Ass'n, Women's Auxiliary to White Plains Y.M.C.A.; for many years manager White Plains Hospital. Mem. New Century Club of White Plains, Mahopac Golf Club, Country Ten- nis Club of Westchester, N.Y. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Favors woman sufirage; mem. White Plains Woman Suffrage Ass'n. FAKMER, Lueile Merriman (Mrs. F. Malcolm Farmer), Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Born New Haven, Conn. ; dau. Mansfield and Wanda (Kubale) Merriman; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B.; graduate studies in Bryn Mawr and Colum- bia Univ. ; m. South Bethlehem, Pa., June 6, 1906, F. Malcolm Farmer (electrical engineer); one son: Allison, b. Mar. 29, 1909. Favors woman suffrage. FARMER, Ruth Paul Capen (Mrs. Walter Harms Farmer), Washburn, Minn. Dramatic reader; b. Tufts College, Mass., May 19, 1870; dau. Elmer Hewitt and Mary Leavitt (Edwards) Capen; ed. Somerville (Mass.) public schools; Ijatin High School, Somerville, Mass.; Tufts Coll., A.B. '02 (received second prize In Goddard prize readings, 1900, and first prize in 1901 and 19021; studies for public speaking under Mr. Thomas Whittemore of Tufts Coll., 1902-05; mem. Alpha Omicron Pi (grad. pres. 1911-13); m. Winchester, Mass., Oct. 1, 1906, Walter Harms Farmer; one son: Elmer Capen, b. Jan. 24, 1908. Professionally engaged in general read- ing work before clutos, principally in the East, with occasional concert work. Played part of Fortune in Thomas Decker's lUa Fortunatus, given by the English dep't at Tufts Coll., June, 190G. Interested In civic improvement work, In the crusade against the White Slave traffic and in the work of the various dramatic leagues. Against woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Matthew Thornton Chapter D.A.R., Tufts Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Boston Alumnae of Alpha Omicron PI. Recreations: Amateur dramatics and general theatre-going, occasional golf, boat- ing, bridge. Former mem. Cornovla and Hep- torean Clubs of Somerville, Mass., and Criterion Club of Boston; mem. Nashaway Women's Club of Nashua, N.H., and College (5lub, Boston. FARNHAM, Coralyn Thompson (Mrs. LeRoy Dwlght Famham), Blngrhamton, N.Y. Born Catharine, N.Y.; dau. Jerome and Sarah M. (McCarty) Thompson; ed. Blralra Coll.; Mme. Mears' School, N.Y. City; m. Candor, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1878, LeRoy Dwight Farnham; one son: Dwight Thompson. Regent of Tuscarora Chapter D.A.R. ; pres. Binghamton Colony of New Eng- land Women; pres. Monday Afternoon Club; director State Fed. Women's Clubs of N.Y. State; mem. Board of Managers Susquehanna Valley Home for Orphans, also Board of Managers of Home for Aged Women. Mem. Soc. of New England Women, D.A.R. , Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Animals, Civic Club, Monday Afternoon Club. Episcopalian. FARNHAM, Mary Frances, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore. Teacher; b. South Bridgton, Me.; dau. Will- iam and Elizabeth (Fessenden) Farnham; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., '68; student Harvard Coll. Summer School, '96; Radcliffe Coll., 18^-96; Litt.D. Mt. Holyoke Coll. on 75th anniversary, 1912. Sup't Bridgton (Me.) schools, 1877-79; vice- principal Bloemhof School, (Jape of Good Hope, South Africa, lSSO-88; Forest Park Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1891; Fryeburg Acad., 1892-95; dean of women and prof, of literature, Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., since 1S97. Interested in botany and bird study. Traveled in Europe, 1888, 1901. Vice-pres. Oregon Branch of Home and Foreign Missions (Congregational Church) ; trus- tee Scholarship Loan Fund, Oregon; director of Oregon Audubon Soc. Author: The Documen- tary History of Maine; The Farnham Papers (two volumes). Congregationalist. Progressive Republican. Mem. Multomah Chapter D.A.R. FARNSWORTH, Nellie Wing, State Normal, Valley City, N.Dak. Director of domestic science; b. St. Paul, Minn. ; dau. George W. and Marion (Wing) Farnsworth; grad. State Normal, River Falls, Wis., '92; Stout Inst., Menomonie, Wis., 1905; had special education in music. Taught music in Madison, Wis., and Duluth (Minn.) Normal; later instructor in domestic science at Stout Inst. ; now director of domestic science. State Normal, Valley City, N.Dak. Has written arti- cles on home economics for publication. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Woman's Club, Music Club, Home Economic Ass'n. Has given many lec- tures on home economics and many demonstra- tions before women's clubs, farmers' Institutes and at Chautauqua. FARR, Lucy Cheyney (Mrs. James M. Farr), 242 South Franklin St., Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 19, 1871; d-au. Henry W. and Mary Catharine (Cheyney) Bartol; ed. Miss Case's and Miss Irwin's schools in Philadelphia; m. West Chester, Pa., Nov. 14, 1895, James M. Farr; children: Anne, James M. 3d, Jocelyn. Interested in church and hospital work. Presbyterian. Mem. Basket Soc, Sen- Night Club, Prout's Neck Country Club. Rec- reations: Tennis, golf, canoeing, swimming, walk- ing. FARR, Virginia Whelen (Mrs. William W. Farr), Chestnut HIU, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Oct. 19, 1879; dau. Kingston Goddard and Mary (Harbert) Whelen; ed. Phila- delphia private schools; m. April 23, 1902, William W. Farr, M.D.; children: John W., Mary W., Virginia F. Interested in music and patron of Philadelphia Orchestra and Opera. Against wo- man suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, golf, walking, motoring. Mem. Philadelphia Cricket Club. FARRABEE, Emma aiiller (Mrs. S. D. Farra- bee), 2402 N. Penn St., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Putnam Co., Ind.; dau. Humphrey D. and Harriet (Smith) Miller; ed. Nat. Normal Univ., Lebanon, O, and by private instructors in German, French and Spanish; m. Greencastle, Ind., S. D. Farrabee; one son, Belt D. Pres. Philomathean Club, which has pursued a care- fully arranged plan of study of Shakespeare's works for many years (pres. 13 years) ; State treas. D.R. since 1907; director of Indian- apolis Local Council of Women many years, vice-pres. three terms; mem. W.C.T.U. ; mem. Y.W.C.A. and Prasbyteriaxi Churoh. Favurs woman suffrage. Independeat Democrat. Mem. Philomathean Club, Lo>cal Council of Womaen. 284 FARRAND— FAULKNER FARRAND, Florence Paul (Mrs. William How- School of Fine Arts, Washingttm Unlv St. ard Farrand), Washington, Conn. Louis, Mo.; m. Spencer, Mass., William Harlow Born Toronto, Can.; dau. E. R. and H. S. Farrington, 1884. Favors woman suffrage. For (Hickox) Paul; grad. Evanston (111.) High School 3 years, 1907-10, regular contributor to Keramic and went to private schools; m. Washington, Studio, a leading art journal. Unitarian. Rec- Conn., William Howard Farrand; children: reations: Music, painting, literature. Pres. Helen S., Clarence P., Burdette R. Mem. and North End Club (Chicago), 1911-13 (500 mem- former pres. Monday Club of Washington, a hers). Pres. Nat. League of Mineral Painters, literary federated club; Judea Chapter D.A.R., 1907-10. Mem. Municipal Art League of Chicago, Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. Against Woman's City Club, Political Equality League, woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Drama League of America. FARRAND, Margaret K. Propert (Mrs. Livings- FARSON, Clara M. J. (Mrs. Robert Bruce Far- ton Farrand), Kanouse House, Boonton, N.J. son), St. Charles, 111. Born Philadelphia, Jan., 1876; dau. William Born St. Charles, 111., 1851; dau. Stevens S. and Margaret Propert (James) Carleton; ed. St. and Lovinia (Camp) James; ed. St. Charles, Mary's School, N.Y., and Hanover, Germany; Normal School, Normal, 111.; private schools of m. N.Y. City, Feb. 1, 1901, Livingston Farrand; Chicago, 111.; m. St. Charles, III., 1873, Robert children: Margaret Propert, Louisa Wilson, John Bruce Farson; one son: Robert Bruce Farson Farrand, Mary Dalton, Robert Kitchell. Chair- Jr., b. 1883. Interested in social and philan- man of Women's Advisory Com., Board of Ed- thropic work. Pres. Fox River Political Equality ucation of Boonton Public School; chairman League. First vice-pres. Civic League of St. Visiting Nurse Co. Mem. Church of England. 'Charles; pres. Public Library Board of St. Recreations: Horses, sailing, swimming, music. Charles. Mem. Chicago Women's Club, Every FARRAR, Frances, East Av., Elmira, N.Y. Day Club, Chicago; Women's Club, St. Charles; Miniature painter; b. Elmira, N.Y., 1855; dau. D.A.R. ; charter mem. Chicago Chapter and also Charles S. Farrar (professor at Vassar and later of Ka.skaskia Chapter of Chicago; pres. 111. Fed. "pres. Milwaukee Coll.) and Frances Ellen (Wor- of Women's Clubs and 111. sec. Gen. Fed. of cester) Farrar; ed. Vassar Coll., and in art in Women's Clubs. Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts and the Art Inst, of FASSETT, Bertha Chester (Mrs. James H. Fas- Chicago. Her father, to illustrate his teaching, sett), 14 Abbott St., Nashua, N.H. gathered a collection of lantern slides aggre- Bom North Hadley, Mass., June 2, 1871; dau. gating 24,000 non-duplicate views upon history Henry Erastus and Dora C. (Warner) Smith; and art. Upon his death she became owner and grad. Northampton High School, '89; Smith Coll., manager of these and adds this to her regular A.B. '93; studied in Paris, France; m. Nashua, professional work. Favors woman suffrage. N.H., June 23, 1897, James H. Fassett; one son: Congregationalist. Progressive. James Adams, b. June 3, 1904. Episcopalian. FARRAR, Geraldlne, 18 W. 74th St., N.Y. City. FAST, Ixjuisa Kimball, 115 N. Sandusky St., Grand opera singer; b. Melrose, Mass.; dau. Tiffin, Ohio. Sidney D. and Henriette (Barnes) Farrar; ed. Librarian; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '98; stu- Paris, Berlin and N.Y. City; decorated by King dent of French and German, Univ. of Heidelberg, of Sweden and Emperor of Germany. At 19 Germany, 1895-99. Librarian of TlfiBn (Ohio) made 13rst appearance . in grand opera at the Public Library since 1899. Mean. Am. Library Royal Theatre, Berlin, Germany followed by Ass'n^ Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. -jngagements in Paris, Monte Carlo, Russia, Alumnee Ajss'n. Sweden, N.Y. Metropolitan Opera House. Has ..^ATiTTi-xiTrT? /-■„ „«„„ aia:- ht„.u„„- *,, ,-.i,( appeared in the most important prima donna ^tJeo^if*'' «^"Sene, 4746 Madison Av., Chl- soprano roles of grand opera with most distin- t«„„ A „..' „,.,•*„- ♦„-„ t„ii„ v m.. xn eiii^hpd success Protestant Teacher, writer, story teller b. Chicago, 111.. guisnea success, rrotestani. ^^ g^ ^^^,^ ^^^ Samuel and Cornelia B. FAItRAR, LUian K. N., 40 W. 96th St., N.Y. (Smith) Faulkner; ed. public school (eight City; summer home, Eltingville, L.l. grades), private school four years; grad. Ken- Physician; b. Newton, Mass.; dau. Jefferson wood Inst, then four years student at Chicago C. and Sarah Deane (Pond) Farrar; ed. Newton Kindergarten College. Was first storv-teller em- High School, Claverack Acad., Boston Univ., ployed by Board of Education in 1906, and went A.B. '96; Cornell Univ., A.M.; Med. Coll., M.D. fr^m school to school, and for five years has 1900. Interne N.Y. Infirmary; Post-Graduate told library stories at a branch station; now Univ. of Vienna; instructor in gynecology, N.Y. children's editor Chicago Sunday Tribune. Car- Post-Graduate Med. School and Hospital; chief j-iee on her work in the poorer districts of Chi- ef Gynecological Clinic, Post-Graduate Hospital cago and tells stories of different countries, Dispensary; ass't surgeon, Cornell Univ. Med. dressing in the costumes of these different na- Coll. Dispensary; examiner, N.Y. Life Insurance tionalities; work extends to various social set- Co., North American Life Insurance Co.; mem. tlements, schools and playgrounds. Writes a N.Y. County Med. Soc, Women's Med. Soc. of gtory each Sunday for the Chicago Sunday Trl- N.Y. City, Women's Med. Soc, Cornell Women's hune, retells old-folk stories and at times writes Club (N.Y. City), Boston Univ. Alumnae Ass'n. original stories; popularly known as "The Story Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Repub- Lady." Presbyterian. Progressive in politics, lican. Recreations: Out-door sports, walking, tennis, FARRENS, Lida Pond (Mrs. E. T. Farrens), sailing, rowing. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Clarinda, la. Chicago Kindergarten Club, Chicago Library Born Crajwford (3o., Pa., April 13, 1863; dau. Club, Story Teller's League; pres. Kenwood W. H. and Sarah (DeWolf) Pond; ed. Clarinda Country Club. Directs the work in kindergarten (la) High School, stood third in class, hence in her sister's school, the Faulkner School; for made class prophet; m. Crawford Co., Pa., Nov. many years has had classes instructing mothers, 29, 1883 E. T. Farrens; children: Paul Pond, teachers and librarians in the art of story teli- Margery. Served as assistant county clerk in ing; gives children's matinees in costume; gave Clarmda, la., after graduaUon from high school a large one in Astor Gallery at the Waldorf- until married. For four years Presbyterial pres. Astoria, N.Y. City, m March, 1913, and has of Home Missions for Osming Presbytery; has several special programs in costume for chil- been vice-pres. and cor. sec. to Presbyterian dren and grown-ups, which she presents at chil- Missionary Soc Contributor of poems to home dren's parties, club programs, Sunday-school papers. Mem. Ladies' Missionary Soc, Sorosis entertainments, etc. Bible Class. Mem. (has been sec. and pres.) FAULKNER, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. Isaac N. Current Events Club (literary). Birthday Cliib Faulkner), Hammond Vale, N.B., Can. (social). Favors woman suffrage. Progressive. Teacher; b. Lakefield, N.B., Dec. 28, 1853; dau. FARRINGTON, Mary Stone (Mrs. William Har- William and Frances C. (McCready) Sherwood; low Farrington), 3823 Alta Vista Terrace, Chi- attended school at home in youth, at Bellelsle cago. 111. ill vm. at Norton in 1873, at Mount Allison Born Dudley, Mass., May 22, 1858; dau. Ladies' Coll. 1878-79, at Providence Normal Tbomaa A. and Mary A. (Pimlott) Stone; ed. School '85; m. Lakefield, July 13, 1891, Isaac N. public schools, Boston Normal Art School, Faulkner; step-children: Vinton L. and J. Ben- PAUNCE— FAY 285 nett. Active in church and Sunday-school Marion Blanche. Began teaching at age of 16, work. Author: Volume of poems — Sea Murmurs and waa for 5 years teacher in public schools and Woodland Songs, 1903. Baptist. Mem. Wo- at Osage, la. After marriage resided for some men's Inst. Recreations: Music, painting. Held time at Des Moines, removing, in 1892, to Sioux the oflSce of postmistress of Lakefieid P.O., Rapids and a few years later to Storm Lake. 1871-91. Taught In various public schools of One of organizers, 1895, of Tuesday Club of N.B., 1885-93. Storm Lake (pres. seven years). Club devoted to FAUNCE, Sarah Edson (Mrs. William Herbert ".terary work and civic improvement, making Perry Faunce), Providence, R.l. E'^s of pictures and statuary to Storm Lake Born Somerville, Mass.; dau. Nathan W. and Public Library, and in the beautifying of the Ellen (Orr) Edson; ed. In schools of Lynn, Mass., Lake Shore ajDd public parks °^J^°^F^ i^fii^- and In State Normal School, Salem, Mass.; m. Patroness of Kappa Gamma Soronty of Buena Lynn, Mass., June 18, 1884, William Herbert Vista Coll. Chairman Household Economics Perry Faunce (slfice 1S99 pres. of Brown Univ.); Com., Iowa State Federation Women s Clubs one son: Perry Edson, b. Nov. 25, 1898. Actively Congregationallst. Mem. Missionary and Lad es identified with religious, social, philanthropic ^'^ ^l""^-, ^°n^^^ V^^ ^.^J'^'^f^L .Z K^lw^^^ and missionary Interests; for many years vice- day-school. Mem. board trustees and chairman pres. Woman's Baptist Missionary Soc. Baptist Book Corn., Storm Lake Public Library from A(?Hineare Club. FAY, Lillian Watkins, 881 Hampshire St., Hol- yoke, Mass. Teacher; b. Reading, Vt., Dec. 22, 1863; dau. Callamer Traey and Caroline Sojihia (Watkins) Fay; ed. Holyoke School, Smith Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '93 (mem. Alpha Soc). Head of English Dep't in Miss Mackie's private school, 1887-92; head of English Dep't and first ass't to prin- cipal, 1802—. Mem. Holyoke Thursday Club, Massachusetts State Association of English Teachers; National Education Ass'n. Episco- palian. Republican. Recreations: Rose garden, country life in summer, piano in winter. Clubs: Thursday, Teachers'. FAY, Mary Luella, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Born in Boston; ed. Girls' High School, Boston and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '87, A.M. '98; grad- uate student Bryn Mawr, 1897-98. Teacher of French and history in the Passaic Collegiate Inst., Passaic, N.J. ; teacher of history in the Misses Kirk's School, Rosemont, Pa., 1903-07, and Bryn Mawr, Pa., since 1907. FEARON, Mary Fuller (Mrs. Henry Dana Fearon), 205 Main St., Oneida, N.Y. Born Rome, N.Y., Mar. 16, 1865; dau. Rev. Spencer and Sarah (Horn) Fuller; grad. Batavia (N.Y.) High School, '82; Syracuse Univ., Ph.B. '86 Ph.M. '88 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1890, Henry Dana Fearon; children: Spencer F., Gladys D., Carroll D., Robert, Charles F., Henry D. Jr. Teacher at Oakland, Cal.; Perry Sem. (private school for girls), 1886-87; preceptress Napa Coll., Napa City, Cal., 1887-88; preceptress Lyons High School, N.Y., 1888-89. Pres. of missionary societies, Sunday-school teacher; mem. D.A.R., Progress, Club; director of City Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Sbakespeare Club. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. FEARRINOXON, Mary Franklin Pass (Mrs. Jo- seph Peyton Fearrington), 511 Holly Av., Winston-Salem, N.C. Born Sampson County, N.C, Mar. 16, 1862; dau. James Cornelius and Mary Eleanor (Ireland) Pass; ed. in private school by Prof. James Archer Monroe at Faison, Duplin County, N.C, 1872-75, two years, and grad. Greensboro (N.C.) Female Coll., 1877; entered Vassar Coll., 1877, grad. A.B. '83; m. Faison, N.C, Nov. 27, 1889, Dr. Joseph Peyton Fearrington; children: Eliza- beth R., b. Sept. 18, 1890; Alice, b. Oct. 2, 1891 (died Mar. 5, 1892); Faith, b. July 31, 1893; James Pass, b. Nov. 25, 1898. Sunday-school teacher; mem. State Library Ass'n; recently appointed by Governor of North Carolina a dele- gate to represent the State at the Southern Sociological Congress to be held at Atlanta, April 25-29, 1913. Occasional contributor to newspapers on public and humanitarian ques- tions. Active in support of orphanages and work for mountain whites, etc. Presbyterian. Democrat Mem. W.C.T.U., Y.W.C.A., United Daughters of the Confederacy, State Historical Ass'n, Ladies' Foreign Missionary Soc., etc. Recreations: Reading, autoing, dramatic, mu- sical and literary entertainments. Favors woman FEHR, Elizabeth Mandelkem (Mrs. Louis White Fehr), 1867 Seventh Av., N.Y. City. Concert pianist; b. Bialystok, Russia, Aug. 3, 1887; dau. Joseph and Paulina (Wagner) Man- delkern; ed. Wadleigh High School, N.Y. City; also piano instruction under Paulo Galilee and August Spanuth; m. N.Y. City, July 8, 1911, Louis White Fehr. Soloist, with Kaltenborn Orchestra, in recital at the N.Y. Coll. of Music, 1902. Interested in Young Folks League, Young Women's Hebrew Ass'n. Recreations: Theatre, motoring. Mem. Gotham Club, Harmony Club. FEIDT, Josephine Thorpe (Mrs. George D. Feidt), 238 South Thirty-ninth St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Born Schuylerville, N.Y. ; dau. John and Sarah A. (Tefft) Thorpe; ed. Schuylerville High School; Fort Edward (N.Y.) Collegiate Inst, Fort Ed- ward; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95, M.A. "97; m. Fort Miller, N.Y., June 20, 1906, George D. Feidt; one son: John Thorpe Feidt, b. Feb. 4, 1908. Baptist. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science, the Phila- delphia Drama League, the Philadelphia Wel- lesley Club, the Philadelphia College Club (treas.), Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R. FELCH, Carrie Innes (Mrs. Lewis Perley Felch), 355 Mass Av., Boston, Mass. Doctor of medicine; b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 9, 1873; dau. Charles Edward and Alice Martin (Hilller) Innes; ed. Boston Elementary and Latin schools. Tufts Coll., M.D. (mem. Alpha Delta Soc); m. Boston, Mass., June 21, 1906, Lewis P. Felch, M.D. Chief physician to New England Hospital Dispensary for Women and Children, Boston; chief physician and ass't surgeon to Vincent Hospital. Unitarian. Mem. Tufts Coll. Alumnae, Tufts Med. Alumni,_ Mass. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Soc, New England Hospital Soc, Am. Soc. of Colonial Families. Recrea- tions: Skating, walking, bicycling, fishing, boat- ing. Mem. Professional Women's Club. FEtKER, Gertrude, The Calvert, Dayton, Ohio. Physician; b. Amboy, 111., Aug. 19, 1872; dau. Dr. J. B. and Eliza J. (Miller) Felker; grad. A.B. Rockford Coll., M.D. Univ. of Mich., '01; interne New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, 1902-03 (mem. Alpha of Alpha Epsilon Iota Univ. of Mich.). Practices medi- cine with special attention to Internal medicine and functional neuroses; mem. Am. Med. Ass'n (sec. Com. on Public Health Education, 1911-13), Mississippi Valley Med. Ass'n, Ohio State Med. Soc. Mem. First Presbyterian Church, Y.W.C.A., Dayton Young Women's League, etc. ; pres. Dayton Ass'n of Coll. Women, during the first 2 years of its organization; chairman Social Service Com., Dayton Federation of Literary Clubs (first two years), now mem. of com. ; chairman Com. Health and Household Econom- ics, 1909-11; mem. Public Health Com. 1911-13. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Ohio State Or- ganization. Has presented medical papers to Montgomery Co. Med. Soc; also, with Dr. E. S. Everhard, presented a paper, A Study of Etiol- ogy of Functional Neuroses, at annual meeting of Mississippi Valley Med. Ass'n; also The Present Status of the Feeding of Young Chil- dren (Ohio State Med. Soc. annual meeting). FELI-, Dora Cobb (Mrs. Richard Fell), Birming- ham, Ala. Bom Montevallo, Ala., Jan. 16, 1859; dau. ex-Governor N. W. and Margaret (McClung) Cobb; grad. Ala. Central Female Coll. (with first honor), 1877; m. Helenti, Ala., Jime 28, 18S2, Richard Fell; children: Frances (now Mm. FENDLER— FERNALD 287 James), Margaret (now Mrs. Joh.nson), Charles, Rufus. Mem. Pettus-Roden Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy. Sometimes writes for newspapers. Mem. Culture Club, Dr. Evans' Shakespeare Club, Huntsville Av. Chautauqua Circle. Recreations: Cultivating flowers and vegetables, studying music. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. FENDLEB, Amelia Molly, 527 Cathedral Park- way, N.Y. City. Physician; b. Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 2, 1870; cau. Emanuel and Amelia (Unger) Fendler; ed. Readville Sem., Baton Rouge, La.; N.Y. public schools, Coll. of Pharmacy, N.Y. City; Woman's Med. Coll., Baltimore, Md. Engaged since graduation in practice of medicine in N.Y. City. Hebrew. Wrote: Ansemia in Children; Pertussis: A Neiw Cure, with Report of Cases. Favors woman suffrage. FENN, Sarah Edna Howell (Mrs. John Roberts Fenu), 699 P'armlngton Av., Hartford, Conn. Born Port Jervis, N.Y., 1874; dau. the late Judge O. P. HoTvell (for twelve years surrogate in Orange County) and Frances Dennison (Gal- lup) Howell; ed. in schools of Port Jervis; grad. High School, '90; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; m. Port Jervis, N.Y., April 13, 1898, John Roberts Fenn, of Hartford, Conn.; children: Philip Curtiss, Edward Howell. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae (Conn. Branch), Hartford Equal Franchise League. Recreations: Out-door life, reading. Mem. College Club of Hartford, Vassar Club of Hartford and church societies. FENNELL., Faimie Smith (Mrs. S. J. Fennell), 712 N. Santa Fe St., El Paso, Tex. Born St. Louis, Mo., 1877; dau. James M. and Nannie (Bown) Smith; ed. El Paso schools, grad. high school; m. El Paso, Nov. 9, 1910, Samuel J. Fennell. Mem. Women's Club of El Paso (pres. 1911-12). Has written several short stories, some newspaper work. Favors woman suffrage. FENNEK, Jessie Gordon, studio, 2 W. Sixteenth St., N.Y. City; home, 227 Communipaw Av., .Jersey City, N.J. Teacher of singing; b. Albany, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1875; dau. John Hill and Lisena Alice (Gordon) Fenner; ed. Jersey City (N.J.) public schools; grad. Hasbrouck Inst., 1892; later studied music in New York and Paris. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Tennis, out-door sports. Director of music in Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jersey City, N.J.; previous to professional ac- tivity was active in a business life; devotes entire time to the development and finishing of vocal technique. Mem. Reformed Church. FENOLLOSA, Mary McNeill (Mrs. Ernest Francisco Fenollosa), 159 Church St., Mobile, Ala. Writer; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. William Stoddard and Laura (Sibley) McNeill; ed. Irving Inst., Mobile, Ala.; m. N.Y. City, Dec, 1896, Ernest P'rancisco Fenollosa (several years Imperial Commissioner of P^ne Arts for Japan). Has trav- eled extensively; resided in Japan for several years. Favors woman suffrage; mem. the Writers' Branch Woman Suffrage League. Au- thor: Truth Dexter; The Breath of the Gods; The Dragon Painter; Red Horse Hill, a novel for child labor in the South; Out the West, a book of poems. Edited and published her late husband's Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art (two vols.), 1912. Episcopalian. Mem. So*, of Am. Dramatists and Composers, N.Y. FENWICK, Marin B., San Antonio, Tex. Publisher and Journalist; b. Highland Co., O. ; dau. James and Marinda (Sloane) Fenwick; ed. Rockford (111.) Coll., A.B. Director Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage; first vice-pres. San An- tonio Equal Franchise Soc. ; corr. sec. Texas State Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Mem. Woman's Club (was the or- ganizer and charter mem. of this first dep't Club in Texas); mem. of Texas Woman's Press Aissociatlon. Extensively traveled and in tour of tbe world was correspondent for several papers. l-TEKGUSON, Afrnes JolU (Mrs. J. M. Fergu- son), 408 W. Seventh St., Hastings, Neb. Born Magalloway, N.H., Nov. 15, 1849; dau. David M. and Julia (Adams) Sawyer; grad. from Wisconsin Univ., 1866 (mem. Castillian Soc); m. Chicago, 111., Feb. 10, 1874, John Molyneux Ferguson: children: James Molyneux, Thomasina Vida, William Cyril, John Adams. Taught in Chicago; was principal of a public school. Has been mem. and vice-pres. of Hastings Public Library Board; charter mem. of George Eliot Club. Recreations: Traveled In Europe and America. Eipiscopalian. Favors woman suffrage. FERGUSON, Catharine Lee (Mrs. Samuel Wragg Ferguson), 1826 W. Beach St., Blloxl, Miss. Author; b. Lexington, Ky. ; dau. Major Will- iam Henry and Eleanor Percy (Ware) Lee; ed. Lexington, Ky., at Sem. of Misses Jackson; m. Mississippi, 1882, Gen. Samuel Wragg Fergu- son, C.S.A. ; children: James Du Gu6, Nathalie, Harry Lee, Percy. Has contributed to New York World, Herald, Munsey's, ET^erbody's Magazine and others. Also assisted the Hon. Jefferson Davis in his works, being a personal friend of him and his family. Has puWished several novels, among them Cllquot; also plays, dramas, poems, opera librettos, songs, etc. Eipiscopalian. Democrat. Mem. Daughters of Confederacy, King's Daughters' Soc Recreations: Reading, v/riting, visiting. Accompanied her husband throughout the Civil War, on horseback, most of the time with the command (a cavalry brigade). FERGUSON, Georgia Ransom (Mrs. Charles Ferguson), R.F.D. 2, Littleton, N.H. Clergyman; b. N.Y. City; dau. Alonzo Good- rich and Amanda (Ransom) Fay; ed. in private schools in Europe and N.Y. City; special student in McGill Univ., Smith Coll., Boston Art Mu- seum; took course in MeadvUle (Pa.) Theolog- ical school ; m. Nov. ,9, 1886, Charles Ferguson. Licensed lay reader and preacher in Episcopal Church (diocese of Neb.), and home missionary, 1899; ass't pastor Liberal Unitarian Church, St. Joseph, Mo., 1903-04; Kansas City, 1904-09; Peo- ple's Church, Washington, 1909, until in July, 1910, resigned clerical duties to take charge of son, because of his failing health. Pastor of Unitarian Church, Washta, la., during summer vacation, 1906. Now owner and manager of Diamond Hill Farm and Trout Farm (over 100 acres In each) at Littleton, N.H. Served as chairman of Ways and Means Com. of Nat. Com. of the Unemployed, and as head of the People's Church Home, and regent of People's Inst. (Washington, D.C.). Mem. Am. Federa- tion of Labor, Nat. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Socialist. Theosophist. FERGUSON, Margaret Clay, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Prof, botany; b. Orleans, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1862; dau. Robert Belle and Maria (Warner) Fergu- son; ed. Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y., 1880-85; Wellesley Coll., 1889-91; Cornell Univ., 1897-01, A.B. '99, Ph.D. '01 (Sigma Xi, 1899). Author: The Development of the Pollen-Tube and Fertilization in Certain Species of Pinus Ann. Bot.), 1901; The Development of the Egged Fertilization in Pinus Strobus (Ann. Bot.), 1901; The Germination of Spores of Bosidiomycetus Fungi (Dep't of Agr., Washington, D.C.), 1902; The Life History of Pinus (Acad, of Science, Washington, D.C.), 1904; Embedded Reproduc- tive Organs in a Leptosporangiate Fern (Bot. Gaz.), 1910. Methodist. Mem. Soc. Sigma XI, A.A.A.S., Botanical Soc. of America. FERNALD, Grace Maxwell, 2034 N. Capitol St., Washington. D.C. College professor; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. 03, A.M. '05; graduate student Mt. Holyoke, 1903-04; graduate scholar In psychology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1904-06; fellow in psychology, Univ. of Chicago, 1906-07. Reader In education and demonstrator of psychology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-08; served as acting head of the department of psychology. Lake Erie Coll., PainesviUe, Ohio, 1908-09. 2S8 FBRNOW— FESSENDEN FERNOW, Bernice Panahi Andrews (Mrs. Bernhard Edward Femow Jr.), 9 Woodland Court, Milwaukee, Wis. Portrait and miniature painter; b. Jersey City, N.J., Dec. 17, 18S1; dau. William and Adele Montgo-mery (Oscanyan) Andrews; ed. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Cornell Univ.; pupil of Art Students' League, N.Y.; Olaf M. Brauner and Theodora Thayer (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. N.Y. City, May 16, 1908, Bernhard Edward Fernow Jr.; one daughter: Ethel Constance. Exhibitor in New York, Phila- delphia and Boston Miniature Societies, N.Y. Water Color Club, N.Y. Water Color Soc. Mem. Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Milwaukee. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Milwaukee Art Soc, Art Students' League. Recreations: Ten- nis, swimming, walking. FERREN, Sallie Price (Mrs. Myron J. Perren), 44 N.Y. Av., N.W., Washington, D.C. Born Kentucky, Mar. 16, 1854; dau. Gen. Sam- uel Woodson and Mary Frances (Thompson) Price; ed. College Hill, Cincinnati, O. ; m. Wash- ington, D.C, Nov. 11, 1902, Myron J. Ferren. Was chief clerk in Pension Agency in Louis- ville, Ky., for 8 years, and during that period paid out more than $32,000,000 to the old soldiers and their widows. Interested in the promotion of patriotism, teaching love for the flag. Has assisted her father in books he has published. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. (Am- erican Chapter); Woman's Relief Corps, past pres. ; Phil Sheridan Corps (past sec. Dep't of Potomac), and several social societies. Pres. Excelsior Literary Club (oldest woman's liter- ary club in D.C), director to the Dist. Federa- tion of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Society, theatre and all reading. Was born on grand- father's plantation, on the Cumberland River, in the small town of Eddyville; both grand- fathers were large slave owners. Has a good ancestral record and eligible to almost all pa- triotic socs.; some members of the family are Colonial Dames. TERRIER, Deborah Larimer, 133 E. Oak Av., Moorestown, N.J. Born Moorestown, N.J., July 15, 1878; dau. George Bartlett and Carrie (Arnold) Ferrier; ed. Moorestown Friends High School, Moorestown High School, 1895, Swarthmore Coll., B. S. '01 (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Presbyterian Church. Mem. Somerville Literary Soc, Moorestown Field Club, Philadelphia AlumnjE Club of Pi Beta Phi, Auxiliary of Seaside Park Yacht Club. Recreations: Canoeing, sailing, golf, photogra- phy. Against woman suffrage. FERRIS, Amy, 6 East Thirty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Interior decorator; b. Nerw York, 1879; dau. Frank A. and Mary A. (Cape) Ferris; ed. N.Y. Collegiate Inst.; Walnut Lane School, German- town, Pa.; Miss Capen's School, Northampton; Smith Coll.; N.Y. School of Fine and Applied Arts (mem. Biological Soc, Smith). Four years principal in an interior decorating business. Mem. N.Y. Probation Soc. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Automobiling, swimming. Mem. Women's University Club, College Club (Mont- clair), Smith Club (N.Y. City). FERRIS, Eleanor Amanda, 10924 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher, writer; b. Sandusky, Ohio; ed. in schools of Cleveland, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '86; Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '01. Teacher Smead School for Girls, Toledo, Ohio, 1890-1893, 1896-98; University School, Cleveland, Ohio, 1894- 96; Detroit Home and Day School, 1901-08. Au- thor: Financial Relations of Knights Templars. FERRIS, Ida May St. John (Mrs. Hiram Leav- enworth Ferris), Osage City, Kan., R.F.D. No. 1. Teacher; b. Milan, Erie Co., O., Sept. 14, 1849; dau. Silas St. John (grandfather, Jonathan W. St. John, was with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, and great-grandfather, John St. John, wus cap- tain in the Colonial wars) and Ava Ann (Corn- stock) St John (whose father was Revolutionary veteran) ; ed. North-western Normal School, Re- public, O. ; m. Republic, O., Sept. 16, 1874, Hiram Leavenworth Ferris of Springfield, Mich.; chil- dren: Frank Earl, b. April 1, 1884; Raymond Merle Ferris, b. Jan. 5, 1887. Teacher for 21 years. Mem. local M.E. Church and Aid Soc; mem. Osage Old Settlers' Ass'n and State His- torical Soc. Favors woman suffrage; writes suf- frage articles for papers. Writer of historical work of a local character and now compiling Historical Sketches and Reminiscences of Osage County. Progressive Republican in Kansas. Prohibitionist in 'national politics. Mem. Wo- man's Relief Corps, Osage Co.; Farmers' Inst, under direction of Agricultural Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Director of girls' county contests and chaperoned the girls to the State Inst, at Man- hattan, from where they carried away the best prizes for bread baked by girls in the college laboratories. Charter mem. Marshall Club of Osage City, Domestic Science Country Club; mother of the Osage Co. Fed. of Women's Clubs, first one ever organized in the world (now 14 years old). FERRIS, Mary Lanman Douw (Mrs. Morris Pat- terson Ferris), Roxbury Road, Garden City, L.I., N.Y. Author; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., May 22, 1855; dau. Col. John de Peyster and Marianna (Chand- ler (Lanman) Douw; grad. Cook's Collegiate Inst., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1874; m. Sept. 4, 1879, Morris Patterson Ferris (lawyer); children: IMary Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Joseph B. Roberts), Morris Douw, Van Wyck. Editor of The Ameri- can Author. Author: Random Rhymes of Old Dutch Times; History of Fort Crailo; The Van Cortlandt Mansion; Colonial Dames; Legend of New Year's Eve; The Schepen's Dream; Grand- mother's Cake Basket; also various contribu- tions to history of the early Dutch settlers of America. Founder of Daughters of the Cincin- nati; mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames of the State of N.Y., Huguenot Soc. of America. FERRY, Abby Farwell (Mrs. William Henry Ferry), Lake Forest, 111. Writer; b. Chicago, April 4, 1851; dau. John Villiers and Abigail Gates (Taylor) Farwell (father, who was principal partner in the great mercantile house of J. V. Farwell & Co., was a distinguished philanthropist; chairman of the Christian Commission of Chicago in Civil War times, lifelong friend and credited with being the discoverer of Dwight L. Moody, to whom he furnished the funds for the initiation of the great revival in London) ; ed. in Chicago Acad. ; Dearborn Sem. ; Ferry Hall; Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '72; m. Lake Forest, 111., Oct. 12, 1875, William Henry Ferry; children: William Henry Jr., John Farwell, Francis Farwell, Montague, Horace Farwell. Writer of short stories, essays and poems, published in various papers and maga- zines; wrote article on Hans Holbein in New England Magazine, Mar., 1S93, also History of I he Farmington Soc. of Chicago, contained in the 2ath Anniversary Year Book, which she com- piled. Contributes annuity to Yale Institution in China as memorial to her son, John Farwell Ferry. Mem. Nat. Com. of D.A.R. for Welfare of Women and Children; regent of the Chicago Chapter D.A.R.; pres. Vassar Alumnse Ass'n of Chicago; pres. Farmington Soc of Chicago; mem. Centennial Com. to celebrate centennial of Miss Porter's birth in fall of 1913. Chicago clubs: Recording sec. The Fortnightly; chairman Lit- erary Com. Friday Club; mem. Woman's City Club, Woman's Athletic Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Red Cross Soc. Lake Forest Clubs: Pres. Coterie; mem. Woman's Club, Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest; chairman Mission Study Classes. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; has contributed to the cause always; knew Mrs. Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. FESSENDEN, Clementina (Mrs. E. J. Fessen- den), 207 James St., South, Hamilton, Ont. Jorurnalist; b. Province of Quebec, Can.; dau. Efl^ward and Marian (Ridley) Trenholme; ed. Mrs. Lay's Sem., Montreal, Can.; m. 1867, Rev. E. J. Fessenden, B.A., Church of England clergy- man (now deceased); four sons. One of the first PESSENDEN— FIELD 289 editors of the Woman's Auxiliary to Missions Leaflet. Ardent Imperialist; early in married life identified with national and patriotic work. Founder of Empire Day. Convenor of the Flag and Ck)mmemorative Day's Com. of the Ontario Hist. Soc. ; was elected councilor on the Le^igue of Empire, London, England, 1903. Sec. Went- worth Historical Soc; mem. Nat. Council of Women. As organizing sec. for Daughters of Empire in 1901, read the address to the Duke of Connaught and York (now King George) on the occasion of his visit to Hamilton, when the Fes- senden Chapter, Daughters of Empire, presented the Xnith Royal Regiment with a new stand of colors; took strong and successful stand against the erection of a monument to General Mont- gomery in Quebec; was presented with a Nelson "Victory" copper salver by the British and For- eign Pallors' Soc. as a recognition of her work for Empire. Does not believe in the Parliamen- tary franchise for women. Author of a bro- chure, Our Union Jack (a copy of which H.M. Queen Victoria accepted with thanks) ; also of a pamphlet, The Genesis of Empire Day. Anglican. Conservative. Mem. Humane Soc; hon. mem. several historic and patriotic societies. FESSENDEN, I.aura Dayton (Mrs. Benjamin Arthur Fessenden), "Content," Highland Park, III. Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. Abram Child Day- ton (author "Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York") and Maria Annls (Tomlinson) Dayton; ed. St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J.; m 1880, Benjamin A. Fessenden, of Boston; children: Aymar Child, Alice Hyde (wife of Lieut. Robert Gray Peck, U.S.A.), Ben Hurd, Dorothy Dayton. Books: Essie; Beth; A Pe- culiar Lover; Bonnie Mackerby; A Colonial Dame; Two Thousand and Two; Moon Children; Songs that the Children Sing; Hatsean; Story of the Dayton Family. Mem. Colonial Dames, Daughters of Founders and Patriots, D.A.R. Clubs: Fortnightly, Chicago Woman's, Ossoli (Chicago). Highland Park Woman's. Sister of Charles W. Dayton, Justice Supreme Court of N.Y. (died 1910). Episcopalian. FESSENDEN, Susan Snowden (Mrs. John H. Fessenden), 50 Peterboro St., Suite 27, Boston, Mass. Lecturer, Instructor in parliamentary practice; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1840; dau. Prof. Sidney and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Snowden; ed. Cincinnati High School, Oxford Sem. and Cin- cinnati Sem. (grad.); m. Mar. 22, 1S64, John H. Fessenden; children: Cornelia Snowden, Eliza- beth Mitchell, William Chaffln. Pres. Mass. W.C.T.U.; lecturer Nat. W.C.T.U. Exec. Board Ramabai Ass'n; Exec. Board Scientific Temper- ance Ass'n; mem. Educational and Industrial Union, Twentieth Century Club. Congregation- alist. Mem. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, Political Equality Union; vlce-pres. Mass. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n. FBTTEBOI.F, Lanra Mangam (Mrs. Adam H. Fetterolf), 1936 Pine St., Philadelphia. Pa. Born N.Y. City; dau. Williajn D. and Sarah A. (Bedell) Mangam; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1883, Dr. Adam H. Fetterolf; two children. Meni. American McAll Asa'n, various philanthropic homes, Soc. for Organizing Charity. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. New Century and College Clubs. Her husband was president of Girard College for 30 years, resigning in 1910 and died in 1912. FEULING, Alice Dynes (Mrs. Leonard Feuling), Madison, Wis. Writer, lecturer; b. Columbus, Wis., Sept. 30, 18€9; dau Valentine and Ellen (McCumisky) Dynes; ed. Univ. Cornell and Univ. Chicago, B.S. 1900, grad. student ('..hlcago) 1903-04; m. Columbus, Wis., July 4, 1890, Leonard Feuling; c'aildren: Ellen Maria, Leonard Valentine. Di- rector H.E. South Dakota State Coll., 1900-03; Instructor Univ. Chicago, 1903-04; director Home Economics, Bradley Institute. 1904-07; prof, and director of Home Economics, Iowa State Coll., 1907-10. Writer and lecturer 1910—. Social Set- tlement worker in Home Economics 1903-04, Die- titian In Hospital, 1904-07. Writes home eco- nomics articles for current publications. Roman Catholic. Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, la. Acad, of Science, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Graduate School of Home Economics. Recreations: Travel, art, litera- ture, scieatifie research, music. Experimented with macaroni wheat flour, winter 1902, and succeeded in making macaroni wheat bread; traveled abroad and made a study of Home Eco- nomics in the British Isles, France, Germany, Switzerland and Holland. Favors woman suf- frage. laCHTER, Bessie Bleasdale (Mrs. Charles Flchter), 614 One Hundred and Forty-fifth St., East Chicago, Ind. Born Aurora, Ind., Mar. 14, 1879; dau. Robert Arthur and Frances Ann (Fry) Bleasdale; ed. high school, Aurora, Ind.; m. Sept. 15, 1898, Charleo Fiohter. Interested in civics. Helped actively to secure public library for East Chi- cago. Mem. Associated Charities. Favors wo- man suffrage. Presbyterian. Charter mem. Calumet Chapter D.A.R. of East Chicago; mem. Order Eastern Star. Pres. Woman's Club, 1911- 12 (sec. of Literary Dep't). FIELD, Ada Martitia, Newnan, Ga. College professor; b. in Georgia; grad. Guilford Coll., A.B. '98; Guilford graduate scholar at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-99; graduate student Guil- ford Coll., 1899-1900. Teacher of botany and chemistry, Idaho Industrial Inst., 1904-07; grad- uate student Univ. of Washington, 1907-08, and graduate instructor In chemistry, 1908-09; since 1910 in charge of Dep't of Chemistry, Guilford Coll. FIELD, Gertrude Bugrg, Tufts College, Mass. Author, lecturer; b. Bath, Me.; dau. Rev. Henry Warren Rugg, D.D., and Abby Nelson (H./ward) Rugg; ed. public schools of Provi- dence, R.I., Ursullne Convent and private teach- ing. Grad. with honors from Providence High School; m. Providence, R.I., F. E. Field; one daughter: Abby Rugg Field. As a lecturer has apppeared before many large clubs and other organizations in New England and elsewhere. Interested in various philanthropies through church and club affiliations, and through social activities and wide circle of acquaintances. Writer nf prose and poetry in periodical litera- ture, T)je Boston Transcript, etc. Has written verses that have been privately printed for holiday cards and for especial occasions and functions. Universalist. Mem. Sunshine Soc. (charter mem. R.I. Branch), Nat. Geog. Soc, 'The Drama League of Boston, R.I., Short Story Club, R.I. Women's Club, Professional Women's Club of Boston, R.I. Ex-Club, Providence Mothers' Club, R.I. Congress of Mothers. Rec- reations: Walking, automobiling, traveling, theatre; lover of art and music. Honorary pres. Providence Mothers' Club, author of State Song of the R.I. Federation of Women's Clubs; representative of the Nat. Congress of Mothers R.I. State Com. in Nat. Educat on Ass'n. FIELD, Isabel Louise (Mrs. Oliver Cromwell Field), 216 W. 102d St., N.Y. City. Born Detroit, Mich.; dau. Patrick Henry and Charlotte E. (Savage) Fitzsimons; ed. Mme. Towle's School, Detroit, and Nat. Conser\-atory of Music, N.Y. City; m. 1885, Henry Jerome Englebert (died 1900); (2d) Gustav L. Wilmerdlng (died Aug., 1909); (3d) 1910, Oliver Cromwell Field of London (direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell and son of Lady Elizabeth Pierson); one son: Sherman Jerome Englebert. Interested In children's day nurseries. Favors woman suf- trage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party, 17th Assem- bly Dlst. Mem. Church of England. Recrea- tions: Riding, golf, walking and fencing. Mem. the Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, the Theatre Club, Deal Golf Club. FIELD, Jessie, Clarlnda, la. County sup't schools; b. Page Co., la., June 26, ISSl; dau. S. E. and Celestla (Eastman) Field; ed. Western Normal Coll., Tabor Coll., A.B., winner In Junior-Senior debate. Senior Essay contest. Senior Oratorical contest. Prin- cipal Jefferson School, Helena, Mont.; elected Co. sup't of Page Co., 1906; elected Nat. Sec. 290 FIELD— FINCH T.W.CA. for country and small town work, FIELDS, Willie, 251? Oakland Av., Nashville, 1312.' Interested, especially, in the development Tenn. of country life. Author magazine articles; The Secretary Tennessee Railroad Commission; b. Com Lady. Presbyterian. Nat. Education Fayetteville, Ark., July 6, 1877; dau. D. M. and Ass'n. Recreation: Motoring. Especially inter- Martha (McClain) Fields; grad. Lebanon (Tenn.) ested In the teaching of agriculture and home Coll. for Young Ladles, '91. Elected Dec, 1909, economics in country schools and in interesting as sec. to Tenn. Railroad Commission (the only country children in the possibilities of country woman in the U.S. holding that jxisition); for life, that they may desire to remain in the 10 years prior to that time was stenographer in country Favors woman suffrage. that office; reelected Jan. 1, 1910, and again Jan., FIELD, Lonise MannseU, 128 E. Thirty-fourth f^l^; salary ?2,50O per annum. Has one of the StN T CI tv largest Sunday-school classes of young men m Writer- *b. N.Y. City; dau. Maunsell Brad- Southern Methodism At one time did feature T,,w oTifl Tniil sippi Kivcr (all over Chicago), ana before the ^■r"aS Fm^fth^Cot ''11.'''^^ aZV.\. tH^ fn^-^fc^tlr :LL7^^forn1a?s^'ln^^^ics"f^ Lei^h'^'b"'%ari8''\°906'^=dier Dec^ 2Y'°$^'9? Chlcag'o? outd^rTt'^'^hi^carf of'chUdren 'U- Leigh, b. May 18, 1906 (died Dec. 25 1909). tectlon of girls, and Is a mem. Juvenile Protec- JZ'^Z^ (N Y^ %f^^nli ^^7 T'^n^il^l^^ "^« ^^S^e- Mem. Chicago Political Equality sS for ^GiVTs^ Geneva' N Y fall o^^l"^ ^^^^- Methodist adherent. Republican. Mem": Chestnut Hill (Miss) School 190^^^ Juvenile Protective League, Chicago; Law and i;-T^^^ Ir tJI * ^? ' ^? o .. , ,c Order League, Woman's City Club of Chicago, 1- IN E, May Margaret, Miss Fines School, 38 Monday Club, South Side; Art and Craft Inst. Stockton St.. Princeton, N.J. ^ , ^ _^ „ Council of Women. RecreaUons: Farming and -Teacher; b. Troy, Pa., 1869; dau Lambert. S. automoblling. Has farm 80 miles out of Chi- and Mary (Burchard) Fine; grad. Wellesley Coll., cago and gardens for pleasure. Was pres for B.A. 89 (mem. Zeta Alpha Soc). Taught three two years of 2d Congressional Dist. of Clubs years after graduation m the Franklin School, of 111.; chairman of Revision of State Federa- Germantown, Pa. Did private tutoring in tion, 1911; only woman, save one, who led In Princeton until became principal of a new school fight for prohibition in a large territory in m 1899. Interested in social and philanthropic Chicago on South Side (won). Interests. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. ,^c^w.^^ ■.. Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City FISCHEK, Mary EUen Sigrsbee (Mrs. Anton Otto Present Day Club of Princeton, N.J. Fischer;, Bushnellvllle, Greene Co., N.Y. FTN-RLE Kate Talliof 27G0 West Ttiv^r Tinnri , Artist; b. New Orleans, La., Feb. 26, 1876; Ml^eaooHs Minn '^^"- Charles D. Sigsbee, U.S.N., and Eliza Pr'obaZn"offlferTb. Moorhead Minn.; daugh- ^^n°?s^"'^lgu'i^' Washingto'^""'A"g'°%^? 'fr't ter Henry George and Katharine (McLellan) Snts' Sue m NY Ci?v Oct^T" 1^2 Finkle; grad. University of Minnesota, B.A. '05. T^trCu LtrT^f^rh'^^ r=r.ti:t\'. ^„ ^^^^k i ' Probation officer Juvenile Court. Favors woman marr?aii D^vld L ?o,Vr Kpr ^.Ir.^ l°.T,^^ suffrage. Active worker In Political Equality f^nrL^ ^c^ULi Club; charter mem. 1915 Suffrage Clut. Does !;!:", socialise. university extension lecture work. Author FISH. Elizabeth Meigs Porter (Mrs. Daniel (pamphlet): Significant Figures from Juvenile Fish), 2203 Third Av., South, Minneapolis, Court; also short articles on same subject. Rec- Minn. reations: Cross country walks, book collecting. Born Iowa; grad. Rockford (III.) Sem. (now gardening, esthetic dancing. Mem. College Club; college), 1867; m. Garnaville, Iowa, August 21, Exec. Board mem. Social Service Club National l^^^- Daniel Fish (lawyer; city attorney of Mln- Probation Officers' Ass'n, Juvenile Protective neapolis) ; five children. Teacher 1868-73 (one League, Legislative Com. of Woman's Welfare y^^"" at Rockford Sem.). Congregatlonalist League, Woman's Union Label League, State (mem. of several societies). One of the organ- Horticultural Soc. ' izers and was 22 years mem. of the Monday FIRTH, Louise Rodman (Mrs. John Malcolm ^lub; former pres. Tourists' Club. Firth), Plne-Croft Plantation, Robertsdale, FISH, May Ashworth (Mrs. Franklin Wakefield Ala. Fish), 133 N. Main St., Tucson, Ariz. Bora South Orange, N.J.; dau. Randolph and Born Plymouth, England, May 28, 1878; dau. Caroline Louise (Townsend) Rodman; ed. Miss Rev. John W. and Emma (Gregson) Ashworth; Beard's School, Orange, N.J.; Mi.ss Porter's ed. Putnam (Conn.) High School; Smith Coll., School, Springfield, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '07 .\.B. '01; m. Sept. 19, 1907, Franklin Wakefield 292 FISH— FISK Fisii; children: Franklin, Edward Gregson. Head English Dep't Joliet (111.) Township High School, 1903-05; instructor English, Univ. of Arizona, 1905-07. Mem. Am. School of Home Economics; chairman Home Economics Section of Woman's Club, Tucson; State chairman Edu- cation Com. Woman's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Progressive Re- publican. Mem. College Club of Tucson. nSH, 3Iay Hall (Mrs. H. C. Fish), Bismarck, N.Dak. Born Edgar Springs, Mo., 1885; dau. Joseph and Emily Lucy (Bower) Hall; ed. Univ. of Wis- consin, 'OS; m. Madison, Wis., 1905, H. C. Fish; children: Vynor Starr, Virginia May. Interested in carrying on clubs with working girls. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Republican. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Mothers' Club. FISHBURN, Jilrs. Josephine Kedmond, 110 Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O. Bom Cincinnati; daughter of James A. and Barbara (Hoffmann) Redmond; ed. In public schools, Notre Dame, and by private teachers; m. June, 1891; children: Cyrus C. Fishburn, Albert R. Fishburn, Frederick Fishburn. Espe- cially and closely Interested in art and craft work; mem. Crafter Company, Cincinnati; active mem. Woman's Art Club of Cincinnati. Unitar- ian; mem. Cincinnati Branch of Woman's Alli- ance of the Unitarian Church. Recreations: Music, tennis, walking. nSHER, Dorothy Canfield (Mrs. John Red- wood Fisher), Arlington, Vt. Author; b. Lawrence, Kan.; dau. James Hulme and Flavia (Camp) Canfield; ed. Ohio State Univ., B.Ph. '99; studied in France and Italy and at Columbia Univ., specializing in Romance lan- guages; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '04; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. May 9, 1907, John Redwood Fisher; one daughter: Sally. Interested in edu- cational matters and improved methods of agri- culture and forestry. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Corneille and Racine in England; Eng- lish Rhetoric and Composition; What Shall We Do Now? Gunhild; The Squirrel Cage; The Montessori Mother; has also publis'hed short stories and articles in leading American maga- zines. Episcopalian. Socialist. Recreations: Riding, skiing, mountain climbing, housework, traveling, gardening. Lived in Conway, N.H., sixteen years. nSHER, Elizabeth Tlorette, Wellesley, Mass. College profess9r, geologist; b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 26, 1873; dau. Charles and Sarah Gerrish (Gushing) Fisher; grad. Girls' High School, Boston, '91; Mass. Inst, of Technology, S.B. '96; special work in geography in Harvard Univ., 1S96, and Radcliffe Coll., 1900. Connected with Wellesley Coll. since 1S94 as instructor in geology and mineralogy until 1906, associate prof. 1906- 08, since then as prof, of geology and geography and head of that department. Has made original researches on the formation of river terraces, and on the lateral movement of rivers in various countries and has given numerous scientific lectures on these topics. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc., A.A.A.S., International Geographical (Con- gress. Mem. Appalachian Club (Boston), Boston Society of Natural History. nSHEB, Jessie Weston (Mrs. William E. Fisher), care Connecticut Hospital for Insane, Middletown, Conn. Physician, pathologist, alienist; b. Cherry Hill, Md., Aug. 10, 1872; dau. John W. and Laura Elizabeth (Jones) Weston; ed. Wilmington Con- ference Aoad., -Dover, Del.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D.; m. Middletown, Conn., 1897, Dr. William E. Fisher; one son: William Weston. Ap- pointed assistant pathologist of same, 1900, and pathologist same institution, 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Has written numerous articles published in medical journals. Methodist. Rec- reation: Tramping. FISHER, Katharine Conner (Mrs. Howard Fisher), The Mendota, Washington, D.C. Born NeTV Albany, Ind., Mar. 14, 1872; dau. Charles H. and Katharine Boudinot (Atterbury) Conner; ed. Home School (Miss Belle Peers, Louisville, Ky.), Prof. Chenault's University School, Louisville, Ky. ; Dana Hall, Wellesley, .Ma&s. ; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95; mem. Shake- speare Soc. (Wellesley Coll.); m. New Albany, Ind., Jan. 10, 1896, Dr. Howard Fisher; children: Howard Fisiier, Jr. (deceased), Elisha Boudinot Fisher. Interested in religious, social and phil- aanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Recreation: Golf. FISHER, I.oiiise Sanford (Mrs. Hubert Fred- erick Fisher), 1142 Vance Av., Memphis, Tenn. Born Knoxville, Tenn., April 29, 1882; dau. Edward Jackson and EJmma (Chavannes) £,in- ford; ed. Vassar Coll., '02; Jenny Hunter Kin- dergarten Training School, N.Y. City, '06; m. Nov. 6, 1909, Hubert Frederick Fisher; one son: Hubert Frederick Fisher Jr., b. May 15, 1911. Before marriage chief interests were in Knox- ville (Tenn.) Y.W.C.A., Girls' Friendly Soc, Brookside Free Kindergarten; since marriage in Memphis, Tenn., Visiting Nurse Ass'n, King's Daughters. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Episcopal Church. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Nineteenth Century Club of Memphis, Tenn. FISHER, JI. Antoinette Schley (Mrs. Parks Fisher), Morgantown, W.Va. Bom Richfield Farm, Frederick Co., Md. ; dau. John Thomas and Georgiana (McClure) Schley; ed. Frederick (Md.) Female Sem., Southern Lit- erary Inst., Baltimore, 1863-65, grad 1865; m. Baltimore, June 1865, Parks Fisher; children: Frank S., Parks Jr., Charles McClure, David Gustave (died 1S96), Robert Waldorf Fisher, M.D. Became mem., 1908, Woman's Auxiliary Retail Clerks' Internat. Protective Ass'n; directress Altar Guild Episcopal Church, Morgantown, W. Va. Vice-pres. and executive officer Con- sumers' League of Md., 1903-06, Baltimore, Md. ; pres. Woman's Industrial E^xchange, Baltimore, eight years, resigned Jan. 1907. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of Md., Regent Col. John Evans Chapter D.A.R. (Morgantown), United Daughters of the Confederacy. Pres. Present Day Club (for discussion of current events), Morgantown. Originator of the Nat. Hostesses' Ass'n, organized at Universal Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904, at which she was elected permanent president, which organization still exists. Was appointed by Gov. John Walter Smith mem. of the Maryland Commission and official hostess of the Maryland Building at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. FISHER, Metta De Bow, Randolph, Neb. Born Batavia, N.Y., Apr. 16, 1877; dau. Henry Stephen and Maria (Douglass) De Bow; ed. high school, Wich'ta, Kan. (entered in 1892), 1896-98; attended Columbia Coll. of E.xpression, Chicago, 1896-98, and again 1903-04; m. Coleridge, Neb.. April 14, 1898, William F. Fisher. Has been public reader and has taught expression. Iden- tified in church work; active mem. of Missionary Soc.; teacher in Sunday-school; worked for civic improvement. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of Rebekah. Recreations: Walking, auto riding, reading. Mem. Twentieth Century Club; pres. Woman's Club for six years. Especially inter- ested in educational and philanthropic work. FISHER, Olivia, 13 Grove Av.. Oil City, Pa. Retired nurse; b. Oil City, Pa., Mar. 5, 1870; dau. Daniel and Josephine (Thompson) Fisher; ed. Oil City High School, Penn. Coll. for Wo- men, Presbyterian Hospital Training School for Nurses, Philadelphia, Pa. One of the first 8 nurses sent out by Government at time of the Spanish-American War. Chairman Red Cross Soc, Oil City, Pa. Pres. Twentieth Century Club of Oil City. Episcopalian. FISK, Anna Louise Black (Mrs. George R. Fisk), 23 Morgan Boulevard, New Orleans. La. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., May 1, 1868; dau. John and Kathleen (Raleigh) Black; grad. Coll. of Immaculate Conc^tion, Oldenburg, Ind. (vale- dictorian); m. Aurora, Ind., Jan. 5, 1888, George R. Fisk; one soru Howard Douglas Fisk. Or- ganizer of penny lunches In the public schools of New Orleans (children too poor to pay served free); has charge of the 5th ward on subscription day for benefit of Anti-Tuberculosis League. Pres. New Orleans Woman's Club; mem. Era FISK— FITCH 293 Club (suffrage), Civics, Arts and Playgrounda Club, Twentieth Century Art Club. Recrea- tion : Automobiling. Favors woman suffrage — working for passage of Article 210 (women on school board), and to prevent children under 16 years from acting on stage. nSK, Mary Etta Doolittle (Mrs. Col. Archie Campbell Flsk), 255 E. 174th St., N.T. City. Writer, lecturer; b. Elyrla, O., Jan. 30, 1851; dau. William and Jane (Eliot) Doolittle; ed. Elyrla High School, Granville Ladies' Setn., Monmouth, (111.) Coll.; m. Elyria, O., Dec. 22, 1869, Col. Archie C. Fisk; children: William D., Archie C, Sussetta. Lectured with Dr. Lelpl- ziger In Public School Education Course; took part in woman suffrage campaigns in Colo., N.H. and Cal. Regent Mary Murray Chapter D.A.R. Chairman House Com. Day Nursery Abby House; chairman Literature Com. N.Y. State Federation Woman's Clubs. Chairman Woman Suffrage Party, Borough of the Bronx. Author of magazine and newspaper articles. Voted In Colo, for the best can- didates. Mem, Bronx Soc. of Arts and Sciences, Unitarian Alliance, Woman's Munici- pal League, Equal Suffrage Franchise Soc, Political Equality Ass'n. Mem. Woman's Press Club, N.Y. City; D.A.R. , Little Mothers' Equal Suffrage Club, Daughters of the Union, Mothers' Club. Recreations: Camping, walking, out-of- door life. Has lectured in churches, colleges clubs and schools on literature, art, history and travel, metaphysics and woman suffrage. ilSK, May Isabel, 207 W. Fifty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Writer, monologist; b. N.Y. City; ed. private f.chools in N.Y. City and Paris. Interpreter of original monologues; was on stage for one sea- son in The Triangle at Manhattan Theatre, N.Y. City; more recently in Lyceum and club work as reader. Author: The Repentant Magdalen; Mono- logues; The Talking Woman; The Stolen 'Throne; The Eternal Feminine; also short stories ajid sketches In various magazines. FISKE, Beulah B. (Mrs. W. M. Llndsley Flske), Winnetka, 111. Born Chicago, Feb. 25, 1886; dau. Charles B. and Caroline (Payne) Worden; ed. Dearborn Sem.; m. Chicago, June 30, 1906, W. M. Llnds- ley Fiske; children: Beulah, b. May 28, 1907; \V. M. Lindsley III, b. June 4, 1911. Mem. Wo- man's Athletic Club. Recreations: Music and driving a motor. FISKE, Mary Duncan (Mrs. Charles Henry Fiske Jr.), 39 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass. Born Beverly, Mass., Aug. 13, 1871; dau. S. Lalhrop and Anna Lamb (Wells) Thorndike; ed. Miss Ingall's Girl's School in Cambridge, Mass.; m. Cambridge, Mass., June 20, 1895, Charles Henry Fiske Jr.; children: Charles Henry, Cor- nelia Robbins, Rosanna Duncan. Interested in social, philanthropic interests; sec. Boston Com. of Mass. Anti-Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Chilton Club, Boston. Recreations: Tennis, riding, fancy dancing. Protestant Episcopal. Against woman suffrage. FISKE, Minnie Maddem (Mrs. Harrison Grey Flske), 12 W. Fortieth St., N.Y. City. Actress: b. Now Orleans, La., Dec. 19, 1865; dau. Thomaa and Elizabeth (Maddern) Davey; ed. private and convent schools; m. Larchmont, N.Y., Mar. 19, 1890, Harrison Grey I<''lske. Be- came a star at the age of sixteen; since then has been on the stage continuously, excepting tem- porary retirement for five years, 1890-95. Mem. of several humane societies, both in this country and abroad. First vlce-prea. of the Internat Humane Ass'n. Author of several one-act plays, among them being: A Light From St. Agnes; The Eyes of the Heart; The Rose; The White Pink. Among her most marked dramatic suc- cesses are Tess, In Tess of D'Urbervilles, Nora In A Doll's House, Becky Sharp, Sal- vation Nell, Leah Kleschna, Mary of Magdala, Mrs. Bumpstead-Lelgh, and her new play, The High Road. FITCH, Alta Wincheater (Mrs. Edward H. Fitch), Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., O., and 960 Park Av., N.Y. City. Bojn PalnesTllle, O., Sept. 11, 1840; dau. Phil- ander and Elizabeth Oilman (Calkins) Winches- ter; ed. Esther Inst, Columbus, O., graduating with honors, '58; m. Oct 27, 1863, Hon. Edward Hubbard Fitch (deceased); children: Katherlne, Winchester, Annette, Edward Hubbard, Eliza- beth Gllman, Alta, Flora, Charles Oilman. Was active In Sanitary Commission during Civil War; mem. D.A.R., Red Cross work In Spanish War. In Civil War fed Union soldiers In Madison, Ind., as they passed her father's house In pur- suit of the enemy. (Contributor to Memorial History of the Woman of the Western Reserve, Cleveland, 1895; to Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly. Author: Calkins Genealogy. Mein. Western Reserve Chapter D.A.R., Cleveland, O. ; New England Soc. of Cleveland, O. ; Edith Thoimas Garden Club, UnionvIUe, O. Efpiaco- palian. Favors woman suffrage; has been prominent in local suffrage work In Ashtabula County, O., for 50 years. nrCH, Amoretta Colby (Mrs. George A. Fitch), 39 W. McMillan St, Cincinnati, Ohio. Editor; b. Manchester, N.H. ; dau. Lucius and Julia A. (Crane) Colby; ed. Cambridge, Mass.; m. Carrfbridge, Mass., Jan. 13, 1876, George A. Fitch; children: George, Edward, Harold. Spe- cial correspondent 15 years of a daily paper (last 2 years editor of Woman's Clubs and Interests); now in same position with Commercial 'Tribune, Cincinnati. Writer and author of poems, es- says and motto cards. Volunteer (unpaid) officer of Juvenile Court, Cincinnati, O., on special cases. Interested in dependent children and poor mothers. Author: The Morning Prayer; On the Firing Line; God Bless You; When They All Come Back Home; and about 100 poems and sketches. Officer in Woman's Press Club; mem. Ohio State Newspaper Ass'n; honorary mem. of Ohio Folk-Lore Soc, Harriet Taylor Upton Study Club; mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club, Social Workers' Ass'n. Episcopalian. FITCH, Annie Loraine (Mrs. Joseph Fitch), US Amity St., Flushing, L.l. Born Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; dau. L. F and Annie (Middleton) Rose; ed. Miss Harriet Crofiit's private school, Yonkers; m. Yonkers, N.Y., Sept 29, 1886, Joseph Fitch; children: Avis Loraine, Dorothea Fitch. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Equal Franchise Ass'n of Flushing, Queens County, N.Y. Episcopalian. Democrat. Director of Flushing Public Play- ground; incorporator and director of the As- sociated Charities of Flushing; director Good Citizenship League of Flushing, N.Y. City Fed., State Fed. and Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. ITTCH, Florence Hopper (Mrs. Winchester Fitch), 960 Park Av., N.Y. City; country, Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y., and Unlon- ville, Lake Co., O. Bom Cleveland, O., June 21, 1876; dau. George H. and Harriet (Ganson) Hopper of N.Y. City; ed. Mrs. Salisbury's School, N.Y. City and private teachers at home In N.Y. City and in London and Paris; m. June 30, 1897, Winchester Fitch; children: Alta Jane, Katherlne Elizabeth, Dorothy Harriet, George Hopper. Interested in music. Mem. Edith Thomas Garden Club, Union- ville. Lake Co., O. (founder). Studied singing with Oscar Seagle in Paris, 1907-08. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. Episcopalian. Mem. Municipal Art Soc. of N.Y., Woman's Municipal League of N.Y., Fort- nightly Musical Club, Cleveland, O. Recreations; Music, gardening, motoring. Mem. Barnard Club of N.Y., New Canaan (Conn.) Garden Club. FITCH, Florence Mary, Baldwin Cottage, Ober- Un, Ohio. Prof, of Biblical Literature, dean Coll. Wo- men, Oberlln Coll.; b. Stratford, Conn., Feb 17 1875; dau. Rev. Frank S. (D.D.) and Anna E. (Haskell) Fitch; grad. Oberlln Coll, A.B. '97, Univ. of Berlin, Germany, A.M., Ph.D. '03. Teacher Masten Park High School, Buffalo, 1S97- 1900; foreign study (philosophy. Biblical litera- ture) Univs. of Berlin and Munich, 1900-03: In- structor In philosophy and sec. to pres., Ober- lln Coll., 1903-04; since 1904 dean of college women and prof., first of philosophy, now of Biblical literature. Author: Der Hedsnismus Lotzes und Fechners. Actively Interested In 294 FITCH— FITZPATRICK church work and missionary socs. Mem. Ter- FITZ GEKALD, Anne Campbell (Mrs. Jamea rltoriaJ Com. of the Y.W.C.A. of Ohio and Tabor FitzGerald), 2445 Western Av., Los W.Va. Mem. Ass'n of College Alumii»; Women's Angeles, Cal. Club of Oherlin. Congregationalist. Favors Born Batesville, Ark., Apr. 1, 1867; dau. John woman suffrage s-'i'i Sarah (Bates) Campbell; ed. public schools ■r^r^^^r IT ■ S ■E' 1- /HIT „ Tc-r^-a^^o "EM t n^h 1 of Portland, Ore; m. San Jose, Cal., Aug. 30, ^JF^' ^^'^l ^V^^ ^ ul!" wiT 1892, Jame^ Tabor FitzGerald: one adopted n^ ^^Tf"^ t^- ^1 19 i%s ^kn Albert J daughter: Anne Louise FitzGerald, b. Feb. 10, Born Milwaukee, Feb. 1^,1878 dau. Alb^^^^ s ^ .^ ^ ^ music and to the and Margaret (Peebles) Barling ed^ ^^l}^J^ recognized charities. Against woman suffrage. Sem., Chicago, and Ogontz Pa. m Chicago j^gj^^.^at. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy, •^*'°^. h ^i^^' I^^T^^^ Tn^oriiV.fl i,^ MnwpTikee Los Angeles Chapter; the Auxiliary of the Good PrS^^^^^^a c.^^ T!;«nu«t rnnd Ro^ds Tss'n Shepherd, Y.W.C A. Recreations: Reading. Card InfaJits Home and Hospital, Good Roaas ass n K traveline Pre=i nt Galmn Shakesoeare of Wisconsin. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, g^Xlice-pIeTlbeU Club 19^-^^ Shakespeare swimmang, motormg. ' ^ , ' , ^ ,, „ ■E^m/nTT M _„ 4ii/io ??7 -w TVTnrlcPt St War- FITZGERALD, Marie V., Whitestone, L.L, N.T. riTCH, Mary Alida, 337 E. Market St., War journalist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1884; dau. John ?e37£s°cience; b Warrensburg, Mo. June and M.^L. -t-rald. ^e.^ ViUa^Marie^N^^^^^^^^ ^tchTe'd- W^arrfi^'b^urg^pulli'c ^li^s.^'^^^^l^s^ |TVd?^l?so"fferia^cring^^pC°w'rfghr^"^"" ^- burg State Normal, '01; Univ. of Missouri, B.S. Brady, also tree lance ana piaywrignt. '05 AM 'Oe- Sigma Xi '06; elected to fellowship FITZ GERALD, Susan Walker (Mrs. Richard in 'zoology ''06; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '12; mem. T. Fitz Gerald). 7 Greeuough Av., Jamaica Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher of science in public Plain, Mass. and private schols, 1904-05, 1906-08; ass't in Secretary; b. Cambridge, Mass., May 9, botany Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, 1871; dau. John Grimes (U.S.N.) and Rebecca Tnd 1910-12 Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Ass'n for w. (Pickering) Walker; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., Advkncemeut of Science. A.B. '93; m. Wilton N.H., Aug. 3, 1901, Richard ^™,^^ •., .. 1 T •=„ no-m>„-ir!^£. TH Y. Fitz Gerald; children: Anne, Rebecca, Susan. FITCH. Rachel Louise Cambridge, in^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^.^jl ^^93.35. Born Galva 111., Sept ^,1878, df^^^^ teacher private schools. Washington. D.C.. E. and Rachel (Helgesen) Fitch, ^d- high scbool, ^^^^ ^^ ^.^^^ Barnard Coll., 1898- ?£7hJ^h- -Q^^^xT A ?^.m nplS. Deltf Delta' 1901; head resident West Side Branch Univ. Set- 1899-1902 A.B., M.A (mem Delta Delta Delta ^ ^y ^^^^^^ ^^U^ Richmond Hill council 7 yprs) Taught school about 4 y^^^^^ House), 1901-04; sec. Boston Equal Sufirage at Galva, 111., and ^t MUtonN^Dak^ Editor and '^ Good Government, 1907-10; sec. School bu^ess manager of the ^aiva Weekly News League. Boston, 1910-U; cor. sec. Mass. 1906-08; elected hon mem^ of Men s Commer ^^^^^ suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12; rec. sec. Nat. Am. cial Club of Galva, ^i°f-P(^!„„-^^^i.'^f^^ DeUa Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12. Author: Wo- Press Ass'n of 111 Nat ^spector for Delta .^ ^ ^^^^ .^ Democracy; and 4 Delta I^.elta, visiting in it%mterests 60 coneges Rainbow Fliers. Mem. Boston Coll. Club, and universities of the U.b. urganisL uougre „ Afnwr rinh national Church, Kewanee, 111.; librarian Town- Bryn Mawr CluD. shiD Library Cambridge, 111.; mem. first library FITZGIBBON, Eleanor, 514 Lydia St., Carnegie, board public library, Galva, 111., 1908-11. Editor Pa. The Trident of Delta Delta Delta since 1905. Born Armstrong Co., Pa.; dau. William and Mem The Woman's Tuesday Club of Galva, Gertrude Grace Fitzgibbon; prepared for college ill a travel study club holding bi-monthly at Dilworth Hall, Pittsburgh; grad. Pa. Coll. for meetings- D A R. (Kewanee, 111., chapter). Pres. Women, A.B. '03. Active in society, club work '~'ollege Literary Soc, College Glee Club (Worn- and in various philanthropic and religious work, an's) Favors woman suffrage. especially interested in work in behalf of chil- , „ ,-, „ r-iofVo n dren. Chairman of Dramatic Dep't of College FITTS, Maud Lenore Emerson (Mrs. ClarKe i^. ^^^^ ^^ Pittsburgh; interested in amateur dra- Fitts), Brattleboro, Vt. <;„mnpr matics. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Born Milford, N.H.May 2^ 18,0 dau Sumner j^^^^^^^^^^, Qoif riding, walking. Mem. Col- B. and Martha A. (Bales) Emerson ed. Smith ^,^j^ ^^ Pittsburgh, Monday Club of Car- Coll., '93; m. Brattleboro, June 30, 19U3, oiarKe ^ Pittsburgh Branch Dickens Fellowship, De- ?^^''^.k^TBec''Tlm?%fA: ^rat°t^ebo'i^ -- Club, Pa. Coll. for Women. T^ib'erculosis Ass'n; vice-pres. Brattleboro Civic FITZHUGH, Laura Davis (Mrs. R. K. Fitzhugh), T.pnCTifi- vice-pres Vermont Fed. Women's Clubs Augusta, Ark. ^S' woi^n sufirage. Congregationalist. Teacher; b. Forrest City Ark., Feb. 15 1875; Mfim Soc for Promotion of Teaching Speech to dau. Thos. Jefferson and Martha (Hood) Davis; the Deaf" Recreations: Driving, automobiling, ed. Forrest City public school; Ward Sem., B-n,if tennis skaUng. Taught in high school Nashville, Tenn.; Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, f™7r vears 'and deaf school four years before Tenn.; Ecole de Mmes. de Raucourt, Chalons- rna^inle sur-Marne, Sorbonne. Paris, France; m. For- ^^ ^ ^ o, .1 .Tw = livnnu rest City. Ark.. Sept. 6. 1905, R. K. Fitzhugh; FITZ. Adeline Frances Slade (Mrs. F^ank ^j^^^ren: Rufus Davis, 1906; Thomas Baytop, Eustace Fitz), Beach Bluff, Mass., winter, ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^^^_ Federation of Women's Inverness. Fla. rio-^irl Clubs; mem. Ex. Com. Ark. State Charities and Bom Chelsea, Mass., July 12, 1861, dau. yavm corrections; especially interested in educational and Elizabeth Wilson (Whitaker) Slade, ed ^^^ ^.^j^ ^^^.^ ^^^^ Q^i Vive Club, City private tutors, Carolyn Johnson s School lor ggj^utifm League, French Club, Cemetery Ass'n, Girls, Beacon Hill, Boston; m. oneisea, Mass., ggj^^oj improvement Ass'n. Recreation: Auto- 1884. Frank Eustace Fitz; children: Lustace ^^^^^g Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Pnrv David Slade Robert Francis. Writer of "^"" * ^ „. so^h l«tiu-er aid club woman. Mem. of Pro- FITZPATRICK, Ida Hester (Mrs. Z. L Fitzpat- fesslonal Woman's Club, Boston Kosmos Club, rick), Thomasville, Ga. (summer, Madison, Sn^f^Nel^'nlfanf litlrumlr- liL\^'^% lor^n Brooks Co.. Ga., Dec. 3. 1863 dau. Cul- I^historian vice-rlgent and regent Mass. Daugh- len and Mary (Yates) Hester; ed. high school, ffrs of th4 Revolution. Pres.-gen. Nat. Soc. Quitman, Ga., and Houston Female Coll., Perry, Daughterrof the Revolution, 1909-12. Composer Ga.; m. July 8, 1884, at home. Brooks Co. Z I. songs- 'The Sweetest Flower That Blows; The Fitzpatrick. Taught in public schools of Blake- D^delion and the Daisy; The Shepherd's Lul- ly, Ga., Albany, Ga.. and Lavonia, Ga. ; also lab^ • My Little Sweetheart; The Siren of Old, taught in early married life (teacher 10 years), ^d many children's songs. Episcopalian. Rec- Active in church work, missionary soc. and Sun- ^ti^s Music floriculture, research work, day-schoolteacher. For years historian of John pXushed a m4gazlne article. Music of Our B. Gordon Chapter United Daughters of Con- g^ers. whil appeared in the New England ^ederacy.^Thom^^ville,^G..^^and^ FITZPATRICK— FLEtTKLES 295 Confederacy at Thomasville. Baptist Mem. Anna M. (Pesetz) Lament; ed. N.Y. City; mar- Daughters of the Confederacy. Honorary pres. ried Harry H. Flagler. Actively Interested John Burroughs Federation for Georgia. Vice- in Music School Settlement; director Symphony pres at large Ga. Federation of Women's Clubs; Soc of N.Y. and of Symphony Club; mem. pres. Thomasville Study Class. Husband has Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. Presbyterian. a^r^'r ^^™'°^ "''^'■^'^ ^"^ ^^^^^^ ^""^ ^°"^'' FLANTGAN. Georgia HnU (Mrs. Edward J. ^ Flanlgan), Box 589, Blsbee. Ariz. FITZPATRICK, Marion Mattoon (Mrs. James Born McDowell, Highland Co., Va., Apr. 10, Charles Fitzpatrick), 288 Clinton Av., Albany, 1875; dau. Mary (Dener) Hull; received educa- N.Y. tion In Olympia, Wash., and Prof. Gnnn's private Bom Albany, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1844; dau. David sehool in Napa, Cal. ; m. Oakland, Cal., May 4. and Sarah (Ransom) Mattoon; ed. Music Vale 1905, Edward J. Flanigan; children: Charles Sem., New London Co., Conn., and State Normal Meaoham, John Henry. Grad. nurse. State Coll., Albany, N.Y. ; m. Albany, N.Y., Aug. 4, chairman Dep't Household Economics. Favors 1869, James Oharlee Fitzpatrick, journalist (died woman suffrage; mem. Central Com. State of July 18, 1901); children: Mary Ransom, b. May 1, Ariz. Recreations: Rowing, horseback riding. 1870; David Mattoon, b. July 6, 1874; John Mem. Bisbee Woman's Club, Anona Club (cor. Tracy, b. Jan. 6, 1878; Stoddard, b. Apr. 4, 1879; sec.). Jesse Amettr b. Aug. 6, 1881; Marion Aurelia, b. _, .y^^-Kr-E-^^ m tj- t, ^, ttt j t-> Dec. 28, 1884; Sarah Hungerford, b. Sept. 7, 1887. FI-ANNEBT May K., Box 43, Wynnewood Pa. Identified with Home Mission and social and .^P'^^^S"" %i social research ; b Philadelphia, philanthropic work. Presbyterian. Vice-pres. P^^^d. Sharon Hill (Pa.) Convent; grad. Woman's Home Missionary Soc., Albany Presby- Swarthmore Coll. 1901 (mem. K.A.E.) Inves- tery; treas. Home Missionary Soc. of Fourth J'/ator on Industrial Education Commission of Presbyterian Church; one of the managers of the Mass. ; director of Consumers' League of Eastern House of Shelter. Has traveled, both In Europe Pa. Favors woman suffrage. and in the -Far West, Including a trip to rXANSBUKG, Fonetta, 707 N. Wahsatch Av., Alaska. Pres. Pine Hills Fortnightly Club of Colorado Springs, Colo. Albany, N.Y. Teacher, lecturer; b. Bleroy, 111., Jan. 22, 1852; FITZPATRICK, Mary Ransom, Public School ^^^- JameS and Pleanor (Harrower) Flansburg; 34, Brooklyn, N.Y. ^d. Rock River Sem., Mt. Morris, 111. Public Teacher; b. JBrooklyn, N.Y., May 1, 1870; dau. school teacher for 30 years; Normal Inst. In- James Charles and Marion A. (Mattoon) Fitz- structor. Speaker on temperance, missions. Patrick; ed. Girls' High School (Brooklyn), State Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Progressive and Univ. scholarships won 1889, Cornell, A.B. i° politics. Lecturer to the Open Progrees Club 1893 (Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher Hornell (N.Y.) °^ Colorado Springs for 16 years upon literary High School, 1893-98. Mem. Question Board State and art topics; before the Woman s Qub of Educational Dep't of N.Y., 13S8-1900. Teacher ^ame city for two years, 1911-13, on Greek litera^ Eastern Dist. High School, Brooklyn, 1900-06. Pres. ^ure, mythology and art. Occasional lecturer be- Brooklyn pu-blic schools, 1906-12. Favors woman fp^e many other clubs and societies in (>>Iorado suffrage. Roman Catholic. Mem. D.A.R., Brook^ Springs and other towns. Pres. Colorado Springs lyn Teachers Ass'n, Interboro Ass'n of Women f ^^^/ation of Women's Clubs, 1902-03, and again Teachers (vice-pres. 1912-13), Brooklyn Women ^^ ^^l^- Principals' Ass'n, Cornell Women's Club o^ FXEBBE, Beal^i Marie Dix (Mrs. Georg H. N.Y. (pres. 1910-12). Flebbe), 420 Harvard St., Brookllne, Mass. FITZ-RANDOLPH, Louise, South Hadley. Mass. p,^^^?.'"' .tf^ll^V ^^ ^-f ^^*'°,' ^^^/l, ^^^• College professor b. Panama, N.Y., June 25, ^^{J^S' nf,hiin th^m!- ^^^L^^^l^-h' ^^°^^^^ 1851; dau Reuben and Julia (Bell) Fltz-Ran- 5?' ^'^•oP^^//£/'=^°,°,^' ? r .q7 ,*'"^ Chelsea, dolph; ed. Mt. Holyoke Sem., 1869-72 (Mt. Hoi- ^fifv h^v°^^e„i^°"-;„ i'^^^iii^ ^!"f?™^ "^^^ yoke Coll., M.A. '04); University Coll. and the ',f"^V.Pr^nHf« nf «^ a m^ q^ ^rS*^ A^^ ^-^"^^ art schools of South Kensington Museum, Lon- fqm pif^r-^^ lil^i ;^- h ' «?■ Cambridge, don, mo-81; Sorbonne and CoUSge de France, J?i-°' i^"^^ Jlkhf l'„th ^f"^^^^';^ Evelyn 1881-82; also lectures later In Univ. of Berlin '^I^^l^rruP^^^^- J-'^^ZfJ^"^^^^'-, ^""^^ Univ. of Zurich and the Am. Schools of Classical ^^P^'T.^^J^^I ?L?u'^'^^°^^?^ Ferrlngham; studies in Athens and Rome during periods rep- l^^„^^^ %S°^.^JJ^}^J^'V,.^l,Jt;, «^P"2' uuici uu history vo. aii. m Yv c.3i,ci 11 ivcoci v c ouinj»-»i tt_-_„ m « «« . a ■d,.^^ ^» t>i ' *.i,. m' ^ ■■." of Design, Cleveland, Ohio, 1884-92; since 1892 S*'^^' ^IfX^L^, ^f. ° .Plymouth Town (with with Mt. Holyoke Coll. as instructor until 1904, ^^it' ^lll^JL.t J„?.Ll'^ti ^'^o ^n°^^-^<=^ since then as professor of history of art and g fI^;,J?I°^ JX ° ??^^i!' ™!^- H""" ^S""*^ archaology. Mem. Managing Com. Am. School Suffrage League, Drama League of Boston. Rec- of Classical Studies at Athens; mem. Archaeo- ^^^^''V^^T^U^^l^fuf^^f^ii.^^'''l producing logical Inst of America (mem. board of management of the Toy Theatre, logical inst. ot America. Boston); also enjoys rowing and swimming: FLAGG, Edna Pressey (Mrs. Charles Fobes Clubs: Boston Authors', CoUege Club of Boston, Flagg). 110 Emery St., Portland. Me. 47 Club of RadclifTe, Soc. of Am. Dramatists and Born Corinth, Me., Feb. 11, 1873; dau. Joseph Composers (N.Y. City). In 1902 began to collab- W. and Mary E. (Pearson) Pressey; ed. private orate in playwrlghting with the late Evelyn schools; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '94; graduate Greenleaf Sutherland, of Boston. The Joint plays study in Univ. of Rochester; mem. Tau Zeta are as follows (in England): The Breed of the Epsilon; m. Rochester, N.Y., Dec. 16, 1896, Treshams, 1903- ; Matt of Merrymount, 1906-07; Charles Fobes Flagg; children: Gwendolin, b. Boy o' Carroll, 1906; Young Fernald 1910. In 1902; Joseph Pressey, b. 1908. Bx-pres. Me. Fed. America: A Rose o' Plymouth Town. 1902-03; The Women's Clubs; ex -pres. Woman's Literary Road to Yesterday, 1906-09; The Lilac Room, Union of Portland; ex-pres. Civic Club; direc- 1906-07; Young Fernald, 1906; The SubsUtute, tor .Mfline Home for Friendless Boys; mem. 1908-09 Board of Trustees of State Juvenile Institutions; Tmrr'K-T *ra tw-™ ttiwok^^t, -ir-.i, /vc t chairman scholarship fund of Maine Fed. of ,.Fr 1^, , ,^ „cl ,, ° o'* X^"; , ^^ Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Prot- V^°'' ^leckles), 265 Macon St.. Brooklyn, estant Episcopal. Mem. Portland Soc. of Art. U: ,, ^ rn. , n o vt-d-t • Fleckles; children: Elliot Victor and Rol>ert FLAGLER, Anne Lament (Mrs. Harry H. Flag- Schoebel, twins, b. Feb. 16, 1898; Helen Ellza- ler), Mlllbrook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. beth. b. June 28. 1903. Has pracOced continu- Born N.Y. City; daughter of Charles A. and ously since graduation. Mem. S. Parks Cad- 296 FLEMIl^G— FLETCHER man's Ohurch. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Professional League, 17th Assembly District, Brooklyn. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women; on staff of Memorial Hospital. Mem. Unity Child Welfare Club and Ohild Welfare of City Federation. BXEMING, Caroline Pelgram (Mrs. Henry Stuart Fleming), 2 E. Sixty-flfth St., N.Y. City. Born Paterson, N.J., Nov. 28, 1872; dau. Charles R. and Eliza (Bolleray) Pelgxam; grad. Vassar, A.B. '95; m. Jan. 4, 1905, Henry Stuart Fleming; children: Raoul Pelgrajn Fleming, Elizabeth Fleming. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreation: Socials. FLEMING, Dora HartzeU (Mrs. Fred Fleming), 3931 Worth St., Dallas, Tex. Bom Dresden, Tex., Oct. 3, 18M; dau. Daniel B. and Martha (C!aJToll) Hartzell; ed. Dresden Acad, and private schools and Synodical Female Coll., Fulton, Mo., A.B. '83; m. Dresden, Tex., Feb. 24, 1885, Fred Fleming; children: Mrs. Mabel Elliot Jr., Florine, Miss Fred. Mem. of Tex. Fine Arts Ass'n, Dallas Arts Ass'n, Dallas Free Kindergarten Ass'n, Dallas Orchestral Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Metbodist Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of the Tex. Republic. Recreations: Driving, golf. Mem. Tex.' Fed. of Womien's Clubs, Matheon Literary, Woman's Forum, Forum Art Dep't, Stephen F. Austin's Mothers' Club, Mrs. Craie'i Travel Class. Vice- pres. at large of Tex. Fed. of Women's Clubs; was pres. of Third District Tex. Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs; served as chairman of Program five years; also served as chairman of Art. FLEMING, Jennie E. (Mrs. C. K. Fleming), 471 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. Born Mercer, Pa., Feb. 12, 1862; dau. Dr. D. W. and Eliza (Paden) Webster; ed. Grove City Coll.; m. San Jose, Cal., Nov. 20, 1889, Dr. C. K. Flem- ing; children: Howard Webster, b. Jan. 21, 1891; MUdred, b. Aug. 10, 1898. Mem. (Jal. Indian Ass'n, W.C.T.U. Presbyterian; mem. Wwnan's Missionary Soc. Independent voter. Pres. Fort- nlghUy Club (study club). FLETCHER, Alice Cunning-ham, residence, 214 First St., S.E., Washington, D.C. ; permanent address, Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass. Anthropologist and ethnologist; b. Boston, Mass.; ed. In private schools and pursued spe- cial studies in the ethnic sciences and archseology in the Peabody Museum (Harvard), in which she has held the Thaw fellowship since 1891. Ass't In etinology, Peabody Museum of Arch- eology and Ethnology since 1882; writer on sub- jects connected with archeeology and American Indian folk-lore. Deeply interested in the wel- fare of American Indians and author of a loan- ing system to advance small sums to Indians to enable them to buy lands and build houses for their own occupancy; active in the promotion of the passage of the Act of Congress by which lands were alloted in severalty to Indians of the Omaha tribe; appointed by President special agent under the Severalty Allotment Act of 1S87, and made allotments to the Winnebagoes in 1887-88; Nez Perces, 1889-92; one of managers of Dep't of AnthrofKjlogy in the World's Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Author: Indian Story and Song from North America; also nu- merous publications and bulletins of the Bureau of American EJthnology, Washington, and the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass.; and arti- cles in anthropological publications. Fellow A.A.A.S. (vice-pres. Dep't of Anthropology, 1896); mem. Archaeological Inst, of America, Anthro- pological Soc. of Washington (ex-pres.). Am. Folk-Lore Soc. (pres.). FLETCHETl, Catharine Westinghonse (Mrs. Charles W. Fletcher), Englewosd, N.J. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., April 17, 1883; dau. Henry Herman and Clara (SaJtmarsh) West- inghouse; ed. Thurston Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Kidder's Ferry, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1906, Charles W. Fletcher; one son: Herman Westinghouse Fletcher. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club and Musical Art Soc, Englewood, N.J. Recreations: Golf, tennis, riding. FLETCHER, Cora Sechrist (Mrs. Hugh M. Fletcher), 416 Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Physician; b. Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 16, 1871; dau. Jacob M. and Catherine L. (Bostick) Se- christ; ed. Cornell Univ., B.S. '93; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. "96 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. in Ohio, Jan. 1, 1908, Dr. Hugh M. Fletcheh Episcopalian. Mem. Cleveland College Club, Cor- nell Alumnae Club for Women. FLETCHER, Katharine Ogden, Amherst, Mass. Teacher; b. Hartford, Conn., 1877; dau. Will- iam Isaac and Annie L Baron (Richmond) Fletcher; ed. Amherst (.Mass.) High School; Smith Coll. A.B.; N.H. State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H.; Columbia Univ. M.A. Taught in high schools of Plymouth, N.H. ; Randolph, Hyde Park and Newton, Mass. ; since Sept. 1912, head of English dep't St. Agnes' School, Albany. Mem. Central Congregational Church, Boston. Has done settlement work and visiting for out- patient dep't of hospitals. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationallst. Recreations: Walking, rowing, swimming, paddling, snowahoeing, skat- ing and out-door sports in general; indoor ac- tivities, music. Summer spent in camp in Quaker Hill, Conn. Mem. local literary and musical clubs and college alumnse ass'n. FLETCHER, Mabel Elizabeth BLllings, 470 E. Center St., Decatur, 111. High school librarian; b. Decatur, 111., Nov. 16, 1886; dau. George Everett and Nancy Elizabeth (Billings) Fletcher; ed. Decatur High School, Univ. of Chicago (Associate in Philosophy 1912, hon. mention work of Junior Colleges). Author of paper. The Child's Point of View in Lan- guage, delivered before Child Study Section of 111. State Teachers' Ass'n in Chicago, 1910. In- terested in helping the young folk to appreciate the mechanical difficulties and compensating joys of beginning authorship, also talented children the great medium of child expression. Has or- ganized several chapters of the St. Nicholas League. Favors woman suffrage. Ck)ntributor since 1905 to Home and School and divers peda- gogical journals: A Figured Flame (Every- body's), 1911; The Young School Teacher; Her Day of White Bread; Lavendar's for Ladies (Youth's Companion), and A Blundering Life (Canada World). Winner of silver and gold badges in the St. Nicholas League. Baptist. Recreations: Writing, walking, bird study, dancing. Mem. Decatur Drama (3lub, Scribblers' Club, Decatur Bird Club, Societas Puellarum. FLETCHER, Margaret Abert Beale (Mrs. Robert Walter Fletcher), Fletcher, N.C. Musician; b. Arden, N.C, Aug. 29, 1879; dau. Charles Willing and Maria Parker (Taylor) Beale; studied music in Paris, France, also in Cincinnati, O. ; studied wood carving in N.Y. under Baron Van Rydingsvard; m. Sept. 15. 1906, Robert Walter Fletcher; children: Maria Parker Taylor Beale, b. Sept. 25, 1907; Bertha Beale, b. Oct. 25, 1909. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. D.A.R., Current Literature Book Club. FLETCHER, Mary Emily Moose (Mrs. John Fletcher), 991 W. 19th St., Little Rock, Ark. Born Lewisburg (now Morrilton) Ark., Jan. 21, 1854; dau. Jamea Miles and Sophia E. (Stockton) Moose; ed. Martha Washington Coll., Abingdon, Va. ; m. Mar. 30, 1875, John Fletcher; one son, •rhomas. Active in church and mission work, also philanthropic work; sec. Orphans' Home for 28 years; one of lady guardians of the Ada Thompson Home for Old Ladies; pres. State Mis- sion Soc. for eight years. Favors woman suf- frage. E>dlts church paper (a little quarterly); has written club and missionary articles for the press, club and church journals. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; mem. State Missionary Soc, Y.W.C.A., Little Rock Orphans' Home; Ada Thompson Home for Old Ladies; Daughters of Confedwacy. Ex. -pres. Ark. Federation of V/omen's Clubs; State Federation sec. for Gen. Federation Women's Clubs for Ark. Mem. A'^sthetic Club, Edelweiss Club, Musical Coterie Co-operative Ass'n; pres. for the Southern Dist. of Nat. Federation of Music Clubs, consisting of 14 States. FLETT— FLOOD 297 FXETT, Penelope McXani:hton, Waverly, Mass. Physician; b. Nelson, N.B., Canada, Apr. 6, 18G3; dau. William and Helen Hendrie iRo-bcrt- son) Flott; ed. Univ. Coll., Dundee, Scotland, 1S83-86; Vassar Coll., 1888-92, A.B. '92; Med. Dep't Univ. of Mich., 1S92-96, M.D. '96 (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Late physician in charge of sani- tarium, Santa Clara, N.Y.; late mem. of staff of Dispensary of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children; late physician to Y.W.C.A., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; late school physician tov/n of Belmont, Mass. Mem. Belmont Chapter Order of Eastern Star. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc., The Waltham Med. Club. BXEXNEB, Ande Crawford (Mrs. Abraham Flexner), 114 E. Seventy-first St., N.Y. City. Playwright; b. Georgetown, Ky. ; daughter of Louis G. and Susan (Farnum) Crawford; ed. Vaesar Coll., A.B. '95; m. Louisville, Ky., June 23, 189S, Abraham Flexner; children: Jean Atherton Flexner, Eleanor Flexner. Plays pro- duced: Miranda of the Balcony (produced by Mrs. Fiske, 1901) ; Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (Liebler & Co., 1903); A Lucky Star (Charles Frohman for William Collier, 1909); The Marriage Game (John Cort, 1913). Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club, N.Y. City. FLEXNEB, Helen Whltall Thomas (Mrs. Simon Flexner), 150 E. Sixty-first St., N.Y. City. Born Baltimore, Md. ; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, Md. ; Bryn Ma-wr Coll., A.B. (George W. Childs prize essayist), '93; student Univ. of Leipzig, Sofbonne, and College de France, '94-95; graduate student '95-97, Bryn Mawr Coll. ; m. Baltimore, 1903, Simon Flexner, M.D., D.Sc. (di- rector ol the laboratories of the Rockefeller Inst, for Medical Research). Reader in English, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-1903. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, N.Y. City (vice-pres. 1905-09), Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. City. IXEXNEK, Mary, Bryn Mawr Club, 137 E. 40th St., N.Y. City. Teacher; b. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 20, 1873; dau. Moritz and EJsther (Abraham) Flexner; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95; Columbia Univ., A.M. '06. Teacher In Mr. Abraham Flexner'a School, Louisville, Ky., 1895-1901; teacher in Ethical Cul- ture School, N.Y. City, 1906-07; investigator and sec. Henry St. Settlement Scholarship Fund, 1908-11; visiting teacher for the I>ublic Education Ass'n of N.Y. City, 1911 — . Manager Mohansie State Hospital, Yorktown, N.Y. ; sec. of board of managers of same hospital. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Plea for Vocational Training, 1908; The Misfit Child, 1912; Directory of Trade, Industrial and Art Schools in Greater N.Y., 1909. Hebrew. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club (N.Y. City), Social Workers Country Club, Hartsdale, N.Y. IXICKINGEB, Alice, 227 Orchard Av., Webster Groves Station, St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1884; dau. Dr. Adam and Ida Grace (Heliers) Flickinger; grad Mary Inst., St. Louis, with high honor, 1901; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., A.M. '06. Sec. Art Section of the Monday Club of Webster Groves; Ladies' Aid Soc. of the Webster Groves Presbyterian Church; mem. Emanuel Episcopal Church Choir. Pres- byterian. Mem. Mary Inst. Alumnae Ass'n, Bryn Mawr Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Washlngrton Univ. Ass'n, South Side Day Nursery Ass'n, Ass'n for Coll. AlumnaB. Recreations: Tennis, canoeing, dancing, riding, driving, painting, stringed In- struments, dramatics, cooking, reading, needle- work. Clubs: Bryn Mawr Club, Kirkwood Choral Club, College Club (St. Louis), Monday Club of Webster Groves. FLICKINGER, Martha Kodgers (Mrs. Karl A. Flickinger), 7 Benison PI., Toledo, Ohio. Born Norwalk, O., Oct. 5, 1871; dau. James Scott and Mary L. (Parker) Rodgers; ed. The Smead School for Girls; Wells Coll., Aurora, N.Y., A.B. '93; m. Toledo, Apr. 20, 1897, Karl A. Flickinger; children: F.orence Rodgers, Frederick Rodgers, James Rodgers. Leader of Woman's Bible class, Collingwood Presbyterian Church; vice-regent Ursula Wolcott Chapter D.A.R., 1911- 12; pres. Ass'n of Coll. Women, 1911-12. Pres- byterian; mem. Y.W.C.A. FI.INN, Mary Stephens, N. Highland Av., Pittsburgh, Pa, Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Fob. 20, 1888; dau. Will- iam and Nancy (Galbralth) Flinn; ed. .Mrs. Dow's School, Farmington, Conn., later Briar- cliff Manor, N.Y. Mem. Board of Industrial Home for Crippled Children, Associated Chari- ties of Pittsburgh, Pa. State Charities Ass'n, Pittsburgh Northfield League (religious), Norlh- fleld League, Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party of Allegheny Co., chairman Finance Com. of EJqual Franchise Fed. of Western Pa.; mem. Legislative Com. of Pa. State Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Mem. Alle- gheny Co. Com. of Progressive Party. Mem. Farmington Soc. (Founder's Chapter), Consum- ers' League, Child Labor Ass'n, Morals EflQciency Commission of Pittsburgh, Juvenile Court Ass'n, Am. Vigilance Ass'n, Am. Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, Am. Soc. for Labor Legisla- tion. Recreations: Riding, tennis, skating, fox hunting, swimming. Mem. Pittsburgh Athletic Club. FLINT, Annie Austin, 118 E. Nineteenth St., N.Y. City. Author; b. N.Y. City, Dec. 11, 1866; dau. Austin Flint, M.D., and Elizabeth (McMaster) Flint; ed. private schools in New York. Assistant editor Our Animal Friends, official organ of the Am. Soe. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 1893-1906; since 1911 manager of Onteora Cottage rentals and sales for Onteora Club members. Author of short stories for adults and children, essays, leaders, book reviews, verse. Novels: Abraham's Mother (in Ten Notable Stories) 1893; Sunbeam Stories and Others; A Christmas Stocking; A Girl of Ideas. Occasional con- tributor to Lippincott's, McClure's, Ainslie's; prize winner In N.Y. Herald short story contest of 1909, with story entitled Paper Dolls; con- tributor to The Congregatlonalist, Church Stand- ard, Our Animal Friends, The Independent, Animals' Protective League, Kate Field's Wash- ington, Illustrated American. Mem. Onteora Club (Catskill Mts.) Women's Cosmopolitan (N.Y. City). Episcopalian. FLINT, Lillian C, 681 Solby Av., St. Paul, Minn. Principal of school; b. Cassville, N.Y. ; dau. George and Elizabeth (Avery) Flint; ed. Albany Normal School. Principal of school, St. Paul, Minn.; taught 25 years. Active in securing pen- sion for teachers of Minn.; wurked on committee for 15 years. Against won..;n suffrage. Writer for Youth's Companion, .'entury, American, Baptist Publication Soc, Pr. byterian Soc, also one book entitled Small GarL as for Small Gar- deners. Presbyterian. Mem. Thursday Club. Recreations: Nature study and out-of-door walks. riXNT, Marion Lenore, 68 Myrtle St., Paw- tucket, R.I. Born Westboro, Mass.; dau. Franklin C. and Mary Louise (Mellish) Flint; ed. Concord (Mass ) High School, Tufts Coll., A.B. '9S; studied French in Paris summer of 1907, and also for several months in 1910 (mem. Chi Omega). Chiefly teacher in high schools, Latin and French, but for two years head of Latin dep't at State 'Nor- mal School, Natchitoches, La. When La. was quarantined for yellow fever, 1905, went north and centered upon work in high school. Against woman suffrage. Universalist. FLOOD, Frances Otey (Mrs. E. H. R. Flood) 2709 Tenth Av., South Birmingham, Ala. Muslciaji, singer; b. Gallion, Ala.; dau. Will- iam Armistead and Olivia (Gordon) Robinson; grad. Judson Coll., Marlon, Ala. Studied voice extensively in Cincinnati, Ohio, and N.Y. City; m. (1st) 1894, L. C. .\llen iprorainent business man of Shreveport, La., and grand master of the Masons of Louisiana); (2d) 1909, E. H. R. Flood (a prominent musician); children: Llttleberry Cal- houn Allen, b. Nov. 7, 1897; Olivia Otey Allen, b. Jan. 7, 1901. Founded the Columbia Conserva- tory of Music. Shreveport, La. Bstablished first playgrounds in Shreveport; was appointed by mayor delegate to Nat. Playground Ass'n of America (N.Y. City), 1908. Pres. Polymnla (mu- sic club) ; wafi pres. of Civic League of Shreve- 29S FLOOD-KEYES— FOLGBR port and while pres. was appointed on Water- way Com., which became the Women's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Cksngress, an organiation of national prominence. Was chairman of civics of Louisiana State Fed. Women's Clubs, and later chairman of music in same. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Era Civic Ass'n, Shreveport, La., and Civic League. FLOOD-KEYES, K^ina — see Keyes, Re&ina Flood. PXOKER, Jeannette Smith (Mrs. Warren Wash- burn Florer), 910 Olivia Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Cheboygan, Mich., Aug. 5, 1872; dau. Charles Russell and Sarah Isabel (MacArthur) Smith; grad. Ann Arbor High School, '92; Univ. of Mich., B.L. '9S (mem. Alpha Phi) ; m. Ann Arbor, 1898, Warren Washburn Florer (Ph.D. Cornell); children: Mary Heywood (D.A.R.), Francis Mary, b. Aug. 3, 19u0; Herbert Wash- burn, b. Dee. 16, 1902. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. FEOUKNOY, Anita Patterson (Mrs. George Al- exander Flournoy), Lo-lo-mai Lodge, Paducah, Ky. Born in Kentucky; dau. William M. Patterson, D.D., and Delia (Morrison) Patterson; girlhood was spent in the City of Mexico, where her father was a missionary and where she received her early education, later at Nashville (Tenn.) Coll. for Young Ladies, A.B. '90; m. Paducah, Ky., Oct. 12, ls92. Lives in Paducah, but spends part of the winters in Memphis, Tenn. Interested in working for educational and civic improvement. In Kentucky has held the chairmanship of the Kentucky Library Comm'n since 1910, and chair- manship of Library Com. of Ky. Federation of Women's Clubs since 1911. In Memphis mem. Junior Equal Rights League and mem. of its board; mem. Woman's Club and Country Club. Lives much out-doors, swims, enthusiastic horse- woman (has won many prizes in horse shows), plays golf and tennis; chief pleasure is hardy garden at her country place in Ky., where she has grown thousands of old-fashioned flowers, which garden attracts many spectators at times of special bloom. iXOWEK, Lucy E. (Mrs. James M. Flower), Coronado, Cal. Teacher; b. Boston, May 10, 1837; adopted dau. S. E. and Charlotte H. (Ladd) Cones; ed. Ports- mouth, N.H. ; m. Washington, D.C., James M. Flower of Madison, Wis.; children: Elliott, Har- riet (now Mrs. Dunlop Smith), Louis. Pres. Training School for Nurses for many years; mem. Chicago Board of Education; trustee of 111. State Univ. (first woman elected to that position. Active in philanthropic work, espe- cially for children. Helped in framing and secur- ing Juvenile Court law for 111. ; selected and raised money to pay probation oflScers for first two years of this court Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Fortnightly Club, San Diego Woman's Club. During term of office in Chicago Board of Education worked for industrial training, for kindergartens and for baths in public schools; work along these lines has been recognized by naming the new High School of Industrial Arts for Women the Lucy L. Flower School. EEY^NT, Fannie C. (Mrs. W. W. Flynt), Fox- croft, Me. Born Guilford, Me., May 6, 1S63; dau. Joseph M. and Adelia F. (Thomas) Curtis; ed. town schools and acad., Foxcroft, Me.; m. Guilford, Me., 1SS4, W. W. Flynt; children: J. Curtis, b. July 15, 1SS7; Clifton W., b. Dec. 22, 1894. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Cos- mopolitan Club (pres. 1911-12), Philathea Soc, Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Music, painting. FOBES, Harriet Keith, 153 Carnegie Hall, W. 57th St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Brooklyn; dau. Nathan and Eliza- beth C. (Keith) Fobes; ed. Dearborn Morgan School, Orange, N.J.; Cooper Union, Nat. Acad. of Design. Exhibited World's Fair, Chicago; exhibited Architectural League, N.Y. City, Am. Sederation Art League, Washington, D.C., Bal- timore Decorative Art Soc. ; won a prize in burnt work. Specialist on hand-wrought jewelry. Swe- denborgian. Clubs: Nat. Arts, MacDowell. De- scendant in maternal line from Rev. James Keith, first minister of Plymouth Colony. FOGG, Helen Moore, Cynwyd, Fa, Bom Philadelphia, Pa. ; da.u. Clarkson and Martha A. (Moore) Fogg; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia; Swarthmore Coll., B.A. ; Univ. of Grenoble, France. Manager W. Phila- delphia Hospital for Women; manager Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, Philadelphia. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Favors woman suf- frage. Director Philadelphia Coll. Equal Suf- frage Leagu-e; treas. and business manager of the Pa. WniTian Suffrage News. Mem. Society of Friends, College Club of Philadelphia. FOGLE, Amanda Harter (Mrs. James Under- bill Fogle), 982 N. Cleveland Av.. Canton, O. Born Canton, O., Dec. 13, 1877; dau. George D. and Elizabeth (Aultman) Harter; ed. Farming- ton, Conn., Smith, B.L. '99 (mem. Alpha); m. Canton, Apr. 17, 1901, James Underbill Fogle; children: Elizabeth, James Underbill Jr., William Lewis, Richard Harter, Stephen Francis. Mem. Board of Managers of Consumers' League and Woman's Exchange; menu CJhildren's Aid Soc, Y.W.C.A., Municipal League, College Settlement Ass'n. Lutheran. Favors woman suffrage. FOHS, Cora Baldanf (Mrs. F. Julius Fobs), 414 Linden Walk, Lexington, Ky. Born Henderson, Ky., Feb. 3, 1882; dau. Morris and Lina (Kahn) Baldauf; ed. Henderson public schools, Miss Steven's College Preparatory School, Germantown, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., Pa.; m. Henderson, Ky., Sept. 16, 1908, F. Julius Fobs; one daughter: Ella Baldauf. Teacher of German and Latin, Henderson High School, *1905-08. Favors woman suffrage. Jewess. Pro- gressive. FOLEY, Edna Eois, Monroe Building, Monroe St. and Michigan Av., Chicago, 111. Registered nurse; b. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 17, 1878; dau. William R. and Matilda (Baker) Foley; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; Hartford (Conn.) Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1904, R.N. '05. Head nurse Hartford JHos- pital, 1904-05; Albany (N.Y.) Child's Hospital, 1905-06; Boston Children's Hospital, 1906-07; su- pervising nurse Chicago Tuberculosis Inst., 1909- 11; sup't Municipal Tuberculosis Nurses, 1911-12; sup't Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Chicago, 1912. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; vice-pres. Nat. Organi- zation for Public Health Nursing; mem. Social Service Club of Chicago, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Am. Nurses Ass'n, 111. State Ass'n for Graduate Nurses, Chicago District Nurses' Club, Woman's City Club. Favors woman suffrage. FOLEY, Marcella M., cor. West and Main Sts., llion, N.Y. Teacher; b. Uion, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1S79; ed. llion High School, class of '96; Cornell Univ., '01. Instructor in Latin, Herkimer (N.Y.) High School, 1901-02 (inclusive) ; prin. Herkimer High School, Herkimer, N.Y"., 1903-12. Mem. Utlca Cornell Alumnae Club, Herkimer County Cornell Club. Recreation: Camp life. Catholic. FOLGEl^, Alice Adele, 1038 Pine St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Artist, writer; b. Cincinnati, O.; dau. George Macy and Anna G. (Laird) Folger; ed. in Cincin- nati, Hughes High School, and special course at Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art School under the late Thomas Noble and Clarence D. Bart- lett. Author and illustrator: Songs from the Heart (book of verse) ; co-writer of An Aston- ishing Climax; also writer of a series of articles on the great paintings, and many short stories and poems. In the last three years has made a profession of the art of story telling, and has many engagements during the season before clubs, churches, etc. Interested in Y.W.C.A. work and gives her services by telling of stories. Has a class in Christ Church (P.E.) Sunday- school. Mem. Girls' Friendly Soc. of the Epis- copal Church; Woman's Auxiliary; Consumers' League, Cincinnati; Woman's PriTis Club (exec, board); pres. Cincinnati Folk-Lore Soc; 1st vlce- pres. Ohio Newspaper Woman's Ass'n; Clncin- FOLGER— FOOTE 299 natl Woman's Art Club; Audubon Soc. Recrea- tion: Sketching while traveling. Against woman suffrage. FOLGER, Emily Clara Jordan (Mrs. Henry C. Folger), 24 Brevoort Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Ironton, O., May IB, 1858; dau. Edward and Augusta Woodbury (Riclces) Jordan; ed. Vassar, A.B. '79, A.M. '96; preparatory school. Miss Kannay's, Elizabeth, N.J. ; m. Elizabeth, N.J., Oct. 6, 1885, Henry C. Folger Jr. Mem. Vassar Coll. Alumnae Aas'n, Vassar Students' Aid Soc., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R,, Y.W.C.A., Woman's Municipal League, McAll Mission, Music Settlement, Congregational Church societies, Meridian Club. Recreations: Out-door life of Nassau Country Club, Informal study of Shakesi>eare and Shakespearian drama. Congregationalist. FOLIN, Lanra Churchill Grant (Mrs. Otto Folln), 43 Buckminster Road, Brookllne, Mass. Born Truro, Nova Scotia, Can. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '92; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '96; m. Sept. 11, 1899, Otto Folln; one son, three daugh- ters. Teacher Ascham Hall, Chicago, 1894-96; Cleveland High School, St Paul, Minn, 1898. FOLKMAR, Klnora Cuddeback (Mrs. Daniel Folkmar), 1839 Ontario Pi., Washington, D.C. Physician, lecturer; b. Franklin, 111., Apr. 15, 1863; dau. George and Elizabeth Ellen ('JUrey) Cuddeiback; ed. Western Mich. Coll., B.S. '92; Carthage Coll., 111., M.Ph. '95; New Voir, of Brussels (Belgium) Docteur fes sciences soclales '99; George Washington Univ., M.D. '09; post- grad, student in science and sociology, Univ. of Chicago, 1904-06; certificate Ecole d' Anthropologic, Paris, 1899; student College des Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1898-99. State institute lecturer, Mich., 111., Iowa, Wis., 1889-97, 1902-05; lecturer New Univ., Brussels, 1900; exec. oCacer and lecturer Woman's Clinic, educational dep't, 1911 — . Chairman for District of Columbia, Ck)m. on Pub- lic Health Education, Am. Med. Ass'n, 1911 — . Lecturer on social hygiene, 1912 — , for Nat. Cash Register Co., Dayton, O. Lectured on sex educa- tion at fifteenth Internal. Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Washington, 1912. Awarded diploma of merit for exhibit. Organized in 1906 the Better Milwaukee Ass'n, which was instru- mental in getting an appropriation from the City Council for the purchase of several small parks; one of Incorporators Peoples Gardens of Wash- ington; chairman sub-corn, on the social causes of infant mortality, Monday Evening Club, Washing- ton; chairman of com. on Child Hygiene, Mothers' Congress, Washington; reviewer of books on sociology for L'Humanite Nouvelie, Paris, 1899- 1902. Joint author, with Dr. Daniel Folkmar, of Dictionary of Races or Peoples — vol. 5, Reports of the U.S. Immigration Com., 1911; numerous articles on life Insurance, civic improvements, and educational subjects for newspapers and magazines; in preparation: Sex Education and Social Hygiene. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n; Med. Soc. of the Dist. of Columbia; Southern Med. Ass'n; XV International Congress of Hygiene and Demography; Am. Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis; Soc. for Social Hygiene for Dlst. of Columbia; The Woman's Clinic T League of Am. Penwomen; Am. Asa'n for Advancement of Women; Mothers' Congress (D.C.); Colutntiian Woman; Monday Evening Club; People's Gar- dens of Washington; Anthony League. F0L80M, Clara Abbott (Mrs. Charles Rog-er Folsom), 460 Allen St., Syracuse, N.Y. Born Oxford, Wis., May 20, 1867; dau. Frank and Mary M. (Kling) Abbott; ed. Westfield High School, Unlv of Wis. (grad. in pharmacy); m. Westfield, Wis., Aug. 28, 1901, Charles Roger Folsom; children: Abbott Charles, Roger Will- lam, Elizabeth. Practised pharmacy in Milwau- kee for ten years before marriage; one of the first two women graduates in pharmacy in Wis- consin. Active mem. Visiting Nurse Ass'n; assoc. mem. Y.W.C.A.; mem. Onondaga Chapter D.A.R. (all of Syracuse). Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Morning Musicale Club of Syracuse. FOLSOM, Ellen Mlnot, 114 Marlborough St., Boston, Macs. Educator; b. Charlestown, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '71. Teacher in Syracuse, N.Y., 1871-72; Girls' High School, Boston, 1872-80; principal of private school in Boston, 1887-1902. FOLSOM, riorens (Mrs. Charles Dwlght Fol- som), Box 14, Upper Montclalr, N.J. Writer; b. Brooklyn, Nov. 22, 1874; dau. John DeCamp and Mary Letitia (Hughes) Bluxome; ed. Packer Inst., Brooklyn; St. Gabriel's, Peeks- kill, N.Y.; m. Brooklyn, 1897, Charles Dwlght Folsom; one son: Charles Dwlght Folsom, Jr. First interest and connection was with the New Thought Magazine, Chicago; later The Nautilus, Holyoke, Mass. Deeply interested in the modern radical school of education, as exemplified by Ferrer, Calvert, Montessori. Has taught chil- dren along these lines and adults In the New Thought. Has published so far only In the magazines of the New Thought movement Rec- reations: Out-of-door sports, athletics, canoeing, driving, riding. Opposed to woman suffrage. FOLTZ, Clara Shortrldge (Mrs. J. D. Foltz), Merchants' Trust Building, Second St. and Broadway, Los Angreles, Cal. Lawyer; b. Henry Co., Ind. ; dau. Rev. E. W. and Telitha C. (Harwood) Shortrldge; ed. (3al. schools, went in childhood with parents to Cal.; m. J. D. Foltz (now deceased). On being, widowed vrith five young children to support, studied law, and was the first woman to be ad- mitted to practice law In Cal. Practiced first In San Francisco, later in Los Angeles; served two terms as deputy district attorney of Los Angeles Co. Active in many reforms; author of the prison parole system of Cal. ; drafted and put through amendments to the Constitution of Cal., providing that no citizen on account of sex shall be denied the right to enter and pursue any business vocation or profession; author of various statutes for benefit of women. Was first woman to serve as trustee of the State Normal School; first woman to serve on State Board of Charities and Correction. Pres. Votes for Women Club, which led in successful cam- paign for the suffrage In C^l., carrying the fight into every county and district in the State. Republican. FOLWELL, Sarah Hnbbard (Mrs. William Watts Folwell), 1020 Fifth St, S.E., Minne- apolis, Minn. Born Buffalo, N.Y., Jein. 6, 1838; dau. Russell Hubbard and Sally (Wicks) Heywood; ed. The Misses Hills School, Buffalo, N.Y. ; m. Buffalo, Mar. 14, 1863, William Watts Folwell, B.A., M.A., LL.D. ; children: Mary Heywood, D.A.R., Russell Heywood, B.S., M.S., and William Bain- bridge, captain U.S.A. Life mem. Minneaptolis Soc. of Fine Arts. Episcopalian. Recreation: Painting. FOOT, EUza Campbell, Lakewood, N.J. Born Geneva, N.Y., Feb. 23; dau. Samuel A. and Jane (Campbell) Foot; ed. Geneva, N.Y. Organized the Woman's Chess Club and has been Its pres. 19 years. Organized the Woman's Chess Congress. Favors woman suffrage. FOOTE, Anna Jenner (Mrs. Sterling Foote), 550 Park Av.. N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Jan. 25, 1881; dau. William Allen and Josephine ((jurtls) Jenner; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. Madison Square Church, Apr. 30, 1907, Sterling Foote; children: Eleanor Hopestill, b. Feb. 19, 1907; Hastings Foote, b. June 19, 1912. Mem. Woman's Muni- cipal League, N.Y. Magdalen Benevolent Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Junior Wednesday Afternoon Club. FOOTE, Elizabeth Looisa, N.Y. Public Library, 224 E. ]25th St., N.Y. City. Librarian; b. Rome, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1866; dau. Rev. John Bartlitt Foote, D.D., and Louisa (Young) Foote; ed. Wellealey Coll. two years; Syracuse Univ., A.B. '88; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '92 (mem. Alpha Phi). Cataloguer and organizer of public libraries, 1892-97, during and after connection with public libraries di- vision of N.Y. State Education Dep't; ass't N.Y. Public Library. 1897—. Instructor of training class, 1901-11; branch librarian. 1911—. Inter- ested in social work, settlements, charity organ- 300 FOOTE— FORD ization socs., etc.; in missionary organlza- School, London, Eng. ; m. Wichita, Kan., Feb, tions, particularly the Summer Evangelistic cam- 10, 1886, Armitage S. C. Forbes. Originated and paign in N.Y. City and the N.Y. City Mission established the Nat. Naval memorial ceremony and Church Extension Soc. of M.E. Church; In of casting flowers upon the sea in memory of the various young people's organizations tor mis- naval dead. Pres. El Camino Real Ass'n, Cal., sionary and religious work, the Y.W.C.A., etc. the object of which is the reconstruction of tb,9 Author: The Librarian of the Sunday-school; road that in the early days of Cal. joined the Strengthening the Sunday-school Library; and 21 Franciscan Missions, the Pueblos and Pre- articles, mostly professional, in various journals, sidios of that State. Presented with a gold badge Methodist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, N.Y. LI- by the Masonic Veteran Ass'n of the Paciflo brary Ass'n (State). Mem. N.Y. Library Club, Coast in recognition of patriotic work. Author: N.Y. Alumna Chapter of Alpha Phi, Women's California Mission and Landmarks; Mission University Club. Favors woman suffrage. Tales in the Days of the Dons. Republican FOOTE. Mary Hallock (Mrs. Arthur De WInt )!,?.'". Mem. Eschscholtzia Chapter DA. R., Cal. Foote). North Star Mines, Grass Valley, Cal. Cliff Dwelling Ass n Stanton Relief Coiys No Writer; b. Milton, N.Y,, Nov. 19, 1847; dau. 16- Hon. mem Nat. Ass n of Ladies of Naval Nathaniel and Anne (Burling) Hallock; ed. small Veterans; of Hopkins Squadron No 11, U.S. private schools and Poughkeepsie Coll. Sem. for Veteran Navy; of U.S.SPmta Detachment En- Young Ladies (Rev. A. M. Rice, principal); later Smeer Division; Naval Militia of Cal. and of the was student at School of Design for Women, Grand Parlor of the Native Daughters of the N Y Citv m Feb 1876 Arthur De Wint Golden West. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Friday Foote (civil engineer)";' children: Arthur Burling, Morning Club of Los Angeles, Rusldn Art Club. Elizabeth Townsend, Agnes (deceased). Author: Woman's Improvement Club of South Pasadena, The Led Horse Claim (novel) ; John Bodewin's Landmarks (^lub, Sequoia League. Was for Testimony; The Last Assembly Ball; In Exile, ttiree years State chairman of the Dep t of Cal. and other stories; Coeur d'Alene; The Chosen ^'^tory and Landmarks for the Federated Clubs Vallev; The Cup of Trembling; The Desert and °^ Cal. Favors woman suffrage, the Sown; The Prodigal; The Little Fig Tree FOBD, Gertrude Seay (Mrs. William Washing- Stories; A Touch of Sun, and Other Stories; ton Ford). 22 South Broadway, White Plains, The Royal Americans; A Picked Company. N.Y. Among her chief illustrations are: Longfellow's President of Southern Club, N.Y. City; b. Hanging of the Crane, Marble Martin; The Richmond, Va. ; dau. Joseph Andrews and Skeleton In Armor, and The Scarlet Letter; also Aseanath Burton (ShaJT) Seay; ed. in convent illustrated her own stories when they were pub- m Va.; m. N.Y. City. 1S83, William Washington lished as serials in the Century Magazine. Uni- Ford; children: William Andrews, Russell tarian. Of Republican antecedents, but voter Hewes. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy, for Wilson in 1912. Anti-suffragist, but as Cal. D.A.R., Dixie Club, Minerva Club, Rubenstein has given women franchise, expects to live up Club. Episcopalian. to it. FORD, Harriet, 200 W. 106th St., N.Y. City. FOBAKEB, Julia Bundy (Mrs. Joseph B. For- Playwright; b. New Haven, Conn., June 17, aker), Grandln Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 1500 1868; dau. Samuel Cook and Isabelle Stoddard 16th St., Washington, D.C. (French) Ford; ed. Neiw Haven, Conn., and Bos- Born Jackson Co., O.; dau. Hezekiah S. and ton. One of the authors of The Greatest Thing Caro'.ine (Paine) Bundy; ed. Ohio Wesleyan in the World. Adapter of: A Gentleman of Univ. (Monette Hall) Delaware, O., 1868 (mem. France. Audrey and other plays. Clionian Soc); m. Oct. 4, 1870, Joseph B. Poraker FOKD. Harriet Chalmers Bliss, 404 W. 115th fiormer Governor and U.S. Senator, Ohio); chil- St., N.Y. City. drcn: Joseph B., Jr.. Florence Louise, Julia B., Editorial assistant; b. N.Y. City. Nov. 28. 1876; Arthur. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, dau. Dr. Charles and Harriet M. (Kopper) Bliss; Mem. Nat. Soc. Daughters of Founders and ed. Miss Salisbury's School, Pittsfield, Mass., Patriots, Colonial Dames, D.A.R., George Wash- 1884-93; Mary A. Burnham School, Northampton, ington Memorial Ass'n; also Congressional Club Mass., 1893-95; Smith Coll., B.Litt, '99; m. June and Club of Colonial Dames, Washington, D.C. 15, 1912, George Burdett Ford, architect. Ass't In FORBFS, Elizabetii Leslie, 132 Jenkins St., Somen's University Club Smith College Club, Providence R.I. Wednesday Afternoon Club, Appalachian Moun- Teacher; b. Providence, R.I., Sept. 6. 1867; ^'"L^'*^^- , .^ o -..^ ,,, ^ . x dau. Kenneth D. and Jane (Dunlap) Forbes; ed. FORD. Jessie Frances Smith (Mrs. Preston L. Providence public schools; grad. June, 1885, as Ford), Hastlngs-on-Hudson, N.Y. valedictorian of class. Subsequent study with Teacher; b. Grafton, Mass.; ed. in schools of private teachers and college extension in Brown. Grafton, Mass.; Vassar Coll.. A.B. '80; Colum- Filled for some years the position of teacher of bia Univ., A.M. '97; m. 1910, Preston L. Ford, individual work; made a study of deficient chil- Teacher, Mrs. S. H. Hayes' Preparatory School, dren, and secured important changes in courses Boston, 1880-83; high school. South Weymouth, of study in grammar grades. Charter mem. Mass., 1886-93; lady principal of Conn. Literary Saturday Club, and for two years its pres.; mem. Inst, South Weymouth, Mass., 1886-93; head of Sarah E. Doyle Club (teachers club), in which English dep't Wadlelgh High School, N.Y., since has held various offices; mem. Women's Bible 1897. Union, Central Congregational Church. Mem. FORD. Minnie Smltli (Mrs. John Wheeler Ford). R.I. Inst, of Instruction; former sec Public Waterford, N.Y. School Teachers Ass'n, Providence. Recreations: Born Waterford. N.Y., Nov.. 1853; dau. Liddell Reading, writing. and Margaret (Currie) Peverly; ed. Egbert's FORBES. Georgie Hazel Scott (Mrs. Robert H. High School, Cohoes, N.Y.; m. North Side, in Forbes), University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. town of Waterford, Sept., 1873, John Wheeler Born Tucson, Ariz. Oct. 6, 1S73; dau. William Ford; children: Helen Ford Shroder, Peverly Fi=her and Carrena A. (Pennington) Scott; ed. Westgarth Ford. Four years cor. sec. Home public schools of Tucson, college at Fort Collins, Missionary Soc, Troy Presbytery; active in all Colo, and Greeley (Colo.) Normal School; m. kinds of church and philanthropic work in own Tucson, Jan. 15, 1902, Robert H. Forbes, director town. Presbyterian. Life mem. of the Foreign Agricultural Experiment Station, and head of Missionary Soc, Synod of N.Y.; Nat. Soc. Agricultural Dep't, Univ. of Ariz. Taught Patriotic Women of America, Nat. Geog. Soc, grammar grades, Tucson public schools, 1893-02. State Charities Aid Ass'n, Egbert's High School Mem. Tucson Woman's Club (pres. 1908-11). Alumnae Ass'n, Saturday Club, Woman's Civic Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Club of Waterford (pres.). Woman's Club of Al- FORBES, Harrye R. P. (Mrs. Armitage S. C. bany; mem. Island Golf Club. Cohoes, N.Y. Forbes), 1104 Lyndon St., South Pasadena (of- Treas. of N.Y. Fed. of Women s Clubs, also fice, 347 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles), chairman Conservation Com. Cal. FOKD, Stella Dunbar, 1130 Woodward Av., De- Author; b. near Everett, Pa.; dau. William troit, Mich., Grosse Pointe Shores. Mich. Piper and R. Lavinia (Kay) Smith; ed. Wichita Born Jeffersonvllle, Ind. ; dau. Emory Low and (Kan.) Episcopal Coll., B.A., and Heatherly Art Ella I. (Neat) Ford; ed. Pittsburgh private FORNEY— FOSTEB 801 schools; grad. from Mrs. Somers' School, Wash- ington, D.C. On the Board of Children's Free Hospital; mem. Dist. Nursing Soc, Woman's Exchange, tVanklln Street Settlement, Animal Welfare Com., Detroit Soc. for Study and Pre- vention of Tuberculosis; vice-pres. Infants' Ward of Children's Free Hospital; section pres. of Needlework Guild. Against woman suffrage; one of vice-presidents of Mich. Soc. Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. Fine Arts Soc, Theatre Arts Soc. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Woiman's Indoor Athletic Club, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt Club, Twentieth Century Club. FORNEY, Marj- Emma (Mrs. James Harvey Forney), Moscow, Ida. Born Bentor Co., Ore.; dau. Rev. Corrington G. and Ann Aletha (York) Belknap; grad. Univ. of the Pacific, San Josfi, Cal., B.S. (mem. Emen- dian Soc.); m. Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 14, 1881; children: Rosa Aletha, Cora May (died May 17, 1906). Interested in educational matters; served six years on School Board of Moscow; five years on Public Library Board; conducted the correspondence leading to a grant for a building from Andrew Carnegie. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat. Clubs: Pleiades (Moscow, Ida.), Ladies' Historical (Mos- cow) ; pres. Idaho State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1908-10. Ancestors on both sides fought In the Revolution. FORREST, Felicia H. Brinton (Mrs. John For- rest), 10 King St., Charleston, S.C. Bom Rosevale, Delaware Co., Pa.; dau. Hill and Sarah (Cole) Brinton of Philadelphia; ed. at home by tutors and governesses; studied art 'n Philadelphia, N.Y. City, North Carolina and Charleston, S.C; m. Rosevale, Mar. 24, 1877, John Forrest, M.D., prof. S.C. Coll. Interested in Japan, Corea, kindergartens, King's Daugh- ters, Woman's Rest Ass'n and hospitals. Episco- palian. Mem. Arts and Crafts Ass'n, King's Daughters, Housewives* League, D.A.R., His- torical Soc. Recreations: Traveling (foreign and U.S.), cultivating flowers, study and lectures. Mem. Art Club of Charleston. FORRESTER, Izora L,. — see Mlddlefleld, Izora L. Forrester. FORTSON, Bessie Wasiiington Tompliins (Mrs. Edward Nerval Fortson), The Highlands, Washington, D.C. Born Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 11, 1885; dau. Judge Henry B. and Bessie (Washington) Tompkins; ed. Mrs. Lefebvre's School, Baltimore, 1899-1902 (grad. with medals in F'rench, dictation and gen- eral scholarship), and Miss Huger's School, N.Y. City, 1902-03; m. Aug. 31, 1905, Edward Norval Fortson; one daughter: Virginia Norval Fortson, b. Dec. 5, 1810. Interested in social activities. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. FOBS, Carrie M. Conant (Mrs. Sam Walter FoE3), 249 Highland Av., Somervllle, Mass. Born Somers, Conn., Dec. 18, 1854; dau. Rev. Henry W. and Mary (Hutchins) (Jonant; ed. Providence High School and R.I. State Normal School; m. Providence, R.I., July 13, 1887, Sam Walter Foss (poet, librarian— died Feb. 26, 1911); children: Saxton Conant, Mary Lillian. Teacher in public schools of Providence for 10 years. Mem. Park Av. M.E. Church and Ladies' Aid Soc. Mem. Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary, Visiting Nursing Ass'n, Boys' Club Auxiliary, Somerville Woman's Club, Heptorean, Sons and Daughters of N.H. and Candia Club (Candla, N.H.). FOSS, Emma Merrill (Mrs. William J. Foss), Plyrfiouth, N.H. Born Plymouth, N.H., 1855; dau. Hiram W. and Mary E. (Foster) Merrill; ed. State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H. ; m. Plymouth, Oct, 1, 1890, William J. Foss. Taught for 20 years in public schools of N.H. Pres. Pemigewasset Woman's Club of Plymouth; chairman and active worker on committee of Congregational Church in Plymouth. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Rebekah Lodge, Library Ass'n. FOSSEEN, Carrie 8. (Mrs. Manley L. Fosseen), 2916 Bloomington Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Born Fergus Falls, Minn., Jan. 30, 1875; dau. 0. and Julia (Hovda) Jorgens; ed. high school, Normal and Univ. of Minn.; m. Minneapolis, Sept. 15, 1897, Manley L. Fosseen; children: Freeman Forest, Rolf Osman Leonard. Active in social and philanthropic work; has been pres. Thomas Hospital Tubercular Soc; chairman of Sane Fourth Com. in Minneapolis. Mem. Execu- tive Board of Tag Day work In the Interest of Visiting Nurses. Active In home and educa- tional work and legislation pertaining to wel- fare of teachers and children; treas. of Women's Welfare League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreations: Horse- back riding, out-door sports. Mem. Woman's Club, Thursday Musical Club. FOSTER, Agne8 Greene (Mrs. William C. Fos- ter), 3614 Lake Av., Chicago, III. Author, lecturer; b. Athens, Ala., Dec. 6, 1863; dau. John and Mary (Stuart) Greene; ed. high school, Stillwater, Minn.; Mile. Piquot's Ecole I>our Demoiselles, Blols, France, and Coll. of Oratory, Chciago; m. Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 31, 1886, William Clarence Foster. Distinguished as lecturer and orator. Author: By the Way (travels) ; You and Some Others (poems) ; Bless- ings; Royal Road; Eyes of a Child; To Friend- ship; A Silver Journey to Golden Dalmatia; A Canon in a Canyon; Weaving of Life's Fabric and You. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Study of French, travel, motoring. Opposed to woman suffrage. FOSTER, Claudia Hills (Mrs. William H. Fos- ter), 2022 S. State St., Syracuse, N.Y. Born Keysville, Va., near plantation, Oct. 17, 1875; dau. Homer I. and Mary A. (Remer) Hills; ed. Rochester (N.Y.) public schools, Genesee State Normal School, grad. from latter June, 1894; later took private kindergarten training; m. Clifton Springs, June 26, 1900, William H. Foster. Taught in public kindergartens of State of N.Y. for six years. Resided 10 years in Le Roy, N.Y., where was active in church, social and club work, and was vice-pres. one year and pres. two years of the Woman's Club. Recently removed to Syracuse. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. FOSTER, Edna A., 1267 Commonwsalth Av., Allston, Mass. Editor, author; b. Sullivan Harbor, Me.; dau. Charles W. and Sarah J. (Dyer) Foster; ed. Lowell (Mass.) schools and School of Languages, Boston. Associate editor of The Household; for 12 years editor Childrea's Pago, Youth's (Com- panion. Author (girls books) : Hortense; and Its sequel, Cordelia's Pathway Out; also verses and short stories in various publlcatloBB. FOSTER, Ellen Barronghs, 1402 Glrard St., Washington, D.C. Born Lowell, Mase. ; dau. Rev. Eden Bur- roughs Foster, D.D., and Catherine (Plnneo) Foster; ed. Lcxwell grammar aad high schools, Wellesley Coll., 1875-76, and studied kinder- garten work with Mrs. Ropes, Boston; Mrs. Voorheos and Ellzabetk Pealwdy, Cambridge, and Madams Kraus-Boelte, N.Y. City, lSS'1-86. Carried on private school, ani was kindergartner 10 years. Has been largely occupied as business woman in real estate, store and stock securities business of her own and her mother; regular correspondent of newspapers. Collaborated with brother. Rev. Addison P. Fester, D.D., in writing biography of her father u»ames, Highland Park Literary Club (Buffalo), 1897-1900; Church ■)t the Messiah Literary Club (Buffalo), 1897-1900; Vmateur Musical Club (Peoria, 111.), 1909-10. Recreations: Music, golf, cooking. Congregation- alist Favors woman suffrage. Voter (Repuh- llcan Progressive). FOSTEB, Gertrude Emslie Chap in (Mrs. A. F. Foster), Litchfield, Minn. Born La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 5, 1858; dau. Rev. N. C. and Mary A. (Fountain) Chapin; grad. Rock- ford (111.) Coll., '75; State Normal (salutatorlan), '76; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 27, 1883, A. F. Fos- ter, attomey-at-law ; children: A. Stanton Foster (Chicago), Chapin D. Foster, editor (Grandvlew, Wash). Former teacher in Winona State Normal, in St. Cloud, Minn., and in Minneapolis, Active In church and social circles. Pres. Missionary Soc, Presbyterial Missionary Soc; sup't of dep't of Sunday -school; pres. Literary Club for seven years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ladies' Aid Soc, Woman's Relief Corps. FOSTEB, Jnlla Catharine Morris (Mrs. Nellls B. Foster), 515 Park Av., N.Y. City. Born Utlca, N.Y., 1876; dau. Samuel H. and Emily C. (Stevens) Morris; ed. Smith Coll., B.S., Yale Graduate School; m. Montclair, N.Y.. 1904, Nellis B. Foster. Interested in social service work. Mem. Vanderbilt Clinic Auxiliary, Smith Coll. (N.Y. City). Recreations: Walking trips, tennis, sailing, music. Favors woman suffrage, FOSTEB, Julia E. (Mrs. Chester E. ;Fo3ter), Stein Building, Butler, Pa, Osteopathic physician; b. Royalton, Vt., Sept 20 1864; dau. Henry C. and Lucy A. (Gove) Dun- ham; doctor of osteopathy (D.O.), grad. at School of Osteopathy, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (since merged with Am. School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo.); m. Hartland, Vt., Mar. 2, 1886, Chester E. Foster; children: Julian C, Vera L. Foster. Active mem. Am. Osteopathic Ass'n, Pa. Osteopathic Ass'n, and Wesrtern Pa. Osteopathic Ase'n. Sun- day-school teacher (young women); mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc; mem. and worker in Social Settlement Soc, Children's Aid Soc« Needlework Guild of America. Methodist, Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Recreations: Landscape gardening, checkers. Mem. Woman's Club, Country Club, Chautauqua Woman's Club, Butler Public Library Club. FOSTER, Mabel Grace, 737 Congress St., Port- land, Me. Lecturer and writer; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Rev. Addison P. Foster, D.D., and Harrtette (Day) Foster; ed. Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N.J., and Mass. Normal Art School. Interested in Italian immigration, studied economic conditions in Italy, speaks Italian language and works In the local Italian colony; lecturer on Italian Im- migration, also on Italian art and literature. Author: The Heart of the Doctor; A Story of the Italian Quarter. Congregatlonalist, Mem. Woman's Literary Union (chairman literary dep't), Portland, Me. Chairman Dep't of Litera- ture and Art, Maine Fed. of Women's Clubs. FOSTER, Margaret Bennett (Mrs. Bernard W. Foster), Mt. Sterling, O. Born Fayette Co., 0., Mar. 9, 1870; dau. Ed- ward and Katherine ScJlans (Madison) Bennett; ed. country schools of Madison and of Lafayette Co. and by private study; m. London, O., 1890, Bernard W. Foster; one son: Paul Bennett Foster, b. 1891, Madison Co. Interested in li- brary, W.C.T.U, (county vlce-pres. at large). Favors woman stiSrage; was pres. of local suf- frage club. Has contributed several articles to local press, also several poems, chiefly on the suffrage question. Methodist, Mem. Taxpayers' League, Bpworth League and other church so- cieties. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (literary) and Social Hour Club (for social recreation). FOSTEB, Marion Beattle (Mrs. Samuel Lynde Foster), 1098 Dolores St., San Francisco, Cal. Writer; b. Staffordshire, Eng., July 1, 1871; dau. Robert Woodland and Mary Taylor (Hare) Beattie; grad. Cambridge (Mass.) Latin School (class poet) '85, and two years with private tu- tors and traveling In Europe; m. Trinity Church, Boston, June 13, 1888, Samuel Lynde Foster of San Francisco (Harvard '85). Author of a vol- ume of poems, an essay on "The Psychic of Poetic Temperament; articles In Elastern papers upon music, art and Callfornian scenery, also much religious work in Zion's Herald and Pactflc Churchman, and contributions to Boston Musical Record and Art Interchange. Her poem. The Guardian Angel, received Longfellow first prize. Among best-known poems are The Two Fleets (Harper's Magazine) and The Blue and the Gray (N.Y. Sun). Devoted to Bible study. EJpiscopalian. Mem. Pacific Coast Press Ass'n (sec. 6 terms), California Club (sec. dep't of education and has been sec. of two Industrial art exhibitions held under club's auspices): served two terms as mem. Board of (Jovemors of Intemat Lcsigue of Press Clubs (headquarters N.Y. City), and a delegate of that League to World's Press Congress, St. Louis, 1904. Was 12 years treas. Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies' Home; also interested in sewing school for young motherless glxls. Mem. League of Peace (England); L' Alliance Universelle pour la Palx par I'EMucatlon (Paris); Am. Soc. of Psychical Research, Writers' Club of Cal, Recreations: Music, riding. Republican (Taft). Against woman suffrage. FOSTEB, Mary Louise, Northampton, Mass. Chemist, Instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91; student of chemistry and biology, Mass. Inst of Technology, 1893-95; of bacteriology. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia Univ.), 1907- 08. Teacher of chemistry, Boston public schools, 1891-96; ass't In Physiological Research Labora- tory, N.Y. City, 1899-1901, 1904-07; on scientific staff of chemical works, Maywood, N.J., 1901-04; prof, chemistry. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y., 1904-05; instructor in biochemistry. Smith Coll., since 1908. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n and Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. FOSTEB, Sarah Elyot Betts (Mrs, William Ed- ward Foster), 431 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Bom Newburgh, N.Y. ; dau. Frederic Joel and Mary Ward (Scoville) Betts; ed. New Haven, FOSTER— FOWliEIR 303 C!onn.; m. New Haven, Aug. 14, 1862, William EXlward Poster; children: May Husted (deceased), Frederic Belts (deceased), Louise Holbrook (Mrs. Albert S. Thompson). Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Eh"Ie Co. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. FOSTER, Sophia Temon Hammond (Mrs. Burn- side Foster), 117 Farrlngton Av., St. Paul, Minn. Bom Chllllcothe, Mo., Oct. 6, 1867; dau. Gen. John H. and Sophia Vernon (Wolfe) Hammond; ed. Sai'ah Porter's School, Farmlngton, Conn. ; m. St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 1, 1895, Dr. Burnslde Foster; children: Harriet Burnslde, Elizabeth Hammond, Roger Sterman. Interested In Homes of Hope; mem. Board of Protestant Orphan Asylum. Presbyterian. Mem. Colonial Dames, Woman's Welfare Soc. (for promotion of suf- frage). Century Club (literary), Town and Country Club. FOSTER, Sophie Lee Jackson (Mrs. Sheppard W. Foster), 711 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Montgomery, Ala.; dau. Dr. Walter C. and Frances E. (Bibb) Jackson; ed. Home Coll., Montgomery, Ala., 1887-88; Price School for Girls, Washington, D.C. (mem. Hypatian Soc.); m. Nov. 11, 1890, Dr. Sheppard W. Foster. Methodist Mem. Colonial DameS, D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy, Ladies' Me- morial Ass'n, Atlanta; Southern Mountain School Ass'n, Associated Charities. Mem. Woman's Club of Atlanta (Reviewer), Regent D.A.R. of State of Ga., 1912; regent Atlanta Chapter D.A.R., 1908-10; State rec. sec. D.A.R., 1910-U. FOSTER, Theodosia Toll (Mrs. James Henry Foster), Verona, N.T. Teacher and author; b. Vernon, N.Y. ; dau. Daniel D. and Ruth HoUster (Hills) Toll; ed. private schools and Oneida Sem. ; m. Dec. 22, 1869, James Henry Foster; children: Edward Snow and James Henry, Jr. Principal of the Home School, Verona, N.Y. Pres. W.C.T.U. of Oneida Ck)., N.Y., 15 years. Sec. Woman's Pres- byterian Home Missionary Soc, Utica Presby- tery. Favors woman suffrage. Author: A Mod- ern Exodus; His First Charge; A Break in Schedule Time; The Opportunity Circle; A Baker's Dozen; Ck>mpetltlve Workmen. Pres- byterian. FOULK, Elma Perry (Mrs. Charles W. Foulk), 384 King Av., Columbus, O. Lecturer; b. Troy, O., Sept 4, 1878; dau. Nathan C. and Harriet A. (Brooks) Perry; ed. Ohio State Univ., B.Sc. (domestic science), PhiB. (Sigma XI); m. Plqua, O., Sept. 12, 1905, Charles W. Foulk. Director of domestic science. Stout Manual Training School, Menomonie, Wis.; prof, domestic science. College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Tex.; lecturer extension dep't, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Mem. of Council Godman GuUd (social settlement). Chairman Penny Lunch Cam., Home and School Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of magazine ar- ticles and of bulletins for Univ. Extension. Mem. College Woman's Club, Altrurian Club (Columibus), Home and School Ass'n, Women's Club of Ohio State Univ., Home Economics Com. of Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. FOULKE, Amelia B., New Rochelle, N.T. Bom N.Y. City; dau. William Foulke and Mary Elizabeth (Fish) Foulke (dau. of Abram Klteltas Fish and Catharine Bedlow (Beekman) Fish; ed. private schools of N.Y. City. Con- nected with religious, social and philanthropic societies of St George's Church of N.Y. City and others. Protestant Episcopalian. FOULKE, Elizabeth E., Spring Grove, Rich- mond, Ind. Primary teacher and writer; b. Richmond, Ind.; dau. William Wet>ster and Mary E. (Nerwman) Foulke; ed. in Richmond (Ind.) public schools. Friends Acad, and special studies In Elarlham Coll. Interested in religious, social and philan- thropic activities. Author of two books for chil- dren: Twilight Stories; Braided Straws. Origi- nator of the Browning Letter Club. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage. FOUTE, Mary De Kantzow (Mrs. Robert Ches- ter Foute), The HlUcrest, San Francisco, Cal. Born Stockholm, Sweden; dau. Frederick and Elolse (Bullitt) de Kantzow; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, Orleans, France; m. Narragansett Pier, R.I., Rev. Robert Chester Foute, formerly U.S.N. ; children: George De Kantzow, Augusta GIbbs. FOWLER, Janet King (Mrs. Everett Fowler), 129 Maiden Lane, Kingston, N.Y. Formerly teacher; b. Glens Falls, N.Y. ; d&u. James and Mary (Meehan) King; ed. Glens Falls public school; Albany State Normal Coll. (mem. Eta Phi); m. July 29, 1903, Everett Fowler; one daughter: Janet Warren Fowler. Sec. Kingston City Hospital (Ladies' Auxlhary); mem. Library Ass'n, Monday Literary Club, Daughters of the Empire State, Consumers' League, Sunshine Soc., Alumni Soc. of N.Y. State Normal Coll. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Kingston Political Equality Club. Episco- palian. Mem. Kingston Golf Club; was mem. Board of Directors of N.Y. State Fed. Women's Clubs. FOWLER, Jessie Allen, 18 E. Twenty-second St, N.Y. City. Phrenologist, author, publisher; b. N.Y. City, July 11, 1856; dau. Loronzo Niles and Lydia (Folger) Fowler; ed. public schools. East Jaffrey, N.H. ; private a<>ademy, Lincoln, England; Med. School for Women, London; Woonan's Law Class of N.Y. Univ.; Columbia Coll. Summer School on Education and Psychology. Specialist In exami- nation of defective children. Agitator for voca- tional bureaus in public schools and colleges. Leader of Mothers' Guild, Metropolitan Temple, N.Y. City; mem. Sunshine Soc. Worker in Nat! Woman Suffrage Ass'n and the Cooperative Equal Suffrage League. Author: Phrenological Diction- ary; Fowler's New Chart; Life of Dr. Francois J Gall; Brain Roofs and Porticoes; Practical Phy- siognomy; Manual of Mental Science; Personality in Business; Phreno-Psychology; Physical Cul- ture. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Woman's Total Abstinence Union, London; British Ass'n of Science; Nat. Vocation Bureau, N.Y. City. Rec- reations: Walking, chess, millinery. Clubs- Woman's Press, West End Woman's Republican Portia, Legislative League, Women's of Orange' N.J. ' FOWLER, Lula A. (Mrs. George H. Fowler) 72 Mineral Spring Av., Pawtucket, R.I. Born North Kingston, R.I., May 28, 1862; dau Allen and Elizabeth S. (Johnson) Reynolds- ed public schools of North Kingstown, R.I. ' and East Greenwich (R.I.) Acad.; m. North Kingston R,I., Dec. 7, 1887, George H. Fowler. Puolic school teacher four years; business sec. one year. Board mem. of Associated Charities of Pawtucket the Visiting Nurses' Ass'n and Soc for Relief and Control of Tuberculosis. Pros o' Young Ladles' Mission Circle; mem. Woman's Auxiliary Foreign Missionary Soc. and of Home Mission Circle, all three of the Pawtucket Con- gregational Church (which she attends during the winter); in summer attends Quidnessett Bap- tist Church, where she holds her membership. Baptist Mem. Board and Exec. Com. of Needle- work Guild of America (National); vice-pree Local Council of Women of R.I., Bethany Home of R.I. ; chairman of Board of Flledner Hall (girls home); mem. Exec. Com. Women's Aux- iliaries of Y.M.C.A. of Mass. and R.I. Recrea- tions: Automobiling, lectures, concerts. Mem. R.I. Women's Club, Pawtucket Woman's Club (ex-pres.), R.I. Ex-Club, Hospital Club of Paw- tucket. Mem. Civics Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; sec. and treas. New England Conference of State Federations of Women's Clubs; ex- pres. and now chairman State Education Com. R.I. State Federation of Women's Clubs; ass't State chairman Housewives' League of R.I. ; mem. Women's Welfare Dep't Mass. and R,I. (Nat Civic Federation), Nat Housing Ass'n; pres. Pawtucket Branch of Needlework Guild of America, Believes in limited suffrage for both sexes. FOWLER, Marie Washbume (Mrs. Amos H. Fowler), Washington, D.C. Bom Galena, 111.; dau. Hon. Ellhu B. Wash- 304 FOWLER— FRANCIS bume (U.S. Senator, minister to France, etc.) FOX, Jane !■., 1304 B. Second St., Long Beach, and Adile (Gratiot) Washburne; m. Amos H. Cal. Fowler; children: Elihu Washburne, John E., Teacher of English; b. Bushnell, 111., Dec. 30, Sully W. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames, Hugue- 1875; dau. George W. and Alice (Finly) Fox; not Soc,, Soc. of Mayflower Descendants. grad. Univ. of Nebraska, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) FOWLER, Susan, 420 W. llSth St., N.Y. City. '9.9. ^-M- '01. Taught in Univ. of NebrMfca and Teacher; b. Baltimore Co., Md., 1875; dau. John ^^^ ^^^°°^^^ ^^ Lincoln, Neb.; Montelalr N.J., Henry and Ann Norris (McEndree) Fowler; ed. and Redlands and Long Beach, Cal. Favors Brya Mawr Coll., A.B. '95; Columbia Univ., -P^oman suffrage. Episcopalian. Progressive. 1901-66. Since then engaged in teaching. Fa- rOX, Netta Scott (Mrs. Andrew Fuller Pox), vors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Equal Suf- "Glen Viero," West Point, Miss, frage League and Woman Suffrage Party; mem. Born Monticello, Fla. ; dau. Dr. Robert and exec. com. of 19th Assembly Dist. Woman Suf- Mary (Adair) Scott; m. N.Y. City, 1902, Hon. frage Club (N.Y. City). Protestant Elpiscopalian. Andrew Fuller Fox, of Miss. Interested in Mem. Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y. church work aad D.A.R., now State Regent for roW>fES, Jessie Gaither (Mrs. William Clark Miss, of D.A.R. Presbyterian. Mem. Colonial Fownes), 518 Shady Av., Pittsburgh. Pa, Dames. Father was Dr. Robert Scott, a physi- Bom Huntington, Pa.; dau. Walter William cian, and mother a granddaughter of George and Malinda Catherine (Dom) Gaither; ed. Misses John Adair of Ky. Husband is pres. Miss. Bar Jones' private school, Cumberland, Md.; Brie Ass'n and served three terms in Congress from Acad., Erie, Pa.; under private tutors for two 4th Miss. Dist. years and Madame Seller's School of Music FOX, VirgiBia Herrick (Mrs. Hugh Francis Fox), (vocal, harmony, instrumental), Philadelphia.; m. 508 Central Av., Plainfleld, N.J. William Clark Fownes; children: Florence, Henry Born New Jersey, 1S63; dau. J. B. and S. M. Gaither. Mem. Kingsley House Ass'n. Former (Bledsoe) Herrick; ed. in private schools in Balti- mem. Twentieth Century Club. Recreations: more, Md. ; m. New Jersey, 1887, Hugh Francis Golf, music. Protestant Episcopalian. Pox; children: Virginia Uoyd, Louise Herrick, FOX, Emma A. (Mrs. Charles Edgar Fox), The Janet, Frances Frederika. Pres. Monday After- Donaldson, Detroit, Mich. noon Club, Plainfleld, N.J., 1911-13. Episco- Pariiamentarian ; b. Broome Co., N.Y. ; dau. palian. Mem. charity organizations of Plainfleld, Allen GoS and Caroline (Scott) Stowell (of Purl- Nat. Anti-Suffrage Ass'n, Nat. Civic Federation, tan ancestry, descendant of William Locke, who j-qy, Mary Emily, Box 322, R.R. No. 1, Los settled in Mass. in 1634); ed. in public and pri- Angeles, Cal. vate schools; m. Peoria, 111., Nov. 8, 1876, Retired' teacher; b. Los Angeles, Cal.; dau. Charles Edgar Fox; children: Maunce Wiaslow, Samuel Calvert and Lucinda (Macy) Foy; grad. Howard Stowell. Before marriage taught in j^g Angeles High School, '79; Los Angeles WashiBgton School, Cambridge, Mass., and m Normal, '85; has life high school diploina; now Chicago as head assisUnt m the Clarke School, jg^^ student under direction of Clara Shortridge and in the North DiTislon High School. Resii poitz. Librarian Los Angeles City Library, dent of Detroit since marriage. Made a special gept., 1880, to Jan. 1, 18S4. Taught over 11 years and scientific study of parliamentary law, and is between Dec, 1885, and Dec., 1911, in Los a recognized authority on that subject. Author Angeles nity or county. Interested in Sunday- of Parliamentary Usage for Women's Clubs, used school pedagogy and travel and art lectures, and by the General Federation and by women's clubs lectures for child study circles. School trustee and societies throughout America. Trustee for ^^^^ interested in the rural school problems 20 years (and has been treas. and pres. board working out at Nithsdale School in Los Angeles of trustees) of the WMnan s Hospital and In- qq Favors woman suffrage. Sec. of V«tes for fants' Home, Detroit. Mem. D.A.R., Detroit -vvomen Club of Los Angeles (Clara Shortridge Equal Suffrage Soc., Twentieth Century Club of poltz, pres.). Episcopalian. Democrat; pres. Detroit (charter mem. and former pres.), and q^I. Woman's Democratic League. Mem. Sierra pres. Parliamentary Law Club. Has served as qju^, Friday Morning Club. Was candidate for member of the Board of Education of Detroit, presidential elector on Democratic ticket at elec- and as parliamentarian of several Continental ^^^ \,-qv 5 1912 L°vfi-^^ISirt^rs^C:tn^g;es°s! Tnl S^^L^n^^s rB^.CKEl.XON. M^ Snsan Stnart, 6030 Jack- organizations; has been rec. sec. and second vice- .ii,:!. ? Vnw,„l^^_ Saw 1902; Mother Nature s Little Ones. 1^ j ^ Chicago Woman's Club. Little Lady Marjorie, 1903; Brother Billy, 1904; *^ The E.ainbow Bridge, 1905; How Christmas Came FRAJfCE, Anna Edith Eapham (Mrs. Clemens to the Mulvanevs, 1906; The Country Christmas, James France), The Hillcrest, 1618 East 1907; Carlota, i907; Alan's Jungle Story, 1S08; Hawell St., Seattle, Wash- Seven Christmas Candles, 1909; Seven Little Wise Born Canandaigua, N.Y. ; ed. m schools of Men 1910- also short stories for children in Caaandaigua, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; magazines Episcopalian. Mem. Authors' League m. Feb. 22, 190S, Clemens James France. Teacher of America, Detroit Story Tellers' League. Glov«rsville, N.Y., 1896-98; clerk in Surrogate's FOX. Harriet Gibbs (Mis. George Henry Fox), Oo^rt, 1S98-99; teacher Morristown, N.J. 1899- 43 E. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. City; summer. Glen ISi^: associated with Miss Wagner in building, Cove NY. orgaaizmg and managmg the College Inn, Pough- Born Nunda, N.Y., Feb. 13, 1848; dau. Francis keepsie, N.Y., 1902-©«. Henry and Sarah (Keith) Gibbs; ed. Coll. Inst., FRANCIS, Vida Hunt, 1624 Locust St., Phlla- Rochester, N.Y.; m. Titusville, Pa., Aug. 29, delphia, Pa. 1872, Dr. George Henry Fox; children: Dr. How- Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Harry C. and ard Fox, Mrs. Henry R. Russell, Pittsfl«ld, Anne Tredelle (Hunt) Francis; grad. Smith Coll., Mass.; Alanson Gibbs Fox, Mrs. Mason Trow- B.L. Gen. sec. of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; bridge, Port Washington, L.I. Actively identi- associate principal of Hillside, a school for girls, fied with interests of Baptist Home for the Norwalk, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Aged, and Students' Clubs. Favors woman suf- Philadelphia Co. Soc. for Woman Suffrage, Equal frage. Baptist. Mem. Soc. of the Descendants Franchise Soc, State delegate of E>qual Franchise of Norman Fox. Recreation: Piano. Clubs: Soc of Pa. Co-author (with Elise Rose) of Meridian, Barnard. Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, FRANCISCO — FRASER W* (Liro ToiA.). 1906; Cathedrals and Cloisters of Mem. Monday Musical Club, Shake^eaxe Club, Midland, France (two vols.), 1907; Cathedrals and Woman's Club of Portland. Ore. Presbyterian. Cloisters of Isle de France (two vols), 1910; fbAJ^KLIN, Effle Scott (Mrs. Edward C. Frank- Photographs (with EUse Rose) tor Illustrated un), 320O Highland PI., Washington, D.C. edition of Ruskin's Bible of Amiens. Bplsco- Born Aug. 4, 1871; dau. John W. and Maria pallan. Mem. Board of Directors of Southwark (Protzmann) Scott; ed. Univ. of Kansas, A.B. Nelehborhood House (chairman of House Com., -c,!; Cornell Univ., Univ. of Berlin (Pi Beta Phi, chairman of Com. of Annual Subscribers), Exec, phj Beta Kappa, Cornell); m. Denver, Colo., Board Woman's Com. on Good Government, j^iy 22, 1897, Edward C. Franklin: children: Exec. Board of Consumers' League of Phila- Anna Comstock, Charles Scott, John Curtla. delphla; Board of Public Education Ass'n of Assistant prof, of German, Univ. of Kansas, Philadelphia, Nat. Child Labor Ass'n, Pa. Child 1895.97. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Labor Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Progressive in politics. Science Nat Ass'n of Corr^tions and Charities. rjjANKIXN. Kuth Barker, 78 Spring St., New- Smith Coll. Alumuffi Asa n. Smith Coll. Students ^.^ -^ j Aid Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Woman's Itest Teacher;' b. Newport, R.I., Jan. 14, 1865; dau. Tour ^'n Training School for Social Workers Robert Stillman and Susan (Weaver) Franklin; ass'tdlrectorK Mem. Board of Directors Col- ^^ ^^^^^ C^H ^ ^ ,55 Cornell Univ., A.M. lege Clab of Phi ade phia, Civic Caub of Ph la- , graduate work at Chicago Univ. and Brown deipMa Social Workers (^ub. New Century ^ instructor In Greek and ancient history, Cu*. Smith College Club Women s Unlversiy ^^ ^. ^ S^l^^^, Newport, R.L, 1889. Inter- Si^. /^-Z- ^"y^- L^*«™ ^^'^ ^^^ ^^"^^ estld in philanthropic and civic work. Pres. R.L (PhiladeljAia). Federation of Women's Clubs, 1898-1900; pres. FR.'tNCISCO, Kate Bottomes (Mrs. Andrew W. R.I. Branch Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, 1909-11; pres. Frajicisco), The Hargrave Apartments, 143 Newport Current Topics Club 5 years. Author of S. Flgueroa St., Los Angeles, Gal. two books on history, ancient and modern, in a Teacher; b. July 28, 1869; dau. John Thomas series of key books: Key Book VIII, Ancient and Aurelia J. (Hargrave) Bottomes; ed. Loa History; Key Book IX, Modern History. Bnp- Angeles High School, four years; Healdsburg tist. Mem. Classical Ass'n of Nerw England, Coll., Cal., three years; Heald'e Business Coll., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. R.I. Soc. for Coll. Edu- San FraJicisco, one year; m. Los Angeles, Jan. 3, cation of Wc«nen, Consumers' League of R.L, 1891, William H. Rardon; (2d) Los Angeles, Civic League of Newport, Smith Coll. Club of Feb. 5, 1910, Andrew W. Francisco. Taught R.L, R.I. Ex Club, Current Topics Club, New- seven years In Kern Co. High School; has four port dlplemaa and four certificates. Including life itraNKIXN, Susan Braley, 33 Central Park diploma for high school teacher. Through club west N Y. City. work deals with many social and philanthropic Teacher-' ed Rogers High School, Newport, problBflia. Oor. sec. Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs; jj_j; . g ' Mawr Coll., A.B. '89, Ph.D. '95; fel- very aaUve In federation work. Favors woman j^^ ^^ Greek Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889-90; fellow suffrage; served In the campaign for suffrage in ^ courtesy iu Greek and graduate student, Cal., 1811, aa speaker and in every way on com- iggo.igos; holder of American fellowship Ass'n of mittees and In Political Equality clubs. Inde- collegiate Alumnae, 1892-93; student of Am. pendent voter. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, gchool of Classical Studies In Athens and at Home Finding Soc. Recreations: Club life, con- ^jniv of Berlin 1S98-90. Instructor In Latin, ventions, federation correspondence. Mem. FrI- vassar Coll 1S93-97; teacher of Greek and day Morning Club, City Club of Los Angeles Latin In Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn and four auSrage clubs (now discontinued). Fre- Mawr Pa. 1897-98, and 1899-1904; head of the quent speaker at women's gatherings and con- classical dep't Ethical Culture School, N.Y. yentloms. City, since 1904. Author: Traces of Epic Influ- niANCISCO, Lucy Hogarth, 1616 University Av., ence in the Tragedies of .lEschylus (dissertation Wichita, Kan. for doctorate), 1905. Music teacher; b. Richmond, Ind.. Mar. 1, fBASER, Amorette E. Harrington (Mrs. Jef- 1872; dau. Charles A. and Hannah (Dickinson) ferson Fraser), 226 Qulncy St., Brooklyn, Francieco; •d. Earlham Coll., B.S. '95; A.M. '98; n.y. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-98; Scharwenka Conserva- Bom Forestville, N.Y., Mar. 24, 1836; dau. tory of Music, Berlin, Germany, 1903-04, 1909. jonas and Ruby (Benton) Harrington; ed. West- Director of School of Music, Friends Univ., fljid (N.Y.) Acad.; m. Elmira, N.Y., 1856, Jef- Wichlta, Kan.. 1899-1906, 1910-13; director of ferson Fraser; children: Arthur Cleveland, Anna music, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1906-10; Marie, George Holt, Charles Kenneth, Herbert dean of women. Friends Univ., 1912-13. Mem. Jefferson. Interested in the church life and Kan. State Music Teachers Ass'n. Clubs: Twen- activities of Plymouth Church; mem. Home and tleth Century, Three Arts (Wiclilta). Mem. Soc. Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. of Cambridge of Friends. Favors woman suffrage. Literary Club; pres. Woman's Health ProtecUve FBANK. Grace M. (Mrs. Tenney Frank), Bryn Ass'n; mean. Brooklyn Soc. of New England Mawr Pa. Women, Colony No. 8; mem. the Drama League Born 'New' Haven, Conn., June 28, 1886; dau. of America and the Tree Planting Ass'n of Murray Charles and Frances M. (Ullman) Mayer; Brooklyn; acUve mem. Quincy St, Improvement ed. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '07; student in Bryn Ass'n. In favor of restricted suffrage, embody- Mawr Coll., Univ. of Gottingen and Berlin, 1908- ins educational qualification. CongregaUonallst. 11 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Chicago, 111., 1907, Prof FBASER, Jane Wells 69 Roxborough St., West Tenney Frank. Translator from the German 01 Toronto, Can. Hermann Sudermann's Rosen, 1909; contributor Journalist; b. Toronto, Ont., Can.; dau. Rev. to The Nation. Favors woman suffrage. R. Douglas and Elizabeth (Wilson) Fraser; ed. FRANKEL, Abigail Keasey (Mrs. George J. ^1^}^ school, Bowmanville, Ont. ; matrloulant of Frankel), 614 Carter Lane. Portland, Ore. ^nlv. of Toronto. Has done a large amount of Born Fayette, Iowa; dau. E. W. Keasey (Meth- editorial work on papers for children Presby- odlst minister)' and Nella (Herrington) Keasey; terian. Mem Women's Can ad l^ Club, Hell- ed. Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, Iowa; m. Fort eoniaj Club 1 oronlo Women s Press Club; treaa^ Worth, Tex., Nov. 9, 1887, George J. Frankel Canadian Women s Press Cluto. (deceased). Well known as reader. Interested FRASER, Mabel Augusta Canada (Mrs. Angus In social settlements and mission work. At M. Fraserj, 41 Franklin St., New Haven, present actively interested in the newsboys' work Conn. and club work in Portland, Ore., planning to pay Born New Haven, Conn.; ed. Hlllhouse High off an $8,00i) mortgage, equip the gymnasium and School, New Haven, Conn.; holder of the first secure teachers for the night classes. Has been Bryn Mawr matriculation scholarship for the four years at the head of club work in St. Louis, New England States, 1896-97; Mount Holyoke Mo.; for six years an officer of the Nat. Federa- Coll., 1898-1900, A.B. 1900; graduate student In tion of Musical Clubs (two years vice-pres.); German, Yale Univ., 1901-02; m. 1904, Angus M. three years treas. of the Nat. Speech Arts Ass'n. Eraser. Teacher of English and 0«rznaji In th» 306 FRASER— FREEMAN High School, New Haven, Ckmn., 1900-04. Mem. FBEEMAN, Clara Angmsta (Mrs. L,. M. Free- Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. man). Independence, la. FBASEB, Margaret Ethel Victoria, 1434 Glen- T,.^°i;^, y„^^i^i,^7'?i„i.^' Pr^- !^' S ^"^a arm .=!» Dpnvpr Onio Thomas and Ann (Gifiord) Gray; ed. Iowa State Ph^sicknfr Quebec; Que., Can., 1871; dau. Univ. ■96, Springdale Sem. -90; m. Nor 10 1896. Donald and Elizabeth J (Brown) Fraser; ed. Ledyard M. Freeman; one son: Kenneth Gifiord. McGill Univ., Montreal, B.A. '94; Trinity Univ., Interested in church and Sunday-scool work; Toronto, M.D.. CM. '99. Interne Kew England focial and cmo improvement work of house Hospital for Women, 1899-1900; gynecologist to to^m Mem P.E O (CTiapter B.D. l£u); pres. County Hospital, Denver, Colo., 1910-12; ass't Ladies Literary Club. Recreations: Golf, rldmg, in gynecology, Univ. of CM,ro-h -p^ qent 91 iRfii- dan And- one adopted child: Margaret Freeman. Teacher lefw ^TmI^'e"^ (Vtn'DensenfGa'zzamt ed. in New Paltz Normal School, 1887-94; instructor J 2j^A^.,Mw.c^-h,^r.\a TTtir^n M V ■ m ^pnt 6 in Northwestern Univ., 1894-1904; prof. In St. 1^3 'John'sCle|'F°eIerYck?cWlJren?FloTence Lawrence Univ., 1904-13. Interested in Sunday- ^toinette -niomas Emanue , Audley W., Alioe school work and settlement work for orphan ElSior John Gazzam. Interested in Trinity children Mem. W.C.T U., Consumers' League, ?^i,7^i, -rJ^wtr PiT-ic!' -prionrtiv «;np hosnltal Ass n of Collegiate Alumnae, Vassar Alumnae worT\ch<^l'lm?"oV\me'LrAss^n;'cfvic,^^^^^^^ A^'n. Needlework Guild, Missionary Soc .5 „i„>r^T^t.t w^rVoH in atcirti^P- phiirphM in Library Ass'n, Political Equality Club, French Miii^'r pr^. 6 ylZ^ft Mia^'w^man'^s'^Qub" Club. German Club Recreations : Tennis, .wim- 10 y^re officer in State Federation of Women's mlng, chess. Baptist Favors woman suffrage; Clubs (now pres.). Mem. Relief Ass'n, Church former pres. of Political Equality Club. Guild; vice-pres. South Side Civic Ass'n; pres. FREFJJIAN, Sarah Jane, 604 W. 112th St., N.Y. Trinity Church GuUd; clerk Woodmen Circle; City. mem. Woman's Club (Miami), Housekeepers' Bookbinder; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1867; Club (Cocoanut Grove), Folie Club (Cocoanut dau. Elijah P. and Sarah Jane (Close) Freeman; Grove). Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '91; student In book- FREER— FRENCH 307 binding In California, Nordhoft Bindery, N€w York; London, Paris; mem. Shakespeare Soc. Teacher of bookbinding, Teachers' Coll., Colum- bia Univ., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Evening High School for Women, Washlngrton Irving High School, N.Y. City; owner of Kenjockety Bindery. Author of sylla'bus on bookbinding. Teachers' College, Columbia Univ. Episco- palian. FBEEB, Eleanor Ererest (Mrs. Archibald Freer), 1420 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, III. Muslo composer; b. Philadelphia; dau. Cor- nelius and EUen Amelia (Clark) Everest; ed. private schools in Philadelphia; musical studies with Mathllde Marchesl, Benjamin Godard (Paris), and Bemhard ZleUn (Chicago) theory; m. N.Y. City, April 25, 1891, Archibald Freer; one daughter: Eleanor Freer, b. 1894, in Leipzig, Germany-. Composer of piano works, songs and part-songs; has published more than a hundred worka. Mem. N.Y. ManuBcript Soc ; hon. mem. Chicago Amateur Musical Club, League of Am. Pen Women, Chicago Fortnightly, Friday Club, Soc. for Promotion of Opera in English (in this country). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. FBEEK, Mrs. Otto — see Lee, Agnes. FKEMSTAD, Olive, Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y. City. Operatic soprano singer; b. Stockholm, Sweden; dau. Ole and Anna (Runquist) Fremstad; ed. Christiana, Norway, and Minneapolis, Minn. Began career as teacher of piano and organ in Minneapolis; came to N.Y. City in 1890; was principal soprano in St. Patrick's Cathedral. Went to Germany In 1893 and studied with Lilll Lehmann; in 1895 made her debut at the Cologne Opera House as Azucena in Trovatore; in season of 1896 sang at the Festspiele in Bayreuth; in 1899 went to Milan to study. In 1900 was en- gaged for the Royal Bavarian Opera House in Munich, Germany, where remained three years; her most famous r61e being Carmen. During this period sang two seasons at Covent Garden, London. After this she was engaged by Grau for the Metropolitan Opera, N.Y. City, where she has appeared every season since; a leader In the Interpretation of Wagnerian r51es. Her best known parts are Isolde, Kundry in Parsifal, Venus In Tannhauser, Elsa in Lohengrin and Brunhllde in the Ring Operas. Also created the rOles of Salome and Armlde In N.Y. City. In 1903 was twice decorated by the French Govern- ment for her artistic achievements, becoming an Ofllcer of the Academy and Officer of Public In- struction. Recreation: Out-door exercise. FRENCH, Alice ("Octave Thanet), summer ad- dress, 321 East Tenth St., Davenport, la. ; winter address, Clover Bend, Lawrence Co., Ark. Author; b. Andover, Mass., Mar. 19, 1856; dau. George HeniT French; ed. Abbott Acad., An- dover, Mass. Author: Knitters in the Sun (short stories); Otto the Knight; EJxplatlon; Stories of a Western Tower (short stories) ; Heart of Toll ; The Missionary Sheriff; Book of True Lovers (short stories); Man of the Hour; The Lion's Share; By Inheritance. Mem. Soc. of (Colonial Dames of America (historian Nat. Soc), Soc of Mayflower Descendants, Daughters of Colonial Governors. Clubs: Mayflower, Chilton (Boston). FBENCH, Alice Helm (Mrs. William M. R. French), 9203 Pleasant Av., Beverly Hills, Chicago, 111. Artist; b. Lake Forest, 111., Mar. 17, 1864; dau. Henry Thomas and Julia Frances (Lathrop) Helm; ed. in Lake Forest schools and Art Inst.,' Chicago (first honors), 1886; m. Chi- cago, Mar. 27, 1890, William M. R. French, di- rector Art Inst, of Chicago; children: Henry Helm, Prentiss. Work has been chiefly home- making, bui in recent years has resumed paint- ing; has a landscape in St. Louis Museum of Art, and portraits at Bellot Coll., and In private collections. Mem. local church and Sunday- school missions and charities. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of State suffrage organization and local worker. Mem. of Union Church; Chi- cago Soc. of Artists, Chicago Water Color Club, Western Soc. of Artists, Ridge Woman's Club. FBENCH, Blanche Cate (Mrs. Elmer E. French), West Lebanon, N.H. Teacher; b. E>ffingham, N.H., Feb. 26, 1864; dau. James F. and Caroline (Walsh) Cate; ed. MoGaw Normal Institute; m. April 3, ISiio, Elmer E. French; children: Ilva I., Paul W. Marion C. Pres. West Lebanon Fortnightly Club. Worthy matron Winona Chapter, Order of Eastern Star; regent Thomas Chittenden Chapter, D.A.R., of White River JuncUon, Vt. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Riding, driving. FRENCH, Fanny Bartlett (Mrs. Charles Wal- lace French), 6442 Drexel Av., Chicago, 111. Born Mar. 10, 1869; dau. James Hall and Julia (Norton) Bartlett; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93; m. Rockford, 111., June 27, 1900, Charles Wallace French; children: Eleanor Bartlett, Carolyn Nor- ton. Mem. and actively interested in Woodlawn Park Prestiyterlan Church and Its related societies. FTJENCH, Florence Kelsey (Mrs. Samuel Plngree French), West Lebanon, N.H. Florist; b. Manchester, N.H., April 8, 1868; dau. Hiram L. and Sarah E. (Lummis) Kelsey; ed. Conn. Literary Inst, Smith Coll., A.B. '90; (mem. Alpha Soc); student in German, 1890-91; m. Honolulu, T. H., April 12, 1900, Samuel Pin- gree French; children: Harold Campbell, b. Mar. 31, 1901; Helen Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1902; Doro- thea Foster, b. April 13, 1905. Teacher of lan- guages in Montpelier (Vt.) High School, 1892-95; preceptress and teacher of Greek and history, Oahu Coll., Honolulu, 1895-1900. Congregatlonal- ist. Favors woman suffrage. FRENCH, Frances Graham, The Cumberland, Washington, D.C. Translator, essayist; b. Bangor, Me.; dau. Hon. Augustus S. and Caro Mead (Whitney) French, sister of Lieut. Walter S. French, U.S.N., one of the heroes of the US.S. Huron disaster; ed. in France, Germany and Italy. Commissioned by Dep't of State as Government delegate of U.S.A. to InternaL Congress of Charities and Corrections and the Protection of Children held in Switzerland, 1896, delivering in French a paper on I*ublic and Private Charities in America, which was published in the proceed- ings of that congress; also delegate to First Intemat. Congress of Women, Berlin, 1896, read- ing in German a paper on The Higher Education of Women In the United States, published in the proceedings of that congress. Mem. Nat. Council of Women, Women's Nat. Press Club (twice pres.); delegate to Internat. League of Press Clubs at N.Y. City and Stockholm; cor. sec. Internat. Press Union; mem. Universal Peace Union; delegate to Peace Union at Budapest and Internat. Cksngresses at Brussels and Paris, 1899-1900. Delegate to Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs at Los Angeles and Denver; has been delegate to over fifty congresses; represented pres. of Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs at Congress of Mothers In Washington; former chairman Committee of Philanthropic Work in DisL Fed. of Women's Clubs, of which Federation has served as pres.; mem. Soc. of Philosophical In- quiry; life mem. Woman's Army and Navy League; mem. D.A.R. Editorial writer for home and foreign publications; was spteclal corre- spondent of Boston Commonwealth at World's Ojlumblan Exposition (Chicago), and at Atlanta Exposition. FRENCH, Grace Preston, 50 Hancock St., Lex- Ingrton, Mass. Teacher; b. Lynn Mass., Nov. 26, 1876; dau. Henry Weare and Mary E. (Richardson) French; ed. Lexington (Mass.) High School, Wellesley Coll., B.A. ; Brookline Training Class for Teachers, Harvard Summer School, '02; Boston Univ. Teacher's Courses. Taught in Lexington High ScTiool,- 1900-07; taught In Lexington private school, 1907-09; principal Lexington Munroe School, 1909-11; Lexington High School, 1911 — . Interested in religious, missionary and social activities and Dennison House (Boston) College Settlement. Mem. Teachers' Ass'n, New Eng- land Ass'n of Chemistry Teachers, Har»'a^ Teachers' Ass'n, Outlook Club of Lexington PREJNCH— FRIES (mem. exec, com., 1910-12), Wellesley College Club, Boston. Recreation: Organist. Congrega- tlonajist Favors woman suffrage. FRENCH, Helfii Cornell (Mrs. Howard Dean i<^rench), Jacksonville, III. Born Chicago, 111., Sept 15, 1875; dau. Paul and Helen (Gray) Cornell; ed. Smith Coll., B.L.; mem. Alpha Literary Soo. ; m. Chicago, 111., Oct. 3, 1901, Rev. Howard Dean French; children: Paul Cornell French, b. April 27, 1904; Elizabeth Cornell French, b. May 20, 1911. Interested in all church activities. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Art and craft work. Mem. Women's Club of Jacksonville, III. FRENCH, Helea Goodwin (Mrs. HoUls French), 94 Mt. Vernon St.. Boston, Mass. Bom South Bethlehem, Pa.; dau. H. Stanley and Elizabeth (Buehler) Goodwin; grad, Bishop- thorpe School South Bethlehem, 1888; m. June 3, 1896, HoUia French; children: Alden, b. 1899; Stanley, b. 1902; Hollis Stratton, b. 1904; Rue Elizabeth, b. 1909. FRENCH, liUUe Hamflton, 53 E. Thirtieth St., N.T. City. Author; b. Washington City, May 17, 1854; dau. Rev. Dr. J. W. and Clara (Miller) French; ed. at home, except one year at Wellesley Coll. and one year and a half at Radcliffe Coll. (then Harvard Annex); mem. Radcliffe College Club; book reviewer N.Y. Star and (Commercial Ad- vertiser; reader for Harper Brothers and editor- ial writer on Harper's Bazar. Author: Heze- kiah's Wives; Old Maids Comer; Joy of Life; Homes and Their Decorations; The House Dignified; Miss Van Twiller's Salon, and many short stories. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. FRENCH, Uzzie H. Norton (Mrs. George F. French), 99 High St., Portland, Me. Teacher; b. Farmington, Me., Nov. 22, 1856; dau. James I. and Lydla Ann (Cutler) Norton; ed. in private and public schools of Farmington; grad. from Farmington State Normal School; m. Farmington, Me., July 20, 1886, George F. French. Taught in Lewiston and Portland 12 years, resigning at the time of marriage. Chair- man of Legislative (3om., Maine Federation of Woman's Clubs. Deeply interested In legal status of woman and everything which tends to conserve the home, manhood, mother energy and child life. Has been treas. of the Maine Woman Suffrage Ass'n for eight years; delegate to the National Suffrage conventions. Writer on topics of sociology; contributor to various periodicals. Mem. State St. Congregational Church, Portland, Me. Mem. W.C.T.U., Maine Prison Ass'n, Maine Inst, for Blind, D.A.R., Soc. of Mayflower De- scendants. Recreations: Camp Life on the shore of Rangely Lake, study of nature and human nature. Mem. Portland Civic Club, The Conklin Class (parliamentary club), Portland Literary Union. FRENCH, Mary M. BiUings (Mrs. John -French), 279 Madison Av., N.T. City. Bom Woodstock, Vt. ; dau. Frederick and Julia (Parmly) Billings; ed. Farmington, Conn.; m. N.Y. City, June 1, 1907, John French; children: John Mary, Enizabeth. Mem. of the Nat. Board of the Y.W.C.A., (Colony Club. Presbyterian. FRENCH, Pearmeal Jane, Moscow, Ida. Dean of women; b. Idaho City, Ida., May 8, 1869; dau. Richard B. and Ann (Large) French; ed. Coll. of Notre Dame, San Francisco, Cal. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Democrat. Mem. Local Pleiades, Moscow, Ida. Ida. State Fed. State sup't Public Instruction of Idaho, 1899-1903. FRENGER, I.awpa E. (Mrs. George W. Frenger), Las Cruces, N.Mex. Born St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 5, 1873; dau. Frank and Laura (Bierbaum) Eppelsheimer; grad. St. Louis High School; went abroad to complete musical education; studied at Conservatory of Sondenhausen, Thiiringen; m. St. Louis, 1893, George W. Frenger; children: Raymond, Frank, Laura Louise. Taught music privately and also two years at State College of N»w Mexico. Interested In women's clubs; was organizer of the New Mexico State Fed. of Women's Clabft. Working along all lines for social ana industrial betterment of our women; has been Gen. Fed. State Sec. for seven years. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant. Recreations: Out-door work, floriculture, horticulture. Mem, Woman's Improvement Ass'n, Music Club. FREUND, Lillian A. Myers (Mrs. Jacob de Sourdis Freund>, 187 Taylor Av., Beaver, Pa. Bom Baltimore, Md., 1874; dau. Lewis and Sara (Brenner) Myers; ed. Notre Dame of Maryland Coll., Cornell Univ., '96; m. Baltimore, Md., March 17, 1902, Jacob de Sourdis FYeund; children : Louise Myers, Jane Rosalie, Catherine Anita, Margaret. Interested in educational af- fairs. Favors woman suffrage. Jewess. Second vice-pres. Beaver Free Kindergarten and Educa- tional Ass'n; mem. Pittsburgh section of Council of Jewish Women. Women's Club of Beaver. FRICK, Mary Foster Gaylord (Mrs. William Henry Frlck), 559 West End Av., N.Y. City. Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '89; m. June 16, 1906, William Henry Frick. Teacher, Mrs. Comegy's and Miss Bell's School, Philadelphia, 1889-91; St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J., 1892- 97; principal private school for girls, N.Y. City, 1898-1901; teacher St. Agatha's School since 1901. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, Smith Coll. Alumnas Ass'n. FRIEDLANDER, Rebecca (Mrs. Louis Fried- lander), 17 W. Seventy-fourth St., N.Y. City. Born Cincinnati, O.; m. N.Y. City, Louis Frledlander; children: Franclsca, Hiram Louis. Interested in philanthropy and educational work. Mem. Government Club, Minerva Theater Club, Federation of Theater Clubs, Life as a Fine Art Club, New Yorkers, The Forum, Current Events Club, Legislative League, City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Federation Hotel and all the suffrage clubs. Favors woman suffrage; works generally and assists with funds in all the suffrage parties. I'RIEND, Kate Harrison, 525 Terrace Row, Waco, Tex. Bom Boligee, Ala., 1872; dau. Nathaniel and Araminta (Harrison) Friend. Specializer on Shakespeare club courses and Shakespeare lec- tures. Prominent in local and State activities for women. Author of pamphlets for study on the Shakespeare plays. E^piscopalian. Mem. of Stratford-on-Avon Shakespeare Soc, England. FRIEND, May Belle Willis (Mrs. Alfred W. Friend), 2512 Harriet Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Musical composition; b. Boston, May 1, 1872; dau. James D. K. and Ellen A. (Cummings) Willis; ed. Boston public schools, Wellesley Coll., B.A. ; m Boston, Oct. 24, 1906, Alfred W. Friend; children': Elizabeth, Helen, Dorothy. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Ten Easy and Melodi- ous Recreations; Twelve Melodious Etudes in Unfamiliar Keys; Six Duets; On the Play- ground; Love's Solace; Ride of Revere; L'il Drum; Love Lost; Lullaby; Eventide; Romance in G. Baptist. Mem. Wellesley Club of Minne- apolis, Daughters of the Revolution. FRIES, Adelaide L., 224 Cherry St., Winston- Salem, N.C. Writer; b. Winston-Salem, N.C, Nov. 12, 1871; dau. John W. and Agnes (de Schweinitz) Fries; ed. Salem Acad, and Coll., Winston- Salem, N.C, Class of '88 (salutatorian); A.B., '90. Archivist of the Moravian Church in Amer- ica, Southern Province. Pres. Alumnae Ass'n of Salem Acad, and Coll. Mem. Y.W.C.A. ; vice- pres Woman's Missionary Soc; mem. Wayside Workers (philanthropic). Sunday-school teacher. Author: History of Forsyth County, N.C; Mo- ravians in Georgia, 1735-1740; Funeral Chorals of the Moravian Church; also historical pamphlets and articles. Mem. Moravian Church. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, State Literary and His- torical Ass'n of N.C, Wachovia Historical Soc. (Winston-Salem), Moravian Historical Soc. (Nazareth, Pa.). Mem. Winston-Salem Sorosis; chairman of literature of N.C. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1907-11. FRIES, Emma Riddell, 1350 Orthodox St., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 5, 1881; dau. Frederick T. and Margaret (Riddle) Fries; ed. FRISBIE— FRYE SOfi Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04; holder of city scholar- ship for graduates of- Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1900-04. Mem. Board of Visitors of the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, 1906-12, volunteer worker in the Philadelphia Soc. for Organizing Charity; sec. Frankford Day Nursery. Opposed to woman suffrage. Protestant Episco- pal Mem. Philadelphia College Club; sec. Women's Literary Club of Frankford. FKISBIE, Martha C. (Mrs. A. L. Frlsble), 1111 Seventh St., Des Moines, la. Missionary president; b. Danbury, Conn., May 17 1840- dau Judah P. and Catherine (Stevens) Crosby;' grad. Mt. Holyoke Female Sem. (now Mt. Holyoke Coll.), '59; m. Danbury Conn., July 29, 1S73, Rev. A. L. Frisbie, D.D.; chil- dren: Mabel Everett, Alfred Lowrey. Was teacher before marriage, in New Brunswick, N.J., 1860-62; Danbury, Conn., 1862-69; Temple Grove Sem., Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 1869-^3. Was for 25 years connected with the la. Brancn of the Women's Board of Missions of the In- terior 14 years vice-pres., 11 years as pres. Has been specially Interested and active In Bible study and instruction, in Sunday-school, Y W C A and Women's Club, and in other work social, religious and philanthropic. Favors woman suffrage. Has written leaflets and news- paper articles on missionary and other religious subjects. Presented paper at the Ecumenical Missionary Conference in N.Y. City. 1890. Con- gregationalist. FROEHI.ICH, Ava M. (Mrs. Hugo B. Froeh- lich), 431 Spruce St., Richmond Hill., I-..I-; studio, Karol Shop. ,„.„ ^ „, Craft worker; b. Avoca, N.Y., 1863; dau. M. Augustus and Harty (Hughes) Buell; ed. Cleve- land (Ohio) public schools; Pratt Inst.; m. Cleveland, Ohio, 1890, Hugo B. Froehhch. Teacher of jewelry work In N.Y. School of tine and Applied Arts. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles on making of baskets (Palette and Brush Magazine), on jewelry (Ceramic Studio), on metal jewelry (International Studio). now writing a book on metal and jewelry. Unitarian. Mem. Nat. Craftsma^ N.Y. Recrea- tions: Music, theatres. Mem. Three Arts Club (N.Y. City). IKOKLICHEK, Frances Mitchell (Mrs. Hans Froelicher^ 2221 North Charles St., Balti- more, Md. , _, , Born Philadelphia, March, 1854; dau. Charles W. and Anna C. (Jackson) Mitchell; ed. private schools, Philadelphia; Cornell Univ.. 1874-76; zarich Univ., 1884-87 (Ph.D. '87); Leipzig Univ., 18S7; m. Baltimore, Sept. 5, 1888, Hans Froe- licher Ph.D.; children: Charles Mitchel, b. 18S9, Hans 'Jr.. b. 1S91; Francis M.. b. 1892 Prmcipa^ Friends High School, Granville, N.Y., 1876-;n, principal Friends High School, Easton, N.Y 1877-80- principal Friends High School, West Chester Pa., 1880-81; reader In Anglo-Saxon, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1887-88; ass't prof, of German, Goucher Coll., nine years. Interested In District Charity Board, Baltimore; mem. Exec. Com. Lio- cust Point College Settlement, Baltimore. Mem. Club of College Women, Baltimore, Arundell Club Baltimore (formerly). Recreations: Eu- ropean travel, camping, tramping and nature Btudy Mem. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League and of Woman's Wilson League of Baltimore. FKOST, Ruth (Mrs. Reginald Frost), Rancho Verde, Vlctorvllle, Cal. Daughter Edward Canfleld and Cordelia (Sea- vey) Sterling; ed. in France and Germany and Mary Inst., St Louis, Mo.; m. Redlands, Cal., Apr ">* 1900 James Reginald Graham Frost; children'- Mary, b. Jan. 28, 1901; Evelyn Graham, b Oct 10 1903; Rosamund Ruth Sterling, b. Oct li, 19'06. Interested in education, painting and literature. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- tarian Democrat. Recreations: Riding, driv- ing Studied painting in St. Louis School of Fine Arts; pupil of Abbot H. Thayer, N.Y. City and of the Colarossi and Del6cluse studios, Paris; pupil of Giovanni Boldinl, Paris. Ex- hibited at Salon of Socl6te des Beaux Arts, 1893, and for several years at Soc. of Am. Artists, N Y City, and various other exhibitions. FBOTHINGHAM, Kugenia Brooks, 476 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Author; b. Paris, France, Nov. 17, 1874; dau, Edward and Eugenia (Mifflin) Frothlngham; ed. private schools. Author: The Turn of the Tide, 1901; The Evasion, 1906; Her Roman Lover. 1911. FBOTHINGHAM. Jessie Peabody. Princeton, N J Author; b. Boston, Mass; dau. Arthur L. and Jessie (Peabody) Frothlngtam ; ed. In I^y. Interested as manager Men's Free Reading Room- director Town Club (philanthropic), sec. and treas. Com. on Music; mem. Village Im- provement Soc. Trustee of private estates. In favor of limited suffrage. Writer of magazine and newspaper articles. Lecturer on French literature. Author: Sea Fighters from Drake to Farragut; Sea Wolves of Seven Shores; Running the Gauntlet; "Journal" of Maurice de Guferln, translated from the French; "Obermann, by Senancour, translated from the French; Success in Gardening: The Work Week by Week. Pres- byterian. Recreations: The opera, concerts, traveling. Mem. Present Day Club. FBT, Emma Viola Sheridan (Mrs. Alfred Brooks Fry), care of Chief Engineer Fry, U.S. Custom House, N.Y. Teacher; b. Painsville, O.; dau. George A. ana Emma Christina (Huther) Sheridan; grad. N.Y. Normal Coll.; m. 1891, Deer Isle, Me., Alfr^ Brooks Fry; one son: Sheridan Brooks. Grad. Am Acad, of Dramatic Arts, 1885. Was a mem. of- the Boston Museum Co. and of Richard Mansfield Co. Took dramatic direction of the Children's Educational Theatre, N.Y. City, 1904, and conducted all its educational work till Jan. 1 1909; took charge, as dramatic director, of the Educational Players, N.Y. City, 1910. Teacher In Am Acad, of Dramatic Arts, 1909-10. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of general syndicate newspaper work, and Polly Papers In the Dra- matic Mirror, 1887-1900; has in preparation a text book of Educational Dramatic Methods, and Educational Players' Students Arrange- ment of "Twelfth Night" and "Macbeth/" Pro- duced at the Children's Educational Theatre, The Prince and the Pauper, written by her from Mark Twain's book, and the Abby Sage Rich- ardson play, produced with the Educatlcmal Players, 1910; "Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Morris High School, N.Y.; produced "The Tempest" for Smith Coll. Alumnse, 1898. All her present work tends towards spreading and demonstrating the principles of educational dra- matic methods. Episcopalian. Recreation: Riding (horseback). Mem. Pen and Brush Club, N.Y. City. FRY Georglana (Mrs. John Hemming Fry), Gainsborough Studios, 222 W. Fifty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. St Loula, Mo., Feb. 3, 1864; dau. Henry Timken; ed. Llndenwood Coll., St. Charles Mo.; St. Louis Art School; art schools of N.Y. City; in Paris under August Schenck, G Guigare and Harry Thompson; m. San Diego, Cal July 29, 1891, John Hemming Fry. Has exhi'bited In the Paris ^Salon and at various exhibitions in American ciUes. Favors wom^ suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. Mem. Woman's Art Club, Barnard Club. FKYBEKGEB, Mrs. Agues Moore, 3032 James Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Teaoher and lecturer; b. Madison, Ind., May 30, 1868- dau. Benjamin F. and Florence (Wilber) Moore; ed. Minneapolis public schools and State Univ. of Minn.; m. 1891, Dr. W. O. Fryberger. Ass't supervisor of music in Minneapolis public schools; lecturer on grand opera and music. Mem D.A.R. ; charter mem. Woman's Welfare League; charter mem. Hennepin Co. Auxiliary of Med Soc ; chairman Minn. Supervisors of Public School Music; vice-chairman Music Dep't Gen. Fed Woman's Clubs, 1910-12; charter mem. Tourist Club; pres. Thursday Musical, 1906-09. CongregaUonalist. Prominent through Northwest as a speaker on musical subjects. FBYE, Annie Franc««, 14 Summer St., Rockland. Maine. „ _. Teacher; b. Oct. 27. 1861; dau. Dr. Thomae 310 FULLER and Mrs. Susan M. (Arey) Frye; grad. Abbot director. Fayors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Acad., Ajidover, Mass., '82 (pres. of the class). Was charter mem. of Ladies' Library Board, Radcliffe Coll., A.B. (cum laude) '04. Engaged which later became the Public or City Library in teaching from graduation. Congregationalist. Board, sec. from organization, also chairman of Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumns, Radcliffe Coll. Book Com.; was charter mem. of Women's Im- Alumnffi Ass'n, Abbott Acad. Alumnas Ass'n, provement League, which resulted after new Woman's Board of Missions (life mem.). Clubs: charter in a Park Board appointed by Mayor. College (Boston), Methebesic, Shakespeare Soc. Mem. Beethoven Club; was mem. Chautauqua CRockland, Me.). Club, did work in four years (diploma, 1895). FTTLLER, Anna, Boston, Mass. Taught school at Lafayette, Colo., near Boulder, Author; b Cambridge, Mass. Nov 1853; dau. Colo.; taught in Boulder public schools; super- Robert Henry and Mary L. (Bent) Fuller; ed. "^'sed music and drawing in Goshen (Ind.) public Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass. Author: Pratt schools m 1890; removed to Albert Lea as super- Portraits; A Literary Courtship; Peak and '^isor in 18&1; has taught In the State Training Prairie; A Venetian June; One of the Pilgrims; Schools m Austin, Albert Lea and Cj-ookston, Katherine Day; Later Pratt Portraits; The Minn. Tbund^rhead Lady. FULLER, Lacia FairchUd (Mrs. Henry B. Ful- FUXLER, Caroline Macomber, care John Crosby, ^f]; I^ ^^^^ "^^ fh^^-J' *-".^^- , , r,,. Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneapolis, Minn. v^^u^®'^Vx^, ^°^^*^°°^ ^^?.=„^"- J^^'^s and Ellz- Novelist, composer; b. Bangor, Me., Sept. 10, ?;Deth (Nelson) Falrchild; ed. Mrs. Shaw's 1873; dau. Henry D. (lieutenant in Civil War) and J'^'^PV'. Boston, Co^es Art School Art Stu- Julia (Muzzy) Fuller; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. ^erts League of N.Y.; m. Boston, 1893, Henry class '95 (leader of Glee Club, mem. Phi Kappa g- . ^^J^^""' children: Clara Bartram Charles Psl. Soc.). Author: Across the Campus, 1899; Fairchild. Associate ot the Nat. Acad, of De- The Alley Cat's Kitten, 1904; The Flight of sign; vice-pres Am. Soc of Mlnlattjre Paint- Puss Pandora, 1906; Brunhilde's Paying Guest, ^rs Awarded bronze medal. Pans 1900; silver 1907; The Bramble Bush, 1911. Musical com- medal. Buffalo; gold medal, St, Louis Mem. positions: The Shepherd of the Day: Three ?qual Franchise ooc. Woman's Political Union, Songs from Robert Browning; also musical com- N. Y. City, and a suffrage soc. In New Hamp- edy. The Old Songs. Mem. Women's Univ. shire Mem Colony Club, N.Y. Women's Cos- Club, N.Y. City. mopolitan Club. FULLER, Charlotte Anthony (Mrs. Caleb Allen *^,^^'*' h^''^^ ^^""^^ J''^''?: Samuel Richard Fuller), 128 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis. ?>',"'*^'' >°^.T?®.^°°^.?'"r, ^?^'°^' ^^^- ^^^ Bom Providence, R.I., Nov. 8, 1880; dau. "^ •■"%, <^t ' Un'verslt|, Paris, France Henry Alien and Lucy (Glover) Anthony; ed. _,^rn Boston 1851; dau. Elias Hasket and Barrington (R.I.) High School and Brown Univ., ^loise (Strong) Derby; ed. private schools in Ph.B. '03 (mem. Delta Sigma); m. Barrington Boston; m. Boston, Aug. 22 1895, Samuel Richard R.L, JuBe 15. 1905, Caleb Allen Fuller; one son: ^"^r, sociologist Mran. Bacon Soc. of London, Caleb Allen Jr. Against woman suffrage. Episco- Alliance Frangaise^ Boston ; Salon Francaise, palian. Mem. Madison Woman's Club. g°^*°°- Interests! in workmg girls' clubs. Favors woman suffrage FULLER, Clara McLean Heath (Mrs. William ™^.T;n,„ „ t> ' -lo. t^, c* -kt »v E. Fuller;, care N.Y. Genealogical and Bio- FUI-i^ER. Mary Breese, 123 Elm St., North- graphical Soc, 226 W. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. ampton, Mass. j, c ,^^ ^ -,, -r. . .«- City J ^ . College professor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; Born N.Y. City, Dec. 8, 1854; ed. private schools ,^;-^- '^.^o^ =**'^^^' of history, Oxford Univ. (Eng- of Miss Comstoik, Madame Prevost and Miss l^i^d), 1897-98 Teacher Drury Coll., fall of 1894; Macaulay, N.Y. City; studied art at Art Stu- '^ P"'''?^^ ^0*1^°?'' ?^^°^\^oq'^''^' .^°V ^^"i^I' ^^ dents' L^gue, N.Y. City, under instruction of ^'f- lS9<-99; Boston 1899; instructor (history) C. Y. Turner WUIiam M. Chase and others; 1900-10; associate prof history since 1910 Smith was first student in School of Applied Design for Coll. Mem. _ Am. Historical Ass n. Smith Coll. Women, founded in N.Y. City by Mrs. Dunlap- Alumna Ass n. Hopkins, 1892; m. (1st) H. Courtney Manning; FULLER, Montie Sutton (Mrs. Milton Pickett (2d) 1903, William E. Fuller, ass't Attorney Gen- Fuller), IOCS Lake Av.. Waseca, Minn. eral of U.S. Actively interested in patriotic, Teaoher; b. Gilman, III., Dec. 11, 1879; dau. philanthropic, genealogical, biographical and Critton and Polly Ann (Stowell) Sutton; ed. historical work and has won distinction in va- Parker Coll., Winnebago, Minn.; Mankato State nous departments of art. Known throughout Normal; special work at Univ. of Minn, and country by her genealogical column in Sunday Columbia Coll., N.Y.; m. Aug. 12, 1903, Milton edition N.Y. Herald. For many years registrar Pickett Fuller. Principal Glenville public Soc. Daughters of Holland Dames of N.Y. Re- schools, 1906-08; supervisor Normal Training cording sec. gen. D.A.R. during administration of Dep't, Albert Lea High School, 1908-10; prin- Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of the ex-Vice- cipal Albert Lea High School, 1910-12. Active President of the U.S. Mem. N.Y. Genealogical mem. Episcopal Church. Against woman suf- and Biographical Soc, Soc. Mayflower Descend- frage. Clubs: Beethoven (Albert Lea), Monday ants, U.S. Daughters of 1812, Nat. Soc. of New Study (Waseca, Minn.). England Women, Am. Scenic-Historic Preserva- FULLER, Olive Beatrice Muir (Mrs. David J. tion Soc, Stony Wold Ass'n for Consumptives; B^iiierl, 162 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. manager N.Y. Home for Convalescents. Author; b. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 2, 1874; dau. FULLER, Genevieve Morrill (Mrs. Robert Gor- John and Mary Elizabeth (Newbanks) Muir; ed. ham Fuller), Dover, Mass. putblic schools. Packer Inst.. Brooklyn; Wea- Bom Cincinnati, O., 1885; dau. Henry A. and leyan Ladies' Sem., Hamilton, Ont. ; m. N.Y. Anna (McGuffey) Morrill; ed. Cincinnati Col- City, Jan. 4, 1900, Dr. David J. Fuller; children: legiate School for Girls; m. Cincinnati, Sept., Olive Muriel, David Otis. Has given lectures on 1912, Robert Gorhajn. Fuller; children: Horace the French Revolution. Author (novels): With Williams, Anne TUton, Robert Gorham. Pres. Malice Toward None; Thy Name is Woman; also Dover League for Equal Suffrage; mem. Mass. short stories and verses in magazines. Baptist. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Mem. Republican. Mem. Professional Woman's League Dover Branch Alliance. (former cor. sec). Legislative League of N.Y., FULLER, Hattie Smith (Mrs. J. A. Fuller), Soc of Am. Authors. Traveled in Europe and 406 Mariners' Lane, Albert Lea, Minn. o"^er North America, including Alaska, Recrea- Supervisor of music; b. Birmingham, Mich., tions: Theatre, tennis. Mem. N.Y. Woman's Feb. 18, 1869; dau. Oliver A. and Julia (Talbot) Press Club, Civitas Club (Brooklyn). Smith; grad. Boulder (Colo.) public school, '87; FULLER, Ruth Hamilton, 39% Washington Chautauqua, '95; Thomas Normal School, De- Square West, N.Y. City. troit, '91; Nat. Music School, Chicago, '92; m. Editor; b. Hamilton, Ont.; dau. Valancey Bng- Albert Lea, Minn., Feb. 18, 1S92, J. A. Fuller; land and Louise (Coxwell) Fuller and gfand- one daughter: Marvyl Fuller, b. Mar. 10, 1895. daughter Bishop Fuller, of Diocese ot Niagara; Sec. Public Library Board; mem. City Park ed. by governess, Va. Female Inst., Staunton, Board of St. Hilda's Guild (religious)"; choir Va., and Rogers Hall, Lowell, Mass. On edl- FULLER— FURNESS 311 torial staff Woman's Companion, September, wich, N.Y., May 6, I860: dau. John Samuel and 1904-October, 1906; fashion editor N.Y. Sunday Joanna (Terry) Shattuck; ed. schools of Norwich, American since April, 1907. Occasional con- N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '85; m. Norwich, N.Y., trlbutor to periodical literature. July 14, 1886, Dr. Frederick S. Fulton (died Mar. J'Xri.LER, Sarah, 122 Concord St., Newton Lower 26, 1889); children: Ruth, b. June 5, 1887; Mar- Falls Mass sery (Mrs. Robert Freeman), b. Dec. 26, 1888, Teaching; b Weston Mass. Feb. 15, 1836; dau. Teacher, Miss Mlttleberger's School, Cleveland, Hervey and Cel^nda (Fiske)' Fuller; ed. public 0-. 1885-86; Norwich (N.Y.) High School, 1893-94; schools of Weston and Newton and in the Eng- St. Joseph (Mo.) High School, 1894-96; PiUsbury lish and Classical School of West Newton. On Acad Owatonna Minn. 1896-98. Sup't of cir- Nov. 10 1869, organized a public day school for culation, Buffalo Public Library, 1898-1911. Mem. deaf children in Boston; was principal of this «' B'd of Directors, Y.W.C.A., Pasadena, Cai. (The Horace Mann School for the Deaf) from Occasional contributor to periodicals. Pres'by- Nov. 10, 1869, until reUrement In June, 1910. In terian. Republican Progressive. Mem. D.A.R. 1890 taught Helen Keller to speak. Mem, Board FULTON, Linda de Kowalewska (Mrs. Robert of Directors of the Am. Ass'n to Promote the Fulton), Delaware Av.. Buffalo, N.Y. Teaching of Speech to the Deaf; mem. of the Artist and writer; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Woman's Education Ass'n of Boston; vlce-pres. Mar. 27, 1858; dau. Count Plotr de Kowalewskl Exec. Ck)m. of Sarah Fuller Home School for Ca Polish patriot ofiBcer and exile) and Asenath Little Deaf Children; mem. Board of Directors (Whitney) Kowalewska: ed. private schools; m. of Boston Education Ass'n for the Deaf; mem. Niagara Falls, Robert Fulton (died 1910). Trans- of the New England Educational League. Favors lated: The Jew (from the Polish); Carine (from woman suffrage. Author: An Illustrated Primer; the French of Louis Enault. Author: NadlEi, A Set of Phonic Charts. Episcopalian. Mem. the Maid of the Mist, a story of Niagara; has Neighbor Improvement Soc, Church Guild, done much newspaper work, art critiques and Recreations: Musical entertainments, reading. short stories. Landscape painter (has exhibited) ; FUIXEETON, Anna Martha, Landour, Mussou- ^^^o P°et and lecturer. An officer in the rle. United Provinces, India, Buffalo Chapter D.A.R. ; is first vice-regent of Physician; b. Agra, United Provinces, India, Niagara Frontier Chapter Daughters of 1812, Aug. 16, 1853; dau. Rev. Robert Stewart and through descent from her grandfather. General Martha (White) Fullerton, American mission- Parkhurst Whitney, officer in that war and a axles; ed. Philadelphia Girls' High School and disUnguished pioneer of the Niagara frontier. Normal School, Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Past (M.D.), '83; post-graduate work in Europe. Pres. of the Scribblers; sec. Buffalo Soc. of Tanght 8 years In Girls' High School, Phlladel- Artists. phia; b«fore entering Woman's Med. Coll. of FULTON, »Iary Cella, Young Women's Christian Pa., taught In latter as demonstrator of ob- Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo. stetrlea, and later clinical prof, of gynecology. Education secretary Y.W.C.A. ; b. Newark, O., Physician in charge Woman's Hospital of Phila- Nov. 5, 18S2; dau. J. Willis and Harriet (Glick) delphia, 1886-96; taught in med. school, Lodiana, Fulton; ed. Denison Univ., Granville, O., B.S., India, 1899-1903 and 1906-07. Went to India in 1899 Univ. of Chicago, M.S. Instructor modem lan- and has been engaged in med. missionary work guages in Broaddus Inst, Clarksburg, W.Va., ever since: has now retired from very active work, 1904-05; In Scio Coll., Scio, O., 1905-06; dean of on aceoont of health; has been asssociated as an Coll., Lexington Coll., Lexington, Mo., 1912. Ed- honorary worker with the Foreign Missionary ucatlonal sec. in St. Louis Y.W.C.A. Favors Soc. of the Am. Presbyterian Board of Foreign woman suffrage. Cor. sec. during Ohio cam- Missions, N.Y. City. Author of articles on paign for Licking Co. Equal Suffrage League. Gynecology and Obstetrics, contributed to the Baptist. Pres. Investigation Club, 1911-13; mem. various journals on these subjects published In Research Club, 1911-13, at Newark, O. America: two books for nurs^, entlUed: Ob- rULTON, Sara Acer (Mrs. Edward Fulton), stetrio Nursins ^d Surgcal Nurs^g; a b^k logg ^4^4 California Av.. Urbana. 111. fn*" '^^''kl^" n?^Vf^V^^v1^H?n'^'' I^L^Hv Born Shelby Center, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1861; dau. rnn^li^h Jsi A^^^i? A«-,, ^nT^ila ^olney A. and Charlotte (Peck) Acer; ed. Vas- Po 1?^ -Jl^ ,^, ^ ^ John A. and Eleanor Louise (Swltzer) Jones; ed. *^^^'"^> ^=1"° l" ^\ (Mrs. George Furman). Friends schools of Pa., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, I" Hooper St.. Brooklyn, N.Y. N.Y.; m. Bristol, Pa., June 3, 1898. Harry b! 1^?°^?. 'S''^f„®i°^^' ^Tf„^-i. ;'^;„^\ ^^I^: <^*"- Fullerton; ohUdren: Hope. Eleanor, Lorlng. ^'^7^'^'L^- ^°* J^^'^ ?.\*^w^^,^?^c'*'"u^ ?^™P- Co-worker with husband on the Long Island R.R. ^®"'^,^- ^'?°^'Z?, ^j'^'^ioon"'!^ School; m. Experimental Stations and lecturer on agrlcul- Brooklyn. N.Y (>ct 14. 1890. George Furman. tural subjects. Interested In agricultural uplift. Director of The Internat Sunshine Soc sec. Author: How to Make a Vegetable Garden; The ^°'«'"°f*^- ■^?"°^^^°%?®? ' ^°'" ^5^^^^"?,^', If^' Lure of the Land; Small Gardens for Small ^"ii'''^°f,,?°™®n^?J,„?''°i^^*''o^^',^^''!'" "^^ Folks. Editor of The Long Island Agronomist; P^f • Southern Division NY. State Intenat. Sun- contributor to magazines, weeklies aid dallies. ^^\^f 1°?-= ^-"-^S- A^^^??/^^°^*'? ^^- °' Mem. ■ N.Y. State Agricultural Soc., Suffolk Co. ^"' Reformed Church Brooklyn. N.Y. Teach- Agrlcultural Soc; pres. Long Island Agricultural ^r of Young Men's Bible Class Mem Rainy Soc; associate mem. Pa, School of HSrtlculture ^^^ iil'"''M«^ '^,?^yf^,of.^^I^Ph?^;>, ^°'^"^- for Women. Recreation: Floriculture. walking. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. FULLICK, Elizabeth, Dana Hall, Wellesley, FUBNE8S, Caroline EUen. Vassar College. jjj^gg •" Poughkeepsle. N.Y. Teacher, artiet lecturer; b. Alton, England; , Teacher: b. Cleveland, O.; dau. Hennj Ben- came to U.S. in klrlhood; educated In schools of it^n^t,^ n'^,h?ip""LphL«^^f«l«r'?lfn°= a^r ^'q^i' Coldwater, Mich., and Vaasar. A.B. '78; student p. n rS^!^h.n tt^I ' ^o^ t£^w i?' hith of art m Europe. 1888-96. Teacher In PorUand, fA-P^-i.^^^wf^? w^« I;i' ^^r, ^^ r J^mh f. Ore., two years; Tacoma, Wa^h.. three years f^^°°il:, ^r. Xo^ri^^^ vo^c'; ^t i^f]"^ci^^' Staten Island. N.Y.. 1896-1901; teicher and lee- 9{^,^^VJ'' ^f^^t^r^n^J^^/^'J VH ' m^,^" turer In Dana Hall Welleslev Mass nlncp i<»ni '^^^^ P^°^- °' astronomy, Vassar, 19U. Mem. lurer m uana Haii. weiiesiey. Mass.. since liWl. ^.udubon Soc. N.Y. League of Unitarian Wo- FULTON, Beatrice Joanna Shattuck (Mrs. men. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse. Associate Alumnae Frederick S. Fulton), 675 Magnolia Av., Pasa- of Vassar Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Has dena, Cal. made scientific contributions to the Astronomical Teacher and librarian (now retired); b. Nor- Journal, Astronomlsche Nachrichten, and Popu- S12 FURNISS— GALE lar Astronomy. Unitarian. Fellow A.A.A.S.; Zoologists. Anatomische Gesellschaft (Germany); mem. Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. Rec- trustee George Washington Memorial Ass'n, fel- reatlons: Walking, bird study, skating. low A.A.A.S. Favors woman suffrage. FURNISS, Grace Livingston, The Southern, 203 GAGEB, Nellie (Mrs. William M. Gager), 8908 W. 54th St., N.T. City. N. 42d Av., Chicago, 111. Playwright; b. N.Y. City; dau. William and Bom Palatine, 111., Mar. 12, 1859; dau. Homer Louise (ChoUet) Furniss. First professional B. and Mary J. (Cady) Galpin; ed. grammar production was Colonial Girl, 1899. Author: and high schools, Chicago; m. Chicago, 111., May Colonial Girls and Pride of Jennico (in collabor- 22, 1879, Willlm M. Gager; children: Jennie atlon with Abby Sage Richardson); sole author May, Grace,Homer Perry, Adeline Luella, of Robert of Sicily; Mrs. Jack; Gretna Green; William Lleyd. Active worker for 30 years in The Man on the Box; The Best Man; Tandem; Reformed Church of Irving Park (pres. Ladies' Quicksands; Marco; and numerous amateur Soc. for two years; sec. of Missionary Soc.; has plays. Interested In The Consumers' League, been pres. of Aid and Loan Soc. for past two The Humane Soc, The Burroughs Nature Club, years). Mem. Butler Relief Corps, Irving Park Christian Scientist, Mem. The Twelfth Night Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Club, The Am. Dramatists Club. Favors woman GAIGE, Charlotte May (Mrs. Orson Hoag suffrage. Gaige), 172 W. High St., Carlisle, Pa. FUTCHEB, Marjorie Howard (Mrs. Thomas B. Born Ransom, Mich.; dau. Andrew Edwin and Futcher), 23 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Emallne (Miller) Scott; ed. Hillsdale High School Born Montreal, Can., 1885; dau. Robert Palmer and Hillsdale Coll., Mich.; m. Hillsdale, Mich., and Emily S. (Severs) Howard; ed. in England, Nov. 27, 1895, Orson Hoag Gaige (died 1901); one in Highfleld School, and at Dresden, Germany; daughter: Ruth Eleanore. Manager educational m. Montreal, Nov. 24, 1909 Thomas B. Futcher; celebrities, 1906-08; field manager for the Lee children: Palmer Howard, Thomas Bruce Fut- Lecture System, 1908-09; field sec. Nat. Soc. for Cher. Protestant. Recreations: Golf, walking. Broader Education, 1909-10; chief traveling sec. of motoring. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. the Nat. Soc. for Broader Education, 1910—. Has FUTBELLE. Louise May Peel (Mrs. Jacques f^^^}'}},t^r.J^^^r.J^l!^\f^y\rr.lli fh'j„^'^'^S,°'^,.Kj„ Jo w^l,i^^^^ Atlanta. Ga.; m. July 17, 1895, Jacques Futrelle ^}'^^A ^™/ %^5ffl^!i„^,°™^i5:^>,?t"^*HHS[n!' (distingliished novelist; died April 15, 1912). °!^t 'ot^ Recreations: Fishing, driving. Author: A Secretary of Frivolous Affairs, 1911. 5;,i5'^.| ■, ^ -^ „ xi ■ ,-., -r, t. One of the survivors of the Titanic disaster, in GAINES Janet Maxwell Hams (Mrs. R. E. which her husband lost hia life. Games) Richmond College, Richmond. Va. Born Richmond Va. ; dau. Dr. H. H. and EJmma (Bibb) Harris; grad. Woman's Ck)ll., Richmond; HolUns CJoll., Va. ; m. Louisville, G Ky., 1896, Prof. R. B. Gaines; oh© daughter: Elizabeth Pendleton. Vice-pres. Baptist Woman's GABRIIX, Olive Scott (Mrs. Adolphe Gabriel), Missionary Union of Va-; sec. Baptist Home for 77 Washington Place, NY City Aged Women, Richmond; vice-pres. Every Mon- Lawyer; b. In Oregon; 'dau. Fielding Denny ^fy Club (literary) ; mem. A.P.V.A., Conf«d. and Mary Ellen (Perry) Stott; ed. St Mary's Memorial Society, Daughters of the (Confederacy. Acad, and Coll., Portland, Ore. (AlUHinaB medal Baptist. for composition), 1889; N.Y. Univ., LL.M. '03; GALBBAITH, Anna Mary, 68 W. 47th St., N.Y. m. Milwaukee, Wis., Adolphe Gabriel. Associate SV^^'. , editor Woman Lawyers' Journal. Interested In Physician, author; b. Carlisle, Pa.; dau. Woman's Auxiliary to Salvation Army Rescue Thompson Moore and Elizabeth (Woods) Gal- Dep't and in suppression of "white slave" braith; ed. public schools of Pa-, Vmssar Oil., traffic. Clubs: New Yorkers, Woman Lawyers. 1875-79; Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., M.D. '84; Protestant. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. followed by two years' post-graduate work In William Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n, Vienna and Munich (first woman admitted as Oregon (College League. resident physician in the Woman's Hospital of „-^^ -., -^ -.^ 1^ ,,, „ Munich). Clinician and ass't in the gynecologi- GAGE, Mary E. Mott (Mrs. Hurley Calvin eal staff of the Woman's Hosp. of Philadelphia, Gage), 4 Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C. 1886-89; since 1889 has practiced modicine In Bom Caldwell Manor, Grand Isle (Co., Vt; dau. n.Y. City. Attending clinician and Instructor in Hon. Ashley and Rosetta Abigail (Graves) Mott; clinical medicine In the N.Y. Infirm«ry for Wo- ed. Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., A.B. '80; men and Children, 1889-1903, and attending phy- m. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 21, 1883, Harley sician. One of founders and mem. N.Y. Branch Calvin Gage (banker); one daughter: Margaret Vassar Students' Aid Soc. (pres. 1892-93); mem. ViVian Gage. Lite mem. N.Y. Genealogical and Alumnae Ass'n Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., and Biographical Soc.; charter mem. Women's Univ. pres. of the Ass'n 1897-99; fellow N.Y. Acad, of Club of N.Y. City; mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alum- Medicine. Author: Hygiene and Physical Cul- nae; Soc. of Mayflower Descendants; D.A.R.; ture for Wo^men, 1895; The Four Epochs of pres. of the Nat. Soc. Colonial Daughters of Woman's Life, 1901; Personal Hygiene and Phy- American Founders and Patriots; mem. Soc. for gigal Training for Women, 1911, and many other the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (London), and contributions to the medical and general press. the Classical Ass'n of England and Wales. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, boating, Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n and Vassar Stu- riding horseback dents' Aid Soc Author: Revolutionary Heroes; gALE, Mrs.. Agnes SpofTord Cook, 5646 Klmbark Royal Descent; Colonial Ancestry of Several ^y Chicago HI New England Families. Favors woman suffrage; g^r'n Normal, 111., Aug. 7, 1873; dau. John mem. Nat. Woman s Suffrage Ass n (district williston and Lydia Farnham (Spofford) Cook; branch). g^ jjl_ g^^^^g Normal Univ.; Wellesley Coll.; GAGE, Susanna Phelps (Mrs. Simon Henry Univ. o^ Chicago, A.B.; mem. Zeta Alpha (Wel- Oage), 4 South Av., Ithaca, N.Y. lesley). Mortar Board (Chicago); m. Jan. 5, Student, scientific Investigator; b. Morris- 1901; one daughter: Beatrice. Taught two years ville, N.Y., Dec. 26, 1857; dau. Henry Samuel at Univ. of 111., dep't of English; acting head of and Mary (Austin) Phelps; ed. C!azenovIa Sem., rhetoric dep't, second year. Favors woman suf- Comell Univ., Ph.B. '80; m. Morrisville, N.Y., frage. Author: The Children's Odyssey, Achilles Dec. 14, 18S1, Prof. Simon Henry Gage; one son: and Hector. Editor: Last of the Mohicans Henry Phrips Gage, b. Oct. 4, 1886. Author of (Cooper); Sesame and Lilies (Ruskln); Songs of scientific axtlcles on Structure of Muscle and De- Tree-Top and Meadow; Songs of Mother and velopment of the Brain ia Am. Journal of Anat- Child. Unitarian. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Set- omy, and ot3ier publications. Mem. Ass'n Coll. tlement League. Recreations: Music, golf. Mem. Alumnae, Ass'n Am. Anatomists, Am. Soc. Woman's City Cluer3 and magazines, also theatrical sketches, and two books: The Knitting of the Souls, 1904; Paths Crossing, 1908. Has always taken an active part In club work, also social and philanthropic work in Waldoboro and adjoining towns. Pres. Woman's Club of Waldoboro (a Federation club). GAYLE, Mary Winn (Mrs. William Armlstead Gayle), Montgomery, Ala, Born Demopolis, Ala., 1862; dau. Walter E. and Willey (Griffin) Winn; ed. city schools and Baltimore; m. Demopolis, Ala., Nov. 21, 1888, William Armlstead Gayle; children: Walter, Willey, Mary Phillips, William Armlstead, Nor- man Winn. At one time served as State pres. Daughters of the Confederacy, and State prea. Ala. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Active In Elpiscopal Church work and work for the Improvement of city schools, as yreW as charitable institutions; mem. of leading social clubs. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary; pres. Flower Growers' Ass'n; vlce- pres. State Horticultural Ass'n; mem. No-Namo Club. Dixie Chapter United Daughters of (Con- federacy. Recreations: Botany, music, reading, flowers. 8M GAYLORD— GEMMELL 6AYI.OBD, Alice Brown (Mrs. John I>. Gay- lord), Pagosa Springs, Colo. Teacher; b. Valley Falls, Kaa. ; dau. Jacob K. EQd Ann M. (Henry) Brown; ed. Maryville, Mo.; m. Aztec, N.Mex., May 10, 1896, John L. Gaylord; one daughter: Dulce Anna, b. Jan. 7, 1904. Served 4 years as deputy county -clerk under her husband; has now served 2 terms as county clerk and was elected with overwhelm- ing majorities, the last time receiving over two- thirds of total vote cast; this was in Archuleta Co., Colo. Favors woman suffrage; now Demo- cratic State Central Com. woman, from Archu- leta Co., Colo. An enthusiastic flsher-woman; spends her summer vacation In the mountain retreats, sleeping In a tent, eating in the open, and living close to nature; also fond of hunt- ing and a fine rifle shot. Pres. Pagosa Woman's Improvement Club (civic and self-improvement). Club has established a public library, improved the city park, donated to the general fund of the Pagosa Band, and furnished resting benches and swings for the use of the public. GEAR, Lnella Glasser (Mrs. James Bruce Gear), 301 E. 68th St., N.Y. City. Born Glasser, Pa., Feb. 25, 1874; dau. Clarence and Frances (Tompkins) Glasser; ed. public schools of N.Y. City, grad. Grammar School '77 (valedictorian); N.Y. Univ., 1895, Woman's Law Class under Isaac Franklin Russell; m. N.Y. City, June 29, 1892, James Bruce Gear; one daughter: Luella Gardner Gear. Especially, active In church work; teacher young women's Bible class St. James Lutheran Church. Inter- ested In kindergarten and playground work, speaker on suffrage, drama and social better- ment. Sec. Cojlege Women's Club. Leader of Woman Suffrage Party In 18th Assembly District, chairman Press Criticism Com. of Equal Suffrage League. Clubs: College Women; Century Thea- tre; Government; Life as a Fine Art; Harlem Philharmonic; Flower Hospital Auxiliary; Knick- erbocker Relief; Equal Suffrage League. GEAKT, Jessie May Ballard (Mrs. Harry Logan Geary), 2838 Cascade Av., Seattle, Wash. Born Albany, Oregon, May 30, 1880; dau. Mar- tin D. and Harriet E. Ballard; ed. State Univ. of Washington, 1894-92; Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 18S7-99, lSOO-01, A.B. '01; student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; m. Seattle, Wash, June 10, 1908, Dr. Harry Logan Geary; children: Martin Bal- lard, Harriet Agnes. Settlement worker in Los Angeles and South Park Settlement, San Fran- cisco. Established and first pres. of Fruit and Flower Mission of Seattle (now trustee); mem. Plymouth Congregational Church. • Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction. GEDDES, Alice Spencer, Sunset View, Wake- field, Mass. (Bummer, "The Snuggery," GlI- manton, N.H.). Special writer; b. Athol, Mass., Nov. 13, 1876; dau. William E. and Ella Mary (Bowker) Geddes; ed. Chauncey Hall School of Boston and special student in literature at Radcliffe Coll. Editor Woman's Chronicle, 1900-'02; editor and publisher Cambridge Press, only newspaper in Northeast edited and printed solely by wo- men, 1902-05; editor Wakefield Citizen and Ban- ner, 1905-06. Favors woman suffrage. Author: About 300 special articles which have appeared in newspapers and magazines, InclinJIng Boston Sunday Globe, Suburban Life, Woman's World, Woman's Home Companion, Christian Endeavor World and numerous others. Freethinker. Mem. Nat Oeog. Soc, Boston Browning Soc. Recre- ations: Out-door life, study of birds and flowers. Mem. Professional Women's Club, Manuscript Club (chairman of Program Com.). At preaent regular special writer for Boston Sunday Globe and doing other free lance work. Also training would-be writers and lecturing before literary clubs on Special Writing: What It Isn't. GEE, Winifred Neville Craig (Mrs. Walter S. Gee), 67 W. Washington Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa- Born St Louis, Mo., Sept. 23, 1882; dau. Nev- ille B. and Margaret (Sullivan) Craig; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls (class of '01), Univ. of Pa., 1901-03, Swarthmore Coll., 1903-05 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Phila- delphia, June 5, 1909, Walter S. Gee; one son: Neville B. C. Gee. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends. GEEB, Grace Woodbridge, 12 Plnckney St, Boston, Mass. Painter of portraits; b. Boston, Mass., July 25, 1854; dau. Charles H. and Mary C. (Lincoln) Geer; ed. Boston schools, art schools and private classes. Favors woman suffrage. Unl- versalist. Republican. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, Gov. Thomas Dudley Family Ass'n, Samuel Eliot Memorial Ass'n, Mass. Civic League. Represented by oil portrait at Internat. Inst, for Girls at Madrid, Spain (Gulick Memor- ial Hall); at Girls' High School, Boston; at Second Universalist Church, Boston; exhibited at Philadelphia Art Club, Boston Art Club, Pa. Soc. Miniature Painters, Washington Vv^ater Color Club, Corcoran Art Gallery, Poland Springs, Worcester Art Museum and many other exhibitions in the U.S. GEEB, Helena, 50 Pineapple St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Teacher; b. Troy, N.Y., July 7, 1881; dau. Harvey Masher and Caroline Ross (Akin) Geer; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '03; graduate scholar- ship at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-04; at German Univs. of Marburg and Bonn, 1906-07; Sorbonne, Paris, 1907-08; Columbia University, M.A. '12. Taught 3 years In Mamaroneck (N.Y.) High School (modern languages). Settlement worker, Univ. Settlement, N.Y. Clty,^ 1905-06. Mem. ot the Board of Managers of Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City, 1911-14 (treas. 1911-13; vlce-pres. Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. City, 1909-11; hon. vice-pres. of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, 1910-11 (chairman Nominating Com., 1912-13). Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Women's Political Union, Equal Franchise Soc, N.Y. City. Recreations: Dancing, golf, tennis, swimming. OEIL,, Constance Emerson (Mrs. William Edgar Gell), Doylestown, Pa. Born Titusville, Pa., Dec. 31, 1873; dau. Edward O. and Lucy A. (Johnson) Emerson; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '96 (mem. Shakespeare Soc.); m. Titusville, Pa., June 6, 1912, Dr. William Edgar Geil. Pres. Synodlcal Soc. of Home Missions In Pa. Presbyterian; much in- terested In civic work of Woman's Clubs; interested chiefly in missions at home and abroad. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Golf, walking. Mem. Woman's X>lub ("Titus- ville). GEISLEB, Mary C. D. (Mrs. William H. Gels- ler), 35 High St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, July 8, 1848; dau. Frederic and Elizabeth (Dwier) Dickes; ed. public schools of Philadelphia, partial courses In Univ. of Pa.; m. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1875, William H Geisler; children: Howard D., Elizabeth D., Mary H., William H. Taught higher and ele- mentary mathematics in high and normal schools for girls In Philadelphia. Mem. Suffrage Soc. of Pa. Methodist. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of GMs' High and Normal Schools of Philadel- phia, New Century Club (Philadelphia), Literary Club (Germantown). Favors woman suffrage. GELLHOBN, Edith Flschel (Mrs. George Gell- horn), 4 366 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo.; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr Coll., AB. 1900; m. 1903, Dr. George Gell- horn. Favors woman suffrage; director of the St Loula Equal Suffrage League since 1910. Honorary cor. sec. for St. Louis for Bryn Mawr Coll. GEMMELX., Maude HaxlerroTe (Mrs. William Gemmell), 317 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Bookkeeper; b. Cumberland Co., Va. ; dau. Pleasant Richard and Ann E. (Woodman) Hazel- grove; ed. private teachers until 10 years old, public schools and business course; m. 1898, William Gemmell; one daughter: Annie Louisa. Interested In playgrounds, better schools, civic improvements, home mission, working for State flower. Mem. Mothers' Club of William Ruff- ner School; pres. High School Parent- Teachers GENTH— GEORGE 321 Ass'n; was pres. of Fed. of Mothers' Clubs, 1910-11. Recreation: Outdoor exercise. Methodist. GENTH, Lillian, 27 W. 67th St., N.T. City (sum- mer, Falls Village, Conn.). Artist; b. Philadelphia; dau. Samuel E. and Matilde (Rebsher) Gcnth; ed. in private schools of Philadelphia and Philadelphia School of De- sign (won European fellowship. 1900); studied under James Whistler, Paris (studied in Europe 2 years). Awarded Mary Smith prize, Pa. Acad., Philadelphia, 1904; Shaw prize, Nat. Acad, of Design. N.Y. City, 1908; gold medal Am. Art. Soc, Philadelphia. 1907; bronze medal, Exposiclon Internacional, Buenos-Aires, 1010; iirst Hall- garten prize, Nat. Acad. Design 1911. Fellow of Pa. Acad, of Pine Arts; associate Nat. Acad, of Design. Represented in Cremer Collection, Dortsmund, Germany; Carnegie Inst. (Pitts- burgh). Philadelphia Art Club, Detroit Club, F:ngineers Club (N.Y. City), Nat. Gallery (Wash- ington, D.C.), Brooklyn Inst, Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art. Favors woman suffrage. Presby- terian. Club: National Arts, N.Y.City. GENTRY, Elizabeth Butler, 2600 Troost Av., Kansas City, Mo. Born Mexico, Mo., Oct. 1, 1874; dau. Richard and Susan E. (Butler) Gentry; ed. Monticello Sem.; Univ. of Mo. Chairman Nat. Old Trails Road Com. of Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; pres. Woman's Nat. Old Trails Road Ass'n; hon. vtce-pres. Nat. Old Trails Road Ass'n. Hull House investigator of Chicago alley conditions; organized Kansas City Branch Consumers' League. Suffragist. Epis- copalian. Mem. Kansas City Chapter D.A.R., Colonial Dames of Mo., Mo. Peace Soc, Kansas City Historical Soc. Author (brochure): The Old Trails Road— The National Highway, 1911; pamphleteer and propagandist for the Old Trails Road as the National Highway; has created in- terest and aroused cooperation among leading men and women of the Trail States to urge the passage of the D.A.R. Bill in Congress to build this road as a memorial to the pioneer men and women who carried civilization from the Atlantic to the Pacific. GENTRY, Susie, "Maplehurst," Franltlin, Tenn. Born Shelbyvllle, Tenn.; dau. Watson Mere- dith Gentry, M.D., and Martha A. (Jones) Gentry; ed. by private Instructors and at Battle- ground Acad, and Tenn. Female Coll. (grad.). Active in patriotic work; first woman in the South to celebrate Flag Day (June 14, 1895); first woman of South to take up work of locating tho graves of the soldiers of the Revolution and the War of 1812 buried in Tennessee and by her own efforts and suggestion has located the graves of 488 Revolutionary soldiers and 250 soldiers of the War of 1812 in Tennessee, and memorials have been placed in Tennessee as follows: Tablet to Gen. Felix K. ZoUicoffer at Nashville; memorial to the soldiers and site of the Battle of the Bluffs (fought 1781) at Nash- ville; memorial to John Donelson and his party on their arrival at Nashville (1780); and at Franklin, Tenu., tablet to 61 Revolutionary sol- diers burled in Williamson County; memorials to Rev. Gideon Blackburn, to Bishop James Hervey Otey (first bishop of Tennessee) and to Commodore Mathew Fontaine Maury, who was reared near Nashville. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R. (organizer and first regent of Old Glory Chapter; first historian Tenn. D.A.R.; State vice- regent, 1906-07); U.S. Daughters of 1812 (first State sec. of Tenn.), United Daughters of the Confederacy (first State registrar for Tenn.), League of Am. Pen Women, iled Cross, Tenn. Historical Soc, Ladies' Hermitage Ass'n, Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Aotiquities; founder of Watanga-Cuniiberland Settlers' Ass'n; mem. King's Daughters. Represented her county on Woman's Board of Tenn. Centennial, 1897. Pres- byterian. Composer of music: Befo' de War (banjo piece); Remembrance; The Voiceless Song; Toalta; The Shepherd's Daughter; The Hearanly Fold, etc. Artist; illustrator of The Oomlne <3t the Lord and other poems. News- paper and magaziae writer on historical lines; contributor to St»te papers and Southern maga- zines. Recreations : Reading, raising poultry for home use, collecting gourds. Has a collection of gourds of all times and nations, which was awarded a gold medal at the St. Louis Exposi- tion. Favors woman suffrage. GENCNG, Myrta Goodenougrh (Mrs. Lewell T. Genung), Worcester, N.T. Born Decatur, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1870; dau. Judson and Cassandra (Cooper) Goodenough; ed. Cor- nell Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '96; took graduate work in English 1898-99; m. Worcester, N.Y., June 2S, 1900, Lewell T. Genung, M.D.; children: Judson Whiton, Dorothy Coupcr. Taught Greek and English in high school, Dav- enport, la., 1896-98; taught in Worcester, N.Y., 1899-1900. Interested in Woman's H inie and Foreign Missionary Work of Congregational Church; was for two years a mem. Woman's State Board of Home Missions in Mo. (while re- siding in St. Louis); actively interested in W.C.T.U. In Worcester, N.Y. (local treas.). Fa- vors woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Mem. Fortnightly Club of Worcester, N.Y. (studying literary and domestic science topics). GENZMER, Sada Sevilla (Mrs. W. L,. Genzmer), 68 Orchard St., Plttsfield, Mass. Born Ohio, Dec. 15, 1858; dau. Michael and Elysian (Slates) Sawvel; grad. Thiel Coll., Greenville, Pa., B.A. (first honor) '87; mem. Cllonian; m. Buffalo, N.Y., June 10, 1890, Rev. W. L. Genzmer; children: Frank B., George V., Paul R. Evangelical Lutheran. Mem. Lutheran League. GEORGE, Alice N. (Mrs. Andrew J. George), 170 Brookllne Av., Brookllne, Mass. Lecturer; b. Milford, Mass., Dec. 28, 1866; dau. Melbourne A. and Lavinia (Nelson) Vant; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '87 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Andrew J. George, Litt.D. (deceased 1907); one son: Robert H. George (M.A.). Pres. Brook- line Branch Ramahai Ass'n. Am. representative Nat. Trust (Eng.) for Preservation of Historical Places. Director College Club; mem. Research Com. of the Educational and Industrial Union; sec Boston Cooking School Corporation and Brookllne Education Soc Against woman suf- frage; organizing sec. Mass. Anti-Suffrage Ass'n; field sec. Nat. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Welfare dep't of Nat. Civic Federation, Woman's Trade Union League, Woman's Educational and Industrial Union (Boston), Am. Ass'n for Labor Legisla- tion, Mass. Child Labor Com., Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnse. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Boston College Club. GEORGE, Anne Everett, 1331 Connecticut Av., Washington, D.C. Directress of Montessori School, Washington, D.C; b. Columbia, Mo., July 12, 1880; dau. Ben- jamin .Young and Adeline Colvin (Gilman) George; ed. Kansas City High School, Woman's Coll. (now Goucher Coll.), Baltimore (mem. Delta Gamma). Primary teacher Chicago Latin School, Chicago, 111.; first American study undtr Dottoressa Maria Montessori In Rome. Direct- ress first American Montessori School Tarry- town, N.Y. (for F. A. Vanderlip). Lectures at various places; founded school in Washington in home of Alexander Graham Bell. Favors woman suffrage. Translated from Italian into English the Pedogogia Scientiflca of Maria Montessori under title "The Montessori Method"; has written articles in McClure's and other publica- tions. Presbyterian. Recreations: Theater, opera literature. GEORGE, Ella Martin (Mrs. H. H. George) 3120 5th Av., Beaver Falls, Pa. Pres. Pa. W.C.T.U.; b. near Freeport, Pa., Dec 4, 1S50; dau. Thomas and Hannah (Arm- strong) Martin (Scotch-Irish descent on both sides); ed. in public schools of Pittsburgh, high schools, Curry's Normal School, Newel's lust • m. Wilkinsburg, Feb. 18, 1897, Rev. H. h' George, D.D. Taught in Moorhead School, Pitts. burgh; was superintendent of Sabbath-school in Pittsburgh. Labored 8 years as a public lec- turer under the auspices of Nat. Reform Ass'n. Favors suft'rage through W.C.T.U. dep't of franchise. Has written many essays and ad- dresses for public meetings; also articles for papers. Has written the notes on Sabbath- 322 GEORGE— GERRY school lesson which was published in the Chris- tian Statesman. Reformed Presbyterian. Pro- hibitionist. Mem. Missionary Soc. ; managed Aged People's Honle of her church; life mem. Florence Crittenden Home, Nat. W.C.T.U., Pa. W.C.T.U., and a number of county W.C.T.U. organizations in Pa. Favors woman suffrage. GEORGE, Eva G. Neal (Mrs. William Walker Georg-e), 1312 Market St., Parkersburg, W.Va. Bom Parkersburg, W. Va., Mar. 23, 1855; dau. George B. and Caroline (McKinley) Neal; ed. private schools; grad. Galbraith Female Sem. (first honors) '73; m. Parkersburg, W. Va., Mar. 15, 1898, William Walker George. Sec. Trinity Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions; vice- pres. W.Va. Audubon Soc. Favors woman suf- frage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Woman's Club of Parkersburg, W.Va. (Civic Dep't). GEOKGE, Grace (Mrs. William A. Brady), care W. A. Brady, 137 W. Forty-eighth St., N.Y. City. Actress; b. N.Y. City, 1880; ed. in convent and later studied dramatic art; m. Jan. 8, 1899, Will- iam A. Brady (theatrical manager). First stage appearance in small part In Charles Frohman's production of The New Boy and in 1894 as Wilbur's Ann in The Girl I Left Behind Me, followed by Aimee in Charley's Aunt and Gretchen in The Wandering Minstrel; next sup- ported Charles B. Welles as Madeline in Fred- eric Lemaitre in vaudeville and afterward in Jealousy and An Undeveloped Bud; leaving vaudeville appeared in The Turtle at Manhattan Theatre, N.Y. City, and afterward as The Young Wife in Fifl. Since 1899 a star under manage- ment of W. A. Brady, beginning in the comedy The Princess Chiffon at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, 1899; Queen Wilhelmina In Her Ma- jesty, 1900; starred in Under Southern Skies, 1901-02; Gilberte In Frou Frou, 1902; In Pretty Peggy, 1903-04, at Herald Square Theatre; one of the all-star cast in revival of The Two Orphans, 1904; then starred in title role of Abigail, Lady Kitty in The Marriage of Will- iam Ashe, 1905-06, and in The Richest Girl, In Clothes, 1906-07; Divorcons, 1907; Sylvia of the Letters, 1907-08. GEORGE Marian M., "The Old Adobe," Foot- hill St., South Pasadena, Cal. ; (business ad- dress, 521 S. Wabash Av., Chicago). Writer; b. Zanesville, 0., Dec. 25, 1865; dau. Dr. R. W. and Elizabeth (Frazier) George; ed. public schools of Illinois. Taught school in 111., 1883-99. Has contributed stories to maga- zines and papers since girlhood; began to write text books for schools in 1898. Author: Plan Books (10)— series for the use of teachers in primary schools, 1897-98; Plan Books (10)— se- ries for the use of teachers of intermediate grades, 1899-1900; Library of Travel, Little Jour- neys to Every Land (series), 18 numbers Issued, now used as Geographical Readers, 1900-06; Character Building (6) series for the use of teachers in teaching ethics and civics and hu- mane education; 6 Books for teachers' aids in special entertainments (with Mrs. Lydia Avery Coonley Ward), 1898-99; Stories in Season (with Rose J. George- Whilten), 1899; Songs in Season, 1899: How to Sleep, 1903; The Shepherd Psalm, 1908. Congregationalist. Progressive. Mem. League of American Pen Women, Friday Morn- ing Club. GEORGE, Rebecca Rogers (Mrs. W. E. George), 1205 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician; b. Pendleton, Ind.; dau. Elijah Pennypacher and Ellen P. (Dunwoody) Rogers; ed Pendleton High School and Univ. of Mich., M.D. ; m. Indianapolis, Apr. 5, 1899, Dr. W. E. George. Non-resident lecturer in social hygiene, Univ. of Ind., 1899-1912; Franklin Coll., 1912—. Chairman Health Dep't of Indiana Fed. of Clubs; lecturer before women's clubs throughout In- diana. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Franchise League (charter mem., mem. first Board of Directors). Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Inst. Homoeopathy, Ind. Inst of Homoeopathy. Recreation: Automobiling. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Monday Club (pres.). Present Day Club, Women's Department Club. GERARD, Jessie Honor Bryant (Mrs. Franklin Ward Gerard). 23 High St., South Norwalk. Conn. Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Ezekiel Drake and Lucy Tyler (Matthews) Bryant; ed. Brooklyn public schools, private tutors, Conn, public schools; m. Ansonia, Conn., 1879, Franklin Ward Gerard; children: Franklin, Jessie, Margaret, Raymond. Mem. D.A.R. and Conn. Chapter Daughters of Founders and Patriots. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Advisory Board, Conn. Forestry Ass'n; collaborator in Nat. Conserva- tion Ass'n; from 1908-10 chairman Forestry Com. Gen. Fed. Woman's Clubs; chairman Con- servation Com., Conn. Fed. Woman's Clubs; pres. South Norwalk Woman's Municipal League, New Psychology Study Club of Nor- walk; chairman Equal Guardianship Com. Conn. Fed. Woman's Clubs; secured the equal guar- dianship for Conn., and helped secure the law making the laurel the Conn. State flower. Lec- turer on Forestry and Conservation; initiated the patriotic education of foreign citizens in Conn., while Regent of Norwalk Chapter, D.A.R. GERE, Lanra Ella, 102 Summit St., Syracuse, N.Y. Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '01. Ass't teacher in Michlgamme (Mich.) High School, 1901-02; teacher Jenner's School for Boys, Syra- cuse, N.Y., 1902-03; teacher of geometry and German, Batavia (N.Y.) High School, 1903-07; Syracuse Technical High School since 1907. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. GERE, Mary Elizabeth, 75 High St., Northamp- ton, Mass. Graduate of Smith Coll., B.A. '89; student of domestic science, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1896-97. Director of domestic department The Western, Oxford, Ohio, 1893-96; Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio, 1898-1900; teacher of household science, Northfield (Mass.) Sem., 1900-04. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. GERMAIfN, Belinda C. Knapheide (Mrs. Henry Germann), 1231 Maine St., Qulncy, III. Physician; b. Quincy, 111., July 16, 1863; dau. Henry H. and Catharine (Achelpohl) Knapheide; ed. Quincy High School (first honor, Morgan silver medal), Quincy Coll. of Medicine, M.D., and medical studies in Ziirich, Switzerland, Paris, France and Vienna, Austria; m. Quincy, 111., Sept. 16, 1891, Henry Germann; children: HUdegarde Catharine, Aldo Knapheide. Formerly lecturer in Chaddock Coll. of Medicine; mem. staff Blessing Hospital, Quincy, 111. Lecturer on obstetrics in Blessing Hospital Traaning School for Nurses; vice-pres. of the Military Tract Med. Ass'n of 111. Mem. Board of Education of Quincy, 111. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Adams Co. Medical Soc., 111. State Medical Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n; mem. E'astem Star (Grace Whipple Chapter). GEROtJLD, Katharine Eullerton (Mrs. Gordon Hall Gerould), Queen's Court, Princeton, N.J. Born Brockton, Mass., Feb. 6,' 1879; dau. Rev. Bradford Morton (D.D.) and Julia M. (Ball) Fullerton; ed Radcliffe Coll., A.B. 1900; Rad- cliffe Coll., A.M. '01; m. Brockton, Mass., June S, 1910, Prof. Gordon Hall Gerould of Prince- ton, N.J.; one son: Christopher. Reader in English, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1901-10. Writer of short stories, essays and verse in Scribner's, Century, Harper's, Atlantic Monthly. Congre- gationalist. GERRY, Elolse, 616 Lake St., Madison, Wis. Born Boston, Mass., Jan. 12, 1885; dau. Will- iam Gordon and Josephine A. (Bacon) Gerry; grad. Fryeburg (Me.) Acad., '02; Roxbury (Mass.) High School, '03; Radcliffe Coll.; Harvard Univ., A.B. (with distinction in chemistry) '08, A.M. '09; fellow in botany. Smith Coll., 1910. Ap- pointed expert in U.S. Forest Service, June, 1910; appointed microscopist in forest products, 1911. Interested in social service, community welfare work, etc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League. Author of technical botanical paper on The Bars of Sanio in the Coniferales; also paper entitled Microscopic Structure of Wood in Relation to Its GERSTENBERG— GIBBS 323 Properties and Uses, read before the Soc. of Surgeons, Chicago); m. Story Co., la., 1891, Am. Foresters. Mem. Mountain View Grange, D. M. Christ, M.D.; children: Orris E., David Conway N.H. • Am. Forestry Ass'n, Ass'n of G. In 1910 took a trip around the world, vislt- Colleglate Alumnse, A.A.A.S., Science Club of Ing hospitals and studying the diseases and Unlv of Wis Recreations: Horseback riding, , customs of people (especially women) of every driving walking mountain climbing, boating, country. Took some special work on diseases fishing ' automoMling, tennis. of women and children at Vienna. Has given nwvaTvr.rRVTtfi AIlr« B39 Demlne Place Chi- several addresses on Missions of the Orient GERSTENBERG, Alice, b39 ueming i-iace. i^ni ^^^^ ^^^^ visited on her trip). Supporting and l^fSlUriiht or,,i o„th,^,•• h PhiPBt^n Til • dn.li educating a child in India. Interested In the TTnib'T^I T,,fi« OPT^^pnher;.- ed AlcottPub^^^^ civic betterment of Ames; established the first n^«,Smpr q^i,t,i /Fo«?Pr ^d'lnloma) Kirtdand sanitary drinking fountains on the streets and ?rTv'Sre"Lh!'oMvalid?c?orLn)''ry'n^'Ma^f^olL f,rln[e°s°Vo°me^nT'ciubs\f Sr^nt'^fm^' t^l.^'Zutol ^K^\?rBuUd.nV'chtcago ""m" Favo^s^womYnTuVrag^J.^'MethodTt^^Mem^'c^: ra'^r.T\°4,'lrdpuTllcS*°o!'tSosr|W^ %-^Jf^ ^la 'Ted Vom^n^'-mf '^Rec^r^^: u^: ^sz.^S'^.i^Xei^ iiv-iw^ ||^3ej^£boS.i^r\er-Thfrm^ teur production In clubs and societies, 1309-10; ^olf and Country Club. Captain Joe (4-act comedy), given professional GIBBONS, Emina F., 433 Prospect Av., Buffalo, matinee by the Acad, of Dramatic Arts, at the n.T. Empire Theatre, Broadway, N.Y., Feb. 8, 1912; Educator; b. Sept. 16, 1865; dau. Charles and publication of novel, Unquenched Fire, May, Mary (Morris) Gibbons; ed. Buffalo State Normal 1912, a novel containing a word portrait of School, Buffalo, N.Y. ; course in kindergarten David Belasco, under the name of John Gaston, at Working Man's School, under direction of Associate mem. Bryn Mawr Coll. Alumna Ass'n; Society of Ethical Culture, N.Y. City. Organ- mem. Junior League, Chicago, 111.; mem. the i^ed Elmwood School of Buffalo (a private Little Theatre Company, Chicago, 111., and mem. school), of which she and Miss Jessica Beer were North Side Branch of 111. Woman's Suffrage co-principals for several years. Especially In- League. Recreations: Society, music, riding, terested in presenting history to beginners swimming, dancing, tennis, domestic science, (children under 10 years) and in trying to reach travel. Clubs: Woman's Athletic, Chicago Bryn educators in regard to this work; also in Interpre- Mawr. tative reading to children as a means of educat- OE8NER, Virginia Brett (Mrs. Richmond H. ing the child's taste for literature. Favors woman Gesner) Oswego N.Y. suffrage. Author of books for children: The Born Albany, N.Y.; dau. Bernard B. and Earliest People; People of the Middle Ages. Martha (Mcaelland) Brett; ed. Albany High Mem. Audubon -So*, of Buffalo and of N.Y. City. School, Albany Normal Coll., Cornell Univ., GIBBONS, Helen Davenport (Mrs. Herbert B.L. '90 (Delta Gamma); m. Albany, N.Y., 1890, Adams Gibbons), care Morgan Harjes & Co.. Rev. Richmond H. Gesner, D.D. ; children: Ger- 31 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France, trude McClelland, b. 1892; Marguerite Webster, goj-n Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 2, 1882; dau. b. 1896; Virginia Bfett, b. 1899; Katharine Her- clement M. and Emily Eckert (Myers) Brown; bert, b. 1903. Instructor in missions of Woman's g^. Stevens School, Germantown, Philadelphia; Auxiliary of Christ Church, Oswego, N.Y. Active gpyQ Mawr Coll., Simmons (3oll., Boston; m. In all Interests beneficial to women and children j^ y City June 3, 1908, Rev. Herbert Adams and for educational and social uplift, especially Gibbons; children: Christine Este Gibbons, b. In the missionary and progressive work of the j^^y 5, 1909; Lloyd Irving Gibbons, b. July 31, Episcopal Ohurch. Mem. N.Y. State Coll. igu Emily Elizabeth, b. Paris, France, May 3, Alumnse Ass'n. Clubs: Oswego Country, Ontario i9i3_ Mem. Board of Managers Student Hostel, Book. Recreations: Golf, boating. Paris; lecturer on household economics, infant GESTEEELD, Ursula Newell, Chicago, 111. hygiene and position of women in the countries Author, lecturer; b. Augusta, Ma, 1845. Foun- of the Levant. Favors woman suffrage. Author der of a system of thought which has been of papers on Infant Hygiene and Household named the Science of Being; Instructor of Exo- Economics In Bulgarian and Armenian languages, dus Club, established in Chicago, 1897, which Presbyterian. Mem. Humane Education Soc. of developed into the Church of the New Thought, Turkey, Woman's Club, Constantinople, Turkey; of which she became first pastor, and the Coll. Student Hostel, Paris, France. Has traveled ex- of the Science of Being, of which she became tensively in Europe and countries of the Levant, head. Author: The Builder and the Plan; How Co-operates with husband In Journalistic work We Master Our Fate; How to Control Circum- and in historical research in French and stances; A Modern Catechism; And God Said; Turklsih history. Reincarnation or Immortality; The Master of GIBBONS, Vernette L.. Upton. Mass., and S^„^^°Ai ^''^w^^Tn^- ^nh n^'-phli. J^^ ^ra ^"slon Nlzza, Mathlldek Strasse, 10, MUnchen, Birth. Mem. Woman s Club of Chicago. Favors Germany woman suffrage. ^^^^ Franklin, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1874; dau. Marsh- GETCHEIrL, Clara Augusta Furbish (Mrs. yme and Augusta (Foote) Gibbons; grad. Mt. George N. Getchell), Caribou, Me. Holyoke Coll., B.Sc. '96, B.A. '99; Cornell Univ. Bom Auburn, Me., Nov. 5, 1857; dau. Albert B. summer School, '99; Univ. of Chicago. M.Sc. '07; and Caroline H. (Young) Furbish; ed. Auburn student of U. of C, 1901-02; Bryn Mawr Coll., and Lewlston public schools; m. Houlton, Ma, 1911-I2; fellowship in chemistry; also, 1912-13. Jan. 12, 1887, George N. Getchell. Favors woman European fellowship from Bryn Mawr; studying suffrage. Congregatlonallst. Mem. W.C.T.U., in Munich. Teacher of science, Bernardston, Woman's Literary Club, Social Club. Mass., 1896-97; assistant Chemical Dep't Mt. GETZ, Mary Minnie (Mrs. A. M. Getz). Haskell, Holyoke Ck)ll., 1897-99; instructor Mt Holyoke Tex. Coll., 1899-1901; Instructor Chemical Dep't Wells Born St. Mary's, Ohio, Nov. 21, 1862; dau. Coll., 1902-04; assistant prof. Chemical Dep't A. J. and Sophia (McMurray) Morey; ed. Ohio Wells Coll., 1904-06; acting head of department, Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, '82; mem. 1904-05; lecturer In chemistry Huguenot Coll., Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. Wapakoneta, Ohio, Wellington, South Africa, 1907-11. Author (in Sept. 11, 1880, A. M. Getz. Reportorial work for conjunction with F. H. Getman): Potentials of newspapers In Ohio and Louisiana. Against Zinc In Alcoholic Solutions of Zinc Chloride, woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Active In State 1912; also Dissertation of Master of Science, Fed. of Women's Clubs. Univ. of Chicago: Acetoacetic Eater, Its Forma- GHRIST. Jennie G. (Mrs. D. M. Ghrlst), Ames, t**"! ^"-i ^f^"""^- Congregatlonallst. Against lo„B__ woman suffrage. Physician; b. Ottumwa, la., July 4, 1870; dau. GIBBS, Charlotte Mitchril, 606 Daniel St., Alonzo and Margaret (Ooss) Garrison; ed. Des Champaign, 111. Moines and Keokuk (la.) Med. Coll., M.D. Teachei); b. Greenup, Ky., Jan. 10, 1885; dau. (mem. Nu Sigma Phi, Coll. Physicians and George and Elizabeth Thachcr (Hodge) Glbbs; 324 GIBBS— GIGNOUX ed. Univ. of 111. (Phi Beta Kappa) A.B. '04, A.M. '08 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Assistant in tex- tiles, 1905-07; instructor in textiles, 1907-09; asso- ciate in textiles since 1909, Univ. of 111. Active in work of Neighborhood House, a small settle- ment in the Unitarian Chnrch. Author of pamphlet: Some Points in Choosing Textiles; book — Household Textiles, and short articles. Mem. Am. Home EJconomlcs Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns. Recreations: Golf, swim- ming, dancing, skating. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. GIBBS, Winifred Stuart, 105 E. Twenty-second St., N.Y. City. Teacher; b. N.Y. City, Oct 6, 1871; dau. George Holman and Catherine S. (Karnes) Gibbs; ed. Chicago high schools, Rochester Mechanics Inst., Univ. of Rochester. Organized Home Economy Dep't of N.Y. Ass'n for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Took part in Interna- tional Congress on Home Edtication at Brussels, Belgium, Aug., 1910, and in relating Domestic Science to Social Service in curriculum of Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. Has written magazine articles in Journal of Home Economics, Am. Journal of Nursing, Boston Cooking School Magazine, etc. Author: Lessons in Proper Feed- ing of the Family; Food for the Invalid and tihe Convalescent; Economical Cooking; in prepara- tion. Textbook in Home Economics. EJpisco- palian. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Home E>conomic Ass'n, Internat. Congress for Rational Feeding of Man, N.Y. Oratorio Soc., etc. GIBSON, Mabel Leonard (Mrs. Adelno Gibson), Fort Du Pont, Del. Born Albany, N.Y. ; dau. Oscar and Emily Manderville (Ulmer) Leonard; grad. Wellesley College, A.B. '99; N.Y. Stat« Normal College, B.Pg. 19O0; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '06; m. Albany, N.Y., Itec., 1910, Lieut. Adelno Gibson, U.S.A. Cataloguer Library of Congress and Library U.S. Dep't of Agriculture; organizer of library of the Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Monroe, Va. Christian Scientist. Recreation: Walking. GIBSON, j\Iary Adelaide (Mrs. John T. Gibson), Southboro, Mass. Born Attleboro, Mass., May 31, 1853^; dau. Har- vey AugTistus and Mary A. (Wilmarth) Babbitt; ed. public school, Attleboro, Mass. ; m. at Attle- boro, Dec. 9, 1870, Jacob S. Klebes; 2nd, South- boro, Mass., Sept, 19(«, John Tyler Gibson; chil- dren: Alice Ardelia Klebes, Jacob Elmer Klebes. Amateur artist, specialty crayon portraits; sup't Southboro Congregational Sunday-school since 1997; sec. and teacher of young ladies' class, 1898-1904; lecturer Southboro Grange, 1905-06. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Delineator (N.Y.) Home League, for the promotion of better laws for -women. Congregationallst. Republican. Pres. Ladies' Home Missionary Soc, 1908-11; acting pres. Ladies' Auxiliary to Woman's Board of Foreign Missions, 1909-11. Recreations: Grand opera, concerts, musical plays, and light or English opera. Pres. Southboro Woman's Club, 1910-12 (mem. Board of Directors). (JIBSON, Susan Meta, 124 W. 103d St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Burlington, Vt; dau. Dr. Robert Phillips and Susan (Moser) Gibson; grad. Art Dep't Cooper Art School, '81; Normal Industrial Drawing and Design at Cooper Art School, '77. Studied under John Bennett, of the Doulton Works, England; Alden Weir, Wyatt E>aton, Douglas Vclk, Swain Gifford, Charles Godfrey Leland, of Philadelphia and London, England; medal and diploma from Columbian Exposition (Chicago) 1893. Instructor in art and designing ever since graduation as an art student. Mem. Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R., Soc. of Daughters of Holland Dames, Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Families of New Netherland, Altar Com. of St Agnes Chapei, Trinity Parish. Protestant Dpiscopal. Against woman suffrage. GIELOW, Mm. Martha Sawyer, The Farragut (office. Room 331 Southern Building), Wash- Inrton, D.C Bom In Alabama; dau. Bnocb and Sophie E. (Barkley) Sawyer (twin sister of Mrs. Mary G. Pickens, one of the notable women of Ala); sev- eral years resident of Washington. Formerly widely known as reader and writer of the folk- lore of the Southland, filling many engagements on lyceum and Chautauqua platforms in America and Europe before taking up the educational work with which she has since been identified. Founder and vice-pres. of th« Southern Indus- trial Educational Ass'n (Inc.), to promote in- dustrial education among the impoverished, un- educated Anglo-Savon children of the Southern Appalachian Mountaias and reaiate rural districts of the South. Author: MamHiy*s RemiBlacences ; Old Plantation Days; Old Andy the Moon- shiner; Uncle Sam; also fugitive poems and many articles on education and the work in which she is engaged. GUTIN, Etta Josselyn, The Mendota, Kalorama Rd. and 20th St, Washington, D.C. Assistant librarian; b. Newark, O. ; dau. Dr. James Hervey and Ruth (Josselyn) Giffln; ed. private schools, LaAvrence, Kan. Director of The Nat. Library for the Blind, Washington, D.C; ass't in Chase Reading Room for the Blind, Library of Congress; Nat. delegate Inter- nat. Congresses for Ameliorating Condition of Blind at Brussels, Vienna, Cairo, 1902, 1910-11. Pres. Kapitala Esperanto Klubo (for blind and sighted) ; mem. Am. Ass'n of Workers for Blind, La Valentin Haiiy Ass'n (Paris), Am. Nat. Red Cross Soc. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Li- brary Ass'n, D.AJl., Nat. Civic Federation, Po- tomac Archery Club. Recreations: Archery, sailing, rowing and horseback riding. GIl'TORD, Auffusta Hale (Mrs. George Gifford), 42 Pine St, Portland, Me. Author; b. Turner, Me., Feb. 19, 1842; dau. James Sullivan and Betsy (Staples) Hale; ed. Obcrlin Coll. (classical course) ; m. Aug. 8, 1869, George Gifford (many years consul at Basel, Switzerland); children: Katherine Gifford, b. 1870 (deceased); Clarence Hale Gifford, b. 1872; Marguerite Gifford Davis, b. 1879. Author: Italy, Her People and Their Story, 1905; Germany, Her People and Their Story, 1899; New Italy, 1909. Nearly half of life spent abroad; first time, 1877, extensive foreign correspondence with New England journals and contributions to various publications. Mem. State St. Church, actively interested in literary societies of Portland, Me.; also In prison reform work and social improve- ment organizations for ameliorating conditions of poor and women sunk in vice; also in State Tuberculosis Ass'n. Congregationallst. Repub- lican (for regular ticket). Enthusiastically fa- vors woman suffrage. GIFFORD, Flora Sawyer, Tougaloo University, Tougaloo, Miss. Teacher (high school) ; b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1880; dau. Rev. O. P. Gifford, D.D., and Flor- ence (Lamson) (Jifford; ed. Buffalo High School, 1894-98; grad. Ogontz School, 1898-99; Brown Univ., 1899-1902; Bryn Mawr, 1902-03, A.B. (clas- sics); Radcliffe, 1909-10, A.M. Taught Fillmore (N.Y.) High School spring of 1904: Lowville (N.Y.) Acad, fall of 1904; Chevy Chase, Md.. 1905-06; Rust Univ., Miss., 1910-11; Shenandoah Collegiate Inst, Va., 1911-12; Tougaloo (Miss.) Univ., 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. GIGNOUX, liOnise Fowler (Mrs. Robert Miles Glgnoux), 118 E. Seventeenth St., N.Y. City. Lawyer, lecturer; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 29, 1873; dau. Dr. Edward Payson and Mary Louise (Mum- ford) Fowler; ed. Univ. of the City of N.Y. (scholarships) LL.B., LL.M.; lecturer for two years to Woman's Law Class of N.Y. State Univ.; m. June 12, 1895, Robert Miles Gignoux; children: Louise Mumford, b. May 25, 1897; Mildred Fowler, b. Oct 26, 1898. Lecturer on Contracts at N.Y. Univ. Woman's Law Class; lecturer on Elementary Law two seasons at N.Y. League for Political Education; general lecturer and puWic speaker on economics, polit- ical science, law; teacher of the violin. Writings have been principally legal; assisted In compil- ing the Encyclopedia of Law published under mipervielon of Mr. Draper Lewis, of Philadeil- GILBERT— OILCHRIST S2S phia; wrote article: Gardens of Apollo, a study of Versailles, Scribner's Magazine, June, 1911. Recreations: Travel, music. Protestant Episco- pal. Favors woman suffrage; delivers courses of lectures to suffrage clubs. GILBERT, AgTies Lo>vrie, Litchfield, Mich. Teacher; b. Homer Township, Mich., Sept. 12, 1S64; dau. James and Jane O. (Dudley) Gilbert, Jr.: ed. Litchfield High School, 1882, Hillsdale Coll., 1S82-84; Chautauqua, various summer schools (mem. Kappa Gamma). Taught rural school. Litchfield, 3 years; Jackson City schools 1 year; private teaching (New Orelans) 3 years; ward principal, Beloit, Wis., 10 years; prin- cipal County Normal, Caro, Mich., 3 years. Active In Sunday-school and Christian En- deavor, and all church societies; very active in social functions of church, school and club life, all educational work and everything for the improvement of women and children. Mem. W.C.T.U. and Y.W.C.A. Presbyterian. Mem. Audubon Soc., Humane Soc. Mem. Literary and Art Club, pres. Twentieth Century Club, Caro, Mich. Recreations: Walking, riding, boating, reading, conversation. Does Inst, work with teachers and public speaking In the In- terests of church, club and school work. Favora woman suffrage. GILBERT, Annie Ward, 1602 H St., Sacramento, Gal. Teacher and lecturer; b. Granby, Conn., 1857; dau. Rev. William H. and Mary (Goodridge) Gilbert; ed. Bradford Acad., Mass.; grad. West End Inst, New Haven, Conn., '76; private work with Yale Prof, and Summer School, Univ. of Cal. Taught In Misses Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. ; preceptress in Girls' School, Oswego, ■ N.Y. ; principal in private school, New Haven, Conn. ; lecturer and private instructor, Sacramento, Cal. Interested in ladies' clubs. Favors woman suffrage; precinct chairman in spring election, 1912, Sacramento. Congrega- tionalist. P>rogressive Republican. GILBERT, Florence Anderson (Mrs. Fred Mac- donald Gilbert), 1081 Park Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Brooklyn, N.Y., June, 1876; dau. William and Mary (Judd) Anderson; grad. Packer Col- legiate Inst, Brooklyn, 1894; Smith Coll., B.L. '98; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept 21, 1901, Fred Macdonald Gilbert. Interested in settlement work and Y.W.C.A.; chairman Publication Dep't of Nat. Board Y.W.C.A. Has written articles in The Outlook and some other magazines. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Congregationallst GILBERT, Prances Baker (Mrs. Frank Gilbert), FrankllnvUle. N.Y. Born FarmersvUle, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y. ; dau. Marsena and Elizabeth (Benton) Baker; direct descendant of the apostle, John Eliot— grand- mother was Fanny Eliot, of Guilford, Mass.; ed. Clean Acad, and Elmira Coll.; m. Farmersville, N.Y., July 23, 1863, Frank Gilbert (associate editor for 33 years of three great Chicago dailies, the Journal, Tribune and Inter-Ocean). Has written occasionally for the press. Free Thinker. Former Republican; now Progressive. Mem. Peace Soc., Antl-Vlvisection Soc. Hon. mem. Fortnightly Club of Chicago; mem. Gradus Club of Frankainville, N.Y. GILBERT, Sarah Hughes, State Normal School, MUlersvllle, Pa. Teacher; b. Buckingham, Bucks Co., Pa., Oct 6, 1858; dau. John W. and Letltla (Smith) Gil- bert; grad. Millersville Normal School, 1877, B.E. (Bachelor Elementary Didactics), 1879 B.S.. changed after 2 years' teaching to M.E. and M.S.; special student of mathematics, Cornell Univ., 1880-81; student Univ. of Chicago, 1895; student Stanford Univ., 1896. Elected to position In faculty at Millersville Oct., 1881, which posi- tion has since held. Mem. Soc. of Friends. Ac- tive mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n. ; sec. Millers- ville Alumni Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. GILBERT, Sue Racey (Mrs. Benjamin Thome Gilbert), New Hartford, N.Y. Bom Cleveland, 0.; dau. Hamilton Fisk and Bue Miles (Brooks) Biggar; ed. Mise Mittleberg's Bchool, Cleveland; St Mary's School, N.Y. ; Pa. Hospital Training School for Nurses, Sloan Maternity; m. Chappaqua, N.Y., 1905, Benjamin Thorne Gilbert; children: Susan Racey, Benja- min Davis. Head nurse Pa. Hospital one year; mem. Am. Red Cross Nursing Service; district nurse one year in Alta Settlement House, Clere- land. Interested in various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Anglican Catholic. Recreations: Traveling, farm- ing, dancing. GILBERT, Virginia Banks, 92 Bentley Av., Jersey City, N.J. Teacher; b. Jersey City, 1852; dau. William S. and Sarah E. (Banks) Gilbert; grad; Vassar Coll. '74; mem. Philalethian Soc; received Bergen County (N.J.) public school diploma. Taught in several private and one public school. Journalist for four years on the Kansas City Star; now engaged in tutoring. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Jersey City Woman's Club. GILCHRIST, Beth Bradford, 79 Center St., Rutland, Vt Born Peacham, Vt. ; dau. Oscar James Gil- christ M.D., and Martha E. E. (Bradford) Gilchrist; ed. Rutland High School; Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.A. '02; mem. Psi Omega (local) Sorority. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Life of Mary Lyon; also young people's books, among them: Helen Over-the-Wall; Helen and the Uninvited Guests; also magazine articles occasionally. Congregationallst. GILCHRIST, rredericka Raymond Beardsley (Mrs. Robert Gilchrist), 695 Clifton Av., New- ark. N.J. Born Oswego, N.Y., Mar. 2, 1845; dau. Samuel Raymond and Charlotte E. (Burckle) Beardsley; ed. in Oswego public schools and by private masters; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 2, 1865, Robert Gil- christ (eminent lawyer of New Jersey); children: Robert, Raymond Beardsley, Frederica Biirckle, Charlotte Christian. Interested in social, phil- anthropic and civic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The True Story of Hamlet and Ophelia. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of Founders and Patriots, D.A.R., Woman's Branch of the N.J. Historical Soc; charter mem. Meridian Club (N.Y.), Contemporary Club (New- ark, N.J.). GILCHRIST, 3Iande, Michigan Agricultural Col- lege, East Lansing, Mich. Teacher; b. California, Pa., Dec. 29, 1861; dau. James Cleland and Hannah (Cramer) Gilchrist; ed. Iowa State Teachers Coll.. Cedar Falls, B.Pd. '80, B.S. '87; Wellesley Coll., 1880-83; Univ. of Gottingen, Germany, 1896-97; Univ. of Michi- gan, A.M. '07 (mem. Omlcron Nu). Instructor In science, Iowa State Teachers Coll., 1883-86; In- structor botany, Wellesley Coll., lSSO-96; lady principal 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 1S97- 1901. Dean of home economics division, Mich. Agricultural Coll., Lansing, 1901. Mem. State Com. of Y.W.C.A., 1902-11; director Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs; chairman home economics dep't and now (1913) chairman education dep't. Speaker before farmers' institutes, women's clubs, etc. Mem. for Mich, of School Patrons Dep't of Nat. Educational Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League. Con- gregationallst; mem. People's Union Church. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnfe. Am. Ass'n of Home Economics, Mich. Acad, of Science, D.A.U., Lansing Woman's Club, Mich. Agricultural Col- lege Woman's Club. GII.CHRIST, Rosetta Grace (Mrs. William Lewis Gilchrist), 111 Centre St., Ashtabula. Ohio. Author, physician and surgeon; b. Kingsville, Ohio, April 11, 1851; dau. Jeremiah Pike and Tamar Ritch (Barton) Luce; ed. Oberlin Coll., Kingsville Acad., Cleveland Homceopathlc Hos- pital Coll. (now called Cleveland .\Ied. Coll.), M.D. and honorable mention at graduation, 1890; mem. Hahnemann Soc; m. Kingsville, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1876, William Lewis Gilchrist, M.D.; children: Edward Luce, Jessamine Louise (Mrs. Hawthorne), Katharine Douglas (Mrs. Kirby). Was first woman mem. on school board In Ashtabula, elected in 1896 on Republican ticket. Favors woman suffrage; was pres. of Ashtabula 326 GILDEJR— — GOLDMARK 331 vors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Driving, electric motoring, golf, singing. Clubs: Freeport Woman's, Chicago Smith College. GODDABD, Clara Cecelia (Mrs. Clarence Case Goddard), 811 Middle St., Leavenworth, Kan. Born Connersville, Ind., Dec. 11, 1864; dau. Harmon Qustavus and Anna (McFall) Welbllos". ed. Leavenworth (Kan.) High School; grad. Kan. State Normal; m. Parkville, Mo., July 4, 1874, Clarence Case Goddard, M.D.; one son: Clarence Brock. Interested in civic work, church and Sunday-school. Favors woman suffrage. EJp-isco- palian. GODDAKD, Emma Florence Bobbins (Mrs. Henry H. Goddard), Vlneland, N.J. Bom WInthrop, Me., Jan. 10, 1865; dau. Cyrus S. and Mary L. (Rockwood) Robbins; ed WIn- throp High School, Gorham Normal School, student Clark Univ., Cornell, Univ. of Pa., uni- versity and summer courses in Marburg, Ger- many; m. Aug. 7, 1889, Henry H. Goddard, Ph.D. Teacher 14 years in public and private schools. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's EJqual Franchise League of Vineland. Collabora- tor with husband: Influence of Mind on the Body as Evidenced by Faith Cure; also various studies in feeble-mindedness. Quaker. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Woman's Club of Vlneland, N.J., Drama League of Philadelphia. GODDABD, Fannie Hermance (Mrs. A. A. God- dardn 1227 H St., Sacramento, Cal. Born Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 24, 1855; dau. Levi and Sarah E. (Ferris) Hermance; ed. Sacramento private school and tutors; m. Sacramento, Dec. 13, 1876, A. A. Goddard; one son: Alexander E. Goddard. Club lecturer; interested in church, club, In all charitable work, children's play- grounds; hospital free bed patroness; McKlnley Park commissioner for two years. Writes for newspapers occasionally. Mem. Tuesday Clu'b (Sacramento), Redwood City Club (Redwood, Cal.), Saturday Club (Sacramento); vlce-pres. Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Congregationallst. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. (iOI>DABD, Fannie Walbridge (Mrs. Louis A. Goddard), 321 S. Moore St., Algona, Iowa. Born Plover, Wis. ; dau. Allen A. and Sarah (Harvey) Walbrldge; ed. Madison (Wis.) High School, '91; Univ. of Wis., B.L. '95, M.L. 1900; m, Philadelphia, 1902, Rev. Louis A. Goddard; children: Cosette, Mignonne, Allen, Bernice. Elocutionist in Madison, Reedsburg, Baraboo and other cities; public dramatic reader. Mem. Christian Endeavor, Sunshine Soc, Mission Club of Cong;regatlonal Church, Baraboo, Wis. Rec- reations: Physical culture, fishing, rowing. Ck)n- gregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; worked at the polls all day election day at Baraboo, Wis., 1912; also made large political canvass previous to election. Removed from Baraboo, Wis., May, 1913, to Algona, Iowa, where her hus- band Is now pastor of First Congregational Church. GODDARD, Louise Angostine (Mrs. Warren Goddard), 4360 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Bom St. Louis, Mo., May 4, 1880; dau. George H. and Florence (Brush) Augustine; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, and Wells Coll., A.B. ; m. Fair- lawn, Kirkwood, Mo., Apr. 9, 1910, Warren God- dard; one daughter: Louise Augustine. Taught school at Mary Inst, two years. Presbyterian. Mem. Wednesday Club. GODFREY, Winona, care of Pearson's Maga- zine, 425 E. Twenty-fourth St., N.Y. City. Short story writer; b. Marysville, O., July 15, 1877; dau. George M. and Ella (Parthemer) God- frey; ed. Seattle High School. Interested in matters relating to the drama and the modern stage. (Contributor to Harper's McClure's, Pearson's and other magazines. Favors woman suffrage. Now resident in San Francisco. GOETHE, M»ry L. Glide (Mrs. Charles M. Goethe), 2515 K St., Sacramento, Cal. Educated Randolph-Macon Woman's Coll., 1894- 95; Unly. of the Pacific, S.B. '99; graduate student Brrn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; »tudent of kinder- garten methods, 1903-05; grad. Oakland (Cal.) Kindergarten Training School, 1905; m. 1903, Charles M. Goethe. Director of Sacramento Orphanaga and Farm, 1906-09. GOETZ, BUna, 3846 Woodley Rd., Washington, D.C. Librarian; b. Washington, D.C, Mar. 11, 1869; dau. Adolpi and Susanna (Michael) Ooetz; grad. WajBhlngton Normal School, studied subsequent- ly at Wellesley Coll., Dartmouth Coll. and Univ. of Chicago. Teacher tor 4 years; librarian of The Teachers' Library, Washington, D.C, since 1895. Mem. Soc. for Philosophical Inquiry. Rec- reations: Reading, study and travel. Favors woman suffrage. GOrNG, Ellen Maud, 130 McTavlah St., Mon- treal, Can., or care Engineering Magazine, Nassau-Beekman Building, N.Y. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. CTharles Henry and Eliza (Buxton) Going; private education, N.Y. Normal <3oll., partial course In botany and biology in McGUl Univ., Montreal (as»o. mem. of Alumnae Soc, McQlll Univ.). Author: With the Wild Flowers, 1894; Field, Forest and Way- side Flowers, 1899; With the Trees, 1903; also articles and poenxa published in yarious period- icals. Protestant Episcopal. GOLAY, Juliette, Machlasport, Me. Teacher; b. Washington, D.C; ed. In schools of Brewer, Me.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '94; CJolumbla Univ., A.M. '01. Teacher Collegiate Inst., Chi- cago, 111., 1896-98; Mrs. Weil's School, N.Y. City, 1898-1901; the Annie Wright School, Tacoma, Wash., 1901-07; Belmont Coll., Nashville, Tenn., 1907-10. GOLDEN, Elizabeth Lathrop (Mrs. William Morris Golden, Jr.), East Orange, N.J. Born Sherburne, N.Y., Feb. 1, 1874; dau. Charles Henry and Alice (Alcott) Lathrop; ed. Sherburne (N.Y.) Acad., Smith Coll., A.B. '95; m. Sherburne, N.Y., Oct. 4, 1904, William Morris Golden, Jr., lawyer, N.Y. City; one son: Lathrop, b. April 7, 1912. Taught Latin and history, 1895- 1904, first In Norwich (N.Y.) High School, then In N.Y. City high schools; holds N.Y. State life certificate and N.Y. City permanent certificate. Chairman Educational Com., Harlem Y.W.C.A., N.Y. City, 1905-07. Presbyterian. Mem. Women's Univ. Club N.Y. City and Smith Coll. Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. GOLDMAN, May W. (Mrs. Benjamin Goldman), 2626 W. Ninth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Born San Francisco, Sept. 30, 1876; dau. Simon and Annette (Levy) Wolf; grad. Girls' High School (San Francisco) '93; Normal School Sem., second of six private positions offered highest graduates, '94; m. San Francisco, 1907, Benjamin Goldman. Taught school in San Francisco, 1894-1907. Licader of a settlement in Los Angeles where sewing is taught to poor Jewish children. Teacher in free Jewish Sabbath-sohool. Jewess. Republican. Mem. Los Angeles Section Council of Jewish Women (pres. 1910-12), Friday Morning Club. GOLDMARK, Josephine Clara, 270 W. Ninety- fourth St., N.Y. City. Social worker and author; b. N.Y. City; ed. in the Brackett School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; graduate student, Barnard Coll., 1899-1900; tutor 1903-05. Active in work of the National Consumers' League; sec. on publications since 1904. Mem. Com. on Newsboys, N.Y. Child Lalwr Com. Author: Child Labor Legisla- tion, 1907; Fatigue and Efliclency, a Study in Industry, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Collegiate Woman Suffrage League. GOLDMARK, Pauline Dorothea, 270 W. Ninety- fourth St., N.Y. City. Social work; b. N.Y. City; ed. Brackett School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96; graduate student Barnard Coll., 1896-97; Columbia Univ., 1897-98. Asa't sec. (Consumers' League of N.Y. City, 1899-1904; exec, sec, 1905-09; chairman Legislative Com., 1908-11; aesociate elector of College Settlements Asa'n, 1904-05; mem. Legisla- tive Com., 1904-05, and director since 1905 N.Y. Child Labor Com.; associate director N.Y. School of PhHanthropy and ■uperrlsor of R«- 332 GOLDSBOROUGH— GOODLOE search Bureau since 1910. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. GOLDSBOROUGH, Eleonora G. (Mrs. Charles B. Goldsborough), 131 Woodland Av.. New Ro- chelle, N.Y. Born Clearspring, Washington Co., Md. ; dau. Rev. Johann and Sarah E. (Goldsborough) von Winter; grad. of Bishop Doane's School, St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J. ; m. Easton, Md., Jan. 9, 1878, Dr. Charles B. Goldsborough, sur- geon U.S. Marine Hospital Service; children: Howes, Charles B., Frederick Earl, Irwin Howes. Especially interested in Waverly House, a house for young girls who are on probation (under Miss Maude E. Minor), and in all mat- ters relating to helpfulness for moral, as well as temporal betterment of girls and boys. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy; D.A.R. (registrar of Manhattan Chapter) ; Patriotic Women of America; Soc. of Graduates of St. Mary's Hall; N.Y. Chapter Daughters of St. Mary's Hall; Maryland Soc. of Colonial Dames, Washington's Headquarters Ass'n. Clubs: Woman's Forum, Pure Milk League (N.Y. City), Woman's Club of NeTV Rochelle. GOLDSMITH, Anna Rowena, Wallcourt, Aurora- on-Cayuga, N.Y. Educator; b. Palmyra, N.Y., July 1, 1863; dau. Allen Thomas and Caroline (Lakey) Goldsmith; ed. by governess. Palmyra Classical School and Wells Coll., '84. Instructor in English and his- tory. All Saints School, Sioux Falls, S.Dak., 1890-96; teacher in Wells Preparatory School, Aurora, 1899-1901. Assumed direction and man- agement of school in spring of 1901, by reason of the death of the founder and first principal, Sarah Ludlow Yawger; by successive steps the school was advanced from Wells School to "Wallcourt, Miss Goldsmith's School," its pres- ent official title. Mem. York Club (N.Y. City), Century Club (Rochester), Owasco Country Club (Auburn, N.Y.). Mem. Exec. Com. St Paul's Church, Aurora. Episcopalian. Pro- gressive in politics. GOLDSMITH, Evelyn M., Whittier Hall, 1230 Amsterdam Av., N.Y. City. Teacher of crippled children; b. Binghamton, N.Y. ; dau. I. I. Goldsmith (deceased) and Sophia (Harrison) Goldsmith; ed. Ethical Cul- ture Kindergarten, Normal Course; grad. Lady Jane Grey School (Binghamton), one year at Cornell and Summer Session, 'Teachers Coll., N.Y., B.S.; Columbia Univ., A.M. Was appoint- ed by Board of Education in 1906 to organize the East Side School for Crippled Children un- der the public school system; appointed by Board of Education under Moseley Com. to ob- serve schools for crippled children abroad (report published by Comm'r of Education); organized the Ass'n of Public School Teachers of Crippled Children (was pres. ; now hon. pres. and founder); organized socs. for a seaside home for crippled children (pres.); devotes time In seeking trades for older crippled children and securing positions for them. Author: Schools for Crippled Children Abroad; The Place of the Crippled Children in the Public School System; The Education of Crippled Chil- dren (historical and illustrated). Mem. Order of True Sisters, City Federation of Women's Clubs (read paper at Ithaca before N.Y. State Con- vention. Recreations: Golf, dancing, horseback riding. Leader Mandolin Club, Whittier Hall; takes part in plays. Jewess (mem. Dr. Stephen Wise's Free Synagogue). Favors woman suf- frage. GOLDZIEB, Jnlia (Mrs. Charles Goldzier), 26 E. 45th St., Bayonne, N.J. Private secretary; b. Austria, Jan., 1863; dau. Julius and Caroline (WehJe) Oberbauer; ed. Doual Inst., public school. Normal Class Art School, Cooper Inst., Acad, of Design, Christian Science Class (all in N.Y. City); m. N.Y. City, Nov., 1881, Charles Goldzier; children: two girls and a boy. Founded and developed the cult of the Unity of the Sciences, Spiritual and Politi- cal; author of its text-book of the same name. Author: The At-One-Ment of Christian Science and Single Tax; Policewomen, a pamphlet; Unity of the Sciences, Spiritual and Political, an essay. Clubs: Manhattan Single Tax, Twilight, Sunrise, Equal Justice League of Bayonne, N.J. ; Nat. Federation of Theatre Clubs. Favors woman suSrage. GOODALE, Dora Read, Redding, Conn. Writer and teacher; b. Mt. Washington, Mass., 1866; dau. Henry Sterling and Dora Hill (Read) Goodale; ed. largely at home and boarding school in N.Y. City, Smith Coll. School of Fine Arts (grad.). Teacher of art and English litera- ture, Sanford School, Redding Ridge, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Joint author (with Elaine Goodale): Apple Blossoms; In Berkshire with Wild Flowers; All Round the Year; con- tributor to the Atlantic, Century and other magazines and periodicals. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Reading, cross-country walking, theatre. GOODALE, Grace Harriet, Barnard College, N.Y. City. Lecturer in classical philology at Barnard Coll. ; b. Potsdam, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1872; dau. Lucius Lane and Myra (Boynton) Goodale; ed. Potsdam State Normal School; Barnard ColL; Columbia Univ., A.B. '99. Author of various verses, short stories and essays. Baptist. Recreations: Camp- ing, cooking, reading, gardening, talking. GOODBAR, Luan Joy (Mrs. Alvan B. Good- bar), 3953 Westminister Place, St. Louis, Mo. Bom Bolivar, Tenn. ; dau. Levi and Mary Frances (Hill) Joy; m. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 9, 1879, Alvan B. Goodbar; children: Alvan Joy, b. Nov. 22, 18S3; Virginia Joy, b. Jan. 12, 1893. Episcopalian. GOODCELL, Marion Lamson (Mrs. Henry Good- cell), 864 D St., San Bernardino, Ca!. Bom Worcester, Mass., Apr. 13, 1872; dau. Charles Marion and Helena F. (Bridgman) Lam- son; ed. St. Johnbury, Vt., Acad., Smith Coll., A.B. '93; m. Auburndale, Mass., Sept. 3, 1906, Robert E. Matthews (died Apr., 1908); 2d, Hemet, Cal., June 28, 1911, Henry Goodcell. For three years managed a 20-acre walnut ranch which she OTvns. Private tutor before marriage, and writer for Warner Library and other compila- tions. Mem. Southern Cal. Ass'n of Coll. Alum- nas. Mem. San Bernardino Woman's Club. Rec- reations: Piano, vocal music, language study. GOODELL, Nettie Delilah, Sedgwick, Kan. Born Viroqua, Wis., June 20, 1868; dau. H. and Eunice A. (Hubbard) Goodell; ed. Kan. State Univ., B.S. (Phi Beta Kappa). Active in church and Sunday-school work of the Congregational Church. Has been sup't of the Sunday-school 12 years; sec. of the County Sunday-school Ass'n five years; pres. Fourteenth Dis't Christian En- deavor Union two years. Favors woman suffrage. GOODEN, Harriet Comegys (Mrs. William T. Gooden), Lawrenceburg, Ind. Born Livonia, Ind., Sept. 12, 1863; dau. John and Nancy G. (Scanland) Frazer; ed. public schools of Paoli, Ind.; m. Paoli, Ind., Sept. 5, 1SS4, William T. Gooden; one son: Earle P. Gooden. Mem. Ladies' Aid Soc, Presbyterian Missionary Soc. Clubs: Erthstane, Review, St. Cecilia. Recreation: Croquet. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. GOODING, Edith, 12 College St., Brockport, N.Y. School principal; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '86. Teacher, Batavia, N.Y., 18S7-S8; New Britain (Conn.) State Normal School, 1888-89; principal Classical School, Canandaigua, N.Y., 1892-1903; now principal Brockport Classical School. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. GOODLOE, Abbie Carter, Louisville, Ky., and Summit, N.J. Writer; b. Versailles, Ky., Jan. 15, 1867; dau. John Kemp and Mary L. (Shouse) Goodloe; ed. Louisville public schools, Wellesley preparatory school of Philadelphia, Wellesley Coll., Paris and Tours, France (mem. Shakespeare Soc, Welles- ley). Favors woman suffrage. Author: College Girls; Calaert of Strothors; At the Foot of the Rockies; The Star-Gazer. Christian. Mem. Wednesday Afternoon Club of N.Y. City and Women's University Club of N.Y. City. GOODMAN— GOODWIN 333 GOODMAN, Grace Hastlngrs Griswold (Mrs. William Austin Goodman), The Haydock, East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Born Jan. 19, 1854, Hartford, Conn.; dau. Hezekiah and Frances Norton (Welles) Gris- wold; ed. private schools; m. June 11, 1873, William Austin Goodman; one son: William. Rec. sec. of the Fresh Air Soc; rec. sec. of the Cincinnati Kindergarten Ass'n; mem. Maternity Soc. Rec. sec. Colonial Dames in the State of Ohio; mem. Soc. of Colonial Governors, Soc. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots, D.A.R., Soc. for Preservation of Am. Antiquities, Cincinnati Woman's Club. Episcopalian. Against woman GOODMAN. Marie Louise, 4000 Warwick Boule- vard, Kansas City, Mo. Born Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 1871; dau. L. A. and E. (Parker) Goodman; grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '95 (Gamma Phi Beta). Has been sec. Woman's Alliance and sup't Sunday-school; now sec. Board of Trustees All Souls' Unitarian Church. Ass't sec. Mo. State Horticultural Soc, 1896-1906; mem. Kansas City Athenasum (woman's club) — pres. 1908-10; sec. Kansas City Athenajum Club House Co., 1910-11; pres. K.C. Branch of Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; vice-pres. at large Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. GOODNIGHT, Ella Hoy (Mrs. I. H. Goodnight), Franklin, Ky. Born Simpson Co., Ky. ; dau. Thomas J. and Lucy L. (Milliken) Hoy; grad. Franklin Female Coll., A.B.. also graduate in music; m. Frank- lin, Ky., Mar. 12, 1879, Hon. I. H. Goodnight; one son: Isaac Hoy. Presbyterian. Democrat. Clubs: Current Topic, Wednesday Afternoon, Music. Mem. Franklin Female Coll. Alumnae. GOODRICH, Alice Lyman (Mrs. Nathaniel L. (ioodiich), Hanover, N.H. Born Waverly, N.Y., July 8, 1877; dau. Moses and Sarah H. (Beebe) Lyman; ed. Waverly High School, 1892-96; Smith Coll., B.L. '99; N.Y. State Library School, 1899-1901, B.L.S. '05; m. Albany, N.Y., July 30, 1908, Nathaniel L. Goodrich. Served as assistant In Traveling Libraries Dep't of N.Y. State Library, 1901-08. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, camping, mountain climb- ing. GOODRICH, Florence A. (Mrs. A. J. Goodrich), 20 Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris, France. Professional musician; b. N.Y. City; dau. Azel and Sarah (Parker) Backus; ed. N.Y. City, chiefly under private tutors; m. N.Y. City, 1875, A. J. Goodrich Has taught music many years in N.Y. City, and in Chicago (Sherwood School). With her husband, Mr. A. J. Goodrich, the au- thoi;, theorist and educator, Is successfully en- gaged In Introducing their special method of musical education in Paris. Composer of piano pieces, and studies for young players. Chris- tian Scientist. Favors woman sutfrage. GOODRICH, Josephine Jolley (Mrs. Clinton Burr Goodrich), Apartado, 154, Guantanamo, Cuba. Born Newark, N.J. ; dau. Joseph Pisk and Irene (Brown) Jolley; ed. Newark High School, Smith Coll., A.B. ; m. Newark, N.J., June 29, 1904, Clinton Burr Goodrich; one daughter: Irene Burr, b. Aug. 23, 1909. Teacher before marriage in Newark (N.J.) public and high schools. Episcopalian. GOODRICH, Julia Irene, Station for Experi- mental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y. Secretary; b. Hinsdale, Mass., June 17, 1874; dau. Henry L. and Elizabeth (Bingham) Good- rich; ed. Springfield (Mass.) High School; Smith Coll., B.A. '97. Teacher, Brattleboro, Vt., 1899- 1900; principal Higganum (Conn.) public school, 1901-03; private teacher, Bement, 111., 1903-04; master's ass't, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; since 1906 busi- ness sec. and sec. of the Station for Experimen- tal Evolution of the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Cold Spring Harbor, L.I. Unoffi- cially connected with the Biological Laboratory of the Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences. Mem. A.A.A.S., Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, sailing. GOODRICH, Lucy Leonora Hntchlnson (Mr«. George Goodrich), 505 Willow St., Syracuie, N.Y. Retired school teacher; b. Onondaga Hill, July 2, 1831; dau. Orin and Susan B. (West) Hutchin- son; ed. Acad. Onondaga Valley, Miss Brad- bury's Sem., Syracuse, N.Y.; m. Onondaga Hill, July 6, 1S53, George Goodrich; children: Charles Alexander (died), Chas. Hutchinson (died), Nel- lie Charlotte Goodrich (Barker). Author: Flora of Central New York; also many papers on Na- ture Studies, Historic Botany, Poisonous Plants, and many others; read publicly In Buffalo and Utica and before Am. Historic Ass'n, and Syra- cuse Botanical Club. Mem. Onondaga Historic Ass'n (director, librarian, custodian), Acad, of Sciences, Chautauqua Ass'n, Syracuse Rose Soc., Soldiers' Relief Corps, May Memorial Alliance, Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. Political Equality Club, Syracuse Council of Clubs; pres. Syracuse Botanical Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. GOODRICH, Sarah B. Clapp (Mrs. Chauncey Goodrich), Fungchu, China. Missionary; b. Wauwautosa, Wis.; grad. Rock- ford (111.) Sem. (now college), 1877; m. Kalgan, China, 1880, Rev. Chauncey Goodrich, D.D. ; four children; one soi, and one daughter now living. Taught in Rockford Sem., 1877-79; went as missionary to China in 1880, living at Kalgan until her marriage, since then at Fungchu, near Peking, where her husband later became dean of the Tbeological Seminary. The schools, churches and homes of the missionaries were all destroyed during the siege of Peking In 1900, but several societies united in building a union college with medical, theological and women's college de- partments. Active in missionary work and in the movement for the abolition of foot bLndiog. Has crossed the Pacific six times. GOODSELL, Josephine Bateham (Mrs. Evander J. Goodsell), 52 W. Main St., Norwalk. Ohio. Artist; b. Columbus, O. ; dau. M. B. and Jose- phine (Penfield) Bateham; grad. Oberlin Coll.; studied in Art Students' League, N.Y., and with Kenyon Cox (mem. .unoil of Wellesley Coll., 1913. Interested in College Set- tlement, Philadelphia. Favors woman suffrage; lay worker always. Orthodox Friend. Menu Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Wellesley Club of Philadelphia. Pres. Wellesley (Dollege Alumnse Ass'n, 1908-10. GOODWIN, Sarah Storer, Milton Academy, Mil- ton, Mass. Academy principal; b. Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 1, 1870; dau. Frank and Mary Greenwood (But- trick) Goodwin; ed. Concord, Mass., High School, 1885-88; Smith CoU., grad. 1892. Head of Oilman School, Cambridge, Mass., 1895-1901; prln. of Girls' School, Milton Acad., 1901, Mil- ton, Mass. Mem. Nat. Council of Teachers of English; Private School Ass'n (Boston); Wo- men's Education Ass'n (Boston); New Elngland Ass'n of Colleges and Secondary Schools; Wo- men's Trades Union League. Episcopalian. GORDON, Anna Adams, Rest Cottage, Evan- Bton, 111. W.C.T.U. ofBcial; b. Boston, Mass., July 21, 1863; dau. James M. and Mary E. (Clarkson) Gordon; ed. Newton (Mass.) High School and Mt. Holyoke Coll. After leaving college became private secretary to Miss Frances E. Willard and her aid in building up the W.C.T.U. organ- ization through an association of 21 years, being for years sec. and now vlce-pres. at large of the Nat. W.C.T.U.; also honorary sec. of World's W.C.T.U. Was long sup't of entire juvenile work of World's W.C.T.U., of which she organ- ized a notable exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1893. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Beautiful Life of Prances B. WUlard; What Frances E. WUlard Said; also numerous publications appropriate to juvenile and other temperance work, including: Marching Songs; White Ribbon Hymnal; The Temperance Songster; Young People's Chorus Book; Ques- tions Answered on Juvenile Work; White Ribbon Birthday Book; Toots, and Other Stories. GOBDON, Eleanor Elizabeth, 5658 Wabash Av., Chicago, 111. Unitarian minister; b. Hamilton, 111., Oct. 1, 1852; dau. Samuel and Permelia (Alvord) Gor- don; ed. Iowa State Univ. and Cornell Univ., N.Y. Teacher in high school twelve years. Ordained May 8, 1889; parishes Des Moines, Sioux City, Iowa City, Burlington (Iowa), Fargo (N.Dak.) and Orlando (Fla.). Has been sec. Iowa Unitarian Conference for 10 years. Editor Iowa Unitarian pa.peT, Old and New, four years. Pres. two years Iowa Suffrage Ass'n. Author of essays, sermons, newspaper articles. Unitarian. Inde- pendent. Recreations: Travel, walking, reading. GOBDON, Meanor Kinzie (Mrs. WUUam Wash- ington Gordon), 10 Oglethorpe Av., Bast, Savannah, Ga. Bom Chicago, June 18, 1835 (the oldest person now living who was born in Chicago); dau. John Harris and Juliette A. (Magiil) Kenzle; ed. Chicago schools, the Misses Whiting, the Misses Smith and Thatcher, and, 1864-55, at Madame Canda's French School, N.Y. City; m. St, James Church, Chicago, 1857, William Washington Gor- don of Savannah, Ga. ; children : Mrs. Wayne Parker, Mrs. WUliam Low, William Washington (Jordon Jr., Hon. Mrs. Rowland Leigh, George Arthur Gordon. Author: Rosemary and Rue (collection of poems) ; Life of John Kinzie, the Father of Chicago; Lieut Helm's Account of the Massacre at Fort Dearborn. Episcopalian. Or- ganized Soc. Colonial Dames of America in State of Ga., Jan. 24, 1894, and Its first pres., serving six years; vice-pres. of Nat. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, 1899-1903. Organized and ran a convalescent hospital at Miami during the Spanish-American War, having from 90 to 100 men in charge all the time, members of her husband's (General Gordon's) brigade, 2d U.S.V., and Gen. Lloyd Wheaton's brigade (1st Brigade, U.S.V.). GOBDON, Emma tella Skinner (Mrs. Henry Bauld Gordon), 467 Spadlna Av., Toronto, Ontario, Can. Physician; b. Toronto, Nov. 7, 1860; dau. Ckjlin and Elizabeth (Bugg) Skinner; ed. Model School, Toronto; grad. '78 (Dufferln medal) ; Ontario Med. Coll. for Women, '96; M.B. Toronto Univ., '96; M.D., CM., Trinity Univ. (honora causa), 1900; m, Toronto, April, 1908, Henry Bauld Gor- don. Gynecologist to Industrial Refuge for Women, Toronto; lecturer In anatomy to the Nursing Mission Training School for Nurses; chief of med. staff Woman's Coll. Hospital Dis- pensary. Founder and ass't teacher Baraca Club, Toronto (for young working men); mem. Woman's (Joll. Hospital and Dispensary Board. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. GOBDON, Margaret Blair (Mrs. George A. Gor- don), 726 Spadina Av., Toronto, Ont, Can. Physician; b. London, Ont., Jan. 14, 1861; dau. John and Mary Ann Blair (Frame) Young; ed. Toronto public schools and Trinity Univ., To- ronto, M.D. '98; m. Sept. 30, 1885, George A. Gordon. Mem. CloU. of Physicians and Surgeons. Toronto. A leader in the cause of equal suffrage; vice-pres. Canadian Woman Suffrage Ass'n; franchise sup't of W.C.T.U. of Toronto; mem. Exec. Com. of Peace and Arbitration Soc. and the Single Tax Ass'n; treas. Local Council of Women; vice-pres. Progressive Club. Free Trader. Unitarian. GOBDON, Sophia Park (Mrs. John Reed Gor- don), 1129 S. Union Av., Pueblo, Colo. Born Hawick, Scotland, June 9, 1856; dau. Andrew and Sophia (Milligan) Park; ed. Cedar Rapids (la.) High School and Normal at Vinton, la.; m. Oct. 7, 1S73, John Reed Gordon; children: John A., b. Oct 30, 1874; Joseph Nixon, b. May 6, 1S76; Vera, b. Apr. 23, 1880; Anna Bell, b. July 4, 1883; David Grant, b. Aug. 8, 1885; Ethel Lucile, b. Dec. 15, 1891. For fifteen years GORHAM— GOULD 335 active In church, club and philanthropic work; mem. for past nine years of Juvenile Court Visitors; pres. Study Club (philanthropic); mem. Parliamentary Club and of City Fed. Women's Clubs seven years. Favors woman suffrage. United Presbyterian. Officer In the Maccabees. Recreations: Traveling, motoring. GOBHAM, Kate Toster (Mrs. Richard H. Gor- bam, Milton, Mass. Born N.Y. City, Dec. 21, 1860; dau. Andrew and Delia H. (Montgomery) Foster; ed. N.Y. Normal Coll. ; studied at schools of Nat. Acad. of Design and Art Students' League; m. Jamaica Plains, Mass Dec. 8, 1898, Richard H. Gorham; one son: Richard Montgomery, b. Apr. 10, 1900. For seven years was of the faculty of Prang's Normal Art Classes, 1888-95. Pres. Milton Woman's Club (2nd term); pres. of the Ladies' Aid of Infant Hospital, Boston. Author: Ele- mentary Needlework; has contributed articles on artistic and educational subjects to various magazines. Unitarian. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, Associate Alumnae of N.Y. Normal Soc, Social Service League of Milton, Historical Soc, of Milton, Milton Educational Soc, Milton Branch of Women's Nat. Alliance, Milton Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. GOBMAN, Cora Peticolas (Mrs. Walter Gor- man), Forest City, Ark. Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. Arthur Edward and Virginia (Mlchie) Peticolas; ed. Richmond, Va., and grad. La Grange Coll. for Young Ladies, La Grange, Tenn., A.B.; wrote salutatory in Latin, and delivered It; m. La Grange, Fayette Co., Tenn., Walter Gorman; children: Elsie Braddock, Paris, Arthur, Walter Peticolas, Henry Franklin Pitfield. Interested in religious, civic and charitable organizations. Recreations: Mu- sic, art, literature. Clubs: Cosmopolitan (literary club), Monday Musical. Has written criticisms for newspafiers and other articles. GOBMAN, Grace Norris (Mrs. Arthur P. Gor- man), Falrview Farm, Howard Co., Md. Born Washington, D.C.; dau. James L. and Annie V. (Robinson) Norrls; ed. Miss Burgess' School, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Flint's School, Washington, D.C. ; m. Washington, D.C., Nov. 28, 1900, Arthur P. Gorman Jr. Presibyterian. Rec- reations: Gardening, motoring, sewing, walking. GOBBEXL, EmJIie C, 350 E. State St., Colum- bus, Ohio. Physician; b. Bellaire, Ohio, 1883; dau. James B. and Mary M. (Morgan) Gorrell; ed. Bellaire public schools, 1889-1900; Columbus High School, 1900-02; Ohio State Univ., A.B. 1902-06; Starling Ohio Medical Coll., M.D. 1905-09 (mem. Delta Delta Delta). Interne at New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, Mass., 1911-12. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Columbus Acad, of Medicine, Altrurian Club, College Women's Club. GOSS, Audrey, 1429 Dearborn Av., Chicago, III. Librarian of John Crerar Med. Library, Chi- cago; b. PJeasanton, Kan., Jan. 20, 1880; dau. David and Susan (Blystone) Goss; grad. Kan. Univ., A.B. '02 (Phi Beta Kappa); George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D.C, M.D. '11. Held Interneshlp at Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia; for six months was woman physician at State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn.; since then (April, 1912) med. librarian. Chief interest Is In woman suffrage, civic betterment and Improvement of conditions for working women. Mem. Nat. and 111. State Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Woman's City Clnb of Chicago. GOSS, Helen Louise (Mrs. Francis Webster Goss), The Warren, Roxhury, Mass.; country home. Oak Knoll, Sorrento, Me. Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. James Wyatt and Helen (Pratt) Hobbs; ed. Boston private schools; m. Jan, 1878, Dr. Francis Webster Goss (Har- vard '62); children: Charles Wlllard Young (by Brst marriage); Mrs. Miriam Helen (Goss) Shute (Cal.) by second marriage. Mem. Mayflower Boc, Paul Revere Chapter D.A.R., Boston. BplBcopallan, GOSS, Winifred I^ne (Mrs. Charles C. Goss), 10 Lexington St., Dover, N.H. Born Pittsfield, N.H., Apr. 30, 1875; dau. Charles H. and A. Lorena (Perkins) Lane; ed. Pittsfield schools, Kimball Union Acad., grad. '94; m. Pittsfield, N.H., June 26, 1895, Col. (5harles Carpenter Goss; one son: Charles Lane. Former State Vice-Regent Nat. Soc. D.A.R., now State Regent (elected April 14, 1913). Mem. N.H. Forestry Ass'n, N.H. Soc. of Colonial Dames, D.A.R. Clubs: Middlebrook Golf Club, Tuesday A.M. (literary club), Mizpah Club (charity). Children's Home Ass'n (charity), numerous missionary societies. Congregationalist. GOTTHOLD, Florence Wolf (Mrs. Frederick Gotthold), 165 W. 58th St., N.Y. City (summer, Cos Cob, Conn.). Artist; b. in Ohio, 1858; dau. Simon and Caro- line (Hahn) Wolf; ed. Washington, D.C; m. Washington, 1878, Frederick Gotthold; one son: Arthur Frederick, b. 1879. Studied painting in N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. The Greenwich Soc. of Artists. Clubs: Barnard, MacDowell, Pen and Brush. GOULD, Alice Bache, 535 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Historical writer, archasologlst; b. Boston; ed. In Miss Ireland's School, Boston; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; student Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, 18S9-90; Newnham Coll., Univ. of Cam- bridge, England, 1890-93; honorary fellow in mathematics, 1895-96, and graduate student in Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97. Actively Identified with historical and archaeological research. Ac- tive in numerous philanthropic Interests. Au- thor: Louis Agassiz (Beacon Biographies), 1900. GOULD, Annie Westbrook (Mrs. Charles Judson Gould), 150 W. Fifty-ninth St., N.Y. City; and "SuncllfC," Tarrytown. Bom N.Y. City, Dec. 29, 1844; dau. Frederick Edward and Catherine Eliza (Jackson) West- brook; ed. Mrs. O'Kill's School, 1856-58, and Spingler Inst., 1858-61, N.Y. City; Rockland Fe- male Inst., 1861-63; m. N.Y. City, December 15, 1869, Charles Judson Gould; children: Eleanor Francis, Rosalie, Carl Frellnghuysen, Edith Laura, Ethel, Muriel, Aubrey Van Wyck. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Tarrytown Equal Suf- frage Ass'n. Protestant Episcopal. Progressive in politics. Mem. Tarrytown Civic League, N.Y. Woman's Municipal League, League for Political Education. Recreations: European travel, con- certs, lectures, reading, politics, history, gar- dening. Mem. Ardsley, Sleepy Hollow, Barnard, and Nat. Arts clubs. GOULD, Elizabeth Lincoln, care Youth's Com- panion, Boston, Mass. Writer; b. Boston; dau. Charles Duren and Sarah Bell (Wheeler) Gould; ed. Boston public and private schools. Author: Felicia books (4); The Admiral's Granddaughter (series), and other books for children; Book of Songs for Tom, Dick, Bob and Peggy (with Benjamin Whelpley and Josephine Bruce); Grandma; also contribu- tor of verse and short stories to various juvenile magazines. Episcopalian. On staff of Youth's Companion. GOULD, Grace Margaret, care Crowell Publish- ing Co., 381 Fourth Av., N.Y. City. Writer, fashion editor Woman's Home Com- panion; b. Albany, N."?. ; dau. William and Sarah R. (Bender) (3ould; ed. Albany Acad, for Girls. Author: The Magic of Dress, 1911. Mem. Pen and Brush Club. Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage. GOULD, Helen Miller — see Shepard, Helen Miller Gould. GOULD, Marlon Josephine White (Mrs. Lucius E. Gould), Owosso, Mich. Teacher; b. Hardwick, Mass., Sept. 23, 1845; dau. Noah Webster and Annie (Lawrence) White; ed. public schools of Mass., high schools, Quaboag Sem., Warren, Mass.; m. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 20, 1875, Lucius E. Gould; children: Law- rence E., Irene Josephine. Teacher in Mass. and Mich., principal for 20 years School of Oakald. Owosso, Mich. Interested in various church organizations, and a worker in Sunday-school 336 GOULD— GRAHAM and missionary societies. Has written essays, local liistory and for newspapers. Mem. D.A.R. Mem, Current Topic Club (Owosso), Woman's Club (Owosso); pres. Mich. State Fed. Women's Clubs, 1903-04. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. GOULD, Mary Hurst (Mrs. Elgin R. L,. Gould), 57 W. B2d St., N.T. City. Bom Baltimore, Md., July 28, 1868; dau. Lyttleton Bowen and Mary Berry (Hurst) Pur- nell; ed. Mme. Lefebvre's School, Baltimore, Md.; m. Baltimore, Sept. 27, 1887, Elgin R. L. Gould; children: Mary Adelaide (Mrs. Charles Ingram), Lyttleton B. P., Earl C. B., John H. P. Participates in religious and social work of St. Bartholomew's Church, Y.W.C.A., several phil- anthropic societies. Protestant Episcopalian. Hon. vice-pres. Women's Municipal League; mem. League for Political Education, Hygiene Com. of N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs, Women's Auxiliary of the Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Nat. Soc. Colonial Daughters of Am. Founders and Patriots, Child Welfare Com. and others. Clubs: Women's Cosmopolitan, Bar- nard. GOULD Y, Jennie Augrusta, 169 Montgomery St., Newburgh, N.T. Born N.y. City; dau. Francis and Jane (Disosway) Gouldy; ed. Miss Mackie's School, Newburgh, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., B.A. Sup't of grading and instruction in Sunday-school; one of the - arganizers of Ossoli Club (woman's); mem, Vassar Alumnas, Vassar Students' Aid; pres. Newburgh Branch of the Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnse, Women's University Club, Post Parliament (N.Y. City), Rubinstein Club, N.Y. City, Guardian of Camp Fire Girls. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Consumers' League of N.Y. City, A.A.A.S.; manager Home for Friendless, Newburgh; mem. Executive Com. Women's Foreign Missionary Soc, N.Y. City. GOULSTON, Therese (Mrs. Edward S. Goul- ston), 25 Gaston St., Roxbury, Mass. Born Germany, Feb. 3, 1848; dau. Jacob and Amelia (Robinson) Hirshfield; ed. Germany, later Manchester (N.H.) public and private schools and Boston, Mass.; m. Boston, Oct. 13, 1867, Edward S. Goulston; children: Edward S., Herbert E. (deceased), AimSe Therese, Leopold Morse, Ernest Julian. Ex-pres. Council of Jewish Women (Boston Section) ; vice-pres. Sisterhood Temple Israel, Boston; vice-pres. and act. pres. Boston Ruskin Club; charter mem. of Naomi Lodge; active mem. Nat. Education Ass'n; chairman Joint Committee of Mass. for School Patrons Dep't; vice-pres. Central Jewish Organization and chairman of Prisoners' Aid Fund doing active work in prisoners' families for their uplift and permanent self-support; vice- pres. Hebrew Women's Sewing Soc; director Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage Votes for Public School Board. Mem. Municipal League, Consumers' League, Public School Ass'n, School Voters' League, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, City Federation and Jewish Federated Charities. GOUVEBNEUB, Marian (Mrs. Samuel Laurence Gouverneur), 1636 Rhode Island Av., Wash- ington, D.C. Born Jamaica, L.I., N.Y. ; dau. Judge James and Mary Ann (Hazard) Campbell; ed. Miss Forbes' School, Madame Chegary; m. Washing- ton., D.C, 1855, Samuel Laurence Gouverneur; children: Maud C, Mrs. William Crawford Jolmson, Mrs. Randall Hoes. Author: As I Re- member. Episcopalian. GOVE, Anna M.. 517 Highland Av., Greensboro, N.C. Physician; b. Whitefield, N.H. ; dau. George S. and Maria P. (Clarke) Gove; ed. public and private schools, Whltefleld, N.H. ; grad. St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Acad.; two years' biology course in Mass. Inst. Technology; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '92. Engaged in practice of medicine at Greensboro, N.C. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. N.C. Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y. City, Woman's Study Club, Woman's Club. GOZZALDI, Mary Isabella de (Mrs. Silvio M. de Gozzaldl), 96 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Born Burlington, N.J., Sept. 19, 1852; dau. Thomas Potts and Isabella (Batchelder) James; ed. private schools in Philadelphia, Pa., and Cambridge, Mass.; m. Feb. 4, 1885, Silvio M. de Gozzaldl of Denno, Tyrol, Austria; children; Isabella Luigia, b. June 24, 1886 (died Aug. 17, 1887); Amy Frances, Richard Silvio, b. June 2, 1890; Alfred James, b. Nov. 3, 1891. Principal literary work has been on local history and writing historic guide to Cambridge. Protestant Episcopal. Republican; voter on school com- mittees. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions, Associate Girls' Friendly Soc; vice- pres. Cambridge Branch Mass. Indian Ass'n; mem. Coancil Associated Charities of Cambridge; charter mem. and mem. of council since founda- tion of the Cambridge Historical Soc Librarian and cataloguer of the Church Library Ass'n (Nat.); mem. (formerly regent) of the Harriet Winthrop Chapter D.A.R. ; active mem. Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities; mem. Auxiliary to Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Against woman suffrage. GRACE, Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. Archibald Hew Grace), Strassburg, Saskatchewan, Can. Born Brucefield, Ontario, Can., June 12, 1875; dau. John and Anna I. (Duncan) Ross; ed. Coligny Coll., Ottawa (finishing school), re- ceiving gold medal for general proficiency and gold medal for music; McGill Univ. (Montreal), B.A. (with honors in philosophy) ; m. Bombay, India, Nov. 9, 1901, Rev. Archibald Hew Grace (died July 3, 1908); children: Nathaniel Hew, Archibald John, Norman Singers. Gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Ypsilanti, Mich., 1897-98; traveling sec Student Volunteer Movement, 1899; first traveling sec. Canadian Y.W.C.A. for a few months in 1900; taught in Ottawa Ladies' Coll. (history, literature, etc), 1900-01. Deeply con- cerned over treatment of Hindus in this country; has been trying to develop sympathetic relations between those from the East and the Western world by the use of the press and by establish- ment of Sunday-schools for the Hindus; during six and a half years in India was closely in touch with the Hindus, her husband being then College Y.M.C.A. sec. in Allahabad, India. Pres- byterian. Mem. W.C.T.U. GBAEFF, Virginia E., care Mr. William Clarke Mason, 133 S. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher; dau. John E. and Marie La Fayette (Morrill) Graefi; ed. in American, Canadian and Swiss schools; student at Univ. of Pa. and at Pratt Inst.; also at Oxford and with Prof. Pat- rick Geddes in Edinburgh. Has been supervisor of kindergartens in the Cleveland public schools; director of Dep't of Kindergarten Training in a normal school, lecturer and training teacher In various cities. Favors woman suffrage and has belonged to suffrage ass'ns in the past. Has written on educational lines and for children in educational publications. Journals, and news- papers. Mem. of the Internat. Kindergarten Union. Recreations: Meeting agreeable people, reading, driving, walking. GBAH.\3I, Augusta Strong (Mrs. John Marion Graham; , The Oaks, Marietta, Ga, Born Atlanta, Ga., June 2, 1866; dau. Judge Cicero Henry and Lucy Harwood (Lockett) Strong; ed. Atlanta, Ga., and Petersburg, Va. ; m. Atlanta, Feb. 28, 1899, John Marion Graham. Active in patriotic, social and civic organiza- tions. Catholic Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Nat. Soc of D.A.R., Daughters of 1812, United Daughters of Confederacy; charter mem. Ladies' Memorial Ass'n of Atlanta. For- merly State regent for Ga. D.A.R. GBAHAIVI, Elizabeth T. (Mrs. John T. Graham), Mt. Washington, Md. Born Baltimore, Md., Oct. 11, 1837; dau. John and Hannah B. (Turner) Turner; ed. in Friends School of Baltimore, Sharon, Pa., and by N. H. Morrison of Baltimore (pres. Girls' Club of Sharon. Pa.); m. Baltimore, 1858, John T. Gra- ham. Founded relief work for Union Army (not professional). Founded Lend a Hand Club of Mt. GRAHAM— GRANNI S 337 Washington, Md. (pres. 35 years, now pres. emeritus). Founded the Nucleus (first woman's club In that section) in 1870, Girls' Club (domes- tic science), 1872; active in art interests for women. Author: Poems (Illustrated in colors by the author); Daisies and Buttercups; Holly and Mistletoe; Home Cookery. Writer of short stories, newspaper correspondence, and special articles for newspapers and magazines. Quaker. Mem. Ass'n for the Assistance of the Blind, Industrial Home and Schoo'.s for the Blind, for Advancement and Education of the Negro, for Help for the Aged, and Domestic Science. Clubs: Dickens, Nucleus (Mt. Washington, Md.); honorary mem. Sorosis Club of Md., Charlotte Emerson Brown Club of East Orange, N.J. ; charter mem. of Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore. GRAHAM, Evalyn Sarah Norton (Mrs. Joseph Marshall Graham), 2 W. 8Sth St.. N.Y. City. Born Youngsville, Pa.; dau. Rev. Albert and Mrs. Sarah Evalyn (Gray) Norton; ed. Baldwin Univ., near Cleveland, O.. B.S. '75; M.Litt. '04; m. Cleveland, O., Oct. 12, 1880, Joseph Marshall Graham. For some years gave elocutionary re- citals for philanthropic affairs, lectures and reading in the Nat. W.C.T.U. work; several years vlce-pres. Temple trustees of Women's Temple in Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to various magazines (travel) and some leaflets of Nat. W.C.T.U. dep't work. Methodist. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descend- ants, Home Missionary Soc, Foreign Mission- ary Soc, Nat. W.C.T.U., sup't dep't of Work Among RailTvay Employees. Mem. Woman's Press Club of N.Y. City, D.A.R., Health Pro- tective Ass'n, Daughters of Ohio in N.Y. Has attended as elected voting delegate several world's conventions in Europe of the World's W.C.T.U., and several of the Gen. Federations of Woman's Clubs, a World's Congress against Alcoholism, in Budapest, Hungary, and many Continental congresses of D.A.R. GBAHA3I, Hannah Isabel, Seaforth, Ontario, Can. Music teacher; b. Harpurhey, Ontario, Can.; dau. Rev. William and Elizabeth (Gouinlock) Graham (Scotch parentage) ; ed. at Seaforth in public school and Collegiate Inst. ; received mu- sical education at Toronto Coll. of Music under Dr. F. H. Torrington. Favors woman suffrage, but not militant methods. Author: A Song of December and Other Poems; a sacred song called Satisfied; contributor to various Canadian and American magazines. Presbyterian. Mem. Foreign Missionary Soc. of Canadian Presby- terian Church (sec. Huron Presbyterial Mission- ary Soc); mem. of and strangers' secretary for the Woman's Home Missionary Soc, Nat. Coun- cil of Women and various other philanthropic societies. Recreations: Music, social life, read- ing, writing, out-door exercise, needlework. Mem. Canadian Woman's Press Club. GRAHAM, Hannah M., 2233 N. Meridian St. (office, 11-14 Malson Bldg.), Indianapolis, Ind. Physician; b. Charleston, 111., 1874; dau. Rich- ard and Hannah M. (Cullen) Graham; ed. St. Mary's of the Woods, Central Coll. of Medicine and Surgery, Indianapolis; Chicago Northwestern Mod. Coll., M.D. 1900; studied at Berlin, Ger- many, 1902; London Hospital, 1902; Vienna, 1902. Junior student of law at the Indiana Univ. of Law, 1912. First woman surgeon appointed on staff of Indianapolis City Hospital. Mem.. Aid Soc. of SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral; Christ Child Aid Soc; Woman's Deportment Club of Ind.; Am. Med. Soc; Miss. Valley Med. Soc; Indiana Med. Soc; Indianapolis Med Soc, Mag- azine Club of Indianapolis. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Indianapolis; chairman Home Nursing Branch of Indianapolis Civic League. GRAHAM, Jeanelte Elizabeth, 8S South St^ Newburgh, N.Y. Educator; b. Newburgh, Nov. 7, 1872; dau. William and Jennie (Eidmonston) Graham; grad. Newburgh Acad., '90; Albany State Normal Coll., Pd.B. '94. Taught 1894-1908 in State Normal School, at New Paltz, history and science; grade supervisor In School of Practice; resigned in 1908 to take a course in the Univ. of Chicago. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. Delta Omega. Recreation: Music GRAHAM. Minnie Almlra, Lake Erie College. Palnesvllle, O. Prof, chemistry; b. Lockport. N.Y., Sept. 17, 1875; dau. Almon Miller and Jeannette (Cramp- ton) Graham; ed. Lockport public schools, Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.A. 1900; Univ. of Mich., M.A. '06; fellow in chemlstrv Bryn Mawr Coll., 1906-07 and 1910-11, Ph.D. '12. Teacher In Lockport pub- lic schools, 1893-96; instructor In chemistry, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1902-05; prof, of chemistrj-. Lake Erie Coll., 1907-10, 1912-13; two years of high school teaching, 1900-02. Author (dissertation for Ph.D.): A Study of the Change from Violet to Green in Solutions of Chromium Sulphate (Am. Chem. Journal, Aug., 1912). Congregationalist. CRAH.\JI. Nellie Dean rMrs. Clarence Van Graham), 1200 E. Main St., Alhambra, Cal. Born Newark, O., Aug. 29, 1S69; dau. Andrew and Gertrude (Dean) Smucker; ed. Newark, O. ; m. Newark, O., Nov. 8, 1888, Clarence Van Graham; one son: William Alexander. Pres. Lend a Hand Soc. of First Presbyterian Church, Alhamtra, Cal. Mem. Les Amigas Bridge Club. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of short stories; contributed to Godey's Ladies' Book, under Jen- nie Jane Ooley; Newark (0.) Daily Advocate, Columbus (O.) State Journal, Boston Globe and occasional stories in other magazines. Presby- terian. Republican. Mem. Nat. D.A.R. (Wash- ington, D.C.), worthy matron Order Eastern Star (Alhambra, Cal.), Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem (Los Angeles, Cal.). Pres. two terms Wednesday Afternoon Club of Alhambra; mem. Friday Morning Club and Woman's City Club, Audubon Soc. and Psychopathic Parole Soc. (Los Angeles), Civic Ass'n (Alhambra). GRAINGER, Minnie Starr (Mrs. Edgar J. R. Grainger >, 116 W. Second St., Belvidere, 111. Lecturer; b. Belvidere, 111., Aug. 15, 1869; dau. John Cambridge and Angeline (Pendleton) Starr; ed. 111. State Normal Univ.; m. Belvidere, Mar. 31, 1896, Edgar J. R. Grainger. Has taught in high school. For six years has been officer of the 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, and served as pres. 1910-12; Gen. Fed. State sec for 111. Favors woman suffrage. Past editor 111. Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs' official organ, the Illinois Club Bulletin. Baptist. Recreations: Golf, tennis, rowing, motoring. Pres. Belvidere Ganesha Club for five years; mem. Chicago Woman's City Club. GRANGER, Caroline D. Gregory (Mrs. Arthur Otis Granger), Overlook, Cartersville, Ga. Born Philadelphia, Aug. 28, ISoO; dau. Henry Duval and Mary (Jones) Gregory; ed. private school of Mary Anna Longstreth, Philadelphia; m. Aug. 15, 1870, Arthur Otis Granger; children: Henry Gregory, William Rowan Jr., Nathanlal Nelson, Sarah, Rene, Sherman. Interested in home and foreign missions; former pres. Ga. Fed. of Women's Clubs; life director and ex-chairman Child Labor Com., Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; ex-chairman Industrial Conditions of Women and Children, Ga. Fed. Women's Clubs. Writer of editorials in Southern Woman and newspaper articles, chiefly regarding Child Labor: 'The Effect of Club Work in the South; Annals of Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, 1906. Mem. Cherokee Club, Cartersville, Ga. Recrea- tions: Music, study, work in garden. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage. GRAJTMS, Florence Alvord (Mrs. Marlln R. Grannls), 909 ^V. Onondaga St.; office, 402 Court House, Syracuse, N.Y. Superintendent for placing dependent children; b. Loomis Hill, Feb. 4, 1866; dau. Louis B. Alvord and Hannah (Randall) Alvord; ed. common school and high school at Syracuse, N.Y. ; m. Syracnse, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1885, Marlin R. Grannis; children: George Deming, b. Nov. 28, 18S7; Mary Alvord Grannls, b. Aug. 2, 1892. For 10 years leader of a class of young men called The Good Will Chevaliers at Good Will Congregationalist Church. Mem. Board of Lady Managers of Onondaga Orphans' Home since May, 1889, ap- 338 GRANNISS— GRAVES pointed by Board of Supervisors after having given four years to same work of placing chil- dren. Congregatlonalist. GRANNISS, Anna Jane, Whiting St., Plainville, Conn. Author; b. Berlin, Conn., Apr. 24, 1866; dau. Isaiah M. and Louisa (Hammick) Grannlss; ed. public schools. Conn., 1861-71. Organized a soc. tor children under name of the Band of Loving Service; interested in Sunday-school work; Author and designer of the Star Chart and Card System for Sunday-schools; interested in in- dividual work among the foreigners. Author: Skipped Stitches, 1893; Sandwort, 1897; Speedwell, 1900; A Christmas Snowflake, 1903; The Boy with the Hoe, 1904; single poems and post cards. Editor: "The Children's Council Chamber" in the Conn. Baptist, 1910-11. Baptist; mem. Bap- tist Young People's Soc. GRANT, Blanche Chloe, The Van Dyck Studios, 939 Eighth Av., N.T. City. Artist; b. Leavenworth, Kan., 1874; dau. Wll- lard Webster and Mercy Ann (Parsons) Grant; ed. Indianapolis High School; Vassar Coll., A.B. Leader of working girls' clubs. Lived at Col- lege Settlement in Philadelphia for two winters and assisted In the work; leader of a Brooklyn club. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Illus- trator for magazines, landscape painter. GRANT, Elizabeth Rhinehart (Mrs. George W^inslow Grant), 10 Reeser Place, Louisville, Ky. Born Cass Co., Mich.; dau. Samuel and Eliza- beth Walters (Hunt) Rhinehart; ed. Garretts- ville High School, GarrettsvlUe, O., 1879; at- tended Hillsdale (Mich.) Coll.; m. Minneapolis, Minn., 1885, George Winslow Grant; children: Robert Winslow, Elizabeth Hunt. Interested in industrial work of the Y.W.C.A., civic work and com. work on health for Woman's Fed. of Ky. Mem. Humane Soc, Out-door Art League, Soro- sis Club, Parkland Civic League, The Current (literary) Club. Recreation: Bridge. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage; vlce-pres. of Suffrage Ass'n. GRANT, Ethel Watts M. (Mrs. Peter Geddes Grant), care Paul Reynolds, 70 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Author, artist; b. N.Y. City, June 23, 1876; dau. Dickson Glran and Mary Atwater (Hughes) Watts; ed. Paris and N.Y. City; m. (1st) 1894, George D. Mumford; (2d) 1906, Peter Geddes Grant; one son: George H. Author: Dupes; Whitewash; A Hundred Love Songs of Kamal; Cynics' Calendar; The Auto Guest Book; The Limerick Book; Japanese Book of the Ancient Sword (Am. Oriental Soc); contributor to all the leading magazines. Mem. Am. Oriental Soc, Internat. Oriental Soc. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, Colony Club. GRANT, Fanny Etherldge (Mrs. John McGregor Grant), Scarsdale, N.Y. Born Evanston, 111.; dau. Dr. James H. and H. E. (Powers) Etherldge; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. ; m. Chicago, 111., 1900, John McGregor Grant; children: James H. Etheridge, b. 1902; Clinton Furbish, b. 1904. Presbyterian. Against suffrage for women. GRANT, Jeannie L. Dailey (Mrs. Eugene J. Grant), 379 Washington Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Musician, singer, teacher of vocal music; b. Great Barrington, Mass.; dau. Judge Abram H. and Emily Sheldon (Tracy) Dailey; ed. Brooklyn public school, Brooklyn Heights Sem., Convent of Sacred Heart, Manhattanvllle, N.Y. City; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1877, Eugene J. Grant, Formerly oratorio, concert and church singer. Second vice-pres. N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs, also pres. Brooklyn Soc. of New England Women (colony of nat. soc); 3 years pres. Chiropean Club. Mem. Women's Auxiliary of Church Charity Foundation, Long Island Soc , D.R., Consumers' League, Brooklyn Heights Seminary Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Independent in politics. GRASSIE, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs. William Gras- sle), 868 Liberty St., Meadville, Pa. Born Palmyra, N.Y., 1829; dau. Pelatiah Weet and Huldah (Green) West; ed. Palmyra Acad. and Palmyra Classical Union School; m- Pal- myra, May, 1863, Rev. William Grassle, D.D. ; children: Jessie D., Edna M., Annie B., William S. Missionary under Am. Board of Commis- sioners of Foreign Missions at (Constantinople, Turkey, 1855-62. Presbyterian. Pres. Woman's Missionary Soc, Cambridge Springs, Pa., 1876- 1900; Meadville, Pa., 1903-07; vice-pres. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc of Erie Presbytery, 1877- 1913. Favors woman suffrage. GRATON, Josephine Bowman (Mrs. Louis Caryl Graton), Cambridge, Mass. Born Hornell, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1877; dau. Henry Harrison and Nancy (Temple) Bowman; ed. Hornell High School, Cornell Univ., A.B. 1900; m. Rochester, N.Y., June 30, 1906 Louis Caryl Graton, prof, mining geology at Harvard Univ., and see. of Copper Producers' Ass'n; children: Louis Bowman, b. Sept. 1, 1908; Josephine Gould, b. Nov. 30, 1910. Unitarian. Recreations: Golf, tennis. GRAVES, Alice Amelia, Plalnfleld, 111. Teacher; b. Plalnfleld, 111., Sept. 22, 1876; dau. Robert B. and Marietta (King) Graves; ed. Joliet (111.) High School, Lake Forest Coll., A.B. '04; graduate work at Cornell Univ., 1906-07 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Ass't in biology. Lake Forest Coll., 1903-04; teacher of zoology and algebra in Joliet High School since 1904. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. GRAVES, Angeline Loesch (Mrs. R. B. Graves), 4249 Hazel Av., Chicago, 111. Journalist; b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 31, 1875; dau. Frank J. and Lydia T. (Richards) Loesch; ed. Chicago public schools, Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '98; graduate scholar in philosophy, Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Spring Lake, Mich., June 30, 1909, Robert Elliott Graves, M.D. Assistant In editorial work on The Public, Chicago, 1906-12. Mem. Proportional Representation League of America; Women's Trade Union League; Chicago Political Equality League; Initiative and Referendum League of 111.; Chicago Coll. Club; Woman's City Club. Favors woman suffrage. GRAVES, Carolyn ElUott (Mrs. William H. Graves), 69 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Singer; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. Theodore Bates and Lillian (Worcester) Elliott; ed. Bishop- thrope, Bethlehem, Pa., Bcole Breval, Paris, France; m. London, England, 1895, Williaim Hageman Graves; children: Marion, Theodore, William Jr. Sang in concerts in Cambridge and In the West, and In first Debussy concert given in this country, assisted by George Ck>peland (pianist). Has given a series of lectures on classic song writers of Germany, lectures on Debussy, and has written a collection of songs and stories for children. Episcopalian, GRAVES, Harriet S. (Mrs. Charles B. Graves), 1244 Highland Place, Emporia, Kan. Born Paoli, Ind., Mar. 7, 1850; dau. James and America Garrad (Stevens) Hawkins; ed. Kan. State Normal School; m. Quincy, Kan., 1872, Charles B Graves; chUdren: Orlin H., Stella, Hugh C, Scott S., Ina, Roscoe W. Teacher from Jan. 7, 1863, until marriage. Mem. Con- gregational Church Soc, Civic Welfare League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Junto Club. GRAVES, Lilyan Pratt (Mrs. A. Melville Graves), Chicopee, Mass. Born Cambridge, Mass. ; dau. William A. and Lettia (Graves) Pratt; ed. Waltham (Mass.) High School and Training School; m. Waltham, Dec. 29, 1886, A. Melville Graves, artist. Active in club work. Pres. Chicopee Falls Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. and worker in Travelers' Club. GRAVES, Marian Welch (Mrs. Henry Solon Graves), 2118 Le Roy Place, Washington, D.C. Born New Haven. Conn., Aug. 27, 1873; dau. Pierce Noble and Emma Cornelia (Galpln) Welch; grad. Vassar, B.A. '95; m. New Haven Conn., Dec. 19, 1903, Henry Solon Graves (The Forester, Forest Service, Dep't of Agriculture). Chairman of Membership CJom, and mem. of Housing Com. of Woman's Dep't of the National Civic Federa- tion (Washington Section). Favors woman eul- GRAVES— GREATHOUSE 339 frage. Baptist. M«m. Women's University Club (N.Y. City). GRAVES, Mande Miller (Mrs. William Stanley GravesK 200 N. Twelfth St., San Jos6, Cal. Born near Watsonvllle, Cal., Nov. 12, 1878; dau. Benjamin Franklin and Anna Elizabeth (Slankard) Miller; ed San Jos6 public schools, State Normal and Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley, Cal.; m. San Jos^, Cal., Jan. 27, 1906, William Stanley Graves (deceased); one daughter: Ada Willna Graves, 1907. Mem. Young Women's Club of San Jose. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage. Republican. GRAVETT, Nettie K. (Mrs. John A. Gravett), Denlson Hotel, Columbus, Ohio. State librarian; b. Bremen, O. ; dau. Rudolph and Anne Taylor (Alexander) Kagay; ed. Oxford Coll., Oxford, O. ; m. Lancaster, O., Dec. 5. 1889, John A. Gravett Acting State librarian of Colorado State Library; took library training after death of husband in 1907; opened and or- ganized public library and was appointed and served as State librarian of Colorado for term January, 1911, to January, 1913; now with Ohio State Library, Columbus, Ohio. Active In relig- ious, social and philanthropic work; has helped to organize woman's clubs in the State and was Gen. Federation State sec. for the Colorado Fed- eration of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suf- frage; has voted for 19 years; since women were enfranchised In Colorado has done much pioneer suffrage work. Has represented party at State and county conventions; mem. of Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Has done newspaper work and also written for magazines. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R., and served as State Registrar for Colo. State Conference D.A.R. Mem. Women's Club of Denver (social science dep't). GRAY, Eddie Camilla, 2714 Routb St., Dallas, Tex. Teacher; b. Sulphur Springs, Tex.; dau. William R. and Leannah (Nelson) Gray; ed. hlgli school, Campbell, Tex.; State Normal, Hunts- ville, Tex. Interested in the social betterment of the women and children in Dallas, Tex. Mem. Missionary Soc., Mission Study Class, City Fed. of Women's Clubs (on a committee for sanitary inspection). Mem. Poet Followers' Club (leader for three years). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. GRAY, Elizabeth Crittenden Cabell (Mrs. Ben- jamin Franklin Gray Jr.), 4411 McPherSon Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, June 13, 1860; dau. Hon. Edward Carrington Cabell (who represented Florida in Congress) and Anna M. (Wilcox) Ca- bell; granddaughter of Judge William H. Cabell (governor of Va. 1805-08), whose father. Col. Nicholas Cabell, fought in the Revolution, and has numerous other direct ancestors of Ck)lonial and Revolutionary distinction; ed. in Episcopal Sisters' School, N.Y. City; Mrs. Virginia Smith's School, Geneva, N.Y., and grad. from Southern Female Inst, (collegiate school for girls), Rich- mond, Va., 1878; m. St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1881, Benjamin Franklin Gray Jr.; children: Cabell, Benjamin F. III., William Ashley, Wastell. Mem. D.A.R., now being Vice-Pres. Gen. of Mo.; has served on many Nat. and State committees and as regent of St. Louis Chapter; mem. Board of Mo. Soc. Colonial Dames, Huguenot Society; mem. Peace Soc. of Mo. D.A.R. ; delegate to Congress held In St. Louis, May 1-3, 1913; mem. F.F.V.'s (descendants of settlers in Va. before 1620), Mo. Historical Soc. Interested in peace data, conservation work (was appointed a dele- gate to several Nat. Conservation Congresses); also In good roads, the Nat. highway and the preservation of the old trails. Greatly interested in the child labor question, the education and uplift of women and children. Episcopalian. GRAY, Helen, Gray Lodge, Covington, La. Journalist; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. Col. Andrew B. and Lina (Leacock) Gray; desultory education, attended lectures in London, England. Founder of Southern Mountain Educational Ass'n, Atlanta, Ga., which resulted in Industrial School for Mountain Girls at Mineral Bluff. Ga. Founder Southern Woman's Economics and Po- litical Science Ass'n (New Orleans, La.), South- ern Mountain Educational Ass'n (Atlanta, Ga.). Recreation: Travel. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. GRAY, Llllie Putnam, Cambridge, N. Y. Secretary and Judge of domestic dep't at agri- cultural expositions; b. Cambridge, N.Y.; dau. J. J. and M. W. (Putnam) Gray; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '77. Taught in boarding schools in Morristown, N.J., and Bristol, Pa., for three years; has been working at fairs for 20 years. Sec. Woman's Missionary Soc. in local church for 22 years; Young People's sec. in the Troy Presbyterial Soc. for Home Missions for 15 years; sec. of the Village Improvement Soc. of Cambridge for 12 years, and of the Public Li- brary Com. for 18 years. Mem. N.Y. State Charities Aid. Clubs: Authors' (local), Monday Reading Club (history and travel). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. GRAY, Maria Freeman (Mrs. John Henry Gray), 1603 Thirteenth Av., East Oakland, Cal. Teacher and writer; b. New Salem, Mass., Feb. 15, 1832; dau. Daniel Sanford and Achsa Brldgman (Kimball) Freeman; ed. public schools. New Salem Acad., Wesleyan Sem. (Wilbraham, Mass.), '52 (valedictorian); m. Fort Wayne, Ind., May 5, 1855, John Henry Gray; children: George Freeman, b. May 20, 1858; Henry Nathaniel, b. June 1, 1862. Went West in 1852 as a teacher under auspices of the Nat. Board of Popular Education; had charge of public schools in Huntington, Ind., one year; was preceptress in Fort Wayne Coll. two years. Has been con- tributor to different publications on questions of public interest and given descriptive articles of places visited in her travels. State Sup't Peace and Arbitration in North Cal; vice-pres. in Universal Peace Union; vice-pres. Alliance Uni- versalle des Femmes pour le Paix, founded in Paris in 1896; vice-pres. Am. Humane Education Soc; mem. of Am. Peace Soc. and the Pacific Coast Woman's Press Ass'n; vice-pres. of the Anti-imperialist League of Cal.; mem. May- flower Soc. Life work has been identified with educational interests and the establishment of justice in philanthropic and humanitarian work; in 1862 was pres. of the Loyal Women's League in Des Moines, la. ; in 1888 was one of the six women who received about 25,000 votes for mem- bership on Board of Education in San Francisco. Mem. Society of Friends. Has been a worker for equal suffrage in la., Colo, and Cal., and held various official positions in the organiza- tions. Socialist. GRAY, Marion Clark (Mrs. O. S. Gray), Mt, Pleasant, Amherst, Mass. Born Derby, Vt., Sept. 5, 1876; dau. Ezra War- ren and I. (Aldrich) Clark; ed. Derby Acad., Boston Univ., Ph.B. '99 (Delta Delta Delta); m. Brockton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1907, Ora Samuel Gray; one daughter: Margaret Genevieve. Taught in high school and seminary six years before mar- riage. Mem. Woman's Club of Amherst. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. GRAY, Myrtle M. (Mrs. Charles Mlckel Gray), 6th and Grape Sts., Vineland, N. J. Born Cameron, N.Y., Apr. 10, 1875; dau. Charles Brown and Ellen M. (Johnston) Dickey; ed. Hornell (N.Y) High School, Buffalo Normal School (classical course); m. Hornell, N.Y., June 27, 1906, Dr. Charles Mickel Gray. Taught in Dansville (N.Y.) High School, public schools of Hornell, N.Y. ; supervisor of music of Hammon- ton, N.J., three years; Vineland, N.J., three years. Elected Mar. 19, 1912, mem. of Board of Education of Vineland. Charter mem. and treas. of Hannah Arnett Chapter Daughters of the Revolution, Vineland, N.J. ; mem. Woman's Club of Vineland (pres. 1909-11). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. GREAfHOUSE, Mary Melissa Curtis (Mrs Charles Howard Greathouse), R.F.D. No. 4 Washington, D.C. Publisher of Government publications; b. Sagi- naw, Mich., June 15, 1S57; dau. Lorenzo Benja- min and Melissa (Pattee) Curtis; ed. Saginaw schools; grad. high school, '73; Ann Arbor 340 GREATOREX— GREEN (Mich.) High School, '78; Univ. of Mich.. B.A. '82, M.A. '83; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept 16, 1886, Charles Howard Greathouse; children: Ruth Curtis, Miriam Waring (dead), Lucien Helin, Raymond Ridgeley. Taught Latin, Greek and astronomy at Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, 111., 1883-86; interested in the publication Home and School at Louisville, Ky., 1890-92, and putlisher Government publications, Washington, D.C., since 1899. For eighteen years mem. of People's Church (non sectarian); devoted to religious and sociological work; actively Identified with work of organization; supporter of Baptist Church at Port Myer Heights, Va. Mem. Woman's Bene- ficial Soc. of People's Church, Mich. Alumnae Ass'n of Washington, D.C. ; Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n of Washington, D.C. Recreations: Art (studied at Corcoran Art School), music. Favors woman suffrage. GREATOREX, Kathleen Honora, Les Ramparts, Moret sur Lolng, Paris, France. Artist; b. Hoboken, N.J., Sept. 8, 1851; dau. Henry Wellington and Eliza (Pratt) Greatorex; ed. Miss Haines' School, N.Y. ; Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. ; Munich School of Art, and lessons with Carolus Durand and Henner, Paris. Hon- orable mention Centennial Exposition, Philadel- phia, Paris Salon, 1887; gold medal Atlanta Ex- position, Chicago Exposition. Mem. Nat. Arts Club (N.Y. City), Lyceum (Paris). GREET.EY, Helen Katharine Hoy (Mrs. Harold D. Greeley), 2 Rector St., N.Y. City. Lawyer, author; b. Albany, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Albany, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '99; N.Y. Law School, LL.B. '03; m. Aug. 29, 1908, Harold D. Greeley. Teacher South Orange, N.J., 1899-1902; Veltln School, N.Y. City, 1899-1902; admitted to N.Y. Bar, 1903, and since then in active practice of law In N.Y. City. Served as associate counsel to N.Y. Charter Revision Com- mission, 1907-09. Author: The Life and Legal Influence of David Dudley Field. GREELEY, Jane Lincoln, 111 East Fifth St., Jamestown, N.Y. Physician; b. Methuen, Mass., Nov. 8, 1864; dau. Edward H. and Louisa M. (Ware) Greeley; grad. Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass., '84; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, '97. Taught Latin in Abbot Acad., 1886-93. Interne N.Y. Infirmary, 1897-98. Has practised medicine In Jamestown since 1898. Mem. N.Y. State Med. Asa'n, Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Medicine, Jamestown Med. See, Mozart Club (music). Congregatlonalist. GREEliY, Ann Frances (Mrs. E. H. Greely), Ellsworth, Maine. Born Ellsworth, Me., Oct. 15, 1831; dau. Charles and Mary Ann (Black) Jarvls; ed. common schools of Ellsworth and Surry, Me.; m. Ells- worth, Me., July 16, 1853, Everard H. Greely; one daughter: Mary Ann Greely. Studied medi- cine and was admitted to practice under a license given by the State Board of Registration of Medicine in 1895, In accordance with an act of the Legislature. As a young woman took an active interest in the Antl- Slavery cause; one of the pioneer business women of Maine, also one of the pioneer suffragists. Active in church, W.C.T.U., temperance societies, philanthropic, literary and reform movements. Recreations: Reading, gardening, care of animals. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage (vice-pres. Maine Woman Suffrage Ass'n). GREEN, Anna Katharine (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs), 105 Norwood Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Author; b. Brooklyn, Nov. 11, 1846; dau. James Wilson and Katharine Ann (Whitney) Green; grad. Ripley Female Coll., B.A. ; m. Brooklyn, Nov. 25, 1884, Charles Rohlfs; children: Rosa- mond, Sterling, Roland. Author: The Leaven- worth Case; Agatha Webb; Behind Closed Doors; A Circular Study; Cynthia Wakeham's Money; Defence of the Bridge and Other Poems; A Dif- ficult Problem, and Other Stories; The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock; Dr. Izard; Forsaken Tnn; The Hand and the Ring; Lost Man's Lane; Marked "Personal"; A Matter of Millions; The Mill Mystery; Miss Hard, An Enigma; The Old Stone House and Other Stories; One of My Sons; Rislfl's Daughter, a drama; Seven to Twelra; X. Y. Z.; A Strange Disappearance; The Sword of Damocles; That Affair Next Door; The Amethyst Box; The House in the Mist; A Mill- ionaire Baby; The Woman in the Alcove; The Chief Legatee; The Mayor's Wife; The Filigree Ball; Three Thousand Dollars; The House of the Whispering Pines; Initials Only. Dramatized The Leavenworth Case in 1892. Presibyterlan. Mem. Board Buffalo Homoeopathic Hospital. Recreation: Floriculture. GREEN, Bertha Stull (Mrs. Leslie Brooks Green), Mountain Home, Idaho. Lawyer; b. Illinois, 1875; dau. Morris C. and Maria (Hun toon) Stull; grad. Doane Coll., Crete, Neb., B.S. '93; Univ. of Neb., LL.B. '99; m. Lin- coln, Neb., 1904, Leslie Brooks Green; children: Marion, Walter, Arthur. As a college girl repre- sented Univ. of Nebraska on Inter-State debates for two consecutive years (was valedictorian of college class). For six years chairman Legisla- tive Com. of the Idaho State Federation of Women's Clubs; four years mem. of the Legisla- tive Com. of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Interested in movements to better the condition of laboring women, and In laws for the protection and benefit of women and chil- dren; enthusiastic club woman. Compiled a booklet: Laws of Idaho, Concerning Women and Children, for use of women's clubs of Idaho. Mem. Daughters of Veterans, Eastern Star, eligible to D.A.R. Clubs: Progressive, Sub Rosa (Mountain Home, Idaho). Favors woman suf- frage. Republican (Progressive). GREEN, Cynthia A., Charlotte, Mich. County Commissioner of Schools; b. Mexico, N.Y., Apr. 9, 1863; dau. B. F. and Samantha (Tallmadge) Green; ed. Onondaga Valley Acad., Mexico (N.Y.) Acad, and Oswego (N.Y.) State Normal and Training Stehool. Taught rural school In N.Y. State when 16; grad. Oswego Normal, '86; removed to Charlotte, Mich., and did grrade and high school work. Did work of science dep't many years; became principal of high school, 1904-07; then elected County Com. of Schools. Teacher in summer at Western State Normal at Kalamazoo, Mich. Favors woman suffrage. Inclined toward Theosophy in re- ligion. Mem. Women's Round Table of South- western Mich., an organization for the study of educational problems and wider professional acquaintance. GREEN, Eleanor Surges, 14 John St., Provi- dence, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., Mar. 3, 1870; dau. Arn- old and Cornelia Abby (Burges) Green; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '92 (mem. Shakespeare Soc). Director Providence District Nursing Ass'n; pres. Woman's Meeting (church). Mem. Rhode Island Woman Suffrage Ass'n; Rhode Island Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Episco- palian. Mem. Rhode Island Soc. for Collegiate Education of Women, Rhode Island Branch of Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Ass'n of Public Health Nursing, Review Club, Reading Club, Rhode Island Wellesley Club. GREEN, Elizabeth Durfee (Mrs. Frank Monroe Green), 3020 Dent Place, Washington, D.C. Born 'Washington, D.C, 1873; dau. Benjamin and 'EllEfcheth Page (Winants) Durtee; grad. Washington High School, '93; Wellesley . Col!., B.A. '97; m. Washington, D.C, 1905, Frnni- Monroe Green; one daughter: Frances Winant.s Green, b. 1909. Previous to marriage was en- gaged as teacher of French, German and art Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tion: Walking. GREEN, Elizabeth Shippen — see Elliott, Eliza- beth Shlppen Green. GREEN, Gertrude Heritage (Mrs. Francis Har- vey Green), 636 S. Walnut St., West Chester, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa., June 19, 1873; dau. Albert Noel and Helen Augusta (Day) Heritage; ed Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll. A.B. '96, A.M. '99; m. Plainfleld, N.J., Sept.' 12, 1911, Francis Harvey Green. Demon- strator in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-1911. Interested in various religious, educational, GREEN— GREENE 341 social and philanthropic actlritlee. Favors wo- Dep't of Univ. of Buftalo, M.D., 1906; m. Elmira, man suffrage. Contributed several articles to N.Y., Sept. 5, 1893, Frederic B. Green; children: Am. Chemical Journal. Presbyterian. Recrea- Roswell Park, Frederic B. T*ught school In tion: Tennis. Mem. New Century Club, West Southern States previous to marriage. Engaged Chester, Pa. in practice of medicine in Elmira since gradua- GREEN, Hettv Howland Robinson (Mrs. Ed- tion. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Chemung Co. ward H. Green), The Waldorf-Astoria, N.T. Med. Soc, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Women's City; office, 170 Broadway. Med. Ass'n of N.Y., Order of Eastern Star, Inde- Financler; b. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 21, pendent Order Foresters, etc. Recreations: 1835; dau. Edward Mott Roiblnson; ed. Mrs. Boating, fishing, outdoor life, automoblling. Lowell's School, Boston; m. 1866, Edward H. GREEN, Sarah Letty, Wilson College, Cham- Green (died Mar. 19, 1902); children: Edward bersburg. Pa.; permanent, Granville, O. Howland Robinson, b. Aug. 22, 1S68, and a Teacher; b. NIngpo, China; dau. David D. and daughter. Father died in 1S65, leaving her a Lydia Jane (Goodrich) Green; ed. Granville (O.) fortune said to have been $9,000,000. This she Female Coll., Granville; Denison Univ., Cor- has personally administered and Increased by nell Univ., B.S. ; Ohio State Univ., M.A. Was investments In real estate, stocks, bonds and teacher of science in Granville (O.) Female CoU., securities, railroad property, etc., until she is the Misses Mackies' School for Girls, Newburgh, now reputed to be the richest woman in the N.Y. ; the Montrose School for Girls, South country; distinguished for financial aoility; in- Orange, N.J. ; now head of Dep't of the Physical terested in many large enterprises, and has iart;o Sciences in Wilson (3oIl. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. real estate holdings In New York, Chicago and Chemical Soc Preebyterian. Favors woman other cities. Episcopalian. suffrage. GHEEN, Lilian Bayliss (Mrs. Albert Randolph GREEN AW ATT, Mary Eliza (Mrs. George L. Green), 18 W. Cedar St., Boston, Mass. Greenawalt), 501 East Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, Miniature painter, magazine editor; b. Mas- Ind. sillon, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1875; dau. Edwin and Cor- Bom Fort Wayne, Ind., Jan. 19, 1854; dau. delia (Zerbe) Bayliss; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. Oliver W. and Mary C. (Lewis) JefTerds; ed. '96 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Cleveland, Ohio, Fort Wayne High School; m. Fort Wayne, Ind., March 3, 1909, Albert Randolph Green. Exhibited Sept. 5, 1883, Dr. George L. Greenawalt Mem. miniatures at exhibitions of the Soc. of Am. Duodecimo Club, Morning Musical. Recreation: Artists, Pa. Acad., Soc. of Am. Miniature Traveling. Presbyterian. Painters, N.Y. Water Color Club, the Pan- GREENE. Anne Bosworth (Mr.. H. W. Greene), American and St. Louis Exhi'bltions. Has pub- South Woodstock Vt. lished several housekeeping arUcles In the ^.rtist and farmer; b. Chippenham, Wilts, Eng- Ladles' Home Journal; now editor of the Little ,and, 1877; dau. Homer L.^nd Delia Rood) House Dept of that magazine Unitarian Mem Bosworth; grad. Miss Porter's School, Spring- Boston Women s Educational and Industrial q^^^ ^aas., 1891; studied at Eric Rape's School Union, New England Home Economics Ass n; ^j ^^t, B<^ton (scholarship and medal), and chairman of Housewives League of Boston, 1911, gogton Art Museum; m. Springfield, Mass 1900 under auspices of New England Home Economics d^. h. W. Greene; one daugh^r: Lorna Greene Ass'n. Recreations: Theatre, symphony con- b. 1903. Exhibitor In all chief water-color certs, art lectures, entertaining. shows, landscape and figure work. Illustrator of GREEN, L. Pearle, 15 East Av., Ithaca, N.Y. travel articles. Owner of a farm in South Editor and sec; b. in Ind.; dau. Dr. A. W. Woodstock, Vt., where present studio Is located; and Jennie Marcella (Hayes) (jreen; grad. Stan- formerly had studio at Provincetown, 'Gap* (3od. ford Univ., A.B. '98; N.Y. State Library School, Interested in establishment of libraries In the 1900-01 (Kappa Alpha Theta). Ref. librarian, rural districts. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- Stanford Univ., 1902-07; Nat. sec and editor palian. Mem. South Woodstock Grange Soc. for Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity, 1909-—. Dele- Recreations: Horses, riding and driving, music gate and sec, 1908-09, Nat, Panhellenic Congress, (pianist), gardening, mountain climbing, cami>- Author: Handbook of Kappa Alpha Thet*. Mem. ing. Mem. Pen and Brush (Hub (N.Y. City), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnas. Presbyterian. Favors Copley Soc. (Boston). woman euflrage. GREENE, Carolyn May Wygant (Mrs. Joseph GREEN, Margaret Morford (Mrs. Frederick Alfred Greene), Cold Spring, N.T. Voorhls Green), Nyack-on-Hudson, N.Y. Born PeeksklU, N.Y., May 21, 1874; dau. Dr. Born Nyack.-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; dau. Anthony Henry Bernard and Sarah M. (Manterstock) Denton and Margaret A. (Ryerson) Morford; ed. Wygant; ed. Oakslde School, Peeksklll; Cornell private schools; m. Nyack-on-Hudson, June 20, Univ., A.B., with honorable mention In Greek 1894, Frederick Voorhls Green. Mem. Woman's (charter mem. of Semi-nightly Club); m. OcL 7, Board of Domestic Missions, Reformed Church 1903, Joseph Alfred Greene; children: Francis', In America, Nat. Geog. Soc, Rockland Co. Com. Marcellus. Methodist Favors woman suffrage' of the State Charities Aid Aas'n, Woman's GREENE, Ella Catherine, 165 Union Av., Mt Auxiliary of the Nyack Hospital. Club: Sorosls. Vernon NY Mem. (Dutch) Reformed Church In America. Teacher; b. Albany, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll GREEN, Mary Wolcott, 613 Prospect St., West A.B. '87. Teacher in Collegiate School Engle^ New Brighton, S.I., N.T. wood, N.J., 1887-90; Vassar Coll., 1890-95; the Teacher, lecturer; b. Athens, Pa.; dau. Walter Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1896-1911; since Kerr and Marion (Wolcott) Green; ed. Syracuse 1911 teacher In Ethical Culture School, N.Y. Univ., A.B. '95; (hooper Inst, grad. chemist. City. Edited (in collaboration with Miss S. B. 1904; post-grad, student, Columbia Univ. regent Franklin): Selections for Sight Reading from and founder of Staten Island Chapter D.A.R. Latin Prose Authors. Author: The Woman Who Did (historical play); GREENE, Flora Hartley (Mrs. Charles W. The Pioneer Mothers of Anierlca Mem. Syra- areene) 814 Virginia Av., Columbia, Mo. cuse Alumnse Ass'n, Staten Island Ass'n of Arts oo-,, vankeptown Tnd Tniv q ifiS- Ab,, ^°d, Sciences Nat Education Ass'n Deems Lit- o^Yel al^Snd^ Angeilne" kyior Makrtle'y ! rn^nX l^r•^,^h TI.wl A^n in. n^ Vh ^ n^" ^d. Lolaud Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B '95; Univ. of ^^nl^+« nf^wJrfrv Wni.^K Vinhc. w^ ^^ Mlssouri (home ecouomics), M.S. '09: m. Hood scendants of Henry Wolcott Clubs: Woman's Riypr Ore Aue 7 IS.% Pharlps W firppn^- TlacheTs ^ M^thf^'-' cfub ^of 'p's'°2o''mem'^F^r Si'rifr'en?'ckrl^"^arL'e/,1iefen" Hastily, ^Haro d S^arS Council o7 C^bs Universal^ Favo™ H^^^" ^«°^- ^°^ <" directors Charity Or- S^m»n <=?,ffr«L Univcrsalist. Favors ganizatlon of Columbia; pres.. Woman's Civic woman sunrage. League of Columbia. Author of scientific papers GREEN, Sara Elizabeth (Mrs. Frederic B, In zoology and arUcles on home economic sub- Green), 921 Lake St, Elmira, N.T. Jects. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse, Physician and surgeon; b. New Albany, Pa., Am. Ass'n of Home Economics, Ass'n for Study April 20, 1868; dau. Henry Mead and Eliza Dor- and Prevention of Infant Mortality, Alumni cas (Hall) Crandall; ed. pu'bllc schools of Pa., Ass'ns of Stanford and Univ. of Missouri. Mem fcnd seminary course In N.Y. City; grad. Med. FortnlghUy Club (Columbia); State chairman 342 GREENE Home Economics, Mo. Federation of Woman's John Waterman Aborn and Mary FraacM (J^'^) Clubs Favors woman suffrage. Greene; ed. private schools; grad R.I State y^iuua. rav^a yy e, -.o^t^, 4„ Normal School, '77; Boston Univ. Law Schocrf, GREENE, Frances N.mmo, 519 Dexter Av., ^^^ ^^^^^ -^^ -^^^^^ ,gg g^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ Montgomery Ala. rnhnmno Fin be admitted to the bar in Mass. (Sept. 1888); Author; b. Tuscaloosa AU '^'^■7'^°™,^,!^°- first woman lawyer to appear in any court In ley and Virgmia (Owen) Greene, ed. Tusoaloosa ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ j^^ ^j^^ Female Coll. formerly public school teacher. . g^ ^ ^.^^^ March, 1907. Lecturer in more recently in ^}^^^y^Z''%J^^^ Author-' business law for women at Lasell Seminary, State Dep't °f ArcMve^,,,^,°^^Yth °^^^^^^^ Auburndale, Mass., 1889-1906; one of two Am. King Arthur and His Court With Spurs of Gold ^^^^^ lawyers selected to address the World's (collaborating with I5»"yWmiams Kirk), Into ^ j Jurisprudence and Law Reform, Chi- the Night; also many newspaper and magazme ^^^^ ^^^^ (sut,ject of her address. Married contributions. Women's Property Acts in the U.S. and Needed GREENE, Jessie Rice (Mrs. Charles Lyman Reforms Therein). Speaker at congresses in Greene), 324 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. ^^^ Woman's Building, World's (Columbian E>x- Born St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 14, 1862; dau. Jus- position, Chicago, 1893, on subject of Legal tus Burdick and Eliza (Garland) Rice; ed. in St. Rights of Women in 1492 and 1892. Chairman Paul, in private school and Central High School, rj Colonial Commission at the Atlanta Expo- St Mary's Hall, Faribault, Minn.; m. St. Paul, gition, 1895, commissioned by Governor of R.I. Oct. 6, 1886, Dr. Charles Lyman Greene; chil- pj-gs. Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc. dren: Mrs. Jessie Rice Greene Ritzlnger, b. ^j rj^ 1895-1910; vice-pres. Woman's Baptist Sept. 13, 1887; Dorothy Lawrence, b. Dec. 9, Foreign Missionary Soc. (the gen. denominational 1896. Associated with several church societies. g -nnvirt TTolman of conference In the Baptist denomination and GREENE, I^''^^« J'""^"* ^^^j^- ?f-lan MisT in interdenominational committees; pres. officer Greene). Twenty- hirdAv., Meridian, Miss. ^^ ^^^ Triennial Conference of Women's Foreign 18f6^'dTu%'r Ho?^eVl&''buSt. n'^Xe'^f Mission Boards of the U.S. and Canada. 1904. iDswich Suffolk England, and Frances (Miller) GREENE, Mary E. Lewis (Mrs. A. M. Greene Durrant native of Holly Springs, Miss.; grad. Jr.). Sunny Slope, Spring Av., Troy, N.Y. Oxford Female Coll., Univ. of Miss., with M.E.L. Born Salem, 0., 1869; dau. Dr. T. A. and Jean degree '95- studied oratory with Miss Isom at (Alexander) Lewis; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '91; Univ of Miss instrumental music in N.Y. City, graduate student of English in Univ. of Chicago, voice in Cincinnati elocution in Boston; grad. 1895-96, 1899-1900; m. 1906, Prof. Arthur Maurice in medicine Meridian (Miss.) Med. Coll., 1911; m. Greene Jr. Before marriage, prof, of English in David Holman Greene, native of Indianola, Miss., Coates Coll. and Univ. of Dakota. Dean of and a descendant of Gen. Nathaniel Greene; women, Oahu Coll., Honolulu. Adviser of wo- children- Frances Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1905; men. Univ. of Missouri. Third vlce-pres. of Horace Stanley, b. Feb. 28, 1912. Specializes in Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse; past pres. Wo- children's diseases of the eye, ear, nose and man's University Club of Troy; pres. Eastern throat Charter mem. Coffeeville (Miss.) Chap- N.Y. Wellesley Club; Nat. chairman Membership ter United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. Com. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; mem. managing Martha Washington Chapter D.A.R. (Washing- boards of three local philanthropies, of which ton D.C.) Miss. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; Young Women's Ass'n is one. Has written vice-pres ' Daughters of Confederate Veterans' articles for Ohio Modem Language Ass'n. Pres- (~;iylj ■ byterian. Recreations: Driviilg, walking. GREENE Maria Lonise, 14 University Place, GREENE, Mary Gertrude Mnnson (Mrs. Richard New H-aven, Conn. Henry Greene), 235 Central Park West, N.T. Social work'er; b. Providence, R.I.; dau. Wei- City. ,. „ ., t,., . t. i, come Arnold and Caroline (Austin) Greene; grad. Born New Haven, Conn.; dau. Edwin Beech Providence High School, Vassar Coll., A.B. '91; and Amelia Catherine (Sperry) Munson; ed. The student at Teachers Coll., 1891-93; Yale Univ., Misses Edwards School, New Haven, Ck)nn.; m. PI1.D '95' N Y Univ M.Pd. '09. Formerly Richard Henry Greene; children: Marshall Wins- specialized' in' Am. Colonial history; later in low, Mrs. Augustus Thatcher Hoibrook (Edna garden work with children— teacher, lecturer and Munson Greene), both living in Summit, N.J. director of such work; investigated in 1909 for Active mem. in social life in West Park Presby- the Russell Sage Foundation. Author: The De- terian Church, N.Y. City. Mem. Wonien s velopment of Religious Liberty in Connecticut, Auxiliary to American Historic and Scenic Soc, 1905 ^he Palatines as Founders and Patriots; N.Y. City; Tribune Sunshine Soc; N.Y. City also' various historical arUcles, and Among FederaUon of Woman's Clubs; delegate to Bi- School Gardens, one of the Russell Sage Founda- ennial, San Francisco, June, 1912; pres. Nat. tion publications. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Soc. New England Women; mem. Soc. Mayflower Am Nature Study Soc., D.A.R., Mayflower Soc, Descendants; delegate to Triennial Congress at vice-pres. School Garden Ass'n of America, 1912- Plymouth, Mass., Sept., 1912. Mem. D.A R., 15- mem A.A A S. Favors woman suffrage. founder Knickerbocker Chapter N.Y. City -and Its GREENE, Martha T. (Mrs. J. H. Greene), 481 first regent, founder and honorary mem. Nathan Locust St., Dubuque, Iowa. Hale Memorial Chapter D.AR East Haddam, Born Lansing, la., Feb. 24, 1859; dau. James Conn .mem. Washington Headquarters Ass n, W and Nancy (Lemen) Thomas; ed. Rockford N.Y. City (founded by D.A.R.). (111.) Coll., B.A. '81; m. Lansing, la., Jan. 21, GREENE, Mary Jane (Mrs. Edward G. Greene), 1885, Joel Henry Greene; children: James, Lois, 611 Waverley St., Palo Alto, Cal. Joel. Interested in missionary societies. Mem. Kindergartner; b. Poultney, Vt. ; dau. William Woman's Club (Dubuque). Recreation: Farm and Jerusha (Tift) Wright; ed. St. Albans (Vt.) life in N. Dak. during summer. Presbyterian. public schools, Castleton (Vt.) Sem., klnder- GRKENE, Mary Anne, 121 Benevolent St., garten training In School of Miss Van Wagner Providence, R.I. at the Heber Newton Memorial Church, N.Y. Lawyer; b. Warwick, R.I., June 14, 1857; dau. City, and Stanford Univ., Cal.; m. St, Albans, GREENE— GREENWOOD 343 Vt, B!dward G. Greene; children: Lena Louise, Pulse and Rhythm (Pop. Science Monthly, Sept., Inez May. Kindergartner of Kindergarten Train- 1903); Pulse in Verbal Rhythm (Folk-Lore, Aug., Ing School, San Jos6, Cal. ; teacher of mothers' 1906); Twine EJternal, 1908; articles on music in and teachers' classes at summer schools and Etude and Musician. Presbyterian. Mem. Chautauquas In Cal. Pres. Vt. W.C.T.U. six Woman's Suffrage Ass'n; director Browning years; nat. sup't kindergartens W.C.T.U. four Soc. of Philadelphia, Arts and Letters Club, years. Author: Handbook for W.C.T.U.; The Recreations: Swimming, gardening. Kindergarten Out of School (book for mothers); GREENING, Helen Eugene Haines (Mrs. Henry occasional writer for magazines and newspapers. g Greening) Vincetown N J Congregattonalist Progressive Republican State ggrn Pennsylvania; ed. 'mIss Randolph's chairman Federated Women s Cluts, Waterways school, Baltimore; Miss Mary E. Stevens' School, Dep't. Recreations: Social life music, lectures, Qermantown, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., reading, out-of-door life. Now engaged in ^g .9^ Sorbonne, 1898-99; m. 1901, Henry B. arousing an interest among clubs In subject of Greening. Teacher of English in Miss Case's and Waters-Their CoDservaUon. Favors woman j^,^g Hollowell's School, Philadelphia. 1897-98; suffr.ige. in ^igg Hebb's School, Wilmington, Del., 1889- GBEENE, Minnie Wanrh, Cofteeville, Miss. 1900. ».,P'^^-,cTo°°lf°= ^;,J^^^a°^^'A l'"^^?'^n'l ^°-: GREENLEAT, Sue, 776 Bush St., San Fran- Miss., 1882; dau. William S. and Fannie Greene; cIsco Cal ed. Indianola, Miss., unUl 15 years old, then in Teacher, writer, translator and land dealer; b. boarding school four years, one year In luka, ^^^ j^^^^ Bottom, Clark Co., Mo.; dau. Eric Miss., and three years at Cleveland. "Tenn Hinckley and Mary Elizabeth (Sweet) Greenleaf; Episcopalian; active n church work. Junior ^ ^^ g ^ Normal School. KlrksvlUe. Mo.; Altar Guild, and King's Daughters. Mem. boc. •, r o r» 'qn Actlvelv eneaeed In mining United Daughters of confederacy; Martha wash fn^^-^M-ex^co-^and'^seinnfolT Ss' in 'caU '^nd ington Chapter D.A.R., Washington D.C by Mexico. Translator and compiler of historic ,'?'"^"® ,?.' descent from Gen. Nathaniel Greene ^ especially relating to the early Spanish his- Mem. Woman's Culture Club (pres.); Muslca ^^ p y and the Republic of Mexico; Club (treas),paughters Confederate Veterans' -^^3^ ^ad professional and business connections ^'l^;. ^Hf ''r.Pfifrli'v^prL, ??<=<• V„,^^. with people of Nat. fame for 20 years. Suf- unlon of Confederate Veterans at St. Louis; f-„pHef_TniHtaTit if npnp.„!. „„ Coll., A.B.; m. Chicago, Nov. 18, 1909, Dr. Wil- cfrvSlls O^e Agricultural College, ^^^^ ,j, Grenfell, the distinguished medical mis- r,„,, „j „„„?■>, ■Dr,^■h^^r.^ -D^ At VI slonary, now sup't Labrador Branch of the nf PhT,/. T 1 ?nfl vie- ^ f^ f, " 4 l^^°°ol Royal Nat Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen; TL.h.V^fl'Ji!;; . ni -^fc^L n?"-, ^-^ny.^^- children: Wilfred Thomason Jr., Kinloch Pascoe Teacher, Edgewater, 111., 1895-96; Cleveland, Ohio, pviio^nnni-ian 1S96-98; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1S98-1908; t;^ °1Z, °- since 1908 dean of School of Domestic Science and GRE^^ELL, Helen Lonng: (Mrs. Edwin I. Art, Oregon Agricultural Coll., Corvallis, Ore. Grenfell), 1264 Columbine St., Denver, Colo. /-.•D■K^/-./-.D1r -cj-ii. TT • _, TTT TTT , i T S tatc offlclal ; b. Valparaiso, Chile; dau. Charles GREGORY, Edith Ho m^, W. Walnut Lane, ^^^ j^^ Frances (Roby) Loring; ed. Colorado Germantown Philadelphia, Pa. ^lic schools. State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y.; Teacher; b. Bridgeton, N.J., Sept 2 1866; dau honorary M.A. Univ. of Denver, 1909; m. Denver. Casper Robeau and Mary Let tia (Montgomery) ^pril 6, 1889, Edwin I. Grenfell. Served three Gregory; grad Wellesley Coll., A B. 86; one elective terms as county sup't of schools of Gil- year spent at Oxford Univ., Eng and. Active m i^ county, Colo., and three elective terms College Settlement, Consumers League and ^consecutive) as State Sup't of Public Instruc- church missionary work. Episcopalian. Mm. ^^ ^^^^^ 1505 appointed 1909 to five-year term [ntercollegiate Alumna Ass n. Consumers' League ^g commissioner of State Penitentiary and Re- of Philadelphia Women s Rest Tour Ass'n. Rec- jormatory, having financial and executive man- !^^^^'^°.^„,r*''^ ., agement of the penal institutions of the State. GREGORY, Emily Ray, care Dr. Herman B. favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Colo. State Allyn, 501 S. Forty-second St, Philadelphia, Pa. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Congregational Professor of biology; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. church. Trustee of Children's Historical Ass'n 1, 1863; dau. Henry Duval and Mary (Jones) ^f Denver. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descend- Gregory; ed. Wellesley Coll. (five years' class, ants Mem Woman's Press Club, musical course), A.B. '85; Univ. of Pa., fellow _ . ,, „ , ^-.^ ^ 1893-94, A.M. '96; Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97, fel- GBESSWELL, Pearl Vere Burnham (Mrs. C. low 1897-99, Ph.D. (zoology); scholar of Am. Dan Gresswein, North yakima, Wash. Women's Table, Zoological Station, Naples, Writer; b. Albert Lea, Minn.; grad. Vassar Italy, 1899-1900; has studied also at Woods Hole Coll., A.B. '95; graduate student Univ. of Minn.; Marine Biological Laboratory and Harpswell m. Aug. 7, 1907, C. Dan Gresswell; one son. Laboratory. Prof, of biology. Wells Coll., 1901- Teacher, Minneapolis, 1896-98; Faribault Minn., 1909; prof, of biology, physiology and hygiene, 1S98-1900; in Cuba one year, engaged in business Constantinople Coll., 1909-11; lectun-s on eugeuics., and newspaper work. Writer of numerous trans- 1912-13. Interested In social and philanthropic lations and newspaper arUcles. work, as prevention of tuberculosis, hygiene and gRF.VE, Harriet Fisher (Mrs. Theodore Lund eugenics. Organized lectures on hygiene for August Grave), The Wellington, Cincinnati, O. Turkish women in Constantinople, 1909-11; also Born National Hotel, Washington City; dau. for Am. women in Constantinople, 1910-11. Fa- Ellwood and Julia A. (Smith) Fisher; ed. by vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. tutors at home, under parents' supervision; A.A.A.S., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnee. Recreations: later special student at Cincinnati Univ three Music, out-door life. Mem. Wellesley Club, Col- years; m. Cincinnati, O., June 26, 1876, T. L. A. lege Club and Civic Club of Philadelphia, 1910 oreve', M.D.; children: Clifford, b. Apr. 7, 1879; (Mental Hygiene and Eugenics Com.), Con- Brenn'ock Lloyd, b. July 16, 1887; Julia Mar- tantinople Women's Club. guerite, b. Oct. 4, 1S95. Semi-prof. Has held GREGORY, Emma Helena, 29 Ann St., Provl- many offices in societies; was one of the Cura- dence, R.I. tors of Historical and Philosophical Soc. for Teacher; b. Lincoln, R.I. ; dau. John Hooper several years; organized Ohio Soc. U.S. Daugh- and Martha L. (Elliott) Gregory; ed. public ters of 1812 (first pres., serving six years, now schools of Providence, Classical High School of hon. State pres. for life). Hon. vice-pres. Ohio Providence; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '91; Brown Anti-Suffrage Ass'n; has spoken and written Univ., A.M. '01. Taught in Johnston High against suffrage. Author: Defense of Chief School, R.I., 1891-93; Classical High School since Justice Taney's Decision in the Dred Scott Case 1893. .Mem. R.I. Branch Ass'n of Collegiate (published in the Catholic Telegraph); article Alumnce, R.I. Wellesley Club, Sarah E. Doyle on Domestic Service (Cincinnati Commercial); Club, New England Classical Ass'n. also letters of travel, articles on objects and GREGORY, Helen Martha, 603 N. Horsman St., alms of Historical and Patriotic Societies, and Rockford, 111. biographical sketches. At invitation frona Wo- Teacher; b. Harlem, 111., Sept, 1859; daii. men Commissioners of State of Ky. spoke for GRICE— GRIFFITH 845 them at Internat. Exposition held In Atlanta, 1895. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower, Descendants In State of Ohio and in State ot Ckjnn., D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy, Pocahontas Soc, Nat. Mary Washington Mem. Ass'n, George Washington Mem. Ass'n, Mt. Auburn Literary Club of Cincinnati (now in second term as pres.). GRICE, Mary Vuu Meter (Mrs. Edwin C. Grlce), 330S Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 12, 1858; dau. Joseph E. and Catharine B. (Trucks) Van Meter; descendant from the Van Meters from Holland, who setUed In Ulster Co., N.Y., be- tween 1650 and lfi60, and later In Monmouth Co., N.J., 1712 and 1714; ed. private schools, Ever- ton Sem., Whltemarsh, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, April, 1884, Edwin C. Grice. Member Wom- an's Auxiliary of P.E. Church. Pres. Home and School League, Philadelphia; vice-pres. Public Education Ass'n; Sectional School Board, mem. ot Vice Com. lately appointed by the Mayor of Philadelphia; vice-pres. New Century Club until 1511; mem. Education Com. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Home and School. Vlce-pres. Woman's Com. Historical Pageant Ass'n of Philadelphia; vlce-pres. Woman's League Daily Bible Vacation Schools; executive director of Hume Counsel Dep't Am. Inst, of Child Life. Formerl> resided at Riverton, N.J., where she was m€m. of the Riverton School Board and officially identified with the Woman's Missionary Work of the Efpiscopal Diocese of N.J. She founded the Porch Club of Riverton and the N.J. State Congress of Mothers until her removal to Philadelphia, about ten years ago. Was presi- dent of the Philadelphia Women's Ass'n for the Preservation of the Sabbath; pres. of the Phila- delphia League of Home and School, and has been especially active In the movement to bring about closer cooperation between parents and teachers in promoting the welfare of the public schools. GRIDLET, Josephine Bradley (Mrs. Sidney DIas Gridley), 5418 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Born Philadelphia, Mar. 10, 1887; dau. Law- i-ence S. and Mary T. (McMullen) Brady; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls; Philadelphia Normal School for Girls; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts (scholarship); Cornell Univ. (scholarship), A.B. •08; m. Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 1912, Sidney Dlas Gridley (Cornell, M.E. '08; M.M.E. '09). After graduation from Cornell was connected with the school garden work under the supervision of the Philadelphia Board of Education, and organized a large part of the home garden work now car- ried on among the school children in that city; lectured In schools, visited their homes and schools. During senior year at Cornell did re- search work in stroboscopy In the psychological laboratory; Interested In psychological investiga- tions. Has been voluntary worker and visiting agent for Philadelphia Country Week Ass'n; has done settlement work in Philadelphia and Ithaca, N.T. ; Interested in the Moral Educational League, uplift of the drama, and improvement of labor conditions. Mewi. Cornell Alumnae Ass'n of Philadelphia, Alumnaj Ass'n of Philadelphia Normal School for Girls, Philadelphia Ethical Soc, Alliance Frangaise, Deutscher Vereln, Les Calwtlns (French Dramatic Soc), English Club (literary club at Cornell), Spanish Club, Shakes- peare Reading Club. Recreations: Reading, sketching, canoeing, walking. Favors woman BUtTiage. Progressive RepHbllcan. GRIDLKY, ILoulse DIas (Mrs. Wllltam Grandl- son Gridley), 1068 Chemung Place, Elmlra, N.r. Born Blmlra, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1862; dau. Sidney S. and Jennie (Craig) Dias; g^ad. Elmlra Free Acad., '80; m. Elmlra, June 3, 1885, William Graudison Gridley (deceased); children; Sidney Dlas, William Grandison. Mem. State Charities Aid Soc, Elmira Fed. for Social Service. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chumung Co. Equal Suffrage Club, Elmira Political Study Class. Congregationallst. Mem. Travel Club and Park 3hurch Shakespeare Club (Elmlra), N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. GRIEPENKEBL, Florence Smith (Mrs. Wllhelm Griepenkerl), Tlburon Point, Tlburon, Gal. Born Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1871; dau. Edward Clarence Smith (founder and principal of Rugby Acad., Philadelphia) and Virginia A. (Toadvln) Smith: grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '93 (Phi Kappa Psl); m. San Jos6, Cal., Aug. 24, 1907, Wilhelm Griepenkerl: one son: Edward Clarence Smith Griepenkerl. Recreations: Walking, tramploc Favors woman suffrage. Independent In politics. GRIEVE, Lucia Catherine Graeme, Martlndale Depot, N.Y. Lecturer; dau. Rev. David Graeme and Martha Lucy (Klnkead) Grieve; ed. Mrs. J. T. Bene- dict's French and English School, N.Y. City; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '83, A.M. '93; Oxford Univ., Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '98; mem. Phi Sigma. School teacher, 1883-93; lecturer, 1898. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Death and Burial In Attic Tragedy; also papers, chiefly on Oriental subjects, contributed to various journals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Am. Oriental Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae and several church, college and phil- anthropic societies. Recreations: Walking, driv- ing, raising flowers. GRUnS, Frances King (Mrs. William Elliot Grlffis), Glen Place, Ithaca, N.Y. Born Pulaski, N.Y. ; dau. Don Alonzo and Mary Gridley (Baker) King; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; m. Pulaski, N.Y., June 28, 1900, Will- iam Elliott Griffls. Has been the almost dally companion of her husband In his study, at the typewriter, in reading, verifying, etc. Has been four times In Europe with Dr. Griffls; was for eight years Latin preceptress at Pulaski Acad. Interested in music (vocal, organ and piano); also much Interested in social service. Against woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist. Recrea- tions: Golf, tennis, music, whist, walking, reading. GRIFFIS, Margraret Clark, Glen Place, Ithaca, N.Y. Educator In Japan and America; b. Phila- delphia, Pa., June 13, 1838; dau. John Lime- burner and Anna Maria (Hess) GrlfBs; ed. Miss Patton's School, Philadelphia, Pa., followed by extensive reading and self-culture. Acted as governess In families on Island Number 10, Tenn., and near Alexandria, Va., before the Civil War. W"ent to Japan In 1872, and from 1872 to 1874 taught the daughters of the nobles and gentry In the first girls' school established by the Imperial Government of Japan, the first official recognition of female education. This first Tokyo school for girls has since developed Into the Peeresses' School and the Tokyo Wom- an's Normal School; from 1875-1900 head teacher In the Philadelphia Sem., Philadelphia. An Invalid and inactive since 1900; was for many years the constant literary ass't of her brother, William Elliot Griffls. For this purpose, in addi- tion to her easy command of French, German, Latin, Hebreiw and Greek, she furnished large data from the Dutch. She visited Europe four times and In some parts of Japan was the first white woman seen; traveled extensively In the Mikado's Empire. Has written sketches on Japanese social life for periodicals. Congrrega- tionallst. Recreations: Reading, Japanese art. GRIFFITH, Hester T. (Mrs. Elijah Griffith). 1602 Alexander St., Hollywood, Cal. Temperance worker, lecturer, officer W.C.T.U. ; b. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 22, 1854; dau. (3alvlu A. and Charlotte M. (Minkler) Tuttle; grad. third SUte Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn.; m. 1877, Elijah Griffith. Teacher of public school for Blx years; primary principal for three years; prison worker for 25 years. Was Territorial treaa. and pres. Utah W.C.T.U. for two years; pres. of W.C.T.U. Fed. of Los Angeles for eight years; pres. of Los Angeles Ck>. W.C.T.U. for two years; State pres. ot Southern Cal. for four years, now vlce-pres. Mem. Civic League of Los Angeles. Methodist. Favors woman suf- frage; lecturer during California campaign &S State president ot Southern Cal. W.C.T.U. ProhiblUonlst. 346 GRIFFITH— GROSS GBUTITH, Martha E. Hutchings (Mrs. T. J. Griffith), 224 S. Green St., Crawfordsville, Ind. Physician; b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Nov. 29, 1S42; dau. John Work and Elizabeth (Cravens) Hatch- ings; ed. Acad., "Vernon, Ind., 1S65, Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., M.D. '70; m. Madison, Ind., 1871, Dr. T. J. Griffith; children: James Barton Grif- fith, M.D., Helen Griffith (deceased). Life work has been study and practice of medicine and ob- stetrics. Interested in betterment of health con- ditions for fellow women; recent years have been given to urging the study of social hygiene and eugenics on the women of Ind.; has spoken on these topics before various women's organiza- tions. One of organizers City Hospital; active In instituting public library. Mem. Official Board State Franchise League, vice-pres. local league (county chairman). Christian. Wife of Civil War Veteran; mem. Woman's Relief Corps, since its organization; mem. Order Eastern Star; char- ter mem. first Com. of Ben Hur, Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, Local Council of Women. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Craw- fordsville (elected pres. four times); chairman Health Dep't Ind. Fed. of Clubs since dep't was created in 1908. Oldest woman physician in the State; first to grad. from, a regular school of medicine. GRIFFITH, Slarj- Josephine, 1003 University Av., Ann Arbor, Mich. Born Rome, N.Y., April 24, 1865; dau. Ezra Hollis and Jennie (Sanford) Griffith; grad. Wel- lesey Ck)ll., B.S. '88; studied in Germany one year and four months; Berlin and Rome; m. Rochester, 1S92 (lost husband in 1901); children: Sanford, b. 1S93; Jean Paul, b. 1895; Dorothea, b. 1896. Favors woman suffrage. Author of Bible Temperance Studies. Baptist. Until going abroad in 1912 pres. Woman's Missionary So- cieties of Chicago Ass'n. Mem. Board of Wom- an's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the West (Bap- tist). Mem. D.A.R., Chicago; Woman's Fed- erated Club, Chautauqua and D.A.R. at Chau- tauqua. GKIMES, Frances, 2 Washington Mews, N.T. City. Sculptor; dau. Francis Stanley Grimes, M.D., and Ellen F. (Taft) Grimes, M.D.; grad. Normal Art Dep't, Pratt Inst., 1894, studio apprentice to Herbert Adams six years; ass't Augustus Saint Gaudens' studio five years. Mem. Women's Cos- mopolitan Club. Favors woman suffrage. GRINDROD, Ida E., Kansas City, Kan. Born Paris, Pa., 1852; dau. J. and Elizabeth (Abdel) Saussier; ed. Galva, 111.; m. 1876, Fred Grindrod. Sup't Primary Dep't Central Avenue Sunday-school. Methodist. Mem. Eastern Star; pres. Wyandotte Graded Sunday-school Union; mem. Associated Charities; pres. Council of Clubs, Kansas City, Kan. ; mem. Travelers' Club (organized 18S1), Central Reading Club (18S7). Recreation: Photography. GKINNELE, Susan B." (Mrs. R. Bradley Grin- nell), 541 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Born Brattleboro, Vt. ; dau. Richards and Sarah (Merr>') Bradley; ed. N.Y. City, N.Y. private school, Mrs. Lucy B. Sandous; m. Boston, Feb. 13, 1890, R. Bradley Grinnell. Worked in Trinity Church, Boston, as sec. of Visiting Soc. and Sunday-school teacher for 12 years. Has written occasionally for newspapers. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Saturday Morning Club (hon. mem.). Assembly Club. GBINSTEAD, Minnie Johnson (Mrs. V. H. Grin- stead), Liberal, Kan. Lecturer for Nat. W.C.T.U.; b. Crawford County, Kan., Sept. 30, 1869; dau. Rev. J. M. and Martha (Emerick) Johnson; ed. largely in the country schools of Eastern Kansas; one year at the State Normal at Emporia; m. Monett, Mo., Oct. 30, 1901, Judge V. H. Grinstead; chil- dren: Grace Darling, Milton Wayde. A teacher for 12 years; two years principal of East School, Pittsburg, Kan.; in 1896 was nominated for County Sup't of Public Instruction of Crawford County, Kan. Active mem. of Baptist Church and licensed to preach by the church. Interested In unfortunate girls and has directly and indi- rectly helped several girls. Favors woman suf- frage. Was pres. of the big Seventh District during the suffrage campaign in 1912 (embracing 32 counties), carried every county but four with a majority of more than 4,000 for the amend- ment. Has written poems and prose and is writing a book that deals with the woman question in all its phases. Mem. Baptist Church. Independent in politics. Sec. Order Eastern Star; county sec. W.C.T.U. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Liberal Woman's Club (50 members). GRISHAM, Saam- phleta on wotil8a Greea (Mrs. W. C Gul- liver), 8SS Park Av., N.Y. City. Bora N.Y. City, May 13, 185T; dau. Ashbel and Lontea (Walkw) Green; cd. Miss Porter's Sckool at Parmdngton, Conn.; m. Mar. 6, 1878, William C. Gulliver (deceased); children: Musa Walker (Mrs. Oharles Sheldon), Ashfcel Green. M«m. Madison Square Presbyterian Church, Charity Organization Soc., CharitieB of the Ma^son Square Church, N.Y. Ass'n OMoeed to 'Woman Suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames. GUTXrVEB, Lccilc, Hotel Kllot. 78 Bartlett St.. Kosbury, Mass. Author; b. Somervllle, Mass., May 30, 1882; dau. Charles Whiting and Knaima Saaaana (Beede) Gulliver; ed. Martin Grammar School, Boston; Chauncy Hall School, Boston; Boston Univ., A.B. '06; A.M. '10 fAlph.% Phi). Delegate Internat. Peace Congress, Stockholm, 1910. In- terested in the Peace Movement, and all move- ments concerned with the welfare of children, and in immigration. Author: Over the Nonsense Road; The Friendship of Nations, a Story of the Peace Movement for Young People; miscel- laneous work for newspapers; in charge Peace Dep't, Bveryland, Review Dep't, Christmas Book- stalls, Boston Transcript. Mem. Mass. Peace Soc, Am. School Peace League, Drama League of Boston, Nat. Education Ass'n, Ass'n of Coil. Alumnae, Boston College Club, Boston Uni-v. Women Graduates' Club, Boston Authors' Cluh. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage (di- rector of Coll. Equal Suffrage League of Mass.). GULUrVEB, Mary, Jlockford Cellese, Rockford, 111. Artist, teacher; b. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 9, 1860; dau. John Putnairi and Frances W. (Cur- tis) Gulliver; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. 'S2; A.M. ^: grad. Boston Museum of Fine Arts School, with one year of post-grad, study; five yeara' study abroad: Academies Delecluse, Colorossl and Whistler; pupil of Collin, Callot, Lasar, Delance. Has exhibited in the Paris Salon, Am. Woman's Art Club (Paris), Soc. of Am. Artists (N.Y. City), Acad, ©f Design (N.Y. Citj), Am. Water Color Soc (N.Y.), Boston Art Club, and Phlladolpbia Water Color Soc. Had charge of tie art dev't The Mary A. Bumham's School, Northasapton, Mass., for ten years; now head dep't of fine arts Rockford (111.) Coll. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston. CongreKationallst. GUMMEBE, Amelia Mott (Mrs. Francis Barton Gummere), Haverford, Pa. Author; b. Haverford, N.J., July 17, 1859 dau. Richard Field and Susan (Thomas) Mott grad. Friends School In Providence, R.I., '78 student Victoria Lyceum, Berlin, Germany, 1887 88; m. Burlington, N.J., Sept. 14, 1882, Prof. Francis Barton Gummere. Mem. of Society of Friends; deeply interested in the history of the Friends (Quakers) and has devoted much re- search to that subject. Mem. Pa. Historical Soc, Friends Historical Soc. of London, England; Friends Historical Soc. of Philadelphia, Genea- logical Soc. of Pa. Writer of the New Jersey section in Quakers in the American Colonies. Author: The Quaker, a Study in Costume; Witch- craft and Quakerism; The Quaker In the Forum. Mem. Pa. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Soc. of New England Women In Pennsylvania. GUNBEBSON, Gertrude B. (Mrs. Carl Gunder- Bon), Vermillion, S.Dak. Born Vermllllen, S. Dak., Mar. 14, 1871; dau. M. C. and Serlna (Stavseth) B^ertlesen; ed. Univ. of S. Dak.; m. Vermillion, S. Dak., June 16, 1892, Carl Gunderson; children: Helen Louise, Florence Marie, Carol Anita, Norris Ellwood. Mem. W.C.T.U., Woman's Civic League; vlce- pres. S. Dak. Fed. of Women's Clu'bs; naem. Wasesa Club. Recreation: Club work. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Equal Suffrage League. GUNI>BUM, NeUie Adams (Mrs. W. H. Gun- drum), Drummond Block, Toledo, Ohio. Dentist; b. Cobourg, Ont, Can.; dau. Milton GUNDRY — GUTBa 349 Lucas and Matilda (Purdy) Lent; ed. Csmadlan schools and academies; Univ. of Mich., D.iJ.S. '94; m. (1st) Dresden, Ont., W. L. Ostrander (deceased); (2q) Toronto, Ont., Dr. W. H. Gun- drum; children: Grace, Jean, Wllla Ostrander. Interested in philanthropic ideas, assisting others to help themselves, education and support of fallen women. Mem. Educational, Mental Sug- gestive and Bible Study Classes. Congrega- tlonallst. Favors ■woman suffrage. Gl NDRY, Frances Rath Gilchrlflt (Mrs. John Murton Gundry), 6S03 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Born Thurder Bay Island, Mich., Sept 18, 1875; dau. Joeeph Clough and Alice Chambers (Devln) Gilchrist; ed. Pa. Coll. for Women, Oberlin Coll. and Constirvatory, Cleveland School of Art, and Sorbonne, Paris; m. John Murton Gundry; children: John Murton Jr., Joseph Perry, Wllloughby Devln, Alice Devln, Francis Bentlnck. Served In past 20 years at different times on Board of Huron St. Hospital; taught at Lend-a-Hand Mission; mem. Cleveland Free Kindergarten Board. Section pres. of Needle- work Guild, Municipal School League. Against woman sulfrag©. Spoke against suffrage at Men's Luncheon Club, Madison, Wis.; Republi- can Club, at Delmonico's, N.Y. City, and before Constitutional Com., State House, Columbus, O. ; also in N.Y. City, Jersey City, Chicago, Chamber of Commerce at Columbus, Hartford, etc. Au- thor ot miscellaneous poems; articles on Spain; B^bfism; A Transplanted Nursery (book); Hallu- oinatlons; collaborated on Book of Eastern Re- ligions, published in German. Mem. D.A.R. ; mem. Executive Board of Ohio State Ass'n Op- posed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. Fortnightly Musical Club (Cleveland), Lyceum Club, Lon- don, Paris (charter mem.), Twentieth Century Club (Cleveland). GtFNN, Katharine MiUer (Mrs. Edgar Gran- ville Gunn), 304 W. FYanklin St., Richmond, Va. Born Washington D.C., May 15, 1872; dau. Jacob Carpenter and Katharine (Durham) Miller; ed. private schools In Washington; m. Harrison- burg, Va., June 4, 1890, Edgar Granville Gunn; children: Katharine Eiidora, Harriet Granville. Author (musical) When My Dreams Come True; Slumber Song; Sleepy Song; Remembrance; Separation; Cradle Song; Dream Girl Caress Me; Summer Farewell; Hush-a-bye Sweet, My Own. Mem^ D.A.R. Socl^tfe Universelle Lyrique, Coun- try Club of Virginia, Hermitage Club. GCNNI80N, Sarah Pierce, National Cathedral School, Washington, D.C. Teacher; b. Boston, Mass.; ed. In schools of Boston, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '83. Teacher St. Catherine's Hall, Augusta, Me., 1884-88; Edgeworth School, Baltimore, Md., 1888- 98; Bethany Coll. (Topeka, Kan.), 1903-06; Na- tional Cathedral School, Washington, D.C, since 1906. GUBNEY, CUire Hubbard (Mrs. Herbert J. Gur- ney), 145 Warren Av., WoUaston, Mass. Lecturer, literature teacher; b. Roxbury, Mass., June 16, 1861; dau. Moses Nason and Mary Eliza- beth (Orrik) Hubbard ; ed. public schools of Bos- ton; School of Expression; private tutors In languages and literature; Shakespeare under Henry Hudson; m. Roxbury, Mass., 1889, Herbert J. Gurney. Clerk of the Federation, and kno*n throughout New England as a lecturer on litera- ture and dramatic reader. Interested in Sunday- school work; sup't of local Unitarian Sunday- school; life mem. ot Unitarian Sunday-school (Nat.) Soc, clerk Mass. State Federation of Women's Clubs since 1910. Devotes much time to dramatic and settlement work. Has published numerous poems and stories for children in mag- azines, such as St. Nicholas. Mem. Quincy Women's Club, Friday Club, Pickwick Club (Quincy), Mass. State Federation. Recreations: Canoeing, walking, out-of-door sports, dramatic work (semi-professional). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. GUSTAJFSON. Zadel Bamee, Box 64, R.F.D. No. 4, Huntington, L.I., N.Y. Author; b. Middletown, Conn., Mar. 9, 1841; dau. Duane and Cynthia Sexton (Turner) Barnes; ed. at home by coll. tutors, St. Thomas' Hall Female Sem., Flushing, L.I., N.Y. ; Wllbraham Acad., Mass. Published In prose and verse at age of 14 in N. P. Willis' Home Journal; later In the foremost magazines and newspapers, both home and foreign; for 20 years contributed poems, stories and special illustrated biographical and critical articles to Harper's Magazine; nota- ble among those In prose: The Archbishop's Inn (Lamteth Palace); The Voice of Christmas Past, a tribute to Charles Dickens, the first Christmas after his death; The Bard of Abbotsford, appear- ing In the Scott Centenary number. In poetry: Little Martin Craghan, the child whose heroism cost him his life in the Pittston mines, which poem was copied In the newspapers all over the land; The Prisoner, and Zlobane, a story of child heroism In the Zulu War. Author: Can the Old Love? a novel, 1871. Resided In London, 1879-88, and was founder and editor of the Nat. Philan- thropist, 1884; visited the U.S. as special repre- sentative of the Pall Mall Gazette in 1S86; re- visited the U.S. as delegate to the First Interaat. Congress of Women, 1888, and addressed it on The Temperance Question; revised, edited and published a long-forgotten work of genius, Mrs. Maria Gowen Brooks' Zophiel, or the Bride of Seven, 1879, prefacing it with a biographical sketch; published a volume of verse: Meg — A Pastoral and Other Poems, 1879; later published simultaneously in London and Boston the biog- raphy of the Am. artist and actress, Genevieve Ward. Joint author: The Foundation of Death — A Study of the Drink Queetion, containing the most comprehensive Drink Bibliography ever published. GUTHRIE, Anna I-orralne, 1401 University Av., S.B., Minneapolis, Minn. Editor; b. York, N.Y. ; dau. John and Alice (Crawford) Guthrie; ed. Luverne (Minn.) High School; Univ. of Minn., B.A.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Alpha Theta. Favors woman suffrage. Editor: Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature; Readers' Guide Supplement; Eclectic Library Catalog; Library Work; Index to the Forum. Christian Scientist. Library assistant Univ. of Minn., 1893-1904. GUTHRIE, Lulu Galbralth (Mrs. William Jay Guthrie), 14 LaFayette Place, Rochester, N.Y. Born Latakia, Turkey in Asia, June 25, 1872; dau. Rev. Samuel Renwick and Anna (Martin) Galbralth; edi public and high schools of Roches- ter, N.Y.; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96; m. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1898, William Jay Guthrie. Presbyterian. Mem. Waldenslan Aid Soc, Mis- sionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church. Favors woman suffrage. GUTHRIE, Maria Elizabeth Seabury (Mrs. Ed- ward Buckingham Guthrie), 562 W. Ferry St., Buffalo, N.Y. Graduate Smith Coll., A.B. '90; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 5, 1903, Edward Buckingham Guthrie; children: Edward Hosmer, b. June 21, 1904; Anne, b. Sept. 11, 1907 (died Feb. 15, 1909). Teacher in Halifax (N.S.) Ladies' Coll., 1890-92; Miss Dana's School, Morristown, N.J., 1893-98; St Margaret's School, Buffalo, N.Y., 1899 and 1903. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. GUTHRIE, Sarah Lewis (Mrs. Wm. A. Guthrie), Franklin, Ind. Born Dupont, Ind., Feb. 11, 1854; dau. George Brown (M.D.) and Patience (McGannon) Lewis; ed. Dupont, Ind.; m. Dupont Ind., Oct 28. 1875, William Anderson Guthrie; children: George Lewis Guthrie, M.D., b. 1877; Lucy Anne Guth- rie, b. 1890. Mem. D.A.R. (State regent 1905-08), State sec. Daughters of U.S.; mem. of musical and other clubs. Baptist. GUY, Artemisia Stone (Mrs. Matthew E. Guy). 3.t3 Monument Av., Dayton, O. Born Dayton, O. ; dau. Dudley and Mary Eliza- beth (Shartle) Stone; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '94; m. Falmouth, Ky., Feb. 24, 1901, Matthew E. Guy (died Sept 24, 1909). Teacher of Steele High School, Dayton, O., 1894-1901. Favors wo- man suffrage. Baptist. GUYEB, Caroline Clarkson, 156 W. Ninety- seventh BU, N.Y. City. Teacher, social worker; grad. Smith ColL, B.A. 350 HAAS— HADLEY 'SI; student of Englisli and Latin, Columbia Univ., 1902-06. Teacher private school, Phila- delphia, 1881-92; principal of school, Washington, D.C., 1892-98; private teacher, 1898-1905; librarian, 1898-1900; teacher in N.Y. City high schools since 1905. Interested in philanthropies for children of N.Y. City. Sup't Christian Herald Children's Fresh Air Home, Nyack, N.Y., summer of 1907; head of N.Y. Tribune Fresh Air Home at Ards- ley, N.Y., summer of 1909. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnffi Ass'n. H HAAS, Grace Calkins (Mrs. Oscar S. Haas), 502 E. Fourth St., Mt. Vernon, Ind. Born Princeton, Ind., Jan. 28, 1866; dau. An- drew J. and Amy J. (Pinney) Calkin; ed. Prince- ton public schools; m. Princeton, Ind., Novem- ber, 1888, Oscar S. Haas; one daughter: Agnes Edith Haas. Interested in humane, civic and charitable organizations. Favors woman suf- frage. Christian Scientist. Republican. Founder Ramblers Literary Club; mem. Music Com. of State Federation of Women's Clubs. HABERER, Annie McNangrht (Mrs. George J. Haberer), 4656 N. Forty-sixth St., Chicago, 111. Born Glasgow, Scotland, May 20, 1864; dau. Hugh and Jeanette (Walker) MoNaught; ed. public school; m. Chicago, June 6, 18S8, George J. Haberer; oliildren: George B., Albert J., Mil- ton I., Marjory Louise, Beaulah B«ll. Pres. seven years of Mayfair Home Missionary Soc ; pres. Mayfair Woman's Club; sup't of primary at Ckjngregational Sunday-school ; pres. Mercy and Help Dep't of Epworth League First M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage; mem. two suffrage organizations. Methodist. Mem. Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Reading, social work. Mem. Mayfair Woman's Club, Mayfair Home Missionary Soc, W.C.T.U., Wes- ley Hospital and Traupele Club. HACK, Elizabeth Jane Miller (Mrs. Oren S. Hack), 2239 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Writer; b. New Ross, Ind.; dau. Timothy and Samantha (West) Miller; ed. Indianapolis public schools and Butler Coll.; m. Indianapolis, June 16, 1908, Oren S. Hack. Author: The Yoke; Saul of Tarsus; The City of Delight; also contribu- tions in verse and prose to various publications. Presbyterian. HACKEK, Mary Lycett (Mrs. Edward Hacker), 5307 Germantown Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 11, 1883; dau. Edward H. and Anna (Fox) Lycett; ed. St. Louis, Mo.; m. Haverford, Pa., October, 1905, Edward Hacker; children: William, Anna. Clubs: Huntington Valley Country, Germantown Cricket. Episcopalian. HACKETT, Anna B. (Mrs. Sumner Hackett), Yuma, Ariz. Born Silver City, Idaho, May 14, 1867; dau. and Lamira L. (Lillie) Reid; ed Chico, Butte Co., Cal., at Woodman's Acad., Chico, Cal., Heald's Business CoL, San Francisco (shorthand and typewriting); m. Phoenix, Ariz., April 1, 1897, Sumner Hackett; one daughter: Evelyn M., b. Aug. 2, 1898. Chairman Philanthropic Dep't Territorial Federation of Women's Clubs. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Summer trips to San Francisco, Los Angeles and the beaches. Mem. and former pres. Yuma Woman's Club. HACKETT, Emma Catherine, B W. Sixty-fourth street, N.Y. City. Physician; b. Ottumwa, la., Jan. 29, 1S71; dau. Richard Lawrence and Catherine (Conyngham) Hackett; ed. Waterloo High School, Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass. ; 111. Training School for Nurses, Chicago, 111.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Northwestern Univ., Chicago (mem. Alpha Ep- Bilon Iota, Lasallis Club). Interested in settle- ment work and social hygiene work. Mem. Political Equality League, St. Barnabas Guild, P.E.O. Sisterhood, Am. Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of Chicago, Suffrage Ass'n. Clubs: Min- erva, Iowa New Yorkers. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. HACKETT, Jessie Ellars (Mrs. L. O. Hackett). 6S E. South Line St., Tuscola, III. Born Atwood, 111., Jan. 25, 1867; dau. William and Maria (Lewis) Ellars; grad. High School, Tuscola, 111., '86; Univ. of 111., B.A. '90, M.A. '92; m. Tuscola, 111., Nov. 22, 1900, L. O. Hackett. teacher in grammar school, Tuscola, 1891-92; ass't high school teacher, Tuscola, 1892-98; prin- cipal High School, Tuscola, 1898-1900. Mem. Tuscola Woman's Club for 19 years; pres. eight years. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. HACKLEY, Alice M., 1612 Diamond St., Phlla. Physician; b. Otsego Co., N.Y. ; dau. Dr. A. Hubbard and Jennie E. (Hunt) Hackley; ed. public schools of N.Y. State, Cornell Univ., Wo- man's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '93. Taught thiee years in public schools of N.Y. State; served three years as interne and ass't In Wo- man's Hospital of Philadelphia; three yeara ass't demonstrator of gynecology Woman's Med. Coll. ; fourteen years clinician at Woman's Hos- pital, Philadelphia. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n Wo- man's Med. Coll. of Pa. HACK8TAFF, Priscilla Dudley (Mrs. J. Frank Hackstaff), 95S St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Teacher and lecturer; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sep'.. 29, 1850; dau. William Guilford and Martha Ann (Nicol) Dudley; ed. St. Louis High School, Woman's Class of the N.Y. Univ. Law School; m. Dec. 24, 1876, J. Frank Hackstaff; children: John Dudley, Richard Chesman, Frederick Will- iam. Teacher In St. Louis High School, Mary Inst, (dep't of Washington Univ.), 20 years. Organizer and lecturer for N.Y. Suffrage Ass'n; one of the founders of Woman Suffrage Party. Treas. of N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs; treas. five years of N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; founder of five suffrage clubs; pres. of many clubs for years; chairman of Suf- frage Committee of N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs: leader of Priscilla Study Club. Univer- salist. Mem. Woman's Alliance of Universalist Church. HAJDEN, Annie Bates (Mrs. Charles J. Haden), 1219 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Ga, Born Eufaula, Ala., Nov. 7, 1873; dau. MlUedge L. and Georgia Ehnma (Allen) Bates; ed. private school until 12 years old, Wesleyan Coll., and later at Washington, D.C.; grad. 1889, 1890, A.B.; also diploma in music and languages (Adel- phean); m. Atlanta, Ga., 1895, Charles J. Haden. Interested in social, religious and philanthropic work. Pres. of Atlanta City Fed. of Women's Clubs; mem. Atlanta Woman's Club. Methodist. Against woman suffrage. HilDKINS, Annie Louise • (Mrs. Frank Lock- wood Hadkins), Tottenvllle, N.T. Born Hoboken, N.J., Apr. 25, 1864; dau. Samuel Webb and Mary Oakley (Totten) Hopping; ed. Tottenville public school; m. Tottenville, Oct. 12, 1887, Frank Lockwood Hadkins; one daughter: Marion Lockwood. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. St. Stephen's Guild, Phile- mon Literary and Historical Soc. HADLEY, Cynthia Alice (Mrs. Arthur L. Had- ley), Plajnfleld, N.H. Nurse; b. Plainfield, N.H., Feb. 13, 1867; dau. Harvey D. and Lutheria L. (Jordan) Plummer; ed. public schools; m. Windsor, Vt., Jan. 1, 1881, Arthur L. Hadley; children, Alice Lutheria, b. Mar. 10, 1884; Pearl Eleanor, b. July 13, 1886. Correspondent for two weekly papers. Landmark and Weekly Enterprise. Pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. for past four years; pres of the Mothers and Daughters Club, 1911-13; chaplain of Blow-me- down Grange for past four years. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League of Cornish, N.H. Republican. HADI^EY, Helen Harrison Morris (Mrs. Arthur Twining Hadley), 93 Whitney Av., New Haven, Conn. Born New Haven, Conn., May 12, 1863; dau. Governor Luzon B. and Eugenia (Tuttle) Morris; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '83; m. N6w Haven, Conn., June 30, 1891, Arthur Twining Hadley (now pres, Yale Univ.); children: Morris, b. Mar. 21, 1S94; Hamilton, b. Jan. 13, 1896; Laura Beaumont, b. Mar. 31, 1899. Alumnse trustee HADLEY— HAINES 351 Vassar, 1904-10. Mem. Colonial Dames of Conn., Saturday Morning Club (New Haven), "Woman's University Club (N.Y. City). HADLEY, Sarah Louise, 91 Hague Av., Detroit, Mich.; summer. South Canterbury, Conn. EMucator; b. Canterbury, Conn., Aug. 8, 1871; dau. Brooks and Sarah (Baldwin) Hadley; ed. Thayer Acad., South Braintree, Mass.; North- field Sem., Wellesley (3oll., A.B. '96; Columbia Univ.. A.M. '02; Teachers Coll., diploma, '02; Wis. Univ., '02; Radcliffe Coll., 1904-(j7 (mem. Agora-Wellesley). Teacher of history, Holyoke (Mass.) High School, 1899-1901; Vassar Coll., 1902-04; the Liggett School, Detroit, Mich., since 1907. Interested in industrial position of women. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Detroit Wellesley Club. HAESELER, A. Elisabeth Lipman (Mrs. Albert Swalm Haeseler), 3735 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Artist; b. Philadelphia; dau. Hymen L. and Mary Ann (Lehman) Lipman; ed. In six differ- ent private schools, all in Philadelphia; studied art at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; m. Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1897, Albert Swalm Haeseler; one stepson, Conrad Frederic. Interested in art, music, travel, lectures, literature, athletics, phil- anthropy, trees, animals. Mem. Soc. of Arts and Letters, Browning Soc, Geographical Soc. of Philadelphia, Sanford Alumnse, (jrace Circle of King's Daughters, Fellowship of Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia Flower, Fruit and Ice Mission, the Plastic Club of Philadelphia (woman's art club). Recreations: Driving, rid- ing, swimming, rowing, painting, bicycling. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Woman's Suffrage Soc. of Philadelphia County. Progressive. HAGAN, Janie Moore Gray (Mrs. John Lyle Hagani, 254 Jefferson St., Danville, Va. Born Travelers Rest, Fredericksburg, Va., July 5, 1874; dau. John Bowie and Mary (Hunter) Gray; ed. Fredericksburg Coll. (scholarship medal), Univ. of Nashville, degree L.I.; m. Fredericksburg, Oct. 18, 1905, John Lyle Hagan. Taught in Danville High School, 1900-05. Mem. Episcopal Church choir; vice-pres. local circle of King's Daughters; vice-pres. Danville Civic League; pres. Wednesday Afternoon Literary Club; sec, treas. and librarian of Danville Library Ass'n; vice-regent of Dorothea Henry Chapter D.A.R. Episcopalian. Mem. Ladies' Benevolent Soc, Rector's Aid Soc. of Epiphany Church. HAGERMAN, Rosa Bullock (Mrs. Francis H. Hagerman), Towanda, Pa. Born Towanda, Pa., Jan. 28, 1865; dau. Darius and Phaney (Maggs) Bullock; ed. schools of Towanda and Susquehanna Collegiate Inst.; m. Sept. 4, 1889, Francis H. Hagerman; children: Mark C, Genevieve Claire, Francis H. Jr., John C. Sec. Woman's Auxiliary Christ Church; pres. Towanda Shakespeare Club; mem. Com. of Civic Club; treas. George Clymer Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. State Fed. of Pa. Women and of Ivy Club. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. HAGARTY, Clara Sophia, 6 Cht^stnut Park, Toronto, Ont., Can. Artist, painter; b. Toronto, Ont.; dau. J. H. G. Hagarty and granddaughter of Sir J. H. Hagarty, late Chief Justice of Ontario; ed. in Toronto; studied art with E. W. Grier and Miss Tully and as a member of the summer sketch classes of William M. Chase of N.Y. City; also studied in France and Holland. Painter of portraits and interiors; associate mem. Royal Canadian Acad, and mem. Ontario Soc. of Artists. Has exhibited work in various exhibitions. Mem. Church of England. HAGI.ER, Kent RoUa Dunlap (Mrs. Elmer E. Hagler), The Oaks, Springfield, III. Born Alton, 111., Dec. 7, 1866; dau. John C. and Marie Louise (Booker) Dunlap; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '90; Univ. of Pa., M.A. '93; held fel- lowship in Univ. of Pa., '93; Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. Philadelphia, June 21, 1893, Dr. BJlmer E. Hiigler; children: Elmer E., Kent Dunlap, Clarissa Helen. Actively Interested in the social life of the community, belonging to several literary and art clubs. Catholic. Demo- crat, Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; has been pres. and director of Springfield branch. Rec- reations: Gardening, riding, driving. Clubs: Springfield Woman's, Every Wednesday, Ama- teur Art, Springfield Authors'. HAGNER, Isabella Louisa, The Parkwood. Washington, D.C. Private secretary; b. July 23, 1876; dau. Charles E. and Isabella (Dairs) Hagner; ed. by governesses and in private schools in Washing- ton, D.C, Has been private sec. to the wives of several Cabinet officers and senators. Clerk in War Dep't, 1S98-1901; private sec. to Mrs. Roose- velt, Sept., 1901, to March, 1909, when appointed clerk in Dep't of State; private secretary to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, appointed March 5, 1913. Epis- copalian. Mem. Chevy Chase Club. HAHX, Emma Erskine (Mrs. A. J. Hahn), 201 W. Eighty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Agriculturist; b. London, England; dau. Thos. Erskine; ed. Sacred Heart, Paris, France; Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, M.D.; student of and writer upon philanthrophy and political economy; m. in Germany, Thomas Lane; 2d, Boston, Mass., Dr. A. J. Hahn (now deceased); one daugh- ter: Beatrice Erskine Lane. Chairman of Philan- thropic Fund of Minerva Club; trustee of Stet- son Fund to aid women students in agricultural work; pres. of Stamfoni Improveanent Ass'n (women). Town and Country League, Internat. Peace Soc, Woman's Press Club, Knickerbocker Relief Club, Legislative League, N.Y. City Fed., Phalo, N.Y. city Civic League of Wilton, Conn., Greenwich Nat. Grange. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Equal Franchise League. HAIGHT, Elizabeth Hazelton, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Assistant professor of Latin; b. Auburn, N.Y., Feb. 11, 1872; dau. John W. and Helen (Meeker) Haight; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '94, A.M. '99; (Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '09; holder of two graduate scholarships from Cornell and the Lydia Pratt Babbott fellowship and the fellowship of the Associate Alumna of Vassar Coll. Instructor in Rye Sem., 1894-95; instructor in Emma Willard School, 1895-1900; instructor in Packer Collegiate Inst, 1900-01; instructor in Vassar, 1902-08, 1909; associate prof, of Latin in Vassar, 1910 — . Ac- tively interested in woman suffrage. Author of articles on classical subjects in Poet Lore, School Review, Classical Journal and Classical Weekly. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Philo- logical Ass'n, ClassieaJ Ass'n of the Atlantic States. Reader in LaLIn for College Entrance Examination Board. H.\IGHT, Helen Ive8, 39 Swift St., Auburn, N.Y. Normal teacher; b. Auburn, N.Y. ; ed. in schools of Auburn, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '98; Albany Normal Coll., Pd.B. 1900. Teacher 'n Emma Wil- lard School, Troy, N.Y., 1899-lt02; Corning (N.Y.) Free Acad., 1902-03; Miss Knox's School, Brlarcliff, N.Y., 1904-08; N.Y. Normal School since 190S. HjULMAX, Johanna Knowles (Mrs. James H. Hailraan), 7010 Penn Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. Artist; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Joseph R. and Margaret (Sellers) Woodwell; m. Oct. 7, 1896, James H. Hailman. Mem. Woman's Art Club of N.Y. City, Pittsburgh Golf Club. HAINES, Anna Jones, Moorestown, N.J. Teacher, social worker; ed. Westtown (Pa.) Boarding School and in Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '07. Teacher In the public schools of Garfield, N.J., 1907-08, and Mount Holly, N.J., 1908-09. Headworker. North House Settlement, Phila- delphia, since 1911. HAINES, Edith Key (Mrs. John Allen Haines), Whltecott-Winuetka, HI. Born Stockbridge, Mass., May 16, 1882; dau. John Ross and Mabel (TTiayer) Key; grand- daughter of Francis Scott Key, author of The Star Spangled Banner; ed. Miss Kirkland's School, Chicago; m. Oct. 22, 1902, John Allen Haines. Interested In charities; mem. Board of tSt HAINEJS— HALE Directors, Grove House Home for Convalescents Especially active in work with the Junior Girls' and Three Arts Club; meni. Social Service Coca., Friendly Soc, watching and guiding the girls Children's Memorial Hospital — all in Chicago, during their time of adolescence and finding Favors woman suffrage. Author of several suitable work for them when they leave school, articles on cooking and housekeeping. Mem. hAINES, Stella B., Augusta, Kan. Episcopal Church. Progressive in politics. Rec- Teacher of English; b. Rose Hill, Kan., Dec. 3, i }\'^ ■ ^^^^^'°^', ^liorseback riding. Mem. ig^g. ^^u. John C. and Mary E. (Brown) Haines; baddie and Cycle Club. gi.^^^ Augusta (Kan.) High School, 1895, taught HAINES, Helen Stuart Colby (Mrs. Charles country school, then entered the Wichita Teach- Owens Haines), 43 N. Fullerton Av., Mont- ers' Normal Training School, grad. 1897. Has Clair, N.J. since then taught seven years in Wichita, one Short story writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. John year in Mt. Vernon, Wash., and since then in Ladd (M.D.) and Mary Stuart (Tannatt) Colby; Augusta, Kan., teaching English and literature. ed. private and public schools of N.Y., W-ilson Mem. Baptist Church at Augusta and sup't pri- Coll., Cham.bersburg, Pa., and by study and mary dep't in Sunday-school; sup't Christian travel abroad; m. Bethlehem, Pa., Jan., 1890, Citizenship Dep't of Kan. State W.C.T.U. Fa- Charles Owens Haines; children: Henry S., 2d vors woman suffrage. Progressive in politics. Charles Owens, Jr., and two deceased. Writer Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood, Outlook Club, of short stories and articles, beginning 1896. HAIRSTON, Laura Peters (Mrs. John Townes Author of short stories: The Crimson Rambler; Halrston) Waynesboro Miss The Turkey Gobbler; The Hoar Frost; Drywater Born Columbus, Miss.'; dau. James H. and Trestle; and Stubb's Principal (Scribner's Mag- Regina (Borders) Peters; grad. Athensum, Co- azlne); Caper Sauce (American Magazine); The lumbia, Tenn., as mistress of English (honor Prophet's Mantle; Green Wood and D^; The pupil), 1872-73, 1875-76; m. in Miss., Dec, 1876, Mace Bearer; The Patriots (Catholic World); j^^n Townea Hairston; children: L. Regina and short essays in N.Y. Evening Post Catho- (now Mrs. Floumoy), Peter C, Judge J. M. lie. Independent in political views. Favors Hairston. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist, woman suffrage. Mem. Sociological Congress called together by HAINES, Isabel Burton (Mrs. John Charles Gov. of Tenn., Titanic Memorial Fund. Recrea- Halnes), Perry Hotel, Seattle, Wash. tions: Driving, baseball. Pres. Fortnightly Club Born in Illinois, March 9, 1848; dau. Horace and ot Waynesboro; mem. Civic Com. of Miss. Fed. Alice B. (Grlswold) Burton; ed. at home by of Clubs; former pres. United Daughters of Con- tutors and In private schools; m. Waukegan 111., federacy Chapter. Actively engaged In civic im- Jan. 17, 1872, John Charles Haines ot Chicago provement work and progressive movements, (died Jan. 2, 1892); one son: Burton Charles HALDEMAN, Sarah Alice (Mrs. Henry Wlnfleld Haines, b. Sept. 13, 1883. Prominent in social Haldeman), State Bank of Girard, Kansas, life, church activities of Protestant Episcopal Banker; b. Cedarville, 111., June 5, 1853; dau. Church, charity work. One of founders and first John Huey and Sarah (Weber) Addauns; ed. sec. Ladies' Relief Soc, 1884 (Seattle's first or- Cedarville Acad, (under Jennie Forbes), Rock- ganized charity). One of the first trustees ford (111.) Coll., A.B. '72 (mem. Vesperian); m. of the Seattle Public Library, serving 1891-96; Cedarville, 111., Oct. 26, 1875, Henry Winfield founded In 1906 The Week End, a weekly paper Haldeman; one daughter: Anna Marcet (actress, devoted to art, music, literature, the drama and known as Jean Marcet, grad. Am. Acad. Dra- Bociety; owned and edited it until 1910; has writ- matic Arts, N.Y. City). Pres. State Bank ot ten articles tor various newspapers, including Girard, since 1905. Mem. and pres. Board of book reviews for Seattle Post-Intelligencer for Education, Girard, Kan., ten years; pres. Girard one year; now writes society for the Seattle Public Library Board ten years; sup't Presbyte- Town Crier. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. rian Sunday-school of Girard ten years; treas. Seattle Fine Arts Soc, Seattle Archeeological Board of Trustees, First Presbyterian Church Soc; was vlce-pres. for 1909 and dep't director of Girard since 1887. Recreation: Owner and 1910 of the Woman's Out- Door Art League of the sup't of large farm in Cedarville, III. Clubs: Am. Civic Ass'n. Mem. Seattle Tennis Club, Ladies' Reading Club since 1881; Univ. Twentieth Ladies' Annex of Rainier Club; first vice-pres. Century (organized it 1901), and City Federation Sunset Club, an exclusive social club of repre- of Clubs (Girard); also Third Dist. of Kan., and sentatlve women recently organized. Founded Kan. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Gr- and was first pres. (1908) of Seattle Red Cross ganized the Twentieth Century Club of Walnut, Boc, which raised several thousand dollars and Kan., 1901, and Twentieth Century Club ot Cato, aid much for soldiers during the Spanish- Ameri- Kan., 1901. can War. HALE, Ellen Day, 39 Highland St., Roxbury, HAINES, Jane Bowne, Cheltenham, Pa. Mass. Born Cheltenham, Pa., 1869; dau. Robert Artist; b. Worcester, Mass., Feb. 11, 1855; dau. Bowne and Margaret V. (Wistar) Haines; ed. Rev. Edward Everett and Emily B. (Perkins) privately and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., '91; A.M., Hale; ed. private teachers in U.S. and Paris. '92- fellow in history, 1892-93; N.Y. State Library Has a studio in Boston, where she is engaged School, 1898-99. Engaged In library work, 1895- in painting portraits and landscapes; her pic- 1903, and occasionally since then. Library of tures have appeared in many exhibitions. Congress, 1900-03. Took part In establishment HALE, Frances Ward (Mrs. Henry Ewing of the Pa. School ot Horticulture tor Women Hale), 770 West End Av., N.Y. City. (first ot Its kind in this country); interested in Born Lake Forest, 111., Aug. 29, 1873; dau. education In general, and industrial and voca- Samuel D. and Mary A. (Folsom) Ward; ed. tional education in particular; music, arts and perry Hall Sem., Lake Forest; Grant Coll. Inst., crafts. Mem. Society of Friends (orthodox). Mem. Chicago; Smith Coll., B.L., '95; m. Chicago, Pa. Historical Soc, Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n gept. 13, 1900, Henry Ewing Hale, M.D.; chil- ot Coll. Alumn£E, Alumnae Ass'n ot Bryn Mawr dren: Mary Folsom, Henry Ewing, Anna Will- Coll., Civic Club, Philadelphia, Montgomery jams. Actively Interested in caring for children Co. (Pa.), Horticultural Soc, Philadelphia Bee- and church work, especially Woman's Mission- keepers Ass'n. Recreations: lYaveling, gar- ary Soc. Presbyterian. Mem. Alpha Soc. of dening, stamp-collecting. Clubs: College (Phil- smith Coll., and Biological Soc. of Smith Coll. adelphla). Pa. Library Club. Recreation: Summer life at Silver Bay, Lake HAINES, Lilian Smith (Mrs. E. Hanan Haines), George, N.Y. Mem. Smith Coll. Club (N.Y. 1250 Astor St., Chicago, 111. City). Born Gotha, Germany, May 31, 1868; dau. HALE, Harriet Swinburne (Mrs. William Gard- Charles Garstln Smith and wife (n6e Sander- ner Hale), 5749 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111. son); ed. Chicago public schools and In Paris, Born Newport, R.I.; dau. Daniel T. and France; m. Chicago, May 12, 1903, E. Hanan Harriet (Knowles) Swinburne; ed. private schools Haines. Mem. Girls' Friendly Soc. of the Epis- in Newport, Vassar Coll., A.B.; m. June 13, 1883, copal Church, Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's William Gardner Hale; children: Swinburne, Out-door Art League, Exmoor Golf Club. Rec- Virginia, Margaret, Gardner. Pres. Chicago reatlon: Gardening. Episcopalian. Republican. Branch of the Needlework Guild of America. HALE— HALL 353 Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Students' Fund See, Settlement League, Art Inst, of Chicago, Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll., Inter-col- legiate AlumnsB Ass'n, University Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 111. Woman's Suffrage League, Port- nightly Club of Chicago. HALE, LUian Wesfcott (Mrs. Philip L. Hale), Federal Hill, Dedham, Mass. Artl?t painter; b. Hartford, Conn.; dau. Ed- ward Gardiner and Harriet (Clark) Westcott; ed. Hartford Art School; Boston Museum of Fine Arts; m. Hartford, Conn., 1902, Philip L. Hale; one daughter: Anna Westcott Hale, b. Boston, May 6, 1908. Bronze medal Internat. Exposition of Buenos Ayres; represented in various private collections. Mem. Boston Water Color Club. HALE, Maud Franess, Newaygo, Mich. Teacher; b. Constantino, Mich., Dec. 28, 1879; dau. David Shepherd and Adella (Kennedy) Hale; ed. Hesperia High School, Ypsilanti State Normal Coll., of Mich, (two years' course; life certificate) ; specialized in mathematics and English. Principal Newaygo High School, 1910; teacher of English and mathematics, Shelby High School, 1908-10. Interested in New Thought and the Theosophicai Movement. Presbyterian. Mem. the Grange. Pres. Ladies' Literary Club of Newaygo, Mich. HAXK, Rose Terkins (Mrs. Edward Everett Hale), College Grounds, Schenectady, N.Y. Born Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.; dau. Maurice and Annie D. (Potts) Perkins; ed. Miss Master's School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. ; Schenectady High School; Paris, France, in a private school; m. Shaw Farm, Waterford, Conn., June 15, 1893, Edward Ererett Hale; children: Maurice Per- kins; children: Nathan, Thomas Shaw. Recrea- tions: Gardening, astronomy, study of birds, philately. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Exec. Board of Woman's Political Union; pres. of the Schenectady Branch of the Woman's Political Union of New York. HALEY, LelJa Byrd (Mrs. Uttleberry J. Haley), 1101 11th Avenue South, Birmingham, Ala. Born Selma, Ala., Jan. 11, 1869; dau. William M. and L. Ella (Billingsley) Byrd; ed. Judson Coll., Marion, Ala., M.A. ; m. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 27, 1889, L. J. Haley; one son: Byrd. Mem. and works actively for the Woman's Benevolent Union (church soc.), Children's Aid Soc, Bir- mingham Y.W.C.A., Jefferson Co. Anti-Tubercu- losis Ass'n, Nat. Red Cross Soc, Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs School Improvement Ass'n. Bap- tist. Mem. D.A.R., Drama League; pres. Jud- son Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. Clubs: Clionian, Music Study. Pres. Birmingham Council of Women's Clubs; treas. Ala. Federation Women's Clubs. Pres. Birmingham Boys' Club. HALEY, OUve L. (Mrs. John Virgil Haley), 181 S. Twelfth St., San Jos6, Cal. Born In California, Aug. 7, 1873; dau. Charles W. and Martha T. (Donaldson) Collins; ed. grammar school of Hayward, Cal.; Irving Inst., San Francisco; m. Hayward, Cal., May 28, 1895, John Virgil Haley; children: Virgil E., Melvin C, Cecil I. Mem. Order ^f the Eastern Star, Church Guild, San Jose Woman's Guild (pres. 1911-12), Civic Study League, Parent-Teachers' Ass'n of Schools (first vice-pres.). Chairman of physical culture section of Woman's Club. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. HALL, Adaline M. (Mrs. Howard H. Hall), Sidney, Neb. Born Garnavilla, la.. Mar. 20, 1S66; dau. W. H. Predmore (editor and lawyer) and Eknily (Coslar) Prcdmore; ed. Fremont, Neb.; m. Fremont, Neb., Nov. 11, 1883, Howard H. Hall; children: Emily Gertrude, b. Dec. 23, 1884; Howard H., b. Jan. 16, 18S6. Interested in religrious, social and philan- thropic works. Mem. P. E.G., Eastern Star, W.C.T.U., Belle M. Stontenberough Club. Meth- odist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. HALi, Adflaide S. (Mrs. Herman J. Hall), 1442 Dearborn Av., Chicago, 111. Museum instructor and lecturer In the Art Inst, of Chicago;' b. Westmoreland, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1SS7; dau. Schuyler and Susan (Waldo) Wade; ed. Buffalo Normal School; private tutors; m. Buffalo, N.Y., April 13, 1876, Herman J. Hall; children: Leone, Alma. Ex. -pres. and founder of Arche Club of Chicago; first chairman of Art, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs and 111. State Fed. of Women's Clubs: first chairman Exec. Com. of Municipal Art League of Chicago; ex-vice-pres. Am. Park and Out-door Art Ass'n. Author: Two Women Abroad; Import Symbols in Their Hebrew, Pagan and Christian Form. Mem. D.A.R. ; honorary mem. of Out-door Park Board of New Orleans, La.; the Out-door Art League of Chicago, the Municipal Art League of Chicago, the Out-door Art League of San Francisco. Mem. the Arche Club of Chicago. Recreation: Travel. Favors woman suffrage. HALL, Alice Linscott (Mrs. Frederic Aldin Hall), 5846 Julian Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born Brunswick, Me., Oct. 25, 1857; dau. Will- iam and Hannah (Gatchell Linscott; ed. Lasell Sem., 1874-78; m. Springfield, Mo., June 16, 1881, Frederic Aldin Hall; children: William, Elinor Alice, Elizabeth. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Con- sumers' League of Mo., Am. Forestry Ass'n; mem. of the Council of Y.W.C.A. in Washington Univ.; vice-pres. Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. Tuesday Club of St. Louis; pres. Woman's Club of Washington University, St. Louis. Especially interested in college students and their activities and as wife of the present head of Washington Univ. is much occupied with social and univer- sity life. HALL, Carlotta Case (Mrs. Harvey Monroe Hall), 1615 La I.oma Av., Berkeley, Cal. Born Kingsville, O., Jan. 19, 1880; dau. Quincy A. and Adelaide Percy (Hardy) Case; ed. Kings- ville public schools; Miss Horton's School, Oak- land, Cal., 1900; Univ. of Gal., B.S. '04; m. Oak- land, Cal., Feb. 23, 1910, Prof. Harvey Monroe Hall. Interested in study of ferns and modern drama section of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. Author: A Yosemile Flora (with H. M. Hall). Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. HALL, Clara Wendel (Mrs. Luther Egbert Hall), Baton Rouge, La. Born Brownsville, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1868; dau. John P. and Julia Clara (Bradsford) Wendel; grad. Brownsville Female Coll., A.B. ; m. Brownsville, Tenn., 1892, Luther Egbert Hall (present Governor of Louisiana); children: Clara Wendel, b. Sept. 21, 1893; Luther Egbert, b. April 6, 1895. Taught music as well as literary branches up to time of marriage. Episcopalian. Mem. Pastoral Aid, Orphanage Board. Recrea- tions: Reading, music and social duties as wife of Governor. Mem. Philistoria Club, Tennes- seeans' Club, Five o'clock Tea Club. HALL, Edith Babbitt (Mrs. Isaac Staples Hall), 72 Woburn St., West Medford, Mass. Born Orange, Mass., Aug. 28, 1885; dau. Charles Albert and Addle F. (Packard) Babbitt; grad. Fitchburg High School, '02; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '06; m. Fitchburg, Mass., May 24, 1910, Isaac Staples Hall; one daughter: Deborah Hall. Baptist. HALL, Edith Hayward, Woodstock, Conn. Archaeologist, teacher; b. in Connecticut; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '99; student of apchseology and Greek, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-03; Mary E. Gar- rett fellow, 1901-02, Ph.D. '07; Agnes Hoppln fel- low at Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1903-05 Teacher In Woodstock (Conn.) Acad., 1899-1900; Miss Shippen's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 19U0-04; Instructor In archaeology, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1909-11; excavating In East- ern Crete, 1910-11. Author (dissertation): The Decorative Art of Crete in the Bronze Age, 1906. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. HALL, Fanny Southard Hay (Mrs. Keppele Hall), Woody Knoll, Oakwood. Dayton, O. Born Pittshurgh, Pa., Sept. 26, 1872; dau. Malcolm and Virginia Eleanor (Southard) Hay; ed. private school in Pittsburgh; St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y. ; Bishop Thorpe School In Bethlehem, Pa.; tn. Trenton, N.J., April 11, 1896, Keppele Hall. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Board Directors of Woman's Suffrage Ass'n of Montgomery Co., Ohio (chairman Com. on Memhcrsliip). Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's S54 HALL E^ffleiency Leagne of the Village of Oakrwood and of chnrch organizations. FTAT.T., Florence Marion Howe (Mrs. David Prescbtt Hall), 17 Livingston Place, N.Y. City. Writer and lecturer; b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 25, 1845; dau. Dr. Samuel Gridley and Julia (Ward) Howe; ed. private schools in Boston and vicinity, including the Agassiz School of Cambridge, Mass.; studied music with Otto Dresel; m. Nov. 15, 1871, David Prescott Hall of the N.Y. bar; children: Samuel Prescott, Caroline Minturn (Hall) Birckhead, Henry Marion, John Howe, all three Harvard graduates (Henry Marion, M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia; John, M.A., Har- vard; Caroline studied painting seven years in Paris, France, and exhibited in the New Salon). Was president, U years, of Plainfleld (N.J.) Branch of Nat Alliance of Unitarian Women; regent several years of Continental Chapter D.A.B. of Plainfleld, N.J.; pres., 1893-1900. of N J. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n (now honorary pres.). Pres. several years of Equal Suffrage League of Plainfleld and North Plainfleld, N.J. Author: Social Customs; Boys, Girls and Man- ners; The Correct Thing in Good Society; Social Usages at Washington; (collaborating with Maud Howe Elliott), Laura Bridgman, Dr. Howe's Famous Pupil. Unitarian. Formerly Repub- lican, now Progressive. Recreations: Skating, riding, dancing, theatre, concerts, in youth; later, reading, piano, social gatherings. Presi- dent two years of Monday Afternoon Club of Plainfleld, N.J.; pres. Garden Club of High Bridge, N.J. ; chairman of correspondence for N.J. of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, six years; later vlce-pres. and afterward director and chairman of education of N-J- State Fed. Wom- en's Clubs (vlce-pres.- Fifth Dist., 1911-13). HAIX, Frieda P. C. (Mrs. Anson Laffln Hall), 434 E. Slxty-flfth St., Chicago, III. Playmaker and composer; b. Berlin, Germany, Nov. 15, 1879; dau. Morris and Antoinette (Von Aye) Cohen; ed. in Leipzig, Germany, and Ursu- llne Convent, Chatham, Ont. ; m. Baton Rouge, La., Anson LaffiH Hall. First woman opera writer in the world. Composer and author of 500 published composition sketches (musical and dramatic). Her opera. The Voyagers, of which she wrote the book, lyrics and music, was re- hearsed rmd staged under her personal super- vision at the La Salle St. Theatre, Chicago. Fills engagements for arranging for amateur entertainments for societies, clubs, etc. HAIX,, Gertrude, The Evelyn, 101 West 78th St., N.Y. City. ^ ^ Writer; b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 8, 1863; dau. Davis Culver and Edna Amile (Brown) Hall; ed. Inst. Selb, Florence, Italy. Author (verses): Age of Fairygold; Par from To-day; Foam of the Sea; The Hundred and other Stories. Also: April's Sowing; The Unknown Quantity (novels) and The Wagnerian Romances. Translations: Selections from the Poems of Paul Verlaine; Cyrano de Bergerac; Chantecler. Episcopalian. HAIL, Gertrude Ella, 315 Washington Av., Al- bany, N.Y. Inspector, eugenist; b. Auburn, Me., Jan. 8, 1877- dau. Alonzo and Abbie Josephine (Davis) Hall- ed. Cornell Univ., A.B., '97; fellow Univ. of Chicago, '06; Pd.B. Pd.M. (Bachelor of Ped- agogy and master of same); Albany Normal Coll. Pd.B. '98; Pd.M. '06; A.M., Ph.D., Brown Univ' '07. Teacher mathematics Walton, N.Y., High 'school, 1898-1901; teacher Greek and Ger- man, Rensselaer, N.Y. High School, 1902-05; inspector State Board of Charities N.Y. State, 1907-11; appointed head of Bureau of Analysis and Investigation, N.Y. State Board of Charities, Julv 19U. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Club of Albany. Presbyterian. Mem. Cornell Women's Club (Albany). HALT-, Halliett Deraxa Ellis, 39 34 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. Teacher; b. Carlton, Orleans Co., N.Y., Dec. 21, 1861; dau. Joshua Enery and Sarah (Crossett) Hall; ed. Albion (N.Y.) High School; Cornell Univ. (classical course), Ph.B.; Alliance Fran- caise; Haupt's German method, Kansas City; Delsarte System of Elocution, Sioux Falls; course In piano and organ with Prof. C. D. Rose, Albion. N.Y. Associate editor Kiowa Herald, Kansas; teacher Sioux Falls Baptist Coll.; Bay- lor Univ., Waco, Tex.; Adrian (Mich.) Coll. Pianist for neighborhood and church musical societies. Story writer and accompanist for King's Daughters' Sunday-school class of United Brethren Church, receptions, two-piano duos, for pupils and friends. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. of Stokes Union of the W.C.T.U. of Kansas City. Author of a poem: His Vision; a song; They Won the Laurel; Reply to Willlain Allen White, Correspondence; Practical Presentation of the Classic Drama; Cornell Cajnpus. Baptist. Recreation: Walking. HALL., Harriet Baker (Mrs. Herman H. Hall), 640 Oak St., Columbus, O. Born Columbus, 0., Aug. 17, 1877; dau. Walter B. and Ella C. (Sliter) Baker; grad. Central High School, Colum'bus; Wells Coll., B.A., magna cum laude, '98; m. Columbus, 0.. Dec. IS, 1899, Her- man H. Hall; children: Walter Baker, b. Sept. 2, 1901; Eleanor Martin Hall, fc- July 9, 1910. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Women's College Club of Columbus (vice-pres.). HALL, Ida Dickinson (Mrs. William Asbury Hall), 1777 Colfax Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Branchport, N.Y. ; dau. Charles Freder- ick and Martha Elizabeth (Barnum) Dickinson; ed. Cortland, N.Y.; m. Lowville, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1880, William Asbury Hall; children: Leroy Wil- liam, Helen. Mem. Woman's Welfare League, Woman's Christian Ass'n; sec. of Board Jones- Harrison Home; pres. Art History Club; chair- man Art Com., Fifth Dist. of Federated Clubs of Minn.; student mem. Fine Art Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. HALL, Jeanie Stewart Boyd (Mrs. Charles Cuthbert Hall), Westport Point, Mass. Born N.Y. City, Feb. 10, 1857; dau. Robert Hawthorn and Catharine Ten Eyck (Lansing) Boyd; ed. by governesses and at Miss Mackie's Private School at Newburgh, N.Y.; m. New Windsor-on-the-Hudson, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1877, Rev. Charles Cuthbert Hull; children: Katharine Stan- ley, Basil Douglas, Eleanor MaoMaster, Theodore Elbridge. Anti-suffrage. Presbyterian. HALL, Jennie, 4926 North Troy St., Chicago. Teacher, writer; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 7, 1875; dau. Irving and Ella C. (Martin) Hall; ed. Univ. of Chicago (junior scholarship In Greek, junior prize in oratory). Taught In Chicago Normal School under Colonel Parker; now teaching in Francis W. Parker School. Author: Four Old Greeks; Viking Tales; Story of Chicago; Men of Old Greece. Recreations: Canoeing, camping. Mem. Woman's City Club. HALL, Kate Cowling, 1943 Liberty St., Jack- sonville, Fla, Real estate dealer; b. Nansemond County, Va., Feb. 28, 1878; dau James W. and Almeda Virginia (Cowling) Hall; ed. Norfolk High School and Norfolk Coll., Norfolk, Va. Has been in real estate business, selling standing timber and lands for colonization for past eight years. Active in charity work. State pres. Ga. Branch Internat. Order of the King's Daughters and Sons; mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. HALL, Lillian Popenoe (Mrs. Clarence Seymour Hall), 1025 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan. Born Hannibal, Mo., July 1, 1865; dau. Perry Davis and Catherine L. (Oliver) Popenoe; ed. Quincy (111.) and Topeka (Kan.) schools, Kansas State Agricultural Coll., Kansas State Univ.; m. Lawrence, Kan., June 17, 1896, Clarence Sey- mour Hall. Was in book and stationery busi- ness until married to a newspaper man. Active in D.A.R. work, being State vice-regent and a mem. of Preservation of Historic Spots Com., and the Interchangeable Bureau of Lectures and Slides Com: (patriotic instruction), both Nat. Coms. of D.A.R. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Huguenot Soc. of S.C, and Twentieth Century Literary Club (Lawrence). Elected by D.A.R. in State to present the stand of colors to battleship Kansas, when the HALL 355 Bhip went into commiselon, June 17, 1907, pres- entation talcing place on board the ship at Phila- delphia navy yard. HAlili, lyolabel House (Mrs. Robert Anderson Hall), 5885A Von Versen Av.. St. Louis, Mo. Teacher; b. Brenham, Texas., July 16, 1877; dan. James and Willie Durham I.Peabody) House; ed. Coll. for Teachers (I^.I.), Univ. of Nashville (A.B.), Univ. of Chicago (A.M.), Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. '01; fellow Am. history, Univ. of Pa., 1889-1901; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., July 6, 1910, Dr. Robert A. Hall, prof, of chemistry in Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis; one son: Willie Durham. Taught four years in public schools, Waco, Texas; eight years in Erasmus Hall High School, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; one year first ass't to principal Newtown High School, Elmhurst, N.Y.; also head of History Dep't; gave lectures to gram- mar school teachers In Borough of Queens, on geography and history. Mem. Presbyterian Church; settlement worker in Coll. SettlemeBt, Philadelphia, two years, and volunteer worker in N.Y. City; coached Boys' Club in parlia- mentary law, dramatics, etc. ; gave lectures in French history for N.Y. Board of Education for many years in Greater N.Y.; coached Waco Woman's Club and others in parliamentary law. Has lectured on suffrage before women's clubs, and is actively in favor of it. Author: Study of the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 1S02; The County Courts of England in the 13th Century, 1903; The Fitting Out of War Vessels in Neutral Ports; The Ala- bama Claims. Presbyterian. Mera. United Daughters of Confederacy; Texas State Histori- cal Ass'n; Middle States and Maryland History Teachers Ass'n; Am. Historical Ass'n. Recre- ations: Painting and hand-crafts (metal work in copper, brass, etc.), designing, carpentry, sketching in oils and water colors. Formerly active mem., now hon., Waco (Texas) Woman's Club. HALL, Lacia Wheeler (Mrs. Joseph A. Hall), 2513 Auburn Av., Cincinnati, O. Born Troy, O., Dec. 25. 1876; dau. Thomas B. and Mary R. (Smith) Wheeler; ed. Troy (Ohio) High School; McDuffie Preparatory School, 1893-94; Wellesley Coll., 1884-95; Smith Coll., 1895-98; B.S. '95 (Philosophical Soc.); m. Troy, O., Jan. 1, 1901, Dr. Joseph A. Hall. Teacher of adult class in Biblical Literature in Unitarian Church; interested in social service work, asso- ciated charities and college settlement. Mem. Art Club, Smith Coll. Club, Coil. Club, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Al- liance, Unitarian Church Soc. Recreations: Reading aloud to blind, visiting Home for In- curables, driving, walking, reading, music. Fa- vors woman suffrage. HAUL, I-ncUe Carol Keymoldfl (Mrs. Walter At- wood Hall), 15 Hardy Road, Swampecott, Mas3. Born Natick, Mass., Dec. 25, 1876; dau. Asa Bd'ward and Mary Caroline (Baicock) Reynolds; ed. Cambridge Latin School; Wellesley ColL, B.A. '99 (Tau Zeta Epsilon) ; m. (Jambrldge, Mass., Jan. 7, 1903, Walter Atwood Hall; one daughter: Marjory Lucile. Taught mathematics and Latin, Cambridge Latin School, 1899-1902. Sec. North Shore Club, Lynn, Mass. ; treas. Wo- men's Union, Lynn, Mass.; registrar John Paul Jones Chapter D.A.R. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Recreations: Shooting, dancing, tennis, motoring. Mem. Boston Wellesley College Club. HALL, Lucy Uowe (Mrs. Archibald McClelland Hall), 1403 North Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Indianapolis, Sept. 29, 1874; dau. Daniel Wait and Inez (Hamilton) Howe; grad. Indian- apolis High School, 1893; Abbott Acad., An- dover, Mass., '96; Indiana Univ., AB. '97; (Cor- nell Univ., A.M. '01; special student at Colum- bia, '02 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Indian- apolis, Nov. 27, 1KU2, Archibald McClelland Hall; one son: Hamilton Howe. Favors woman suf- frage; actively working with the Franchise League of Indiana. Author of translations from the German, poems and articles contributed to periodicals; assisted in editing several works of father, Daniel Howe, and husband, Archibald M. Hall. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Departmental Club of Indianapolis, Civic League, Consumers' LeagTie, Franchise League. HALL, Margaret Woodburn, 48 Wannalansit St., Lowell, Mass. Teacher of French; b. Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 22, 1879; dau. Martin Ellsworth and Mary (Cuehlng) Hail; ed. Lowell High School, Rogers High School, Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; Columbia Univ., A.M. '11. Teacher Quincy School, Pough- keepsie, N.Y., 1903-04, DeLancey School, Geneva, N.Y., 1904-05; Normal Coll. and High Schools, N.Y. City, since 1903. Author: Le Protestantisme parmi les Canadlens-Frangaise, 1906. Sunday- school teacher at L'Eglise du Saint Esprit, N.Y. City, since 1906. Protestant Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Rogers Hall Alumna Ass'n, Vassar Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Romance Club (Coltun'bia Univ). Recreations: Canoeing, swimming, skating, tennis, French plays, lec- turer. HALL, Mary Bowers (Mrs. Robert William Hall), 152 S. Linden St., Bethlehem, Pa. Born Saco, Me., Oct. 2, 1871; d^u. Roscoe L. and Sarah Abby (Berry) Bowers; ed. Thorn tor Acad., Saco, Me.; Smith Coll., B.L. '95; Rad- cliffe Coll., M.A. '98; Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1900-01; Univ. of Pa., 1905-07; Ph.D. '09; m. Portland, Me., Aug. 4, 1908, Robert William Hall; one daughter: Roberta Bowers. Instructor in zoology, Wellesley Coll., 1899-1908. Favors woman sufirage. Author: 'The Peripheral Dis- tribution of the Cranial Nerves of Spelerpes Bl- lineatus; Histolysis and Hlstbgenesis of the In- testinal Epithelium of Bufo Lentiginosus. Uni- tarian. Mem. Mass. Audubon Soc. HALL, Mary Hunter (Mrs. Lewis Christian Hall), Dardanelle, Ark. Born Greenville, Ala. ; dau. Richard Lewis Hunter of Va. and Frances Bartow (Harris) Hunter of Ga. ; ed. Milledgeville (Ga.) Female Acad., 1865-70, and private teachers; m. Mill- edgeville, Ga., Dec. 28, 1887, Lewis Christian Hall. Presibyterian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R. Preparing papers for Colonial Dames. Interested in societies for local work, such as Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian Church, School Improvement Ass'n, Ceme- tery Ass'n, etc. Has served one term as third vice-pres. Gen. United Daughters of the Con- federacy; two terms aa first vice-pres. gen. United Daughters of the Confederacy, and was pres. Ark. Div. United Daughters of the Con- federacy two years. HALL, Mary Keuey, Tower Sq., Hartford, Conn. Attorney at law; b. Marlborough; dau. Gus- tavus Ezra and Louisa (Skinner) Hall; grad. at Wil'braham Acad., 1866. Admitted to the bar Oct. 3, 1882; took examination in March, 1882; case went to Supreme Court and was decided In favor July 19, 1882. Mem. State Board of Chari- ties 12 years; now director of Charity Organiza- tion Soc. of Hartford; manager of the Good Will Club, organized in 1880. Favors woman suffrage. Author of an historical sketch of Marlborough and of the Good Will Cluto. Con- gregatioruUist. Republican. Mem. Conn. His- torical Soc. HALL, Mary Louise, Roxmor, Woodland, Ulster Co., N.Y. Born N.Y. City; dau. Gen. James F. and Violetta Morgan (Marsh) Hall; ed. Miss Bulkley's Sem., Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; granddaugh- ter of Gen. W. E. Hall, of the War of 1812; great-granddaughter of Gen. Morgan of the Rev- olutionary War. Interested in fresh air chari- ties. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. HALL, Mollie Margaret Baker (Mrs. Joshua Story Hall), 359 Resor Av., Clifton. Cincin- nati, O. Born Cincinnati, O., 1866; dau. David and Mar- garet (Wolff) Baker; grad. Wood-ward High School; Cincinnati Normal School; College of Music of Cincinnati; m. Cincinnati, Dec. 11, 1889, Joshua Story Hall one son: David Baker Hall. Charter mem., was first sec. and is ex-pres. Saturday Literary Club, organized 1863; mem. Philomatheans Club (literary and historical soc., which is also devoted to subjects of general 356 HALL— HALLMARK welfare), in which has served on several com- mittees; organizer, 1899, and now vice-pres. Mon- day Musical Club (has been chairman of several committees. HALL, Nellie N. (Mrs. George N. Hall), 416 E. Forty-sixth Place, Chicago, 111. Born Franklin, Ind., Nov. 22, 1870; dau. John and Mary Louisa (Davidson) Nicholson; ed. Crawfordsville (Ind.) public school; grad. from the high school in 1S90; m. Crawfordsville, Ind., June 5, 1894, George N. Hall; children: Martha Xadine, b. Dec. 4, 1895; Bertram Brower, b. Mar. 4, 1901. Interested in church work (missionary), Arche Club and suffrage work; mem. Uuiv. Set- tlement League. Favors woman suSrage; direc- tor in Political Equality League. Mem. Disciples of Christ. Mem. City Club, Indiana Woman's Society. HALI.,, Ollie Goodie* Gregory (Mrs. Henry H. Hall), Winchester, Ky. Born Danville, Ky. ; dau. Major James and Emma G. (Goodloe) Gregory; grad. from Madi- son Female Inst., Richmond, Ky., and from Daughters Coll., Harrodsburg, Ky.; m. Garrard Co., Ky., June 28, 1904, Henry H. Hall. Manager East Tenn. Telephone Co., Winchester, Ky., two years; successfully held long distance operator's desk during Taylor and Goebel gubernatorial con- test and Goebel murder; assistant to manager of Old Ky. Telephone Co. ; bookkeeper and collector seven years at Winchester, Ky. Mem., charter mem. and officer Eastern Star, No. 152, Win- chester, Ky.; charter mem. and treas. Hart Chap- ter D.A.R., Winchester, Ky. Mem. Christian Church. HAXL, Rnth, Catsklll, N.T. Author, journalist; b. Schoharie, N.Y., Apr. 10, 1858; dau. Joseph B. and Margaret (Donald- son) Hall; ed. Catskill Acad., Class of '75. Has lived at Catskill eince infancy. Besides having written six books and much magazine work, is editorially engaged on The Catskill Recorder, founded in 1792, inherited from their parents, and now edited and published by Henry, Ruth, Vio- lette and Margaret Robinson Hall. Author: In the Brave Days of Old, 1898; The Boys of Scrooby, 1899; The Golden Arrow, 1901 (all boys' books), and three novels: The Black Gown, 1900; A Downrenter's Son, 1902; The Pine Grove House, 1903. Episcopalian. Her sister Violette (author of Chanticleer) and she are the only sister novelists in America. Against woman suffrage. HAJLL, Buth Marion, 89 State St., Seneca Fall.s. N.Y. Teacher; b. Gouverneur, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1880; dau. Walter W. and Emily (Holt) Hall; grad. Gouverneur High School, 1899 (N.Y. State Re- gent's diploma); Cornell Univ., A.B. '04; Albany State Normal Coll., Pd.B. '06 (mem. Delta Omega). Tescher in Phelps, N.Y., Union and Classical School, Latin, German and French, 1906-08; Ticonderoga (N.Y.) High School, Latin and German, 1909-10; Seneca Falls, N.Y. (Myn- derse Acad.), Latin and German, 1912 — . Mem. Gouverneur Free Library Ass'n. Methodist. Formerly mem. Delta Omega Sorority (Albany), Minerva Literary Soc. (Gouverneur). Mera. Gouverneur High School Alumni Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Walking, occasional dancing, skating and cards. Against woman suffrage. HALL, Sarah Deborah Trowbridge (Mrs. Edwin Walter Hall), 507 E. Pierce St., Kirksville, Mo. Born Arcadia, Wayne County, N.Y., May 9, 1841, dau. Seth and Nancy Minerva (Jackson) Trowbridge; ed. Medina (N.Y.) Acad.; Genesee Wf;sleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y., and Genesee Coll. (now Syracuse Univ.), N.Y.; m. Aug. 13, 1S63, Rev. Edwin Walter Hall, of Watertown, N.Y. (died 1889; children: Elmer Trowbridge Hall, b. Sept. 16, 1872 (died Oct. 12, 1912); Lulie Trow- bridge Hall, b. Mar. 10, 1880. Teacher 1863-97; pres. Greenville (Ky.) Ladies Coll. and Green- ville Coll. for Young Men, 1889-97. Teacher adult Sunday-school Class; pres. Missionary Soc, W'.C.T.U., Chautauqua Circle; mem. State Board Y.WlC.A. ; pres. Missionary Social Union. Has tontributed articles to various periodicals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Chapter regent D.A.R., State chairman of Com. on Preservation of Historic Spots; district sec. W.F.M.S. since 1899. Recreation: Reading. Mem. Sojourner's (Federated) Club since 1898; acting pres. 1906-08; district pres. Mo. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1905-09. HALL. Sharlot Mabridth, Phoenix, Ariz. Literary worker; b. Pro&ser Creek, Kan., Oct. 27, 1875; dau. James Knox Polk and Adeline Susannah (Boblett) Hall; ed. public schools of Kan. and Ariz; Cumnock School, Los Angeles. Assistant editor Out West Magazine, 1905-08; Arizona Historian (territorial office), 1909-12. Student of Indian and desert life; collector of all material relating to Western history, of Indian relics, desert plants, etc. Constant traveler ii.to remotest regions of the Southwest, exploring many unknown portions of desert and mountains; mem. of many clubs of Pacific Coast; InteresfUsd in all educational and social questions; writer for magazines. Author: Cactus and Pine (rol- umes of verse); in preparation: History ot Arizona; A Woman of the Old Frontier; The Price of the Star; short stories. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Pacific Coast Press Ass'u, Arizona Fed. of Woman's Clubs and others. Recreations: Travel by wagon or horseback, sewing, cools-'ag. HALL, Violette, Catskill, Greene Co., N.T. Author; b. Scoharie, N.Y. ; dau. Joseph B. and Maigaret (Donaldson) Hall; ed. at a private school in Catskill, N.Y., where she has lived since infancy. Author: Chanticleer, which went through several editions; also much magazine and general periodical work. Episcopalian. HALL AM, Julia Clark (Mrs. Joseph Wood Hal- lam), 1323 Pearl St., Sioux City, Iowa. Author; b. Portage, Wis., Jan. 7, 1860; dau. John Tiilotson and Louise Harriet (HoUey) Clark; ed. Univ. of Wis., A.B. '81; M.A. '82; Univ. of Chicago, M.A. '10; m. Aug., 1S8.3, Jo- seph Wood Kallam; children: Marguerite, Clark, Arthur Wood, Kirkland. Author: Story of a European Tour; Relation of Sexes from a Scien- tific Standpoint (used as reference book at Univ. of Wis.) ; Child Study (manual for moth- ers and mothers' clubs). Pres. Iowa Equal Suf- frage Ass'n, 1910-11; sec. Iowa Federation of Woman's Clubs, 1900-02. Interested in church and Sunday-school work of First Congrega- tional Church; pres. Parent-Teachers Ass'n. Congregationalist. Recreations: Reading, music, golf, tennis, walking, riding. Mem. Woman's Club of Sioux City; pres. Political Equality Club of Sioux City; Mothers Child-Study Club; Fortnightly Club, Visiting Nurse? Ass'n; Wo- man's Ass'n of First Congregational (jhurch Missionary Soc. HALLEY, Sara Dalsheimer (Mrs. George T. Halley), 30 W. North Av., Atlanta, Ga. Journalist; b. New Orleans, La., Sept. 28, 1867; dau. Alexander and Alice (Solomon) Dalsheimer; ed. common schools and Peabody High School, New Orleans, La. Gold medal essayist ai grad- uation; m. Atlanta, Ga., April 14, 1908. Was in daily newspaper work on Savannah Press; spe- cial writing; associate editor School and Home; associate editor Uncle Remus' Magazine ; indus- trial writing for various trade journals, railroad companies, etc. ; editorial work for Men of Mark of America series. Interested in Mental Science, New Thought and kindred ethical subjects. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Jewish by birth, but not mem. of any congregation. Democratic. Mem. Atlanta Women's Club. Has traveled extensively in this country; has been interested in all move- ments for the advancement of women and the protection of children. Engaged in special in- dustrial writing at this time, with a special trend toward woman's work. HALLMARK, Harrydele ("Anne Rittenhouse"), The Gladstone, Philadelphia, Pa. Writer; b. Pensacola, Fla., Aug. 30, 1S67; dau. Harrison P. and Adele (McAllister) Hallmark; ed. in schools of Pensacola, Fla. Editor of woman's page of the I»ublic Ledger, Philadelphia, and the N.Y. Times. Writer, under pen-name of "Anne Rittenhouse," of essays on social sub- jects In the magazines. HALLOWELL— H AMI LTON 257 HAlJ:>OWErLI-, Anna Davis (Mrs. Richard Price Hallowell), West Medford, Mass. Author; b. Apr. 21. 1838, Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Ed-ward Morris and Maria (Mott) Davis; ed. Friends School, Philadelphia; m. Philadel- phia, Oct. 26, 1859, Richard r>rice Hallowell; chil- dreu: Maria, b. 1860; Penrose, 1862; James Mott, 1865; Lucretia Mott, 18€8; Frank Walton, 1870. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Life of James and Lucretia Mott. Quaker. H.iXSAiL, Mary E. (Mrs. Richard Halsall), East Boston, Mass. Physician; b. East Boston, Mass., 1865; dau. Angui and Phebe A. (Andrews) McQuarrie; ed. schools of Boston, Mass, Tufts Med. School, M.D.; also studied at Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., Baltimore (mem. Alpha Delta Soc); m. Boston, 1883, Richard HiOfiall; children: Nelson F., Florence A., Ronald A. Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- testant. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Tufts Med. Alumni Ass'n, Am. Gynecological and Obstet- rical Soo. Medical examiner for Degree of Honor, United Workmen. First woman doctor who ever made operative obstetrics a specialty; has a very extensive practice in Boston. H.\LSEY, Henrietta A. (Mrs. Harlan P. Hal- sev), 5 Spencer Place, Brooklyn, N.T. Born N.Y. City, Dec. 7, 1839; ed. private and boarding schools of N.Y. ; m. Harlan P. Halsey (Old Sleuth; well-known writer of boys' de- tective stories); children: Louis H., Harry A., Rena I. Protestant. Pounder and pres. eight years of Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century (now honorary pres.). Composer of children's songs; also Kindergarten and Primary Songs, recently published. HAL8TED, I^eonora B., 6105 Berlin Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born Northampton, Mass. ; dau. Hatfield and Mercy (Comstock) Halsted; ed. by governesses in America and tutors in Europe, where spent six years. Was sec. of Humanity Club of St. Louis for many years, until it dissolved, 1912. Author: Eethesda; A Victorious Life; also many essays published in the Independent, New York Sun, St. Louis Globe-Democrat and others. Mem. Wednesday Club, St. Louis. Recreations: Read- ing, travel. Lived, from death of her mother in 1882, with her sister, who was wife of Gen. John W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior under President Benjamin Harrison; was in Washing- ton with them and after the death of Mrs. Noble was in charge of Gen. Noble's household until his death In 1912. HAL.TON, Mary, 616 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Physician; b. DuDlin, Ireland, 1878; dau. Dr. Richard and Mary (Gunn; Halton; ed. Alameda (CkI.i High School, Univ. of Cal. (Academic), Cooper Med. Coll., M.D. Was ass't in Medical Clinic and in Pathological Dep't, Cooper Med. Coll.; pathologist to St. Luke's Hospital, South- ern Pacific Company's Hospital, and St. Francis Hospital, San Francisco, and physician in charge Hearst Maternity Hospital, Oakland, Cal. Since coming to N.Y. City, clinical ass't Post- Graduate Hospital; chief surgeon clinic of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, N.Y. City, and med. inspector for Dep't of Health, N.Y. City. Interested in suffrage, and civic hygiene; work fi^r n_ilk stations, especially N.Y. Diet Kitchen Ass'n. Captain 7th Election Dist., 29th Assembly Dist., for Woman Suffrage Party. Mem. Wm. Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n, Consumers' League. Recreations: Golf, swim- ming, tennis. Mem. N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Hygiene Com., N.Y. Legislative League. ILAM, Adeline Putnam (Mrs. Clifton Ham), 410 S. Seventh Av., North Yakima, Wash. Born West Newton, Mass., Feb. 16, 1876; dau. Heman L. and Mary E. (Neal) Putnam; ed. Newton public schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '99 (Phi Sigma); Cornell Univ., M.A. '02; m. Welles- ley Hills, Mass., June 12, 1906, Clifton Ham; children: Mary Elizabeth, b. 1908; Eleanor, b. 1912. Before marriage teacher for six years; two years vice-principal of Acadia Sem., Welfvllle, N.S. Actively Interested in settlement work in Minneapolis and Chicago; active in health and civic work in North Yakima. Mem. Aw'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Soc. of Social and Moral Prophylaxis. Mem. Portia Club. HAM, Helen WUlard, Middleboro, Mass. Physician; b. Adams, Mass., Oct. 5,% 1875; dau. Charles H. and Emma E. (Willardj Ham; ed. Howard Sem., Middleboro High School, Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. *06. Since graduation, engaged In general practice of medicine at Mid- dleboro, Mass. Baptist. H.VMILTON, Anna D. (Mrs. Wilbur Fisk Ham- ilton). 327 Llandrillo Road, Cynwyd, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 1, 1863; dau. William J. and Eliza J. (Wetter) Donohugh; ed. Friends Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1883, Wilbur Fisk Ham- ilton; children: William C. 2d (died 1889), Rus- sell D., Warren W. Interested in church, civic and philanthropic work; was on 21st Ward School Board and also chairman of 21st Ward Branch of the Civic Club. Mem. Consumers' League, Chari- ties Organization. Sup't Primary Dep't of Sun- day-school. Mem. Civic Club, Philadelphia Cricket Club, associate mem. College Club (Phil- adelphia); mem. Woman's Club (Cynwyd); Whit- marsh Valley Country Club. Bala Golf Ciub. Recreations: Golf, tramping, automobiling. Epis- copalian. HAMILTON, Anna Sanborn (Mrs. Henry G. Hamilton), The Rochambeau, Washington. D.C. President League of Am. Pen Women; b. Rochester. N.Y. ; dau. Rodman Wilcox and Eliza- beth (Willis) Sanborn; ed. Rochester, N.Y., classical academic course; m. Rochester, Major Henry G. Hamilton (now deceased). Teacher In public school, all the grades, and principal pri- vate school. Journalist; formerly lived in Den- ver, Colo., where was pres. Artemisia Club, com- posed of men and women for literary and social purposes; was mem. Denver Board of Charities and deaconess for Congregational Church. One of charter members and now nat. pres. of League of Am. Pen Women; mem. and presiding officer of social and literary clubs, D.A.R. (Monticello chapter); representative to National Congress of D.A.R. Author: Art in Teitilfes; has contributed news letters to various papers and reported several national conventions. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Civics Soc. Recreations: Music, athletics and general culture. Mem. Press Ass'n and (Jen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. HAMJLTON, Bertha Nelson (Mrs. Delmah S. Hamilton), Greybull, Wyo. Physician, surgeon; b. Cape Ck>d Bay, Mass., 1868; dau. Bennett William and Margaret (Mack) Nelson; ed. Girls' High School, Boston; Boston Univ. Med. School, Henry Herring Med. Coll., Chicago; Chicago Post-Graduate, 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary, M.D.; m. Chicago, April 28, 1895, Dr. Delmah S. Hamilton. In general prac- tice, 1905; specialist as oculist since 1905; Pres. Eiiglewood High School Parents' Club, 1907-09. Chairman Wyo. Federation of Women's Clubs. Education Dep't oculist to St. Luke's Hospital, Greybull, Wyo. Mem. Com. of Wyo. School Patrons Nat." Educational Ass'n for Congress of Mothers. Organizer Congress of Mothers for Wyo. Pres. Woman's School Club, Greybull. Episcopalian. Republican. Director Busy Bee (domestic arts), Greybull; Guardian Camp Fire Girls, Greybull. Director Greybull Dramatic Club. Sup't St. Luke's Mission Sunday-school (Episcopal). Believes In educational suffrage. HAMILTON, Caroline Frances, AIntab Hos- pital, Alntab, Turkey. Physician; b. N.Y. City; grad. Smith Coll., B. A. '85; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. In- firmary for Women and Children, M.D. '88. Ass't physician N.Y. Infant Asylum, 1888-S9; resident physician, 1890-91. Instructor Women's Med. Coll., 18S8-92; dispensing physician, 1889-92. Mem. med. staff of the Alntab Hospital, Alntab, Turkey, since 1892. HAMILTON, Cora Perry (Mrs. Charles Albert Hamilton), 36 Park Av., Jamaica, N.Y. Born Medford. Mass., Dec. 4. 1861; dau. Baxter Edwards and Charlotte S. (Hough) Perry; ed. Medford public schools; m. Medford, Mass., June 24, 1885, Charles Albert Hamilton; one son: 358 HAMILTON— HANAFORD Baxter Perry Hamilton. Pres. Far Rockaway of anatomy and histology; physician io Girls' Women's Clu'b, 1900-10; Musical Soc. of Queens Home, Toronto; resident State Hospital for In- Borough, 1907-11; Jamaica Women's Club, 1910- sane, Independence, la. Author of translations 12; Jamaica Woman Suffrage Club since 1909. (medical) from Italian. Unitarian. Mem. Civic Leader Fourth Assembly District of the Borough Improvement Ass'n, Faculty Women's Club, of Queens of the Woman Suffrage Party. Uni- HAMMOND, Barbara Whiting (Mrs. Thomas tarian. Recreations: Music and clubs. Stevens Hammond), 152 E. Superior St., Chi- HAMILTON, Kate Waterman, Bloomlngton, cago. 111. III. Bom Detroit, Mich., Jan. 7, 1887; dau. J. Hill Writer; b. Schenectady, N.Y. ; dau. Farwell H. and Carrie F. (Spence) Whiting; grad. Mrs. and Ruth Hamilton; ed. public schools in Ohio. Hazen's School, Pelham Manor, N.Y., '05; m. Author (pen-name "Fleeta") : The Chinks of Chicago, June 2, 1908, Thomas Stevens Ham- Channyford; Dr. Lincoln's Children; The Hand mond; one son: Stevens Hill. Favors woman with the Keys; The House that Jack Built; How suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Grolf, Donald Kept Faith; The Kinkaid Venture; Nel- tennis. lie's Red Book Series (six vols.); The Old Port- HAMMOND, Frances Purves (Mrs. I^evl Jay manteau; The Parson's Proxy; Rachel's Share Hammond), 1222 Spruce St., Philadelphia, of the Road; Recitations for Children's Day; Born Philadelphia; dau. Col. George A. and Royal Service; Tangles and Corners m the Life Fannie Robert (Purves) Bernard; ed. in Italy of Kezzie Driscoll; Unity Dodge, Her Pattens; and America; m. Philadelphia, June 19, 1S99, Dr. Vagabond and Victor; We Three; Wood, Hay and Levi Jay Hammond; children: Frances Hays, Stubble; Odd or Even Stones. Levina. Active in religious, social and philan- TTATMTT.TOV, Margaret, 1312 Park Av., Baltl- thropic work. Mem. Women's Nat. Welfare more, Md. League, Washington. Presbyterian. Teacher; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, HAMMOND, Jnliet, 724 Union Av., Litchfield, Conn.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; holder of m. Bryn Mawr European fellowship, 1897-98; student Social worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; College de France and Univ. of Munich, 1898-99. student in geology, philosophy and municipal Teacher of science, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, government, Univ. of Iowa., 1897-98; N.Y. Sum- since 1900, and head of its primary dep't since mgj. School of Philanthropy, 1904; Chicago Univ., 1910- 1910. Agent in training in Southwestern Dist. of HAMHiTON, Margaret Porch (Mrs. Francis Federated Charities, Baltimore, 1904-05; agent, Marlon Hamilton), 406 W. 124th St., N.T. 1905-09. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, City. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Born Klrkwood, Mo. Mar 17, 1867; dau. Isaac H.VM3IOND, Natalie Harris (Mrs. John Hays Newwn aJid Sarah (Hmchman) Porch; grad. Hammond). 3315 Massachusetts Av., Washlng- Unlv. of Indiana, A.B. '97; m. Anderson, Ind., ^^j^ j-, q . & June 16, ISKH, Francis Marion Hamilton ; one ^^'^ Vicksburg, Miss.; dau. Judge J. W. M. daughter: Margaret Porch Hamilton (deceased) Dresden, Germany; m. Hancock, Md., Jan. 1, Formerly teacher (for 15 years), beginning m the ^^^ ^ (Lumm) Karris; ed. N.Y. City and i,'"\! red schoolhouse, ending head of Eng ish ^^g^ j^j^^ -^ Hammond, distinguished min- dep't of Anderson (Ind.) High School Inter- ^g 'engineer; children: Harris, John Hays Jr., ested In social service; mem. of Hospital Visiting ^^^^^^^ Pindell, Nathaniel Harrison, Natalie! Com., State (Chanties Aid Soc NY. City; mem Chairman Executive Council of Woman^s Welfare Riverside Dost Com. of the Chanty Organization p tn^^nt National Civic Federation, having Soc N.Y. City Mem Disciples Church Rec- ^^/ .^^ ^^^'^^ ^^^ securing of needed improve- reations: Walking, readmg Mem of Columbia ^^^^^^ j^ .^^ working and living conditions of Dames Club of Columbia University. ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ wage-earners in the various HAMILTON, Mary E., 240 W. Highland Av., industries and governmenUl institutions. lom^N^enX Wis.; dau. J. B. and Mary A. HAJINER Salley B., 1406 Floyd Av., Rlch- (Kimberly) Hamilton; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. ^? \ - ^ o t v, /-, ., ^, ■ ■93. Pr^. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (Southern ,„E'^V°f°^' ^^''- a^^^' 'l?^'' S' ^?^ ^I'^'l^ Branch) ; vice-pres. Contemporary Club, Red- (^"""ke) Hamner, Appomattox, Va. ; tutored by lands; State chairman of Federated Clubs of Cal. father; given a university course with brothers, in Social and Industrial Com. Home sec. of Leader in educationa work in South; instructor Woman's Missionary Board. Riverside Presby- LaUn and English in Hardm Coll. Mo. and tery Pres. Redlands Political Equality League, bethel (3oll., Ky. ; pres of Woman s Coll., Rich- worker in Wis. summer of 1912, as press cor- mond, Va. which conferred upon her honorary respondent and speaker. Presbyterian. Pro- degree of Mistress of Arts. Contributor to NY. gressive Republican. Recreation: Working in and Washington City dailies and to various other iarden. Former mem. D.A.R. publications. Baptist. HAMILTON, Maud, 915 University Av., Madison, HAMPTON, Ilorence Estelle (Mrs. Franklin S. -^ig Hampton), 45 N. 9th St., Newark, N.J. Teacher; b. in Boone Co., Ind.; dau. Wallace Born Sheshequin, Pa., June 30, 1853; dau. and Elizabeth (Scott) Hamilton; ed. Kansas Newton and Juliette M. (Thomas) Kinney; ed. country school; grad. Kan. State Normal, Em- Waverly (N.J.) Inst.; m. Newark, N.J., Oct. pona, '96; Cornell Univ., A.B. '02; student and o, 1S81, Franklin Sheffield Hampton; children: candidate for Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., 1911 — . Ena Florence, Juliet Elizabeth, Madeline. Ac- Teacher Kansas State Normal, 1897-1911 '(head of tive in church work; vice-pres. in a charitable Latin Dep't, 1906-11; teacher of Latin and ancient organization; recently sec. N.J. State Federa- history. Wisconsin High School, 1911—. AcUve tion of Women's Clubs; pres. Travelers' Club worker in First Methodist Church, Emporia, of Roseville. Presbyterian. Mem. Contempo- Kan.; teacher and ass't sup't Sunday-school for rary Club of Newark, N.J. Ancestors were the 110 years. Favors woman suffrage; voter in early settlers of Wyoming Valley, Pa. Against municipal elections only. Republican. Mem. woman suffrage. ConsVimers' League. Mem. Novel Club (literary), hANATOKD, Mary E. Neal (Mrs. John P. Emporia, Kan. Hanaford), 614 N. Winnebago St., Rookford. HAMILTON, Susanna Boyle (Mrs. Arthur S. 111. Hamilton). 328 Tenth Av., S.E., Minneapolis, Born Meredith, N.H. ; dau. Smith and S. E. Minn. (Smith) Neal; ed. Tilton, N.H.; grad with honors Born Flora, Ont., Can., Aug. 17, 1869; dau. from Chautauqua Course, 1888; m. Jan. 1, 1900, David and Martha S. (Frankland) Boyle; ed. John P. Hanaford. Mem. 111. State Com. on Elora and Toronto public and high schools; Literature and Reciprocity, III. Fed. Women's Trinity Univ., Toronto, M.D., CM.; med. educa- Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. tion at Women's Med. Coll., Toronto; m. To- Nat. Soc. D.A.R., and Chicago Chapter D.A.R., ronto, 1902, Dr. Arthur S. Hamilton. From Chicago Colony of New England Women, Chad- graduation to 1898 held positions In Ontario Med. wick Lodge, Royal Neighbors of America (Past Coll. for Women; assistant registrar and prof. Oracle); mem. Rockford Woman's Club, Mendel- HANAFORD— HANKS 359 Bohn Club, Chadwick Woman's Club. Has done much club work and held several offices at Chad- wick, 111.; served as delegate to 111. State Fed. Women's Clubs and to Gen. Fed. Biennial at San Francisco. HANAFORD, Phoebe Anne (Mrs. Joseph H. Hanaford^ 230 W. Nlnety-flfth St., N.Y. City. Minister; b. Nantucket, Mass., May 6, 1829; dau. Capt. George W. and Phoebe Anne (Barnard) Coffin; m. 1849, Joseph H. Hanaford. First woman minister ordained In New England; held pastorates in Hingham and Waltham, Mass; New Haven, Conn., and Jersey City, N.J. Mem. and officer of many literary and temperance societies. Author: Life of Abraham Lincoln; Our Martyred President (poem); Life of George Peabody; Lucretla, the Quakeress; Leonette, or Truth Sought and Found; The Best of Books and Its History; Frank Nelson, the Runaway Boy; The Soldier's Daughter; Field, Gunboat and Hospital; Women of the Century; The Captive Boy of Terra del Fuego; Life of Dickens; Heart of Slasconset; From Shore to Shore, and other poems. HAN All AN, Kate Louisa (Mrs. Joseph S. Hana- han), 28 George St., Charleston, S.C. Born Charleston, S.C, April 30, 1870; dau. Dr. William Grayson and Emma Sabine (Macbeth) Ogler; ed. Memmlnger High School; m. Charles- ton, April 6, 1893, Joseph S. Hanahan; children: Marion Lothrop, John, Katie Louise, Joseph Seabrook Jr. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. HANAC, Emma French (Mrs. Nathaniel A. Hanau), -655 RidBewood Av., Glen Ridge, N.Y. Born N.Y. City, April 30, 1867; dau. Philip Francis and Kathryn (Garvle) French; grad. Public School No. 15, Brooklyn, and Brooklyn High School; Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Uni- versity; m. Brooklyn, Oct. 12, 1892, Nathaniel A. Hanau; children: Nathaniel Austin, Kenneth, John Nicholson, Helen Kathryn (deceased). School teacher before marriage. Has done work for the blind and hospital work. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Finance (3om. of Political Equality Club of Glen Ridge, N.J. Roman Catholic. Mem. Exec. B'd Portia Law Club, N.Y. City; Exec. B'd Woman's Club of Glen Ridge (chairman Legislative Com. and mem. of Exec. Board) ; also mem. Exec. Board of Legislative Com. of State Fed. of Clubs, N.J. ; Exec. Board Nat, (Consumers' League of N.J. ; mem. Alumnae of Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ. HANCOCK, Belle Clay (Mrs. Harris Hancock), 241fi Auburn Av., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O. Born Richmond, Ky., Nov. 4, 1872; dau. Brutua J. Clay (U.S. Minister to Switzerland, 1905-09) and Pattle (Field) Clay; ed. private tutors and Miss Armstrong's School, Cincinnati; m. Sept. 20, 1907, Harris Hancock, Ph.D. (Berlin), Sc.D. (Paris), mathematician; children: Thomasia Har- ris, Belle Clay. Mem. Kindergarten Ass'n, Con- sumers' League and various social and philan- thropic organizations. Three Arts Club, D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Woman's Club. Episcopalian. HANCOCK, Emma Louise, West Union, la. Teacher, lecturer; b. West Union, la., 1881; dau. Harry Philip and Octavla (Lansing) Han- cock; ed. Iowa State Coll., B.S., B.O. ; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. 1"«achlng since 1904; introduced elementary agriculture Into schools of South Dakota in 1909; has lectured In institutes ever since. Favors woman suffrage. Writes on nature study for educational journals. Episco- palian. Mem. P.E.O. Sisterhood. Recreations: Horseback riding, hunting. Mem. Woman's Tourist Club, Art Club. HANCOCK, Ida Stebbins (Mrs. Prank A. Han- cock), Moirls, Minn. Bom Winona, Minn.; dau. J. B. and Maria S. (Jayne) Stebbins (descendant through mother of Klder Brewster of the Mayflower and through father of Rowland Stebbins, who settled at Rox- bury, Mass., 1634); m. Sept. 14, 1887, Frank A. Hancock. Interested In musical matters. Mem. D.A.R., Students' Club (federated). Recreations: Reading, travel, motoring. Congregatlonalist. Favors woman suffrage. HANCOCK, Mary B. HoinngBhead (Mrs. Walter C. Hancock). 8720 Chastnut St., Philadelphia, Born New Egypt, N.J., Sept. 15, 1874; dau. Dr. E. and Esther Stokes (Woodward) Hollings- bead; ed. Girls' Preparatory, Mt Holly, N.J.; Swarthmore Coll., A.B. ; m, Philadelphia, June 2, 1897, Walter C. Hancock; hon. M. A. Temple Univ., 1913 (first honorary degree that university has conferred on a woman. Active in Woman's Relief Ass'n of Philadelphia Auxiliary Board (la- dies); Samaritan Hospital; chairman of Women's Auxiliary of Temple Univ.; Women's Board of Garrettson Hospital; mem. Women's Board of Am. Oncological Hospital. Co-worker on Am. Hospital for Diseases of the Stomach; chairman Entertainment Com., Old York Road Country Club. Chairman of Indoor Horse Show; chair- man Ladies' Associate Board, West Jersey Horse Show. Favors limited woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Friends. Mem. Somerville Lit- erary See. Recreations: Horseback riding, driv- ing horse or motor car, auction bridge, dancing, etc. Mem. The Coll. Club, The T-Square Club. Interested in philanthropic work for hospitals, children's homes and homes for incurables and cripples. HAND, Frances Amelia FincUe (Mrs. Learned Hand), 142 E. Sixty-fifth St., N.Y. City. Born Utica, N.Y.; ed. in Utica Free Acad, and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; Sorbonne, Paris, 1898-99; graduate student (Columbia Univ., 1908- 09; m. Utica, N.Y., Dec. 6, 1902, Learned Hand (now U.S. District Judge for the Southern Dis- trict of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise League of N.Y. City. HANEY, Jennie Ppmerene (Mrs. John Dearling Haney), 468 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City; 4 Eastman Terrace, Poughkeepsle, N.Y. Teacher; b. Millersburg, 1866; dau. Joel Pomerene, M.D. (Garfield's surgeon In 42nd Ohio Reg't, U.S. v., and surgeon-gen. of Ohio) and Permelia (Myers) Pomerene (cousin of U.S. Senator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio); ed. MUlers- burg High School; Vermilion Inst.; Vassar, A.B. ; Columbia Univ., M.A. ; Chicago Univ.; m. Poughkeepsle, 1910, John Dearling Haney. Trav- eled In Africa, Spain and Mediterranean 1889-91, 1913; teacher, Univ. Los Angeles, Jamaica Train- ing School, Wadleigh High School, N.Y. Lecturer In teachers' Institutes; lecturer In Public Lecture Corps, 1896-1913. Pres. College Woman's Club, 1905-12; vlce-pres. Daughters of Ohio. Favors woman suffrage. Author: With Marion Craw- ford; Algiers and Algeria. Baptist. Democrat. Mem. Equal Franchise League, College Women's Club, Daughters of Elmpire State, Daughters of the Union, Dra-wing Room Club. Recreation : Motoring. HANKS, Julia Dana Godfrey (Mrs. Horace Tracy Hanks), 950 Marcy Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Keene, N.H., June 25, 1845; dau. Albert and Mary (Dana) Godfrey; ed. high school, Keene, N.H. ; Boston Conservatory of Music; m. N.Y. City, June 3, 1872, Dr. Horace Tracy Hanks; children: Lenda Tracy (botanist), Emily Grace (artist). Church organist at Keene, N.H. ; Bos- ton, Mass. ; N.Y. City, before 1890. Mem. church benevolent societies; former sec., manager and trustee Madison Av. Depository for Woman's Work; sec., manager and trustee Baptist Home for the Aged, N.Y. City. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of: Adaptations for Chamber Mu- sic; Adaptations for Organ. Baptist Mem. Con- sumers' League, Clio Club, Barnard Club. Rec- reations: Concerts, opera, musical societies. HANKS, Mary EUzabeth, 27 Bellewie Place; office, 700 Marshall Field Building), Chicago. 111. Physician; b. Meadville, Pa., 1852; dan. Andrew Jackson and Susan (WyckofT) Hanks; ed. Edin- boro State Normal School, '98; Boston Univ. School of Medicine. First woman pres. of Chi- cago Homffiopathic Med. Soc. ; first woman pres. 111. Homoeopathic Med. Ass'n; second vlce-pres. Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy. Mem. Faculty Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago. Mem. New England Congregational Church. Republican (Progressive). .Mem. Chicago Homoeopathic Soc, in. Homoeopathic Soc, Am. Inst, of Homoe- opathy, After Dinner Club (homoeopathic women 360 HANLEY— HANSON physicians). Recreations: Reading, woods, farm- ing. Mem. Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic Clu'b, Alternate Club (Chicago), Boston Univer- sity Woman's Club. Against woman sufEra.ge. IIANXEY, Diana Pomeroy (Mrs. John C. Han- ley), Stanton, Ky. Born New Castle, Pa., Aug. 6, 1876; dau. Rob- ert Porter and Leonora (Fulkerson) Pomeroy; ed. Westminster Coll., New Wilmington, Pa., A.B. '98, A.M. 1902; took post-grad, work, Bryn Mawr Ck>ll., 1901-02; m. Dec. 14, 1904, Rev. John C. Hanley. Pres. Women's Missionary Soc. of United Presbyterian Church. Since 1910 resident of Stanton, Ky., where her husband is president of a United Presbyterian college. HANLEY, Frances Gordon FaJie (Mrs. Robert J. Hanley), care G. W. Dillingham Co., 119 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City. Author; b. Boston, Mass., 1867; dau. Stephen Summer and Abbie (Fontaine) Fane; ed. Welles- ley Coll.; m. Robert J. Hanley. Formerly a teacher in charge of dep't of Friends Sem., N.Y. City. Contributor of short stories to magazines. Author (under name of "Frances Gordon Fane"): Story of Leo, 1886; The Way of a Man with a Maid, 1889; Richard Wyndham, 1901. HANN, Rosa Dean (Mrs. Jay B. Hann), 417 Indian St., Bellingham, Wash. Born Monticello, Minn., May 9, 1868; dau. Beijjamin A. and Ellen (Palmer) Dean; grad. Kimball Union Acad., '86; Wellesley Coll.. B.A. '90 (mem. Phi Sigma Beta Chapter); m. Pierre, S. Dak., Sept. 25, 1895, Jay B. Hann; children: Anna, b. 1899; Ellen, b. 1901; Jay B. Jr., b. 1902! Felix Dean, b. 1904. Interested in Indian educa- tion, vegetarianism, manual training, ventilation, deep breathing, home hygiene, cold bathing, open-air schools, dress reform, sleeping out for consumptives and others. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of short stories and articles in religious and educational weeklies, 1890-95; occa- sional contributor to local daily papers. Uni- tarian. Sot;ialist. Recreations: Mountain climb- ing, walking, camping, swimming and rowing. Mem. University Club of Bellingham, Wash. HANNA, Delphine, Oberlln, Ohio. Born 1854; dau. John W. and Juliet (Chad- wick) Hanna; grad. Brockport State Normal School, '74; Dr. Sargent's Physical Training School for Teachers, '85; M.D., Univ. of Mich, '90; A.B., Cornell Univ., '01; A.M., Oberlin Coll., '01. Student in Harvard Summer School, 1887, 1889 and 1904. Director of physical training. Women's Dep't, Oberlin Coll., 1885-1903; direc- tor of Women's gymnasium and professor of physical training, Oberlin Coll., 1903—. Con- gregationalist. Clubs: Cornell Univ. (women), Cleveland, O. HANNA, Dora Myers (Mrs. Oliver P. Hanna), 163 CofEeen Av., Sheridan, Wyo. Born in Bloomington, Illinois; daughter of J. W. and Lucy (Phillips) Myers; ed. Eureka Coll., 111. Wesleyan Univ. (Periclesian); m. June 27, 1885, Oliver P. Hanna; children: Merle, Jessie Oliver, Laura Nell. School teacher in Mc- Leau Ck>., 111., for four years. Leader in Con- gragational Church of Sheridan; sang in choir for fifteen years; sup't and teacher in Sunday- school; pres. for two years of the Congrega- tional Ladies' Circle; cor. sec. for two terms of State Fed. of Women's ClU'bs. Vice-regent of D.A.R. ; deputy county treas. for four years; during last campaign, 1912, was one the Exec. Com. of the Democratic Co. organization, was also judge of election, having served in that capacity for years. Mem. Sheridan Woman's Club (pres. two terras). Congregationalist. Fa- vors woman suffrage; has voted since 1886. Democrat. Resident of Wyoming since 1885, has taken active part in religion and politics, and in all efforts to raise the standard of morality and promote the general welfare of the community. HANNAHS, Elizabeth Helen, 291 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Psychologist; b. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12, 1862; dau. Harrison and Helen (Pease) Hannahs; grad. UniversHy of Chicago, A.B. Taught In N.Y. State Normal Coll., Albany, 1889-1909; Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1909-12. Author: Les- sons in Psychology; Helps from Logic for the Study of French: Teachers as Others See Them. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Harvard Teachers' Ass'n, Women's University Club (N.Y. City). Favors woman suffrage. HANNAN, Emma J., Ellinwood Institute, Manila, P.I. Born Harman's Landing, Gallia Co., O., July 30, 1860; dau. William Franklin and Matilda C. (Graham) Hannan; ed. Gallia Acad., Gallipolis, 0. ; Wesleyan Coll., Cincinnati, O.; Coll. of Mu- sic, Cincinnati; summer course, Univ. of Chi- cago; Foley Music School, Cincinnati. Singer, teacher of music and elocution in schools for girls; supervieor of music in public schools. Choir leader and soloist. Active in church and Sunday-school work. Recently appointed by Board of Foreign Missions of Presbyterian Cliurch of U.S.A. to the Philippine Mission, to teach in Ellinwood Inst. School for Girls at Manila, Philippine Islands. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. Foreign Missionary Soc, D.A.R. Recreations: Riding, driving, walk- ing, rowing. HANSCOM, Elizabeth Deering, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Prof. English; b. Saco, Me., Aug. 15, 1865; dau. George Albert and Lizzie (Deering) Hana- com; ed. Manchester (N.H.) and Lowell (Mass.) public schools, Boston Univ., A.B. '87; A.M. '93; Yale, Ph.D. '94; holder of Am. Fellowship of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, 1893-94 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Teacher of English at Smith Coll. since 1894; prof, since 1905. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League and of Northampton (Mass.) Equal Suffrage League. Editor: Lamb's Essays, 1889; Friendly Craft, 1908; Second Part of Henry IV., 1912. Protestant Episco- palian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Girls' Friendly Soc. Favors woman suffrage. HANSEN, Bertie (Mrs. Henry A. Hansen), For- tuna, Humboldt Co,, Cal. Born Humboldt Co., Cal.; dau. William Monroe and Catherine (Miller) White; ed. public schools, 1892. Active in church. Christian Endeavor, As- sociated Cliarities, women's clubs, and is a probation officer. Treas. and chairman Creden- tials Com. of the San Francisco Dist. of Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Fortuna Monday Club; pres. Fortuna Civic Club. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. HANSEN, Sara Jenner (Mrs. Ejnar Hansen), 221 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, April 13, 1878; dau. William Allen and Josephine (Curtis) Jenner; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City, and Dresden, Germany; m. .May 23, 1906, at Church of the Epiphany, Ejnar HansMi, M.D.; one son: William Ejnar Van Adrian Hansen. Active in social work; sec. N.Y. Magdalen Benevolent Soc. Mem. Ridge- field Equal Franchise League. Episcopalian. HANSON, Grace Payne (Mrs. Fred. S. Hanson), Clinton, Minn. Born Madrid, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1880; dau. Francis M. and Nellie C. (Hazelton) Payne; grad. Pipe- stone (Minn.) High School, '98; Carleton Coll., B.L. '02 (mem. Delta Phi, Carleton Coll. literary soc); m. Sept. &, 1903, Fred S. Hanson; one son: Rollo Payne Hanson, b. Oct. 9, 1906. Presby- terian. Mem. church societies, also Rebekah and Degree of Honoi* lodges. Pres. Clinton Read- ing Circle since organization, January, 1909. HANSON, Joila (Mrs. William Hanson), Fort Myers, Lee Co., Fla. Born London, England, Nov. 7, 1843; dau. George and Maria (Day) Allen; ed. In England until 15 years, at home with governesses and tutors; afterward at Tufnall Coll., London; m. London, Mar. 27, 1870, Dr. William Hanson (now deceased), children: Newton, Bernard, Melville, William Stanley. Came to U.S. ISSO; lived in Paris, Tex., three years; Key West, Fla., one year; Fort Myers since 1SS4; extensive land owner. Directors local branch Women's Aux- iliary Missionary Soc; pres St. Luke's Guild; mem. Daughters of the King; Sunday-school teacher. Episcopalian. Leader in social activities and philanthropic enterprises, particularly those which tend to the betterment of Fort Myers. HAPGOOD— HARDMAN 361 Favors woman suffrage. Writer on various so- den, Germany; m. Corry, Pa., 1874, Alfred A. clal and philanthropic subjects for newspaper Hard. Principal of Rockwell Grammar School; pul)lication ; several of her bird stories have been teacher of history in Normal School, Cleveland, published by the Florida Audubon Soc. Chair- O.; principal of Pawtucket 'R.I.) Training man of Bird Protection Dep't, Florida Fed. of School; principal of Toledo Normal School; lec- Women's Clubs; pres. Woman's Club of Fort turer before women's clubs on art subjects. My era; chairman Lee County Hospital House Pres. of Kindergarten Soc,, one of directors tor Commission; local sec. Florida Audubon Soc; years of Unity Club, which presented Sophocles' mem. B'd of Directors of Lee County Hospital. CEMipus, the King, for the first time in America .Mem. Civic Club, Friday Musicale, W.C.T.U., in English; mem. of Art League in Toledo, which Woman's Club House and Reading Ass'n, Ceme- established tlie art museum. Recreations: Study tery Improvement Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, of art and literature, travel; has traveled ex- writing, drawing sewing visiting, traveling. tensively In America and for several years (with HAPGOOD, Isabel Florence, care Charles brother, Virgil G. Curtis) has conducted small Scribner's Sons N Y City ^^^ exclusive parties to Europe for summer Writer; b. Boston; Mass.,' Nov. 21, 1850; dau. ^e.'iTl- , ^"il^fJl'^^P ^^T°nlft iT^n^J^'T nT'^^t Asa and Lydia A. B. (Crissley) Hapgood; ed. ^^^F^f^' ^^™- German Club (Toledo, O.), Art Farmington, Conn., at Miss Porter's School. '-'"'' C<^rry, fa..). Author: The EJpic Songs of Russia; Russian HARDESTY, Cecilia Fairbrother (Mrs. Charles Rambles; A Survey of Russian Literature. E. Hardesty), 425 W. Twenty-sixth St., Pueblo, Translator from Russian of L. N. Tolstoy's Colo. Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, Savastopol, Life, Born Lima, O. ; dau. William Zera and Matilda What Is to Be Done? of N. B. Gogol's Dead (Best) Fairbrother; ed. Mattoon (IlL) High Souls, St. John's Eve and Other Tales, Sonya School; m. Terre Haute, Ind., Feb. 9, 1887, Kovalevsky; How Count Toletoy Lives and Charles Ellsworth Hardesty. Mem. of Altar Works; Maxim Gorky's Foma Gordyeft; Orloff Guild of Church of the Ascension; active worker and His Wife; works of Ivan Turgenieft (16 for the McClelland Orphanage of Pueblo; Inter- vols.); Service-book of the Holy Orthodox ested in settlement work. Girls' Friendly Soc., Catholic-Apostolic (Greeco-Russian) Church, 1906. City Fed. of Clubs. Pres. Clio Club of Pue'blo, Translator from Italian of A. de Amlcls' Cuore; Colo.; honorary mem. the Home Culture Club of from French of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, Mattoon, 111. Episcopalian. Canon Joseph Roux' Thoughts; The Recollec- HARDING. Clara B. Whipple (Mrs. Burcham tions and Letters of Ernest Renan^ and Baron Harding), 15 W. Ninety-first St., N.Y. City. Pierre de Coubertln's Evolution of France Under B^rn Carrollton, Ky. ; dau. Dr. George and the Republic, and from Spanish of Armando ^qu Elizabeth (Bailey) Whipple (of distinguished Palacio-Valdes' Faith and Origin of Thought, southern and New England ancestry; maternal i^rotestant ii,piscopai. grandfather, Thomas Hearn Bailey, was a poet; HAPGOOD, Neith Boyce (Mrs. Hutchlns Hap- paternal great-grandfather was a brother of Gen. good), Hastlngs-on-Hudson, N.Y. William Whipple and "Gall Hamilton" (Abigail Writer; b. Franklin, Ind., Mar. 21, 1872; dau. Dodge) was her father's cousin); ed. Bradford Henry H. and Mary E. (Smith) Boyce; m. Mt. Acad., Mass.; m. Burcham Harding. Favors Vernon, N.Y., 1899, Hutchins Hapgood; children: woman suffrage. Mem. several clubs. Boyce, Charles Miriam, Beatrix Author (und^r hABDING, Esther Gordon (Mrs. Harry Alexis pen name 'Neith Boyce ): 'The Forerunner; The Harding), University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Eternal Spring; The Folly of Others; The Bond; g^rn Macon, Mo., Feb. 2, 1875; dau. Alexander also many magazine stones. and Alice (Jelllff) (Jordon; ed. Univ. of Wis., HAKBEN, Mabelle Chandler (Mrs. Will N. Har- B.S., '98; m. Brodhead, Wis., Aug. 31, 1899, ben>, 345 W. 122d St., N.Y. City. Harry Alexis Harding; children: Harry Gordon, Born Benson, S.C, Mar. 29, 1879; dau. Joseph Esther, Helen, Ruth. Was resident until re- B. and Mary (Mobley) Chandler; m. Dalton, Ga., cently of Geneva, N.Y., where was pres of July 2, 1896, Will N. Harben (-well-known au- Women's Missionary Soc. of North Presbyterian thor); children: William Chandler, Eric Marion. Church; director Civic League (which does the Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. Recreation: philanthropic work for Immigrants). Presby- Muslc. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. terian. Director Woman's Coll. Club of Geneva. ICABBEBT, EUzabeth Boynton (Mrs. William Recreation: Camping. S. Harbert), 1671 Raymond Av., Pasadena, HABDLNG, Mary Boak (Mrs. Victor M. Hard- Cal. ing), 789 Burr Av., Hubbard Woods, 111. Author, lecturer; b. Crawfordsvllle, Ind.; dau. Born Halifax, N.S., Aug. 10, 1875; dau. Robert William H. and Abigail (Sweetser) Boynton; ed. B. and Jane (DeBlois) Boak; ed. Canada and Oxford, O. ; Terre Haute Female Sem. ; Ohio Chicago; m. CSilcago, Oct. 6, 1903, Victor M. Wesleyan Coll., Ph.D.; m. Crawfordsvllle, Ind., Harding; children: Mary Adelaide, Jane De Oct. 18, 1870, William S. Harbert; children: Ar- Blois, Victor M. Harding Jr. Mem. Winnetka thur Boynton, Corinne Boynton, Boynton Eliza- Congregational Church. Interested in woman beth. Mem. of four committees of congresses of suffrage and meY, .Tenny C. taw (Mrs. P. B. Hardy), Tecumseh, Mich. Born Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 20, 1869; dau. William and Eliza (Hauck) Law; ed. in Ger- many, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Aus- tralia; diploma a'Onore, Socifeta Dante Alighierl, Rome; m. London, England, 1901, P. B. Hardy, M.D. (Long Island Coll. Hospital, N.Y.). Has lectured eight years for equal suffrage cause, 200 times during the last Mich, campaign; was also press chairman for the whole State. Speaks and lectures in four languages — German, French, Italian and English. Lectured in Austria in German. One of the founders of the Soci6ta Dante Alighierl in Melbourne. Vice-pres. Mich. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; chairman of the Legisla- tive Com; chairman Press Com.; was chairman of the Legislative Com. when the bill for suf- frage passed the Legislature in 1912. Writer of newspaper and magazine articles, also for the Royal Geographical Soc. of Australia. Protest- ant. Voter in Australia. Mem. Societa Dante Alighierl, Rome; Royal Geographical Soc. of Australia, Australasian Soc. for Advancement of Science, Nat. Geographical Soc. (Washington, D.C.), Mich. Elqual Suffrage Ass'n. Has traveled three and a half times around the world, five times to New Zealand, several times to Europe; has visited Servia, Montenegro and the Balkans generally, besides travels In Australia, the South Sea Islands, etc. Mem. Austral Salon, Mel- bourne, Twentieth Century Club, Detroit. HAKDY, Jessie Mack (Mrs. Guy U. Hardy), 930 Harrison Av., Canon City, Colo. Born Canon City, Colo., May 7, 1875; dau. Henry and Julia B. (Little) Mack; ed. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1890-94; Univ. of Mich., 1894-98, Ph.B. (mem. Theta Chapter Alpha Phi); m. Canon City, Aug. 2, 1899, Guy U. Hardy; children: Max, Marion, Donald. Taught Latin and English in Canon City High School, 1898-99. Mem. Book Com., Ladies' Li- brary Ass'n; cor. sec. Colo. Federation of Wo- men's Clubs. Presbyterian. Republican. Soc. Civic Improvement League of Canon City. Mem. Friends in Council (Canon City). Favors woman suffrage. HAKDY, Mary Chapman, 23 Maple St., Arling- ton, Mass. Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '85; student of economics, Radcliffe Coll., 1898-99; history of art and pedagogy, Univ. of Berlin, 1902-03. Teacher in Washington, D.C., 1885-86; Arlington, Mass., 1886-87; Clinton (Ky.) Coll., 1888-90; Ded- ham, Mass., 1890-91; Cambridge (Mass.) Latin School, since 1891. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. HABDY, Mary £arle (Mrs. Asa Strong Hardy), 220 Oakley Place, Grand Rapids, Mich. Author; b. New Haven, Conn., July 22, 1846; dau. George W. and Frances (Lay) Earle; ed. seminary, Richland, Mich.; Rockford (111.) Coll., A.B. '67; m. 1870, Asa Strong Hardy; children: Asa Strong, Charles Willoughby, Sarah Wilbur, Roy Earle, Mary Theoda, Alice Eldora, Faith Frances. Active in mission, art and literary associations. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor; Hall of Shells; Three Singers; Sea Stories for Wonder Eyes; Little King and Princess True. Congregationalist. HARDY, Sarah Drown Belcher (Mrs. Edward Rochie Hardy), 419 W. llSth St., N.Y. City. Physician; b. Providence, R.I., Mar. 28, 1864; dau. Thomas Reynolds and Helen (Slocum) Belcher; ed. Providence Classical School, Bos- ton Univ., A.B. '87; N.Y. Univ., A.M. '99; Woman's Med. Coll. (now merged in Cornell Med. School), M.D. '91; N.Y. Univ. Law Dep't, LL.B. '01; post-grad. med. study Johns Hopkins Univ., one year, and Germany three years; also for three summers special student of bacteriology and pathology in Germany and Paris. Interne one year in N.Y. Infant Asylum; one year bac- teriologist in Seton Hospital, N.Y. City; delegate to luternat. Med. Congresses, Rome, 1893, and Moscow, 1897; research work in Rockefeller Inst., 1901-03. Has done much original research work in the bacteriology of milk for the Rockefeller Inst., Board of Health of N.Y. City, N.Y. Co. Med. Soc; has made extensive researches In Germany in cell-structure (cytology). Author: Clean Milk (awarded bronze medal by Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 19(M). Episco- palian. Republican. Mem. N.Y. Acad, of Medi- cine N.Y. State Med. Soc., N.Y. Bar Intercolle- giate Alumnaa, Alumnae of Boston Univ. and N.Y. University. HARE— HARPER 363 HASE, Kvanetta, 20 Eighth St., Troy, N.Y. Principal grammar school; b. Troy, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1862; dau. Johu and Agnes (Strain) Hare; ed. Troy High School, private tutors. Pres. Wom- en's Civic League; mem. National Housing Ass'n, State Consumers' League, Inter-City Housing Com., Troy Housing Com., Girls' Club Ass'n, Working Women's Club (charter mem.). Pres- byterian. Progressive. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Political Equality Club. HAKCiER, Maria Mclionald (Mrs. K. D. Har- ger), 1465 S. Mulberry St., Riverside, Cal. Born Rochester, Mich., Jan. 15, 1S61; dau. Benjamin Fowler and Phebe (Burt) McDonald; grad. Michigan Univ., B.L. '87; m. Rochester, Mich., July 17, 1889, K. D. Harger; children: Donald R., Solon Burt. Teacher Bay City High School, 18S7-S9; Elgin Acad., 1894-98. Congrega- tionalist. Democrat. Mem. Wednesday Morning Club of Riverside. HAKKER, Catharine, care Miss Harlier's School, Palo Alto, Cal. Private school principal; b. Portland, Oregon; ed. in schools of Portland, Ore., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '89. Teacher in high school, Portland, Ore., 1889-90; Mills College, Cal., 1890-93, and 1899-1902; Curtner Seminary, 1897-99; since 1902 principal of her own school at Palo Alto, Cal. HAKKNESS, Una McMahan (Mrs. Frank Edger- tou Harkness), 6016 Stony Island Av., Chi- cago, 111. Born Quincy, 111., July 27, 1871; dau. Robert William and Anna (Benneson) McMahan; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '94; m. Chicago, Oct. 19, 1909, Frank Edgerton Harkness. Demonstrator in dep't of history of art and classical archaeology at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-09. Writer in Gazette des Beaux Arts: Une Exposition documentaire en Pennsylvanie. HARLAN, Ida Carter (Mrs. Columbus C. Harlan), Box 87, Calhoun, Ga. Born Knox Co., Tenn.; dau. Col. J. E. and Lizzie (Patton) Carter; grad. Martha Washington Coll., Ablngton, Va., '76; m. March, 1886, J. B. Johnson (died September, 1888); (2d) Oalhoun, Ga., Oct. 31, 1895, Columbus C. Harlan; one daughter: Lizzie Johnson, b. Jan. 5, 1887 (died Oct. 20, 1903). Active in church societies. Mem. U.D.C. and Calhoun Woman's Club. Methodist. HARLAN, Marie Hall (Mrs. J. H. Harlan), Langdon, N.Dak. Librarian Langdon public library; b. Rockland, Mich., Nov. 4, 1853; dau. Edward and Marie (Elms) Hall; m. Minneapolis, 1902, J. H. Harlan. Pros. Langdon Woman's Club. Romau Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. HARLOW, Sarah Havens, N.Y. Botanical Gar- den, Bronx Park, N.Y. City. Librarian; b. Florida, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1867; dau. Rev. Henry A. and Rebecca R. (Olden) Harlow; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. "91; Columbia Univ., A.M. '01. Presbyterian. HARMON, Julia R. Riker (Mrs. Frank D. Har- mon). 778 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. Samuel and Mary Anna (Stryker) Riker; m. April 6, 1892, Richard Riker (died Aug. 2, 1896); (2d) June 4, 1901, Frank D. Harmon (died July 22, 1907); chUdren: Ruth Riker, b. Feb. 15, 1893; Samuel Riker, b» Feb. 15, 1895. Episcopalian. HARPER, Blanche B. (Mrs. J. C. Harper), 620 Frances St., Madison, Wis. Born Union, Wis., April 11, 1879; dau. Locke W. and Ada (El'wood) Brigham; grad. Wis. State Univ., A.B. ; Wis. School of Music; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta; m. Dec. 3, 1903, J. C. Harper; one daughter: Ruth Wells Harper, b. July 12, 1906. Director on Board of Madison Associated Chari- ties; sec. Madison Woman's Club; pres. of Theta Building Ass'n; director on Board of Woman's Club Building; chairman of Unitarian Church Fair. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. HAKFEK, Carrie Anna, Sunderland, Mass. Teacher; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Henry Mason and CAroline (Bennett) Harper; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston, 1890-92; Radcliffe Coll., 1892-96; CTad. student at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-97, and Radcliffe, 1897-98; fellow In EngliBh, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-99; Radcliffe, A.B. '96, A.M. '98, Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, '10. Teacher In Oilman School for Girls, Cambridge, 1899-1907; instruc- tor English literature, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1907-11; associate prof. English literature, 1911 — . Author: Caradoc (in Modern Language Notes), 1898; The Beau's Comedy (in collaboration with Beulah Marie Dix), 1902; A Comparison be- tween the Brome and Chester Plays of Abraham and Isaac (Radcliffe Coll. Monographs, No. 15), 1910; The Sources of The British Chronicle His- tory in Spenser's Faerie Queene (Bryn Mawr Coll. Monograph, No. 7), 1910. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America. Mem. Coll. Club, Boston. Recreations: Walking, gardening. HARPER. Clara Moore (Mrs. Charles L. Har- per!, 1029 University Av., Madison, Wis. Teacher; b. Lancaster, Wis., Feb. 21, 1854; dau. Hugh A. and Nancy (McClenathan) Moore; ed. Lancaster schools; gi-ad. Univ. of Wis., B.S. '75; m. Lancaster, Wis., 1884, Charles Lewis Harper; children: Hugh Allen, Hester Lewis, Carl Samuel. Teacher four years in grammar and high schools. Interested in school and social center work, medical and dental inspection in schools, home economics in schools, social serv- ice, associated charities. Author: Essays on Emerson; Essays on Frances WUlard. Mem. Congregational Church and church societies. Mem. Century Club (Lancaster), Woman's Club, West End Club (TJadison). Recreations: Shakes- peare, Emerson, reading, flowers, literary con- test as judge, concerts, theatre, home economics courses, travel. Congregationalist. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League in Wis. Progressive Democrat. HARPER, Cora Stickney (Mrs. Charles Thomas Harper), Fort Pierce, St. Lucie Co., Fla, Bom Newport, N.H., Sept. 6, 1859; dau. Joseph Augustus and Asenath (White) Stickney; ed. Great Falls (now Somersworth), N.H., public schools; grad. high school, '76; Wellesley CkiU., B.A. '80; Art Students' League, N.Y. (mem. Zeta Alpha, local Wellesley); m. Savannah, Ga., July 14, inoi, Charles Thomas Harper; one son (died in infancy). Sec. Am. McAll Ass'n, Phila- delphia, 1885-87. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of newspaper articles, editorials, travel letters, etc. Episcopalian. Progressive in politics. Charter mem. Everglades Chapter D.A.R. of Miami, Fla. Recreation: Out-door sketching. Charter mem. Somersworth (N.H.) Woman's Club, 1895; organized Boynton (Fla.) Woman's Club, 1909. Mem. Entre Nous Club (West Palm Beach, Fla.), 1912- Chairman Library Exten- sion Com., Fla.; Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911- 12; chairman Civil Service Reform Com., Fla,, 1913. HARPER, Evangeline Coates (Mrs. William P^ Harper), 651 Kinnear Place, Seattle, Wash. Born Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1853; dau. Simmons and Emeline (Jackson) Coates; ed. public schools of Chester Co., Pa.; grad. from First Normal School of Pa., Millersville, Pa.; m. West Grove, April 18, 1877, William P. Harper; children: Florence C, Paul Coates, Evangeline. Four years preceding marriage taught in a high school of Easton, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Born Quaker, now Congregationalist. Republi- can. Mem. Classic Culture Club, Seattle Fed. of Women's Clubs, Washington State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs and Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. HARPIEU, Ida Husted, 505 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Writer and lecturer; b. near Brookville, Ind.; dau. John A. and Cassandra (Stoddard) Husted; ed. Indiana State Univ., Leland Stanford Univ., Cal.; one daughter: Winnifred Harper Cooley. Lecturing in many Am. cities and London, Ber- lin, Copenhagen, Paris, etc. Delegate to Internat. Council of Women and Internat. Woman Suffrage Alliance in London (twice), Paris Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Berlin, Geneva, The Hague, and Budapest. Correspondent from these and other iiuropean cities for syndica-te of metropolitan dailies. Always a suffrage leader. Author: Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony; also (jointly with Miss Anthony) of History of Woman Suf- frage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R. ; life mem. Nat., N.Y. and Ind. State Suffrage Ass'ns. Writer for prominent American and European magazines. 364 HARPER— HARRINGTON HARPER, Katherine Medill Patrick (Mrs. Charles W. Harper), 7 3 Jefferson St., Colum- bus, Ohio. Born New Philadelphia, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1863; dau. Abraham W. and Mary (Talbot) Patrick; grad Cummock's School oi Oratory; m. Dec. 10, 1890, Charles W. Harper. . HARPER, Mabel Herbert Cmer (Mrs. Lothrop Colgate Harper) — see Urner, Mabel Herbert. HARPSTER, M. Julia Jacobs (Mrs. John Henry Harpster), Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.; (tem- porary), 1616 E. First St., Los Angeles, Cal. Missionary; b. Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 17, 1846; dau. Prof. Michael Jacobs, D.D., and Julia M. (Eyster) Jacobs; ed. Gettysburg private school and Maplewood, Pittsfield, Mass.; m. Gettys- burg, Pa., Aug. 1, 1882, John Henry Harpster, D.D. Foreign missionary. Associated with hus- band in missionary work in India, 1893-1909; was manager of Industrial School for Mohammedan Women, schools for Mohammedan and Hindu girls and of Lace Industry for Panchamma women; now retired from the foreign field, but active at home in missionary interests, espe- cially the Woman's Foreign Missionary work of the Lutheran Church. Author: Among the Telugoos; and articles on missionary work. Lutheran. HARRIMAN, Alice, 2 W. Forty-flfth St., N.Y. City. Author, publisher; b. Newport, Me., Mar. 12, 1861; dau. James and Mary E. (Ladd) Harri- man; ed. Newport (Me.) High School; widow. Publisher; began in Seattle, Wash., 1907; moved to N.Y. City, Apr., 1910. Author: Stories cf Montana; Songs o' the Sound; Chaperoning Adrienne Through the Yelloiwstone ; Songs o' the Olympics; Lemon Juice; Man of Two Coun- tries; Wilt Thou Not Sing? Christian Scien- tist. Clubs: Dramatists, Browning, Seattle Writers', Scribes, Seattle Woman's Commercial. Favors woman suffrage. Only woman publisher of books in the world. HARRIMAN, Bertha Ray (Mrs. Edward Avery Harriman), 72 Edgehill Road, New Haven, Conn. Born Chicago, 111., July 21, 1866; dau. Charles Henry and Julia Annah (Clarke) Ray; ed. private schools, private tutors. Smith Coll., A.B. '86; Oxford (England) student of English, 1892-93; m. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1897, Edward Avery Harriman (lawyer, author of Harriman on Con- tracts). Charter mem. (1887) Friday Club of Chi- cago (has held various olfices); mem. and chair- man Student Dep't Am. Com. Y.W.C.A., 1898- 1901, Chicago, mem. Northeastern Field Com. of Nat. Board Y.W.C.A. (N.Y. City), 1908-13; mem. Board of Managers New Haven Y.W.C.A., and other charitable organizations. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Alliance Frangaise, Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Smith Coll. Club of New Haven. Associate mem. Paint and Clay Club and of Saturday Morning Club; mem. Country Club and Lawn Club (New Haven). Recreation: Foreign travel. Against woman suffrage. HARRIMAl»f, Cora Elizabeth, 15 High St., Framingham, Mass. Physician; b. Somerville, Mass., 1876; dau. Charles F. and Mary White (Conant) Harriman; ed. Framingham Normal School, Framingham Training School for Nurses, Tufts Med. School. Was interne at New England Hospital two years, Wcwnen's Charity Club externe on Boston Floating Hospital; clinician on staff of Pope Dispensary one term, and later in Framingham Hospital. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Med. AEs'n, Mass. Med. Ass'n, Framingham Med. Soc, Framingham Country Club. IlAKRrMAN, Florence Jaffray (Mrs. Borden Harriman), 35 E. Forty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born New York, July 21, 1870; dau. Frances W. J. and Caroline Elsie (Jaffray) Hurst; ed. private school in N.Y. City; m. St. Thomas' Church, N.Y. City, Nov. 13, 1882, Borden Harri- man; one daughter: Ethel Borden Harriman. Pres. Colony Club; chairman of Com. for Re- duction of Infant Mortality of N.T. Milk (3om. ; chairman Woman's Auxiliary to the Dep't of Health Tuberculosis Clinics; first vice-chairman Exec. Council Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Fed. Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, tennis, golf, yachting. Mem. Colony Club. HARRIMAN, Mary W. (Mrs. Edward Henry Harriman t, 1 E. Si.xty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; dau. A. J. Averill; ed. in Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; m. 1879, Edward Henry Harriman (died Sept. 9, 1909); children: Carol, W. Averill, Roland. Her husband, the distin- guished financier, left his entire estate, ap- praised at about $100,000,000 to her absolutely, making her the executrix of his will, and she has since successfully managed the vast properties, including the large interests In the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Erie, Baltimore and Ohio and N.Y. Central railroads, the Harriman I^ational Bank and many other properties. In- terested in various charities, including among her benefactions gifts to the Southern Pacific Hospital, San Francisco; Yale University, the E. H. Harriman Research Fund of the Adiron- dack Cottage Sanitarium, Saranac Lake; |150,000 to the chief surgeon of the Southern Pacific Rail- way to endow a laboratory for the benefit of the company's employees, |100,000 to Yale to endow the E. H. Harriman chair of forestry, $80,000 to Bureau of Municipal Research toward a fund for a training school for public service, $50,000 for improvement of Dead wood Park, St. Paul; has also made substantial gifts to the Eugenics Record office. Mem. Colony Club, Tuxedo Club. HARRINGTON, Mrs. George F., 1025 S. Seven- teenth St., Birmingham, Ala. Born Greenwood, Miss.; dau. R. P. and Mary (Nash) Parish; ed. Race Street Coll., Philadel- phia; m. West Point, .viiss., George F. Harring- ton. Mem. Presbyterian Aid Soc, Music Study Club, Twentieth Century Club, Alabama Fed. of Women's Clubs (recording sec), D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy; sec.-treas. Council of Women's Clubs. Against woman suffrage. Pen name, "Isabelle Marr." Author of feature articles in Birmingham Age-Herald. Presbyterian. Recreation: Duplicate whist. HARRINGTON, Laura Frick (Mrs. Albert Har- rington), 1823 Park Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Lewi&burg, Fa., Feb. 15, 1851; dau. Will- iam and Mary (Wilson) Frick; ed. Quaker School, Philadelphia, ^ Pa. ; m. Winona, Minn., Aug. 20, Albert Harrmgton; children: Clara N., Mary M., Helen, Glena M. Methodist. HARRINGTON, Mrs. Lucy Irwin, 526 S. Logan St., Denver, Colo. City recorder; b. Keokuk, la., Feb. 6, 1858; dau. John Reily and Eliza Jane (Oakes) Irwin; grad. Decatur (111.) High School, '75; m. Deca- tur, 111., June 15, 1882, George Harrington; chil- dren: Ethel Harrington (Stillman), Gladys Har- rington (Morgan). Taught five years in schools of Decatur, 111.; was certificated inst. instructor and taught in many insts. in Macon and Ma- coupin counties. 111. Was for ten years (1894- 1904) clerk of Stats Board of Charities and Cor- rections and State Board of Pardons of Colo. Was first sec. Colo. Prisoners' Aid Soc; now rec. sec. and director of its successor, the Colo. Prison Ass'n. Mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n since 1893. Occasional contributor to magazine. Nationally Democrat; locally Citizens' Party. Recreations: Gardening, raising chickens, music, a good play; but chiefly reading and the society of her little granddaughter. On May 21, 1912, citizens of Denver united to cast out of offica those who had long governed their city and elected a non-partisan set of officers of whom she is one; now serving as Recorder of city and Co. of Denver. HAIIRINGIXJN, Sara Maria, Victor, N.Y. Teacher; b. Geneva, N.Y., July 24, 1803; dau. Elias Wright and Marietta (Doty) Harrington; grad. Geneva High School (Regents' diploma), '81; Geneseo Normal, classical diploma, June, 1884. Sunday-school teacher, worker In mis- sionaiT socs. and Christian Endeavor Soc; also interested in civic improvement of village. Presbyterian. Mem. Unity Club. Recreation: Music. Has been preceptress in Victor High School since 1885; pres. Woman's Club since 1892; has given addresses before that body, and HARRIOT— HARRIS 365 has written poems for many occaBlons. many Divine. Mem. Hew Yorkers, Woman's Press of which have been locally published. Favors Club, Health Protective Ass'n, Intemat. MllK woman suffrage. League, Federated Theatre Club, Round Table. IIABRIOT, Josephine Ladenburg (Mrs. S. Car- Favors woman suffrage. man Harriot), MUano, 125 W. Fifty-eighth HARRIS, Emma Gale (Mrs. Norman W. St., N.Y. City. Harris), 4520 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111.; Bom Ellwangen, Wiirtemberg, April 12, 1881, summer, Wadsworth Hall, Lake Geneva, Wis. dau. Col. Morltz and Theresa (Thorwarth) Laden- Born Newton, N.H., Dec. 4, 1848; dau. Jona- burg; ed. Stuttgart, Wurtemberg; m. N.Y. City, than Greeley and Susan C. (Shaw) Gale; grad. June 6, 1906 S. Carman Harriot; one son: S. Mt. Holyoke Coll.; took four years' course in Carman. Chairman of the Membership Com. of Haverhill (Mass.) High School, ranking 100 per the Auxiliary to the Civil Service Reform Ass'n. cent for entire course (only student who ever Interested in the Woman's Municipal League reached it); grad. Mt Holyoke Coll., '68 (pres. and various religious, social and philanthropic of class, lS64-€8) ; m. Newton, N.H., April 21, activities. Againet woman suffrage. Catholic. 1879, Norman W. Harris; children: Pearl Emma Recreations: (Jolf, tennis, riding. Contributes Harris, Hayden B., SUnley Gale Harris. One of occasionally oa current subjects. founders St. James M.E. Church; interested In HARRIS. Agnes Kllen. Tallahassee, Fla. deaconess work a^d many philanthropies Chi- Teacher- h Cedartown Ga Julv 17 1883- dau ^^^° Home for Frieudless, Holiday Home in James'coffe'e a^ndS'n"(^mmonif Hirn^f^'grld! '^-^^^^ ^^.I^^I'^V^J^fnl^g 'fchoorDea^nl's^ Milledgeville, Ga., '02; Oread Inst., Worcester, ^,°fP'^' 9,. lo^ J n^ nf M^?hLi^t iSt^ Mass.. '01; Columhia Univ., B.S. '10. Director Aid Soc., St James Guild Methodist. Mem. dep't home economics, Florida SUte College for ^:^-^- w^"f^^i,°°A-„h (i^i.^^n Pn?fpep riX Wnmpn- In charPfi e\rW e-arflpnin? and cannlne Chicago Woman s Club, Chicago College UUO. cTub wbrif fn F^lorfda, l^sUtutlf f^ f^e^^ ^J^?"''"'' "'^^ '"^ *''''^' '^"'"''"^ '""^ '° wives in Florida. Favors woman suffrage. ■C'gypi' HAKRIA RpI1« C rMrs Tharles Harris) Em- HARRIS, Florence Nightingale Btnlght (Mrs. S. ^^72% ^r. cnarles warns), t.m Marcus Harris), 12 West Seventieth St., N.Y. porla, Kan. _. Born Beech Wood, Pa., Sept. 8, 1856; dau. o _ ' rr.„M.,„„n,« ct„.»r, io1ot,,i m v n^t r Christopher and EliEabeth (Coleman) Heck; ed. lo?,""^^ J"*^"!" fi, ^^A^q.rfh rwi^'^ii KniJi Ottawa (Kan.) High Schoo ; m. Ottawa, Kan., If2; dau Emanuel and Sarah (Mcholl) Krilgh^ April 22, 1885, Charles Harris; husband mem. of (^^r maternal grandfather Morland Micholl Kansas 'Legislature, 1899-1901.' Past dep't com- ^^^^L^'^^tchan^^a^d 'hfs wife Reb^^^ mander of the G.A.R.; now director of Kansas P'°°®1',™?rf?^^, '.t^^^^^'I^Hi 'Jvit int^^^^^^^^^^ Free Employment Bureau. Past nat. pres. of the JT»s daughter of Aaron Sorla. who introduced Wom^T Relief Corns nat counselor ta the 'he art of dyeing in this country; her paternal nat^r^ of same Favors woSln suffraie grandfather, Jacob Knight, fought under the first "ongrpgatlonallBt Progressive in Scs M^" Napoleon, and was a member of his staff); ed. F^fem Star (sec 14 vllrl? wCan%' ffif ^rs. Reed's School; m. S. Marcus Harris; chU- ct^M (treM if years) Tec'reSfsinrinK '^^^^ ^- K^^'S^t' ^^^^^- '^'■^^- of Auxiliary Soc. Xfl^ 'm,fff;„it R?,Hi;<, nu,h iI^aI^)^ Mnh In of Washington Heights Hospital; mem. Emanuel ^^^iT? Reading Club (oldest club In sisterhood f trustee State Children's Fund; trus- i!,-mporia). ^^^ ^j Professional Woman's League. Mem. N.Y. HARRIS, Bertha Wright Carr (Mrs. R. Carr Theatre Club. Hebrew. Favors woman suffrage. Harris), Kingston Ont ■ HARRIS, Hannah Margaret, Hyannls. Mass. Bom Hull, Que May 9 1863; dau. E. V. and Teacher; b. Gadsden Co., Fla., Dec. 27, 1865; Frances (Marston) Wright; ed. Ottawa Ladies ^^^ Charles Miller and Isabella (Jewett) Har- ^^Ih- ™- ^^'^^ 6 1896, R. Carr Harris, C.E.; ^.^ g^ Farmington (Me.) State Normal School, children: Grant Guy Lome, Gwenyth, Brian, ^ggg (-ornell Univ., Ph.B. '94; also special dl- Redford. ^Founder of Ottawa Y.W.C.A. Home 1^^^^ ^^j. ^^^.^ j^ political and social science, for Friendless Women Ottawa; pres^ Mlranilchi f^. gummer session at Univ. of Pa., '95, work in Presbyterial of Women s Home and Foreign Mis- political and social science. Taught in grammar sionary Soc. Author: The White Chief of the gghools, 1889; In Livingston Park Sem.. Roch- S^i^^^xi .^^^*-^ v.?.°5 P^^^^, °^- ^Jf^^^^ Work; gg^g ^y ig94.97. state Normal School. Ply- Bible Notes (published weekly in 62 newspapers mouth. N.H., 1897-1900; State Normal School, in the name of Evangeline ). Presbyterian. Hyannls, Mass., since 1900 (acting principal HARRIS, Cora May White (Mrs. Lundy How- absence four months, 1906). Interested In local ard Harris), 310 Twenty-fourth Av., South, community Interests. Unitarian. Mem. New Nashville, Tenn. England History Teachers' Ass'n, New England Author; b. Farm Hill, Ga., Mar. 17, 1869; dau. Ass'n of Teachers of English, Hyannls Library Tinsley Rucker and Mary Elizabeth (Matthews) Ass'n, Hyannls Woman's Club (Mass. Federa- White; ed. at home; m. Feb. 8, 1887, Rev. Lundy tion). Favors woman suffrage. Howard Harris (died Sept 18 1910) Author: A „arris. Harriette D. (Mrs. J. Somervllle Har- Circult Rider s Wife, 1910; Eve's Second Hus- ^.j^. Vienna, Va. band 1911; The Recording Angel 1912 Collab- p^^^^^ j^^^ b. Maryland, Nov. 13, 1864; orated with Paul Elnier More in Writing The ^^^ q/ ^ ^^ La^^ (Dement) Tubman Jessica Letters; contributor to the Independent. ^ Washington. D.C.; m. Washington, D.C.- American Magazine and other publications, j^^^ ^ 1888, J. SomerrlUe Harris; children Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. j^^^^^ Meredith, b. May 31, 1889; Dorothy Hol- HARRIS. Cornelia Burton (Mrs. Herbert Taylor lingsworth, b. Mar. 22, 1903. EJngaged in char- Harris), Basin. Wyo. Itable and educational work in Washington, D.C., Born Carteivllle, 111., April 14, 1882; dau. Frank for 20 years. Against woman suffrage. Eplsco- W. and Anna R. (Newton) Burton; grad. Black- pallan. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the burn Univ., A.B. '03; Bryn Mawr, grad. student. Confederacy. Mem. Monday Evening Club. Has 1903-04; Washington Univ., 1904-05; Blackburn been charter mem, and pres. two chapters of the Univ., 1905-06; m. CartervlUe, 111., June 27, 1906, U.D.C. ; now honorary pres. of the Dixie Chapter, Dr. Herbert Taylor Harris; one son: Herbert No. 1241, U.D.C. Burton, b Sept. 7 1907. Mem. Guild of St. HARRIS. Henrietta Clark (Mrs. William Allen Andrews, Basin Woman s Club. Episcopalian. Harris), 1104 Worthlngton St, Springfield, Favors woman suffrage. Democrat j^^g . gummer. Great Chelraque Island, CaBco HARRIS. Eliza Burton, 443 W. 4Bth St, N.Y. Bay, Me. City. Bom Springfield, Mass.; dau. Daniel Lester Teacher: b. Oldbury, England; dau. Thomas and Harriet Octavla (Corson) Harris; ed. Wel- and Mary E. Burton; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. lesley Coll. (preparatory); Miss Burnham's, City. Interested in Actors' Church Alliance of Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '83 (mem. America (Nat. treas.). Mem. Altar Com. of Alpha); m. Springfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1883, Cathedral of St. John The Divine, and of William Allen Harris; children: Henrietta Cor- Church Ass'n In Interest of labor. Episcopalian, son (A.B. Smith, '09), William Allen (B.S. Yale, Mem. Auxiliary of Cathedral of St. John the "01), Chesley Gardiner (Ph.B. '12) (deceased). 366 HARRIS— HARRISON Hart Lester (A.B. Smith, '13), Daniel Lester, tist. Recreations: Tennis, swimming. Studied Ambia Harris, Harriet Octavia. Congregation- in Europe, England 1899, Italy 190^ Italy 1912. alist. Mem. Wellesley Club, Western Mass.; HARRIS, Minnie Greenwo»^ (Mrs. P. J. Harris), Smith Club, College Club (local); charter mem. Lampasas, Tex. of all: Springfield Woman's Club. Born Lampasas, Tex.; dau. Bird C. and HARRIS, Jane HoweU, 62 Myrtle Av., Mont- Bathsheba (Espy) Greenwood; ed. Centenary Clair, N.J. Coll., Lampasas, B.L. ; m. Lampasas, Dec. 23, Physician; b. Montelair, N.J. ; ed. Montclair 1897, F. J. Harris. Teacher before marriage. (N.J.) High School; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1891-93; Bible class teacher of young men. Active in Woman's Medical Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. literary, musical and federated clubs, public '99. Ass't in out-practice. Woman's Med. Coll. library and public school work. Baptist. Sec. of N.y. Infirmary, 1899-1900; in practice as Baptist Women Mission Workers of Central physician, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1900-01; Texas. Mem. Public Library Board, Pierian medical missionary to Porto Rico, 1901-04, and Literary Club of Lampasas. 1908-11; physician in Presbyterian Hospital, Porto HARRIS, Miriam Coles (Mrs. Sidney Smith Har- Rico, 1904-05. rl3)_ care Convent of the Assumption, St. HARRIS, Janet Simons (Mrs. Nathaniel E. Lawrence-on-Seas, Thanet, England. Harris), Irondale. Donora, Pa. Author: b. East Island, Dosoris, Long Island, Born Titusville, Pa., Nov. 19, 1869; dau. Abra- N.Y., July 7, 1834; dau. Butler and Julia Ann ham and Esther Helen (Katz) Simons; ed. (Weeks) ' Coles; ed. St. Mary's Hall, Burllng- Bradford and Titusville public schools and Lo- ton, N.J. ; Madam Canda, 17 Lafayette Place, retto Abbey, Toronto, Ont. ; when grad., taking N.Y.; m. N.Y. City, Apr. 20, 1864, Sidney Smith examinations of Toronto Normal School and Harris; children: Sidney, Nathalie. Author: receiving gold medal, as well as Gov. -General's Rutledge (Cambridge Classics); The Suther- prize in English literature; m. Bradford, Pa., lands; St. Philip's; Happy-go-Lucky; Richard Apr. 14, 1896, Nathaniel E. Harris; children: Vandermarck; A Perfect Adonis; Missy, Phoebe; Leo Howard, Laurence Simons, Nathaniel E., A Corner of Spain; An Utter Failure; The Tents Jr. Has for years acted as chairman of local of Wickedness; Louie's Last Term at St. Mary Juvenile Court Com., which in addition to work (child's story). Roman Catholic. Against wo- indicated, does practically all the relief work man suffrage. in town. Has conducted a reli^ous school Harris xheona Clare Peck (Mrs. William which m nme years of existence has gr«>wn in j^hnsoA Harris), 1012 Simpson St.. N.Y. City. membership from 14 to 50 Chairman of Badge niustrator; grad Smith Coll.. B.A. '95, and In Com. of State ^ederat on of Pa. Women d rec- ,g ^^^^^ ^ . . tor m Nat Counci of Jewish Women--inaug^ Students' League. N.Y. City. 1897-98 m. Sept. 24, rated Dep't of Educat on in that organizat on William Johnson Harris. Tekeher of art chairman Com. on Education six years-refus«i -j^^ illustrator for books reappointment— also served as auditor. Uemo- , ma^aVlnoa crat. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n. Women's ^^°- magazmes. Auxiliary of Temple Beth Zion (Bradford, Pa.), HARRISON, Adella L,eftwlch (Mrs. Tbomaa Nat, Geog. Soc, Jewish Publication Soc. of Perrln Harrison), 1B03 Hlllsboro St.. Raleigh, America, Pa. Ass'n for the Blind. Nat. Health N.C. League. Mem. Pittsburgh Section, Council of Born Alexandria. Va., Aug. 15. 1868; dau. Jewish Women; Pa. State Suffrage Ass'n. Brad- James Turner and Adelia (Lake) Leftwich; ed. ford Women's Club. Taught in Bradford pub- Southern Home School, Baltimore. Md.; m. lie schools until married. Favors woman Atlanta. Ga.. Jan. 9. 1894, Thomas Perrin Harrl- suftrage. son (of S.C); children; James Leftwich. Thomas HARRIS, LUlie Coyle Hench (Mrs. Wilbur F. Perrin, Florence Leftwich. Lewis Wardlaiw. Harris). Ill Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. Now pres. The Woman's Club of Raleigh, Teacher of voice; b. Harrisburg, Pa.; ed. in largest woman's cub in N.C. (390 members and schools of Harrisburg, Pa., and Vassar Coll., eight active depts). Active in civic and phllan- A B '94 m April 29 1903 Wilbur P. Harris ; thropic work. Contributor to local papers and one ■ daughter. Governess at St. Croix, Danish coll. magazines. Presbyterian. Mem. Churcli West Indies 1894-95; church soloist, 1896-1902, and Missionary Soc. FortnighUy Review Club, again since 1905. Teacher of chorus singing in Pofs not favor woman sufirage, but believes It the Misses Seller's School, Harrisburg, Pa., is inevitable. since 1908; choir director. 1912 — . HARRISON, Carrie, 1331 Newton St., N.B., HARRIS Lina SmaU (Mrs. Hayden B. Harris), Washington, B.C.; office. Room 401, Bureau 1514 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. of Plant Industry, U.S. Dep't of Agriculture. Born WaterviUe. Me.. 1882; dau. Albion W. ^ Bom Fayette County, Iowa; dau. C. C. and Small (dean of graduate School of Arts and Lovisa S. (Ray) Harrison; ed. S. S. Acad., Literature Univ of Chicago) and Valeria (von Upper Iowa Univ., Valparaiso and.) Normal Massow) Small- ed. Univ. of Chicago (mem. School, Wellesley Coll.. Cornell Univ. Has de- Mortar Board) ; m. June 5. 1907, Hayden B. grees of B.E.. B.S.. M.A. At 16 taught a country Harris- children: Norman Walte II., Lincoln school; at 17-18 managed a farm; later be- ■Small ' came Interested in botany and with a book, dog „ , ,, ., -, and horse as companions made several prize col- HARRIS, Limue Sarah, East Machlaa. Me. lections of Iowa plants. Did the first curator Author; b. Eladt Machias, Me., Jan. 15, iSKi; ^^^.-^ gj ^l^g j^j^^^ Herbarium, organizing a half dau. Joslah and Sarah (Tobey) Harris; ed. iflast mmion specimens; visited the largest herbaria of Machias. Author: Sweet Peggy; Berthas Sum- Europe and secured from Germany for the Gov- mer Boarders; The Young Capitalist. Oongre- ernment the most complete collecUon of Porto gatlonalist. Rican plants In America. At the time of the HARRIS Lucy A. Bailey (Mrs. John Howard Boxer uprising in China was the means of get- Harris)' Lewisburg, Pa. ting a cablegram through to the American Lega- Born La Plume Pa'.. 1858; dau. Harvey H. and tion in Peking, which probably saved all the for- Harriet (Tillinghast) Bailey; ed. Keystone Acad., eign embassies in China. This was called by Pa. • m July 20 1881, John Howard Harris Andrew D. White the finest piece of diplomacy (pres of Buckn'ell Univ.); children: Reese in 1900. Mem. Woman's Nat. Press Ass'n, Brook- Harvey George BaUey, Shenan Tillinghast, Cole- land Rose Soc., Washington Wellesley Club, man James Pardon, Walter, Spenser. Interested College Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: in the social and religious activities of Bucknell Gardening, small dinners and after-dinner speak- Univ. and the city of Lewisburg. ing. Uncompromisingly for woman suffrage. HARRIS Mary BeUe, Lewisburg, Pa. HARRISON, Constance Cary (Mrs. Burton Har- Teacher of Latin; dau. John Howard and rlson), 1607 I St., Washington, D.C. Mary (Mace) Harris- grad. Bucknell School of Author; b. in Fairfax Co., Va., April 25, 184«; Music '93- Bucknell Univ., A.B. '94; A.M. '95; dau. Archibald and Momlnia (Fairfax) Cary; ed. Univ ' of Chicago Ph.D. (mem. Pi Beta Phi), at home by governesses and studied music and Social worker. Favors woman sullrage. Bap- languages in Europe.; home in Virginia waa HARRISON 367 destroyed during the Civil War, at close of which she accompanied her widowed mother on an extended European and Oriental tour; m. 1867, Burton Norvell Harrison (a Virginia lawyer, who had at one time been secretary to President Jefferson Davis); iwo sons: Fairfax (railway official), Francis Burton (lawyer, Congressman). Moved to N.Y. City, 1876, and began literary career, her first magazine story being: A Little (Centennial Lady; has since contributed con- stantly to the magazines, written many books and produced several plays, chiefly adapted from the French. Books: Golden Rod; Helen of Troy; Woman's Handiwork in Modern Homes; Old-Fash- loned Fairy Book; Bric-a-Brac Stories; Flower- de-Hundred; My Lord Fairfax of Greenwary Court; The Homes and Haunts of Washington; The Russian Honeymoon; Sweet Bells Out of Tune; A Daughter of the South and Other Tales; Bar Harbor I>ays; The Anglomaniacs; Edelweiss of the Servlaa and Other Tales; A Merry Maid of Arcady; A Son of the Old Dominion; Good Americans; Externals of Modern New York; An Errant Wooing; A Bachelor Maid; Crow's Nest and Bellhaven Tales; A Triple Entanglement; A Princess of the Hills; Sweethearts; Trans- planted Daughters; Recollections Grave and Gay. Plays: A Russian Honeymoon (adapted from the French); The Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch; Little Comedies for Amateur Acting. Mem. Colony Club (N.Y. City). HAJBBI80N, Edith Ogden (Mrs. Carter H. Harrison), 607 Rush St., Chicago, 111. Born New Orleans, La.; dau. Hon. Robert Nash and Sara (Beattie) Ogden (of old and prominent American family, descendant of John Ogden of N.J., which has furnished Colonial governors and distinguished military men — one ancestor was pres. of the Society of the Cin- cinnati for 25 years); ed. Notre Dame Convent, New Orleans; speaks French, German, Spanish; grad. first in class (valedictorian); m. Dec. 14, 1887, Carter Henry Harrison (now serving his fifth term as Mayor of Chicago); children: Carter H. (at Yale), Edith Ogden Harrison, lost one boy in infancy. Has received and led balls with three Presidents of the United States; re- ceived Prince Henry of Prussia and was honored by the Emperor of French Government with Les Palm&s Academique, given by the French Academy. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R. ; mem. Fortnightly and Friday clubs; prominent and active socially in Chicago's welfare. Books: Prince Silver Wings; Star Fairies; Moon Prin- cess; Flaming Sword; The Glittering Festival; Princess Sayrane; The Lady of the Snows. Catholic. Democrat. HARBISON, Florence, 637 Hackett Av., Mil- waukee, Wis. Actress; b. Minneapolis, Minn.; dau. John Fothergill and Victoria (Johnson) Harrison; ed. Minneapolis High School; Univ. of Minnesota; Leland Powers School of Spoken Word, Boston; pupil of George Riddle (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Mem. of Northampton Players Com- pany, first municipal theatre company in America. Mem. Visiting Nurses' Ass'n, Fresh Air Fund (Minneapolis). Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, golf, riding, swimming, fancy dancing. Mem. College Club and Lend-a-Hand Dramatic Club (Boston), Wisconsin Dramatic Club (Milwaukee), Mini- kahda Club (Minneapolis, Minn.). HARRISON, Gertrude Freiitagh Van Vleek (Mrs. Charles Champness Harrison), 170 W. 73d St., N.Y. City fsummer, Larchmont, N.Y.). Bom N.Y. City; dau. Jasper Ten Broeck and Emma (Dickie) Van Vleck; ed. In N.Y. City at private schools; m. N.Y. City, Nov., 1879, Charles Champness Harrison; children: Emma Gertrude. May Hardinge, Rosalind Harrison. Interested in improving condition of the poor. Bending poor children to the country, providing rides for poor old women, giving homes to several poor old women, taking care of several old horses, boarding them on farms to rest them, active in numberless charities. Has writ- ten children's stories, poems and sketches for magazines and papers. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, N.J. State Soc. P.C.A., Camden (N.J.) Soc. P.C.A., The Ridgewood Soc. P.C.A. (pres. and founder), Am. Female Guardian Soc, Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, Aureoline Auxiliary No. 4, Tribune Fresh Air Fund, Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America, Manhattan Chapter D.A.R. Clubs: The Criterion; Mary Arden Shakes- peare; Political Study; Post Parliament: N.Y. Theatre Club; State, City and Gen. Federations of Women's Clubs; Current Event Club. Recre- ations: Traveling, music, painting, reading, writing. Favors woman suffrage. HARRISON, Ida Withers (Mrs. Albert M. Har- rison), 530 Elmtree Lane, Lexington, Ky. Born Grand Gulf, Miss., May 9, 1851; dau. William Temple and Martha (Sharkey) Withers; ed. Patapsco Female Inst., near Baltimore, Md.; m. Lexington, Ky., June 17, 1879, Albert M. Harrison; one son: James O. (now deceased). Was pres. of Ky. Christian Woman's Board ol Missions for 13 years. Now vice-pres. of Nat. Christian Women's Board of Missions; honorary pres. for life of Kentucky Federation of Women'a Clubs; pres. of Woman's Club of Central Ky.; trustee of Public Library. Has taken active part in campaign in Ky. for school suffrage for woman; served on Lexington Board of Educa- tion as vice-pres. for 2% years. Mem. of Suf- frage Ass'ns, etc. Author: Four Little Bridges (bof)k for children); now editing a page in tha -Christian Century, a weekly religious paper, published in Chicago. Mem. Disciples of (Christ. Democrat. Was Centennial Sec. for woman's organization of her church in four years' cam- paign, 1905-09, in celebration of 100th anniver- sary of beginning of their religious movement — women gave one-quarter of a million dollars in ■'that time. HAKBISON, Lillian Byrn (Mrs. J. H. Harri- son), 5623 Reiger Av., Dallas, Tex. Daughter Lucas Haynes and Jennie (Kendrick) Byrn; ed. Beechcraft, Spring Hill, Tenn. ; special course in anthropology, Univ. of Chicago; Mexi- can archaeology under Dr. Leopoldo Batres, Museo Nacional, Mexico City; research under Dr. Juan Baez, Cuzco, Peru; m. Aug. 21, 1910, J. H. Har- rison, of Harrisonburg, Va. Special writer for Boston Times and Town and Country, N.Y. City; literary editor Taylor-Trotwood Magazine, Nash- ville, Tenn., 1905-08. Interested in and traveled for the study of Am. anthropology and archseol- ogy. Has written special articles and monographs on Mitla (Mexico), Cuzco and Ollantaytambo (Peru), Tiahuanaco (Bolivia), A Vocabulary for Young Fathers. Mem. Pen Women's League, Washington; Nat. Geographic Soc, Washington; London Soc. of Historical Research, London. HARRISON, Louise, 4256 Maryland Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 11, 1875; dau. Edwin and Laura (Sterne) Harrison; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '98. Episcopalian. Mem. Wednesday Club. HARRISON, Louise Thatcher (Mrs. Albert E. Harrison), Alta, Iowa. Born Brownsdale, Minn., Sept. 26, 1883; dau. Isham Clarence and Ella (Ritter) Thatcher; ed. high school, Pocahontas, Iowa; "Tobin Coll., Ft. Dodge, Iowa; grad. Iowa State Teacher's Coll., Cedar Falls, Iowa; m. Pocahontas, Iowa, July 12, 1911, Albert E. Harrison, sup't of public schools, Alta, Iowa; one son: Harlan Albert, b. Oct. 2, 1912. Teacher of English, Alta High School, 1910-11 Interested in and Identified with the various religious, social and philanthropic ac- tivities of the community. Presbyterian. Mem. and organizing regent for D.A.R.; mem. Order of Eastern Star. Recreation: Tennis. Mem. La Coterie (Iowa) Fed. of Clubs. HARRISON, Lucy Gray (Mrs. Matthew Bland Harrison), Red Hill on the Staunton (P.O., Brookneal, Va.), Campbell Co., Va. Born Charlotte Court House, Va. ; dau. Hon. William Wirt and Lucy Gray (Marshall) Henry; ed. at home and private schools; m. Richmond, Va., October, 18S6, Matthew Bland Harrison; one daughter: Louise Henry Harrison, b. 1888. Mem. Colonial Dames of Virginia. Presbyterian. 368 HARRISON— HART HARRISON, Mary Lord (Mrs. Benjamin Harri- son), 1214 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Honesdale, Pa.; dau. Russell F. and Elizabeth (Scott) Lord; ed. Mrs. Moffatt's School, Princeton, N.J. ; Elmira Coll., N.Y. ; m. Scran- ton, Pa., Oct. 22, 1881, Walter B. Dlmmick (died 1882); m. (2d) April 6, 1896, Benjamin Harrison (twenty-third President of the United States); one daughter: Elizabeth Harrison, b. 1897. HARRISON, Mary Mlddlefon (Mrs. Nathaniel Brodnax Harrison), 1902 Barnard St., Sa- vannah, Ga. Born Charleston, S.C., Feb. 17, 1860; dau. William James and Mary Helen (McDonald) Mid- dleton; ed. the Frances Scott School for Girls, Charleston, S.C; m. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 24, 1888, Nathaniel Brodnax Harrison; children: Dorothy, b. June 9, 1891; Edgar Battle, b. Jan. 26, 1894. One term (two years) pres. for Georgia Woman's National Rivers and Harbors Congress; State ofllcer Ga. Division United Daughters Con- (tederacy; one term (two years) pres. Savannah Chapter United Daughters Confederacy; four years officer Savannah Chapter D.A.R. ; treas. BartoTV Memorial Educational Fund for the Rahm Gap Industrial School. Interested in the educa- tional uplift of the white children of the moun- tains of Georgia. Favors woman suffrage. Chris- tian Scientist. Recreations: Farming, gardening. HARRISON, Pearl Adele Landers (Mrs. Timothy Harrison), 217 S. Lindsay St., Kokomo, Ind. Born Indianapolis, Ind., Fel). 3, 1874; dau. Franklin and Martha Eliz. (Turner) Landers; grad. May Wright Sewall's Classical School for Girls, Indianapolis, '93; student at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-95; B.L. from Earlham Coll., 1900; m. Indianapolis, Nov. 18, 1896, Timothy Harri- son. Was for seven years State sec. of Chil- dren's Work for the Woman's Board of Foreign Missions of Congregational Church; has been for two years State pres. Woman's Home Missionary Union of Congregational Church; 10 years pri- mary sup't and teacher of Kokomo Congrega- tional Sunday-school; was six years leader of the Junior Christian Endeavor of (Congregational Church. Favors woman sulTrage. Mem. Sym- posium Literary Club and Matinee Musical Club of Kokomo; two years pres. of Kokomo Chau- tauciua Students' League; mem. D.A.R. Has been interested in the teaching of the mission text-books and has planned for this work in summer of 1913 at Ohautauquas on interde- nominational lines. HARRISON, Persia Jones (Mrs. James Harri- son), 147 Cornelia Av., Kirkwood P.O., Mo. Born Madison, Wis., Oct. 25, 1875; dau. Eugene A. and Mary A. (Brooks) Jones; ed. Mary Inst., 1893; Washington Univ., A.B. '97; m. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 26, 1903, James Harrison. Mem. Alum- nae Ass'n of Mary Inst, and Washington Univ. Favors woman suffrage; opposed to militant methods. Roman Catholic. Mem. D.A.R., Con- sumers' League. Recreations: Gardening, golf. Mem. Wednesday Club. HARRISON, Susie Frances (Mrs. John W. F. Harrison), 21 Dunbar Road, Rosedale, To- ronto, Ont., Can. Writer; b. Toronto, Ont.; dau. John Byron Riley; ed. in Toronto and Montreal, Can.; m. 1879, John W. F. Harrison, organist and choir- master. Writer for the press from age _of 16, chiefly under pen-names of "Gilbert King" and "Seranus," of reviews, essays and short stories; contributor to leading Canadian, English and American magazines. Has made a special study of the folk songs of the French Canadian habi- tants, lecturing upon that theme and many liters ary topics. Author: Crowded Out (short stories), 1S88; The Canadian Birthday Book, 1889; Pine, Rose and Fleur-de-LIs, 1889; Down the River, 1891; The Forest of Bourg-Marie (novel), 1900; also has written and composed the words and music of several songs published in Canada and Europe and an entire opera. Mem. Women's Art Ass'n, Art Study Club of Toronto, Canadian Soc. of Authors. HARROLP, Helen Shaw (Mrs. Charles Cotton Harrold), 550 Orange St., Macon, Ga. Born Baltimore, Md., Oct. 2, 1878; dau. Will- iam Checkley and Leonice Moulton (Stewart) Shaw; ed. Goucher Coll., A.B. 1900 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Macon, Ga., Oot. 23, 1906, Dr. Charles Cotton Harrold; one daughter: Helen Shaw. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. HARRON, Julia Augusta Scofield (Mrs. Hal S. Harron), Penn Tan, N.Y. Librarian, bibliographer; b. Washington, D.C.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; N.Y. State Ubrary School, B.L.S. '07; m. Mar. 28, 1898, Hal S. Harron. As^'t N.Y. State Library, 1904-09; ass't to editor Am. Library Ass'n Booklist, Madison, Wis. Writer of articles and annotated reading lists for New York libraries and the A.L.A. Booklist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. HARSCH, Leila Katlierine Close (Mrs. Paul Arthur Harsch), 14 Lincoln Apartments, To- ledo, Ohio. Born Bellevue, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1875; dau. Joseph W. and Gertrude (Hannum) Close; ed. Bellevue High School, Howard Sem., West Bridgewater, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '98; m. Bellevue, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1903, Paul Arthur Harsch; chil- dren: Joseph Close Harsch, Paul Arthur Harsch Jr. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scientist. HART, Bertha Piatt (Mrs. Jay Hiscox Hart), 50 Buckingham St., Waterbury, Conn.; sum- mer, Madison, Conn. Born Waterbury, Conn., May, 1851; dau. Clark Murray and Amelia (Lewis) Piatt; grad. Emma Willard School, Troy. N.Y., '70; m. Waterbury, May 20, 1873, Jay Hiscox Hart; children: Amy, Bertha, Lewis, Alfred, Ruth, Dorothy, Howard. Mem. Women's Benevolent Soc. of Congrega- tional Church, Boys' Club, Waterbury Inst., Anti-Tuberculosis League, Children's Aid Soc, Berea College, Visiting Nurse Ass'n. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Emma Willard Ass"n, D.A.R., Waterbury Historical Soc., Waterbury Industrial School, Waterbury Hospital Aid Soc, Waterbury Indian Ass'n. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Waterbury Women's Club, Tuesday Club, York Club (N.Y. City). HART, Estelle May, New Britain, Conn. Formerly teacher; b. New Britain, Ck)nn., July 8, 1865; dau. Philo Woodruff and Sarah (Avery) Hart; ed. New Britain High School; State Nor- mal School, New Britain, Conn. Critic teacher in State Normal School, New Britain, 1895-99; supervisor in training school. South Manchester, Conn., 1902-06. Interested in the study of birds, in the collection of antiques and study of Eng- lish literature. Author of text-book for the fourth grade in the Reading Around the World Series. Contributor of articles on birds to the Atlantic Monthly, the Outlook and local papers, and short essays on a variety of subjects to many magazines, the Atlantic, Scribner's, the Outlook, Woman's Home Companion, etc. Ck>ngregationalist. HART, Laura B. Norrls (Mrs. Edward Hart), St. Anthony Hotel, San Antonio, Tex. Insurance manager; b. Placervllle, Cal., Dec. 29, 1855; dau. Ro'bert and Ann (Ray) Norrls; ed. public schools and State Normal of Cal. (teachers' life diploma and normal diploma); m. Cal., Sept. 15, 1879, Edward Hart; children: Evelyn, Adelyn, Maud, Mary, Thomas P., Teddy (deceased). Served as grand matron of Eastern Star of Texas, 1891-92; as grand sec, 1893-1901; was elected most worthy grand of the General Grand Chapter of Eastern Star, 1901-04; now supreme lady-at-arms Ladies of the Maccabees and State manager for Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. Favors woman suffrage. State chair- man Ladles of the Maccabees of Texas; active mem. of San Antcnio Equal Franchise Ass'n. Presbyterian. Progressive in politics. Mem. Ladies of Maccabees, Eastern Star, Pythean Sisters, Texas Folk-Lore Soc. and Texas State Soc. of Soc. Hygiene. Recreation: Walking. HART, Louisa Helena, Vellore, North Arcot, Madras Presidency, India, Medical missionary; b. Shelburne, Nova Scotia, June 6, 1870; dau. Rev. T. D. Hart (of United Empire Loyalist stock) and Charlotte Jane (Dixon) HART— HARTWBLL 369 Hart, whose ancestors came from Yorkshire, England, direct to Sackville, N.B.; ed. In schools of Nova Scotia and Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '94; special courses In surgery In Johns Hopkins and Cornell Medical Schools. Since 1895 medical missionary of the Reformed (Dutch) Church in America to the Arcot Mission In South India; for four years was associate physician and surgeon, then for two years acting chief of the Ranipe General Hospital, then took her first furlough and since her return to India has been associated with Dr. Ida Scudder in charge of the Vellore Mission Hospital for Women and Children; assisted in training native women as nurses and has a large practice all over that region; aided In the Government work during the plague at Vellore, in recogni- tion of which she was invested by the Governor of Madras with the Kalser-i-Hind medal of the second-class from King Edward, March, 1909. Reared Methodist, but for years affiliated with the Reformed (Dutch) Church In America. HART, Phoebe Alder (Mrs. Horace Greeley Hart), 374 Vanderbilt Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Bom London, Eng. ; dau. William David and Mary Ann (Cox) Alder; ed. New Bedford, Mass., and grad. In N.Y. High School; m. July 21, 1875, Brooklyn, Horace Greeley Hart; children: Charles Alder, Horace Irving, Ethel Alder. Mem. of the Exec. Board of N.Y. Equal Suf- frage League (Miss Mary G. Hay, pres.); also mem. of the Equal Franchise League and the 10th Assembly Dist. suffrage organization. Epis- copalian. Clubs: Century Theatre, Rainy Day, Current Events, Mozart, Equal Suffrage League, Equal Franchise League, Woman's Republican, The Woman's Republican State Ass'n, IntHmat. Pure Milk League, East Side Clinic, Forum. HART, Rebecca Mitchell (Mrs. Walter Tillman Hart), Edgewood, New Haven, Conn. Born Edgewood, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 20, 1865; dau. Donald G. Mitchell (the distinguished author, "Ik. Marvei") and Mary (Pringle) Mitchell; ed. private schools in New Haven and Yale Art School; m. Edgewood, New jiiven. Conn., June 3, 1899, Walter Tillncan Hart; chil- dren: Richard Philip 2d, Rebecca Motte, Maria Tillman, Walter Tillman Jr., Donald Grant Mitchell. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. New Haven Lawn Cluh. HART, Sophie Chactal, Wellesley College, "Wel- lesley, Mass. Professor of English; b. Boston, Mass., 1868; dau. Eugene and Anne (Hart) Hart; ed. Rad- cllffe Coll., A.B.; Univ. of Mich., A.M. Prof. English, Wellesley Coll. Trustee Women's Ed- ucational and Industrial Union, Boston, and mem. of Com. to Award its European Fellow- ship of Woman's Education Ass'n, Boston. Has spoken for suffrage at two public meetings In Boston and one private meeting in Brooklyn, N.Y. Author; Critical edition of Jane Shore and The Fair Penitent, by Rowe, with an in- troduction on The Renaissance of Shakespeare In the Eighteenth Century (The Belles Lcttres Series); Three Idylls of the King, by Tennyson, edited with notes and critical introduction; Carlyle's Essay on Burns and a selection of Songs of Burns, edited with critical introduc- tion and notes. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Twen- tieth Century Club (Boston), Boston Authors' Club; director Boston branch Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. HARTMLAN, Helen Stahr (Mrs. Edwin Mltman Hartman), Franklin and Marshall Acad., Lancaster, Pa. Born Lancaster, Pa., May 13, 1873; dau. John Summers and Francina E. (Andrews) Stahr; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; mem. Shakespeare Soc. ; m. June 5, 1905, Edwin Mitman Hartman; chil- dren: Frances Andrews, William Fulmer, Charles Stahr. Before marriage taught in Mrs. Black- wood's School, Lancaster, 1894-95; Lancaster High School, 1895-98; private class, 1898-1900; Belle- ville (N.J.) High School, 1900-01; Miss Stahr's School (now Shippen School), Lancaster, princi- pal. 1901-05. Mem. German Reformed Church. Mem. Iris Club, Lancaster, Pa. HARTRIDGE, Emelyn Bettersby, Oakwood, Plainfleld, N.J. Principal of private school; b. Country Place, Beaulleu, Ga., 1871; dau. Colonel Alfred Lamar and Julia Smythe (Wayne) Hartridge; ed. by private tutors, boarding school, Vassar, A.B., and governess. Principal the Hartridge School, Savannah, Ga., 1892-1903; the Hartridge School, Plainfleld, N.J., from 1903—. Mem. Plainfleld Com. on Housing. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Head Mistresses' Ass'n, Vas- sar College Aid Soc, N.J. Housing Ass'n, Con- sumers' League of N.J., Child Welfare Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor Com., Nat. Congress of Mothers, Plainfleld Parent- Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, boating, swimming. Mem. Plainfleld Country Club, Plainfleld Monday Af- ternoon Club, Plainfleld College Club. HARTS, Martha Hale (Mrs. William W. Harts), 2110 O St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Bom Chicago, July 28, 1873; dau. Wm. Sllery and Mary Scrauton (Browne) Hale; ad. Smith Coll., B.S. '96. Courses in history and archae- ology (Greek and Egyptian) at Univ. of Chicago, '98; m. Oct. 27, 1898, Chicago, 111., Major William W. Harts, C.E., U.S.A.; children: Mary Hale, b. Dec. 8, 1899; Clement Bates Ellery, b. July 31, 1904; William W., Jr., b. Apr. 22, 1906. Con- gregatlonalist. Mom. Alumnse Ass'n of Smi(,h Coll. Recreations: Tennis, swimming, walk- ing. Against woman suffrage. HABTT, Jeesio Knight (Mrs. Rollin Lynch Hartt), Ponkapoag, Mass. Magazine writer; b. Rockland, Me., Dec. 14, 1874; dau. Frank C. and Jessie (Clark) Knight; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '97; m. Rockland Me., Dec. 25, 1901, RolUn Lyncfh Hartt; one son: John Francis. Contributor of stories In Scrib- ner's, Ainslee's and other magazines. Mem. Boston College Club, the Community Cluh of Canton, Mass. Recreations: Reading, tramping playing with bahies. Congregatlonalist. HARTT, Mary Bronson, 96 Linden St., Allston Mass. Born Ithaca, N.Y., Mar. 23, 1873; dau. Prof Charles Pred. Hartt (of Cornell Univ.) and Lucy C. Lynde; ed. Buffalo Sem., grad. 1890. Has been free lancing since 1901, writing for Outlook World's Work, Everybody's, Scribner's, Century,' Woman's Home Companion, etc., also many un- signed editorial essays and much work for Bos- ton Transcript. Against woman suffrage. HARTWELL. Mary Ann, Public Documents Office, Washington, D.C. Librarian; b. Becket, Mass., Mar. 14, 1871- duu Rev. John and Mrs. Sarah Wetmore (s'outh- mayd) Hartwell; ed. HlUhouse High School New Haven, Conn, (valedictorian), '90- Smith Coll., B.L. '94. Ass't Forbes Library North- ampton, Mass., 1894-96; cataloguer. Public Doc- uments Library, Washington, D.C. Nov 1896—. Compiler of Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909; Vol. 1, Lists of Congressional and Departmental Publications issued by the Sup't of Documents, 1911 Con- gregatlonalist. Member Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse, Am. Library Ass'n, Dist. of Columbia Library Asa'n Soc of Mayflower Descendants, Nat. Qeog ' Soc ' Coll. Women's Club, and Smith Coll'. Club (Washington, D.C). Favors woman suffrage. HARTWELL, Maud Louise Ray, 90 Winter St Norwood, Mass. '' Writer; b. Franklin, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll A.B. 1900; m. Dec. 12, 1907, Dr. Arthur Spear Hartwell. Assistant editor of the New York Evangelist, 1901-02; contributor of poems to va- rious magazines. HARTWELL, Maude Appleton, 25S Norfolk St Dorchester, Mass. ' Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B L '93; student of English, Radcliffe Coll., 1900-01; Alliance Francaise, Paris, and Univ. of Grenoble' France, summer of 1904. Teacher, Brookllne (Mass.) High School, 1893-03; Dorchester (Mass) High School since 1903. 370 HARVEY— HASLtJP HABVBY, Anne Catherine Roberta (Mrs. Gardiner Harvey), 70 Baker St., Guelph, Ont., Can. Organist and music teacher; b. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 25, 1849; dau. James C. and Marianne (Wyatt) Qeddes; ed. at private schools and under governess at home; never went to a pub- lic school. Studied music under several mas- ters, Trinity Coll., Toronto, Mus. Bac. 1899; m. Toronto, Ont., 1884, Gardiner Harvey; children: James Gardiner, George, John Richardson, Rob- ert Geddes (died 1895), Marianne Isabella Ro- berta. , Organist at St. George's Church, Guelph, for 36 years. Composed an opera (Lra Terre Bonne) and an oratorio (Salvator), both of which have been performed in public succe3s> fully a number of times. Interested in mis- sionary work, especially among the foreigners who have come to live among us. Originated a mission among the foreigners In Guelph, which has been very successful. Has been Sunday- school teacher for many years. Against woman suffrage. Composed a number of songs, an- thems and compositions for piano; also niiscel- laneous poems published at various times in periodicals. Mem. Church of England. Conser- vative. Hon. pres. of The Presto (musical club of Guelph). Recreations: Composing music and verse, walking, driving, boating. HARTTB, EUza J. (Mrs. John Harvle), 177 Balmoral Av., Toronto, Can. Philanthropiart: b. near Peterborough, Ont., 1840; dau. Rev. Kennedy Creighton (Methodist minister); ed. Ottawa and Methodist Ladies' Coll., Dundas, Ont.; m. 1861, John Harvle. As- sisted In founding Woman's Med. College, To- ronto (treas. several years); Haven and Prison (Jate Mission (pres. 17 years); pres. Ladies' Com. of Hospital for Sick Children, 5 years; founded Young Woman's Christian Guild for Working Women, 1888 (pree. 16 years); since 1896 has been inspector of neglected and dependent children for Province of Ont. Was first cor. sec. Toronto W.C.T.U. of U.S., Philadelphia; represented Woman's Board of Missions at Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee; also delegate to Congress of Women, Chicago, 1893. Presbyterian; first for- eign sec. of Woman's Board of Missions, 1876-96; was sent to visit Indian missions and schools by this board, 1884. Liberal in politics. HASBROUCK, Gcrtmde M., 117 State St., Bris- tol. R.I. Born S'hokan, N.T., April 10, 1876; dau. Cor- nelius Jansen Hasbrouck, M.D., and Sarah (Penoyar) Hasbrouck; ed. schools of N.T. City; high school, Bristol, R.I.; Smith Coll., A.B. '99. Sec. Bristol Congregational Club, 1899-01; sec. Woman's Auxiliary Y.M.C.A., 1900-02; sec. 1300- 09, vice-pres. 1909-12, Bristol Auxiliary Woman's Board Foreign Missions; sec. and treas. home dep't Congregational Sunday-school, 1908-12; chairman Programme Com. R.I. Smith College Club, 1907-08; parish visitor Bristol Congrega- tional Church, 1907-09; resident worker Neighbor- hood House (social settlement), Denver, Colo., May-Sept., 1910; sup't primary dep't Bristol Con- gregational Sunday-school, 1910 — . Mem. Bristol Chapter D.A.R., Bristol Congregational Home Missionary Soc., Bristol Congregational Club. Recreation: Golf. Against woman suffrage. HASBROUCK, Gertrude Shaw (Mrs. Ira D. Hasbrouck), Washington, R.I. Bom Providence, R.I., July 7, 1869; dau. Eddy Mason and Clara C. (Mitchell) Shaw; ed. public schools of Providence, R.I. ; m. Providence, Sept. 4, 1900, Dr. Ira D. Hasbrouck. Mem. R.I. Independence Chapter D.A.R. ; vlce-pres. R.I. State Conference Charities and Corrections, State Sunshine Soc, R.I. Woman's Club, Coventry Woman's €lub; ex-pres. R.I. State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs; honorary mem. R.I. Sorosls. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage; associate mem. College Equal Suffrage League. HASRKLL, Jessica Josephine, Academy St., Hallowell, Me. Teacher; b. Rockland, Me., Jan. 13, 1880; dau. Charles E. and Emma L. (Sherman) Haskell; ed. Wdlealey Coll., A.B. '02; Durant scholar; grad. work at Columbia Univ., 1911-12. Ass't and later ass't principal of Hallowell (Me.) High School. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles on English teaching published in va- rious magazines, among them articles on Car- lyle and Stevenson In the Journal of Education. Congregatioaalist. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alum- na, D.A.R., Nat. Council of Teachers of English, Maine Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Botany, walking. Mem. Parnassus Club of Hallow^ell and Augusta. A descendant through Desire (Doty) Sherman of Edward Doty, passenger In the Mayfiower and party to the famous Compact. HASKELL, Margaret BeU (Mrs. Henry C. Hsys- kell), 120 E. College St., Oberlln, O. Born Rhinebeck, N.Y., July 19, 1841; dau. Samuel Franklin and Minerva (Crowell) Bell; ed. high school, Springfield, Mass.; m. South Deerfield, Mass., Aug. 13, 1862, Henry C. Haskell; children: Edward, Mary Minerva, Henry Joseph. With husband went to Bulgaria in 1862, serving there until 1872 as missionaries of tho Am. Board; returned in 1872 and, because of filial obligations, remained In U.S. until 1887, dnring which time her husband held pastoratee in Columbus, Amherst and Marietta; returped to Bulgaria, 1887, and resumed missionary work untU retirement, 1911. Congregationallst. HASKKLL, Oreola WiUlams (Mrs. Robert H. Haskell), 234 Linden Av., Brooklyn, N.T. Writer and lecturer; b. Poultney, Vt, April 14, 1875; dau. Theodore and Martha (Rees) Williams; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. (oIbsb poet); Cornell Univ., Ph. B. (class poet) '97; m. April 8, 1901, Robert H. Haskell; one daughter: Grace Vivian Haskell. Before marriage taught in public schools of Brooklyn. Has been auditor and recording sec. of N.Y. City Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, now patroness of Brooklyn Sittlg Christmas Tree Society. Favors woman suf- frage; has been pres. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Club, Brooklyn; pres. People's Political Equality League; pres. Kings Co. Political Equality League; leader of 18th Assembly Dlst. of Wo- man Suffrage Party; held ofBce also in Intcrur- ban Woman Suffrage Council and various chair- manships in State Nat. Suffrage organizations; now writing and lecturing for the cause. Author of three suffrage plays; contributor to Judge, Leslie's Weekly, McCall's and the Housekeeper of verses relative to phases of city life (copied widely throughout the country. Suffrage plays have been given in Brooklyn, N.Y. One was translated Into Norwegian and played in Nor- way. Unitarian. Recreations: Theater, walking, out-door sports. Mem. Flatbush Political Equal Suffrage League, Kings Co. Political Equality League. HASKJLL, Julia KUen Smart (Mrs. William H. Hasklll), 527 Broad St., Lake Charles, La, Bom Leeaville, La., June 4, 1861; dau. Lewis Wilson and Julia (Neat) Smart; ed. private sc'hools and LeesvlUe Acad.; m. Lake Charles, La., Dec. 22, 1881, William H. Hasklll. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Baptist. Democrat. Mem. Enter- prise Club (pres.). City Park Commission; chair- man State Orphan Board; fourth vlce-pres. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, HASK£NS, Clara AUen (Mrs. Charles Homer Haskins), 53 Francis Av., Cambridge, Mass. Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. George W. and Lydia Jeannette (McMillan) Allen; ed. Misses Bangs' and Whlton's School in N.Y. City, 1893- 1895; high school, St Louis, Mo., 1895-96; Miss Capen's School, Northampton, Mass., 1896-96; private tutors in Paris, France, 1897-99; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; special study In Italy and with M. Georges Baillet, of the Com6die Fran- gaise, Paris; m. London, England, July 11, 1912, Prof. Charles Homer Haskins, of Harvard Univ. Taught French at Kemper Hall, Keno- sha, Wis., 1903-04; at Miss May's School, Boston, 1908-10, 1911-12; at Miss Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 1910-11. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's University Club (N.Y. City), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recrea- tions: Travel, riding, shooting, etc. HA8LUP, Alice Klma, 2114 Eighteenth St., N.W., Wtishington, D.C. Teacher; b. Laurel, Md. ; dau. Jonathan Waters and Susannah (Harrison) Haslup; ed. Washing- HASSB— HATHAWAY 371 ton public schools; Md. State Normal, class of '82; George Waahlneton Univ., A.B. "12. Taught In MltchelvUle School, 1882-S; second assistant Laurel graded school, 1SS3-91; Washington puhllc schools, '91; principal of Henry Blow Sohool, Washington, D.C., from Jan. 1, 1910. Interested in settlement work at Rosedale Mission, Wash- ington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist, Mem. D.A.K. as descendant of John Harrison. Mem. Columbian Women, College Women's Club. EL4J9SE:, Adelaide, 476 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Librarian ; b. Milwaukee, Wis. ; dau. Herman E. and Adelaide (Trentlage) Hasse; ed. by pri- vate tutors; unmarried (adopted a boy of four). Asa't librarian, Loa Angeles Public Library, 1889-95; librarian. Documents Oflace, Washing- ton, D.C, 1895-97; chief of Documents Division, N.Y. Public Library, 1S97— . Member of the editorial staff of the Nat Municipal Review. Keenly interested In the woman movement and In suffrage incidentally. Eidiior Index of Bco- DomJc Materials In Documents of the States (10 vols, out); Bibliography of Official Publica- tions trf Colonial N.Y.; Bibliography of Arclilves of the 13 Original States. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Bibliographical 8oc., Am. Library Ass'n, Nat. Municipal League. HASTINGS, Ella (Mrs. Harry Hastings), 7 E. Eighty-aeventh St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Aug. 3, 1866; dau. Jeremiah and Isabella (Devlin) Llnehan; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. City; Van Norman Inst., N.Y. City; m. Harry Hastings; children: Sarah, Harvey, Elinor, William, Robert, Edward. Interested In reform movements; organized first Child Study Club in CJ.S. ; organized Woman's Peace Circle; organized City Fed. Women's Clubs, also Will- iam Lloyd Geirrlson EJqual Rights Ass'n. Mem. local School Board, 16th dl»t., N.Y. City, Child Welfare League. Clubs: Theatre, Current Events, Woman's Peace Olrole, Government, N.Y. Democratic Woman's. Recreations: Music, drama, art Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage; pres. N.Y. Co. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; chairman of church work in N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Efqual Franchise Boc., Woman Suffrage Party; prea. Interborough Suffrage Club. HASTINGS, Hester Jane Mercer (Mrs. William T. Hastings), 13 John St., Providence, R.I. Institutional manager; b. ReadviUe, Mass., Mar. 31, 1877; dau. Joseph and Mary Ellen (Cul- len) Mercer; ed. Wllllmantic (Conn.) High School, 1895-99; Brown Univ., 1899-1903, A.B. '03; Simmons Coll., 1904; mem. Alpha Beta (local); m. WUlimantlc, Conn., July 17, 1907, William T. Hastings; children: Hester Hastings, b. 1909; Joseph Mercer Hasting, b. 1912. Dormitory head. Women's Coll., Brown Univ., January, 1905- June, 1907; institutional management Prov- idence, 1912. Pres. Alumnaa Ass'n, Brorwn Univ., 1907-09; mem. Advisory Council, Women's Coll., Advisory Com.- to Visiting Dietitian, Providence Organized Charities, 1913 — . Pavore woman suffrage. Unitar'an. HATCH, Abbie A., GrlggevlUe, III. Born Milton, Brown Co., 111.; dau. Isaac An- drews and Lydla B. (Baiter) Hatch; ed. Qrlggs- viUe, 111.; Normal, 111. For many years teacher in grade and high school In GriggsviUe and other schools in 111. Worker in local missionary soc. and local benevolent soc.; interested in Woman's Reading Circle and social events of GriggsviUe. Congregationalist. Formerly mem. W.C.T.U. ; several years pres. Woman's Missionary societies of Qulncy Ass'n, 111., and pres. local missionary society. Recreations: Traveling, reading. Pree. Abbie A. Hatch Chautauqua Circle (a woman's club belonging to 111. Fed.). HATCH, Alia May (Mrs. Charles B. Hatch), Enfflewood, N.J. Born Berea, O., May 2, 1863; dau. John W. and Mary B. (Burrlngton) Landphair; grad. Baldwin Univ.. Berea, O., Ph.B. '83; certificate from Co- lumbia Coll., *05 (Alethlan); m. Berea, Oct. 16, 1885, Charles B. Hatch; children: Velda M., LIOT^ F. Lectures occasionally on Shakespearian subjects; also writes verse. Favors woman suf- frage. CoBgregatlonaliBt Fouader and hon. pres. Shakespeare Club of Yonkers; mem. Woman's Press Club of N.Y., Club for the Study of Life as a Fine Art; president of National Soc. of Ohio Women. HATCH, Katy Gower (Mrs. Charles Harrison Hatch). 99 Delaware Av., Detroit, Mich. Born Hawaiian Islands, Oct. 6, 1863; dau. Mer- ritt Melville and Clara Wells (Dodge) Gower; ed. Hillhouse High School, New Haven, CJonn. ; Smith Coll., freshman year; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '88 (Sorosis); m. New Haven, Caan., Jan. 4, 1894, Charles Harrison Hatch; children: John Gower (deceased), Melville Harrison, Alfred Gower. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnaa. Congrega- tionalist Favors woman suffrage. HATCHER, Anna Denson (Mrs. E. B. Hatcher), ILiawlna Road, Windsor Hills, Baltimore, M6. Born Norfolk, Va., Oct 6, 1879; dau. Richard H. and Anna Granville (Stevens) Denson; ed. four years at Nat Park Sem., Forest Glen, Md., grad. 1898; mem. Alpha Epellon Pi; m. Norfolk, Va., Mar. 28, 1899, Rev. E. B. Hatcher, D.D.; children: William Eldridge Hatcher Jr., Anna Granville Hatcher. Interested in Adelaide Hall, a home for working girls. Against woman suf- frage. Baptist. Mem. missionary societlea (home, foreign and States). Mem. the Tuesday Reading Club. HATCHEB, Cornelia Templeton (Mrs. Robert Lee Hatcher), 1560 Atlantic St., Seattle, Wash. Journalist, lecturer; b. Sturgeon Bay, Wis., Jan. 2, 1867; dau. Alexander and Cornelia 1 Fuller) Templeton; ed. common schools. Green Bay, Wis.; Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., M.A.; m. Neenah, Wis., June 27, 1888, John H. Jewett; m. (2d) Seattle, Wash., Mar. 5, 1911, Robert Lee Hatcher; one daughter: Hazel Templeton Jewett. Learned the printer's trade in the office of a country weeldy. Managing editor the Union Sig- nal, Chicago, 111., 1902-10; pres. 111. Woman's Press Ass'n, 1909-10; Alaskan representative League of American Pen Women, 1910-13. Lec- ture itinerary of Alaska in 1910 In the interests of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union; active in Sunday-school work. Favors woman suffrage. Organized the Bureau of Pub- licity for the National Council of Women Voters, Tacoma, Wash., 1911. Presbyterian. Mem. Moun- taineers Club, Seattle, Wash. HATCHEB, Orle Latham, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Author, teacher; b. Petersburg, Va. ; grad Vassar Coll., A.B. '88; graduate student Univ. of Chicago, 1901-03, Ph.D. '03; fellow in EngUsh, Univ. of Chicago, 1903-04. Mem. of faculty of Byrn Mawr Coll. since 1904; now associate prof. of Comparative and Elizabethan Literatures. Earlier writings includes: Miss Ginnle, a short story; Work of College Settlements; The Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood of Art, etc. Later work is of the technical sort and Includes John Fletcher, a Study in Dramatic Method; The Sources of Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas; Flet- cher's Hablta of Dramatic Collaboration; Green's Menaphon and the Throclan Wonder; The Ur- Hamlet Problem; Alms and Methods of Eliza- bethan Translators; also various short articles In literary Journals. HATHAWAY, Eraasreline, Fisk Teachers' Agency, 2 A Park St., Boston, Mass. Manager Fisk Teachers' Agency; b. Jackson Me., 1869; dau. James Wlnslow and Nancy Jane (Durgin) Hathaway; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '90; Oxford Univ., England, grad. student, 1895-96.' Teacher for nearly seven years; for 12 years has been one of managers in Fisk Teachers' Agency, Boston, where she has charge of college womeai and travels extensively, visiting schools and col- leges. Has been on one of advisory boards of Woman's Educational and Industrial Union, Bos- ton, for several years. Author: A, B, ' C of Palmistry; has written for educational Joumala and issued a series of supplementary readers for public schools. Mem. Collegiate Alumnae, Field and Forest Club, College Club (Boston). Chris- tian Scientist. Republican. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. of Srtjool Voters' League, Wom«n'fl 372 HAUENSTEIN— HAWKES Suffrage Party of Mass., Ck>llege Equal Suffrage Honor Lodge. Pres. Avon Shakespeaxe Club Lieague. of Atkinson since 1910. HAUENSTEIN, Minnie Ferris (Mrs. Alfred G. HAVENS, Buth Ginivis Dowd, 86 M St., N.W., Hauensteln), 725 W. Ferry St., Buffale, N.T. Washington, D.C. Writer, speaker; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. P. J. Accountant, Treasury Department; b. Madison, and Mary (Barton) Ferris; ed. Ingham Univ.; Conn., Jan. 12, 1845; dau. Julius Nelson and Mary State Normal School of Buffalo, N.Y. ; m. 1883, Ann (Munson) Dowd; ed. district school; Lee's Alfred G. Hauenstein; children: Harold, Barton, Acad.; Normal School, Conn.; law aep't of How- Madeleine, Paul. Began public speaking 1897. ard Univ., D.C, ULi.B., LL.M.; Theological Inst. Has written for many leading magazines, in- of Howard Univ.; m. in Conn., Feb. 6, 1869, eluding N.Y. Independent, Town and Country, Theodore Forrest Havens; one son: Munson Ald- Alnslee's and others. Identified with several rich Havens, b. Mar. 24, 1873 (sec. of Chamber of philanthpopies in Buffalo. Against woman suf- Commerce, Cleveland, 0.). Teacher in schools frage; connected with a society in N.Y. City for five years; was the first woman on the in opposition. Author: Poems and Verses, 1901; staff of a daily paper in the U.S.; on the Songs from the Silence, 1307; various magazine Daily Republican, Charleston, S.C., 1S69-71; Daily articles. Has given public readings. First vice- Chronicle, Washington, D.C, 1871-73; edited a pres. State Consumers' League; pres. Inter- campaign s'heet in the second Grant campaign national Church Union of Buffalo. Mem. the for the Nat. Congressional Com. ; assists! In Scribblers (Buffalo). editing publications of Bureau of Education, HAUGHTON, L>oni6a Conrlaald Osbume, 1004 1873-74; managing editor of Daily Recorder, Meri- N Calvert St Baltimore, Md. "ifin. Conn., winter of 1874; became an accountant Born Cheshire England, 1866; dau. Henry O. In the auditing offices. Treasury Dep't, 1875. Has and Sophia (Alricks) Haughton; ed. private successfully passed six civil service examinations, school, Baltimore, Md. Writer of short stories Has done much public speaking, principally in magazines. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Geog. for such causes as temperance, woman sufCrage Soc, Maryland Acad, of Sciences, Hereditary and Republican politics; held a presidential corn- Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors, mission as notary public for 12 years; delivered Honorary mem. Woman's Literary Club of Balti- one humorous lecture in seven different States, more. Holding Columbian Diploma of Expert Has published many verses, sketches and stories Artisanship (Chicago, 1893). in papers and magazines. Mem. Grand Fra- -ETATTCTi-v Tj-u-^i,-.**, T /-■t-o^^ <-%>,i, temlty, Ladies of the Maccabees, Frlend^lp HAUSEB, Elizabeth J., Glrard Ohio. House, Retirement Ass'n, Congregational Club. ,.,^°'"'',S-'^t^^' «• ^^'^^ ^^^^^= ^f.hii? Lh«??» CongregaUonalist. Favors wom£n suffrage. Fro- Mary (Bix>er) Hauser; ed. In public schools gre^ive Reoubllcan. Pres. of Wimo^ughsls; ^Itor of weekly newspaper (Glrard Grit) when gj ^3^5^ of the Acad, of Forty; mem. of the 19 years old. Principal interest in life is so- p, ^ Suffrage Ass'n from 1871. curing political equality for women; has worked ^' at it since 22 years of age. Has been head- HAWES, Harriet Ann Boyd (Mrs. Charles H. quarters sec. and chairman of Press Com. of Hawes), Hanover, N.H. Nat. American Woman Suffrage Ass'n; cor. sec. Archseologist; b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 11, 1871; and press chairman for Ohio Woman Suffrage dau. Alexander and Harriet Fay (Wheeler) Boyd; Ass'n and active in organizing Ohio campaign grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '92, A.M. '01; student for woman suffrage amendment at special elec- Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1896-97, tion, Sept. 3, 1912. Chairman of Woman Suf- fellow 1898-99; Agnes Hoppin Memorial fellow, frage Party of Cleveland, O. Edited: My Story, 1899-1900; hon. L.H.D., Smith Coll., 1910; m. by Tom L. Johnson. Mar. 3, 1906, Charles H. Hawes, M.A. (Univ. of HAUSLEIN, Clara Dawson (Mrs. Ferdinand Cambridge); children: Alexander Boyd. b. Dec Albert Hauslein). 48 Fry St.. Denton. Tex. 3 1906; Mary Nesbit, b Aug. 25. 19ia Teacher Born Springfield. Mass.. Feb. 23, 1868; dau. of classics, Henderson, N.C, 1892-93; Wilmington Luclen A and E len E. (Pierce) Dawson; ed. gel., 1893-96 ; served as nurse in Greco-Turkish Northampton' (Mass.) public school; private War, 1897, and at the camp at Tampa, Fla., in school; music school; Smith Coll., B.M.; studied summer of 1898; engaged as excavator at two aid one-half ye4rs in Berlin Gemkny; m. ^^''^^^ft ^J^^^-^^J^ ^^iuh''^mV°*'=iqm'a?''flf Northami>ton, Ma^., Sept 7, 1892, Ferdinand in Greek archeology. Smith Coll., 1?00-(K; di- A iKo^it «s,,=i»iT, . nhuriT^r,- Phiiiin ruiwsnr reotor of excavations for Am. Exploration Soc. at Albert Hauslein. ohiiaren. rniuip jjawson. p . rrotp aoatrmt nf iqm -mm and iqn4 ^a"nf°Yo^rK'■^Cy*;S^L?^?t^: Kclfcf ^-'in^et ^^^^A Ttl^' ^'s^^ £.'1^^^ Pen fo?Ye^ Book kndtraisfations fr?m ttie Other Prehistoric Sites on the Isthmus of rerJS toT^e^^eTsM^Wo^ia'BSha.-^ Hlerapetra, Crete. 1908; Crete, the Forerunner of Pei^^lub of^Sn Tel (n™ two term^ Greece (with Charles H. Hawes), 1909; also con- ^fcTprS^VL'lrcraklr'of^'unlied'DaSrs t/J„^^"ons to arch^ological Journals R«=elv^ of Confederacy Recreations: Reading, driving, ^"0-^ ?o"r'ferv*SS as'^nurleTnTe War'of 1^97; music, unitarian. ^^^ pj^^ ^^^ Kappa, Archaeological Institute HAVEMEYEB, Clara Martha Herrick (Mrs. ^f America. Favors woman suffrage. Arthur Havemeyer). Tellowdale, Grand Val- „..„,^^ . c , c *.. -n, ley Colo HAWKE, Anne Shoemaker, Swarthmore. Pa. Born Chicago, 1884; dau. John Jacob and Julie Born Philadelphia, Mar. ^24. 1882; dau John (Dulon) Herrick; ed. Irving School. Chicago, William and Mary Furman (Lukens) Hawke; ed. A B. '05; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05 (received Alameda High School, one year ; Swarthmore 2d entrance scholarship for Western States for Preparatory High School, 99; Swarthmore Coll. Bryn Mawr); m. Chicago, 111., May 5, 1908, Ar- A.B. '04 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). "Taught thur Havemeyer; one daughter: Martha. Inter- for four years in public high school grades in ested in domestic science. Episcopalian. Re- N.J. Christian Scientist Has served as sec. of publican. Recreation: Horseback riding. Joseph Leidy Scientific Soc. and Audubon Club. HAVENS. Lizzie M. (Mrs. Charles E. Havens). HATFKES, Edith Granger (Mrs. William Box 6?4, Atkinson, Holt Co., Neb. Hawkes), Fulton, Cal. Born Kankakee, 111., May 14, 1862; dau. Al- Born Chicago, 111.; dau. Ransom E. and Mar- phonse and Gertrude (Brinkerhoff) Me^en; In tha J. (Munsell) Granger; ed. Chicago public childhood attended the Mellen's School In East schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '91; m. Fulton, Oal., Otto, Kankakee Co.. 111.; Normal Univ. (Normal. May 26. 1908. William Hawkes; one daughter: 111 ) 1878-79; Kankakee High School, 1880; m. Eleanor Theodora, b. Oct. 9. 19U. Has written Kankakee, 111., Dec. 21. 1881. Charles E. Havens, an Index to Poetry and Recitations. 1904; Speller, Before marriage spent most of her time teach- 1898; book reviews and brief magazine contrlbu- ing and attending school; went West In 1888. tions. Pres. Fulton Ladles' Aid Soc. Clubs: Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Past-Ma- Chicago Library, Chicago Press, Saturday After- tron and present sec. of Atkinson Chapter, noon (Santa Rosa, Cal.). Episcopalian. Favora Order of Eastern Star; Past-Chief Degree of woman suffrage. Progressive. HAWKINS— HAYDEN 373 HAWKINS, Avis A., 92 Llnwood Av., Provi- dence, R.I. Teacher; b. Gloucester, R.I., Oct. 5, 1857; dau. Ara and Amey (Horton) Hawkins (deacendant of William Hawkins, who settled in R.I. in 1638, aad from Chad Brown, 1638, and Thomas Angell, wlio came to R.I. with Roger WilliamB in 1636); ed. North Providence and Providence public schools; French In Berlitz PrlTate School; pri- vate teachers, Kingston Coll., summer school. Began teaching In 1881 at Johnston, R.I. ; prin. Admiral St. Primary; prin. Veazie St. School; Manton Av. Grammar School; completed 32 years of consecutive teaching. Interested in work for women and children, religious, social and phil- anthropic. Author of two poems: The Old Shrewsbury Chestnut Tree; The New America; one article on penmanship; furnished photos and poem for Arbor Day Manual, 1913. Mem. Woman's Guild of Union Congregational Church, Providence, R.I. ; R.I. Anti-Saloon League, Provi- dence Teachers' Retirement Fund Ass'n (has been sec), Sarah E. Doyle Club (has been treas.), State Fed. of Women's Clubs (director); treas. Providence Fed. of Women Teachers, R.I. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, R.I. Inst, of Instruction, Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims. Recrea- tions: Photography, poetry, literature, water colors. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage; was press representative for one year and then chairman of club extension for teachers. HAWKINS, Evangel Lee Bristow (Mrs. Mark Cutter Hawkins), Monroe City, Mo. Born Wheeling, W.Va., Sept. 10, 1875; dau. Rev. J. B. and Nannie E. (Rawlings) Bristow; ed. Stephens Female Coll., Columbia, Mo., A.B. '96; m. May 20, 1896, Mark Cutter Hawkins; children: Mabel Virginia, Robert Lewis. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, Monroe City Century Club. Baptist. HAWKS, Emma Beatrice, 1010 N St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Library work; b. Williamsburg, Mass., June 27, 1871; dau. William A. and Linda M. (Bagley) Hawks; ed. public schools, Williamsburg and Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., B.A. '92; N.Y. State Library School, October, 1893, to April, 1894. Employed in Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass., 1894 to May, 1895; in library U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, Washington, D.C, May, 1895, to date; since 1907 assistant librarian. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Dist .of Co- lumbia Library Ass'n, College Women's Club, Washington, D.C. HAWKS, Emma Lacinda, San Dimas, Cal. Retired teacher, orange grower; b. Rochester, N.Y.; ed. schools of Rochester and Vassar Coll., A.B. '71. Engaged as high school teacher In Sacramento, Cal., 1873-74; Los Angeles, Cal., 1874-77; Rochester, N.Y., 1877-78; principal New Brunswick (N.J.) High School, 1878-92; precep- tress in State Normal School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1892-94; orange grower at San Dlmos, Cal., since 1894. HAWKS, Rachel MarshaU (Mrs. Arthur Worth- Ington Hawks), Ruxton, Md. Sculptor and decorator; b. Port Deposit, Md.; dau. John Fulton and Anne Elizabeth (Deaver) Marshall; grad. and alumni of Maryland Inst.; studied in Rinehart classes, Baltimore; mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc; m. Baitlmore, June 20, 1901, Arthur Worthington Hawks. Portrait bust of Dr. Basil L. Gildersleeve of Johns Hopkins Univ.; plaster mural decorations for Samuel Wiley house (bungalow) at Ruxton, Md. Episco- palian. Recreation. Out-door sketching. Mem. Water Color Handicraft Club, Baltimore; Lend-a- Ilaud Club. H.V WORTH, Eleanor Frothingliam (Mrs. B. C. Haworth), 2713 Carolina St., Vancouver, B.C. Teacher; b. Amsterdam, N.Y., Mar. 4, 1860; dau. Rev. James Frothingham and Chloe (Hazel- tine) Frothingham; ed. Rockford Coll., '81, B.A. ; grad. student Univ. of Washington, Seattle, M.A. '11; m. Waukegan, 111., Sept. 27, 1887, Rev. B. C. Haworth, M.A. ; children: Frances, James, Wal- lace, Chloe, Katherine. Vice-principal Coming Presbyterial Acad., 1885-87. Organizer and prin- cipal of Tokyo school for English-speaking chil- dren, Tokyo, Japan, 1503-06; prof, of modern languages, Westfleld (111.) Coll., 1907-08. Mission- ary in Japan, 1887-1906; mem. Red Cross Soc. of Japan. Speaker In America on missions In Japan and various phases of Japanese life. Mem. Pioneer Political Equality League, Vancouver, B.C. Presbyterian. Mem. University Women's Club, Vancouver, B.C. Husband Is now official Japanese interpreter (in Vancouver for five years) for the U.S. Immigration Service In San Fran- cisco, Cal. HAWTHORNE, Hlldeg:arde, 60 B. Twenty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. Julian and Mlnne Hawthorne; ed. atirojui and at home. Author: A Country Interlude; Women and Other Women; The Lure of the Garden; many articles In maga- zines and newspapers, also poems and stories. Mem, MacDowell Clu* of New York. Recrea- tions: Walkmg, canoeing, riding. Swenden- borglan. HAY, Eleanor Hnmbird (Mrs. Southard Hay), 917 St. James St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Cumberland, Md., Feb. 4, 1877; dau. James S. and Emma Barlow (Chamtoera) Hum- bird; ed. St. Margaret's School, Waterbury, Conn.; m. Pittsburg'h, Pa., April 21, 1906, South- ard Hay; one son: Malcolm. Meim. Board of Managers of E>piscopal Church Home at Pitts- burgh. Elpiscopalian. Mem. PWitsburgrh Golf Club. HAY, Mary Garrett, 2 W. Elghty-ilith St., N.T. City. Lecturer; b. Charlestown, Ind. ; dau. Andrew Jennings and Rebecca (Garrett) Hay; ed. the Western Oxford, O. For six years organizer Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, N.Y. Git?-; for two years pres. State Fed. Women's Clubs. Active in many reforms. Presbyterian. Clubs: N.Y. City P'ederation, Woman's Press; pres. Daughters of Indiana in N.Y. ; pres. N.Y. Equal Suffrage League; mem. D.A.R., Soc. for Political Study, Nat. Patriotic Women. CbaLrman Woman Suffrage Party. ^ HAYDEN, Clara May, Ingleslde, Neb. Physician; b. Jefferson County, Iowa, 1880; dau. James F. and Mary C. (Laughlin) Hayden; ed. State Univ. of Iowa, B.S. '06, M.D. '07. Ass't physician St. Peter's State Hospital, Minn., 1910- 11; ass't physician Ingleside State Hospital, Neb., 1913. HAYDEN, Dorotliea Hoaglin (Mrs. Newell Mat- son Hayden), R.F.D. No. 2, Box 39, Pasadena, Cal. Lecturer and dramatic reader; b. Holton, Kan.; dau. Ward Sherman and Virginia (Fitzslmmons) Hoaglin; ed. public schools; State Normal; Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston; Chicago Univ.; m. Emporia, Kan., Jan. 1, 1903, Rev. Newell Matson Hayden. Has lectured and given modern dramas and Shakespeare plays before leading olubs and colleges throughout the coun- try. Active In Y.W.C.A. and Modern Drama League work. Favors woman suffrage. Lectures on: The Child of the Stage; The Art of Ex- pression; Great Play Writers; A Mound of Eixpresslon. Has dramatized the novels: Lea Miserables; If I Were King; The Pilot. Con- gregationalist. Progressive. Mem. Shakespeare Club of Pasadena, Altadena Circle. At age of 23 served two terms as county sup't of public instruction. Instituting a system of graduation from dlstriot schools and organizing school board conferences. Prof, of oratory in Kansas State Normal for four years; prof, oratory De Kalb (111.) Normal School for three years and made original investigation as to dramatic instinct in children. HAYDEN, Rutli Eleanor (Mrs. Bert Hayden), "The Pines," 205 Keystone Av., Sayre, Pa, Born town of Conklin, Broome Co., N.Y. ; dau. John and Mary A. (Rogers) Lester; ed. high school, also Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa.; m. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 17, 1877, Bert Hayden: children: Paul, Robert. Charter mem. of Woman's Auxiliary Soc. to the Robert Parker Hospital in Sayre, and has held Its preeldencj and other offices. Interested In limited enffrage. Protestant Episcopal. First vice-regent of Tioga Chapter D.A.R,; one ancestress, EUeanor Bou- chler, was of Huguenot de6C«nt; Revoltrtlonary 374 HAYES— HA YWARD ancestor, John Thompson, who served with "Mad Anthony" vOen.) Wayne in subduing the In- dians. Mem. Ladies' Library Club of Athens and Sayre; charter mem. and pres. in 1899-1901 and 1911-13. Charter mem. Fransohnian Musical Soc. (pres. two terms). HAYKS, Agnea Hayes Stone (Mrs. Samuel Per- kins Hayes), South Hadley, Mass. Born Rochester, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1876; dau. Lyman L. and Jane (Card) Stone; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '98; Cornell Grad. School; Univ. of Berlin, m. Rochester, July 23, 1903, Samuel Per- kins Hayes; children: Lyman, Mary Ellen, Sajnuel, Janet Card. HAYES, Clara Lyon (Mrs. Jay Orley Hayes), Eden Vale, Cal. Bom Oct. 2, 1857, Racine, Wis.; dau. William Penn and Adelia (Duncombe) Lyon; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.S.; m. Madison, Wis., June 16, 1885, Jay Orley Hayes; children: Mildred M., Lyetta A., Elystus L., Miriam F., Jay Orlo. Speaker on religious and social questions. Active in organizing Mothers' Clubs and Parent-Teacher Ass'ns in Santa Clara Co., Cal (first pres. of Federated Mothers' Clubs of that county). Pres. 2d Dist. of State Congress of Mothers (counties of San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Ala- meda, Marin, Contra Costa, Sonoma, Napa). Favors woman suffrage. President of the Civic Study League of San Jose. Republican. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnse, San Jose High School Mothers' Ass'n. HAYES, Ellen, Wellesley, Mass. Teacher; b. Granville, O., Sept. 1851; dau. Charles C. and Ruth R. (Wolcott) Hayes; grad. Oberlin Coll., A.B. '78. Prof, mathematics, Wel- lesley Coll., 1881-1904; made prof, of astronomy and applied mathematics in 1904. Active mem- ber Socialist Party. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Elementary Trigonometry; Algebra for High Schools and Colleges; Calculus with Ap- plications; Letters to a College Girl; Two Com- rades. Mem. Fellow A.A.A.S., and of Astronom- ical and Astrophysical Soc. Recreation: Gar- dening. Socialist candidate for Secretary of State of Mass., 1912. HAYES, Ethel Monroe, 252 Medford St., Somer- vllle, Mass. Acting librarian. Tufts Coll. Library; b. Som- erville, Mass., Sept. 20, 1873; dau. William T. and Parnell (Munroe) Hayes; ed. public schools of Somerville, Mass.; Tufts Coll., A.B. '96. Universalist. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n., Mass. Library Club. HAYES, Mary Coulbourn Conner (Mrs. William Van Valzah Hayes), 34 W. Fiftieth St., N.Y. City. Born Marion, Md., Sept. 9, 1878; dau. Rev. Benjamin Coulbourn and Bettie (Tyler) Conner; ed. Dickinson Sem., Williamsport, Pa., grad. '96; Woman's Coll. of Baltimore, A.B. 1900; was pres. y.W.C.A. of college; pres. of class 1900; m. Al- toona. Pa., Sept. 9, 1903, William Van Valzah Hayes, M.D. Presbyterian. Pres. N.Y. Chapter of the Woman's Coll. of Baltimore Alumnae; mem. Nat. Sorority of Gamma Phi Beta (Zeta Chapter), College Settlement Ass'n, N.Y.; Alumnae Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. Recrea- tions: Tennis, canoeing, camp life. HAYNES, Caroline Coventry, 16 E. 36th St., N.Y. City, and Highlands. N.J. Artist, botanist; b. N.Y. City; dau. F. W. and Caroline M. (De Forest) Haynes; ed. Mrs. Syl- vanus Reed's School, N.Y. City, Art Students' League, N.Y. City; registered student at N.Y. Botanical Gardens; studied art in Paris under Alfred Stevens and Courtois. Mem. Sullivant Moss Soc. (ex-vice-pres.), Monmouth Co. His- toric Ass'n, Conn. Botanical Soc, Am. Fed. of Arts, Am. Forestry Ass'n, Am. Museum Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mem. Tor- rey Botanical Club, Pen and Brush Club, N.Y. Water Color Club, Rumson Country Club. HAYNES, Myrte Rice (Mrs. \V. M. Haynes), 319 Washtenaw St., Lansing:, Mich. Born Westfield, N.Y., Nov. 20, 1866; dau. George W. and Sarah (Whitmore) Rice; ed. Alle- gheny Coll., 1888, A.M.; Ph.D. '92 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Westfleld, N.Y., 1898, T>r. W. M. Haynes. Taught in high school (mathe- matics and German), 1888-98. Has assisted in organizing and running two village libraries; has given service in teaching foreign girls Eng- lish at Y.W.C.A. Universalist. Mem. Order of Rastern Star. Mem. Minerva Club (Sherman, N.Y.), Woman's Historical Clab (Lansing, Mich.). Favors woman suffrage. HAYS, Josephine (Mrs. Ben F. Hays), North- ington, Ind. Bom' Greencastle, Ind., Nov. 21, 1850; dau. James McD. and Ella (James) Hays; ed. De Pauw Univ., Ph.B. 'SO — ocientific honors of class (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Grt;en- castle, Ind., Apr. 9, 1884, Ben F. Hays; chil- dren: James Mark, Harry McDonald. Chris- tian Scientist. Pres. Domestic Science Club, English History Club. Favors woman suffrage. HAYS, Margaret Gebbie (Mrs. Frank Allison Hays), 6334 Sherwood F:oad, Overbrook, I'hil- adelphia, Pa. Author; born in Philadelphia: dau. George and Mary (Fitzgerald) Gebbie; ed. at home with governesses till 13, then at Convent of Notre Dame. Rittenhouse Square, boarding school till married at an early age; m. Frank Allison Hays, architect; children: Mary Anthony, Will- iam Allison. Write stories: Dolly Drake and Bobby Blake (illustrated by sister, Grace G. Wiedersein — now Drayton). Designed and illus- trated series (Jennie and Jack) for Boston Her- ald; wrote verses for magazines illustrated by Grace G. Drayton; wrote Campbell Soup Jingles for street cars, etc. Originated series Kaptin Kiddo for Sunday North American, Philadelphia, illustrated by G. G. Drayton. Author: Kiddie Rhymes; Kiddie Land; Kaptin Kiddo; Kaptin Kiddo and Puppo; Vegetable Verselets; designer of toy books for E. P. Dutton & Co., N.Y. City. HAYWABD, Celia AdeUa, 2486 Bhattuck Av., Berkeley, Cal. Librarian; b. Kirby, Vt. ; dau. Lewis and Mar- garet (Smith) Hayward; ed. public schools and academies of Vt., and in boarding school. En- gaged in library work since 1892. Librarian Public Library, Galesburg, lU., two years. Branch li'brarian and supervisor of branch libraries with San Francisco Public Library six years. Head cataloguer v/ith Public Library, Berkeley, Cal., since 1907. Favors woman suffrage. Author of magazine verse and various papers on library science and economy. Progres- sive Republican. Mem. Cal. Library Ass'n. Recreations: Opera, concerts, and outdoor life. HAYWABD, Florence, 49 37 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo. Writer; b. New Mexico; dau. Col. Geo. A. Hayward (C.S.A.) and Ellon (Erwin) Hayward; ed. public school, St. Louis; ferad. Mary Inst., Washington Univ., St. Louis (former pres. Mary Inst. Alumni Ass'n). Founded St. Louis Art- ists' Guild; special comm'r to five European countries for St. Louis World's Fair, 1904; special comm'r of history, 1904. Mem. French Acad. (Officier d'Instruction publique) ; mem. Royal Soc. of Arts, Great Britain; fellow of Royal Meteor- ological Soc, Great Britain. Special contributor to Pall Mall Magazine, later Daily Mail and Westminster In London, and In U.S. to Cen- tury, Harper's, Sunset, St. Louis Globe-Demo- crat, Republican, Post-Dispatch and Mirror. Protestant Episcopalian. Obtained from King Edward the loan of Queen Victoria's jubilee presents for World's Fair of 1904 in St. Louis; also the Vatican Exhibit, the first made by the Vatican to any world's fair. Presented at Court of St. James, 1903. Opposed to woman suffrage. HAYWABD, H. Josephine (Mrs. Elisha F. Hay- ward), 4 Falrmount St., Woburn, Mass. Lecturer; b. Milford, N.H., Feb. 2, 1869; dau. George M. and Mary A. (Willoughby) Center; ed. Milford High School, Boston Univ., New England Conservatory (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Milford, N.H., Nov. 28, 1901, Elisha F. Hay- ward. Taught languages in high schools of Mass. for 12 years; lecturer since 1902 before clubs and other socs. Member of School Board of Woburn six years. Founder of Visiting HAYWARD— HAZEN 375 Nurse AsB'n In Woburn and chairman of Sup- HAZARD, Bertha, 98 Tyler St., Boston, Mass. ply Com.; interested In work of Vatican Bureau School principal, author; b. Mobile, Ala.; grad. of Nat. Civic Federation, and has been active Vasaar Coll., '79. Teacher, Corning, N.Y., 1879- in looking up places for girls to spend summer SI; Providence, R.I., 1881-83; Brooklyn, N.Y., vacations. Lectures: Why Women Should be 1883-85; Boston, Mass., 1885-1904; principal of Interested in Civil Service Reform; What Chil- Public Evening School, Boston, 1906-11; since dren Should Read; The Ideal Club; Cuba and 1906 director of The Hemenway and Hemenway Her People; Arts and Crafts of Mexico; Conser- House, cooperative hemes for working girls, vation and Patriotism; Belles and Balls of Colo- Compiled: Three Years With the Poets, a collec- nial Days. Baptist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. tion of poetry for children; edited Civic Reader (founder of Col. Loamini Baldwin Chapter of for New Americans. Pres. Civic Club of Ward Woburn, and Regent six years) also founder of Seven, Boston. Gen. Joseph Warren Chapter, D.A.R. ; now Ass't hAZAKD, Caroline, The Scallop Shell, Peace State Historian and chairman of State Conser- ^aie, R.i. (also Mission Hill, Santa Barbara, vation Com. Mem. and ex-prea. Woburn Wo- Qg,! ) . uoa.*, man's Club; mem. and director New Hampshire Born Peace Dale, R.I., June 10, 1856; dau. Row- Daughters; mem and director Prof. Women's j^nd and Margaret (Rood) Hazard ; ^pVovl- Club; mem Ex Club of N.H. Daughters. Recrea- dence, R.I.; B?own Univ., Utt.D. '99; Unlv of tions: Music, theatre. Traveled in South Cuba ^ich. (hon.). A.M. '99; -fufts Coll., LL.D. '05. Mexico and Spain, making a special study of p^eg. Wellesley Coll., 1899-1910; mem. Mass, sociological questions and the arts and crafts of gtate Board of BducaUon, 1902-06; corporate those countries. mem. Am. Board Commissioners for Foreign HAYWARD, lone, Pana, 111. Missions; mem. Com. of One Hundred on Nat. Born Pana, 111., April 2, 1879; dau. John ^^}^'' "'® S^^m R I. Historical Soc; trustee Augustus and Flora M. (Rood) Hay ward; ed. Tili ?J^^ ^°^h Author: Life of J. L. Diman, Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis, Ind. Was ^^°°'. ^°U^se "Tom, a Study of Life in Narragan- pres. of the 21st Dist. 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, ?^" '"on. ^^}^ Century, 1893; Narragansett Bal- 1908-09; has always been idenUfled with phllan- \^^^- f,^^^' c^ ^^^P^^?" Friends Meeting, 1899; throplc and civic activities, as well as mem. ot ^ Scallop Shel of Quiet, 1908; A Brief Pilgrim- the Public Library Board for many years. Mem. ?se in the Holy Land, 1909; The College Year, Woman's Club, Tuesday Club, Fortnightly Club, ^ti . Congregationalist. Mem. New Ehigland Recreations: Gut-door sports. Christian Sclen- Historical and Genealogical Soc, Religious Edu- tlst. Favors woman suffrage. ?, t ^ , ••, ■^^^'^^ ^^- ^•^- Colonial Dames, R.I. Colonial Governors. Clubs: Lyceum (Lon- HAYWAKD, Lillian WooUon (Mrs. Harry Hay- ^rJl! v?.^"^ ^°' ^^- ^"• Jacket. Favors woman suffrage. ' P^?/°'^n,^'^ ^w?° °Voi?^.^''l^ Hazen; ed. Rlpon ^ Coll., Rlpon, Wis., 1874-78. Favors woman suf- 376 HAZEN— HEALY N.Y., 18S9. Founded and maintained a liome for HEAD, Sallie Gary Wilson (Mrs. Henry O. rescue work among young girls; pres.. of Pascal Head), Sherman, Tex. Inst for Industrial Training, 1902-08; third prea. Born New Orleans, La., May 18, 1856; dau. of Pelham Fresb Air Home (now vice-pres.); Edward Hayden and Mary A. (Turner) Wilson; non-official associate and contributor to Grenfell ed. private schools in New Orleans; m. Jan. 23, Ass'n, Stony Wold, N.Y. Convalescent Home; 1878, Henry O. Head; children: Henry O. Jr., scholarship endowment at Hobart Coll. Trans- Hayden W., Mary Orlena. Mem. Saturday lated Halevy's Abbe Constantln from the French Evening Literary Club. Against woman suffrage, and other booka and brochures on art, also con- heaGY, Alice M. B. (Mrs. John M. Heagy), tributions to Am. periodicals. Mem. Colonial steelton, Pa, Dames of State of N.Y., Holland Dames, D.A.R.; gorn Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 31, 1860; dau. Peter vice-regent of Mary Washington (Colonial Chap- and Clarissa (Light) Ranch; ed. Lebanon Valley ter, N.Y. City, 1904-06; Nat. vice-pres. gen. of coll., Annville, Pa., M.A. '77; m. Lebanon, Pa., State of N.Y., 1905-07. Episcopalian. Favors ju^e i4_ igga^ j^j^n M. Heagy. Active in Home woman suffrage. Republican. and Foreign Missionary work of her denomina- ^„ -r^ , , ^ „ tion; mem. Board Trustees of Free Public Li- HAZEN, Loolse Coleman, 68 Washington Square, iji-^ry; active in visiting nurse work. Favors N.Y. City. -, ,o-, J nv, -1== woman suffrage. Mem. United Brethren in Teacher; b. Vermont, Jan. 1, 1877; dau. unaries du-igj Church. Active in Sunday-school work; Dana and Abbie M. (Coleman) Hazen; ed. Jsniim ^gaoher of large organized class of women. Coll., B.A. '98; student of astronomy and physics, ^^^^ Fortnightly Club, Civic Club, Literary Univ. of Pa.. 1900-01; mathematics and physics, ^^^^ (.j^j^. Betterment Club; pres. of Civic Club Dartmouth Summer School, 1902; mathematics, gj^^g organization; vice-chairman for Dauphin Univ. of Texas, 1902-03. Teacher, Wilder Vt., county of State Fed. of Pa. Women. 1898-1900: Austin, Tex., 1900-03; State Normal „_,. ' , -,r tt, .. ,, o» ^ v, .^ School, Castleton, Vt., 1903-04; N.Y. City high HKAIJO, Lucy, 15 Wendell St., Cambridge, schools since 1906. Congregationalist. Favors ^^^^- , .^ ». tt ,.», ^ ^ m- Z^Zr^T,^ J^^trrZcr^ ' Teacher and writer; b. Hubbardston, Mass., woman sunrage. j^^^^ 23, 1872; dau. T. Sibley and Lucy (Prentiss) HAZEN Pauline Browne (Mrs. Daniel E. Heald; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '95; Columbia Univ., Hazen) Tampa Bay Hotel, Tampa, Fla. A.M. '98 (mem. Alpha, Smith). Teacher Bellows Journalist- b. Umona, Fla., Jan. 31, 1881; dau. Falls (Vt.) High School; Springfield (Mass.) John Wesley and Susan F. (Blocker) Browne; High School; Brookline Grammar School, Mt. ed high school and by private teachers and cor- Holyoke; Cambridge (Mass.) Evening School, respondence schools; m. 1899, Daniel E. Hazen Author: Love in Umbria. Unitarian. Favors (died Dec. 14, 1911). Editor of Woman's Realm woman suffrage. Dep't of Tampa Morning Tribune for past four hEALEY, Isabel Hall Coombs (Mrs. Warren years; compiler and publisher of the first Blue Robert Healey), 12 Winthrop St., Winchester, Book of Tampa, Fla., 1912-13. Active in church Mass. work social life, clubs and literary work. Win- gom stoneham, Mass., Oct. 19, 1879; dau. ner of prizes at Fla. State fairs on tapestry, Charles A. and Clara I. (Llttlefield) Coombs; ed. water color, oil, pastel paintings, original decora- stoneham High School; Tufts Coll., A.B. (mem. tlve designs. Aided in cause for Seminole In- Alpha Omicrom Pi); m. Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 9, dlans of the Fla. Everglades; the cause of An- ^ggg^ Warren Robert Healey; one daughter: dubon societies by the influence of writings. Eleanor. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll., Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of descrip- Equal Suffrage League, two alumnae ass'ns and tive articles and short stories to newspapers and tjjg Fortnightly Winchester Woman's Club, magazines; writer of interviews with noted peo- unitarian. pie. Episcopalian. Mem Civic Ass'n Am. ^j^^y Johanna Stack (Mrs. Frank J. Healy), Woman's Republic. Recreations Swimming, ^^^7 Illinois Av., East St. Louis, 111. motoring, dancing, tennis, travel Vice-pres Chicago, 111., May 12, 1859; dau. P. H. and one of the two founders Tampa Dramatic Margaret (Lillis Stack; ed. St. Louis High Club; sec. Students' Art aub for fourth conse^^^^^ Sacred Heart Convent, St. Louis, Mo.; tlYe year; mem. Friday Morning Musicale ^ ^^^^ gj._ ^^^^.^^ j^j^ ^^^_ ^^_ ^g^^_ ^^^^^ j_ (crlUc), Am. federation oi Arts. Healy; children: Michael, Francis, Margaret, HAZIlEWOOD Chariott© WUliams, winter, Joanna. Catholic. Pres. Catholic Knights and 161 Allen Av Lynn Mass.; summer, Aibonito Ladies of America; pres. Queen's Daughters' Studio Hancock Point, Me. Charity Organization (of Catholic women) seven Author illustrator, book designer; b. Ells- years. Mem. East St. Louis Woman's Literary worth. Me.; dau. Rev. Dr. Francis T. and Char- C^ub. lotte 'w. (Callender) Hazlewood; ed. public hEAXT, Katherine Hannah Andrews (Mrs. schools of Bangor, Me., and Lynn, Mass.; Wei- John Jay Healy), 203 Barry Av., Chicago, lesley Coll., B.A. '91; Yale Univ., graduate dep't, m. 1896-98, holder of scholarship, second year, Bryn Born Chicago; ed. In schools of Chicago; Smith Mawr Coll., holder of graduate fellowship in coU., B.S. '9-1; student of pedagogy, Chicago Greek 1898-99. Teacher of Greek and Latin, univ., 1897-98; m. Chicago, June 21, 1900, John Classical High School, Lynn, Mass., 1891-96; j^y Healy (lawyer; former State's Att'y of Cook made cover design, and all the illustrations and County, 111.); children: Lois Andrews, b. July 14, decorations for The Discontented Clam; has 1901 . Allan, b. Mar. 17, 1903; Helen Lambert, b. made cover designs and decorations for book juiy 19, 1904 ; Winston, b. Nov. 11, 1907. Teacher, caUlogues, etc. Has been on Board of Directors 1894.1900. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, of Woman's Baptist Social Union of Boston, smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Author: The Garden of Gray Ledge and Other uj-ai.Y, Marjorie Alice (Mrs. Reginald Jeffer- Poems; also short stories and poems. Baptist. ^^^ Healy), 2105 Irving Av., South, Mlnne- Recreatlons: Walking, mountain climbing, row- j j^j^^^ ing. gardening. Mem. Boston College Club, g^^^ Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4, 1879; dau. Woman's Baptist Social Union of Boston, Boston ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^_ (Lynch) Higbee; ed. Wellesley College Club. Wells Coll., A.B. '01 (magna cum laude) ; two HFAn Annie Lyndesay WUklnson (Mrs. Jo- years at Univ. of Minn. (Phoenix Literarum s^i^'n'efd^ 62rwltfvlew St., Germantown, Societas at Wells, Kappa Kappa Gamma at Univ. PUiladelnhia Pa. of Mlnn.);^. April 25, 1906, Reginald Jefferson Born (:ieveland!" Ohio; grad. Vassar Coll., Healy; one daughter: Anne Healy, b. Sept. 25, AB "97 A M.^8; graduate scholar Vassar, 1897- 1909. Sec. of Kindergarten and Industrial Soc 98' Babixrtt fellow of Vassar Coll. and graduate of Westminster Church and mem. of Finance BcholaVin German and mathematics, Bryn Com.; Interested n chl d and infant welfare Mawr Coll 1898-99; fellow in mathematics, Bryn work, advocating free kindergartens In Ml^ne- Mlwr 1899-1900; m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, apolls public schools; mem. sewing circle for W02 Jo^Dh Head. M.D.. D.D.S.; one son. two Sunshine Soc; mem. Humane Soc, Nat. Child daukht^ Instroct^ in mathemaUcs, Vassar Lator Soc, College SetUement Ass'n, Y.W^.A Coll l^'-02 Westminster Guild, Woman's Club; pres. Wells HEALY— HEBARD 377 College Club. Recreations: Gardening, social affairs. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. HEAXY, Mary Lucy UufTman (Mrs. Thomas Davis Healy), 923 First Av., South, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Born Iowa; grad. Parsons Coll., Fairfield, Iowa, B.S., B.A. '89, M.A. '92; Smith Coll., B.A. '90; m. Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 16, 1898, Thomas Davis Healy (died Jan. 15, 1909); children: Hiatt Huffman, b. July 16, 1901, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1902; Thomas Davis Jr., b. April 27, 1904. Teacher of English and Latin, Fort Dodge (Iowa) High School, 1891-97; principal, 1897-98. IIKAUD, Mary Kathrina, Iowa City, la. Physician; b. Flushing, Mich., Sept. 17, 1869; dau. Amos B. Heard, M.D., and Amanda J. (Stunt?) Heard; ed. public schools of North East, Pa.; Univ. of Mich,. Ph.C. '92; Univ. of Iowa, B.Ph., M.D. '05, M.S. '07. Physician to young women of State Univ. of Iowa, 1905-12. Con- nected with Med. Coll. of State Univ. of Iowa; assistant prof, in ophthalmology, otology, rhino- laryngology. Sup't of organization of young women in local church, Sunday-school teacher. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of Methodist Church and official board of M.B. Church; mem. Order of Eastern Star, King's Daughters, Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology, Iowa State Med. Soc, State Soc. Iowa Med. Women, Iowa Union Med. Soc, Johnson Co. Med. Soc, Pro- fessional Women's League, Friendship Guild, Philosophical Club. Favors woman suffrage. HEARST, Phoebe Apperson (Mrs. George Hearst), Hacienda del Pozo de Verona, Pleas- anton, Cal. Philanthropist; dau. R. W. Appereon; ed. In Cal.; taught school one year; m. San Francisco, June 15, 1862, George Hearst (who became U.S. Senator from Cal. and died In 1891); one son: William Randolph Hearst, b. April, 1863. Has large mining Interests at Lead, S.Dak. ; Butte, Mont, and elsewhere. Active in philanthropic work for women and girls and in education of young people; has established kindergarten classes in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Lead, S.Dak., where she now maintains kinder- garten classes for 300 children; gave $250,000 to liuild Nat. Cathedral School at Washington, U.C. ; formerly maintained free libraries at Butte, Mont., and Lead, S.Dak., which she later presented to the municipalities. Has made large donations to the Univ. of Cal., where she erected and equipped the large mining building, as a memorial to her husband. Regent of Univ. of Cal. Mem. Golden Gate Kindergarten Ass'n, Mt. Verncn Ass'n (vice-regent for Cal.), Century Club of San Francisco (was its first pres.), Dbell Club of Oakland. HEATH, Blanche Thayer (Mrs. John Heath), 382 Lincoln Av., Palo Alto, Cal. Born San Francisao, Oct. 3, 1865; dau. WUliaan Newton and Abigail Martha (Davis) Meeks; ed. Paris, France; Oakland, Cal.; Stanford Univ., 1912—; m. Oakland, Feb. 21, 1889, John Heath; children: Constance Adela, John. Organist and concert accompanist. Sec. first Woman's Suf- frage League of Oakland; sec. Woman's Con- gress Auxiliary of Oakland. Christian Scientist, Democrat. Meim. Peninsula Musical Ass'n; hon. mem. Circle Frangaise de Stanford. Recreations: Music, motoring. HEATH, Ella Conway (Mrs. Perry S. Heath), 2100 S St., Washing-ton, -D.C. Born April 11, 1871; dau. George W. and Mar- garet (Bacon) Con-way; ed. Miss Belle Peer's School, Louisville, Ky. ; m. Louisville. Ky., Sept. 17, 1890, Perry S. Heath (prominent newspaper publisher and editor). Mem. Board of Directors Y.W.C.A. of Washington, D.C. Presbyterian. HEATH, Mrs. Julian, 170 W. Eighty-eighth St., N.T. City. Born Stonington, Conn., Jan., 1866; dau. Will- lam L. and Mary J. (Church) Dewey; ed. Bridge- port, Conn., and grad. N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1892, Julian Heath; one son, Julian Dewey Heath. Began philanthropic work at age of 15, pioneer In settlement, kindergarten, play- ground and fresh air work; active in church work as leader King's Daughters. One of three original founders of Jacob Riis Settlement, and pres. of board for 15 years. Founder of tene- ment cooking classes and schools of house- keeping for tenement women; founder and Nat. Pres. of Housewives League, 1911. Episcopalian. Mem. Housewives League, City Federation of Women's Clubs, State Federation of Women's Clubs, Woman's Forum, Nat. Soc. of New Eng- land Women. HEATH, Marie Barbara Senn (Mrs. Thomas Hunter Heath), 6027 Roxbury Av., Seattle, Wash. Born Enterprise, Kan., July 6, 1872; dau. Senator M. and Josephine (Meyer) Senn; ed. Kan. State Agricultural Coll., B.S. '90, M.S. '93; m. Lasita, Kan., Jan. 1, 1903, Thomas Hunter Heath; chil- dren: Senn Hunter, b. Jan. 27, 1904; Josephine, b. Aug. 19, 1906; Henry Thomas, b. April 19, 1910. Teacher in grades and high school. Enter- prise, Kan., 1893-94; organized there a summer school of domestic science, 1894; prof, of house- hold economics in N.Dak. State Agricultural Coll., 1894-1902. Has lectured on home economic problems before farmers' Institutes in N.Dak. and Wash., and before Ohautauquas, State suf- frage and W.C.T.U. conventions, women's clubs. State federations of clubs and before schools and churches. Has helped in social center work, Parent-Teachers' League, girls' clubs. Uni- tarian; church trustee in Fargo, N.Dak. and Everett, Wash. Interested in home science and art In ctty schools and of organizing the work for the rural districts in connection with con- solidated schools; agricultural teaching in city and country schools. Mem. Soc. of Social and Moral Hygiene, Civic Improvement Soc, Woman's Club of Rainier Beach, Seattle. Favorg woman suffrage. HEATH-PROCTOR, Alice Lorraine (Mrs. Chas. Willis Proctor), 12 Bidwell Parkway, Buffalo, N.Y. Osteopathic physician; b. Narsand, N.Y. ; dau. Lorenzo Dow and Augusta Thankful (Hibbard) Heath; ed. Sharon (Pa.) High School; Warrens- burg (Mo.) Normal School; Allegheny Coll., Meadvllle,, Pa., A.B., A.M.; Am. School of Os- teopathy, Klrksville, Mo.; m. Kirksville, Mo., Dec. 31, 1886, Charles Willis Proctor, A.M., Ph.D D.D.; children: Ruth and Willis Heath Proctor.' Interested in several missionary societies, W.C.T.U., McCall Mission, Bethesda Home Soc. of U.S. of America (a mission to lepers), Y.W.C.A. Methodist. Mem. Am. Osteopathic Ass'n, Western Osteopathic Ass'n, Daughters of 1812 (Frontier Chapter), New England Women (Colony No. 2), Eastern Star (Salome Chapter). Recreations: Gardening, motoring. Favora woman suffrage. HEATON, Lucia Elizabeth, Canton, N.Y. Physician; b. Canton, N.Y., June 18, 1856; dau. Ira Willmarth and Lucinda (Langdon) Heaton; ed. Canton Union School, St. Lawrence, Univ. and Woman's Med. Coll. of the N.Y. Infirmary, B.S., M.S., M.D. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). In general practice in Canton, N.Y., since 1892; has done temperance and suffrage work foi years; lectured on health topics under the N.Y. State Department of Agriculture, 1910-12; lecturei on Sex Hygiene for N.Y. State Department ol Health. Superintendent of franchise in the local W.C.T.U. Universalist. Mem. State and County Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of State of N.Y., Woman's Med. Soc. of City of N.Y., Phi Beta Kappa, Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. HEB.\RD, Grace Raymond, Laramie, Wyo. Professor of economics and librarian at Stat« Univ. of Wyoming; dau. Rev. George D. A. and Margaret E. D. (Marvin) Hebard; ed. State Univ. of Iowa, B.S. '82, M.A. '85; Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Ph.D. '93 (mem. Pi BeU Phi, Iowa Zeta). First woman to be admitted to Wyoming bar, 1898; trustee of the State Univ. of Wyoming, 1891-1903 (sec. of board 1891-1908); draftsman U.S. Surveyor's Office, 1882-86; librarian of Wyoming State Univ., 1S91— . Teacher of political and economic science, Univ. of Wyoming, since 1903. Pres. of State Board of Examiners for Teacbers, 378 HEDDEN— HEINER 1909-10. Trustee of the Wyoming State His- torical Soc. ; lecturer at teachers' institutes; Btory teller at public library and book reviewer tor pupils In public schools of Laramie, Wyo. Author: The Government and History of Wyoming, text-book; The Pathbreakers from River to Ocean; Sacajawea— The Pilot to the White Men; The First Woman Jury; also articles on suffrage and Western developments for maga- Eines and periodicals. Recreations: Held State championship in tennis, singles and mixed loubles, also State championship in golf, singles and mixed doubles. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Independent Republican; was one of the com. of three women, 1889, appointed by a State convention of women to draft a set of resolutions asking the State Constitutional Ck)nventlon to insert clause granting woman suffrage. State historian D.A.R., was first regent of the organization in Wyoming; State historian for Wyoming of Coloniaj Dames of Wyoming; mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Wyoming; officer of State Teachers Ass'n, Wyoming. HEDDEN, Rose C. del Pino (Mrs. Edward Harold Headen), 465 West End Av., N.T. City. Born N.Y. City, April 19, 1866; dau. Marcos del Pino and Amalia Sorondo y del Portillo; ed aA. Madame A. C. Mears',' N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 21, 1897, Edward Harold Hedden. Episcopalian. HEDGEB, Caroline, 29 E. Madison St., Chicago. Physician; b. Ohio, 1868; dau. John and Maria (Caskey) Hedger; ed. Willoughby High School; Berea (Ky.) CoU. ; Wellesley Coll.; Rush Med. Coll., M.D. '04; Northwestern Univ., M.D. '99 (mem. A.E.I.-Medieal). Engaged in baby cam- paign four years for health dep't. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's City Club. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Campaigp Against Summer Diarrhcea (111. Med. Jour.) ; Study on Below Grade Children in the Stock Yards (t&w2); Infant Mortality In Relation to Long Hours of Work (Bull. Am. Acad, of Med.); Tuberculosis in the Stock Yards (World's Work). Mem. Nat. Aaa'n Infant Welfare, Chicago Ass'n Infant Welfare, Am. Med. Aas'n, Chicago Med. Soc. HEDGES, Agnes Jane, 2389 Hutchinson St., Montreal, Canada. Teacher of French and German; b. Colchester, Bng., Nov. 3, 1873; dau. Edwin Thomas and Marianne (Thompson) Hedges; ed. in schools at Alton, Hants, Eng., 1883-86; passed Trinity Coll. (London) senior exam, in pianoforte playing, and South Kensington exams, in botany and physiology, 1888-89; Girls' High School, Leighton Buzzard, Eng., 1887-88, 1890-92; Villa Bellevue, Brussels, Belguim, 1894-96, and Bonn am Rhein, Germany, 1901-03. Teacher of French and music at King's Hall, Compton, P.Q., Canada, 1897- 1901; private governess to the daughter of Jerome K. Jerome, 1905-06, at Gould's Grove, Walling- ford, Eng.; principal of Dunham Ladies' Coll., P.Q., Canada, Sept., 1909, to Dec, 1910. Mem. Church of England. Recreations: Piano playing, croquet, bridge, photography, reading, needle- work. Clubs: Calanda (St. George's Sq., London, Elng.); New Era (London, Bng.). Former mem. of Ladles' Club (Cape Town, S. Africa). Was Ijanguage Mistress at the Girls' High School, Rondebosh, Cape Torsm, S. Africa. UEDLEY, Evalena Fryer (Mrs. Thomas Wilson Hedley), 4615 Springfield Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Writer; b. West Chester, Pa.; dau. John Plum- mer and Mary (Goheen) Fryer; ed. Philadelphia publif schools; Wellesley School, Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, June 16, 1904, Thomas Wilson Hedley. Editor of Sunday-school papers of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1890-97; on editorial staff of Saturday Evening Post, 1899- 1904; compiler of Glimpses Through Life's Win- dow; contributor to juvenile publications, gen- eral writer on household topics for newspapers. Interested in philanthropic work. Old Folks' Home and hospitals. Gives travel talks, illus- trated with stereoptican views. Mem. Woman Suffrage Soc. of Philadelphia, Bro-wnlng Soc., Pa. Woman's Press Ass'n, Soc. of Arts and Let- ters, University Extension Soc. Presbyterian. HEDRICK, Ellen A., Tale University Librar>-. New Haven, Conn. Librarian; b. Washington, D.C. ; dau. Benja- min Sherwood and Mary Ellen (Thompson) Hed- rick; ed. private schools in Washington, D.C; Smith Coll., A.B. '92; N.Y. State Library School, 1901-02. CJataloguer in the U.S. Geological Sur- vey Library, Washington, D.C, 1902-05; Library of Congress, 1905-07; cataloguer and reviser in Yale University Library, 1907 — . Mem. Equal Franchise League of New Haven, Conn. Com- piled: List of References Relating to Irrigation, 1902. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Library Ass'n, Conn. Library Ass'n. Recreation: Walking. HEDRICK, Hannah Fancher Mace (Mrs. Henry Benjamin Hedrick), Box 736, Tale Station, New Haven, Conn. Mathematician; b. Walton, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1870; dau. Abram Lansing and Anna (Fancher) Mace; ed. Vassar Coll., B.A. with honor; Yale Univ. grad. school (Qui Vive, Phi Beta Kappa); m. Walton, N.Y., April 30, 1896, Henry Benjamin Hedrick; children: Benjamin Mace, Anna Fan- cher, Eleanor Thompson. Fellow in mathe- matics, Vassar, 1892-93; scholar in mathematics, Yale, 1893-94; computer Nautical AJumnse, 1894. Interested in development of children, scientific efficiency in the home and in her crwn I'np of professional work. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae. Recreations: Riding, driving, rowing, hunting, tennis. Episcopalian. Favors woman sufir,.*.„_ Helmer), Chicago Legal NeT^s Co., 32 N. Clark SL, Chicago, III. Lawyer, editor, publisher, president Chicago Duiu rvay xviuKe i^ i r eo 8 isai- aau J^^gaJ, News Co. ; b. Chicago, 111., Oct. 20, 1858; Jarn^ anaVnre^ (Reynoids) Weir : ^".''packer f^X'i^^^J^'^r^^u^,^ V'^ ^9°'^V ^'"^i'!^'.! Coll. Inst.. Brooklyn; m. Bay Ridge, N.Y., Oct. itVz.y 77J^, I disUnctlon) ; grad. Chicago High 28, 1874, Otto Hei'nigke;chl[dreB:^ Daisy Weir. fl''''\J^i'i''''?l'^^^-''r-n^^ of Butler. HErNIGKE, Jessie Weir (Mrs. Otto Helnlgke), 420 Ovlngton Av., Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.T. Born Bay Ridge. N.Y.. Feb. 8, 1851; dau. Otto Weir. Interested In Nat. Indian Ass'n, A.B. '80, A.M. Union Coll. of Law, L.L.B. Church Periodical Club, Consumers' League, nL^"^?^ I'oJf'^^J,^,?' .^^"S P^P^^' "•.^^'^*^°' Church Charity Foundation, Drama League, wt^ pVoHw^Iii u ? " S5 ?^"v °°^ ,^*"^'''" = Red Crosa Soc' Bay Ridge Hospital, Sunshine hi^'^f^Kffr Tf L^i »F^'.^°^ ^^'^'^^^7'"' Soc, and Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of cliJl^i^J^l%^ mother's death in 1X94) of Missions. Clubs: Bay Ridge Reading, Woman's Sot^/r i^tL !^h' ^^^^h was founded by her (Brooklyn), N.Y. City Federation Bpiaco- ™^®h J il»f' ^f^ .^*^ a^u^ ^"' '?7 Journal lian published west of the Allegheny Mountains; since her father's death, in 1907, haa been the HEISSIG, Mabel Stevens Haynes (Mrs. Konrad editor. Waa vice chairman (her mother being Helsaig), Promenade 7, Llnz, Austria. Chairman) of the Woman's Com. on Law Reform Physician; ed. Miss Florence Baldwin's School, f^ Government of World's Congress Auxiliary Bryn Mawr, Pa., and preliminary medical course (Columbian Exposition); chairman for many in Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; Johns Hopkins years of Fellowship Com. of Ass'n of Collegiate Med. School, M.D. 1902; student of medicine in Alumna, whofle fello-ws were among the first to Vienna, 1904-05; m. 1907, Captain Konrad Hels- receive the Ph.D. degree from German univerel- slg. Ass't In dispensary, Mass. Gen. Hospital, ties. Interested In charitable work. Edited Boston, 1902-03; pracUslng physician, 1902-04, several volumes of III. Appellate Court reportB- 1905-07; dermatologist in Wilkes St. Free Dis- editor of Revised Statutes of ni. since 1905; pensary and ass't dermatologist In the Trinity writer of magazine articles. Hon. mem 111' Dispensary, Boston, 1906. State Bar Ass'n; sec. Soldiers' Home in Chicago- HELD. Axu,a (Mrs. Florence Zie^eld Jr.). 86 ^rl^j.^lR""; ""^I'l'^-l ^''^tefn '''LrAli^J Faubourg St. Honore. Paris. Clubs: Chicago Woman's Woman's AthMic-' Actress; b. Paris, Mar. 18, 1877; dau. Maurice Twentieth Century (Chicago) Favors woW; and Helene Held; ed. Acad, at Rouen, France; suffrage; her mother was the first woman In ™- ^^?' /'■5°r'. Florence Ziegfed Jr. of CW- U.S. to apply for admission to the bar and se- cago. Made debut as comedienne In Paris, 1890; cured many changes In the laws relatin? tn sang in Holland. Norway, Germany, Italy and women; her father presided at the meeUng when London; starred m the U.S. in The Uttle the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n was nr Duchess, 1903-04; starred in London in Papa's ganlzed at Cleveland; opposed to nSlitant Wife. Appeared at Knickerbocker Theatre, N.Y. methods. Republican "ft^a^" w mijitant City, in Jeau Richepin's M'lle Napoleon, 1906-07, dij-t Aiiir^w t-^ du^t '..^t afterward in Miss Innocence at the New York "*'i-^"Ui-i^-l'HELAN, Anna Augusta, 612 Theatre 1909-10. Tenth Av., S.E.. Minneapolis, Minn. HELLEB. Irma Irene. 310 E. Capitol St., Wash- b.'^S^urgeon" K w[s..'°diu. mto'Vnhelm^Lnd ington, D.C. Physician; b. Fremont, Ind., Oot. 28, 1870; Albertine Henrlette (Taube) Helmholtz; ed Stur- geon Bay High School; Univ of Wis • electpri tn dau. George and Josephine (Mllnes) Heller; ed. Phl Beta Kappa in junior vear A R ■iS' wuh Fremont High School; Tri-SUte Normal Coll., honors In English llteratur J; graduate aihol^T Angola, Ind.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. First woman A.M. '06; Ma>y M. Adams ffllow in KS; physician at Government Hospital for Insane at literature; ass't Instructor deo't of Enliuh St. Elizabeth, D.C; first and only physician at Unlv. of Wis., Ph.D. '08; mem Facultv of iTnlv Bureau of Engraving and Printing for nine years, of Minn, since 1908. Special lecturer 9f Poth' Mem. W.C.T.U.; Interested In Florence Critten- rine's Coll. Chairman Com. on Conditions Ir ton work. Favors woman suffrage. Prohlbl- fecting Working Women, Minneapolis Woman'R tionlst. RecreaUons: Out-door life; Interested in Club. 1910-11; chairman Dep't of Social EcMom agriculture, fanning, etc. ics, Minneapolis, 1911-12, 1912-13. Representative HELLIEB. Mary Harmon (Mrs. Charles E. 9.^ Woman's Club to Minneapolis Infant Welfare Helller), 105 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. ^Sf-'- mem. Minneapolis Social Survey Com., Born New Haven, Conn., Dec. 9, 1864; dau. *^'°°®^P°V,3^ Vocational Survey Com., Mlnne- George M. and Mary (Baldwin) Harmon; ed. apolis Child Welfare Exhibit Com.. Organizing Mrs. Cady's private school. New Haven; m. New ^°™- P^ Minneapolis Woman's Welfare League; Haven, July S, 1886, Charles E. Hellier; children: relegate to Am. Civic Ass'n, Nat. Conservative Mary Louise, Walter Harmon, Edward Whittier, b*?°^''^^^',- ^'' ,.??°',^^„*^^°*^®'" Conference; mem. John. Interested and acUve In the protection of Minneapolis Political Equality Club (mem. Edu- children, dumb animals, horticulture, etc. Was ^^^^"^ , ^°]^->; Ujilv. of Minn., Equal Suffrage presented at Court of St. James, May, 1912. Club, Illumlnati Club. Faculty adviser Woman's - ~ Athletic Ass'n, Univ. of Minn.; faculty adviser Woman's League, Univ. of Minn.; organized the Minn. Social Problems Club. Favors woman suffrage. Organized Univ. of Minn Equal D _,-.,. , -, ._ ^ Suffrage Club; mem. StaUstlcal Com. of Charl- ,,^°'"",^T^'-- ^°^'\ ^°-U "i**^- fJ^cls E. and ties and Correction Ass'n of Hennepin Co Unlr Mary (Hang) Fowler; ed. Sacred Heart Convent of Minn. Senate Com. on Debate and Oratorv' '? St. lU)uis, Paris, Rome; m. St U)ul3, Feb. 21, Author: The Indebtedness of Samuel Taylor 1906, George W. Helmuth; children: George Coleridge to Augusta Wilhelm von Schlegel- The Francis, b. Oct. 5. 1907; Hildegarde Ihmsen Staging of the Court Drama- The SoclTl Ide^a b. Oot. 20, 1909; John Thornton, b. Aug. 31, 1912. of William Morris. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa S^ rinh- ■WBdne«^,v Pathniin Favors womau Modern Language Ass'n of America. Recr^'-^ Favors woman suffrage. Congregatlonallst. Recreations: Horticulture, travel. IIELLMUTH, Harriet Fowler (Mrs. George W. Hollmuth), 4468 Maryland Av., St. Louis, Mo. Club: Wednesday. Catholic, suffrage. tions: Riding, basketball. Helm), "Helmcrest," Lexington, Ky Born Paris, Ky. ; dau. Richard Hickman and Evelyn (Talbutt) Hanson; ed. State Univ., Lex HELM, Jenny M. Hanson (Mrs. James Stone HKMTNGWAY, Oertrnde CUpp, »87 Adelohl St. Tj^j,^': •■tr^ir,,„,.»=t " T«,^i„„. — ■«-„ Brooklyn, N.Y. Teaciher and tranrfator; b. Troy, N.Y. Oct. 6 1884; dau. Marshall F. and Clara (Clapp) Hem- ington, Ky.: m. Nov. 20, 1905, James Stone ingway; ed. Troy High School; Cornell Unlv He!m. Pres. J. M. Hansons Magazine Agency A.B. '07, A.M. '09; CorneU Fellowship In R^ut at Madison Square Garden Theatre as contralto soloist with the Apollo Club of N.Y. City in 1896. Director of children's vested choir and orchestra of the Third Congregational Church of Oak Park. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Suburban Civics Club. Congregationalist. Mem. Drama League, Kindergarten Ass'n, Fine Arts Soc, Hospital Auxiliary. Recreation: Out- door sports. Mem. Nineteenth Century Glut). IIEMMENS, Elsie Berlin (Mrs. Henry J. Hem- mens), 465 "West End Av., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. Thomas T. and Laura (Berlin) Shaw; ed. Miss Spence's School, N.Y. City; grad. 1904; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 21, 1907, Henry J. Hemmens. Agains.t woman suffrage. HEMMICK, Laura Alice Pike Barney (Mrs. Christian Hemmiok), Studio House, 2306 Mas- sachusetts Av., Washington, D.C. Artist painter, writer, playwright; b. Oincin- uaU O., Jan. 14, 1860; dau. Samuel Nattalle Pike (who built, at Cincinnati, the first opera house in the West) and Ellen M. Miller (grand- daughter of Emanuel Miller, wlio represented France, and great-granddaughter of Edmund Million, who represented Spain in the negotia- tions by which Louisiana was ceded to the United States); pupil of Henner, Carolus Duran and later of Whistler (whose portrait she painted, the reproduction of which is In several books published by John Lane & Co.); m. (1st) Albert Clifford Barney of Dayton, O. ; m. (2d) Christian Hemmick; two daughters, who live in Paris, France: Natalie Clifford, writer of plays and poems (in French only); Laura Alice Clifford Dryfus-Barney, author of God's Heroes (a Per- sian poem-play of historical events), and Some Questions Answered (on the Behai belief). Pic- tures have been exhibited at the different Salon exhibitions in Paris (one picture bought by the French Government); also at Royal Acad., Lon- don- private exhibitions at Corcoran Gallery of y>rt Washington, of 80 paintings, also at Knoedler's, N.Y. City, Paris, Bosllege, London; m. N.Y. City, June 2, 1906, George Francis Herriman. Against woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. HBRBING, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur May Herring), 1117 Hamilton St., New West- minster, British Columbia, Can. Author; b. King's Lynn, Norfolk, England, 1851; dau. John J. and Harriet (Clarke) Herring; grad. as national school teacher; held Arch- bishop's prize for Bible knowledge; m. Arthur May Herring; children: Dr. A. F. Herring of Chicago. 111.; John, electrician; Frances (m. Dr. S84 HERRING — HERTZBERG George T. WUson of McGill Univ.); Philip Sid- ney, farmer of Pitt Meadows, British Columbia. Editor of Home Circle in Commonwealth of New Westminster; correspondent Toronto Globe; descriptive writing in English, Canadian and American illustrated magazines. Has Sunday- sdhool Bible class for girls in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Nerw Westminster; pres. Royal Columbian Hospital Woman's Auxiliary, New Westminster; editor Diocesan Missions (Toronto); mem. Women's Council of Canada. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Canadian Camp Life; Among the People of British Columbia; In the Pathless West; Nan and Other Pioneer Women; Ena, a Story of English Life; The Gold Miners (all published in London), and many short stories and descriptions. Mem. Church of Eng- land. Recreations: Horseback riding, music, raading. HEBBING, Katherine M., The Northumberland, Washington, D.C. Physician; b. Butler Co., Iowa, July 26, 1876; dau. George D. and Ann L. (Ward) Herring; ed. public schools of Waterloo; East Waterloo High School, '94; George Washington Univ., M.D. '10 (mem. Columbian Women, Washington, D.C). Resident physician of West Philadelphia Hospital for Women and Woman's Hospital of Philadel- phia; research worker State Home for Feeble- Mlnded Women, Vineland, N.J. FaTors woman suffrage; mem. Dist. of Columbia Suffrage Ass'n, Washington, D.C. Recreations: Riding, fencing, golf. HERRMANN, Elizabeth Adelaide, 2440 Hllgard Av., Berkeley, Cal. College instructor in German; b. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 11, 1880; dau. William J. and Eliza- beth L. (Gruner) Herrmann; ed. Univ. of Cal., A.B. '02, M.A. '10; mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Soc. of Collegiate Alumnae. HERRON, Anna Eish (Mrs. William Christie Herron), 946 Redway Av., Avondale, Cincin- nati, O. Born Oneonta, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1845; dau. Phineas C. and Jane iDonaldson) Fish; ed. Oneonta pri- vate school; Pittsburgh Coll., classical course, M.L..A., AJM.; Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll., A.M.; m. Cincinnati, June 16, 1886, William Christie Herron. Before marriage was a teacher of Eng- lish literature and history in Northwestern Coll. for Woonen, also in Cincinnati Wesleyan Coll. and Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. First vice-pres. Nat. Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of M.E. Church. Mem. Grafters Co. of Cincin- nati, Woman's Civic League of Cincinnati (prea. 1896-98), Cincinnati Woman's Club (prea. 1900- 1902). Methodist. HERSEY, Ada Harvey, 315 Walnut Av., Rox- bury, Mass. > Born Boston, Oct. 25, 1858; dau. Charles H. and Sarah Abby (Gray) Hersey; ed. Boston Girls' High School, Mass. Normal Art School. Active in com. work of Roxbury Charitable Soc; director South End Industrial School; mem. Children's Welfare League, Roxbury. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Republican. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston. Recreation: Painting. Clubs: New England Women's, Twentieth Cen- tury, Pallas Women in Council of Roxbury (pres. since 1911). HERSEY, Annie Eouise (Mrs. Henry Johnson Hersey), 1327 Gaylord St., Denver, Colo. Born Warren, R.I., Aug. 1, 1864; dau. Edwin C. and Maria Louise (Sanders) Budlong; ed. Providence (R.I.) public schools; Miss Weeden's Private School for Girls; m. June 15, 1886, Henry Johnson Hersey; children: Helen, b. Feb. 9, 1888; Mary, b. May 2, 1900 (died Jan. 25, 1901); Henry J. Jr., b. May 4, 1902. Interested in social work; sec. Woman's Club of Denver, 1896-97; chairman philanthropic dep't, 1897-99; organized Colorado Branch Congress of Mothers; pres. 1907-10, now honorary pres.; vice-pres. Denver Playground Ass'n, 1909-12. Author of pamphlets, contributions in magazines, etc., on subjects concerning the child in home and school, home life, etc. ; speaks on same subjects. Protestant Episcopal. Republican; voter. Mem. Nat. Con- gress of Mothers, D.A.R., Mayflower Soc, Citi- zens' Protective League. Mem. National Arts Club, N.Y. City. HERSEY, Heloise Edwina, 78 Mt. Viernan St., Boston, Mass. Teacher; b. Oxford, Me., Feb. 22, 1855; dau. A. L. (M.D.) and Heloise H. (Keith) Hersey; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '76. Teacher Smith Coll., 1878-83; prin. Miss Hersey's School, Bos- ton, 1884-1900. Editorial writer for Youth's Companion, 1901-12; lectures on literary and ed- ucational subjects. Teacher of Women's Bible Class, Trinity Church, Boston. Author: To Girls— A Budget of Letters. Editor (with Dr. William J. Rolfe): Selections from Poems of Robert Browning; Blot in the 'Scutcheon and other dramas of Robert Browning. Episcopa- lian. Against woman suffrage. HER8HEY, Sylvia Schaffer (Mrs. Omer F. Hershey), Mt. Washington, Md. Born Derry Church, Pa., July 29, 1870; dau. Dr. Edwin B. B. Schaffer and Sarah (Ranch) Schaf- fer; ed. AUentown Female Coll., A.B. '89; Maine Wesleyan Coll., Kents Hill, Maine, A.B. '91; m. June 1, 1892, Omer F. Hershey; children: Helen, b. May 9, 1894; Louise, b. Dec. 30, 1895. Interested in local charities and philanthropic activities. Author of essays and children's stories in the Century and other magazines. Recreations: Gardening, tennis, riding, mountain climbing. Pres. Mt. Washington Glee Club; mem. College Club, Baltimore; Baltimore Coun- try Club. Against woman suffrage. HERSOai, Jane Lord (Mrs. Nalium Alvah Her- som), 106 Pine St., Portland, Me. Physician; b. Sanford, Me., 1840; dau. Samuel and Sophia Hight (Smith) Lord; ed. public and private schools in Springvale, Me., and Woman's Med. Coll. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; m. Portland, Me., Nov. 25, 1865, Dr. Nahum Alvah Hersom (died 1881); one daughter: Mabel Lord (Mrs. Rufus Harton Jones). Physician to Tem- porary Home for Women and Children (State in- stitution); mem. of County and State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n; chairman of Section on Pedi- atrics in Me. Acad, of Medicine. Favors woman suffrage. Has been treas. of Me. Woman's Suf- frage Ass'n; pres. of Portland Equal Suffrage Club. Contributor of medical papers in societies and clubs and in literary clubs. Congregatlon- alist. Republican. Recreations: Reading, travel. Mem. Civic Club, Woman's Literary Union, Monday Club. HERTER, Adele (Mrs. Albert Herter), East Hampton, L.I. Painter; b. New York City, Feb. 27, 1869; dau. John and Lydia (Matteson) McGinnis; ed. Miss Brackett's and Brearley School; Julian's and Courtols's in Paris; m. Apr. 5, 1893, Albert Herter; children: Everit Albert, Christian Archibald, 2d; Lydia Adele. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. HERTS, Alice Minnie, 37 W. Ninety-third St., N.Y. City. Writer, founder of the Children's Theatre; b. N.Y. City; dau. Henry B. and Elsther (Moss) Herts; ed. Public School No. 47, N.Y. City; Nor- mal Coll., N.Y. City; Sorbonne, Paris. Founder and manager the Children's Educational Theatre. Author: The Children's Educational Theatre; The Power of Dramatic Impulse; The Economic Value of Imagination; writing on many subjects connected with the dramatic instinct in educa- tion. Jewish. HERTZBERG, Anna Goodman (Mrs. Ell Hertz- berg), 621 W. Macon St., San Antonio, Tex. Born N.Y. City, Jan. 24, 1864; dau. Soloman and Bertha (Gratz) Goodman; ed. public schools of N.Y. City and Normal Coll.; m. N.Y. City, Nov., 1882 Eli Hertzberg; children: Harry, Lil- lie. State pres. of Texas Fed. Woman's Clubs; founder and life pres. Tuesday Musical Club of San Antonio; pres. San Antonio Section Coun- cil of Jewish Women; honorary pres. Austin Mothers' Club; honorary pres. Bohemian Scrib- blers; founder and pres. San Antonio Symphony Orchestra; ex-pres. Woman's Club; ex-pres. San Antonio History Club; ex-pres. San An- tonia Free Hospital and Dispensary Ass'n. Fa- HERVEY— HEWITT 385 vors woman suffrage. Author of miscellaneous poems and magazine articles. Jewess. Mem. Texas liistoiiial Club; mem. Y.W.C.A. ; Y.M.C.A. Au.\iliary Ass'n; honorary mem. United Daughters Confederacy; auxiliary mem. of Daughters of Republic; mem. Texas Ajt League. Recreations: Music, theatre, walking, entertaining, travel. Elected mem. Board of Trustees of public schools in 1909; active in all matters that tend to uplift the condition of the State. HERVEY, Antoinette Bryaat (Mrs. Walter L. Hervey), 351 W. 114lli St., N.Y. City. Lecturer; b. Gllbeo-tsville, N.Y.; dau. Henry C. and Rachel (Bggleaton) Bryant; ed. Gilberts- ville Acad.; Granville Acad.; Wellesley Coll.; m. Gilbertsville, N.Y., July 4, 18S7, Walter L. Hervey; one son: Walter Bryant. Interested In child welfare, schools and settlement work; lec- turer on child welfare: Our Schools as Social Centers, and has worked for child welfare ex- hibits; had charge of Stamford (Conn.) Civic Welfai-e ExhiWt. Mem. Public Educational Ass'n, New York Mothers' Clab, N.Y. Wellesley Club, the Round Table. Recreations: Trampiag, opera, all kinds of music. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Collegiate Equal Suf- frage League; mem. Suffrage Party and Women's Political Union; lecturer on suffrage. HEBZBKKG, Sarah Pearson (Mrs. R. Monell Herzberg), Claverack, N.Y. Born Auburn, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1868; dau. William and Ann Amelia (Washburn) Pearson; ed. Acad., Waterloo, N.Y., and Cornell Univ., A.B. 'ftS, with special mention In Latin and Greek, elected to Ph.1 Beta Kappa in senior year; m. Waterloo, -N.Y., June, 1903, R. Monell Herzberg of Hudson, N.Y.; diildren: Pearson (deceased), Robert Wal- dron, Helen Pearson. Teacher of Latin and Greek (private pupils), 1893-95, high school work, 1895-1903. W«ntified with religious and philan- thropic activities for relief and Improvement of social conditions. Against wrnell Woman's Club of N.Y. City. HESS, Bertha Greyson (Mrs. Henry Christ- man Hess), Williamsburg, Ky. Born Preston, Can. ; dau. W. C. and Margaret (Snyder) Gregson; ed. private sctoool and public schools of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; m. Three Rivers, Mich., July 15, 1885, Henry Christman Hess. Mem. and officer Order Eastern Sta.r, Maccabees (commander); pres. Church Guild; in- terested in the betterment of the rural schools. Against woman suffrage. Has frequently written for the local papers, the David B. Cook publica- tions and others. I^rotestaiit Episcopal. Pres. Civic League; mem. Woman's Club. HESS, Julia, 661 Grand Av., St. Paul, Minn. Librarian; b. Kajisas City, Mo.; dau. Emanuel Leo and Etka (Bernstein) Hess. ; ed. in private schools in La., public schools in St. Paul, and Univ. extension courses in socriology and liter- ature. Interested and active in civic and phi- lanthropic movements. Jewess; mem. Council of Jewish Women. Rocreations: Travel, reading, walking. Clubs: Twin City Library, Newsboys', Minn. State Fed. Pod. Women's Cluba. IIESSLKR, Aland C. (Mrs. John C. Hessler), 1398 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111. Lecturer; b. Henry, 111., Jan. 6, 1870; dau. Asa V. and Hannah (Stevens) Hntchlns; ed. West Division High School, Chicago, '88; Univ. of Chicago, 19112-05; m. 1891, John C. Hessler; Chil- dren: Margaret C, b. 1892; Herbert E., b. 1894. Addressed Art Conference, Biennial Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, St. Paul, 1906; addressed Bien- nial Gen. Fed. Women's (^lubs at San Francisco, 1912, on: Better Drese Standards. Has written several magazine articles. Mem. Municipal Art League of Decatur, 111.; honorary mem. Muni- cipal Art League of Chicago; mem. Chicago Woman's Club; chairman Art. Com., 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1903-05; pres. Arche Club, Chi- cago, 1901-03. Gongregationalist. Favors woman iniffraee. HETH, Nannie Randolph, 1906 G. St., Wash- ington, D.C. Daughter of Gene Harry Heth; ed. Richmond, Va. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames. Pres. Southern Relief Soc. of District of Columbia. This is the only society which re- lieves the Confederate veterans and the wives, widows and cliildren of the old soldiers of the South who have no pensions and will help their descendants. HEUSTIS, Louise Lyons, Lester Studios, 5 3 E. Fifty-sixth St., N.Y. City. Portrait painter; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. Dr. James F. and Rachel (Lyons) Heustis; art educa- tion in Paris, Italy, London and N.Y. City. Pictures exhibited in all the current exhibitions of N.Y. City, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, etc. Illustrated for all the magazines before painting portraits. Favors woman suffrage. IIEWETT, Katlierine Mary (Mrs. W. T. Hewett), Netherby, Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N.Y. Author; b. New Orleans, La., Oct. 6, 1869; dau. Samuel Edward and Olivia Mary (Ellis) Locke; ed. private school in Paris; Conservatory of Music, Berlin, 1887-89; m. Germantown, Pa., Dec. 18, 1889, Prof. W. T. Hewett of Cornell Univ.; one daughter: Gladys Mathilda (died 19(M). Edited Freytag's Verlorene Handschrltt Author: Mediaeval Life in Modem Germany (in Modern Life). HEWINS, Caroline Maria, Public Library, Hart- ford, Conn. Librarian Hartford Public Library; b. Roxbury, Mass.; dau. Charles Amasa and Caroline Louisa (Chapin) Hewins; ed. high schools; Boston Athenaeum (library course); one year in Boston Univ.; received hon. A.M., Trinity Coll., Hart- ford, 1911. Librarian in Hartford from 1875, first of the Hartford Library Ass'n and since 1S92 of the Public Library. Sec. Conn. Library Com- mission since 1893. Mem., councillor and former vice-pres. Am. Library Ass'n; mem. and former sec. of Conn. Library Ass'n. Contributor to literary and library papers, as well as to news- papers and periodicals on library topics. Autlior: Books for the Young; Books for Boys and Girls. HEWLNS, Nellie Priscilla, Clermont Terrace, Elmhurst, L.I. Teacher; b. Maspeth, L.I. ; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, . 1895 ; Cornell Univ., B.S. '98 (holder of State scholarship in Cornell, 1895-99); Columbia Univ., A.M. 1900; grad. student Colum- bia, 1906-10; New York Univ., 1910 to date; Teachers' Coll., 190O; Alliance Frangaise, Paris, 1903. Teacher of hlology in the Newtown High School since 1901. Mem. Manhattan Chapter D.A.R., N.Y. City; mem. A.A.A.S., Nat. Edu- cational Ass'n, Independent Ass'n of Women Teachers. HEWITT, Emma Churchman, Tenafly, N.J. Author; b. New Orleans, 1850; dau. John and Lydia (Starr) Churchman; ed. private school in Philadelphia, of which city was long resident; widow. Was four years associate editor Ladles' Home Journal, later of Home Magazine, Washing- ton, D.C, and Leisure Hours, Philadelphia; mem. staff of Philadelphia Daily Call., since then In library work. Joint author: Queen of the Home. Author: Ease in (Conversation; Hints to Ballad Singers; The Little Denvers; How to Train the Child; How to Live on a Small Income. Mom. and former pres. Philadelphia Woman's Press Ass'n; mem. Philadelphia Civic Club. HEW^TT, Margaret L., 280 Garside St., New- ark, N.J. Teacher; b. Bloomfleld, N.J., 1873; dau. Fred- eric and Lucy (Bower) Hewitt; ed. high school, Newark, N.J., 1887-92; Syracuse Univ., 1892-94- Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97; Columbia Univ., M.A.' '07; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher of English In Barringer High School, Newark, N.J. Mem. Essex County Teachers' Guild, N.J. State Teachers' Ass'n, High School Teachers' Ass'n of N.J., Ass'n of Women High School Teachers of Newark, N.J. ; Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Mem. High School Alumnae Ass'n of Newark, N.J.; N.Y. Wellesley Club, Contemporary Club 386 HEWITT— HICKS of Newark College Woman's Club of Essex Co., HICKMAN, Amy Williams HaU (Mrs. Ellwood N.J. Pavo'rs woman suffrage. S. Hickman), Cedarcioft, Atlantic City, N.Y. Matron of Horn* of Employees In Atlantic HEWITT, Martha Elizabeth (Mrs. John Joseph cnty; b. Concord, Delaware Co., Pa., Jan. 19, Hewitt), 177 Orangre St., Riverside, Cal. 3354; a^u. B. Franklin and Josephine B. (Rowan) Born Center Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1841; dau. jjaU; ed. public school; Ercildoun Sem.; grad. George Woods and Nancy MeCormlck (MUroy) Swarthmore (Joll., A.B. '74; m. Swarthmore, Pa., Hutchison; ed. Oliver Inst., Canonsburg, Pa. peb. 27, 1877, Ellwood S.' Hickman (died April 24, (first honor of class, valedictorian), A.B., also 1904); children: Edith Josephine, Clara C. (now degree in music (mem. Phllalitheon Soc.); m. jij-g Walter Munshower). Active in religious Freeport, 111., Dec. 2, 1872, John Joseph Hewitt; and philanthropic works, holding various office: children: Mrs. Beulah Woods Hewitt Roblee, in i]^q Friends' meeting; sup't of First Daj Mrs. Ethel Milroy Hewitt Dennis. Teacher of schools; sec. Needlework Guild of America, piano before marriage. Pres. of Woman's Aux- pres. and other offices la temperance in the non- iliary of Y.M.C.A. of Riverside, 12 years; pres. partisan W.C.T.U. Against woman suffrage. Red Cross Soc. of Riverside for several years; Mem. Friends' Church. Mem. Somervllle Literary active in W.C.T.U. 1884-1900. Presbyterian. Re- goc_ of Swarthmore College. Former mem. West publican voter. Mem. D.A.R., also Daughters of obeeter New Century Club. 1812. Recreation: Walking. Pounder of Woman's hickMAN, Emily, Welle College, Aurora-on- Club of Riverside. Cayuga, N.Y. HEWLETT, Cleora M. (Mrs. Frederick Hew- Educator; b. Buffalo, N.Y., July 12, 18S0; dau. lett) "El Tacoa," Napa County, Cal.; winter, Arthur W. and Alice (Gregory) Hickman; grad. Oak Knoll, Pasadena, Cal. Cornell Univ., A.B. '01; fellow in Am. history. Born Jan 1 185.5; dau. A. P. Whitney (State 1906-88; Yale Univ., fellow in Am. history. Senator) and Susan (Eastman) Whitney; ed. 1909-19; Ph.D., Cornell, '11 (Alpha Phi). Taught private schools and St. Mary's Hall, Benlcla, history, Buffalo high schools. 1901-0«; ass't war- Cal • m Frederick Hewlett; children: Dr. Albion den of Sage Coll., Cornell Univ., 1908-09; warden Waiter Eugene E Mem. and former pres. summer session, (3omell Univ., 1909; ass't prof. Century Club of San FranclBco; founder and history. Wells Coll. since 1911. Congroeatlonal- pres. San Francisco Maternity, a charity work in Ist. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. the poor section of the city, with wards in the Alumnse. hospital of the Univ. of Cal. and of the Lane hKCKS, AmauAa Malvima, 2605 College Av., (Stanford) Hospital. Charter mem. and vice- Berkeley, Cal. regent California Chapter D.A.R.; mem. Town Teacher; b. Galida O.. Sept. 14, 1841; dau. and Country Club (San Francisco), Friday Ezra and Juliana (LincoliO Hicks; ed. high Morning Club (Los Angeles). Episcopalian, schools in Richmond, Ind. ; Lebanon, O.; Chi- Against suffrage for women. cago, Oswego, N.Y., and a tsrm. at OT.ford, Eng. . „, ^ , „ . ,,, TIT u Studied under private tutor in Dresden; studied HEYBCKN, Ghereteln Yeatman (Mrs. Weldon ^^^^^j^ ,g auditor in Unlr. of Cal. Prof. English Brinton Heyburn), Kennett Square, Chester ^^^ history in Clinton (Ky.) Coll. for six Co., Pa. .. T-, , T 1, iii„-„>,„ii years; pres. of that coll. lor fourteen years Artist; b. K^nett, Pa.; dau. John Marshall (continued teaching Ecgliah and history while and Lavinla (Passmore) Yeatman; ed ^J^^^^, pres.). Teacher of Bible class of over 100 Univ. High Soh